marvelousmovies · 1 year
Shrimp Farming Documentary
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inbarfink · 1 year
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spingl · 7 months
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Yoooo check out what the company just gave me🔥🔥🔥
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smilingperformer · 1 year
According to this official tweet of japanese Pokémon shoes lineup... Umbreon's japanese name's official romanji would now be Bracky, not Blacky.
Quite interesting. And apparently this was first found out last December when it was trademarked. Intriquing.
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cakeandcrows · 9 months
I've been humming/singing Kim Petras' "Hit it From the Back" while playing Lethal Company because it makes me think of the Bracken and I just wanted to share this with you all.
But also, honestly, Bracky got a back worth hitting, too. Shame we rarely see it.
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dragonfiremagic · 8 months
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Beloved brackies <3 Cherry on bottom left and Knot top right
I may not post much LC stuff at all, but game itself and drawing creeturs are fun :D
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fraberry-stroobcake · 9 months
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sleepy doodles part xxxxx bracky boy
lub u
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catofthecanals289 · 1 year
tzjd drabble
[it’s the offseason and trevor is going through it]
It’s never really night in New York city, the sky, a muddy grey brown, dark but not *dark* hangs above the sky scrapers that Trevor can see in the distance, reaching for stars that are barely even visible. Barely even there at all. Trevor has counted them, lying there in the summer dry grass, knees up, feet planted, phone in his hand on his chest, and he’s counted the stars.
He’s done the same in California. Lying on the roof with Jamie next to him. With Jamie’s pinky finger hooked under Trevor’s. With Jamie’s knee against Trevor’s. With Jamie.
With Jamie.
 Counting stars, counting hours, counting days.
 God, Trevor misses him.
 Thirteen stars in the sky bright enough for Trevor to see, thirteen hours since Jamie last texted Trevor.
 He’s so fucking stupid. It’s bullshit, it’s whatever. Jamie can do whatever the hell he want. It’s fine, they are good. They’ve renewed their lease on the house just before parting way for the summer, Jamie gave Trevor his jumper, and he didn’t invite Trevor to go to his brother’s graduation with him, but that was a stupid though anyway. He’s texted Trevor just before lunch, answer Trevor’s voice message form that morning and he’d put a :heart: at the end of the message but he hasn’t replied to Trevor’s reply yet and Trevor just hates it. He hates being like this, hates that he can’t just be fucking normal, that being apart from Jamie is killing him like this.
 Jamie training with Mason had been great. Jamie had loved it. And Trevor had loved Jamie being happy but he just- Jamie hadn’t asked if they, if he and Trevor could- He just- And Kreids is great. Trevor admires him so much and it’d been awesome going to the gym with him, hanging with Jack, with Alex, with Cole, going to Montreal, it all- Trevor loves his friends, and he loves Jamie and he’s giving his best to be fucking normal, but.
 But what is he going to do if distance makes Jamie realize that Trevor really is too much, like everyone keeps saying, like Trevor knows he is so often? What if he ends up liking it?  What if it just proves to him how much he doesn’t need Trevor?
 Holding his phone up to his face, covering the bracky sky, Trevor thumbs open the text conversation with Jamie.
 *I miss you* he types, the presses delete before he can be even more stupid and send it. Jamie knows. Trevor has told him before. Saying it now, it’ll just- There’s a limit. A limit to how clingy you can be until it becomes too much and Trevor is already always skirting that line that being too much, that not knowing when to stop. So he can’t. He won’t. He’ll just-
 “Hey,” someone says, sitting down in the grass next to him.
 He knows her. She’s been- He’s fucked her, he’s pretty sure. Her name’s Paris. Maybe. Or Vienna. Or- Denver. Something city name like. He doesn’t fucking know. She’s pretty. Great tits, long eyelashes. He fucking- He’d thought he was in love with her sister when he was sixteen and home for the summer. He’d fucked her too, too fucking flattered to be wanted. Her looking at him like she’s looking now.
 He’d cried when she’d broken up with him. She- Raleigh. He’d told her that he was sorry, that he’d been stupid. She’d told him to go to hell.  
 “What are you doing?” city name girl asks, red solo cup in her hand. She’s wearing shorts. Short shorts and with her knees propped up like this, Trevor could almost- He doesn’t look, just exhales.
 “Stargazing,” he says, with half a smirk, voice hoarse.
 He’s been yelling so much, singing along to songs he barely knew, talking none stop. The party is still going on. The fire pit still going and Trevor is pretty sure Griffin is getting his dick sucked by a chick with a tongue piercing but-
 “Ooh, romantic,” city name girl says. “Mind some company?”
 Trevor shrugs. He’d thought about it a lot, for a hot minute that summer, why he fucked her when he’d liked Raleigh so much. He still doesn’t know. He just- She’d wanted him. She’d wanted him and Trevor thought- She’d liked him. And Raleigh never- She was going to go to college. She was smart and pretty and she’d been rolling her eyes so much at his jokes and summer was ending anyway.
 “Remember when we-”  the girl starts, and she’s biting her lip when he glances at her, a glint in her eyes.
 She really *is* beautiful.
 “How’s Raleigh?”
 Her face falls. Trevor is an asshole. It’s fine. They both knew that before she wandered over to try to make something happen again. God knows why. It’s been six years.  He’s a hockey player now, for real. NHL contract and everything. And she’s- He doesn’t even know her name, who is he kidding?
 “She’s engaged,” the girl says, words clipped. “Why?”
 Again Trevor shrugs. There’s a part of him that hates how she is looking at him now, hurt and pissed, like she regrets coming over. Like she doesn’t like him anymore. But did she before? Did she ever? Does anyone ever, is-
 “I’m drunk, I don’t know,” he says, mustering up a half smile. Fake, but there. “I just- You know this isn’t how it’s supposed to look, right?” He gestures to the sky. “It’s bullshit. It’s not. There’s more than thirteen stars. There’s like a fucking million. I- I looked it up. My- Jamie, my friend, romance is like- We’ve got this candle, you know? So I thought, it’d be fun, this summer, if we went- There is this island in Hawaii where the sky- there are so many fucking stars, man. You wouldn’t believe it.”
 “Is she your girlfriend?” the girl asks, frowning now. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend. Griffin didn’t say.”
 Trevor makes a noise, throwing his arms over his face.
 Griffin doesn’t know shit and Jamie isn’t his girlfriend and Jamie had already made his Florida plans with Mason so Trevor never asked about Hawaii outside of joking and now Trevor is here, counting bullshit fucking stars at a party he doesn’t even want to be at, talking to a girl who didn’t care when he was dating her sister so why on earth would she care about him having someone now?
 “Jamie’s like-” he says, voice throaty. “I don’t know how he can stand me. I can’t even stand me.”
 He shrugs again and she’s quiet.
 Above them a plane passes, blinking lights in the night. There and gone and never once real anyway.
 She gets up and Trevor checks his phone again. He doesn’t know why. Jamie is probably sleeping. There are eleven new messages in the group chat he has with his USNTDP boys. Ava send him a meme three hours ago. Cam’s not answered Trevor’s last text, neither has Troy, neither has Quinn. Trevor has no idea why he texted him anyway or why he thought messaging Kreids was a good idea when they aren’t even friends, when he knows the guy is flying to Sweden to visit his buddy who is actually just his buddy while Trevor’s boyfriend is probably going to break up with him when they see each other again so really it’s probably a good thing that Trevor never asked about Hawaii and-
 “Savannah is saying you’ve been talking bullshit,” Griffin says, out of nowhere, just there, standing in front of Trevor, looking down at him. “That you’re smashed and I should probably get you home.”
 “Savannah?” he repeats, grimacing.
 “Yeah,” Griffin says. “The hot chick who should be riding your dick right now but you fucking blew it. Rings a bell?” When Trevor doesn’t move, doesn’t say anything, Griffin nudges his ribs with his foot.  “What’s this bitch ass bs, do I fucking- Should I call you an Uber?”
 Shaking his head, Trevor its up. Elbows on his knees, head throbbing, he runs a hand through his hair.
 “I’m fine, Grif,” he says. “I’m, like – so good.”
Griffin pulls a face, glancing away, towards the bonfire, then back at Trevor. “You sure, man?”
 “Yeah.” Trevor smiles, chest hollow. “I just gotta send a dick pic or something.”
 Griffin kicks him again, harder this time. Teasing probably. He’s drunk too. “Or you could just fuck Savannah. Or Raleigh. You guys used to bang, right?”
 “Raleigh is here?” Trevor glances up at his brother.
 He didn’t notice, he didn’t look. He doesn’t care. He just- He wishes there were more stars in the sky.
 “Yeah, dude. And she’s smokin’ hot. Love me a milf,” Griffin says, even though Raleigh is like twenty four.
 Not that it matters.
 “For sure,” Trevor says, but his voice cracks and Griffin is frowning at him and he just-
 He calls himself an Uber.
 He doesn’t send Jamie a dick pic.
 He texts Jack.
 you wanna go to Hawaii w me???
 There’s no answer. Of course not.
 He cranks up the AC, puts on Jamie’s hoodie.
 His phone is at three percent.
 He doesn’t sleep until the sun rises – the sky empty.
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cagemasterfantasy · 13 days
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Spinel from Pokemon Horizons (his name is the same in both English and Japanese) and his partner Umbreon (For Japanese Fans Bracky) a member of the explorers (I MESSED THEM BOTH UP SO BADLY)
Spinel is voiced by Matt Mercer who has done a variety of shows that I'm not even going to list them
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jazzpikmin · 1 year
i got 16 cent to myy name and no less htan 3 fighty game brackys to slonk up to ... babygirl twinkwife.... how much do you like camping , on the streets?
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appri-dot · 2 years
(Instructions misheard, approaching with intent to attack) -Bracket
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jazumst · 2 years
Jazu Nieświadomy
Żeby Was... Z ukrywania różnych rzeczy biorą się same problemy. Posłuchajcie:
Dzień wczorajszy to był jeden wielki spontan. Spontan pełen niekoniecznie dobrych niespodzianek.
Rano zapowiedział się na noc Pierwszy z małżonką i Latoroślą. Spoko, zwłaszcza, że ustawiony byłem od dawna z E. i M. W międzyczasie pojawił się Czwarty, który stwierdził, że może byśmy zrobili flaszkę.
W lodówce światło. Szybki rajd z Czwartym do Biedry. W Biedrze kolejki jak za dawnych czasów, a jakby mało było to wywalało prąd.
Obiad miał być z naleśnikarni, ale w soboty zamknięte. Do kroćset! Tu już zrobiło się niefajnie.
Odwieźliśmy samochód Czwartego i wróciliśmy z buta do MST. W międzyczasie wydzwaniałem M. i E., bo miały znać o której i gdzie się spotykamy. Cisza. W końcu oddzwoniła M. E. od niej też nie odbierała, aż w końcu napisała, że jej konkubent wziął na weekend dzieci i ona nie może wyjść, żeby nie wyglądało, że jak swoje dzieci zaprasza to ona nie chce się nimi zajmować. Mi szczena w dół, M. zła, bo ugadywane było od miesiąca.
I teraz hit kurwa. Normalnie zamurowało mnie. Pierwszy wziął mnie na bok i powiedział, że jego żona jest na mnie zła, bo powiedziałem na urodzinach Czwartego, że ma brać przykład z drugiej bratowej, co wszyscy odebrali jako "chujowo gotujesz". No wjebało mnie w ziemię, bo pierwsze słyszę. Fakt powiedziałem do Pierwszego, że ma brać przykład z Czwartego, ale było do niego i w końcu zdania było, że pod korek. - Żeby fajniej było bracki kazał mi ją przeprosić NAWET jeżeli ona nie ma racji, bo tak trzeba. Trafiła kosa na kamień, bo nie mam zamiaru przepraszać za coś czego nie zrobiłem. A już na pewni, kurwa, nie przez pośredników. Jeżeli ona coś do mnie ma to niech nie odpierdala pawiana tylko mi to powie w twarz. - Z żoną Czwartego zauważyliśmy, że Pierwsza ma jakieś cusie, ale myśleliśmy, że o panią Matkę chodzi. A tu taki zwrot akcji. - Nie, nie przeproszę, ani nawet nie wspomnę o sytuacji. Kurwa mać! Jakbym w pracy miał mało takich swoich aferek. Teraz to się wkurwiłem.
Z zaskoczenia był wczoraj live. To osłodziło mi ten chujowy dzień. Inaczej nie wiem co bym zrobił.
Miejmy nadzieję, że przyszły tydzień będzie dla nas wszystkich łaskawy.
Dobry wieczór ;]
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avernale · 24 days
Pokémon Convolution Naming Scheme
So I was thinking about what you would call a "Convergent Evolution" of Eevee following the naming convention I have observed when I remembered that the Japanese Eeveelutions don't follow the same naming convention as their English counterparts.  Whereas they all end in "-eon" in English, only a fraction of them rhyme in any sense in Japanese: Vaporeon > Shawazu (Showers) Jolteon > Sandasu (Thunders) Flareon > Busuta (Booster) Umbreon > Burakki (Blacky/Bracky) Espeon > Efi (Eifie) Leafeon > Lifia (Leafia) Glaceon > Gureishia (Glacia) Sylveon > Ninfia (Nymphia) But this barely matters, since the Eevee Convolution I'm envisioning is supposed to evolve into entirely new Eeveelutions instead of convergent ones anyway. Maybe. I haven't really gotten that far yet, and I suppose I don't have to represent all the remaining types right off. For reference, I have determined that all Pokémon with convergent evolutions are of single-evolution lines where both stages have at least one sound in common that gets changed in the convolution's name. You change the "D" in Diglett and Dugtrio to "W" for Wiglett and Wugtrio, the "Tenta" in Tentacool and Tentacruel for Toedscool and Toedscruel, and the "tea" in Sinistea and Polteageist to "tcha" in Sinistcha and Poltchageist.  While looking up the Japanese names of the Eeveelutions, it occurred to me that I don't actually know the Japanese names for the extant convolutions.  So I decided to look them up... Tentacruel > Menokurage Toedscool > Nonokurage Tentacruel > Dokukurage Toedscruel > Rikkukurage Diglett > Digda Wiglett > Umidigda Dugtrio > Dugtrio Wugtrio > Umitrio Sinistea > Yabacha Sinistcha > Yabasocha Polteageist > Pottodesu (Potdeath) Poltchageist > Chadesu (Chadeath) The Japanese names don't follow the exact same rule the English versions.  If anything, the English names are trying too hard to be clever.  The Japanese convolution names just have to end with the same sounds as the Pokémon they're based on. Hell, Umidigda's name literally translates to "Sea Diglett."  So if you're making up your own convolutions, you don't have to be at all concerned with international naming (or at least the Japanese names).  At least, if you're trying to follow the rules at all.  Meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out how to name convolutions of the Ralts line... Anyway, I also went through the trouble of making a list of possible Eevee convolution names while workshopping them and sunk cost fallacy compels me to post it.  My original thought for a name was "Beevee," but today I considered "Eevbee."  Then I decided I wasn't sure if I wanted it to start as a Bug Type and since I had a simple enough algorithm for it I went ahead and made this list.  There are three columns, one where I change the first E, one where I change the third E, and one for the suffix on Eeveelution names. In all cases, unless otherwise indicated, the altered syllable has a long E ("ee") sound in it. Eevae Aevee -aeon ("Ay") Eevbe Bevee -beon  Eevce Cevee -ceon (both k and s are on this list, so whichever) Eevde Devee -deon  Eevfe Fevee -feon  Eevge Gevee -geon (hard G, like geese, since j is on the list) Eevhe Hevee -heon Eevie Ievee -ieon ("eye-ee") Eevje Jevee -jeon Eevke Kevee -keon Eevle Levee -leon Eevme Mevee -meon Eevne Nevee -neon Eevoe Oevee -oeon ("oh-ee") Eevpe Pevee -peon Eevque Quevee -queon ("kwee," since k is on the list) Eevre Revee -reon Eevse Sevee -seon Eevte Tevee -teon Eevue Uevee -ueon ("oo-ee") Eevve Vevee -veon  Eevwe Wevee -weon Eevxe Xevee -xeon Eevye Yevee -yeon Eevze Zevee -zeon Favs: Eevae (-aeon), Eevbe, Bevee, Eevle (-leon), Eevne (-neon), Tevee, Vevee As a reminder, the suffixes don't necessarily go on convolutions of existing Eeveelutions (or at least not all of them), so you wouldn't necessarily be seeing a "Flarbeon" if Eevbe/Bevee were a thing.  I think most of the others would sound alright, though.
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bobotkisser · 3 months
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poorly drawing of the day: bracky
moje bubu 🥺🥺🥺
mój pookie 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Every time I read a typo of my own where I've meshed two words together cos my brain isn't in sync with my typing, I think of that moment from Celebrity Big Brother where Sylvester Stallone's ex wife, Brigitte, shouts "oh my god, Jackie"
And Jackie Stallone goes "Yeah, Brackie!"
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dragonner0 · 7 months
Hey look, sci-fi world history lesson
One of the single most influential figures of my sci-fi world is a man named Brackis Rose, one of the earliest Tya-ecilpler warlord-generals and the first officially-registered members of the pawkin humanlike genome. He was born nearly three-and-a-half thousand years prior to the current "modern-era", way back in the year 2774, and would live to see the year 2892.
By the year 2796, Brackis' life would be already plunged into chaos with the collapse of an empire who's name was lost to time, an is now simply called the Conglomerate. At the tail-end of their second war with the United Stars, their lack of regulation(and proper moral structure) rubber-banded back on them hard and brewing unrest turned into revolution and civil war. Katn, a world known for their shipyards at the time, was set in a uniquely good situation to defend themselves from raiders or expanding warlords, and it is this heavily-militarized ocean world that Brackis would spend much of his early adulthood, when he would make a name as an exceptional strategist, commander, and defender.
In 2818, long after the civil war would come to a close and the Conglomerate become divided nation-states, the growing Tya-ecilpler following that held a heavy hand over Katn's governing body would appoint him to command of the Tyatn's Hand I, the first of its lines and one of the largest individual starships at the time. With this ship, along with a small flotilla of defenders, he would go out across the known galaxy and do many generally good deeds, from saving planets from raiders, to destroying Warlord occupations, to even evacuating small towns. During this, he would do his best to spread the word of the Tya-ecilpler faith, as well as using his starship's various amenities to develop genetic modification technology, mechanics, and would also use his influence to get various laws passed, all of which were massive steps forward in the constant fight for human equality.
Among his most notable achievements were the creation of the genome that would become the pawkin humanlikes, and his method is, although ancient and imperfect, still often used for lesser gene therapy. He is also one of the founders of the Terran Neutral Zone, and is thus most commonly known as the very first Terran noble.
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