#bourbon kid
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aforcedelire · 1 year ago
Kill the Rich !, Anonyme
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Toutes les Ă©lites du monde meurent les unes aprĂšs les autres : prĂ©sidents, dictateurs, mafieux, familles royales, grands de ce monde... C’est la cata ! Alors que Flake et Sanchez doivent rencontrer le prĂ©sident et que Jasmine et Elvis sont dĂ©pĂȘchĂ©s pour Ă©liminer un illuminĂ© complotiste, le Bourbon Kid et Rex sont engagĂ©s pour veiller sur la fille d’un mafieux. Sauf que comme d’habitude et pour notre plus grand bonheur, rien ne va se passer comme prĂ©vu.
J’ai trop trop aimĂ© les dĂ©coupages ! C’était hyper inventif et comme d’hab hyper cinĂ©matographique : diffĂ©rentes parties, diffĂ©rents points de vue, diffĂ©rentes temporalitĂ©s. J’avais un peu peur aprĂšs Santa Mondega que Anonyme soit en train de s’essouffler, mais Kill the Rich est majestueux et probablement un des meilleurs de la saga (en tout cas il fait partie de mon top 3). Les Dead Hunters se retrouvent rĂ©unis au Purgatoire et se partagent chacun leur mission catastrophique : Flake et Sanchez, JD et Rex, Elvis et Jasmine, ils ont tous dĂ» faire quelque chose pour quelqu’un et ils se sont tous ramassĂ©s en beautĂ© — mais c’est gĂ©nial, sinon ce ne serait pas Anonyme. Et au fur et Ă  mesure, le fil rouge apparaĂźt, se dessine, et on engloutit le livre pour savoir exactement ce qu’il s’est passĂ© et comment ça s’est passĂ© et qui est responsable, et qu’est-ce que c’est que ce merdier encore. Anonyme joue avec nous, il fait mourir des personnages emblĂ©matiques (Ă  coup de « oh non pas ce personnage »), il en ramĂšne d’autres (« mais non !!! »), il s’éclate et on s’éclate avec lui. C’est un tome Ă  la fois trĂšs diffĂ©rent, un peu plus sĂ©rieux, mais Ă  la fois complĂštement le mĂȘme et toujours aussi barrĂ©. Et on dĂ©couvre une facette du Kid qu’on ne connaissait pas, et dĂ©cidĂ©ment qu’est-ce que je l’aime !
Je ne pouvais plus lĂącher Kill the Rich, au boulot je le lisais entre deux clients Ă  chaque temps calme, je lisais en mangeant le midi, bref je l’ai dĂ©vorĂ©. J’en avais vraiment besoin, ça m’a rappelĂ© Ă  quel point un bon livre coup de cƓur peut faire du bien. C’était gĂ©nial. Un des meilleurs. J’ai BESOIN d’une suite, j’espĂšre de tout mon cƓur pouvoir continuer Ă  suivre leurs aventures complĂštement barrĂ©es encore un long moment.
12/02/2024 - 17/02/2024
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jaehattori · 1 year ago
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I keep on seeing these on twitter. THEY ARE SO CUTE I WISH I COULD OWN THE KID ONE 😭😭😭
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tatlitte-lian · 1 year ago
My BOYS! and an infiltrated fem Shinichi
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fullcravings · 1 year ago
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Bourbon Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars
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moonlightkitsune · 6 months ago
How do you headcanon Vermouth's relationship with the Kuroba family and Kaito Kid's various mantle-holders? Sharon Vineyard was a student of Kuroba Toichi but I'm not sure if they knew about each other's alter egos and Vermouth didn't recognise Sherry as Kid but is aware of him, Chris is a famous currently alive celebrity that Kaito could theoretically have met due to both their late 'mother' and father being connected...
I just figured Sharon met Kaito when he was little at some point. She did get her disguise technique from the Kurobas, so she would recognize it. I think she mostly knows what Kaito's up to, but doesn’t interfere with him unless necessary.
Vermouth may have joined the Black Organization to protect the Kurobas. She wants to destroy the Black Organization from the inside-out, after all.
I do think Vermouth and Kaito haven't contacted each other all that much the past eight years... other than holiday and birthday calls.
They may meet up at some point... probably at a sweet buffet or event... or just for tea. She would be escorted by Amuro, and that's how Kaito and Amuro meet.
Vermouth is practically Kaito's aunt, and Kaito is her nephew or little brother.
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nice-bright-colors · 3 months ago
Absolute Banner Day over here
So far today I have:
Sent out the last invoice that will be paid in this calendar year (fingers crossed for next week)
Made my our final payment to the IRS (fuck you Uncle Sammy, and next year - double fuck you)
Now looking at buying The Wifeâ„ąïž a new phone because hers is starting to falter (thank you Apple Card for not having a balance right now)
Here to hoping that tomorrow can be a day of sex & pancakes, then packing & preparing to leave. For Monday - Saturday is going to be a long ass week.
At least Delta has already put me in Business Class Monday morning heading down to Atlanta. That croissant bread pudding with lemon ricotta and mixed berry compote is a fabulous breakfast on an airplane.
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the-ferocious-kittyrose · 1 year ago
Headcanon that William Afton only pretends to like bourbon, and black coffee, and the such, to look mature and masculine. When he’s in the privacy of his own home, that man absolutely destroys jugs of chocolate milk
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soveryanon · 17 days ago
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We've reached that part. That's it, he is there, he could appear in any episode now.
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fieriframes · 5 months ago
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tatlitte-lian · 2 years ago
These are all my DCMK sketches in my new sketchbook right now and the photos are in the order I draw it ⌒▜⌒
I've been practicing and I think I've been able to improve a little (=^^=)
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fullcravings · 2 years ago
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Homemade Bourbon Biscuit Recipe
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trippin-chippin · 1 year ago
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Wkisk and her children
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eviefrie · 5 months ago
adult siblinghood is having ur younger brother text you about the baked goods he made the night before a visit, asking if u want any, and u texting back offering him the baked goods u made in return
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moonlightkitsune · 4 months ago
I like thinking about what Amuro has heard about KID secondhand considering the company he keeps. Azusa's a big enough KID fan to incorporate it into her blog, Sonoko idolises KID as do the Detective Boys (though they do it differently), Kogorou and Ran frequently are involved in heists not to mention Conan is the KID Killer who considers him a playmate of all things.
Rei's jurisdiction isn't Phantom Thieves but the general consensus seems to be that KID is a frenemy type figure to the Japanese police who they will catch not harm but can also use to their advantage when their goals align without much harm happening to them or the public (Zero seemed to have fun at the Queen's Bang too, it's nice to see him share the other detectives' desire to match wits with KID), though he'd a a good ally or a horrifying terrorist/assassin if he wanted to be. Does Rei suspect him of working with Akai or Vermouth courtesy of the Mystery Train? I kind of want to see Rei's reaction to finding out KID photographed Okiya's voice-changing choker in use.
I wonder what the Underworld thinks of KID and therefore Bourbon. Kaito's interacted with Chat Noir, Dark Knight: Nightmare, Lupin III, as well as Spider and Snake/Jackal & Rose. He helps some criminals, exposes others and is open to competition. He operates in the shadows and the spotlight but isn't exposed to either world, he's simultaneously exploitable and dangerous to mess with (he always gets payback). Generally if you leave him and his alone he leaves you alone though, he's not like a vigilante. His skills are high demand and his secrecy makes him anear urban legend if not for the media coverage.
If he did find out, Rei would be interested in the association with Vermouth, and be impressed that KID got that picture in the first place... even though he had to give it up.
As for the Underworld... hopefully, they either take advantage or leave well enough alone.
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spicyvampire · 1 year ago
Sand and Ray are interesting cuz they be the ones putting themselves in their own unending cycle of doom, Sand was mad at Top for stealing his ex and by trying to get revenge all he did was pushing his new crush into the arms of Top's ex, Ray has been in Mew's friendzone for YEARS and now he is tryna do the same thing to Sand not only by insisting they've only been friends from the start but also by literally not letting Sand escape when he got with Mew
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handoferis · 1 year ago
Where's that screenshot where it's like "I've been sober for 5 days đŸ’Ș" and someone commented U prolly jus broke... That's me
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