godfather1w1 · 4 years
Thud, Thud, Thud.
My feet pound hard against the ground. Each stride sending a jolt of pain up through my legs. I don’t know how long I’ve been running for. It feels like forever but it hasn’t been long enough, I have to keep going. I can still hear the pops of gunfire behind me. God, I hope that he makes it.
Thud, Thud, Thud.
I don’t hear them behind me anymore. The sounds of gunfire had grown quieter as I ran but it just stopped. Maybe I just got far enough away? Maybe they fought them off? Probably not, but hopefully he at least got away.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
It’s all been quiet. I hate it, there is no wind; there’s no birds. Everything’s just gone, an empty shell that was once full of life.  The only sound is my feet hitting the pavement again and again. As I run into the silence, I’m realizing I don’t even know where I’m going. He said I had to tell the resistance what was happening. That I had to send the message, but to where? I need to keep going so they don’t catch me, so hopefully I just run into someone else before they get to me.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
I hear them in the distance, that eerie quiet replaced by the distant roar of their engines. I wish I could go back; I wish I could just run in that deafening nothing forever. This is so much worse. I don’t how much longer I can run for. Every time I take a breath it burns. I can’t do it. I’m gonna fail. Why did they have to find me? Why couldn’t I be faster?
Thud. Thud. Thud.
Oh god I’m going so slow, I can hear them. They sound so close. I think they’re right behind me. My feet are so heavy, and I keep swaying as I run. If I tried to look behind me, I think I’d fall over. God, that engine is so loud. But I have to just run.
Thud… Thud… Thud…
Why does my body have to betray me now? It all burns. My legs, my lungs, everything. I can’t even think it’s just all foggy.
Please, please keep running. Not even for yourself, just don’t let him down. Get the message then die of exhaustion, that’s fine, but it doesn’t do any good to croak all the way out here.
Thud… Thud… Thud…
Maybe I can do this. I think I see something on the horizon. If I can just run a bit longer then I’ll have done it. I just need to go a bit lo—
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godfather1w1 · 5 years
Listen up shitheads
Go vote. That’s it.
Blast that message. Across your feeds. Please.
There’s a huge amount of the young crowd that hasn’t voted in the primaries in comparison to last election cycle.
Now, I don’t care who you vote for.
Just fucking go vote.
If you don’t, you will not bring in leadership that you want.
Yes, your one vote may not seem like it matters all that much... well what if 10 of you think that?
What if 1000 of you think it doesn’t matter?
How about 10,000,000?
See. It adds up. Your college all probably thinks “it doesn’t matter” but it does.
Whichever candidate you are against is counting on that fallacy to invade the populous, in order to bring about what they want.
Alone, we are weak.
Together, we are strong.
Go vote. For whomever you want to be elected.
Just do it!!
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United we stand.
Scattered, we fall.
That’s how democracy works.
Regardless of your beliefs, please vote.
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godfather1w1 · 5 years
Time for Daily Existential Dread
Oftentimes i find myself consumed by existential dread. I can try in vain to escape this consuming plight by clinging to memories of the past. Long distant sanctuaries to which i will never return. While the monster which looms over me may change, the sensation is constant. Whether it be the prospect of a life of work, the void into which i will soon step, as my education stops and my existence turns stagnant. Or the inevitable end of everything, all matter, all energy. The constant marching of every molecule, every atom; every energy expenditure bringing us closer to the inescapable heat death of the universe. Perhaps the monster of the day is the wholly preventable, yet readily imminent, death of our planet. The loss of cool summers. The day that a Washingtonian must say goodbye to walking in the rain. No longer will the forests be lush and full of life, replaced by graveyards, reminders of the beauty humanity choked out of existence. The sun and moon turned red by the smoke from our fires, the ocean turned black from our pollution. When winter comes the once peacefully world, draped in a white blanket, silent as if life itself has begun to slumber; will be replaced by a world shrouded in black, sickly and coughing from the disease,  which now infects it. We, humanity, are both cursed by existence and a curse on others existence. We destroy all around us. Why, because so much of our world seeks our destruction. From the creatures of the jungle down to the atoms which make up our being. Peace, true peace, is a pleasure we are cursed to never receive. 
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godfather1w1 · 5 years
Despair at 3AM
I find myself looking into a mirror. Post-it-notes strewn across my walls, each containing an aspect of myself. Each a fractured piece of one whole. I look deep into my reflection surrounded by dry-erase markings on the glass, and i ask myself who am i. Am i an engineer, a chemist? Perhaps an accountant? Maybe i strive for the freedom and risk of an entrepreneur? Maybe i require the expressiveness of an artist or writer. Maybe i should plan for the future and enter the world of software development. Or should I cling to the past and live off the land? Every thought, idea, hope., aspiration; they are all me. All something i wish to be. All something i find joy or solace in. Yet here i stand, forced to rip the fabric of my being to shreds. Forced to count out each thread that made up my tapestry. Made to transform from the vibrant, unique, one of a kind pattern i truly  am; into a single shaded uniform being. I hate it, i resent it. I wish so wholeheartedly that i could fulfill my aspirations, each and every one of them. Yet, I am forced to reduce  myself to a fragment of my being, because that is all this world has space for. Those who explore the world, not necessarily geographically, are frowned upon. They are inconsistent, they are unreliable, their interests are fleeting. Despite how deeply, or uniform, my desire to pursue my passions are, i am forced to choose. For humans are black and white, on or off, yes or no, one or another; or so we are told. 
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godfather1w1 · 5 years
Isn’t it fun to have so many interests and aspiration for what you might want to become in life; but instead of pursuing any of them with real vigor you find yourself pulled between them all, and consequently doubting you have any modicum of talent. So you further doubt your abilities, continue to push your interests and passions to the side, and fear sharing your work; thus making it so that the only input you hear on your creations is the nagging voice in the back of your head telling you that it is all for not and you might as well give up.
Isn’t that just the best. Isn’t that so enjoyable and fun. 
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godfather1w1 · 6 years
I need to remember this forever.
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godfather1w1 · 6 years
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godfather1w1 · 6 years
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godfather1w1 · 9 years
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godfather1w1 · 9 years
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whether the answer is yes or no, or a mix of the both, i wanted to remind you that you’re great. here is some stuff that i thought might be helpful if you ever feel down or bored or just wanna try something new!!
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godfather1w1 · 9 years
what if when people did population counts for ducks, in order for them not to count the same one twice. they shot them with a paintball gun.so it would be like
Duck counter:3,9996.56
*shoots duck with paintball*
but then i wonder if they would shoot the duck before or after they counted it
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