#both of them have threatened to beat the others ass before they hate each other with a passion
me and my bestie hung out for the first time in a while and exchanged mutual situationship stories as we do and it’s crazy how in sync they are. when there was a week i felt like he was avoiding me she texts saying her man hasn’t texted her in 24 hours. when he started acting super romantic and overly touchy with me she tells me that he also started acting super romantic and overly touchy with her. i made a comment that their periods are synced and we both laughed so hard in the middle of chili’s we almost had to leave
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allophonicmess · 2 months
Too Sweet
Logan Howlett x fem!Reader
Act 1
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Remember that inspo I posed the other day? I coudn't let it go and decided to write a three part fic based on it.
Warnings: spoilers for Deadpool& Wolverine, descriptions of a panic attack, angst, implicaded age gap
word count 2k
No beta and English isn't my first language
there will be fluff later on but sadness first:
Too Sweet
Logan felt a great mix of emotions since he had followed that red-ass clown Wade into this universe. Most of it was anger, confusion, rage… But In that moment as he was sat on the black beat-up couch among Wade’s friends… He was overwhelmed.
Not by sensory overload, although that casserole that blind Al had made did stink up the place with garlic-
He was overwhelmed by the feeling of happiness, joy and companionship of the people around him. He hadn’t felt that way in ages if he ever did at all. He never felt that way with his team before everything happened.
He liked them, sure. But this company of weirdos shared a Kinmenship he never got to experience.
“Hey, Peanut! Are you angrily staring off into space to allow for good exposition?” Wade had plopped down on the couch right next to him. His jeans-clad thigh rubbed right up to his. At this point, Logan had given up on trying to keep him out of his personal space.
The older man frowned and stared at Wade next to him. His beer was getting warm but he didn’t feel like giving up his spot on the couch.
“The fuck are you talking about?” He huffed, taking another sip of his beer. But Wade just clicked his tongue, scooting even closer to Wolverine.
“Aww, you know what I mean! You are big and gruff and don’t talk that much… It’s kinda hard to capture you in writing you know. There are only so many words in the English language to describe your grunting and-“
“Are you done?” Logan sighed, finishing his drink. He was starting to regret coming with Wade. Getting drunk in some shit hole of a bar sounded better than listening to Wade's babbling.
“See! That’s what I mean. Sigh is nice, sure but it doesn’t quite capture the nature of those beautiful noses you make, big boy.” Wade petted Logan's thigh, which the older man quickly pulled away as he stood up abruptly.
“Jesus fucking- Can’t you annoy someone else? You got all of these muppets to talk to. Stop bothering me god damn it.” Logan placed the empty bottle down on the couch table. He scanned the room, looking for someone else that Wade could annoy to death. His eyes landed on the brunette… Vanessa… He knew that something had been going on between Wade and her. He never told him the details but from the pining look Wade gave her and the sad as fuck sighs he made, it was clear that the motherfucker wasn’t over her.
“Go and talk to the girl for god's sake. She might be the only one here to appreciate it.” He grinned at Wade, enjoying how his stupid grin faltered even for just a second. He leaned down on Wade's level, whispering to him in an overly joyous manner. “It might even get you laid.”
They stared at each other for a hot minute. Both men tying to provoke the other into action. But Logan was getting bored so he pushed “I might try if you don’t have the balls-“
“Fine!” It came out way too loud. Wade got up quickly trying to keep up his jolly attitude. “Fine, I will. But not because you said so.”
“Or threatened you.”
“You didn’t threaten me.”
“Sure, if you need to believe that” Logan got back onto the couch, now stretching out lazily across it. He closed his eyes, pretending to snooze.
There was no witty comeback, which surprised Logan. But it only came to show that Wade was serious for once.
Logan would never tell but he warmed up to Deadpool. He respected the man, despite his annoying and borderline brain-rotting bad humour. But he had principles. He cared for those around him, loved them dearly and would do anything to protect them. He did in fact. Logan spread out on his worn leather sofa is proof of it. He hated to admit it but Wade was the better man of the two. He didn’t let those he loves down, running away like the drunk asshole Logan is. Wade would have come to help her, would have-
The obnoxiously loud ringing of Wade’s apartment doorbell ripped Logan out of his self-deprecating talk. He blinked against the bright ceiling light and watched as Wade sighed softly. He had just started his conversation with Vanessa and it seemed to be quite a good talk from the looks of it. He seemed frustrated to be ripped away from it. Wade nodded softly, towards Vanessa, excusing himself but he was stopped by Colossus.
“No please Wade, I get it. You seem to be engaged in an interesting conversation.” The 7’5’’ metal man said, touching Wade by the shoulder to turn him back towards to woman. Logan huffed, he wasn’t the only one trying to get Wade laid.
The giant stomped towards the door, turning the doorknob that looked comically small in his silver hand to let the latecomer in.
“Hi! I’m so sorry for being late. I still had to finish some work. It’s the end of the semester, you know how it is.” A sweet voice called from outside.
Then two things happened at the same time. It was like a push and pull.
Ellie, Yukio, even that odd taxi driver… they all turned towards the door in excitement. Smiling and wooing at the woman that just entered the apartment with a cake carrier tucked under her arms.
Logan on the other hand? He felt like he couldn’t breathe. He sat there, staring as Colossus pulled her into a big hug, lifting her off the ground before taking the container off her hands to allow the others to greet her. She was smiling, laughing at some joke Ellie had cracked at her.
She looked younger. Maybe she was, who knows how time worked in this universe. Or it was the lack of stress she had to face, no heartbreak, no constant rejection from a bastard that couldn’t see that the best thing was right in front of him.
“Ah, there you are! We were starting to miss you!” Wade pulled her into a tight hug. He seemed to be content. And the older man cursed himself for even caring about it.
She hadn’t noticed him yet, or so he hoped. Maybe she didn’t know him. It would be for the best.
“Yeah, I already told Piotr, I had to finish some lesson planning at the academy before the school year is over.” She replied as she greeted Vanessa and the rest of the group.
“Oh right. You are the only one that actually knows what she’s doing at that school.” Wade joked, earning a playful remark from Colossus.
So she also studied at a human university before starting at the school, Logan noted. He was still stuck on the couch, feeling unable to move as he kept staring at her.
“You know her?” The sudden comment coming from right next to him made Logan flinch.
“Whoa, relax man. I just noticed you staring at her for like 5 min straight. And you don’t seem too happy about her being here.” Ellie stood next to him, casually watching the scene just as he did.
“None of your fucking business.” Logan managed to spit out. While he did get startled, the interruption helped him to finally feel able to move again. And it happened just at the right moment. He needed to get the fuck out of there.
Ellie just huffed, watching Logan get up on shaky legs. It could just be from the constant level of alcohol in Logan’s blood, making his knees weak, or the age. But she suspected that there was more.
Yet Logan’s attempt at a quiet escape was hindered by Piotr, calling him to come to the kitchen to introduce the two.
“Come to kitchen! I want you to meet my good friend Y/N. She also works at the school. You will like her”, the man sounds proud. He should be.
Logan ignored him, pushing his way through the small crowd with shaky steps. Why was he sweating for god's sake?
“No” He called, breathing was getting harder again.
“I’m good! I’m-“ He finally reached the door, rattling the doorknob and cursing that his fucking fingers got shaky. Everything was too loud and too hot and too-
“Wade, it’s fine. He doesn’t have to.“ She tried to stop the two men next to her from calling the man over. He was clearly in distress and it hurt her to watch him fumble on his way out. There were only so many people that were scared of her outside the battlefield.
She had met “their” Logan, but only briefly at some anniversary event. They had simply mismatched their time at the school. He left shortly after Y/N started working and they hadn’t met much. She wondered what the other her must have done to him to cause such a reaction.
Finally. Fucking finally. The door opened and Logan simply burst into the hallway, rushing down the steps to feel the air rush back into his lungs. A fucking embarrassment. That is what he was. The Wolverine scared shitless by a woman that doesn’t even know him.
But the other one did and it killed her.
“Logan, what in the ever-loving- fuck was that?” Wade had run after him. He just couldn’t leave it alone, could he?
“Fuck off.” Logan breathed weakly. He felt tears prickling in his eyes and it made him hate himself just a little bit more.
“You just running off? Scared of a girl?” Wade kept pushing, following Logan as he walked down the familiar street towards his bar of choice. That being the cheapest and quietest he could find in the city.
“Scared you can’t get one off? I don’t wanna make predictions but man, I think she is into the dark brooding type” he kept pushing “ Or you know what? If I can’t get Vanessa laid I might try with her, I mean she is quite-“
That made Logan snap. Turning around and impaling Wade against the closest wall. Both sets of claws out and push into the other man's torso. He only groaned in return.
“Don’t you fucking dare! Don’t you fucking-“
“Okay, okay, whoa ow… man-“ Wade coughed, lifting his hands in surrender. “ I was only joking man. Unfair. Fuck. I am unarmed-urgh”
Logan retracted the claws letting Wade drop to the floor. He knew the man was joking, he should. But it was all too fucking much too soon. He wouldn’t let it happen again. And how to best prevent the inevitable heartbreak? Don’t even let her get close, to begin with. She didn’t deserve it. She never did in the first place and he would do anything in his power to stop it from happening to her.
“So, you are just leaving me hanging? It’s your party too, you know.” Wade got up, inspecting the bloody holes that stained his new shirt. He cursed softy.  “Damn, it was brand new. Ruining a perfectly good shirt for the exposition”
“Don’t wait for me,” Logan said, turning away from Deadpool. A cheap bottle of whisky was waiting for him to calm his nerves and forget about that fucking stunt. He won’t see her again, not even talk to her or talk about her. It’s for the best. She would agree if she knew,  Logan was sure of it.
New requets for being added to the list via comments on the Masterlist post, please. That helps me to keep things organized :)
Do comment here for feedback and spreading some love ❤️
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aimedis · 1 month
milo as a dad headcanons (+sweetheart) !!
milo and sweetheart have twin sons (am i milking the redacted boys w twins headcanon?)
Dad Milo who was, unsurprisingly, very nervous to be a dad because of his own father but was also worried about his child(ren) growing up with a Department worker
But they both handled it with so much grace
Dad Milo who almost passed out when they found out he was having twins
Parents Milo and Sweetheart whose twins are literally identical and are nearly impossible to tell apart aside from the fact that the oldest's hair is longer than the youngest's (even before they got hair, Milo and Sweetheart could tell them apart easily) 
The twins have an attitude that rivals Milo and Sweetheart's combined (so much so that Sweetheart has threatened to beat their ass) ((does not believe in hitting them though)) 
Parents Milo and Sweetheart who swear in front of their kids but respect that other parents don't want that around their kids (the swearing doesn't make their kids scared of them at all)
Parent Sweetheart who is generally a pretty gentle parent, the slightly vulgar language is only used when the twins are being excessively difficult for the sake of being difficult 
Dad Milo who is insanely protective of his kids (but not in an overbearing way, in the ‘if you hurt my kids you’re dead’ way) 
Sweetheart the workaholic who has literally left work hours earlier to get their oldest a cake pop after he called from Milo’s phone
Dad Milo whose lockscreen is a picture of the twins sitting on the kitchen counter with ice-cream all over their faces
Dad Milo who almost cries when he holds his son as he screams bloody murder while getting vaccinations
Dad Milo who pretends it doesn't hurt whenever one of the twins screams 'i hate you!' in a toddlerlike fit of rage but even after the apologies and makeups, he lies awake at night thinking about it over and over (because maybe he's just like his dad after all)
Dad Milo who still remains calm and firm in his discipline but also remembering to be kind and careful with his boys
Dad Milo who sings and dances with the twins
Parents Milo and Sweetheart who rarely argue in front of their kids
Dad Milo who is practically a seer when it comes to the boys, watching them intently and preventing them from doing stupid things that could get them (seriously) injured before it actually happens 
Parents Milo and Sweetheart who are so used to being punched by their kids
The house during the solstice after the twins get their powers is a mess (Milo makes it his mission to take care of everyone no matter how shitty he feels) 
Dad Milo who pretends the twins being clingy is a hindrance but secretly loves when they want to be around him
Parent Sweetheart who walks around the house on business calls while carrying one (or both) of the twins in each arm (Milo thinks it’s domestic as all hell)
Dad Milo and the twins play a game where he pretends to attack Sweetheart (sometimes in his wolf form) and the twins try to defend them by hitting him and standing in front of them with their arms held out (Milo finds it hilarious, Sweetheart finds it mildly annoying because they always do it when they’re trying to work)
Parents Milo and Sweetheart who are the biggest bullies to their kids (in a loving way)
Parent Sweetheart who only pretended to not be able to tell the difference between the twins one time but their youngest got so upset he started crying, so they didn’t do it again
Dad Milo who treats every messy drawing or art project as the next Mona Lisa (tells everyone their oldest is gonna be a big artist someday)
Dad Milo who is the type to hear one of the boys (or god forbid, both of them) likes a type of snack, food, or drink and buy enough to fill a store (“Dad I can’t eat all of that!”)
Parents Milo and Sweetheart who are definitely the hot parents at parent teacher interviews
Dad Milo who actually can’t say no to the boys (Marie has to talk some sense into him every so often)
Dad Milo who is beyond happy that his kids love his Ma just as much as he does
Dad Milo whose kids are shifter/stealth hybrids (idc if it’s not plausible or possible) and nearly has a heart attack every other day because he has three menaces teaming up to scare the shit out of him
Dad Milo who takes pictures of his family everyday
Parent Sweetheart who gives the boys a very serious lecture about bullying, telling them to be kind to others and if people aren’t kind to them, they should tell them right away
Dad Milo who constantly stresses the importance of letting him kids know that they can talk to him and tell him anything, even if they might get in trouble (“I’d rather be disappointed while I come pick you up from somewhere you’re not supposed to be rather than sitting at your funeral”)
Parent Sweetheart who nearly quits on the spot when they’re called to release their sons from a department cell. Twice.
Dad Milo who uses empty, pointless threats on his toddlers to get them to behave (“Hey, if you don’t stop screaming, I’m gonna have to go outside and pick a flower.”)
Dad Milo who picks up the boys by their shirts to turn them around when they’re going somewhere they’re not supposed to be
Dad Milo who can’t help but smile whenever he hears anything that reminds him of his family, of home
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x0llaz · 1 month
Ten Things I Hate About You
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Jung Sungchan
Chapter 10) fake fan
Masterlist. Previous. Next.
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Sungchan weaved his way through the entrance to the bar, getting stares from almost all the girls who crowded his path. The music immediately hit his ears, loudly drumming against his head. He somewhat regretted coming, but he knew that if he wanted a paycheck, he’d make do with the situation.
He found his vantage point and watched the crowd, scanning to see the girl he came to woo. And eventually, he saw her. She looked so unfamiliar in that moment, laughing, dancing with her friend, it was a side he’d never seen from her before. she seemed so free. He liked it.
YN started weaving through the crowd, and Sungchan sat down at the bar, ordering a shot. YN approached the bar, standing next to him, not yet taking notice. She ordered two waters, looking around and seeing sungchan sitting there. She rolled her eyes.
“Get it over with,” she said to him.
“Sorry what?” Sungchan asked loudly. “Sorry the music is really loud!” He feigned his confusion.
YN scoffed. “What are you doing here?”
“Enjoying the music. Are you a fan?” He asked.
“What you know them?”
“The lemon twigs? Sure,” Sungchan shrugged. “Don’t tell me you don’t,”
“No, I do,” Yn answered, a bit taken aback. “I just didn’t take you for the type to know them.”
“What kind of music would I be into then?”
“Rap. Like drake,” she smirked.
“Hell no,” Sungchan laughed. “Not drake, at least.”
“Fair enough,” Yn said, leaning back on the bar. “So you’re not here to ask me out?”
“Do you want me to?” Sungchan asked, and watched Yn roll her eyes. “It was kinda weird seeing you actually have fun,” he nudged her with his elbow. “It was cute,” he gave her a charming smile.
“Smooth,” she smirked.
The bartender handed sungchan his shot, and YN her waters. She started leaving the bar, and Sungchan watched her walk away. A few steps, and she turned around, giving him a look. After a moment of silence between them, listening to the music, she gestured for him to follow. Sungchan happily trailed behind her.
It was really a miracle to Sungchan that Karina agreed to let him walk them back to their houses. The girls both knew they’d drink, and planned on crashing at Karina’s house if they got too drunk. Sungchan offered to walk them, fully aware that he may be third wheeled by the best friends.
The three of them approached Karina’s house, and Karina, the tipsiest of all, hugged YN, a bit wobbly.
“You’re sure you don’t wanna stay?” Karina slurred slightly.
“I think I’m good to get home,” yn smiled. “Besides, you should sleep,”
Karina frowned, but agreed. She turned her attention to sungchan. “No funny business,”
“Heard,” Sungchan nodded with a slight smile.
“I’m serious. I’ll beat your ass,” she threatened.
“Relax,” Yn sighed. “He knows I’d rip him a new one,” she smiled at her friend. “No go to bed,” she shooed Karina away. Karina obliged, walking into her house. Yn turned her attention to the man standing next to her.
“You don’t need to walk me home, you know,” she told him.
“I know,” he nodded. “But I want to,”
Yn rolled her eyes. “Whatever,” she started on her way, and Sungchan followed.
The silence between them was awkward. Neither of them knew each other well enough to really say much. But sungchan was willing to take the first step.
“How long have you and Karina been friends?” He asked.
“Since we were babies,” Yn answered honestly. “Shes more of a sister to me than my sister has ever been,”
“Don’t you think that’s harsh?” Sungchan huffed out a laugh.
“No, she makes her hatred for me very clear,” Yn sighs. “I don’t really care though.”
Sungchan nodded. “I’m an only child, so I wouldn’t really get it, I guess,”
Yn nodded. She glanced over at him, his hair tousled, his hands in his pocket. Though she would never admit it, she did think he was handsome.
“You know you’re quite a mystery around the school,” Yn tells him.
“I wonder why?” Sungchan rolls his eyes playfully.
“I think the two years where you disappeared is mostly why,” she smiled.
Sungchan mirrored her smile. “Would you say you’re… intrigued by me?” He wiggled his brows.
“In your dreams,” Yn scoffed.
“I do dream of you,” he shrugged. “You could make my dreams come true,”
Yn rolled her eyes. “Do you talk to all the girls you have crushes on like this?”
“Nope,” he stopped, gently grabbing her wrist, keeping her in place, bringing her to face him. “Just you,”
The gesture took Yn by surprise. Contrary to her sister’s belief, Yn was no stranger to romance, to boys asking her out. But this time was different. And she couldn’t quite understand why.
She just let out an awkward laugh, and pulled her hand away, rubbing the spot his thumb had rubbed gently against. “Come on,” she sighed.
Sungchan followed.
The walk was back to awkward silence. Yn was left questioning if Sungchan really was serious, or if he was really good at fucking with her.
When they reached her doorstep, yn awkwardly said goodbye. Before she reached the door, sungchan called her name. She turned to face him.
“I’m serious. You know that right?” He asked.
Yn struggled to think of what to say. “About what?”
“Liking you,” he said, stepping up onto her porch. “I like you,”
Yn pursed her lips. “I don’t date,” she said quietly.
“But you could date me,” he smiled down at her. “I think that’s a good deal,”
“Just give it a shot,” he stopped her. “And if you still feel the same, I’ll leave you alone,”
Yn looked at him, thinking for a moment, rationalizing with herself. But looking at him, she realized she knew what her answer was.
“Okay,” she said quietly. “One week,”
Sungchan grinned. He held out his hand and indicated for her to enter her number. She entered it.
They said a quick goodbye to each other, before sungchan stopped again. “Unblock me on Twitter, please,”
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Taglist; @allyoops @snowyseungs @seobstarr @hollxe1 @haeeeeefer @dinosluver @sseastar-main @st4rryhae @m1ng1swife @hisrkive @papichulomacy @so-lychee @nicholasluvbot @woonagi-lemon @lazuligi , @julsinglee @daegale @leehanascent @bambisnc @nctrawberries @taroddori @mamuljji @chuutaroo @wonychu @wiggledingle @injunnie-lemon @ssweetreveries @kyusqult @enhacolor @7thgyu
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
Saw some NICE Reverse Robins Art? And just? Eldest Blood Son Damian Wayne? All the gorgeous of BOTH his parents? A man who never felt his position threatened by these younger children? But still had that oldest sibling "they're talking my Father's love and attention AWAY from me" drama? Grew up. Lost his Tim.
Was BETRAYED by his maternal family, when they brought Tim BACK, mad from the pits, and never told him. The whole alt-timeline. Edgy Red Hood Tim. Red Bird Jason. Robin Dick.
Multiverse shenanigans? Who is THIS?! It's a Cannon-adjacent Tim! He's HEROICALLY sacrificed himself by tackling the megalomaniac of the decade, into the Multiverse Destroying Portal BEFORE it could fully charge! While he, said maniac, held the control panel. Thereby shutting it down.
There had been no other way.
He had expected to be ripped to molecules.
But here he is, on the sort of Shitty Roofing that can only be Gotham infrastructure. So? No time to tremble in the face of near oblivion. Gotta beat this fuckers ass so hard his ANCESTORS rethink their life choices. Tim drags himself up. And makes Gotham proud.
Which is how Darkwing (Damian's edgy self chosen name he's now stuck with until his Father retires.) Finds him. Half dead and beating up a clear Supervillian, wearing Bat gear. Good enough for Damian. He'll get answers AFTER the scoundrel in imprisoned.
Only Tim passes the fuck out.
Wakes up, in the cave, to his own? But slightly different? Face. Two things jump out. One, that God awful skunk strip Jason was permanently stuck with after the pits (that he refuses to admit, is kinda sexy). And Two, either this Tim started Testosterone WAY earlier, somehow managed to keep to all his scheduled shots dispite Superhero Craziness, OR... this lucky bastard is Cis Gendered.
Unless maybe not?
Hey, Me, pronouns. (He/Him.) Nevermind! Bastard it is! Fuck you! Why do YOU get all the luck? I have to take shots! (I DIED.) OH, boo hoo, WE'VE ALL DIED! Ya'aint special! *Tim on Tim verbal violence intensifies*
No one can tell if... they are? Bonding? Or hate each other. Someone should stop them. Unfortunately, it has to be Bruce. Which is how they learn: No, actually, he DOESN'T know what universe he's from. It's never come up before and they don't have the technology. He expected to die.
It was a one way trip.
Now they have a New/Extra Tim. There are Tim Twins. One is An Angry Bad Boy. And the other? Strangely sexy. The competence kinks are developing by the minute.
Worse, for Damian? This Tim seems... almost? Baffled? By his politeness? Seems to expect violence and aggression? And become utterly FACINATED by him, once he realizes its not coming. Damian has never been the center of someone's attention like this. Had someone hang off his every word like this. It's breeding... Thoughts he shouldn't be having.
And RR!Tim is getting jealous. That's HIM. He should be interested in HIM. THEIR shared lives. Not Mr "ooooh look at meee, the Perfect Soooon". Other Tim should be... be like his TWIN. His BROTHER. HIS other half. His!
Bruce? Hates that he sees what could have been, in this Tim. Calm and collected. Not raging and destructive. A good Detective. A perfect Robin. Dedicated to The Mission. Not the unhealing, raging, wounded animal his son has become. He wants to protect this Tim. Hold him close. Cherish him. But he also loves HIS Tim. He feels so greedy.
And Jason? It's like the Red Bird he looked up to is BACK. Not the raging monster that swings between hating him and ignoring him. Even better! This Tim looks at HIM like he's some sort of miracle! So he plays up the spunky, the cute. Crawls into his lap and chats. Gets to hang out. Be the center of his world. He... he's in LOVE. Already formulating a long term plan. Gonna marry this Tim and have a house and kids and a dog! It'll be perfect.
Baby Dick? Robin? Was EXHAUSTED trying to hold everything together. Trying to pretend he didn't notice the tensions. Play the performance of "cute baby brother" to distract and defuse. Then this Timmy came! And FIXED everything. Took Dicks job like he'd been doing it for YEARS. Smiled so pretty and perfect. Told him he didn't have to pretend.
Like he KNEW Dick. Better then anyone else.
So maybe Dick goes... a little crazy. Follows him. Smells his stuff. Wants to crawl into his bed and DO things. But! He's not the only one! Everyone is going crazy! Timmy does that to people, he's decided. But it's okay. They're TIM'S people. So it's okay if they go crazy for him.
And really? It's just a matter of who's control breaks first. Because Tim adores them but doesn't think they'd be interested. Tim is situationally dense as bricks. They love him anyway.
all of them intent on this tim not realizing the tim of their universe will never let them get dibs 😩
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barnesbabee · 2 years
[O]rgasm Denial || J.W
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[ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴇɴᴄʏᴄʟᴏᴘᴇᴅɪᴀ - ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ O]
Summary: A classic enemies to lovers quarrel, except this time you get to discipline them.
Pairing: sub!Wooyoung x reader
Words: Eminem - Without me (0:31 - 0:50)
Genre: Smut; Angst; Fluff
⚠️If you need warnings don't read my stuff you never know⚠️
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A partner being jealous of his lover's closest friend isn't unheard of, it is quite common, actually. The problem is, you weren't San's partner, and neither was Wooyoung, but the jealousy you had of each other's friendships made it seem like the three of you were in some weird love triangle.
San didn't understand why there was so much tension, he considered Wooyoung to be pretty similar to himself so the reason why you seemed to dislike Wooyoung was beyond him.
To be fair, if asked, neither of you had a good response as to why you hated each other so much, it was just small issues (like San telling you he couldn't pick up because he was face-timing Wooyoung, or him telling his other best friend he couldn't hang out because he had plans with you), that went unresolved and started piling on top of each other until it reached a point where you couldn't stand to hear each others' names.
San had given up on trying to get you to be civil with each other, and he would just make time to hang out with you both separately unless it was absolutely impossible to get that to happen, which would often lead to a disaster. The one time you saw him truly mad was when you and Wooyoung caused a scene on his birthday, the last time you had to be in the same building together, so when San decided to put together a small get-together in his house for friends that were coming to visit him, he lectured the both of you for a long time.
The long long lecture didn't stop San from getting anxious though, and the anxiety grew when his friends called him, telling him their car had broken down because by that time you had both arrived and the tension in the room was palpable.
San ran a hand through his hair and exhaled, looking at the two people sitting on opposite ends of the couch.
"Right guys, the car my friends were driving in broke down and I need to go pick them up, I am begging you to not behave like animals for once."
"They're the one who-"
"Wooyoung I just asked."
Upon hearing his friend's pleas Wooyoung stopped talking and just sank on the couch, pretending not to be bothered by the fact that he was apprehended in front of his "arch nemesis".
San grabbed his coat and keys and pointed at the both of you.
"I will beat the shit out of both of you, not joking."
You and Wooyoung raised your arms up in defense as if saying "I have done nothing!", and the man left.
The silence was heavy and the pressure in the room felt somehow dense. You could hear every single sound around you, even the faint sounds of the refrigerator, and neither of you dared move, afraid to spark a reaction that would lead to San giving you the beating of your life.
That was until Wooyoung grew tired of your mere presence as if your person made him physically uncomfortable.
"Right I don't need to be here with you, I'm grabbing a beer." He said, as he placed his hands on the couch for support and stood up, before stopping and glancing over his shoulder "That is if you'll allow me."
Allow him? That was a weird, confusing joke...
You heard him trash around in the kitchen, opening the freezer, then the fridge, and then opening and closing the several drawers inside the fridge.
"Where did you put the beers? Are they up your ass? Must be nice and cold since you're a frigid bitch."
You glanced at the doorway to shoot him a threatening look only to find that he was not there.
"I must look like a bartender to you."
"You look like many things to me, none of them pleasing, but I just wanna know where you put the damn beers."
"I put them nowhere why the fuck would I bring beers."
You heard the refrigerator door close, and a couple seconds of silence. You then heard steps come your way, and soon enough Wooyoung's phone was plastered in your face, specifically a text San had sent to the party's group chat "Y/N you're in charge of the beer, okay?".
"You are so fucking useless oh my God! One thing you had to do and you fucked it up! It wasn't even that hard!" He semi-yelled, holding up one finger in front of your face.
He was right, you did fuck it up, but you weren't about to let Wooyoung think he was right, let alone reprehend you for it.
"Maybe it's for the best that there's no beer because you're unable to just shut the fuck up when you drink and I can't stand to listen to that window-wiper laugh of yours." You said, slowly standing up and walking towards him.
"Oh, you can't stand my voice, really?" He asked, pouting and with fake pity dripping from every word "Maybe you should fucking leave then, problem solved."
"You're so fucking unbearably annoying I can see why San would need me, must be nice to get a break from you."
You definitely struck a nerve with that comment, Wooyoung gripped your arms and brought you closer, your faces just inches apart.
"You're fucking delusional if you think for a second that San prefers hanging out with you. You're the most fucking dull and boring person I've ever met!"
You pushed him away from you. Wooyoung's back hit the wall and his eyebrows furrowed in pain. You walked towards him, cheeks red and eyes teary with anger.
"At least I don't bitch about my problems at every given second!" You yelled.
"At least I'm not a fucking bitch!"
"Oh, you're not? Are you sure?"
Wooyoung took back control of the situation, grabbing your shoulders and pressing you against the wall.
"Yes, I'm fucking sure, I'm not the idiot who ruined a party by not bringing the fucking alcohol, you're so useless."
The tension in the room had slightly changed. Your breaths were heavy, there was barely no part of your body that wasn't touching and you were looking into each other's eyes with pure hatred and fury, but somehow there was a hint of sexual desire between the two of you. It wasn't that you ever desired each other, but there was this... need to be rough with one another, to punish the other.
It was spontaneous, and if asked "did you mean to do that?" Wooyoung would deny it to the end of his days, but he gripped your neck and brought your face closer until your lips smashed together.
His hands moved to your hips, steadily keeping you in place, while yours were tangled in his hair, slightly tugging on it (which Wooyoung enjoyed, but he wouldn't let you know you were doing something right).
You pushed him away slightly, enough to part the kiss and leave a little distance between your bodies, and gripped his throat. He didn't say it, but you could tell he was into it from the way he leaned his head back to give you more access. His jaw tightened and he took a deep breath.
"I knew you were into some kinky shit, I bet you'll love it if I call you a slut too." You said, pushing him backward by the neck until he felt the couch hit the back of his knees.
"Takes one to know one, doesn't it." Wooyoung said, as he sat down and pulled you to sit on his lap.
You slapped his cheek, hard enough for him to feel something, but not too hard as to not actually hurt him.
"I can tell what you like from a mile away," you paused, gripping his throat a little harder and grinding down on a (definitely) growing boner "and if you keep acting like that I will be having a lot more fun than you, I promise that."
Wooyoung chuckled.
"Let's hope you keep promises, bitch."
One of your hands worked on undoing Wooyoung's belt and zipper, as you kissed him harshly. There was no passion, no romance, or any trace of mutual tolerance in the kiss: it was pure tension and hate.
Once you managed to get everything out of the way, your hand slipped in between the jeans and his thin boxers. You could feel every curve and every vein of his cock on the palm of your hand, and this time Wooyoung didn't hold back any noises, knowing fully well that his moans and groans would work towards teasing you.
Wooyoung could be insecure at times, but if there was something he was sure of is that he sounded good. Really good.
You felt yourself getting warmer and warmer, and your stomach started clenching. Your hand slowly pulled Wooyoung's cock out of the confinement of his underwear, and as you did so, you climbed down from his lap and knelt between his legs.
You avoided his gaze. You had no intention of seeing him looking down at you sucking his cock with his shit-eating grin.
You took his cock in your mouth, letting his tip hit the back of your throat as you slowly moved your head. Wooyoung groaned and bucked his hips into your mouth.
As a consequence, you slapped his thigh and looked up at him.
"You're so gonna regret that."
"Oh am- shit." His sentence was cut off by your mouth on his cock again, sucking him off at a faster pace.
He stared down at you, eyebrows furrowed and mouth agape. He could feel something bubbling in the pit of his stomach, and his chest started moving up and down quicker.
When his voice started becoming whiny and his moans became more drowsy as he came close to a state of bliss, you pulled your mouth away and began pumping him with your hand. You met his glossy eyes and from your devious look, he could tell what you were about to do.
"Fuck, don't you dare."
Your hand sped up, the sound of skin slapping becoming more frequent.
"Don't dare, what?"
Wooyoung groaned and hissed.
"Please Y/N, fuck- please don't do this."
You smirked, bit your lip, and, just as Wooyoung's hips bucked, ready to cum on your hand, you pulled away.
The tip of his cock hit his stomach, still covered by his shirt.
Wooyoung watched as you removed your pants and underwear, but he didn't dare touch his cock as you did so. The man didn't want you to know how badly he needed to fuck you right then and there.
You straddled him once more, making sure to rub your crotch against his in the process, earning a breathy moan.
"Are you still going to act like a little bitch? Hm?" You asked as you teased his cock with your entrance.
He pretended to think, letting out a "hmm", as he pretended to consider the question, and, when he felt his tip right at your entrance, Wooyoung grabbed your waist, bucked his hips, and smashed you down on his cock.
"Fuck!" You yelled, gripping his shoulders tightly, shocked by the sudden contact.
Wooyoung bit your jawline and smirked.
"Yes, I am." He finally replied.
You gripped his throat, tightly this time, and with your free hand, your kept gripping his shoulder for stability, as you began to ride him.
"You're such an annoying asshole."
His eyes were locked with yours, and his hands gripped your ass.
"Sticks and stones baby." He said, tongue poking against his cheek.
You kissed him to shut him up, and secretly because he was a fucking good kisser. Wooyoung helped you by bucking his hips up against yours and slightly propping you up and down.
Neither of you held back any noises, you knew it wasn't worth the effort, and it didn't take long for Wooyoung to get close again, as he was already pretty sensitive.
"Y/N let me cum." He demanded, almost.
You stared at him sweetly and you caressed his cheek with fake pity, Your hand then descended to his neck as your lips approached his ear.
"No." You whispered.
"C'mon- fuck. Let me cum."
You smirked and stared right into his glossy eyes.
"Shit- what?"
"You heard me, I want you to beg." You said, between breaths.
Wooyoung's jaw tightened.
"Fuck you."
You moaned his name loudly and gripped his throat tighter, knowing the outcome would be the one you desired.
"Shit I give up, Y/N please please let me cum!"
His whiny voice was music to your ears.
"You can- you can cum."
Wooyoung's hands gripped your ass with full strength as he trusted deep in you and came.
His hands fell down to your thighs and he rested his head on the couch, as the both of you tried to regain your breaths.
From the corner of your eye, you two noticed a wide figure: San, that had entered through the back door.
"You know what? I don't care to know what happened, I don't even care to know if you used protection or that you're doing it in my couch, just clean up this mess and get fucking dressed while I stall the other guests so no one sees you fucking. If this makes you stop twisting my balls about each other's presence then it's fucking worth it."
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rebelwrites · 7 months
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Eighteen: He Wants To Play Cupid
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till the wheels fall off masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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“Bro, get that coffee machine on!” I hollered over my shoulder as I kicked my Nikes off, not bothering to place them back on the shoe rack, “make yourself at home boys.”
Jax appeared from the kitchen, his brow cocked, “and why can’t you make the coffee?” he hummed.
“Urm, because I don’t wanna and I’m going to get changed,” I smirked, running up the stairs to my room. The moment I had shut the door behind me I stretched my fingers out, hissing at the tightness, looking down I noticed the dried blood spread across my skin, how I managed to split my knuckles, it wasn’t like I punched a brick wall but then again Ima’s face was 90% plastic so it made a little sense. Shaking my head, I ignored the sudden stinging coming from my hand as I tugged my clothes off leaving them in a pile on the floor.
I wanted to be comfy so I grabbed my oversized Ferrari shirt and bike shorts.
The sound of laughter coming from downstairs made my heart skip a beat, it was safe to say Elenor adored Charles and Pierre. The bond they had formed in such a short space of time was special and I think Jax was starting to get a little jealous of the amount of time his daughter was spending with her new ‘uncles’. My chest tightened at the thought of her having to say goodbye to her two new favorite people, she was going to be distraught. No matter what happened with me and Charles I was going to make sure that I kept in contact with them because I wasn’t going to break her little heart.
My head was still spinning from the comments about being in love with Charles, I didn’t think it was obvious I was falling hard for him but apparently even though I tried to hide it everyone around me, including the man himself could see I was.
“Nova if you aren’t down here in 5 seconds I’m pouring your coffee down the sink!” Jax shouted up the stairs.
“You wouldn’t fucking dare!”
“You asshole.”
“Have I told you how fucking annoying you are?”
“Fuck off.”
“Shit,” I cursed as I tripped over my own feet on the top of the stairs, “I'm coming.”
“Pops, Jax is being annoying again,” I shouted, sprinting down the stairs, trying not to land on my ass. The last thing I wanted was to end up in hospital with broken bones because Jax was threatening my coffee.
“You had your chance,” Jax sang as he sauntered back towards the kitchen.
“Lay one hand on my mug and I will cut your balls off with your own knife,” I growled, jumping from the third step up, sticking the landing on the hallway floor. I was struggling to get traction due to my socks on the polished hardwood floors. “Jackson Nathaniel Teller, don’t you walk away from me!” I screeched, sliding down the hallway trying to catch my brother.
“Nova, stop screeching,” Pops scolded, standing in the opening of the kitchen blocking my path, meaning I crashed straight into him.
“But Pops, he started it,” I whined, pouting at him, “I’m only finishing it.”
“Jax, stop winding your sister up,” Pops chuckled, shaking his head before entering the kitchen.
Narrowing my eyes at my brother I shoved him out of the way but I didn’t miss my chance to jab him in the ribs as I moved him away from my coffee, “make yourself useful and go get the living room set up for movie night.”
The moment Jax left, an awkward silence fell over me and Pops. I hadn’t properly spoken with him since his last episode, we made little comments with each other but things had changed. I hated the tension between us, this was the man that saved my life, the man who was always in my corner fighting when I was at my weakest and here I was fighting his decision on moving into a care home.
“Pops,” I whispered, leaning against the worktop finally looking up at the man that was my hero, “I know we need additional help but,” I paused, feeling myself choking on my own words, the tears threatening to spill over my lashline, “I feel like if we shove you in a home we have failed you.”
The coffee was long forgotten about as I hid my face in my hands, the moments the words left my lips I felt a slight shift in the weight I was carrying on my shoulders. I had never admitted to him just how I felt about him going into a facility.
“Tellers never quit on family.” I sobbed.
Pops pulled me into his arms, squeezing me tight, running his fingers through my hair. something he used to do to soothe me when I was a child, “I could never think you failed me, my sweet angel,” he whispered, pressing a kiss against the top of my head, “I can see how much pressure this is putting on both you and Jax and the last thing I want is to be a burden on either of you.”
I found myself gripping his shirt, hanging on for dear life. There was no way I was going to put him into a home, “we can get through this, Pops,” I cried, “we can get help, Charles made that donation so we can get someone in, someone to take the pressure off. The fucking wheels haven’t fallen off yet and I won’t let them,” I whispered, looking up at him.
“Thought that was an anonymous donation,” Pops chuckled.
“What 16 thousand dollars? Bit obvious if you ask me,” I said with a weak smile, “the boy is as subtle as me and Jax trying to sneak into the house after we had been drinking underage.”
A warm smile appeared on his face, like he was remembering the years me and Jax were absolute trouble makers, “I guess you are right,” he hummed, leaning in, pressing a kiss against my forehead, “if you want to get some assistance then we can look into it, but I want you to at least take a look at some of the places I have found. At least then we have covered all options because sweetheart I am only going to get worse.”
Taking a deep breath, I knew he was right but then again he always was, “okay, I will have a look into them.”
“Thank you, baby,” he whispered, giving me one last squeeze before he took a step back. “now, dry your eyes, take a deep breath, let's go enjoy movie night,” he smiled, pausing for a moment, “oh and tell your man exactly how you feel.”
“Why does everything think he is my man?” I asked, wiping my cheeks with the back of my hands, “we are just having some fun whilst he is on summer break.”
“Oh my sweet Nova, everyone can see that this isn’t just some fun for him. That boy is smitten for you, he practically has heart eyes when he looks at you,” he beamed, wrapping his heart around my shoulder he pressed a kiss against the side of my head, “I can see you holding back, don’t forget I know how hard you love.”
“It’s all going to come to an end in two weeks anyway, I know it’s gonna hurt like a bitch when he leaves so yes I might be protecting myself a little and holding back,” I mumbled, resting my head on his shoulder.
“True love doesn’t knock very often, I’ve seen the assholes you have dated and Charles is the best thing to ever happen to you,” he said softly.
“No, the best thing to happen to me was you, Pops,” I smiled, placing my hand over his.
“Okay, second best thing then,” he chucked, “what I am trying to say is don’t shut the door in his face, his love is true and pure and that is rare, so when a love like this appears, you need to let it in, you need to embrace it with open arms. You may not believe this but he is your soulmate, we can all see it. So, please just let yourself fall madly in love with him, if anyone can work a long distance relationship it’s you and Charles.”
His words rang loud in my mind, it was like I suddenly saw everything clearly. My heart was screaming out for the man that was causing my niece to fill the living room with laughter. Charles fit right in with my crazy ass family and everyone loved him.
Taking a deep breath I grabbed my coffee mug and made my way into the living room. The moment my eyes landed on Charles my heart skipped a beat, he looked up from Elenor, flashing me that perfect smile. Ignoring the look on Jax and Pierre’s face I made my way around the room, placing my mug on the side table that was next to the love chair. The minute the mug hit the wooden top I felt Charles wrap his arms around my waist pulling me onto his lap, causing me to squeal.
“Alright, love birds, get comfy and let's start this movie night,” Jax huffed, waving the tv remote in the air.
Flipping him off, I repositioned myself so I had my legs over Charles before pulling a blanket over the two of us. I couldn’t help but smile as Charles pressed a kiss against the top of my head, “you’ve been crying,” he whispered, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear.
“I’m okay, promise,” I whispered, resting my head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, “things are going to be okay.”
The hours passed by, I spent the whole time snuggled up to Charles not really paying attention to the movies, Pops’ words kept replaying over and over in my mind. I had spent so long worrying about this ending I hadn’t been truly focused on the moment but all that was going to change. I was going to let myself completely fall madly in love with the Monégasque that had sped into my life flipping it upside down. I needed to stop hiding behind the walls I had spent so long building, Charles had shown me he wasn’t going anywhere.
“I’m gonna take her up to bed,” Jax said softly, pulling me from my thoughts. Looking up I saw him scooping Elenor up from Pierre’s chest, she had officially claimed him as her spot for the evening. “I think I’m gonna call it a night as well, today has wiped me out,” before I could speak a loud yawn escaped my lips, I had been trying to hide the fact I was exhausted, “sounds like you need to go to bed as well,” Jax hummed, adjusting his grip so he didn’t drop his daughter.
“Not tired,” I lied, snuggling further into Charles trying to keep my eyes open.
“We should be heading off, it’s getting late,” Charles whispered, pressing a kiss against my forehead.
A wave of sadness washed over me, I didn’t want Charles to go. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with him before he had to leave. I couldn’t help but cock my brow at Pops, he had a smirk on his face that I hadn’t seen in a while.
“Stay the night,” he grinned, glancing between Charles and Pierre.
I couldn’t believe the words that casually fell out of my father’s lips, I must have looked like a deer caught in headlights, even Jax had frozen on the spot. Pops had been really weird with people staying in the house overnight, I knew he felt like people were judging us all, especially with all of the sticky notes that were scattered around the house so this was kind of a big deal for him.
“Hell, move your stuff over from the lodge if you want,” he grinned, running his hand through his graying hair, “ain’t like you’ve been spending much time there anyway.”
For once in my life I found myself lost for words, never in a million years did I think he would invite Charles and Pierre to live with us for the rest of their stay. Looking over to my brother I found him staring back at me with a cat eating the canary grin as Pops pushed himself off the sofa leaving the room without saying another word.
“That son of a bitch,” I finally breathed once I was sure Pops was out of earshot, leaning forward I ran my hands over my face trying to fully process everything.
“What just happened?” Charles hummed, resting his hand on my lower back.
Jax let out a low chuckle, adjusting his grip on Elenor who was sound asleep resting her head on his shoulder, “it seems like Pops is having an extremely good day so he has decided he wants to play cupid. But let's face it Squirt, Charles will be in your bedroom most of the time,” Jax chuckled.
“Thought you were going to bed,” I scoffed, narrowing my eyes at him.
“Come on man, I will show you where the guest room is,” Jax said, turning to Pierre. I watched as they strolled out of the living room but Jax stilled for a moment, looking over his shoulder with that stupid smug smirk on his face. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” he winked, causing me to groan and flip him off.
Soon enough it was just me and Charles left in the living room, a comfortable silence washed over the two of us. The air around us had changed, it was heavier now. The moonlight creeping through the blinds caused his green eyes to sparkle. He reached up tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before leaning closer. The moment his soft lips pressed against mine I felt my stomach flip, everything felt so right with him, our movements were in sync. It was suddenly clear to me that he was the missing piece of the puzzle, the part I had been searching for my whole life.
He adjusted his position, flipping me in the process so he was now hovering over me. His hands were roaming my thighs as he deepened the kiss. The heat of it was driving me insane, I was turning to putty in his hands, he had this power over me that I didn’t try to stop.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I slowly pulled away from him, resting my forehead against his. As much as I wanted to see where this kiss led, I knew I wasn’t ready and there was no chance I was going to go there with my dad and brother in the same house.
“Allons nous coucher. Let's go to bed,” I whispered against his lips.
“Show me the way, Sunshine,” he said slightly out of breath.
I thought he would be disappointed that this sudden make out session wasn’t leading anywhere but the moment I looked into his eyes those worries slipped away. His green eyes were shining bright with love, not disappointment, it was at that moment I realized something. Pops was right. This was my chance to be truly happy with someone that loved every inch of me and didn’t care about my upbringing or that I wasn’t some famous model. He loved me for who I was.
Charles Leclerc was my soulmate.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @burningcupcakefire @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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drbtinglecannon · 7 days
Darius because YOU! Are his lawyer
This is such a high honor coming from Willow Park's lawyer herself, thank you pal 💖
How do I feel about this character
I love Darius so much he's absolutely one of my top favorites, it's like between him and Eda. He's hilarious, he's cunty, he's interesting, he's one of Dana's favorites, he's a good person but he's a bitch about it, his design fucks, he has no canon love interest, and I wish we got more of him. I have so many thoughts on him and he was only in about 15min of screentime.
What can I say, I looked at all the Coven Heads in the S2B trailer and immediately decided he was my favorite and every time he was on screen I was validated by how thoroughly he passed the vibes check
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I am typically an aroace Darius enjoyer, but I have fondness for dariraine, dariraeda, and darimila (why is he always listed first and why is it fitting (wait I have to preface I'm ace and I use ship names by what sounds best I have literally never done it by "who tops" I can barely remember that's the common use of ship name order SO I'm mocking Darius as he would wanna be listed first because he's That Bitch)) because all of them have a lot of cute fluff potential (and dariraine has fun angst potential especially if it's between Eda's Requiem and O Titan, Where Art Tho)
Typically tho even in those ships I don't see Darius as someone that would live with a romantic partner, I think he'd want to keep his own house lol and he's very valid, it's styled exactly how he likes and no one else lives up to his cleanliness standards, it's win win for both parties
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Darius & Eberwolf is literally Lilith & Hooty a little to the left and it's sooo fucking funny and wholesome for it. Lilith was actually my S2A obsession until she left I was so fucking devastated when she moved out, so seeing Darius & Eberwolf were a similar archetype to Lilith & Hooty really endeared me to them immediately in ER when we knew nothing about them. Then by the series end they really are one of my favorite little duos of toh they're comedy gold potential but didn't get enough screentime 😔 Darius surrendered for Eberwolf even tho it was at the cost of the rebellion and I still think about that scene. Guy who joked about people dying is likely actually not being pragmatic at all when it comes to loved ones 👍 they threaten Terra Adrian & Vitimir lol
I'm also a "Darius & Eda used to be besties and will do so again" truther. They're the same yet opposites, they're both dramatic, they're both powerful, they both have a hot monster form, and they both speedran becoming adoptive parents after just being That Guy to some kid for a while. The ONE episode of interactions they had in COTH with Darius having to exasperatingly tell Eda what he means but also he calls her "Eda" not "Edalyn" like everyone else but Raine does, and Eda mocking Darius over beating his ass in ER and Darius IMMEDIATELY getting defensive & lying which Eberwolf calls him out for, DO YOU SEE MY VISION? THEY USED TO BE BESTIES. THE CLAWTHORNE PARENTS LOVED DARIUS. DARIUS & EDA WERE EACH OTHER'S ASSHOLE FRIEND. THAT FANART OF THEM IN FACIAL MASKS & DOING THEIR NAILS WATCHING DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES IS WHAT THEY WERE.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Liking him at all is still quite unpopular 😔 this fandom sure treats the nonwhite parents a certain way lol. I also don't really like ala//darius, I get the appeal but it doesn't compel me
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
I've had a perfectly envisioned idea for a year or two now of an toh episode that followed the rebel trio after Them's the Breaks, Kid and before Hollow Mind that was a 3 part split reminiscent of how Once Upon A Swap was paced.
Not only would it tie back to the style of OUAS -- a notoriously hated toh episode -- but it would be able to give info in a slow drip by following Raine first, then by the end we see Raine is working with Darius & Eberwolf, then it goes back to the beginning of the day through Eberwolf's POV, then Darius' POV, and ending on the buildup that they're the rebels Hunter is chasing at the beginning of HM.
We as the audience can tell by the designs who they were in HM (or well. Most of us. Some people thought Darius was Alador for some reason) but ahhh think of the extra foreshadowing that could've been in HM if we got an episode inside the castle so close to the day of unity!! Like what if Collector's shadow was visible at one point behind one or all of the rebels, letting us know Belos knew exactly who they were which lead to the foreshadowing in HM of the 3 arrows being where Darius, Raine(Eda), & Eberwolf each get put to stand during the day of unity spell in King's Tide BUT ALSO how we don't REALIZE it's referencing them specifically UNTIL KT AIRS. LIKE THE LAYERS IT COULD'VE ADDED.
Also obligatory Darius Hunter moment has to happen here to lead to Darius' reaction in HM upon hearing Hunter was trapped considering their last on screen moment in ASIAS and some people even now can't visualize them interacting in a positive manner 🙄
I do imagine it would be a touch 🤏 angsty. Like in my vision, Darius sees Hunter getting heat from Kikimora over a wild magic book, and it's like she can't really do anything to him over it but she could tell Belos who would be unhappy to hear that and all 3 of them are aware this would be the outcome, and Darius debates for a solid 10 seconds if he should pretend he didn't see them because well as heartless as he knows it sounds it actually benefits him & the rebellion keeping Hunter at arm's length but now that he's spent time with the kid he's like not a bad kid maybe they can convince him to join them?? Before he goes over and like a true actor plays it off that he asked Hunter for the book. Hunter obviously does not play along well as he's not a good actor, so Darius very condescendingly tells Kikimora to leave like "you can read, can't you, Kiki?" And she sputters "yes of course I--" and he just cuts her off "then read the room" while giving her a cold look until she awkwardly and angrily leaves. Like absolute cunt behavior from Darius but it's hilarious and it works to his cover as a CH. He gives Hunter the book back when Kikimora leaves and they good naturedly mock the other's taste in books ("I don't know how you can read that, Deadwarian era writing is dreadful to slog through" "Well some of us like reading more than fashion magazines") before they pass the mess hall and Darius asks Hunter if he's eaten, "Y-yes!", Flapjack is not standing for such lies and pecks him from under his cloak, which Darius knows is Flapjack so he laughs and tells Hunter to eat, Hunter pauses before he tries to genuinely thank Darius for defending him earlier, and then well shit remember how it's better for the rebellion if Darius keeps Hunter at arm's length maybe he needs to remember the bigger picture? He was literally doing rebel work when he got distracted helping Hunter out, so he kinda gently tells Hunter not to expect he can always go save him, and because Hunter's an abused teen (not that Darius really knows that yet) and he was enjoying having an adult that's nice to him now he visibly deflates before quickly excusing himself
Darius apologizes under his breath because he doesn't enjoy being mean to Hunter (even back when he was being mean to him) but it's one of those hard choices he makes like how Raine refused to get Eda involved. Can be miserably tied back to how Hunter ends up hiding at Hexside and not the rebels finding & helping him.
Wow I went insane typing that all but yeah that's my vision of what I would add to canon if I could add 1 episode into the show that doesn't change anything at all it only adds character filler & foreshadowing potential. Maybe I'll actually write this fic one day haha.
Another thing I kinda wish canon would've done was overtly state Darius adopted Hunter because like it's clearly implied but a lot of people still deny it! Dadrius won guys let us have this they had to cut so much stuff from the show including Darius backstory
From this ask!
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism Chapter 432 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
I’d like to say, thank you for reading my reviews and thoughts for each chapter so far. And thank you for liking the memes. 😳💖 But bruh, this chapter man… There’s a lot being revealed, so let’s get into it!!! 😌✨
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Well crap. Eugene’s got some leverage on James Lee too. Wtffff 😭😭😭
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And let me guess, you gonna do that to James too...? 🤔 
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GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!!! HAHAHAHAHA... 😶 (Also, James. That’s Crystal’s dad too. She’s might hate you for it lol. UNLESS-  👀 Plot twist: she hates her dad too.)
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Ok, I kinda get WHY he’d bring up James’s murder case in the first place. It’s like the “check and balance” thing where you counter them if they do something wrong or betray you. I get it. Eugene and James both have dirt on each other in case one betrays the other, but it sucks to think that Eugene has the upper-hand here because of his connections with the police. He can cover up ANY dirty thing that he does. Also, he can use his knowledge against James whenever he wants so James is just... stuck. Poor guy. Imagine having your ex-boss blackmail you and NOW your new ally blackmails you just to help him. 😭
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Yayyyyy killer bros together!!! 😍😍😍 The Psycho Alliance has made a brand new treaty. 🤭
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Literally, it really be like this. 
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Ok, but why do I find this hilarious? They’re still young, and they have so much time and opportunities to spend their youth without doing any illegal or gang related activities. Yet, their main goal is to kill an old guy. LMFAO OK, JUST IMAGINE. A random old guy sees them chatting outside in front of a cafe or something. discussing their plans about taking down Charles Choi. Then, this old man walks up to them, right? He asks them, “Oh my, you kids are so young! Don’t you have any special things that you want to do in your lives? Don’t just sit around and let time go by. You should go out and do something with your lives!” and then they reply with, “Oh, we are! We’re off to kill an old guy because we hate him!” Like... 👁👄👁  Bros, are you good? LMAAAOOOOOOOO 
Also, if you think this template is familiar, then you’re right. I couldn’t resist reusing this template because EUGENE REALLY GOT +25 CARDS UP PEOPLE’S ASSES. ESPECIALLY JAMES’S IN THIS SITUATION.
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“Hey Alexa, play Often by The Weeknd!” 🥵🥵🥵
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I’M SORRY. YOU GUYS ARE TIRED OF ME OBSESSING OVER THIS MAN, BUT LOOOOOOOOOOK AT HIM!!! 😍😍😍😍😍 LIKE GAAHHH DAYUUUUUUUM. THIS MAN CHANGED INTO A SIMPLER OUTFIT, BUT HE STILL LOOKS SO FIIINNNEEEEE!!!! UGGGHHHH. Ayo he can bend me backwards bro, I DON’T CARE. Gawk Gawk 9000? Uhhhh... LET ME CONSIDER- 👀 NAH I’M KIDDING... Or am I...? 😏 I’D LET HIM FOLD ME TOO. 😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀 (And ofc he’s drinking Hibiki. 😂 Like brooooooo... hottest Yakuza I’ve ever seen. You can’t DENY.) 
*N S F W  M E M E S  W A R N I N G*
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Sorry. I just had to. 💀 ALSO, COMPLETELY UNRELATED BUT...
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*E N D  O F  N S F W  M E M E S*
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AAAAAAAAND THE OLD MAN AGREES. HAHAHAHAHAHA Bruh, I’ve never seen him genuinely smile before. Is it just me? He always look so grumpy and serious all the time like  >:(  Tbh this panel really surprised me lol. 
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OK, BUT THIS IS SO NOSTALGIC!!! SEEING LITTLE DANIEL BEAT THEM UP. 🥺🥺 This makes me reminisce the older Lookism chapters.
Also nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. You’re all getting your asses beaten for sure. Daniel will clap you all. Each. 👏🏽 And. 👏🏽 Every. 👏🏽 One. 👏🏽 Of. 👏🏽 You. 👏🏽
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These fools. Smh. 
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OMGGGGGG IT’S DANIEL’S MOM!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH IT’S BEEN FOREVER. 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ BEST MOM EVER!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!! ALSO, NAH. YOU FUCKERS ARE FUCKED NOW. HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT SOMEONE’S MOM, LIKE WTF IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU? Do they not have respect for anybody? Sometimes I think about these so called “bullies” in this Webtoon. Like no wonder you guys are so fucked up, y’all don’t got any parents or something? No guardians who’d teach you how to be a decent person??? Any manners? 💀 At least Daniel has a mom who knows how to treat her own son. I’m guessing y’all are just jealous that you don’t have a great mom like Daniel who’d sacrifice herself just for her son because she LOVES HIMMMMM!!! 😤😤😤😤 If any of them approach me, I’m throwing hands. Idc. 
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 Daniel Park for FIFA World Cup 2026. ⚽️🏆
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And when that one bitch from your old high school called you ugly, but now thinks you’re hot... 😑 
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He has matured into a very good man. And a fine one too... I’m so proud of him. His character development had come such a long way. 😭💞
THIS IS JUST MY THEORY. (Before any of you argue about this and flame my ass, I’m telling you now. This is just my opinion. Pls don’t get heated by it. Thank you.)  💀
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You know it’s about to get serious when an old person did the, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” pose. 🚨
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FINALLY. Jinyeong Park’s time to shine. 🤩 I’m getting a Darth Vader and Luke moment here. “Luke.... I am your father.” (That’s the only Star Wars reference I know. My bad.) And Jinyeong belongs to the dark side (The Worker’s First Affiliate), while Daniel is the main protagonist who belongs on the good side. Call me goofy, I know. Because my wack ideas make me think about my life choices sometimes. LMFAO But ANYWAYS, I CAN’T WAIT FOR DANIEL’S MOM TO EXPLAIN WHO JINYEONG PARK IS. I’m just glad that Daniel got to see his mom after everything that he had been through. The kid needs a break, and I’m here for it. ❤️
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
How do the "family"(Ed, Oswald, Victor, Jim, Harvey, Barbara, anyone else I forgot) react to them saying something really nasty to yn in anger and her reaching her breaking point and having a mental break down in front of them(crying, screaming just completely unconsolable) would they comfort her or insult her
Hello dear! Thank you for your request and no problem concerning asking them. I'm a bit slow now since I have a lot of them to work on but if you're ready to be patient with me and my super-slow ass, I'll work on yours ❤
I was a bit carried away here, and made headcanons about how the other members of the family would react to one of them being mean to Y/N. I hope it's ok for you!
So here it is:
Warning: Gotham, Victor being Victor, mention of alcohol, smoking, english isn't my first language.
Word count: 6.120
Tags: Maggie is @immortal-velociraptor OC, I'm just borrowing her here, I hope it's ok for you dear. 💕 @flaysthings @keffirinne
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First thing first, let's clarify something. Yes, Y/N is a pretty confident, competent, and composed woman, most of the time, but! She also has her days where she feels under the weather and, as any human being still feels emotions. Especially with her chosen family with which she tends to lower her guard a bit.
Now, that being said.
👓 When EDWARD is mean to Y/N 👓
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Ed and Y/N's relationship is like the one she shares with Oswald: complex and mostly based on a love-hate thing. So it's pretty common for them to be mean to each other, but in a teasing way. Though, sometimes, Ed or she can go too far.
-- Ed is a cleaver man and perfectly knows which button to push to make Y/N mad or feel hurt. When it's the last, he knows he screwed up as soon as he sees her eyes becoming glassy and her jaw clench and unclench to try to keep the tears at bay.
The woman would simply take a shaking breath, mutters a "ok, that's enough", and rush out of the room or hang up to go cry, break, or shoot a few things in her room or any empty one she can find.
🌸MAGGIE: would be one of the firsts to notice Y/N's distress. She knows better than rush to Y/N when she's in the middle of a breakdown with a weapon in her hand and probably a rocket launcher hidden somewhere.
-- Instead, she would rush to Ed and make his life a living hell. Yelling at him about how insensible he can be, shouting even louder if the man tries to defend himself and, depending on what he is saying, may try to slap him.
-- Demands he apologizes properly. So what if he gets his ass kicked in the process? He was a jerk and probably deserves it. "Don't worry, she won't open your third eye with her gun, her charger is empty and we hide the others. Mind the blades, though. I saw Victor going in and out their room earlier and his smile was scarier than usual."
-- Would make sure to pamper Y/N properly, coo at her and be super protective during the rest of the day.
☂ OSWALD: would hear about it from Maggie *Lucius and Draco Malefoy's vibes here*
-- First will laugh a bit, I mean... They are both pigs' heads, so it's funny to see one of their quarrels going this far. Is even a bit impressed by Ed's capacity to make Y/N's strong facade crumbles.
-- But hearing Maggie so distressed, he would have to do something.
Something being: send Ed a text: "Bloody idiot, go apologize before I order Victor makes you. He would be too happy to explains and probably show you how a man with no legs, hands, and ears can still be alive enough to do so."
-- Will offer Y/N some tea and biscuits his mother liked to bake him when he was recovering from one of his tantrums.
-- Isn't too worried. Y/N and Ed wouldn't be able to fully be themselves without the other to taunt/threaten/cooperate with/vent to. So they'll be back to be their usual selves soon, he's certain.
🪒VICTOR: Oh boy. Ed made his wife cry. We all know how Zsasz deals with people making his "Sweetness" cry: he beats them to a pulp. But since it's Ed, make it a: annihilate.
-- Impossible to call him on his phone. The hitman is on a mission now. If Maggie wasn't able to hide his machine and sniper guns, Ed would have to run. And fast.
-- His plan is very simple: search Ed. Find him. Torture him. And decapitate him to bring his head to Y/N and make it apologize. What? He's a super-talented ventriloquist after all, ask Oswald and the previous commissioner!
-- Doesn't care if he has to kill a few Gothamites or GCPD officers to reach his goal. I told you. He's a man on a MISSION. Gods, even with his body full of bullets and bleeding he would find the fucker and make him pay. It's one of his top rules: make my wife cry, *insert his maniac laugh then brutally stop it* you're dead.
🚔JIM: Why him? Let him have just ONE day without having to deal with the sicko family. Poor guy is now on high alert. Y/N crying means blood at some point. And potentially a bloodbath if Zsasz ever heard about it. He did? *Facepalms and sighs heavily*
-- Will try to find Ed before Victor and will probably have to fight Victor and pray be lucky enough to knock him out. Dear, how he hates his life.
-- Will also send a text to Ed: "If you wanted to die, there are some others painless ways, Nygma."
-- He will probably be joined by Maggie at some point. She may find or know a way to calm Victor or make him only break a few bones. Hopefully.
-- Will also send Y/N a text: "Your husband is on a killing spree. Please stop crying and do something about it."
🍺HARVEY: I like Harvey. He's a simple but practical man.
-- Heard about Y/N's breakdown? He's in front of Oswald's mansion with two bottles of his finest whiskey.
-- He knows the woman since she was 15, of course she wouldn't shoot him now, he's too old to run meaning he's too boring to chase meaning she wouldn't even find any joy in making him suffer. He will be fine. Plus, Y/N would never take the risk to damage a good whiskey.
-- Will drink with her and listen to her ranting without trying to interject. Just making a few comments and insulting Ed when she would. He still doesn't like the man after all and would never skip the chance to spat on his name.
-- Both would be found playing poker on the bed with the empty bottles next to them, smoking and shouting, accusing the other to cheat *spoiler they are*.
🍸BARBARA: "What is this fucking nerd's problem?!" Barbara and Y/N knew each other so well, the blonde decided it makes them BFFIT - Best Frenemies Forever In Town -.
-- Y/N is with Tabi and her the third Queen Bitch of Gotham. Selina being its Princess. Barbara is a feminist: make one sister cry, you'll have to deal with the whole sorority.
-- Is after Ed immediately and will offer her help to Victor. If he refused, fuck him, he's an obstacle to Women's revenge. These idiots will try to kill each other just to prove their stupid point: Victor protects and attacks for his dear wife. Barbara: protects and attacks for her dear sister and basically all the women in town wronged by men.
-- Will send Y/N a simple: "On it, Hon. Nygma is dead. Come at the Sirens tonight, drinks on the house."
☂ When OSWALD is mean to Y/N ☂
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Oswald and Y/N have history. Even a bookcase wouldn't be enough to store all of it from the "I respect you" when they first met each other, to "You fucking snitch/tart", when Oswald betrayed Falcone, to "Ok I'll work for you from time to time/hire you as my consultant assassin", to "OMFG I swear I'm going to rip your head off", to "Maybe you're not THAT bad after all"... See the drama? They never were able to choose between "I like you" and "I hate you".
Like Ed, he knows her very well and what buttons to activate when he wants to hurt. And the little bird his veeery good at it.
🌸MAGGIE: Pretty difficult for her to be torn between her loyalty to Y/N and her affection for Oswald. But Cobblepot wronged the hitwoman and has to make amend for it.
-- Since Oswald wouldn't listen to reason, Maggie would ignore him first I think. Only answering a "think about what you've done" when he would question her about her aloofness.
-- She would try to send a text to Y/N, just to ask if she can do something for her to make her feel better. Probably just let her be, but she had to ask.
-- Will ask Olga to make all the dishes Oswald hated just to make him feel miserable. Will also mess with his white clothes, adding an innocent bright red sock to his washer. Oh, no, now everything is pink, *sigh* so sad.
-- This little petty game would last until Oswald finally snaps and goes apologize. Last time Maggie had to use this cursed technique, it lasted four whole days.
-- Oswald was so stubborn he was ready to meet his goons with pink-dressed shirts, if not for Olga and the whole plate of goulash she accidentally she spilled on him.
👓 ED: Like Maggie, Ed would choose mental torture. Remember his bowler hat in the middle of Oswald's desk? The same idea, but with a picture of Y/N scowling disapprovingly.
-- He would put this picture everywhere. In Oswald's dresser, behind the mirror in his bathroom, on the cushion next to Cobblepot's one in his bed, in the pockets of his coats...
-- Damn he would even pin one on the toilet bowl, making Oswald scream bloody murder and scramble out of the room.
-- Would create as many riddles as necessary about guilt and hurt feelings, and broken friendships. If this approach isn't enough, Ed isn't against abducting Oswald, stump him with one especially twisted riddle, and forcing his old friend to call Y/N to solve it and hopefully save his life. "The perfect pretext to start an apology, don't you think, Oswald?" He would ask mockingly.
🪒VICTOR: Depends on what Oswald said to Y/N. The situation is a bit tricky here, since Cobblepot is his boss and he cannot kill his boss without a very good reason to do so.
-- But he's mad, that's for sure. And Oswald needs to pay too, in a way or another. You may find some of his cold creepy vibes from S1 here, when he was still under Carmine's wing and Oswald was terrified by him.
-- Would still do his job, though. He's a professional after all. But, his killings would be truly horrifying. And he would manage to send Oswald every piece of each kill. Like: "I can't really kill you now, but that's exactly what I would love to do to your sorry ass."
-- If what Oswald said was really threatening Y/N's mental state, no cute little gifts. You will find Zsasz chasing Oswald around his own house, shooting just a few millimeters from him and "guiding" him to his bedchambers in order for him in apologize. Likes to call this method: little shots of courage.
🚔JIM: when Y/N has a breakdown, he's 98% sure it's because of Oswald. He knows about their history, since he also has his own love-hate history with the Penguin.
-- He also knows how dangerous Y/N AND Victor can be when she's in this state. If Victor wouldn't shoot his own boss, he's not certain Y/N wouldn't do it. Killing Oswald would send Gotham into hell all over again, just like it was when Carmine died. He wasn't ready for it.
-- Would find a pretext to arrest Oswald and put him in one of the questioning rooms. Like this, Cobblepot will have some thick hard walls between him and his hitwoman, and Gordon would have the perfect opportunity to scold him and, with Harvey's help, convince Oswald to go apologize.
-- He will refuse to stand between Victor and Oswald if Zsasz barged into the GCPD to kindly offer the Penguin some "shots of courage". Thanks but no thanks. Hopefully, his little talk with Oswald would help to ease the situation. If not... let's not think about it for now...
🍺HARVEY: Let's be clear here. Jim would be the good cop and do the talking. Harvey would bully Oswald and make him pee in his pants, explaining in graphic details how mutilated the last corpses Victor let them deal with were.
-- He would even show him pictures, just for the pleasure of making him turn green.
-- He will 100% send Y/N and Victor a text to snitch Cobblepot's temporary position in the police station and deny it when Jim will ask between gritted teeth. What? He hates Penguin and wants him dead since ages. So what? If he accelerates the process? Some call it murder, others: public service.
🍸BARBARA: pretty much the same reaction she would have with Ed. She wouldn't team up with Riddler, because she's still salty about the whole Tabitha and Butch thing. But will be ready to kill Oswald because he made Y/N feel like shit.
-- She would also barged into the GCPD, demanding Jim to give her Penguin, "you know...for a little chit-chat, with a gun shoved deep down into his throat."
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It's pretty rare, to be honest, but happened once or twice. At first, it would be accidental, she wouldn't even realize how deep her words hurt the other woman. So Victor had to give Maggie 'the talk' about what you can and cannot say to his precious wife, unless you wish him to go after you and end your life. Brutally. And painfully. He didn't go into deep details, just the key words not to pronounce unless you want to die.
After the talk, no excuses. She would know what she was doing, and the rest of the family would know it too.
☂ OSWALD: Since Oswald and Maggie are pretty close and he knows about Maggie's kind nature, I think he would be the most gentle with his approach.
-- Like grown adults, Cobblepot would ask Maggie to sit with him in front of a good relaxing cup of tea and would explain to her why he needs Y/N in full possession of her twisted head to rule Gotham.
-- He wouldn't have to make her feel guilty, the young woman would probably feel already awful after making her mother's figure crumbles under her words.
-- Penguin will offer to accompany her in front of Y/N's door and will make a huge effort to play mediator if needed. The irony, knowing him. But he would try, for his precious family.
👓 ED: Ed would be surprised first. Maggie? Being mean to Y/N? Seriously?! Then, he would be a bit mad. How dare she? Doesn't she know how Y/N put her guard down around her?
-- What angers him, is linked to the fact Y/N softer's side was hurt. Ed is protected by Riddler, and Y/N is protected by her ice-queen facade. Around Maggie, Ed and Y/N can interact freely without the need to protect themselves, or so he thought. Hurting 'soft' Y/N would be like hurting Ed and this is basically why he is so mad. This situation shouldn't happen when they are around Magnolia. But it did.
-- Riddler would be particularly nasty with her, for a few hours or days, depending on what have been said. Just the time to build trust again with the young woman.
-- Her remorse and genuine guilt will help greatly and make Ed resonate with his other self: nobody is perfect and conflict happens. Maggie is also feeling awful and will try her everything to make amend. Which makes her still the better soul in town.
🪒VICTOR: Ouch. "Ungrateful little brat." He would mutters, just before cutting Maggie upcoming answer with the: "Not now", dangerous voice.
-- This one is tricky too, since Maggie is supposed to be their 'adopted daughter' or something similar. Seeing their underling being the one responsible for Y/N's tears and distress makes him furious. Damn, he even gave her THE TALK, and when he summons you somewhere it isn't normally to TALK. But he did, and she didn't listen.
-- Victor would also need to isolate himself a minute or two just to not accidentally cut her hands to teach her a good lesson. He's not sure his wife would appreciate, as mad as she can be. So breathe in and out for him.
-- You can legitimately feel worried when he comes out with a scolding face and a gun held firmly in his right hand. "Run little one. You know the way to our room, I'll help you go here faster", he would say slowly, shooting on the floor as soon as he finished his sentence.
-- Time to beat Bolt's record Mags, or to take a bullet in your ankle... Victor runs pretty fast himself after all...
🚔JIM: never in the 2% left to his previous reflection would he have imagined Maggie being in them. Oh god. He would yell to call Harvey and make him jump with him into their car to rush to Oswald's mansion and try to protect the young woman.
-- GEEE-CEEE-PEEE-DEEE! Yes, you would have it here. Clearly. Both Harvey and Him would barge in with their guns ready to waste bullets and bullet armor ready to take Victor's.
-- Oswald would help them to find Maggie, hopefully before Victor and to ship her to the police station. Bad idea. They're up for a remake of S1 with Victor being here "for Magnolia. Only her." And his deep and frightening voice calling her "OI MAGGIE! MAGGIE! Hi Maggie." You can imagine the rest...
-- If Victor is already chasing her, Jim would try to tackle him on the floor and fight him in hope to knock him out. If he succeeded, see the previous point. If not, Harvey and him would run for dear life next to Maggie making them three idiots rushing to Y/N's door and yelling her name in absolute terror.
🍺HARVEY: He would be the good cop with Maggie and do the talking. "Yeah, Y/N is a beast of a woman, but even beasts have feelings you know Mags? And we all don't want the other beast to go feral now. So please, apologize..."
-- Would offer liquid courage if she needs it. He always has some on him, somewhere. It's his superpower. Don't question it.
-- Would try to stop Zsasz with the 'diving suit' he used in S5. Can't change my mind. He likes her but he also loves his shitty life you know? So ridiculous diving suit it is.
-- Would expect a thank you letter from her after the shitstorm.
🍸BARBARA: Wouldn't try to kill Maggie, she knows the young woman is a touchy subject with her best frenemy. But will revoke all her privileges in her club. Even during ladies night, she would have to pay. "Want a cocktail? No prob, as long as you're ready to pay it twice its price."
-- Empty threats and insults send by text. She doesn't say it but she is jealous of the link between the two women. She knew Y/N first, when she was still sane so she IS her TRUE frenemy. Nobody else!
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It's pretty hard for Jim to make Y/N cry. For her, he's like a cute little guinea pig with much less survival instinct. Something funny to watch and interact with but not as an equal. Her mistake here. Because he managed to propel her into a mental breakdown a few times. It wasn't on purpose but it did the same. And everyone will not be as kind as they were with Magnolia let me tell you.
☂ OSWALD: "How dare you Jim?! Friends don't make friends feel awful, don't you know it?!" The nerve here!
-- Cobblepot will be inside of the GCPD just after hearing about the incident. He wouldn't move until Jim comes with him to make a full and proper apologize to his hitwoman.
-- Don't hesitate to threaten to impale him in front of at least 50 cops. And won't hesitate to shoot a few of them if it helps Gordon to move.
-- Will screeches in Jim's ears during the whole trip, and rant about how friendship shouldn't be treated so poorly, how insensible he was with his very sensible woman assassin. "Women feel deeper than us, Jim. Everybody knows it! Everybody but YOUUUUU!"
-- Honestly, Jim would apologize. But the main reason may be to make Oswald shuts the fuck up.
-- Would also go straight to the GCPD, using gas to put everyone to sleep and kidnap Gordon. Simple but effective. Will of course ask a twisted riddle before but he already knows none of these monkeys will have the correct answer.
-- Jim would wake up tied up on a dingy table, in a dingy building in the middle of the Narrows and under Ed's favorite toy: his very threatening hydraulic press.
-- Would put a good 40kg on the man before grabbing his phone, taking a picture of his sorry ass and dialing Y/N's number to call her just after.
-- Would hang the device next to Jim's reddening face, asking if he didn't have something to say to his very precious friend Y/N. "Come on Jim, this one is simple enough for you to answer correctly. Unless you want another 10kg added to your suffering?"
-- Jim would apologize. Mostly to save his poor life. But hey at least he did!
🌸MAGGIE: Oh she would be mad. And find her way to the GCPD with a very hot cup of coffee she would accidentally throw at Jim's head as soon as she would spot him. Harvey would dodge. Not him.
-- The young woman would yell at him, making the thick walls shake and the 50 cops inside rush out of the room, too afraid to also be drenched in burning hot coffee. Solidarity level 9000 here.
-- Won't hesitate to pinch Gordon's ear like an angry mom and pull him behind her to her car and throw his sorry ass in here. After that, she would scold him like Oswald during the whole trip to his mansion and demands an apology.
-- Will ignore him for a few days or weeks after the incident.
🪒VICTOR: again. Remake of his iconic scene in S1. Minus the smile. He's on a mission: grab Jim, cut his hands, shove him into his car, make him apologize and maybe shoot him after, if his wife still feel bad. Or if he's still mad. *Spoiler he will*.
-- Would make a point with shooting the GCPD's main doors with his wife's favorite rocket launcher first. Oh, he killed a dozen agents because of it? Too bad. He doesn't give a shit. He's just here for Jim after all.
-- Only a call from Oswald will prevent the hands cutting thing. Jim will owe Penguin for this too.
-- But nothing will stop Zsasz to grab Jim roughly by the collar and throw him on the backside of his car.
-- Jim will apologize, fearing for his life, and take a bullet in his kneecap since Victor isn't convinced, is still mad, and because fuck it, he wanted to shoot someone today.
🍺HARVEY: No buddy. Nu-hu. "Don't even try to justify how you so brilliantly put us in deep shit. You know what not 'us', it will be you and only you with this one."
-- Despite Barbara stupid claims concerning the fact SHE is the one knowing Y/N since ages - Wrong, I mean Victor knew her before she did - Harvey is the one knowing Y/N the longer. "15 fucking years guys." For sure, he knows one thing or two about the woman and how to act around her to maximize your chances of survival.
-- He's like her favorite constantly drunk uncle, he's sure.
-- But since Harvey is a good man, he would lend his diving suit to Jim, with a little "don't die on me pal" note attached to it. Give this man a whiskey cookie.
🍸BARBARA: will not try to really kill Jimbo. She's still in a passionate love-hate relationship with the cop.
-- BUT! She absolutely will spam him with insulting texts, will make his car looks like a gruyère and might threaten to make the GCPD explodes if Jim doesn't move his pathetic ass to go to Y/N.
-- He would also become persona non grata at the Sirens until he apologizes. She wouldn't give him information if he needed one and would, like the queen she is, invite him to go fuck his self.
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-- Harvey? Making Y/N cry? Come on! He's too chill for that! Harvey knows what makes Y/N ticks. And he needs her creepy protection texts too much in order to stay alive.
-- He isn't the kind of man to scold her because she went too far with blowing up a building. He would only groan, sigh, and before Jim joined him at the GCPD would simply close any case involving her. Man! Who wants a crazy lunatic woman chasing their poor soul around a city like Gotham?
-- Worse who wants to also have to run for dear life after her sicko husband heard about what you've done to his object of constant obsession?
Exactly: no one.
-- Don't get me wrong, Harvey already had made Y/N experiment mental break down, but when she was younger and much more reckless. He's many things but an idiot, despite what many thought.
-- Harvey is perceptive and, when he gives a fuck, a.k.a when Gotham is starting to burn to the ground because of Y/N feeling off, he would actually give a shit and learn to avoid triggering her like he did.
-- If Harvey feels Y/N starting to crumble after something he might have said, he will immediately stop their argument and suggest going to the nearest bar to drink beer or anything with alcohol.
-- Y/N would be with him and nowhere in town to wreak havoc. It's also a form of public service he is delivering here. Give the man a medal.
Jim would yell at him for his carefree attitude when he judges Y/N deserved a proper scolding and thinks her "I don't care if what I'm doing is destroying the whole humanity" attitude is due to Harvey's and the GCPD lack of discipline when she was younger.
"Dude, she would have been the one who makes you cry like a river", will simply answer Bullock with a shrug.
"Even as a kid, she was crazy enough to tableflip the inox table in the interrogation room right into MY FACE. Then, she stole my gun and started her own little remake of Scarface in the middle of the GCPD. You think Kyle is difficult?! God, she's a fucking saint next to young Y/N Montana."
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It's not often that Barbara finds her way under Y/N's skin. But like with Jim, it happens from time to time. It's funny because I think Kean would feel awful being the one responsible of the other woman genuine distress. Pissing her off, ok, they both enjoy doing it on a daily basis. But hurting... it's totally different.
☂ OSWALD: "That bitch made Y/N cry!" He would yell from one of his couch to Ed, who would be leaning against a window frame with a scowl. "How dare she?!" Cobblepot would add as he smashed his fist repeatedly against his armchair.
-- Would immediately call Victor and order the annihilation of the Sirens. "You know what to do!" He would spat before hanging up.
-- He absolutely will call all his goons and associates and tell them "Barbara Kean is now banned from their contact list. And the Sirens isn't a neutral place anymore. Yes, absolutely, you can plan a slaughter inside of it, it's not my problem anymore. Enjoy guys."
-- Will ignore her texts, most of it being insults and threats anyway, and will rush to his kitchen to make Y/N some nice tea, even put a bit of whiskey in it, and some biscuits. What? No, it's not kindness, he's simply acting like a good boss.
👓 ED: would be furious. Even if he wouldn't plan to kill Barbara, BeCaUsE tHeY hAvE hIsToRy, he would rush to his hideout and search his beloved mini guillotine. Since Y/N is French, she would appreciate the gesture, he was sure.
-- Tabi would feel a cold shiver in her very bones, something was up. They will not like it, especially Barbara... Oh, dear, not the guillotine again.
-- Will kidnap Kean and tied her up like he did with Butch and Tabi. But this time her 60 seconds will be to call Y/N, pray she's not mad enough to ghost her and apologize.
-- If Riddler is satisfied, he would stop the mechanism. If not. Well, time to make an appointment at Gotham General Hospital. Their surgeon are great, he heard.
🌸MAGGIE: she wouldn't confront Barbara immediately. She knows about Kean misplaced jealousy and it wouldn't do any good barging in and demanding her go apologize.
-- She would call Butch and Tabi instead and explain them Barbara put them on thin ice with basically everyone. So, it will be in their best interest to convince the woman to make amend. And soon, before Oswald calls Victor.
-- Butch would be livid and Tabi doesn't really want to deal with a berserk Zsasz in the middle of the bar.
-- She's herself a very competent assassin but wouldn't try her luck against a man who was mad enough to walk in front of a fucking machine gun, was shot by it and still managed to escape and live to tell the tale. Nope, nu-uh, no way in hell. Ok. Time for Barbara to act like the adult woman she will never be.
🪒VICTOR: "Zsasz is standing in front of the door holding a rocket launcher." Basically this.
-- As soon as he got Oswald's call, he steered the wheel of his car to go straight to the Sirens. Funky Town blasting in the vehicle is enough to make every thug or villain walking in the area to run for their dear shitty life.
-- "Ladies", he's still polite you might note. But isn't smiling. His guns are hitching and he can't wait for a good chase. Butch will love to run again, be caught again and torture all over AGAIN.
-- Already has a plan for Kean's torture session. He will make her crawl like an animal and finish what he should have done a few years ago in Carmine's mansion. Clearly.
🚔JIM: poor dude will try to do the right thing and rush to Barbara to protect her from Victor, Ed and Oswald. If he managed to catch her before Ed or Victor, he would try to put some sense into her thick head.
-- "Are you suicidal now Barbara?! Call Y/N before you lose a hand or worse, your whole head!" He would plead, just before a strangled yelp escaped his mouth when he hears Funky Town just behind him. "Oh shit! Shit, shit, shit! Call her NOW!"
🍺HARVEY: "Your problem, bitch", that's what he would say just before grabbing his coat and hat, ready to go out of the GCPD.
-- "Where are you going now Harvey?!" Would ask Jim incredulously.
-- "To the bar, Jim. And I'm not going alone. Will go fetch the kid first then help her drink her sorrow and maybe puke it later. Who knows?"
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Oh boy, good luck with this one. If he's usually able to make Y/N mad enough to chase him down the dirty streets in her panties and guns in her hands and find great delight in it, Victor is totally fucked when he's the reason why his wife is crying. He's useless and would immediately ask if she wants a glass of water. *Worthless dude alert*
He's out of his comfort zone with Y/N tears. Because it means he managed to reach the most sensible part of her and isn't acclimated to it yet. For him, his dear wife is ruthless, a cold-blood killer, always have some sass in spare for him or will always find a way to make him pay if he does something that made her mad. But tears? How are you supposed to act in front of them when they aren't the product of one of your twisted torture session? *Insert Windows error sound*
☂ OSWALD: Shock. Facepalm. Grunts. Screeches. Yes, in this very order.
-- "What the hell VICTOR?! You're not supposed to make your wife cry! What about my next grand villain's plan?! How am I supposed to concretise it without Y/N, uh?! GO APOLOGIZE IDIOT!"
-- Will wait next to the door with his arms crossed like an angry father waiting for his child to correct his mistake. And glare at him if he dares saying something stupid aggravating his wife's ire. "Bloody imbecile!"
-- Will give all suicidal missions he kept especially to Y/N in hope to kill her accidentally in the process to Zsasz. Doesn't care if there is only 24h in a day. Victor screwed, he has to face the consequences.
-- Still a good boss and make her tea + biscuits. Even plan a self-care day in which they would apply moisturizing masks on each other faces, do the other their manicure and watch stupid tv shows all day.
👓 ED: now he wants the original guillotine model. That fucker won't live to see another day.
-- Ed can't forgive Victor. As a husband, it was HIS role to make sure his wife was ok and prevent any tears to escape from her beautiful, piercing and steel-cold eyes. He failed her. And Edward, as well as Riddler, won't tolerate it.
-- Will go against Oswald wish and try to kidnap Zsasz. If he succeeds, Victor would wake up with the Marseillaise sound, tied up and his head ready to end into a cute little basket abhorring a blue, white and red bow.
-- Only a call from Y/N would make him stop.
-- If Zsasz managed to prevent the kidnapping, he would feel the electrical end of his cane. Maybe more than once. Ed would also taste the blade of his knife or a bullet from Victor's gun, but he's too mad to care. You don't make Y/N cry. End of the story.
🌸MAGGIE: she would want to cry too. Last quarrel between Y/N and Victor was awful.
-- It impacted everyone in Gotham: the slaughters and bloodbaths exploded because of the two, and the postal services were still shocked about their bloody and deadly epistolary relationship. For God's sake, Y/N sent Victor at least a dozen decapitated heads in the middle of cacti!
-- She will scream at Zsasz, trying to make him understand how he has been stupid and how you don't offer a freaking glass of water just after making someone cry!
-- Will hide his weapon. All of them. And his clothes, replacing them with white and pink ones. Be ready to see ViKen walk around for a few days.
-- Will ask Oswald to make his ears bleed.
🚔JIM: Oh no... not again. He was not ready. Not at all.
-- Will immediately send a warning text to Y/N: "No decapitated heads in the middle of cacti. Not again. Are you ok, though?"
-- Will pray Satan so he would help his best agents on earth to reconcile, and ask God for forgiveness after doing it.
-- Will groan if a killing spree happens after the crying and curse Zsasz.
🍺HARVEY: *Best alcoholic uncle in town joined the game*
-- "Fucking hell dude! No scorned Y/N, cause she's worse than any scorned woman! I know it, you know it, and everyone in town knows it! Go apologize, I'm sending something to relax her. Don't try to talk until she has drunk half of the bottle. Yeah, you're welcome."
-- Won't hesitate to add one or two Xanax into the bottle. Or a little something carefully rolled with a lighter next to it. *Don't do drugs bruh, it's bad*. It's for an emergency, the commissioner will look the other way don't worry, as well as the courier. Shh. It's their little secret.
-- Will also pray Satan for his help. But won't ask for God's forgiveness, he would have done the same.
🍸BARBARA: "You're dead Zsasz."
-- Will join forces with Ed to help him concretise his beheading plan.
-- Will dress in blue, white and red for the occasion and even wave a little French flag during the whole operation.
-- Will send the picture to Y/N to cheer her up.
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🍷CARMINE: no matters who made Y/N cry, Carmine will know. Even if he's not the king of Gotham anymore, he still has contacts and will call them to make life a living hell for the responsible of his adoptive child's distress.
-- But if it's Victor, oh dear. Prepare for a disappointed father's call and scolding. Victor would be the one crying at the end of it. He would ask for Falcone's forgiveness and ask a few tips about what to do when you hurt your wife.
-- Be ready for old-fashioned advice about buying flowers, at this point the whole shop, diamonds, and do basically everything your wife might ask. "Minus throwing yourself out the window, Victor. She'll ask but don't do it. You both would regret it." "Yes, Sir."
A/N - I hope it wasn't too long or too boring and you liked it! Have a beautiful day/night and take care dear!
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ravenzeppeli · 7 months
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Chapter 10- Rejection |Illuso x Reader|
Warning: strong language. MA.
Illusos POV
Illuso kept his eyes on you as you sat next to Formaggio, you having a slight pout on your face. You seemed to not want to be around the three of them, Formaggio having to call your name about 20 times before you came to sit in the base with them.
"Girl, are you fucking deaf!?" Formaggio snapped as you sat down, shooting you a look of disbelief. "Why didn't you come the first fucking five times I called you?"
You rolled your eyes at him, causing him to place his hand on your thigh. "You couldn't have gotten up and got me? Are your legs broken?"
"Hey now, don't get cunty with me! We haven't seen you in five days!" He exclaimed, keeping his tone non threatening as he spoke to you. Maybe Illuso should take notes. "You've been in your room all day, it's past lunch. You really don't like us that much? I get not liking Illuso but I'm great. And Ghiaccio.. I'm sure he has something likeable about him."
"Fuck did I do!?" Ghiaccio snapped, glaring at Formaggio.
"I never said I disliked any of you. When did those words ever come out of my mouth?" You questioned, leaning back, your eyes on Formaggio, completely ignoring Illusos existence. "I was just busy, and my headphones were on. Maybe you should learn how to yell louder." You smirked slightly, giving your shoulders a small shrug. "Theirs a little suggestion for you."
"Funny," he replied. "Ghiaccio and I are going to go pick up some pizza. Should be a while. You should stay here and talk with Illuso a bit."
You stood up, causing Formaggio to wrap his hands around your waist, pulling you back down. "No, I'll go pick up the pizza. You three stay here and talk." You attempted to stand up again, stopping when he pulled you back, tightening his grip around your waist. "Literally fuck you Formaggio." You seemed to have not forgiven Illuso, maybe he should attempt to speak now.
"Don't be like that, babe," Formaggio replied. "You need to stop avoiding him. Why did you slam the door in his face when he tried to talk to you last night? Work this out."
"I'm fucking sorry, alright? Damn, I won't punch you again!" Illuso snapped, his eyes finally landing on you fully, the bruise on your face close to healing. "Look at me, stop avoiding me!" He hated the fact that you were ignoring him.
He needed to get you alone with him, completely alone, so he could privately say how he feels. With you slamming your bedroom door in his face last night as soon as you got home, it fucking pissed him off. You rejected his love and it caused him to make a foolish mistake, one that he hoped to never do again. It's not like he actually beat you.
"We can't leave her alone with him," Ghiaccio added in, his glare hard. "Do you really think it's smart Formaggio? Just take her with you to get the pizza."
As Illuso went to speak, you interrupted him. "Just go, I'll be fine. I want to speak with Illuso alone."
"Nobody asked you," Ghiaccio snapped, causing you to raise your eyebrows at him. "Don't get involved when men are talking business!"
"What business!?" You snapped back at him, looking genuinely confused.
"You," Formaggio replied. "You're our property. We own you." As you went to speak, he placed his hand over your mouth. "Now, I mean taking what our property said into consideration, she seems to want to speak to him. They both want to speak to each other, and I'm sure Illuso won't jack ass it up! He's not that bad. Hey! Stop trying to bite my hand, I'll put my dick in you!"
Illuso smirked slightly, turning towards Ghiaccio. "Listen, man, she's my girl more than she's your girl. Alright? So just let me fucking speak to her alone."
"For now," Ghiaccio snapped, standing up as he snatched his keys off the table. "Whatever, let's go, Formaggio. You better not fucking hurt you." He walked out the front door, leaving it open.
Formaggio let your mouth go, standing up. "Be good, both of you. Make the fuck up! All this is bad for Ghiaccios health, he's too young to have high blood pressure." He walked out the front door, slamming it shut, leaving him to finally have a private word with you. This time you couldn't slam the door in his face.
As the door slammed shut, you immediately stood up, walking away and into the kitchen. He got up, immediately following behind you. There is no way in hell you were gonna get away with ignoring him today.
"I'm sorry I punched you Y/N," he spat out, not wanting to waste anymore time on it. He told himself he wouldn't apologize because he wasn't sorry. He'll just remember to slap you next time, but in his eyes, you deserved to be punched. You rejected his love, instead giving it souly to Melone. Why couldn't you give him some of that love as well? "It was a mistake, won't ever happen again. Swear on my mother." He fucking hated his mom.
You were in the cabinet, reaching for a bottle of red wine that was on the top shelf. "Sure, it's all good, Illuso."
He walked over to you, grabbing the wine with ease, sitting in on the kitchen table in front of you. "Don't fucking act like this towards me forever. Alright? We should forget all this happened."
"You wanna punch me again?" You questioned, that question throwing him completely off guard. "How about now? Do you wanna punch me now? All for saying shit you don't like?" You turned around, looking up at him, your eyes finally meeting his.
"I don't want to punch you again," he muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. "We're gonna be together rather you like it or not. Nothing will ever cause me to break up with you, so don't bother trying. Can't you just forgive me?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "Sure. I'll forgive you. Whatever, buddy." You went to walk away but quickly uncrossed his arms to grab you by your arm, pulling you back over to stand in front of him. "What's wrong? Do you have an issue with anything I said?" You questioned, your tone slightly taunting him.
See.. you may not do this with Melone or Risotto, but you did it with him. You showed constant disrespect, and it pissed him off, and it made him want to smack you right across your face. It made him want to pick up that wooden spoon on the kitchen counter and beat your ass with it. If you were his alone, then he would smack you right now, but he knew that he couldn't. It would cause too much drama.
"I'm your boyfriend, not your fucking buddy," he told you, his grip on your arm tightening. "What's your fucking problem with me, hm? Ever since you got here you've had an issue with me, I know you have."
You glared up at him, "I don't like you at all. I like nothing at all about you, I can't name a single thing I like about you. You're a piece of shit and I'm only with you because I have to be." You tried to snatch your arm away, causing his grip to suddenly go iron. He was pissed. "Fuck you."
He let a dry laugh escape his lips as he leaned down, forcing his lips against yours. He placed a kiss on your lips, letting go of your arm as he wrapped his hands around your waist. "Aw, so cute. If only I gave a fuck. If anything, it excites me, especially knowing that despite your feelings you can't leave me." He grinned, placing a kiss on your forehead, an aggressive kiss. "Fuck your feelings."
You wrapped an arm around him, surprising him. He expected you to pull away or to hit him, but instead your arm was suddenly around his waist. "Whatever jackass. Fuck your feelings too. Like how love me deep down and I don't love you," you told him, causing his eyes to darken, but his grin stayed. "But does it matter? Probably fucking not. Whatever. Wanna drink?"
Well, he assumed that the two of you made up, that being the weirdest way he's ever made up with anyone. Despite being angry as fuck, he swallowed those negative feelings, instead taking down two wine glasses, pouring you and himself a glass. It was true, he did love you, he guessed, but the part about you not loving him? That may be true too. For now. Overtime you would love him, he would make sure of it.
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I don't know if this is asking too much (if so, I'm sorry) but could you write at least one shot from Paz Lives AU? About family daily life. Or Cabin in the Woods with Hunter, Spider and the twins? I love the dynamics you described and in the form of a short story it would be a masterpiece haha. But I also don't want to distract you too much from the original Canina or seem like Im asking for something all the time in an annoying form
Your not annoying me at all. And if I put Cabin on pause to write a oneshot then that's my choice, I'm fully capable of saying "I like that idea, I'll write it after Cabin."
I don't know if I'll ever write a Paz lives modern Au oneshot. I do have more of those bullet point thoughts written out that I just haven't posted yet but that might be as far as I go with that au. Same with the idea of Cabin with the twins. I like the idea in concept but I don't think I'll take in further then bullet point ideas. That being said I've got a lot of idea's for that au so allow me to share those now
So same sequence of events as Cabin, Paz is killed by a drunk driver while she's pregnant, only this time she's expecting twins and is already a mother to 5 year old Spider and 2 year old Hunter. the twins were able to be saved, Quaritch goes to jail for trying to kill Paz's killer, and all the siblings end up in foster care.
I was reading articles on why siblings are separated in the foster system for another ask and there are a few different reasons but in this case it would be 1. lack of resources. there are just too many of them and no one willing to take in four kids all at once. 2. Spider is of course traumatized from the sudden loss of both his parents and as a result gets super protective of his siblings, to a point where he makes it almost impossible for any adult to take care of any of them. 3. age. Spider is the only one who would be able to remember his siblings. the others are too little to be really bonded to each other. Because of all this it's decided that it'll be best if the kids are separated. The younger kids will all go to stable homes and Spider can get one on one help to process the loss of his family.
Spider never accepts it though, growing bitter at a very young age, hating and distrusting all the adults tasked with caring for him.
Remember in the Cabin prologue when Quaritch went to visit Spider in his group home? That happens here too only instead Spider is 7 and is over joyed to see his dad, begging him to take him away. Quaritch refuses, saying that he needs to get him and his siblings back legally but Norm still catches him and accuses Quaritch of trying to kidnap Spider. This too all plays out like in Cabin with Quaritch being dubbed mentally unstable and having his parental rights terminated.
After this incident though Spider starts running away from his foster homes. He's not specifically trying to get back to his dad, he just really wants out. He's found and brought back every time but as he gets older he gets better at it. His record is going 16 days without being found. He was 11 at the time.
When Spider is 12 he get's placed with the McCosker's
Nash McCosker is an abusive ass hole who screams at and beats Spider for the smallest offense. He threatens Spider with even worse if he tries to tell anyone about it.
So in the middle of the night Spider packs up his backpack and runs
It's around four in the morning, he's exhausted, it feeling like his lungs could burst he's been running for so long and all he wants is to lay down for a little bit, but he knows he can't. He only has two more hours before someone notices that's he's gone. So he forces himself to keep going
But then a car pulls up, blocking his path. The window rolls down, reveling his dad. "get in." he commands
Spider is stunned. A mix of emotions floods him. Shock, anger, grief. He hasn't seen his father since that day at the group home, years ago now. He had said he was trying to get him back. instead he seemed to have abandoned him.
Seeing no other options though Spider gets into his dad's car.
His heart breaks when they pull up to their old family home, now standing like a memorial of everything they've lost.
The moment they get inside Spider turns on his father, "Why did you leave me! You said you where trying to get me back! to get use all back! What the hell happened to that!"
Quaritch does his best to calm his son, explaining everything, that he tried to get them back the legal way but the courts where rigged against him and terminated his parental rights. That he's been watching over all of his kids but particularly Spider since his living situation is the worst out of all of the siblings.
He explains that now that Spider is a know run away he can just stay with him, living in their old home. No one will suspect Quaritch of kidnapping. If the cops come by looking for Spider he can hide in the attic until they leave. In enough time the search will be dropped and they can live peacefully
"but what about my siblings? how can we get them back?" Spider askes innocently.
"don't you worry about that right now. Papa's got a plan. For right now I'm more concerned about you. We'll focus on your siblings once your in the clear."
Spider's a nervous wreak the first few weeks of living with his dad again.
because this is the best he's had it since before his mom died and he's terrified that'll all be ripped away again.
His dad is just as paranoid listening to a police scanner every second of the day.
The police showed up with a search warrant after a month. Spider was safely tucked away in the attic long before they got there.
The entrance to the attic is in a closet on the second floor. it's easy to miss if you don't know where to look. It's completely un detectable after Quaritch hides it with mountains of junk typical for a hallway closet.
the police search the whole house and the surrounding area. They search that closet to. But they never find the attic.
Shortly after the search is called off. Miles "Spider" Socorro is just gone, with no hope of ever finding him.
Father and son are thrilled. they settle into a semblance of a life together. Spider can never really leave the house. His dad homeschools him, but it's no replacement for the social interactions he'd have at a real school. The isolation only makes the absence of his siblings hurt all the more.
It took his father months to even get Spider to go upstairs. The kid broke down when he saw his old room, still exactly how it had been when he'd been taken away. No matter how much time passed he could never bring himself to venture further down the hall. Every time he so much as glanced at the shut doors of his siblings abandoned bedrooms his heart ached.
It took time, but his dad helped him redo his old bedroom, turning it into something befitting of a preteen.
After six months of living with each other Quaritch took Spider out to "visit" his siblings
Hunter was 10 at the time. He was at school, quietly reading on the playground, his face so closely pressed into the book, his nose was touching it's binding, when a bully approached slapping the book from his hand. His father had to physically restrain Spider so he didn't go over there and kick the other kids ass.
Seeing Gunner and Ada was less eventful. The twins where 7 going on 8 at the time. Gunner was playing in a soccer game, Ada was on the side lines with her moms pretending she was a "witch princess" making a potion out of dirt, leaves, and rocks. Spider couldn't help but laugh at his little sister and cheer for his little brother every time he got the ball.
Quaritch and Spider go to spy on his sibling every couple of weeks.
Except in the summer. In the summer they go on a cross country road tip to stay in a cabin high up in the mountains. Spider loves the change in scenery but it still makes him a little sad. Because his father actually built the cabin himself for the entire family. So just like back home, there were three extra bedrooms, awaiting kids that would never live there.
I'm going to continued this in a part 2 so look out for that. Hope you enjoyed💞
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the-white-soul · 7 months
*Flowey twitches. How can Kara go from threatening something worse than death to laughing with Dess in a matter of a minute? Is this a joke? Not to mention Flowey's urging to leave are ignored. He can't help but feel annoyed rather than happy and trusting for the reunion like he should be. He can't understand it. And he still doesn't have a reason to like Dess. Why would Kara be friends with this idiot? He responds bitterly to the exchange.*
Funny enough, while you believed Kara would protect Noelle with their bond, the whole reason she died was because the two of them were too busy having a lovey-dovey moment to realize anything. I'm not saying Kara is strong, but I think you both should learn by now that “the power of love” doesn't help anything in the end!
You tell me what positives came out of all this compared to everything else. What is it, Dess came back versus your gain and loss over the timeline, stress over the possibility of the roaring, and millions of deaths including her sister and your “girlfriend?”
*Flowey pulls Kara aside, talking to them with a strained smile.* It's smart that you say you can't forgive her, Kara, but what you're doing being friends with her again so quickly doesn't make sense. *He mimics their voice.* "How could I stay mad at you even when you indirectly killed millions?" Do you know how stupid you sound? And after all that she haven't proved anything yet that she is acting any more responsibly. She said it herself that she felt dissociated.
That means she doesn't care.
Suddenly there's a ring, Toriel opens it and…
(Clover) "Howdy, not to disrupt your little powwow, but you seem completely angry at each other. Funny to see, right? Flowey always being mad at the holidays. You're like a baby Grinch. Hello Dess, I assume that's your name due to the conversation. Seems like your parents hated you as much as mine. Naming you after a holiday, how lazy can you get?"
(Kara) "Can we give it 5 minutes before you try to ruin everything?"
(Clover) "You really are a hypocrite, aren't you? Looking at someone's actions as heroic even when they kill millions to get there. First Flowey, now Dess. To be honest, Laughs you all are the same. Monsters are always justifying killing to get somewhere to kill more. Look at this Universe. All they told me was to kill you, but now I see even this 'Utopia' is worse than most places. Six dead kids, and for what? We gave you a place to reside in peace, and you just had to go up and ruin it by killing. I am justice and judgment. And it seems like you are going to have a terrible time."
(Dess) "You racist pig!!! I'm sorry I tried to make my sister stronger. I'm sorry monsters want to be equals. Woe is you and humanity."
(Clover) "Come on, we all know we're the superior species. We're more powerful anyway. You are just some evolutionary mistake."
(Dess) "Say that to my face one more time."
(Clover) "They smile right in Dess's face and say as loud as they can, "MONSTERS ARE JUST AN EVOLUTIONARY MISTAKE!!!"
Dess readies her magic.
(Dess) "I'm willing to guess you will join me? If so, then let's beat some motherfucking ass."
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Cheating on me with my best friend Steve Harrington x Fem!henderson reader
Warnings-cheating Steve with Nancy,crying,mentions of getting violent and threatening,swearing,break ups and make ups somehow,argument,getting into sort of fight,if there’s anymore tell me
You didn’t know that Steve and Nancy was fucking each other but max and the whole gang found out when Nancy came over after you left Steve’s house and they’d go in his room hearing them kissing and all the gross stuff
When Dustin heard he said to keep it a secret from you but max wasn’t letting that happen she was pissed
When you was all sat in eddies trailer sat down you was sat under Steve’s arms and Nancy was sat next to Steve close Dustin or the party couldn’t hang that you was cuddled under his arm knowing your best friend who he’s been fucking is right there next to you both
“So Nancy” mike went on to talk till max butted in
“How long have you been fucking Steve” max snapped at Nancys shocked face
You shot out From under Steve’s arms and looked at him “what” you gave Steve and nancy a dirty look
“What do you mean” nancy asks pretending to be confused
“You know exactly what you got Steve to cheat on my sister” Dustin shouted
“CALM THE FUCK DOWN” Eddie shouted
“Calm down don’t tell me to calm down because I’m about to punch this fucking bitch” you shouted at Eddie
Eddie sat back down and Robin was sat there in disbelief you pushed Steve away from you
Everyone was shocked the room was filled with tense body’s anger and shock you was well and truly pushed over the edge when you found out
“How long has it been going on for” you looked at Steve
“It’s a misunderstanding” Steve tried to defend himself
“You’ve been fucking my best friend for how long” you shouted
“We haven’t been fucking” Nancy tried to defend the two getting questioned with a very angry room full of people
You could feel the heat off your breathing from your anger pumping in and out you walked closer to them
“How long has it been going on for” you growled through gritted teeth “max how long have you guys know”
“Since new years after you went home because you was sick” max said
“You what you’ve been fucking behind my back some people you are” you snapped
The whole room started arguing you got annoyed and screamed at them all to shut the fuck up you walked to Nancy
“You fucking slut I’m gonna fucking mess you up” you shouted when all the kids eddie and Robin pulled you away “YOUR DEAD WHEELER HEAR ME YOU SLUTTY ASS CUNT” you threatened
They got you into your house eddie and Robin both trying to keep you calm but all you could think was that your boyfriend was fucking your best friend that’s what tipped you off
Dustin hated seeing his big sister like this hurt and angry it reminded him of when you dated jason you felt sick you was enraged you wanted to hurt them kick steve in the dick and watch him hurl over in pain and punch Nancy until she passes out infront of Steve
You was pissed nobody wanted to pass you when your angry you was pinned to the ground by Eddie and Robin while the kids locked the doors and windows and hid the keys
“You need to keep it calm yn” Eddie shook your shoulder
“I can’t keep it calm when that’s happend” you was letting out small sobs not knowing if it was saddness hurt or anger
“Yn I understand but you need to stay out their way for a while till your all cooled off” Robin said in a soothing voice
You stand up punching and burning stuff until when a knock on the door happend and you burn your hand yelping in agony “ow shit I’ve burnt myself eddie do you think you can get the door while I run my hand under cold water” you winced at first before asking the question
Eddie opend the door to Steve and Nancy walking in to you washing your hand under the cold water
“Yn let me say sorry” Nancy and Steve spoke
“You have 5 seconds to get out or I’m gonna beat your ass Steve and same with you Nancy or I’ll kick you so far up your ass my foot will come out your fucking mouth” you threatened the standing people infront of you
“Look every single one was a drunken mistake especially the new years one I love you and you only even though you give me death threats just now I don’t give a shit” Steve said
“Your lucky your cute but I’m not being friends with that lying fake slag” you push Nancy
Steve nods his head understanding why your annoyed you hug steve somehow happy you made up you can’t last without Steve by you won’t even make eye contact with Nancy
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calypso-finale · 1 year
Ninety One.
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I love handling business there is no denying that, I enjoy doing all this business “so what I think is do it, if you said it’s all done fully edited why is it waiting around? Like it’s been what two weeks since the incident and you are sitting around on it. I don’t think he will hate you for it, he will more then likely be ok about it” I want him to release the content in regards to his cancer, watching that video made me cry. Just to see him in that state, it’s very raw “I think it’s a little odd to keep Rylee in there, but she was part of it and she explains a lot of it. Keep Aziel in it, don’t worry about that shit I got it, I know you worried that Rylee might come at you for it but she won’t, I got it. Keep Aziel in it, upload it as it is, and yeah” looking at the screen, the video played back again, seeing Oakley before the chemo, that is the Oakley I knew “fuck I miss the guy” Aziel ran into the room “to all the people that said I had cancer your moment is here, day one of Chemo” he said on the video “doing it for you” he picked up Aziel “this video is for you, if I don’t come out of this, just know your dad was a G” he reached over to turn the camera off “take it off” I said to Wadz, it progressively gets not nice but it’s the harsh truth “put a warning on it but say he is in remission, just do it. People that said he had cancer, spoke on that shit I hope they fucking feel it because he didn’t deserve that” Wadz nodded his head “they going to wake him tomorrow morning, I am going to be there. I am nervous about it, I don’t know how to feel or how he will feel about it all, he may say why did I save him, or he may not be the same and that scares me the most. Imagine he like not the fucking same guy?” he shook his head “I have been praying for him, he is a good kid and I feel like he gets played a lot, even in the music industry, they hate to take him seriously, but he is fucking drawing in numbers, it’s crazy. Since this has happened his albums have got back into the charts, his singles too. Like the fans are pushing it, he has a good strong fanbase in Europe and I love that, but I believe he will be back with us, hopefully he will she he is loved, and always has been, just people are cruel” I kind of mumbled the last part because my daughter has been one of them, she hasn’t been good.
Saint thinks he is funny, he thinks he can act clever with my daughter and post things about her and say things about her online. Then threaten her with a sex tape, I will fuck him over and his dad, I do not care. He has pissed me off, he is reacting butt hurt over a split and acting like this because she doesn’t fucking want him, the fucking world could see but it looked good on paper, they was both using each other but he wants to act like this. I have his number, I am pissed off because he is leaking pictures of my daughter of them in bed, nothing sexual but fucking still it will get to that point if so, pressing my phone to ear, I will fly to LA just to beat him if so, I don’t mind that either “hi” he picked up “I don’t want to speak to you, but you grown enough for a motherfucking beating. You are nothing, I will put you where your dad was, in a fucking mental asylum, you take that shit off and apologise to my daughter” I ain’t being nice, he chuckled “she played me and then comes at me saying we over because she is stuck on him, and he tried to kill himself? Not my fucking fault, not my fault she is a shit mother” he retorted “weren’t you the one following her around because you knew she wasn’t held down by you? Mhmmm Saint, my daughter is better then you, you live through your name, and being the son of Kim, the very person sucking dick. I ain’t fucking playing, I will come there and beat your ass, you take that shit down in five minutes or I am coming there, I don’t care who you are!” I put the phone down, I am about to get my jet ready because I think he wants me to come, he doesn’t believe me at all. When it comes to my kids, I will do anything “so you going to LA?” Wadz asked “yeah but I will be back” I laughed “I will ride for my kids until I can’t anymore, I love them even though they annoy me” which they do.
When I said I would go back to LA I meant it, I came back to this place for this because he didn’t want to listen and also he doesn’t know I am here, I just jumped on the jet after five minutes. I think my family about to be shocked to see me home, I didn’t tell anyone at all “dickhead” closing the door behind me to the house, he really made me fucking come back because he can’t fucking listen, but I will beat him up, he thinks he’s clever “Chris” Amerie said “hey, I am back” I laughed “I thought you was in London for a longer?” she asked “I was supposed to be but something came up and I need to do it but I will be back there ASAP, kids in school?” I asked, “they are, you will see them before you go?” nodding my head “of course I will” hearing little feet hitting the floor, seeing both Aziel and Emi “look at you two besties” Aziel seems happy, I like this “come” waving them over, Rylee came up behind them, but she just moved away, like she feels I don’t want to see her “am I strong enough to pick you both up? Oh my” leaning down “muscles activated” I groaned out picking them both “look at you two, both getting on. Missed you both” Aziel poked my dimple “you kids love doing that, you leave papa dimple alone now” Robyn looks flabbergasted to see me “excuse me?” she just said, “I think you’re supposed to say welcome home” making my way over to her “but you never said you was coming back?” leaning down to her, pecking her lips “I know it’s a flying visit really” walking into the living room “is papa strong? Holding you both, how is little Emi? You good? Following big goofy here” he has some goofy teeth” she smiled “oh your goofy too, bunch of goofs” placing them down on the couch “flying visit?” Robyn said behind me “yeah well, when people don’t listen I have to make sure they do” Robyn let out an oh “I am listening” I have to laugh “well it’s your favourite child” I pointed “she is yours and everyone knows that” I chuckled, Rylee is sat so silent, she isn’t saying a thing like she usually does.
Robyn of course wants to know why I am here; I mean it is a shock “I threaten Sain and he didn’t listen. I said I would come here, and I did. So Rylee and I will be going to Kim home, we going to do this. Because nobody fucks with my family like that, my daughter isn’t no fucking Kim, she has class. So yeah” Robyn looked at Rylee “your dad does care, he always has so you come for that and then you’re going back?” nodding my head “right, so how is things there?” Robyn asked “they are waking him tomorrow? Well maybe it is tomorrow there, my mind is a mess with time zones, but they are waking him up so see how that goes and yeah. They are releasing the cancer video, soon. Maybe they have, Rylee is in it, and Aziel too but it explains a lot, so it needed to be shown and Robyn, I also invested in Oakley. I am taking care of his overheads, sorry I didn’t mention it, but it just happened in the moment, I snapped at the accountant because they wasn’t being good” I hope she doesn’t snap about it, that she does understand “I didn’t expect anything less from you Chris, that is fine. You told me so the video is out now or soon?” Robyn asked “erm, I will let you know but it made me cry, it goes through his journey, and I am sure Rylee knows that, I think being there in that setting it was hard to see but then reliving it, it’s horrible. It breaks my heart to see how he was within himself but yeah, have some tissues. You can see what I saw when I went there for the week to take care of him” Robyn put her head down.
I stifled out a yawn, my body is a mess going from country to country but my anger for Saint is fuelling me. He is fucking with the wrong daughter because it isn’t fucking with mine, he is being very wrong. I rather he wrote something but pictures, I don’t like that shit and I will knock his block off “you don’t have to sit in silence” I said to Rylee, she is with me in the car to go there. I am not having the shit of this back and forth, Kim can either fix it or I will myself “I didn’t think you would want to talk to me” she mumbled “that is true but you’re making the car ride awkward” looking over at her “what did your therapist say? How is it going? Have you told him what you needed” she is just sat here mute “he said that I needed therapy from the start, that I held a lot in. And a lot of things in my life was masked, I use a mechanism to cover myself. I am copying mom but with mom she went Barbados, I cheat” I chuckled “I can tell, I mean why do you feel the need to cheat?” I asked “because rappers cheat a lot on the road, I just get there first. He said that the love I gave to Oakley was toxic, he said he doesn’t deny that you don’t love him because you wouldn’t have lasted, he gave you the sanity you needed but when things got rocky you go into a place where you see yourself as a child and run, and that is my trauma” reaching over and holding her hand “I’m sorry” l apologised, Rylee let out a little sob “don’t be dad” she strained out “I just don’t know but I feel I am getting there with it, like I feel better but I said I want to heal with my son and he said that I can, but I have to be first. Aziel is distant with me, he saw me with Saint, he didn’t like it. He held on to his comfort and it was Grace, I ruined him dad” shaking my head “you haven’t, like he’s still young and he will heal. There is time Rylee” I think Rylee knows she fucked up, I think she gets it “how is Oakley, did you see him” moving my hand back “erm I did, they let me see him and I was sad to see him in that state, it hurt my heart. He’s how you expect him to be, tubes around him but yeah. He’s in a coma, there really isn’t much to say Rylee” I can’t tell her things I have no knowledge of because he’s just in the hospital bed “I feel so bad, mom said you can’t have loved him but I really do. Only person I thought of was him, that was it. I just wanted him, and I still do, dad I get I fucked up but I was hurt because he hurt me, Kenza out of everyone, if he told me it wasn’t his I would have flown back to London and got back with him” I sighed out “don’t say that, see that is toxic” this girl needs to get this behaviour out of her “but I do really love him but he wasn’t forgiving me for what I was doing and all he wanted me to do was get better I made a mistake with what I said, I didn’t mean it at all. He is my heart, dad I really love him. It’s not just that, we have a bond, and he knows that. Just it’s a mess, I become so vengeful” she needs to fix herself, because the way she acts is not good at all, I hate it.
Smiling at Kim, she seems like she’s none the wiser, but I know she knows “is Saint here” I asked “I know he is hiding here; I haven’t come here to talk like that I just want this over with” she closed the door “erm yes I can get him, but I did tell him to put the videos down, I promise you I did. I told him that it was wrong” nodding my head, I just want her to get her shit son, I am tired, and I have been on that jet and now I am here “it will be sorted, but I need you to sort yourself out” I pointed, I just disagree with how he is handling it, you cannot air out a woman because you was second best. Saint looked a little taken a back that I did come “I told you I would come, you fuck with my kids you know. I told you to take the pictures down” he is stood behind his mom, it’s funny “I did nothing wrong” I laughed “the pictures are private, the bath tub? My daughter in it? I am asking you nicely to take it down and stop posting shit about her, how can you be hurt over you both using each other? You knew she just come out of a relationship, what did you expect? For her to love you” I laughed “she played me” he said “I would play you, I would use you to get my name out there. Doesn’t mean I want you, so fucking delete it” he is going to piss me off now “Saint just take me off, please. You don’t need to do this and make things hard because secrets will come out, you knew what this was” Rylee said, Kim is looking a little stressed out “I will do it when I want too” Saint is being funny “your ego is hurt I get it" I added “your daughter jumped to me, it was easy” I squinted my eyes “and how many times did I call you Oakley that you flung me off you, stop being a dickhead and fucking delete it!” looking at Rylee, I have had enough, I only moved and he ran off “Kim, I don’t want us to fall out, I promise you we had no issues but he needs to delete that shit or I am going to knock his fucking head off, you deal with it now!” she put her hands up “just wait here, please” she said to me walking off.
Looking at Rylee “he hurt you?” I asked “no he didn’t but like it was a shock he did that, like ok I said the wrong name a few times, it happens. He is protective of me too, so much so he deleted  everything of Oakley from my phone but I had the pictures stored on my dropbox so they are there, he was thinking I was in contact with Oakley because I kept mentioning his name and he didn’t like it, just so annoying” taking in a deep breath “he is making me mad, I need that shit done. I don’t want to fall out with them, this family always been in our life” this is going to make us fall out “you can check, it’s gone” Kim said, Saint has come back but I haven’t come here for nothing “good, look I don’t want no hard feelings, I want you to still be there at family events. I am not mad, it’s just a shame you both split so no hard feelings ok?” I got my hand out, Kim looked at Saint “go on” she said to him “just that we are family friends” Saint made his way over to me and shook my hand, I grabbed him and pulled him into me “next time I fucking tell you something you fucking do it, got it? I ain’t going to hit you but you motherfucking listen or I will break your legs next time, and you go near my daughter, I swear I will fuck you up. And if anything is put up I’ll be fucking back” letting his hand go “let’s go” he lucky I didn’t fucking hit him because it was there.
“Thank you dad” Rylee said “well I am doing my job as a father, but really Robyn and I did make a lot of mistakes, we fucked up our daughters in a way with us being so childish, but you can make a difference. Aziel can be happy and can accept what is happening if his mom is there, I am sorry that we did that to you kids and there is nothing we can do about it because you are all of age, therapy will help immensely” looking at my dashboard “Wadz is calling, do not speak a word. I am serious” answering the call “Bro” I said, “Chris hey, you good?” he asked “I am, a little messed up mentally. I do not know what time I am on; my body is fucked. How you?” I think it’s morning there, I am not even sure, I am lost with time badly, maybe it’s evening “I am good, thought I would let you know that Oakley is awake, they woke him. He came around well, he was responsive, but he’s got some loss of memory and it’s just crazy to see, the doctor said it will come back eventually to him but right now he is just coming around, the brain is healing but he is responding. He just doesn’t understand why he is there, and when I went in he just said did I fall. I just said yeah for now” I cringed “damn, what has he forgotten? Is it major things?” always something “he looked at his mom and said where is Rylee” looking at Rylee “really?” he remembers this brat child of mine “yeah, and I was like oh great his mom is about to say some shit, but she said not here right now, but the way he said it so calmly like nothing happened. I said Aziel misses you and he just said yeah the bros miss me, so do I. He is just saying some really odd things Chris” he laughed in disbelief “so it’s like he’s forgotten things, but it’s a good thing that he will heal” he remembered Rylee though, poor guy.
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cinemasteves · 2 years
YAY!! Now I’m gonna give you the information about me. starting now😻
Could I request a (platonic) Matchup with any of the Stranger Things Characters?? :DD
hehe anyways! My name is Joey! I’m transgender and lithromantic, I’m a Leo and I use he/him pronouns. I have shoulder-length-ish black hair. I have brown eyes and I’m at least 5’5
I’m honesty pretty silly when im interacting with someone either online or in person, i tend to make a lot of jokes (including sexual ones) I can also be pretty awkward when talking to new people but it’ll wear off once I talked to them for a good amount. And I love to talk about my interests and I don’t really like when people seem uninterested in my interests when I talk about them(it just makes me sad) , I can also be pretty punctual and fussy and I tend to have short tempers, And lastly I’m pretty intelligent in many things (such as math, piano, science, etc)
I love playing Rhythm Games (like Ensemble Stars, Project Senkai, Bandori..), I really like to play other games as well like Genshin, Mystic Messenger, FNAF, etc, I love musicals like Hamilton, I really love listening to music as well it’s my coping mechanism, i also love reading, and I really enjoy playing piano!
I don’t like negitive mentions of my voice, comparing me to people/saying stuff like "you remind me of ____", i also despise spiders. And I hate getting sick bc I’ll get very cranky and emotional
also here are my comforts: cats, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), lemon demon, felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), hotels, and my friends!
But thank you!! And have fun with this :DD
my brain is literally screaming Eddie Munson as your matchup.
I just feel like Eddie would immediately take you under his wing, just like he did with all the Hellfire kids.
He'd definitely defend you against Jason and the rest of the populars as if his life depended on it. Threatening to beat anyone's ass over you.
You two would definitely bond over games and music! Him teaching you guitar and you teaching him piano, him even letting you play at a Corroded Coffin show as an opener. In exchange for his kindness, you'd use your smarts to help tutor him so he could graduate, as you want to see him succeed. You both just believe in each other so much.
I could see you two playing pranks on the younger kids but also being their comfort figures. You two would throw a "Hellfire Christmas" party at the last campaign before winter break, having the room decorated for the holidays and Christmas music playing all throughout the game and even doing a secret santa exchange at the end !! It just so happens that Eddie was assigned as your secret santa, so he got you a cassette player, remembering you saying months before that you always wanted one.
Being an only child, he feels as though you're the little brother he's always wanted. You are the Dustin to his Steve !!!
I hope you like it 🥹 this was actually really fun to do !!
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