#bots have been scraping ao3 for awhile
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kessielrg · 2 years ago
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It’s finally at 1,000 hits.
I’m so tired.
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l-sincline · 5 years ago
Cybernetics- Cyberpunk!Sonic AU- Chapter 5
Amy Rose has been working tirelessly at her broken down booth for as long as she can imagine. Ever since Tails left their work to join forces with the revered hero of Mobius, ‘The Blue Blur’, she’s grown lonely and desperate to make her life exciting. A strange customer comes in one day asking her to fix his cyborg arm, what she didn’t know was that he would be the catalyst for a brand new life.
AO3 Tags:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog), Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, Whisper the Wolf, Cream the Rabbit, Knuckles the Echidna, Badnik (Sonic the Hedgehog), E-123 Omega, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Angst, Slow Burn, Partners in Crime
AO3 Link
Amy had gone well into the night building her hammer after coming to terms with the fact that it was unlikely she’d be falling asleep any time soon. By the time she’d finally finished replicating the model in cobalt, she had decided that four in the morning was far too late for her to still be out in the outer ring that only got trashier as the night went on, and she went back to her apartment to sleep, both model hammer and actual hammer with her. Part of her said it was just to make sure they didn’t get stolen, the other part was that truthfully, being out this late out here wasn’t exactly safe.
The next morning she’d set to work on painting the hammer, she wasn’t exactly an artist, but she liked the color scheme she’d picked and wanted to give the hammer some life. She’d slapped on her usual gas mask to keep the chemicals out and set to work, shaking the red spray paint can in her right hand. She’d bought the colors off some teens she’d spotted tagging a wall on her way to work a few days ago. Usually she might have them imported from the middle ring, but hey, the kids asked for the same ridiculous amount of money and they were right there in front of her so why not? She applied a generous amount of paint to the areas she wanted to be red, causing it to drip a little in some places, but it was fine, it’d make it look rugged she supposed. When she’d finished with the red Amy sat back to admire her work, setting the red spray paint can down and picking up the yellow. The ball inside of it ‘ting ting ting’ed against the inside of the can as she shook it while waiting for the red to dry. She glanced out to the street, no one was looking at her booth, but she smiled slightly as she saw some kids run excitedly into the bakery next door with some money in their hands. She’d been through a roller coaster in the past few days- maybe it was time to treat herself to a sweet too.
‘Only if you fix a ProjScreen today’ she told herself, not wanting to throw away what little money she had on things she didn’t need. Well, she had just gotten extra for ‘Myst’s arms... no! That was for rent. Amy finally uncapped the yellow spray paint can and got to work on the hammer once more. The yellow was just supposed to be an accent color, so she didn’t paint for much longer before putting that can down as well and standing from her stool to admire her work. Was the paint job gorgeous? No, but the build was great. She’d managed to follow Whisper’s design to a T, and it looked perfect. She smiled to herself as she took off the gas mask gently, careful not to catch any of her quills on the rubber straps. She’d been dreaming of this day for awhile, although, with everything happening recently it was a bit underwhelming, but it still felt good. Like she’d finally crossed something off her to do list. Her brain told her to call Tails, but she bit her lip. She didn’t want to accidentally spill what she knew about their ‘Cloaked Cyborg’ without being entirely sure what his wrong doing was herself. Of course, fate seemed to work against her at the sudden familiar voice on the other side of the booth.
“Tails!” She spun on her heel with her teeth clenched in an awkward smile- which Tails seemed to over look- at the sight of her friend and old coworker stepping around her booth’s counter.
“I felt bad about hanging up the other day so I thought I’d come visit since I haven’t been in awhile, and after what was on the news I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Amy dropped her smile.
“The news?” She asked.
“Well yeah, that Robotnik Bot coming after you was a pretty big deal, but the fact that you managed to shut it down was pretty impressive too.” He shrugged. Amy held her hands together uncomfortably. Tails wasn’t acting like himself about that... it was concerning that she’d been on the news, but the fact that Tails wasn’t jumping for joy over the fact that she’d taken down a bot was strange to her. She pushed the thought away with the hope that it was simply the fact that he had grown used to the activity while working for the Blue Blur.
“So why’s it come after you anyways?” He pressed, eyes darting around the inside of the booth as if he was looking for something out of place.
“Oh, um. I’m not sure.” Amy responded quickly.
“Oh! That cyborg part you were going to ask for help with- do you still have it? I want to see it, you made it seem interesting.”
“Uh, no. The customer paid extra for it to be a one day deal...” Amy tried to follow where his eyes were going. “Are you... looking for something? You can just ask for whatever you want you know. If you left something here just take it.” She finally confronted. Tails seemed surprised that she’d taken a step towards getting him to explain himself.
“Ah, I guess I just haven’t been here for awhile... I wanted to see if anything had changed.” He breathed out. It was a lie through clenched teeth that she could see, Tails had never been a great liar but something was certainly strange here.
“So, hows working for the Blue-“ she tried to start a friendlier conversation, but Tails cut her off.
“Actually! Can you show me where the bot is? I want to get some parts to run tests on it. Side kick things, you know?”
Side kick? That was new news to her. No, she didn’t know. All she knew were ‘mechanic things’ which she was fairly certain was what Tails had originally been brought on board for. Her face soured slightly but she turned quickly before he could see it and picked up the hammer, collapsing it into its bag form and hanging it over her shoulder.
“Sure, I’ll bring this Incase there’s anything to carry back over here. I saw some others ransack it, I’m not sure how much there is left.” When Amy turned back around, Tails had just finished fiddling with a ProjWatch he was wearing on his wrist. “Job perks?”
“Haha, yeah.” He responded simply. Amy shrugged and lead the way out of the booth.
She had to dodge through the swaths of people, but she could slightly make out the scrape marks from the robot that it had left on the ground, and followed them to the place it had finally met its maker with friction and stopped.
“Here’s where it-“ Amy turned to show Tails, but cocked a brow in confusion to see him standing a few feet back.
“Sorry Amy.” He said just barely loud enough for her to hear him, frowning.
“Tails-“ She was cut off by the sudden action of having her legs swept out from under her, hissing in pain as she fell on her ass.
“Sorry, but as an accomplice to the Cloaked Cyborg, you’ll be coming with me to answer a few questions.”
Amy craned her neck to see that above her stood the Blue Blur, dangling a pair of cuffs with a sickeningly boyish grin on his face.
“Wha- no! I’m no accomplice!” She cried, shuffling backwards and and scrambling to her feet, hand hovering over the strap of her bag.
“Might want to come up with a better excuse next time!” He chuckled.
Amy’s mind seemed to work in slow motion for the next moment. She watched him take a stance clearly showing he’d be dashing at her with those fast legs of his, so she yanked her bag of her shoulder and had the handle pop out, she grasped the handle with one hand and swung, hitting him in the side as he charged towards her. Time sped up again as she carried the hammer through to hold it with both hands, but the Blue Blur seemed hardly effected by her hit, instead, he merely skidded and geared up to go again.
“Nice try, but now I’m really annoyed.” He growled slightly.
Amy felt as if she’d only be able to shield herself from his next blow as best she could when suddenly, a figure shimmered to life in front of her.
“Attacking innocents now, Blue? You’ve lost your touch.” He snarled, holding one white and black cyborg arm up, the red lights that striped the side of it growing brighter as his palm opened to reveal a blaster, and the next thing she knew, the Blue Blur was shot back with a blast of red light.
“Sonic!” She heard Tails cry. Sonic? That was the Blue Blur’s real name then she supposed.
“You’ll pay for that!” The blue devil had already gotten back to his feet, but in the last moment he directed his attention over to Amy, and he dashed for her once more. She felt herself get scooped up and immediately started to struggle.
“Let me go!” She cried, trying to use her hammer to hit the Blue Blur, but the angle she was held at didn’t really help her out. He was carrying her over his shoulder, and she couldn’t help but look at how fast the ground was moving beneath them. He didn’t respond to her cries, only grunted when she did manage to land a slight hit. At the sound of people gasping at something after they’d already passed, Amy stopped struggling and looked up. He seemed to be skating above the ground, fire came from his shoes as he darted around the people. Though that might’ve been surprising at one point, what was more surprising was that she could finally see his face.
He was a hedgehog too, black with red markings, and he did not look happy. Fangs shown as he snarled, growing ever closer to her and the Blue Blur. Finally, he raised an arm once more, she saw the lights begin to glow brighter and she panicked for a moment, but she noticed him nod his head slightly off to the left, and took a solid guess on what that meant.
With as much strength as she could muster in her position, she rolled off his shoulder. Before she could even hit the ground, the blast hit the Blue Blur’s back, sending him flying forward and scraping on the ground. Amy tumbled when she hit the ground and landed on her stomach, groaning as the sound of screeching caused her to open her eyes and see ‘Myst’s shoes stepping towards her.
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this.” She heard him mutter quietly as he lifted her from the ground, “but you’re stuck in it now.”
She hardly registered the strange feeling of disappearing into nothingness before her pounding head finally caught up to her and she shut her eyes, passing out without knowing what would happen to her next.
Exciting chapter today! I've gotten quite a few chapters ahead this week so now I get to have a little break from writing lol, so hopefully the Amy reference will be up soon. As always, I love reading and responding to comments, and if you'd like to hear more from me or ask questions about the fic, my tumblr is @l-sincline and my ask box is always open!
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