#bowwow_bam instagram
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aricastmblr · 3 months ago
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Jimin Jungkook Bam primera nevada/en la nieve
La primera nevada está cayendo en Seúl y me acorde de que a JImin ama la nieve
"Mi deseo es ver la primera nevada cada año ... La nieve que veo por primera vez es la primera nevada. Hasta que la haya visto, la primera nevada no ha caído". Park Jimin
bowwow_bam instagram
JiminxJungKook Are You Sure?! Sapporo Disney+ Season3 Episode 6 Inicia viaje el 25 Nov 2023
BTS_twt·9 ene. 2018 6 años de este vídeo de jimin y jungkook en la nieve 어제 드디어 봤다 ☃❄🌨 #JIMIN #꾹🐾 Finalmente lo vimos ayer
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jung-koook · 3 months ago
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241127 - bowwow_bam's new profile pic on instagram
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andy-wm · 10 months ago
Why is Bam on insta?
This thought flashed in my head when i saw the most recent photos of Bam.
Maybe I'm just slow and everyone else figured this out already but maybe not, so I’m sharing it.
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The Bam insta account isn't just a fun side project set up by JK while he’s doing military service. He doesn't even have an account for himself*, so why would he make one for his puppy? It's not like he needs (or wants?) more followers or influence, and he could have just used his t1ct0k, where hes already got gazillions of followers.
When bowwow_bam first appeared, many comments suggested he created it to keep in touch with ARMY while he's serving in the military. And yes he DID share the account with ARMY on weverse, but I doubt that's the reason it exists.
Bowwow_bam is not for ARMY...
The photos JK gets from the training centre let him know that Bam is happy and well cared for.
Even though Bam has been in and out of the training centre often while JK has had his schedules, those stays were brief compared to 18 months. This time, Bam will basically be living there full time, long term.
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Maybe this is why JK sent Bam to the training centre so often in the past, when he might have left Bam with friends or family instead. That way, the training centre became familiar to Bam before his long term stay.
Bowwow_bam is for JK
Bam's photos are likely sent to JK directly, so why post them to a public platform? And why post ONLY these?
Sure, it's a good way for JK to stay connected to ARMY with minimal effort. Let's not be foolish enough to think he doesn't care about that. It's pretty clear he wants to pick up his career where he left off when he comes back. (It goes without saying that BTS - and JK - will still have millions of fans after MS.)
But i don't believe thats the only reason Bam has an insta account, and i dont think it's the most significant reason either.
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There are so many ways JK could have maintained a socials presence. If he wanted to be on insta, even just reposting old content would keep him at the forefront of ARMY's mind... if he had an insta account* that is.
It also got me thinking about what JK will be doing with his time off.
He isn't all that close to his family, he tells us. And most of his friends are idols, from what we see (although that could be selective information), so probably insanely busy with their own schedules. And his Bangtan brothers, his found family, are also doing their service. And he and Jimin are apparently on different shifts (if the information we have is correct).
So who is he connecting wiith?
Who is his link to home and normality?
This doggo right here is.
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Besides letting JK know that Bam is happy and well cared for, the photos connect JK to home and give him something tangible to look forward to on the other side of his service.
They'd remind him that this episode of his life has an end date, that he has a place to return to, and that somebody is waiting for him to come home. Bam is waiting for him.
But why post them on instagram?
We know JK has a strong connection with ARMY. He's said many times that we're his safe place (debatable, honestly) and his happy place (I truly hope so). He's told us it's ARMY he talks to late at night when he's alone. He's also set clear boundaries about what he's prepared to share and how close we're allowed to come - although he blurs these lines himself sometimes... naked livestreams from his bed come to mind, but i digress...
I believe the insta account - Bam and ARMY together - is his anchor. This is his link back to his life before and after MS.
Sharing these photos from the training centre with his three (or four or five) million closest friends would validate for JK what his life has been, and will be again. It tells him we (like Bam) are still here, still waiting, without him ever having to ask.
It keeps that part of his life real for him.
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Just to be clear,
I'm not downplaying the significance of Jimin and JK serving together in the companions program.
In my mind nothing could be more significant.
Jimin is with him day after exhausting day, just as he has been for the last twelve years. While that must be an enormous comfort to them both, these long and arduous days must still seem endless.
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Getting through this difficult time with any sort of optimism would require something to look forward to, and recieving photos of Bam would give JK much happiness, and remind him that there is life outside of the camp.
They'd serve to remind him that at the end of it all he will see his beloved doggo in person...
...and that he and Jimin will go home and his little family will be whole again
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*pretty sure he does tho...
~as always, opinions are my own and all of this is conjecture~
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jungkookiexxx · 3 months ago
bowwow_bam's Instagram post
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bowwow_bam: ☃️🐶...🫡... 🥹... 💜... 196
RM replying to Bam's post
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rkive: i miss <it>
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rkive: i miss bangtan so much
Translation by: ©/btsinthemoment
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seoul-bros · 11 months ago
Bam's dad is back on Instagram
All the dog lover's in the house say aaaahhhhhhhh! What a great JK-Bam picture taken sometime near the beginning of 2023 judging by the hair length.
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@kookminfashion, @kookminfashion2
Post Date: 14/04/2024
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lucisomantisumisa · 11 months ago
I said I missed Bam. That's why I opened an Instagram account for Bam. This way, I will be able to communicate with everyone. I hope you can like my baby's photos. This will be fun. If I have to tell you the Instagram address; bowwow_bam ☺️✌🏻
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eyeaka · 11 months ago
— 𝓒𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙝𝓪𝙧 𝙘𝓸𝙢 𝙫𝙤𝙘𝓮̂ 𝙚́ 𝙖 𝙚𝓽𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙙𝓮.
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꒰ ♡ ꒱ Já faz um tempo desde que te conheci e conversei com você. Eu posso ver que você cresceu antes que você perceba, nossos corações estavam quentes como o sol.
Não há conforto maior na minha vida do que Jeon Jungkook. Digo, afirmo e repito isso quantas vezes necessário.
Olhar para ele é como ver a pessoa mais bela e preciosa que existe no mundo inteiro, é mais do que eu consigo escrever, falar ou expressar.
Quando eu realmente conheci o Jungkook, me encantei, me apaixonei pelo garoto de cabelos castanhos que cantava "boy with luv", o garoto com os olhos de jabuticaba mais lindos de todo o universo, o Jungkook que tinha apenas 21 aninhos.
Mesmo que você não veja, não ache e não perceba, você cresceu e amadureceu muito, Jeon, mais rápido do que você pensa. Ainda assim, você tem sua essência de criança, aquela que precisa ser cuidada, de atenção, uma bem pertubadinha mas que tem um coração e brilho enorme.
Sinto sua falta todo santo dia, a cada milésimo, segundo, minuto e hora. Sinto saudades de acordar com uma notificação do weverse sua, sinto saudades de poder acompanhar uma live sua no mesmo momento.
No domingo isso aconteceu, acordei e fui olhar as notificações do meu celular, dentre várias elas achei a que meu coração palpitou mais forte, a que fez eu clicar rapidamente sem nem ler direito, que me fez soltar gritinhos e risos de felicidade, era a sua notificação Jungkook.
Eu me senti literalmente nas nuvens, me senti tão feliz. Além disso você criou um instagram novo para o bam, achei uma graçinha e amei que o nome na bio é "pai do bam".
É claro que eu coloquei seu user na minha bio, até porque na minha cabeça somos namoradinhos e almas gêmeas. Quem entrar e ver meu instagram logo vai ver " @bowwow_bam 💗".
Espero que dessa vez você não apague todas as fotos e exclua o insta de novo, mesmo que você não use deixe de recordação, tudo bem? ㅠㅠ
Além disso, no sábado eu fui assistir a tour do yoongi no cinema, foi simplesmente incrível e perfeito! O melhor de tudo foi poder te ver de novo, goo!! Quando começou a tocar "burn it" eu comecei a gritar como uma louca e olhe que eu já estava sem voz.
Mas quando eu escutei sua voz eu simplesmente comecei a chorar como se não houvesse amanhã e te ver foi um êxtase também, eu perdi toda a minha voz e todas as minhas lágrimas, principalmente quando começaram a cantar o fanchat do bts, aquele momento foi muito especial e significativo, principalmente porque fui ver com minha melhor amiga, goo!
Enfim, agora estou no carro indo viajar com um photocard seu na capa do meu celular, vamos a praia, pretendo tirar varias fotinhas suas lá, espero que você esteja bem e saudável, tenha uma ótima noite, goo e vou tentar não demorar tanto assim para voltar aqui. Até mais, meu grande e único amor.
꒰ ✧ ꒱ Vamos correr pela luz das estrelas mais uma vez mesmo que tudo desapareça algum dia na eternidade essa noite, nesta noite de verão nós, não importa onde você está, caminhar com você é a eternidade.
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bandzboy · 6 months ago
a summary of what has been happening with jungkook showing support to new jeans and basically going against hybe:
yesterday (september 14), jungkook posted on his dog's instagram (bowwow_bam) a photo of his dog with the caption "artists are not guilty" with heart emojis that were supposed to represent new jeans since on new jeans official sns they had used those emojis previously
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some immediately speculated his account was hacked because the post was in english (not even gonna deep dive on that and how wrong that is) and because some armys claimed it was "out of character" for him to do something like this only for like two hours or less later, bighit publicly confirmed that it was him who did the post
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a lot of people were surprised at how quick they made this clear. especially because him supporting new jeans is essentially going against hybe since the girls did a livestream and spoke up about the treatment they have been receiving lately from hybe staff members and how in one instance, hanni said members of a different group were told by staff to ignore her and to not speak to her.
a lot of armys (in various social media), harassed jungkook for supporting the girls and claimed that they "didn't agree with him" and that he was supporting min heejin as well when he only showed support to the girls only.
today (september 15), some hybe staff members on blind (a platform used by employees where they can anonymously share information), were ridiculing jungkook for supporting new jeans and kept saying how him doing this is gonna ruin the company
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people claimed that after a few hours, these posts were posted on blind, the posts started to get deleted since they gained so much attention and they started to get caught
this is another reminder that this company doesn't care about their artists and will throw them under the bus whenever they see fit and will feel no remorse. i'm glad jungkook showed support to his juniors since, more than anyone, he knows what is like to be in the industry at such a young age and how adults around you will take advantage of you.
new jeans were obviously groomed and manipulated by that woman and that is why they feel the need to defend her time and time again. they don't deserve any of the things that have been happening to them and if you say they do, you are an awful person. they are victims and every single adult in their lives failed them big time. that includes everyone in that stupid company and their parents.
artists will stand for artists ALWAYS and if you have a problem with your "fave" one doing so, it means you never respected artists to begin with
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abcthv9597 · 1 month ago
250125 - bowwow_bam on Instagram:
🦴 놔 🦴 놔
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yooboobies · 3 months ago
hi. I feel like I missed something. what did kook post and RM say that made everyone sad?
thank you.
Hey hey don't worry I got u!
Koo posted on his Bammie instagram (bowwow_bam) a pic of Bam in the snow and also updated the profile pic with a very tender pic of him and Bam. And in the caption he included the number of days left for him before he comes back.
And joonie followed the account and commented 'i miss you' and 'i miss bangtan so much' under it :((
And it's just heartbreaking how much they miss each other and how they also counting down the days and just TT I WANT MY FAMILY BACK
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armynoonas · 6 months ago
Week 37
September 9
JUNG KOOK: I AM STILL - Preview 2 - 3D
Documenting Your Seoul Journey - Jin
September 10
Billboard on Instagram
[Run Jin] EP.5 - A Dangerous Invitation from Jin 2
BTS on Twitter - Jin selca
Megan Thee Stallion on Instagram - NEVA PLAY
September 11
Hobi on Instagram
Hobi on Instagram - story
Joon on Instagram - stories
VOGUE Korea on Instagram - Jin x Fred Jewellery, covers
VOGUE Korea on Instagram - reel, Jin x Fred Jewellery
BTS on Instagram - reel, RM Day
September 12
Joon on Weverse
Joon on Instagram - post 1
Joon on Instagram - post 2
Joon on Instagram - stories
2024 RM DAY - Weverse photos
Joon’s Birthday!!
Hobi on Instagram - stories
eyesmagazine on Instagram - RPWP
Busan Film Fest on Instagram - RPWP
BTS on Instagram - story, RPWP
Tae on Instagram - Layover 1st anniversary
Tae on Instagram - stories, Layover & Joon Day
Pharrell Williams on Instagram - w/Hobi
Hobi on Instagram
VisitSeoul TV: Feel Soul Good - Episode 3. FUN - w/Jin
September 13
JUNG KOOK: I AM STILL - Official Photo 3
Joon’s Song Recommendation
The art of taking photo booth selfies 😎 - w/Jin
September 14
bowwow_bam on Instagram
Joon on Instagram - story, NEVA PLAY
(Actor) Summer Jeong on Instagram - post w/Tae
(Actor) Summer Jeong on Instagram - reel w/Tae
(Actor) Kim Seojune on Instagram - story w/Tae
verdy on Instagram - w/Hobi
September 15
Tae on Instagram - stories
(Actor) Kim Young Joo on Instagram - w/Tae
(Chef) Lee Yeonbok on Instagram - w/Jin
Louise Aubery: I INTERVIEWED JIN FROM BTS (and I'll tell you what it was like)
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aricastmblr · 11 months ago
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BAM 2024
Se inicio cuenta en instagram de bam y su papá y solo sigue a los miembros de bts y cuenta oficial bts.bighitofficial rkive jin agustd uarmyhope j.m thv (en orden fanchant) 13Abril2024
bowwow_bam instagram
6 publicaciones 9364 seguidores 7 seguidos
Bam's dad
Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark!
bowwow_bam instargram 3era vídeo
빵 빵 빵
bang bang bang (Trad del vídeo) 👤 ve y haz 'bang' 🐰 ¡bang! bang! bang ! 👤 este lado, este lado, lado derecho, lado derecho, lado izquierdo, ¡así es! así es ! 🐰 ¡Bang! Bang !
bowwow_bam instargram 4ta foto
날라가기 일보 직전
Apunto de volar
bowwow_bam instargram 7ta 8ta 9na foto (3fotos)
슝 슝 슝
*shoong shoong shoong* onomatopeya para describir algo que pasa demasiado rápido
bowwow_bam instagram cambio en su bio Qué tengas buenas noches(´BAM´)
Bam's dad
Have a good BAM
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jung-koook · 3 months ago
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bowwow_bam's instagram profile pics ♡
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aricastmblr · 3 months ago
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bowwow_bam instagram actualización en la biografía puso link a canal de youtube
Bam's dad Have a good BAM
13 publicaciones 6,6 M seguidores 12 seguidos (www.youtube.com/@60ww0w_6am https://www.instagram.com/bowwow_bam?igsh=MjE5cjEzYmU3a252)
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Se agregó un enlace del canal de YouTube de bam en la biografía de insta de bowwow_bam. ¡Se abrió un canal de YouTube para BAM y se creó en 2016!
Actualización sobre la biografía.
밤이 아빠 Bam's dad @ 60ww0w_6am youtube
Información Have a good Bam 일단 만들어 놓기 Detalles del canal (www.youtube.com/@60ww0w_6am) 17 k suscriptores Se unió el 10 ene 2016 UCEjCOXUuTBQHAI1sbMgqOdw
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aricastmblr · 3 months ago
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bowwow_bam instagram publico fotos - cambio foto de perfil a jungkook y bam también rkive comento a esta publicación - 27nov2024
2009** BTS
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aricastmblr · 2 months ago
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bowwow_bam Bam's dad Have a good BAM www.youtube.com/@60ww0w_6am
13 publicaciones 6,8 M seguidores
bowwow_bam instagram actualización en la biografía quito link a cuenta en threads.net (https://threads.net/@bowwow_bam) y dejo de seguir a todos en ig solo dejo la cuenta de youtube (www.youtube.com/@60ww0w_6am)
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