#boy you're ready to fight fate to save one and try to keep the other one from death by idiocy tell me they don't have your Heart again
stellafortunae · 26 days
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Would anyone have any good blog recommendations? I still need to make some new promo graphics and whatnot, but at the same time I'm still a nervous bean.
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daboyau · 6 months
I can't decide on either Animal Attack, Open Wounds, or Failed Rescue. Aaaaaaa-
maybe an ally try to save the character from an animal attack but was unsuccessful and left them with their wounds idk you're the writer
idk these are the three I offer do what you will with them.
-pcw (the letters mean something I swear)
Ooo okay this was fun to do. I ended up going with animal attack. (Loosely lol) I hope you like!! 🙏
He stumbles upon the District Ten tribute twelve hours into the Game. She’s been dragged halfway into the water by one of the strange, colorful beasts that populate the neon hellscape that makes up this year’s arena. She’s clutching the branches of a spindly little blue tree that overhangs the shore, arms trembling, hands bloodied from their razor-wire branches. The creature seems content to wait until she finally loses the strength to fight back, neon pink eyes blinking slowly from just above the rippling waterline, its clawed, reptilian hands digging into her hips as it keeps her still and pulls her slowly down. 
Yoshi almost leaves. He already knows that he is unwilling to help carry her through to the finale of this bloodbath. Surely, it would be so much kinder to let her go now, when the death itself will be quick and impersonal instead of messy and inexperienced. At least this way, she won’t have to spend any more time than she already has in pain or in fear.
It’s the best option, and he’s determined to walk away. 
But then she looks at him. Her eyes are dull and sad and hopeless. She looks at him, and she doesn’t for even one second dare to dream that he will help. It’s the most heartbreaking thing he’s ever seen, and he knows he cannot allow this to be the moment she is lost to the world. 
He’s leaping into action before he has a chance to think anything through. The beast screeches and snaps teeth the size of knives at him, lips pulled back, eyes flashing with fury and hunger. Those teeth and claws are really all it has going for it. Its body is thin, almost emaciated. Yoshi wraps his hands around its spindly little neck and he squeezes, snarling right back, ignoring the way its claws tear through his skin, leaving deep gashes that leak blood into the tumultuous waters that it is fighting to drag him deeper into.
He wins that little battle. This creature wasn’t built for a real fight, and Yoshi has been training to survive for the last 17 years of his life. When he drops its still form and turns to make his way back to the shore, he sees the girl he just saved waiting for him on the unnaturally yellow sand. She’s shaking, terrified, but she silently offers him a torn strip of her jacket to wrap around his wounds. 
They form what could be loosely called an alliance. He doesn’t kill her. She doesn’t kill him. They alternate who’s on watch so no one can sneak up on them at night while the other one sleeps. They share what little food they’re able to scavenge, and in the quiet moments they keep one another company.
She tells him her name is Mosely. She’s fourteen and the youngest of seven children. She’s been ready to die since the moment her name was drawn. There’s no chance she’s leaving this arena with a pulse. They both know it, though neither will say it.
Yoshi tells her what little there is to tell. Of the broken remnants of a family (all dead or estranged or disappeared in some other way). Of the little seaside shack he’s worked hard to turn into a home. He shows her how to make an eel trap. He teaches her how to throw a punch.
When the District One boy attacks them, he cuts his throat and the blood stains her shirt. The girl from Eleven meets a similar fate. After he gauges the eyes from the skull of the District Seven boy, and strangles the District Nine girl, he finds that there’s really no use in taking shifts at night. He can’t sleep anymore. The nightmares won’t let him rest for even five minutes.
Mosely doesn’t say much to him, but she does watch him with those dark, sad eyes of hers. She looks like she knows something he doesn’t. Sometimes, she’ll open her mouth like she wants to tell him, but she never actually lets her words spill out. He never does learn what she wanted to tell him. 
On the fourth night, he loses her. 
Two other tributes distract him while their companion grabs Mosely. He doesn’t even hear her scream. He just turns around and sees her crumpled on the ground, blood a dark pool against the neon green of the grass, her dark curls soaked in it. He can see the white of skull through her hair, and the greyish-pink of brain matter beyond that. Her eyes stare straight through him, bloodshot and bulging. Her mouth hangs open, like that secret she’d held so close to her chest is still waiting to spill forth. 
Yoshi doesn’t remember how the rest of the fight went. All he knows is that at the end, there are three strangers’ bodies scattered around them, and he is cradling Mosely’s small form in his lap, telling her he’s sorry while her sad eyes go flat and dull.
They’d both known it would end like this.
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Chapter 11 - Shatter Me
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As Katrina simply nodded and discarded the heavier garments holding her down, it took a lot of whining from Elizabeth to annoy Ciel to the point that he ripped apart her dress. "IF YOU DIE, YOU'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO WEAR ANY OF THE CLOTHES YOU LOVE AGAIN! IT'S ALL OVER WHEN YOU DIE! ALL OF IT!" the poor girl cried, trembling softly as she apologised for being so stubborn. The Young Earl put his coat over her shoulders so she won't freeze.
Katrina went ahead through the vent as the vanguard, followed by Lizzy helped up by Ciel, and the boy as the read. They walked through the cramped vents, feeling a little claustrophobic, until the lady finally found another such little door. "Hold up, I'm trying to get this thing open." she grumbled, only for the little trap door to suddenly cave in, and she unceremoniously fell through it --
Right in Sebastian's strong arms. "Ah, I see a beautiful Angel fell right into my arms, what a gift from God." the butler's comment only made Kat grin and laugh merrily. "Thank you for saving me, my knight in shining armour." that cute kitten like smile satisfied the demon as he gently set her down, helping the other two down.
As Sebastian was telling Lizzy that her family was fine and together, battling the undead to rescue the passengers towards the lifeboats, suggesting that they also should hurry to the deck, the roaring of a revved up chainsaw and a lawn mower attracted their attention - From above. The demon pulled the three humans safely behind them, watching with disgust as not only Ronald Knox, but now his greatest nightmare also joined. Grell Sutcliff. "Found you, Hottie~! Long time no see, Sebas-chan! It must be fate for us to meet again, here!"
"Just a coincidence." Sebastian glared at him.
"Ahhh, so cooooold~💖! That side of you is lovely as always!" as Grell was fangirling like a swooning maiden, Ronald was exhausted by his antics, even ending up bickering him him. With the two Reapers being distracted, the four tried to run away. "You wait up there...!" Sebastian had to gather the two children into his arms and jump away as Grell attacked them. Katrina could take care of herself, for the most part. She had a Shinigami weapon, after all. "Setting my body on fire and then neglecting me... How mean~💖!"
"Please refrain from catching on fire by yourself." Sebastian cringed at how openly lecherous Grell was. "We need to hurry on, so could you please open the way?"
"And if I say no~?" Grell, of course, had to challenge him.
"Then I'll just have to beat you halfway to death again." Kat stepped in front of Sebastian, her sword at the ready. "We both know Grell hates me, so I'll take him on. I think I can take his chainsaw better than that lawn mower." she informed the demon. "Take care of Ciel and Lizzy!"
"You... You.... YOU WENCH! Can't you see you're stepping in between our eternal love romance?! We're supposed to have a death-match and die in each other's arms like Romeo and Juliet!" the red haired reaper threw quite the angry tantrum.
"Didn't I tell you to go drown yourself in the Thames, you stupid Ophelia wannabe?!" Kat scoffed at him, uncaring of that ugly glare given her way.
"You're so rude! Can't I just be honest about my feelings?!" Grell growled, rushing forward to slash at the woman, only to get easily parried. "I will kill any love rival standing in my way to reach Sebas-chan!"
"I'm not your love rival, Grell." Kat used every bit of strength she had in her body to keep her sword steady, one hand flat against the blade, keeping it as a shield. "Because Sebastian's only love is the one with the namesake of his most beloved animal!" she smirked, challenging the Reaper.
"What the hell are you on, anyway?!" Grell was, of course, confused - He had no idea what her name was, after all, and even if he had been previously told, she was still just that bitch who stole his man.
"Ah, forgive me, I should introduce myself officially, then!" as Grell was fighting with Kat, Ronald Knox had thrusted the blades of the lawn mower towards the demon's face. "I am Duchess Katrina Raymond!" with obvious struggle, she threw the Reaper off of her. Grell's revved chainsaw ended up cutting away at the wall of the ship, making it gush rapidly with water at such high pressure that it sent the two children away from each other, slammed onto the ground. "And I am going to kill you for good this time, you red freak."
As Katrina kept battling with the other red head, and Sebastian was struggling with all of his might to keep the mower away, Lizzy was endangered, the closest to a huge crowd of incoming undead. Their attention was caught by Ciel, who called out his fiancee's name and started using his remaining few bullets to headshot the monsters, but it wasn't enough. "I.. I..." the freaks were close to engulfing the poor girl. "I wanted you to think of me as cute... Until the very end." she smiled, bittersweet, before she took out her double sabers and massacred with extreme ease all of the undead threatening her and her friends with such beauty and grace that it looked as though she was dancing, waltzing, not killing the undead.
"It was Lizzy who taught me how to fence." Katrina grinned, proud at the beautiful young lady who protected not only herself, but those dear to her. "And it was Lizzy who taught me how to dance."
"This uncute appearance... I didn't want you of all people to see me in such a state... But... This time, I will protect you." she easily cut away the heads of the monsters threatening Ciel. "I am the daughter of the Leader of the British Knights, Marquis Alexis Leon Midford - I am Elizabeth! The wife of the Queen's Watchdog!" she declared, loud and clear, with such confidence that it incurred the other woman's morale.
It was Katrina who understood Lizzy the best, after all, for they were both women. Weak, in order to love. Strong, in order to protect. Both, in order to stay by his side. Just as Lizzy loved Ciel, Katrina, also, cherished Edgar.
What were girls made of, after all? Sugar and spice and everything nice - Right? 
A lady should be super weak and cute in front of her Lord. It's the most important thing to be an innocent, naive girl. It's your job to smile and be surrounded by nice things, just like in the nursery rhymes... Or at least, that's what Angelina would tell her, as she longingly watched the love of her life being happily married and very much in love with her daughter.
Poetry over philosophy; Embroidery rather than cooking and dance instead of chess. Be an unknowing angel, she said. Every girl born in the country of Roses is raised by these words, and they simply had to obey happily. 
But just like Lizzy, Katrina was also different from the other girls.
Lizzy had a strong mother, a fencing genius, and her mastery passed over to her daughter - It was time for Lizzy to hone that genius into a most precious diamond. Katrina, on the other hand, was strictly forbidden from even approaching a sword - She could only watch Joseph, her brother, fencing with Edgar, her fiance, or with Edward. Her impulses often made her want to get there and pick up a sword, to fight with them, but she was always ostracised and strictly disciplined for such unruly behaviours.
Whilst Lizzy had to learn how to protect her fiance, living in constant fear that, should her secret be one day revealed, he wouldn't want to marry her anymore... She had a friend, a little older than her, in whom she could confide. The few times when Katrina was allowed to sleep over at Lizzy's house, the two girls could have genuine conversations, with her mother also. Frances was, after all, Katrina's greatest supporter in learning the art of swordsmanship, and it showed, as both Lizzy and Kat had almost identical elegance in both fencing and dancing.
It was during these fencing spars that she first met the two Charles boys, and defeated Grey with relative ease, which only earned a few salty insults. Kat asked him if his ego was so frail that he needed a woman to go easy on him, in order to win. The boy laughed at her comment, and declared they would be eternal frenemies. 
At that time, Edgar was the person she was looking up to, and she was always happy in his proximity, for he allowed her to engage in anything her heart desired - Which, most of the time, was to join in on anything he was studying at the time. Whether it be fencing together, or learning new embroidery techniques, they would do it together. Edgar never put a gender label on activities, as he considered every skill being useful, no matter the person. He wasn't upset that she bested him in fencing, nor was she upset that he was far superior in embroidery. While she could never even hold a candle to his poem-writing and reciting, he also couldn't beat her in science or calculus.
And the best part of all this - Was that it was their little secret. Her parents didn't have to know what they were doing. She was going to marry Edgar Redmond, and after that, she was going to be his 'property' as the noble society would call it - And from there, she could be truly free, without being shackled by the eternal strictness of her parents.
She wanted to be cute and pretty, to be a wife that he could protect - Whilst also having the means of protecting him, if needed. She wanted to become a wife capable of protecting the boy she cherished so much, and that feeling only enforced with the death of her brother - If she couldn't protect him, at least she could protect Edgar. 
He was tall and lean, very gracious just like his uncle, but with none of that overexaggerating drama... At least around her. And though she was a little taller than Lizzy, when she was her age, she never felt the need to resort to flat shoes around him. She was happy with cute heels when going to a ball with him, and just as happy wearing flats through the awful cobbled stone streets of London. Comfort above all - Wouldn't want the heel to break and fall, right? 
"I'm fine with not being cute, as long as it means that I can protect you!" Lizzy declared boldly as she turned the tip of her sword towards Grell, who was looking at her with more confusion than anything. However, the butler pinched the blade between his fingers, and Kat quickly hugged her from behind, stopping her from advancing further. Her blades would never be able to kill him, unfortunately.
"My Lady, no further." he went on his knee, bowing deeply. "To have forced a lady to go through so much trouble... I have failed as a butler. I am deeply sorry." he said, before getting up and glaring at the two Reapers. "I'll take it from here."
"When are you going to do that for me also?" Katrina's comment earned a nasty look from the demon, who only sighed, watching her playful grin. 
"Keep the curtains safe from your cute claws for now, little Kitten. I will have you cared for when we're done with work." the butler reassured her, fixing his gloves.
"Well, whatever, let's continue!" Grell declared, only for the fight to be stopped by the Earl.
"Wait, Sebastian!" the demon froze. "We have no time to worry about those guys! Ryan holds the key to everything in this case - Follow him!"
"Wait a sec, you - You mean that if we put the screws on that guy, we can learn about these walking corpses?" Ronald came over with his book, and at once, the two departed. "I'll wrap you in the red of roses next time for sure~💖! Bye~💖!"
"We should hurry as... Urgh.." Ciel's ankle seems to have been twisted in the commotion, poor boy.
"It's quite swollen." Sebastian noted.
"Oh no! I'll carry you on my back!" Lizzy declared boldly, urging the boy to hop on.
"WHAT?!" Ciel gasped in blind shock.
"Lazy Elizabeth, I'll take care of that." Sebastian reassured her quickly.
"A-Ah! Th-That's right, yes, Oh... Oh no, I... I..." she started sobbing loudly, poor soul. "I'M THE KIND OF SCARY GIRL CIEL HATES!" she cried so pitifully that Kat immediately fell next to her, holding her in her arms. 
"Hey now, don't say that. Edgar always said a Lady is more beautiful, the more skills she possessed." the red head tried to comfort her friend. 
"B-But before, Ciel said he didn't want a strong and scary wife!" she looked completely inconsolable.
"Th-That was in the past... A-And, anyways, I should be the one apologising right now." Ciel sweat-dropped, confused as hell at the whole situation.
"Then, you will take me as your wife? You won't hate me?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with hope.
"I could never...." Ciel's face became so red and flustered, and although the demon barely had the strength to slap a hand over his mouth and stop his laughter, Katrina was unable to resist, and her chuckles mirthfully resounded through the large chamber. "We don't have time for this! Let's go upstairs already!"
"Even the Young Master can't help himself in front of a Lady, huh? Ahhh, so amusing..." Sebastian grinned, satisfied with the situation, as he carried Ciel in his arms. "Well then, let's go."
"You both - Stop laughing already!" the poor boy was redder than Kat's hair.
Out of nowhere, Snake managed to find them, and together, they rushed to the First Class Deck, where Edward was yelling at the shameless men who were trying to take the seats in the lifeboats from the women and children. His anger dissipated immediately as soon as Lizzy hugged him tightly. "Oh, Lizzy, I'm glad you're okay! It must have been so hard on you..." the girl left his embrace, and instead of Ciel, Edward saw the disheveled and soaked image of Katrina. He blushed awkwardly, and though he wanted to look away, he found himself bringing her into an embrace. "I am glad you are safe, Kat."
The girl smiled softly, wrapping her arms around the blond gentleman, who worried over her, in spite of not being engaged as it was first proposed. He still cared so much for her, and their time spent at Weston together only brought them closer - At least for Lizzy's sake - Though he continued being highly awkward around her. "I am happy to see you and your family alright."
"I'm sorry, I've been completely useless." it was hilarious hearing the young Earl say such a thing about himself.
"I'll say... Well, whatever. We'll save the lecture for later. Kat, take Lizzy to the boat. You two, hurry up also." Edward sternly ordered them to hurry up.
"Edward, I have a favour to ask. Instead of me, let this guy on." Ciel pointed towards snake. "
"The three of us still have some stuff to do around the boat. We can't leave yet." Kat offered a small smile.
"I see. I'll take him." though Edward wanted to protest, afraid for Kat's safety, he knew, by that serene look she gave him, that he couldn't change her mind. 
Before Lizzy could protest, saying she was going to stay behind also, Sebastian gently hit her, making her faint. It was going to be impossible to do anything without Lizzy butting in due to her excessive worry and stubbornness. "The ship has already tilted heavily. It's just a matter of time before it sinks. Please escape quickly and get as far away from the ship as possible. I'll leave Snake and Lizzy in your hands!"
"YOU DON'T HAVE TO COME BACK! BUT YOU DEFINITELY MUST MAKE SURE KAT RETURNS!" Ed yelled at the Phantomhive Lord. "I'll be fine not having to give you my cute little sister as a bride, but I can't have her best friends dying on her."
"I'll be sure to make it back, then." Ciel smiled at his brother-in-law before the three departed.
Running through the halls, they found Viscount Druitt, who was casually drinking some wine. "Aleister? What are you doing here? I thought you'd have escaped by now?" Kat stepped forward to speak. 
"Well, my dear niece-in-law, you see this thing? I absolutely must protect this thing, even if it means risking my life on this sinking ship." he smirked conspicuously. 
"Aleister, we are all part of the Aurora society. We know that device is suppose to bring an end to the walking corpses." the Viscount eyed her carefully, before putting his arm around her shoulder and bringing her closer. "You should have left the ship by now. My nephew would be very upset if something were to happen to his pretty Lady wife."
"Don't worry, I plan on returning and having my wedding." this comment from her seemed to earn a chuckle from someone. Someone so familiar, in fact.
"Undertaker?!" Kat gasped, rushing in front of him. "You're alive! I've been looking all over for you! I was so worried, you silly old man!" though he was carrying the device, she couldn't help but hug him tightly in her arms.
"Aww, my cute little girl, worrying so much over nothing." he grinned at her enigmatically.
"What are you doing here?" Ciel gasped.
"While I was escaping, I was asked to help carry this." he was lying so shamelessly.
"By the way, do you happen to know how to activate this?" the Earl asked.
"Who knoooows~? How will this thing be on any help, I wonder." he hummed mysteriously.
"It won't. It's useless." Kat eyed him carefully. His grin only widened, though he said nothing.
As the men placed the device where the Viscount instructed, he mentioned having the cast incomplete. What was missing, then? "BASTARD! WHY DID YOU TAKE THE DEVICE?!" from the balcony, Ryan shouted angrily at the blond man.
"Welcome, Ryan. I was waiting for you. Tonight, the Empire you built will collapse like Pompeii, and its place, my new realm, will be born!" he declared, like a Caesar at the Colosseum. "With the power of this device, I will create a new Empire!" he posed like the Phoenix. "The one who conquered eternity shall rule over everyone else with corruption and decadence! It will be called - The Aurora Empire!"
"How are you and Edgar related...?" Kat stared in horror and her uncle-in-law, cringing to death.
From each side, the glass walls got shattered by the countless undead that were coming over to their side. "There's too many!" Ronald gasped.
"Please activate it, Viscount!" Ciel yelled at the man.
"I'm not a Viscount anymore! Caesar... ! I will activate it if you call me that way - With that lovely little mouth of yours, cock robin."
"I'm not related to him. I don't know him." Katrina declared blandly, clinging onto Undertaker's large sleeve.
"Yeah, let's kill him right now." Ciel's glare was murderous.
"Please wait, although I understand your feelings." Sebastian agreed.
"Ohh! Ohhhhhh! How many paladins putting their fleeting lives at stake... This place is like a Colosseum of corruption, and I'm watching them from above, slowly enjoying my wine, just like the Emperor Nero!" everyone was fed up with him - Except the Undertaker, who was constantly giggling.
"ARGHHHHHHHH OKKKK DO WE KILL HIM?!" Ronald was losing his mind.
"Heh... Fine. It's time to found my New Empire. Come on, everybody, show me the dance of the Phoenix to pledge your loyalty to the Emperor!" 
"Let's kill him." the four agreed on one thing.
"Oh, no, are you sure you don't want to know how the device works?" of course, with how he was behaving, he knew. He knew it was a hoax.
As those fools all did the Phoenix pose, in hopes of having the Viscount activate the machinery, Katrina stomped in front of that thing. "ARE YOU ALL SO STUPID AS TO BELIEVE THIS STUPID THING IS ACTUALLY GOING TO INACTIVATE THE UNDEAD?! ARE YOU ALL SCREWED IN THE HEAD?! ARE YOU? HUH?!" Kat was at her limit. She looked over at the machinery, and pressed the single button of the thing. "Look around you! Do you see them falling over? Do you see them stopping? No, of course not! Because this was a hoax from the very beginning - And you fell for it!" she dragged her hand down her tired face.
"Huh? No, it can't be --" Aleister rushed to her side, continuously pushing the same button. "Ryan! The device you built isn't working!" 
"OF COURSE IT'S NOT WORKING - IT NEVER DID!" Kat pushed him out of the way, looking over at the machine. "How is this thing supposed to work without even being connected to a powersource?! Supersonic waves - What a joke! As if such a small, mobile little thing could do such a feat! Let alone stop the electric impulses - Stop the synapses of the brain! It can't! And do you know why?!" Katrina started angrily kicking at the machine. "BECAUSE THERE IS NO FORCE IN THIS ENTIRE WORLD THAT CAN KEEP A DEAD BRAIN ACTIVE! NOT EVEN ELECTRICITY CAN DO THAT - NOT LIKE THIS!" she yelled from frustration, as though she was blaming God for all this. "Because... The only thing that can..." she turned to look at the people watching her, different reactions for all. Some were in despair, others were shocked at the truth revealed, and some couldn't believe what was happening. "You guys said it yourselves, didn't you? A body cannot move without a soul? I never believed in souls, until I was shown that Shinigami exist. That Shinigami are the ones who take souls. I saw William do that, right in front of me, with my brother."
"What the hell are you trying to say? These things don't have a soul, are you dumb?" Grell growled, revving up his chainsaw.
"No... They don't have a soul... But they do have something that only a Reaper can give them." Kat looked at the Undertaker, looking at him with an undetectable expression on her face. "A Shinigami is responsible for all of this."
"And how was this accomplished then, dearie? By the face you made, surely, you found out the mystery, hmm~?" the Undertaker giggled, completely unhinged.Kat's bottom lip trembled, her eyebrows furrowing. Undertaker did all this. Why? Why did he want to accomplish? Was this truly his plan, should she die on him, as was foretold? "No. I'm done. I'm not... I'm done! I'm not saying anything! This is-- To hell with all this! To hell with all of you!" she freaked out, looking with hatred at the undead. "I'M NEVER GOING TO BECOME SOMETHING LIKE THIS, DO YOU HEAR ME?! I'M GOING TO LIVE! I'M GOING TO SURVIVE AND WALK ALL OVER THAT STUPID BOOK THAT SAID I'M GOING TO DIE SOON!" she yelled loudly. "SCREW THE REAPERS! SCREW GOD! SCREW DESTINY! SCREW EVERYTHING THAT ISN'T MY OWN CHOICE!"
"Stupid little bitch, you speak too much, as always!" when she wasn't paying attention, Grell jumped over the balcony and sprung to slash Katrina into pieces. "I'm the only one who's allowed to look good in red!"
"WAIT, SENPAI, WE MUSN'T KILL PEOPLE!" Ronald's warning was in vain, for Katrina reacted too late, and she didn't have enough time to reach for her trusted sword and defend herself against his powerful attack. 
"KATRINA!" she heard Ciel's and Sebastian's voices calling out her name, but the attack never came.
"Adrian...?" Kat's eyes widened, green eyes looking straight into his own green eyes. She could see, he was wearing the contact lenses she made for him. With one arm, he kept her safe, at his chest, shielding her with his body, while the other hand off-handedly used a wooden grave marker to stop the chainsaw with ease. 
"Hehe... It's been a while since I've laughed so much... How could I possibly lose my cute little apprentice, when I promised I would keep her safe from the claws of death - Right... Shinigami?" with a twirl, Undertaker easily pushed Grell away, as he revealed all the other grave markers he kept in his coat, which he threw at the red head - They all hit the glass ceiling which shattered into multiple dangerous shards. Sebastian had to shield the boy, as Katrina was sheltered by the Undertaker. "How sad... How sad would it be..."
"...Should laughter disappear." Katrina found herself unconsciously continuing the quote he always told her. "Adrian... You didn't have to do all this. They know about you now. I'm sorry." 
"Shinigami?!" the others gasped.
"You've been hiding yourself well. Since you kept your eyes hidden, I never noticed it either." Sebastian eyed the man suspiciously.
"Me too, I've been had. There's no mistaking that yellowish-green glimmer. He is a Shinigami!" Grell spoke definitely.
"Hehe... How nostalgic. It's been half a century since someone last called me that." he smiled softly.
"WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS, UNDERTAKER?!" Ryan ran up to them. "Didn't you tell me that we could control the corpses as long as we have this device?! Did you fool me?! Was it all a lie?! All that about going to America to spread Complete Salvation?!"
"And you were dumb enough to believe that?!" Kat looked at him with shock, before looking at her master. "He actually believed you? Really?"
The silver haired man grinned emptily, shrugging his shoulders. "But you see, I thought it was funny, since you were trying to bring the dead back to life in all seriousness. You were the perfect person for my purpose." and here is where Katrina's knowledge of his plans completely ends.
"So our goal of making the entire world healthy was...?!" Ryan gasped, betrayed by his associate.
"That's YOUR goal, isn't it?" Kat never heard him speak so harshly. "You couldn't perform the resurrection of human beings with the kind of medicina that you possess. In my book, from the moment you relief on OUR skills, that can't be called medicine anymore. The kind of guy who would use a treatment he doesn't even understand on his patients is no longer a doctor, you see." Undertaker pat the head of Ryan, who fell on his knees. "To think that a knowledgeable man with a formal education like you couldn't even hold a candle to a mortician's apprentice who never went to school... Haha... My little songbird's thrill was most exciting, wasn't it? You were just a good boy who honestly believed in my story. How precious."
"So, in other words, you're the mastermind behind the Aurora Society's human resurrection experiments?" Ciel asked from the top of the stairs.
"That's a secret~💖... Is what I'd like to say, but by doing that Phoenix Pose you've paid me for an awful amount of information - So, I'll tell you, hehe." the man chuckled, his long fingernails gently trailing through Kat's damp carmine locks. "I allowed my curiosity get the best of me. My intelligent little fox, with curiosity to match my own, was happy enough to play with all these dead bodies. You see, although I am the one who taught her everything, she does some incisions differently - And all these corpses have her signature style. Should have seen how happy she was!" he hummed without a care in the world. "And I was the one who made them move. "That was my curiosity of human life and death." the man explained. "Tell them, dearie. Enlighten them."
"You tempered with the Cinematic Records, didn't you?" unlike before, Katrina's voice was whispery, as if ashamed to speak.
"Exactly so! I had lived the Shinigami life for a long time, when one day I thought - What would happen if the end had a continuation? What would happen to the flesh body if you were to connect a continuation to the memories that had come to an end, without the soul? Shinigami only hunt souls, after all. The body AND the brain that holds the memories are left in this world." he explained his idea.
"No way... You edited the records...?" Grell asked in a serious voice, no longer theatrical as before. Undertaker grinned, pointing towards some corpses. "Well then, how about you take a look at their records with your own abilities?"
Just as he said, the memories after death were continued - Ridiculous images of the Undertaker playing around, scene with him and Katrina working on corpses or cooking, drinking tea or waltzing around the parlor... With the end of the memories never coming, the body mistakenly thinks that life is still continuing, and it starts moving again without a soul. That's what living beings do best - Try to fill up whatever they lack - So, the corpses were seeking their Souls.
"I can temper with the records, but I can't create a soul. I experimented a lot, but most of them never became anything more than flesh dolls without a self. That's why I call them, not living, and not dead. The Bizarre Dolls." he grinned, reaching out for a corpse and pulling it in his embrace. 
"How perverse can you be..." Ciel glared at the man.
"That you can't understand this beauty just means you're still too young, Earl. This beautifully stitched skin, as white as wax, just like when they were alive. Their mouth that cannot clamour noisily or tell lies any longer. Aren't they all far more beautiful than when they were alive?"
Watching the adoration in his eyes as he stroked the hair of one of the Dolls, before throwing her away, made Katrina shed a single tear, smiling in shock at what she was seeing. "Adrian." she breathed out. "Is this what you wanted to make out of me? When I would have inevitably died, would you have done this very same thing to me also?"
"But of course. Aren't you my precious little thing, little Kat?" Katrina felt like a child being scolded, her mind not working anymore, and her heart deceiving her. She wanted to slump to the ground and cry just like Lizzy would when she was sad. She never was allowed to cry as a child, as she'd get it beaten out of her - But now, she truly, truly wished to weep like a little girl. "Didn't I tell you? I am an old man, I lost a lot - And I cannot afford to lose more. I was going to preserve you forever, like the beautiful flower that you are. This way, you can speak as much as you want without being scolded by society, and you won't need to worry about hair, clothes or make up. I would take care of you."
There was nothing that she could say. She was lost, and drowning, in her own thoughts. So distraught, so confused, that she had to lean back on the railing of the stairs and try to keep herself above the water, and not succumb to the depths of the ocean that her dark thoughts were.  Not only was Undertaker creeping her the hell out with the idea of having her body in such a state after death, but the fact that this whole trip was premeditated to be destroying - The same amount of humans and bizarre dolls. Let them kill each other and see how many survive on each end.
"Quite deranged." if even a demon could say such a thing...
The ship was never headed to America. It was supposed to sink anyway - And Katrina would have been there, with him. The only two survivors of this experiment - Were it not for Ciel and Sebastian to hinder this mess. 
"The more he says, the more I know I can't let this pass." Grell sigh, looking in disdain at the silver haired man. He knew it was going to be tough. 
"I know, right. Shinigami distorting the way of Death is totally impossible... Though he doesn't have glasses. Is he one of those deserters you see sometimes?" Ronald asked, fixing his own glasses.
"Shinigami are weak." Katrina's voice boomed suddenly. "You rely on glasses, but if they're taken away, your sight is shit." her head leaned to the side. "I have wonderful services, you see. I make a business out of creating the perfect contact lenses for unfortunate Reapers like yourself." she smiled, comically. "If Undertaker used me all this time, well - I might as well make good money out of the things I experimented of him, huh? Look at him - He's doing perfectly well for himself without glasses - You wouldn't think he even needs them."
"You're... You're a little sick yourself." the blond Shinigami made her glare at him.
"Maybe I am sick in the head, who knows?! That's what death does to people!" she declared, taking out her sword and pointing it at him. "But I'm really angry, you see? I really want to cry right now, but I never cried in my life, so the only way I know how to release my anger is... By destroying things." she offered a poisonous grin, filled with faux innocence. "Won't you drop dead already?"
But the two Reapers wanted to quickly take down Undertaker, and so did Sebastian. Three supernatural beings, trying their hardest to get rid of a single rabbit - Only for that rabbit to maul them apart with ease. Silly them, they should have known better. Kat truly doubted there was anyone who could defeat Undertaker, even if they added their forces together. With Undertaker revealing his gorgeously modified Death-Scythe, Kat could only stare in awe at the design of the half skeleton with the thorny crown, just like Jesus on the cross.
"It can cut anything - That catchphrase is false, when multiple death scythes are involved. So you were the one who gave Katrina the death-scythe after all, weren't you." Sebastian recalled the outstanding sword that saved her life on multiple occasions.
"They should've collected it when you retired..." Knox gasped in shock at the wonderous scythe.
"I couldn't just part with it, you know? I went through quite the trouble to take it with me, you know. Both of them." he smiled, raising his blade up above his head. "Now then... How about I hunt you guys now, like the pitiful rabbit in a hunting game."
Katrina and Ciel could only stare at the murderous game they played, until Undertaker, amused by Sebastian's shrewdness, leapt behind them, dragging Ciel away. Of course, the demon, bound by his contract, was forced to act accordingly. "Ciel!" as the young boy was thrown away, Katrina quickly ran to catch him in her arms.  The butler turned in an instant, instinctively reaching out to his young master, only to get the full blow of the scythe impaling him through his torso. "They may be weak and fragile, but a human life is quite hard to drag out, butler." without realising, the red head let the boy to the ground and rushed to the raven haired demon, helpless - What could she, as a human, do in such a situation? Not only was she powerless, but she knew of no way to heal a supernatural being, especially from such a wound. "I always wondered - Why a vicious beast like  you would dress up and play the butler? Show me your record."
Everyone had to watch how the contract between Ciel and Sebastian was formed - Ciel's ritual, how he almost died, how he summoned the demon to massacre everyone who hurt him. How they ended up getting along, in the weird sense - How Sebastian got his name after Ciel's dog, how the boy was taken to Tanaka at the hospital, then at Angelina, how they ended up at the burnt Manor, the graveyard of his parents, how Sebastian, with the flick of his fingers, made the Manor brand new.
They were shown how Sebastian and Ciel learnt together everything there was to be learnt - The demon would learn about the appropriate temperature for a human's bath, the amount of pressure and strength to apply when touching the frail human body - And Ciel had to learn to stop being fussy and stubborn.  Sebastian had to be taught that he had to act like a human, as to not arouse suspicion of his supernatural being, and especially, he had to go through trial and error multiple times to understand, at least relatively, the taste of human food... Which tastes like ash to him. 
That little brat.
Without a Governess, Sebastian became his teacher - A very strict teacher that would slap his hands with a ruler with every mistake he made during his foreign language lessons, especially latin. Likewise, Ciel would pour the scalding hot tea that had no taste all over Sebastian's gloves. Ciel was thought how to shoot a gun, and the butler learnt how to polish silver-wear and care for pristine etiquettes. 
Katrina watched the poor boy waking up from the nightmares, each and every time - Though he didn't want to be touched, he required his simple presence in the room with him, the comfort of another. She was the same, and she did the same with him also.  
With him having learnt properly how to become an Earl, he was requested to present himself in front of the Queen. Katrina remembers that moment, she was there also, as the Queen's Fox, of course. Her father was also there, the High Court Judge.
He turns his back towards the light without hesitation. That figure that charges into the abyss at a dignified pace. Beautiful and foolish. Ciel's soul surely will be delicious...
If Sebastian survives that blow.
"Ciel is fine, don't worry." Kat cupped his bloodied face, looking worriedly at him. "Sebastian?" Kat gently slapped his face - His eyes were closed. "H-Hey, wake up, Sebastian!"
"Your meowing is too loud, kitten. I can hear you just fine." Kat could only sigh in relief, seeing him struggle to sit. 
"Meow." trembling softly, Katrina's arms engulfed the demon into a protective embrace. "I was so worried. So, so worried." her heaving chest made the demon realise that her words were true. Silly human, worrying for a demon.
"Your record was pretty interesting, but... It seems like you only make the Earl miserable, after all... So maybe I'll just make you disappear." the serenity in his voice only served as fuel for his apprentice, who leapt up and parried the large of his scythe with the sword she was gifted by the man himself.
"Like hell will I let you kill him." but the struggle of power was interrupted by the ship beginning to sink, leaning more vertically than the tower of Pisa. Though Ryan Stoker fell to his death, Katrina herself was being held by the Undertaker. It was a nasty deal, trying to keep your balance on a wet ship with heels on. 
With Grell going after the Undertaker, Ronald affirmed he would be going after Sebastian, who was seemingly weakened - What a way to insult one's pride. "It's like I'm picking on the weak here..." Ronald sighed loudly, only to get roughly punched in the face, sending him flying and rolling around, by the majestic butler who outclassed him in any way 
"You - I thought I'd seen you somewhere. You were the Shinigami who acted as Madame Red's butler. You also tamper with people's lives, don't you?" with the ship continuing to rock in the vertical position and the way Undertaker kept dragging her around to escape Grell's chainsaw, the sword was knocked away from her. 
"Damn it all." without that damn sword, she was screwed. She hurried around the abrupt stair-ladder, reaching to the edge of the balcony to grasp at the blade of the sword;
"Watch out!" whatever it was that Undertaker did when pushing away the stupid red Reaper, it was bad, for Grell was slammed to Katrina's level, and with the chainsaw still revved up, in the commotion, he ended up slashing away at her body, scarlet blood splurting like a fountain of wine, in sync with her cry of agony.
"CAN'T YOU JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY?!" Kat yelled at her red head counterpart, one hand cradling her aching wounds, while the other was holding the sword pitifully. "Screw you! Screw all of you, stupid Reapers! I hope you all fucking rot in hell!" she hissed, carefully packing her sword in her possession and grabbing at the railing - The Ship was going down, and fast. She needed to find a way to escape this mess.
With the two Reapers being her enemies, and the demon already holding onto his master, Undertaker looked at the pitiful and shattered body of his little apprentice and held onto her, jumping to a safer place. "You pitiful child." he muttered, only for her to hear. "Well then, it's finally time to say goodbye. It was pretty interesting." the three supernatural beings went into one last attack - And though it was parried, Undertaker's locket chain was cut, and it fell. In the commotion, Katrina reached out for the locket, only to slip and fall as the ship was cut in two. "ADRIAN!"
They watched as her form disappeared into the dark waters without a single sound.  But this wasn't how she was supposed to die - That's not what was written in that damn Shinigami book. It can't be. She has to remain confident and fight for her life. She has to survive. Her body was in deep agony and the water was freezing her numb - But she held to locket string. She managed to get it.
Somehow, Katrina managed to swim up to the surface, and keep her head above to gasp for some air - The wooden grave marker with her name on it was there, floating, and she used it as her life-line. "Katrina, over here!" she heard Ciel's voice calling out to her - Goodness, she truly was exhausted. Where did they even manage to find a boat, anyway? No matter. She might be walking a lonely path - Yet now, at least, she had where to go. Who to go to. A boat to embark towards the land.
"Ah!" with a gasp of pain, the two on the boat watched in shock was Katrina was pulled back in the water, and in her stead, a large spot of crimson - Blood was disseminating through the place.
"Sebastian, do something!"
The woman's anger was infinite, watching those stupid corpse swim around her, and even sinking their teeth in her flesh - Who knew what the hell kind of diseases they carry? The human bite already was hella dangerous, because all that nasty bacteria - An undead-human bite could only be a hundredfold worse. "I'm never going on a cruise again." she finally managed to kill the Dolls and cling onto the grave marker, swimming to the boat, where the demon helped her up. "There's still a ton of those freaks in the water. Don't get too cosy." Kat said, grabbing the butler by the back of his shirt and urging him in the boat as those freaks revealed their heads above the water sheen. They were surrounding the whole boat, and more. They looked at the boats, farther away - If they don't kill the freaks now, they will endanger the others, Lizzy included.
"We'll stop them here. You can take them, can't you, Sebastian?" Ciel asked, getting towards the middle of the boat.
"There is no need to ask a servant anything. Please, give me an order." but Katrina shushed them both, pushing the demon down to sit.
"Just sit down and protect Ciel. I'm sad, I'm hurt, I'm in pain and I need to vent out my anger somehow... And these freaks are just what I need." Katrina shushed the demonic butler in a low voice, void of any emotion as she looked at the grave marker with her name on it, and growled. "I'm not dying today, Undertaker. I won't let you turn me into a freak." she steadied her feet, smashing the wooden marker into the head of the nearest Doll so hard that it broke, sinking into the depths of the ocean. "I don't sing eulogies." the only thing heard throughout the vast nothingness of the ocean was the roaring wrath of the woman unleashing her feelings with her swords, the only way she knew - Destroying. Rage. Betrayal. Sorrow. Loneliness. Hopelessness.
Each of them crying a different tune, until there were no more bizarre dolls left to smash into the depths of the water.
Soft droplet of ice cold rain were falling mercilessly on the clammy skin of the three survivors sharing the same boat. One, shaken to the core by the events of the night, Ciel was the single member completely unharmed - Physically, at least. On the opposite spectrum, however, the demon was in rather the pitiful state, bleeding like that and starving, unable to properly heal from the atrocious wounds inflicted by the divine weapon of the Shinigami; If only his aesthetics hadn't been his priority, his long life having taught him well that quality over quantity is far more satisfying a meal, for waiting so long only makes the soul even more delicious.
In spite of his perilous state and the blood drenching his otherwise pristine outfit, shredded and torn so mercilessly - He looked at the woman in front of him and he felt... Pity. Not in the negative sense, but in a way that it made him wish to engulf her into his embrace and shield her away from all the dangers that keep coming her way, as though she was a powerful magnet for trouble. Just like with an orphan kitten, the demon wish to wipe away her tears and desperately force that distressed expression, that empty look in her face, that broken heart - Force it into that sweet, tender smile that only she was capable of doing. He has lived long, and experienced plenty of beautiful women of all kinds, innocent, pure and tragic - So, so very tragic - Yet whatever it was that made him so affected by her emotional and mental state... It affected him strongly.
"My Lady --" he tried calling out to her, but it was no use.
"Please... Give me a few moments to think." her voice was so soft, so broken, that it was barely audible through the gentle waves rocking the boat.
Sebastian said nothing, only watching the girl's tears blended with rain droplets, silently fall down her precious face, tinted blue from the freezing cold, as she kept looking up at the starless sky. The oar from her grasp, bloody from all the bizarre dolls she smashed, falling onto the boat. Her trembling hand reached up to hide her face, wiping away the tears, only to for her frown to turn into a smile, growing wider, and soft giggles became louder and louder laughs of madness, her fingers raking through the fringe of hair hair. "Nothing truly matters, does it, Adrian?" truly, her mad cackles did resemble that of the Undertaker. "How upset you were, seeing me leave the cage, only to return more broken each time, having to mend me. How adamant you were that you would keep me alive, that you wish a long and happy life for me - Is the life you wanted from me, that of the freaks you created?" she asked, out loud, into the skies.
She was holding tightly onto the golden chain with numerous lockets - Her name was also there, as one of the cherished people his heart treasures, and inside, a lock of her scarlet hair was gently laying. Unconsciously, she reached into her hair, seeking the cut lock - Even when brushing her hair, she hadn't noticed. "You fool. You damn fool. Why did you have to leave me all alone? How many times must I be orphaned? Why must I walk a lonely world, even with so little time left?" her fist clenched around her locket. "We truly are the most incorrigible hypocrites, you and I... Aren't we... Undertaker?"
Drained of her strength, her wounds still bleeding, her body trembled softly from agony and cold, her sheer underdress, white and sticking to her body, ripped and bloodied. The crinoline was long since discarded, the drawers' leg were bitten off, and the frilly corset's laces were loose, exposing more of the cleavage than comfortable, her chainsaw wound visible through the large blots of blood; and the under-petticoat was more ribbons than a skirt. Katrina slumped unceremoniously to the boat seat, her scarred shoulders covered by the wet velvet of her carmine hair - She looked like a hilarious wet cat. 
In spite of her weakness, Katrina rose her head and looked at the butler kneeling in from of her. She smiled. It was such a sad, bittersweet smile, drenched in tears, rain and sea water, but still so, so beautiful, that Sebastian's maroon eyes widened in surprise, his heart clenching a little due to foreign impulses. "Even when suffering, you're so beautiful." her tender comment surprised him even further. "Why is it that the most ethereal beauty is only reveal through the darkest times of suffering and tragedy?" the man was slumped to the ground, gripping at his bloodied injuries, unable to heal. The blow from the death scythe had been devastating to his body, and he continued spitting blood even now. His whole outfit was shredded and bloodied even - Not that she was any better.
The demon smiled softly, gazing tenderly at the lady before him. "You tell me, My Lady. You are no different." he could feel the loneliness of her soul, the trembling of sadness, the perfume of death. She truly was a piece of art.
"Lau told me once that the more beautiful a lady, the more she suffers and dies young. What is your stance on that claim?" she asked him, reminiscing of such philosophical discussion, Though Sebastian wasn't happy hearing other men mentioned, he could see - he could feel how connected she felt to him only, so much more than anyone else. "It is not unheard of." he replied. "In fact, I would have to agree."
Katrina hummed lightly, leaning closer to him. "It must really hurt, doesn't it? Being wounded like that... Even someone like you must be in agony. You don't like the pain either, do you?"
"Some say pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin." he scoffed lightly. "Demons are no different - Though I would rather not end up as the practice target of some filthy reapers. I, like most others of my kind, have our own demon standards to live up to."
Katrina giggled at his offended comment. "You truly are beautiful." she breathed out. "Can you not heal? Is it because of the weapon, or the starving?" the man admitted to being both. "You told me once that there are ways of tasting a soul, without entirely devouring it - Is that right?" he nodded his head. "I see." her smile widened. She looked exhausted. "Ciel, can you close your eyes for a minute?"
The young Earl, hugging his butler's coat tightly around his petit body, eyed the shattered red head and sighed. He hardly had any idea of her intentions, but with nothing left to fear, there was no reason why he shouldn't allow his friend and butler a little intimacy, no matter how awkward it may be. "Sure." he grumbled in a low tone, closing his eyes.
"Forgive me, Sebastian." Kat muttered, her hand reaching out to his own ungloved one, intertwining their fingers together and squeezing gently as comfort. "I did not wish to appear so unsightly and unlady-like for you, nor did want to stink of death and decay, and taste of salty water. It must be disgusting for a demon with heightened senses and the taste of ash on his tongue."  Sebastian's lips parted in shock, unable to speak as he felt his face so gently caressed his wounded cheek with such care. "Take as much as you need, and heal properly. Don't mind me. Just get better." before he could protest, the demon felt two soft flower petals capturing his lips into a deep kiss. He could tell it was her first kiss, she was clumsy and inexperienced, yet in spite of all that, it felt so good kissing her. Even her damaged soul made him feel euphoric - He was greedy, lusting over her delicious soul. "I thought my first kiss would be like in those romance stories. All pretty and romantic. Not half-dead, in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by the undead." she grinned weakly as the demon chuckled against her lips from her comment.
"You have got me addicted, Kitten. I pray I might be able to stop before I take your soul all to myself." his sultry whisper send a shiver down her spine. Though her power was lessening, she kept smiling through the passionate kiss, her body feeling warm and at ease as the demon's other hand touched the back of her head, his finger tangled within the wet ribbon-like locks of her beautiful hair, deepening the kiss, their chest pressed flushed against one another. The deeper the kiss, the more Katrina's mind went blank with comfort and love, squeezing his hand so tenderly.
Once the butler leaned away, he looked into her sparkling eyes, so tired yet so full of vitality. With a single kiss, she seemed to have regained some lightness of the soul. "I hope that was good enough." she smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder. "I'll just... Rest a little now."
The butler was on his alert, bringing the lady into his arms, making her nap comfortable, yet constantly checking her pulse through her neck artery. The faint bruises in the form of a hand print weren't lost on him - How many times was she going to get in mortal danger while he is away and unable of rescuing her? Though, granted, now she is the worst he's ever seen her - Excluding almost getting sacrificed in that ritual - And he could only watch her shatter in front of his very eyes. Not exactly a fulfilled promise from an English gentleman. "Rest well, My Lady. You have done well." soon, a rescue ship would come to save them all.
When next she woke up, Katrina thought she was dead. Her whole body was in perfect agony, and everything surrounding her was white. She could hear nothing of interest, though the familiar smell of hospital, disinfectant and drugs made her realise that she was alive and close to well as humanly possible. Damn. That's bad news.
"Finally, you are awake." that wretched voice made her body tense up, causing a wave of pain wash over her. "Don't bother. Just shut up and rest. I don't want to hear your voice." her mother's crone voice made her shudder. For a woman who's not even in 40 years old, her voice sure sounds stereotypically evil. "You should be thankful that someone actually bothered coming all the way to this place and pay for the medical bills. You owe me." she continued, though Kat closed her eyes, pretending she can't speak yet due to drowsiness. "They found your father's body. He's dead." she kept speaking, before getting up once the door opened. "... I see you continue mingling with troublesome folk." she hissed at the newcomers. "No matter. They'll discharge you in three days. The butler will come get you." she snapped her fan open. "The Queen is going to perform an official investigation into your father's death. The criminal is going to be severely punished. Until then, Her Majesty gracefully agreed to let go of your duties to her, and allowed you a mourning period. She also agreed to attend your marriage to Redmond, once he finishes college in a few months."
"This is the most you have spoken to me in eighteen whole years, yet none was close to showing any kind of motherly concern." Katrina could help but snap her her, though her voice was groggy and pained.
"A haughty and unfilial failure of a child like yourself does not deserve the attention of the parents." her mother's heels clicked towards the door. "It should have been you, not Joseph." In an access of intense rage, Katrina got in a sitting position and threw the flower vase towards her mother - Due to her lack of strength and unfortunate electrifying agony, it broke to the ground.
"I will call the nurses. My daughter has an intense case of hysteria. Enjoy being strapped to the bed, you little menace."
Cringing from the intense pain, Katrina hat to lean down against the bed side. She looked at the two new-comers, evidently pissed. "You gave my real name to the hospital, didn't you?" she hissed at the boy.
"They don't allow just anyone the medical care that you got." Ciel defended his actions.
"What's the point in living through the surgery, if that bitch is going to drag me back home and sacrifice me to Satan. No offense, Sebastian." she waved her hand dismissively.
"None taken." he bowed his head. 
"I ran away from home, Ciel. For a good reason. I don't want to return there just to end up as a sacrifice. AGAIN." she protested strongly. "Now even the Queen is on my back. Relieving me of my duties? Looking into father's death? If I knew this was going to happen, I would have just let Sebastian take my soul and have my body as fish food."
"Are you done?" Ciel sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"No, I am not done. I have to find a way to leave this cursed place and find a new home. I doubt Undertaker's parlor will ever be open again, after what he did." she sighed loudly, clutching her side. Ciel pointed his thumb towards his demon butler, who smiled passively. "As long as you continue helping me with work, you have a bedroom in my manor."
"I cannot." she spoke sternly. "I helped you with information gathering and death-related things thanks to being affiliated to the Undertaker. I helped you with legwork missions whenever I had the time, but I have my own work to do also, and without the Undertaker sending me letters informing me of your missions and with the Queen making me step back from my duties, I'll have no way of knowing when you want me to return." she shrugged vaguely.
The two looked at each other, but spoke nothing. What were her secrets, Ciel wondered. Completely unaffected and unphazed by her father's death. Refusing a helping hand due to forced inconveniences. What was she hiding? What was that business she was attending to? Was Katrina actually a threat to him? Should he have Sebastian investigate her? With how close they are, she wouldn't suspect a thing. Katrina, also, despite how much she wanted to complain to someone, she could - After all, how could she admit to anyone that she killed her father? It might also incriminate Lau and screw his business. The Queen would also stop trusting her, and she would be deemed a traitor and get an awful punishment? She's lose everything and everyone. She already lost Angelina and Undertaker... She didn't want to lose Edgar, Lau and Lizzy... She didn't want to lose her privilege of studying at Weston - Though, without the mortician, she wasn't sure where her position stood at the moment. Moreover, if Ciel begins to suspect her, he will keep his distance, and consequently, Sebastian also - And that... That would be just cruel. Might as well keel over and die.
"My Lady, in the state that you are in, I would suggest you accept the Young Master's proposal. As stated, you are not bound to the manor - You may leave whenever you wish." the butler tried to convince her. He noticed the woman looking towards the window, and he chuckled lightly. "You are on the third floor."
"... I suppose I don't have sheets to knot together and climb down safely, huh?" the corner of her mouth turned upwards a little awkwardly. 
"Let's meet at the carriage, then." without another word, Ciel left the room, leaving the two all alone. "You have been overexerting yourself, Kitten." Sebastian removed one of his gloved, picking up her chin gently. "My secretive little lady has been getting into a lot of trouble recently."
"I wouldn't call this - Recent. She has been my mother for eighteen years. Unfortunately, you can't exactly choose the family are born in." she sighed, and though she tried to look away, she was stopped, as Sebastian leaned in to plant a soft kiss on her forehead.
"She couldn't reach you for months now, and she won't be finding you any further either." the low tone of his velvety voice was enough to comfort her mind a little, before she found herself being picked up in his arms. "No need to worry about the rest of your treatment either - There is little I cannot do for my pretty little kitten after she so selflessly offered me a precious part of her delicious soul."
"You are overexaggerating what I did, really." she sighed, getting comfortable in his arms.
With a graceful leap, Sebastian jumped off from the third floor window, without as much as arousing any bit of suspicion from anyone.  The ride home was perfectly silent, and once they returned to the Phantomhive manor, the servants made a fuss over them, but mostly, over the state of the lady being held like that. Mey Rin made sure that her bedroom had every comfort needed, along with a sleeping gown for the night, and a dress for the next day, until she can go shopping properly.
Though Katrina insisted to be treating her own wound, she didn't mind it when the butler came into her room; In fact, she requested to be cuddled to sleep, and he had no right to refuse, of course. She thought she would be comfortable in his presence, she thought she would feel safe in his arms - But he had to ruin everything. Was it a demon thing? Was he getting off on her terror? On the vagueness of his actions and the way they were affecting her?
Look at how fate plays and toys with humanity, As even the truest of sentiments end up broken and cast away like the scattered crimson leaves. We prayed for the Moon, the Sun, and warm breezes of the Spring But the wind never softened, and instead grew harsher with rain and snow, Which snapped the branches and destroyed the plum blossoms that grew on them. Those moments we spend as lovers and soulmates have now fluttered far away without a trace Now all there's left to listen to are the memories shaken from the leaves of the parasol trees.
How did he know this song? Why was he singing it? Though he recited the poem in such a beautiful voice, the implication wasn't lost on her. It was the Chinese song that she sang that night in the pleasure house, when she killed her father. It was translated in English by the demon, yes - But Katrina's heart felt like stopping, and her mind was racing like crazy. She felt unsafe. She felt exposed. She felt as though her mother was going to come out of nowhere and drag her back home. She felt as though the Queen was going to cast her away into a dirty and cold jail room - Or worse, the Asylum.
"A most romantic poem, I would say. I have always been attracted to the romantic literature of cultures over the ages." the man hummed devilishly in her ear. "I was always under the impression that you liked pink flowers, but after you so ruthlessly broke the vase full of magnolia that I brought the day prior, I should research more."
"Why are you doing this?" she asked, snatching herself away from his arms. Though she could barely see him in the darkness, those magenta-glowing eyes sent a shiver down her spine. "You could have easily let mother take me back. Why did you convince me to come here? To have Ciel hand me over to the Queen?"
"The Young Master does not know yet." he hummed impishly. "After all, he did not ask; And my investigation had nothing to do with you or your father."
"Then, what is it? You want to blackmail me? Or do you just want to get a raise out of me?" she snapped at him angrily, only to have her wrists held, his face so close to her own.
"Now, what would I get out of that? Those are just silly things that humans do." his sultry voice made her feel a myriad of weird emotions. "I was wondering what your next conquest will be. For an injured little kitty, your claws and fangs are still as sharp, if not, much sharper than anticipated."
"My next conquest...?" she let out a huff. "As if I'd actually tell anyone!" she laughed in his face arrogantly. "One day, I will leave, and you won't find me, unless I wish to be found. And for good reason."
"Independent little kitten, hm~? How adorable."  she could see those elongated fangs sticking out through that charming grin of his. "I wish to see you unleashing all those emotions holding you captive. Keeping you shackled. I want to see you being yourself, not the product of the discipline inflicted upon you. I want to see you being human." he rose his hand to her face, gently brushing her cheek with the back of his fingers. "I want to see you let go of your inhibitions and fears, and fall into my arms. I want to see everything you have to offer - And more."
"How greedy of you." she huffed softly. "You say that, though I have never cried before. I wished to cry that night though. I really did, more than anything, to have the chance to cry my heart out and curse everything around me. Well, that didn't happen, did it? How sad."
"I would say that I would provide you with the much needed comfort that would help you discharge your overwhelming surplus of emotions - However, I can sense your unrest. You wish to leave soon, don't you?" she nodded her head. "Might as well wait until the morrow and -"
"Sebastian, what day is it?" Katrina suddenly had an epiphany.
"Sunday, around 10 o'clock in the night." her body laxed, and she slapped a hand over her forehead. 
"Have I been in the hospital that long?!" she gasped, stumbling out of the bed. "I have to go." she struggled putting on the dress over her chemise, only to see some luggage on the ground. "What's with these?"
"They were sent here, in your name, though they had no expeditor. I imagined they belong to you, so I brought them here." Sebastian watched as the woman fumbled through all the boxes. He daren't look through the bags of a woman, it was improper, and without the young master asking, he didn't need to bother.
"Undertaker..." she sighed, hanging her head for a few seconds, before rummaging around the luggage and revealing a nice light blue manly suit. "Is there any way I can hire a carriage at this late hour of the night?"
"You seem to be in quite the rush, My Dear Lady." he watched with confusion at the lady dressed in the suit, her wound tightly dressed so it wouldn't bleed again.
"I need to be somewhere Monday morning." her cruise was supposed to be three weeks longs, though it was barely reduced to a single one. Without the mortician to back her up, she was afraid that if she were to continue losing school days, she might actually get expelled. "Urgent business to take care of."
"To think that a man's clothing could suit you so well." the man hummed, prowling over her way. "It must be Nina's work, isn't it?" he asked, feeling the fine wool of her blazer.
"Only someone like Nina would make women's clothes for men, and men's clothes for women." she chuckled lightly, before struggling with back up her two luggage bags. "I gave you a part of my soul. Surely, you can find a carriage for me, can't you?"
"I would have indulged your little whim even without that favour." he smirked down at her.
"How magnanimous of you." she huffed in amusement. "Fulfilling the wish of a dying woman." she continued. "Next time... I might have a favour to ask... Though I imagine it would be much more fun than finding a carriage for me." she smiled mischievously at her.
"Then, my dear kitten, I wish you a safe business trip. Let us meet again soon, under better circumstances."
As the butler helped Katrina get up on the carriage, he stole a quick kiss from her sweet lips, yet this time, without taking a part of her soul again - It was addicting, and he was a slave to that drug. He wanted to feel more, to taste more, to see more. He watched the soft blush on her face and that satisfied kitty smile of hers, before she shut the door close and the carriage took off to a place only she knew of.
To Weston College.
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doevademe · 1 year
How to Break a Boy
Very few people actually ask this, but in case you're curious, it's very easy to break a boy, so long as you choose the right target.
The boy has to be lonely, he has to have difficulty speaking up or making friends, he has to believe that things won't ever get better...
And you befriend that boy.
And it's easy. So easy. The boy is happy, he feels as if the universe is rewarding him. Because he was well-mannered, because he was smart, because he never caused others trouble, Fate gives him the one thing he always wanted: companionship.
But with it comes the insecurities. What if he messes up, what if he loses the friendship that, if we're being honest, only happened by happenstance? It can't happen, so he works hard at keeping you happy.
Breaking this boy requires some more thought, however, because he's flexible. Very malleable, he'll adapt to whatever you ask of him. You want him to never talk about his interests? He'll do it and not complain. You want him to do your work so you can rest? He'll work twice as hard for you. You want him to stop talking to others that tell him you're no good? It's okay, they have other friends anyways, but the boy's options are far more limited.
So how do you go about breaking this boy? The opportunity presents itself soon, as you discover the boy's secret. He likes you. It's almost comical thinking about how you missed something this obvious, but now it's out.
And you act interested, and who knows, maybe you are, but that's secondary. The priority is to make him doubt himself, make him think he's actually stupid, troublesome, that he's lucky to have you, because who else would take someone as imperfect, as hesitant to open up to others as him. When he questions if it's really true, you just say you're trying to make him better, to make him more likely to have friends that don't pity him, that don't use him. Him being like this hurts him, too you know? How can he hurt the one person who won't leave?
The first cracks start to show, but the boy isn't broken yet. He works hard, he strives to please you, to be all that you want him to be and honestly? It's a bit boring now. It was at least a bit interesting when he questioned you, when there was at least a bit of fight there, so you try pushing as far as you can to see if it happens again. You take the chance to get intimate with him, and he resists a bit. He's not ready, but you push and push anyway, hoping to see a bit of fire you can put out and then... the boy agrees. He does as you asked because he's that afraid to lose you, and that just takes all the fun out of it.
So, you start talking about girls and how attractive they are in front of him. When he complains, you just tell him, "well, we're both bi, right? It's fine to talk about it as long as we don't do anything". It bothers him to no end, but he remains quiet.
There's no way to break him this way, you realize, he'll just bend and bend for your sake, but never break. And so, you decide it's a lost cause.
You toss the boy away, it's not interesting anymore.
And that, my dear friend, is when the boy breaks.
He believes it was something he did, something he said. That his world has shrunken without you, that he should have done things different.
He enters a depressive episode for months. His parents ask him why his friend is not coming over anymore, and he has to make up a falling out that happened to not worry them. He pushes away the one friend he has. After all, you didn't want them to be that close, so maybe it was what caused you to break things off?
The boy is a mess, he retires into the world of books and music, forgoing human connection, and stays in a world where others can never hurt him again, afraid to come out.
He makes up friends, tells his parents they are real so they won't worry, and imagines little adventures and stories with them. Stories where they save him, where they are loyal to each other and become close as siblings. But in reality, he has never felt more alone.
The boy is broken, and you're not even there to see it.
It takes a while. A long time. It takes until the boy is a man and starts meeting new people, working with others, seeing other perspectives that he realizes... it wasn't his fault. And he starts to mend little by little, to allow others in, to dare to be happy again.
Inside the man, though, there are still cracks. He's still afraid of being close to others romantically, he still believes himself unworthy of the friendship of others. He believes himself to be unattractive, inconsiderate... unlovable.
Inside the man, the boy is still broken, and he may remain broken for a long, long time.
You did it. You broke the boy, you broke me. Congratulations.
Are you happy?
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Genshin Boys would be Horrible as Disney Princes
Headcanon and Reader Perspective, Drabble
Sojourner Special (Followers Event)
Despite being the gentleman and sweethearts that they are, in the wrong hands, of badly aligned context and universal rules these boys can barely function as princes given their own ideals.
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Diluc in Cinderella
Shortest one, oops.
Our Diluc would honestly be too busy for balls if we're doing this canonically, night time of all times. He's not your prince tonight, he's off somewhere doing Knight stuff...
If by chance you did catch him in the ball and he did indulge you with your dance until you escapaded at midnight, he's not gonna question it.
And since he didn't even REMEMBER your face, the next day just goes on as usual. No decree for searching the whole land for your foot or anything, it's just a normal day after a party.
"They left without a word, no name or promise, who am I to say no when they clearly don't want to stay?"
He's a gentleman. Too gentlemanly...
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Childe in Sleeping Beauty
In this scenario, Childe embraces his knight-ness more than the princely aspect. I mean sure, he danced with you in the forest all so lovingly, sang along to your pretty lil voice. But when the prophecy came, his focus changed—
To the thrill of fighting a big ass green fire breathing dragon! Big woah, Childe had soooo much fun fighting it that he didn't even cheese it.
He lived for every hour of the fight and made it as slow as possible. Taunting, playing with his PREY- mid-fight the dragon would realize just how strong and horrifying Prince Childe is, but the entertainment had started, and the dance won't end until Childe wills it.
When he DID finally slay the damned thing, he'll come up to your quarters and stare at your sleeping body, and then think "Hey, if them being put under this spell gave me the fight of the century? What if ANOTHER dragon comes? That would be amazing!" No waking up for you, or the whole city for that matter.
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Albedo in Frog Princess
You... You don't even get the chance to be the frog princess in here... simply because he himself REFUSES to change back to normal. You have never met a man so intelligent, much more a frog.
"I know of which you are not, I won't be fooled by cardboard crowns and secondhand dresses," you choke as he berates every fiber of your being, "It matters not, I still have much to learn about the life of an amphibian."
He disappears after that and you've never heard from him ever again, although at the back of your mind you're pretty sure he's a live and well, that bastard is too smart to end up as roadkill.
And well, you're right, he's out there in the world of frogs doing frog things. Triumphant over frog science and the other talking creatures he may meet.
He'll also find a way to revert himself back to normal, either making his own cure or just enlisting the help of a princess to bargain.
He might come to you upon the logic of marriage counting you as princess, but don't get too hyped, you won't be treated as his wife. He'd be too busy putting his frog research into paper...
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Zhongli in Beauty and the Beast
A beast he may be, he's still dignified and elegant, upholding his end of the bargain so long as the other does the same.
Your father may have trespassed and have taken some flowers in his domain but well, really it's such a petty crime that can easily be solvable. And even if there needs to be punishment incured...
When you stumble to the mansion in search of your father, ready to take his place from his jail cell, you find him and the beast (ohh half-dragon Zhongles) by an elegant table drinking cups of tea with light conversation. Huh?
"There is no need to fret, your father and I are just discussing the terms of our contract. He spoke of his woodworks that I wish to commission in exchange, such good potential should not be wasted."
You can also, well, pay off things within contract? But either way, it would be hella awakward, he won't impose on your life and most certainly not about the curse when you had so much to live for.
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Kaeya in Rapunzel
Little bitch, thru and thru. If Eugene is such a criminal, he's taking it TENFOLD.
He's not even gonna be the slightest bit trustworthy for you, little Rapunzel, because he raises so many red flags your frying pan wouldn't even be enough to threaten him. He probably has a really thick skull, and your resolve won't be able to smack that pretty face.
Bargaining won't work, he'd sleight of hand his way out and get the crown knowing you'd hid it in the pot immediately, and then just backflip outta there.
If you manage to get him to get you out, he's not gonna be of help either. Kaeya would be amused with toying with you, leaving you in the dark as you get scared shitless/dance around with some tavern criminals. Otherwise, ehh...
One way or another, he's gonna find a way to get you off his case. Either forcing you to travel with companions that's headed to the city anyways or forcefully knocking you out and heaving you back to your tower.
"You have a mother that never ages lock you up in this tower? Nu uh, sweetie, I'm not dealing with the dark forces of witchery when I'm already well off with the crown."
He got the crown.
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Venti in Snow White
I'm sorry what? Free apples? Eternal sleep in a beautiful bed? He's gonna be glad to just take your place. (Spoilers, he would)
He'd be most definitely entertained with your dwarves, playing his tunes. You life would be filled with his lyre as he plays around, not even caring about the other implications of yours or his status in this woodland forest.
You ran away from home? Cool, freedom, man. Wish he could the same without jeopardizing the kingdom and his family. He'd probably take the apple too just for you~
During your rest, he'll come up with the most eloquent song to play for your seven dwarves as he watches your fate sadly. How peaceful you looked, away from the world and from the grips of death.
The dwarves would force him to please try and break the spell, and he'll shrug and indulge- except it didn't break the spell, as he expected it to be. And they are clueless on who else you had encountered in your life to even spare a true love's kiss.
"How saddening, the princess lays. Maddening to those around as they'd say, if only my kiss was enough for the curse to sway." You died, ouch.
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Xiao in Mulan
Brutal. Brutal. Brutal. His voicelines would come in sooooo handy here, oh my goodness.
If you miraculously bypassed his analytical gaze enough to hide your sexuality, you're going to die in his training program. He's not gonna go easy on you, not when the fate of the nation lies upon your capability to keep up. You're gonna go through far worse than what true Mulan went through, and you may or may not just die in the process.
If by chance you survived, this would warrant enough respect to not kill you (oh, you lived) but you better not show up again.
He's never gonna be delighted to see your traitorous face again, he can save China on his own, thank you very much. And you know he can. Try and approach him, and a sword would be at your neck once again.
"Foolish gremlin, you think you had the right to present yourself after the treason you willfully committed? We won't crumble at the loss of one person, your job here is done." How sad.
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Cyno in Little Mermaid
First of all, wack, mermaids exist! Sadly, that's nothing new for him. He knows a lot with that intelligent mind of his, so it would be no surprise that the existence of such mythical creatures doesn't make him bat an eyelash. He's been living near water, he's not that stupid.
With that in mind, your presence in your first meeting is going to be bad. Very bad. Cyno knows about sirens and he's not at all gonna fall for it, and if by chance he had known you before the ship was wrecked, he's probably gonna be veryyy keen in capturing you instead.
So if by chance you're stupid enough to interact with him and DESIRE to be on land with him, you're gonna deal with a lot of problems.
You're not getting that kiss easily. No, it's a huge challenge. He'd be repulsed in your naivety and will most likely be more concerned on your voice than ever. He'd be so kind to try and give a shot in helping with the cure but it's not the cure you needed.
He'll drown himself in every literature in full concentration just to see if there's any text he can find about curses and muteness. His curiousity would get the best of him, and you'll barely see him after you managed to explain your predicament without the need for words. Octopus woman doesn't even need to show up to intervene.
"A kiss? Surely not, such ailment won't be cured by fairytale methods." And then he goes back to his library once again. And you will be seafoam the next sunrise. Or was it sunset?
"So now that we've established these grounds," Exiled turns to the other two in the area, "Maybe, these boys would be better off as princesses."
And so the trio concocts a new type of fairytale, collaborated to masterpieces soon after.
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@moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @struggljng @ellitx @kookieyachi @dandelion-dreams
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aceofwhump · 4 years
The Weeping Monk.
The Weeping Monk has become my new obsession. I love him. I knew I would because seeing all the gifs of him in tumblr is why I watched in the first place I didn't not expect for him to capture my interest so much. It's not the strongest hyperfixation I've ever had but it is one nonetheless and I'm thrilled. Welcome the list of "Ace's Favorite Whumpees"!!
SPOILERS ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously I got ramble and let some spoilers loose so if you want to watch it still and don't want spoilers just keep scrolling
So not only is Daniel Sharman fucking gorgeous but Daniel Sharman looking like this?
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With the eyes and the hood and the darkness and the scruff. Oh hell yeah! He's like some omen of death with that cloak. I love it.
So why do I like the Weeping Monk so much?
Well first of all I LOVE A GOOD REDEMPTION STORY!!!!! Like so much! I blame Zuko for that. But if you give me a bad dude who's done some bad shit but also has one hell of a traumatic past then put him on a path of redemption and healing? I’M SOLD! And at the end of the season, The Weeping Monk has been set on his redemption beginnings and I will die if Netflix doesn't give us a season 2 so I can see this boy walk his new path towards redemption and healing. I crave it.
But anyway. This man right here. The emotional angst and whump he exudes is so lovely.
Towards the end of the season we find out that he's Fey and I fucking lost my shit. This boy is a Fey who was raised by the people who hate Fey. His people were killed and he was taken as a child by the same people who murdered them. He was then brainwashed to believe he was demon born and evil and a sinner purely for existing and was taught to punish himself for it (he whips himself in a form of self flagellation!) and I'm sure he was punished for all sorts of things growing up by his "Father". The amount of self hate and self doubt he must feel breaks my heart. He knows he's Fey! He remembers his real name (also that reveal sent me to another plane of existence) so he must have some memories of his family and his people. But he's spent his whole life being used as a weapon against his own people and brainwashed into thinking he was saving them because fey are inherently damned. And that's all he is to the Red Paladins. A weapon. But he sees them as his people, his family because that's all he knows!
This dude is so broken and brainwashed and lost it just breaks my heart.
LOOK AT HIM!! Look at this lost and broken boy!! He just needs some love and affection dammit!! I mean he flat out asks "Do you love me Father?" AHHH!!
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And oh my god this conversation between him and Gawain?!
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Allow me to share the whole conversation because I need to talk about it.
Gawain: Don’t be afraid Ash Man. I don’t bite. It’s those eyes. The mark of the Ash Fold. There haven’t been any in these lands for centuries. How did you find your way here? Have you just come to watch me die?
The Weeping Monk: Why didn’t you tell them? Before...you could have told them. But you didn’t. Why?
G: Because all Fey are brothers. Even the lost ones
WM: This suffering, it will cleanse you.
G: You parrot these words, but you know it’s all lies. I can feel it in you, my brother.
WM: You are not my brother.
G: They have turned your mind so far inside out...that you don’t know the difference between kindness...and hate. Who did this to you?
WM: We are saving souls. Your soul.
G: Tell that to the little ones that you burn.
WM: I don’t harm the children
G: You burn their homes, you slay their mothers and their fathers, and you watch your Red Brothers run them down on horses. And you see it all through those weeping eyes. That makes you guilty. Brother! You can fight. I’ve never seen anything like it. You could be our greatest warrior. Your people need you.
WM: You are not my people.
G: Then tell them. If this is where you belong, tell them what you are.
WM: I’ll pray for you.
G: And I you.
First of all this conversation is the reason I now ship these two. Just saying. Gawain saw that he was kin, that he was lost, that he was broken and reached out to try and help him even though he is the reason he is being tortured. I can’t with these two! But also, the WM felt guilty about turning him in and worried about his own fate but you can tell that Gawain’s words sink in and set something inside of him and it’s because of Gawain that WM is now on this path of his. AND Gawain! I fully expected him to hate this man after everything hes done but he saw a lost and broken fey brother and tried to help him and I just...Gawain is so good you guys! This whole exchange is just *chefs kiss*. Cause after this the WM saves Squirrel.
Which leads me to Squirrel and the Weeping Monk. The other reason I desperately need season 2 is because I can't wait to see this unexpected pairing. I mean come on, big bag tough guy with trauma becomes unexpectedly joined with a young child? Best trope ever. Plus he got his ass kicked pretty bad and I need season 2 start off with that so I can see Squirrel take care of this injured man. Anyway, these two are going to have a great adventure getting back to the Fey and I NEED TO SEE IT!!! I want to see Squirrel and Lancelot bond and Squirrel defend him against Fey who hate him and for Lancelot to reluctantly become attached and defensive of this Fey boy and AHHHHHH!!
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Oh and side note: One of my favorite tropes occurred. Defeated in battle, manhandled to their knees and hood pulled off revealing their bruised and bloody face. God yes please.
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Time for some headcanons:
Okay he's totally touch starved am I right? This boy hasn't known a kind touch in his whole life. Pain is all he's known. The Paladins only touch to punish him or wield him. And he thinks he deserves it. He deserves the pain. The punishment. But kindness? A soft touch? Someone tending his injuries gently? He doesnt know what to do it that. He ends up stiffening or flinching away from the blinds hands of the fey, confused at first but slowly he starts to crave that kind touch.
Squirrel is always hugging him. Like whenever he sees him. And WM doesnt know what the fuck to do with that. You think he ever for hugged? I DOUBT IT! So hes all stiff and awkward and kind of bears it but after a while he starts hugging back kind of awkwardly.
Oh and speaking of tending his injuries I can almost guarantee that he has either had to tend to his own injuries in the past or he didn't do anything for them at all. But he's in a Fey camp now and the Fey help each other so when he and squirrel first show up at the camp and a he's taken to a healer and at first he balks and is like "I'm fine" but people like Pym and Squirrel and Gawain (YES GAWAIN! I have thoughts hang on) are like clearly you're not so just sit down before fall down again and let Pym heal you! AND then we get a scene of them all seeing the scars and fresh lashes and being horrified
Okay Gawain. He's not dead and he and Lancelot become best bros (or lovers cause I kind of ship them so much. Forget Nimulot. It's Gawain and Lancelot all the way) and Gawain protects him from the Fey who want to kill him after Squirrel and Lancelot arrive at the makeshift Fey camp and he's taken prisoner. Gawain watches him and see his humanity and goodness and self hate and trauma and Lancelot has someone who sees him as a "brother" as someone lost but not irredeemable and they fall in love okay bye
His powers as one of the Ash Folk. We know he can track. But from what we saw what if he's also got some camouflage or healing abilities hes never explored. NEVER EXPLORED BECAUSE HE THOUGHT IT A MANIFESTATION OF HIS INNER DEMON!!!
Also, I saw these two onset pics and now I'm ready for this to be s2 WM and Squirrel.
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Okay rant over. Sorry. Bye now ✌
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¤°~Ghost Marriage: Lovely Bride To Be?! Part 3°~¤
At the end of the hall, Senior Vanrouge and Sebek were conversing with the ghosts knights. "They became angery just because of a mere joke I made about them. Such a bunch of narrow minded ghosts." Lilia jests with ignorance in his tone.
"Ugh, the guys from Diasomnia! Why did you bring these ghosts here?!" Ace yells out in fear. "You naive ghosts who dare to snarl at Lilia. I'll get rid of you guys!" Sebek said with very little amusement.
Present Time..
After the fight with the ghosts. The student's and Headmaster go to the field so ghosts won't bother them. Students who were also kicked out the school stayed at the field. "Ha...haaa. Ugh the sides of my stomach hurt so much." Ace tries to say as he and Deuce groan and grumble in pain.
"Ace, Deuce." A familiar voice spoke. "Ah, Prefect Roseheart!" The two huff out as they nod. Azul and Kalim stood next to Riddle, but Azul looks at the two with confusion. "Where is Prefect (Y/N)? Shouldn't you two be with her?" The prefect of Octavinelle points out.
The A-Deuce combo only shrug. "I think she got mixed up the crowed." Deuce says as he looks at the growing crowd of students. "How did you guys get put here?" Ace asks the three dorm leaders.
"We had gotten chased out by some ghosts that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Even though it was valuable time for the three of us to study together." Kalim responded, while Azul shot him tired glance. "Kalim. Shouldn't it be "valuable time where we teach you about studying."?" Riddle could only sigh and cross his arms. "We almost got Kalim to understand the question..!"
"When we stayed in class, a bunch of ghosts appeared. They chased us out while saying, "this will be the brides fitting room!"" Grim watched as more students came up to them. Telling the same tale. "Everyone who was kicked out from campus has already gathered around..!"
"It seems like the whole campus has been taken away by those ghosts." Deuce said rather calmly. Ace on the other hand was more shocked than calm. "Oi! Principal, what's going on!?"
Before Mr. Crowley could respond, Ortho decided to explain. "I'll be the one to explain. You see, yesterday..." Once the young Shroud told everyone of the events that occurred. Everyone went silent. The only person who spoke after Ortho, was Riddle.
"The ghost groom has been searching for his ideal princess. Then had chosen (Y/N) as his ideal bride... That's the idea, correct?" Riddle revised as his expression was oddly calm. "WHAT!!!!" The group of NRC boys all screamed in anger and fear, a lot of other expression as well.
"We need to save her!!" Ace says immediately after the video was shown. "What will happen to (Y/N) if she does marry the Ghost Groom?!" Deuce asks the principal with fret. Mr. Crowley casted his eyes downward, with a somber voice he said.
"If (Y/N) marries the ghost prince, that is the same meaning of signing a contract. Which will mean, once the wedding is over.. SHE WILL FOLLOW HER SOON-TO-BE-HUSBAND TO THE UNDERWORLD!!!" "EEEEHHH!!!" Everyone yelled out in shock.
Mr. Crowley continues: "I put my guard down because I never would of expected someone who meets the conditions of the prince and his ideal Princess would exist in this world." Headmaster Crowley said with dread in every word he spoke.
"(Y/N)... Is going to be a ghost..!?" Epel gasps out with fear. "We can't let that happen!" Jack gruffs out as he bared his fangs. Many others agreed at helping the female student from her impending doom.
"We need to come up with a plan then!" Ortho tells the group of fired-up teens. "How about we start talking with them? We can throw a party! I bet that the ghosts will definitely let (Y/N) go if we just explain the situation."
The young Al-Asim heir suggested to his fellow peers. Rook nods, agreeing with his classmates. "A truly splendid idea, Roi d'or." A slim smile crepts on Rooks lips, "though..." The huntsman drawls out, his eyes turn a bit narrow.
"Do you think you'll be able to persuade a groom who has been searching for his bride for so long?" Rook crossed his arms over his chest as he continues on. His voice hinting with amusement. "If I was in his place, I'd never let my beloved go."
Leona growls, "so our only option is to just beat those ghost into submission." Vil scoffed at Leona and his idea. "Have you forgotten that we all ran all the way out here because we couldn't do just that." The male model said sassily with a frown gracing his painted lips. "No matter what we did, we couldn't defeat all those ghosts."
The headmaster starts to speak, "they are truly a infuriating opponent to take on. We should avoid confrontation as much as possible." Lilia starts to ponder as Crowley squawked about. "Lord Sam is well versed in the ways of ghosts and things of a spiritual nature. Shall we go see what he has to say on the matter?"
"Lord Sam... Do you mean Sam from the student store?" Deuce questioned the old fae. Lilia hums, "I was acquainted with his great grandfather." Cater starts to laugh dryly. "I still can't tell when you're joking or when your being serious... Lilia."
"Then we must make haste to the student store!" The headmaster yells as he and the others rush to Sam's shop. As soon as the shop door closed, Sam greets them. "Yo, headmaster and little demons. Whay could you be looking for that brought you all here?"
Sam chuckles and shakes his head. "Kidding! I know you're looking for something to deal with that ghost groom, right?" Sam told the group of teens and headmaster. Riddle is perplexed by Sam and his words. "This speeds things up but it sounds like you knew we would end up here."
Sam starts to laugh once more. "My friends on the other side bring me all kinds of info." Soon Sam's voice quickly turns less cheerful. "But things are getting really dicey. Ghost are tied to this world by a really powerful "lingering attachment".
Sam explained more in depth on what he meant. How they still come back because of the "attachment". "And as long is it remains, they'll keep comin' back." Grim felt realization struck him like lightning. "That's why the ghost of Ramshackle keep coming back!"
"Bingo! Precisely. That's why ghosts are so hard to handle." Ortho asked how they can save (Y/N), saying there was no such item like that to get rid of the ghost permanently. Sam grins and says, "IN STOCK NOW!" Azul looks at Sam selection while Leona tsks.
"Groom and brides are especially quick to meet tragedy. So they turn into ghosts all the time." Sam then holds up a item, "to get rid of a ghost groom. You need the "ring of severance." Slide this ring onto the host's left finger while saying "I shall love you till death do us part." And it will forcibly send him to the other side."
"How could (Y/N) give this to him? She's not even here!" Vil said as he picks up the small ring. Crowley gasped as he remembers something about the ghost groom. "Hold on a moment, the ghost groom was a boy who loved a challenge."
"So if one of you asked for (Y/N)'s hand. He'll see it as a duel for her hand in marriage, you don't have to win. But you must be able to give her the ring and tell her what to say." Lilia giggles at the crows plan. "It'll be fun to watch the drama unfold by stealing someone's bride."
"We shall call this plan... "Operation, Lovely Bride To Never Be!"" The headmaster said confidently, "it's a bit long for a name." Ace mutters under his breath. "Now I must decide on who the grooms will be for his plan." Crowley exclaimed as the male students to crowd and shout. "I'll do it!" "Let me do it!" "As if!"
The headmaster started to sweat with nervousness stirring in him. The gleaming eyes of the students were scaring him! It was almost as if each student was ready to take a role as a groom by ANY means necessary. Which it seemed like the students were readying themselves for.
"Alright alright! Will do a vote! I will write down all of your names and put them in my hat. I'll choose four grooms for this operation. So that means four names will be drawn." Mr. Crowley says with a exasperated look on his face.
(Y/N) sat in the far corner of the "fitting room." She held a blank expression as she looks at herself. She wore a beautiful wedding (gown/suit/ect) as her hair was spruced up and was placed into a (loose/ponytail/ect). A (white/gold/silver) tiara with a veil attached to it was on her head. (Y/N) wanted to rip the thing off her, but then the ghost would force the item back onto her head again.
Sighing and cursing under her breath. (Y/N) felt queasy, or maybe it was because she hadn't ate anything yet. This was all happening so fast! (Y/N) did not want to be married to this ghost groom. She hoped that her friends would find a way to get too her before the wedding started.
"Bleh..." The female utters as she looks at her bare feet. A knock was heard on the door as a soft "coming in" was heard. A slim ghost that wore a white suite appears in front of her. He was the nanny of the ghost groom.
"Come, my dear lady. Your fiance is waiting, he needs your help with decorations and would like your words on it." (Y/N) felt herself become stiff, but agrees. Playing along was her better chance of escaping her "wedding". "Of course," (Y/N) said politely as she walks with nanny ghost.
The two reach the cafeteria, now transformed with pretty decorations and tombstones. Along with dark blue flowers and white sheets cover each table. The nanny smiles at his prince with nostalgia. "It seems like only yesterday you were a small child. Trying to find follow your dream and find your dear princess. A dream you lost long ago with your life as well. What a cruel twist of fate." The nanny said as his voice started to crack.
"If only I had arrived at your room faster, I could of helped you escape..." The sweet prince smiles at his caretaker. "It is alright now, know need to bring up the past. Don't let all that stuff bring you down."
The young princes smile never faltered. "Besides, going through all that pain and sadness is what allowed me to meet (Y/N)!" His caretaker could feel his spirits lift at the princes words. "Oh prince Elias, you are always so courageous and strong."
(Y/N) could feel her heart cry at what she heard. She didn't know that... Breathing in a gulp of air, she slowly walks closer to the two. 'It's gonna be okay..' "You did a great job Elias." (Y/N) said as she gives him a small smile.
The ghost groom returns her smile tenfold as he looks at his bride. "My goodness, (Y/N)! You look just as beautiful as a.. Well beautiful than an' undead flower!" Elias said happily, (Y/N) giggles at his childish wording.
"Thanks." The caretaker gives the two a tender look. "You both are just perfect for one another. Prince Elias, we must get you ready before nightfall. You have to look your best for your princess."
The caretaker jests as he pushes the prince out of the cafeteria. "Wha- but I wanted to-!" "No sir, you must get ready. *Sigh* your still a stubborn little boy too." Elias waves at (Y/N), "I shall see you soon, my love!"
Once the two were gone, the ghost soldiers take (Y/N) back to the dressing room. Before the door closed, (Y/N) asks them something. "Can I please have something to eat? I haven't ate in a few hours."
To be continued...
(Okay, part three was supposed to be the end of the series. But that didn't happen, so I'll do my best to make sure part four is the last installment. I really wanna get to work for the Halloween event for Twst and a bunch of other stories I wanna put on this account! But I have to wait until I finish part four. Thanks for reading!)
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delos-mio · 3 years
Out of the Woods - College!AU - PART 1
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A/N: Welp, here it is! Part 1 of my silly little AU for my favorite silly little king. I really hope I can do him justice and I greatly appreciate any comments and questions you may have! No major triggers- only implied drug use, drinking, allusion to sexy stuff. So, without further ado..
If you had to gaze into a crystal ball at the beginning of the year, this would not have been the future you expected to see. You didn’t plan on being unhoused, stuck in an idle relationship, and debating dropping out of school all together. But here you were, trying your very best to pick up the pieces, salvage what little motivation to carry on that you had left. It could have been worse. It could have been much worse, at least that’s what you kept telling yourself to keep from crumbling entirely. You were never one to back down though, and these few hurdles sure as hell weren’t going to be the thing to break you. At least one of your problems was solved.
You had just emptied the last of the boxes left from moving and were hanging up the rest of your clothes when there was a soft knock on your door. Genya popped her head in, smiling brightly.
“Hey. I was just making sure you were getting settled ok,” she said.
“Yeah, I’m just about done unpacking I think.” You sat down next to her on the edge of your bed. “Thanks again for letting me live here. You have no idea how much you saved his ass,” you laughed.
“Don’t mention it! I’m happy to have someone else here, honestly.” She seemed to mean it, so you decided not to keep groveling. “Anyways, I just had a friend text me about a party tonight if you wanted to go?”
Your party days were almost entirely behind you. Freshman and Sophomore year were a haze of booze and recreational drugs, leading to you almost flunking out of school on more than one occasion. You’d since cleaned up your act, for the most part, and found you way back on the Dean’s list. But...it was a Friday afterall. And you’d just spent all day moving and contemplating your entire life- did that not earn a beer or two?
“Yeah, ok. Ok. That sounds good,” you said with a nod.
“Awesome! I think we’re meeting there around 10ish, so I’ll come grab you to get ready in a little bit.”
“Get ready? Are we 18 and going to our first frat party?” you joked, making Genya laugh.
“I was thinking about it more so as a roomie bonding activity, but if you wanna be a brat…” she drawled, trying to keep the smile off her face.
“Come back in an hour,” you finally sighed. Genya looked simply delighted as she exited, very clearly planning out looks for you both in her head.
As you went to finish up organizing your closet, you felt the familiar buzz of your phone in your pocket.
Matt: u coming over tonight?
You couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling back in your skull. That probably shouldn’t happen when you get a text from your boyfriend.
Y: can’t, sorry. Going out with Genya M: ok- have fun. Make good choices. Y: wtf does that mean M: just to make good choices? Jesus does everything have to be a fight? Y: i’m not trying to fight omg Y: i’ll just talk to you later M: k
K. He had some fucking nerve.
Across campus, Nikolai wasn’t having much better of an evening.
"Do I have to?"
"Yes." Aleks's tone was final; Nikolai knew there was no point in trying to bargain with him at this point.
"Jesus, fine." Nikolai’s fate had been decided and it was now mandatory that he go to the Delta Chi party that night. And here he had been looking forward to a quiet evening alone with his guitar and journal...
"It'll be fun, you sad sack. And I really want you to meet Alina," Aleks chastised.
"I didn’t know you missed my irreplaceable company quite this much."
Aleks gently threw a pencil across the table at his head. "Maybe you'll even catch a new fish of your own, huh?" he said with an obnoxious smirk. Nikolai just chuckled, nodding noncommittally before heading off to his bedroom.
It's not that he didn’t want to go. Well, he didn’t, really. But normally, he would. It’d been about a month since he called it off with the girl he met in Statistics. And it's not like he even missed her all that much- he knew she wouldn’t be around long from the start. But he was still stuck in the “mope in his room, write songs about heartbreak” phase of his healing. Because of such, he hadn't felt like partying much lately, but he’d blown off Aleks the last 3 weekends...he wasn't going to let Nikolai say no again.
Nikolai figured the least he could do is try and look presentable. It was unlike him to spend as much time in sweats as he had; his sense of style had always been impeccable. He was a man who knew he was handsome and knew the best way to broadcast just that. He pulled out tight black jeans and paired them with a powder blue button down with the sleeves rolled up, maybe a couple of the top buttons left undone. He pushed his golden hair back out of his hazel eyes and scrutinized himself in the mirror. To his horror, he looked like he hadn't had a good night of sleep in a week, which was true. Overall, it could have been better, but it could be worse. With a sigh, he grabbed his phone and keys before going out to find Aleks.
They got to the Delta Chi house, and there were already a few guys passed out on the lawn. Nikolai wasn’t surprised, but it was only 10:30. They must have been freshmen. Aleks lead the way to the porch where a petite dark haired girl turned around and beamed at them.
"You're late!" she says with a clearly fake pout. Aleks leaned in to kiss it away and Nikolai looked everywhere but at them.
"Sorry, sorry, I know. Miss Princess here had to be dragged out of his cave," he laughed at his expense. "Alina, this is Nikolai. Nikolai, Alina."
"Nice to finally meet you," Alina smiled. She's cute, he can give Aleks that.
"I’ll have you know I was not in a cave. I was waxing poetic about love lost, heartbreak and what have you,” Nikolai smirked as Alina laughed.
"Genya and her new roommate are already inside," Alina said, grabbing Aleks's hand.
Thank god. Not that he didn't want to spend time with them or get to know Alina, but he didn't really want to watch them suck face and play third wheel all night. Genya had been a friend of theirs since Freshman year- she smoked them down at a random dorm party and she'd been part of the gang ever since. Nikolai pushed through the crowd and made it along with Aleks and Alina to the kitchen. There were fewer people back here and Nikolai felt like he could breathe again.
"Nik," Genya chirped and threw her hands up excitement. "He lives!"
"You saw me Wednesday," Nikolai laughed. “But, I understand. Aleks was desperate for his company too. It must have been unbearable without me.”
"I really didn't think Aleks would get you to come," she said with an easy grin. Genya handed him a cup of what he assumed was beer. "Doesn't matter. You're here now."
They all circled up and chatted for a minute. For once in his life, Nikolai felt like he was noticeably quiet, but he found he didn’t have much to add. They didn’t want to hear about how he managed to cook a meal TWICE last week. Or how he’d written probably a dozen songs, all of them dogshit. Genya was grinning at a story their friend William was telling when she looked over his shoulder and motioned for someone to join them.
"Guys! Guys! This is my new roommate," Genya said. Ah yes, the new roommate. How could Nikolai forget?
New Roommate had wedged themselves into the circle two people away from Nikolai. He looked up from his cup and immediately locked eyes with you. Honestly, the name should have tipped him off. He never, ever thought he’d see you again. There's no way you possibly remember him, right? God, you were still so beautiful.
"Nikolai?" you asked with a tight voice, eyes jumping all around his face. And it's right about then that Nikolai wished he got a little more beauty sleep. Here you were, practically glowing, while he looked like the walking dead.
"Hey," he breathed out. It sounded a lot more desperate than he meant it to, but you always have had that effect on him.
"You guys know each other?" Aleks interjected.
"It's uh, it's been a few years, but yeah," you said with a blush, looking down into your cup. Aleks and Genya both looked at Nikolai with a raised eyebrow. He could feel the sweat pricking along his brow. Fuck, now all eyes were on him...
"Maybe there's a spot open for beer pong. Let's go check it out." Thank you. Subtle, Genya. "You guys can catch up," Genya said walking past you and patting Nikolai on the shoulder. The rest of his friends followed suit and Nikolai was left alone with you, staring not so subtly.
You hadn’t grown an inch. You’d lost the bright red glasses too. But, god, you were still the most gorgeous creature Nikolai had ever laid his eyes on. Really, he couldn't have lost his virginity to a hotter person.
It's your typical boy-meets-girl story. Nikolai first saw you at the rink where he played hockey in high school. Your parents owned the building and seeing as such, you were employed as the kid behind the concession stand. Nikolai remembered the first time he saw you, he thought you looked like a dork. A very hot dork, but a dork all the same. Nikolai began to notice you watching him in particular during practice, which just further flustered his raging teen hormones.
One night, after everyone else had left practice, Nikolai stayed behind and introduced himself to you. He’d never seen such a beautiful mouth and he had to resist the urge to kiss you right then and there. It became habit that he stay after practice and lean against the counter to shamelessly flirt with you. You often had the rink to yourselves by that time, so Nikolai felt like he could really be himself during those hours. He was still figuring out his place in the world and had stuck-up parents who would never approve of him taking you home. But in the lowlights of the concourse, he was allowed to have a crush on you.
Flirting led to making out behind the counter. Making out behind the counter led to hand stuff in your beat up purple van once you locked up for the night. Hand stuff led to him fucking you in the locker room shower. It was both of your first time and it could have been much less hurried. But you were young and inexperienced and horny as fuck and still exploring sexuality. You kept that arrangement up for the next few months until the season ended and Nikolai left that fall for school. He felt like a dick for not saying goodbye to you. It's not in his nature to ghost. It just isn't. He thinks maybe he was still scared of what it all "meant" and how much he really liked you. Maybe this was the universe telling him to make things right with you and make things right for himself.
"Hey, stranger," you said with a lopsided grin. Fuck. Nikolai was so done for if you kept looking at him like that.
"Hey yourself." And Nikolai couldn't help himself when he reached out to you to pull you in a tight embrace. Lucky him, you didn’t push him away and call him a fucking asshole; he thought he would have deserved that. You buried your face into his neck and the hot little puffs of air were doing way more to him than they should. You parted just enough to get a good look at each other.
"You look good," you said with a dark edge to your voice, bottom lip trapped between your teeth. He knew very well what he looked like that night, but you seemed to mean the compliment.
"You look better," he replied earnestly, because it was true. It shouldn't have been this easy to fall right back into things. But it was always different with you. Sometimes, he still thought you were the only one that really understood him without him having to say a word.
"Nikolai Lantsov, you always were a little flirt," you laughed. Your eyes crinkled at the corner and Nikolai thought to himself how beautiful you are when you’re playful. You’re always beautiful. He wanted nothing more than to whisk you away and have you alone. This time, he wouldn’t fuck it up. He wouldn’t let you go. You must have noticed his brain going into overdrive because you say "What's going on up there? What ya thinking?" You pushed a rogue lock of golden hair away from his face.
"I'm thinking about how much I wish we weren't at a frat party right now. I'm thinking about how I want to be selfish and have you all to myself," Nikolai said low so only you could hear. You laughed a little to yourself and looked at him with sparkling eyes.
"I'm not stopping you," you drawled. Fuck. Fuck, ok. This was really happening.
"Let me tell the guys we're leaving and then do you maybe want to get some food?" Nikolai asked hopefully. You just nodded coyly with a small smirk.
"I'll meet you out front." You squeezed his hand once and started pushing your way through the sea of bodies.
Nikolai ran his hands through his hair and took a deep breath before nearly running down to the basement, eager to say goodbye and make his way back to you. Genya, Aleks, Alina, and William were playing each other, a beer pong table stretching between their pairs.
"Where's your old friend?" Genya asked with a shit eating grin.
"We're um. We're actually gonna head out. So, I guess I'll—" but he was immediately cut off by Aleks.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Nik, are you leaving with a girl?" he teased.
"Yes. I am." Nikolai looked at him defiantly.
"How do you guys know each other anyways?" Bill asked before launching a shot.
"Just from growing up. High school or whatever," Nikolai mumbled.
"Cmon..." Genya begged.
"Wouldn’t you love to know," he said, voice laced with snark. "I just came down here to say we're fucking leaving!"
"Well then you better not keep your girl waiting," Genya said with a silent kiss in his direction. Nikolai just flipped her off and took his leave.
When he got outside, you were waiting with your hands in your pockets at the bottom of the porch steps. He smiled wide at you and offered a hand, which you seemed happy to take.
"So, are they gonna give me a bunch of shit next time I see them?" you asked as you walked hand in hand to the little strip of 24 hour restaurants on the outskirts of campus.
"Probably. Nothing you can't handle," Nikolai winked. You laughed then a little giggle. It's such a familiar sound and just like that, Nikolai was transported back to the ice rink and you giggling between kisses behind the snack bar.
You made it to one of his favorite delis in town and he offers to buy you a sandwich, which of course you tried to refuse his offer. Nikolai simply won't hear it. He had 5 years of douche baggery to make up for and insisted. You finally conceded and thanked him with the sweetest smile Nikolai had ever seen. You found a table in the corner, away from the door and prying eyes.
"So, how'd you meet Genya?" Nikolai asked.
"We have a writing class together. And we got to talking and became friends. I needed to find a new place cause my old roommate had to drop out and move home. I couldn't afford the place on my own. And I mean, you know how Genya is," you laughed, "I told her all about it one day in class and she offered me a room at her place without batting an eye."
"That does sound like Genya," Nikolai nodded.
"I've only been there like, two hours. But it's been good so far. Genya's been super cool," you said with a smile.
"I can't believe that we've been at the same school this whole time and it's taken this long to find each other," Nikolai said, mostly to himself, but you heard him and reached across the table to grab one of his hands.
"But we did find each other eventually, yeah?" You ran your thumb over his knuckle.
"Yeah," he said, suddenly bashful. Nikolai was seldom flustered. He had nerves of steel and had confidence to spare on his worst days. But you. You cut through him, all the way down to the core, and that made him nervous.
"So," you started, "Tell me about everything Nikolai Lantsov. Surely you've been up to something the last few years."
"Not much interesting to tell," he shrugged. "Been studying history. Writing music here and there to keep myself occupied."
"Who wants to know?" he asked with an arched eyebrow.
"Shut up," you mumbled into your soda. He doesn't miss the blush that's spreading over your cheeks.
"No. No girlfriend." he paused, considering how honest to be. But fuck it, he owed you candor. "I actually broke up with a girl a little over a month ago." You looked back up at him then, your eyes searching presumably for whether or not Nikolai was still torn up about it. "She wasn’t...she wasn’t right for mw and I guess I was just done. I feel like I should still be sad about it or whatever, but I'm not. I don't miss her. The wallowing and self reflection has been great writing fodder though," he said with a laugh.
"I'm sorry, Nik. You don't deserve that."
"Don't I?" Nikolai looked at you and suddenly felt torn open. "I...I'll never forgive myself for what I did to you." You bit down on your lip and looked out the window. "I regretted leaving you, god, and like a fucking asshole. I regretted leaving you so much. I know saying I'm sorry isn't even close to enough. But god, I'm so fucking sorry." He knew there were tears threatening to fall from his eyes, but he swallowed them down best he could.
"I'm not going to act like it didn't hurt me. Because it really, really did. But I accept your apology, Nik. You know I could never stay mad at you." You paused for a minute before looking at Nikolai with a tiny fire in your eyes. "You know, I'm pretty sure I was in love with you back then."
"Well, I don’t think I ever stopped loving you," He said confidently. Your jaw dropped just for a moment before you're giving him that sexy grin that apparently still drives him absolutely crazy.
"Still?” Nikolai just smirked. "What if you don't know me anymore?" you asked and sucked at the straw in your soda.
"I'd like to." There's a shift in the air between you. Nikolai was sure you could both feel it. It was suddenly too warm in the restaurant and there's too much table separating you. He decided to take his chance. “How do you feel about going back to my place?”
You suddenly seemed very interested in your nail beds, picking anxiously at the skin. “You didn’t ask me if I was seeing anyone.”
Nikolai stalled. He didn’t. You asked about his relationship status and he was so absorbed with letting you know that he was, in fact, single, that he didn’t bother to ask if you were even available. Hadn't you been flirting all night? He'd certainly been flirting. But like you said, maybe he didn't know you anymore. Maybe this was just how you were these days. “Are you...are you seeing someone?”
“Yeah,” you sighed. Maybe it was his own wishful thinking, him hearing the resignation in your voice. Not that he wanted you to be unhappy. No, you deserved the world and he wanted nothing more than for you to have the sun and the moon and the stars. But, maybe there was still a chance for him yet. “His name is Matt. We’ve been together for like, a year or so.”
“Matt.” He let the name burn his tongue. “You love him?”
“Nik…” you warned.
“Just a question.”
“It’s more complicated than that.”
“Just my two cents here,” Nikolai started, leaning back into the booth, “But you deserve to be with someone you can gush about. Someone who when you get asked if you love them, you don’t think twice and say ‘they’re the love of my life!’”
“And you don’t think that’s him?” you said, huffing. “You think that’s you?”
“There’s a chance,” he smirked. “All that aside, I’m very glad fate has brought us together again.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you laughed. “I missed you too.” You looked at your phone quickly. “Shit, I should get going. I have a shift at 9 tomorrow.”
“Let me walk you home,” Nikolai insisted, standing from the booth and helping you into your jacket.
“Always such a gentleman,” you smiled, tapping him gently on the nose before walking ahead of him.
The walk to your and Genya’s place felt too short. Nikolai had made this trek, both intoxicated and sober, and it always seemed much longer. But now he was at your front door, hands shoved in his pockets as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. “If you don’t want to hang out again, I understand, but I need you to tell me now if you think it’s a bad idea,” he rushed out.
“Of course I want to see you again,” you said, rolling your eyes. “So dramatic. We can still be friends, right?”
“We can be best friends,” he smiled.
“I’m glad I ran into you tonight.”
You were both clearly just trying to prolong the evening at this point. Nikolai took it upon himself to put you both out of your misery and pulled you into his arms again. You gripped his torso tightly, melting your body against his. He held you close, both strong arms wrapped around your shoulder while he tucked your head under his chin. After a moment, he pulled back enough to leave a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“Get some sleep,” he whispered, his breathing a little hard.
“Ok,” you croaked, nodding. Nikolai stepped out of your space then, squeezing your hand one last time before walking back out to the sidewalk, waiting and watching to make sure you got inside safely.
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najatheangel · 3 years
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a/n: apart of the Stray Kids Summer Collab hosted by @bangchan-fairy. My 2nd story for this collab so please show love and tell me what you think. This collab was so fun to participate in have a great summer everyone. genre: fluff, drama and angst. (Warning: Mentions of car accident and death.) pairing: bangchan x reader (ft. Felix, Changbin, and Lee Know.) word count: 2.2k summary: After years of making music at a young age, stray kids were facing their last night on the tour which ended in tragedy. They were involved in a horrible bus accident leading them to pass away, but only four survived. Months after the incident Bangchan, Felix, Lee Know, and Changbin lost their passion for music and performing as a band. The boys want to reunite and make music again, but they can’t accomplish that without another lead singer which is you.
taglist: @soleilsuhh @melonmochimoon @purplepsycho03 @kpopsnowball @neptunehobi @dundun-baby (Send me a message if you want to be added or removed from the tag list.)
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Bangchan’s Pov: 05/23/21.
The day of the audition and the day I’ve found myself loving music again. I hate that we have to start all over again. Ever since that night after our world tour with the boys, we lost everything including our four friends Jeongin, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Han. I have nightmares every day about that night thinking if I could’ve done anything different or prevented any of my friends from getting hurt, but the devil cursed us with this tragic fate.
I remember we were going to celebrate years of hard work by going to our favorite ramen shop. We played over 30 states and 20 countries all across the globe. We even collaborated with big-name artists like The Weekend, Machine Gun Kelly, Drake, etc…
Our journey was just beginning but quickly came to an end when our tour bus crashed and rolled down the hill away from the expressway. We all almost died together that night, but only me, Changbin, Felix, and Lee Know survived. Lee Know suffered the most injuries out of the four of us when he couldn’t play the guitar for a whole year.
Felix had to be on crutches for a few months, Changbin wasn’t as happy as he normally was; he went completely dark and would never show his soft side to any. As for me, I suffered from severe PTSD after the accident.
We all had to go to therapy, but with me being the leader and having to handle the funeral arrangements with my manager, my depression and stress became much worse.
Our company wanted to force us to continue to perform with just the four of us, but we decided to take a hiatus before thinking about performing again.
That’s how we ended up here after 3 years of pain, grieving the death of my friends and reuniting with my old bandmates to search for a new lead singer.
Reader’s POV: 05/23/21
I was Stray Kids biggest fan ever since their debut. Every year, I’ve attended their concerts on my birthday and meet backstage with them thanking them for making music that changed my life. When I heard what happened the night after the tour just like everyone else in the world I cried about it and more than ever I want to take away their pain to turn it into something positive.
I’ve decided to do the unthinkable and audition for stray kid’s next lead singer.
They’ll only pick one out of 5,000 people and the winner gets to make a summer album with Stray Kids. This is my last chance to achieve my dream and give back to the boys for what their music has done for me.
“Number 201! You're up, please get ready to perform on stage.” As the crew backstage called out my number I was shaking in my boots, but I knew that I had to rock that stage. As I grabbed my guitar and walked on stage, I saw four of the amazingly talented men in front of me. After hours of hearing people perform all day, their faces still looked very bored and over this whole audition, but little did they know I had a surprise up their sleeve.
“Hello, I’m number 201. My name is y/n, I’m 22 years old. I’m born and raised in California and the song that I will be singing tonight is an original piece. This one’s for you guys.” As I spoke my last bit of words before performing the boys finally looked up and their eyes glow as I started to play my guitar.
Bangchan’s Pov: I was completely thrown off guard when I saw number 201 perform. I couldn’t describe what I was feeling at that exact moment, but her voice was pulling me into another planet. Her song almost moved me to tears it was like she was speaking to all four of us and was understanding how we felt at that exact moment. The lyrics that stood out to me the most were “No matter how tough life may get, it’s best to keep your head high otherwise it’s all downhill.” She’s very confident I can tell that she was born to be a performer so I don’t see why not, but she would be even stronger as a solo artist.
The boys were cheering and screaming immediately wanting to take her in, but I was still not down for this idea for a new lead singer in the first place.
Stray Kids was supposed to be irreplaceable, but then I remembered the reason why we needed someone like her in the first place which is to make music again and do it for our angels Seungmin, Han, Jeongin, and Hyunjin.
So I stood up on stage next to her clapping my hands and slapped my hand on her shoulder. I gave the boys a nod and smiled at her by saying “Congratulations number 201. From this day forward, you will be our new lead singer of Stray Kids. Are you in?” She flashed the prettiest smile and hugged me so tight and the rest of the members joined the big group hug.
“On three you guys, Stray Kids for Life!” Changbin expressed as I’ve finally heard his cute voice come out. “1...2..3...Stray Kids for Life!” Maybe this girl would change us for the better.
Our manager gave us until the end of August to perform at the summer bash festival in her hometown Orange County California which was one of the accomplishments of our life since we’ve debuted as a group. Practicing together all summer made me realize how much I enjoyed the process of making songs for our group and became ten times better when she came into the picture.
At first, I’ve felt bad for being cold around the first few weeks of practice. I would always ignore her presence and turn down eating lunch with her on breaks because I was still not used to having her around. She would cry after practice calling her older sister saying that “Bangchan doesn’t seem to like me and I don’t understand why when all I’m trying to do is help him make music again.”
I remember fighting one of my best friends Felix about pushing her away the night and she almost quit the band.
He just kept screaming at me and telling me that I’ve become worse than before after therapy which stung, but I also felt bad for letting him storm off and telling him that our friendship was over. We were fist fighting which never happened and it led us to sleep in separate rooms for a whole week since we were roommates. One night I couldn’t forget was when she came back after Felix left home to visit his family for the weekend. Changbin and Lee Know were out with their girlfriends which led me to be alone or so I thought.
Reader’s Pov: 06/04/21.
Bangchan I never understood him out of all the boys. Lee Know he was easy to talk to because we have the same personality and have a love for the same video games. Felix was like an older brother to me always making sure I was alright, well feed, and getting good sleep at night. Changbin was like my personal therapist I would talk to him about all my problems and concerns about anything that’s going on in my life. All three of them were you can say my new besties, but Bangchan on the other hand... was a tough cookie to crack. I would try to check on him if he’s messing up in practice or if he’s stayed up overnight to practice.
I can tell he blamed himself for every little thing ever since the bus accident and he’s hard on himself which makes sense, but I hate that he has to take it out on others especially his best friend. That week in July I’ve decided to come back and give Bangchan a piece of mind because I was fed up with the lack of improvement and bad energy as a group, but then I started to hear him sob from his room. The boys left him all alone and I was the only one that could save him out of his misery.
With no hesitation, I slammed the door open and ran to Bangchan gently embracing him. This man was putting up a fight to forget about the past, but with his PTSD it’s hard for him to get through the pain. So I calmed him down and simply asked him. “Have you ever thought about making a song for them?” I can tell he was hesitating to answer the question, but he responded by saying. “Honestly no. I’m still not in my right mind to do so. You’ve seen me in practice so I can’t do it alone.”
It all started to make sense he was planning the whole time to make this song on his own and not have anyone bother him. “You’re not alone. At least for tonight, since we have one month left, let’s try writing together you and me. Whadya say?” “Y/n...You would do that for me?”
“Of course your my role model and special friend after all.” The unexpected happened he suddenly pulled me next to him on his bed and softly kissed me on the lips. It was my first ever sweet interaction with him and I didn’t understand it, but I was happy at that moment that he finally opened up to me. He caressed my head and dragged me into the studio with him excited to get straight to work.
When the boys came back, we’ve shared the news about our new song they were very happy with our process and agreed to share the song with the world. Of course, Felix and Bangchan talked for hours when he came in the room last and made up instantly. It was a fight that they never wanted to affect their friendship and dynamic negatively, but it made us all happy when they finally became best friends again.
I remember our group becoming a lot closer we would play game night every Thursday, have chicken and beer on the weekends, threw the biggest for Changbin dressing up in wolf costumes, and Bangchan taking me on our first date at the amusement park which was the adventure of a lifetime.
I felt bad for leaving early because I have a weak stomach when it comes to roller coasters. These memories with the boys are something that I’ve always dreamed of being a part of ever since I’ve seen their debut. If I can simply describe everything the five of us have been through it would be...
Bangchan’s Pov: 07/26/21.
“Hello everyone. This is Stray Kids we’re back better than ever. This summer has been one crazy ride, but I’m glad I’ve got to share it alongside my bandmates. My forever brothers Felix, Lee Know, Changbin and my angel y/n will share the stage with me as we perform our new song Perfect Melody. This song not only represents our journey with our new lead singer but also our journey with our family Seungmin, Jeongin, Han, and Hyunjin. I hope stays enjoy.” I was very confident presenting this song to the world and didn’t want to bring shame to my angel’s hometown so I had to put a performance of a lifetime.
I’ve slowly started to panic when Lee Know started playing the drums and it took me back once again to the accident in my mind. Good thing I forgot about it completely once I’ve heard her voice starting off the song. With Changbin playing the keyboard and Felix bass blending in with her singing in the background it meshes perfectly which is when I come in singing with her in harmony.
The crowd seemed to go crazy over it and all I can see with her shining so brightly as she does carrying the whole song. Felix deep vocals come in and we scream the lyrics as stays sing together with us feeling what’s in our hearts. We performed like it was our last with no regrets, no hesitation just simply because we loved what we were bringing to the table. If it wasn’t for her I don’t think this ever would’ve happened.
She helped us reunite as a band, got me through my trauma, and best of all we’ve found love in the end. When the song finally cut off we all heard stays cheering and crying screaming “Stray Kids we love you!” Our manager and stage crew was jumping and smiling at us celebrating our successful performance.
Lee Know was shocked saying “We did it, you guys. We performed on this stage and we did it!” Changbin started tearing up but tried to play it off by acting tough. “Duh of course we did. I knew could do it.” Felix laughed motioning for us to group hug.
“Bring it in you guys, If it wasn’t for our wonder woman we wouldn’t have made it this far.” We all hugged each other chanting and spinning around in the confetti. “Bangchan see I told you, we’ve finally done it.” Gosh, she’s just the cutest flashing her sparkling eyes at me as she says that.
“Yeah, I guess we did. I’m sorry for ever doubting and treating you like a jerk. Thank you for everything. For now, on it’s five of us or nothing.” She gives me one last smile and links our pinkies together giving them a tiny kiss. “Of course! Five or nothing.”
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Attachment - Chapter One
- to clarify, you are an adult in this story. also, im sorry my writing is so bad and that i have not proofread this very thoroughly, but hell, this isnt my job and i dont have to be good at it -
word count : 1.5k
warnings : none, i think
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From the start, your relationship with Master Skywalker was unorthodox. Yet the bond you shared was a strong one, though it started strangely.
He had been showing you to your quarters after your fateful meeting with the Jedi Counsel. After the excitement of the day, you were more than ready to take a much needed rest; the emotions which you had ignored rising up through you. It seemed as if your new master sensed this, as he didn’t attempt to make conversation. It was you who talked first.
“I killed him,” you said. (e/c) eyes still staring at the floor, you didn’t notice his clear blue gaze settle onto your bowed head. “The man who killed my mother.” Though you paused, as if to allow him to say something in response to your confession, Anakin stayed quiet. What could he say? ‘Me too’? For he had done the same thing on Tatooine on that awful day when his mother was taken from him.
“I didn’t have to…I did it because I wanted to,” you looked up at him this time, your soft eyes staring into his steelier ones. You both stopped, standing still in the middle of the halls of the Jedi Temple. It was a moment of understanding, and the way your (h/c) locks cradled your face made Anakin feel calmer than he ever had before.
Yet as your bond grew brighter, Anakin and Padmé’s slowly dimmed. He was given six weeks leave from the war in order to train his new padawan, which he had originally planned to spend with his wife as well. Yet as the days drifted by, he found himself wanting to leave your side left. By the third week, he had stopped sleeping in the secret apartment he and Padmé had shared. The Chosen One didn’t understand it; how he had longed for Padmé only weeks ago and now had no desire to see her.
Perhaps it was you. Or more specifically, the fact that you knew of his and Senator Amidala’s forbidden relationship. Anakin still didn’t understand how you found out about them.
You had been early for your training, as always. Master Skywalker, though he tried, could never get to the training room before you. And as always, you were meditating upon his arrival; Anakin swore he had never met a Jedi who enjoyed meditating more than you.
“I thought Jedi weren’t allowed to have attachments,” your voice was soft and just as lovely as ever when you spoke to him, your eyes meeting his own.
“We’re not,” Anakin responded with a classic smirk gracing his handsome face.
“Then how come you're married to Senator Amidala?” You didn’t expect your question to be answered, clearly, as you stood up from your cross-legged position on the floor.
Your master’s head whipped up, following your movements as you walked to get a training staff to practice with. “I...H-how do you know? About Padmé and me?”
(e/c) eyes stare down at the dueling staff, giving it a gentle twirl in your hand. “I don’t know. I just...knew,” you paused, turning to look at him again. “And it’s ‘Padmé and I’, not ‘Padmé and me’.”
But was it really just the simple anxiety of having another person know of them? Anakin wasn’t so sure. After yet another fight with Padmé, he had gone to the only person who he could vent to - you, which then led to a late night sparring session.
Elegant blue clashes with the brilliant emerald green of your own saber. Over and over again they collide in blinding fury; both fighters stay on equal footing until Master Skywalker slashes unexpectedly at your shins. Just in time, you jump, landing with practiced grace on the hilt of his weapon. Twisting his wrists to angle the glowing blade up into your back, Anakin swings again. Jumping over his head, you dodge the fiery cerulean sword before wrapping your legs around his throat. Your master falls backwards from the unexpected shift in weight. The wind is knocked out of you as you crash onto the ground, but a second later you find the strength to summon the saber which had fallen from your master’s hand. You swiftly straddle him, and with a saber dangerously close to both sides of his throat, Anakin concedes to you.
“That was quite the impressive fight,” Obi-Wan Kenobi says. The bearded man had been secretly watching your entire battle with his former padawan; he’s impressed by your dexterity and skill after only a few months of training.
“Thank you, Master Kenobi,” you say, bowing to him.
“How does it feel to be beaten by your padawan, Anakin?” He asks with a smirk which only widens as he sees Anakin’s frown deepen.
“You should know very well what that’s like, my former master,” Anakin retorts. You laugh sweetly, snorting slightly as you try desperately to breathe between giggle fits. Both blue-eyed men watch as you chortle with softened expressions.
“Master Skywalker’s only mad because he hasn’t won against me in a week,” you declare proudly, twisting around to face Obi-Wan. “Even if it’s probably only because I know his fighting style so well by now.”
“Well then, would you care for more of a challenge?” Master Kenobi asks, noticing but ignoring his former padawan’s glare; the bright smile you offer him being far more captaving.
“It would be an honor, Master Kenobi.”
The fight was a long one, both of you being skilled fighters despite your short time training with a lightsaber. It ended with you yielding after being pinned against the wall by the older man with a saber at your throat. Anakin watches with resentment as Obi-Wan steps away from you, allowing you to move away from the wall.
“You certainly do have a strange fighting style, padawan,” the bearded man comments; your style was different from other Jedi - instead of relying solely on your lightsaber like most, you used it as a distraction to try and get in more physical attacks in order to disarm your opponent. He guesses it was due to what you learned before arriving at the Jedi Temple.
Sliding your lightsaber back into place, you smile up at Kenobi. “I’m not sure if that’s meant as a compliment or an insult, master,” you say in amusement. Obi-Wan finds the sparkle in your eyes as you meet his own intoxicating, and shocked, he looks away.
The Chosen One glares at his former master, a grimace etched into his handsome features. He doesn’t understand the feeling of boiling resentment in his gut, nor why he wants to shove Obi-Wan across the room - anything to get him away from you. “It’s late,” he says, hopefully without any annoyance he felt evident in his voice. The way you look up at him, almost shocked as if you forgot about him, only serves to aggravate him more. “I’ll walk you to bed (n/n).” It wasn’t often that your master used his nickname for you in front of others, and you silently wonder why he does now. You decide it’s because he’s more comfortable around Obi-Wan than any other Jedi.
“No need, Anakin, I can accompany your padawan to their chambers. You should keep training if you hope to beat your apprentice again,” Master Kenobi responds with a smug grin, his azure eyes slyly glancing at his former padawan.
“But they are my apprentice, Obi-Wan. I really must insist on walking them myself.” For a few moments their eyes met, both men waiting for the other to back off. After some seconds of tension, two sets of blue eyes break way from each other and to your giggling figure.
“Boys, boys, you’re both pretty,” you say facetiously, rolling your (e/c) eyes at their antics. “You can both take me to bed.” Both men stammer, a heavy blush on their faces as they stutter vehement denials of what you insinuated. Nevertheless, once you walk out the door, both follow behind you quickly in order to catch up.
In the halls, one on either side, you three chatter on about nothing in particular - missions and tales of their heroics being the men’s favorite thing to talk about as they subconsciously try to one up each other. “In the end I destroyed 42 droids, even without my lightsaber,” Anakin brags, glancing down to see your reaction.
“Really? Because I seem to remember having to save you as you hid behind a rock,” Obi-Wan corrects him, smiling when you laugh at the two boy’s banter. The bearded man easily avoids the foot Anakin puts out to try and trip him as pay-back.
“Well,” you start, stopping in front of your bedroom, “this is me! Thank you both for walking me back, masters.” You bow to the knights respectfully.
“It was nothing, young one,” Master Kenobi responds.
“Yeah, no problem at all (n/n).”
The two men, left alone in the hallway outside your room, stare at the door you had just walked into. “Remember, Anakin,” Obi-Wan starts, “Jedi aren’t allowed to have attachments.” His voice is even, thanks to a great deal of effort on his part. With tense shoulders and a frown that settled on his face once you were out of sight, he looks over to his former padawan.
“Are you reminding me, or yourself?” Anakin says coldly.
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c-atm · 4 years
Hometown and City
Hometown & City
"I should really get a car." HB muttered to herself as she jogged towards LHW R&D. A look of determination and concern as she did. Peridot text was usually long winded speeches of how great she was because of their current achievement in whatever project they were working on, but there were exceptions when Peridot words were straight to the point..or even cryptic. Usually, when something was about to go down. She looked down at her phone again, at Peri's text…
P-dottie: Something's coming through. Assault spheres on standy. Get here now.
There was definitely something going down tonight. Part of her thought she should call Lion back with the younger duo and she mentally kicked herself for it. 
"Come on, Maheswaran. We don't even know if the thing is an enemy...Don't ruin their fun for a possibility" 
Demon hunters or whatever they may be, they were still teens, her 'younger siblings' and they still deserve to have a time out to enjoy themselves. 
"Still.. better safe than sorry."  
She smirked as she turned the phone to her home screen. The background which was once a picture of Mister in costume during their empire excursion, her new save screen; were replaced by a picture of Witchy, Dapper, and Mister each snoring on her couch after a long winded night of gaming. She happened to walk in on them after returning from R&D and almost giggled at the sight.
Dapper and Mister slept in almost the exact same  position ; head tipped back, eyes closed, mouth slightly opened, controllers on the table. 
The difference?
Mister hands being in the playing position while Dappers right hand rested on the waist of Witchy intertwined with her own hand. Witchy was curled up, using Dapper thigh as a head pillow. Her feet were lightly pressed against Mister's leg. 
She remembered she changed into her houseware before snuggling next to Mister, only for him to wake up and sit her on his lap, holding her around her midsection, before welcoming her home, leaning her head on the crook of his neck and falling back to sleep after kissing her temple. Such a homey feeling  it was.
She shook her head to focus on the task at hand, pressing the diamond Icon bring up the insignia the diamonds, she pressed on the pink diamond at the top of the screen. The diamond communicator app, only available to phones jailbroken or made by Little Homeworld R&D or Homeworld R&D.
She waited for his phone to ring as she continued her way about to turn on to the street LHWR&D stayed, when she saw Garnet and Pearl chasing someone little gem in a cloak out of the building, weapons drawn.
"Come back here!" Pearl ordered to no avail. 
"No, I didn't do anything!"
The lilith gem, in annoyance, readied her spear before launching a concentrated blast of energy, with all intentions of poofing the gem.
The gem looked as the blast got closer before her reflexes kicked in, leaping out of the way in the last moment. Grimacing as the blast licked her arm, a glancing blow. She growled but turned to run only to  feel her legs slipped from under her and land on her back. She didn't even get to grimace when she felt a weight on her chest. Opening her eyes to see Connie and the gems glaring down at her, the human straddling her stomach and her blade in her face. A steady cold eyes meeting her own.
"That's enough, stand dow-"
"Bi..Big sis."
Connie stopped when she heard whimpering from the gem. Removing the hood of her cloak, the three crystal gems gasp at the oh-so familiar purple face staring back at them.
"Amethyst?" Connie glanced at the purple on black eyes, the purple circular marking on her cheeks and the horns on her head...Things that place Dapper in her head. "You're a demon… You're Dapper's and Witchy's Amethyst."
Connie climbed to her feet almost instantly sheathing her blade. She held out a hand to the demoness and an apologetic and shameful smile on her face. " We have some things to discuss."
"Like, why'd you're so much taller, scarier and filled out?" The demoness looked up at her as she took her hand.
"Among other things.." Connie joked as she helped Amethyst up, just as she was about to introduce herself two things happened. Steven returned her call finally, and….
"Well, little witch. Sorry, I guess you aren't so  little now huh?.. How long have you been here?" The four turned to a figure on the roof of the R&D building perring down. 
He was a fine dressed gentleman, admittedly. Nice white and red checkered collar shirt, white jeans, black heeled pointed toe flats. He also had reptilian green teeth, yellow beady eyes, tan skin and was boney; near skeletal. The way he looked at Connie put her on edge.
He spoke in a slick and almost adoringly voice. "You look like you aged a bit, but for me..not even a half-hour passed since we met…"  Anger slipped in his voice as he grabbed his collar revealing his third degree burnt collarbone, and slashed throat. " Lucky me, that spell casted us away before you finished the job.."
'Good going you two.' Connie thought in pride as  she arched an eyebrow at the supposed demon. "Maybe you should have stayed in your hole then." 
"So spunky even now, even without your partner. Where is your little demon?  Did he get lost in the streams of time? Maybe crying over your grave in the future as we speak."  
Connie did not like this person at all. His conceit reminded her too much of Kevin of the past. Before she could say anything, Garnet interjected, taking a step forward, her fist tight.
"Who are you? What's your business here?!"
"You golems are so aggressive.." He shrugged  playfully " You know when I finally to this.." He paused to take a deep almost euphoric breath of air. "Realm...The other golems asked me the same thing with weapons towards me. All I said was the truth, I was here to kill a half-demon and his witch harlot..and they attacked."
He smirked as he took a pouch from his pocket opening it upside down as the uncracked but dimmed gems of Peridot, Bismuth, Amethyst  and Lapis, fell towards the street. Garnet caught them giving the two a reassuring smile, before turning to the demon with rage.
"Though they were so grateful to help me recover a bit.. Draining their essence in all, though inorganic energy are never as good as demon or human magical energies. It always leaves me empty...Help me out huh?"
The demoness Amethyst kept her eyes on the demon growling standing behind Connie's leg, only to be surprised by the human's palm on her head comforting her as she kept her eyes on the opponent in front of her, sword in hand.
"Don't worry." Connie looked back at the knee high demoness.  " We got this."
"Confident aren't we.. That's fine." The demon crouched low growling as he did. Black wisps of magic seeped off his body and surrounded Crystal Gems.  "I'll just break your confidence with your body."
While HB was fighting within her hometown, A pink portal was opening up on top of an Empire city roof and through it came the laughter of two teens, who slid out of and almost off it, on a pink lion; Dapper and Witchy. In Witchy's hand was a giant strawberry and on Dapper's back was a couple of Homeworld style sais. 
Woah Boy!" Dapper exclaimed as He wrapped his  hands around his lady's waist keeping her close, as they nearly tipped over. "I'm starting to think Bro was right and you do need parking practice."
Lion responded with an annoyed stare. only for it to turn to a pleased mewling as Witch scratched his head.
"Lion's perfect as he is. Don't listen to those jealous Steven's" She praised as she kissed the jungle cat head.
Dapper just shook his head with a smirk as he climbed down. He walked to the edge of the roof and sat down taking a look at the city below. A bit of a serene look on his face. Wordlessly, he held his hand towards his lady, asking for her company.
"Sheesh." Witchy gave her partner a gentle smile as she joined him, strawberry in her left hand. "You're  so starved for my attention, Steven." Witchy teased as she took a bite of the strawberry, humming in sweet surprise as the juice shot down her throat.  She blushed as she heard him chuckle giving him a small glare.
Dapper shook his head before wiping her  strawberry covered lips with his thumb. "You're a mess, my lady." He slurped up the residue from his thumb with a smirk. "Almost as sweet as you."
Face a beautiful maroon half pout, Witchy wrapped her right arm around Dapper and leaned her head on his shoulders. "I swear. Is every Steven a flirt, tasked with making every Connie a flustered mess."
"I'm sure it's the reverse a good amount of the time as well... if bro and sis is an example of the norm." Dapper chuckled. "Maybe it's an undeniable truth of existence."
Witchy looked up, intrigued but also smugly."What, that you were put on earth to raise my blood pressure?"
"I was put on earth to make your heart race, my lady." Dapper joked flirtatiously, getting a half hearted groan from Witchy. "Jokes aside..I'm starting to think for every 'Steven', there's a 'Connie'."
"Really now?" A relaxed smile graced her face. "It's almost like you're saying our lives are intertwined.. Like we're fated to be with each other or something like soulmates?"
"You jest but there's an older version of us who's the embodiment of 'honeymoon' phase."
"Despite not being 'together'."Witchy added with a knowing smirk.
Dapper nodded in agreement a chuckle of his own before settling to a smile. " Then there's us…"
"Please don't say we're soulmates." Witchy bemoaned.
"But we are!" Dapper announced as he took a bite of the strawberry. "Mmm! That's dang good"
"Hey, get your own, greedy demon." Witchy ordered as she pulled the berry away.
"You're so mean, my lady. Just one more bite." Dapper reached towards the fruit.
 Witchy leaned back trying to keep the fruit away. "Oh, yeah right! I know what a bite from you is like."
"You do, don't you."Dapper stated as he leaned closer to her, his smile falling to a sly grin and his attention on her alone.
Blushing as she was, she didn't back down, deciding  to take a page from HB's book. She cupped his chin and gave him a small coaxing smile. "Of course, I do. I have your mark to prove it, 'soulmate'. "
She chuckled when she saw Dapper, blushed and turned away. "That was smooth, my lady." He looked back at her teasing grin.
"You're adorable when you're flustered. It actually feels good to be on the other side." Witchy impishly poked the demon nose as she giggled.
"Oh role reversal is it?" Dapper gave his lady a dangerous smile as his fingers went to her sides. "then I guess I get to punish you as you would do me."
"Steven, don't you daaaaAhahahaha."
Witchy squirmed and laughed as she succumbed to his tickling. She kicked  and tried to block his careful claws, but it was to no avail. 
"Such a beautiful laugh, my lady. Maybe it's a traif of being a Connie. " Dapper half-joked, he really did love his lady's laugh and preferred it over HB's
"Ahhhhaha,,Like schmaltzy...haha! flirting..Is a Steven trait." Witchy said between laughing and catching her breath.
"You like it!" Dapper stated as he tickled more vigorously getting more laughter from the Witchy.. "Give..Give...Give."
"Nooohahaha! We...Connie's...dohahahaha...don't  falter!" 
"Neither do us Steven's! I guess we're at an impasse, then."
"Wait..I'll give you the..Hahaha..Behahah. The berry!"
Dapper paused for a moment."Tempting…"
Witchy used this moment to catch her breath and try to slip from under him  when he stroked her sides with his claws. 
"But I rather, your laughter." 
"Nohahaha! Wait Lion help!" 
Lion looked at the two antic before walking over and nuzzling Witchy neck as if he was trying to tickle her as well making her laugh even more.
"Nohoho! I've been forsaken, betrayed, and cheated!" Witchy yelled through their affectionate assault. "Ok ok! ..I can't breath...You got it!"
"What was that?" 
"You win!"
Dapper looked at Lion for a moment before grinning at the beast and pressing his skull to him. He rolled over laying next to the tired and still giggling Witchy.
"Connie's never falter huh?"
"You had help." She laughed again, getting a lick from Lion. She turned to the pink cat with  a side smirk. "How are you going to betray your aunt?"
Lion yawned before going to the center of the roof to give them privacy.
The two layed there looking up, hands instinctively  interlocked.
"I'm going to miss this world. It's so fun and peaceful. It's relaxing."
Dapper looked over at his lady, her face was reflective as she stared up at the night sky, stars in her black eyes..
"I mean..it's been awhile since we felt like...Teens..No hunts or anything..It's nice."
"I'm ready. I want to go back." Witchy said with conviction. "I miss our world. Miss studying with our Pearl and Garnet, walking around our city with AAmethyst. Miss our garden, our living room, our kitchen. My bedroom..I miss our home."
Dapper watched as his lady wiped her eyes to keep from crying. 
She gave a strained chuckled before continuing  "Strange, I miss our adventurous and comparatively dangerous lives?"
Dapper shook his head. "No I feel the same." 
If you asked Dapper about his opinion on the matter of worlds,  he'd tell you he'd rather be wherever his lady was..Truthly he could see them settling and getting caught in the go with the flow aura of Beach City and Little Homeworld...But it wasn't their world to enjoy.
They didn't put in the work or battle the enemies their older counterparts did and still are if what Mister and HB stated about the peace being 'relative'. They themselves didn't see the relative part of the peace, but there's a reason for LHWR&D and for Mister to still engage in ambassador duties
Still his main concern was staring at him  looking for him to continue. He gave his lady hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm in the same mind as you...but I think part of me wishes you wanted to stay here. Would be easier to keep you safe here."
"So you want to slack on your responsibilities?" She teased the demon turning to him.
"Perish the thought, my lady." Dapper retorted with. grin before facing her. Stroking her chin with the back of his hand. "Just mean I could focus more on making you happy than keeping you safe."
Witchy blushed bright as she looked down " You do both, Steven.  No matter what world we're in. I only feel this safe and happy knowing you're with me." She looked up into his demon eyes and only felt affection from and for them. 
"I'm grateful for it. For entering a contract..for being best friends..for having such a loving and loveable dapper demon as a 'soulmate'." 
"Only for you, my lady." 
It was inevitable. The pull of affection, the city light below them and the natural ones above. The serene silence and their shy and excited smile. They instinctively moved closer. their breath brushing against each other. 
"My lady?"
He nodded feeling nervous as he moved in eyes closed lips a thread apart from his lady's…
The two broke apart as if they were burned  and looked toward Mister..Who was half way out of Lion's mane.. Before either could say anything Mister interrupted..
"Connie's fighting a demon."
That's all they needed to hear.
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princesslocket · 4 years
🌺Nosaichi Madoka Magica AU 2
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Okay! Here’s the second AU version I had briefly mentioned in this post. I hope you all enjoy! This AU takes place several years after Ichihoshi’s family had been in a car accident… ((Btw this AU version mentions a suicide attempt so if you're uncomfortablewith that then don't read this. There will be a warning right before you get to it but still!!! - This is a Madoka Magica AU after all so some dark topics are bound to make their way into it))
It was on a freezing winter’s evening when Ichihoshi stumbled upon Kyubey. He had just said his good-bye’s to Froy and Yurika when he had encountered the freezing incubator on a sidewalk. The incubator had been shivering pretty badly and had looked to have thin layer of frost lining its body. So Ichihoshi did the only thing he could think of- bring it home! He’d bundled it up into the inner most layer of his jacket and hurried home as fast as he could. He’d later regret the decision of saving the incubators life…
After warming up, Kyubey would then offer to grant Ichihoshi a wish of his choosing. And of course Ichihoshi is all but ready to jump at the offer, but ultimately stops himself to instead think it over. (His first wishful thought is to resurrected his deceased family members but seeing as he doesn’t want to risk playing with the life of…deceased people… he drops the thought and instead asks Kyubey to simply live with him). For the next days that follow, Ichihoshi does his best to keep the incubator a secret from his friends, thinking that by doing so he’d be doing them a favor, A favor for what exactly? A favor for himself… Since he had moved into his apartment he’d been forced to live on his own in an empty home pretty much everyday but having Kyubey around meant that he had someone to be with outside of school. And if Froy and Yurika found out about Kyubey than the incubator might consider leaving him to be with his friends instead. Fortunately, when Froy and Yurika eventually do find out about Kyubey they remain practically unfazed because guess what? They had been granted a wish by the incubator months ago and were secretly fighting witches when Ichihoshi wasn’t around! The group later talk about they’re encounters with Kyubey and their wishes. Ichihoshi informs his friends about his wish making dilemma and they each give him advice. Froy is more lenient and tells Ichihoshi to just wish for something that would benefit him and him alone while Yurika tells him to yes, wish for himself, but to be careful; that he should make a wish he won’t regret having made years later. And after some more talking the magical duo ask Ichihoshi to join them on their witch hunts- just so he can see if having a wish granted is really worth becoming a magical boy.
Several days pass by before a transfer student by the name of Nosaka Yuuma enters Ichihoshi’s life. The transfer student, like Froy and Yurika, is a magical boy who fights witches. However, he doesn’t get along with the magical friend duo and winds up fighting with them more often than not. Just about every time he fights, he keeps an eye on Ichihoshi, which both Froy and Yurika pick up on rather quickly. At some point the magical duo stop letting Ichihoshi join them in the labyrinths because they’re afraid Nosaka might hurt him in some way. Although he stays out of the labyrinths, Ichihoshi is still watched by Nosaka even after the witches are defeated. Thankfully nothing bad ever happens to him but after some time Nosaka starts to confront him at school, telling him to keep his wishes to himself and to stay away from Kyubey but since Kyubey lives with him he can’t exactly get rid of the incubator so Ichihoshi ignores the warnings and keeps Kyubey at a respectable distance instead just to please Nosaka. (He really doesn’t think Nosaka is a bad guy. Whenever they do talk Nosaka’s gaze always softens into somethign close to fondsness that nearly makes Ichihoshi want to run and hide his blushing face). 
Within the next couple of days a subtle change starts to take a hold of the friend group. Yurika and Froy become more distant with each other after a fight in a witches labyrinth, resulting in Froy to instead become super clingy with Ichihoshi- This makes is something Ichihoshi finds worrisome due to how Froy starts treating him soon after the clinginess starts to escalate into something more possessive- Ichihoshi gets so worried that one night he asks Froy to accompany him on a walk around town to talk. They end up talking about school for about an hour before Froy blatantly cuts Ichihoshi off to confesses his feelings, something that catches Ichihoshi by surprise. And even though Ichihoshi likes Froy, he doesn’t like him romantically, so he tries to kindly let Froy down as best as he can but when that backfires the two part ways for the night… Ichihoshi would later find out through a text from Yurika that Froy had transformed into a witch. And since Ichihoshi belives this sudden transformatoin to be his fault, he hurries off with Kyubey in search of Froy. Out of pure coincidence he ends up wandering into Froy’s labyrinth to find Yurika already fighting their friend. And because Ichihoshi didn’t want either of his friends getting hurt he risked his life by running between the two to try and stop them. Thankfully, a third magic user had just joined the fight, Nosaka, and was able to save him before anything could happen, but because of this, both Froy and Yurika ended up having to reaim their attacks and accidently dealt finishing blows to one another…Before Ichihoshi can get a chance to ask Kyubey to grant him his wish, two other magical boys rush in to attack the incubator.  At this point Ichihoshi has passed out due to everything overwhelming him in the moment. And because of this Nosaka is left with no other choice han to bring him home. 
When Ichihoshi awakens later that night he’s greeted by Nosaka and the two boys, named Tatsuya and Hiroto. The three then explain their reasoning for attacking Kyubey and even though Ichihoshi really wants to believe that Kyubey could potentially be bad, he can’t bring himself say or do anything bad to the incubator. So instead of arguing with the trio he leaves Nosaka’s home with tears in his eyes – Back at his own home he talks to Kyubey, asking for answers, which he more or less gets and then shuts himself in his room for the remainder of the night. The following days go by in a blur. With his friends gone, Ichihoshi no longer has anyone to talk to or confind in. He avoids Kyubey because of the answers he’d recived about what it truly meant to be a magical boy and because the incubator refuses to give him any kind of emotional support. So what does Ichihoshi do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And what does Kyubey do? He leaves in pursuit of finding other more capable magical boys/girls. With Kyubey gone, Ichihoshi tries to return back to his old lifestyle but ends up falling into a depression instead…
((This next paragraph contains a suicide attempt. So if you’re uncomfortable with reading it please feel free to skip over to the next paragraph))
On the night Ichihoshi decides to end it all is the same night Nosaka wound up saving him yet again. He’d gone on a walk intending to clear his mind of anything magical boy or witch related but when he came across some “Missing” signs of both Froy and Yurika, he snapped. What was the point in going on with his life if he didn’t have anyone there for him anymore? So he returned to his apartment complex, wrote a letter, and made his way to the rooftop of the building- Just as he readied himself to take the plunge Nosaka quickly pulled him away from the edge of the building. From there the two had a very long talk filled with anger, regret, tears, etc. Ichihoshi let everyhting out that had been plaguing his mind for the past few days while Nosaka listened and did his best to comfort Ichihoshi as best as he could. When the two were in a cleat enough headspace Nosaka asked if Ichihoshi would be okay with learning about his true reasoning for following him all this time. When Ichihoshi agreed, Nosaka revealed his(their) past and how he’d been time traveling over and over again just to keep him safe. During the explanation images of their past lives began to resurface in Ichihoshi’s mind, helping him to remember everything Nosaka had done for him up to that point. And just before Ichihoshi can say anything, they’re interrupted by Tatsuya and Hiroto who inform Nosaka of the witch, Walpurgis Night’s, sudden appearance. 
The three magical boys leave Ichihoshi with the promise to come back but what none of them know is that while had seen everything Nosaka had done in thier past lives, he had also seen seen a future where they all end up dying in the battle with Walpurgis Night, so what does he do? Follows them of course! And it’s a good and bad thing because by the time he makes it to the scene, both Tatsuya and Hiroto are down while Nosaka is left chipping away at Walpurgis Night. At some point Walpurgis Night takes a notice of Ichihoshi and moves to attack him, but Nosaka catches this as well and just barely manages to protect Ichihoshi from a powerful attack. And since he used such intense magic to shield Ichihoshi, Nosaka is left laying on the battle field with his soul gem quickly corrupting into a grief seed. He allows a few tears fall, accepting his fate, thinking that this is it. That after he turns into a witch he won’t be able to go back in time to fix anything anymore. And just as he’s about to let the pain of the grief seed overtake him, Ichihoshi shows up to clean him up. Ichihoshi thanks Nosaka for trying so hard to protect him throughout each life they had met in. He thanks him for anything and everything he can think of in that moment before moving away to offer a hand out to Kyubey. Nosaka then has to watch in absolute horror and dismay as Ichihoshi finally gets his wish granted by Kyubey –
-When Nosaka wakes up the next day he finds himself wearing a blue colored jacket. Memories of his last encounter with Ichihoshi flow through his mind and he allows himself to cry into the jacket. 
Ichihoshi was no longer apart of their world.
And that's all folks! Hope you enjoyed this darker Madoka Magica AU version! If you're interested in seeing Nosaka & Ichihoshi’s magical boy outfits; here's a link to those! I'll link everyone else's magical boy/girl outfits later sometimes later! But for now I hope you enjoy the one's that are already posted 🌺
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bitway-arts · 5 years
title: Rebirth fandom: Ni no Kuni characters: Shadar, Alicia pairings: Lucien/Alicia summary: Their time was at an end, but only for this lifetime. {takes place after the final battle with shadar}
It was only natural, he assumed, to be left in this pure abyss on his own. Death had finally come to claim his old soul, something he never expected to encounter for so long. Soon he would disappear from this purgatory. Whatever awaits him beyond this, he would accept his fate. But, he could not leave. Not yet. Not until she returned.
All he could do was think back on his actions and the knowledge he had learned of not too long ago. How Alicia- Allie was the one he had saved all this time. How she had lived a good life, how they had crossed paths many times, and how he had a part in leading her to her current state. If only he had learned of this truth sooner- would things have changed? Perhaps. It's something he can mull over once death has taken him.
"Have you said your goodbyes to the boy?" He speaks once he feels that familiar presence from behind.
"I have." She speaks, voice older and much more familiar to him. When he turns his head, he's greeted to the image of the great sage. A smile is worn on her face in an attempt to cover the sadness in her heart. Unfortunately for her, he could see through it. While not brokenhearted, he had come to see the various affects of what a heart could do to a person. And having to say goodbye to a loved one was one he knew.
"He'll do well." He's not sure if he's saying it to comfort her or merely to speak. "He's overcome much in such a short time. There is no worry for him."
"As his mother, it's only natural for me to worry, but…" A breath is taken in. "He really has grown into such a wonderful boy."
The sadness in her smile shifts into something else. Genuine happiness. Love. She would miss Oliver dearly, but even she could not dwell upon her life for much longer. Alicia keeps her chin up and hopes high. A new future awaits her…and him.
"Thank you."
"What do you need to thank me for?" Shadar- Lucien nearly scoffs.
"For waiting."
He thinks to fight off her thanks that he doesn't deserve. He'd done so much and she was still so kind to him. After all, in her eyes he was her savior.
At the corner of his eye, he sees a hand held out to him. His head turns and stares at it- at her. The gaze in her eyes are gentle, comforting, something he had not seen aimed at him for centuries. It's unfamiliar and almost intimidating. It makes him hesitate.
Slowly, he moves to take her hand. And in doing so, he feels warmth in her touch. It makes him want to hold onto her tightly and never let go.
"Do you think we'll meet again?" She asks.
"You have hope for our paths crossing once more? I do not think the world will take such benevolence upon me."
"You can never be too sure. The world is a funny thing. After all, it let me see you once more."
"Well then…we shall see what fate has in store for us, won't we?"
She wears a hopeful smile, even as lights begin to twinkle around her. It would be a stunning sight if it weren't for her disappearing. The same happens to him. His body being enveloped into nothing, his soul ready to leave this one and jump into the next life.
He didn't know what it was like to be reborn. He didn't believe he would be. But when he feels her hand squeeze his, there is hope.
"Let's see here…" Blue eyes follow the text upon paper. The young man reads the spell over and over, more than he has to. It becomes a mantra in his head, already memorized.
The book is shut and set aside. The wand in hand is readied, eyes focused on the target that is marked on the tree. He starts the spell, making the sign with his wand before the tip of it begins to glow. Shortly after, an arrow of light is shot out, flying towards the tree. It barely misses the mark.
A sigh escapes from the man as he runs a hand through his hair. He was getting better every day, but today didn't seem so.
"Are you practicing magic?"
The voice startles him, making him jump and turn. He's met with a woman around his age. Short brown hair, stunning blue eyes, wearing a green dress and a white cloak. He feels like he'd seen her before. And it wasn't just because she was a pupil of his teacher's friend. There was something more to her. He just couldn't put it into words.
And now he was beginning to realize he'd been staring at her. A blush dawns on his cheeks as he rushes to think of her name. And an answer to the question she'd ask.
"Y-Yes, I am. You're…"
"Allie! I'm Lucien."
She holds back a giggle at his flustered introduction. She steps to his side, pulling out a wand of her own.
"I know a trick that can help. All you have to do is focus on the target and imagine the path before it."
Allie casts the same spell he had. Repeating his actions, only for her, the target had been hit. A sizzling mark left to show evidence it had.
"Whoa…That's neato- amazing!"
"Thanks." She looks to him with a proud smile. "I want to be a great sage some day. So, I have to do my best and learn all I can."
"A great sage, huh? There hasn't been one in this kingdom if I recall correctly. I'm not so interested in a title like that, no offense. I just…want to be able to help those around me."
"That's very noble of you. Maybe you'll become a guardian of this kingdom."
"Well, I'll have to keep practicing before then," he replies with a nervous laugh.
A short moment of silence passes over them. Her gaze is transfixed upon him, as if trying to search for something.
"We haven't met before, have we?"
"N-No, I don't believe we have." He could only think of them knowing each other through their respective teacher, but even then it was only a name and a picture he'd seen once before. That was from his side. He didn't know if her teacher had shared information about him.
"Hm…It's strange, but I could have sworn we have." The thought seems to plague at her mind, though it is brushed off for the time being. "Well, I do hope we can be friends. Maybe even partners in magic one day."
"I wouldn't mind that, Allie."
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radreactions · 7 years
ASDFGHJKL you're back!!!!! I love your blog so much! Can you do a little request for me? Please? Can you do the companions reacting so soul dying of an incurable disease? It's so sad but please? I love you and your blog so much oml❤️❤️much love!
Aww I love you too anon and thank you so much! Now get ready for some hella angsty feels :D
Ada – She is distraught beyond measure because not only has she lost yet another close friend, but because she feels as though she had let them down somehow. Perhaps the cause of the disease was from something they had come into contact with while they were travelling together, perhaps if she’d have paid more attention and been more observant, she would’ve been able to warn Sole away from whatever it was that caused it. But she’d know retrospective ponderings do nothing to aid the sick and dying, so instead she stands like a sentinel next to Sole for as long as they will have her. She talks to them, learning all she can about them in what little time they have left. When Sole is in too much pain and can’t sleep, she tells them stories of her adventures before meeting them, about how once she had a functioning jetpack and also about the time said jetpack almost meant her explosive doom. They pass when she’s in the middle of one of these stories, her sensors indicating that their heart had stopped beating and that their battle was over, but she continues talking to them until the story is finished. Noting the immense sadness that washes over her then because she knew that was it. Sole was gone just like the rest of her friends. She takes a moment to remember them before walking out of the room, out of the settlement and to a place no one will follow her.
Cait – Being helpless is the exact feeling Cait hates more than anything, especially when it comes to someone she cares about as much as she does for Sole. Throughout their sickness, she is constantly by their side, offering her usual humour and witty remarks when Sole is awake and able to talk, but badgering and threatening every damn doctor she knows in order to try and find Sole a cure when they’re asleep. She is there when they eventually pass on, refusing to cry, refusing to let them down, and instead promising them that she will see them again wherever they end up. Telling them she’ll even fight her way back up and kick down heavens doors when she goes to hell just to share a few drinks with them. The smile that earns her, the one they wore when they closed their eyes forever, is the one that gives her the strength to keep going without chems or alcohol to soothe the pain. She keeps living with Sole in her mind and heart until the day she herself finally kicks the bucket.
Codsworth – When Sole came back from that dreadful vault, Codsworth was so ecstatic that he thought he’d blow a fuse, and when Sole came back with little Shaun in tow after surviving the horrors of the Commonwealth and the war of factions, he was so indescribably proud of them and full of so much love that he could barely contain himself. Life certainly seemed to be looking up for them again, for all of them, but that was before Sole found out what was inside them. A sickness. One without a cure, without mercy. It would take them from this world when atom bombs and bullets and Yao Guais and Deathclaws couldn’t. It would take them from this world when friends and family and comrades couldn’t help them even though they tried with everything they had. The devastation of losing Sole when they just barely began to enjoy the life they forged for themselves was absolutely heart shattering for Codsworth who – despite being a robot – developed genuine affection for the Sole Survivor. After their passing, he tries distracting himself with attending to every single one of little Shaun’s needs and anything Sole’s past companions may need too. In the silence of the night, when all the chores a done and when everyone is asleep, Codsworth floats silently over to Sole’s grave where he either talks to them quietly or powers down next to their headstone until morning.
Curie – No. There must be a cure out there. She must find it or develop it or do anything to save Sole! She is relentless, unsleeping, stressed beyond repair and she just can’t save them but there is no way she is ever going to give up on them while they still live. So there she was, working nonstop for over 72 hours with Sole in the bed next to her workstation when they finally passed, having reached out for her in their final moments just enough to grasp her hand weakly. By the time she had whispered their name and gently placed a soft kiss on their forehead, Sole was gone, leaving Curie crying out their name and begging for them to stay just that little bit longer. She was so close. So close. But too late. Curie is inconsolable, completely giving up science and learning and her wonder of the world. Afterwards, one would find her sobbing somewhere quietly when her duties as a doctor aren’t needed, arms wrapped around herself while clutching Sole’s Pip-boy to her chest.
Danse – He couldn’t believe it was happening. After everything they’ve been through – surviving total atomic annihilation, 200 years in cryo sleep and God knows what kinds of monstrosities they’d encountered in the Commonwealth – and it’s their own damn body that turns against them. Devastated is an understatement as to how the Paladin feels. Not even the Brotherhood could help them and to be honest, it’s the second wound to his chest because not so long ago, he had every belief that the Brotherhood was the best thing for him out there in the world, but now…now the best thing for him is dying in their own bed. The turmoil and pain in his chest is immense, but it’s not enough to deter him from sitting by their side for as long as they remain. They talk about anything and everything, learning things about each other that no one else in the Commonwealth will ever know and it’s at night when Danse is fast asleep in the chair next to their bed, his hand holding theirs, that he is woken up by the endless drone of the heart monitor. He leaps into action, shaking them, calling their name, calling out for them to come back to him but it’s too late and there was nothing anyone could do. He breaks down into tears, clutching their hand and apologising because he couldn’t do more, because he couldn’t save them. After Sole is placed to rest, no one ever see’s the loyal paladin again. There were some reports from various settlements of a heavily bearded man in power armour slaying everything with claws and fangs that crosses his path, but no one can confirm it was Paladin Danse.
Deacon – After all the lies he’s told, in an ironic twist of fate he finds himself absolutely wishing that Sole was turning the tables on him this time. But the drawn lines and weary stagger of his closest comrade is too real a performance to be a mere act, so with devastatingly clarity he realises that it was true. Sole was dying. A part of him wonders if it was some sort of karmic retribution, punishment for everything that he’s done now that the most important person in his life will be leaving him alone again. Duties to the Railroad be damned, he’ll serve them once his debt to Sole is cleared, a debt born from the real smiles Sole wretched from him for the first time in a long, long time. He owed it to them to be there for them in their dying moments, without jokes or puns or sunglasses to cover the emotion that was laid bare for the world to see in Deacon’s eyes. He held their hand, stroked their head, offered soothing words and a comforting presence when the night droned on too long and when the days didn’t seem to have an end. At the crack of dawn Sole finally passed, so too did a part of Deacon when he watched their eyes close. After all this time, why is it that he is the one to keep outliving all these wonderful people? What made him so special? A liar, a sneak, a cheat. Days after, Deacon returns to the Railroad, relying on old tricks to keep his true self safely hidden and secure under a layer of nonchalance and humour. Protecting synths, serving a higher purpose than himself is exactly the kind of thing Sole would want him to do, so that’s exactly what he does from then onwards. Only this time, it’s not to repent for his past sins, but instead it’s for the two beautiful beings who left him behind.
Dogmeat – He doesn’t know what’s going on. His normally outgoing Sole hasn’t left their bed for a long time now and as each day passes, he senses something changing in them for the worse. He wants to help, he needs to help, but he can’t do anything except nuzzle their hand and offer them his presence. People come and go, injecting Sole with needles and making them lick things for some reason, only to always come back and say something that will make Sole upset. When they cry silently, when no one is around to hear them except Dogmeat, he climbs onto their bed and lays down next to them with his chin on their chest. Petting him always seems to calm them down, always seems to bring them comfort. Sole always softly whispered that he was a good boy, the best boy, and it is during one of these moments when Sole slips away. The hand on his fur stilled and the slow rise and fall of their chest below his chin ceased, and even though he whined and cried and nudged them for hours on end, Sole did not come back to say those beautiful words to him again. As each day afterwards drags on and on for the pup, seemingly getting longer and longer, there is always the persistent pain in his chest from the absence of the sound of crunching footsteps behind him. If only he could look over his shoulder and see Sole smiling at him one more time, just one last time he wishes he could hear them say that he’s a good boy…the best boy…their best friend.
Gage – He’s inexplicably angry. At himself. At Sole. At the world. Because finally, finally someone had come along and earned his trust, someone who had watched his back without sticking a knife in and someone who raked in more caps than he’ll ever know what to do with. But now they’re just going ahead and dying on him, sending him right back to square one. It wasn’t even about the caps, really, why Gage would be found pummelling a stuffed mannequin until it shattered under his fists instead of being by Sole’s side. Nor was it the shit-storm coming from the raider bosses that had him screaming bloody murder at a Gatorclaw’s corpse after butchering it with nothing but a combat knife. Instead, the ball of anger in his was the result of losing the closest person to a friend that he’d ever had in his entire life. When Sole does pass, Gage becomes even more ruthless and uncaring. He steps up into the Overboss position to carry on like he knew Sole would’ve done, whipping raiders and traders into line quicker than ever before while maintaining a cold, detached persona. At this point, he feels nothing and realises that perhaps he was on the right track to begin with. If Sole hadn’t been allowed to get close to him, to make him feel, then the hollow shell he had become wouldn’t be who he now sees in the mirror.
Hancock – He feels so guilty. So unbelievably, incredibly guilty because there on the bed the best damn person in the world is dying and yet there he was, huffing on another vial of jet as a damn near immortal ghoul. If given the chance, he’d within a heartbeat give up everything for Sole, everything and anything he had. But there fate goes, being a big ol’ bitch again and taking away yet another person Hancock valued, but he’ll be damned if he was going to mope around about it. At least, not while Sole was still kicking. So instead of them getting bedrest like the good doctor told them, Hancock sets out to try to make the most of their final few days together, partying like mad with the men and women of Goodneighbour, making drunk fools of themselves one night and having heart to heart talks the next. It’s only when Sole thanks him for what he’s doing for them when Hancock finally tears up, admitting just how special they were for him and how he’ll never, ever forget them. Even if he goes feral. It’s the next night when Sole passes away, the entire day spent with Hancock still trying to beat them in chess but barely manages to last half an hour before they whisper checkmate with a wry grin. It’s that grin he uses to remember them by every day for the rest of his life, especially when that night and on every following night of their birthday each year after when Hancock finds himself staring up into the firework lit sky courtesy of the entire town of Goodneighbour, smiling it up big because of all the memories they made together. Sole was one of a kind alright.
MacCready – Sole’s illness hits him so damn hard. If it wasn’t for them finding Duncan’s cure, he may not have felt so guilty because he couldn’t do the same for them, but knowing that he couldn’t do anything – not a single damn thing – twists the knife in his heart that much more. Although he doesn’t want to see them wither away their days until the end, he can’t bring himself to not be there for them when they’ve been there for him ever since they met. Each time he visits, Mac brings them comic books and holotape games, sitting there reading and versing each other for hours on end until Sole falls asleep. The next day their ritual repeats until finally, when Sole’s body just can’t take it anymore, his best friend passes right in front of him. He takes off his hat and tries to blink away the tears, his hand on their shoulder as he tells them exactly how much they meant to him. It’s not until later that he finally breaks down into tears, having held back the enormity of the stress and pain he’s carried. That is the one and only time he allows himself to grieve, to be weak. From then on, he uses their memory to keep strong. To keep moving on. To be there for Duncan and himself.
Maxson – Normally, he tries not to let personal feelings ever sway him in anything and normally he is successful. But it’s not every day that his best soldier, his closest comrade, is diagnosed with an incurable disease that not even the entire Brotherhood could stave off. He has them moved to his own quarters where the entire room is overhauled into a makeshift doctor’s surgery where the most up to date medicinal treatments and machinery are implemented in an attempt to keep Sole around for longer. But eventually, even with the best doctors and experts on hand, Maxson sees that it just won’t ever work and its then when he decides to cease all treatment. Sole’s last days shouldn’t be spent in pain and sees to it that they had everything and anything they needed and asked for. He was there when they passed, having told them for the umpteenth time that they were a credit to the Brotherhood. That they had made a difference and should be proud of all they’d accomplished. That they’d renewed his own inspiration and faith in humankind. Ad Victorium was the last words they whispered and Elder Maxson, the stoic man who never cried, saluted them with tears in his eyes.
Nick Valentine – Even though he was an old synth, it still didn’t mean that he couldn’t feel emotions. The affection he had for Sole, the shock upon finding out they were sick, the horror upon finding out that it was terminal and the grief when they quietly slipped away from him during the night. Once again he found himself wondering why the world was so unfair, so evil as to allow a wonderful human being such as Sole to wither away and perish in the manner that they did. The last face they saw being that of Nick’s as he pulled the blanket up to their chin and tucked them away for the night with a small murmur that everything was going to be all right. But that was untrue and now Nick has to live with the last words he’ll ever speak to Sole being a lie for their benefit. After laying them to rest, Nick keeps going with his detective agency and roguish charm, although – like Jenny – his memory of Sole and their beautiful smile is kept safely locked away for times when he needs the company of his dearest friend and partner once more.
Old Longfellow – Being the only survivor of everyone he’s ever known in his life, Longfellow is no stranger to loss and grief. Alcohol isn’t compulsory in his daily diet for no reason, after all. When Sole passes after days of him regaling them with stories of his greatest hunts and adventures, cooking all sorts of gulper stew and herbal slop in an effort to aid them in fighting off their ailment, Old Longfellow feels himself slip that much closer to oblivion. Too many peaceful faces he’s seen in his long life, knowing that any day now that mask can come over his. Hell. Who was he kidding? He was waiting for it with open arms and a bottle of whiskey in hand. With Sole now crossing over, what was tying him down in this world? Fogcrawlers? Gulpers? They only mattered for the journey and are exactly what he decides to keep on hunting until his number is called and his reunion with his love ones – Sole included – finally begins. Maybe then the old man will smile for once.
Piper Wright – She is a complete wreck for the most part, barely managing a single moment when her eyes don’t sting and her throat doesn’t tighten from the grief of slowly loosing someone so amazing, so undeserving of this cruelty. She desperately wants to stay strong for Sole, to gaze at them without breaking down into tears, but as much as she wanted to lock it all up inside herself she can’t bear to leave Sole alone in that bed. She cooks them warm soups and fresh meals for as long as they can eat, sneaking them Nuka Colas and whatever else they may ask for. Her stories are their lullaby, her hand cradling their own was their lifeline and her voice the last they hear before they drift off into sleep every night until the morning when they don’t wake up. Piper never recovers from losing her Blue. She grows distant and aloof, the only moments when she becomes emotional is around Natalie or when something – like Blue’s favourite song on the radio – makes her remember happier times that quickly reduce her to tears. The Publick Occurrences continues printing after the heartfelt obituary for Sole is published, but its once doting reporter lost the drive to travel the Commonwealth to right the wrongs without her partner in crime. Although her values and compassion remain the same, her heart is forevermore broken.
Preston Garvey – The Minuteman is used to life being unfair, to lives being ended unnecessarily for the most trivial of reasons. Greed. Jealousy. Sadism. But Sole’s death hits him the hardest. They were the greatest person he’d ever met and were unfairly taken from him in the most unfair of ways. Instead of going down in the heat of battle, a death befitting a hero such as them, their own body turned against them and left them bedridden and waiting for the end. He couldn’t bear it but neither could he bear leaving them to fight it on their own, so Preston hung up his laser musket and hat and sat by their side until the end. He regales them with tales of his past adventures, stories of other Minutemen brushing with danger and beasts of all kinds, all the while he ensures that they know just how much they meant to him and the Minutemen as a whole. When they finally pass, he allows himself a few moments to cry, to hate the world for taking them away from him and the people that need them. Afterwards, he refastens his hat, reloads his rifle, and sets out to ensure that the lasting legacy of Sole and their Minutemen is a grand one.
Strong – He hurts so much on the inside and because such an emotion is so new and foreign to the big guy, he doesn’t know what the hell to do with it. So he goes back to his default way of dealing with things and that’s anger. Anger and violence but this time it’s different. When Strong sees Sole’s lifeless form, his chest tightens and his faces crunches into a scowl as he yells “PATHETIC WEAK HUMAN!!!” He storms out of the settlement with his sledge hammer, the old one now because the new one was from Sole and that hurts,  and when he smashes everything that gets in his way he roars through his anger, his grief, tasting the bitter tears that he did not know had fallen. He is lost now without Sole to guide him, the last anyone sees of Strong is his large footprints heading into the Glowing Sea.
X6-88 – Frustration. Pain. Guilt. X6 can’t seem to make sense of his emotions which only just now kicked into overdrive. The Institute had so much technology, so many medicinal advancements and scientific breakthroughs, but they still can’t come up with a cure to Sole’s disease. It was the same one Father had and it hurt X6 to lose the Director, but now he’s losing Sole? To the same damn thing and still not be able to do anything about it? He doesn’t know who he’s more furious at – himself or the rest of the goddamn Institute. All he can do is comfort Sole when they needed him, bringing them little gifts and treats he knows they’ll enjoy. When they finally lose their battle, X6 is sitting there by their side stroking their hair, the silent guardian whose lip trembles when the monitor drones on monotonously. He contemplates a memory wipe to make the terrible feeling within him go away, but he desperately needs their memory to stay strong, to stay inspired by his idol so that he can continue serving the Institute. For Sole.
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shima-draws · 7 years
I'd love to hear you sing! And can we hear about the MBAV au? And you're right about Benny's hair, I've been sitting here for an hour attempting to do it and aaaaaaaaa
PPFPFT I’ve gotten a lot of positive response so I guess I. Will post that tomorrow hhGHH
Omg yeah seriously;; Benny’s hair is impossible I don’t know how it DEFIES LOGIC??
NSKDBBJDDB SURE I would love to talk about it!!So uhh it’s called the Grim Reaper AU? It’s pretty obvious where this is going but allow me to further enlighten youBut yeah get ready for one helluva ride this is SUPER SUPER LONG I’M SORRY it’s like 3k words (the length of a good oneshot holy shit SHIMA WHY) but hey I have been developing this AU for three years now sOOkay here we goIt all starts out when Benny and Ethan are on their way to school and Benny notices they’re being followed by this strange girl dressed in black—but for some reason nobody else is able to see her except for Benny. After school he corners her alone and starts questioning her (he also kinda threatens her a little bit;; tells her to stay away from Ethan since he’s an overprotective cupcake). She reveals that she’s a Grim Reaper and her job is to, well. Bring lives to an end as they’re written down in her book. Basically everyone is fated to die at a certain time in their lives, and Grim Reapers are the ones to carry their souls over to the other side. And after a bit more goading she admits that yes, Ethan is fated to die in two days’ time and she’s been assigned to carry his soul over.Rest is under the cut to save yourselves from endless scrolling whoops
Anyway understandably Benny FLIPS OUT and starts begging her to maybe not kill his best friend? Please? But she says that it must absolutely be done, it’s fate that’s already been written and if she isn’t there when he dies to take care of him his soul might get snatched up by a demon or a witch instead (so yes, Grim Reapers are seen as GOOD in this AU). She apologizes and says that he just needs to come to terms with it (hint: he’s not going to do that ever no thanks). The next day Ethan definitely notices something’s off with Benny, but he can’t get him to spill about what’s going on. Ethan becomes super worried about him and goes to Sarah for advice, while Benny goes to confront the GR again. And he asks something extremely…risky.Benny offers to trade his life for Ethan’s, if it’s possible. The Grim Reaper is shocked and tells him the only way that would work was if Benny signed a contract to become a Grim Reaper himself, but that would mean cutting off all ties to the human world and his friends, and that his mortal body would die and it would basically mean he’s actually dead to everyone. Benny signs the contract and takes the deal, and bam. He becomes a Grim Reaper ;w; (Also one of his eyes turns red so that’s cool. Usually when one becomes a GR both eyes turn red but since Benny also has magic that part of him is shown in his green eyes)Meanwhile Ethan suddenly has a massive panic attack, almost like he can TELL that something’s very wrong with Benny (since they’re connected in that way :3c)  He runs home to find that Benny isn’t there, and that, well—Benny isn’t anywhere. Benny’s grandma is out of town at the mo, so he decides to search himself with the help of Rory and Sarah. They look all night and they’re about to call the police when Benny’s grandma shows up and tells them the news. Ethan passes out from shock, and the next day he wakes up and tries to deny the fact that his best friend is gone forever. Eventually the truth hits him hard and he shuts everybody out, even Sarah. He goes into a major depressive slump and doesn’t speak or even leave his room for days. It’s really bad;;Benny, on the other hand, is learning the basics of how to be a Grim Reaper, and is mortified to know that sometimes fate doesn’t take care of things the way it should and that for some of the deaths he has to take the person out himself (and he gets a wicked scythe he uses to end lives. Ooooh) He refuses at first, saying he doesn’t want to kill anybody, but that’s part of the job description and he signed a contract so he absolutely has to. Benny runs off from the mission, enraging Grim Reaper Girl, who sort of acts as his superior and tutor (I’m going to call her GRG for short). Benny decides he’s going to check on Ethan, which is a HUGE no no in the Grim Reaper world—any ties to old friends and family must be forgotten and it’s super forbidden to try and peer into your past life, all that jazz. Normally when one becomes a GR they forget about their past life but!! Our boy is special so he remembers everything. And yeah Benny doesn’t give a shit about getting in trouble and comes back to White Chapel to see his boyf and make sure he’s doing okay.Unfortunately Ethan is NOT doing okay, and after sneaking in through his window Benny starts rambling on worriedly, thinking that Ethan can’t see or hear him since GR’s are invisible to most people. Buuuut he kinda forgot that Ethan’s a seer so in most cases he can see things other people can’t, and Ethan FREAKS the fuck out when he sees Benny standing in his bedroom with this badass cloak and GR clothing. He immediately bursts into tears and like TACKLES Benny to the ground in a hug and doesn’t let him go for twenty minutes while Benny explains what’s been going on.They talk for a while and Ethan is so fucking relieved that Benny’s okay and he’s also really pissed that Benny didn’t warn him or try to figure out some other way to avoid the consequences but?? It’s too late now so. Ethan begs Benny to come back and visit sometimes even though it could get him into BIG TROUBLE and after a moment of hesitation Benny’s like “yeah okay” and then he spends the night and they cuddle in Ethan’s bed and Ethan has a nightmare and cries on Benny and it’s a sad but fluffy timeThe next day GRG comes to Ethan’s window and chews Benny out for both running out on the mission AND for visiting old friends when he knows he’s not supposed to. Benny, being the adorable muffin he is, is able to convince her to let him visit White Chapel every once in a while, or at least get more jobs near there so he can keep an eye on his squad. Ethan wakes up during their little spat and Benny tells him he has to leave. Of course Ethan protests and begs him to stay longer but he can’t because he has to work so!! Ethan tells him to come back soon and that he’ll be waiting and Benny makes him promise to go to school and try to act normal and ABOVE ALL smile when things get hard. Ethan gives him one last hug that becomes super intimate oops and now they’re sort of realizing that they might have a thing for each other??Ethan goes back to school to the amazement of his friends and apologizes for acting like such a dick to them. They can tell that he seems happier for some reason and they’re still bummed about Benny. Ethan wants to tell them that B’s fine but he doesn’t want to risk Benny getting in trouble so he decides to keep his GR status a secret (though he’s pretty sure Benny’s grandma knows, since she’s been acting normal, if a little bit saddened).Benny returns to work and completes his very first mission, having getting past his fears of “killing” others. And it’s amazing when he ends lives (I know that sounds awful bear with me) because he can see all of the memories the person has had—their most joyful and sad and everything else. Benny meets the soul and ushers them on to the afterlife, being able to do so easily after seeing their life story, and something that will happen every time somebody dies. He talks with GRG about a lot of things and they have a Moment™ as she shares her past and how she wishes she could remember who she was as a human. At this point she’s sort of become like a sisterly figure to Benny—she cherishes him and wants to protect him from the bad things but she also wants him to be careful and avoid getting caught sneaking off. So she’s like, unsure of what to do, torn between covering Benny’s tracks and her job as a GR overseer…Things continue on as normally as possible after this point? Ethan’s suddenly more popular at school now since his bff is “dead” and everyone feels bad for him. Benny is completing mission after mission and is hailed as a GR pro and sort of graduates from his underling status and starts going on REAL missions—these are more dangerous since they involve battles with other supernatural beings after the souls of humans, demons especially. He’s officially partnered with GRG and she covers him whenever he sneaks off to see Ethan.It isn’t often that Benny comes to visit but when he does Ethan becomes just a ball of sunshine. They go do things together which is sort of awkward since nobody else can see Benny so we see Ethan talking to himself at dinner or the movies or wherever lol. Both of them are like “Are these dates we’re going on? Like? I’m really enjoying this and you wow” and it’s VERY GAY. It hits Benny first that he’s in love with Ethan and after the realization he visits more and more, skipping out on important meetings and other vital GR stuff in his contract. Yikes! As this is going on Ethan is starting to realize that he may like Benny as more than a friend and that’s a problem since he’s also been hanging with Sarah more lately and he gets the notion that she might like him back so he is. Torn over who he wants to be with since they’re both dead (?) but he can be in an actual relationship with Sarah while with Benny it’s way more complicated but he’s sure he loves Benny more and always will ;w;Benny suddenly vanishes for a few weeks which leaves Ethan on edge and the others notice but he’s still a loyal boy so he refuses to indulge them about what’s going on, which frustrates Sarah and they kinda get into a fight about it. During this time, surprise!! A giant battle happens in the GR world between them and the demons, a fight over souls, and Benny is caught right in the midst of it. He’s torn over his love for Ethan and his duty to serve the GR’s and fight with them—he’s become pretty famous amongst the ranks since he still has his magic so he’s a lot stronger than the average GR and the higher ups are like “THIS BOY IS HELLA STRONG WE NEED HIM FOR ALL OUR BATTLES YA FEEL” Finally when the battle ends after days and days of hiding out and striking whenever possible, Benny flees to see Ethan once again. He’s totally exhausted and covered head to toe in demon blood and also a little out of it? So something weird happens with his magic to make him visible to other people aaaaand. He shows up at the high school looking for Ethan and everyone is like “What the FUCK is that Benny Weir I thought he was dead???” Ethan freaks out of course but that’s after he runs right into Benny’s arms and hugs the CRAP outta him. Rory, Sarah and Erica start screaming in confusion and they’re like “ETHAN what the hell is going on why is Benny here and dressed like that and is that blood? WTF” Ethan sort of spills to them what’s going on while Benny’s chilling out in his arms, too tired to speak, and the rest of the students watch on in shock like?? Yeah. And one of those people is Della and she’s crying because she never thought she’d miss Benny’s stupid flirting so much and she was sad to hear about what happened to him and she’s happy to see him but also really confused just like everyone else!! It’s a crazy timeEventually when it all calms down Benny knocks everyone out with a sleeping spell and they wake up thinking it’s a dream (except for Rory, Sarah and Erica of course, who he trusts to keep his secret). They all hang out for a little while and they’re like “It’s really good to see you Benny” (YES, EVEN ERICA). Then Ethan and Benny go back to Benny’s house so he can say hi to his grandma, who lectures him for like twenty minutes “I cannot believe you Benjamin Weir what on earth were you thinking? You couldn’t have waited for me to come back so we could figure out a better solution and blah blah blah blah” Benny starts crying because he didn’t realize how much he’d missed his grandma’s lectures. She sends them both up to bed. Benny strips out of his bloody clothes and takes a shower and then he and Ethan cuddle in his bed for a long while, not saying anything. Benny knows that this can’t continue on forever no matter how much he wants it to so he decides he’s going to confess to Ethan about how he feels before it’s too late to do so. Of course he has second thoughts like the most obvious, “What if he doesn’t like me back” and then getting deeper into things like “I don’t want to burden Ethan with the truth about how I feel about him he deserves somebody better, somebody that can actually be around to take care of him and provide and I can’t do that anymore” but Ethan starts asking him to say what’s been bothering him so Benny, fed up with everything, spills.“So um hey dude I think I might be in love with you?”And Ethan is ecstatic like “Hey I think I might be in love with you too” and then it’s happy happy time and they kiss and it’s very cute and gay againThe next morning Benny knows he has to go back to work but not before he kisses the living daylights out of Ethan and Benny ends up almost getting caught since he loses track of time and makes out with Ethan for like ten minutes OOPSEthan goes back to school to see that everyone is still confused about the “dream” they all collectively had about Benny Weir miraculously coming back from the dead. Sarah corners him and starts asking more questions and he accidentally lets slip that they may or may not be dating it’s complicated? Understandably she gets upset, more because she’s worried about them getting into trouble and less because she’s jealous (she just wants Ethan to be happy after all he’s been through and if that’s with Benny she’ll give him up she is a GOOD GIRL). She starts admonishing Ethan for his own good, telling him how dangerous it is and how it probably won’t work out and she just wants to let him know now before he gets his heart broken later. Ethan bitterly agrees but he’s not going to stop dating (?) Benny since he’s in love with him and she’s like “Whatever okay just be careful”Benny shows up to work and GRG is REALLY pissed. She tells him that she’s been covering for him for so long that others are starting to get suspicious and suggests that Benny stop seeing Ethan altogether, but Benny tells her he absolutely cannot do that. Then they get into a big fight and she yells at him a lot before she finally spills that the higher ups found out about his memories and plan to have them erased permanently—they just haven’t done anything up til now since they thought he was keeping to the contract and not visiting people from his past life. But lately they’ve been catching on to the fact that he has so they’re gonna wipe him clean and erase all of his ties so he can actually focus on his duty to them. Benny freaks out and starts crying because?? He doesn’t want to lose his memories of his friends and of Ethan that’s always been his worst fear. GRG becomes sympathetic and tells him he has twenty four hours to say goodbye before they cleanse him for good. Benny immediately goes to Ethan and tells him what happens, breaking down and sobbing about how he doesn’t want to forget and he doesn’t want Ethan to forget him after he’s gone. Ethan tells him of COURSE he’ll never forget Benny, he’s the person he loves most in the whole world! They cry together for a while before going out and having the BEST last day ever (like my Life Ticket AU OOPS) and Ethan says a sappy line like “You might forget this day but I’ll remember it forever” AWWWW EThat night Ethan sleeps over at Benny’s house and they talk about a lot of different things. Eventually tho they stop talking and start kissing and things get really;; heated wooEthan tells Benny he wants Benny to leave on him proof that he existed so yeaaah I’ll leave whatever they did up to your imagination wonk ;) This may or may not be an MM reference //shotThe next morning Benny has to leave and it’s a SUPER SAD moment and they’re both crying and Ethan kisses him goodbye and promises Benny he’ll always ALWAYS remember him for the rest of his life (or eternity if he somehow gets changed into some immortal being) and then Ethan. Smiles for him keeping the promise that they made and FUCK BENNY UP he is so fucking wrecked and distraught that he almost just collapses on the floor and refuses to leave but he is a strong boy so!! He takes off and after he’s gone Ethan breaks down and cries and calls Sarah over to comfort him and it’s so…heartbreaking ;m;Benny hands himself over to the higher ups and GRG sees how fucking DEPRESSED he is and how he looks like he’s lost all hope and she feels super bad but there isn’t anything she can do. And then they wipe his memories clean;; She immediately notices that Benny isn’t the same as he was before, without those memories of Ethan and the others to anchor him he’s not the same person.Ethan starts missing school again and he knows he promised Benny he’d try to stay happy but it’s really hard and he misses him so so so much and Sarah tries everything she can to cheer him up but? Yeah it’s just a difficult time for everybody; Ethan is in a slump, Sarah is out of her wits trying to make him feel better, Erica is avoiding everyone, and Rory has lost his normal cheer. And Benny doesn’t even remember them. RIP.Things in the GR world are progressively getting worse, the demon attacks come more frequently now and they’re having a hard time fighting them off. They’ve lost a lot of souls to the demons in the process, and the higher ups are trying to come up with a strategy to get rid of them for good. Unfortunately for them the demons are plotting big time and they’re ready to form a fucking army to take down the GR’s and claim all of the souls for themselves. Benny and GRG overhear them planning this and they freak out, and then the higher ups freak out and it’s a horrible time! But suddenly GRG is struck with a BRILLIANT idea that she knows the higher ups wouldn’t approve of so she does it in secret. Guess where she goes for help? White Chapel!Ethan is surprised to see GRG asking for help, and he’s like “Is this going to help Benny?” And she’s like yeah dude so Ethan says “I’m in” and gets Sarah, Rory and Erica to join the fight as well. They round up a couple of other vamps and supernatural beings and devise this huge strategy to defeat the demons with Ethan’s wicked smarts. AND THEN THE FINAL BATTLE BEGINS!!The higher ups are furious with GRG for bringing outsiders into their conflict but they change their minds as soon as they see Ethan’s plan working. As they’re battling Ethan bumps into Benny and almost cries when he realizes Benny doesn’t remember him (but he is like “You seem familiar, do I know you from somewhere?”) They team up and kill tons of demons together and Benny’s like wow me and this cute guy have awesome chemistry I wonder who he is?Then surprise surprise Ethan gets taken hostage by the main demon king and everyone is like “ETHAN NO” and right before he gets taken out Benny miraculously recovers his memories and takes the hit for Ethan, getting “killed” in the process (which is kinda impossible since he’s already dead but whatever). Totally distraught at seeing his boyfriend die AGAIN Ethan’s psychic powers amp up to the max and he fucking wrecks the demon by using mind games to corrode at its will and he wins the battle!! Woo hooThe higher ups, upon seeing their victory, decide to give Ethan and Benny one wish. Ethan obviously wishes for him to come back to life (once a GR dies their soul is sent to the afterlife, GRs sort of live in an in between world of life and death. Like, purgatory). And Benny? At first he considers using his wish to grant GRG her memories back but she says if he wastes his wish on her she’ll kill him again. Lol. So Benny wishes to be human again instead. To live, basically. The higher ups are like “Usually we wouldn’t allow that but uh yeah you saved our asses so sure” but then they’re like “but we will call on you whenever we need you and your friends for something important otherwise it’s a no go son” and Benny’s like “SURE now please revive me so I can make out with my boyfriend”And so, Benny is brought back to life and stripped of his GR powers (he still has his magic tho, no worries). He bids a tearful goodbye with GRG, who confesses her (VERY PLATONIC) love for him. She promises to visit when she can. Benny’s grandma casts a spell on the town so they think Benny had been in a coma for half a year instead of dead. Erica and Sarah start dating, Rory gets a cute girlfriend (possibly GRG?) and Ethan and Benny live HAPPILY EVER AFTER THE END //throws confettiWow sorry that was so fucking long but well I have been developing this AU for three years so it would make sense that I have the entire plot written out right? //waggles eyebrowsANYWAY I hope you enjoyed KUDOS for reading all the way through you’re AMAZING and god jesus ASK ME QUESTIONS about this AU it’s one of my all time faves and I’m so glad I finally got to share it after so loNG
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Weekend Fun
Clare: had forgotten his family was probably listening to everything she said. She wondered how often she or her parents were slipping up and revealing too much about what was going on at home. Luckily no one outside of the Jesus Club seemed suspicious. Clare hadn't shared much with them, she hadn't been ready to open up to a group of people, but they'd pressed the issue because some of them attended her church. The few friends who knew she'd told because she trusted them. "I don't know why some boys are weird about it but really it's no one's business anyway." Clare said making the zipping motion with her lips. She didn't judge Dallas for having sex. It was a personal choice. "That's smart." Clare hoped it worked out like Dakota and his friend thought. Even though Dakota had the fighting skills to defend himself and protect the girl from her dad and ex-boyfriend, those kind of situations were unpredictable. What if one of them showed up with a weapon? Clare smiled. "Thank you." She buried her face in her hands and giggled. "It's true though. There must be something else." She removed her hands when Dakota started talking about his family's heated pool. "Lucky! What a great way to spend Christmas. I took swimming lessons when I was about Emi's age. It probably is better to bring her there and ease her out of the fear." Clare smiled. "I really do. Oops?" She polished off the slice in no time. She decided to snag a third slice before they were all gone. Normally Clare would've been embarrassed to eat so much in front of a cute boy but Dakota knew she'd skipped breakfast. She looked at Emi curiously when the little girl excitedly handed him a guitar. She hadn't known he played much less what song it was Emi wanted to hear. Clare sat down on the couch to watch Dakota and Stacy perform. She was slightly shocked when Dakota started to sing. He had a great voice. She listened to the lyrics and watched him strum the strings of his guitar. His playing sounded great too. She grinned widely and clapped a little when Dakota and Stacy finished, not caring if it was silly. Stacy deserved applause too, she could sing, Clare just hadn't been paying as much attention to her. "Well it definitely was a stroke of fate! You're really talented. All of that practicing paid off. I like the song too, I hadn't heard it before." She admitted. Clare listened to Dakota and his brothers describe all of their activities and what Kelly could do too. "How incredible! It sounds to me like you've all got plenty of possible careers to chose from and having hobbies is fun too. I took a lot of different lessons too. But mostly because my mom didn't really care if my sister Darcy and I liked something or not. She just wanted us to keep busy so anything I quit, I had to find a replacement for." Clare said truthfully. "I tried learning how to play the piano first and then the clarinet another time but I'm kind of tone deaf so that didn't work out too well. I played softball for about four years even though I hate most sports but I finally found one I like besides swimming, Badminton. Dancing, gymnastics, and cheerleading were Darcy's thing so I kept trying to veer away from that and find stuff I enjoyed. Like writing classes and participating in children's theater groups. I took some beginning art and craft classes too. I even took sewing. Making things like pillows and dice is fairly easy but I never learned how to make complicated things like clothes. Oh, and I was in Girl Guides." Clare shared. "I want to be a writer. My dad says that's not realistic so I told him it is if I go into journalism. But I'm not sure if I will yet or not."
Kota: chuckled a bit as Clare moved her hands over her lips in a zipping motion. "Guys at school will bully us if they knew. It's a double standard, it's ok for a girl to be a virgin when she's over 18, but for a guy it's different." he explained. "Ash and I, even though we're virgins, no one at school knows. A guy on the football team got cast out for being a virgin, they bullied him to the point where his girlfriend felt pressured to have sex with him. He rejected her because he knew they weren't ready and quit the football team. Though he didn't tell anyone about being bullied, the football team pointed to the cheerleaders that the was a virgin and made other negative comments about him to them and they told the girls. The girls didn't tell a teacher, but took matters in their own hands and often stood up for him about it and consoled him, the quarterback's girlfriend broke up with him and cheerleaders refused to cheer because they knew about the bullying. The bullying got worse to the point where the teachers found out from the girls and suspended the football team, the quarterback of the team blamed him so the kids that didn't know about him being bullied, bullied him in return blaming him for the suspension of the team. Ash and I decided to put a stop to it, but the cheerleaders stopped us saying it'll only get worse if we butted in since they dumped paint on the captain of their team causing the rest of the cheerleaders to defend her. It got so bad teachers took over and when the bullying stopped he didn't have friends nor did his girlfriend. If you talked to one of them on your free will, you lost your friends and got bullied. We all decided to talk to them once and a few upper classmen told us that if we did that we'd regret it. They'd outcast our whole class and grade if they had to along with giving an explanation of how they'd do it and there wasn't anything we can do about it. They would make whole grade would stand in the caf during lunch by taking over the tables, they'd make us sit on the back of the bus on the way home so they can trip us as we walk down the aisle among other stuff." Dom explained. "Which is why we don't tell anyone." Kota said honestly and smiled as Clare covered her face and spoke. "Eh, there's a lot to do to keep up with it." he said honestly. "Plus there are days we don't feel like swimming and if people at school knew we have a pool here we'd get used. We would make friends easily because of it. It happened in elementary school. Kids would become our friend just to go swimming in our pool. The lesson is what made her afraid of water. When she was a year old, my aunt came here to take her to swimming lessons and they dunked her under water to 'get her one with the water' she choked on it and has been afraid ever since. My mom told me about it." he explained and kissed Clare's cheek. "I'm glad you like it." he smiled and looked at her before taking his second piece as well as getting Emi another piece. "I think you should've made three pizzas." Stacy laughed a bit. "I wish I had enough dough for three." he said honestly as they cleaned up. The minute the song was over and Clare spoke, he smiled. "Maybe I could play the whole thing for you. It's too depressing for Emi. It's called Hold On Till May by Pierce The Veil. I'll reblog it for you." he assured. As Clare spoke, Kota put his guitar down and walked over to Clare only to put her on his lap. "We need badminton equipment." Dallas nodded after Clare stopped speaking and Kota looked at her. "Journalism is a good trade to go into." he smirked at her and watched as Dallas and Stacy walked off. "They're probably going to go make out." Ash said and Kota looked around for a moment. "Game room?" he asked and helped Clare up. "Our basement has a ton of games in it thanks to Dom with his old summer job." Kota explained. "Though some of it we also brought from money we saved up snowing, cutting grass, and raking leaves." he said honestly as they walked to the basement. When they got down there he automatically saw Dom handing him a pool stick. "Oh, we all know how to fight. Ash and Dom know how to box." Kota added and looked at Clare. "Do you know how to play pool?" he asked.
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