#bottles of thedas prompts
warpedlegacywrites · 8 months
How about West Hill Brandy, Western Approach, In the tower located between the Craggy Ridge Inquisition Camp and the Underground Cavern above the astrarium cave, climb the east side and head up the ladder (Giant's staircase. Also features skeletons and a giant wheel of cheese) for Theresa and Dorian? Happy writing!
Thanks for this one! I really need to write more of these two just collectively sharing one brain cell, and this was a great excuse! I might even expand on this eventually. @dadrunkwriting
“You’re kidding me! Never?” Dorian’s disbelief echoes off the sheer cliffs' edges that rise on either side of them, dizzyingly high.  “Well… no.” Theresa pauses halfway up the ladder, not liking the look of the next rung. Or the one above it. “Go back down. This isn’t stable.”  They retreat to the platform below, reassessing their ascent. The Giant’s Staircase is living up to its name – they’ve had to backtrack three times now. Theresa wipes the desert dust from her palms onto her breeches as she squints up to the sun. Four hours ‘til sunset still.  “What would be the point of ‘Never Have I Ever’ in a Circle?” she asks Dorian. “We all lived the same lives, and everyone knew each other’s business.”  “Hm, true.” Dorian hums thoughtfully as he energizes a discarded stack of debris to make a walkway. “I suppose that would make the game very boring very quickly.”  They cross one at a time, but all they find on the other side is a long, slow walk around the cliff to the pathway that will lead them up and out of this infernal ravine. Dorian and Theresa exchange a weary look, sighing with resignation.  “Well…” Dorian reaches into his pack, pulling forth a nearly full bottle of West Hill Brandy. He waggles it tantalizingly before Theresa. “Now seems like a perfect time to learn.”  Theresa looks from the bottle to him, then accepts it with a pensive frown. “Never have I ever… “
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theluckywizard · 2 months
Hi Lucky, happy Friday!! How about “You'd like to captain a capsized ship, but I like watching you live” from Fiona Apple + Antivan Sip-Sip from Bottles of Thedas for Rose/Cullen?
Thank you, Ad! for @dadrunkwriting
I also used this prompt from @nirikeehan
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I feel like I pulled a muscle writing this one! I started it last Friday and it ate my brain over and over. I scrapped a bunch but I really love where it landed.
Pairing: Cullen Rutherford x Rose Trevelyan
WC: 2101
Rating: Mature
Tags: Grieving, messy relationship choices, nudity, hurt/comfort
Her renewed hollow look at the war council ground Cullen’s resolve to dust.
Cullen promised himself that he would give Rose space to mourn. He would wait. But his impatience has been unruly and unpredictable and he hates himself every time it surges. 
He consoles himself that her clothes aren’t as baggy on her as they’d been a few weeks ago. There’s more color in her cheeks. But today the wound looks fresh, like the sturdy little flame in her eyes everyone has been working so hard to tend has been snuffed out all over again. He needs her to live.
Whenever he tries to imagine what it must be like for her to grieve him, he already knew. She’d been missing for days, presumed swallowed by the Fade. He’d had an entire fortress to secure— the site of large scale blood magic rituals— and while he held himself together mostly, he’d been unable to eat during that time save a few tentative bites here and there, but nothing could spark an appetite. The three days Rose Trevelyan had been presumed lost had ruined him. But she returned.
And he had not.
Cullen spends a half hour searching for her, asking around. He’d nearly given up on the courtyard, until taking one last sweep of the garden he sees Rose leaning against the wall on the mezzanine above, staring beyond the ridgepole of the roof across from her at the setting sun. Beautiful as she is in that orange glow, she looks like she’s daring the sun to set her ablaze.
He crosses under the colonnade and takes the steps two at a time.
“You’re a hard woman to find,” he says, approaching.
Rose glances at him, her lips turning in the faintest of smiles. Maker, he’d give anything to see a proper one on her face. 
“You caught me,” she says, looking into the sun once more.
“Have I discovered your hiding place at last?” he asks gently, resting his forearms on the wall beside her. The biting citrine of the low sun softens behind a wisp of a violet cloud. Despite the dozens of dawns they’d seen together, he’s not sure they’d ever shared a sunset.
“Oh, I’ll find another,” she answers. She doesn’t smile, but the dry turn of her humor sends his heart aloft. “What do you need?”
The question catches him off guard. He’s been looking after her since they returned from Adamant; since she showed up in his office before the sun was up and cried in his arms until she fell asleep. Bringing her meals, taking her to the lake to discharge the anchor. But perhaps she doesn’t want to be bothered or checked on today. Any of the dozens of tasks he has compiled in folders on his desk would suffice as an excuse but they all evade him. The truth will have to suffice. He rambles for a moment about the concerning observations of her, watching her body shift closer, close enough he can feel the heat of her. Her gloved hand slides along the weathered stone of the railing until it bumps his. Her look is inscrutable, but trained upon him so intently that color threatens to rise in his cheeks.
“I— uh. I just needed to see that you’re all right—”
Rose tugs him to her with a hand in his hair, pausing an inch away, her eyes scanning his for something— a sign perhaps. Cullen starts to suspect she’d wanted to hear him say all that. And then her warm lips close over his, a sensation he’d struggled to recall during long sleepless nights with his hand in his smalls. As long desired as her attentions are, he locks up, his sense of decency protesting loudly.
“I’m sorry,” she breathes, having felt his sudden tension. Her expression falters. 
No. He won’t have it. If she needs this, she can have it.
“Don’t be,” he says, his attention darting between her parted lips and her sad gaze. He fails against the force of his desire, clasping her face and drinking of her. There’s no gentle prelude to their kiss, instead they pillage one another with tilts of their head and strokes of their tongue. They stumble away from the wall where anyone in the garden might notice them and crash into a door in the opposite wall. He’s intoxicated by the taste of her, the richness of her open mouth against his. The last time they’d done this had been disastrous, but he’s not like to make the same mistake twice. Rose pats around for a latch and is met with a lock.
“Next one,” she murmurs against his lips. 
They shuffle toward it and stumble through the door to one of the guest rooms they have prepared for diplomatic use. They part, both of them recovering their breath from the ferocity of their kiss as they assess whether it’s currently occupied. Silvery light floods in through a small diamond paned window in the back of the room and confirms they’re alone. He wonders if it’s long enough of a pause for Rose to come to her senses.
Instead, she backs him against a desk, her fingers raking up the back of his scalp as she kisses him, her tongue parting his lips. All the sensible protests that flicker through his mind wither beneath the weight of his desire, of his love. He’d do anything to make her feel something other than grief.
He matches her intensity, kissing her like he could wash away her pain. Rose sneaks her hands beneath his jerkin, smoothing over his abdomen and drift lower toward his waistband, her fingertip catching on his belt. He’s been hard since the first touch of her lips, but now his cock aches, trapped in the leg of his breeches. His hips reach for hers and they mold to one another, soothing their need with hungry pulses. Rose lifts her leg along his hip to bear into him more deeply.
“I need you,” she whispers. Maker, he needs her. 
“Are you certain?” he asks. The question is absurd, born more of his disbelief than her obvious hunger.
She answers by undressing herself, freeing the clasps on her vest with one hand while she tugs her scarf away with the other. By the time he snaps to his senses and starts divesting himself of his own clothes, Rose is nearly bare, the same beautiful parts of her exposed as that terrible morning. She steps forward to assist, and catches him gazing at the scar on her left shoulder, his throat all tied up in knots. 
Rose picks up his hand and lays it against it.
“Don’t think about it,” she insists. There’s urgency in her voice and frankly, he shares it. 
Cullen leans in to kiss her again, their lips grazing and catching as he unbuckles his belt and tugs it from the loops but he hesitates when he begins feeling for the fastenings of his breeches.
“What?” Rose asks quietly. He meets her look for the first time, his eyes locking to hers in this weak light. There’s something raw and desperate that pierces him too deeply. She’s all washed out, the brilliant copper of her hair and blue of her irises and the tan of her freckles all shades of black and gray. In a way, it matches the way she’s been for too long now. Reaching for her cheeks he banishes all the space between them. Maybe he could coax color back into her.
Cullen kicks off his boots while they feast upon each other and then slides his breeches off his hips, embarrassed by the spring of his erection as the constraints drop away, heat staining his cheeks. At least she’s too busy unlacing her stay to notice his flush, and soon her breasts fall free as she pushes it back off her shoulders. Rose quickly hides them under his hands, biting her lip, her nipples pressing into his palms. She shifts her hips so he nestles in the little hollow between her thighs and then churns lightly against it, her body pressing to his. Truthfully, he’d rather they feel their nakedness than see it.
As their hands and mouths grow wild and venturesome, all the echoes of their ragged, broken breath seem to scold them for stealing away in tidy, official space. He glances at the bed— freshly made in expectation of dignitaries with a little welcome basket Josephine had assembled— and finds himself ashamed to have trespassed.
But her wet lips plying his own, her breasts grazing his ribs, the dry warmth of her skin against his all conspire to snuff it out. He clasps her closer with a hand cupped over her rear and surrenders to all the sensations.
Boot steps and a jangling of keys sound outside the door and they both snap upright, shushing each other and scrambling barefoot to press against the wall behind the door. Breathlessly they wait to see if they’re about to be intruded upon.
“Don’t worry. I’ll— I’ll explain everything,” he says, breaking the silence. 
“Like that? No you won’t!” Rose hisses back, gesturing at his swollen state. “We’re hiding.” Cullen clutches a sheepish hand over his erection.
He argues in a stubborn murmur. “If they come in here, we’ll be discovered as soon as the door closes.”
A sudden laugh busts out through Rose’s nose. “And as soon as they see the commander stammering in his smalls— they’ll trip right back where they came from.” Cullen can see the shadows of her dimples in her cheeks. He smiles himself.
She’s right, of course. He slumps back against the wall, exhaling the tension. The interruption had almost instantly softened him.
“They walked past,” she observes, glancing at him. She covers herself up with an arm, though it does little to quell the stirring in his smalls. “We’re safe.” 
Rose rises and picks up her chemise from the floor, tugging it on as she crosses toward the bed where Josephine’s welcome basket sits. Unscrewing a jar, she gives it a sniff. She laughs.
“Candied walnuts,” she says, holding it out to him. He saunters over as if they’re fully clothed and takes the jar as easily as if it’s a missive in the war room. There’s no shame in her eyes, only a cheeky willfulness like they’d only been up to some mischief. Free of the spell of their desire, something breaks between them, a fragile barrier crashing to the ground. The anxious tension in his belly melts away.
He takes a bite, smiling as the earthiness and bitterness and browned sugar strike his palate. “We had a walnut tree growing up. We’d take turns climbing up to shake the branches while the others would stand below trying to catch them in baskets.”
She takes the jar back to feast on her own handful and then flops onto the bed with it, sitting half propped up against the pillows. He picks up the rest of the basket and joins her, pawing through it in the moonlight.
“Antivan Sip-Sip?” he asks, squinting at the label on a small bottle.
“Brandy,” Rose explains, taking it. She uncorks it and tips back a swig that prompts a little cough.
They make a mess of the basket, snickering to one another about how confused and chagrined Josephine will be when she learns of it. There are praline chocolate truffles from Orlais and Nevarran landjaeger sausages. Rose reaches out to tap a sausage to his in an absurd little toast. Cullen swings the connected links like a flail until she laughs. He’s not sure he’s ever done anything so stupid. 
“I’m sorry,” she says again. “I shouldn’t have— taken advantage of you like that.”
“In case it wasn’t obvious, I was quite content to be taken advantage of,” he says into his lap, his lips turning in a wry smile. Rose chucks a walnut at him.
“You deserve better,” she says.
He scoops her hand into his and squeezes it. “Perhaps. But I want you.”
Cullen isn’t sure where the courage comes from. There’d been romance between them once, a time when everything felt heady and enchanting before he tore it all down in a blind panic.
Still gripping his hand, she wipes her cheek, a subtle sheen betraying the tear. Rose loves Hawke still and will— well— probably forever. Few things feel as insurmountable as hoping to compete with a dead man. But maybe her heart could open a little wider.
Maybe she could make some space in there for him, too.
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sweetmage · 5 months
happy dadwc friday! for pairing/character of your choice: "you look familiar"
Hi!! Thank you so much for the prompt! :) @dadrunkwriting (It's a bit late but hopefully that's okay!) This one takes place in an AU in which Garrett was not present for the Chantry explosion. By the time he got there, Marian (his twin) had told Anders to flee for safety. Garrett never saw him again after that. Pairing: M!Hawke/Anders Words: 1.4k+ Tags: Longing, Reunions, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Misunderstandings, Supportive Hawke Summary: Hawke had not seen Anders since uprising three years ago. No fanfare, no goodbyes, he was just gone. He never stopped looking for him even when it seemed hopeless. But this time, all hope wasn't lost...
From the corner of his eye, Hawke caught the glint of setting sunlight upon gold strands before a hood quickly obscured them. There were many mages milling about in the streets of Redcliffe, but for whatever reason, the cloaked figure stuck out. He didn't catch their face, but something in their gait and swift steps made the hairs on the back of his neck prickle with recognition. It was almost like he could hear the gentle whispers, feel the warm brush of breath upon his skin, fragments from a time long past.
No... How many times had he let himself hope? There were plenty of blonde individuals in Thedas and they were never him. He was chasing ghosts and shadows. For the sake of his heart and sanity he needed to be done with it, yet he was on his feet and after them before his mind could even register.
By the time he'd stepped on to the path they'd taken, he was all but certain that his eyes had deceived him. The cloaked figure had already vanished among the crowd. Hawke was left looking in vain, trying not to feel foolish as he scanned the streets for some sign.
He followed the pathways anyway, as though if he kept walking the answers would be right around the corner. It had been years since he'd last laid eyes upon Anders, sent off by his sister before he'd even gotten a say in the matter. Since then he'd been searching, hoping, looking to the ends of the world to find some sign of him or for news of his demise, should the worst have to come to pass. Anything. Yet all he found were cruel tricks of the mind and false leads. This seemed to be another such instance, he thought as he neared the town's outskirts and the sun slipped further beneath the horizon.
He hadn't meant to wander so far or for so long. Perhaps he simply wished to convince himself it was a casual stroll, not another foolish venture chasing the heels of someone long gone.
He stopped and stared beyond the city's gate, letting the evening chill bring him back to reality. His time and effort would be better spent aiding the refugees. Alive or otherwise, he knew Anders would rather him use his skills to help the mages in need rather than scour Thedas on a hopeless quest.
Weary and resigned, he turned back to the path from whence he came. His steps were slower, his shoulders bowed. Anders might have liked it here. It was not perfect, but it was certainly no Kirkwall or slaughtering grounds for templars. If they had come here together, Hawke might have suggested they settle for as long as they were allowed. Anders could have done for some rest, and Hawke had missed their quiet moments, their domesticity. But that was not to be.
He was almost back to his tent when something caught his ear from somewhere just behind. Something faint, familiar, and impossible. A name. His name.
It could have been wind or his wishful thinking, perhaps a mind so weary that it was conjuring sounds from thin air. But he paused, listened. Waited.
Something clinked in the alleyway, a bottle toppling and rolling slowly out into the street as though kicked. He turned and peered down the alley with his heart lodged in his throat. It was too dark to see much, but he could make out the figure pressed tight against the wall. Something in him said to turn and walk away lest he fall victim to mugging, but his feet only brought him forward into the alley.
The figure pushed from the wall and moved closer, head still lowered and veiled beneath the fabric, but they spoke low and swift before he could question.
"There is nothing I can say that would make it right," he spoke beneath the hood like honey and knife at once, so achingly familiar it sent shivers racing across Hawke's skin.
"Anders?" It was barely a whisper. His eyes burned and his hands trembled, fearing the illusion would vanish as soon as he'd touched it. He reached out anyway, desperate, yearning, but was denied, Anders flinching away
He thrust a hand out to stop him, his pale fingers all bone like there was nothing left of him. "Don't. Please. It will only make this harder for both of us." He drew a deep, shaky breath and Hawke could have sworn his hand wavered, as though aching to reach out too. "I didn't come for you, I came to help the mages." There was a pause, heavy with words unspoken. "If I'd known, I never would have come. I know you must hate me... I can't say I'd blame you. But I'm not here to ask for your forgiveness, I just--"
He cut himself off with a gasp as Hawke ignored the distance he'd put between them, crushing him in his arms. The hood fell back, revealing his gaunt, weary face and the tears that threatened his lashes.
"It's you," he choked, his voice breaking, "It's you." He held him tighter, as though to keep him from running. "It's really you, thank the Maker. Thank the Maker. I thought you... Marian told me you wanted her to... I couldn't bear it. I thought you died." Tears welled and fell against his will but he couldn't bring himself to care. "Why did you run? Why did you leave? Do you have any idea how worried I was? I searched everywhere, you bastard. Everywhere. Do you ever know what I've been through?"
As soon as the words left his lips, he was already pulling back to look him over, taking in his thinness and the deep, dark circles under his eyes. He'd never seen him so unwell, so exhausted and worn. Maker only knew where he'd been the past years. "What have *you* been through?"
"I... I don't..." Anders stumbled over his words, a look of pure shock upon his tear-stained face. "I had to leave. It wasn't fair to drag you into that, not after everything. And I thought I'd..." It was as though he'd expected Hawke would spit and curse him. Like he hadn't thought he'd get this far.
"How could you think leaving was what I wanted? You weren't even going to say goodbye?" Hawke demanded, taking his face into his hands. "When did I ever give you the impression I wasn't invested? That I didn't love you? Anders, I'd have gone anywhere for you. Done anything for you. You should have let me decide for myself."
"And bring you harm? Risk your life? After all the sacrifices you'd already made?" Anders's voice shook, his bottom lip trembling. "I was only a danger to you. I thought... I thought you'd be better without me. Safer."
"Anders, nothing in the world was safer without you by my side. I could have lost you that night for all I bloody knew and I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye or tell you how much you meant to me. There's nowhere safe for a mage. If I have to run, hide, and fight, I'd much rather do it with you. I love you, you stubborn fool. I always have." Hawke pressed his forehead to Anders's, his tears falling freely now. "Don't you even think of leaving me again."
His thin shoulders shook beneath his cloak and he covered his mouth to stifle the sob that threatened to escape. Hawke pulled him close once more, holding him tight to his chest. "I'm sorry," Anders wept. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be," he said, softer this time as he ran a hand through Anders's hair. "But if I can't stop you and you're still sorry then stay here and we'll call it even. You look like a stiff breeze could blow you over. Maker's breath, when was the last time you ate? Slept?"
"I was busy," Anders mumbled. "There was work to be done."
"Work you didn't have to do alone. Let me take care of you. Please." Hawke leaned back and cupped his face again and brushed away his tears with his thumbs. "Come back to my tent. No funny business, I promise. Just food and sleep."
Anders hesitated, but finally nodded. "Alright," he agreed in a small voice. "Only because I know you won't take no for an answer."
"Damn right I won't," Hawke said, leading him the alley and back towards the refugee encampment. "You'll eat, I'll brush your hair, and then you'll sleep while I hold you."
"Bossy." Anders's arm slipped shyly around his waist and Hawke's heart swelled. "Is it alright... am I allowed to say I still love you? That I never stopped?"
"Only if you mean it," Hawke replied, pausing to turn and look him in the eyes. "If this is some sort of goodbye, I swear--"
"Not if you don't want it to be," Anders interrupted, his tone and expression earnest. "I want to stay. With you, if you'll have me"
"C'mon," he said in lieu of response, steering him toward the tents. "Let's get some food in you and a pillow beneath your pretty head."
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ellstersmash · 2 months
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Hi all! I know how easy it is for great fics to get lost to time and buried on Ao3 by a mountain of newer or more highly viewed/kudo'ed/commented-on ones—especially in a fandom as large and active as Dragon Age. So this is my weekly-ish event where I dig up a few of them to read and then tell y'all what I've found!
Bottles of Thedas
Solas/Lavellan | wc 7,346 | by @kittlesandbugs
This is cheating a little because I've read this before, but seriously, rereading this feels like paging through a college photo album. Everyone shows up and is delightfully in-character, and Kit's writing SHINES in the dialogue. Bottles is mostly funny, and a tiny bit sad in places, and heartwarming the whole way through. Plus, it's in a delightful bite-sized format!
Call It Desperation
Cullen/Lavellan | wc 1,071 | by @nilesdaughter
This was a really lovely prompt fill. Not fluffy, but so sweet! Enansal seems like such a kind and conscientious leader and partner, and she and Cullen's post-Adamant reunion tugged at my heart!! Very vivid writing, too.
From One Spy
Gen | wc 846 | by The_Ravenous
Oh man I am a SUCKER for unusual POVs, and this intimate peek into the mind and motivations of one of Fen'harel's spies is juicy. it kind of reads like a reflective journal entry. Feels like excellent timing, reading this before The Veilguard comes out, since now I'm wondering where this nameless elf is and what they've been up to.
The double-edged sword of Duty
Iron Bull/Lavellan | wc 1,517 | by Direga
OK Bull's characterization is so good in this fic--he's thoughtful, loyal, and cool-headed in a crisis (even when he's panicking over his kadan being in danger), and I think Direga gets his thoughts on Solas right on. Also he and Mahanon are cute as hell!! I loved this.
If you are a writer mentioned here and you don't want to be included for any reason, please message me and I'll take you off right away—either way, thank you for writing and sharing your work.
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kittlesandbugs · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @sidestepping & @askweisswolf, ty for thinking of me!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 62, but if you unstack the one shot compilations... 138ish? if I can math right.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 119,010, and the bulk is FHR lol
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently Baldur's Gate 3 and Fallen Hero, previously TWC, Dragon Age, Mass Effect/Andromeda, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Gonna cheat a little and do one per fandom because this is heavily slated towards Mass Effect Andromeda just from age lol
Sleep it off - Mass Effect, Shepard/Aria T'Loak, Shep gets drunk at Purgatory and Aria babysits her
Little steps to the side - FHR, Chargestep/Argentstep/Chargentstep, currently 55? little one-shot fics, usually prompts, sometimes tiny ideas I get in my own head
Space snippets - Mass Effect Andromeda, Jaal/Ryder, a few prompt one-shots that picked up big steam when it finally went Explicit lol.
Bottles of Thedas - Dragon Age Inquisition, Solavellan, 20 short one-shots inspired by the collection of booze you can pick up off the ground throughout the game (minus the Warden mixes)
Business and Pleasure - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2, Exile/Luxa, a re-write/better ending for Luxa gift fic for an exchange
5. Do you respond to comments? I am absolutely terrible at responding to comments because I see them in my inbox and I'm like oh yeah I'll reply to that later when I have time and then.... six months go by... the shame happens... I love every comment I get and I am so sorry alkdsfjoajsdfl
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ehhhhhhhhhh most of my fics are in-between things, not really stand-alones on their own. Probably the one I milked the hardest for the ending of it specifically is Words not spoken (FHR, Chargestep, Ortega visits Riley's apartment post-Heartbreak)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Again.... in-between things... the Mass Effect Andromeda and TWC fics are largely feel good fluff, so most of them?
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not that I'm aware of, lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Typically fluffy and/or hurt/comfort character exploration, although sometimes I feel a need to go for a whump
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I haven't written a crossover since I was 13. I'm 37 now. I don't remember. It was pre-AO3 time for sure. XD
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I'm aware of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I've written fanfics to fanfics by @ellstersmash and @sidestepping because they're both so talented and I Felt The Compulsion
14. What's your all time favorite ship? Whatever I'm currently writing for, in this case... any combo of Chargentstep aaaaaaaaaaand Durgetash lol
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Me, staring at my endless folder of WIPs, some of which having not been touched in five years
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16. What are your writing strengths? Character explorations, snappy dialogue, short and sweet and punchy
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Writing long-haul, we're here for a good time, not a long time
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Love it when other people do it! Very rarely do it myself!
19. First fandom you wrote for? Megaman X back in.................. 2000-ish? Very bad self-insert script fic lol
20. Favorite fic you've written? I think Time doesn't heal (FHR, Chargestep, all the Rangers and Riley experiencing the 3rd Heartbreak anniversary) is one of my biggest brain moments for writing fic, but Bottles of Thedas (mentioned above) has a special place in my heart for being the first and perhaps only large project I've finished.
Gonna taaaaaaaaaaaag... @astarien, @the-rebel-archivist, @gingerbreton, @rab-bitly, @catastrofriend
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14DA Lovers
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A Fool’s Errand [Explicit]
prompt by @14daysdalovers​
Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition Pairing: Abelas/Makenna
Read on AO3
Abelas was resolute in his purpose, his mission. He knew without a doubt why he stood in front of her, fingers curled around the hilts of his daggers, yet he hesitated. Perhaps one might find him foolish for planning to assassinate a goddess. But he knew Makenna as more than just The Morrigan. He knew her as the woman who had burrowed into The Dread Wolf’s heart, and the only voice that made Fen’harel falter and question his purpose, his goals.
She couldn’t be allowed to stop him. Couldn’t prevent Fen’harel from bringing down the veil and ushering back a new age for elves. Abelas needed home. Needed the crystal spires of Arlathan as a beacon and needed to feel the world vibrate with magic and spirits. He craved home, having suffered the effects of being sundered for far too long.
“I’ve come to kill you,” he declared, the metal growing warm in his hands.
Makenna raised an eyebrow, wine glass resting on her bottom lip. “Oh?”
She sipped the fragrant blood-red liquid, her throat bobbing as she swallowed, until the glass was nearly empty. Glass clinked on the dark wood of the table. Her fingers remained curled around the stem. Purple eyes stared into his. Plush lips curved into a small smile.
“I don’t believe you,” she said, melodic voice tinged with amusement.
“Why else would I have come?”
Makenna crossed one knee over the other, the slit of her dress revealing miles of creamy calves and thighs, and leaned back in her chair. “You are lost.”
Abelas swallowed. “I am.”
“You are craving something to cling to.”
He didn’t respond, and Makenna smirked. She stood from the chair, nearly as tall as he was, and crossed the room—completely unperturbed by his declaration and the daggers in his hands—to grab the bottle of wine and another glass.
“Mythal asked you to guard the temple, the well, and you did so for many long years,” she said, walking back in front of him, his eyes glued to the graceful curve of her neck. “You did everything she asked without question. A loyal soldier to her causes. And she abandoned you.”
Abelas’ hands shook. “You don’t know anything,” he hissed.
Makenna uncorked the bottle. “What don’t I know? Mythal walked Thedas, plunging her fingers into this world whenever and however she thought fit, but how many times did she come to you? Her loyal sentinel.” She filled both glasses. “Now she is entwined with another you must follow, your pledge all those years ago robbing you of choice.”
She turned back to him, holding both glasses. “How long did you wait for orders? For Mythal to return and tell you what she needed of you. How long did you wait to worship your patron once more before you realized she had abandoned you?”
“She did not abandon me,” he whispered, but even he did not believe his words.
“If that were true you would not be here.”
“I have come…” he trailed off, faltering in his conviction. Had he come to kill her? Truly?
Makenna held a glass up to her lips and he watched as she quietly spat into the wine. A trick of hers he had seen before. He had watched how easily she could climb into another’s head and take control of them. Take what she needed and dispose of them. She handed him the glass. Abelas kept his fingers curled around the dagger, eyes boring into hers as he waited for the feeling of her entering his mind, coaxing him to drink the wine and submit to her control.
She didn’t.
The dagger into the sheath, and he curled his fingers around the stem. He didn’t drink. Makenna left him standing there and sat back in her chair, her body appearing relaxed, but her muscles were coiled with tension. Perhaps to stop him if he did try to kill her.
“Are still you going to kill me?” she teased, sipping her wine.
“I should.”
“Why aren’t you controlling me?” he asked.
“Do you want me to control you?”
Abelas’ eyes flicked to the wine. He still did not drink.
“Why did you come, Abelas?” she asked, softly, more Makenna than The Morrigan in that question.
When he didn’t answer he felt the whisper of fingers against the back of his head. They cradled his neck before sinking into his hair, pushing through his scalp into his mind. He shuddered, his eyes fluttering closed. He had expected it to hurt. Expected her to tunnel into his mind and take over, but her touch was soft, almost reverent. Multiple hands ghosted across his skin, tracing the bones of his face and neck and chest. They drifted lower and he gasped.
They fled and he ached, mourning the loss of the tender touches.
His eyes shot open and he watched as she tipped her head back and laughed. He licked his chapped lips, throat growing parched. “You mock me.”
“Oh, Abelas,” —she pressed her fingers to her mouth to hold in her laugh—“I adore you. A lost sentinel built for worship with no one to worship. Abandoned by his gods. Searching for purpose. You are wanting and I can provide.”
The dagger he hadn’t sheathed clattered to the floor. Abelas sank to his knees before her. Wine spilled over the edge of the glass as his hand trembled. He had not come to kill her. He had come so the goddess of Life and Death, War and Destruction, and Shadow and Secret, would unearth the desire he had tried so desperately to lock away deep inside. He had come for guidance, a firm hand, and if Fen’harel’s lover was the one to deliver it, he could only be so lucky.
She curled her fingers under his chin and he leaned into her touch. “Drink, Abelas, and offer yourself to me.”
The glass seared his lips. Wine sluiced down his throat, thick and pungent like blood. He drank every drop. The glass shattered onto the floor between them. Makenna framed his face with her slender fingers, her lips claiming his, more wine dripping from her mouth and into his until he thought he might choke. He felt her. Sinking under his skin. Traveling through his veins. Latching to his mind. Overwhelming him. Claiming him. She stole the very air from his lungs and he only wanted to give her more.
She leaned away, smiling as his mouth chased hers. Her fingers traced the roots of his vallaslin down his chin and throat, stopping at the collar of his shirt. “Show me the whole of your devotion, Abelas. Show me what you pledged to Mythal.”
He stood, careful to avoid the shattered glass at his feet, his fingers trembling as he undid his armor. Each piece hit the floor with a hollow sound. Her gaze dragged down the roots that carved down his neck and chest. They swirled around her arms and wrapped around his hips. Abelas had given every bit of himself to Mythal only to end up alone in a crumbling ruin, clinging to the echoes of memories in the halls.
Glass crunched under her boots. The pads of her fingers gently traced the old carvings spanning his body. He shivered under the touch, waiting for the firmer hand. Her lips brushed his shoulder, the fabric covering her chest scratching his back, her hand drifting down his abdomen.
“Beautiful,” she breathed the words into his skin and he sighed. “So much devotion. I will not waste it.”
“Please,” he murmured, choking back a cry as her fingers wrapped around the base of his cock and stroking her fingers up and down his length, thumb swiping away the pre-cum that beaded on the flushed head of his cock.
Her mouth latched onto his neck, sucking the tender skin while he leaned his head back against her shoulder. His knees shook, threatening to send them both crashing to the floor, but he leaned into her. Anchored himself to her. Her fire swirled in his abdomen. She called to it to her hand with each stroke until Abelas felt swollen and achingly full. He whimpered.
“Come for me, Abelas,” she cooed, her lips brushing the sensitive shells of his ears. “I have you. I will keep you.”
Thighs shaking, tears gathering in his eyes, Abelas did exactly as she ordered. Release spilled over her fingers. He shook, shivering against her as she held him to her. He waited for the sharp sting of regret. The bittersweet taste that would linger on his tongue. The voice in his head that would remand him for giving away devotion to a goddess not from this land, and certainly not Elvhen.
She kissed his cheek. “Still come to kill me, Abelas?” she teased.
His lips curved into a rare smile. “I have come to worship.”
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nirikeehan · 2 years
Hi Niri! Happy friday. For Cullen (& Blackwall if you can work him in)? "While working late and alone, you hear voices nearby."
Oh, I worked him in. 👀 Thank you!
So this is from a horror prompts list but there's nothing really scary here, unless you're spooked by toxic masculinity. This is a continuation of Special Death, and will probably open the next chapter.
WC: 1369
For @dadrunkwriting
The candles had burned down to stumps of wax. Cullen looked up from his work, blinking blearily. He had been concentrating to hard that surfacing felt like breaking the surface of water, or waking from a dream. 
He sat back in his seat and pinched the bridge of his nose. The headache he’d been ignoring pounded behind his eyes and at his temples, reminding him how foreign sleep had been to him lately. And behind that, the whispers in the back of his mind: he would be able to concentrate, to solve this ghastly conundrum, if only he could think straight. If only he had the bottle of incandescent blue to give him an edge. 
“Stop it.” The words were a command to himself, through gritted teeth. 
Maps of various locations in Thedas covered every square inch of his desk, the usual stacks of reports, ink pots and quills banished to the floor. He had been pouring over the unrolled parchments for hours, hoping to triangulate any possible location to begin a search for Thalia’s attackers. Her party had been ambushed while on the Exalted Plains, a large, bleak wasteland most recently ravaged by Orlais’s civil war. By the time her party had arrived, the peace talks were long over. The ordeal at Halamshiral resolved with Gaspard in exile, his cousin Florianne dead, and Celene backed by the Inquisition as Empress. Yet no one had deemed fit to inform the poor sods on the front lines. 
Everyone seems to be holding their breath, waiting for the fighting to begin anew, Thalia wrote in one of her final letters. I try to reassure them, but they have seen too much war to believe it could really be over. 
Tales of the walking dead followed, and then nothing until an emergency missive, penned by Varric: Inquisitor down. We’re retreating. It’s bad, Curly. 
“There must be something to find,” Cullen grumbled aloud. “Red Templars. It comes back to the Red Templars. Where are you hiding, Samson?” 
He thought they had been close, at the Shrine of Dumat. Cullen had been sure they would find Samson there in the flesh, not just a dying proxy and a smug, unhinged letter. 
He stood and began to pace, turning the predicament over in his head once more. Leliana was right. Due to their lack of intelligence reports, Samson could be anywhere, and up to anything. Cullen could order more troops to the Exalted Plains, tell them to comb every nook and cranny, and the place was so vast it could still take weeks. 
Cullen leaned heavily against the wall and pressed his hands to his face.
Voices outside his tower roused him. It was well past midnight, a time when Skyhold was quiet and still, when the last revelers had usually already left the tavern and insomniacs like Cullen could finally hear themselves think. The voices were low, masculine, and accompanied by a horse’s soft whinny. 
Cullen cracked one of his many office doors. Down below the battlements, braziers still burned in the stables. He could make out the silhouette of a steed, fitted with a saddle, and the bald head of Horsemaster Dennet. 
Beside him stood a tall, broad, bearded man. They conversed in hushed tones; Dennet handed him the reins. 
Rage struck Cullen like lightning. He stormed down the stone stairs, hand gripping the hilt of his sword. He crossed the lower courtyard and approached the man. The dark hair was a curtain across his face as he knelt for his saddlebags. 
“And just where do you think you’re going?” Cullen demanded.
Thom Rainier stood and faced him. His response was gruff. “Someone’s got to get to the bottom of what’s happened to Thalia.” 
Hearing her name on his lips only inflamed Cullen’s anger. “Your sentence dictates that you’re bound to the Inquisition’s service. You can’t just leave.” 
“Who’s going to stop me?” Rainier looked from Cullen’s face to the hilt of his sword glinting in the moonlight. “You?” Shaking his head, he let out a mean chuckle. “Besides, I’m on official business. An information-gathering mission concerning the Inquisitor’s condition.”
Cullen wished he could draw his weapon and strike Rainier down, but it would never be that simple. He’d seen Rainier fight — he could take hits and deliver blows that would stagger men half his age. Cullen considered himself a skilled fighter, but without the enhancements of lyrium, victory was far from assured. And what would it prove, besides? To awake half the castle so they could find their Commander locked in battle with a common criminal? 
No, Cullen would have to appeal to the man’s sense, if he had any left. “Where exactly do you plan to go?” 
“You want to solve a crime, Commander, you start at the scene where it happened.” Rainier turned from him, apparently confident Cullen wouldn’t stab him in the back. He secured the saddlebags on his mount. “You want to find someone who’s missing, you go to their last known location. Thought you’d know that much, given your former profession.” 
Cullen tried to ignore the insult. “She was attacked on the Exalted Plains, Rainier. You waltz in there alone, you’ll be lucky the Orlesian soldiers don’t kill you on sight.” 
“Like to see them try.” Rainier shrugged.
Cullen laughed mirthlessly. “You’re insane. Has anyone ever told you that?”
“Plenty of times.” Rainier glanced over his shoulder. “And you— you like to play it safe, don’t you, Commander? Has anyone ever told you that?” 
Yes, in fact. Every time Cullen turned down Samson’s invitation to accompany him to the Blooming Rose. Every time he walked into the common room in their quarters and broke up a high-stakes Wicked Grace game before Meredith could find them and reprimand them all. Every time Samson dangled an extra bottle of lyrium in front of his face, promising it would ease his mood, and he didn’t take it. There goes Rutherford again, playing it safe. As if adhering to logic was the morally abhorrent option. 
“Samson used to,” Cullen said softly. And maybe that’s why I’m Commander of the Inquisition, and you two are traitors and murderers.
Rainier snorted. “Then I’ll tell him you say hi. Right before I bury my steel in his gut.” 
The hatred in his voice was unmistakable, and familiar. It gave him pause.  “You intend to find Samson?” 
“Seems like he’s the one behind this, doesn’t it?” Rainier placed a boot in the stirrups and swung himself onto the horse. “I suspect that when I pick up the trail, it’ll lead right to him.” 
“And you’ll kill him,” Cullen said. It was not a question.
Rainier straightened in the saddle, squaring his shoulders. “With my bare hands, if necessary.” 
It was a horrendous plan. A stupid, reckless, ill-conceived strategy, barely better than blind swings in a drunken brawl. “And you mean to do this alone, against Samson’s Red Templar battalion, in a country that just tried to hang you?” 
Rainier shrugged once more. “The bastard hurt Thalia. Tell me you don’t feel the same.” 
Cullen couldn’t. He felt the exact white-hot rage for Samson that Rainier was expressing. But Cullen was the one standing on the ground while Rainier sat atop a horse, ready to ride into the night on a suicide mission. 
“What if you die before you get there?” Cullen asked. 
Rainier shrugged. “Then you won’t have to worry about me skulking about anymore, will you?” 
He dug his heels into the horse’s flank and trotted off. Cullen watched him retreat in the silver light. He could order the soldiers not to raise the gate, to detain Rainier, to wind chains around his wrists and force him into an underground cell. It was what he deserved. 
A terrible pressure settled against Cullen’s ribcage, threatening to suffocate him. The clop of retreating hooves beat in time with his headache.
He felt as though he watched himself from a distance. He watched, rather than felt his legs break into a sprint. Cullen got in front of Rainier’s horse, held out a hand, and shouted, “Wait!” 
Rainier pulled the reins. The horse halted. Rainier tilted his head, cocked one thick brow.
“I’m coming with you,” Cullen said.
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contreparry · 2 years
Happy Friday!! How about “All my choices lead me to you.” from the Couple prompts?
Here’s some pre-JosephinexLeliana for @dadrunkwriting !
Leliana’s mind was a wonder.
Josephine always thought so, from the moment she met Leliana at that ball all those years ago. Leliana smoothly transitioned from conversation topic to conversation topic with skill and grace. She always knew what to say and when to say it, just like she knew when to be silent. And, even better, Leliana confided in her all the comments and remarks that were utterly inappropriate: the raunchier gossip, the more cutting observations, the serious and mundane information that no one in polite company dared speak into the world.
Josephine could talk to Leliana for hours and never tire. She did just that on the night they met. She spilled bottles of ink and used up miles of paper and parchment so she could speak with Leliana. And Leliana, thank the Maker, always wrote back. She was a delightful penpal, a wonderful friend, someone Josephine couldn’t help but adore with all her heart. Who wouldn’t? Josephine loved curling up at the end of the day on a couch with Leliana’s letters so she could read all of her observations and little asides and worries and plans and-
It was as close as she could get to having the woman herself by her side. Josephine couldn’t be too greedy, especially when Leliana was always so busy. That she could even claim a moment of her time was enough. But Josephine couldn’t help the little stab of envy whenever Leliana wrote of her latest adventure, full of strange places and people. While Josephine had her own business to contend with, Leliana’s clever words always painted a fascinating picture of a world beyond her own. She somehow managed to make the political intrigue of Val Royeux dull in comparison to whatever matters were going on in the rest of Thedas.
So when Leliana asked her to venture to Haven to help with the Conclave (“All these nobles and officials, someone needs to wrangle them. Obviously I thought of you.”), Josephine agreed without a second thought. Leliana had ever been a rock for her, and if she could offer even a modicum of assistance, of comfort- why, it wasn’t even a question. Of course she would help! What were friends for? And the selfish part of her, that envious, wicked portion of her soul, was delighted to join in on one of Leliana’s adventures. Now she could be part of those wonderous tales, and play a part in them herself!
And she would have more opportunities to spend time with Leliana, which was always a good thing.
It was when the Temple of Andraste exploded that Josephine was forced to… reconsider her feelings. Not about helping Leliana, of course not. Her mind was made up the moment she read her letter and nothing could change her course. No, it was when that explosion rocked the earth, when ash fell from the sky, when she realized she couldn’t spot Leliana in the crush of people all rushing towards the sound, when confusion turned to horror as she took in the sight of the smoldering ruin that was once the Temple of Andraste in the distance, the temple where Leliana was supposed to be this afternoon…
In that moment Josephine froze in place, the shock of the possibility of a world without Leliana in it impossible to comprehend. The horror, the utter misery the thought roused in her was too much to bear, and Josephine’s heart lived in her throat until she spied Leliana’s tattered, ash-covered lavender cowl amongst the mass of bewildered, terrified people and she could finally, finally breathe again.
Their eyes met across the field, and to see her own relief reflected in Leliana’s pale blue gaze was- it was enough. Josephine fell to organizing inventory and gathering survivors, soothing tempers and fears and taking stock of their (terrible) situation. She worked until night fell and beyond it, elbow to elbow with strangers as she handed out blankets and ushered the injured into the hastily erected medical ward within Haven’s modest Chantry.
It was well past midnight and edging towards dawn when Josephine retired to her room. She wasn’t even surprised to find Leliana standing before the smoldering fireplace, her gaze fixed on the embers. She stirred when Josephine shut the door.
“When I said that you might have to use your exemplary hostess talents to prevent an international incident, trust that… this… was never something I had in mind,” Leliana declared.
Perhaps it was the exhaustion or Leliana’s dry tone, but laughter (strained though it was) spilled from her mouth like water and she found that she couldn’t stop. Alive. Thank the Maker, Leliana was alive! And despite the horrors of the day she still found the words to say in this moment. Only Leliana could manage such a feat. Josephine wiped away the tears at the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand. It has been a long day. A very, very long day. And even though her heart broke a hundred times over she couldn’t help but be glad that Leliana was here. Josephine’s selfish heart was glad she hadn’t lost her, even as she admonished herself for the joy she felt.
“No, no, I’m sure it didn’t!” Josephine finally said. “I- are you… were you injured?” Leliana stood as strong as she ever did, but Leliana was a master of hiding her personal pain. Josephine looked over her face, searching for signs of injury. But other than the exhaustion that matched her own, Leliana seemed well. Well enough, considering their circumstances.
“Nothing serious. How relieved I was when I remembered that you were forced to remain behind in Haven today, to handle that nonsensical business with that lady and her three lapdogs. I had thought the business foolish this morning, but now… If you hadn’t chosen to remain in Haven and ventured to the temple-“ Leliana shuddered then, her usually merry eyes shadowed. Josephine reached out slowly and took her hands in her own, and was shocked to find Leliana shaking. Composed, confident Leliana who always knew what to say seemed to be at a loss.
“What I mean to say is… you were right to settle the matter. If not, we may not be speaking to each other now,” Leliana finally mumbled, as if she was afraid to say these words out loud.
“It seems all my choices lead me to you,” Josephine murmured, “in some fashion or another.” She squeezed Leliana’s cold hands and hoped the touch soothed and warmed her, just as her presence was a balm on Josephine’s soul.
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breninarthur · 2 years
Hello DADWC! 👋 Here's my prompts list <3
💥Please be aware that I haven't finished DAI yet!💥
~~29/3: I've bolded things I'd especially like this week!~~
Kallian Tabris is my grumpy berserker warrior from my DAO fic; when darkness comes. She's also in Knight My Heart, a modern fantasy actor AU, and my Nobody Dies* AU in which... yeah. Her tag is kallian tabris, and I tweet about her sometimes :)
I am tentatively mentioning Maz Hawke, my blue/purple mage, and El Lavellan, my assassin rogue Inquisitor. They're all in the same worldstate (AU's included), but I haven't written much for these two.
Happy to write them alone or maybe with each other as well!
- Kallian Tabris / Alistair Theirin (canon)
- Kallian Tabris / Zevran Arainai (more complicated, a canon flirtation but no more. Flatmates in KMH AU.)
- Kallian Tabris / Anders (unrequited on his side but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
- Maz Hawke / Fenris (canon)
- Maz Hawke / Anyone (unrequited or failed in some way lmao)
- El Lavellan / Blackwall
- Loghain Mac Tir / Rowan Guerrin
- Adaia Tabris / Duncan
- OC / OC - mine/mine or mine/yours!
I'm happy to write pretty much any platonic relationship! Here are some examples, but definitely not limited to these:
- Kallian Tabris & Zevran
- Kallian Tabris & Ciarth (Dog)
- Kallian Tabris & Morrigan
- Kallian Tabris & Daveth
- Maz Hawke & Carver
- Maz Hawke & Varric
- El Lavellan & Solas
- El Lavellan & Dorian
- Rowan Guerrin & Katriel
- OC & OC - mine&mine or mine&yours!
I do also have a Tabris ancestry WIP! New OC's in each chapter, so if you don't specify a pairing, I might do one for that.
Prompt List:
I love to write angst and fluff, and enjoy lots of tropes and AU's, so feel free to send me pretty much anything 🥰 I will probably not write smut, though.
(These are vaguely sorted into categories, though there's overlap.)
Angst (broadly speaking)
- angsty poem prompts
- "for the damaged" - x
- Hidden Injury
- "Hit 'em where it hurts" - x
- Quotes about death - not all angsty! - x
- Short angst sentences
Fluff (broadly speaking)
- 14 Days of DA Lovers
- 50 Types of Kisses
- Bed sharing scenarios
- Compliments and reassurance - x
- cute shippy prompts - x
- Domestic fluff
- Kisses
- Love confessions
- platonic sentences - x
- Random ship dynamics - for this one, you could send the prompt on its own if you like, and I could choose the pairing that fits :) or pair it with another prompt!
- Soft and sweet sentences - x
- Soft sentences - x
- Aberdeen Gothic - x
- Artefacts of Thedas
- Bottles of Thedas
- Caring prompts
- Chaotic found family
- Charles Dickens Prompts
- Convoluted Scenarios
- DAtober 2022
- Dragon Age inspired prompts
- Dragon Age Promptober
- Dragon Age specific dialogue prompts
- "from the hero" sentences - x
- "from the villain" sentences
- Hozier lyrics - x
- medieval / fantasy sentences
- micro story prompts
- OC Codex - x
- OC Codex 2
- Physical contact
- Poetry prompts
- Richard Siken
- Sappho Sentences
- Sensory prompts
- Sickfic
- Sleep Token prompts
- "so you had a bad day" prompts
- Trope bingo
- Vague Cold Weather Prompts
- Whump
- whumptober 2022
- Word prompts
Other filled prompts: x, x, x, x
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syrupwrit · 1 month
DADWC Prompt Post
Hello! Thank you for taking a look at my prompt post. 
As a reminder, please send asks to this account, syrupwrit!
If you would please submit the whole prompt along with a character, pairing, or topic, I would appreciate it. And, as always, if you’d like to just send me absolutely whatever as a prompt, that’s great! No need to stick to any list.
Prompt Lists/Ideas
Bottles of Thedas Prompts
Artifacts of Thedas Prompts
Dragon Age Lore Prompts
Serault Prompts
The Fall (2006) Prompts
Vague Prompts: Eerie Autumn 2
Betrayal Liners
Contextless Prompts for my Neria
Send me a song, poem, or quotation of your choice!
Current Interests - Characters
This Friday, September 20, 2024, I would love some horror, supernatural, creepy/eerie, or angst prompts!
Any characters from Origins, Awakening, or Inquisition (I need to revisit DA2, it's been a bit)
f!Surana Warden, "my Neria," an elf mage specializing in entropy/blood magic/shapeshifting, who starts out a shy little nerd dabbling in the forbidden—speaking with demons, trying to flirt with Cullen—and progressively hardens. Collected Neria snippets are here on AO3.
f!Cousland Warden, Elissa, a greatsword-wielding human warrior who is vengeful, ruthless, and manipulative and was created primarily to cause Leliana angst. So far she has appeared in one fic (f!Cousland/Leliana/Morrigan smut, rated E).
m!Adaar Inquisitor, Kaaras, a double-daggers Tal-Vashoth rogue who gradually starts buying into his own hype.
Current Interests - Ships & Friendships (but you can prompt anything!)
Anders/Nathaniel Howe
Dagna & anyone (friendship)
Ines Arancia/Wynne
Inquisitor & Sera (friendship)
Inquisitor & Samson (idk)
Inquisitor & Vivienne (friendship)
Shale & Wynne (friendship)
f!Surana/The Architect
f!Surana & The Architect (friendship)
f!Surana & Loghain (idk)
f!Surana & Morrigan (friendship)
f!Surana & Oghren (friendship)
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dreadfutures · 2 years
Happy Friday Blue! How abouuuut Ixchel & Dorian - “the worst of it all, it’s that if you ask now, i will forgive you.” from the Betrayal prompts??
WOOF for @dadrunkwriting
have a doozy
tldr; Dorian knows the broad strokes of how Ixchel died and was resurrected against her will. Now he knows why--and he knows that Solas, Fen'Harel, was that reason. Will Dorian ever be able to look Ixchel in the eye again?
Words: 2000
"You still haven't spoken to Dorian?"
Ixchel winced, but Solas tugged on her hand until she stopped walking. Magic whispered in front of them as Vir Dirthara's stairs assembled themselves in the air, and Ixchel gave them a wistful look before turning to face Solas's concerned stare.
"He hasn't spoken to me," she hedged.
Solas's frown deepened. "That makes it doubly concerning that you haven't spoken to him, then. Ixchel—"
"I'm not his keeper," Ixchel said, but she could not meet his eye as she did. "It's… I think he's pieced it together."
The gentle touch on her cheek drove her guilt deeper, rather than lessening it. When she did not look back up at him, Solas cupped her jaw in his palm and brushed his thumb across the ridge of her vallaslin. "Of course he has," he said softly. "He is one of the most brilliant minds in Thedas, and he cares about you deeply."
She reached for his hand and wrapped her fingers around his own, pressed to her cheek, and leaned in to his touch with a sigh. "He saw everything," she whispered. "In the red future. Before he even really knew me, he saw how much…pain… I carried. He was there in the Emprise. He was there in the Fade…"
"He has remained a steadfast and loyal friend through it all," Solas said. "Why would this be any different?"
Ixchel looked up at him through her lashes morosely. "I died because of the Dread Wolf, and here I am partnered with him in all things," she said. "It might seem like I'm courting disaster, or seeking pain, or—"
Solas raised his other hand to cup her face, and he leaned down to press his forehead to hers. "He is your friend. Our friend. He has traveled through time, and knows it is possible to thwart death. There must inevitably be a part of his mind that is open to learning your rationale, 'ma'lath, and he holds you in high esteem. Surely he will listen."
"After shouting at me for being a fool, I'm sure," Ixchel grumbled. "His nickname for me is mula! It's not going to go well."
"But it will not be an end," Solas said firmly.
"How do you know?" Ixchel closed her eyes as they began to burn, and she grimaced against the tightness in her throat. "What if he cannot bear to look at me?"
"How do you know?" Solas asked.
A dark laugh escaped her, and she shook her head. She would not give him the satisfaction of ceding to his point, but she knew she had no better argument for him.
Solas's breath washed across her face as he pressed a parting kiss to her forehead. "Will you speak to him when we return?"
She nodded. "I can't promise he will not try and kill you, so consider yourself warned."
Dorian was actually incredibly hard to find upon their return to Skyhold, and a part of Ixchel feared that he was plotting Fen'Harel's death in secret. It seemed that he had last been seen retreating to his rooms with a bottle of wine, but that was days ago, and when Ixchel knocked—then banged—on his door, she received no response.
It was Cole who finally came to her aid. He announced his appearance behind her by saying, "He's ready to see you now. He's with the wine, but not in it."
After she had caught her startled breath again, Ixchel put her hand over her racing heart and turned to face him. The look in his eye drew her up short.
"You definitely know better than to scare people like that by now," she accused. She couldn't help her smile when she saw his little smirk, just before he vanished into thin air.
"I'm glad to see you too, Cole," she said, then set off for the wine cellar once more.
She was sure she had checked there more than once, but perhaps she had justed missed Dorian each time. Or perhaps he had been hiding.
Her heart had not stopped racing by the time she got downstairs and reached the small hall lined with paintings and paragons. She saw that the door to the wine cellar had been left open, and soft candlelight danced on the opposite wall; she had indeed found Dorian at last, it seemed.
Her fears had been eased somewhat when she had articulated them to Solas, but they returned in force now as she approached the little storage room. She paused in the doorway to drink in the scene that awaited her, but mostly she was just paralyzed, incapable of making the first move in what she was certain would be a battle with Dorian's wit and pride and protective indignation.
She was glad at least that he looked well. His once-gaunt face had filled out some while she was in Serault, though the circles beneath his eyes had grown more stark and bruised in her absence. He had still been a little rumpled when last she saw him—but not so now.
He made a show of perusing the selection of bottles on the wall, his back to her, but she could see enough. He had worn some of his finest robes, fit for the floor of the Magisterium, and his hair was perfectly arranged and oiled. She could even smell the spice of his exquisite, most treasured soap.
"I have promised myself, and I'm promising you, that we are going to have a very nice bottle of wine when we are done here," he said, and at least one of Ixchel's concerns was immediately put to rest.
"Okay," she said softly, and she closed the door behind her. "Are you going to look at me?"
"I honestly don't know if I can."
But with a steadying breath that was far too large to be genuine, he pulled a bottle off the shelf and turned to face her.
There was no humor in his face, and beneath his mustache, his lips were pressed in a thin, flat line.
"Was it him?" he asked, and he did a very good job of keeping his tone even and nonjudgmental.
But his eyes were sharp and cold as flint as they bored into hers, and she knew that no matter what she would answer, she had already sealed her fate.
"Was it… Fen'Harel, who drove you to despair in your first life?" he pressed.
She could have been pedantic and argued that it was being Inquisitor at sixteen that had done her in from the start, or that it was the Inquisition's dissolution. But she did not want to argue with Dorian. She had already resolved to take whatever verbal beating he had prepared for her, if it would preserve their friendship.
So she swallowed anything and everything she thought to say, and she nodded once.
Dorian uttered what might have been a curse beneath his breath, but he hardly blinked, as though he could dissect her with the force of his gaze alone.
"So Solas is a greater threat to the world than Corypheus?" Dorian asked.
"No," Ixchel said, but perhaps it was too fast, too reflexive, because Dorian's mustache twitched dangerously. Before he could retort, she hopped up on top of a barrel to be closer to level with him, and she gripped the edge of it as she leaned forward, frowning at the ground. "There is a greater threat than him, but the means he would use to thwart it were…extreme." Her next breath shuddered within her and left her hunched, shoulders curled forward to protect herself from Dorian's skeptical stare. "I had vowed to stop him. He counted on it. As much as he deemed his path necessary, he—he's not a monster. He called it his din'an'shiral: a journey that leads to death."
"And he would have made you his deliverance," Dorian guessed.
"Or, if I failed, use my death as fuel for his self-hatred and penance for ages to come," she confirmed. "I realized it and… And I was tired. I was tired of being worth only what I could oppose. I was tired of only being part of something when I was at war. I had no one after the Inquisition, and it felt like the only way I could have anyone again was if I kept up the fight—and I was tired."
Ixchel cleared her throat roughly and stole a glance up at Dorian, which was a mistake. His face had grown pale with fury, and his fingers were clenched tightly around his forearms, crossed over his chest.
She bit her lip and waited for the inevitable question. Perhaps he would clarify how she had ended up here, alive again. Perhaps he would ask about the greater threat she had mentioned. But eventually there was only one question that mattered to either of them:
How could she still love Solas, after all that?
But he did not.
As he continued to stare at her, his eyes began to glisten. His lips grew even thinner as he struggled to hold—something—back.
 Finally, a gasp burst out of him, and he hung his head. "Fasta vass, mula. You're saying that Solas would have done something so vile or cruel or wanton that you might be driven to slay him, and now he is in your bed?" He touched his temples briefly, then threw his hands down. "This cannot be a—a ploy! Please tell me you are not trying to literally seduce him to some moral standard—"
"No, I'm not," Ixchel said firmly.
"Oh, good, I am overjoyed to hear that your perverted sense of self worth has not led you to stoop quite so low as prostituting yourself to the greatest enemy of the Elven pantheon," Dorian replied with a roll of his eyes. When he looked back at her, frustration written into every line around his mouth and on his brow, she rather felt like she was arguing with Bull again. It seemed they had rubbed off on one another, after all. "So, what? I'm supposed to believe you love him, and that's enough?"
Before she could respond, he continued.
"Of course I am. That's so very you, isn't it? Of course Ixchel Lavellan could see a hero in the Dread Wolf. Even after he has literally driven her to—"
"Dorian," Ixchel said quietly, and he immediately shut his mouth, though he left his teeth bared in displeasure. "There are, at this point, years of nuance to my relationship that you have not been privy to. It would actually be a relief to share that with you, but you need to understand something first."
She took a deep breath and straightened up, mostly to give herself confidence as she faced him. It only sort of worked. "Solas has always been the kind of man who wanted to be stopped. He has never wanted to be the villain history made him out to be. And no matter who we are to each other, no matter what our history might be, I will always help someone find a better path if there is one. The love we have, the love we have," she gestured between herself and Dorian, "is what drives that."
Dorian's jaw worked fruitlessly for a moment. "But how could you?" he asked at last, nearly pleading. "Does he know? How could he?"
Ixchel gave him a mirthless smile. "Maybe he would say it took practice," she offered. "I had to wear him down. And get very good at spotting when he falls in to the same place of blame that you're coming from." Her empty smile faded instantly. "It wasn't him. It wasn't this Solas who chose those things. He has proved, at this point, to himself at the very least that he can choose better. And so have I."
"Kafas," Dorian said, covering his face abruptly in both hands. He pressed his fingertips into his eyes and released a ragged sigh. "Ixchel, first I learn that I was there when you gave up, and then you tell me I am the one who undid that decision—and now I learn the man you allow to love you is the very one who saddled you with the pain that ultimately killed you? Are you simply missing some self-preserving part of your brain, mula?"
"No one else could possibly understand but you," she said thickly. "What it means to every day face a precipice and step away from it. Maybe this world isn't beautiful, but that is."
Dorian still covered his eyes with his hands, but he huffed a disbelieving laugh.
"And I love you too, Dorian," Ixchel said softly. "Have you accepted that, yet?"
The slew of Tevene curses that left him told her no, he had not. A heavy weight settled upon her at that realization, and she leaned back against the wall behind her, watching the pain play out across his features through her own weary eyes.
"The worst of it all," he said, voice broken with rough tears, "is that if you ask now, I will forgive you entirely."
"I'm pretty sure that's a lie," she said. "But I'll take it."
She opened her arms, and Dorian begrudgingly slotted himself into them, allowing her to hug him as tight as she could muster.
"Would you forgive me for forgiving you?" she asked. "For forgiving Solas?"
"I suppose," he said with an overdone reluctance that did nothing to hide the tremble in his voice. "I just wish I understood why."
Ixchel smiled into his shirt.
"If I didn't, how could I ever forgive myself?"
Dorian did not respond for a long time, but in his silence she heard all the confirmation she needed.
Maybe one day he would learn the same lesson.
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warpedlegacywrites · 1 year
Bottles of Thedas Prompts
Personal version of the prompts list found here. Please like and reblog the original version. I will try to keep it updated with links to fulfilled prompts.
Butterbile 7:84, Hinterlands, found on a table in the locked round house; see side quest Blood Brothers
Carnal, 8:69 Blessed, Hinterlands, on the first floor of Master Dennet's home located on Redcliffe Farms.
Vint-9 Rowan's Rose, Hinterlands, on the second floor of the Winterwatch Tower tavern.
Vintage: Bethany Hawke, Carver Hawke, (or) Warden Steed, Hinterlands, Redcliffe Village, inside the locked Wheelhouse located near Redcliffe Village's entrance.
Vintage: Warden Anras, Storm Coast, southeast of the Small Grove Inquisition Camp, on top of the cliff overlooking Long River (on the northern side of the river).
Vintage: Warden Riordan, Storm Coast, east of the Driftwood Margin Inquisition Camp, found in the same hut as the Warden-Commander's Badge and Wardens of the Coast objective.
Golden Scythe 4:90 Black, Forbidden Oasis, at the bottom of Spiral Mine.
Dragon Piss, Fallow Mire, In the second house northwest of the fourth beacon.
Garbolg's Backcountry Reserve, Fallow Mire, in a house northwest of the Fisher's End Inquisition Camp. -Hawke/Rose in Skyhold Cellar
Vintage: Warden Gibbins, Crestwood, from the drained lake area of Old Crestwood and south of the North Gate Inquisition Camp (near the Flooded Caves entrance and the Mayor's Old Home) head west from the house with the locked door to the damaged house near the lake.
Vintage: Warden Daedalam, Crestwood, south from the Fisherman's Hut landmark (in the drained lake area of Old Crestwood) found inside the broken down house with a chest visible from the doorway on the right.
Hirol's Lava Burst, Crestwood, from the drained lake area south of the North Gate Inquisition Camp (near the Flooded Caves entrance and the Mayor's Old Home in Old Crestwood), head into the house with a closed door, search inside on the left.
Antivan Sip-Sip, Crestwood, Found in the Glenmorgan Mine region near the Guide of Falon'Din landmark. Head inside the cave just east of the astrarium that is located in the same area.
Alvarado's Bathtub Boot Screech, Exalted Plains, inside a tower on the Eastern Ramparts.
Finale by Massaad, Exalted Plains, in the basement of the Riverside Garrison.
Vintage: Warden Korenic, Exalted Plains, In a yellow house by the river in Ville Montevelan.
Vintage: Warden Tontiv, Exalted Plains, southwest of the Riverwatch Inquisition Camp in a burning red house.
West Hill Brandy, Western Approach, In the tower located between the Craggy Ridge Inquisition Camp and the Underground Cavern above the astrarium cave, climb the east side and head up the ladder (Giant's staircase. Also features skeletons and a giant wheel of cheese)
Vintage: Warden Jairn, Western Approach, In Dustytop Fort.
Vintage: Warden Eval'lal, Western Approach, In the Ritual Tower.
Absence, Emerald Graves, on top of some boxes in a small room located inside Argon's Lodge.
Chasind Sack Mead, Emerald Graves, Lyrium Inquisition Camp north of Southfinger Tower.
Mackay's Epic Single Malt, Emerald Graves, at Bear Cave north from Chateau d'Onterre.
Sun Blonde Vint-1, Emerald Graves, on the river bank at Silver Falls south from the Direstone Inquisition Camp.
Abyssal Peach, Emprise du Lion, inside Suledin Keep past the cages and the first giant encounter, prior to the lyrium tents.
Legacy White Shear, Emprise du Lion, in the Sahrnia Quarry tower near the entrance.
Aqua Magus, Hissing Wastes, outside the Burial Grounds Tomb, south of the Logging Inquisition Camp; see side quest The Tomb of Fairel.
Flames of Our Lady, Hissing Wastes, northwest of the Sunstop Mountain Inquisition Camp in the quarry structures.
Silent Plains Piquette, Hissing Wastes, In the Venatori Camp southeast of the Sunstop Mountain Inquisition Camp; see side quest Sand and Ruin.
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theluckywizard · 1 year
hi lucky! from the artefacts of thedas prompts, maybe "a small pot of kaddis, partially used" for hawke & any family member? 😊
Heyyyy! Happy Friday! I wrote some Hawke sibling fluff because that's all i have in me apparently! Just a whole pile of dialogue. For @dadrunkwriting Characters: Garrett Hawke, Bethany Hawke, Carver Hawke WC: 575 Rating: Gen
“What are you doing, Gar?” Bethany asks, her tone appropriately snappish as Hawke works at her small herbalism bench, grinding with the mortar and pestle.
“Mixing up my kaddis,” says Hawke.
“So you’re a dog, now?” she asks, raising her brow, a little edge of flippance in her voice as she leans against the wall.
“Didn’t you see the front door? We’re all dogs. I just thought I’d better look the part when I go deal with those Lowtown derelicts.”
“What are you going to do, fight them all?”
“Only a little,” says Hawke, flashing his sister a grin. “Enough so they think twice about smearing dog shit on our door again.”
“You think you know who did it?”
“Oh I know who did it. And I know which tavern they haunt.”
Bethany approaches, tucking her chin around his upper arm and he looks down to cast an affectionate eye on her. There’s always been an uncommon warmth between them, their thoughtful natures and mutual protective instincts wrapped up inside a playful veneer of teasing and ribbing. She returns it with a smirk. 
“Try the walnut oil,” she suggests, gesturing at the small bottle on the top shelf. When he fumbles the small bottle in his hands which are truly a hair too big to be of use for such delicate tasks, she speaks again. “Here. Let me.” She nudges him aside with her hip and sets to work whipping up the pigment with the oil.
“Where did you get this anyway?” she asks, concentrating carefully on working out all the little lumps. 
“Lirene’s. It’s a fine Fereldan import, is it not?”
“Bitty isn’t even a trained war dog,” Bethany notes, glancing over her shoulder at the potato on the floor in the other room.
“Porkbit is of the finest Mabari stock. If I ever felt compelled to train him, he’d be a king amongst fools.”
“You’re deluded, Gar. As usual,” she grins, offering him the little pot of kaddis. “Are you going to cover your body too?”
“Oh, I think a streak across the nose will suffice. What do you think?” Hawke ducks low to look in the clouded mirror and smears a finger full from cheek to cheek across his nose.
“You look like an idiot,” she says, but there’s a laugh fluttering behind her voice and she reaches up to ruffle her hands in his hair. “Are you roping Carver into this terrible plan of yours?”
“Rope him? I’m not sure I could stop him,” says Hawke, admiring himself in the mirror. “You’re right it’s a little ridiculous. But I’m nothing if not a little ridiculous.”
“Well, at least you own it,” she says. “It will pair nicely with that hideous pointy armor you picked up.”
“Says you. I look like a proper legend in it.”
“You look like an oversized mace.”
“A legendary oversized mace,” he corrects her. “You sure you don’t want to come?”
“Oh I’m not sure drawing the attention of roving templars over a little dog shit is worth it, Gar,” she says. She turns her head to holler into the other room.“Carver!” Gamlen’s grumble is immediate.
Carver pokes his head into her room.
“Maker, Gar, really?” he says, grinning.
“A proper Fereldan dog,” Hawke grins. Bethany lays her hand on Carver’s shoulder as he dabs his finger for his own streak of red.
“Do us a favor and keep Garrett from doing something irreparably stupid. And vice versa. Unless you both decide to go full moron simultaneously.”
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aloysiavirgata · 4 years
Hot prompt: Mulder washes Scully's back.
And also for @fashionbooksboozefeminism who asked about 40th birthdays on the run. NSFW
Night, cash, Sonia and James. Mulder leads her down the faded carpet and wood-paneled halls of the old Poconos resort, nearly empty nine days past Valentine’s. Everything they own that isn’t in their bag is in the car outside. They stop in front of room 314.
Scully, a bobbed brunette in yoga pants and a hoodie, slouches against the wall. “If this turns out to be a reboot of The Shining, Mulder, I’m going to be really pissed.”
He works the key into the scuffed lock. “The Haunted Murder package wasn’t in my budget, don’t worry.”
They head inside, Mulder shutting the door behind them. The room is a perfectly preserved 70’s time capsule, amber-hued with shag carpet and velour club chairs. There’s a zigzag bedspread and a macramé plant hanger with a dusty silk fern on it.
“Groovy.” Mulder sets their duffel on the floor.
“Wow,” Scully says, peering around. Her mother would have killed for this room back when she hosted fondue parties and wore hostess pajamas. “Mulder, I feel like I’m in high school again. I’m going to need some blue eyeshadow, then we can play a few rounds of Mystery Date.”
Mulder examines a small porcelain shepherdess on the lamp stand. “Forty is the new sixteen. Go look around the corner.”
Scully picks her way past the walnut dresser and a floral folding screen. A yelp of laughter escapes her. “Mulder!”
The tub is glossy and red, heart shaped, with veined mirrored walls behind. It’s piled with bubbles, steam rising from the surface. A bottle of something called Sham-Pagne sits on the tiled rim. Her chest squeezes at the thought of him putting this together. She’s been remote since the New Year, prickly and self-contained as a spore.
He appears behind her, grinning. “James. Only the classiest for you, Sonia.”
She sits on the ledge, pats the bubbles with curious fingers. “Champagne glasses would have been classy, James.”
Mulder studies the bottle. “It’s got a screw top, so I think this is more a red Solo cup affair. Or straight from the bottle.“
Their joys are very small these days and she clings to them. “It’s absolutely awful, I love it.”
Mulder, beaming, squeezes her shoulder. “Go ahead and get in, I wanted it all ready for you so you could relax right off the bat.”
Scully stands, her back to the large mirrors. She undresses quickly, trying not to catch her reflection in the small mirror over the sink. She doesn’t want to see her choppy dark hair, the purple smudges under her eyes, her sallow skin and WalMart lingerie. A year and nine months and each glance at her reflection feels like watching a Dana who dropped out of med school to follow a band or wait tables at a truck stop. But she can’t tell her not to do it, she can’t wish it all away, it’s just... she is not suited for life in the bardo.
She climbs over the wide ledge, into one of the curves of the heart, and lowers herself into the bath. The steaming water is decadent after so many cramped showers, and this immersion feels baptismal. Perhaps she can come out fully cleansed, grocery store dye gone, Aphrodite on a bed of foam. The bubbles come up past her chin, making her sneeze. 
Mulder sits next to her, opening the wine. “Oh, whoa, whoa, she's a lady,” he sings, holding the bottle like a microphone.
Scully scowls at him from the tub. “No need for that, thank you.”
“Tom Jones, Scully!”
She puffs bubbles at him, and they stick to his shirt. “Do you have any cups?”
“I was serious about the bottle, I think.” He passes it to her.
She takes a long swig. It’s sickly sweet and too fizzy. She could easily finish it herself. “Get in.”
He looks surprised. “Really?”
“It’s my birthday, you have to do what I say.” Another swallow.
He’s already undressing. “No, no, I don’t mind. I just figured you’d want to marinate alone.”
Mulder, never self conscious, has no concerns about the mirrors. He gets in the other bend of the heart and water overflows onto the carpet. “Oops.”
Scully, already buzzy, passes him the wine.
He takes a long drink, winces. “Good lord.”
“Mm,” she agrees, settling low in the water. It seeps up her chin length hair, making a sleek dark cap around her face.
Mulder puts the bottle down and fishes around in a wicker basket. He retrieves a pink pouf and a tiny bottle of cherry blossom body wash. “Scoot over here.”
She hunches into the corner. “No I’m comfable. ComFORTable.”
Mulder laughs. “How hard did you hit that bottle?” He reaches around to take her by the shoulders and pull her through the water until she’s settled between his knees like a cranky mermaid. He squeezes a pearly dollop of soap on the pouf and begins to wash her back.
“This is soapy water already,” she observes.
“Well, it so happens I just like touching you, so don’t be pedantic.”
She lets her head fall forward as he makes circles on her back, tries not to feel embarrassed about her bony spine and the furrowed landscape of her ribs. She hasn’t been this thin since the cancer hollowed her out, and she never let him see her this way back then.
Back then.
“Got you a little cake, it’s in the fridge,” Mulder says, like he can read her thoughts again.
“Maybe I’ll save you a piece,” she replies. She wants to be cheery for him, a brave little sailor. The body wash makes her think of spring in DC and she sniffs at it.
He drops the pouf to massage her slick skin with his hands. They’re a little calloused now from the kind of rough work he was never bred for. He works his thumbs beneath her scapulae and she wonders if he can unfurl them like wings, let her fly away.
She takes another gulp of wine. “Mulder.”
“Hmm?” His fingers knead her neck, each tight trapezius.
Scully turns in the water to face him, catches a flash of her reflection as she does. Her hair is kelpy, the heavy black eyeliner she wears now smudged about her eyes like Theda Bara.
She kneels between his bent knees. “Nothing.”
Mulder sighs. “I didn’t want it like this either.” He holds his arms out and she rests against his chest. The water sloshes gently around them as he enfolds her, his heart thrumming at her cheek. She imagines this is what the last moments in the womb are like.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbles into the wet dark of his body. “This is a really good present.”
His hands are skating over her back again with a washcloth this time. The texture feels good, centering her back into her bones. Sometimes she feels adrift from herself, dissociated, following her own body like a kite.
Mulder strokes her hair and she burrows her face up into his neck, her forearms pressed against his chest. She hopes he won’t sing Happy Birthday like he used to because it will undo her.
He doesn’t, just nuzzles in, whispering sweet nonsense into her ear. “I love you,” he says, in a voice like hot tea on a cold morning. He nibbles her unadorned earlobe.
Scully, who hasn’t wanted sex in over a month (or has it been two?), who has barely wanted to be touched, feels her body stirring. She turns her head, her earlobe chilled, and catches his lips with her own. She tugs at his longish hair, wanting to absorb him and his infinite love and his careworn soul. She nips his tongue.
His response against her thigh is instant and, bless him, he apologizes like a teenager on prom night. All this time and he’s still such a gentleman it might break her heart.
She pulls back, takes his face in her hands. How she loves his face, his autumn woods eyes and his mouth like a Botticelli angel. “Look at me,” she says.
He does, worry in his gaze. “Scully, it’s fine, I know y-“
“Shut up,” she says, with aching fondness. “Please shut up.” She thumbs his bottom lip.
He furrows his brow, uncertain.
Scully lets her legs float up off the bottom of the tub, twists so that she’s straddling his lap, her arms about his neck. “It’s my birthday. You have to do what I say.”
He swallows, still watching her. “As you wish.”
Scully tips her hips forward and he’s inside her, hot and hard and familiar.
Mulder’s eyes close and he murmurs some wordless hindbrain prayer.
There’s almost no leverage, but he’s holding her hips as she rotates them, groaning when she tightens her pelvic floor. She’s wrapped in warmth from the inside out, liquid heat, her breasts crushed to his chest. Water splashes to the floor.
Mulder slides his hands up so that his thumbs are at her waist, his fingers spanning her back. She sighs and leans into the brace of him, her chin tipped up.
He takes her left nipple into his mouth and her shoulders roll back, hands trailing in the water. She exhales hard through her nose. A memory comes to her, Mulder in the tub in Rhode Island, and she recalls even then the fierceness of the unnameable thing she felt for him. Love is such an inadequate word for this.
He’s slowly taken over their rhythm now, pulling her down harder, and she falls away into the dopamine surge. Panting now, belly dipping and rising. Tingling at her sacral spine.
Scully groans in disappointment when he turns his head from her breast. Her areola contracts in the cold, and Mulder runs a hand from her throat to the hot junction of their bodies. She is not long disappointed.
She sees then that he’s looking at the mirror wall, watching, and she’s afraid to do the same but cannot help her curiosity.
Her arched body is a full sail, held up by the mast of Mulder’s arm, rising and falling on an unquiet sea. Even with the glass veined and fogged she sees the slackness of desire in her mouth, her dilated eyes.
In the mirror, Mulder’s eyes are on hers, the face of a mystic in ecstasy. In the mirror she watches his jaw clench and his head roll back. Watches him grind his hips up into hers. He calls out to her god.
She’s dazed, visually overloaded. Scully leans forward to his neck again, biting at it as his fingers continue their steady work between her thighs. The hand that was on her back is on her ass now, and gripping hard.
“You liked watching,” he says at her temple and it isn’t a question, just an observation, but somehow the intimacy of him knowing it trips her over the edge. She’s lightning-struck after so long, her nerves overfiring, and she shudders back into his arms, gulping air.
He traces endless figure eights on her back, or maybe they’re infinity signs. He tells her about a raccoon he saw in the bakery parking lot, eating an entire raisin bread by itself. “It hissed at me when I got out of the car, Scully, and I don’t even like raisins.”
“You’re so brave,” she says. “Just to get my cake.”
“I’d fight a raccoon for you any day.”
When the water gets cold they emerge, ectoplasmic wafts of bubbles trailing behind them to the bed. They can shower later.
Scully, chilly now, wraps herself in the bedspread. She sits cross-legged on the bed like a wise old oracle. “Where’s my cake, please?”
Mulder opens the mini fridge and removes a perfect miniature birthday cake, sprinkles and fudge frosting and a vivid maraschino cherry. She might not save him a piece after all.
He brings her the cake and two plastic forks. A small white box.
“Mulder!” she exclaims. “I thought this was my present, I hope you didn’t really get me anything else.”
He sits next to her on the bed and rubs her back through the heavy comforter. Clears his throat. “It’s, um, it’s not from me, actually. I didn’t just run into a raccoon at the bakery.”
She looks at him in utter bewilderment. “What are you talking about?”
“Open it.”
A strange fear creeps over her as she fumbles with the tape holding the lid on the box. Her fingers are clumsy, numb, but she gets it off at last. Inside is a cheap cell phone, a burner. There’s a Post-It stuck to the front.
“Many happy returns of the day, Scully.
- Walter Skinner”
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crackinglamb · 3 years
gimme 10-13 of the kiss prompts. give
All right, Bugs, you asked for it. 😘
Stolen Kisses
~1900 words, rated M for non-explicit smut
Read it here on AO3.
Solas was not a publicly demonstrative lover. He rarely did more than hold her hand as they traipsed across Thedas from one mission to another, be it a rift or a piece of lost lore of his people, or some clue to further their fight against Corypheus. Sometimes, after a battle, after the blood, dirt and exhaustion, he would hold her face in his hands, looking her over with both eyes and magic for more hidden injury. On the rarest of rare occasions, he would press a kiss to her forehead where anyone might see him do it. And when she said rare, what she meant was once. He had done it once. That brush with death had laid bare for both of them just how fleeting and fragile her mortal life was. Those moments of clarity were not to be squandered, even if it meant crossing his disciplined principles.
Imogen understood this about him. She didn't hold it against him. He was a trickster, a rebel. He had outwitted millennia of enemies. He had learned the hard way why one needed to keep their loved ones secret. It was a habit as ingrained into him as his effortless ability to misdirect, to lie by omission, to manipulate events and perceptions. She didn't hold those things against him either. They'd kept him alive, and she needed him that way every bit as much as he needed her since she'd absorbed the Anchor into her hand.
They were an odd pair, to say the least. Elf and human. Mage and archer. Quite literally two worlds collided. Few outside Imogen's trusted inner circle even knew of their intimacy. Fewer still knew how deep it went. Their time together felt stolen, concealed from prying eyes and wagging tongues with utmost care. On the road it was easier, with night watch shifts and too few tents to go around so they had to double up regardless.
In Skyhold it was a choreographed dance. Slipping in unseen after darkness blanketed the fortress, gone again by morning. Therein lay the difficulty in keeping things secret. Imogen had never really been one to lounge around in bed for hours. She was an energetic person who liked to get up and get her day started. But Solas liked his sleep. She compared him waking and leaving the Fade to one who was leaving behind a homeland, no matter that he would see it again when the sun set on the day. She often teased him about it, to which he countered that he gave her little reason to complain about sleeping in with him.
Well, he wasn't wrong on that score. She'd admit it.
Because when they were alone...oh, when they were alone...
Imogen woke to the touch of lips against her collarbone, a brush so light it was barely there. She lay there with her eyes closed and tipped her head further back on her pillow. He wasn't truly awake yet, she could tell from the laxity in his arms around her, the smoothness of his brow under her chin, the slow rhythm of his breath in the hollow of her throat. Still, he took advantage of their position, and her tacit invitation. He pressed closer, feathering butterfly light kisses up the column of her neck, across the slope of her jaw and over her cheek. She started to smile when he reached her nose, trailing soft and slow and tender down the length of it until he tilted his head, and she automatically did too.
They weren't lined up perfectly, the corner of his mouth was under hers, his landed in the space between her nose and lips. She felt him smile, even as she let her own grow wide, giddy with the silliness of missing a kiss because they were fuzzy with sleep and not looking. She puckered her lips against his anyway, crooked as they were, making the smallest smacking noise when she pulled away. His hands slid up her back to cradle her as he dragged his lower lip against her mouth until he was just right. Then he plundered.
He was always like this, it seemed. The first touch was tentative, almost wary. The second was raw. As if he'd given himself permission to take what she offered. It never failed to fill her with sparks of joy deep in her body. The Dread Wolf take you. It gave a whole new meaning to the curse, one that she'd teased him with on many occasions. And to her delight, he never failed to deliver on it.
She hitched her leg over his hip, hooking her calf behind his backside. One of his hands stayed between her shoulder blades, while the other smoothed down ribs and waist and the curve of her leg wrapped around him. He rolled onto his back, bringing her with him. She was now straddling him and their eyes were open, his storm gray ones meeting her hazel shot blue. She was balanced on her elbows over his face, pressed against him from breast to thigh.
“Good morning,” she murmured, leaning in to nip at his mouth again.
“On dhea, arasha.”
She rocked on him, her spine loose and fluid with arousal. The frequency of waking up this way made her ready with barely more than a single touch, and the glint in his eye told her that he knew it. He pressed up and she tilted down and they both gasped as he filled her. The steady rocking of their bodies became a rise and fall, languid and easy. It was her turn to leave sipping kisses along his cheekbone, following the sharp line of it to where it met his ear. With a grin, she caught his earlobe between her teeth. He lifted into her with a jerk and a hiss and she let go as she gasped at how full of him she was.
Then she giggled at him. “What is that saying? Take the Dread Wolf by the ear...?”
Solas growled in his throat and his hands clamped onto her butt, fingers digging into her with bruising strength. “Careful, arasha. You'll get more than you bargained for.”
“Oh, will I?” she taunted, dropping close once more to run the tip of her tongue along the edge of his ear to the point. Just before she bit him, she whispered, “I can't wait.”
The bed in her chamber was large, large enough that when he rolled them over, they didn't fall off the edge. Not that she was able to pay much attention to that, since he hooked his arms under her knees and thrust into her so deep she saw stars. He chuckled at her loud cry, dipping his head to capture her lips again as she thrashed in his grip. No more slow seduction, he was intent on making her shatter now.
And he did.
There was an undeniable urgency in how they slid against each other, muscles taut and straining as they each urged the other on to completion. He let go of her legs to thread his fingers into her hair, the coiling curls wrapping around his wrists as he held her in place. Her legs were crossed over his back, giving her leverage to lift into his hard thrusts. It built, so fast and so high that she had no choice but to fall over the edge of her climax with a shout, muffled by his mouth sealed over hers, his tongue pressed between her teeth. He followed her, groaning against her as she cradled him, their bodies shivering with aftershocks.
“You and morning sex,” she laughed when they finally pulled apart.
“I could always stop.” He lifted his head from her chest where he had fallen and smirked at her. He placed another kiss on her lips and began to sit up.
Imogen clutched at his arms before he got out of reach. They tumbled back together in the mess of sheets and pillows. “Don't you fucking dare.”
They laughed together as they tussled, sneaking in fresh kisses and touches until they both heard the morning bells of the Chantry chapel. She pushed her riot of hair out of her face and grinned at him, swooping in to plant one final lingering kiss on him. He helped her sit up and untangle herself from the covers. Then he leaned back against the headboard and watched her wash and dress, turning from Imogen to Inquisitor.
“And what duty calls today?” he asked, beginning his own slide away from lover to associate.
“The usual,” she replied, tugging on boots and belts and gloves to hide the Anchor from those who wanted nothing more than an intrusive gawk at the Herald of Andraste. “Meetings and paperwork. You?”
He was silent as he sat in the rumpled bed. Imogen glanced over her shoulder and raised an eyebrow at him. He finally met her gaze with an almost sheepish expression. “I should check on my...”
“Agents?” she grinned. He nodded. “Solas, my love, don't act like I don't know you have them. C'mon now. I'm not that much of an idiot.”
He snorted in answer. She brushed back her hair and tied it into a haphazard ponytail, then skirted around the side of the bed to cup his face. She leaned in and kissed him one last time in farewell, brisk and chaste.
“I'll see you later?”
“Of course, arasha.”
Then she bounced down the stairs of the chamber to the Great Hall. How her lover would escape the confines of her room was his own business.
The day passed, her meetings and small tasks taking her from wing to wing of the fortress. It was hours before she skipped through the rotunda to see that he hadn't returned from wherever he met his unknown forces. She didn't ask, didn't pry into his network. They were ultimately after the same goal, the pair of them. But she needed plausible deniability as long as she was the Inquisitor, and so Fen'Harel was a separate man from Solas in the day to day, as far as she was concerned.
It was nearly suppertime before they circled back into each other's orbit. In the darkened recesses behind the kitchen, where Imogen was putting away the newest bottles of her collection, Solas snagged her from the shadows and kissed her breathless against the rough cobblestone walls. Her arms wrapped around his neck, breathing in the scent of fresh air and sunshine. Wherever he'd been, it was not within Skyhold.
“Did you miss me or something?” she asked when he finally let her go.
“Of course not,” he said, a sly little grin crooking one side of his mouth. She scowled at him and mockingly smacked her palm against his chest.
He kissed her again, slower and hotter. There was a tempest brewing under his skin, she could feel it, nearly taste it. He pulled away to rest his forehead on hers, neither of them letting the other go.
“Was your day successful, arasha?” he asked in a low grumble.
“It was.”
“Is it over?”
She grinned. “Yup.”
His eyes met hers, molten silver in the dim light that spilled between the storeroom and the kitchen. “Shall I have you again?”
“Oh yes,” she breathed, holding him tighter.
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musetta3 · 4 years
I don't know your Dragon Age OCs but I'd love to see you share this about them: ♘: Cuddling in a blanket fort
Hi, @wardenari! I have a fluffy prompt for you, featuring Fenris and my modern girl in Thedas, Rana El-Khoury. I hope you enjoy, thank you for the ask!
Fenris came home from market to a quiet house. That within itself was unusual, considering Rana had been practicing her music when he’d left. She always stopped whatever she was doing to help put away groceries...
“Rana? I’m home,” he said, peeking his head in. She wasn’t in the music room or kitchen, nor was she in the garden. Perhaps she was resting. “Ran?”
He knocked on the guest room door and waited. Silence. He knocked several times and waited before poking his head in, eyes widening. The bed had been stripped of its quilts and pillows. His own bed was also naked upon inspection, and the linen closet raided. There wasn’t a single pillow upstairs.
“There’s an explanation,” he said to himself as he hurried downstairs. “A-A perfectly normal explanation.” His mind did not cooperate, conjuring every horrible scenario imaginable. Stranglings, burglars, slavers breaking in; when he found chairs missing in the dining room, dread sunk in. “Rana El-Khoury, where in the Void are you?”
There was a muffled response from the library. Fenris ran across the atrium, heart in his throat. He threw open the door and stopped short. There, in the center of the room, was the most bizarre tent he’d ever seen. Sheet and blankets had been draped over stacked chairs from their dining room, held in place by iron pots and books. Rana stuck her head out from under a blanket.
“Ya habibi,” she said with a smile, “you’re home early. Do you like it? I made it for you.” She crawled out from the tent and dusted herself off. “Your very own blanket fort.”
He stared at her. “A... what?”
“Blanket fort.” Yet another of her outlandish terms. He shifted on his feet.
“And what is the purpose of this... blanket fortress?”
“To spend time together. Just... Come inside.” She took his hand and dragged him to the tent, beckoning him to follow. He had no other recourse but to comply.
“Isn’t it fun?” she asked, lounging among the pillows. “My sister and I did this all the time as girls, back in Lebanon. We always made the best forts.”
He sat beside her. She’d been very homesick lately with the holiday coming; no doubt this was her way of remembering her family during Satinalia. He forced himself to smile, pushing away the ache the word ‘family’ dredged up in his heart.
“It’s quaint,” he agreed, “very colorful.” She took out a deck of cards from behind a pillow.
“I bet you two cookies I’ll beat you at Diamondback,” she said with a grin as she shuffled. “I’m better at it now.” He chuckled.
“You still owe me two cookies from the last time we played.”
“I’m good for it,” she replied. “Money’s on the cushion in the back.” He found a plate of butter cookies and a bottle of Antivan red near the chaise lounge. She dealt the cards as he poured the wine, catching his eye with a smirk. He couldn’t help but smile back.
Fenris learned several things over the course of that afternoon. One: Rana was just as terrible at cards tipsy as she was sober; she also had a low tolerance for alcohol. Two: he would have enough apples to last a lifetime, thanks to the fact that she ate half her money and resorted to the sack of apples in the larder. Three…
He stretched out among the pillows, her head on his chest, idly carding his fingers through her hair. He sighed in contentment, staring at the calico ceiling above.
“Fen? Do you ever miss Tevinter?” she asked.
“No. Seheron, sometimes,” he replied. “I was born there, you know. Wanted to go back until recently.”
“What changed?” He scoffed a laugh.
“Besides everything in my life? There’s nothing to go back to now; I’ve set down roots here.” He wound a curl around his finger. “You are my home.”
She lifted her head. “What?” His eyes went wide at his mistake.
“I-I mean all of ‘you.’ Collective ‘you.’ Sebastian, Varric, Donnic and Aveline, you—”
She propped onto her elbow, eyes dancing. “Ooh, mark the Chantry calendar; Fenris El-Khoury’s being sentimental.”
His face went hot. “A-Am not.” She turned away and chuckled. 
“I am not sentimental,” he protested.
“You’re a horrible liar, my love. But your secret’s safe with me… you big softie.” She settled back onto his chest, mouth twitching from suppressed laughter.
“…You’ll never let me live this down, will you?” he asked.
“Nope. Obligatory teasing period of at least one week.” He heaved a long-suffering sigh and resumed tracing the calico patterns on the fabric ceiling above. A silence settled between them.
“Fen? …You’re my home, too.” He wrapped his arm around her and continued to run his fingers through her hair, smile creeping across his face.
If you want more Rana and Fenris, check out my AO3 profile, I have several works featuring them, including my longfic, The Songstress and the Swordsman.
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