#boxofcharacters ; wisteria
xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @box-of-characters ⟭
Wisteria has been staring at Sanji's legs for a good while now, expression clearly indicating that she was trying to figure something out. The werewolf eventually speaks up, her eyes not breaking contact with his legs as she starts pointing between them. ".... How th' 'ell do ya do that fire thing anyway?"
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Wisteria's questions were normally met with enthusiasm and a conducive answer, but this one garnered an opposite reaction. He shuddered once, let out a disgruntled huff through his nose and puffed indignantly at the cigarette half-burned between his lips.
Divulging his abilities and how he acquired them wasn't an easy task, but she had gone through the pain of telling him about her silvery scars. It only felt right that her be forthright with her in return.
"A gift from dear ol' dad." Another shudder, this one deeper. "Asshole thought it would benefit him and Germa if his children were different. He messed with my sister, messed with me and my brothers when we were still in the womb. We've all got something. Mine's lighting up my leg."
He offered her a small shrug, as if to dismiss the subject now that he had given her part of an answer.
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tenebriism · 3 months
“You're still in 'ere?”
Leaning against the doorway was Wisteria, watching as Zenos practiced his swordplay. Its been hours since he shuffled off, and he was still going. Had he never heard of taking a break?
“Put the swords away for a secon' 'n come get some food. Everyone's eaten already."
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" Caught unawares and left DEFEATED is the one who does not train ere the commencement of a worthy battle. " He's gone through a majority of the training dummies, by now. Left them naught more than SCORCH MARKS 'pon the ground, and soon to render the one afront him much the same. It is only by Wisteria's sudden interruption that this one shall be spared a second longer... but, only a second.
" Feast without me. My belly does not hunger for much, if anything. "
@boxofcharacters ;;
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ironbloodcd · 2 years
Wisteria: *tosses small pebbles at Kouga's head from her nice little perch in a nearby tree"
Unprompted Ask - Always Accepting!
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     “Oh, now yer gonna fuckin’ get it!”
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immoralraigan · 2 years
✜ with wisteria of course LMAO
[ Strangers - Raj Ramayya ]
oh hey look it's that one werewolf anime song
everyone's fine, everything's fine, nobody's going to die
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madamhatter · 3 years
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send me one of the following symbols and i’ll make a moodboard for my character / selectively accepting.
@box-of-characters asked: 💛 with wis 👀 i. WE FELL IN LOVE IN OCTOBER / ii. HONEY / iii. GO THERE WITH YOU 
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xmenageriie · 4 years
“Oh no, yet not draggin' me ou' there!” wISTERIA TO SANJI
— winter starters / @box-of-characters
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“But’s it’s beautiful! Look!” The door to the kitchen had been thrown open, brisk air rolling in and competing with the heat that had gathered inside moments before. Beyond the door sat a picturesque landscape of white hills, barren trees and bright blue sky unmarred by even a single, stray cloud. Somewhere behind the crest of one hill in particular rose a single, thin stack of smoke so thin that you had to squint to see it. And the air, so clean and crisp, smelled of only burning wood.
Sanji didn’t enjoy the cold, but it was hard not to feel a child-like glee at the sight of freshly fallen snow and a perfectly frozen lake. Already, several members of the crew had taken to it, some taking hard tumbles while others gracefully glides along its slippery surface.
“Fifteen minutes. Go shaking with me for fifteen minutes, and we can come back. I’ll make you whatever you want.” He closed the door again, giving her back some of the warmth he had taken. “If you really don’t want to go, I’ll stop asking. But.  .  . it’ll be more fun with you there.”
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devilslcg · 5 years
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❤ — @box-of-characters
Swimming didn’t sound like a bad idea now that Sanji acknowledged just how hot it was. He could handle triple digit temperatures without a complaint, mostly because he knew complaining wouldn’t solve anything, but he wouldn’t brush off the chance to feel a little cooler and see Wisteria is a swimsuit. 
                   ( If she had one. Oh, he hoped she did.  .  . )
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“Yeah! Let’s do it. Maybe it’ll help me think a little clearer. Can’t really plan dinner if my brain feels like it’s melting.”
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ meme / @box-of-characters ⟭
“You’re the best. D’you know that?” Wisteria @ Sanji :3c
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"Am I now?" From the cook came an amused chuckle, though the smallest portion of it was tinged with worry. This wasn't his first time witnessing her after a few drinks, but it was the first time she had thought to compliment him while inebriated.
He wanted to believe that she spoke from the heart, except that knowing these kind words only came out when she wasn't herself didn't make them feel as sweet as they could be. Part of him longed to hear her speak to him this lovingly when she was sober, but he wouldn't nag.
Maybe someday. Maybe.
"I didn't know that, but I appreciate it. And, for the record, I think you're the best." The many bottles of alcohol were put away, the utensils used to mix her drinks set aside for later cleaning. "I think you may be done for now, Wisteria-chan. Don't want to drink it all up tonight."
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ meme / @box-of-characters ⟭
[ 𝐓𝐑𝐘 ] Taste Wisteria's stew Sanji, u kno u wanna
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If the aroma permeating the kitchen was worth being excited about, then he didn't doubt for a second that the taste would be something exceptional.
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"May I?" He couldn't help himself — when the opportunity to try her stew arose, he didn't hesitate to accept. Lips apart, eyes shut, a quiet 'aaahhh' rumbling in his chest as he awaited the piping hot spoonful.
Spices and beef, soft carrots and onions and potatoes. It singed his tongue, but the taste was worth the lack of feeling. "Astounding, Wisteria-chan~! A true masterpiece, from start to finish! I can't wait to have more! In fact, I'm sure I won't eat another person's stew for as long as I live!"
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @box-of-characters​ ⟭
"Sanj'! Where d'ya keep the cinnamon?" Wisteria had been scanning the rows upon rows of herbs and spices for what felt like hours now. And honestly? It was starting to get a bit overwhelming for both her eyes and nose. Sure she wasn't a cook in the skill range of Sanji, but she was pretty sure some of these were just made up names at this point. Tarragon? Coriander? Maybe she should have taken that whole gardening thing seriously when staying with her unicorn friend for a spell. Ears began falling flat, showing the frustration that was starting to set in. "It ain' gonna taste th' same wi'out it..."
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“The cinnamon? It should be where it —— oh, wait.” The cook made to flippantly point out that the little jar of clearly labeled cinnamon ought to be on the bottom shelf closest to the oven, but it dawned on him with a pinch of guilt that he had moved it recently.
Abandoning the table and the set-up he had begun to prepare there, he moved to grab the jar that sat beside the stove. Sheepishly, he handed it towards her, smile feeble around his cigarette.
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“We’ve been using it so often that I figured I should just leave it out. I’m sorry, I forgot all about it.” He didn’t mind her taking some, since he believed she was as much a part of the crew as he was, but he did become curious now that they’d solved the mystery of the missing cinnamon. “What won’t taste the same?”
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @box-of-characters ⟭
"They're silver burns."
Wisteria finally spoke up as she cautiously bent her hand forward and back, allowing the bandages that she had so meticulously wrapped around a badly scarred wrist to loosen and adjust before tying the ends into a knot. Normally she'd be spitting venom and colorful phrases over someone daring to stare at her, especially in what she considered a vulnerable state, but…. she frankly didn't care now.
The werewolf did not seek pity or comfort, all she wanted was for him to stop worrying. He has done so, so much and more for her despite that nasty standoffish attitude; it was only fair that she open up. At least a little bit.
"Looks pretty, smells like shit… an' one of th' few things tha' can keep a werewolf from tearin' someone's throat out." Nerve after nerve began to flare up in defiance as Wisteria lifted her arm and twisted the wrist that was still exposed, showing Sanji just what she'd been dealing with. "Doesn' hurt much now, but still a pain in the ass. Ya know? Always itchin', actin' up in the cold…"
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There was no way he could cease his worrying, but he could sate his curiosity for the moment. There was much he didn't know about her, but every morsel he was given was gratefully taken and cherished because she didn't have to share. He never pressured, he tried only to ask when it felt right — that wasn't to say this was a reward, but he was glad.
"Silver did this?" He glanced from the smooth scars to her face, his own expression tightening with sudden understanding. "Is that why you use your hands to eat?"
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He eyed the marks for another moment before before he exhaled sharply through his nose. "Can I ask why it happened?"
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @box-of-characters​ ⟭
"'ey, bear." Wisteria didn't wait for Anita to focus, instead opting to lazily toss something in the demon's direction as soon as her attention was caught. The object in question was a small pack of jerky; something the hellhound would not normally part with unless there was good reason. "I can 'ear yer stomach growlin' from a mile away an' it's gettin' annoyin'."
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“I dunno if you can tell, but I’d rather read this boring-ass book than——!” She was ready to sacrifice what little grey matter she had left if it meant refusing the hellhound’s attention. She would have turned her mind into numb, unfeeling mush except that something flopped into her lap before she could finish her claim.
Textbook set aside and packet opened, Anita felt her stomach release yet another monstrous growl at the scent of dried and spices meat. Oh. She had grown accustomed to hearing her own stomach that she didn’t realize the sound had begun to irritate others.
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“Uh, thanks. I guess.” She pulled a strip from the bag and tore it away with her teeth, the taste alone alleviating some of her gnawing hunger. “Not gonna pay you back for it, though.”
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ meme / @box-of-characters​ ⟭
"Wha' if I jumped off th' ship ri' now? 's too damn hot t' jus' sit 'ere when there's ice cold wa'er jus' a rail away." And without waiting for Sanji to respond, Wisteria begins to slowly roll over on the deck, staring straight at the aforementioned safety rail with a glint in her eye. Despite there being better options to stay cool and her general dislike of open water, Wisteria was extremely tempted just to get some instant relief from the summer sun. "... I'mma do it."
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“If you jumped off, I’d have to go in after you.” Whether or not she could swim hardly mattered because it was habit to follow in anyone that wound up overboard. He had done it so often, in fact, that he had nearly perfected his form while diving. His splash was minimal, and he was able to make it to the water soon enough to prevent Devil Fruit users from suffering too heavily. Wisteria was a little heftier, than most of the members of his crew, but he would dive in after her all the same.
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“Wisteria-chan, if you’re hot, I could always arrange a bath for you. Not a warm one, of course, but you’ll be safer in there than out in the open ocean. Or, if that’s still not appealing, I can make you a drink.”
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xamassed · 3 years
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「 meme / @box-of-characters​  」
"I’ve lost s' many people. I can’t lose y', too." WISTERIA AND SANJI--
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He didn’t try to refute her, and he didn’t make her empty promises. Instead, he crouched before the werewolf and placed his hands on either side of her face, one thumb rubbing against the apple of her cheek. “Wisteria.  .  .”
It was a risk, taking this gigantic step forward, but he hoped that it would be worth it. Instead of pulling her forward, he pushed himself closer, lips quickly and chastely catching hers. He didn’t dare linger longer than necessary. In fact, it happened so quickly that it might be more apt to consider it a peck than a full-on kiss.
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“Listen to me. I can’t promise you that I’ll be here for as long as you need me to be, but I will try. I will do everything in my power to stay here with you.” A smile fluttered to his lips, but it was the slightest bit bashful. “You’ve seen the way I might. Every time we get into a battle, I fight as hard as I do for my crew and for you because I want to see you again when the dust settles. I know it’ll be hard not to worry, but I’m here right now.”
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xamassed · 3 years
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「 meme / @box-of-characters​​ 」
💙 for Wisteria and Sanji omg--
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He didn’t mean for it to happen, but Sanji couldn’t and wouldn’t deny that the sudden peck of their lips had made his heart soar. It was meant to be a harmless kiss to her cheek, but the sudden turn on her head had turned it into another kind of kiss in an instant.
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“W—Wisteria-chan, did you.  .  . mean to turn towards me like that?” There was a hopefulness in his eyes that warned of an oncoming swoon. “Did you mean to kiss me~?”
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