#boyy bait
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boyy-bait · 6 years ago
🚹 LIFE OF A CUSTOMER SERVICE REP: Dramatic Customers Pt. 2 🚹 y’all say anything at this point 🙄 Full Video on ThisisCourt_ TV đŸ“ș. Link in the bio! ❀, âœđŸŸ , and ✅ to my Channel!!!
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thatoneweirdmoron · 3 years ago
Glitches in today's video
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These are all the glitches that I could find and screenshot in today's animatic video, gotta say the noir game is strong in this one. Almost half of them is just noir, and also is that blue and glitches i see there(?)
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teamsarawatshusband · 3 years ago
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Day 20 - Best Character Development
This one goes to Khai from Theory of Love
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(picture credit: Lunar Edits - i found the pic on google, I hope this is the right account)
Because it was such a nice transition from too-self-obsessed-to-know to I-messed-up to how-to-fix-this to I-made-it-worse to oh-NOW-I-become-aware-of-my-feelings to I’ll-keep-trying-but-I-understand-if-it’s-too-late.
This character went through so much self-reflection, and he’s very real throughout all of it. I think my favorite part is that it’s not a 180° turn. He has to go through so much trial and error before he really understands and is able to change for the better. Very very human, and very relatable.
However, let me add some honorable mentions:
1) Apo from Water Boyy the Series (I couldn’t find a good pic, sorry) - this series clearly had its ups and downs. But I really, really appreciated the ending where Apo tells Wai in no uncertain terms that Wai messed up and he needs to get himself sorted out first before Apo is willing to have a relationship with him. That is the healthy message that I wish a lot more shows would include. Know what you’re worth, people! And I love that Apo knows what he’s worth. Good for him!
2) Pan and Soda from The Shipper
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Before anybody asks, yes, I’m counting this as BL and not queer-baiting, because the end revealed that one of the male leads has actually been having feelings for the other (and I genuinely believe that GMM expected to make a 2nd season to explore this, because the entire ending set it up perfectly - and then covid messed that up). And, I know you can love or hate this series. That’s perfectly understandable. I, personally, enjoyed it, and part of the reason why is this:
The girls start out as stereotypical Y-fangirls who fantasize about the boys at their school being in a relationship. They fail at differentiating between reality and fantasy and clearly take their fangirling too far, negatively affecting the lives of their classmates and friends. However, throughout the course of the series, they come to understand the consequences of their actions. They also learn that nobody truly knows what other people think or feel unless they’re in their shoes. In the end, they both do come around and ultimately choose to do what is best for the people around them, regardless of their own wishful fantasies. It’s a lesson in selflessness and love of the greater good. It’s quite beautiful, actually.
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vimbry-moved · 4 years ago
throwback time! Break down Two, please
How I feel about this character: honestly my interest in this series just like. dissipated somehow but, I still really do like this iteration of the doctor! he’s just a delightful imp of a guy with that character type I Love: the enigmatic, rebellious, grumpy, airheaded but capable parent. it’s like, surprisingly prevalent. basically any character that can be summed up with the “guy who starts fights and goes 'heyyy i’m just a little guy nooo it’s also my birthday i’m a little birthday boyy’” tweet.
it’s always nice to see a protagonist who just loves life and being in the moment. they don’t have any grand destiny, he’s just exploring for the thrill of it and feels he has a duty to help people. that’s a fun character. he’s also a very gay little man. if you haven’t seen it, search second doctor who. bring up any clip.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: lmao well, it’s jamie isn’t it. I know a lot of their tender interactions were played up for comedy to the british audience of the time like “look they accidentally held hands it’s funny”, and are basically the precursor to baiting but with the intent of getting laughs instead of clout, but dammit I’m not immune. (I mean. I also wouldn’t be shocked if it came out that one of the series’ writers actually did intend the subtext, considering the same guy wrote a lot of their closer scenes and episodes. like, the episode that has dialogue in it that’s essentialy a break up. but ig we’ll never know).
seeing these two guys bicker like an old married couple, but be absolutely devoted to and clearly fond of each other is really enjoyable. the actors had a great chemistry. also it’s very fun how some creators in the expanded universe material clearly thought this, too. like the audio story where they essentialy go on a honeymoon to a resort before the conflict breaks loose. and the beginning of “the wheel of ice” where jamie wakes up and walks into the room, and zoe notices he’s wearing slippers. then two walks in wearing socks but no shoes and it goes “and zoe realised where he’d gotten the slippers from”. oh my god they were roommates shared slippers. related to that:
My non-romantic OTP for this character: this is another parent-and-child dynamic haha, but zoe! I love how they bounce off one another with their similar self-assured personalities.
god there’s sooo much potential in there, with them both being extremely clever people subject to punishing experiences by an academy to hone their skills, which left them emotionally stunted in some ways, their rebellious streaks and desire to see more of the world causing them to run away. I also like how quietly proud he is that she blew up a supercomputer once. I think it’s funny how she forcibly got herself adopted by stowing away on his house-machine and once he’s satisfied that she can handle the risks he just lets her,
My unpopular opinion about this character: man does two even have a strong enough online following for there to be clashing opinions?? I dunno like. I guess I don’t see him as one of the darkest doctors? he’s usually tops those lists for being eesily underestimated and doing some powerful stuff like just... sending a large fleet of villians of the week to their deaths once for trying to take over a planet. but his general philosophy seems to be the whole, good will prevail, have hope etc.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: why was he travelling around with jamie in a seemingly post-jamie time, creating that Entire “oh they had more adventures off-screen actually” theory. I know I knowww it was the 80s and they didn’t care about the continuity of some children’s show, and sometimes it’s good for a series to not answer all its loose ends and let fans interpret things for themselves, but also answer this.
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purse-full-of-breadsticks · 5 years ago
Thanks @no-filter-chipmunk for nominating me - it made my day 😊 here's my answers to your questions:
1. Is your favorite color the same as it was in your childhood?
No, definitely not! When I was about 3 the only colour I wanted to wear was pink. I can't stand pink now - blue is way more my vibe.
2. Do you know what your next move in life is?
Yep! I want to get a job in digital marketing and find a place to live with my boyfriend.
3. What’s your favorite pizza topping (or, if you don’t like [toppings on your] pizza, your favorite topping in general)?
That's so hard! I love most things on pizza! It's probably mushroom or sweetcorn though.
4. Do you feel happier in your life, self, and situation now than you did a year ago?
For sure! Last year I was living with some really toxic people that treated the place like shit, straight up forgot my birthday, and just generally left me out of things 👌
Since then, I've moved in with some lovely people that actually wanna hang out with me. Also I've now finished my degree now so no more uni stress 🎉
5. What are you currently working on that makes you feel happy?
I'm starting to work on my new blog! I didn't write anything for so long because uni kept me so busy, but now I've got the chance to write things because I want to (not because there's a deadline!)
If you want to check it out, you can find it here.
6. Have you started any new series recently?
Yes, lots! My boyfriend and I binged The Santa Clarita Diet and Daybreak, but both were cancelled early!
Right now, I'm enjoying Suits, Final Space and Schitts Creek (all of which are on Netflix).
7. Do you have any old-school video game consoles? (Nintendo DS, Wii, PS1, GameBoy
Not anymore. I used to have a Nintendo DS and a Wii, but got rid of both since neither were used very often. I'm not much of a gamer!
8. What’s your favorite perfume and/or cologne scent? (musky, floral, citrus
I love sweet scents, particularly vanilla. I am partial to a little bit of musk though!
9. If you had to choose one person you know to see in person right now, who would you want to be with?
Just one? That's so hard! I miss all of my friends, particularly the ones from uni as we never got to say goodbye properly. So probably one of my uni mates?
10. Any book/tv show/movie/music/ballet/other recommendations?
Book: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (Story of a dystopian future where the entire world is addicted to a virtual reality game. This one is so good that I wrote my dissertation and another essay on it!)
TV Show: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (lighthearted comedy which sees a childhood kidnap victim adjust to life in the real world, find happiness and deal with her trauma)
Music: Bea Miller, Green Day and The Kooks
Here are my questions for the people I'm tagging:
1. List 3 things that make you happy.
2. Which fictional character is most like you?
3. What's the thing you miss most since being in quarantine?
4. Favourite snack?
5. Describe your dream job.
6. Do you prefer being around people or enjoying your own company?
7. What's been the best day of your life so far?
8. Let's get philosophical: what do you think happens when we die?
9. If your house was on fire, what would be the one thing you would save? (The people and animals you live with are already safe)
10. What's the best way to win your heart?
I nominate: @itsagifnotagif @whitepeopletwitter @wejgstuff @gothic-uncle @cityofchelsea16 @imaweirdolawl @spoken-not-written @boyy-bait @unavoidablekoishi @antiadequate
Come up with 10 questions of your own and tag 10 others to answer ❀
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dybbuk-debunked · 6 years ago
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quartet ~ bait boyys ...
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negrobravo · 4 years ago
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@aymansposts-blog @mynameissabb @indiancpl @bendover1181973 @beenaredpanda @elegaantlyfly @belove-always @jamanal @ooweeshenadi @euthanaysia @lyuda-saraskina85o5jt @316hrs @adore-blzvk @bidnyk-aleksandr25du-blog @palefestivalbouquetthings-blog @excusemewhileikisstheskye @hopeless-changing-over-time @ravenphoenixlove @lavishlylavita @jawnsanon @welcome2theheartbreakhotel @chocomochafrapp-blog @httpdiosa @cyberrunawaytimemachine @erynngoboom @boyy-bait @chocolatehabibti @kovujr @thatallygirlchild @earlgavemehissweatshirt @shedakidd @notyourwoe @triniangel360 @bajanbeautyxo @maxineshaw--reincarnated @theewokeking @educateddblackqueen-blog @dogvessel @momspreading @knockofftimbs @glowane @lequeer @davonnaa @gullahgurl @weekndsinxanland @ilive2hustle @youwild-myguy @youngbrill0 @iceopal @twisted-circles 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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inevitably-johnlocked · 8 years ago
this morning i was sobbing and weeping wallowing because of arwel's tweet and tfp stuff and i was frantically reblogging re-assuring text posts about queer-baiting aND NOW. HOH BOYY. IM YODELING FROM THE ROOFTOPS because the russia leak is high quality and something's really fucKY AND IT'S NOT A TRICK IT'S A PLAN! i love this community so much and i'm feeling so unbelievably relieved because it all makes sense jasdflkjasf sorry im done now lov ya xx
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trolling-since-chernobyl · 7 years ago
I'm so bitter with entire 6B. On one hand, I'm happy everyone survived, but on the other hand, come on... You have this all humans vs supernatural war of "epic" proportions with one side armed to the teeth and the other one being underage and all "We ain't killing or harming anyone." That's some real Charles Jeanne shit right there. Except literally no one died on either side except for: Brett, Lori, what was left of Satomi's pack, two hunters, Deucalion, and Gabe. Like, with all those
(2) blood-thirsty people armed with shotguns and automatic firearms,you’d think they’d do more than brood in the sewers and hold angry speeches.It’s like: “We’re all gonna have some fun in the tunnels you’re alloff-duty today eXCEPT YOU NOLAN, GO KILL A MAN ALREADY OR I’LL KILL YOUINSTEAD”. And Brett.. ohh boyy
 I understood WHY they used Brett’s deathto move the plot forward but the way he died was just
 stupid and cruel tohis character. Same goesfor Deucalion’s death. I’m not even gonna
(3) go there. Everyone survives by hiding behind the walls while thehunters remain glued to the exact same spot, firing at thin air? And then Derekand Stiles waltz into the fight, bare-handed, and everyone just keeps ignoringthem, even when Derek he apparates at guy’s side. They don’t even blink. Andthen suddenly everyone’s down and the next second, they’re all running back tothe car (ran out of ammo, maybe?)? They teased a war, lots of pain,death andall that and all we got was Brett’s and
(4) Deucalion’s deaths. With all those gigantic holes and inaccuraciesthis season had, I’m sure we’d all be more than fine with Brett surviving. Imean, they planned their story so badly, they decided to make a guidancecounselor proclaim herself a sheriff just to move the plot forward. Sounds fake,but OKAY. I’m just
 I’m sorry for the rant, I just saw your answer to an oldask and then bitterness hit me full-force.
 First of all – I’m so fucking sorry my dear anon, I forgot to answer.Super sorry for super late comment. Mea culpa.
Yeah, I feel you. We got some super sad, important deaths in the pastand here we got a sugar ending, where all of the most important characterssurvived an infinity war. Yay. And with this all “you are going to be in tearsafter the finale!” teasing
 Geez, we were baited again and we fell for it again.
I wonder from where Mieciu Stilinski got his car. So, he came, hesearched for his car and then drove to help his friends. Mhm.
Brett and ol’ Deuc were killed probably because there was no one elsefrom other actors who were willing to come back. I mean, the rest was treatedlike shit, so I’m not surprised. And yeah. That fight made no sense.
Sorry I have nothing else to say, I’m just done with Teen Woof. I feellike we can rant all day or just
 you know
 that sucked  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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boyy-bait · 6 years ago
đŸ„” HOT GIRL CUSTOMER SERVICE đŸ„” Full Video on my IG TV!!! Instagram: ThisisCourt_, LIKE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW ME đŸ„°đŸ„°
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boyy-bait · 6 years ago
🏩 Calling My Bank... đŸ€ŠđŸŸâ€â™€ïž.
A little shorty has some questions...
Pay period not even over yet đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł. Full Video on ThisisCourt_ TV đŸ“ș!! LINK IN THE BIO! LIKE❀ , COMMENT âœđŸŸ , and SUBSCRIBE ✅ to my CHANNEL!! 💕💕💕💕
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boyy-bait · 6 years ago
📚 Story Time: The Book of L’s Pt. 2📚 it’s backkkk !!! Full video on ThisisCourt_ TV đŸ“ș. Link in the bio !!! ❀, âœđŸŸ , and ✅ to my Channel !!!!
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boyy-bait · 7 years ago
A savage to every nigga but you, but you haven't noticed..
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boyy-bait · 8 years ago
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Blackout 2017 đŸ™‹đŸŸ
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boyy-bait · 8 years ago
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boyy-bait · 8 years ago
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I went out tonight
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