#bowser will forever fear the princess of sarasaland
chrissymorgan9700 · 1 year
Firey Love Through Burning Sands Chapter 1: 10 Years Ago
Sing, Oh Mighty Ones! Sing of a tale of love and loss. Of two lonely souls joining together as one! Sing of Bowser, King of the Koopas and Tyrant of the Darklands. Sing of Taraji, Queen of Sarasaland and General of the Bela Nandi. Sing of a mother's grief, of a father's wish. Sing of a man rejected, of a woman scorned. Sing of fear, of pain, of fury, of hate. Sing of courage, of justice, of happiness, of peace. Yes, sing, Oh Mighty Ones! And we will listen.
The sky over Sarasaland was dark and solemn as the citizens stepped out of their homes dressed in black and white out of respect for the procession passing by.
From the royal palace, four royal karts carried four identical coffins, the last tragically smaller than the rest, all covered with the Sarasaland flag. Beside the karts marched the Bela Nandi, keeping watch over the bodies for the last time, as they marched in step with the priests. In front, two sisters, dressed in white walked hand in hand as the rain began to fall. The young princess walked in silence as her sister, the new queen, carried a candle and sang the song of their people, the citizens joining along in song and following behind the karts as they wished the departed souls of the royal family eternal rest.
The echos of the funeral procession filled the air as the queen's eyes shone with tears, mixing with the raindrops that fell on her face as they made their journey to the tombs of Birabuto, the newly erect tomb in sight and more guards and priests waiting to receive them.
In that moment, the crowd went silent as the guards stopped the karts and the priests began to carry the coffins into the tomb, one by one.
The princess and the citizens began to weep openly as the first three coffins were placed inside, but the queen stood still, her face wet but stoic.
That was until the fourth coffin was being taken.
"W-wait! Please!" The queen spoke, her voice hitched in emotion.
The priests paused for a moment as she approached, her form shaking as she handed the candle to her sister and stretched out her arms to take the box into her arms.
"Your majesty, are you sure? You are still severely wounded." The leader asked, concern lacing his voice. The rest of his companions murmured amongst themselves in agreement.
"Let me hold him one more time. H-he won't be able to rest without a lullaby! A-and he sleeps better in my arms." She replied, her voice breaking yet strong in her resolve.
The head priest looked at her, empathy flooding his eyes as they lowered the coffin into her arms. The princess watched in awe as her sister handed her the candle and buckled under the weight of the coffin, but never stumbled as she carried it inside the tomb and placed it on the last pedestal and sang it a final lullaby, taking the candle from the younger royal's hand and placing it on the ground.
A final nightlight to watch over the souls in their eternal slumber.
"Goodnight my sweet boy. May your dreams be sweet until we meet again." The queen whispered, kissing the small coffin before taking the princess's hand and walking away from the chamber, the priests sealing the departed inside forever.
That night, the air was filled with the heart wrenching screams of anguish of a woman mourning all that she had lost.
A woman who lost her father, her mother, her husband.
And her son.
Meanwhile, in the Darklands...
The dark castle shook as the gigantic Koopa King paced the carpeted hallways, a worried expression etched onto his maw. Smoke poured from his nostrils as clutched in his claws were the blankets that once wrapped the egg of the unhatched heir of the Darklands.
The heir that was currently fighting for its life.
The egg came as an unexpected surprise from the stork, and the king was overjoyed that his line would continue even after not finding a mate. He carried the egg everywhere, cradling it in his arms during the day and whispering the legends of his ancestors to its shell at night. The egg had already won the undying loyalty of the entire Koopa army. His dreams were filled with the life that the koopaling would have. The chaos the two of them would cause, the plots they would hatch as father and child, and their eventual reign as the rulers of the entire galaxy. It would be glorious.
That was until the koopaling's health began to fail.
No one knew what exactly happened that caused the egg's inhabitant to take a turn for the worst overnight. Some thought it was shell rot in utero, maybe the egg was too cold, maybe the egg became too warm, or maybe it was just that the hatchling was too weak. Whatever it was, Kamek and Kammy, his two ever-faithful advisors, spent the last 24 hours and all of their magic to save the king's miracle child, but it was feared that their efforts were in vain.
Unless, of course, they hatched the egg now.
The egg wasn't set to hatch for another few weeks, and if they were taken from the egg too soon, there was a chance that the hatchling would perish from being underdeveloped. However, if they did not hatch the egg, the koopaling would perish from whatever it was ailing from.
The Koopa stopped in his tracks, walking into his bedroom and standing out onto the balcony, peering out over his kingdom. Suddenly, a shooting star flew across the sky.
At that moment, the great tyrant of the Darklands closed his eyes and offered one prayer.
Great Grambi and all the stars above, please save my koopaling. I don't care how you do it, just don't let them die! Don't take them away from me. Not now!
"Sire?" A hesitant voice spoke.
The Koopa King turned around with a start. There stood Kamek, fiddling with his wand, avoiding all eye contact. It was then that the king's heart seemed to take a plunge into his stomach.
"Is it done? Will my heir live? Answer me!"
The tiny Koopa cleared his throat and nervously nodded his head.
"Congratulations, your Aggressiveness. You are the father of a beautiful baby boy."
The Koopa's anxiety was quelled slightly but quickly returned as Kamek still refused to look him in the eye.
"And? What are you hiding from me? Is my son alright?!"
"Oh! No worries there, your Anxiousness. He is a strong and healthy koopaling! However, it was the strangest thing. The prince was near death when we hatched him, but then..."
Kamek didn't get to finish his sentence as the king roughly pushed him aside and ran for the nursery, nearly knocking down the door. True to his word, in Kammy's arms laid the newly hatched prince of the Koopa kingdom as healthy and fully developed as if his egg was never in danger.  
The king slowly approached the advisor holding his heir, kneeling down to take the squirming bundle in his arms. Unwrapping the blankets away from the infant's face, he was met with the familiar whisps of fiery red hair and of two little horn nubs. A perfect spitting image of his father.
"Hello, my little prince." He whispered in awe.
The newborn Koopa opened his bleary eyes, giving his father a toothless smile that made his heart melt at the sight.
Tomorrow, the kingdom will learn that their new prince has been hatched, and the days of feasting and revelry will be ceaseless.
But for now, the gigantic Koopa will steal this moment for himself, basking in the pride that only a father could have for a son.
His son.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #978: After Morning Workout (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
9:34 a.m. Smash Town's Sidewalk.......
Daisy: (Sighs Heavily and Relaxingly While Sitting Down on the Bench With Yoshi) I never thought I would ever be happy for Break Time.....
Yoshi: Need some water, mom?
Daisy: Yes, please.....(Receives her Cold Water Bottle Yoahi Gave her and Drinks From it For a Couple of Seconds Before Setting it Down Besids Her) ('Sigh') I dunno about you, kiddo....But TODAY....was one helluva workout!
Yoshi: You can say that again. (Takes a Drink of Water From his Bottle Before Smiling at his Mother) Thanks for being my sparring partner, mom. I had a blast.
Daisy: (Smiles Vack at her Son) You're welcome, honey. (Smirks While Showing Off her Muscle by Flexing it) Not to brag, but your mom's a pretty tough flower to beat. I feel like I can take on anyone at this rate. As long as it isn't Samus.....or Tifa......orrrrrrr both of them at the same time in fact.
Yoshi: (Raised an Eyebrow) Why them specifically?
Daisy: Well, for one.....(Starts Rolling Her Eyes) I can't tell you how many matches I've lost against that blonde alone. And as Tifa......... well......I sparred with her once........(Puts on a Grimace Look on her Face) One and only time......
Yoshi: It was that bad, huh?
Daisy: The woman punched a hole in a punching bag once. My chances of winning against her is below 50.
Yoshi: Oh come on, don't sell yourself short. You sent Bowser to space with a slap across the face once, remember?
Daisy: (Giggles Softly) How can I forget?~ (Looks Up at the Morning Skies) It's been so long since it happened and I still can't believe I pulled it off.....
Yoshi: (Shrugs) Hey, it's still an accomplishment in my book. I think you might've gotten Bowser scared of you after that.
Daisy: (Pulls on a Cocky Smirk on her Face) Understatement of the goddamn century. One look at me sends the poor guy running. (Smirk Turns into a Bit of an Evil One) In fact.....(Takes Her Phone out of Her Track Pants Pocket and Shakes it at Yoshi) Watch this~ (Dials Bowser's Phone Number and Wait For Him to Take the Call)
Bowser: (Yawns Loudly In the Other Line) Hello?......
Daisy: Heyyyyyyy, Bowser~ Wanna fight a few ro-
Bowser lets out a loud shreik before instantly ending the call with a loud beep on the other line causing the green dinosaur to burst out laughing
Yoshi: Did he seriously screamed like a little girl just now!?
Daisy: (Giggles Some More) Yep!~ Told ya he fears me. Never even try to kidnap me once either.
Yoshi: I'm pretty sure you still would've kicked his butt even if he tries.
Daisy: Damn right! (Proudly Pats her Arm Muscle as She Flexes it) I ain't gonna let a oversized turtle take me down that easily.
Yoshi: (Chuckles Lightly) Right. You're coolest person I know after all.
Daisy: Aww~ Really? (Puts On a Bit of a Playful Pouty Look on her Face) You're not just saying that to boost up my ego some more, are you?
Yoahi: ('Scoffs') Please. You're already doing that just fine. I'm just saying it from the heart is all. You may not be as powerful as a goddess, bounty hunter, or Bruce Lee-
Daisy: (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on her Face) You're comparing me to an actor?
Yoshi: The guy's a legend, sue me! ('Sigh') But despite of all that and don't tell the other moms I said this, but....(Smiles Brightly) You'll always be strongest of them all in me eyes.
Daisy: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness as She Pulls Yoshi into a Loving Hug) Thanks, kiddo. It means so much that you look up to me and your dad.
Yoshi: (Happily Hugs his Mom Back) I'd be dumb not tto. You guys are my heroes.
Daisy: Awwwww-
Daisy: (Suddenly Felt a Bit of a Sharp Pain on the Back of Her Thigh as She Places her Hands on it) AH! SHIT!
Yoshi: (Immediately Gets Worried) Mom, are you okay?
Daisy: Yeah.....I'll live. Just got myself a stupid cramp on my thigh. Was really hoping for the two of us to power walk all the way back home.
Yoshi: Well, if you want, I can carry you there.
Daisy: (Smiles Softly) You really don't have to.
Yoshi: Ah don't give me that. (Smiles Brightly) You already done a lot for me, so let me help you for once, yeah?
Daisy: ('Sighs a Bit in Defeat') If you insist. (Spread her Arms Wide Open With a Bright Smile of her Own) Carry momma home!~
Yoshi: Yes, ma'am! (Picks Daisy Up In a Bridal Carry) Gotcha. You ready?
Daisy: (Nodded) Yep. Thanks again. I promise to make it up to you later with anything you ask.
Yoshi: Can I teach you how to do a proper Somersault? (Smiles Brightly)
Daisy: ('Sigh') You can. (Immediately Points at her Son) But I'm not calling you sensei.
Yoshi: (Shrugs) Good enough for me. (Finally Starts Walking) Here's hoping you do better than Uncle Dedede.
Daisy: Wait, your Uncle tries to do a Somersault once!?
Yoshi: (Chuckles Lightly) Oho mom, you have no idea!
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