I Renounce You (Finale)
A/N: WHOO! You and I both made it through! Now this is really short and I probably could’ve put it in Part 5 but I like even numbers and I wanted to close this book with a flourish. (Anyone catch the Knives Out reference?)
And for the last time for this piece; all credit for the original idea this is based off of goes to @tuesday-teyz and I hope they enjoyed reading this if they did, if not that’s fine as it is time consuming and quite...stagnant at some parts.
Technoblade came with Wisp to wish him well and Tommy felt a fraction of worry for the winged general. Wings were usually a sign of superiority which meant Techno very well had a chance to become Emperor. It was no secret though that the general hated politics and despised wearing his ceremonial crown for even the most miniscule of events.
“Stay out of trouble, ok Tom?” Wisp bowed low and cast a rare smile. It was the first time the guard had finally felt like a friend more than a watchful eye reporting to his brother.
“Be safe Tommy. You’ll always be welcome here still.” Technoblade bowed his head and the wings flexed with an intake of breath.
“Thanks Tech.” Tommy said slowly and something called for him to just run and hug the albino Avian. So he listened and felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around his shoulders in turn.
“C’mon Tommy!” Sapnap yelled out from the carriage and Tommy pulled away only to spot blue eyes just like his staring back with sorrow and regret. Tommy’s face steeled to neutrality and he turned away from the Emperor without so much as a smile.
“Get in already.” Dream chuckled and pulled Tommy into the decorated carriage.
“Keep your pants on Green Boy.” Tommy retorted and settled in as the door closed tightly behind him. A window looked back to the castle and Tommy smiled at the thought of never having to see its cold walls again. On the balcony above the front doors was a figure. A lanky one with a bandage covering the right corner of his face. A scowl and glimmer of red in his eyes distinguished Wilbur from the description and Tommy felt a chill in his spine. Deep down he regretted leaving Ranboo and Tubbo to deal with his eldest brother. And poor Fundy.
Tommy had left a letter explaining everything in a way a child could understand and he told the young boy about the butterfly garden and how to take care of it. His nephew knew he was just a letter away and that gave him some era of peace to leaving it all behind.
Esempi was beautiful as Dream said and even though night began to fall just as they reached the outskirts of the capitol, Tommy already favored the warmer weather and greener grass. The carriage stopped and a camp was waiting for them but just across the dirt road was a flower field unlike any other Tommy had seen.
“I guess it’s true what they say, the grass is greener on the other side.” Tommy smiled and spotted a butterfly flitting from a flower. Off in the distance the sun was setting and with a stretch of his hand, the butterfly landed on his hand.
“Welcome home, Tommy.” The breeze came by his ears and spoke the words he could only hear his mother saying. The butterfly’s wings flitted up and down as it rested on the newly appointed Prince of Esempi’s finger.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | (Finale)
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iceddrinks · 2 years
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dsmpbrasil · 2 years
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[ eu e meu amigo enloqucemos kk ]
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bubble-popping · 18 days
day 26! more of that au from yesterday and no, i don't understand what's happening either lol
Dream groaned as he stretched out his limbs, soft grass shifting and tickling the exposed parts of his skin. Tanned and littered with freckles, blessed by many, many hours under the bright sun. He breathed in deep through his nose, savoring the fresh air filling his lungs until it couldn't anymore, and exhaled out his mouth.
Shielding his face, Dream peeled his eyes open to see small groups of fluffy clouds slowly crossing the sky. A breeze barely touched him from where he lied on the earth, but it was strong enough to shake the nearby trees.
If he didn't know any better, he would've thought the server was set to Peaceful.
He heard his communicator buzz from inside his inventory bag and sighed heavily, knowing it meant his quiet time was over. He sat up to retrieve the device.
Dream chuckled fondly. He could hear the annoyed tone of his hot-headed best friend clear as day in his head.
<Dream> alright quit yelling
<Dream> im headed back now
With that, Dream stood, slinging the bag over his shoulder and heading in the direction of Home.
A heavy splash! stopped him in his tracks. Dream whipped around, eyes landing on the ripples of water in the river behind him. A Drowned, perhaps?
Something in the back of his mind told him to check. His honed instincts pushed for him to just leave.
Summoning an iron axe, Dream listened to that tiny, nagging voice and approached the edge of the clean river. Bubbles distorted its surface, but if he squinted, he could make out the silhouette of a humanoid slowly descending to the bottom. He saw no glow of a waterlogged undead, nor the outline of their signature trident. He knew all his friends were at their base. Any mobs would be treading the water, not just sinking.
Unlikely as it was, the possibility of another Player somehow falling in crossed his thoughts. Just the idea of merely watching as another person sank to their death without even trying to help made Dream sick to his stomach, so, naturally, it didn't take him long to decide the next course of action.
Dream quickly rid himself of his bag, cloak, lime hoodie, boots, and mask. Then, he dove in.
The closer he got, the more details he could make out. The being was pure white, limbs elongated and tipped with sharp claws. They didn't look like anyone or anything Dream had ever seen before.
He kicked his feet harder, swimming faster, maneuvering himself to catch the strange creature from behind. With his arms wrapped securely around their torso, he began swimming back up, albeit slower than when he was going down. Thankfully, all his strongest muscles were in his legs.
Dream gasped for air when he finally broke the surface, one hand digging its fingers into the soft soil as he strained to drag them both ashore. The weight became more prominent out of the water, but Dream just gritted his teeth and dug his heels into the dirt until they were both free of the water's current. He hurriedly moved out from under them to lay them down, dread starting to squeeze his chest when he saw no movement and heard no breathing.
If it were any of his friends, he wouldn't give it another thought, wouldn't have even dipped a toe in the water. They'd die, sure, but in less than a minute they'd wake up in their bed good as new.
However, this being wasn't one of his friends. He wasn't sure what they were, but they looked innocent and helpless enough to tug at his heartstrings. So, he breathed as deep as he could, and tried to push it all into their airways. Next, he placed both hands, one atop the other, where he assumed the creature's heart was and started to rhythmically press down with all his strength.
Now, Dream was far from a trained professional. He had plenty of experience patching himself and his friends up, small stitch jobs and applying bandages, but this was so much more serious. He'd never performed CPR, much less brought anyone back from the dead. Despite that, despite how wrong he might be doing it and the potential of causing further damage, Dream was determined.
Seconds ticked by, turned to minutes, maybe hours. Dream kept at it. He breathed and he pressed and he hoped against hope that all his efforts weren't for naught.
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kaiipivara · 20 days
Eu vi a galera dizendo q ia fazer dteam regional e eu to !!!!!!! pipocando na cadeira!!!! Torcendo mto pra ver um dteam cangaceiro 🥹💖 Meus dteam br serao o puro suco do rolê br: havaianas, shortinho e crop top, god bless 🙏🙏🙏
AAWWW meu deus to muito ansiosa p ver o seu e de todo mundo omggg !! o spoilers q vou dar então é o sapnap corinthiano com uma skol e um juliet, dream baiana do acarajé e o george carioca com uma canga de praia, brusinha e obviamente uma bela de um bronze na forma de uma havaiana no pé JSKAHDKHSKD
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rabidx3 · 1 year
butterfly regin incorrect quote
BR! dream: sapnap what are you doing?
BR!sapnap: i know its bad for the environment or whatever.
BR!dream: no that is just a weird way to eat spaghetti.
*casually slurps a noodle up with a straw*
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I love the admiration of the Hispanic streamers for the English one. This is what they say yesterday Sapnap and George's teams after they won the last game:
"The englishs were fckn beasts dude, did u see them? my god br!! eh yo guys george sapnap good fucking job guys, you won this sht by urself. We love you"
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tuesday-teyz · 2 years
do br!characters have any scars and are there interesting stories behind them?
actually i wanted to ask this before i drew techno but i was terrified so
Absolutely, there is quite a bunch!
Techno has the most scars. Massive ones on his back from the wings coming through, on his hands from sword training, a tiny cut on his forehead from where Wilbur has punched him when they were kids, and others from having bad eyesight and stumbling into furniture.
Phil has just as many scars on his hands, but there's also a long thin one across his throat from a dagger. It's not normally visible because he has most of his skin covered. There are also more scars that I cannot reveal just yet because they are important to the story :D
Tommy's ear has not healed fully after the assassination attempt, so there's a small hole there now, his hands are pretty rough too with all the training and gardening he has done.
I don't recall Wilbur having any distinct scars, aside maybe the ones he has got from playing his guitar, and from working in L’manburg later on.
Sapnap has a split eyebrow from where he fought Dream when they first met.
Dream has a cut across his nose from where Techno swung his sword at him.
I will let you know if I remember any other ones
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what br!tommy thought was gonna happen if he told sapnap the truth
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tommysparker · 2 years
“br!discduo” this “br!crimeboys” that
where’s my crack ship of br!sapnap and br!wisp bonding over their stupid masters (idk what the right word for it is someone tell me pls) and how they’ve got grey hairs from dealing with all the stress dream and tommy put them through
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I Renounce You Part 3
A/N: Again inspired by @tuesday-teyz and their wonderfully dark SBI fic Butterfly/Anteater Reign on A03 and this part and part 4 have both been inspired by the song Am I Supposed to Apologize. Just the general feel of it y’know?
“It broke us all as well! Technoblade left for years! Wilbur ran away, and I was left alone.” Tommy growled and snarled. “You want to know why I am positive he’d replace me? His own son?” Tommy dared. Something ugly clawed at his throat and furious words poisoned his tongue.
“I-” Sam only got half a word out before the prince snapped the string he’d been clinging to to keep it all in until the right person came to cut it.
“His own children are forbidden from calling him by name while a commoner of poor descendancy may address him as such!” Tommy shouted and far in the back of his head he smiled and laughed with how well this was going. And even further he was crying with regret. He didn’t wish to act this way to Sam. He didn’t deserve it yet it was necessary now. Bushes rustled and flowers were trampled as the people of his party came to see the spectacle of the Crown Prince Theseus losing his wits.
He thought of his flowers, the beautiful petals carelessly stepped and wretched from their stems. These people didn’t deserve the beauty his mother had cultivated and passed to him. They didn’t deserve his vision of an Empire.
“Ranboo is more my father’s son than I ever will be and he can have him! That lowlife and His Imperial Highness deserve each other!” Tommy spat and the world grew quiet as two voices rose out in unison.
“Theseus!” It was like a barrier had been cracked open. Brothers. Two halves to a whole that vanished long ago, finally reunited over the destruction and chaos of their younger sibling.
Wilbur and Technoblade stepped out from the crowd on either side and the voice in Tommy’s head, finally free to think as it wanted, smirked deviously. This was perfect.
“You both can have him too! Isn’t that what you wanted, Prince Wilbur, to have Ranboo as your brother rather than me?” Tommy smiled widely and stretched his arms in magnificence. 
“Theseus this is nonsense, you’re making a fool of yourself.” Wilbur took a step forward and under the glare of the sun Tommy could’ve sword he saw fogging tears behind the crystal clear lenses over his brother’s eyes.
“So?! No matter what I do for this Kingdom and the man who sits on its throne, I’ll be scorned because I know the rules!” Tommy clawed at the strings attaching him to the morals he’d be forced into. He let his tongue sharpen with the truth he’d been held from saying for far too long. “I bow and be polite, I say and do the right things but it won’t be enough because the one who TAUGHT me those things doesn’t even care! You think father sees the pressure of being the perfect prince?! You think he even cares?!” 
“Theseus that’s enough.” Technoblade commanded and Tommy found no pull in his chest to obey. He felt a spark instead to evoke destruction.
“Don’t pretend you’re any better!” Tommy whirled on the general and set his feet in the instinctive position of battle. Technoblade taught him to dance rather than fight, then he left him when he needed him most. “Don’t you dare think for a second you’re spared from my pain! Both of you abandoned me! Do you know how dark it was? To be alone all those years and months and days without anyone to even call my friend?” 
“This is not the place to be discussing it, Theseus.” Wilbur hissed and Tommy felt a hand reach for his shoulder before he whirled around and smacked the lengthened arm away.
“Don’t you dare fucking touch me.” Tommy snarled and almost broke at the way Wilbur’s eyes blurred and darkened.
“Songbird-” Wilbur reached again and the nickname resonated in Tommy’s head. 
“His Imperial Majesty requests the presence of the three princes immediately.” A guard appeared from the crowd and Tommy’s blood turned to ice. All that was left to do was finish it all off with a nice little bow.
“What were you thinking?” Technoblade growled low once the doors to the gardens shut behind and the party was left.
“Tech, just stop.” Wilbur hissed and Tommy heard the broken shards of a brother. Not the venomous fangs of Prince Wilbur.
The three carried on in silence till the throne room loomed in front of them. Technoblade and Wilbur were instructed to enter first and a guard, who Tommy didn’t recognize and wore much darker armor than the usual palace brigade, stood menacingly behind the Crown Prince.
“You’ve really screwed this up this time.” The guard growled and Tommy smiled, knowing the guard couldn’t see.
“All will be forgiven.” He muttered in response and after another moment, the doors to the throne room were pulled open and Tommy was ushered inside.
Part 1 | Part 2 | ____ | Part 4 | Part 5 | (Finale)
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spatteringstars · 2 years
Br!Sapnap looking between Theseus, Dream, and Techno: you’re all a bunch of Dramatic Fucks.
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cacildabecker · 4 years
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i humbly present: brazilian dream team
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moved-19871997 · 4 years
dream’s called sapnap nick twice within 5 minutes i’m gonna explode
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
It would be so easy for the dteam or even dtkq to lean in to the oh god my fans are cringy bit but they don't they're always nice and sweet to us and the only time they make jokes isn't at our expense but more like they're laughing with us! And it would be so easy for george or sapnap to br like I hate my chat they're the worst (for good reason tbh ) and yet they don't bc they're just not that type🤷‍♀️ and like dream quackity and karl esp make it a special point to tell us how much we matter and that we are important to to and yk its nice it makes me feel good and that's a level of comfort I don't feel with other CCs
Sorry for the long ass paragh💀
yes! like the hair thing it is objectively weird to see hundreds of people make a picture of your hair their pfp. but dream is like 'you guys are so funny i love it' like he's just vibin he understands!
and george my god could george hate his chat but he just happily goes along doing his thing. and when he told dream and quackity about them unfollowing and dream and q got upset on his behalf George went 'oh no they were just joking i bet they all refollowed' like he knee jerk ran to defend his fans
i just think it's really evident how much they love us all like really and it's really easy to see why they're such good friends
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mianiacally · 3 years
sometimes i wonder how the whole bailing out BR!sapnap talk with BR!Foolish went down
dream: dearest brother of m—
foolish, sighs: dream. cut to it.
dream: remember the kid who burnt down the school?
foolish: yes I am aware of who they are... No. I think I know where this is going. No.
dream: HEAR ME OUT...
dream: ok but what if you DID??
foolish: the last time i "heard you out", it ended with several injuries and a week's long bedrest.
dream: now LISTEN—
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