#bounty hunter training academy
soothsayersblog · 6 days
Chase Your Dream To Be A Professional Bounty Hunter
Chasing down your dreams of becoming successful and content isn’t always easy, but it’s the most rewarding journey you can embark on. Think about where you are right now. Do you wake up every morning energized and excited about the workday ahead? Or do you feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle, just going through the motions of a 9-to-5 job that no longer fuels your passion? Maybe you’re…
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freesia-writes · 2 months
Ch 27: Reactivity
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Song: “Young and Beautiful” by Lana Del Rey
“Well that’s interesting,” Phee remarked, leaning back in her chair. Hunter had been unable to hide his “fuss face”, as she called it, and had been goaded into sharing what was bothering him. After recounting the tale of Lyra’s return, as well as her side of the story, he stared at his plate of food to avoid meeting the multiple pairs of eyes fixed on him. Omega was still on Plata, but the rest were gathered for family dinner as usual at Tech and Phee’s house. 
“That does appear to be quite a number of unfortunate misunderstandings,” Tech agreed. “Anyway, remember that blossom you received in the cave?” 
“Smooth transition,” Phee said with a smile. 
“Apologies for any insensitivity,” he muttered, trying and failing to stifle the urge to roll his eyes. “However, Hunter is no stranger to things not going as anticipated.”
“Low blow,” Crosshair chipped in. 
“Alright, well, I am sorry for your pain, Hunter. As for the blossom, Phee and I worked on deciphering its runes for quite a while, and then, to be honest, it was somewhat forgotten as we tackled a new endeavor together.”
“Is that what you’re calling it nowadays?” Echo asked with a suggestive eyebrow.
“If you are referring to intercourse,” Tech answered, unfazed, “the answer is no. We call it intercourse.” 
“He really knows how to set the mood,” Phee murmured, winking at Echo as he choked on an ill-timed sip of water. 
“Anyway,” Tech continued, exasperated at the repeated derailing of his train of thought. “We consulted one of the Xyloan elders, who responded to the somewhat supernatural news of its origin with virtually no surprise, and she read the message on the petals with ease.”
“It is still somewhat cryptic, but it describes a pool here on the island that feeds into a waterfall, and if the blossom is placed into the waters and its owner bathes in the cascade below, he shall receive insight into his deepest fears or conundrums.”
“Sounds like some weird Dathomir tale,” Wrecker muttered.
“Perhaps, but the unique circumstances in which Hunter received the flower, reminiscent of our adventure on Skara Nal, suggests that there may be more to it than a simple children’s fantasy,” Tech said.
“Well? Gonna check it out?” Wrecker asked, looking at Hunter as he glowered in the corner. 
“Yeah, maybe,” he evaded.
“Well. I shall determine its precise location and provide specific coordinates, should you find the proper impetus to pursue it,” Tech nodded, lifting his finger in the air as another thought arrived. “Ah, also, I thought you should know… I did find a narrowly-published article regarding the death of Lyra and Breslin, which we now know to be feigned.. It seems they were successful in removing themselves from the Empire’s list of known traitors, therefore any bounty that may have been on their heads would have been canceled.”
“Clever,” said Hunter.
“It was effective. However, I did dig further into the records regarding Lyra’s imprisonment, and there do seem to be some inconsistencies as to the precise nature of her crimes… I found it fascinating that–”
“I don’t really want to hear it, Tech.”
It wasn’t open for discussion, and the bespectacled clone studied his angsty brother for a moment, then nodded and turned to Echo to change the subject to the training academy’s expansion. Wrecker waited for their conversation to pick up, then leaned over to Hunter and spoke in a low voice.
“You’re really torn up about all of this, eh?”
“I’m fine, Wrecker,” Hunter insisted, face hardening slightly.
“Alright,” his brother conceded, sitting back a little. “I mean, I get it. It’s a lot of back n forth.”
“Yeah, and I’m tired of it,” Hunter admitted. Wrecker lowered his gaze to the table at the vehemence in his voice. 
“Well, you seem happy enough with Luci?” he offered inquisitively. “So maybe it’s just a lesson learned…”
Wrecker reclined in his seat, considering Hunter with a thoughtful expression, then resumed eating his dinner. Crosshair, having watched the exchange from across the table, rolled his toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other, noting the curve of Hunter’s shoulders and the tension in his eyebrows. He exhaled softly through his nose, face revealing nothing, then nodded at whatever Tech had been saying.
* * * 
Luci squealed in delight as Hunter hung on for dear life, his arms wrapped around her waist as they shot through the waves on the ocean. She had borrowed a jet-speeder and invited him to straddle it behind her, cranking the handlebar and sending them careening out into the open sea. The wind was loud in his ears, nearly drowning out the sound of the engine, and he pressed his head against hers to hold her wild curls from smacking his face repeatedly. 
A large wave approached, curling out of the water below with an imposing swell, and Luci lined the jet-speeder up, rocketing them along its rolling barrel and out the other side as it crashed behind them. She whipped them around, perpendicular to the next wave, and hit the throttle again, shooting up and through it before slowing, soaked and exhilarated, on the other side. 
“You’re insane,” Hunter yelled in her ear, earning a full-bodied laugh as she angled the speeder to roll with the waves in a slightly calmer approach. 
“You love it,” she called back, releasing the handlebars with one hand to give the top of his thigh a squeeze. “You want to steer?” 
“Alright,” he agreed, surprising himself. But he knew a thing or two about piloting, and he had a feeling she would appreciate his skills. She carefully rose to her feet, straddling his side for a moment as he scooted forward, then nimbly swung her leg over the seat behind him and fit every inch of her body along his own, tucking her arms around his middle. She was an intoxicating mixture of warm and strong, and the sensation of their wet skin touching gave him a bubbly feeling in his core. “Hold on,” he said, and her little “ooh” in response to his authoritative tone made his chest swell just a tiny bit. He needed this. 
They tore across the ocean again, lost in the sheer delight of speed and thrill, and he navigated expertly through the waves until they were both completely tuckered out. Slowly cruising in toward the docks, they secured the jet-speeder and walked, arms around one another, up to the stairs leading into town, laughing freely as their wobbly sea-legs caused a few stumbles along the way. They emerged onto the stone sidewalk at the bottom of The Cobbles, the business district that consisted of one long street that rose in a steady incline across the side of the island, and paused, regarding one another with exhilarated fondness. 
“I’m starving,” Luci admitted, her thin wrap fluttering around her swimsuit. “Is it pasta time?”
“Apparently it’s always pasta time,” Hunter said wryly, flinching as she took a sudden, giggling swat at him. 
“Damn right!” she cheered, looping her arm through his. “Let’s go change – I have extra clothes at my house.”
“My extra clothes?” he asked, tilting his head quizzically.
“No, just generic extra clothes. You never know when you might need them,” she answered without the hint of a joke in her voice. 
“Do naked people show up at your apartment on a regular basis?”
“They don’t usually show up naked,” she grinned, giving him a coy wink as they wove their way through town. 
“Hmm.” He had nothing to say to that. She’d been completely transparent about who she was and what she enjoyed, and her unapologetic way of embodying herself without shame or regret was a refreshing change from most anyone else he had met throughout his life. It was clear that she wanted him and would go as far as he’d let her, but she also never pressed, and he was grateful for that. He didn’t know what was holding him back – their kisses were as incendiary as they were satisfying – but he wasn’t in any hurry to dive in, even despite his recent decision to try to “go with the flow”. 
She did indeed have some clothes in her apartment that fit him well, and as he rolled up the sleeves on the light blue linen shirt, she peeked around the doorway from her bedroom, catching his eye. He held his hands out to the sides, showing her the result, and she gave him a thumbs up before stepping out into the hallway and mimicking his position to show off her own ensemble. She wasn’t wearing much – he couldn’t tell if it was underwear or lingerie or a dress or what – but his mouth was immediately dry and he found himself taking a quick deep breath due to the sudden lack of oxygen he seemed to be experiencing. 
“Just for you,” she winked, vanishing again to finish getting ready. She came back out a while later, her hair falling in gentle waves down to the neckline of a dark blue satin dress that nearly reached her toes. He discovered that it had slits up either side when she approached with a dark look in her eyes, leaning into him and lifting up a leg to rest against his hip. He instinctively placed a hand on her thigh where the silky fabric had fallen from it, and as she ran a hand up his chest before pulling his head down for a deep kiss, he felt every nerve in his body light up. She stepped back, brushing the front of her dress and pulling her breasts up into perfectly-cupped cleavage, then turned to get her shoes. 
Hunter couldn’t believe the life he was living.
They tucked into their table at the restaurant, greeted warmly by the server that had come to recognize them both in their semi-regular visits, and Hunter relished the adorable look of surprise on Luci’s face when his order of drinks arrived – not the usual bottle of sparkling wine, but some fancy cocktails made of much stronger stuff. 
“Oh, you’re looking for some trouble tonight, are you?” she gasped after taking a large swallow that left her nearly coughing from the liquor blazing down her throat. 
“Never,” Hunter grinned, unfazed by his own sip. 
They ate and chatted, laughed and flirted. Dinner led to dessert. Luci dipped a dainty finger into the whipped cream between them, then slowly licked it off as she lifted her emerald eyes to his. Hunter felt a sudden need to cross his legs. She told stories of her adventures, asked him questions about his favorite foods, and the night drifted by in contented enjoyment. Beneath a velvet sky peppered with twinkling stars, he walked her home, weaving through the last vestiges of the nighttime market in the Town Square. His arm hung loosely around her shoulders, possessive yet relaxed, and she toyed with his waist as they watched the vendors putting away their goods while the few remaining customers finished their transactions. 
Luci stiffened suddenly with a small gasp, and Hunter followed her gaze to a stall across the square, feeling a sinking in the pit of his own stomach as well. Lyra was tucking something into her canvas bag, nodding in thanks to the owner and handing him some credits. She waved goodbye, dipping her head with yet more gratitude, then continued on her way. 
“She’s back?” Luci said, more dumbstruck than Hunter would have expected. 
“Guess so,” he muttered, steeling himself against the feelings that began to fester.
“Huh,” she said thoughtfully, a million more thoughts beneath that single word as she seemed to recover quickly from her disproportionate shock and vehemence.
They made out in an alleyway that night, then again on the doorstep of Luci’s apartment building. She teased and challenged, offered herself freely, appreciated every bit of him. It was a heady rush, and he felt intoxicated by the simple bliss of it all. The way she tugged on his shirt, the look in her eyes as she gazed at him, the little bite of her lip when he could hear her heart racing… It all invited him to let go. To be present. To leave the past behind. 
He extricated himself from her arms, his hair rumpled in every direction from her desperate hands roving through it, and stepped back with a shuddering sigh. 
“You’re gonna kill me,” he whispered, his voice hoarse. 
“Quite the opposite,” she purred, straightening herself as well. “You sure you don’t want to come up?”
“Yeah…” he said regretfully, confused at his own answer. 
“Okay,” she said softly, fingertips brushing along his cheek. “Hey…” Her eyes sparkled as she smiled at him. “Let’s take a little trip. Want to?”
“What do you have in mind?” he murmured, leaning back in to press his lips to her neck. She was absolutely irresistible at times, and his entire body was alight with warm desire. 
“Hunter,” she whispered, sending a chill straight to his core with the breathy way she said his name. “You’re such a tease.”
“I thought that’s your job.” He smiled against her collarbone, pulling away with one last kiss. “Alright. Where do you want to go?”
“Let’s just go to Plata for a few days. There’s a big music festival. Good food. Pop-up nightclubs. Lots of people. It’ll be a blast.”
“That sounds awful,” he admitted, and yet somehow it didn’t sound awful at all, but represented an escape of sorts from the relentless tumult within. She giggled, nuzzling her face into his neck now as he shivered involuntarily. 
“It’ll be absolutely terrible,” she said, stroking the side of his face before resting her hand on his chest. 
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yurimother · 1 year
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Human adventurers seek to challenge the Demon Tower, and whoever can ascend to the top floor and defeat and kill the Demon Queen Velverosa will gain fame and fortune and a rich reward from the kingdom. A particular thorn in the Demon Queen's side is Malori, a powerful young mage that has repeatedly reached the top, not to kill her, but to win her hand in marriage.
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Maison de Maid
• Historical • Comedy • Slice of Life • Master/Servant
The lively yet clumsy new maid June does nothing right except cause trouble and yet, instead of berating June, the young and gracious madam forgives her and shows favoritism among the maids. Both have admiration and affection for one another, but will it turn into something more? 2nd Lezhin Comics World Comic Contest Second Prize Winner.
~Created by Monnyang and Tarang~ Read on Lezhin
Master of the Fox Bead
• Supernatural • Action • Slice of Life • Horror
Human adventurers seek to challenge the Demon Tower, and whoever can ascend to the top floor and defeat and kill the Demon Queen Velverosa will gain fame and fortune and a rich reward from the kingdom. A particular thorn in the Demon Queen's side is Malori, a powerful young mage that has repeatedly reached the top, not to kill her, but to win her hand in marriage.
~Created by Gyaga~ Read on Tapas
• Romance • Drama
Cool and quirky runway model Simone and her witty lawyer lover Marissa were spotted KISSING on the street! Not only that, the photo is all over the internet and people will NOT stop talking about it!! Now their families, employers, and even the public are pressuring them to call it quits on their relationship. But despite their struggle to gain acceptance, Simone and Marissa are set on showing everyone that love is like a well-mixed drink; the sweeter the taste, the harder it is to put down.
~Created by noftB~ Read on Tapas
• Fantasy • Romance • Supernatural • Drama
On the full moon of her 21st year, the young witch, Camille Severin, is expected to perform the traditional ritual to summon forth a winged demon for her families success and prosperity. But when the ritual goes wrong, it reveals the terrifying truths about herself and the secrets that threaten to tear her family apart.
~Created by Miranda Mundt~ Read on Webtoon
My Darling is the Cutest (She is Also Cute Today)
• School • Romance • Drama • Friends to Lovers
As the top freshman at Brilliant Minds High, Sadie Cang is surrounded by students who admire her brilliance, yet she lacks a single real friend. Fellow student Lex Qi has long since accepted her own hopeless, "dead last" title, along with everyone’s aversion to her seemingly contagious tendency to fail. Although they were both prepared to go through high school in these lonely roles, a silly rumor forced them together. Will an imperfect pairing form the perfect bond they never knew they wanted?
~Created by Guo Site~ Read on Tapas, Pocket Comics, Comikey, INKR Comics, and Webcomics
My Food Looks Very Cute
• Romance • Drama • Slice of Life
Twenty-one year old Yuna is tired of having guys hit on her all the time. As popular as she is, she’s been single her whole life. Just when she decided to make herself a boyfriend to fend off guys, she meets a handsome guy who looks good enough to her boyfriend. But wait, that guy is actually a girl! In fact, rumors say that Min is a lesbian. Nonetheless, the two decide to pretned to be in a romantic relationship.
~Created by Radish, Black Box L, and Lily Club, Illustrated by Radish~ Read on Bilibili Comics
My Princess Charming
• Slice of Life • Fantasy
A vampire that has been asleep for almost two hundred years, Maria, has been awakened by a wolf girl passing by, Xing Lan. When the casket was opened, a curse fell upon Xing Lan. Instead of being scared, the naïve Xing Lan instead believes she has found an amazing companion, and the two embark on a journey to the city. The story begins like this.
~Created by Teunteun~ Read on Pocket Comics
The Nightingale and the Rose
• Isekai • Fantasy • Drama
Streamer Bai Xinxin transmigrated into the thriller game “The Nightingale and the Rose” as the prince’s daughter, Bai Yueguang. In this game, everyone wants to kill the female protagonist. Only Lan Sha, the character the player controls, can protect her. To survive in “a world full of bitter yanderes” and “political opponents who want to stop the marriage,” Bai Yueguang has to figure out how to win against her enemies while keeping herself and Lan Sha Alive. However, this “Lan Sha” seems to be a little…?!
~Created by Lily Club, Written by Long You Xiao, Illustrated by Wangyuanlian~ Read on Bilibili Comics
Night Owls & Summer Skies
• Romance • Enemies to Lovers
Despite her tough exterior, seventeen year-old Emma Lane has never been the outdoorsy type. So when her mother unceremoniously dumps her at Camp Mapplewood for the summer, she’s determined to get kicked out fast. However, when she draws the attention of Vivian Black, a mysterious and gorgeous assistant counselor, she discovers that there may be more to this camp than mean girls and mosquitos. There might even be love.
~Created by Rebecca Sullivan, Illustrated by TIKKLIL~ Read on Webtoon
Not So Shoujo Love Story
• School • Comedy • Romance• Slow Burn
Romance-super-fan Rei Chan is ready for her first boyfriend and she knows just who it'll be: the most handsome boy in school, Hansum Ochinchin. But her plans for the perfect love story are derailed when the most popular girl in class declares herself a rival....for Rei's heart?! This is the year her not so shoujo love story begins!
~Created by Curryuku~ Read on Webtoon
Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess
• Isekai • Fantasy • Comedy • Romance
I, Yvonne, reincarnated into an otome game as the evil noble. Based on all other villainesses ever written, a character like me, hated by every reader, should obviously be focusing on bullying the villainess, leading her into the various romance routes. However, something’s wrong with the female protagonist, Elsa! I-I’ve told you that you’re too close to me. Don’t come any further! Elsa: “Yvonne, Yvonne~ How will you bully me today?”
~Created by Chise and  Ci Wei Mao, Magical Deities Studios, and Lustrous Night, Illustrated by Break S~ Read on Bilibili Comics
• Shakaijin • Romance • Drama • 18+
Mel, a renowned heart surgeon, lives a carefree life with sex being a tool for joy rather than a show of affection. Then she meets someone that turns her view of love and life upside down. This story is about two people that meet with minimal expectations but soon become enthralled in a relationship that changes everything about themselves. 2nd Lezhin Comics World Comic Contest Winner.
~Created by Ratana Satis~ Read on Lezhin Graphic Novel Published by Seven Seas Entertainment
• Drama • Romance
Hell yeah! A major publisher wants Mai Sohn to write a webcomic on relationships. But she’s struck with heartbreak as her girlfriend abruptly dumps her. It’s hard writing about relationships without being in one, so she needs to find the inspiration for love — and find it fast. And what’s up with her possibly homophobic neighbor? Why is she cool with Mai one minute and then so awkward and weird to her the next?! Can’t a girl catch a break?
~Created by letINK~ Read on Tapas
Relationship Guidelines
• Romance • Slice of Life • Friends to Lovers
Hell yeah! A major publisher wants Mai Sohn to write a webcomic on relationships. But she’s struck with heartbreak as her girlfriend abruptly dumps her. It’s hard writing about relationships without being in one, so she needs to find the inspiration for love — and find it fast. And what’s up with her possibly homophobic neighbor? Why is she cool with Mai one minute and then so awkward and weird to her the next?! Can’t a girl catch a break?
~Created by EPUM~ Read on Tapas
Ring my Bell
• Comedy • Romance • Slice of Life
Hell yeah! A major publisher wants Mai Sohn to write a webcomic on relationships. But she’s struck with heartbreak as her girlfriend abruptly dumps her. It’s hard writing about relationships without being in one, so she needs to find the inspiration for love — and find it fast. And what’s up with her possibly homophobic neighbor? Why is she cool with Mai one minute and then so awkward and weird to her the next?! Can’t a girl catch a break?
~Created by Yeongol~ Read on Tapas
Seeing Xinghuo Again
• Supernatural • Romance • Slow Burn • Drama
Through an old camera in the club's storage room, Gu An saw something that should not exist. She was a shooting star from three years ago named "Xinghuo." Why do you stay in the night sky? Why am I the only one who can see you? Gu An, who usually follows the crowd, wants to investigate and take the initiative for the first time in her life. As an observer and "the most important friend," Gu An and Xinghuo set on a journey to find the former club members and fulfill their dreams from three years ago. "It's... been exposed." "But, I'm really happy. Thank you, Gu An."
~Created by Spicy Cat Comics, Written by Wan Dian, Illustrated by Chun Bu Jian~ Read on Bilibili Comics
Seven Days in Silverglen
• Fantasy • Romance
Tess is a professional working gorgon - she's responsible, organised, and keeps her snakes discreetly in place. So she would never act on her feelings for a coworker, no matter how cute she is. But when her crush asks for a favour Tess finds she can't possibly say no, and her carefully constructed life spirals in the worst (best?) way.
~Created by Ari North~ Read on Webtoon
She’s a Keeper
• Drama • Romance • Action
The rate of kidnapping in Phili has been going crazy. Clara del Samson happens to be a daughter of a multi-millionaire businessman. Meanwhile, the Keeper Corp is best known for their “Keepers” who are experts at protecting elites; one of them is Keeper Elle- who was hired to protect Clara.
~Created by Darunni~ Read on Tapas, Webcomic, and Webtoon
Shine on You
• Romance • Drama
Four years ago, Joe came out as a female writer from her pen name Jeffery Collins. Amid many denunciations, an amicable man named Liam approaches her. However, he turned out to be a notorious literary critic. Along with her father's disapproval as a writer, Joe became hostile and unable to trust anyone. That is until Anna Baker, a bright young art student, starts to change her.
~Created by Digby~ Read on Pocket Comics
Slightly Sour Secret
• Comedy • Romance • Friends to Lovers
Have you ever been confused about love? In the end what is "true love" like? Our female lead now is standing at a fork in the road. On one side, her close childhood friend is waiting for her reply. On the other side, there stands her college friend whom she cannot just let go. Where does this love triangle lead to?
~Created by Huang Shi Fan~ Read on Webcomics
Sora & Haena
• Comedy • School • Romance • Slow Burn
Have you ever been confused about love? In the end what is "true love" like? Our female lead now is standing at a fork in the road. On one side, her close childhood friend is waiting for her reply. On the other side, there stands her college friend whom she cannot just let go. Where does this love triangle lead to?
~Created by Jackbull~ Read on Tapas, Lezhin, and Pocket Comics
Soul Drifters
• Sci-fi • Action • 18+
The human race has finally developed beyond natural death. The immortality so many have dreamed of has finally come to fruition. Claire Clayton, employed by the Eternal Life Corporation, spearheads similar projects as a prestigious researcher. Her wife, Sheryl Goss, holds the top position in the very same company. A stable job and a loving partner – the perfect life. Unbeknownst to her, she is an important piece of a puzzle she herself needs to solve; one which will unveil the mystery of life force and memory transference and shed light on the events of her murky past.
~Created by Ratana Satis~ Read on Lezhin
Straight Girl Trap
• Shakaijin • Slice of Life • Romance
The regular office worker Zhan Ying, who is drama-queen at heart, recently encountered a question that made her face flush, heart pound, and become embarrassed at a complete loss. That is, she suddenly wondered if her cold queen boss Zhou Yuanyou, who is always taking care of her, has feelings for her?! Is it heartfelt, or is it just a straight trap? Zhan Ying didn't even have time to really think about it when she found herself already caught in the trap...
~Created by Jelly Without Ice and Lily Club, Illustrated by 42℃ Latte~ Read on Bilibili Comics
• Fantasy • Drama • Romance • Fated Lovers
Qi closed her eyes and fell asleep in the warm embrace of her girlfriend Yuanzi… only to wake up 10 years in the past! Now back in high school, Qi sees this as the chance to save the love of her life from becoming terminally ill. But little does she know that her teenage self is in her adult body, with no clue about the life she's built and the precious time she has left with Yuanzi. Throughout it all, with each other by their side, can their love conquer every obstacle, in any timeline?
~Created by Bing Ke Ran, Illustrated by Wenzhi LIzi~ Read on Tapas
Surprise! You’re Gay!
• Comedy • Romance
Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them.
~Created by laundromat&lawnmower~ Read on Webtoon
What Does the Fox Say?
• Shakaijin • Romance • Drama
As the newest hire of a game dev studio, beautiful Sungji draws all the attention of her coworkers — but it's her bossy and blunt team leader Sumin that intrigues her. Love is a whole new game for Sungji, and with company president Seju breaking (or was it laying?) down the rules, this new girl’s got her work cut out for her if she wants to win. Will she be able to give Sumin what she wants? Both the adult and all ages versions are available on TappyToon
~Created by Team Gaji~ Read on TappyToon
What Should I Do If I've Signed a Marriage Contract with the Elven Princess?
• Fantasy • Comedy • Slice of Life 
As the newest hire of a game dev studio, beautiful Sungji draws all the attention of her coworkers — but it's her bossy and blunt team leader Sumin that intrigues her. Love is a whole new game for Sungji, and with company president Seju breaking (or was it laying?) down the rules, this new girl’s got her work cut out for her if she wants to win. Will she be able to give Sumin what she wants?
~Created by Man Lin and Lily Club~ Read on Bilibili Comics
Would You? Could You?
• Drama • Romance • Slice of Life 
“Why didn't you accept my bouquet?” She asked, years later like it was the simplest thing. Chance brought Juna back into Yunseo's life but things were much more complicated now. They were no longer in college where the only obstacle between them were the truth yet spoken. Juna was married with a child, what could Yunseo do? As Saeha chases after Yunseo, Yunseo discovers even after all these years she'd still love Juna at the drop of a hat. The three women navigate through their feelings for another, each desperate and yearning for a chance to be accepted.
~Created by Manjogyeong, Illustrated by PP~ Read on Pocket Comics
Xian Chan Nu
• Historical • Supernatural • Adventure • Master/Servant
Liu Shiqing is a playful daughter born to a family of armed escorts. One time while sneaking out on another one of her adventures, she finds herself kidnapped by bandits. Moments before it all seemed to be over, Xian Chan Nu suddenly shows up and swoops her off her feet, saving her and stealing her heart. This is a story of humans and demons, masters and slaves; a tale of revenge and a tale of loyalty shall is only beginning to unfold.
~Created by Yy and Lily Club, Illustrated PIKAPI~ Read on Bilibili Comics
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jessicas-pi · 7 months
Ooooh.... Here's a crack AU I made up ages ago!
So, in this AU, when Ezra was young (like... three, maybe,) there was an accident and his parents were killed. And something happened in that accident that revealed he was Force-sensitive. He was brought to Vader, and Vader sees this child—small, but VERY Force-sensitive, and born almost the exact same day Padme died—and his reaction is just, "SON?????"
So... Ezra grows up believing that Vader is his dad.
Anyway, several years pass. Ezra is about twelve now, and he gets his first mission.
It's on Mandalore.
One of the instructors there is beginning to suspect that Sabine Wren is considering treason. Ezra is sent there, disguised as a new student, to "befriend" Sabine and discover if this is true. It backfires spectacularly!
Ezra decides that Sabine is The Coolest Ever, Actually, and sticks to her like a barnacle. They run away from the Academy together (though Ezra does leave a voicemail for Vader telling him everything is OK. He just doesn't want his dad to worry!)
Ezra says he'd like to go live quietly on Lothal (he doesn't remember it's his home, but something about the name sounds Familiar and Good), but Sabine doesn't want to. She says she'll drop him off and then she'll go and be a bounty hunter, but Ezra, who REALLY doesn't want to lose his new bestie, insists that he could be her bounty hunter apprentice. He's, like, really good at being an apprentice. Honest.
Sabine kind of has it in mind that he's this pathetic kid that she needed to babysit and rescue from the Empire (she doesn't know who he really is; Ezra honestly just forgot to ever mention it), but he convinces her to give it a shot.
So, here's the thing. Ezra was raised by Darth Vader, and though he's not actively evil, Ezra's moral compass is a pinwheel and in his mind, the only reason to not do something is if either Vader or Sabine have specifically said Ezra No That's Bad.
After a lot of bad luck, they finally get a bounty puck, and set off to bring the person in. They get to the planet, and Sabine suggests they split up, because she thinks she'll catch the bounty much faster on her own.
She doesn't.
By the time she realizes she needs to follow the sound of people screaming and running, Ezra has already located, ambushed, and messily dismembered the bounty.
"Did I do good?" Ezra asks eagerly.
Sabine quickly switches mindsets from I have to keep this kid from getting himself killed to I have to keep this kid from having a villain arc.
"Um, are you okay?" Ezra asks. "You look kind of weird."
"I'm fine," Sabine says, smiling nervously. "Y'know, maybe we should just go live quietly on Lothal or something."
As it turns out, "living quietly on Lothal" is fun for about a month (which is how long it takes Sabine to paint the entire inside of the comm tower they've claimed as their headquarters, install bunk beds, dye Ezra's hair, and make mini cardboard mandalorian helmets for the two Loth-cats he brought home.) Then boredom sets in, and Sabine takes to vandalism. Ezra goes with her. He thinks it's almost as fun as bounty hunting.
Ezra also spends time exploring the Force. He's been trained in the Dark side but the peacefulness of Lothal starts to draw him towards the Light. He starts to find an equilibrium.
Sabine and Ezra have the time of their lives.
Then, one afternoon, about a year later, when Sabine and Ezra are working on an art project, Darth Vader barges into the comm tower and demands, "Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in, young man?!"
"Aww, Dad!" Ezra whines. "You never let me do anything!"
In hindsight, Sabine thinks, that explains a lot.
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exactlycleverpirate · 7 months
Love and Deepspace: The Story So Far Part 2
A summary of everything that has happened in the main story thus far. Obviously, spoilers below the cut.
See Part 1. Part 3. Part 4.
5 months after the explosion: Lumiere (Xavier) destroys a number of protocores in the N109 Zone, throwing the area into chaos.
6 months after the explosion (about early January):
Day 1 (Wednesday): 
MC is at HQ. She has been overworking and not sleeping well. Tara and Captain Jenna are worried about her. (MC gets an appointment reminder call. Her cell phone shows it is currently 10:45 on Wednesday). MC goes to a doctor's appointment at Zayne's office. He has an emergency cardiac surgery. She falls asleep while waiting and remembers when she gave Caleb the necklace before he left for Aerospace Academy in Skyhaven. She wakes in Zayne's office. After discussing her recovery from the explosion, Zayne gives her a lockbox that contains a letter from Grandma. A Wanderer then appears in Zayne's office. After they fight it, Zayne's arm is frozen stiff. After MC leaves, Zayne remembers a conversation with Grandma. He told her her condition was serious and she said her time has come. She asks Zayne to look after MC as he promised, saying that by helping her he helps himself. That night, MC opens the letter and learns that her heart was fused to an Aether core in experiments her Grandma participated in. She calls Zayne to confirm and he tells her her former doctor, Dr. Noah, might know more.
Day 2: 
MC meets up with Zayne while waiting for transportation to Snowcrest in the Arctic where Dr. Noah lives. After helping fight some Wanderers, they acquire transportation. They make it to Snowcrest and meet with Dr. Noah. They discuss the Aether Core and MC learns one of the researchers joined Onychinus. The rest have died or disappeared. Later Zayne and MC watch an aurora and talk. She learns that he lost someone he worked with on Mt. Eternal. That night, MC goes through the data and realizes that the protocore she found in the No Hunt Zone has the same frequency as her heart, indicating it was modified by Onychinus using an Aether core.
Day 3:
The next day, MC returns to Linkon, while Zayne heads into Mt. Eternal for research.
Day 4 (Sunday, per MC's Phone (likely January 3rd or 10th of 2049)):
Back in Linkon, MC begins researching Onychinus and the N109 Zone at UNICORN HQ. That night, she runs into Xavier on the subway. She realizes she hasn't seen him in over a month. They soon realize they are stuck in a loop on the train. A Wanderer that uses mirrors and glass, a Tezcatlipoca has trapped them. They fight it, and MC gets the protocore. They go out for food and MC asks if Xavier is Lumiere, but Xavier says Lumiere should be about 40 by now. As they walk home, they discuss Lumiere and what it would take to get into the N109 Zone. Then they discover they live in the same building. Xavier says he moved in over 6 months ago, implying he has lived there longer than MC. They agree to meet up the next day and part ways.
Day 5:
MC and Xavier meet at his apartment the next day and discuss the Aether core and N109 zone. MC admits she wants to look into it because of her family and wonders if eventually she and Xavier will be enemies. Distressed, he decides to prove that he is on her side by giving her 24 hour highest level Hunter access. Xavier tells her he hopes she finds the truth. They part ways so MC can use her new access to figure out how to get into the N109 Zone. Returning to Her apartment, MC searches the Hunter Database for information. Then she connects to someone sketchy who has information about an unsolved murder 2 years before. MC thinks the murder is clearly Onychinus’ doing. The man was connected with Ever Pharmaceutical. As she wraps up the conversation, the man asks if she would like to pursue a bounty. The wanted poster is for Rafayel, dead or alive.
Continue to Part 3.
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corazondebeskar-reads · 11 months
Fic Recs - Din Djarin
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Fic recs featuring Din Djarin as a main character.
Key: 🏴 = dark, 💕 = fluff, ⛓ = rough/bdsm elements, 💀 = dead dove do not eat
Mind the warnings, and please read responsibly. you control your own media consumption.
dividers by @saradika-graphics
All Fic Recs | Star Wars Fic Recs
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Best Kept Secret by @lincolndjarin (complete)
summary: Married off to a prince on a planet that you hate? New husband doesn't know you, and doesn't want to know you? New husband gifts you a personal Mandalorian body guard as a wedding present? Mandalorian is a wiseass who won't leave you alone? Lucky you.
Significant (original) and Offer (prequel) by @softlyspector
summary: Din has been calling you riduur for months. You finally find out what it means, and get a little more than you bargained for.
unearthed by @grippingbeskar (ongoing)
summary: you are the new leader of your planet, but you lack an army. lucky for you, a new king has also recently ascended the throne. does anyone smell a royal wedding???
Something More Series by @amiedala (ongoing)
summary: Meeting the Mandalorian was like colliding into the rest of your life at a moment’s notice. Like oh, there you are. It was both jarring and familiar at the same time, like stepping into a minute with no intentions and stepping out of it in deja-vu. You had always been told you made too much out of everything, that you blew up every circumstance to fit some kind of grand destiny, some huge significance. If anyone asked, you’d swear up and down this was different. It was different. The Mandalorian sweeping you off your feet and out of your back alley haunts and narrow escapes was something kismet. Something cosmic. Something more.
🏴 apotheosis by @beskarandblasters
summary: Din Djarin is a force-sensitive bounty hunter, working for the remnants of the Empire. He's on the hunt for you, an ex-rebel spy who has key information; the location where Luke Skywalker is building his Jedi training academy. But when you're captured, you're not going to give up the location easily. Din will have to utilize “alternative methods” to turn you over to the dark side.
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One Shots
River by @psychedelic-ink
summary: din likes it when you cry for him.
Leading Blindly by @pascalispretty
summary: A young Mandalorian seeks relief for the first time at a Canto Bight brothel.
🏴⛓ hunted by @clareguilty (one shot)
summary: you are captured by the Mandalorian
⛓ kinktober 2023 - day 3: spanking by @darthglitterfanfiction (one shot)
summary: brat reader ft. restraints and spanking
⛓ acting out by @cool-iguana (one shot)
summary: You thought it would be fun to tease Din on the comm link while he was hunting for a bounty, expecting it not to take too long. But it takes longer than you thought - and it turns out your distractions were partly why it took so long. Mando’s back now though, and he’s not happy…
Kinktober Day 9 - Gloryhole by @softpascalito
summary: Din just wants some quick pleasure. You just want to enjoy your job for once. Both of you get more than you bargained for.
pain for pleasure by @spacegay-official
summary: (aka "Din Djarin has a piercing kink send tweet")
A Good Friend to Have & Back for More by @beskarandblasters (& her boyfriend David)
summary: You and your friend work at a brothel on Coruscant, while work is slow she reveals that she owes a debt to a loan shark who is willing to pay out a bounty to anyone who brings her in. When a Mandalorian shows up at the brothel you do everything you can think of to distract the bounty hunter and buy her time to escape.
oral fixation by @beskarandblasters
summary: Din eats pussy for the first time.
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[I can't believe I don't have any?? pls rec me your faves]
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fulcrum-art-fox · 11 months
Trying to map out the timeline of Sabine’s life and it’s very crowded. She’s crammed a lot into her, what, thirty years? You’ve got the imperial academy and the building of weapons, then the betrayal and the use of her weapons against her people, then destroying them and going on the run with Ketsu, with the two of them working on trying to be bounty hunters, and then being left for dead by Ketsu, and then finally picked up and adopted by Hera and Kanan. Apparently she’s sixteen in season one of Rebels. So, all that before she’s even hit sixteen? And that’s not even getting into the rebellion years and everything, reuniting with her family and all that with the darksaber and Mandalore’s rebellion, loosing Kanan and training with Ahsoka and the Purge of Mandalore and the end of the war and everything even before this quest to find Ezra? I’m still piecing that second half of the timeline together but she’s had a shit lot go down in her life. It just suddenly struck me just how much
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naruto-ol-protags · 5 months
What are each of the Naruto Online Protagonists backstories?? I wasn’t aware they had any, or if they had a lot of profiles with that listed their own attributes. If you could describe them or provide a link for me to check them out I would really appreciate it!
This is kind of a complicated question, mainly because they are split into: the Orichara contest versions, the first beta versions, the second beta versions (some info on them was retconned), and the current game version (the question is whether browser and mobile count as the same or canon divergence XD). There is also the scrapped intro cinematic video where the protags are kids in the Ninja Academy who seem to be friends? It's honestly a mess that doesn't add up a lot of times unless you follow exactly one version and disregard everything else.
I've been working on a spreadsheet/masterpost on all kinds of canon info available for each protag but it's still being put together and has some personal commentary... Please feel free to take a look at it though 😅
You can also go through the #character trivia tag for more details!
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A condensed version would be:
Azure Fang - she is determined to cure illnesses of the world and specializes in medical jutsu and chakra control. She's compassionate, curious, lively, and often shows her cute/girlish side. Despite being a medic she also readily uses poisons. In fights, she's shown to favor her tantō. Her mobile voice lines suggest that she's rather casual with others when at work and socializes easily.
Breeze Dancer - she's said to be a "royal sister type" and a few of the game ads have suggested her being in some way tied to Sunagakure and the Three Sand Siblings. Interestingly enough her nindō is intertwined with Orochimaru (although they don't seem to be on good terms). She has travelled a lot and thanks to that gained a mature outlook on society. Breeze is the only one who is vocal about having a distinction between good and evil, it seems to be one of her motivations for fighting. She fights using her metal fan, multiple clones, and seduction tactics (on men). Funnily enough, she prefers the company of girls.
Crimson Fist - he's liked and trusted by others and looks more mature than his age would suggest. He specializes in taijutsu and close combat. Crimson is a calm guy who cares for his friends a lot and trains hard to be able to protect them. He also likes to cook and garden, and occasionally sass at the other guys (usually to show off his manliness). Nothing is known about his clan but he has the wood release and a kekkei genkai.
Midnight Blade - younger by one year from the rest, works as a bounty hunter, knows an ANBU skill (up to interpretation whether he just picked it up from someone or was/is in the organization), and fights mostly using kenjutsu. He's cold, not talkative, and pragmatic, his main motivator seems to be money. His ideal setting is a 1v1, when faced with more opponents he loses his advantage. Despite being very professional and concentrated while on duty, he has been, in fact, portrayed as disliking work.
Scarlet Blaze - his lineage is connected to the Uchihas (not said to what degree), he also experienced a clan massacre, it's unclear if he's the last survivor or has some living relatives. He's calm and collected, hardworking, pragmatic, interested in all kinds of the world's ninjutsu, and aware of his good looks. Prefers to engage with opponents by his genjutsu first, and is good at finding their weaknesses. Preferred weapons seem to be kunai but he has been getting some variety with the latest skins.
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I'm also putting the relevant profiles under the cut:
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^ Above are presented the beta profiles (longer and shorter versions)
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^ The more detailed profiles released on the official forum website and in-game
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^ My Ninja Way intro screens with each character's phrase in the bracket
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About The Marksmen w/ The Marksmen
Ambrose: "Interested in joining the guild, are you? Think it's that easy? We don't just take everyone in off the streets to apprentice, you know. There are expectations you need to meet to earn your marks."
Saddiqah: "To start with, you have to find yourself a mentor among the current members. Not everyone has a free pass in. (L: "Hey!") Most of us have to prove we know which end of a sword is dangerous. And from the applicants, Senior members like the old man (A: "Careful.") here get first pick who they want to train."
Link: "After that, the real fun begins. The Marksmen have three year end assessments, and they're serious benchmarks on survival skill and combat ability. The guild's looking to keep as many of its members alive as it can, so the requirements are steep. As steep as the Royal Academy is for the Royal Guards and knights. But each one you pass, you get another arrow."
Saddiqah: "If you pass them."
Link: "Most people do need to retake at least one assessment, if they decide to keep going."
Saddiqah: "Which means another year of apprenticing. Good thing we did ours on the first try though, right, Sayre?"
Link: "Another year with the old man would have been rough."
Ambrose: "Can both of you focus?"
Saddiqah: "We've been doing all of the talking so far. Unless you want to take over." (A: "...") "That's what I thought."
Link: "After you get your third arrow, you're a full member of the Marksmen. Eventually, you can make an attempt at the Senior's Trial and banner, administered by a current guild Senior. But no one but the Seniors really know what the Trial actually is."
Saddiqah: "So they can scare everyone else out of trying and keep their rates."
Ambrose: "That's not why."
Saddiqah: "Regardless of your rank in the guild, there's the matter of the work we do that usually scares most apprentices off. The Marksmen are mercenaries. We're fighters for hire. And people hire muscle for all kinds of things. Escorts, security, bounties, but recent years it's been one primary task:"
All: "Monster hunting."
Link: "Most local townships have enough guards to handle basic monsters, like Chus and Keese, or even smaller groups of Bokoblins, Kargarocs, or Wolfos. But once you get up to the smarter and bigger kinds of monsters, like Wizzrobes and Moblins, (S: "Let alone the serious threats.") most places will need to call in trained professionals. Typically, that would fall on branches of Hyrule's military, like the Hylian Knights."
Ambrose: "But monsters have been getting worse lately. And there's not enough hands to go around. Which means we stay busy."
Saddiqah: "We stay busy. You've been out of the country for months again."
Link: "Yeah, what have you been up to, Ambrose?"
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Mark of a Hero (Updates on Tuesdays & Fridays, 1 of 9)
Hyrule is at peace, or so the Royal Family would have its people believe. Something is afoot in the kingdom, and someone needs to do something about it. Least likely would be Marksmen Link Sayre- a mercenary and monster hunter doing his best to get by. Until a job goes wrong, and he gets roped into the secret plans of Hyrule's princess. Now Link must play the part of the Hero to dive deeper into the mystery, and maybe stumble into a legend of his own.
AO3 - Wattpad
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Why Toph Becoming a Cop Both Makes and Doesn’t Make Sense, and a Potential Fix
Most people loathe the fact that Toph canonically not only becomes a cop, but also becomes a corrupt cop who abuses her authority to protect her criminal younger daughter. 
This is because, beyond claims of copaganda, people argue that it is out of character for someone like Toph, whose character is about flaunting authority and doing what she wants, to take a position of authority such as Republic City's Chief of Police.
However, I don't think there was a problem with Toph becoming a cop since I think Toph's issue with authority wasn't its existence per se, but instead the fact that she wasn’t the main authority figure, or one of the main authority figures, and therefore had to submit to someone else’s authority, even when doing so wasn't agreeable to her.
This is why Toph hated the way her parents sheltered her, enjoyed scamming people, and expressed verbal chagrin at Katara's mothering while at the same time enjoying being Aang's earthbending teacher to the point that she eventually opened her own metalbending academy, missed Sokka's leadership when he was training with Piandao, and admitted to Sokka that she did like Katara's mothering when she thought Katara was nowhere to be found.
Moreover, unlike the real world, policing in Avatar's world does not have the same negative history as in places like the United States, where policing arose out of slave-catching paroles.
In addition, it is highly likely that as Toph grew older, she wished to channel her need to fight and put bad guys down in a socially responsible way considering for better or worse she is associated with the Gaang, who are composed of several world leaders. 
Therefore, if she could have met those needs by, for example, starting an underground bending fighting ring or becoming a bounty hunter, she wouldn’t. 
Not when she deeply cares for her friends, even if she doesn’t show it, and therefore would never do something that would have the potential to seriously negatively impact them.
Also, considering she is a business partner with her dad in Earthen Fire Industries, and therefore makes frequent visits to Cranefish Town/Republic City, she would be acutely aware of not only of tensions between immigrants from the other three remaining nations, but also of the rising tensions between benders and non-benders as technology threatens uproot benders’ favored position in society.
Especially since she helped the Gaang in Imbalance take down a group of bending supremacist luddites who destroyed factories in Cranefish Town such as the one owned by Earthen Fire Industries.
So, taking all of the above into consideration and the fact that Toph is a simple person who doesn’t like complexity, it is easy to see a scenario where Aang and the United Republic Council, which would include Sokka, coming up to her and asking her and her metalbending students to help police the increasingly chaotic Republic City, with her as the Chief of Police, and her agreeing to do.
However, I think where Toph becoming a police officer fails is in the execution of her deciding to leave. 
Because whether she quit due to realizing that covering up Suyin's crimes made her unfit to lead like Lin says, or because she quit due to realizing that no matter how many bad guys she put away, she wasn’t making a real difference in her own worlds, none of them are consistent with her character arc of learning to care for and trust in others, as well as the world at large.
Hence, why I think people would not have a problem with Toph becoming a cop if her reason for quitting wasn’t due to personal corruption or becoming a jaded cynic, but instead because she realized that being a cop was not the best to stop bad guys and help her friends, and therefore quit so she could take direct action that she couldn’t take as a cop.
For example, you could have Toph in the early years of her tenure as Republic City's Chief of Police, after a bunch of apprehended thieves say they were pushed to criminality because they never received any reparations from the Fire Nation, and therefore lacked the means to make an honest living considering the dilapidated state of their home towns due to the War, go on a countrywide trip across the Earth Kingdom to see what is going on in regards to reparation payments. 
And during her trip, have her find out that the nobility and various government officials have been embezzling the payments and keeping it for themselves and their friends and family.
And then, after getting as many of them arrested, but finding out to her horror that without putting an end to the institution of nobility, or more generally, without giving the masses political and economic power, they will always get taken advantage of, have her tender her resignation and spend the rest of her life as an earthbending teacher who uses her wealth and political connections to help those the Earth Kingdom government can't or won’t while also advocating for and promoting democracy.
“Ok, what you said makes sense. But what if Toph becoming a cop and then quitting due to being corrupt or becoming jaded was a deliberate choice on the part of the writers? Because several characters in the franchise such as Azula and Yun have negative character arcs in which they become worse people over time.”
“And even someone like Aang, the purest person in the original show, has a negative arc when it comes to his kids: engaging in parental favoritism and putting too much pressure on his youngest, airbending child Tenzin.”
“So why can’t Toph being a cop who eventually quits due to corruption or cynicism be part of a negative character arc: namely, how her refusal to grow as a person, as well as her refusal to acknowledge that the world isn’t as simple as she wished it was until she was an old lady, not only harmed her, but also her family and the world at large?”
Because Azula, Yun, and Aang’s negative character arcs are consistent with their characters and logically flow from what was previously established about them.
Azula was a golden child who was raised to believe that fear and manipulation was the only way to gain loyal friends and family and choose to pursue her father’s love over her mother’s love, only to learn too late that using fear and manipulation on your friends and family is liable to turn them against you, especially when you the leading agent of a tyrannical, genocidal monarchy, and that her father never loved her, only what she could do for him.
Yun was raised to believe that he was the Avatar, only to learn shortly before being left for dead, or worse, to a nasty spirit by his father figure that he was not the Avatar, but instead his servant/friend.
Aang engaging in parental favoritism makes sense when you realize that only airbenders could continue the Air Nomad race and culture. 
Therefore, so long as him and Katara, a waterbender with non-bending parents, choose to engage in a monogamous relationship, Aang would have to favor any airbending child(ren) over any non-airbending child(ren) in order to make sure airbending and Air Nomad culture would not go extinct with his passing. 
Moreover, he would have to relentlessly drill said airbending child(ren), even if the pressure to succeed would end up tormenting them for the rest of their lives, because the fate of a bending art and nation would literally rest on their back(s).
Meanwhile, Toph, someone whose arc in the original show was learning to care for and trust in others and the world at large, became a corrupt cop and/or a jaded cynic because….?
So to sum up, I don't think Toph becoming a cop is out of character for her since she never had a problem with authority, only submitting to it. 
However, the problem with her becoming a cop is due to her quitting after abusing her power to protect Suyin after she not only committed several crimes, but also attacked her older sister who was trying to arrest her and her criminal associates. 
This is because it spits in the face of Toph learning to care about her friends since her abusing her power does no favors to the Gaang trying to maintain peace in Republic City, or the world at large.
But Toph learning that being a cop is not the best way to help her friends and the world because you can’t punch or jail the concept of evil away before then taking steps to try and get at the root of why people commit crimes through direct action and utilizing her immense political and social capital, would turn her becoming a cop from something that was inconsistent with her character arc of learning to care for and trust in others and the world at large into something consistent with said arc, therefore fixing the issue with her becoming a cop.
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bleaksqueak · 1 year
I wanted to ask you a couple questions about the school structure for the Veil if you can talk about it. It seems like the academy and university are fairly closely linked but do they operate basically the same as our hs/uni do? Like picking a major/trade kind of thing. I think I saw that Audric was listed as a post grad but still a trainee so is there reaper uni classes then a sort of practicum afterwards? I hope this makes sense. I’ve tried to write this ask 5 times now
So, I spent some time rooting around my files, because a long while back I drew a map of the campus grounds for the spire...but now I can't find it, so i wonder if it's one of the unfortunate victims that got jumbled when I moved to my new machine. Ah well. But yes! They're quite literally linked, since that's why I even went looking for the file. The two campuses are side by side and share certain amenities.
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so these are some super rough unfinished concept things from my files, but this ought to at least show the physical setup. There's a primary school within the spire as well. Somewhere in there. I haven't decided yet, not that it ultra matters, so let's just say it's somewhere in the middle. As for how they operate-- You got it already, more or less! The schools themselves are famous for their reaper program, having been founded by the same scholar who founded the organization itself. Of course, with Veil attuned students being one of the rarer attunements, the island's --uh, resources , to put it kindly, and the focused study needed to train those who would take on the veil's blight, the schools have a bounty of academic wealth to impart on hopeful magi graduates as well as those seeking to become eidolons. So there's several fields here that will gain a shining education in their field if they put in the hard work (... And, strangely enough, they have a pretty good classic lit department.) Using reapers as an example, the path would be as follows: Enrollment to secondary school and all basic curriculum classes as normal > attunement > undergrad prep courses for the reaper program if it's accepted (most do) > first stage of graduation undertakes the Eidolic Aperature (Uncap Ceremony, breaking the limits of magi's natural magic limit) > If successful, second stage will complete the full graduation ceremony and go on to university > training /studying intensifies, focusing more on study (the nature of liminal tears, wraith winds, corruptions, and the tools reapers operate) and choosing which field they will pursue in the program, while all are given a basic training course in specific magics and hunting techniques that ramps up until > completing the four year program, grad students engage in full trade training, working as the island's main service of hunters, scouts and sentries. Audric is currently in the final stage of this, hence the gossip quoting him as "Just a student, but practically the real deal." Primary school is fairly standard as can be, but it's a bit more fun to learn those classic subjects when you have the fun of enchanted textbooks and a kind, quirky siren for a teacher who plans fun aquatic fieldtrips. At least she tends to be everyone's favorite (She's also a grad level professor who works specifically with Aetherbiology majors and Reapers in their first years of university. She's one of Audric's favorite professors-- if not his top favorite.) Lichgate in general is something of an outlier for how its schools operate, though. It isn't exactly standard practice to smash them together at the very top of a spire, or to offer such an exacting focus from the moment of enrollment (on in some certain cases, attunement) until you've essentially gained your equivalent of a doctoral/masters. The location sitting right on the Veil's most unstable liminal tear is to thank for that-- and of course, even if you don't care as much about your education, it somehow manages to be the safest campus. As long as you follow the rules, obey curfew, don't wander off, and do exactly as your professors say during any off-spire excursions, especially.
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soothsayersblog · 23 days
Enforce the Law and Secure Your Future
Are you feeling trapped in a career that leaves you unfulfilled, yearning for more? Do you wake upeach morning dreading the day ahead, caught in a cycle of monotony? It might be time to reassessyour path and ask yourself if it truly satisfies you. Are you settling for something comfortable ratherthan pursuing a career that ignites your passion?Many of us let fear and doubt hold us back, remaining…
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Group One Round Two
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Character info from submissions under the cut
Gemini (Gem) Twain (Canon) Gem is a student at Harding-Pencroft Academy, a school which trains the best naval warriors, marine biologists, navigators, and underwater explorers. He is a tactical and weapons expert, with a tendency toward bluntness. Gem was born to "hippie" parents, who weren't cut out for parenthood. He and his older brother were raised by their grandmother in Utah. She raised them in the church and now Gem's brother is on a mission in Brazil. Gem is the only Mormon at HP and he has a hard time making friends. He's a stickler about "blaspheming" and once tried to start a conversation with the only Brazilian student by asking if she had met his brother (a classic Mormon blunder, imo). Throughout the book his walls break down and he gets close with Ana and her friends, finding community that he was missing.
Din Djarin (Headcanon) Din Djarin ("Mandalorian" or "Mando" for anyone who hasn't achieved Lv10 friendship with him) was adopted as a child into a very orthodox sect of Mandalorians shortly before the Galactic Empire razed Mandalore and sent its people into diaspora. In the present, he works as a bounty hunter, and a particular bounty has put him in the path of a young force-sensitive child he has to protect from harm. We love a family-oriented man who is devout to a faith with strict rules and a peculiar dress code that other people keep denigrating as a cult!!
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
Topgun AU Ideas
As I was scrolling through the Topgun tag on AO3 the other night, I realized that I was starting to see the same tropes and AUs over & over again. And while not a bad thing at all, personally, I'm just starting to get a little bored of reading the same story over & over.
So I started thinking about what kind of AUs I would love to see in the Topgun fandom and then I started making a list and it kind of spiraled out of control. Oops. 😆
I now present to you all my somewhat organized list of AU ideas! And feel free to use them for any fandom, I was just thinking about Topgun as I came up with them all. It's also by no means an exhaustive list so I probably missed some obvious ones.
Military AU ideas: Pentagon/Joint Chiefs/White House Advisor (think The West Wing but for the military - this is the one I've been dying to see someone tackle!) Navy JAG NCIS Blue Angels Air Force Instead of Navy Astronauts/NASA Test Pilots Naval Academy Instructors Adversary/Aggressor Squadron Office of Naval Intelligence Sailors Instead of Pilots Submariners Instead of Pilots Naval Flight School Instructors (Aviation Preflight Indoctrination, Primary Flight Training, Intermediate Flight Training, and/ or Advanced Flight Training)
Character AU ideas: Natasha is Maverick's daughter/niece  Bob is Maverick's son/nephew  Natasha is Ice's daughter/niece Bob is Ice's son/nephew Maverick is Amelia's father Penny Is Also a Pilot Penny’s Father Is An Air Force General Obligatory Goose/Carole/Ice Lives AUs Maverick’s Dad/Mom Lives Any of the younger pilots is the kid of one of the other 86 boys
And a whole lot more under the cut!
American Historical AU ideas: Colonial/Revolutionary War Post-Revolutionary War Lewis & Clark War of 1812 Mexican-American War/The Alamo Wild West (good guys or bad guys) Organ Trail The Gold Rush (California or Alaska) Pony Express Civil War/Reconstruction Transcontinental Railway Cattle Drives Industrial Revolution/The Gilded Age WWI Bootleggers/Rum Runners/1920s Jazz Age Great Depression/Dust Bowl WWII Korean War Vietnam War 1950s/Greasers Moon Race/1960s NASA 1980s/The Cold War
Other Historical AU Ideas: Ancient Greece/Rome Middle Ages Renaissance Tudor Elizabethan Georgian Regency Napoleonic Victorian Edwardian
Fandom AUs: The West Wing Firefly The Avengers Agents of Shield Star Wars Star Trek Harry Potter Percy Jackson Ocean's 11 Mission Impossible Bourne Tom Clancy/Jack Ryan Jack Reacher John Wick Friends New Girl Supernatural How I Met Your Mother Chuck Downton Abbey CSI Jurassic Park Indiana Jones The Office Parks and Rec Pacific Rim
Other Profession AU ideas: Coffee Shop Book Shop Bakery/Candy Maker Winery/Distillery Restaurant/Chef Bartender/Bar Mechanic/Car Repair Shop Doctor/Medical/Hospital Firefighter/Police Officer/Detective Wildfire Firefighter Florist Tattooist Gardener/Gardening Horse Racing Motorsports (NASCAR/F1/Motocross, ect) Professional Sports (baseball, football, hockey, soccer, basketball) Rodeo/Bull Riding Olympians Air Racing (it’s a real thing!) Actors (movie or stage)/Celebrity Ballet Dancers Teachers College Professors Lawyers/Judges National Park Ranger Cruise Ship Pet Groomer/Veterinarian Farmer/Rancher Banker/Financial Bodyguards Zoo Museum/Living Museum Musician/Band Mall (everyone works at different stores at the same mall) Marketing Archeologist Spies Reporters/Journalist News Anchors Lifeguards Assassins Criminals/Thieves/Heist Bounty Hunter
Misc AU Ideas: Royalty/Lost Royalty Time Travel Fae/Fairy Mermaids/Selkies Witch/Wizard Werewolves/Vampires Fantasy/Magic (including modern/urban settings) High Fantasy Dragons Soulmates (color blindness, first words, timestamps, matching marks, can share emotions, Red String of Fate, can share dreams, can see/talk to each other in dreams, can write on each other's skin, telepathic, Soulmate Goose of Enforcement) Omegaverse/ABO (not everyone’s cup of tea, just putting it out there!) Roommates Pirates High School College Mob/Mafia Fairytale Arranged Marriage Accidental Marriage Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage Superhero/Villain Apocalypse/Post-Apocalypse Forbidden Love Boarding School Space/Sci-Fi Road Trip Summer Camp Immortal/Reincarnation Hallmark Movie Amnesia Pen Pals Resurrection Animal Shapeshifter May this list inspire all of you amazing fanfic writers out there! 💜
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dumbbullet · 1 year
Preparing for a d&d game im running for my coworkers tomorrow (which by itself is very fucking cool), but i'm running into trouble because the characters are like:
A monk turned assassin. She was taken in by a thieves guild after trying to steal from the leader, and has trained under him for the last 6 years. Her previous life prevents her from bringing harm to others, but she's about to be assigned her first mark. She owes the guild an outrageous amount and needs to set out to earn it in order to buy her freedom from the guild.
A bugbear fighter who once pillaged villages with his twin brother until a group of bounty hunters came after them. He was separated from his brother, but was taken in by a kindly shipwright, who taught him to build his own vessel. Now he's setting out on his own, looking for freedom on the ocean, and perhaps there's a strange connection with the moon?
A sorcerer who gets expelled from his academy for refusing to assist his corrupt proffessor with her human experiments.
Jeebus Creebus the shitty bard.
Shithead. Last i checked he's a bounty hunter?
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darkestredemptives · 2 months
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Star Wars:
Basic Information:
   - Name: Eldon Braska
   - Age: 38
   - Species: Human
   - Affiliation: Rebel Alliance, Phoenix Squadron
   - Gender: Male
   - Homeworld: Courscant
   - Family background: Senatorial, turned poor when both parents imprisoned
   - Training or education: Imperial Academy
Personality Traits:
   - Moral alignment-True Neutral
Skills and Abilities:
   - Combat skills: Piloting expert, blaster and rife training, combat conditioning, psychological resilience
   - Force abilities: N/A
   - Technical skills: Repair, medical, demolitions
   - Lightsaber: N/A
   - Blaster or other weapons: DH-17 blaster pistol, thermal detonator
   - Armor or clothing: Red flight suit, a flak vest as well as a Diagnostech life support unit, blaster holder, black boots, k-22995 flight helmet with unit insignia and visor
   - Gadgets or tools: Commlink, varied medical supplies
   - Ship: A-Wing
Allies and Relationships:
   - Companions or allies- R2-E5 (Light orange astromech droid)
   - Mentors or teachers- Atillia Vorbank (former mentor at imperial academy), Raiora (Current Mentor)
   - Friends- Biggs Darklighter, Nien Nunb, his squad mates
   - Romantic interests- TBA
   - Enemies or rivals- The Empire
   - Short-term goals: To survive, protect his squadron
   - Long-term aspirations: Eventually lead a squadron of his own, to be able to have taken part in the defeat of the Empire
Born to a pair of senators who were arrested for assisting the rebellion, he grew up disliking his parents and had minimal contact with them. In an age ripe with Imperial propaganda he believed the lies about the Jedi and those who supported them, believing they were the cause of galactic unrest. He would only visit them once a week and even then it was an uneasy meeting. Imperial supporters took him in and sent him to an imperial academy as soon as he was old enough as part of their family, mainly a revenge plot to upset any potential plans of the Rebellion. He never felt loved by them but at least they did give him what he needed, he had aspirations to be a pilot since he was young, and the family were certain to nurture that. Although he stayed with the academy for four years, he never agreed with their methods. During his time at the academy, he saw Biggs Darklighter leave but wasn't initially inclined to join the Rebel Alliance. Whilst he had great respect for his friend he still believed the alliance were traitors, it was a difficult decision for him. He had flown many missions for the Imperials but he did not believe they truly cared for any of them, that they were nothing more than cannon fodder, he needed to get out.
During an operation to search a group of civilian cruisers for potential cargo headed for the rebels, he crash-landed on Nar Shadda when a squadron of Rebels appeared to assist the cruisers, faking his death. His cockpit was so mangled that nothing identifiable remained. Severely burned and injured from the manoeuvre, he received medical treatment from those who found him. They offered him a deal: work for them as a smuggler in exchange for continued care. He began smuggling Kolto with a small group on Nar Shadda. The group grew close, but they were eventually busted by the authorities, and locked in cells whilst their sentence was deliberated. Despite this, he managed to smuggle a crate off-world, which he used to buy new equipment as well as his freedom from a corrupt judge, the others had attempted to frame him as the ringleader which brought him great heartache and pain, making what he did slightly easier. He then transitioned to bounty hunting for two years and became quite skilled. Eldon had known a bounty hunter through his smuggling years and picked up many skills from them, on a few jobs they even collaborated. He would take bounties for both the Rebellion as well as the Imperials. On one assignment, he was sent to capture a senator, as he got closer he felt a blaster in his back; it was a trap by the Rebels who had learned of the bounty on the senator's life and wanted to know who put it there. It would later be learned that the senator was a rebel supporter.
Taken by the Rebels he was interrogated. He revealed no information on the contract but this soon changed, the Rebels had information from his past, showing him that his parents had saved innocent civilians from the Empire, that they weren’t who he had been led to believe. Appealing to his emotions as well as what he already knew of the Empire, the rebels managed to recruit him. Biggs Darklighter also played a role in his decision to join the cause, he was more than happy to be reunited with his friend. During his time with the rebels, he was captured and interrogated by the imperials on a mission passing Bespin, his ship was locked in a tractor beam he was taken to the cells of the small cruiser. For three days they beat him as well as used the interrogation droids, he would have lost hope if he hadn’t built such strong relations with his squad, they were his family. The Rebellion would launch an assault on the Cruiser reducing all prisoners on board. Eldon was pleased to be able to fight with Phoenix Squadron again, the ones who had taken him in after he had done so much wrong and had given him a chance to start again.
In any RP that takes part during the Sequels he is a Resistance Pilot. More may be added with time and also discussed with scene partners.
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