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rachelfolkster · 7 years ago
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I’m starting to believe that cold weather, accompanied by howling winds, makes me a sock knitting ninja! One down! ☝️ 💙 #operationsockdrawer #ravelry #sockswithsarah #wip #knit #knits #knitting #socks #sockyarn #yarnporn #yarn #magicloop #knittersofinstagram #handknitsocks #knitallthesocks #knitaddict #socktherapy #vanillasocks #handmadeisbetter #freeallthehouseelveskal #boxosoxkal2017 #sockbash2017 #socktawk #mybakersdozen #noscrapleftbehind
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cedar-hill-farm-co · 7 years ago
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Voila! My #septembersocks are complete! Loving the bullseye effect on the heels and toes. The #yarn is Harley Q on @cedarhillyarns Rocket Sock base. . #freeallthehouseelveskal #boxosoxkal2017 #socks #sockproject #sockknittersofinstagram #sockaddict #cedarhillfarmcompany #cedarhillyarns #rocketsock #indiedyer
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freakishlemon · 8 years ago
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Gonna cake up my 10 skeins of Star Wars yarn. Also, when I filmed the podcast, I forgot about my ball of That's Not How The Force Works! Awwww yeeeaaaaaahhhh. #everythingisstarwars #stayontarget #boxosoxkal2017 #operationsockdrawer
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writingwoman · 7 years ago
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Das #Babytörtchen mag meine #Fairislesocken und wünscht sich schon länger "auch so Socken aus die lila Wolle". Also habe ich zwischendurch mal kleine #Ringelsocken angenadelt (auch damit ich euch nicht ständig den #nofrillscardigan zeigen muss 😂). Ich mag die @piratenwolle auch sehr gerne und das Weiß passt gut dazu. . #nevernotknitting #socken #sockenstricken #strickenistmeinyoga #strickenmachtglücklich #strikke #strikkedilla #sticka #sockor #memade #nothinglikeanickemade #operationsockdrawer #boxosoxkal2017
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bloodychamber · 7 years ago
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Finally finished! Yarn: The droids you're looking for by @havirland #boxosoxkal2017 #knitting
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indubitably-tosh · 8 years ago
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They're finished and they're sooooo comfy and I'm actually a bit proud of myself for making them up. ➿➿➿➿➿ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° #knittersofinstagram #knitting #sockknitting #yarnaddict #handknit #handmade #cablesocks #boxosoxkal #boxosoxkal2017 #britknitkal
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tinsnipsandscissors · 8 years ago
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#AlmostDone with my #February #socks for the #BoxOsoxKAL2017 hosted by Voolenvine Yarns. #HandDyed #yarn #knitting #colorwork #heart #LoveSocks #stripes 💗
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mookiemoo1974-blog · 8 years ago
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My Valentine's day socks. #boxosoxkal2017
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monsterfish · 8 years ago
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My first pair of socks for the #boxosoxkal2017 are done! I'm going with the very functional and free old shoe box for my box o sox, but I will probably decorate it with my daughter at some point this year 😊 #hedgehogfibres #sockmaticianstoeups #knitstagram
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jaclynbcohen · 8 years ago
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More work on my #boxosoxkal2017 sock number one. Playing around with a pattern which probably been made by everyone and there brother. Still loving it.
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rachelfolkster · 7 years ago
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First pair of socks (officially!) that counts towards #mybakersdozen ! ❤️💚 Yarn is Red Heart, Heart and Sole in Christmas Heel is Knit Picks Stroll in Jack Rabbit Heather ❤️💚 I LOVE THESE SOCKS! My hubby picked the heel color and it just makes me think of a wintery cabin at Christmas - it’s sooo warm and cozy!🎄 I think these would make an amazing gift for anyone this holiday season but I have someone in mind....I can’t wait to start gifting! ❤️💚💚❤️ #operationsockdrawer #ravelry #sockswithsarah #wip #knit #knits #knitting #socks #sockyarn #yarnporn #yarn #magicloop #knittersofinstagram #handknitsocks #knitallthesocks #knitaddict #socktherapy #afterthoughtheel #freeallthehouseelveskal #boxosoxkal2017 #sockbash2017 #socktawk #noscrapleftbehind #mybakersdozen
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cedar-hill-farm-co · 7 years ago
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September #Sock progress. These are being worked up in my Harley Q. colorway on my Rocket Sock base. . #cedarhillyarns #cedarhillfarmcompany #handdyedyarn #harleyquinn #villainyarn #indiedyer #sockyarn #yarnporn #sockproject #sockknittersofinstagram #sockknitting #freeallthehouseelveskal #boxosoxkal2017
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freakishlemon · 8 years ago
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THIS IS MY MASTERPIECE. (Also, that's a 2016 sock, but I needed it for a demonstration) #boxosoxkal2017 #operationsockdrawer #helphelpitshappening OH GOD I CANT STOP LAUGHING. IT'S SO ABSURD. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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writingwoman · 7 years ago
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Endlich ist die erste #Poolsocke vom #calendarsoxkal2017august fertig! Und weil die schöne #Tintenklecks-Wolle von @p_serendipity dann kurz mal "frei" war, habe ich sie kurzerhand in meiner vernachlässigten #cozymemoriesblanket verarbeitet. Und dann noch das Quadrat rechts daneben gestrickt. Und - ups! - da war es halb zwei ... Ich weiß jetzt auch endlich, wie ich diese Cozy Memories verwende: Wir hatten eine kleine weiße Bank beim Dänischen Bettenlager gekauft. Weißes Gestell, weißer Bezug. Sie stand auf der Terrasse. Und weil die Überdachung nicht ganz dicht ist, ist der Bezug jetzt natürlich versaut. Und genau da kommen die Cozy Memories drauf, damit die Bank wieder schön aussieht, wenn sie dann in unserem Wintergarten (juchhu!) stehen darf 😊 Wobei ... mit Weißer Umrandung würde der Bezug dann vielleicht besser passen ...? 🤔 . #calendarsoxkal2017 #poolsocken #augustsocken #boxosoxkal #boxosoxkal2017 #türkis #blau #nevernotknitting #stricken #strikkedilla
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mookiemoo1974-blog · 8 years ago
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Starting my February Sock which reminds me of Valentine's day. #boxosoxkal2017
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jaclynbcohen · 8 years ago
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Woot look at that toe. My first toe up without using a tutorial. It made me happy in a not so great time. Also even though it's a late start this will be my first entry for my #boxosoxkal2017 I hope I get better than four pairs this year. #yarn #yarnstagram #knittersofinstagram #sockknittersofinstagram #canadianknitters #knittingpodcast
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