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Douche in the Thermal baths of Bourbon-Lancy, Burgundy region of France
French vintage postcard
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Concours "Je filme le métier qui me plaît" : le palmarès 2023
Océane Charret-Godard, Vice-Présidente de la Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté en charge des lycées, de l’offre de formation, de l’apprentissage et de l’orientation, a présidé la cérémonie de remise des prix régionaux du concours "Je filme le métier qui me plaît", jeudi 15 juin 2023 au cinéma Olympia à Dijon (21-Côte d'Or), aux côtés de Frédéric Poncet, Conseiller régional délégué à l’orientation, et en présence d’Anne Fournier, Présidente d’Euro-France et co-fondatrice du concours national. Le jury, composé de 15 membres, jeunes et experts du monde de l’éducation, de la jeunesse, de l’emploi, de l’insertion, de l’entreprise, des médias et de la communication, était présidé par Aurélie Gonet, voyageuse à vélo et biographe. À travers la déclinaison régionale de ce concours de production vidéo, la Région souhaite aider les jeunes et les moins jeunes à mieux connaître leur environnement économique, les secteurs d’activité, les métiers, permettre aux entrepreneurs de trouver les compétences dont ils auront besoin demain, valoriser le tissu économique local, les métiers qui y sont exercés et les savoir-faire des entreprises. Au niveau régional, 64 films, présentés par des jeunes issus d’établissements d’enseignement (collèges, lycées, CFA, MFR, écoles du supérieur), de structures associatives ou d’accompagnement (missions locales) de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, étaient en compétition. Les six lauréats régionaux ont été récompensés. Rappelons, qu’au concours national, onze productions vidéo de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté ont été primées au Grand Rex, le 25 mai dernier à Paris. Les lauréats des prix régionaux (récompensés au cinéma Olympia à Dijon) : Clap de bronze : film « Franck, du sport… mais pas que » du collège Olympe de Gouges de Pont-deRoide (25) Clap d’argent : film « Un prof APA… c’est quoi ? » du Point Infos Jeunes de Bourbon-Lancy (71) Clap d’or : film « Au-delà des apparences » du collègue Roland Dorgelès de Longvic (21) Clap de platine : film « La mode change » du lycée professionnel Jean Rostand de Nevers (58) Clap de diamant : film « Des petites mains pour du bon raisin ! » de la mission locale de Tonnerre-Avallon (89) Coup de cœur du jury : film « Métier de Technicien forestier » de la mission locale de l’arrondissement de Dijon (21) Onze films régionaux primés à Paris au Grand Rex, le 25 mai 2023 : Clap d’or : « Tok-tok pour rebondir », par le lycée professionnel Montciel de Lons-le-Saunier (39) Claps d’argent : - « Un prof APA… c’est quoi ? » par le Point Info Jeunes de Bourbon-Lancy (71) - « Logisticien tramway » par le lycée Victor Hugo de Besançon (25) Claps de bronze : - « Le métier de neurologue » par le lycée Victor Hugo de Besançon (25) - « Halte aux idées reçues boulanger-boulangère », par le CFA de Montbéliard (25) - « Des petites mains pour du bon raisin », par la mission locale de Tonnerre-Avallon (89) - « Enseignant au-delà des apparences », par le collège Roland Dorgelès de Longvic (21) Mentions spéciales : - « Créateurs de décors » par l’APOR-Formation à Montceau-les-Mines (71) - « Dessinateur projeteur, un métier de demain », par l’IUT de Chalon-sur-Saône (71) - « Le métier d’horloger », par le lycée Victor Hugo de Besançon (25) - « Ingénieur sportif : la clé de tous les records ! », par l’IUT de Chalon-sur-Saône (71) infos > https://jefilmelemetierquimeplait.tv/region-bourgogne-franche-comte Read the full article
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Vista a volo d'uccello sulla zona umida dell' Isola degli internati, tra Gualtieri e Gustalla (Reggio Emilia) con temporali all'orizzonte.
Le zone acquitrinose e paludose della val Padana erano luoghi per molti versi difficili, paurosi, infidi, e pieni di pericoli di ogni genere, la fantasia popolare li ha popolati di mostri e di creature fantastiche di ogni genere, poi a ben vedere forse nemmeno tanto fantastiche, probabilmente solo un po' romanzate.
In queste zone acquitrinose, dove spesso la nebbia disorienta nascondendo alla vista l'orizzonte, mescolano Terra e Cielo, in uno spazio-tempo surreale e sospeso, gli abitanti della pianura narrano di un essere soprannaturale femminile, a metà strada tra un'orribile strega ed un'enorme bestia acquatica, che però non era avvezza a farsi vedere degli esseri umani, li trascina invece sott'acqua, dove li attendeva per divorarli o semplicemente per ucciderli, si tratta della Borda, un nome che può assumere sfumature leggermente diverse a secondo delle varie inflessioni dialettali locali, (Borda, Burda, Bordon, Bordeau, Bordò) Il nome di questa creatura pare avere una radice nel nome celtico Bor / Borvo, antica divinità delle acque sorgive e gorgoglianti. In questo possiamo ravvisare nelle storie e nelle leggende popolari, una radice antica, antichissima, una linfa vitale che scorre nel tempo, come un insetto che vive la metamorfosi: si trasmuta e cambia aspetto per perpetuare se stesso ed il messaggio che porta in sè. Come ogni divinità, era (od è) potente e temibile, ma non era malvagio, in Gallia ci si rivolgeva a lui, nei suoi luoghi di culto legati alle acque, per chiedere salute per sè e per i propri cari. Troviamo tracce del suo culto dal Portogallo alla Franchia, dai Paesi Bassi al Nord Italia. Molte di queste località dove si venerava Borvo/Borus hanno mantenuto nel loro nome un'assonanza, una radice che li lega al contesto di questo antico passato (Bourbonne-les-Bains, Bourbon-l'Archambault, Bourbon-Lancy o In Italia, dove lo troviamo in molti luoghi in area gallica e celto-ligure come ad esempio alle origini della città di Bormio o nel fiume Bormida).
L'etimologia e la toponomastica sono scienze tanto noiose quanto ricche e preziose, perchè ci trasmettono informazioni "in codice" altrimenti difficilmente reperibili. Ogni nome non è mai dato a caso, ha sempre una storia, soprattutto nell'antichità, quando era più viva la percezione della sacralità della vita e del mondo in cui viviamo, il nome era un attributo importantissimo, che andava sempre scelto con cura e con oculatezza, esso doveva trasmettere e contenere l'essenza della cosa, del luogo o della persona che lo portava.
Tornando alla nostrana Borda, questo spaventoso essere pare si impadronisca della vita degli umprudenti che sventuratamente scivolano lungo le ripide pendenze degli argini, o di quelli che vengono risucchiati da un mulinello o cadono in acqua camminando spavaldamente sulla riva ghiacciata. Chissà per quali travagliate vicende una divinità delle acque sorgive che poteva donare buona salute, si è trasformato in un mostruoso essere immondo avido di vite innocenti, forse saranno le acque malsane e putride di certe zone paludose ad aver avvelenato il suo spirito, o forse avrà troppo umanamente ceduto alla seduzione di qualche strega locale, che lo ha intrappolato nel suo maligno incantesimo Pensando male, è probabile anche che nel corso dei secoli, il nuovo Dio unico imposto alle popolazioni abbia cercato di fagocitare questo Dio pagano, non riuscendovi, e come è ben noto, la Chiesa ha trasformato in demoni tutte le divinità precedenti che non è riuscita a trasformare in santi.
A sentir le genti locali, la Borda è responsabile di una miriade di annegamenti e di tragedie, pertanto non sottovalutate mai l'avvertimento Sta ateint ch'a gh'è la Borda, rivolto soprattutto ai più giovani, avvezi all'avventura e alla spavalderia.
Ogni divinità esige il suo tributo...
by Il Viaggiatore senza Meta
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Bourbon-Lancy Guide tourisme, vacances & week-end en Saône-et-Loire
Bourbon-Lancy Guide tourisme, vacances & week-end en Saône-et-Loire
Sources, envie, vitalité, cité : bienvenue à Bourbon-Lancy où l’envitalicité symbolise à la fois le passé, la nature, la volonté et les atouts. Bienvenue sur les bords de Loire, dans une ville née sous le signe de l’eau et qui puise son énergie dans une tradition de soins et de bien-être remontant à la plus haute Antiquité. Bourbon-Lancy, ville touristique et gastronomique située au coeur de la…
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von Bourbon-Lancy nach Montchanin Vollständiger Bericht bei: https://www.als-aargauer-unterwegs.ch/2019/06/08/von-bourbon-lancy-nach-montchanin Einen weiteren interessanten Tag auf der EuroVelo 6 verbracht. Habe nun die Loire verlassen und bin auf dem hinüber zur Saône, Das geht, um ein bisschen Abwechselung zu verschaffen, nicht ganz ohne Ausflug in die Hügel. Das GPS registrierte 107.9 KM und 751 Höhenmeter.
#Bourbon-Lancy#Bourgogne-Franche-Comté#Canal du Centre#Centre-Val de Loire#Digoin#EuroVelo 6 (Atlantic-Black Sea)#Fernfahrt#Frankreich#Frühling#La Bourbince#La Loire#Montchanin#Palinges#Paray-le-Monial#Saint-Vallier#Velosvres
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Éole olé-olé photo Jean-Claude Martin, all rights reserved
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Bourbon-Lancy (Saône-et-Loire).
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Accident Lancy 04.08.22 | Fermeture du pont du Lancy...
Accident Lancy 04.08.22 | Fermeture du pont du Lancy…
Accident Lancy Aujourd’hui que s’est-il passé dans l’Accident Lancy aujourd’hui? Que s’est-il passé hier en Lancy ? Tout ce qui vous intéresse peut être trouvé dans notre article. Nouvelles du lieu de l’accident, déclarations des autorités et tous les autres détails. Lisez notre article jusqu’à la fin. Accident Lancy Verkehrsunfall dans Lancy en ce Moment: qu’est-Ce qui se passe aujourd’hui?…
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#accident bourbon lancy#accident bourbon lancy aujourd&039;hui#accident grand lancy#accident lancy aujourd&039;hui#accident mortel bourbon-lancy#accident petit lancy
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Bourbon-Lancy -Saône-et-Loire (parc de St Prix) (2)
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"The douche", Baths of Bourbon-Lancy, Burgundy region of France
French vintage postcard
#historic#bourbon#region#baths#photography#postal#ansichtskarte#photo#sepia#vintage#postcard#france#burgundy#briefkaart#douche#postkarte#tarjeta#carte postale#ephemera#lancy#postkaart#french
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The Gallic water goddesses:
Damona and Acionna
Goddess Damona - Bourbonne les Bains- France
The cult of water in Gaul was long-lived, as evidenced by the toponymy of many places, rivers or spa towns. It was particularly embodied through two goddesses with unknown names, but with traces still present.
The cult of water in Gaul was perennial, as evidenced by the toponymy of many places, rivers and spa towns. The goddess Divona, for example, venerated among other Gallic peoples by the Bituriges and the Cadurques, is at the origin of the name of Divonne-les-Bains (Ain). We can also cite Vesunna which gave Vésone, a district of Périgueux (Dordogne). The ending in – onna or – unna is typical and common to Gallo-Roman water deities and means “river” in the Celtic language. Other examples are better known, such as Icaunis (Yonne), Matrona (Marne), Sequana (Seine). The survival of the theme of water in toponymy can also be found later in Roman times, as with the cities bearing the name of "Aix" (Aquis, ablative of Aqua ). This article presents two goddesses associated with French localities: Damona and Acionna.
Damona (Bourbonne les Bains)
Damona is associated with Borvo, who is the Celtic equivalent of Apollo and patron of healing springs, whose name is at the origin of several water towns such as La Bourboule (Puy-de-Dôme), Bourbon-Lancy ( Saône-et-Loire), Bourbon-l'Archambault (Allier) and Bourbonne-les-Bains (Haute-Marne).
Damona, in Gallic mythology, is generally the consort of the god Borvo. The notion of consort designates an association between two deities, the consort often being secondary and inferior to the other, although possessing the same attributes. This term can also designate the spouse of a god, or his feminine form.
Borvo is a water healer while Damona is a goddess of springs and rivers. It is locally associated with the thermal spring of Bourbonne-les-Bains.
If Damona is most often associated with Borvo, she is sometimes represented in the company of other gods such as Moritasgus, Bormo, Albius and later with Apollo, which would give her a polyandrous character (ie a woman with multiple male spouses).
We find Damona represented alone on several occasions such as in Bourbonne-les-Bains and Rivières-en-Charente. Its representation is quite rare in the form of a statue.
Like the Celtic goddess Sirona, also associated with the symbolism of water and healing, she is often represented with an ear of wheat or even a braided crown of wheat ears, and a snake wrapped around her forearm. left, presumed symbols attached to fertility and healing.
For Albert Grenier, historian and archaeologist specializing in Gallo-Roman civilization, " these goddesses have little character of their own, they only seem to be the female personification of the divinity with which they are associated" .
Places dedicated to Damona are most often hot springs. The four Bourbon-Lancy inscriptions indicate that she has the ability to visit the pilgrim in a dream and heal him. But most often he is invited to bathe in the spring water.
His cult is attested in an area corresponding to present-day Burgundy as well as in Charente (lapidary inscription of Saintes), and even extends as far as Vienne (Isère). A statue of Damona was discovered in Bourbonne-les-Bains in 1977, during archaeological excavations carried out on the occasion of the destruction of the old thermal baths of the city. The current thermal baths of the Haut-Marne city have two gates, named Borvo and Damona. A chapel is present behind the baths with a virgin of the waters, an element which would suggest a continuity of the cult of Damona.
Acionna (Orléans and Essonne)
Acionna is a goddess whose Gallo-Roman cult is attested locally in the region of Orléans. The Essonne river, whose upper part, the Egg, has its source in the forest of Orléans, would take its name from this deity and we find derivatives like Axiona or Exona in medieval texts to designate it. We find elements of the name of the goddess in that of other rivers in this region such as the Esse, also from the forest of Orléans, and even the Egg. The name of the Egg would be derived from the name of Essonne, abbreviated EFF on old maps, taking into account that the letter S was noted as an F in the Middle Ages.
The name Acionna is Celtic but the meaning of the root aci is unknown.
Concerning the cult of the deity, surveys were carried out in 1822 by the civil engineer Jean-Baptiste Jollois on the site of an old spring, the Étuvée fountain. The site of the Étuvée fountain, 2.5 kilometers from Orléans, is on the territory of the Carnutes tribe, whose capital, located at the current site of Orléans, was the oppidum of Cenabum . Initially intended to find alternative sources of water supply for the city of Orléans, the surveys of Jollois revealed important ancient remains including wooden basins and a fragment of stone bearing an inscription in Latin:
The holy Aug(ustae) of Acionna, the hair of Illiomarus in the portico with his ornaments
(Consacred to Auguste Acionna, Hair, sob of Illiomarus)
This stele indicates the presence at this site of a portico dedicated to the divinity and erected by Capillus, son of Illiomarus, in gratitude for the granting of a wish. Jean-Baptiste Jollois estimated that the stele must date from the 1st century AD.
Other excavations carried out between 1969 and 1992 confirmed the presence of Gallo-Roman basins and multiple canals that could be linked to a spring sanctuary as well as to an adduction network intended to supply water to the ancient city. of Orleans ( Cenabum) . The most recent excavations on the site, carried out by the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP), prior to the development of the ZAC du Clos de la Fontaine, date from 2006-2008. They have brought to light a real cultural ensemble that evolved over several Roman eras, with a sanctuary dedicated to the worship of the deity.
The site was developed during the Roman conquest, in the 1st century, and the sanctuary was then probably built of wood. The water supply network seems to have been built during the 2nd and 3rd centuries , although the precise dating is not known, and could coincide with the reconstruction of the capital of the Carnutes by Emperor Aurelian in 273. It includes in particular three aqueducts, one of which had two masonry manholes 250 meters apart, certainly used for the maintenance of the structure. An aqueduct crossed the sanctuary from north to south to supply a paved and square basin which probably served as a swimming pool for the faithful.
The sanctuary includes a large courtyard with a portico surrounding a square temple, the fanum. This temple was built around a central part, called cella, representing the dwelling of the goddess Acionna, as well as a peripheral gallery, for the use of celebrants. The cult was also rendered in the courtyard, as evidenced by the discovery in this place of offerings such as coins and ex-votos in sheet bronze, representing stylized faces, offered to the divinity in thanks for healings. Finally, a small square building was discovered in the northern part of the courtyard, in which was buried a statuette of a mother goddess, a symbol of fertility and maternity, probably placed for the needs of the cult on a pedestal. These two elements, in addition to the stele, attest to the existence of the cult of Acionna, linked to the presence of water.
The sanctuary was destroyed in the 4th century and graves were dug in its ruins. A first group of individuals is buried in what was the cella of the fanum , another tomb has been identified in the peripheral gallery and about fifteen graves are dug on the southern margin of the fanum . This arrangement would indicate that a privileged group of individuals reused the most sacred space of the temple to be buried and that, subsequently, other burials were established around this primitive nucleus.
Finally, other traces of the existence of this divinity were found in two fragments of stone reused in the ramparts and in a wall of the city, where inscriptions referring to Acionna were found.
Conclusion and connection with other mythologies
These two goddesses are examples of local Celtic deities linked to water, which translate in these regions the traditional symbolism associating the aquatic element with femininity. This symbolism is deeply dual, water representing as much a source of life, healing, fertility as a potential danger.
In Greek mythology, the creatures closest to Damona and Acionna are the naiads, nymphs of springs, streams and fountains. Mermaids, on the other hand, are sea creatures. In these two examples, water is a source of danger for men, the naiads thus holding back Hylas, and the sirens seducing the navigators with their songs in the Odyssey.
Arthurian legends present the lady of the lake (also called Viviane) as an important character, tutor of Lancelot du Lac and giving the sword Excalibur to Arthur.
The survival of the names of Damona and Acionna in French toponymy can be analyzed as evidence of the importance and vivacity of the cult that was given to them. More broadly, it is probably also a marker of the adaptation and heritage of Gallo-Roman cults, their deities having thus become, by syncretism, the Christian saints we know today.
Henri Réault – King Arthur Promotion
For further About Damona
• Troisgros (Henri), Bourbonne-les-Bains , capital of the divine Gallic couple Borvo and Damona , Association of Friends of Old Bourbonne, 2015 (BnF Tolbiac Rez-de-jardin, store no. 2016-118646).
• Excerpts from the Archaeological Review , January, February, March 1880 and May 1881, Anatole Chabouillet (BnF Tolbiac Ground floor, store no. 8-LJ20-303).
• Bourcelot (Henri), The Goddess Damona , Association of Friends of Old Bourbonne, 1972, (BnF Tolbiac Ground floor, store no. 8-LK7-58393).
About Acionna
• National Library of France – Gallica:
Bulletin of the Archaeological and Historical Society of Orleans (1874, 1877, 1959).
Memoirs of the Society of Agriculture, Sciences, Belles-Lettres and Arts of Orléans (1852).
Annals of the Royal Society of Sciences, Belles-Lettres and Arts of Orleans (1818, 1836).
• Dottin (Georges), The Religion of the Celts , 1904.
• Renel (Charles), The Religions of Gaul before Christianity , 1906.
• Goddesses in Celtic Religion Cult and Mythology: A Comparative Study of Ancient Ireland, Britain and Gaul , thesis defended by Noémie Beck, Université Lumière Lyon 2 (2009), in partnership with the Center for Analysis and Research on the English-speaking World.
• Christol (Michel), A provincial history – Narbonne Gaul from the end of the 2nd century BC to the 3rd century AD , Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2010. (Complete quote from the stele of 'Aciona).
• Memoirs and Dissertations on National and Foreign Antiquities , published by the Royal Society of Antiquaries of France, volume 11, 1835.
• Description of the site and the archaeological excavations carried out on the site of the Étuvée fountain – National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research.
#Damona#celtic gods#celtic goddess#druidic#druidry#goddess of water#healing goddess#cow goddess#druid#druidess#celtic mythology#celtic paganism#acionna#aciona#damona
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La véranda du Grand Hôtel à Bourbon-Lancy, Saône-et-Loire.
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La Villa des pins avec forêt domaniale autour du gîte classé Gîtes de France 3 épis
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La doucheuse des thermes, Bourbon-Lancy, Saône-et-Loire.
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