#bouquet thank you El Paso
mvltisstuff · 1 year
cardigan - e.d
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summary: when meeting eddie’s family, things don’t go over as well as y/n hoped; that doesn’t change all of the things he loves about her.
eddie diaz x reader
i have state testing and finals coming up so i will be editing this as soon as i can, but i wanted to get it up anyway :)) also i love spanish so this was so fun to write, hopefully it was accurate!
y/n was sitting in the passengers seat of eddie’s shiny car, with christopher in the back. one of eddie’s hands was on the wheel, the other was laying on her thigh. his deep, black sunglasses were shielding his eyes from the bright morning sun. looking back at chris, he had a shining smile on his face with a game in his lap that he had convinced eddie to let him bring.
the group had been down in el paso, visiting the family as they were having a get together. eddie figured it was the perfect time to introduce y/n to the people who grew up with him. obviously, it could go either way, but eddie absolutely admired her and couldn’t see how they wouldn’t either.
y/n’s knee had been bouncing up and down through the slit of her floral dress. it was black with magenta flowers, and her hair had a few casual pieces in the front hanging out. that was one of the things eddie loves about her. she can wear a nice old dress and have her hair blowing in the wind and look radiant. despite the worry free look on her face, the body language gave it away to eddie.
“you nervous?” he asks, looking over at her when stopping. she peeks back over to him.
“a little, honestly. i’m excited, though. i’m looking forward to meeting your tía,” she says, coming up with a response. “i mean, i would get nervous meeting anyone’s family.”
“they’re going to love you, and my abuela has been talking about you non-stop and she doesn’t even know you yet,” eddie tells her, trying to calm her nerves. y/n laughs and thinks about all the stories she’s been told about his family. she feels a little better in the moment, but still anxious for the moment when her character becomes involved.
they drive up to the small texas house, and eddie’s abuela was waiting by the door. “pepa! ¡están aquí!”
eddie and y/n open their doors, and y/n goes to help chris out while eddie greets his family. “hola, abuela,” eddie says, pulling her in for an embrace. his aunt had arrived before him, and she ran out besides his abuela.
“¡Ay, edmundo!” his tía announces. “we’ve been waiting all day for you three,” she says, pointing to y/n walking up patiently with christopher. “hola, mis amores.” she plants sweet kisses on christopher’s head before passing him onto his bisabuela. she takes a hold of y/n’s hands, and pulls her into a hug. “you must be y/n!”
she pulls back, taking a look at y/n as eddie watches with a wide grin on his face. he knows they love her already as she can mesh in so well. “¡qué guapa eres, edmundo!”
y/n blushes at his aunts words, and says, “you guys are so lovely, thank you for inviting me!”
“you are welcome any time, y/n!” his abuela says.
“i brought you these flowers,” y/n hands her a bouquet of yellow and orange flowers. “i grew them at my house and picked some out for you.”
“eddie, i love her already.”
walking around the comforting home, christopher leads y/n and eddie through, showing her around and introducing her to various diaz family members. eddie stops her in her tracks and turns her around. “i told you they would love you.”
even though y/n tried to hide it, she was scared to come. eddie had opened up about his relationship with his father and even with his relationship with shannon. he was scared too, worried about how he would react after what happened with shannon. eddie wasn’t sure if he was ready for a relationship, but after meeting y/n and being confronted with her elegance, he was already falling for her. she carried herself around with grave and empathy for everyone she meets. at work, she was the sweetest to her patients and her co-workers. everyone loves her, and eddie more than the rest. watching her play with his son and treat him like any other kid was the best thing he could ask of her, and he didn’t even have to. the second she met him, they were laughing together and she never once thought of him as a burden or something eddie had just been left with. being the most important thing in his life, eddie always makes sure christopher is happy, and watching his happiness grow when she’s around makes his heart soar.
“i’m glad they like me, they seem lovely, eddie.”
“they are, i really lucked out having them. but i will say none of my past relationships have gone that well in the first 10 minutes.”
“i guess i’m just special then, no?” she asks, jokingly while throwing a little grin on her face. eddie lands a quick kiss on her lips before showing her through the rest. when he finally greets his parents, they give y/n respectful smiles, but nothing more.
“i’m y/n, i just wanted to say thank you for having me,” y/n decides to break the silence and tell them.
“it’s no problem, y/n,” his mother, helena, says.
after sitting down for a while outside during the gathering, eddie has a comforting hand across her shoulders. they both had beers and were watching chris play in the distance before their peace was disturbed.
“so, y/n?” his father starts. “what do you do for work? eddie tells us you are at the station as well.”
“i am, im a paramedic,” she informs, raising the corners of her mouth slightly. “i’ve been working there for about a year more than eddie has.”
“and you like it?” he asks, almost interrogating her. she understands though, she would do the same thing if she had children. although, she was also aware of his relationship with eddie, and eddie having to deal with his absence for work sometimes. his father is a respected man, and definitely an important figure. despite these qualities, y/n can’t help but feel intimidated.
“i love it, it’s very rewarding being able to help people in their moment,” around the table, tía pepa and his abuela are looking gently at her, smiling.
“you didn’t think of anything else?”
“papí…” eddie warns.
“edmundo, he’s allowed to ask!” his mother defends back, still having mixed feelings about her.
eddie was confused as they couldn’t have heard bad things about her. internally, y/n was panicking. she had tried so hard to try and make the best impression she could, and this was just a little hill she had to get over. she was hoping to really hit it off with his parents, but it seemed more complicated than she hoped.
his parents had liked her to an extent, but worried her kindness was an act. eddie knew they were thinking this, and he was ready to fight back in defense of his girl. nothing y/n ever did was an act, and every one of her intentions was pure and out of the good of her heart. she seemed like a good person, but not as much as she might come across. she fought for validation from her parents every single day, battling with her siblings for their affection. she always tries her best to grow that kind of relationship with other people, or make sure they know that she will be there for them. eddie and y/n had different childhoods, but they’re so similar in the way they can connect through them. she tries her best to open up about her parents and how she decided to move away to him, but it still gets hard. she tries to portray that in other ways, and showing her love for others is one.
“eddie, it’s alright!” she says, not erasing any smile from her face but not being able to conceal her uncomforted mood. “i, um, decided to move away from where i grew up. so i moved to los angeles and started my training.”
“so, you left your family and went across the country?”
y/n mumbles a bit, not knowing what she should say. she looks at eddie for help, who gives his father a stare in hopes to take the spotlight off her. he knows how overwhelmed it makes her to talk about her family, let alone with people she’s never met before. he gives her hand an encouraging squeeze and brings it up to leave a kiss on her knuckles.
“well, it is a great place for opportunity! i’ve heard many people succeed from moving there.” pepa adds.
“uh, my parents didn’t support my job, but i knew it’s what i wanted.” she says, trying to explain her situation. his parents nod, almost in a disapproving way that brings her back to her parents. the stress becomes a lot to deal with, just from sitting on the back porch of the families house. she blinks rapidly, covering up any tears and being able to beat them away. luckily, no one noticed, but eddie is able to see through it. the noises from everything around her, but especially the silence from eddie’s elders. her knee begins to bounce again and she tries to stop it with her shaking hands, removing them from eddie’s grasp. “hey, can you show me to the bathroom, love?���
“yeah, of course,” eddie stands up and leads her inside, bringing her to the hallway so no one can hear them.
“¡ay, ramón! ¿por qué lo dices?” eddie hears come from the backyard, the familiar voice coming from his loving aunt.
“i’m sorry, y/n,” he starts. “i don’t know why he would say that, i told my abuela-“
“no, eddie, stop. it’s ok, i understand!”
“it’s really not ok, they have no clue what you had going on at home.”
“they’re allowed to ask questions, i cant avoid it forever,” she finishes, her eyes beginning to well up before she wipes them away and shakes her head. “i’m just going to take a minute, i’ll be back out.”
eddie nods, pulling her in and placing his hands around her waist. “i’ll be outside.”
walking back out, eddie throws out his empty beer bottle, and sits back down after grabbing a new one. the tension between him and his parents is thickening by the minute and everyone can feel it. “you can’t even ask if she’s alright?”
“eddie, she just stormed out, what do you expect us to say?” his mother says.
“because you made her uncomfortable!” he shouts, but trying to keep his volume down. “you have no clue what she’s been through or why she left home because she is not going to tell you everything. your immediate disapproval is what reminded her of her own parents. she was so excited to come here and meet you, she spent hours picking those flowers out for you and you spend this time nit-picking her. i’m not going to put her through that, i can’t watch her suffer in the shitty memories of her parents again.”
his parents faces had dropped slightly, regretting their aggressive questions, but still not fully understanding. they didn’t want her to feel bad about herself, but eddie grew up with very passionate parents. they want to keep their children safe and make sure they’re happy.
“i think we’re going to call it a night,” eddie says, standing up to go get his son. “chris! cmon bud. adiòs.”
his aunt and his abuela follow him outside, going to show them out. they didn’t fight it, because there was no fighting eddie. he knew what he wanted and his passion for y/n made the decision to leave the gathering final. he was upset, but he wouldn’t be forever. he knew she needed some time to refocus.
y/n had come out, eddie holding her hand all the way to the car. the light orange glow from the sun was making her skin shine and pointed out her slightly red cheeks.
“y/n! we are so sorry, amor,” his abuela says. “we would love to have you again sometime, you were absolutely a delight.”
“thank you so much, i’d love to see you again sometime!” she says quietly but thankfully before departing to the passengers seat of the car.
before starting the car, eddie leans over and hugs her. she wraps her arms around his neck and breathes slowly. “that could’ve gone worse, right?”
“i don’t know what their problem was tonight, that was so uncalled for.” he says in a whisper so christopher doesn’t ask questions. “but i still love you. that’s never going to change no matter what they say. because their words will never change the way i see you and your beauty,” he pauses, taking a moment to peck her cheeks and forehead. “your kindness,” he adds, “y tu corazón.” he leaves a little wink and smirk at the end.
“it’s ok,” she laughs, and eddie is relieved to see the smile return back to her face. “you know i love you so much, too.”
several days later, still on their trip in el paso, y/n and eddie hear the ring of a doorbell on their rented home. y/n walks out of the door, looking at the massive bouquet of flowers sitting on the front steps in the scalding texan sun. she scoops them up and carries them inside.
it was quite early, christopher was still fast asleep and would be for a while. eddie was yet to be out of bed after y/n left his hold. however, when he heard the door open, he pulled himself out of the shared bed. when he walked into the small kitchen, y/n was examining the flowers with a peaceful expression.
she was reading the tag attached to the pot, which said
“un regalo para ti <3
Lo siento, y/n,
- helena y ramón”
a grin grew on y/n’s face. she was taking in the true effort they’ve put into this. eddie stood behind her, placing his hands on her waist and his chin on her shoulder, reading the note. “i didn’t really know they had that in them,” eddie says.
“that means a lot, though,” she replies. “they didn’t have to do this, i should call and say thank you!”
“we can later, mi vida,” eddie starts, smiling at his girlfriend. “let me go make up for yesterday evening for now.” he says, picking her up and carrying her back to their rented bed.
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inspiredwriter · 1 month
*En el parque*
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Rafael and Candy :*camina por la fuente tomanos de la mano*
Candy :*mirá la fuente*mira osito Hay una fuente tan linda qué tal si pedimos un deseo 😃😁⛲✨💕💝💗
Rafael :*se cruza los brazos* mejor yo paso quiero que tu pidas tu deseo 😉😄💖💗💕(pensamientos💭) bueno Raph espera un poco para decirle a Candy la gran pregunta de amor cundo lanze la moneda 🥰🤫🪙💘💞💗
Candy :*saca la moneda de su bolsillo* Está bien mi amor Ya sé qué pedir mi deseo 🤔😉🪙⛲✨*lanza la moneda en la fuente* Qué emoción espero sea realidad😃🤩💗💖💕
Rafael : si algo muy que te hará realidad 😏😘💞💘❣️🩷*se arrodilla en una sola pierna* mi caramelo Tengo que confesarte lo que siento mucho por ti que tantos años que hemos salido juntos 🥰😄💞💖💗💕*saca una cajita del bolsillo* creo que es ahora que me digas la gran pregunta 🙂☺️🎁💓💘💞💝
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Candy :*se sonroja* Oh Raphfi acaso tengo que será😳😍💓💘💞💝
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Rafael :*abre la cajita y la muestra el anillo a Candy* ¿Candy te casarías conmigo? 😏😊💍🤵‍♂️👰💕💝💖💘🩷❣️
Candy: Oh my God, Raphi~😳💖❤💓💕 Yes, I'll marry you, my brave warrior😄😍💝💘💞 (Thoughts💭) Aaaw, come on, I must try to be strong like my Raphael😣🥹💓💗💞🩷
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Raphael: *Gets up and puts the ring on Candy's finger* We've been waiting for the time to finally come for our wedding and this wonderful day has come😌🥰💝💘❣️💕 *Kisses Candy on the lips* Mmmua~😚💗💓💖💞 Hmm, babe, are you crying?🤨💖💝💘💕
Candy: Sorry, my tedy bear, I can’t hold back these tears of happiness..🥹💗💓❣️💞 Huh, isn’t your bride too sentimental?😅💖🩷💕
Raphael: Don't say things like that, Candys, you're the best girl I've ever known, so you shouldn't hold back your emotions in front of me😤🥰💝💘💞❣️ *Hugs Candy's waist, holding her close* Ah, calm down, my love, tomorrow we have a very important day, because we will have to prepare for our wedding...😌🥹💗❤💓💕 Calm down, my future wife~😏🥰💞💝💘💗
Candy: (Thoughts💭) Haha, Raphi asks me not to hold back my emotions, but I hear that he can barely restrain himself so as not to cry with happiness🤭🥰💖💘💓💞 My future husband is a strong boy, that's why I love him😍💗❤💕🩷 *Kisses Raph on the cheek* Mmuah~😚💋💗💕 I'm fine, babe😄😘💖❣️💝💞
*Weeding Day*
Candy: *Looks at herself in the mirror* Jeez, Stefany, you made a wonderful dress, thank you🤩😊👰🧵✨
Stefany: *Lays stemware and plates on the table* Huh, you're welcome, Candys, I'm always happy to help my friend😉🤗🍽
April: *Places flowers in vases* The boys brought lilacs for us, as well as white and red roses, just like you said😄😊🪻🌹
Anastasia: *Decorate the wedding cake* Huh, I remember how you once said that at your wedding there will definitely be metal or rock music and the dress will be black with spikes😄😁🎂⚡🎸👩‍🎤👨‍🎤💒
Candy: *Blushes* Yeah, but that was a long time ago...😳😅💦 Because of the heavy music, no one will be able to hear Raph and I taking an oath to the priest that's how my mom says😁💦👩🏻💒📖 *Takes the bouquet from April's hands* We want a wedding in a more classic style😌😊💒💗💘💕
Karai: But you didn’t wash the dye out of your hair, kid🤨😕🪻🌹 *Decorates the altar with flowers*
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Candy: Well, this wedding will be in a classic style, but with a little twist🤫😁⚡ Ah, I wonder how my Raphi is doing now😍🤗💐💖💝💓💞
*In the groom's room*
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Raphael: *Adjusts the sleeves of his jacket* Oh Shell, it's getting really hot in here...😥💦 *Wipes sweat from his forehead* Huh, 'cause black costumes attract heat, right?😅😁💦🤵☀🌡
Michelangelo: Haha, Raph, you can't fool your brothers, we know that you are very nervous before the wedding😄😏💒🤵👰
Donatello: *Hugs Raph's shell* Huh, just recently you were here only to support me😉🤗
Raphael: Mmh...😠😌💨 Yeah, you're probably right, I'm a little nervous😅💦
Michelangelo: Come on, big brother, don’t worry so much, because if everything went well with Anastasia and me on our wedding day, then everything with you and Candy will go really awesome😗😃💒🤵👰🎉🎂🎊🎸
Leonardo: Mikey is right, everything will be fine, because you two prepared so carefully for this special day, finally your best dreams are coming true, Raph😌😄💒🤵👰🎊
Donatello: Didn't you tell us the same thing on our wedding day when we thought something might go wrong?🤓😁
Raphael: Yes, you three great at raising morale😏🤗 *Hugs Donnie's neck and rubs his head with his fist* So let's do it!✊😆✨ *Stops hugging Donnie and straightens his tie* My bride is waiting for me😏🥰👰💖❣️💓💞
*In the main hall*
Candy's mom and dad: *Sitting in the front row*
Candy's mom: *Cries and wipes her tears with a handkerchief* Oh, I can't believe that our baby has grown so much and is getting married today!😢😭👧💓❤💗💕
Candy's dad: *Hugs Candy's mom* Shh, shh, calm down, darling, we should be proud that our daughter has found the right guy who truly loves her😌🥰🤵👰💞💝🩷💖 Huh, although it was at six years old when she said that she did not need a relationship😄😁👧🚫👦
Candy's mom: Yeah, honey she's doing great, I'm only crying because of the happiness that our girl has finally grown up🥰🥹💖💓💝💕 *Hear rock music and covers her ears* Owww, haha, but some things remain the same😣😅⚡🎸🎶💗💕
Candy's dad: Ha, she hasn't changed her interests and that has its advantages😉😆💓🩷💞
Candy's mom: What?!🤨 I can't hear you, it's too loud in here!😅🔊⚡
Raphael and Candy: *Approach the altar and wave their hands towards Mikey* Haha, that's enough, Mikey, turn off the music for ten minutes!😅😁🔇💗💘❤💕
Michelangelo: Sure, guys!😉😁🎶 *Turns off the music* (Thoughts💭) Haha, Candy and Raph asked me not to tell anyone that I should leave the loud music as a surprise for guests🤫😄💒🤵👰🎉⚡🎸⚡🎊🪻🎂🌹🎉
Donatello: *Places the bible on the table* Ten minutes should be enough to say the oath😯💨📖 *Adjusts his glasses* Are you ready to begin?🤓📖💒✨
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Elevate Your Occasions with Exquisite Floral Delights: El Paso Flower Delivery by La Casa de las Flores
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In the vibrant city of El Paso, where beauty and celebration intertwine, La Casa de las Flores emerges as the go-to El Paso florist for exquisite floral arrangements and reliable flower delivery services. Our unrivaled expertise in the art of floristry, combined with a commitment to impeccable service, makes us the perfect choice for all your special moments. Whether you seek a breathtaking bouquet, a stunning centerpiece, or a heartfelt gift, La Casa de las Flores will elevate your occasions to new heights of elegance and splendor with our exceptional El Paso flower delivery.
Captivating Floral Creations:
At La Casa de las Flores, we believe that every bloom has a story to tell. As the premier El Paso florist, we meticulously handcraft each arrangement, ensuring that every petal is a testament to our artistry and finesse. Our diverse and alluring selection of flowers, sourced from the finest local and international growers, guarantees the freshest and most breathtaking blossoms for your cherished moments. Experience the enchantment of El Paso flower delivery as La Casa de las Flores brings captivating floral creations right to your doorstep.
Unforgettable Events, Enchanting Ambiance:
With La Casa de las Flores as your trusted partner, your events will be transformed into unforgettable experiences. As the leading El Paso florist, we specialize in event décor, using flowers as the medium to create enchanting and immersive settings. From intimate weddings to grand celebrations, our creative touch will infuse your venue with an ethereal ambiance that leaves a lasting impression on your guests. Trust La Casa de las Flores to enhance your events with our exceptional El Paso flower delivery and stunning floral designs.
Seamless Online Ordering:
Convenience and ease are at the heart of our El Paso flower delivery service. Visit our website at www.lacasadelasfloreselpaso.com and immerse yourself in a seamless online ordering experience. As your preferred El Paso florist, our user-friendly interface allows you to effortlessly browse through our exquisite collection, select your preferred arrangements, and customize them to suit your taste. With just a few clicks, you can have your carefully curated floral masterpiece on its way to your desired destination in El Paso, thanks to our reliable El Paso flower delivery service.
Unparalleled Customer Service:
At La Casa de las Flores, we prioritize the satisfaction of our valued customers above all else. As the top El Paso florist, our team of dedicated professionals is committed to providing personalized assistance, ensuring that your floral vision becomes a reality. We understand that every occasion is unique, and we take the time to understand your preferences, offering expert advice and guidance along the way. From selecting the perfect blooms to arranging delivery at the ideal time, our attention to detail and commitment to excellence set us apart as the premier El Paso florist for flower delivery.
Community Engagement and Sustainability:
Beyond our passion for creating stunning floral arrangements, La Casa de las Flores is deeply involved in the El Paso community. As a responsible El Paso florist, we actively support local initiatives and partner with charitable organizations to spread joy through the gift of flowers. Additionally, we are committed to minimizing our ecological footprint by implementing sustainable practices throughout our operations. La Casa de las Flores ensures that our beautiful creations have a positive impact on both our customers and the planet, reflecting our dedication to community engagement and sustainability in every El Paso flower delivery.
When it comes to finding the finest floral expressions in El Paso, La Casa de las Flores stands as a beacon of excellence. Our commitment to exceptional quality, artistic innovation, and personalized service makes us the ultimate choice for your El Paso flower delivery needs. Allow us to infuse your special moments with the magic of flowers.
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Looking for the best wedding anniversary flowers in El Paso?
Need anniversary flowers in El Paso? Magicalmomentsflowers can help! We've got all types of flowers for an anniversary including all occasions.
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Address: Magical Moments Flowers & Gifts 3705 Montana Ave  El Paso, Texas 79903
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ticklikeabomb · 4 years
The Medusas - Part 6
Pairing : Mayans MC x Plus Size Reader 
Warnings : Language
Word Count : 1.9k
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, nor the universe where they were created and interact in. This series/fiction is only for entertainment purposes.
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“Motherfucker”, mumbled Tig under his breath. The Mayan in front of him, licked his lips, a smug smile on his face, reaching out for his prize. “Another one”, Tragger shook his head and looked at his poker opponent. “I already have all your cash, what else do you want to trade?”, stated Tranq with humor. The Son looked around and his eyes landed on Chucky. “Let’s put Chucky on the table”, he pointed at the man in question. The other Sons manifested their disagreement but Tig cut short to their chatting, “Shut up, I won’t lose this time. I can feel it”, he blew on his fingertips, his eyes trained on Tranq. “If you insist”, smirked the Mayan. The Son lost in the following minutes, getting pushed by his brothers because of his defeat. The crew patted Tranq’s shoulder in victory. “Chuckyy”, yelled the SOA’s President. “Yes Chibs”, replied the other. “I’m sorry but I’m afraid your time here with us is done. You’re with the Mayans now.” Chucky looked at the concerned before exclaiming “I accept that”. The Sons said their goodbyes to the man and saw him leave with the Mayans.
A few months later
Chucky heard the roaring of the motorcycles diminish the second they penetrated the yard. Walking out from his small office, he received at the clubhouse’s steps. He greeted Tranq and Taza before turning to Bishop and explaining him the tasks he did so far. “I also prepared my specialty for tonight’s dinner”, he happily stated. Bishop graced him with a smile and thanked him. He was making his way inside the clubhouse when Chucky interpellated him, “Oh and you received a postcard. I didn’t know you had a daughter.” Bishop quickly shared a look with Tranq and Taza, the three men approaching Chucky.
“What did you just say?”, asked Bishop not sure if he heard him correctly the first time. “There is a card from a Y/N Losa. Isn’t it your daughter, since it’s the same last name?” “Where?”, Bishop asked him, his hands grabbing Chucky’s arms. “I put it on the table next to the Templo’s entry”, his anxiety kicking in. As soon as he replied, Bishop sprinted the stairs up, making his way as soon as possible to the table. “Did I do something bad?”, mumbled Chucky under his breath, overwhelmed. Taza calmed him down, informing he did nothing and explained Chucky the importance of the card in question. “Keep an eye if there are more postcards and if so, call us immediately.” “I will”, replied Chucky, relieved.
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Hey Dad
I hope I still can refer to you as such. I would understand if it wasn’t the case. I hope you and the others are alright. I just wanted to let you know that I’m ok. I’m finally figuring myself out.
I miss you deeply.
Love Y/N
Taza and Tranq stood by the entry, looking down at their freshly elected President, the postcard in his hands. Feeling their eyes on him, he stood up and made his way inside the Templo making sure to close the door behind them. A million different emotions crossed him like a typhon: sadness, anger, hope, relieve. You were alive and apparently alright. He cleaned his tears and took a deep breath before placing the card on his heart, “Of course, you will always be my little girl, querida.” Taking another look, he focused on the address where it was shipped from and exited the Templo. He got his brothers attention by pointing at the address. “Call the others. We’re going on a road trip.”
Three days later, the Mayans were seen walking on the animated Beale Street. Bishop turned towards Taza, “Is everything arranged?” “Yeah the sorority knows we’re here. They invited us to stay at their clubhouse for a couple of nights”, he responded. “Good. Alvarez wasn’t joking when he said that the Medusa MC was everywhere”, declared the President. “Hey, I found it”, exclaimed Gilly and pointed at the Tattoo shop. They make their way inside and are greeted a minute later by the owner. “Hello, how can I help you?”, they asked. Bishop took the postcard out of his kutte and showed it to them. “Do you have any information regarding this card? The woman who send it?” They chuckled before nodding at their kutte. “The father I suppose. I figured, your jackets and all. Yeah, she was here a few days ago. She told me you would come.”
“Did she say where she would go next?”, inquired Taza. The owner shook his head and told them they had no idea. “She left something for you, though”, they said and gave him a note. Bishop immediately recognized your handwriting, giving him the confirmation, you were there. ‘Chose a design and get yourself a threat. It’s on me.’ “What’s this?”, he turned to the owner and tattoo artist. “Seems to me that she paid for your next tattoo”, they shrugged. “I’ll leave you a few minutes to choose what you’ll be having.” He sighed, his hands going on his head, unable to contain his frustration. “What are you gonna do?”, asked Coco. A minute later, Bishop stood up and declared, “I’m getting a fucking tattoo”, and joined the tattoo artist preparing the colors and machine behind the curtains.
2015 - 2016
Each time Chucky would call one of the Mayans and inform them about a new postcard of yours, Bishop decided to travel to the location indicated in the card. The second time they rode their bikes guided by you was to El Paso’s Municipal Rose Garden in Texas. Once there, they infiltrated a tourist guide tour, looking around for any clues. At the end of the tour, the guide walked towards the Mayans. “Did you enjoy the tour?”, he asked. “Sure”, smiled Taza. “I’m glad. Now you may pay for the actual visit”, the guide stated and pointed at them to the counter at the end of the way. Angel started to lit a cigarette when the guide’s hand took it from his lips, “No smoking in here!”. Angel’s looked at him surprised at his audacity to publicly correct him in front of his brothers. Bishop gave the Mayan a deadly glare before apologizing on his behalf to the guide. Once arrived at the counter, the men paid for their visit, the cashier’s eyes lingering on their kuttes. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back”, the employee told them. She came back with two garnished rose bouquets and made sure Bishop got the clue. Depositing the bouquets to the men’s arms, she smiled and added an envelope to the bouquets.
“We did all this way just for a bunch of flowers?”, commented Angel with irritation while Bishop went over the note left by you on inside the envelope. He shook his head, a small smile gracing his features. “Shut up”, Bish told Angel before passing him one of the bouquets. He frowned at his President’s motion and fixed his attention to the little card attached to the bouquet, ‘Marisol’, written on it. He opened the card and read the words marked on it, his breath getting stuck on his pipeline for a second.
‘Thank you for everything. You were the mother everyone deserves to have. Always in my heart, Y/N Losa.’
After cleaning his tears off, Angel and the others made their way back to Santo Padre. Bishop stopped at Martha’s and offered him the bouquet you left for her. The two ex-lovers spend the rest of the night catching on their respective lives while Angel stopped at his father’s, setting the other bouquet in a vase next to his mother’s urn. From that day, the Mayans noticed Bishop spending more and more time with Martha, the old flame slowly awake again.
Your third card came a year later, in 2016. The adventure led the Mayans to Denver this time, where they found out you offered them a visit at the Museo De Las Americas. At first hesitant, the crew became fond of these little trips, a way to not only hit the roads but also come closer as a group. It was that moment in the year where they could just let go and not focus on the shit going on back home.
The fourth card came from Utah. This time, El Padrino decided to tag along. They ended up at the Outlaw Distillery, where they discovered the processes on how whiskey and other alcohols are produced. “This is what I’m talking about. This my jam”, declared Neron ‘Creeper’ when seeing where they landed, making the others laugh. There was a collective holler once the owner of the distillery offered each Mayan a bottle, saying it was paid for in advance. Bishop distanced himself from his man and followed the owner. “Excuse me but how could she pay for all of this?”, he asked him. The owner lifted his hands up in defense, stating that he didn’t know and didn’t ask. “I just accepted the payment.” Bishop nodded, “Was it the first time she came by?” He saw the uneasiness on the man’s features. “No, she’s been here some times.”
“Can I ask you for a favor?”, Bishop turned to the other who nodded. “Next time she comes here, could you give her this and tell her to come home?”, he said and furnished him a small velvet box. “I have a daughter myself. I can’t imagine what it is like to lose her. … If Y/N stops by I’ll let her know. You have my word”, stated the owner.
A week later
Cooper’s head lifts up from the papers in front of him once hearing the door’s bell ring. “Hey Coop”, you greet him at the counter, making him smile. “Hey Y/N, hey Ruby, how are you ladies?” “Not bad, not bad. You got our order?”, nodded Ruby. “Sure thing”, replied Cooper, the Outlaw Distillery’s owner, calling out for his employee. Ruby followed the employee while you waited for them at the counter, feeling Cooper’s gaze burning a hole on you. Your eyes locked with his, “How was, you know?”, you asked him. He took a deep breath before telling you how it went with your father. “By the way he left this for you”, he added to which your eyes widened. He set the box in front of you, seeing your face decompose, a hurricane of emotions crossing your features. You reached out to the box and opened it, revealing a gold necklace ornamented with an engraved coin, your father’s initials on it. You quickly cleaned the tear sliding on your face, trying to conceal your emotions. “He also told me to tell you to come back home”, commented Cooper. You nodded processing his words before looking up at him again. “Thanks Coop”, you simply replied. Ruby came back with the order, her attitude switching once seeing your glossy eyes. Her hand landed on her gun but you stopped her, your fingers reaching hers, shaking your head. “We have road to do”, you tell her and assure her that everything was alright.
You and Ruby stop at the gas station after a couple hours to stretch your body and get some coffee. That’s the moment where you tell and show her the necklace. “Are you going to see him?”, she inquired hesitantly. “Yeah…someday.” She hummed, reaching to her helmet. “Life is short. You could lose the ones you love any second. Don’t wait up too long. It’s hurting you as much as it must hurt him”, she affirmed. Your smile gracing your face turned into a chuckle before exclaiming, “So wise.” “Oh fuck you”, she joked. “That’s the plan”, you winked at her and saw her shake her head, laughing. You made your way to your next stop, Charming.
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*gifs, credit to the owners*
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter​ @ashley17jacobs​ @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr​ @francezka10  @titty-teetee​ @breezy1415 @nerdypinupcrystal @hhiggs​
SERIES TAG LIST: @that-chick212​ @ohdangitsjay​ @thickcinnamonbitch​​ @ly–canthrope​ @spookys-girl​
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pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
Diabolik lovers Lost Eden: Reiji Sakamaki [Dark 5] ~translation|traducción~
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Thanks to @sakurainishimura-princess for having helped me with this translation
[DARK 4]
-Yui's monologue-
The time has passed very quickly since that day Richter-san died.
The situation has worsened. The demon hunters have become more active, regardless of whether it is the Human or the Demon World. Until now I’ve only heard really disturbing stories.
Reiji-san has inspected the house many times and has made an exhausted expression. But we haven't found the delinquent yet.
I am worried about this exhausting moment, but I shut my mouth before saying unnecessary things.
And then that day... ...---
-Monologue's end-
Place: Sakamaki Mansion - Living room.
Ayato: Ahh~, too much, too much, too much free time! Damn, why The Great Ore-sama has to be locked up here! Raito: ''Since we don't find the delinquent it's dangerous to go outside unnecessarily.'', it's not necessary to say it~ Ayato: Ch... ... Oí Chichinashi! Hurry up and hurry Reiji's ass so he can resolve this out! Yui: Reiji-san is doing his best Ayato: Listen, I don't care if he's doin' his best. The most important thing is the result! Ayato: The old man must have been crazy to give the powers to this guy incapacitated Subaru: Besides, it's weird that they don't know who is the leader of the Demon Hunters. Yui: But unlike Makai, he can't control his powers very well in the Human World... ..... Ayato: Haa? So how did the old man do it? The place had nothing to do Kanato: That's right.  This is all Reiji's Fault for not being well capacitated. Yui: Such a thing... ... Shu: ... ...The old man was strange Yui: Eh... ...? Shu: We shouldn't compare him with that monster[Karl] just because he inherited the power [Reiji] Raito: Well, that's true... ... Kanato: But Reiji inherited Father's power, so it's obvious that we will compare them. Yui: (All of them have recently been acting like this... ...) Yui: (It's like they're talking behind their backs, just seeing it's painful) Yui: (This is what KarlHeinz-san had said... ...?)
KarlHeinz: The meaning of obtaining the power… … KarlHeinz: You will learn it by yourself. This… … is your trial… …
*Flashback's end*
Yui: (Trial... ... surely that is connected with this) Yui: (I don't want to get depressed ... ... ah, I know!)
CHOICES: 1. Make something sweet [Yep] 2. Look for Reiji [Nope- wait why nope?]
Yui: I'll make some sweet things! Yui: (I hope this annoying air will go away with this) Kanato: ... ...Make them exceptionally sweet please Yui: Okay! Ayato: Then I want takoyaki! Raito: But is it NOT something sweet? Yui: (... ...Yep, I have the feeling that the heavy air has gone a bit) Yui:(I will make some sweet things, and in the meantime I could give it to Reiji-san) Yui: ... ...Okay, then I'm leaving
*Yui leaves*
Yui: (Well now... ... oh? There's something on the floor... ...) Yui: They are some cuted flowers. They are scattered on the ground, will it be somebody's joke? Yui: (... ...Wait a moment, when we were getting back in the limo Reiji-san had said he wanted to change the flowers---) Yui: ... ...Reiji-san? Are you here? Yui: ... ... ... ... Yui: (No doubt, Reiji-san was listening to the conversation of just a moment) Yui: (What should I do... ... I have to follow)
-Yui's monologue-
I'm picking the flowers under my feet one by one.
Every step I take I get closer to Reiji-San is, while in my head I choose the words I'm going to tell him.
What will I can do[for him]?
I think that while I walk, then I made a very colorful bouquet of flowers at the end of my thoughts.
Correct words: ''I can do'' ''thoughts''
-Monólogo de Yui-
El tiempo ha pasado muy rápido desde el día que Richert-san ha muerto.
La situación ha empeorado. Los cazadores de demonios se han vueltos más activos, independientemente de que sea el Mundo Humano o el Mundo de los Demonios. Hasta ahora no he dejado de escuchar historias muy pertubadoras.
Reiji-san ha vaciado la casa muchas veces y ha hecho muchas veces una expresión agotada. Pero aún no hemos encontrado al delincuente.
Me preocupa este momento tan agotador, pero cubro mi boca antes de decir cosas innecesarias.
Y entonces ese día... ...---
-Fin del monólogo-
Lugar: Mansión Sakamaki - Living room.
Ayato: Ahh~, demasiado, demasiado, demasiado, demasiado tiempo libre! Maldición, por qué El Gran Yo tiene que quedarse encerrado aquí! Raito: ''Ya que no encontramos al sospechoso es peligroso salir innecesariamente afuera'', es una conversación innecesaria~ Ayato: Ch... ... Oí Chichinashi! Date prisa y apura el trasero de Reiji para que ya resuelvan esto! Yui: Reiji-san esta haciendo lo mejor posible Ayato: Escucha, no me importa si se esta esforzando. Lo más importante es el resultado! Ayato: El viejo debió esta loco para darle los poderes a ese tipo tan incapacitado [MIRA QUIEN HABLA PRRO] Subaru: Más bien, es extraño que hasta ahora no sepan quien es el lider de los Cazadores de Demonios. Yui: Pero a diferencia del Makai, él no puede controlar muy bien sus poderes aquí en el Mundo Humano... ... Ayato: Haa? Entonces como lo hacía el viejo? El lugar no tinia nada que ver Kanato: Es verdad. Todo es culpa de Reiji por no estar capacitado Yui: Algo así... ... Shu: ... ...El viejo era extraño Yui: Eh... ...? Shu: No deberíamos comprarlo con aquel monstruo[Karl] sólo porque él heredó la fuerza[Reiji] Raito: Bueno, eso es cierto... ... Kanato: Pero Reiji heredó el podre de Padre, así que es obvio que vamos a compararlos. Yui: (Todos recientemente han estado actuando así... ...) Yui: (Es como si estuvieran hablando a sus espaldas, de sólo verlo es doloroso) Yui: (Esto es lo que KarlHeinz-san había dicho... ...?)
KarlHeinz: El significado de obtener la fuerza... ... KarlHeinz: Lo aprenderás por ti mismo. Esta... ... es tu prueba... ...
*Fin del Flashback*
Yui: (Prueba... ... seguramente eso esta conectado con esto) Yui: (Yo tampoco quiero deprimirme... ... ah, ya sé!)
ELECCIONES: 1. Preparar algo dulce [Correcta] 2. Ir a buscar a Reiji
Yui: Prepararé algunas cosas dulces! Yui: (Espero que este ambiente molesto se vaya con esto) Kanato: ... ...Hazlos excepcionalmente dulce por favor Yui: Sip! Ayato: Entonces yo quiero takoyaki! Raito: Que acaso eso no es algo dulce? Yui: (... ...Sip, tengo la sensación que el ambiente pesado se ha ido un poco) Yui: (Prepararé varias cosas, y de paso también podría darle a Reiji-san) Yui: ... ...Bien, entonces me iré yendo
*Yui sale*
Yui: (Bien ahora... ... oh? Hay algo en el suelo... ...) Yui: (... ...Es una flores cortadas. Están dispersas por el suelo, habrá sido la broma de alguien?) Yui: (... ...Un momento, cuando estabamos volviendo en la limusina Reiji-san había dicho que quería cambiar las flores---) Yui: ... ...Reiji-san? Estás aquí? Yui: ... ... ... ... Yui: (No cabe duda, Reiji-san estaba escuchando la conversación de recién) Yui: (Qué debería hacer... ... tengo que seguirlo)
-Monólogo de Yui-
Voy recogiendo las flores debajo de mis pies una por una.
Con cada paso me voy acercando a Reiji-san, mientras en mi cabeza elijo las palabras que voy a decirle.
Qué será lo que yo puedo hacer.
Pienso eso mientras camino, armé un ramo de flores muy colorido al terminar mis pensamientos.
Palabras correctas: ''Puedo hacer'' ''pensamientos''
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negahc · 5 years
February 17th, 2020
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Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Forum: Slavery & the Cinema. Dr. Kevin Mace, an associate professor of communication at Brenau University, discussed the portrayal of slavery in American cinema and how it has changed over the years from Birth of Nation, to Gone with the Wind, to 12 Years a Slave.
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Our next Forum on Tuesday, March 10 at 7 PM will be presented by author Lisa M. Russell who will share her research writing Lost Towns of North Georgia.
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This week in the Cottrell Digital Studio, students met two Georgia natives of different eras. Girl Scouts Founder Juliette Gordon Low met three different 2nd grade classes telling them about her childhood, what inspired her to create Girl Scouts, the challenges she faced when she lost much of her hearing, and her travels around the world.
The Founder of Georgia, James Oglethorpe, met students to discuss his life, work as a British soldier, Member of Parliament, social reformer, and military leader. Students were particularly interested Mary Musgrove, the cultural mediator and translator between Oglethorpe and Yamacraw Chief Tomochichi, who helped to negotiate agreements and maintain peaceful relations between settlers and native tribes.
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Libba Beaucham (left) portrays Juliette Gordon Low and Ken Johnston (right) portrays James Oglethorpe in the Cottrell Digital Studio.
Webcasts are free to all Georgia educators thanks to the Cottrell Digital Studio. More info at www.negahc.org!
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The winner of our latest Caption Contest is...Cliff Ashbridge! Read all of the caption entries at this link.
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Caption by Cliff Ashbridge
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Benny Andrews was a renowned artist, activist, and author from rural North Georgia who created collages with bold textures and imagery that depicted the African-American experience. He was born in a small rural farming community near Madison, Georgia where he and his family worked the cotton fields as sharecroppers. His mother wanted a good education for her children, and Benny would walk three miles to attend Burney Street High School. He was the first member in his family to graduate. He then attended Fort Valley State University on a scholarship but left school to enlist in the U.S. Air Force. After serving for four years, he studied art at the Art Institute of Chicago.
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Benny Andrews working in a studio
Having no previous formal training in art and never having been to an art museum, Benny’s style was created by what he had as a child. His brother, who would later become a well-known novelist, would save the pictures from magazines, newspapers, and comic books for Benny. Benny would copy the drawings and then make them his own, often with exaggerated gestures and subtle facial expressions.
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The Way to the Promised Land, 1994 oil and collage on canvas
During art school, Benny discovered a love for collage and the textures that could be created. After receiving his degree, he moved to New York City where he became an established artist. Over the years, Benny taught art to youth in underserved communities and also established an art program for the New York state prison system.
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Confinement One, 1996 oil and college on canvas
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Confinement One (Detail), 1996
Throughout his career, Benny Andrews received much recognition for his unique work and the way he portrayed the experiences of African-Americans, the Holocaust, war, and revolution. He passed away in New York in November of 2006.
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Sky Sash So Blue, 1997 oil and collage on paper
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Here's a heartwarming story from our reading program, Gainesville Reads. Volunteer Tutor Phyllis Shalvey and her student Katie had recently read a story that involved tulips. Katie was not familiar with tulips so they looked up a picture together. During the next week, Phyllis found tulips and brought them to tutoring to help Katie develop her awareness and take time to sound out unfamiliar words. When Phyliss and Katie met for their next tutoring session, Phyllis had the tulips displayed in a vase next to an empty vase. She and Katie practiced sounding out and writing the word "tulip." Phyllis told Katie that every time she came across an unfamiliar word in their reading and took the time to sound out the word, Katie would earn a tulip in her vase. With every word she sounded out, and every tulip earned, Katie was delighted! By the end of tutoring, Katie had acquired a lovely bouquet. When it was time for games (a reward for students at the end of their session), Katie wanted to continue with her workbook to earn the remainder of the tulips. She went home with a well-deserved bouquet! Great work, Katie, and what a wonderful idea, Phyllis!
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Gainesville Reads is a program developed by the Northeast Georgia History Center to offer free one-on-one tutoring in reading for elementary students. Learn more about the program at www.negahc.org/readingprogram If you are interested in becoming a tutor for Gainesville Reads, we have openings for Mondays from 4-5 PM and 6-7 PM. Complete this brief form and we'll be in touch! https://negahc.typeform.com/to/bTRO2f
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Who are they?! Raiders from the North Land. Where are they from?! The North Land. What do they want?! Your Land. In this episode, Ken and Glen discuss the rise of the phenomenally successful Scandinavian raiders from the North Sea who carried their name to Normandy, England, Ireland, Italy, Sicily, and the Middle East. Listen now at this link!
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Thanks for listening! Questions? Comments? Talk to us at [email protected]
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This week From the Archives is the Parker Brother’s 1976 board game Holly Hobbie Wishing Well Game. Mr. Parker established the George S. Parker Company in Salem, MA in 1883; in 1888, his brother Edward joined the company, and the name changed to Parker Brother’s. The Parker Brother’s Company made popular games such as Rook, Monopoly, Clue, Risk, and Sorry. The company remained a family-owned business until 1968 when it was purchased by General Mills, the food company that manufactures such products as Annie’s, Betty Crocker, Yoplait, Pillsbury, and Old El Paso.
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Holly Hobbie is an American writer and illustrator who wrote the Children’s Books Toot and Puddle in the 1960s. Originally, the character in her stories was nameless, however, after a contract with American Greetings, the character was named after the author, Holly Hobbie. In the Holly Hobbie Wishing Well Game, players would try to guess each other’s secret wishes, and the player with the last remaining wish won the game. The game in our archives has all the pieces and is in excellent condition, perfect to play a game or two!
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Lunch & Learn: The Story of George Shaw Thursday, February 20th, 2020 from 12:00-12:45 PM Included in General Admission
From Slavery on the banks of the Chattahoochee River to Freedom as a Sailor in the US Navy, Hall County native George Shaw’s life took quite a journey. Join us to hear about his odyssey and about African Americans in the Civil War Navies.
This event is included in admission. Feel free to bring your lunch as you enjoy the program!
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Lunch & Learn: Girl Scouts Founder Juliette Gordon Low Thursday, March 5th, 2020 from 12:00-12:45 Included in General Admission
Meet the Founder of Girl Scouts, Juliette Gordon Low (or “Daisy”) during this Lunch & Learn! Daisy will tell the story of how she founded the Girl Scouts, stories from her childhood, her experiences around the world and more.
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Family Day: Women’s Work March 8th, 2020 from 1-4 PM Free! Thanks to the Ada Mae Ivester Education Center
In conjunction with National Women’s History Month the History Center take a special look at the role of Women as they work at home and in public through close to 300 years of Georgia history.
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Inside the Ben Jones Barber Shop of Washington, Georgia in 1910. Mr. Jones stands near the front wearing a bow tie. The shop was once located on the square and served patrons for decades. Source: https://dlg.usg.edu/record/dlg_vang_wlk037
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Are you looking to buy all occasion florist in El Paso at an affordable price ?
If yes, you are at the right place. Magicalmomentsflowers are the best online shop for occasion florist. We offer a wide variety of floral arrangements and gift baskets to fit your needs.
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Are you looking for any occasion florist at El Paso in Texas?
Magical moments flowers and gifts is a local florist serving area in and around  El Paso, Texas. We are proud to offer our local community the freshest flower varieties! Our friendly and dedicated staff is here to ensure your floral experience is top-notch.
If you have any questions, please give us a call at (915) 5901200 to speak with our experienced floral team.  
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Are you looking for any occasion florist at El Paso in Texas?
Magical moments flowers and gifts is a local florist serving area in and around El Paso, Texas. We are proud to offer our local community the freshest flower varieties! Our friendly and dedicated staff is here to ensure your floral experience is top-notch.
If you have any questions, please give us a call at (915) 5901200 to speak with our experienced floral team.  
Call us at (915) 590-1200
For more info:  https://www.magicalmomentsflowers.com/
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How to show your gratitude toward someone and say thank you?
Always deliver your thank you specially and memorably. You thank someone when they helped you at the moment you needed someone to be there for you, so it should be always in a way that the both person involved in it should remember it. What’s better than giving a thank you bouquet? If you are in El Paso, a City in Texas you can visit magical moment flower & gifts, the one-stop perfect shop for all types of flower bouquets and gifts. Starting from anniversary to birthday flower bouquets or corporate gifts or gift baskets all are available here.
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Talking about the Bouquet thank you El Paso, it is our special bouquet for saying thank you. We can say Thank you in many ways and show our graduates to them but the most beautiful way is to Send a bouquet of thank you flowers. It will let the person know about your gratitude and make them know how special and important they are in your life. They will also appreciate your action and will be glad to have you. So don’t delay, if you want to say thanks to someone special go grab thank you bouquet El Paso and thank them with flowers. 
You have a wide option of collections to choose from, you can choose between the different colors, sizes, and shapes as there are varieties of options to select from. Why it’s better to send flowers to say thanks rather than a simple thanks? If you say a thank you with a bouquet it will:
Brighten up their day: If you send a flower bouquet to someone it will make their face smile and make them happy, your one action will brighten up their day.
Boost them to help other: It will motivate them and boost them to help other as it will make them feel that they can make someone’s day and make them happy, so they will try to help more and more people.
Shows you appreciate them: sending or giving someone a thank-you bouquet will show that you appreciate them, and you are thankful to them that they were there to help you at the time you needed someone.  
Just adding a simple flower bouquet to your thank you can make a huge change, a simple act of appreciation will make the person happy. Buy the perfect thank you bouquet with us and show some love to your loved ones. 
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Are you looking for the best wedding anniversary flowers in El Paso?
Need anniversary flowers in El Paso? Magicalmomentsflowers can help! We've got all types of flowers for an anniversary including all occasions.
For more info: https://www.magicalmomentsflowers.com/shop/occasions/anniversary
Address: Magical Moments Flowers & Gifts 3705 Montana Ave  El Paso, Texas 79903
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