#boxer shrimp
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morgansram · 2 days ago
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Yellow Coral Banded Shrimp
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ketrinadrawsalot · 1 year ago
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This year was challenging in expected and surprising ways. Here's to another year of drawing angels, animals, and assorted weird things!
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quibbs126 · 2 years ago
Today I learned there’s a bunch of interesting shrimp, and now I want them as Cookies
I’m just going to list some I found today. I’ve already talked about Pistol Shrimp, so I won’t talk about it here
Harlequin Shrimp:
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Like where do these things start and end? I don’t know, but they look really cool. I heard they can also change color based on their mood. If you were to make them a Cookie, I’d say make them a clown, perhaps for a rival circus to the Big Top Circus (that was the name of Banana and Ice Juggler’s circus, right?)
Amano Shrimp:
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Okay, so maybe they’re not the most interesting looking, and maybe also not the most interesting, but still. Though also I hear that they change color based on their diet? I dunno. But what I was looking at that I thought was interesting was that they’re apparently very active cleaners. I feel like you could make them a cleaner that’s also very particular about messes, and perhaps a bit of a germaphobe? Like, if they see a mess, they just have to clean it
Vampire Shrimp:
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(They apparently come in multiple colors, so I just got a few different pictures of different colors)
I think what makes them most interesting is that despite their size (apparently they’re pretty big, at least for shrimp) and name, they’re apparently rather calm and non aggressive. Also they’re supposedly pretty shy and reclusive. Honestly, it kind of reminded me of Dark Choco Cookie, which is probably a big reason I like them. Also they’re very big and bulky, which makes them look kind of cute to me, I don’t know why. Also they only come out at night, which is probably another reason for their name
I don’t have much in terms of ideas for a Vampire Shrimp Cookie, other than people finding them scary at first, only to realize they’re really not. I just wanted to show you them (also I feel like using this for a Dark Choco/Lobster kid if I ever do one)
Ghost/Glass Shrimp:
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I mostly just added them because it’s an easy “ghost Cookie” if you wanted to have one. Also they’re see through, which is cool
Bay Ghost Shrimp:
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Apparently these shrimps are soft, or at least softer than other shrimp. Also they have asymmetrical claws, as you can see. They apparently spend a lot of time burrowing. I’m also running out of ideas for how to turn this into a Cookie, but I thought it was neat. I suppose it would be something pertaining to its digging abilities
I think I’m gonna stop here, but still, cool shrimp
Edit: oh, also, another one, Boxer Shrimp, also known as Banded Coral Shrimp, among other names
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Apparently they use their claws to clean fish and remove things like algae and parasites from them to eat. Also they can sense fish with their antenna apparently. I’d say either go the obvious route of a boxer, or something to do with their cleaning thing, though I don’t know what. Perhaps some sort of doctor? Maybe just confined to other sea creatures?
Also Fairy Shrimp
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I wasn’t able to find much on them, but they’re relatively large and slow and typically used as food. Also they like to swim upside down. They’d probably make for a more cute Cookie
You know, I find it kind of ironic how I’m now thinking shrimp are really cool, despite the fact that my dad is allergic to shrimp (and I’m not sure if I am), and my family just generally dislikes seafood
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a-simple-shrimp · 2 years ago
Shrimp of the Day #22
Stenopus hispidus
also known as the coral banded shrimp or the banded cleaner shrimp.
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cornkernelle · 10 months ago
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To distract from the unbearable heat over here, have some summer rock soda festa content!! The crew take concerts very seriously. Trust they've got a camp set up ages before the concert even starts!
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Additionally, more summer-themed doodles.
Bigeye and Red Reaper are owned by my buddy @limboraptor !! ^^
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applesxuce · 2 months ago
Sea Shanty Cookie Tag themes part 2!
Featuring ocs I left out last time! None of these ocs are mine! Well, the last two are mine.
Sea Foam Cookie - No Anchor - Kipo - Oc belongs to @chibifox2002
Cowbell Cookie - Young and Reckless - Kipo - Oc belongs to @cornkernelle
Golden Shrimp Cookie - 5 Hand Clap - Kipo - Oc belongs to @cornkernelle
Boxer shrimps Cookies - Brunch Bunch - Kipo - ocs belongs to @cornkernelle
Red Reaper Cookie - Cruel to the Beat - Kipo - Oc belongs to @limboraptor
Giant Clam Cookie - MegaWalrus Attack - Kipo - Oc belongs to @rawdough
my ocs now! That’s right. More.
Blue-Footed Cookie - Mr.Cup’s Cup -Bee and Puppycat - belongs to me
Mako Shark Cookie - Paint the Town Blue - Arcane (season 2) - Oc belongs to me
The Megalodon Siren - Worse than Death - Nine Sols - ocs belongs to me
Once again, my personal opinion.
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brackgiraffe · 10 months ago
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waksworldrebooted · 2 years ago
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In the year 2055, scientific research company Neurogene Incorportated discovered a way to fuse human and inhuman DNA together on a cellular level. With that, they founded the BBT, the Biomod Boxing Tourney. With that, they gathered many famous boxing champions from around the globe to become hybrids from the strongest in the animal kingdom.
This specific poster showcases Zuri Salome and Emilia Arnault, bio-modded into a Great White Shark and a Peacock Mantis Shrimp respectively
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Bonus un-edited version
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unorthadox-werm · 1 year ago
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shrimps are cool but i am not a shrimp. when i shrimp over the table for too long, my back starts to hurt. i stand up on my human legs and stretch my human body every hour. sometimes i wish i was a shrimp.
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stellewriites · 1 month ago
every sort of day
ghoap x gn!reader fluff
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when you woke that morning, the bed was empty and the flat quiet. you felt the sheets but they were cold and you huffed feeling a little frustrated that you’d woken up late even if you knew you’d needed the sleep.
pouting regardless, you got up and headed into the kitchen, shuffling along the wood floors in your thick, warm socks. your eyes went to the fridge first like every morning and you grinned when you saw the letter magnets rearranged into a message, i luv u. looking slightly lower you barked out a surprised laugh at the continued message using numbers for any missing original magnets, 4nd ur ar5e.
you shook your head and finally opened your coffee maker, feeling your chest warm when you saw a pod already inside and your mug set just to the side of it. your favourite brand of almond milk had been replenished in the fridge without you realising and you savoured the hot drink once it was made with a satisfied hum.
you’d missed johnny and simon before they’d left to work on base that morning, but they’d made sure to leave their mark behind for you to find.
you settled on the sofa in your boyfriends’ t-shirt and boxers, wrapped in a fluffy blanket. you sent a text to the pair of them, a simple love heart to let them know you’d woken up, and then turned on the tv. you’d been sick the past few days though you could tell you were on the up now, your head not feeling so fuzzy and your throat not scratching as bad. your boyfriends must have agreed given they’d set up the stuff for a coffee; simon was a staunch believer of tea only when ill and he made you stick to it too when he was around.
halfway through your trash tv show you napped for an hour or two, only waking when your stomach grumbled and complained at being empty for too long. wrapped up tight in your blanket, you yawned and headed to the kitchen to grab the soup johnny had made. you spotted it on the top shelf in the fridge and heated it up in the microwave under the brief instructions taped to the side of the tupperware. you were thankful it didn’t need too long, eager to get back to the sofa and the latest season of love island. while you waited for it to heat up you made yourself a tea and sent a photo to simon, smiling when he sent back a simple, good lass 🖤.
you sighed at the smell when the microwave dinged. spicy veg, your favourite and easy to keep down with the gippy tummy you’d had the last few days.
once you sat back down with both items, you hunched over like a shrimp to keep from spilling it, your blanket hung over your shoulders like a shroud.
you messaged simon worriedly when you’d heard nothing from johnny by mid afternoon. you knew they were meant to be in training, finishing off any vague handwavey paperwork they did and catching up with their captain after the last week off on break with you. but still. you worried.
johnny was chatty, even when he was in a meeting or on a helo, he always managed to send you a little something to keep your nerves settled.
your phone pinged and you opened the video simon sent quick sharp.
it showed johnny running laps on his own on a big field, a group of younger recruits cheering him on from the side, slightly out of frame and sat on the grass next to the track. your boyfriend’s face was beet red and his wheezing breaths could be heard even several feet away.
“talked a big game about my training program for the new recruits, said i was losing my touch,” simon’s voice came out of your speakers. he was clearly amused even if you couldn’t see him. he raised his voice for johnny. “‘ow you feeling now, sergeant?"
“cannae feel ma legs, lt.” johnny slowed down on his lap until he was just walking, coming to a stop opposite simon, though still a ways away on the track. “pain in ma lungs is—“ he hacked a rough cough before leaning over his knees.
“still think i’ve gone soft?” simon asked as the video zoomed in comically and unflattering on johnny panting and suffering.
“ah think yer a petty bastard,” johnny grumbled, keeping his voice loud enough to be heard by his lt. cheeky. “ah think ah might’ve pulled somethin’ permanently.” he stood back up and tried to stretch his back with a wince.
“cheer up,” simon said unsympathetically. “and say ‘ello to sunny, they were worried f’ya,” simon said softer.
johnny perked up at the mention of your nickname and you grinned at his wobbly smile on the screen, his chest still rising and falling with his quick, deep breaths. “missin’ ya, sunshine.”
the video flicked around and you were being shown simon’s work mask and his deep dark eyes hidden in the shadows of it. “be ‘ome soon,” he promised.
the video cut off as you heard simon yell at johnny to keep running and you relaxed back with a laugh; johnny would be thoroughly knackered by time he got in so you were guaranteed a puppy pile the second he stepped through the door. you turned back to the tv and settled in for another possible nap, eager for the day to go by so you could see your partners once more.
you blearily rubbed at your eyes as you heard the door open and peeked over the side of the sofa to see your boys shuffling in. slowly and clumsily, you made your way over with the blanket still tangled around you.
you let one arm escape the warm cocoon to help simon with his coat, tugging at the sleeve as he shrugged it off. you weren’t much help but he liked that you tried even when you weren’t feeling 100%.
johnny leant in to kiss your forehead and you sniffled with a smile as you looked up at him. simon’s hand was warm where it gently squeezed the back of your neck before trailing down to the small of your back over the blanket.
“kept warm?” he asked before heading to the kitchen and leaving you to be wrapped up in johnny’s arms. once he had a good hold around you he led you behind simon faithfully. your small steps tied in the burrito blanket hindered his longer strides so he swayed side to side on each foot to slow down and stop you from tripping in his eagerness.
“yeah, i’ve been wrapped up all day, hardly moved,” you said.
“lucky for some,” johnny groaned into your neck. “si ran me bloody ragged.”
you laughed and reached and hand up to pet sympathetically at his hair. your laugh soon turned to a racking cough and you ducked your head into your elbow and away from johnny.
he rocked you gently on the spot as he leant against the kitchen top opposite where simon was lining up three cups of tea.
once the kettle popped, johnny led you forward and squished you between his front and simon’s back as the larger man poured the boiling water into the cups.
you let your free arm curl around simon’s stomach, pawing gently like a cat at his bulk beneath the thick hoody until his own hand raised to hold it. he ran his thumb over your knuckles before lifting your hand to kiss the back of it, lingering.
“and did ya eat today?” he asked.
you nodded and hummed the assentive.
“our lovely bonnie, knows how t’ take care ah’themselves when we can’t,” johnny hummed, pleased and proud, into your hair.
“missed you both today,” you admitted.
you felt johnny grin against your skin and simon squeezed your hand tighter.
“ye’d a’been asleep all day, sunny,” he joked.
you pouted. it was true but that wasn’t the reaction you wanted.
johnny tugged you back a few steps and simon let your hand slip from his; the scot guided you out of the kitchen and towards your bedroom, and when you checked over both of your shoulders for simon he chuckled fondly.
simon had all three mugs in his hands and was close behind as johnny gently shoved you back onto the bed, your knees sinking into the plush duvet and mattress as you climbed to the centre.
you got yourself snuggled against the pillows with johnny to your right and then helped simon with the mugs on your left before he too collapsed against your side, shoulder to hip.
“put some honey in yours,” simon murmured softly as you blew on the hot tea. you smiled gratefully and leant in to kiss his cheek. “think we should order in, can’t be arsed t’cook.”
“aye, that’s fine w’me,” johnny agreed as he turned on the tv opposite your bed. he flickered through your watchlist before landing on young frankenstein and pressing play.
you pulled the blanket up high and held on to johnny’s hand, keeping your tea up high to inhale the steam while simon petted at your thigh under the covers. you didn’t know when you’d nodded off, but simon must have taken your mug before it could spill and johnny must have laid you lower on the bed to get you comfy. you woke to the sound of football playing on the tv and you groaned and curled further into simon’s side. he’d always managed to stay still better than johnny could, even if he was just as invested in the game. you felt johnny’s hand rub up and down your side, before gripping the fat of your hip in excitement and patting it softly but rapidly when a goal was scored.
“easy, johnny,” simon reminded him and johnny leant over to kiss your brow with a wet smooch.
“sorry, sunny,” he whispered. “go back to sleep. i’ll be quiet.”
you snorted softly, knowing he’d do his best but would be unable to keep the promise. you managed to fall asleep again regardless with a small smile, cuddled close between the two of them; simon’s arm around you both and his aftershave gently breaking through your stuffed nose.
being ill would be so much worse if you didn’t have these two lugs keeping you comfortable and cared for.
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ketrinadrawsalot · 1 year ago
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Decapocember Day 13: Stenopodidea may look like caridean shrimp, but their third pair of legs are much larger than the others. Some spend their entire lives inside sponges, while others are cleaning symbiotes of fish.
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bby-boy-matt · 1 year ago
Imagining my Dom taking me to a doctor because they're worried about me touching myself all the time.
I protest, but there's nothing I can do and once the Dom promises me a reward if I'm a good boy, I am sold on the idea. In the doctor's office, the Dom comes with me and tells the doctor about my problem while I'm sitting there, fiddling with my shirt, unable to look away from the floor.
The doctor then has me undress, and my Dom gives me a threatening look when I hesitate before removing my boxers as well. I'm told to climb up onto the stirrups, and before I can react, the doctor fastens belts around my arms, legs and stomach so I won't be able to move. "Just a precaution," he says, as he roughly shoves a large thick thermometer inside my ass, making me yelp, "We don't want him moving around too much during the check-up". He takes out a measuring tape and measure my tdick, and double checks before measuring it again. "That is really small, even for a man like him - or should I say boy, looking at the size of this?" My dom laughs a little, and I try to squirm. My cock is already fully erect, as big as it can get, and hearing the doctor say this makes me want to close my legs, but they're securely fastened to be spread wide in the stirrups.
The doctor starts rubbing my chest, and I gasp as he harshly twists and rolls my nipples - already erect from the cold - between his fingers. "His sensitivity here seems to be normal," the doctor notes, eyeing my tcock - still hard, but not reacting much. "But if you want, it can be increased with time." He moves to rub and press on my stomach, and once he's done with that, forcefully grabs the thermometer that has been inside me this whole time and takes it out, leaving my hole convulsing around nothing. "Looks like he needs something back here," the doctor moves his fingers under my tcock to cover them in my slick, and roughly starts fingering me with two of his fingers, noting how my tcock twitches every time he goes deeper. "Does he experience penetration often, or does he mostly pleasure himself with touching this... Shrimp?" The doctor asks, letting his free hand gently rub my tdick. My Dom shakes their head, "I've been busy lately and haven't penetrated him much, he mostly rubs himself for pleasure." I'm about to come, and the doctor notices it as I clench myself around his fingers. "What a needy, naughty boy, trying to come without permission," he takes out his fingers and cruelly pinches the head of my tiny sensitive tcock between his fingernails, making me howl.
"I think I see the problem. It's not healthy for boys with tiny cocks to rub themselves too much, it makes them forget their discipline and can even hurt them. I have just the perfect solution for you," The doctor goes and takes an ice cube from a freezer in his office to press it against my tcock, making it deflate and shrink even more until you can barely see it's there. Then, he takes out a small metal device - a tiny, minuscule solid cage - and fastens it against my body with soft rope so it presses tight against my tcock. I whine, desperately looking at my Dom who seems to be thoroughly enjoying this.
The doctor motions for him to come over once he's done. "This device should stop him from getting hard - boys with small cocks can't really control themselves when they're hard, this is the easiest solution. I'll give you a lock and a key so only you can undo the ropes. In the meanwhile, make sure to have him penetrated at least once per day, a toy or a plug will do. That way he'll learn to cum just from being penetrated, since it's such a pain to try and rub something this small."
I'm still wet and desperate as we leave, and the doctor tells us to come back in 2 weeks to see my progress. For some reason, I feel my tcock futilely try to harden already as we get home - but the cage painfully presses against it, and all I can do is rub the smooth metal and whine. My Dom smiles at me, starting to take off their pants. "You heard what the doctor said. It's time for me to give you a special medicine."
This is going to be a very long and frustrating 2 weeks.
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marias-attic · 2 years ago
This bitch can and will kill u
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Mantis Shrimp, Seamount High, Sea-nior Class of 1984
Voted: Best Eyes & Most Likely to Start a Fight Favorite quote: “Party on, dudes.”
The mantis shrimp is truly bodacious—its radical colors and totally tubular eyes (they can move each eye independently!) are out of this world. It also packs a gnarly punch—capable of cracking glass—making it one of the baddest stomatopods around 💪😎
Rock on mantis shrimp, don’t ever change, and let’s hang out this summer!!
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tpwk-formula1 · 5 months ago
Can I do a thin crust pizza with alfredo sauce, and for toppings: shrimp, ricotta and fontina. And cranberry juice for the drink with dessert pls for kimi antonelli
I love your stuff <3
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Lee-Lee's Pizzeria Menu
thin crust brothers best friend alfredo sweet sex shrimp "I'll be gentle" ricotta "I love your voice but it's always my favorite when you're moaning my name" fontina "wipe that fucking smirk off your face" cranberry juice caught in the act dessert yes served by Kimi Antonelli
Kimi x Bearman! Reader
TW - Caught by Ollie, unprotected sex, cumming on body
WC 650+
"Kimi, we cannot do this right now," I gasp as Kimi starts trailing small kisses down my neck.
"Why the hell not," Kimi groans against my neck sending goosbumps all over my skin.
"We're fucking sharing a room with your best friend, who is my fucking brother," I gasp when he bites down into my sweet spot leaving a faint hickey behind.
"We can be quick," Kimi groans while grinding into my covered pussy to show me how much he needed it.
"Kimi, not too rough though. Still sore from last night," I admit softly making Kimi look at me with a cocky smirk before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my lips.
"I'll be gentle, I promise," Kimi tells me softly while pulling off my shorts and panties in one go before leaning down and licking a strip from my soaked hole to my throbbing clit before sitting back up and pulling his briefs down just enough to pull his hard cock out and start teasing my folds with the tip of his cock.
"Fuck Kimi," I moan softly when I feel Kimi entering into my sore pussy stretching me out perfectly.
"God, sound so pretty," Kimi moans when he starts slowly thrusting into my tight core. We knew we didn't have much time so with that in mind Kimi kept his thrusts gentle but sped up his actions making me cry out from the pleasure.
"Oh Kimi," I moan again when I feel Kimi bring his hand down to my clit.
"God, I have always loved your voice but it's always my favorite when you're moaning my name," Kimi grunts speeding his actions up and allowing me to start building towards an orgasm.
"Fuck Kimi," I moan when I can feel myself reach the point of no return and I start cumming all over his cock, with Kimi not too far behind me pulling out and cumming all over my lower tummy with a grunt.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I heard be shout from behind Kimi making me trail my eyes from where Kimi was still cumming on my stomach to find my twin brother standing at the door with his eyes closed and mouth dropped in pure shock.
"Oliver get out!" I shout snapping him out of his shock leaving right back out the door.
"Oh my god, that was terrible," Kimi groans leaning down to bury his face in my neck not caring if he gets his own cum on the shirt he was still wearing.
"How much do you think he saw?" Kimi asked still in hiding.
"Um, probably more than you would've liked," I reply back.
"Fuck, no way he just wanted in on me cumming all over his sister," Kimi groans rolling off of me and out of bed where he pulled his boxers back into place before taking his now dirty shirt off and cleaning the rest of his cum off of me before throwing it near his suitcase.
"It's fine, I've walked in on him going to town on girls a few times," I tell Kimi trying to ease his embarrassment clearly more traumatized than me.
"That truly doesn't help, amore," Kimi tells me softly while pulling me out of bed and helping me get dressed again.
"He's probably waiting at the door. Please hide that fucking shirt," I saw while pointing to the cum soaked shirt sitting on the floor while making my way over to the door. I watch as Kimi grabs it and throws it in the dirty hamper bag he always travels with before I open the door to find my brother pacing the hallway.
"Get in here you fucking weirdo," I snap at him making his head shoot up before sending me a disgusted look.
"Don't give me that! I've caught you fall more times than I should've," I tell him letting him come into the room.
"Never let me see something like that again," Ollie tells us as he goes into the bathroom to shower after the intense FP he had just completed with Haas.
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cornkernelle · 1 year ago
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Don't trust your crew of approximately 69 shrimps (blame @press0spress0) to stay put when you tell them to. Your heist will be foiled for sure.
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aethiriarts · 6 days ago
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Just some Shrimpo sketches to get a feel for how I want to draw him seriously (as opposed to the silly, unserious, shitposty stuff I've done of him so far) Easily become one of my favorite toons he's such a little shithead I like to think he has a bit of a sleeper build. At first glance you wouldn't notice but if bro flexes it's OBVIOUS He does do a lot of punchy punchin', which I would think probably is in reference to mantis shrimp which I think is cool!!!! MANTIS SHRIMP SHRIMPO SKIN WHEN!!! I WILL GET THAT SO FAST, might need to design one myself now that I think about it... that might be fun... Maybe make it in combo with like a boxer type outfit? shit I might need to get on this..
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