#bottom erwin week 2017
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Day 8: Freeform
Thank you to the hosts of @bottomerwinweek ! You deserve a pat on the back, or a hug, or an appreciative handjob maybe.........
here’s the thing
Erwin turned on the tap in the kitchen and filled the small pot with water before putting it on to boil. Some mornings, he didn't miss the United States. But when he felt like he urgently needed coffee, and he had to wait to boil water, he missed being a spoiled American with a Keurig. Rather than walking away from the stove, he stood and watched the tiny bubbles begin to form in the bottom of the pot.
The isolation was finally getting to him. Even though they had made trips over the years to fill the safe house with entertainment, books, board games, puzzles, a set of weights, coloring books and markers and pencils, notebooks and pens, it hadn't proved to be much over a period of eight months. There was no way for him to read or hear news from his home country. He missed constantly being on top of the news. Knowing what was going on in the world never seemed like such a luxury before.
The pot of water came to roiling boil, and he poured some of it into the french press. When he closed the top, he watched the coffee through the glass while he waited for it steep. Coffee from a french press did taste better, but that wasn't really what bothered him. He had to admit again to himself.
He missed his computer. He missed the endless streams of information, and all of the angles that had to be worked out on a daily basis.
Even more than that, he missed Levi.
Erwin swallowed, trying to maintain the flood of emotion that came from even thinking of the man's name. He pressed the plunger in the french press down firmly before he poured his coffee into a mug. Finally, he lifted the mug and tasted. It wasn't bad.
Mug in hand, Erwin walked across the small house and to the front door. He opened it and smelled the air. It was a nice day. Hot but with low humidity. And in the distance, he could see the city of Chihuahua. When Erwin imagined Mexico, he always imagined desert. That's how television depicted Mexico anyway, lots of desert with tiny houses in the middle of nowhere. But when Erwin had picked the safe house he wanted to be near a city. Chihuahua was beautiful. If he ever needed to hide for a few days, it would be easier to alternate hiding among other people and hiding in the secluded house.
He didn't make very many trips to buy supplies, and he wasn't eating very much. The defined muscle that he had eight months prior had diminished some despite his routine of working out thirty minutes a day, four times a day. But he wasn’t eating as much. He was thinner. There weren't as many sugary treats sitting around for him to munch while coding. He slept better too, if only from boredom.
Erwin sat down in one of the outdoor chairs that was extremely sun bleached and almost falling apart. He liked to spend his mornings outside and visually explore the scenery.
His mind was too occupied to really enjoy the morning. When he first settled in Chihuahua, he was too paranoid to really think about everything that had happened. He distracted himself with anything, everything, while praying that he wouldn’t hear the hum of helicopters. But for the last month, his mistakes had plagued him daily, no matter what activities he created for himself. He kept thinking about what he could have done differently. How he could have protected himself and his people. How he could be in the Bahamas with Levi instead of in Mexico by himself.
There was that sinking feeling again. Thinking of Levi was inevitable, and it was sweet. But the loneliness he felt was more bitter than the mug of rough black coffee in his hand. Erwin took another sip to try and distract himself. All of the memories
At first, three years ago, it was all just an experiment. He just wanted to see if he could actually do it. Hack into the local credit union. Deduct a quarter of a cent from every twentieth account that made a transaction within a twelve hour period and put it into a bank account that he had created under a false name. The first day, he made over $10,000, and he panicked. He reversed the order, and everyone who he had stolen from had received their money back.
Immediately after that was done, Erwin deconstructed his computer and left its parts strewn all over his room. He considered running a magnet over everything, just to prove to himself that he would never do it again. There wouldn't be any software evidence. He made sure. But he had worked so hard to build that computer. Destroying its parts seemed too painful.
That same night, while he was sitting on his couch, eating Oriental flavored ramen noodles, watching the weather channel because it was free, he thought about that $10,000. He thought about how nice it would be to go to the local grocery store and buy a rib eye steak. Or even some fresh fruit. Maybe a lot of it. The only time of the year that he could afford those things was around Christmas, because his dad would send him a small check for a gift, and after his tax return. Every year, he halved his tax return. Half for bills or debt. Half for his computer or better food. Erwin took one more bite of his ramen before he set the bowl down in his lap and looked at it. He was disgusted with his retail store lifestyle. It had to end.
Erwin started the process again. He randomized the program and maintained it solo for a week. But there was too much money collecting just for himself. He needed help. The money was no good still in the bank account. If he was ever caught, the first thing the FBI would confiscate was the money in the bank. The only money that mattered was cash. Cold, hard cash that he could hide.
Erwin needed to collect people to help him get the cash out of the bank.
First, he started close to home, with his best friends. He didn't tell Mike and Nanaba immediately. He only started asking simple questions about money. Were they satisfied with their jobs? How did they feel about certain laws? Both of them were disgruntled. They were poor. Their university degrees didn't mean shit in their fields. Erwin brought them in. He created separate banks accounts for both of them under false names in two completely different banks, Regions and Fifth Third. They needed fake photo I.D.s. Had to claim they lost their debit cards to replace the one that they never had in the first place. Every two weeks, Mike and Nanaba would go to their respective banks to pull out “rent money” or a “car payment”.
He found Moblit causing chaos, that Erwin thought was so admirable, in the dark web. Moblit wasn’t doing damage. He was just fucking shit up. It was strictly trolling for fun. Moblit's favorite pastime was hacking into government email accounts and changing the password, just to irritate the politician. And Moblit would livestream the results. Erwin laughed every time one of the politicians got locked out of their email account, and they had to jump through hoops just to get back into it.
Along with Moblit, came Hange, who was the mastermind behind most of the ideas. Hange had the ideas. Moblit let her watch while he made it happen. Erwin thought it was a really beautiful arrangement.
After a few years, he finally bought a house that he equipped with everything they needed to keep the operation going. They paid taxes under the illusion that they all worked for a porn company that Erwin fabricated, including the business license. But when anyone would visit the website for their business, the visitor was simply directed to another website where cam girls were performing every day and night. And if the visitor was bold enough to pay for a full session with the young lady, Erwin deducted a dollar from that account for his trouble, without the actual website ever knowing. It was pocket change in comparison to what he had done with the banks. And when he became more comfortable with his software, he hacked into Wells Fargo. Larger network, more places to hide, but tighter security. Wells Fargo became too lucrative. He had to reduce the amount to an tenth of a penny for every transaction to make the porn business look legitimate. They laundered what they could, but it was a full time job for all of them. Erwin took mornings. Mike and Nanaba afternoons and evenings. Moblit and Hange late nights to early morning.
Then, came Levi. Erwin suspected that someone had been fucking with his laptop for a few weeks. That was fine. There was barely anything on that machine, except for his actual stash of porn and some codes that he had created for viruses or worms that he was trying to build. But one morning, he checked the laptop, and the perpetrator had been sloppy. Some of his porn videos had been moved. Not to a different location. They were out of order in the their folder. Erwin hated it. Someone was in his laptop, and if he didn't box them in fast, they might move to another machine within the house.
He opened notepad and typed out: Who is this? - C0mmand3r. His name wasn't very well known, and he liked it that way. But he felt specifically targeted. In the past, he had asked for some help on the dark web a few times. It was dangerous work. He lost an entire machine over it once. But that was fine. He eventually found the answers. There was no answer on the notepad document for the entire day. The next morning when he woke up. Someone had responded. Those first, glorious two words.
Fuck you.
All of the coding that he had done was missing from the laptop. He had backups. It didn't matter. What mattered was that all of his gay porn had disappeared. He found all of his straight porn in the recycle bin, which had been left there purposely, he imagined.
Erwin messaged back.
If you can figure out the problem I'm having with that worm that I've been working on, please let me know. Leave my porn where I have it. There are times that I need it in a hurry.
Erwin put his porn back in its original folder and closed the laptop. There was no response for a few days. Then, when he checked his laptop one night, there were three new folders on the desktop. One was called WORM. The second was called GOOD PORN. The third was called SHIT PORN.
Whoever had hacked into his laptop had not only returned the worm, in better condition than when it had been stolen, but the hacker had also separated his gay porn between “good” and “shitty”. Most of the porn he had collected ended up in the shitty folder. In the good folder, there were quite a few new videos. Only a handful of his original collection had landed in the good folder. Erwin tried a few of the new videos. He remembered how hot his face felt. But the intruder was right. The videos were better. Better sound. Better lighting. Better angles. More close-ups. He remembered the smile that crossed his face while he watched some of them. When he glanced up at the webcam in his laptop lid, the light was blinking. Whoever had sent him the videos was watching him.
“Can you hear me too?” he asked.
A notepad popped up over the video player.
“I really like what you've sent me,” Erwin said. He returned his eyes to the video.
I can tell
Erwin didn't respond to the message for a while. He was too busy going through the videos that he had been sent, and the webcam light continued to flicker on his laptop. Eventually, the tingling in his cock became too uncomfortable, and he realized that if he wasn't going to masturbate in front of a complete stranger, he needed to do something else.
“I've decided that I'm going to retaliate,” Erwin said to the webcam. Erwin closed the laptop, moved to his favorite computer, and began tracking down his hacker. Sending documents back was a mistake on the hacker's part. It was a rookie mistake, but no one who was capable of building a worm code like the one he read earlier would make a mistake like that. It had been done purposely.
Within only a few minutes, he was in the hacker’s machine. He went directly to the webcam, only to be met with black. He laughed. The hacker had actually put opaque tape over his webcam. There was no way to combat that with software. So he hacked into the microphone instead. It was disabled, but it only took a few minutes to enable it again. The first thing that he heard was music. Renegade by Styx.
The jig is up, the news is out
They've finally found me
The renegade who had it made
Retrieved for a bounty
Never more to go astray
This will be the end today
Of the wanted man
Hacking into the laptop was easy. Erwin was surprised that the hacker was using it for everything that he was doing rather than a computer he had built himself. Erwin tried to leave the laptop and find another machine connected to wherever the hacker was staying. He found several computers in the immediate area. One belonged to a child. One belonged to someone who was playing SNOOD. One definitely belonged to an anime nerd. Another was full of porn, but nothing that the hacker liked. Erwin gave up trying to find another machine.
Erwin pulled up a notepad document on the hacker's desktop.
I like your music.
Fuck off get out
Thank you for the porn.
You have horrible taste in porn. Men too probably.
Show me what good taste in men looks like.
There wasn't any answer for a few moments, but Erwin could see that the hacker was coding on the laptop. Working on another stolen code that he had taken from Erwin. He waited patiently. When he was at a good stopping point, he pulled the tape off of his webcam. At first, the camera was shaking, and the light was poor. But then Erwin saw him. Gray eyes. Dark hair. Plain white shirt. Facial expression full of contempt. Erwin was beyond fascinated.
Name the platform.
You don't want to see me again?
I can see you whenever I want as long as you're using your laptop.
The man was looking off screen quite a lot then, typing on a different keyboard than the laptop. Somewhere else, beyond sight, Erwin was sure that he was trying to hack into his computer.
You can't get into this computer that I'm using.
Wanna bet?
What's the prize?
You have 24 hours. If you get in, you can have any code that you find in my computer. And I mean any code.
It was a high price. Erwin was using his favorite computer that he trusted to hack into banks. And now this guy was going to try and find a way to get into it while Erwin was actively running the program to steal money from Wells Fargo. Erwin knew of two ways to get into his computer. He had hacked it before himself to make sure that it was difficult enough. One way was relatively easy, but there were extremely dangerous firewalls with brutal worms attached to them. If the hacker tried to get in the easy way, there wouldn’t be a computer alive in his entire building by the end of it. If the hacker took the long way, it would take him much longer than 24 hours, but he could get through. He could find out what Erwin was doing.
And if I lose?
Skype date with me.
There was a long pause, and Erwin could hear that he was typing faster. His gray eyes bouncing along the screen. He looked at the webcam. The music stopped.
“Deal,” he said. Erwin's stomach did a backflip. He had never seen someone like this man before. And his voice. It shot through Erwin's bones like electricity.
What’s your name?
“I’m Levi.”
I’m Erwin.
Levi lost the bet. Later, Erwin learned that Levi didn't even try.
Erwin came out of his daydream and sipped his coffee again. The coffee had gone cold. It wasn't the first time he had done that this month. But reminiscing was all that he had left.
He glanced at the primitive watch on his left wrist. It was past time for his breakfast. Time to work out for the first time.
Erwin stood from the outdoor chair and went back into the little house, closing the rickety door with his foot.
Erwin reached under his pillow for his gun, and it was missing. Then, there was weight on top of him, and hands holding down his shoulders. He fought, but the aggressor had the advantage. He didn't know who it was. Police were supposed to be loud. The intruder had been quiet. He fought anyway.
“Erwin! Stop it!”
Erwin stopped. That voice. The feeling of the body on top of him.
“Levi?” Erwin breathed.
“It's me, you dipshit,” Levi said. Erwin pushed at Levi until he fell back a little, and Erwin reached out and turned on the light on the nightstand. He slid back in the small bed and looked at Levi like he was a stranger.
“Hey,” Levi said. Erwin looked him over. Plain white shirt. Dark jeans. Black socks. Boots were probably near the front door.
Erwin reached out, grabbed Levi by the shirt, and pulled Levi back on top of him. He wrapped his arms around Levi's waist and squeezed until Levi gasped. But Levi wrapped his arms just as tightly around Erwin's shoulders, breathing heavily. Erwin held tightly, hoping that it wasn't just another dream, and when he woke up, Levi would be gone again. Levi wiggled in his grasp, trying to pull back. That was real enough for Erwin. They leaned back far enough away from each other just far enough for a kiss, not willing to break the contact, but unable to stop. Erwin forced his tongue into Levi's mouth and found that taste he had been dreaming of for eight months. Minty and male.
Levi pulled back gasping.
“Levi,” Erwin said.
“Sorry I scared you.”
“It's alright,” Erwin said. “I'm glad you took the gun.”
Levi leaned towards him again, and Erwin grunted when he felt Levi pull his blond hair. Erwin pushed his hands under Levi's shirt and felt of the smooth skin, recognizing every inch of it, remembering the taste. But Levi pulled away again.
“Hey,” Levi gasped. “Let's talk. Talk first, and then we'll fuck.”
“Alright,” Erwin nodded. But they kissed again. Pawing at each other, gasping. Erwin took his mouth from Levi's, dropped his head, pressed his open mouth against Levi's neck and bit him gently, the way Levi liked it. When Levi groaned in his ear, Erwin's cock twitched.
“Okay, okay, okay,” Levi whispered, leaning back again. Erwin released his teeth, still holding onto him. But Levi pried himself from Erwin's arms and sat back on the bed. Putting distance between them. “Alright.” Levi ran his fingers through his hair, trying to put it back in place. Erwin pulled his feet out from under the sheet and put one foot against Levi's knee, feeling of the denim under his foot. His eyes were watering. He hadn't touched anyone in eight months. “Hey, it's okay.” Levi didn't miss anything.
“I missed you,” Erwin said. Levi moved over to him again, and in seconds, they were in the same predicament. Erwin even pulled Levi's shirt off, and his tongue automatically sliding over one hard nipple, sucking until Levi squirmed on top of him, pressing his tongue flat against Levi's skin and dragging it up to Levi's clavicle.
“I missed you, Erwin,” Levi whispered. “I have to talk to you now, okay?”
“Talk,” Erwin said. He pressed his mouth to Levi's neck and sucked, teething at the skin over the bite.
“Ah,” Levi gasped. “Alright. Listen. You're getting on a plane tomorrow.” Erwin took his mouth from Levi's neck, and leaned back, looking at Levi's eyes.
“Home?” Erwin asked in such a quiet whisper that he wasn't sure he had said it aloud. The fire in Levi's eyes died, and he shook his head, the pain and disappointment still obvious. Erwin sagged farther down into the bed, his head hitting the pillow like a brick. Levi leaned down, pressed kisses to his forehead, and his face. Erwin could only stare at nothing. “Where?” Levi didn't immediately answer, and Erwin was afraid that he already knew. That's why Levi was taking his time. Levi didn't want to say it. Erwin didn't want to hear it.
Levi framed Erwin's face with his hands, kissed him, apologizing beforehand. Erwin kissed back, wanting Levi not to say it. But Levi pulled back, looked at Erwin, took his hands away and settled them on either side, supporting himself.
“Ireland,” Levi said. All of the air in Erwin's lungs escaped, and his eyes watered so much that he couldn't even call it surprise response anymore. They were tears. Legitimate tears.
“Levi,” he gasped.
“I'm so fucking sorry, Erwin,” Levi said. He kissed Erwin's face, but Erwin pushed him away, hiding his face in his hands, trying to catch his breath. “I fucking tried. I swear that I did. The Russians first. I scared the shit out of them. The Chinese went offline shortly after. They probably burned everything they owned. The Irish were the only ones who would talk, Erwin.”
Erwin couldn't talk. But he didn't want to hide his eyes from the only person he had wanted to see. He reached out, grabbed Levi, and pulled him close. They held onto each other. The flight was the next day. This was the last time they would see each other for a very long time. Much longer than eight months.
“I'm going home,” Erwin whispered. Levi shook his head.
“You can't yet,” Levi said. Erwin hid his face in the crook of Levi's neck. “I don't know if they'll ever stop looking, Erwin. I don't know.”
“How long?” Erwin asked. Levi didn't answer, and Erwin pulled away. He pushed Levi up, and Levi sat up on top of him, looking down at him.
“Five years,” Levi said. Erwin huffed a laugh. If he had known. Oh, if he had only known. He never would have started any of it.
“Five years with the IRA,” Erwin said.
“I tried, Erwin.”
“I know, Levi,” Erwin said, nodding. Of course Levi tried. He wanted Erwin back in the States almost as badly as Erwin wanted to go home. Maybe more.
“I tried to negotiate location. They don't trust their American partners to be your handler. They'll put you in a flat, put you in a house arrest anklet, and they'll let you go out once a week for groceries or whatever. I couldn't get anything else,” Levi said. “They wanted the Silk Road taken down but-”
“I can't do that.”
“I know. I told them. But I told them you could get them in it. They mostly do wholesale, but I reasoned with them, Erwin. They don't know anything about black hat, Erwin. As far as they're concerned, it's magic,” Levi said. Erwin nodded.
Most people didn't know a lot about black hat hacking. And if they didn't know anything about it, they could only think of treason. No one was hiring. If someone wanted black hat hacking, they learned it themselves. But the Irish Republican Army was old. They didn't have an online presence yet. The Original IRA had good intentions, but the group broke down eventually and went in different directions. Erwin would be working with the worst of them, focused on domestic terrorism and money. Erwin would help them go online with their endeavors. Work for protection.
When Erwin started the operation to get money fast, he knew that it would go wrong. It was illegal. It was immoral. It couldn't last forever. He came up with a plan. The plan was that if anything ever went wrong, if their activities were ever discovered, Erwin would take the fall. All possible evidence of any one else handling the money would be destroyed, and it would look like Erwin did the operation all by himself. He would flee the country. Hide in Mexico. Find protection in exchange for whatever he could do with a computer. Get employment in exchange for hiding, and some money if he was lucky. Then, when it seemed like he was in the clear, when the FBI went into a financial negative return on his case, he would go back to the United States.
Erwin had created the plan before he met Levi. And he knew that he would have to leave Levi behind.
“They're going to pay you,” Levi said, as if that made it any better. Levi laid down on top of Erwin pressing his ear against Erwin's chest to listen to his heartbeat.
“You'll have to tell me where to send it,” Erwin said.
“We're fine, Erwin,” Levi said. “We're going to be laundering money for years. Probably the entire time you're gone. Maybe longer. You took care of us. Mike and Nanaba are in Montana. Hange and Moblit when back to Portland.”
When the silence passed between them, Levi pressed his fingertips into the skin around Erwin's rib cage, asking for a response.
“I'm sorry,” Erwin said, his voice breaking only a little. Levi lifted his head, looked Erwin dead in the eye.
“Shut up,” Levi said.
“I'm sorry, Levi-”
“I said shut up.”
Erwin stared into Levi's eyes, burning like molten steel with anger. Levi hated it when Erwin sank into the guilt. But Erwin couldn't help it. He had made the mistake. Wells Fargo updated the security constantly, and it became more and more difficult to keep up with hiding the program. Humans needed sleep. Computer programs didn't. Moblit tried to help. But after a while, Moblit would wake Erwin up at all hours of the night asking for help. And fast. Levi said they should pull the plug, clear out the accounts. They had pulled so much money from the accounts that they couldn't keep it all in the house anymore. Erwin insisted it could work a little longer. He knew that when he pulled the program out of the Wells Fargo network, he's have to trash it. He had spent years creating it, and he wanted to get all of the use out of it possible before he had to destroy it.
He insisted they could go for a little longer. But they couldn't.
The FBI was on Erwin's ass so fast he almost didn't get out of the country. And he didn't get to say goodbye to the others. Levi demanded to go with him, but Erwin convinced him to stay behind and negotiate. Negotiate with anyone who would listen. Get him out of Mexico. Levi agreed.
Erwin ran his hands down Levi's bare arms, pressing his thumb into Levi's biceps. When he squeezed Levi's arms, the gray eyes finally softened.
“How am I going to get past the airline security?” Erwin asked. Every airline in the world could have his photo at that point. Levi could forge documents all day long for him, but they couldn't change the way he looked. Levi shook his head.
“Stop thinking,” Levi said. Erwin searched Levi's face for an explanation. How could they stop thinking? If they took time to stop at all, that could be the end. But he saw the desperation, the reflection of his own loneliness that he had felt for eight months, in Levi's eyes.
Erwin nodded.
“Alright, Levi.”
Levi framed Erwin's face with his hands and leaned over him, pressing their lips together again. Erwin lifted his head from the pillow to meet him, too eager to wait, and he swore to himself that he would stop thinking. This was goodbye. He had to memorize the moment. Every breath. Each sound. Levi's unique smell.
Erwin closed his eyes tighter and opened his mouth when he felt Levi's tongue against his bottom lip. Rocking his hips up, Erwin heard the gasp deep in Levi's chest, and he smiled in the kiss. Levi smiled too, and then Levi had to break the kiss. He was laughing with relief, and Erwin laughed back. They paused, staring at each other in the light of lamp. Levi kept his hands near Erwin's face, memorizing it with his hands, pushing his fingers into Erwin's hair.
“Take off your boxers,” Levi said. He raised up on his knees and crawled out of the small bed. When Levi left, Erwin pushed the cotton sheets and quilt back. He hooked his thumbs in his boxers and pulled them off before he tossed them over the edge of the bed. Erwin didn't look down. He was half hard from kissing, and tt was too tempting to touch himself while he waited on Levi.
Erwin stared at the ceiling and listened to the sounds of Levi moving in the house. Hearing someone else, when there had been silence for so long felt foreign and welcome.
When he heard Levi's soft steps coming back into the bedroom, Erwin lifted his head and looked. Levi had a bottle of lube and a glove in one hand. His smart phone in the other hand. Erwin leaned his head back when he saw the piece of technology. He loved computers so much, but he had also let them ruin his life. A smart phone was just a smaller, easier to hack, version.
Levi stopped in the middle of the room and looked around. His eyes settled on the small nightstand. Walking over to the nightstand, Levi turned on the screen of the phone and began swiping and tapping. Erwin watched him, curious, still nervous. Levi pushed out the kick stand on his phone and set it down facing the bed. He leaned over and looked at the angle. Erwin understood then.
They had first bonded over porn. Now they were going to make it. He smiled up at Levi, and Levi looked down at him. A grin pulled up one side of his lips, and Erwin's cock jumped in response. He loved that look. Devious, and somehow with all of the affection that Levi could give.
“If I had known you would be so excited, I would've suggested we do this earlier,” Levi said. Erwin chuckled.
Levi tapped the screen, and he pulled one black latex glove onto his hand, leaving the other bare. He tossed the lube to the bed, and started pulling at his belt. Erwin watched, his face already flushing. Levi looked him in the eye while he, pulled off his belt, unzipped his jeans, and he pushed his underwear down with the denim. Then, he pulled off his socks.
Finally bare, Erwin could see that Levi's cock was already heavy and dripping. Levi crawled on top of the bed again, and settled between Erwin's legs. Erwin watched him, and he felt his eyes widen when Levi's head dropped.
The first lick against his cock felt so hot that a rough gasp wrenched from his chest.
“Fuck,” Erwin hissed. Levi cupped his balls, and Erwin pressed into his hand. When Levi's mouth wrapped around his head, Erwin's toes curled, and he groaned. It had been so long, too long. And no one had a mouth like Levi.
Levi sank his mouth down farther on Erwin's cock, until Erwin could feel the soft tissue in the back of Levi's throat. He purposely gagged himself, and Erwin moaned.
Levi wasn't listening. He massaged Erwin's balls a few times before he actually started sucking his cock. Erwin bucked up from the bed, and he pressed his hands against the old headboard of the bed. Digging his heels into the mattress, trying to stop himself from lifting his hips again, Erwin shuddered.
Then, Levi pressed his tongue against the underside of Erwin's cock and dragged it up, applying as much pressure as he could. Erwin couldn't catch his breath. He could feel his chest rising sharply only to release trembling breaths.
Levi took his mouth away from Erwin and used his bare hand to stroke him, spreading saliva over his cock. Erwin allowed himself to squirm, and he lifted his head from the pillow. When he looked down at Levi, Levi was smiling at him. It wasn't devious anymore. Only appreciative.
“Gorgeous,” Levi muttered. “I've been thinking about you like this. All this time.” Erwin took a breath and his chest shuddered. He bit his bottom lip to keep from clenching his teeth. “How red your cock is when you're hard.” Erwin bent his knees, trying to keep from bucking off the bed. “The way you bite your bottom lip.” Erwin groaned. He hadn't heard Levi talk that way before. Levi increased the speed of his strokes, and Erwin let his head drop back to the pillow, dragging his fingernails against the headboard. His legs shook so hard that the bed rattled. He felt like all of the heat in his body was rushing to his cock, and he knew that he would come if Levi kept going. Levi didn't seem to want to stop. “Are you ready?” Levi asked. Erwin could only manage a whimper and and a nod.
Levi took his hand away. It was so sudden that it almost hurt, and Erwin's knees gave out, his legs crashing back to the bed under him. Erwin gasped for air. He had stopped breathing for a few moments.
“Roll over,” Levi said. He leaned back to give Erwin enough room to do it, but Erwin needed a minute.
He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. The safe house seemed so much better with Levi around, and Erwin smiled. Levi patted his thigh, telling him to get moving. Erwin leaned up in bed and rolled over, careful not to accidentally kick Levi out of the small bed.
Resting on his stomach, Erwin grinded his cock down into the bed. Then, he felt Levi move up between his legs, and he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, released it trying to relax. Levi settled his cock against Erwin's ass and dragged it against Erwin's skin.
“That's for you,” Levi whispered. Erwin squeezed his eyes shut tightly and turned his head into the pillow. He raised his hips, pressing against Levi, asking for more. Levi's bare hand grabbed one of his cheeks and squeezed. “I missed this.” He thought he heard Levi gasp. “Erwin.” Erwin nodded into the pillow, encouraging him to keep going. Levi leaned back.
Erwin heard the top of the lube bottle pop. He clenched, sheer anticipation. But he turned his head from the pillow and took another breath. When he exhaled, he focused on relaxing his muscles from his toes to his shoulders.
Then, he felt one slick digit against his opening. Erwin's mouth fell open, and his eyebrows furrowed. He wanted it. Even pressed back towards it. Levi pushed forward. With the first press, Levi found Erwin's prostate and circled his finger against it. Erwin buried his face into the pillow and practically growled, lifting his hips from the bed and pressing against Levi's hand.
He felt Levi's bare hand against his hip, gently pressing him down.
“Be good for me, baby,” Levi whispered. Erwin lowered his hips against the bed and whined into the pillow when his cock dragged against the sheets. When his hips were firmly on the bed again, Levi began moving his finger again. This time, he was circling faster, and Erwin couldn't stop moving. He moved his hips with the motion, and Levi seemed to encourage it.
Levi stopped moving his finger, and Erwin winced. He missed the motion. But he felt another finger tip against his hole, and he waited patiently, focusing on being relaxed. The second finger took more time, but Erwin stayed still. If Levi wasn't moving, he didn't want to move either.
With the second finger in place, Levi curled his fingers, and Erwin almost bent his knees, seeking more. Levi put a hand against the small of his back, and kept him down, moving his fingers inside of Erwin faster.
“I don't ever remember you moving this much,” Levi said. Erwin couldn't hear him. He was too busy moaning into the pillow, biting the fabric, making a wet spot from the drool he couldn't swallow. After only a few more moments of curling his fingers, Levi spread his fingers out, stretching him. Erwin felt the first hint of burn, but he just leaned into it anyway. He liked the burn.
Levi added another finger so abruptly that Erwin lost his breath. He lifted his head from the pillow and automatically looked over to the camera of the phone. He could imagine how flushed and breathless he looked. Hair a mess. He wanted Levi to see him that way.
Levi didn't take long to start spreading all three fingers in Erwin, and he stopped taking his time. The desperation was too much. But when Levi tried to pull his hand back, Erwin was clenching too tightly. Levi curled his fingers against Erwin's prostate again until Erwin was loose and pliable again.
“That's it, Erwin,” Levi whispered. He pulled his fingers out easily.
Quickly, Levi pulled the glove off, inside out, and tossed it to the side of the bed. He opened the lube bottle and spread plenty of it over his cock, so much that he saw it drip to the sheets. Levi's eyes went back to Erwin, who was still writhing, waiting on him.
“Lift up and show the camera your cock,” Levi said. He watched when Erwin lifted his hips from the bed, putting his weight on his forearms. Levi leaned over and looked at Erwin cock. Swollen, flushed a deep red, and absolutely soaked at the tip. Levi reached around and wrapped his hand around Erwin's tip, feeling of the precome, spreading it around. Erwin gasped and held his breath while Levi touched him.
Levi looked to Erwin's face, which was fully concentrated on not coming.
“Lay back down,” Levi said when he took his hand away. Erwin laid back down, practically melted into the mattress, and pressed his face into the pillow.
As soon as he was back down on the bed, Erwin felt the head of Levi's cock against his hole. He took another breath, relaxed, and he felt Levi press inside of him. The first pass missed his prostate, but Levi did that purposely.
When he felt Levi sink into him to the base, Erwin bit the pillow and groaned into the cotton.
“Erwin,” Levi breathed. Then, he pulled out, dragged his head against Erwin's prostate before he pressed in again. Erwin felt the heat spread under him on the bed, and he wondered just how much he had soaked the sheets. Levi lost all patience, and Erwin teeth released the pillow. He couldn't stop the sounds pouring from him mouth. Levi put his hands on Erwin's back and dragged his nails down the skin, leaving red welts. Erwin's face lifted from the pillow.
“Fuck, Levi,” Erwin breathed.
“I love it when you say that,” Levi said before he grabbed Erwin's hips. Levi increased the pace, groaned loudly enough that it filled the room. Erwin would have said it again, but he couldn't.
The bed was shaking too hard, and with every thrust, Erwin's cock was pressed down into the sheets. Erwin pushed the pillow out the way, laid his head on the mattress, and lifted his hips to meet Levi. The frantic rhythm began, and Erwin didn't try to stop himself when he felt the need. He froze under Levi, involuntarily trembling, trying to curse and failing, when he felt the wet heat spread under him on the sheet. He said Levi's name again, but he barely had the breath to make the full sound.
Levi pressed down into him harder. Erwin opened his eyes, couldn't see straight, shut them again, waiting for what he wanted most. Levi's pace slowed down, shuddering on top of him, and Erwin felt Levi come. He memorized the sound, the breath followed by a deep groan, and gasping for air. The bed shook when Levi dropped his hands down to either side of Erwin to catch himself.
Erwin smiled, content with all of it. All of it was worth it. He felt Levi slowly lower himself, pressing his forehead against Erwin's spine and resting. Obsessively, Erwin counted every heavy breath that Levi released against his back, trying to capture the moment in any way possible. Erwin opened his eyes again and could see a little better. Levi pressed his forehead into Erwin's back a bit harder, and Erwin wasn't sure what to think of that. Normally, Levi didn't show a lot of affection afterwards.
Erwin reached up behind himself and felt for Levi's hair. Reaching for Levi's hair was too far, but Levi must have felt him move, because he felt Levi's fingers lacing with his own. He found Levi's thumb and stroked it with his own. Levi tightened the hold of their hands, and Erwin winced. The extra touches, the hand holding, it all felt like goodbye.
Levi leaned up, breaking their handhold, and pulling his hips back. When Erwin felt Levi pull out, he looked back at him. Levi tapped Erwin's leg, telling him to move it. Erwin picked up his leg, rolled over on his side, and Levi moved up further in the bed. Erwin furrowed his eyebrows with curiosity when Levi didn't immediately run to the bathroom to clean up. That wasn't usual. Levi laid down on his side facing Erwin. The bed wasn't big enough to lay on their backs. It wasn't nearly as comfortable as the king sized bed their old home, which was now property of the FBI. Levi pulled him close, and Erwin put his face in the crook of Levi's neck again, opening his mouth to press kisses against Levi's skin. Then, he felt Levi plant kisses in his hair, and Erwin's heart ached. Erwin wrapped one arm around Levi's waist and pulled him as close as possible.
Erwin wanted to suspend the moment. He could be perfectly happy to lay in that bed, filthy and wet, for the rest of his life if it meant that they didn't have to be apart.
Levi leaned back and pressed kisses to every part of Erwin's face. Erwin laid in place, not used to that type of attention. He even leaned back with some uncertainty. But Levi held onto him, planting more kisses on his skin. Suddenly, he stopped.
“Look at me,” Levi said. He didn't take his hands away. Erwin looked into Levi's eyes, and he saw something that he hadn't expected or wanted. Levi was never afraid of anything. And he was hardly ever worried. But Erwin saw what he imagined was as close to fear as Levi could ever feel. Levi's eyes scanned Erwin's face, and Erwin knew that Levi was taking some kind of final look.
That's when Levi remembered that his phone was still recording. He rolled over a bit, reached behind him, and grabbed the phone. He stopped the recording and put the phone back down on the nightstand.
When Levi turned his attention back to Erwin, the fear had gone away and the determination had come back.
“Erwin,” Levi said. “Do you trust me?” Erwin furrowed his eyebrows.
“More than anyone,” Erwin said. He meant it. He trusted Levi more than Mike. More than his own father. Levi nodded, the concern faded in and out of his face.
“Our flight is in five hours.”
“Our flight?” Erwin asked.
“I'm going with you,” Levi said.
“Listen,” Levi said. “You're going to be over there for five years. They'll give you two weeks off work a year. No days off, just those two weeks out of the year. One around Easter. One around Christmas.”
“Why are you going with me?”
“Because during those two weeks out of the year. We're going to see each other at least once,” Levi said. Erwin's face brightened, and he grabbed Levi again. “Wait, Erwin. Wait.” Erwin didn't listen. He pulled Levi to him and pressed kisses against Levi's neck. “Listen to me,” Levi said softly. Erwin leaned back and looked at Levi again.
“I'm listening.”
“At this point, all of the airlines have your picture I.D,” Levi said. Erwin nodded. So that meant he would have to travel some other way. Levi may have arranged for a big wooden box for him to fly in cargo, like in movies. But he still saw that deep concern in Levi's face.
“We'll make it, Levi,” Erwin said.“Whatever you've planned will work.”
“I know,” Levi said. He swallowed so heavily that Erwin saw his throat move. “If we're leaving in five hours, I need to go ahead and break your face.” Erwin felt his expression fall into complete neutrality. It was something that he and Levi both did when they were greeted with news that was less than favorable. “I'm going to break your nose, but I'll break it in a way that we can put it back in place. We'll splint it here. I've got everything I need. I made your photo I.D. really fucking hideous, and the cover is that you had really bad, cheap plastic surgery down here,” Levi said. He looked at Erwin's hair which hadn't been cut in over eight months. “You won't look anything like yourself. I need to break your nose and black your eyes.” Levi's gaze dropped back down to Erwin's eyes. “I bought you some pain pills. I need you to be conscious for the flight, but I'll try to make you comfortable.” Erwin nodded.
He realized that's where the worry in Levi's eyes had come from. Levi didn't want to hurt him. And Erwin hated that Levi had to be the one to do it. If Erwin tried to do it himself, the results would be unpredictable. In fact, if he did it himself, he knew for a fact that he would do it wrong. If Levi broke his nose and reset it, then there was a good chance that he would look normal again once he healed. There might be a permanent bump in his nose, but if that was all it took to gain eventual freedom, it was an inexpensive trade.
“Levi,” Erwin said. Levi's body stiffened against him. Ready to hear the worst, Erwin guessed. The look in Levi's eyes softened. “If this is too much, I'll just go and turn myself-”
“Do not finish that fucking sentence,” Levi said. “You're staying with me. I'm not spending half of my life in a federal prison waiting room.”
At first, Erwin wanted to argue. He didn't like the way that Levi talked about waiting on him if he went to prison. Levi could easily find a new partner. He could find someone who wasn't a criminal. Someone who didn't even know how to use a computer beyond Facebook and Googling recipes. Levi could find someone that didn't sign up to work for a terrorist organization for five years. But he also knew that Levi wasn't like other people. Levi's entire world was in his mind and in a computer. He rarely ever let anyone close to him. Even though he had lived in a house with five other people, Levi didn't allow anyone to get intimately close with him besides Erwin. For the first few weeks after he moved in, he avoided Mike and Nanaba, Hange and Moblit, completely.
But Levi allowed Erwin to get close. He let Erwin touch him. He let Erwin see him angry. Levi eventually started sleeping in Erwin's room. Erwin had even seen Levi weep once. Levi slowly started wearing less clothes around Erwin, starting with his socks, then shirts, then pants, finally naked after months. And Erwin never asked. He never pushed. Levi led the pace, and Erwin matched it.
The first night they fucked couldn't have been called making love. But it was no less ethereal for Erwin. The image of Levi's body in low light, much dimmer than the light in the safe house, was burned into Erwin's brain. He thought of Levi that way every day. Levi let Erwin see and have everything.
And Erwin didn't want to give Levi away.
“You're my one,” Erwin said. There wasn't a beat of hesitation before Levi leaned in and pressed his lips to Erwin's. Erwin pressed back, pulling Levi closer to him. Levi broke the kiss, didn't lean back far and whispered against Erwin's mouth.
“You're my one.”
Erwin leaned forward and kissed him again, pushing his hands into Levi's hair, basking in the familiarity.
Erwin knew that he loved Levi the first time Levi offered to edit his bank hacking code to make it more random and harder to track. Erwin couldn't deny the swimming feeling in his head, the warmth in chest, the tingling in his cock as anything but love.
But he didn't know when Levi started loving him. Maybe Levi had loved the first time he had seen Erwin on a webcam, but it seemed too soon. It might have started when Levi saw what Erwin was doing and admired the work instead of turning him in to the authorities. For a while, Erwin thought it had started after they fucked the first time, but that seemed cliché, so unlike Levi. Erwin wished he knew when Levi started loving him. He guessed that Levi might not have known when it happened either.
Just before Erwin crossed the border to Mexico, Levi had kissed him and said: “You're my one.” Erwin knew what it meant the moment that Levi said it. So he repeated the phrase and kissed Levi one more time. The words meant more than love. They meant love and trust and loyalty. They were a commitment to hold onto each other through the crazy, illegal shit they did together as tightly as they could. An unspoken promise that Erwin would turn himself in if Levi ever got tired of running, and Levi be with him even if that meant a federal prison, as a civilian or an inmate, it didn't matter. Their crimes had created a tighter bond than any wedding band.
Even if they never said the words, Erwin knew that Levi loved him. Levi loved him enough to break his face.
#bottom erwin week 2017#eruri#i was so fucking excited about this#i've wanted to write something like this for so long#thanks to bottom erwin week for giving me the inspiration#best enjoyed if you've heard the song renegade by styx
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This will serve as a personal tracker of all of the fics I have ever written, all of the books and series I have consumed etc. I wrote this out to help me organize my thoughts since I have time now to reflect on this closet hobby of mine. I also put it up just in case anyone has ever read my stuff and is curious about how these works are doing in my head space.
Some were written back when I was way younger so apologies for the quality.
Come Home (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Memories don't keep people grounded in their present. They're the reason people think of what ifs and would haves, regrets and daydreams. Alex sees three dimensions of his reality and makes a decision. Set after Never Say Die.
Status: Done (I guess?), not posted on tumblr or AO3 yet
Killing (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Spoilers for Never Say Die. Killing is like learning to ride a bike as Alex is going to figure out very soon. For Spyfest 2017.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not posted on tumblr or AO3 yet
Transparency (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Although the bank robbery made national news, the young boy who saved the lives of all the people in the bank didn't. First hand witness accounts said the boy was a hero, the media said there was no young hero in the bank and one journalist tries to get to the bottom of it all.
Status:WIP (could probably still finish it, it’s almost done anyway), not posted on tumblr or AO3 yet)
Type II Error (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Written for Spyfest Week 3. Set before Ark Angel. The updates on payroll accounts and budgets lined up too well with mysterious deaths and undisclosed missions. An auditor working for MI6 decides for herself whether or not the orders of her bosses Blunt and Jones were worth prying into.
Status: Done (Oneshot), will post on tumblr yet
Unforeseen Circumstances (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
It's April, the time of year when most students start salvaging their grades. Missions had taken their toll on Alex's grades and he needs to start salvaging soon or risk repeating the year. Nature wasn't on his side though and it turned out that his devil's luck had just run out.
Status: WIP (8/15), On hold, not posted on tumblr yet
Levi and Hange’s Relationship in Erwin’s POV (Status: Completed, not posted yet)
A Tale of Two Slaves (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
"Soulmates don’t exist. Fate doesn't exist. Everything is a choice. At that moment, Levi could only watch as she made the choice for him."
Levi remembers everything from their past life. Hange doesn't.
Status: WIP (6/?)
A Free Spot (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Slight AU! Levi sacrifices himself in Chapter 132 instead of Hange and Hange deals with the consequences years later. Written for Levihan Angstober Week 4. Prompt: Free Spot
Status: Done (Oneshot), not posted on FFN yet
Division of Labor (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
"The past years, we have noticed a lot of our fresh high school graduates knew nothing about responsibilities the that awaited them outside high school and even college. Many students do not master budgeting, taxes, household planning, loans and we hope to raise a generation who can navigate the adult world without the consequences of bad decisions they are bound to make going in blindly..."
Paradis High school starts a program incorporating adulting into their curriculum and Hange and Levi are paired together.
Status: WIP (1/?)
En Prise (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Hange already had the innate analysis skills and the quick wittedness to excel in the classroom. Chess should have come easy for her. As she processed her fifth loss to the man in front of her, she started to understand that there was more to the game than meets the eye.
College AU! Levi is a little too good at chess and Hange gets roped into studying the game further.
Status: WIP (1/18), will try to create a backlog before I post more.
Heroes or Victims (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Post Chapter 115, Hange reflects on emotions, relationships, war philosophies, and a future while taking care of a severely injured Levi.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not posted on FFN yet
Household Planning (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
"It was Levi's household. The plates were arranged and sorted by color and use, the way Levi liked it. The cabinets and the storage were arranged in a way which would be efficient for cooking, or at least the way Levi would have wanted to cook."
Levi gets sick and Hange is left to navigate household chores.
Status: Done (2/2)
Passion Project (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Levi tries to ignore Hange but it never seems to last. A ficlet detailing the development of Levi and Hange's relationship before canon.
Status: WIP (1/3) Timeline written, Chapter 2 rough draft complete, not posted on FFN yet
Rough Day (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
It should have been apparent to Hange by the weight gain and the sudden lack of red days. Somehow, Levi noticed it first.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not posted on FFN yet, will probably write more fluff similar to this
Sugar Rush
Marley brings the celebration of Halloween to Paradis. Hange and Levi go trick or treating with their child for the first time and start to realize how much the world has changed since the war.
A Halloween piece for the Levihan spookfest one year late.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not posted on FFN yet, will probably write more fluff similar to this
Would You Cry? (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Hange asks an innocent question and Levi finds himself reflecting on his emotions and his relationship with Hange. Written for LeviHan Week, Angstober 2020. Prompt: Silence/Screams
Status: Done (Oneshot)
Vulnerabilities (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Slight AU! Although Levi is humanity's strongest soldier in the battlefield, his rough childhood had left him weaker and more vulnerable to illness. Levi had always taken measures to prevent sickness nit anyone who has ever been close to him caught wind on it anyway. A series of oneshots throughout the story focusing on Levi's chronic weakness and others taking care of him.
Status: Sporadic updates depending on mood, not yet posted on ff and tumblr
Big Hero Six
Deal with the Devil (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
When mourning becomes too much for him, Hiro finds himself resorting to prayers and deals to bring back the brother he lost. The devil may have had pity on him but he never promised to let Hiro go unscathed.
Status: WIP, on hold, probably could get back to it just need to rewatch the movie, not yet completely posted on AO3 and tumblr
Fatal Flaw (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Grieving may be a long and painful process but in time most people do recover. For Hiro Hamada though something probably went wrong along the way because from what Aunt Cass could see, he was moving on yet at the same time, he wasn't.
Status: WIP, abandoned, completely forgot what I was planning, not yet posted on tumblr
Dares, Pranks and Curses (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Written for the Coco Valentines Fanwork Exchange. The night of Dia de Los Muertos, Miguel ends up staying out late to play a little game with his friends in the cemetery. Hector, Imelda and Miguel reunite through a game of Ouija.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not yet posted on ff and tumblr
Somewhere between Life and Death (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Dia de los Muertos isn't the only day the dead can visit the living. Miguel is reunited with Hector, Imelda and his other relatives from the other side but in one of the worst ways possible and he finds himself caught in a struggle between life and death.
Status: WIP 9/20, on hold, timeline is complete just need to get it written, need to fix tumblr tags
Quest for Origin: Ranger’s Apprentice x Percy Jackson (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
A young boy gets washed up on the shore of Camp Half Blood with no memories whatsoever of his life before. How did he end up there? Is it all just a coincidence? Or is it a message from the Gods? What's with his uncanny skill with the bow?
Status: On Hold (25/35), timeline complete, will probably continue with PJO TV show comes out, not yet posted on ff and tumblr
Kingdom Hearts
Coded Connection (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Post KH3. If Kairi keeps Sora's memory alive, he'll eventually call out to her right? Then it will be her turn to find him, hold him and never let go.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not yet posted on tumblr and ff
Kuroko no Basuke
Yellow, Red, Green, Blue and Purple (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Collab with friend back in high school. All Kise wanted to do was complete one more level of Flow Free before practice starts. When you have teammates as lazy, eccentric, hyperactive, sociopathic or invisible as the Generation of Miracles though, sometimes the things that sound the simplest, can be the hardest to do. Crackfic
Status: Done (Oneshot), not yet posted on tumblr
Ranger’s Apprentice
Being a Ranger’s Wife (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
As Will leaves on a suicide mission, Alyss ponders on her choice to have married him.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not yet posted on tumblr or AO3
Danger Zone (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Rangers are human. Humans make mistakes. The difference though between an ordinary human and a ranger is the consequences they'll eventually face for past mistakes. Will should have known that for rangers, this included being on the run from an angry group of pirates with his silver oakleaf on the line.
Status: Probably Abandoned, first fanfic I have ever written lmao, completely forgot where I was going with this, not yet posted on tumblr or ffn.
Farmer’s Apprentice (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Will lied to Mr. Chubb about stealing from the kitchen years ago. How did that small decision change the course of the young boy's life? AU Crack fic.
Status: Done (Oneshot), not yet posted on tumblr or AO3
Masters, Apprentices and Sons (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Gilan accepts Morgarath's challenge in the Plains of Uthal and Halt is left to care for his apprentice in the aftermath of the battle. Halt wonders why it took him this long to realize that there was no fine line between an apprentice and a son.
Status: WIP. I have written out all the way until chapter 5 but I completely lost the files. I don’t know if my current frustration will allow me to continue this.
The Fall of a Hero (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Will had fallen from his place as one of the top rangers in the corps and one of the top figures in Araluen and it's up to his friends to help pull him back up. Recovery Fic.
Status: WIP, timeline not written, could probably still continue this, just need to catch up to the series
Prince of Tennis
A Break from Ingenuity (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
Timing is everything. Fuji gets his timing wrong, makes one misstep then finds himself facing a career ending injury. Maybe, that's when everyone will realize that he's human too.
Status: WIP. Will probs continue if new POT content comes out.
Yuri on Ice
Surprises (AO3/Tumblr/FFN)
With all the stress piling up for the Japanese National Championship and more importantly, the World Championship, one can expect an athlete to get injured. To have the coach be the one struck by a career ending injury during practice is another story. That's exactly how Victor surprised the crowd though, maybe for the last time.
Status: WIP (3/?), not yet posted on tumblr
#Yuri on ice#Prince of Tennis#ranger's apprentice#kuroko no basket#kingdom hearts#percy jackson#coco#big hero six#attack on titan#Alex Rider#fanfic#masterlist
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Renegade by valisi
Modern AU. Crime. Erwin is a computer hacker on the run and Levi is his lover and handler.
Many of valisi's fics are long but the payoff is amazing. There is so much attention to detail and world building. Mike and Nanaba, Hange and Moblit make appearances. Part of Bottom Erwin Week 2017.
#eruri fanfic#modern au#crime#computer hackers#erwin smith#levi ackerman#erwin smith x levi ackerman#attack on titan#shingeki no kyojin#erwin x levi#hange zoe#mike zacharias#nanaba#moblit berner#valisi
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The Chase Files Daily Newscap 1/28/2019
Good MORNING #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Monday 28th January 2019. Remember you can read full articles for FREE via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS) OR by purchasing by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).

MIA ON A HIGH – Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley says she feels validated by Government’s decision to support the Barbados Cricket Association’s (BCA) bid to host international cricket matches between West Indies and England at Kensington Oval. Given projections that Barbados stood to gain $80 million in foreign exchange, and following West Indies’ massive victory in the first Test that featured outstanding performances from four local boys, Mottley also pledged Government’s commitment to any sporting activity that would redound to the benefit of the country. In an interview with THE NATION after West Indies crushed England by 381 runs on Saturday on the back of sterling contributions from captain Jason Holder and fellow Barbadians Shane Dowrich, Kemar Roach and Roston Chase, Mottley expressed delight at the turn of events. “I am on top of the world. This is even more special for me. One of the first decisions I made after being sworn in as Prime Minister was to agree to host this match and the One-Day Internationals. To have this kind of validation with this kind of victory, it doesn’t get better than this – a Bajan double century, a Bajan century, a ‘barriffle’ of Bajan wickets in the first and second innings, and then to have a Bajan sub as wicketkeeper when the chips were down,” she said. (DN)
PM MOTTLEY TO ATTEND CARICOM-UN TALKS ON VENEZUELA – Prime Minister Mia Mottley will join two Caribbean Community (CARICOM) colleagues in New York on Monday for talks with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to discuss the crisis in Venezuela. According to a statement from the CARICOM Secretariat, issued on Sunday evening, the regional delegation will be led by CARICOM Chairman, Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris of St Kitts and Nevis, and will also include Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley. Grenada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Peter David, and CARICOM Secretary General Irwin LaRocque will also attend the talks at UN Headquarters. The meeting is a follow up to the decision of CARICOM Heads of Government at their Special Emergency Meeting on Thursday which discussed the ongoing conflict in Venezuela. The CARICOM Leaders agreed to request a meeting with the UN Secretary-General which he accepted. (BT)
CRIME QUERY – Months before the spike in crime at the start of the year, Barbadians had expressed concern, fearing for their lives and the safety of communities in the wake of an increase in gun and gang-related activities. They made their feelings known in a study on the public perceptions of crime and violence conducted by Dr Dwayne Devonish, a senior lecturer in management studies at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus late last year. In his survey, which polled about 1 000 people, more than 70 per cent described the crime situation as “bad” or “very bad” and all agreed crime had worsened compared to 2017. They laid the root cause of this increase squarely on unemployment, especially among high-risk youth, drugs and the state of the economy. Respondents believed that some of the crime was being perpetrated by “outsiders” of a given community, who were seeking revenge, or by rival gangs who were looking for “justice” or “possessions”. The police also came under fire in the survey. Some respondents stated their reluctance to report crimes they witnessed to police because of their lack of trust in the Force and perceived tardiness in responding to a report. They also feared being labelled or targeted as informants. (DN)
WOMEN’S TEARS – Amidst complaints that clerks at the maintenance courts were driving some women to tears, the Registrar of the Supreme Court has said staff will continue undergoing customer service training. Registrar Barbara Cooke-Alleyne made the comment as a guest on Starcom Network’s Brass Tacks Sunday. Cooke-Alleyne, along with Chief Magistrate Christopher Birch, were fielding questions from mainly female callers about the service and treatment they received when they journeyed to court offices to collect child maintenance. The Registrar apologised to several women who related their experiences on air. Two of the women spoke of being reduced to tears and of feeling humiliated after their interaction with the clerks who, they said, made them feel as if they were begging for money. (DN)
CONSTABLES NOT FEELING SO SPECIAL – An old police mobile unit parked along St Lawrence Gap, Christ Church, for many years is the “home” for Special Constables (S. C.) attached to the Southern Division’s Tourism Patrol Unit. It has no running water; no bathroom facilities and no air conditioning. Instead, Special Constables have to use an old fan borrowed from a business in the area over a year ago. The only furniture the mobile unit contains is an old desk, a bench whose leather bottom is torn and tattered and an old chair. When the Special Constables want to use the bathroom, they either have to telephone the nearby Worthing Police Station and wait for a vehicle to arrive to take them there or go to a hotel or other business place in the area. “This is another example of how we are not special to the Royal Barbados Police Force,” said a disgruntled Special Constable who has long complained about their conditions of service. The Special Constables who are deployed to patrol the tourist belt pointed out that given the high level of gun crimes they are now required to work shifts around the clock to ensure that the visitors are safe; but noted their working conditions are both unsanitary and unacceptable. (DN)
BADNESS MOVIE CLIP SPARKS PROBE – The Royal Barbados Police Force has launched an investigation to find out how a local film crew was able to drive into Central Police Station and film a scene for a movie. The NATION was reliably informed that police hierarchy was caught off-guard when Episode 10 of the popular movie series Badness aired in December showing a scene filmed on the compound of the station. In that scene, two men acting as police officers casually drive into the station located at Coleridge Street, The City, and proceed to drive around the entire compound as they discuss killing some men on the block. In the film, no real police officers are seen at the station and no sentry appeared to be at the gate. When contacted, Deputy Commissioner Erwin Boyce said there was a protocol to be followed. “You can’t do that. You can’t just come in and do what you want to do. There is a certain protocol involved. You [have] to report to the station officer or an officer at the gate. “Obviously, it is something that we would investigate. I would assume that there is some effort to find out what happened.” (DN)
17 DOGS TAKEN FROM HOME – Seventeen dogs, including 13 puppies, were removed from a house in Vauxhall, Christ Church, last week after concerns were raised about their welfare. The severely malnourished adult dogs, and flea- and worm-riddled puppies, which were kept chained to cement blocks, are now being treated at the RSPCA’s Cheltenham Lodge vet clinic on Spring Garden, St Michael. Chief Inspector Wayne Norville responded to the house after calls for assistance were made to the RSPCA. He told THE NATION the dogs appeared to be caught in the middle of a family dispute. (DN)
TREVOR BAYLISS WANTS ENGLAND TO SHOW MORE GUTS – Trevor Bayliss has questioned the “guts and determination” of his England side after their chastening defeat in the first Test in Barbados. Bayliss, the England coach, described himself as “speechless” after the team’s second batting collapse of the game and suggested some frank words would be exchanged within the squad after a performance that lacked “mental discipline”. While he defended England’s preparations and selection, arguing that several players had simply not performed and that the batting errors gave the spinners little chance to bowl on a worn surface, he did acknowledge that Sam Curran had endured the “first bad game” of his career and that Keaton Jennings’ struggles had him worried. “I think it gets down to a bit of guts and determination to get through those tough periods,” Bayliss said. “It’s not the first time that we’ve succumbed in a short space of time. The boys are in the dressing room hurting and I’d be worried if they weren’t. “Do they lack mental discipline? Personally I think so. You don’t have to have perfect technique to be able to score runs or take wickets: it’s how you go about using it. On this occasion we’ve certainly been lacking in that department. I’m not sure I can repeat what has been said [in the dressing room].” Bayliss did acknowledge West Indies’ fine bowling – especially in the first innings when Kemar Roach claimed a five-wicket haul – but felt England should have coped better throughout, especially when Roston Chase was on his way to an eight-wicket haul in the second innings. “They did bowl well, but every time a team does that we shouldn’t be expecting to get knocked over for 77,” he said. “In the second innings, the guys looked like they were trying, we made good starts but at this level you have to be able to bat longer than that. “Chase bowled a good line and a good length. He didn’t give us any easy runs to get off strike. He built that pressure up, broke down our techniques on a couple of occasions and there were some poor shots on some occasions. That adds up to eight wickets. “It’s not the first time this has happened. Every time we lose a wicket it’s the beginning of a collapse. And to be honest, I don’t know how to explain it. There’s nothing that stands out in your preparation or the lead up to the game that is any different to when we win. We have to work out what’s the difference between when we put on a partnership after losing a wicket and losing eight or nine quick ones.” The decision to omit Stuart Broad and play two spinners has been widely criticised in recent days, but Bayliss believes it was not so much the decisions that were wrong as the performances. He did suggest, however, that Broad had been missed and that his inclusion would be considered ahead of the second Test. “We made a decision in the belief that the five guys we picked would go out and bowl as well as they can do,” he said. “Unfortunately, on this occasion, they didn’t. “When we saw the wicket we were going to go with two spinners. Unfortunately, we didn’t bat well enough in the first innings to get through to the fourth or fifth day, where the two spinners could take advantage. And I think they would be disappointed [with their performance]. Chase bowled very few short balls, but we let them off with easy singles so you can’t put pressure on the batsmen. “It was down to Curran and Broad [for the final seamer]. Our gut feel was Curran as he has done well for us over the last six or seven games. It didn’t work out like that, the young bloke has had his first bad Test in his career. It won’t be his last but he’s a good young player who will learn from it. “One of his advantages of playing someone like Stuart is that he doesn’t go for too many runs, hopefully picks up some wickets, but gives us control. That stood out in this match, with only [James] Anderson and [Ben] Stokes being able to provide that line-and-length bowling and a bit of pressure on the opposition. We’ll have to revisit that in the next match.” While Bayliss celebrated the performance of Rory Burns, who made a career-best 84 in the second innings, he accepted Jennings’ struggles against seam bowling were a worry and also suggested that, in a perfect world, he would prefer to see at least one four-day, first-class games ahead of a Test series. “Burns has shown enough,” he said. “He looks like he’s been here for 20 or 30 Tests, not four. He’s still learning and will still get better. “Keaton is struggling a little bit. I’d be lying if I said we’re not worried about it and I’d be lying if I said he hadn’t been thinking about it. He’s one of the hardest workers we’ve got and he’s going to leave no stone unturned in making it better. “We prepared the same way as we did in Sri Lanka. Two two-day games. But we knew what we were going to get in Sri Lanka. Here we were a bit unsure. We were expecting it to be not as dry and go in with four seamers and one spinner. “Personally I would like to play some first-class games before the series, but you’ve only got four days scheduled, and if you want to give everyone a go, it is difficult. It’s the way of the world these days.” England fly to Antigua on Monday with the second Test starting there on Thursday. (BT)
GRAVE CALLS FOR MORE RESPECT TO BE SHOWN TO WINDIES – Chief executive officer of Cricket West Indies Johnny Grave wants more respect to be given to West Indies players. His comments have come in the wake of the regional team’s commanding win over England on Saturday, which saw them take a 1-0 lead in the three-match series. The Windies, the eighth ranked Test nation destroyed the number three rated English outfit by 381 runs inside four days at Kensington Oval on Saturday. Before the start of the opening Test match, former England batsman Geoffrey Boycott described the West Indies as “very ordinary, average cricketers”, while another former player in Andrew Flintoff said the “world’s gone mad” after West Indies captain Jason Holder made 202 not out in the second innings. However, Grave described those comments as being “borderline disrespectful” and “completely unwarranted”. “Criticism of our players and suggestions that they’re not world class is unfair. They are so dedicated. We’ve got 11 cricketers here and many more in the region who want to play Test cricket,” the CEO said. “I saw Andrew Flintoff say he can’t believe Jason Holder got a double hundred, yet I think Jason Holder is a fantastic cricketer and has been performing so fantastically over the last 18 months – a brilliant captain.” The 41-year-old Flintoff averaged 31.77 with the bat and 32.78 with the ball in his 79-Test career, while Holder is currently averaging 33.86 with the bat and 28.29 with the ball in 36 matches. (DN)
CHASE WANTED SOME GLORY – Roston Chase didn’t have to look too far for inspiration to produce a career-best eight-wicket haul that helped West Indies complete a crushing victory by 381 runs over England in the first Test yesterday at Kensington Oval. The stimulus was the outstanding performances of his teammates on the previous two days. “Yesterday, after watching those guys perform like that, I was happy for them but I was a bit jealous that it wasn’t me. So I guess that I really took my opportunity to get the spotlight on me as well in the second innings,” Chase cheekily told the media as he flashed a smile. “It was a great feeling to get career-best figures and I will just look to keep on pushing from here,” he said. “The pitch didn’t really assist me that much. I was really focusing on putting the ball where I want to put it in my area, despite what the batsmen were doing and that really paid off for me, with a little bit of variation in my speed.” (DN)
NSC OPENING LATE ON MONDAY – The National Sports Council (NSC) and all of its facilities, including the National and Netball stadia, will open at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, January 28. An official at the NSC explained that the late opening is to facilitate a staff meeting. Persons are therefore asked to conduct their business accordingly. The National Sports Council apologizes for any inconvenience this late opening may cause. (BGIS)
STATUE FOR SIR WES - Sir Garry Sobers is about to get some company outside Kensington Oval. Windies fast bowling great Sir Wes Hall seems set to be honoured yet again, as plans are in place to erect a statue bearing his likeness near to Sir Garry’s iconic monument outside the Oval by November. Former chairman of World Cup Barbados, Chris de Caires, confirmed the news yesterday as part of his initiative with Cricket Legends of Barbados to pay tribute to all of the country’s great cricketers. “If you travel the world you would see that statues are used to promote images of nation-building, and someone like Sir Wes definitely fits that profile as not just a great cricketer, but a former West Indies manager, West Indies board president, Cabinet minister and priest,” said de Caires. (DN)
BALANCING MOTHERHOOD AND BUSINESS 101 – If you told Zoë Allamby six years ago that today she would be a mum to a bouncing, adventurous and beautiful baby girl while managing a booming make-up line, she wouldn’t have believed you. But today she’s doing it and she’s doing it well. Zoë is mother to Nala, a bubbly nine-month-old baby girl. She has also now started her make-up line CaribBeauty. Known to many as a model and as YouTuber, Zoe, who now lives in Delaware, said her life as it is now came as a quite a shock, especially becoming a mum. “Nala was one big surprise to us all. My husband Alan and I had plans for a child maybe around 30 or so or when we were more settled because we just moved up to Delaware for one of his jobs. Life happened; it was very unexpected but we just rolled with it and embraced it as it went on,” the 26-year-old said. The make-up line started just before Nala came into the picture but began booming when it was time to raise her new daughter. “CaribBeauty started out as a single highlighter ZoGlow, and when I was developing that Nala wasn’t in the picture. After the highlighter launched and did well, the lipsticks came, then I had Nala so I had to take a break. But I’m now back full force and distributing in the United States as well as Barbados,” she said. Zoë said since getting back into the game, her line has been doing well. (DN)
CHEERS FOR NEW BISHOP - A fanfare and loud cheers heralded the ordination and consecration yesterday of the new Anglican Bishop of Barbados. But the man of the moment, Reverend Michael Maxwell, shook his head in what appeared to be disbelief as hundreds of Anglicans rejoiced and welcomed their new leader after a lengthy and acrimonious election process that threatened to divide the church. It was just after 5:30 p.m. that visiting regional bishops removed the raiments of Maxwell’s former position and garbed him in the robes of the office as the 14th Bishop of Barbados. In a ceremony in the Gymnasium of the Garfield Sobers Sports Complex, attended by Governor-General Dame Sandra Mason, Chief Justice Sir Marston Gibson, members of the Cabinet, former Prime Minister Freundel Stuart and current senators, including the Barbados Workers’ Union general secretary Senator Toni Moore, the visiting bishops anointed his head; gave him the staff with which to lead the flock; slid the ring on his finger and placed the mitre on his head. (DN)
For daily or breaking news reports follow us on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter & Facebook. That’s all for today folks. There are 337 days left in the year. Shalom! #thechasefilesdailynewscap #thechasefiles# dailynewscapsbythechasefiles
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Domestic Life
F/F Domestic plotless drabble for Bottom Erwin Week 2017 Day 1... a couple days late. There’s a brief mention of sex toys and allusions to sex. AO3 version here.
Since they started living together, Erwin has learned several things about her girlfriend:
Erwin always thought that Levi would be one of those people who were a bit grumpy in the mornings, but she quickly discovered shortly after they moved in together that that was not the case. No, Levi was straight-up unresponsive until downing at least two over-steeped cups of black tea, bitterness be damned.
Levi will smack Erwin's butt at least once every morning (post-tea). Erwin isn't sure if Levi has a thing for it or not, frankly; she always does it with a deadpan.
Without fail, Levi dutifully washes the sheets every Sunday, claiming that the frequency prevents bacterial buildup. Also without fail, Levi never, ever makes her bed. When Erwin sent Levi an article that suggested making the bed improves daily productivity, Levi just scoffed and called the article "complete and utter bullshit." Levi is by all accounts tidy, but, evidently, only so far as it's practical.
Speaking of which, Levi has an incredible sense of aesthetics - or rather, a lack of one. None of the household items she buys match one another, and Erwin once had to physically wrestle a mug decorated with neon plaid out of Levi's hands ("It's on clearance, Erwin!"). Getting Levi to wear matching clothing in non-professional settings -- including dates -- was an even bigger challenge.
Sitting across from Levi at their small dining table during breakfast is a dangerous ordeal. Erwin was nearly late for work at least three times because Levi "accidentally" rested her foot on Erwin's chair. Between Erwin's legs.
Sitting across from Levi during dinner is. Better. Mostly because they rarely have commitments during the evening.
Erwin doesn’t know how, but Levi is somehow friends with several of the neighborhood crows. Erwin later learned that they were actually crows who hung out at Levi’s previous residence, but followed Levi to her new home after Levi moved in with Erwin. Now, Erwin couldn’t help but treat Levi extra nicely every time they’re in their lawn, to Levi’s amusement and chagrin (”You’re acting as if the damn birds are your in-laws, Erwin.”).
Levi collects dildos. Erwin is sure half of them have never been used, and is unsure if Levi actually intends to use them all at some point. Erwin hoped not; some of them were definitely too large for the harness o-rings they currently own.
Levi has a black belt in at least three martial arts and will not hesitate to demonstrate if a man catcalls her on her way back from work.
Levi doesn't mind it when Erwin decides to sprawl across her lap after a long day at work. She just places her laptop on Erwin's back instead of her lap and continues doing whatever she was originally doing. She does start to protest if Erwin moves around too much though, and may swat her butt in annoyance.
...ok, she probably has a thing for Erwin's butt.
#bottomerwinweek2017#eruri#levi ackerman#bottom erwin#erwin smith#snk#cisswap? one of them is a trans woman? both are trans women?#doesn't matter in this fic#all up to the reader's interpretation#i just want some F/F and 'she' pronouns
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Day 3: Submission
Content warning for: piercings, blood, flesh hook pull, face slapping
Levi pulled in the parking space and put his kickstand down. He leaned back away from the handlebars and turned off his motorcycle.
When Levi pulled off his helmet, he looked up at the red neon sign of the club which spelled out the word BEND. The outside didn't match the inside, and that's why Levi liked the place. It was just a plain warehouse. But the inside mattered. Inside the building was everything he wanted.
Levi lifted his leg and climbed down from the motorcycle. He attached his keys to his left belt loop with a carabiner and put his helmet under his arm. Walking up to the steps that led to the front door, Levi took a glance down at his boots. They were filthy, just like he promised they would be. It had taken all of his willpower not to clean them, but it was worth it. It would be worth it.
Stepping up the few steps, Levi adjusted his helmet under his arm, pulled out his wallet and showed his I.D. to Liam, the security guard standing next to the door. Liam took a fast look at it just for the sake of protocol, even glanced at Levi's boots, at the mud and grime, before he handed the I.D. back.
“Welcome back,” Liam said. Levi nodded to him, and Liam reached out and grabbed the handle of the door. When he opened the door, the seal of the soundproofing was broken and music escaped, rushing past Levi, bass shaking the door on its hinges.
Levi stepped into the club, and Liam shut the door behind him. Just inside the door was a young woman sitting at the receptionist table. Levi showed his I.D. to her too. Amna glanced at it before she gave it back. He pointed at the clipboard. She gave it to him, and he looked at the schedule. The room that he specifically wanted was still available, and he marked down that he wanted it until the club closed. When he handed it back to Amna, she looked at what he had marked, and she nodded. Levi dug the cash out of his wallet and paid the cover charge and for the room.
He hadn't noticed how hard his heart had been thumping in his chest until she gave him the room key. Levi reached over and attached the room key to his carabiner on the left. He looked back at her to see if there was any more business that they needed to handle. Amna just smiled, gave him a nod, not able to speak over the loud music. Levi nodded back at her, and he turned to go through the door to the inner section of the club.
When Levi opened the door, he took time to let his eyes adjust to the dimmer light before he stepped in. Several scenes were happening all at once. In the far corner, he saw that two bottoms were on the medical tables, and he could see that the tops playing the role of doctors were attempting to tickle the bottoms to death. Levi raised his eyebrows. He had been going to the club for a few months, but he hadn't seen any tickle fetish until that point.
Levi stepped farther into the room and closed the door behind him. The lighting was good, dim but not so dim that tops couldn't see the bottoms. He took a faster look around the room. Everyone was wearing leathers, like Erwin said they would be. Silk corsets and fishnet had taken a back seat to leather boots, chaps, vests, covers or caps. Denim and cotton covered what leather didn't. And the smell of leather polish was thick.
Reminded of what he really wanted, Levi turned his head to the right and looked. And there he was. Golden hair, watching the scenes that were happening, illuminated by the special lights he set up around his shoe shine chair.
Levi swallowed. He wanted him. And tonight he was going to get what he had waited for so patiently.
So Levi stepped forward, walking towards Erwin's area, and Erwin turned when he saw the motion. Erwin's face lit up with a wide smile, and he stood from the little stool. Levi lifted the sides of his mouth, giving him a small smile. Erwin looked so excited and happy.
Erwin lifted his hand and waved. Levi didn't wave back, just closed the distance between them.
When their boots were only inches apart, Levi looked up at Erwin and studied the different shades of blue moving through Erwin's irises. They were stunning. Erwin lifted his hand again and started signing.
Your boots are filthy
I promised, Levi signed back. Erwin stepped back and held his hands out toward the shoe shine chair, inviting Levi up. Levi stepped up to the chair, turned and sat down, before he lifted his boots and put them on the foot rests. Erwin sat down on his little stool and rolled over closer to Levi's boots. He put his hands on them, and just watching it, Levi felt heat shoot down to his cock. Erwin's hands were gorgeous, even on dirty leather.
Erwin tilted his head, looking at the dirt, mud, grime, and he lifted his eyes to Levi's, a wide smile spreading his lips. Levi put his elbow on the arm rest of the chair and rested his chin in his palm. Erwin laughed, but Levi couldn't hear it over the music. He could only focus on the joy in Erwin's eyes.
Erwin lifted his hand.
I'll fix them, he signed. Levi nodded.
Erwin immediately went to work. And Levi couldn't focus on what Erwin was doing to his boots anymore. He only saw the way that Erwin pulled on his black latex gloves, and how the veins in his forearms bulged when he flexed them. He looked at Erwin's golden chest hairs pushing past his leather vest, and Levi's eyes wandered farther down to the trail of hair leading below Erwin's leather belt. His mouth watered again, and he swallowed heavier.
Levi lifted his eyes back to the scenes that were happening. Nothing too interesting to him was happening at the moment, but he settled his eyes on one top that was whipping a woman attached to a cross. The top was using a bullwhip. The crack of the whip was audible over the music, and Levi widened his eyes at the pretty red slash that showed up across the woman's back. Her skin was already red from everything else that had been done to her, but the slice of whip showed up bright white before it deepened into red again.
He felt a tap on his boot. Levi looked down at Erwin, who had already finished cleaning up one boot. Erwin lifted his hand.
If they start, and I don't notice, will you tell me?
I won't let you miss it.
Thank you.
Levi smiled down at him, and Erwin went back to work. With a deep inhale, Levi tried to settle the anticipation in his gut. More than anything, he wanted to hear Erwin's voice.
The first night that Levi saw Erwin, he thought that Erwin was deaf because he was using American Sign Language to talk to another club member. And it surprised him. The woman that Erwin was talking to sat down and had her boots shined. When Erwin was done, she handed him a twenty dollar bill, and he put it in his wallet. That intrigued Levi even more. He went to Erwin's shoe shine chair even though he wasn't wearing boots.
Are you deaf?
Erwin laughed.
I've never had anyone ask so bluntly before.
Levi didn't sign back.
No. I teach deaf children.
Levi raised his eyebrows.
One of my foster sister's was deaf, Levi signed.
What's your name?
Levi spelled out his name. Erwin spelled out his in return.
It's nice to meet you, Levi.
You like leather?
Erwin nodded and looked down at Levi's black tennis shoes. Levi looked at Erwin's set up, then back up at Erwin.
What's the money for? Levi asked.
I'm saving up money to go to Southwest Leather Conference for the Southwest Bootblack Contest.
Levi nodded his head as if he had any idea what Erwin was talking about.
Are you good?
Erwin laughed again, and Levi thought he could hear some of it over the music. But he wasn't sure.
I like to think so, Erwin signed back, still shaking with laughter.
I'll wear leather next time.
It would be my pleasure to work on it, Erwin signed. Levi thought he saw some sort of glitter in Erwin's eyes, but he couldn't be sure.
He wore his boots every time he visited the club after that. The first time, he cleaned them before hand, and he noticed Erwin finished too quickly. When he asked about it, Erwin said that he liked dirty boots better. Levi cringed, but he said he could make sure they were dirty next time.
So Levi always wore dirty boots when he went to the club. Sometimes he purposely went out and fucked up his boots before he drove to the club. And he gave Erwin money every time for his service. After five times of getting his boots shined, Erwin asked if they could start messaging online, and Levi agreed.
In the first message that Levi received, Erwin asked if they could do a scene together, including some form of sex. Negotiations started. References were exchanged and checked. Test results were shared. The night had come.
Levi's eyes focused again when he noticed that Erwin had brought the polish out.
He lifted his eyes from Erwin and looked around the club. Erwin said that he wanted to watch the hook pull scene. Levi knew what they were, but he had never seen one in person. There were several large support poles in the warehouse, and there were poles that had been added which weren't load bearing. All of them had hard points installed, and Levi wondered how it would look. In his research, he found that sometimes people were hooked together and pulled away. Other times, they were attached to a pole, the way the Native Americans had done it.
Levi looked back down at Erwin, and his boots looked so much better already that he would have been satisfied if Erwin didn't go any farther. But Erwin wouldn't stop until he could see his reflection in the toes of the boots. Erwin titled his head again, checking all of the tiny details, looking at the yellow lacing in Levi's boots. He pressed his thumb against the lacing and rubbed. Erwin shook his head, and Levi wondered what was going on in there. He hadn't heard Erwin's voice, and he could never tell what was going on in Erwin's mind. But when he was working on boots, he seemed completely absorbed in the work, wanting to do everything correctly. Levi admired that.
When he looked up again, he saw that an old man, with long white hair and a white beard was standing near one of the poles and talking to a tan young woman with plenty of tattoos and prominent freckles. The old man had a tackle box in his hand. Levi furrowed his eyebrows, and then the young woman took off her leather vest, handing it to her partner, a short young woman with blond hair.
Levi looked down at Erwin, who was working on his right boot then. Levi tapped his left boot, and Erwin looked up. Levi pointed in the direction of the pole, and Erwin turned to look. For a few moments, Erwin just stared. Then he turned around, looked up at Levi and signed.
They'll take a while to set up. Would you tell me when he opens the tackle box?
Levi nodded and adjusted in the chair to be more comfortable. Erwin waited until he stopped moving before he leaned back down over the boots.
Levi watched the older man gesturing at the young woman's chest, and she seemed to be listening intently, nodding, focusing on what he was saying, hands on her hips. He tapped his foot again. When Erwin looked up, Levi looked down at him.
Why did you want to watch this?
Erwin smiled and shrugged.
I've seen a hook pull before, but I've only ever seen Ymir give pain, not take it.
Ymir is the woman talking to the old man?
Levi nodded then.
The little blond girl is hers?
Yes. That's Historia.
Levi had to watch carefully while Erwin spelled out the girls name. Without responding, Levi lifted his eyes and looked back across the room at the group that was gathering around Ymir and Historia. All of the leather vests had different patches or symbols on the back. Motorcycle clubs, Leather Houses, Leather Families, Title Holders. These were Erwin's people, not his. But something about the way that they spoke to each other, their body posture, was appealing. Levi could understand why Erwin identified with the Leather crowd. There hadn't been much time to discuss much of their kinky history, but Levi hoped, knew, that if the night went well they would have plenty of time for it. The anticipation was attempting to morph into anxiety, but he wanted to keep a firm hold on it. Erwin had good references, people who had known him for years. The concerns that he had about the scene they had negotiated would probably be unfounded.
But there was always a chance. Subcultures, especially deviant ones, attracted a lot of different people. Erwin could be undercover batshit. Levi winced when he thought about it.
Levi looked back down at his boots, and Erwin was already running the flame of a lighter over the toes. He was fast. The boots looked like shit when Levi had walked inside the building, and Erwin made them pass for almost new but well loved. While the polish was cooling down, Erwin took a bright yellow China Marker and started coloring the laces along the top of the sole of the boots. Levi grinned. Watching Erwin concentrate was beautiful, the way his thick eyebrows pulled together in dedication and commitment.
Turning back to the scene across the room, Levi narrowed his eyes when he saw that the old man and Ymir were still talking. He felt like something as important as a hook pull should be negotiated well beforehand. Maybe he was just picky. Levi felt Erwin begin to brush his boots.
Finally, the old man nodded, and Ymir nodded back. They hugged, and Levi didn't understand why. Ymir looked over to Historia and said something. Historia walked away quickly, focused on a task. The old man turned to speak to an elderly woman which Levi hadn't noticed until that moment. The elderly woman walked away from him, executing her own task. Levi smiled. He appreciated the older generation, with their lack of technology and extreme secrecy that had to be maintained when kink was still a diagnosis. He was glad that he never had to put up with that bullshit.
Historia came back and set a chair behind Ymir. Ymir leaned down close to Historia's ear, probably whispering something, and Levi liked the way that Historia's shoulders bunched up in embarrassment. When Ymir leaned away, she was smiling. Historia smiled back. The old man's wife came back with an entire roll of paper towels, taken from the social area.
Ymir took off her bra, handed it to Historia, and sat down in the chair. The old man opened his tackle box.
Levi looked down at Erwin's progress, and he could see that Erwin was just being nit picky about the leather. It was something that happened almost every time that Levi sat in the shoe shine chair. Levi tapped the boot that Erwin wasn't inspecting, and Erwin looked up, smiling at him. Levi pointed.
Erwin's eyes lingered on him for a moment longer than necessary before he turned around on his little stool. He stretched his back, and Levi watched the curves that presented themselves when Erwin moved that way. The excitement from earlier returned, and he had trouble taking his eyes off Erwin.
The fast and heavy music didn't match the slow scene. The old man put on gloves first, the same kind that Erwin used for boot blacking. And he strapped a surgical mask to his face, adjusting his big glasses around them. Then, he pulled out several small packages from his tackle box and stood. He showed them to Ymir, and she pointed to one. After that, he leaned back down over the tackle box and replaced three packages and took out three more.
The old man gave three of the packages to the elderly woman and kept one. He opened it, and Levi realized that it was the type of package that they kept piercing supplies in for tattoo shops. The old man pulled out a large hook, the type of hook that you would see on a deep sea fishing boat but without the barb, and Levi swallowed. Ymir opened her mouth, and the old man put his fingers and one hook inside her mouth. Levi saw the skin of Ymir's cheek bulge for a single moment before the hook pushed through. Ymir didn't even wince. Levi raised his eyebrows.
Piercings didn't bother him, but he wasn't willing to let someone put a hook through his cheek either. The old man took his hands out of Ymir's mouth, pulled out another hook, and put the hook through Ymir's opposite cheek.
The elderly woman put on gloves and began helping him. She opened the next package for him, and he took the hook. He pinched a huge section of skin from Ymir's chest and she winced, asked her a question, and she nodded. Levi could tell when the hook made contact with her skin. Ymir didn't flinch but he saw the old man's hands tighten, the bulge of skin on Ymir's chest just above her breast, and in his imagination, he heard the pop of skin when the hook made its way through. When the old man released Ymir's skin, the hook stood erect from her chest rather than dropping down like Levi expected.
Erwin turned around to look at Levi. Levi tried not to looked bothered, but he was. It was way more intense than anything he had ever seen.
Are you alright?
What the fuck?
Erwin just laughed, the light dancing in his eyes perfectly of course.
It's extreme, Erwin signed. Some people love it.
Levi shook his head.
Do you like it?
I wouldn't mind trying it one day, Erwin signed back. But only if that Leather Master was the one to give me the hooks.
Where's his cover?
He wears it for special events.
Putting hooks in a woman's face and chest isn't fucking special enough?
He does this a few times a month for different people.
Levi raised his eyebrows, and Erwin just smiled back at him. Erwin shrugged and turned back to the scene.
They missed the insertion of the second hook, and Levi was glad. The Leather Master attached ropes to the ends of Ymir's hooks and attached the other end of the ropes to the hard points of the pole. Ymir stood from her chair. The Leather Master stepped closer to her, looking at her hooks. Historia came by with paper towels, dabbing up blood from Ymir's face and chest. When some of the blood was cleaned up, Historia moved the chair away from Ymir. Ymir started to step away from the pole, and Levi realized that nothing he had seen online could match seeing it in real life.
Ymir stepped back until the hooks began to pull her skin, closed her eyes, and she leaned back a bit farther, rocking back and forth, feeling the pull and release of the hooks. Levi squirmed in the shoe shine chair. It looked so fucking painful, and Ymir didn't seem bothered at all. She even opened her eyes and smiled at Historia, who was standing near by. Ymir was shaking with what Levi could only imagine was excitement. None of it made sense. He looked down at Erwin, but Erwin seemed really far away, completely taken by the scene.
Levi lifted his boot from the foot rest and tapped Erwin's bicep with the toe. Erwin turned around, glanced down at the boot with a smile, and looked up at Levi again. The question that Levi had suddenly seemed less important. Even if he didn't understand what he had seen, Erwin seemed to get something out of it. And that proved to Levi that Erwin was definitely unusual. Erwin didn't wait for the question that Levi had forgotten.
That's all there is to it. She'll pull until she decides that she's done or when the Leather Master tells her enough, and then they'll take the hooks out.
Why did she have them put in her cheeks too?
Erwin shrugged.
Personal preference.
Levi didn't look away from Erwin. When Erwin's gaze dropped from Levi's eyes, down the rest of his body, Levi felt like he knew what Erwin was going to say next.
Did you buy a room?
Levi nodded.
Could we go now?
Levi looked down at his boots.
Did you finish?
Erwin nodded.
Let's go, Levi signed.
Erwin stood from his stool and began pushing his things out of the way, not even putting them away properly before he stood out of the way of the shoe shine chair. Levi pulled his feet from the foot rests and stepped down the shoe shine chair. When his boots were on the floor again, he looked down at them. They didn't even look like the same shoes anymore.
Levi lifted his gaze up to Erwin, who was smiling down at him softly. The look made Levi's insides squirm. He hadn't felt butterflies in his stomach for years. But Erwin made them flutter.
Stepping forward, Levi turned his gaze to the staircase that led up to the private rooms. He avoided looking over at the hook pull scene again, and only once, he turned his head to make sure that Erwin was following him. From the corner of his eye, he caught the sight of Erwin's vest and the chest hair beyond it. He turned his eyes back to the staircase before he started ascending.
The anticipation only built while they walked up the stairs, and when they reached the top of the platform, Levi thought his knees would give out. He wanted Erwin so badly, and he hadn't been willing to admit how badly until they were walking towards the room. He was going to hear Erwin's voice for the first time. A few times, Erwin asked if they could talk on the phone, and Levi always said no. He hoped that Erwin knew it was because he wanted to wait until they were in person to hear each other rather than thinking Levi was just flexing his Dom muscle.
At the door to the room, Levi pulled his keys from his belt loop and put the key to the room in the lock. He opened the door, reached in and turned on the light which streamed from two bright lamps in either corner of the room, and pushed the door all the way open. There were hardwood floors, the exact thing that he wanted. The room was wider than he expected, but that was fine. Levi stepped inside, and held the door for Erwin. Erwin stepped inside the room and didn't look around much before he went directly to the bathroom to the right.
Levi closed the door to the room and locked it. All of the sound from the club was muffled. He twisted the doorknob to make sure the lock worked. It did. Erwin turned on the bathroom light and stepped inside, not closing the door. Levi heard the snap of the latex gloves, and the faucet. Erwin was washing his hands, and Levi decided that he liked Erwin even more than he originally thought.
Looking around the room, Levi was glad that he had guessed the set up. The bed was in the center of the room. It was was a nice and big canopy bed with a black bedspread, but he didn't plan on using it unless Erwin wanted it for aftercare. There was a table with two nice, red velvet, arm chairs to the left and Levi walked over to it. He put his keys on the little round table, and looked at the chairs. He had known how he wanted to set up the room for a while, and he was curious what Erwin would say.
Levi grabbed one of the arm chairs and lifted it. He carried it from the left side of the room to the right and set the back of it against the wall. Erwin walked out of the bathroom, turning off the light, and watched Levi move. When Levi set the chair down, he adjusted it, just because he could. He turned around and looked at the other side of the room. Even though the room was wider than he expected, he was glad.
Then, he looked at Erwin, who was still looking at him. Levi glanced back down to his boots, the toes looked shiny in the light, and he looked back to Erwin.
“Not bad,” Levi said. Erwin's eyes widened, and he smiled.
“I like your voice, Levi.”
“I like you, Erwin,” Levi said. Erwin looked surprised, and he almost looked like he was going to take a step back. There weren't many times that Levi felt like he had said the exact right thing at the right time, but Erwin had really set it up for him. Erwin smiled at him, and Levi walked over to him. “I know we negotiated already, but we’re going to do it again.”
“Alright,” Erwin said. Levi stood in front of him and looked up. He liked Erwin's height, his build, how he looked so big when they were on even footing.
“You're going to start on the opposite side of the room,” Levi said. “You're going to soldier crawl over to this chair that I've set here. And I'm going to make it difficult for you to get across the room.” Erwin nodded. “If you make it to the chair without coming, you can blow me.” Erwin blushed, and Levi grinned up at him. “What did you tell me that you wanted?” Erwin broke eye contact, even looked embarrassed for a moment.
“Pain from your hands and your boots.”
“Specifically?” Levi asked. Erwin swallowed, and his blue eyes returned back to Levi's gray eyes.
“Specifically, face slapping,” Erwin said. Levi nodded.
“What are your colors and what do they mean?”
“Green for keep going. Yellow for a break. Red for stop.”
“Have you ever forgotten your safe words before?”
“No,” Erwin said. Levi nodded.
“Alright,” Levi said. “When you're ready to start, you can take off your vest and boots, put your vest on the bed, your boots under the bed, and you can go to the other side of the room and lay down. For this scene, you can will me sir, and I'll call you by your name or boy.” Levi waited, and he watched Erwin's eyes look him over. “Questions?” Erwin shook his head. “I can't hear you.”
“I don't have any questions, sir,” Erwin said.
“Lean down here,” Levi said. Erwin leaned down, and Levi leaned up farther. He wrapped his hands around the back of Erwin's neck, tilted his head, and pressed their lips together. When he felt Erwin's hands on his hips, pulling him forward, Levi let it happen. Erwin's hands grabbed him tightly, and Levi opened his mouth. He pressed his tongue against Erwin's bottom lip and licked. Erwin parted his lips, pressed his tongue Levi's, and Levi's spine tingled when he heard Erwin gasp. He pressed his tongue farther into Erwin's mouth, exploring pushing against him, and Erwin's hold on him tightened.
Suddenly, Levi pulled back, and opened his eyes. He wanted to see Erwin that way. Erwin closed his mouth, his cheeks flushed, and when he opened his eyes, they were darker than Levi remembered. Swallowing, Levi stepped back, and Erwin let go, reluctantly.
Levi tilted his head in the direction of the bed.
Erwin smiled, walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of the mattress. He pulled at his boot laces so quickly that they slapped against his hands. Levi sat down in the chair on the right side of the room and watched Erwin. He could see that Erwin was shaking. The anticipation that Levi had felt earlier had subsided. Erwin seemed like he was ready.
When Erwin pulled his boots off, he pushed them under the bed with his feet and slipped out of his vest, dropping it to the bed. Erwin stood from the bed and walked to the opposite side of the room from Levi. He laid down on the hardwood floor, and Levi waited for him to adjust.
“You know what a soldier crawl is,” Levi said.
“Yes, sir,” Erwin said, looking up from the floor. Levi took a few moments to simply look at the big man on the floor. The surrender.
“Show me,” Levi said. He stood from the chair. Erwin put one forearm out and used it to support himself while he pulled up the opposite knee and moved forward. “If you raise up past a certain point, I'm going to hurt you until you hit the floor.” Levi walked over to the opposite side of the room while Erwin was still crawling.
When Erwin made it to a certain point, Levi straddled Erwin's hips, leaned down and pressed his fingers into the pressure point between two of Erwin's right ribs. Erwin hissed and leaned away from the hand, naturally. Levi pressed the pressure points between the same two ribs on Erwin's left side, doubling the pain, leaving Erwin no room to go in either direction. Erwin gasped before he cried out, and Levi started strumming the nerves. The cries of pain intensified before they settled into gentle gasps and moans.
Erwin leaned into Levi's right hand, and Levi raised his eyebrows. He let go of the points, and Erwin instantly started crawling forward, even trying to move faster. Levi grabbed Erwin's right bicep and found the pressure point between his muscles. Erwin growled and tried to twist away from him, but Levi put his hand on the back of Erwin's neck, holding him in place. The growl turned into laughter, and Levi smiled.
“Pain slut,” Levi said. The words, what they meant, made Levi's cock twitch. He was already half hard, and they had just started. He let go of Erwin's arm, and Erwin didn't immediately start crawling again.
Levi seized the moment, and grabbed Erwin's left arm, rolling him over. He had to move while Erwin rolled to make sure that Erwin didn't knock him over, but he was quick. Erwin was looking at the ceiling before he even registered that he had been rolled over. Levi grabbed both of Erwin's hips and dug his thumb against the nerves that ran right by the hip bone. He pressed the nerves into Erwin's bones and strummed them with his thumbs. Rather than growling and trying to get away, Erwin gasped, moaned, and leaned into Levi's hands. Levi lifted his gaze from Erwin's hip bones and looked at Erwin's face. He was already flushed red down to his neck, and he raised his hands to his hair.
Taking his thumbs away from Erwin's hips, Levi watched while Erwin gasped for air. Pressure point and nerve pain was intense and fast. The recovery period was short, but it gave some bottoms a sense of being drunk. Erwin had asked for them and seemed to really like them.
Levi put his weight on his left foot, raised his right boot, and pressed it onto Erwin's erection through his blue jeans. He gradually added weight to his right foot. At first, Erwin was trying to press up into his boot, but then, Erwin stopped and bit his bottom lip. Levi guessed that was his pain threshold making itself known. It was impressive. Rather than adding more pressure, Levi started grinding his boot against Erwin's cock, and Erwin's back arched instantly. Erwin lifted his hands, grabbed Levi's boot, and Levi braced himself for Erwin to push it off. Instead Erwin dragged his fingernails down the laces, digging his fingertips into the edge of the boot. He held Levi's boot in place, still trying to raise his hips, and Levi had to balance himself on his left foot while Erwin moved. But it was a glorious sight. Levi's eyes widened while he moved his boot against Erwin's hard cock. He swallowed, feeling the tingling in his own cock start to intensify. Watching Erwin respond to his boot made him hard. But he couldn't do that for much longer.
When Levi started to lift his boot away from Erwin's lap, Erwin briefly looked disappointed, and Levi smiled. Erwin still hadn't opened his eyes, and Levi straddled him again. Then, he dropped to his knees, settling his knees on either side of Erwin's stomach. Erwin opened his eyes halfway, and Levi focused on the glassy look of Erwin's eyes.
Levi reached down between his legs, found Erwin's belt and pulled it from its buckle.
“Sir,” Erwin breathed.
“Nothing,” Erwin said. “I like saying it.”
“Say it all you want.”
Levi pulled Erwin's belt apart, and then, he unbuttoned, unzipped Erwin's jeans. Erwin's breath was coming faster, and Levi felt like maybe Erwin had forgotten the objective. He pushed the opening of Erwin's jeans open, and he ran his left hand gently over Erwin's cock through his cotton boxer-briefs. Levi smiled and breathed out a gentle laugh.
“You're big,” Levi whispered.
“Thank you, sir.”
Levi squeezed Erwin's cock. Erwin's lips parted on a gasp, his eyebrows furrowed, he pressed into Levi's hand, pushed his hands into his hair, even whimpered. “Put your hands down.” Erwin dropped his hands to the floor. Levi stopped caressing Erwin's cock, lifted his right hand, and slapped Erwin's face so hard that his head turned to the side and he gasped.
Levi squeezed Erwin's cock, and Erwin shuddered under him, releasing a deep moan, his hips jerking under Levi.
“Thank you, sir,” Erwin said, another moan following the words. Levi pushed his hand under Erwin's underwear, savoring the heat, spreading the precome around Erwin's head with the tips of his fingers. Erwin's hips trembled, and Levi reared his right hand back again, slapping Erwin harder than earlier. He saw spit fly out of his mouth. When Erwin gasped for air, Levi squeezed his cock again. “Fuck,” Erwin choked. Levi smiled. He liked hearing Erwin curse. Levi wrapped his hand around Erwin's head and stroked once. “Yellow-”
Levi took his hand away. Erwin hadn't opened his eyes, but Levi still stood up over him, not wanting to touch him if he really needed a break so suddenly. When Levi felt like he had given Erwin enough space, he lowered his hands to his sides.
“You almost came?” Levi asked. Erwin nodded, but couldn't open his eyes, was still catching his breath. Levi tilted his head, smiling down at Erwin. He looked like he was in pain, but it seemed to be from the orgasm self-denial.
Between Levi's legs, Erwin slowly rolled over onto his side, carefully rolled over onto his stomach again, and started crawling. Levi lifted his eyebrows. Erwin was full of surprises. He was still trying to get to the chair after all of that. He admired the determination.
Levi didn't move while he watched Erwin crawl away, still maintaining the soldier's position, not raising his body too high, but he held his hips higher. His jeans were slowly slipping down, and Levi watched while they wiggled down every time Erwin moved. When Erwin was almost away from him, Levi reached down to Erwin's ankle, dragged him back two inches.
For a moment, Erwin was still, probably confused, but he started crawling again. Again, when he reached a certain point, Levi grabbed him by the ankle and dragged him back two inches. He couldn't help but smile. Erwin paused again, like he was waiting on something else that didn't come. Levi knew that he shouldn't fuck with him too much, but it was fun while it lasted.
Levi walked around Erwin to his right side, and Erwin started crawling again, eyes focused on the chair. Erwin was crawling slower than Levi expected that he would, but he was making progress.
Rather than waiting, Levi went over to the chair and sat down, spread his legs, and waited. When Erwin saw him waiting, he started crawling faster, and Levi grinned. Erwin was a lot of fun. And he obviously wanted to get his reward.
When Erwin was a couple of inches from the chair, Levi reached down and pulled his own belt from the buckle. He unbuttoned, unzipped his jeans, lifted his hips from the chair slightly, pushed his jeans and underwear down. Erwin lifted his eyes from the floor and looked up as far as he could. Levi leaned his head back, wrapped his head around his cock, started stroking himself. He sighed, and he heard the sounds of Erwin dragging across the floor, faster. He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, still moving his hand but waiting.
Levi felt Erwin's hands on his knees, and he looked down at Erwin. Erwin's blue eyes were looking directly at his cock. Levi took his hand away, and Erwin opened his mouth, pressing his tongue to the underside of Levi's cock and licking a hot stripe from base to tip. Levi closed his eyes, curled his toes in his boots, and he gripped the arms of the chair.
Erwin lifted himself up to his knees, and he wrapped his mouth around the head of Levi's cock, working up saliva in his mouth until it was dripping between his lips. The movements of Erwin's tongue against Levi's head made him writhe in the chair, but he stopped moving when Erwin slipped down farther. Levi's eyebrows pinched together, and he sighed. He lifted his right hand and pushed his fingers into Erwin's hair, pulling. Erwin moaned around him, and Levi stopped pulling his hair.
“Make me come, boy,” Levi breathed. He slid his fingers through Erwin's hair, and Erwin dipped his head farther down. Levi returned his hand back to the arm of the chair, and he dug his fingernails into the velvet. Erwin's mouth was hot, hotter than he expected, and he could already feel the back of Erwin's throat. But Erwin didn't seem to be in a rush. Levi expected Erwin to try and rush, but he was barely sucking yet. He was just slicking Levi's cock up with his mouth.
Levi felt Erwin's swallow, the soft tissue of this throat pressing against his head, and his left foot dug into the floor in response. Levi's back arched from the chair barely, and Erwin pulled up, sucking the whole way. Erwin pulled his mouth away from Levi's cock, dropped down lower and took one of Levi's balls into his mouth, running his tongue against it, sucking on it.
“Shit,” Levi breathed. Erwin opened his mouth, put his tongue against Levi's base and licked up his cock again. Levi felt Erwin's mouth wrap around him again, sucking harder this time, and when Erwin started sliding his mouth up and down his cock, Levi thought he could lift out of the chair. He squeezed his eyes shut tighter, gasped for air, pushed his fingers into Erwin's hair again, pulled, and groaned when he felt Erwin moan around his cock again. “Just like that.” Levi arched into Erwin's mouth, and Erwin met his eagerness. Levi gritted his teeth once, gasped, shuddered, and came down Erwin's throat with a low sigh from his chest. Erwin went still, and swallowed once, which made Levi's hips jerk. There wasn't even a slight gag, and Levi sagged down into the chair when he was spent.
When Erwin didn't pull his mouth away immediately, Levi reached out and gently pushed at his shoulder. Erwin caught the intention, and he slid his mouth up Levi's softening cock once more before he released it. Levi kept his eyes closed, catching his breath. He didn't expect Erwin would be so good at giving head, but he felt like he should have guessed. Levi licked his lips, opened his eyes, looked down at Erwin, who was looking up at him, expectantly, but not necessarily begging.
“Show me, Erwin,” Levi said. Erwin sagged against the chair, resting his head against Levi's thigh.
“Thank you, sir,” Erwin said. Levi tilted his head, resting it against the back of the chair while he watched Erwin's right arm begin to move. He couldn't see what Erwin was doing to himself, but he could see all of the parts he wanted.
Erwin grinded his forehead into Levi's thigh, breathing in short bursts, trembling, and Levi could see Erwin's hips thrusting forward into his hand and pulling back again. Levi smiled and ran his fingers through Erwin's hair. Erwin took a big breath.
“Please pull, sir,” Erwin said, his voice broken. Levi made a fist in Erwin's blond hair and pulled. Erwin let out a harsh groan into Levi's thigh, and Levi's eyelids fluttered at the sound. Erwin made such pretty noises. He slowly released his grip, and Erwin's arm was moving faster. Levi could hear the sounds of skin on skin. He leaned forward in the chair, put his hand to one side of Erwin's face, and lifted Erwin's head.
When Levi lifted Erwin's face to his, Erwin opened his eyes, just barely, looked at Levi with eyes a much darker blue than Levi imagined, closed his eyes again and his jaw dropped, eyebrows furrowed. Erwin's face flushed a hot red, and he gasped for air, trembling under Levi's hand.
“Good boy, Erwin,” Levi said quietly. Erwin gasped twice, quickly, and he stopped moving completely. Levi smiled and took his hand away. Erwin leaned forward and rested his face on Levi's thigh, catching his breath.
Levi leaned his head back against the chair and closed his eyes. He felt Erwin move. He opened his eyes, and realized that Erwin was just adjusting so he wasn't on his knees anymore, settling for resting on his hip to give his knees a break. Levi closed his eyes, and when he felt Erwin's head nuzzling against his hand, he pushed his fingers into Erwin's hair again. He carded his fingers through the blond locks repeatedly, and that's when he noticed that the muffled sounds of the club were still outside the door. For their entire scene, everything else had been lost, forgotten.
“Feeling okay?” Levi asked. Erwin was quiet long enough that Levi opened his eyes.
“Yes, sir.” Levi smiled. He sounded sleepy.
“Want some of that aftercare you were telling me about?”
“Yes, sir,” Erwin said. Levi took his hand from Erwin's hair.
“Stand up slowly,” Levi said. “Don't fall.”
Erwin took his time to stand up, using the chair for a lot of support. Levi watched, looking for signs that he might lose his balance. It wasn't a really heavy scene, but Erwin looked more tired than Levi expected.
When Erwin stood up fully, leaning away from the chair, Levi took a look at him from his face down his soft cock still hanging out of his jeans and underwear.
“Can you clean up?” Levi asked. Erwin nodded slowly, rubbing at his eyes for a few moments. He took his hands from his face, reached down to button up. “Don't do that yet. Clean up the floor for me.”
Erwin opened his eyes, smiled down at Levi softly, before he went to the bathroom for a rag and towel. Levi leaned forward in the chair, looked down at the mess on the floor, carefully avoided it with his boots, when he stood up. He walked over to the bed and started pulling at the laces of his boots. The faucet started running in the bathroom, and Levi heard splashing, maybe Erwin washing his face or his mouth out. Levi pulled of his boots, didn't pay any attention to Erwin cleaning up the floor, and he stripped his clothes off, folding them up, laying them on the foot of the bed. He pulled the covers back and crawled under them, settling his head on one of the pillows. Levi stared up at the canopy of the bed, and his eyelids felt heavy.
Levi lifted his watch up to his face and set an alarm for two and half hours later. According to the time, the club would be open for another four hours. A nap sounded pretty good at the time. Erwin picked up his vest from the bed and took it over to the table, laying it out carefully. Then, Levi closed his eyes.
He felt the bed shift when Erwin crawled under the covers. Levi lifted his arm, making room for Erwin to lay next to him. He felt that Erwin was naked too when Erwin settled against him. Levi wrapped his arm around Erwin, pulling him closer when Erwin laid his head down on his chest. Automatically, Levi leaned down and pressed a kiss into Erwin's hair. Levi felt Erwin squeeze him with one arm in return. All of it seemed really intimate even though they hadn't know each other for very long. And Levi thought he would like to have it more often.
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by valisi
Day 6: Omegaverse
When two Alphas smell each other too much.
Words: 5694, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Bottom Erwin Week 2017
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Erwin Smith, Mike Zacharias
Relationships: Erwin Smith/Mike Zacharias
Additional Tags: Bottom Erwin Week 2017, Omegaverse
Read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oUQAro
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One of the last surviving 'Rats of Tobruk' dies aged 101
Updated October 10, 2018 15:49:27 One of the last 'Rats of Tobruk' has died in Adelaide, aged 101. Key points:Adelaide veteran Bill Corey has died at the age of 101He was one of the last and oldest World War II 'Rats of Tobruk'He was well known for representing veterans at ceremonies Bill Corey was one of 14,000 Australians who held the Libyan port city of Tobruk against German General Erwin Rommel's forces in 1941. He was well known for his generosity in speaking at ceremonies and with young people about his experience in World War II. In 2016, he cut the ribbon to officially open Adelaide's Anzac Centenary Memorial Walk. "There could not have been a more fitting person to represent the veterans' community at that wonderful occasion," South Australian Premier Steven Marshall said today. "Bill Corey typified the humble nature and selflessness of our diggers, and was very generous with his time in speaking with members of his community and many schoolchildren about the Anzac legacy. "We owe Bill and his fellow servicemen and women a great debt of gratitude for the sacrifices they made so that future generations could enjoy the freedom and way of life we have today." Veterans SA issued a statement and described Mr Corey as an "incredible South Australian". "The thoughts of the veteran community are with Bill's family, particularly his devoted children Don and Dianne and grandchildren Julia, Michael, Matthew, Keyte and Lee, and many friends at this difficult time," the statement read. "An unfailingly positive and optimistic gentleman, Bill has inspired thousands of children and adults alike. "Just three weeks ago Bill made his final school visit to St Michael's College, where his talk and answers to questions held the history students captivated. "His passion for passing on his life's experiences to the younger generations remain with him until his final days. "Bill was an incredible South Australian and will be deeply missed." Mr Corey told the ABC in 2012 his most enduring memory of Tobruk was the ever present dust. "You ate, slept, drank everything in the dust and if there was a dust storm you still ate and drank your meal in the dust," he recalled. "Sometimes when you got to the bottom of your cup of tea, it was muddy."

Photo: Bill Corey blows out a candle at his 100th birthday last year as SA Governor Hieu Van Le watches on. (ABC News: Simon Royal) Mr Corey also saw action in New Guinea and Borneo. "I've always stated that I didn't have any effects from the war, but of course I did. You don't realise it but it has to have an effect," he said. "The last few years, all these things come back and I still have a few little cries when I think about it but you've got to get on with life and be positive." Looking back on a long life External Link:Tweet RSL on Bill Corey Mr Corey grew up in Riverton, north of Adelaide, and enlisted while living in the Adelaide suburb of Gilberton. "The uniform made us the same. We got on so well," Mr Corey said in 2017. "Rich or poor, the lesson I learnt from that is everyone has got some good in them, if it's allowed to come out." He trained at Woodside, in the Adelaide Hills, and then in Palestine before heading to Tobruk in 1941. In a piece written for the RSL last year, he recalled the huge number of German bombings during the siege. "Dust or sand storms were another difficulty it was the same for the enemy as for us," he said. "On some days there was no movement at all because you couldn't see a thing. "I remember coming out of my hole to have a wee, walked a couple of yards away then turned around, missed the hole and wandered around for a long time before finding it again (about two hours). "The water supply improved a bit, but it wasn't ever of good quality, in fact it used to stink when you pulled the cork out of your water bottle." Mr Corey ended World War II in Borneo before returning to live in Adelaide. He was president of the 2/43 Battalion AIF Club for five years. Another Rat of Tobruk, John James Joseph "JJ" Wade, died aged 100 in Perth over the weekend. He joined the army at age 22 in the remote Goldfields town of Leonora and will be honoured at a service next month. Topics:world-war-2,history,unrest-conflict-and-war,army,adelaide-5000,sa,riverton-5412 First posted October 10, 2018 14:33:23 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-10-10/one-of-last-rats-of-tobruk-bill-corey-dies/10360118
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Bottom Erwin Week 2017, Day 7: Formal attire It was pleasure, Commander. Even if I'm always late.
#bottomerwinweek2017#Day 7#Formal attire#I don't know anything about deadlines#Being late is an unknown phrase for me#Sorry#It was a pleasure#Sithiere#Erwin Smith#Commander Handsome#Snk#AoT
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Burgundy 2016: a great tasting at Faiveley
The new red wine cellar at Faiveley
Domaine Faiveley, located in Nuits-Saint-George, are one of the big players in Burgundy. We visited with Erwan Faively, who took charge of the domaine in 2005. When he took over there were two changes that he wanted to make. First, the top wines of Faiveley had a reputation for being quite hard and needing decades to become drinkable; he has tried to make wines that are a little more approachable in youth while still being ageable. Second, the domaine was 90% red and he wants to have more top whites. In order to get top whites, says Erwan, you need something to trade – it’s not easy to just go in and buy grapes from the best sites.
Erwan Faiveley
2016 was marked by the most severe frosts in recent memory in Burgundy, but these struck some areas and spared others. There was a knock-on effect for 2017. Erwin says that of recent vintages, everything was good in 2015 and everything that survived the frost in 2016 (which for Faiveley was one-third of normal volume) was good. For 2017, the whites are really good, but the reds are heterogeneous: you can’t buy blind, but will have to taste. ‘After the frosts in 2016, the vineyards compensated big time,’ he says. ‘In some places the vines with very little crop in 2016 will have experienced crazy rebound in 2017. I had an idea that this might happen and so was quite intense on pruning, but in some places there were walls of grapes. So for the vines that were frosted in 2016, I doubt they will be interesting in 2017.’
As well as the domaine, there is also the negociant house Joseph Faiveley, but the domaine side of things at Faiveley is much bigger now, with 130 hectares of domaine vineyards. For Burgundy, this is huge. Holdings were boosted by a 20 hectare acquisition in Gevrey-Chambertin in 2012.
The exterior of the new red wine cellar
We visited the new cellar, which is quite stunning, and will be used for the fermentation of the top red wines. It’s like a cathedral of wine, and will be open for the 2018 vintage.
We tasted extensively through barrels. These scores are a range, reflecting the degree of uncertainty of barrel samples – but they were directly from barrel, which I think is often better than sending a sample in bottle to London to be tasted a week or two later, as happens in the January primeur tastings.
Inside one of the new fermenters
Joseph Faiveley Meurault Charmes 1er Cru 2016 Burgundy, France This is from a vineyard where Faiveley do all the work and then buy the grapes. Tasted from a 1 year old Francois Freres barrel. Toasty and mealy with lovely depth, good acidity and nice finesse. Shows some generosity. 92-94/100
Domaine Faiveley Puligny-Montrachet Les Referts 1er Cru 2016 Burgundy, France This is from a plot that’s part of a large domaine bought by an investor, who then gave plots to winemakers he likes. From a new Cadus barrel. Linear and fine with nice citrus fruit and a hint of toast. Very expressive with lovely purity and some spice and nuts. 92-94/100
Domaine Faiveley Bienvenue-Batard-Montrachet Grand Cru 2016 Burgundy, France From a one-year old Cadus barrel. So fine, mineral and expressive with lovely intensity. Lemony and taut with subtle wax and spice notes. Fine, linear and expressive. 95-97/100
Domaine Faiveley Batard-Montrachet Grand Cru 2016 Burgundy, France One year old Francois Freres barrel. While Bienvenue is a little more lean and mineral, Batard has thicker soils. This is very fine and saline with some precision and minerality as well as subtle toast and nuts. Very refined with real intensity. 94-96/100
Domaine Faiveley Corton-Charlemagne Grand Cru 2016 Burgundy, France One-year old Francois Freres barrel. Taut with some meal and cedar and spice notes. Lemony, fine and nicely expressive with lovely citrus fruit core. Powerful but linear with lots of potential. 93-95/100
Domaine Faiveley Pommard Rugiens 1er Cru 2016 Burgundy, France Two-year old Francois Freres barrel. This is from an 0.5 ha plot in the bottom of the top part of the vineyard. Very powerful and vivid with nice purity and intense raspberry and cherry fruit. Good structure. There’s a hint of beetroot, and it’s powerful and vivid with tannins but also silk and perfume and joy. 93-95/100
Domaine Faiveley Nuits-St-Georges 1er Cru Les Porets St Georges 2016 Burgundy, France From a two-year old Taransaud barrel. Floral and fresh with pretty, juicy cherry and raspberry fruit. Good concentration and nice structure. Fine, direct and expressive. 95-95/100
Domaine Faiveley Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru Lavaux St Jacques Burgundy, France South-facing with a sunny exposure. 2 year old Francois Freres barrel. Very aromatic, pure and fresh with floral interest. The palate has lovely generosity, some meaty hints and bright raspberry and cherry fruit, with amazing tannins. Such a beautiful wine. 95-97/100
Domaine Faiveley Gevrey-Chambertin 1er Cru Les Cazetiers 2016 Burgundy, France This faces more east than Lavaux and tends to be a more precise wine. Faively have nearly 4 hectares of this vineyard. Two-year old Francois Freres barrels. Very linear, taut and fresh with juicy raspberry and red cherry fruit, as well as some spice. Nice firm structure. Cherry and raspberry dominate with a linear personality and lots of energy. 94-96/100
Domaine Faiveley Clos Vougeot Grand Cru 2016 Burgundy, France Faiveley have three plots here, and this comes from two of them. One-year old Taransaud barrel. Very aromatic cherry and raspberry fruit. Generous but with some grippy tannins. Pretty wine, with taut raspberry fruit and some herbs. 92-94/100
Domaine Faiveley Charmes-Chambertin Grand Cru 2016 Burgundy, France This large Grand Cru in Gevrey is varied, just like Clos de Vougeot. Their plots here are the best, just below Chambertin. One-year old Francois Freres barrel. Very pure with floral aromatics and pretty cherry fruit. The palate has great acid and structure with lovely purity and density. Has brightness and vitality, and prettiness. 94-96/100
Domaine Faiveley Latricières-Chambertin Grand Cru 2016 Burgundy, France This was purchased by Faiveley in the 1930s. It’s the first Grand Cru in Gevrey right after Clos de la Roche. One-year old Francois Freres. Bright, fine and quite mineral and expressive with some pretty red cherry and raspberry fruit. Has a brightness of body but also nice sweet fruit and a mineral dimension. Some saline character, too. 95-97/100
Domaine Faiveley Mazis-Chambertin Grand Cru 2016 Burgundy, France The last Grand Cru in the north of Gevrey. The soil is different: stony rocks and chalk from the mountain, resembling an avalanche. New Francois Freres barrel. Chocolatey new oak twist on the nose. Very fresh with nice perfumed, focused cherry and raspberry fruit. Good structure with some fine spicy notes. Linear with good acidity. 93-95/100
Domaine Faiveley Chambertin Clos de Beze Grand Cru 2016 Burgundy, France Very close to Latricières and Charme, this is supposed to be the greatest Grand Cru of Gevrey. One-year old Francois Freres barrel. Floral, enticing raspberry fruits nose. So fine and expressive with pure, direct fruit. Vital and fresh yet pretty too. Good structure. 95-97/100
Domaine Faiveley Corton Grand Cru Clos des Cortons Faiveley 2016 Burgundy, France This vineyard was purchased in 1872, and Faiveley are the only living family whose name is part of a Grand Cru appellation. ‘This is the most consistent vineyard we have,’ says Erwan. Its 2.7 hecatres always deliver good yields, too. One-year old Taransaud barrel. Refined, floral raspberry fruit nose. Very fine, pure, fruity and expressive with good acidity and great acidity. Perfumed and pretty but also with seriousness. 95-97/100
from jamie goode's wine blog http://www.wineanorak.com:/wineblog/pinot-noir/burgundy-2016-a-great-tasting-at-faiveley For Fine Wine Investment opportunities check out Twelve by Seventy Five: http://www.twelve-by-seventy-five.com/
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Start again...
Well, it’s another year and I’m trying to not play my usual “IT IS 30 YEARS SINCE 1988!” because that year was as bats as 1987 and hello, I am old and that might alienate people.
It’s also 25 years since 1993. At least I had pink hair for a week that year.
Who the hell am I?
I am Lynda, I am the hobo-looking person who can be seen sweeping the street and walking the dog in all weather and sitting under a tree for three seasons with my cats. I've been drawing a silly comic strip since 2004 to make my pets immortal and also keep myself checking in because really, if anyone asks, I can wave at my terrible comic and say, “I made a thing,” and even though I never completed the Crayola guide on how to draw animals, it’s a thing I made. So. Yes. Basically I wanted to die in 2004 and just started drawing instead. I highly recommend it. What the hell am I doing now?
I am studying CSS grid and flexbox to update all the websites I started making years ago, the oldest being a Porkins fansite I created with people I never met but love dearly, and of course the comic sites, and I say sites plural because I started out on Keenspace (monkey.comicgenesis.com) and am slowly migrating to Wordpress (TailsFromTheBackyard.com) but still have about 1200 comics to move over. I’m also studying React, if you go to my CodePen you’ll see I made a counter.
I used to doctor photos. I would still be doctoring photos but people can do that themselves now with apps so I don’t get many gigs and therefore I’m back to doing websites. To make things more of a pain, I’m interested in accessibility because I have double vision and my Nan has low vision, so I really want to help make the Internet a better place for people who can’t see what the hell is going on.
What the hell is wrong with me?
The reason I was not the next Elon Musk is because I have Chiari Malformation with a side helping of cervical dystonia. It gave me the superpowers of double vision and inability to sit or stand for long periods of time. Also my memory is a bit dodgy but if prompted it all comes back. I wasn’t diagnosed until 2013, so I lost a lot of time believing being in a human body was a joke. I’m lucky (HAHAHA) that physical therapy helps me because there is no medication for any of this. Oh, yeah, I can’t have caffeine anymore ISN’T THAT SPECIAL? But ice packs are nice. If you come to me with a problem I will offer you physical therapy and/or ice. I’m sorry, I got paid to do that for a few years and it was wonderful, but I’m getting better at not trying to fix people.
Who do I love? One dog and two cats have my heart, and way too many hobo cats got in there, too but they don’t want to live with me so I’m building a lot of character dealing with what I can and cannot change. Boy oh boy did 2017 teach me many lessons. My neverending obsessions are Star Wars, Tetris, weird music, weird podcasts, and escaping to a swingset in the backyard which will be 30 years old this summer OH GOD I WENT THERE. Fandoms: Star Wars: Porkins, Leia, Obi-Wan, Threepio/Artoo, K2-SO, Finn/Poe, Poe/Leia, Leia/Han, Chirrut/Baze, Kylux (by ososmosis thanks to @glitzob)
Monty Python: the Gumbys bae, but really, Python saved my life.
Comic Strip Presents/Young Ones/French & Saunders/Bottom: I am still in mourning for Rik.
MCU/X-Men/Deadpool: ALL THAT. Doctor Who: Four, Ten, Twelve, and Thirteen despite only having seen her for two minutes.
Angie Tribeca: Hoffman, Hoffman, Hoffman. Attack On Titan: Levi. Just Levi, unless Erwin’s come back to life (SPOILERS?). Mikasa, too. And Hange. I AM SECRETLY SASHA THE POTATO GIRL. Twin Peaks: Log Lady, Nadine, Cinnamon Roll-era Cooper, Dougie Jones, Diane
Harry Potter: I’m Ravenclaw, so Luna Lovegood and Moaning Myrtle are kind of my style gurus. I will talk your ear off about X-Files, Agents of SHIELD, Scorpion, Castle, Person Of Interest, Northern Exposure and an assortment of British mysteries. For some reason I will watch game shows or home repair shows if nothing else is on.
Favorite Podcasts:
Drabblecast and Welcome To Night Vale. I was into Beware The Hairy Mango and Guild Of The Cowry Catchers, but they’re pretty much over. I listen to Adventures In Brain Injury, Super Data Science, The AfroFuturist Podcast and the CodePen podcast because I’m trying to learn stuff even while making coffee and pruning hedges. Favorite Video Games:
Tetris forever, but also GTA III, Tomb Raider 1-Legacy, Kid Chameleon, any Lego-related game despite sucking at them, West of Loathing, Fist of Jesus, and most of the ‘80s Activision games shit yes I am old, didn’t I start off by saying that?
Top Ten songs of 2017 (in no particular order):
Shadow by Chromatics, New York and Los Ageless by St. Vincent, Magnificent by Elbow, It’s A Shame by First Aid Kit, Up All Night by Beck, Truth Hurts by LIzzo, Bang by Tori Amos, Mi Gente, and anything by Poppy So that’s me. Have a great 1-8 and don’t be a stranger. I mean, we are all strangers, but if you talk to me I generally reply.
In 2017 I planked for a minute every day except for those two months where I couldn’t support my own weight on my Botox-riddled noodle arms and I ended up 41% fluent in Spanish from doing Duolingo every day.
In 2018 I guess I can break the planking record, hit 50% fluency in Spanish, and I’m going to make a point of playing the sight-reading music tutor app every day and also doing CodeWars to keep JavaScript in my head. Oh, yeah, I’m also going to do more arm-waving and saying, “Hire me to update your websites!” and we’ll see how that goes.
YES, I will totally make you a landing page! (I do that.) YES, I will totally debug/update your code! YES, I will totally draw you silly pictures!
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Nine hours left to vote for bottom Erwin week prompts!
Can’t wait until Bottom Erwin Week 2017? Neither can he!
So in order to celebrate Steak And Blow Job Day on March 14th, we decided to let the Commander have a bit of fun.
Bottom Erwin Steak & BJ day is open to anything you want - fics, head canons, art, cosplay, comics, anything you can think of. All the Commander asks is that you have fun and keep it friendly. Erwin gets sad when people are meanies.
Please tag as #bottomerwinweek2017 and #steakandblowjobday somewhere in the first five tags so we can find your inspirational posts and reblog the bejesus out of them.
Bottom Erwin - Steak & BJ Day 2017 - MARCH 14TH. Give up your hearts.
~B and Zed
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Syracuse vs. Miami 2017 live stream: How to watch online
Can Syracuse make lightning strike twice?
The Syracuse Orange and quarterback Eric Dungey are coming off the biggest upset of the season, and are ready for another one when they travel to play miracle man Darrell Langham and the No. 8 Miami Hurricanes Saturday at 3:30 p.m. ET on ESPN (Live Stream).
Syracuse’s massive upset of Clemson is the signature win of the Dino Babers era, and a lot of it’s due to Syracuse’s vaunted passing attack, which ranks second in the ACC. Led by quarterback Eric Dungey, only Lamar Jackson has thrown for more yards in the conference this season. Dungey ranks fourth in touchdowns thrown with 12, while sporting a 3-1 touchdown-to-interception ratio. Syracuse needs its dynamic passing game to make up for its meager rushing attack. Syracuse ranks in the bottom half in rush yards in the ACC, but if it wants another upset it’ll have to lean on its star quarterback to lead the charge.
Just how good are the Hurricanes this season? Even though they’re ranked No. 8 in the country, their best win came over a Florida State team that is in complete shambles. This week will be a litmus test to see just how good these Hurricanes are. Miami’s defense is the second-ranked unit in the ACC. The rush unit is ranked No. 8 in the ACC, but without a prolific rushing attack, will Syracuse be able to take advantage? Miami’s pass defense will have to come in ready to shut down the Orange offense if they want to remain undefeated on the season.
Time, TV Channel, and streaming info:
Time: 3:30 p.m. ET
Location: Hard Rock Stadium, Miami Gardens, Fla.
Stream: WatchESPN.com
Odds: Miami is favored by 14.5 points
Syracuse vs Miami News
Syracuse’s passing attack will face its greatest test of the year vs. Miami’s stout pass defense.
but I do think the Orange still test the secondary and find ways to move the ball through the air. The Hurricanes are one of the best teams in the country stopping big passing plays, and I think they minimize the damage there. But SU isn't above dinking-and-dunking down the field if needed. It's tough to defend against both strategies at once.
Syracuse’s defense has been excellent on third down and will have to stop Miami from extending drives.
One of the biggest reasons for Syracuse’s defensive turnaround this season has been its efforts on third down. The Orange have allowed just 22 conversions in 92 attempts (23.91 percent), which is the third-best rate in the country. Clemson was just 2-for-11 on third last week, while Pitt was 3-for-13. Obviously, SU hasn’t just padded its numbers against scrubs this year. They’ve held Power Five opponents to a 30.61 percent conversion rate overall.
Miami will have to rattle Eric Dungey early and often if it doesn’t want to fall victim to Syracuse’s air raid offense.
So what will Miami run against the Syracuse Orange to offset the 2,000+ passing yards from Eric Dungey? He’s accounted for 20 touchdowns and another 380+ rushing yards. The best plan would be to shut down Dungey like Miami shut down Daniel Jones. Miami shut down Duke’s Daniel Jones and since then his season has been a mess.
The Hurricanes brought pressure and played man 1 against Duke. Knowing you have better athletes does help and much like with Duke, Dungey is the man for the Orange. Shut him down and you’ve shut them down.
If Miami overlooks Syracuse, then it’ll face the same fate as Clemson.
I was concerned that Miami might overlook QB Eric Dungey, who is one of the most underrated players in the nation. Syracuse has two stud WR in Erwin Philips and Steve Ishmael. Fortunately for the Canes, Syracuse upset Clemson last week in an emotional win, ensuring that Mark Richt won’t have trouble convincing his team to be ready this Saturday. Syracuse hasn’t won on the road yet this season.
Will Syracuse try to take advantage of Miami’s rush defense?
Syracuse lives and dies throwing the ball, but Miami’s best asset on defense is its ability to stifle passing games. If Syracuse wants to win, the Orange should focus on attacking Miami through the run where the ‘Canes are weakest. Syracuse has had a problem throughout the season running successfully, with only 3.6 yards per carry. It would behoove the Orange to figure out some semblance of a rush game before they go into Miami looking for the upset victory.
Syracuse vs Miami Prediction:
Miami is not quite as good as its ranking suggests, as it ranks No. 11 in S&P+. Miami has played in back-to-back close victories, and has needed some lucky catches to do it. The Hurricanes are definitely a talented team, but I’m not sure they’re ready for all the bright lights and focus that comes with being a top-10 team. Syracuse should come out of Miami with a victory, and a statement to the NCAA: Syracuse football is back.
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Bottom Erwin Week 2017, Day 2: Bruises/Markings/Bites Paring: Erwin and Levi Rated: Teen and up (or general, really) Ao3 <3
It started out as gentle kisses, feather-like touches of lips to bruised skin. A brush of hardened velvet on green and yellow and blue and purple. Thin, pale softness against hair-wide marks made by who-know-whats. It started out as little tellings of support, of companionship, breakings in the line of moments of hurt and rushing. Small as they may have been, they were small signals of comfort, making subtle splotches of warm spread in them. Using that break they created a small bubble of each other, stopping for a glance, until grey met blue and they could move on.
Levi started them to show Erwin he is with him, deep in one night, in the hushed silence of a half-open room in a half-ruin of a house on a mission. The noble whose residence they were using was gone long ago, probably getting fat in the safety of Sina, probably just a bunch of bones vomited up by a titan somewhere behind or over Wall Maria. It was a rough day, as much as every one of them, surveying the area what has once been humanity’s. Levi took one of Erwin’s hands, lifting it. His eyes met Erwin’s gaze for a moment, as if asking for permission, before he placed a kiss on the dark shades of the man’s wrist, a reminder of a rough meeting with a long abandoned house’s wall. It was nothing more than a quick touch of skin on skin, shorter than a heartbeat, subtler than the touch of wind. Their eyes met again as Levi lowered Erwin’s hand, then the Captain lowered that too, as he let go. He didn’t apologize, he didn’t try to step back. They have done much more and much better and worse to each other. There wasn’t any need for that: but it still felt appropriate, like it was something what may or may not crossed a border. There was an invisible layer of uncertainty in Levi’s posture, in the way he forcibly held down his shoulders, kept his breathing even. But then Erwin smiled, an exhausted, small stretch, his eyes, a sad blue from all the burden of the mission, of the leading, lightening with a touch of warm. Levi looked up just in time to catch it. His features softened: it was a smile, anyone who knew him would have swore.
The second time was between two missions, a chaste nudge of lips wet from water and spit to bruised knuckles. The Commander hurt them while supervising training, stepping in to prevent a cadet nearly smashing herself on a tree. Levi masked the warmth in him with reminding Erwin how much of a clumsy idiot he is, only frowning as a response when the man’s smile just grew wider.
The third was after the next mission: the whole Survey Corps returning exhausted and desperate for rest and oblivion, mourning for more than a third of their comrades. The trip from the gate to the barracks taken a fresh toll on everyone, even though every one of them was already on the edge. The people of the town rushed out at the ringing of the bells, gathered to meet them. They were the people they wowed to fight for, and none of the soldiers could decide if their words - the sounds of hurt, of realization, the cries of anger and vengeance - or the impacts from hurled stones and bits of wood and sometimes even shards of food hurt more. So they kept silent, locking their despair. The veterans, who saw this too many times, kept silent too. Erwin kept silent too, as he was cursed as a monster, as he was blamed and was wished to die. Levi kept silent too, as he held his tired-rigid posture on his horse, as he led her into the stables and cleaned and fed her, as he went to the Erwin’s office instead of his own room, with a bowl of water and a clean white stripe of clothe and wordlessly stood beside the Commander to clean the wound under his eye, a bruised cut formed by a broken mother’s stone. He cleaned it with small, soft movements, careful about the way the man’s face flinched at the contact. And then, before he put the bowl away, the water now dull with grime and blood, he pressed a kiss to the wound. It was nothing short of the others before: he pressed close, strong, the plumpness of thin lips spreading, sucking the last drops of moisture off. They could count the heartbeats in the quiet of the room, in the warm space between their bodies, Levi’s eyes closed under a deep frown, Erwin’s face unflinching despite the ache radiating from the little wound, but blue eyes searching out the other all the same. They didn’t say anything as Levi walked away, but both felt the concern and the gratitude present between and around them.
And slowly, Erwin gotten used to it. Little touches of those lips to bruised, wounded skin. Sometimes over something insignificant, something he didn’t even know where he got, sometimes over wounds aching more than they were supposed to. He felt grateful, for the things they meant, for the warmth they brought every time, despite how the small ritual became a routine after a while. And as time went, it got natural. Levi’s tentativeness dissolved, drop by drop, with each bruise, with each kiss, and while they weren’t always that much of a weight on Erwin’s skin, as time went, the kisses gained a physical presence.
Chasteness grew rearer and rearer as both of their need for reassurance grew. And how did it grew. They were rats caged behind walls: Humanity in a place small enough to make them animals. The tension grew as the supplies for survival diminished, vanishing like sand running through their fingers. And everyone needed to make sacrifices to feed the nobles behind Wall Sina, to keep them well and healthy, to give the pigs what they demanded. As a part of the military they still had more than hundreds and hundreds of people: more than nothing. As being the Survey Corps, they were the first to receive orders to give up on supplies, to lessen the rations, or simply to not to receive them. As being the Survey Corps, they were the first to give up their rations for the people who have lost everything.
And it still wasn’t enough. As the Survey Corps they were the tool for the solution too. They were the ones to get the opportunity, to be able to give the chance to Humanity’s most wretched to get revenge on their lost lives, on their loved ones’ lost lives. They got the privilege to lead Wall Maria’s people to a fight against the titans, they got the chance to lead them to victory.
After they returned, still alive but feeling like they shouldn’t be, like they should be out there with the rest, like they would deserve much worse, but at the same time grateful, Erwin and Levi fell to bed together. It wasn’t about appearances anymore. That part of work, just as the papers waiting to be filled with casualties, was left behind them, in their offices’, on the corridors, in the meeting rooms. If anyone saw them, they hadn’t cared. Most of the senior soldiers of the Corps had their assumptions about their relationship, and not one of them felt the need to speak up against it.
They laid there, skin still raw and red from the rub of the sponge, their minds too restless to give in to the exhaustion. Levi sat up just after a minute, twisting to look at Erwin. His grey orbs took in his bare torso, white from hiding under those dress shirts, striped and marked from the maneuver gear and from the fighting. He let it wander, straying to the tanned hands, littered with cuts and bruises enough to lose count too soon, to the blond hair, wetting the pillow with the water from their bath - more practical and about distraction than anything -, even to the long legs, hidden under white sheets. But not to the face. Levi wasn’t ready to look into Erwin’s face, to see the same emotions he knew were reflected on his own. He wasn’t ready to face those, to give a name to them. So he let his eyes wander, again and again. Then to slide down, from dark-golden locks to those big hands again.
Levi took one of them, the one further away from him, slipping his so much smaller, white ones under the big palm and lifting it. The gesture brought out a feeling of déjá vu, the times they’ve done this lining up behind them in the shadows. He placed a kiss on one of the bruises, covering several others in the process too. Just a second of strong press of lips. And then again, on another bruise. Then again, another one, then again and again and again. He littered his Commander’s, his lover’s hand with kisses, grounding weights for eternal heartbeats, growing stronger as he clutched the hand in his, not wanting to let go. He denied that he ever doubted Erwin would stay with him, that he would stay alive.
It was so uncharacteristically emotional for Levi that the man hadn’t dared to say a word. For several seconds he just stared, sky-blue eyes wide. Then warmness flooded him, mixing with the desperate fear for Levi’s life he had buried so deep in himself. His other hand came up, sliding through black silk locks, smoothing touches against his lover’s scalp, letting it fit into his palm as Levi twisted more, torso turning to reach the other’s wrist, his forearm, the muscles above that. He covered them, pressing on to the bruises and cuts he could reach - too much and not enough kisses for all of them.The Captain pulled his legs up to the bed too, nearly crawling on top of his Commander. There wasn’t anything overly sexual about it: it was an act of seeking and giving comfort.
It wasn’t until Levi reached Erwin’s neck - a cut, positioned perfectly over the man’s pulse, and Levi let himself linger on it longer than any else before, soft lips flattening on, around it. It was hard, he was pressing in too much, and both knew it, and neither of them craved to change it. Levi let himself suck the skin, almost between his teeth, let himself suck a bruise on the wounded skin. Erwin’s face flinched, this time from more than just pain, his free hand sliding down to rest on Levi’s back, on his neck, just above his shoulders, crushing the smaller male into himself with enough force to show them both that they have the here and now.
It didn’t take long until Levi was sucking on another cut on Erwin’s lips, a different kind of heat spreading in the space around them, their free hand roaming over each other’s bodies - the other pair still lying intervened next to them, fingers clutched.
It was something they never really talked about. Most of their relationship was like this: they didn’t have the luxury to have ordinary couple’s problems, to worry about who went where with who, about who did and didn’t do the dishes. They were glad to pass out next to each other. Levi was glad (even if he wished it to hell and didn’t hesitate to voice this) if he could accompany Erwin to Sina as the Commander flirted his way into the noblewomen’s purses, charming off every possible piece support from everyone who would stop to talk to him. He was glad if he could quietly clean the man’s office while he did that never ebbing amount of paperwork. And Erwin was glad he could drag Levi with himself to Sina and spend a night with him in a hotel room too plain for the nobles but still luxurious to them after some of the things they’ve lived through, if he could do his work with the distracting sound of a brush on his floors from the background. He was glad if he could stop for a moment by the window to watch Levi scare the new recruits to tears, was glad if he could find a few dozen minutes to go down to the mess hall to sit down next to his Captain and eat with his soldiers.
Neither of them spoke of the way their relationship was built on little attentivenesses, about how Levi brought nearly cold food to Erwin’s desk after he skipped another meal, about how Erwin draped a blanket over Levi - not daring to move him in fear of disturbing this rarity - when the man finally fallen asleep in a chair. How they took their turns to be strong for the other, how they made the other let go of everything, of responsibilities and fears and postures. And just like that, neither of them spoke about how Levi climbed into Erwin’s lap, pinning the man beneath himself as he leaned down to kiss at the the bruises and cuts and little wounds that had came with being in the military. He painted them blue and purple, sucking the blood to the surface until no one could tell what was his doing and what came from the rough edges of the world.
He never touched the big wounds like this. Sometimes he brushed chaste kisses to them, careful about the way the Commander would shy away from the contact for an invisible minute as the burning intensified, but never made an attempt to mark them the same way as he did with the others. It became something reserved for more of an emotional comfort than a physical one, stronger in the former than anything in the latter could have been. Erwin attended meetings and went to missions with the tingling feeling of rough cloth scraping against sensitive skin, the red and blue and yellow reminding him with the best kinds of discomfort of the other man. He learned to tune it out when needed, the feeling becoming a naturality, bending in with the scent of sweat, the press of muscles, the stain of the maneuver gear’s straps, just to come back when he had the time to care about himself, after the fear and death and all of the adrenalin.
Over the years they learned to hide it better. Levi, though grumbling about how he had no shits to give about the ass-faced leaders of the military and the country, limited imprinting himself to the parts of Erwin’s body they could not hide under the uniform. And Erwin, however hard it was at first to even notice the pattern, stopped reflexively touching the marks left on him with the tips of his fingers, bringing his hand up and across his body all the time. It wasn’t as anyone who knew them even a little thought twice about the dark bruises appearing on the Commander’s skin anymore. All of the Survey Corps learned to accept it. And while first some may even cracked a joke about them (Hange and Mike), some attentive and familiar enough learned as they watched the pair over the years, through missions and times of fleeting peace, how they weren’t about sexuality or about showing off territory. They were a source of comfort as they were a reminder of life.
#BottomErwinWeek2017#day 2#Bruises#Markings#Bites#Kisses#Eruri#Sithiere#Erwin Smith#Levi#Levi Ackerman#SnK#AoT
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