#boy harsher chile
japicidad · 2 years
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parlantecl · 11 months
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Ya están a la venta las entradas para el concierto de Boy Harsher en Chile
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fatal-rendezvous · 1 year
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Primavera Sound dia 2 dump 2 Me cancelaron Boy Harsher después de una hora bajo el agua, me cambiaron Japanese Breakfast de horario y los suspendieron, JPEGMafia al parecer nunca se fue de Chile aunque lo seguían moviendo en la grilla, y cancelaron Beach House, pero lo de @arca1000000 fue impecable. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpl1ZXCOcVi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ierri · 3 years
desde que era un bebé tenía como esta sensación de que mi gusto por los camiones era algo como raro. era de esas cosas que sabes que no tienen nada de malo pero que la raza me fue enseñando a que era raro, mis tíos se burlaban de ese pedo, mi jefa decía de broma que me gustaban los choferes y el martín y doña rosa decían que era de gente rara
cuando estaba en mi casa viendo la tele en 2008 y vi pasar el S-0669, se detuvo por el tráfico justo en mi casa y se alineó la puerta del frente, justo donde dice "zafiro". fue ahí cuando por pura casualidad busqué zafiro en google y naturalmente el algoritmo me arrojaba resultados del mineral, luego busqué camión zafiro, ayco zafiro e international zafiro y eventualmente di con imágenes de agencias y blogs. en una de esas imágenes, era un camión de alianza que había subido el jorge en fotolog
fue entonces cuando di con que había un gremio de gente que tenía el mismísimo interés que tenía yo por los camiones, una raza tripeaba con una empresa, otros con un camión en específico, otros con una marca, otros con trenes, pero a fin de cuentas empataba la afición por los camiones y el transporte público, y fue en esa coincidencia donde hallé mucho refugio
fue triste cuando me tocó entrar a la secundaria y tuve que disociar completamente una vida de otra porque aparte de que me bullearan por gordo y porque decían que era joto, me bulleaban porque me sabía los números de los camiones de muchas rutas
a modo de coma parentético y para darle un poquito de drama a este caption, recuerdo que un día invité a mis amigos memo y várez a mi casa porque íbamos a dar el rol en bici, y me encerraron en un cuarto y mis amigos se pusieron a esculcar las cosas que había guardadas atrás de unas cortinas, ni siquiera querían robar, sólo fue por ver qué hallaban, y encontraron una caja de zapatos donde yo guardaba mi colección de boletos ordenada por empresa de transporte y mis amigos la voltearon, desordenaron y rompieron
cuando estaba en la prepa por equis o ye terminé contándoselo a venancio en nuestro primer rol, recuerdo que lo vi en el aurrerá de santa tere y me fui en el S-0935 de la 634 y venancio se regresó a su casa en el S-0912. sí se burló un poquito, pero encontré una aceptación genuina y se sintió chida, aunque fue hasta unos años después cuando se lo conté al chagi y tocó decírselo casi como en plan de que hubiera matado a alguien, o como si tuviera cáncer terminal de la delicadeza con que trataba esa información, yo sentía que la podían usar para asesinarme o algo así
cuando entré a la universidad y empezó más el rollo este de que había que aceptar a la gente y esas cosas, y dije arre ps ni modo, ya no quiero fingir. y se la conté al urzúa casi sin conocerlo, al iván, a la marialy, al david, al roberto y a todo el mundo y parece ser que a todos les valió verga y eso para mí fue el cielo. naturalmente no esperaba que empatizaran con mi trip, pero el hecho de no haber recibido un vergazo emocional se sintió como una bendición
tiempo después me di cuenta de que la gente esta que inicialmente me había acogido en la similitud eran unos vatos bien misóginos y acosadores, que al chile representaban un montón de cosas bien desagradables concentradas en un grupo de compas unidos por esa afición, la que ellos decían que era la "busología"
después de que tripié eso, alv me costó más de 10 años darme cuenta de que el del pedo nunca fui yo, qué pedo con que mis "amigos" hayan hecho lo que hicieron en mi casa? qué tan degenerada y rotten debe de estar la mente de un morro de 12-13 años para hacer una acción con ese nivel de premeditación y malicia? por qué me conformaba con que la indiferencia se sintiera como un apapacho espiritual?
luego ya del 2019 para acá donde me empecé a ahora sí destapar abiertamente y subir fotos a instagram de camiones y a hablar de eso tanto académica como socialmente, me empecé a sentir más cómodo y realmente logré sentirme plenamente cómodo con eso. qué pasó después? que lo empecé a explotar para la escuela, y mi "formación" o como se le pueda llamar me daba una ventaja con respecto a temas de gestión del transporte público en la movilidad urbana con respeto a mis compañeros, y empezó a haber un interés genuino. se me acercaban para preguntarme cosas y cuando tocaba platicarles algo, por muy chiquito que fuera como el que todas las rutas que son del 300 al 380 eran circuitos, me llenaba mucho de ilusión y me hacía sentir muy bonito
cuando le contaba historias a la gente y no solamente se mostraba interesada sino que además se sorprendían gratamente, o hacían gestos en los que me decían que les daba gusto que supiera tanto de eso (o cuando les daba gusto que les contara que fui a manejar por primera vez, shout out para narda porque es la única humana que me dijo eso a la que sí le creí) se sentía como si fuera un sueño. fue muy difícil para mí desaprehenderme de la podredumbre emocional con la que cargaba por mi "formación" y transferirlo a otros vínculos donde se sentía amor
no me arrepiento de nada que haya hecho que tenga que ver con los camiones. para bien o para mal, toda esa mierda que me tocó vivir me hizo darme cuenta de que mi intención nunca fue quedar bien con mis tíos, o mi mamá, o mis bullies, o los busólogos, o mis amigos o mi pareja, lo que siempre quise fue poder terminar de aceptarme en todos los espectros de mi vida, casi que me está tocando aprender a vivir conmigo mismo y por lo menos para eso me sirvió todo este pedo, pa darme cuenta de que no me caigo bien pero que ps sí puedo aprender a simpatizar conmigo mismo :)
foto del camión en el que me enseñé a manejar en la bajada de la putisisisisisisísima secundaria 47, con el bosque artificial de colomos III de fondo y el skyline de andares que me tocó ver cómo lo fueron construyendo desde que era niño, con un cielo que puedes oler y palpar de lo bonito que estaba y una colonia que nunca se ha podido sentir menos violenta desde que tengo memoria, y obviamente no hablo del crimen
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bandstolookup · 3 years
in solitude
into the moat
junction 18
the killing moon
the kinison
let's get it
logan square
cory marks
lonely kings
jason lancaster
jim florentine
king of asgard
jacobs dream
john arch
king's x
the hevails
i killed the prom queen
in battle
jim breuer and the loud & rowdy
kill division
lay down rotten
lazarus a.d.
machinemade god
memory garden
lightning swords of death
mount salem
native construct
nova collective
over your threshold
molotov solution
nasty savage
one way mirror
channel zero
paths of possession
poison headache
princess pang
raven black night
razor of occam
the red death
return to earth
rose funeral
phoenix mourning
the red chord
the rotted
satans wrath
secrets of the sky
shining fury
slough feg
sonic reign
symphony x
this ending
thought of industry
torture killer
trigger the bloodshed
since the flood
system divide
thomas giles
winter solstice
church of agony
red devils
40 watt sun
darkness by oath
down among the dead men
ereb altor
the foreshadowing
gloria morti
poison the well
pentagram chile
internet money
admiral sir cloudesley shovell
age of taurus
blood ceremony
electric wizard
the gates of slumber
gentlemans pistols
grand magus
hidden masters
iron man
poison the prophet
river lynch
rios mios
orange goblin
uncle acid & the deadbeats
river lynch and the spiritmakers
church of misery
supa bwe
internet raised
troubled horse
woe of tyrants
hammers of misfortune
fight the fight
good tiger
this romantic tragedy
wearing thin
we are defiance
common threads
whitney peyton
common holly
the charlie daniels band
victor internet
no vacation
the adverts
aaron joseph russo
through lifeless eyes
mellow fellow
modern english
jorja smith
rian basilio and the roosters
whaley and hedner
jesus molina acosta
air reez
basil curious
vancouver sleep clinic
cole bennett
buckethead & friends
age of shadows
foy vance
no vanity
up from here
yung van
vanilla muffins
vanilla oreo
jam in the van
vanilla fudge
vandella andrew
karen o
major lazer
ezra koenig
page ninety nine
enemy soil
realtor 7
facade burned black
cobra kai
[fate of] icarus
jeromes dream
sam dinovo
ethan gruska
empathy test
boy george
rayvon owen
gemma bradley
hablot brown
hope waidley
dj scheme
polo g
park hye jin
matt fax
audrey mika
leon of athens
cynthia lovely (cyn)
the r train
macca wiles
alex the astronaut
jaguar jonze
hayden calnin
st south
mass minor
king crash
100 gecs
carrie baxter
christian sparacio
raye zaragoza
daniel avery
dominic Fike
josh levi
america's favorite punk
all things blue
allie x
brad brownfield
dick vitale
ethan camarata
chris adler
willie adler
the dirty guvnahs
ezra furman
ezra bell
the fight
ennio morricone
tear ducks
joey dean
ezra vine
ezra millz
george ezra
ezra collective
far caspian
smoothboi ezra
the outfield
forest sword
champ's club
forest creatures
forest blakk
east forest
berklee college of music
the forest rangers
forest therapy
pink turns blue
boy harsher
twin tribes
cabaret nocturne
soviet soviet
ellis b
the dirty pennies
emanon shakur
the heartways
mokele mbembe
baby keem
dominic fontana
fawns of love
pop smoke
vision video
jason lapierre
the dude ranch
imperial cities
gene taylor
the roots
stl gld
christian mark gibbs
aveline wallflower
josiah grey
dead lover
forest sun
forest rochester
the forest escape
slightly stoopid
trevor hanks
brandon bee
marza panther
wide waters
shane michael
loose cattle
do work naked
in two we break
candy claws
chinatown slalom
summer salt
cotton jones
forest lane
forest dump
k forest
the lonely forest
deep forest
dead wood forest
random forest
the forester sisters
sleeping forest
an american forrest
metallic forrest
sean casey
violet night
violet cold
violet nine
violet skies
violet taxi
violet marvel
violet rock
violet light
violet dust
little violet
backdrop violet
hello violet
violet aurora
circles violet
james violet
violet indiana
violet tyson
the high violets
witch vomit
witchfinder general
all them witches
witch mountain
future of forest
witchtorch of autumns
bell witch
angel witch
the deadly angels
crunk witch
acid witch
devil's witches
mountain witch
night witch
esben and the witch
burning witches
psychedelic witchcraft
purple hill witch
damn the witch siren
the witch dr.
little witch
the witchitas
mercury witch
witch taint
seven year witch
dead witches
witchthroat serpent
country witch
two witches
witch cross
burning witch
black witchery
minus house
the witch kids
vinegar hill
recoil vor
saints alight
little sea
duck duck ghost
fort vine
neon vines
the musket vine
of the vine
sweet vine
the vineyard sound
strange vine
trent vine
witches of london
frankie and the witch fingers
carpthian forest
boom forest
foreign forest
ezra henderson
ezra band
ezra salmine
ezra jordan
ezra hazard
better than ezra
basil poledouris
jeremy loops
soft glas
basil rathbone
basil valdez
basilisk osiris
basil o'glue
basil panagop
the spitescreamer basilisk
covenant basilisk
basil harwood
schola cantorum basiliensis
martin basile
mazen awad
blonde maze
mazes and phazes
the maze
yxng maze
colour mazes
stoned mazes
juvenal maze
ivan b
ivan ave
ivan gough
ivan ooze
waverly hills
waverly seven
waverly lies north
waverly ross
the waverlys
the waverly giant
waverly consort
digitization maze
kuna maze
spendtime palace
common souls
common market
good morning
common sense
common tiger
common jack
commonwealth baptist college
common cents
jamie n commons
common grounds
the common view
common children
thee commons
our common collapse
the commonheart
common man music
forever the sickest kids
common courier
nothing in common
common & friends
the common linnets
cure the common
chris common
common market
scott miller & the commonwealth
common strangers
spencer common
common luck
commonwealth choir
common war
common grackle
common threads
van common
common deer
pinwick commons
common souls
life of death
thaiboy digital
A.G. Cook
cartier god
lord apex
barry white
ben e king
smitech wesson
jon brion
jeremy messersmith
tilly and the wall
common thieves
common rotation
sweet trip
jonatan leandoer96
wondha mountain
yves tumor
död mark
danger incorporated
duwap kaine
fly commons
common creation
twisted insane
albin gromer
cloud cult
mélanie laurent
nic & the family
common people
alan walker
where is nomu (nomu ? idk)
rico nasty
red velvet
sutter kain
trio hot
the nonkey brothers
the notwist
nero's day at disneyland
veronica maggio
forrest gardner
dakota commons
common ground
9 in common
every king & commoner
common jones
king commoner
justin trawick and the common good
the boston common
common unity
creation rebel
common folk
common center
common fires
common labor
common things
common cliche
ritt momney
kid common
common users
cure for the common
whether, i
jarrod alonge
ending left
kevin devine
right away great captain
monster magnet
the filthy souls
lower than atlantis
middle class rut
colour revolt
alex greenwald
coconut records
chasing sokaris
the so so glos
moving mountains
all get out
the dead hunter
matt jaffe
thundercloud kid
story untold
american sin
than luu
this wild life
flower leperds
half past midnight
than zaw myint
electric valley
kevin harp
jason lapierre
rob mathes
kevin hewick and friends
get scared
40 rod lightning
shadows fall
tony gallichio
mike vallely
betraying the martyrs
lee ving
jc charles
in the moment
a thousand times over
junkyard fieldtrip
all things blue
matty mullins
the utah jazz
in hearts wake
jon lewis
awake and unafraid
new found glory
just jax
jes say
jeffrey nothing
shadow kid
in dying arms
hollywood ending
action item
julien baker
against me!
slutty hearts
the blue van
eyes set to kill
a band called sad
theory of a deadman
cris cordero
broken bells
the devil wears prada
sick puppies
the dark
drive by truckers
lil tarus
marek stanisław sajmbor
the early november
the arcs
atta boy
circa survive
half moon band
half moon baby
from over the water
commonwealth choir
the dangerous summer
kids in america
promise of redemption
sleep in.
sleepy limbs
string machine
sweet pill
the still, small voice
triangle shirt factory
vinnie caruana
champagne colored cars
nude shoes
mas malo
the phoenix within
post season
rich people
vincent john
for all i am
battle lines
broadway calls
the casket lottery
doll skin
fame on fire
hands like houses
have mercy
hold close
lotus eater
point north
stand atlantic
tonight alive
what's eating gilbert
88 fingers louie
against all authority
air dubai
amber pacific
atom and his package
break the silence
common rider
cruel hand
damion suomi & the minor prophets
dillinger four
divided by friday
driver friendly
dying in designer
i am the avalanche
ever we fall
falling sickness
for the foxes
funeral oration
heroes of modern earth
the human abstract
jeff ott
the kickdrums
the photos
best ex
lil xtra
mike park
milk teeth
mustard plug
the nobodys
the queers
ronen kauffman
scared of chaka
the silence broken
selby tigers
drug church
early graves
the felix culpa
foreign tongues
forest green
former thieves
grey gordon
great grief
hot mulligan
in between
jail socks
julia louise
long lost
maps for travelers
old sol
no trigger
old lines
pet crow
run forever
sainthood reps
seasons change
shai hulud
state faults
stay inside
allison weiss
i call fives
balance and composure
funeral for a friend
ghost key
into it. over it.
lee corey oswald
the fire the flood
major league
now, now
small leaks sink ships
the swellers
touché amore
la dispute
half moon bay
half moon day
half moon
half moon sound
half moon god
half moon factory
half moon portrait
the crew of the half moon
the half moon shrine
half moon tuesday
half moon science
half moon jug band
half moon nima
half moon waves
aaron west and the roaring twenties
half moon codex
half moon glass
anthony raneri
half past moon
story untold
there for tomorrow
tripp underwood
the weakerthans
young & heartless
invent animate
strawberry girls
the afterimage
a kiss for jersey
armor for the broken
the artificials
a skylit drive
avant garde -
bad luck.
brighter than a thousand suns
the dead rabbitts
everyone dies in utah
eternal void
greeley estates
i set my friends on fire
half moon tide
the half moons
van & his hotel half moon orchestra
half-way to the moon
charlie and the half-moon
animal sun
rome hero foxes
young kings
the coworkers
the car ride home
soothing car ride
xxx car ride
carpet ride
carol rider
carly rider
carlton ridenhour
red carpet ride
rider tax-cara-cara
ruby stone french
carl axell and his temporary rid...
business school
better off
0 notes
filexmaster · 5 years
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The New SHlT Presenta: 💀🇩🇪 DEUTSCHLAND 🇩🇪 💀 . @thenewshit.conce • • • • • . ● Este Sábado 06 de Abril estaremos celebrando con tremendos especiales el estreno del nuevo single de Rammstein "Deutschland" y la reciente visita de Lacrimosa a Chile, te esperamos! ✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚ . ☣PISTA 1☣ (#ELECTRODARK #INDUSTRIAL #EBM #FUTUREPOP #AGGROTECH) . ► DJ @filexmaster ► DJ @nicolaspoison . ● ESPECIAL: @rammsteinofficial Además: . Combichrist / And One / Amduscia / Nachtmahr/ Aesthetic Perfection / X-RX / Hocico / Noisuf-X / Apoptygma Berzek / Suicide Commando / God Module / Icon of Coil / Dulce Liquido / Ater Mors / Blutengel / Alien Vampires / Faderhead / SAM / Centhron / Code 64 / E-Craft / Laibach / Rammstein / Marilyn Manson / Rob Zombie / Orgy & Más! . . 🦇PISTA 2🦇 #GOTH #POSTPUNK #DARKWAVE #REVIVAL #80S . ► DJ ZUEDE ● ESPECIAL: #LACRIMOSA Además: Bauhaus / The Cure / Joy division / Siouxsie and the Banshees / London After Midnight / Clan of Xymox/ The Sisters of Mercy / The Crüxshadows / The Frozen Autumn / Christian Death / Alien Sex Fiend / Asylum Party / The Mission / Cocteau Twins / Diva Destruction / Danse Society / Red Lorry Yellow Lorry / Mephisto Walz / Suspiria / Virgin Prunes / Xmal Deutschland / She Past Away / Lebanon Hanover / Qual / Diavol Strain / Утро / Drab Majesty / Soviet Soviet / Rendez Vous / Soror Dolorosa / Буерак / Frio y Vacio / Boy Harsher y mucho más ►BLOQUE #80S Depeche Mode / The Smiths / Real Life / Blondie / The Church / A Flock of Seagulls / Spandau Ballet / New Order / Pet Shop Boys / Erasure / David Bowie y más!! ✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚ . . ►Entrada $2.000 s/c & $3.000 c/ cover (Pisco, Ron o Vodka) ► @lamansion.ccp, Av Prat #592, Concepción (Entrada por "Club Nenas") . . . #instaconce #instaconcepcion #ConceGram #concepcionchile #Concepcion #Concepción #Conce #ccp #biobio #chile #carretesconce https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv1pfWFnvg5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fb0wpurxmzn6
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ecofinisher · 4 years
The Adventures of Super Nathan 3 - Chap. 6
Chapter   6
One and a  half month later
Inside a hall, a large crowd of people sat on the side of the hall on benches watching on both sides of the hall with four fields with fencers combating each other for the next stage of the discipline.
On the third field, a fencing student with the Lithuanian flag lost his sword as the other combatant with the French flag outsmarted him with the special fencing maneuver, then the referee whistled and pointed at the two fencers, which removed the cable from behind their back, which was attached to the electronic score machine.
“5 to 3. Adrien Agreste defeats Juozas Balthis and moves further to the finals”
Adrien moves his helmet up followed by the opponent to reveal his face too, then Adrien held his hand out at the man, which did the same and both shook the hand from the other.
“Good game” Adrien complimented.
“Good game” The Lithuanian man repeated earning a small smile from Adrien.
Adrien walked along with the man out of the field passing by the field of the female combatants observing Kagami dressed in a white fencing suit with the French national flag towards a Chilean woman, then Adrien stood there observing the duel. Adrien observed Kagami spin around after she blocked an attack of the opponent. Therefore she made a split on the ground having the opponent’s saber pass over her helmet nearly touching it, making Adrien open his mouth wide at the pose of his girlfriend.
“I didn’t know she could do that,” A voice said, then Adrien looked behind him to recognize Parker Larsson from the last tournament he had back in Berlin.
“Hey Parker” Adrien acknowledged as he recognized the short-haired man and gave him a fist bump. “How you’re doing?”
“I was great until I’ve lost against Ivan from Belarus. Hopefully, he’ll be able to defeat…...”
“9 to 3. Raiden Soto defeats Ivan Kupriyanovich moves to the finals”
“Spoke too soon,” Parker said annoyed with the results of the last match. “But you’re in the finals. You will defeat him this time. I have no doubt in you”
“Thanks, Parker”
“8 to 5. Kagami Tsurugi defeats Liliana Rodriguez and moves to the finals”
“I think Liliana won last year the tournament from the women category” Parker mentioned. “She’s quite skilled”
“Really?” Adrien watched Kagami and her opponent move take their helmets down and give each other their hand. “I still think Kagami is going to win” “I believe you, lover boy” Parker added making Adrien chuckle.
“By the way, doesn’t Ulrich attend any matches or just this one?” The blonde asked the Swedish man.
“Last year I encountered him and he said he was going to become a dad in a few months. He also asked me about you, if I saw you and now you’re here”
“Aww, that’s nice,”
“What about you two?” Parker asked. “Got any plans?”
“Well, Kagami and I are at the university. She’s looking forward to become a lawyer afterward if everything goes well. I’m not sure for now, what I want to do, but I was thinking about something in helping people like a doctor”
“A lawyer and a doctor. That sounds nice” “What about you?”
“Nice” Adrien added, then Kagami appeared stepping beside the blonde and recognizing the Swedish man.
“Hey Parker, great to see you” Kagami mentioned making the man smile.
“Same. I just have asked how you two were doing” Parker mentioned.
“We’re good” Kagami responded. “Right?” Kagami asked looking up at the boyfriend, which leaned his head towards the girl for a kiss, but before Kagami pushed his helmet off his head shrieking him a little, afterward he realized he would have hit her with it, then he smiled and gave her a kiss on her lips.
“Who are you going to duel with?” Kagami asked the blonde, which looked down at the floor, then back to Kagami.
“Raiden” Adrien answered, then Kagami caressed Adrien on his cheek.
“You got this, I know that” Kagami assured the blonde, which nodded. “Look I will get us water, before we start our final match” Kagami offered walking back, while Parker and Adrien observed Kagami leave.
“Doesn’t she have many other guys swooning over her?” Parker asked making Adrien furrow his eyebrows at Adrien’s question. “I’m not trying to mess with you or anything. It’s just as a guy I find Kagami to be really…..you know”
“She indeed is amazing” Adrien mentioned. “The time we have been spending now together after I quit my modeling career has been really good for us. I felt my love for her grow with every day that passed”
“That’s great” The Swedish man noticed making Adrien smile, after that a raven-haired man stood behind the blonde and tapped him on the shoulder, then Adrien turned his head around and wide his eyes unimpressed as he noticed it was his next opponent Raiden Soto, who defeated him years ago in Germany.
“Hey egg yolk, how’s going?” The Japanese man asked making Adrien raise his left eyebrow up at Raiden’s comment. “Are you ready for your defeat?”
“I don’t know” Adrien responded turning around at his opponent. “What about you?” Adrien questioned making Parker form his mouth into an O at Adrien’s comment. Raiden snorted at Adrien’s comment, then held his hand up at the blonde.
“Just came here to wish you good luck” The man said making Adrien furrow his eyebrows surprised at the guy. “What is wrong with you? Not man enough to give a handshake?”
Adrien rolled his eyes and held his hand out at Raiden to shake it.
“And now?” Raiden asked obstinate about the blonde. “You gotta say something,”
“Fuck y….” Parker began, but Adrien elbowed him while glaring at the Japanese man.
“Good Luck Raiden Soto” Adrien wished still staring at the raven-haired man.
“See? Wasn’t really difficult, wasn’t it?” Raiden questioned the Frenchman, which kept the same facade in front of the man.
Kagami came along with a blue water bottle and stopped beside the two men, who were staring at each other. Kagami rolled her eyes about the situation and held the water bottle in front of Adrien’s face bringing him back into reality, then he grabbed the bottle giving Kagami a little smile.
“Thank you,” Adrien said opening the bottle to drink.
“You’re in the finals again I see?” Kagami asked the Japanese man earning a nod from him.
“If I hadn’t missed the last tournament in Zagreb I would be the fifth time in a row,” Raiden mentioned. “Today it will be the fifth time I’ll take the price home”
“Who knows, maybe there’s going to be a new king on the throne” Parker mentioned crossing his arms.
“We’ll see about that” Raiden said looking back at Adrien, which also crossed his arms.
“All the finalists please prepare yourself for the final round. This rounds will last for 5 minutes. The candidate with the highest score win and will be the new champion,”
“May the best of you two win,” Kagami said earning a nod from the two finalists, then Kagami handed Adrien back his helmet afterward she moved herself up at the blonde pecking him on his cheek.
“Good luck Adri” Kagami wished leaving him back with the raven-haired Asian, which rolled his eyes at the sight of it.
“Good luck Adrien” Parker wished watching the blonde walk away followed by the Japanese man at the first field, where the referee stood and advised the two to step on the field.
“On the first field takes the match for the third place between  Ivan Kupriyanovich from Belarus and Serkan Nazmi from Turkey. On the second field, Raiden Soto from Japan fights for the main price towards Adrien Agreste, a native player from France”
Adrien put the cord behind his back, while Raiden on the other side of the field was doing the same afterward Adrien looked out of the field at Parker which gave the blonde two thumbs up. Raiden gazed with a smirk at Adrien trying to put pressure on the blonde, which looked at the women side to see Kagami step on the field looking at the field of the men seeing the blonde, afterward she sent Adrien an air kiss making the blonde smile a little relieved at his girlfriend’s support.
“For the third place, Liliana Rodriguez from Chile fights against Cybele Tavoularis from Cyprus. For the gold, the Japanese descendant Kagami Tsurugi with the flag of France disputes this fight with Zena Nowakowska from Poland”
 Adrien set his helmet over his head and closed the front of it and moved forward to meet Raiden, which had performed the same deed as the Frenchman and the two met in the middle, where the referee stood.
“As announced, the player with the most points wins” The referee mentioned. “The rules are the same as you know, now please test the scoring machine by touching each other with the saber,”
Raiden poked with the end of his saber on Adrien’s shoulder, afterward Adrien performed the same duty on Raiden, then both bowed down and walked backward back to the end of the field.
“Ready? Go!” The moderator announced followed by a honk, then Adrien ran toward Raiden attacking him with his saber and the opponent deflected his attacks easily, therefore he managed quickly to hit Adrien on his waist making the scoring machine blink a green light, which was the color that was set for Raiden.
“1 to 0!” The referee announced, then the two walked back to their start position waiting for the referee responsible for their match to start the next round.
“Ready? Go!”
Adrien and Raiden raced towards each other and hit their swords together battling for the next point. Adrien held his arm a little closer to his body as he blocked the attacks of the Japanese man, which were getting closer to his body. Adrien gave a quick, short thrust as he parried Raiden’s attacks, making him hit more harsher making Adrien walk backward on the field. Adrien tried it again thrusting Raiden’s sword away, followed by another time, which was harder than before and Raiden had his arms along with the sword away from his chest for a split second, where Adrien managed to score for himself as he stung the man on his abdomen.
“1-1 for Adrien” The referee announced, then Adrien looked up at the TV screen, where he could see the results of all matches and he noticed there were only 2 minutes and 50 seconds left.
“Ready?” The referee asked, then Adrien stepped back to the start position, while Raiden already had after that the two awaited the sign to begin. “Go!
Raiden moved further and Adrien kept standing on his spot for a second, watching Raiden approach, then he stopped noticing Adrien wasn’t moving.
“What’s wrong with you?” Raiden asked. “Lost your bravery?”
Adrien jumped at the man with his saber to flunge at hitting the opponent’s sword almost making him lose the balance and get back to his equilibrium while using his arms, then he tried to parry Adrien’s lunge with his sword a little unprofessionally starting to lose his balance, afterward Raiden got hit by Adrien on the chest lighting up on Adrien’s side the green light for the second point.
“2-1 for Adrien!”
The two men returned to their position for the next round, which the referee was going to announce in a short time.
“Ready?” The referee asked watching both swordmen prance on the ground ready to attack. “Go!”
Raiden and Adrien raced toward each other and smacked their sabers hard together, then Raiden tried to dominate the blonde by smacking harder with his sword on Adrien’s guiding him backward while Adrien tried his best to riposte all the attacks of his opponent without suffering the reverse. Adrien noticed Raiden was trying to guide him out of the field, then Adrien hits roughly with his saber on Raiden’s making him step with his right leg back to beware himself from falling, then Adrien took the lead at the fencing guiding Raiden away from him while stepping with his feet very close to his opponent’s while the raven-haired deflected the attacks without tripping and he stopped while trying to dominate the blonde again. Adrien could handle the current situation, therefore he took a large step back giving Raiden a chance to strike, but before he could hit Adrien, the Frenchman felt down on his knees on purpose moving his head aside noticing the saber of his opponent pass beside his helmet and on that point Adrien stung with his sword on the side of the opponent’s belly.
“3 to 1 for Adrien!” The referee announced, then the two returned to their places hoping with their feet back and forth, waiting for the signal.
“Ready?” Go!” The referee shouted watching the two fencers stand on their spot, afterward, Raiden raced first against Adrien, which stood on his spot for a few seconds, afterward he ran against the Japanese man and went down on his knees sliding on the field taking his saber ready to block his attack, but instead, Raiden failed and hit the floor instead. Adrien looked behind at Raiden, which turned his head back at him growling, therefore before the two continued the honk rang all over the hall signaling the end of the matches.
“The matches are over!” The moderator announced, then Adrien jumped up, raising his arms in triumph.
“Yeah Adrien!” Parker shouted excited as he saw the blonde had defeated the serial winner of the competition. Adrien removed his helmet moving it up and down euphoric, then he noticed around Parker a few of the male competitors approach to applaud for the Frenchman, which smiled at the group and bowed down at them.
“I announce you the winners of for the third place. On the women's side, Liliana Rodriguez defeated Cybele Tavoularis with a score of 4-2. On the men side, Serkan Nazmi took down Ivan Kupriyanovich with a score of 5-3,”
Adrien left the field to fist bump Parker, then waved at the previous opponents, which smiled at the blonde.
“Great match man” A man with the Liechtensteiner flag complimented.
“Finally someone showed this stuck up jerk, to slow down,” A man said with the Northern Ireland flag.
“He acts to all of you as a douche?” Adrien asked surprised earning a nod from some of the men.
“I actually don’t care about it anymore, but in the past” A fencing opponent explained with the Portuguese flag.
“He is annoying when it comes to him winning. Never had met any opponent, who was that despicable” The North Irish man said.
“I always thought he had something with me only, cause apparently he had a crush on my girlfriend and he sees me as uhm.... unworthy for her”
“I believe he already was like this before”
“Kagami confirmed that on our last tournament” Adrien mentioned.
“Anyway that was a good match you had against Raiden” The Liechtensteiner complimented earning a smile from the blonde.
“You really think so?” Adrien asked. “I felt like I fought last time better towards Raiden”
“There are times you just play better, others not. But you won, that’s what matters”
“And you see this time Raiden didn’t cheat and he lost” Parker pointed out earning a nod from a few opponents.
“And you didn’t moonwalk” The Portuguese added, making a few chuckle.
A referee passed by the group and place his arms on Adrien and Parker’s shoulder gazing at the men around him.
“Guys would you please take this conversation to somewhere else, we need to prepare for the award ceremony” The referee explained earning a nod from the Swedish man and all walked up to the grandstand of the audience, then Adrien grabbed his water bottle to take a drink afterward behind him appeared Kagami embracing the boyfriend from behind.
“I told you, you would win” The girlfriend mentioned looking up at Adrien, who turned his head behind to see the woman gaze up at him with her maroon eyes.
“Well, I had a good motivation to win” Adrien explained seeing Kagami lean closer to the blonde to kiss him.
Raiden stopped in front of the crowd around Adrien, then removed his helmet noticing the competitors clap at the sight of Adrien kissing Kagami, then he frowned irritated at the sight of it.
Nathaniel and Lila were in their house together in the afternoon spending the time together painting the hobby room from their home.  Nathaniel was focused on coloring the inside of a template pinned on the wall. The template was the half part of a tree stencil, which Nathaniel was painting on the side of the entrance to the room in brown.
On the other side of the room Lila was cutting out a template while smiling and she dropped the scissor and shook her hand.
“I haven’t use a scissor so much as today” Lila mentioned doing her fingers a massage with the other hand. “If you don’t mind I will paint something for a while and continue afterward”
“Sure baby” Nathaniel answered watching Lila pick up one of the templates, she had already cut and looked, which she should pick. Lila picked a template, which had down on the edge Alix’s signature and with the title The fox and the Easter eggs.
Lila smirked and walked to the opposite side of her husband, then removed the white sheet of the template and sticks it on the end of the wall. Lila moved forward to the redhead on her knees to grab a pencil, Nathaniel had left on the ground and as she took it, she leaned behind Nathaniel’s back to see him painting.
“What do you think of the tree?” Nathaniel asked his wife, which nodded.
“It looks great Nathy” Lila complimented. “It was great from Mr. Norgay to give you the rest of his paint”
“I actually enjoyed helping the others paint houses for a good cause. Everyone was in a good mood and playful with each other” Nathaniel explained. “Next time I see Myléne I have to tell her, that she can count on me if she has other jobs like this again”
“Sure I will” Lila answered walking back to her corner. “You know how much she loves helping others and participates in such organizations”
“So does Rose, except she missed this one”
“She was sad, but she promised to be present the next one” The Italian woman mentioned starting to mark on the wall the details of the eggs before she was going to paint.
“I’ll be right back, I have to go to the toilet” Nathaniel mentioned leaving the room, where Lila stopped using the pencil, then grabbed the brush and dunked it into light beige paint and started to paint the belly of the vulpes.
In meanwhile Nathaniel returned with a package with cookies in the hobby room seeing Lila was almost finish with the painting on the wall.
“I didn’t know I got us a fox” Nathaniel mumbled as he chewed on a cookie, then Lila looked up at her husband with a smile.
“I asked Alix if she could make one of these templates for me” Lila mentioned. “Can you guess, what I want to tell you with this?”
“Uhm….it’s Easter?” Nathaniel asked making Lila shake her head.
“Nah Easter was last March”
“Okay, but whatever you want to tell me, has to do with the fox and the eggs?” The redheaded man asked earning a nod from the Italian woman.
“You want a fox?” Nathaniel asked making Lila giggle.
“That would be cool, but no, that’s not what I’m trying to tell you”
“Hmm….you saw a pregnant vixen?”
“No, but it has something to do with…...Miss Vixen’s alter ego”
“You…..?” Nathaniel began, then slowly began to piece up together in his head the clues Lila gave him and looked down at the eggs again and the fox painting on the wall noticing the fox had almost the same identical eye color as Lila and Nathaniel figured out, what was the solution to Lila’s charade.
“You’re pregnant?” Nathaniel asked making Lila smile, then Nathaniel copied her face and Lila jumped into his arms hugging him.
“You’re going to be a dad” Lila whispered into Nathaniel’s ears.
“Yeah….” Nathaniel extolled a little tensed, then was pecked by Lila on his cheek.
“I’m at…….six weeks I thought I have read. Anyway I’m so happy about it”
“So am I Lila…..I’m just…..feel a little unsure about if I’m ready for the role as a dad”
“You will be a good dad” Lila assured the husband. “You know what Luka said last time when he was with us at the party. We notice when we get older certain mistakes our parents did with us during us growing up and when it’s our turn to become parents of our own children, we won’t do the same mistakes as my parents, let’s say….if another Hawk Moth tries to manipulate one of my children, I will personally rip him off in pieces and help my children as good as I can. Here when Hawk Moth was using me for his own benefits as I couldn’t handle the pressure on my own after my first akumatization my mother didn’t really check me up for 100% if I was okay or not. I lied about everything just to not go to school again….otherwise, it was also because of what happened out of the school with Ladybug, but you know, what I mean, right?”
“Yes I do, but…...you know…..my dad really was never present and I couldn’t really profit anything from him on my education, only from my mother and my grandparents. The major part of my childhood were my grandparents responsible for me during the time my mother was at the work or at the course,”
“At least you had people, that took care of you”
“My mom is fantastic you know Lila. She took all her efforts on an extra education course, so she could make more money to be able to sustain us two by herself and to be able to give me like the others quality time of us spending the vacation together to compensate for the times I didn’t see her”
“She really was a great mother to you” Lila confessed. “And she still is” “Well you know I’m not going to do the same thing my dad did in the past just leave you alone without saying anything, beside….”
“You’re not gonna be like him, Nathaniel. You’re going to be better, if you fail on something who cares, it’s humane, we’re gonna make mistakes but we learn from everyone and get better with the time. Trust me, baby”
“You’re right” Nathaniel added.
“After all, our parents will be able to help us out once in a while, when it’s necessary. And we have our friends, who are going to face the same fate as us in the coming years….Marinette or Myléne,”
“Yeah and I can ask Luka or Ivan about their tips. Luka, mostly. He somehow had to take the father role for Juleka, when their dad left”
“Exactly” Lila responded. “Shall we continue our art project?” Lila questioned the redhead, making him nod.
“Sure and hey you gave me an idea for the painting if you’re interested to know” Nathaniel suggested Lila. “Would you like to hear it?” Nathaniel asked earning a nod from the brunette, then she kissed him on his lips.
“Here’s the pencil” Lila gave the man the pencil and the two went down on their knees and Nathaniel sketched on the wall his idea with Lila watching him.
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parlantecl · 11 months
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Boy Harsher regresa a Chile: 7 de Noviembre en Club Blondie
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filexmaster · 5 years
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🖤🔥INSTINCTS OF PERVERSION🔥🖤 Deja Fluir todos tus instintos perversos y sucios pensamientos este sábado en The New SHlT, los esperamos las 23 hrs! . . ✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚ . ►STAND BDSM DE @angel.leather.oliva & DEMOSTRACIONES EN VIVO🔥 . ☣PISTA 1☣ (#ELECTRODARK #INDUSTRIAL #EBM #FUTUREPOP #AGGROTECH) . ► DJ Lady BiorganiK (@natalie.bernardi) ►DJ FILEXMASTER (@filexmaster) ►#DJ_P0IS0N (@nicolaspoison) . . Combichrist / And One / Amduscia / Nachtmahr/ Aesthetic Perfection / X-RX / Hocico / Noisuf-X / Apoptygma Berzek / Suicide Commando / God Module / Icon of Coil / Dulce Liquido / Ater Mors / Blutengel / Alien Vampires / Faderhead / SAM / Centhron / Code 64 / E-Craft / Laibach / Rammstein / Marilyn Manson / Rob Zombie / Orgy & Más! . 🦇PISTA 2🦇 #POSTPUNK #DARKWAVE #GOTH #REVIVAL . . #DJ_ZUEDEHEAD Bauhaus / The Cure / Joy division / Siouxsie and the Banshees / London After Midnight / Clan of Xymox/ The Sisters of Mercy / The Crüxshadows / The Frozen Autumn / Christian Death / Alien Sex Fiend / Asylum Party / The Mission / Cocteau Twins / Diva Destruction / Danse Society / Red Lorry Yellow Lorry / Mephisto Walz / Suspiria / Virgin Prunes / Xmal Deutschland / She Past Away / Lebanon Hanover / Qual / Diavol Strain / Утро / Drab Majesty / Soviet Soviet / Rendez Vous / Soror Dolorosa / Буерак / Frio y Vacio / Boy Harsher y mucho más ►BLOQUE #80S Depeche Mode / The Smiths / Real Life / Blondie / The Church / A Flock of Seagulls / Spandau Ballet / New Order / Pet Shop Boys / Erasure / David Bowie y más!! . . ✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚ . . ►Entrada $2.000 s/c & $3.000 c/ cover (Pisco, Ron o Vodka) ►@lamansion.ccp, Av Prat #592, Concepción (Entrada por "Club Nenas") . . . #instaconce #instaconcepcion #ConceGram #concepcionchile #Concepcion #Concepción #Conce #ccp #biobio #chile #carretesconce https://www.instagram.com/p/Bub9ywFHo9u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1phmw8q699sgq
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filexmaster · 5 years
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🖤🔥INSTINCTS OF PERVERSION🔥🖤 Deja Fluir todos tus instintos perversos y sucios pensamientos este sábado en The New SHlT, los esperamos las 23 hrs! . . ✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚ . ►STAND BDSM DE @angel.leather.oliva & DEMOSTRACIONES EN VIVO🔥 . ☣PISTA 1☣ (#ELECTRODARK #INDUSTRIAL #EBM #FUTUREPOP #AGGROTECH) . ► DJ Lady BiorganiK (@natalie.bernardi) ►DJ FILEXMASTER (@filexmaster) ►#DJ_P0IS0N (@nicolaspoison) . . Combichrist / And One / Amduscia / Nachtmahr/ Aesthetic Perfection / X-RX / Hocico / Noisuf-X / Apoptygma Berzek / Suicide Commando / God Module / Icon of Coil / Dulce Liquido / Ater Mors / Blutengel / Alien Vampires / Faderhead / SAM / Centhron / Code 64 / E-Craft / Laibach / Rammstein / Marilyn Manson / Rob Zombie / Orgy & Más! . 🦇PISTA 2🦇 #POSTPUNK #DARKWAVE #GOTH #REVIVAL . . #DJ_ZUEDEHEAD Bauhaus / The Cure / Joy division / Siouxsie and the Banshees / London After Midnight / Clan of Xymox/ The Sisters of Mercy / The Crüxshadows / The Frozen Autumn / Christian Death / Alien Sex Fiend / Asylum Party / The Mission / Cocteau Twins / Diva Destruction / Danse Society / Red Lorry Yellow Lorry / Mephisto Walz / Suspiria / Virgin Prunes / Xmal Deutschland / She Past Away / Lebanon Hanover / Qual / Diavol Strain / Утро / Drab Majesty / Soviet Soviet / Rendez Vous / Soror Dolorosa / Буерак / Frio y Vacio / Boy Harsher y mucho más ►BLOQUE #80S Depeche Mode / The Smiths / Real Life / Blondie / The Church / A Flock of Seagulls / Spandau Ballet / New Order / Pet Shop Boys / Erasure / David Bowie y más!! . . ✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚✚ . . ►Entrada $2.000 s/c & $3.000 c/ cover (Pisco, Ron o Vodka) ►@lamansion.ccp, Av Prat #592, Concepción (Entrada por "Club Nenas") . . . #instaconce #instaconcepcion #ConceGram #concepcionchile #Concepcion #Concepción #Conce #ccp #biobio #chile #carretesconce https://www.instagram.com/p/BuZmIGTHMrI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xuj87ug197zj
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