#both of them actually sleep surprisingly well on Willie's couch
legolasghosty · 2 years
AU ask game thingy: "i work at a movie theater and i’m trying to clean up but you’re still here ugly crying" for willex?
Hiiiii!!!! Thanks for the ask!!!
Okay, theater employee!Alex.
So the theater where Alex works is doing this thing where they do big, late-night screenings of old classics. It's a cash grab and everyone knows it, but people come so...
Alex hates cleaning duty, cause people always leave a giant mess and there's usually at least one gum-related mess per movie. The sweeping and stuff isn't too bad though.
He heads in after the midnight showing of Old Yeller. He thinks the theater is empty, so he starts sweeping up popcorn as the credits finish rolling. It's like 2 am, he's exhausted. But he has to finish this before he can go home.
As the movie turns off and the theater goes quiet, Alex hears someone sobbing. He wants to feel bad for them, but it's late and he just wants to go home, so unless this person is seriously injured or something, he's kicking them out.
And finds this guy sitting on the floor in the back row, sobbing. Is he pretty? Yes. Is Alex too tired to care? ....mostly.
So he's like, "Hey dude please leave." And Willie is just like, "Wow, heartless much? Have you even seen Old Yeller?" /t while still sniffling.
And Alex is like, "Uhhh no?"
To which Willie responds by informing him that he had to come over to their apartment to watch it. Like right now. Alex points out that he's working and Willie agrees that it can wait till after his shift, But he's not getting out of this.
They're both kinda flirting by this point.
Alex is pretty sure it's a terrible idea, but he finishes up his shift and follows Willie home.
They watch Old Yeller again and both fall asleep on Willie's couch about 20 minutes in. When Alex leaves the next morning, he gives Willie his number so they can set up a proper date sometime.
(Send me an AU and I'll give you 5+ thoughts/headcanons about it!)
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quillsandtypos · 4 years
Ski Trip
Summary: when the reader agrees to go on the annual ski trip up to the mountains with her boyfriend, Luke, and her friends she expected to go looking at mountains. But what she ends up doing doesn't require much hiking
Pairings: alive!Luke Patterson x reader
Words: 2.4k
If any of you have ever had a conversation with me and you read this fic, no you didn't
"What are you two doing tomorrow?" Julie asked you.
You rolled into your stomach and propped your head up in your hands. “I’m not sure, but I know what we're doing next weekend, unfortunately.”
That peaked Julie’s interest, you weren’t usually much of a complainer. “Why unfortunately?” she questioned.
“Because I'm going on the Ski trip with him,” you whined. You wanted to spend time with Luke, you just didn't wanna go on the trip.
“Oh my god, you get to go?” she excitedly asked.
“Not helping,” you commented.
Julie smirked. “Sorry not sorry, I’ve been trying to get you to go for the past two years. And the first year, I couldn’t even go,” she pointed out.
“Yeah, so why would I have gone if you and Flynn weren’t even gonna be there?” you asked. As if on cue, Flynn walked down the stairs.
“Heard you guys were talking about me, all good things I hope?” she spoke as she walked down the stairs.
“Always,” you said, somewhat sarcastically.
She motioned for you to scoot over so she could have some space on the couch.
“So, if we’re done talking about me, did I hear someone say something about the ski trip?” Flynn questioned.
Before you could open your mouth Julie was already telling Flynn about how you were coming on the trip.
“You are?” Flynn squealed.
You tried to not get excited from their joy, but it was impossible; they were contagious.
You shyly smiled. “Yes, I’m going.”
“Yayyy!” Flynn yelled. The girl was practically jumping up and down.
“Oh who are you sharing a room with?” Flynn asked.
“Luke and I are,” you answered.
The girls exchanged a look you knew all too well.
“Shut up!” You covered your face with a pillow.
“We didn’t say anything!” they protested in almost complete unison.
You could feel your cheeks burning up. “Yeah, but you thought it,” you argued.
“Well whether we thought it or said it, you’re sharing a room with your boyyyyyyyfriend,” Flynn sang.
“If you guys start sing teasing me, I will leave,” you threatened.
“Don’t you need us to pick out your outfits?” Julie remembered.
“Oh, shit, yeah.”
“So in other words you have no leverage?” Flynn realized.
“I’m your ride home,” you reminded her.
“Outfits it is, but do not think we will be forgetting about this!” Flynn cried as she walked up to your bedroom.
“Whatever Flynn!” you yelled back.
“She’s right you know,” Julie slyly commented.
You just huffed in response.
The two of them did a very good job at helping maximize your california wardrobe for the mountains. Granted you had to go buy a couple things in advance, but overall, you felt confident that you could bear the cold of the mountains.
“Alright, I think you’ll survive,” Flynn proclaimed.
You closed your suitcase, and surprisingly you didn’t even have to sit on it.
“Thank you guys, I really appreciate it.”
“No problem, it was our pleasure, especially since you’re actually coming this year,” Julie said.
You dropped them both back off their houses and they were nice enough to spare you from embarrassing you in the car ride.
You heard someone creeping up behind you as you grabbed your stuff to head to your second class, and as you felt arms wrap around your waist you knew it was Luke.
You turned to face him. “So I was thinking if we get one of the window rooms then we can see the snow when it falls,” he proposed.
Your face lit up. “Wait, it’s gonna snow when we’re up there?” you excitedly asked.
He happily watched your beaming face “I mean that’s what the weather said.”
“Oh my god! I haven’t seen snow since-” you paused, “actually I don’t remember, but it’s been awhile.”
“Well there’s a good chance that’s gonna happen,” he said.
“You know you’re actually required to show up to school for them to allow you to come right?” you teased. Though originally it had been a legitimate concern.
He licked his lips. “I’ve been coming everyday so I could come on this trip,” he defended himself.
“Coming to school and staying in school are two very different things Patterson,” you playfully reminded him.
He leaned in closer and his voice got quieter. “And what’s that?”
You resisted the urge to swallow and pulled away from him. “One is what I’m doing right now, because I need to go to class.”
He pulled his lips tightly before sighing. “You got me there,” he admitted.
“I always do,” you said, as you started walking off. You turned around to see him still standing there, you would be lying if you said it didn’t bring you joy.
“Go to class Luke!” you yelled back at him.
“You got it!” he saluted you and walked the other way.
You playfully rolled your eyes. That boy would be the death of you, but you supposed there were worse ways to go.
That Friday you didn’t have any school since the school board figured it was pointless to send a bunch of kids to school the day before they went on a ski trip. There wasn’t going to be any actual learning anyway. You usually would’ve spent some of the day at Julie’s; which you did, but today it wasn’t in the studio for practice. You figured since she had helped you pack, you could at least keep her company as she packed.
“So who are you sharing a room with?” you asked her, as she sorted through her jeans.
“Me and Flynn just figured we’d share one,” Julie said offhandedly.
You chose to not comment on how she was obviously forcing herself to be casual.
“Ah I see, do you know if Alex and Reg are coming?”
“Yeah, and get this Alex and Willie are sharing a room,” she gossiped.
“I’m calling it right now, they're gonna start dating by the end of the weekend,” you hypothesized.
“I 100% agree.”
The two of you spent the next hour or so just discussing what sort of things you wanted to do while you were there over the weekend, and of course how much Flynn was running around her house frantically changing outfits. You actually were excited about going, not necessarily about the actual trip, and about dealing with certain classmates, but you were looking forward to being with Luke and hanging out with your friends.
For some reason when you woke up the next morning you were a little nervous, you supposed it was because you had never been skiing or snowboarding for that matter.
You got ready pretty minimally considering you were soon to be on a five hour bus ride. None of your family was up yet so when Luke pulled into your driveway you slipped out the door.
“You got everything?” Luke asked.
“Everything except my chill,” you responded with a smile.
“You’re gonna be alright, and you don’t have to do anything there you don’t wanna do, so if you don’t wanna risk a broken leg, then don’t.”
Despite your anxieties, you knew he was still right.
“Thanks Luke.”
“Anything for you.”
When the two of you got to the bus everyone else in your group had already gotten there. You, the rest of the band, Flynn, and Willie had made a plan for the bus.
“We have arrived,” you announced to your friends as you and Luke took your spots.
“And just in time too, people kept trying to take your seats,” Willie reported.
“Thanks for saving them,” Luke responded.
The two of you continued chatting with the rest of your friends until the bus driver instructed everyone to take their seats. The majority of everyone slept on the way up there but you were too anxious to get there to sleep. Instead you watched youtube as Luke napped on your shoulder.
“Luke, Luuuuuuuuuuuke, Luooooooooooooooke,” you spoke. You were trying to wake him up quietly but you were starting to realize that wasn’t going to work.
Luckily Reggie was awake. “Oh he’s a heavy sleeper, that’s not gonna work.”
Reggie basically got himself so he was dangling off both sides of his chair before yelling in his ear.
Luke awakened with a jolt, looking fairly startled.
You weren’t entirely sure whether you should laugh, throw Reggie under the bus, or maybe both.
“What happened?” Luke asked.
“I woke you up,” Reggie answered innocently.
“By yelling in my ear?” Luke groggily questioned.
Reggie quickly tried to backpedal himself out of this situation. “I mean I don’t think the method is relevant, the important thing is that you’re up.”
Luke wasn’t awake enough to deal with the situation at hand. He just chose to lay his head back on your shoulder.
By the time you had made it to the hotel you were ready to collapse. Luke laughed when you flung yourself onto one the beds.
“Should I be worried?” he asked, mostly as a joke.
“No,” you smiled and rubbed your face, “I’m just really tired.”
“You couldn’t sleep on the bus?” he guessed.
“Yeah,” you groaned.
“You know what would help?” he asked.
“Do tell,” you inquired, from your face down position.
“This,” he said, before he jumped on the bed beside you. He curled his warm body around you and pulled you in.
“Better?” he asked.
“Yes,” you responded. You attempted to melt further into him. You laid there in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes.
“Luke we should probably go do things,” you suggested. You attempted to get up but he pulled you back down.
You stayed with him but you turned around so you were facing him. “Luke?”
“Yes, y/n?”
You bit your lip, you had to admit, it was pretty cute. “Are you going to let me get up?” you asked.
He looked into your eyes lovingly. “Well if you’re trying to leave then no.”
“So that would be a no.”
“Well if you look at it that way then yeah,” he admitted with a mischievous smile on his face.
“Luke come o-” the rest of your sentence didn’t quite make it out. Your smart boyfriend decided to use your weak spot on your back against you.
“You wanna go now?” he teased.
“Not necessarily,” you lazily responded.
You could feel your willpower fading as the light stokes up and down your back sent a calm wave of chills through your body. But you knew if you didn’t use your chance now there was a good chance you weren’t getting out of that bed today.
“Luke come on we gotta go,” you whined. It’s not like you weren’t enjoying yourself, you most definitely were, but your friends had to be wondering where the two of you were.
“Alright, alright, fine,” he gave in.
“Can I have a kiss though?” he sweetly pleaded.
You gladly agreed, but you realized his plan of not leaving the room hadn’t quite ended when the kiss started leading down to your jaw.
“Luke you’re not sly,” you laughed.
“Oh is that so?” he asked, as he moved down to your jawline.
You nodded your head.
“Then why aren’t you moving?” he purred.
Okay, so he maybe had a point.
“You can tell me to stop,” he reminded you. He looked into your eyes for any sign of you wanting him to stop and waited.
“Unless of course, you don’t want me to stop?” he asked, with the biggest smirk you had ever seen on his face.
“Not necessarily,” you said, completely avoiding his eye contact.
He crawled over top of you, “What was that princess?” he asked.
You forced yourself to look into those beautiful blue eyes, and that devilish smile. “No, I don’t want you to stop Luke.”
“That’s what I needed to hear.” He bent his head down at your jawline, this time starting on the side of your jaw bone. He sucked at the skin and you bit your cheek down on a moan. He moved down from your neck pressing harder and making it harder for you to control yourself.
“Luke,” you moaned.
“No marks.”
He smirked. “It’s a little late for that one.”
You rolled your eyes at his antics. “You suck.”
“I don’t think you're exactly in the position to be saying those sort of things,” he warned.
You raised your eyebrows. As if he thought you would back down that easily. “Really?”
He licked his lips and shrugged.
“Make me,” you insisted.
“Bad choice of words,” he threatened. In a second his shirt was off and one of his arms held your’s down and above you.
This time he noticed when you swallowed. “Nervous?” he asked, his lips quirked up.
He might’ve been starting to get to you, but you weren’t going to admit to it. “You wish Patterson,” you tested.
His head dipped down towards your collarbone. He lightly sucked on it and gradually increased his intensity until your body unwillingly gave you away and you gutturally moaned.
He jutted his chin out, the fire in his eyes on stage was nothing in comparison to this. “What about now?”
“Yes, Luke,” you groaned out.
He somehow managed to pull your shirt off with you laying down, and managed to unhook your bra with minimal difficulties.
His mouth softly sucked on the very top of your nipple.
“Fuck,” you moaned.
As he continued sucking at a rapid rate you felt the knot in your stomach twisting further, just as you thought it was going to release Luke stopped.
“How much do you want it?” he asked as he slowly pulled your pants down.
You were not going to give him the satisfaction of begging.
You felt a finger glide across your clit ever so slightly and back and forth he kept going, ever so slowly.
A whimper escaped your lips.
“Beg for me, that’s all you have to do,” he promised. He was most definitely enjoying himself.
He moved back up to your nipples but instead he moved as slow as he could, he was trying to break you.
“Come on princess, you know you want it,” he taunted.
A sole finger swiped down your pussy and your breath hitched.
“Luke please,” you moaned.
“What please? I think it has something to do with fucking you silly,” he hinted. He once again crawled over top of you to be able to see your face. Like a predator stalking prey.
“Please rail the shit out of me Luke,” you whined.
“That was all you had to say princess.”
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 11 - De Orfeo Records
Summary: Sunset Cure AU, Willex, is there a chance?, 2.8k
@trevor-wilson-covington is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
WARNINGS: death mention
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
Reggie and Carlos were running around in the middle of taking down equipment after their latest gig. Luke shook his head as he wrapped cords over his arm and placed them in a storage box. Alex, however, was nervously trying not to get run into as he carried various pieces of his drum set out and handed them to Bobby in the back of the van. He could forgive Reggie not really helping out since he was taking responsibility for the kid, but also hadn’t anticipated that their energies combined would put him more on edge.
As he went inside to grab the last piece of his set, he found that Reggie had taken his flannel and tied it around his neck like a cape, with Carlos wearing his leather jacket in a similar fashion. They approached Bobby, who immediately joined their game and they pretended to battle each other. By the time Alex had finished getting his whole set in the van, they were playing out a dramatic victory over defeating Bobby.
“Guys, this is great, but we really should finish packing up,” Alex said, although he was smiling from the entertainment.
“I guess you’re the next bad guy we fight,” Carlos said in a mock-deep voice.
“We can schedule it later, Robin,” Alex teased.
“Oh, no, he’s Batman,” Reggie corrected. “I’m Robin!” He put his fists on his hips in a proud superhero pose.
A big SHHHHHH came from Luke and they all looked over at him to see what was up. He was far off by the venue office, holding a phone to his ear and writing onto a notepad. His eyes were wide with excitement, and his energy was only held back by the other hand tapping against the paper. The boys watched as his smile grew bigger and he said goodbye, barely putting the phone back in place properly.
“YEEESS!!” he cried, raising his fists into the air in celebration. They all came running toward him to see what had happened.
“Boys, we’ve got good news!” Luke told them. Looking on in anticipation, Alex gripped his fanny pack tightly. “One of the record execs that came tonight is offering for us to sign onto their label and put out some songs! He even heard our demo!”
Everyone celebrated, jumping up and down and high-fiving each other. Reggie let Carlos climb onto him in a piggyback and they both yelled triumphantly. Luke pulled Alex into a bro hug, then Bobby. Alex held his arms up and placed his hands on top of his head, unable to believe what had just happened. Euphoria filled his head like helium and he went to double-high-five Carlos, who was still perched on Reggie’s back.
“So what else did they say?” Bobby asked, still smiling.
Luke had to shake off some more excitement before he could explain the rest.
“Ahhh, so he said we could meet in a few days to discuss business and contracts and such, let us get a look at the studio and stuff. I got all his contact information and he’s totally excited to get us on. We’re moving on up boys!”
The celebration continued, and their renewed energy caused the rest of the take-down to go by much faster. They were still riding the high as they drove home. Alex listened to Luke talk about which songs they would want to record first and where they would land on the charts. He remembered that feeling he had back at the Pearl during their sound check. Doing that? For real and not just dreaming and hoping about it? They hadn’t made it just yet, but this was a change he could be excited for.
Reggie had been staying with Carlos, which the rest of the boys figured was a good excuse to not stay home. As Bobby pulled up to the house, he and Luke began climbing out of the van. Carlos and Reggie were already inside.
“Uh, guys?” Alex said, still in the back of the van. They all turned back to him. “What are you doing?”
“Oh,” Luke gestured like oh-silly-me. “We all decided to stay here for the night. It’s just a nice change from the garage and Julie’s aunt has lots of leftovers that need to be eaten so…”
“So...I’m grounded,” Alex reminded, raising his eyebrows. His parents hadn’t been happy about him sneaking out to the pier the other night.
“Screw your old man, Alex,” Bobby said.
“Yeah, he can eat my shorts if he tries to do anything about it,” Luke added.
Alex took a moment to think. Disobeying wasn’t going to do anything for or against him at this point - he kept anything truly important to him out of his parents’ reach and since he’d gotten the punching bag he could actually contend with their tempers. They couldn’t punish him in a way that mattered.
“Yeah, you’ve got a point,” he said finally, following them into the house.
They found Reggie and Carlos already raiding the kitchen.
“Alex, you’re staying too?” Reggie said when he saw them enter.
“Yes!” Carlos cried, pumping his fist. “You get to make popcorn. Tonight, the Empire Strikes Back!”
“Oh yeah, baby!” Reggie responded as the rest of the boys began following orders from Carlos. Alex wasn’t crazy about Star Wars, but eh….young Mark Hamill was hot so he didn’t mind too much. He was sure most of them would fall asleep during the movie anyway.
A couple hours later it turned out he was right. Carlos was slumped on the floor leaning back against the chair Luke was sitting in, hand still in the bowl of popcorn. Luke was leaning on his hand, breathing soundly. Alex had watched earlier as Bobby’s head flopped onto Reggie’s shoulder and the flustered look that had overcome Reggie’s face, and it was too good not to smile at. Once the VCR began automatically rewinding the movie, Alex shut off the TV.
He stared at the ceiling as he pulled the handle on the La-Z-Boy he was in and reclined into a somewhat comfortable position. Even now, weeks later after meeting for only a day, the first thing he wished he could do was tell Willie the news about the record label. He probably would have been just as ecstatic as the rest of them, if not more. Victoria would be back soon and hopefully have some news. He guessed it didn’t matter if he’d been right about the missing kid, but maybe just knowing if she got to talk with Willie would be enough.
The memory of soft brown eyes still rose in his mind. He’d been doing his best to keep that moment cemented in his brain because he’d noticed it helped him sleep. It was funny because he’d done the same thing with the guys, but staring into Willie’s eyes had been an entirely different experience. Alex wished he had the proper words to describe it, but the best he could do was marvel. Willie was clearly unaware of the strength he held, and it made Alex want to bring that out with his entire being. If he ever did get the chance, that would be something worth looking forward to.
Victoria didn’t arrive until the afternoon the next day. Since Alex felt that she had gone because of him, he made everyone else clean her house as well as they could. No traces of food on the floor, no messy beds, and the kitchen was cleaner than when they had found it. As she came back into the house, she put a hand over her heart.
“Wow!” she exclaimed. “I should take trips like this more often if you boys are this good!”
“Yes, tía, please, please, please let them babysit me again! Pleeeeaaassee!” Carlos begged with his hands pressed together.
“Ay, sobrino, no me quieres?” she shook her head.
“No, I do!” Carlos tried to recover. “But they’re fun!”
As if to make a point, Reggie rubbed a hand on Carlos’ head.
“It’s okay little dude, we’ll be back.”
Victoria pulled her wallet out of her purse.
“Well, you boys took very good care of him and I promised I would pay you, so here you go.” She handed each of them a generous amount of cash. Luke, Reggie and Bobby all whooped as they thanked her and headed to the van. Alex held back with anticipation. Victoria looked at him seriously.
“There was no connection,” she told him before he asked. “His guardian explained everything to me, and there was nothing else to go on. I wanted to know because I thought I could solve an old case, but I had to let it go.”
“Well, did you get to talk to him?” Alex tried not to sound too urgent.
“You mean Willie? No, I never saw him. After talking with his guardian I didn’t need to.”
Bowing his head, Alex made himself swallow his other questions. She had at least tried.
“Thank you,” he said. “I’m sorry if it was inconvenient.”
“I chose to go, don’t worry about it,” she assured.
Nodding and saying thanks one more time, Alex hurried out after the rest of his friends.
A few days later, the boys slammed the doors of the van shut as they looked up at the building before them. It was so plain and simple on the outside; they never would’ve guessed there was a studio there. It was likely they had driven past it many times on the way to a gig. Pushing through the door, they all looked at the logo in neon lights on the wall: De Orfeo Records.
Collectively, the boys took in awed breaths at the reality of where they were standing. This was too good to believe. Alex took in the scene, trying to imagine this being a place he came to regularly. Could he ever get used to it, or get over the sheer excitement of just being there? Luke patted him on the back, desperately trying to contain himself. They wandered through the halls a little bit until they came to a room where the door was sitting open.
“Oh, boys!” A man called as they almost walked past it. “In here!”
As they all shuffled in, the man shook their hands and pointed them to a couch where they could sit. Alex nervously stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jacket as he took a seat. The man across from them was dressed surprisingly casually, if not with obvious expensive taste. He still had sunglasses on, but their yellow tint was clearly not for actual UV protection.
“Nice to meet all of you,” he was saying. “My name is Alan, I’m one of the producers here at De Orfeo. Which one of you did I talk to on the phone?”
Luke raised his hand.
“That was me,” he said, already gushing with excitement. “How’d you hear about us, anyway?”
Alan didn’t answer, but instead looked up at the doorway as someone else came in.
“Hello boys!” Caleb Covington entered, his charismatic smile spread wide across his face. “So nice to see you again.”
Alex’s heart rate immediately sped up and he clenched his hands inside his pockets. How could it be? He thought his last chance to reach out to Willie was gone and seeing Caleb brought back everything he hadn’t been able to ask Julie’s aunt. All the guys were happy to recognize him.
“I won’t be staying for the negotiations,” Caleb said. “but I wanted to properly introduce myself as the owner of this label. I want to assure you boys the best experience as newcomers in the industry. Let any nerves that still linger walk right out the door.” His eyes landed on Alex for a moment, and it felt purposeful. “Take it away, Alan.”
Listening to the producer’s pitch was difficult to focus on now, and Alex had to fight hard against his brain latching onto the new hopes that had arisen. He was thankful that when paperwork came out, Bobby was mindful enough to have them read through it. It was taking too long, though, and Alex was already wishing he had his drumsticks in hand to help pass the time. Reggie had so many questions, and Luke had trouble understanding numerous words - at least that kept Alex occupied because he could be helpful in that. A good hour had passed going over all the information.
“This looks great!” Luke said finally. “How are we feelin’ boys?”
Each of them nodded and looked around at each other, confirming that they all agreed on every settlement. Luke grabbed a pen and pulled his copy of the contract toward him, pausing momentarily to drink in what was happening. Then he signed his name in giant letters. Alex, Bobby, and Reggie followed suit, and Alex could feel a weird tingle rush through his hand as he made the final flourish with his pen. They were all in now.
As the band began celebrating, Caleb knocked on the doorframe.
“If it’s alright with you boys, I wanted to speak with Alex privately for a moment,” Caleb said, gesturing for Alex to follow him outside the room.
His curiosity was at the point of overflowing, and he went out trying to control his trembling hands. Maybe Caleb had talked to Willie after all. This could be his way to bridge that gap and he wouldn’t have to live off of just memories.
Everyone else was still going nuts over getting the contracts signed back in the room. Standing in the lobby, Caleb was looking at him seriously, maybe even pitifully. It quickly drained the exhilaration in Alex’s chest.
“I can tell you’ve been wanting to ask me some questions,” he began. “But before you do, I thought it was best to inform you of some important details first.”
Alex looked up at him with his hands back in his pockets and gulped. Why was his heartbeat suddenly so loud? He knew Caleb couldn’t actually hear it, but it still embarrassed him. His mouth began to go dry.
Caleb furrowed his brow, as if what he was about to say wasn’t easy to get out. He bowed his head and took a breath before looking at Alex again.
“Willie,” he started. Then he paused. “Is dead.”
The trembling in Alex’s hands stopped.
He stared at Caleb, as if he could pull off the serious expression and find a joking smile underneath. It was a few moments before he remembered to breathe in, and blinking seemed to cut that moment into two as if the first one wasn’t real.
“No, no, that can’t - ” he heard the words spill out of his mouth. Why was his body so tense and ready to defend itself? His cheeks felt hot.
“I know the news is hard,” Caleb interrupted, placing a hand on Alex’s shoulder. “I can hardly bear it myself. There was an electrical fire. He didn’t make it out.”
Alex could only shake his head. Caleb’s expression wasn’t changing and for some reason it was the most infuriating sight. He could punch that face and make him bleed if he really wanted to. The adrenaline was already rushing to his fist.
“There has to be a mistake,” he said, chuckling darkly.
“There is no mistake,” Caleb told him firmly.
How was the man so calm? How could he say those words out loud and not immediately crumble to the earth? How could he have worn such a large smile earlier?
“I know you two weren’t friends for long, but he made it clear you were important to him.”
The words came through as if from a tiny speaker. They’d only gotten one day and it wasn’t enough. Willie couldn’t go like that, he simply couldn’t - not when Alex needed to know if they could’ve ever had something real. He still wanted to know so many things about him and look into those brown eyes and soften the hard edges on them. He needed to - 
He was crying. On his hands and knees, trying to get the dark shadow that had grown inside his chest to come out. It made him choke. Caleb had apparently left him alone, unable to console him, and he felt hands on his back and shoulders as he fought to properly breathe. Luke was knelt down before him, mouth hanging open in want of words but not able to form any. Bobby was gripping his hand and supporting him as he and Reggie pulled him up onto his feet.
“We need to get him in the van,” one of them was saying.
Any movement from there was not his own. All three boys were trying their hardest to help the tallest member of their band out of the building. Everything was numb - like a machine that had broken down after being run too hard.
The brown eyes faded into darkness, murky and thick. There was no air in his lungs to scream into that dark, no tie-dye, no rolling of wheels on the sidewalk, no ‘ribbit’, no more wondering and hoping.
Dead quiet. That was all.
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Pinhead x reader
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Request: "Am I your lockscreen? You weren't supposed to see that" fluff with pinhead? I know you love written quite a few about him but your one of the only people I've seen on this site who write about my favorite boy. " -By Anon
Warnings: non
(Hey anon! Thank you so much that means alot. I'm glad you you requested this, it was actually really fun to write it. You know the funny thing is is that he just comes natural to me. Writing for him seems so much easier than all the other, even tho I've written for so many other people. Anyways I hope you like this!)
Pinhead hates technology. Not just cause it's hard to figure it out, but because he wasnt around for phones and udated TVs. And plus they are just to much to handle. One mistake of dropping it causes the whole screen to shatter, so he just said screw it and never touched the damned thing. He knew you had one, you always talked about youtube and tumblr and all these other things that are on your phone. The only thing he was interested in was the playlist, as you called it, that had music on it. You even went out of your way to put music he liked in there. In it's own place so he could find it easily. You always said that it didnt matter when he wanted to, he could listen to the music anytime he wished. Which was surprisingly often. You'd connect it to a speaker in your living room and leave him to it. Which never seemed to go wrong until today.
It was the middle of the day, home from a hard day at work and thankfully pinhead wasnt there, so you decided why not take a cat nap, that quickly turned into a sleeping till 7 or 8. You didnt realize until it was way too late that you had in secret, took a picture of your favorite cenobite and made him your lockscreen photo. Obviously this photo had been there for literally forever. Just he never looked at it cause he never had the chance too. When he came back from the labyrinth he saw you fast asleep on the couch. He had planned to listen to his music so, to not bother you he grabbed your phone and did what he remembered you do. Put auxiliary cord in phone hole and turn speaker on, wait for light to turn blue then there you go. It was a simple and easy task that he knew he could fulfill, that was until he saw himself on you phone screen. He thought it was a reflection but then realized it wasn't , it was taken while he wasnt looking at you and was listening to music. You had always said that he looked at ease and peaceful when he listened to music and clearly this was one of those moments captured. He smiled and continued on with his goal. He managed to locate your music and was able to play it aloud. Not to loud obviously but loud enough for you to hear it in your dreams.
When your eyes started to open and get use to the light, the music was softly playing in the background and you could see pinhead sitting in one of the armchairs in the corner of the room. He had a book in his hand but it was long forgotten. "Hello my dear, did you sleep well?" He asks, his deep voice sending a small chill down your spine, it was like he was hiding something in his voice. Like an underlying question was just waiting to be asked. "I slept pretty good, I could hear your music in my sleep. It was soothing." He nods his head "That is good my dear. I have a question for you." You nod your head back at him "Am I your lockscreen?" He says as he turns the screen of your phone towards you. Your eyes go wide and immediately is thinking of some sort of explanation "You weren't supposed to see that." He smiles and looks back at the phone "You realize I could be angry with you about this. Tell you to delete it and never take a picture of me again. But if I am being truthful, I dont mind it. As long as it stay here with me and you, I have no issue with this." He says as he hand the phone back to you. "So your, not mad at me? I can keep the photo?" He nods his head "Of course. As long as you don't make me look foolish or catch me doing something foolish, then you shall keep it. This does not mean you can go all willy nilly and take lots of photos." He says giving you a stern look. You smile and shake your head "You know I wouldn't do that to you. This photo is for my eyes only and even if someone was to see it and ask, I'll tell them i saw you at a costume party and took a picture of you. But that's not gonna happen." He sits down next to you, "Well my dear, would you like to watch a film or sit in silence?" He says looking at you "Whatever you want pinny!" He looks at you with a blank expression and blinks his eyes a few times "What kind of nickname is that? Pinny, did you come up with that yourself." It wasnt even a question, but the dumbfounded look he gave you made you laugh out loud and nearly tumble off the couch. You shake your head and grab his hand, he quickly interlaced his fingers with yours and sits with his book in hand and your phone in yours. Both going to your own things. Luckily you now take note that you'll have to most definitely catch him doing something hilarious and get a picture of it just to see his reaction.
(Hey again, so I hope you like this and if you did remember that requests are always open and if you want, look at my masterlist and look at my other pinhead stuff. Anyways have a wonderful day and please stay safe out there in the world!)
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ericsonclan · 4 years
Summary: Clementine and Louis enjoy a playful evening together in the music room.
Notes: This one occurs in a Romance Louis/Save Violet reality. 
Clementine and Louis were in the music room together, practicing their nightly music lesson. They’d started small when it came to Louis teaching Clementine how to play, focusing on nursery rhyme tunes while she learned the keys. Tonight, she was trying to master “Three Blind Mice”. She wasn’t doing too bad, although she’d hit the occasional sour note. Louis would simply smile and redirect her hands to the right keys. It was nice to work on something together that didn’t require speaking or walking. For a few precious minutes each night they could spend time enjoying each other’s company without the painful reminders of the past few months coming into play. “Well, I think I’ve just about got it now,” Clementine declared moments after finishing the tune. “What do you think, Lou?” Louis gave a dramatic chef’s kiss to show his approval. “That good?” Clementine giggled. “Well, alright, then, I won’t question the master’s opinion,” Louis looked like he meant to reply, but was stifled by a yawn. “Yeah, it is about that time. Help me up?” Bracing one hand against the piano, Clementine held onto Louis as he lifted her to her feet. Foot. Her crutches were leaning against the couch. Clem slowly began to hop over in their direction, leaning on Louis’ shoulder for support. It was only a few steps more… Suddenly Clem’s good leg twisted under her. Before Louis could catch her she’d fallen to the floor with a surprised squeak. Louis immediately crouched down beside her, his eyes screaming his apology.
“It’s fine, Lou,” Clementine gave her boyfriend a wry smile before looking over at her right leg. “You, my friend, are fired. I give you one job and you can’t even manage that?” Her foot had nothing to say on the matter. Clementine fell back to the floor with a sigh. She tucked her arms behind her head as she looked up at the mildewed ceiling. “You know what? I think I’m gonna sleep here tonight. That seems like a good idea,” A thump beside her drew Clementine’s attention. Louis had plopped down beside her, stretching out on the floor as well and meeting her gaze with a playful smirk. “Calling my bluff, huh?” Louis shook his head. “Oh, you’d actually be willing to sleep here? I shouldn’t be surprised. You practically live in this room anyway,” Clem teased. Louis’ wrinkled his nose in retort. Then his eyes wandered lower. Clementine looked down to see what he was staring at. At some point during the fall her shirt had risen up above her jeans, exposing her slim stomach. Clementine felt heat rush to her cheeks at the unintentional breach in modesty. She reached to tug the shirt back down, but Louis’ hand stopped her. Clementine looked up at him, searching his face to find his intention. Slowly Louis placed her hand back by her side. He leaned forward, his head moving trailing down her form. Clementine felt a panicked thrill run through her blood. She didn’t know how to react to what was happening. Should she say something? Or- All of a sudden Louis planted his lips directly on Clementine’s belly button and blew the loudest raspberry she’d ever heard. “Louis!” Clem shrieked, immediately devolving into giggles as she lunged forward, pinning him to the ground. Before Louis could stop her she pulled up the corner of his shirt, blowing her own raspberry against his stomach. “How do you like that? Wait, no-” Retaliation was immediate. Lifting her up onto his lap, Louis buried his face against her stomach, blowing a series of raspberries that made Clementine enormously ticklish. “Louis, please! I give, I give!” Clementine declared, tears rolling down her face as she struggled to break free of her boyfriend’s playful grasp. Louis was laughing too, the sound rumbling deep in the back of his throat. He paused his barrage for a moment to enjoy the smile on Clem’s face. That was a tactical error. With a mock war cry Clementine turned the tables, tackling Louis to the floor once more. Louis attempted to defend himself, covering his stomach with his arms. That only led to Clementine running her hands along his sides, trying to tickle him into submission. “Better give up, Lou,” she taunted, pressing her fingers deeper into his sides. “I’m not planning to show any mercy,” Louis shook his head back and forth as he futilely attempted to wriggle his way to freedom. His eyes sparkled with mischief. He wouldn’t surrender so easily. Suddenly the door opened and both of them froze, looking up at the source of the sound. Aasim stood in the doorway looking horrified at what he’d just walked in on. “I was just dropping by to grab a book,” “O-OK,” Clementine stammered, her cheeks taking on a flustered hue. Quickly she adjusted the hem of her shirt, tugging it down over her jeans. Aasim walked in and grabbed the volume that lay open on the couch. “You know, you both have bedrooms that would be much more suitable locations for activities of that nature,” “It’s not what you think!” Clementine protested, rising to one knee. “It was a tickle fight!” “If that’s what you want to call it, fine,” Aasim retorted. He exited the room before Clementine could argue her point any further. Louis was dying of laughter. His arm draped over his eyes, Clementine could tell that he was laughing to the point of tears. She levelled her best glare at her boyfriend even though he couldn’t see it. “It’s not funny! What it had been A.J. who’d walked in?” Louis glanced over at his girlfriend. Lifting his hands up, he gave a good-natured shrug. “Oh, you’re no help,” Clementine huffed. Her crutches were only a few feet away. She slid across the floor, attempting to get to them. Before she could get far though, she felt a pair of arms lifting her up. Her eyes went up to Louis, who gave her a playful wink before reaching to loop her canes over one hand and walking out of the room. “I can make it myself, you know,” Clementine softly protested. Louis ignored her. Making his way out of the admin building, he carried her across the front yard. The night air pleasantly prickled against Clementine’s skin. She rested her cheek against Louis’ chest, taking a moment to breathe in his familiar scent. She could feel how tired she was, her eyes drifting open and shut. Her energy had been distressingly lower since the amputation. At this moment though it felt like a blessing. She knew she’d sleep well. Louis opened the door softly with one foot lest AJ was already asleep inside. Of course he wasn’t. He’d told Clem earlier that night that he and Willy had plans to build a blanket fort in the older boy’s room. She wouldn’t be surprised if he planned to stay the night there. Gently setting his girlfriend down on her bed, Louis positioned the crutches against the dresser beside her. “Lou, would you mind checking on AJ for me? If he wants to spend the night in Willy’s room, that’s fine. I just wanna make sure,” Louis nodded. Sitting beside her on the bed, he began unlacing her boot. When he slowly pulled it off, Clementine inadvertently hissed. Louis’ eyes jumped up to study her face in concern. “I’m OK. Just been a long day is all,” Louis nodded in understanding. Setting the boot beside her bed, he rose to leave. “Louis?” Clementine’s voice caused him to pause and turn around in the doorway. “Tonight was fun,” Louis smiled. Placing a hand over his heart, he extended his arm toward Clementine, causing a rush of emotions bubbling up inside her all over again. With that, he was gone. Clementine found she was smiling to herself as her head sunk lower into the pillow. Her eyes drifted closed, staying shut this time. Life had a way of being surprisingly wonderful sometimes. She was thankful for today.
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Keep It Secret, 4
Summary:  Ever since your soulmate told you to stop writing on your skin because they didn’t want to communicate, you did as they asked even though it hurt your heart. During the first day of your new job as an “emergency woman” on a film set, you forget your notepad and planner, so you have to write on your skin. When you’re then called to the makeup trailer to deal with an emergency, you meet Zendaya Coleman, with your supply list on her wrist. You vow to keep your status as her soulmate a secret, even if it hurts, because all you want is for her to be happy. Even if it’s to your detriment.
A/N: Okay, so, this chapter is a little short, but... I REALLY wanted to break it off where I did because I like to keep the suspense going lmaoo... Anyway, I hope you like this, I’m actually pretty content with how it turned out!!! Fun fact, I actually didn’t know how I wanted to do the cat, so I legit went on a pet adoption website to find inspiration!!!!
You can still get on any of my taglists!!!! Also, what do you think will happen next?????
Disclaimer:  I do not know or claim to know Zendaya Coleman; I am essentially using her as a face/name claim to my fic idea. The same goes for the other people in this fic. That being said, I hope you like this!!!!!
Warnings: drunkenness, mention of vomit, a kitty cat, some angst, swearing
Word Count: 2023
Permanent Taglist: @pparkerwrites, @jordyns-library, @natblidaclexa, @peterseuphoria, @lesbian-x-blackwidow, @beccaboo929, @softrdj, @icecoldban
KIS Taglist: @hailqueenconquer, @imaginerequestpage, @adventurousbooknerd
Chapter 4
Zendaya kept looking at you with those perfect furrowed brows, her hair gently moving in the breeze. Internally, you were floundering for an answer, flipping back and forth between what your heart and soul wanted, and what you knew Zendaya wanted.
Externally, well, you hoped you didn’t look as panicked as you felt.
“Is it me?” Zendaya asked in a small voice.
You hadn’t thought anything could have hurt worse than your daily pain of being around her and not telling her. But this, this was much worse than that. Every atom in your body was screaming in pain, in anger, as Zendaya looked so sad, confused, and broken.
Your hands briefly reached out to take her by the shoulders to add emphasis to what you were about to say, but you let them fall back to your sides.
You bent slightly so you could look her in the eyes. Zendaya raised her gaze to yours and you gave her a pained smile.
“It’s not you, Zendaya,” you explained. “It’s not you, I promise. I promise that it really isn’t you, it’s me.” You inhaled shakily to steel your nerves. “Look, I, well, we—”
Jade suddenly laid on the horn, making you both jump in surprise. You whirled around to see her animatedly motioning for you to get going. Then, she rolled the window down and yelled in slightly slurred words, “Let’s goooooooooooooo!”
“Okay, Jade, Jesus Christ, just a minute!” you yelled back. After watching your friend slump back into the car, you turned back to your soulmate.
She was chuckling and that made your heart lift slightly. “Such a character,” she sighed lightly. Then, her eyes were back on yours.
“Zendaya, I promise, it’s not you. But I gotta go, okay? We… we can talk later, alright? I’ll see you next time you’re on set.”
“Okay, Y/N,” she said hesitantly. Then, her demeanor brightened. “Okay. I don’t know why, but I really believe you. I’ll see you soon, Y/N. Be safe driving.”
You smiled and nodded, turning back and getting in the car. Zendaya waved at you as you reversed and drove away.
“What took you so long?” Jade whined.
You sighed at her and shook your head. “Just relax. You’ll be with your cat before long. If you must know, Zendaya asked why I never let her touch me.”
Jade gasped dramatically. “What did you say?”
“Well, I was going to tell her the truth, until you butted in with a car horn!” you explained with frustration lining your voice.
“Oh no,” Jade breathed. “Oh no.”
You glanced at her and were about to reassure her, when you saw how white her face was. Quickly pulling over, you urged her to open the door and vomit out there. It might not be your car, but you knew you’d be the one to be cleaning it, and you definitely didn’t want to be driving with that scent.
Your phone chimed as your friend leaned out the door and released her stomach onto the pavement. Glancing at the notification, you saw that it was a message from Zendaya.
“Hey, I’m sorry for putting you on the spot like that,” the message said.
You dropped the phone into the empty cupholder and vowed to answer it once you got to Jade’s place. It seemed that the many daiquiris had finally caught up with Jade fully, as she was wobbling on her feet and slurring her words.
Thankfully, Jade didn’t throw up again as you helped her to her apartment. Her cat, an orange and white tabby named Cyborg, meowed from his spot on the back of the couch. He was named Cyborg because he only had one eye, but the other was a gorgeous green. Cyborg was the sweetest and most affectionate cat you’d ever met; he was also very chatty.
As you helped Jade through the apartment, Cyborg meowed loudly at you, following from a respectable distance. You nodded at him and hummed your understanding as you let Jade fall into her bed. He followed you as you went to the kitchen to get Jade a glass of water to drink before bed.
“I know, Cy, I know, she always leaves you alone,” you said sympathetically to the cat. After another meow, you said, “Well, if you want me to visit more, little kit-kat, you have to talk to your mama. I doubt she’d let me come in here willy-nilly.”
He gave a small mew.
“We can’t know what she’d say; your mama is a little crazy,” you explained as you bent down to rub his cute head. He purred loudly and licked your fingers briefly before following you back to Jade’s room.
“Drink,” you ordered as you brandished the cup at her. Jade, surprisingly obedient when this drunk, followed your command and drank it all in one gulp.
As you were tucking her in, Cyborg curled up in the crook of her knees, Jade muttered out, “I’m sorry I ruined your moment with Zendaya.”
“It’s alright, Jade,” you ruffled her hair. “You actually saved me.”
“No,” she argued gently, “you need to tell her. You need to tell her, or you’ll never become prom queen, Y/N.”
“Okay, Jade, whatever you say,” you chuckled. “Sleep time now.”
“Mmkay,” she said as she curled into her blankets. With an amused shake of your head, you kissed your friend’s forehead and left her room.
After plugging your phone in, you settled onto the couch with one of the blankets Jade hoarded for her couch. As you were drifting off to sleep, you shot straight up and snatched your phone from the table.
“It’s not your fault,” you typed out to Zendaya, “you do deserve an explanation, I just don’t know when I’ll be able to give it.” Then, after brief hesitation, you also sent, “I hope you sleep well, Z.”
Satisfied that you actually remembered to reply after dealing with a drunken Jade, you leaned back into the couch and fell asleep peacefully.
 You woke up the next morning to a pounding on the front door and a weight on your chest. A loud purring vibrated through your chest and you saw that, of course, Cyborg was curled on your chest, content as can be. His eye was squinted shut in happiness, but it popped open as the knocking on the door picked up again.
“Okay, kit-kat,” you announced with sleep in your voice as you sat up. Holding the cat in your arms, you padded to the front door and looked out the peephole.
Standing on Jade’s porch was Zendaya, looking incredibly well-put-together for what was apparently 7:30 a.m. Her hair was tied back, she wasn’t wearing any makeup, and seeing her there made your heart pound in both a good way and a bad way.
Opening the door after maneuvering Cyborg as if you were cradling a piece of luggage with one arm, you said, “Zendaya, what are you doing here?”
“I got your text last night,” she explained as you let her in. Cyborg meowed from his comfortably limp place under your arm. “Who’s this?”
“Cyborg, Jade’s cat,” you replied, holding him up. He meowed loudly. “Haven’t you met him? Jade said you’ve visited before.”
Zendaya scratched the cat’s head and shrugged a shoulder. “I think he was in the hospital that night, getting the rest of his eye removed.”
You nodded in understanding before putting the cat on the ground. He wound around your legs and mewed softly. Looking up at Zendaya, you saw that she looked conflicted.
“Can we sit?” she asked, gesturing to the couch.
“Sure thing,” you said easily, picking the cat up again as you plopped on the couch. Zendaya sat down at the other end and pulled her knees to her chest.
“I’m gonna level with you,” she stated almost immediately. “I just… can’t get you out of my mind, and I don’t know why.”
“O-oh?” you asked, translating your nerves into petting the cat that was curled in your lap and purring like crazy.
“Yeah,” Zendaya said flatly, the confusion lacing her tone. She let out a growl as she ran her hands over her head. “I just don’t understand why, why you’re so enchanting to me.” She yanked her hair tie out of her hair. “Like, even when I’m not around you, I’m thinking about you, about what you’re doing, about if you’re smiling or not. I’ve never… never thought about someone like this before.”
“I… I’m really not that special,” you admitted with a half-smile and one shoulder shrug. Cyborg meowed as you stopped petting him, prompting you to continue.
“You are, though!” Zendaya said passionately. “You are just so bright and smart and clever and sweet and fuck, I don’t know! You’re just wonderful and,” she suddenly leaned closer to you, “and I feel like you feel a lot of the same things about me.
“When I noticed that other people touch you, but you always shy away from me, I had no idea I’d get so frustrated. I started testing it, you know… Every time you shied away from me, I got more and more hurt, more and more frustrated. And I can’t figure out why it bugs me so much. All I can think is… that you’re something special. There’s something about you, something that you won’t tell me about, but I want to know… I need to know.”
Your heart was pounding loudly in your ears as you ran your fingers through Cyborg’s long fur. You couldn’t look her in the eye because you knew that once you did, you wouldn’t be able to keep the secret anymore.
It’s what she wants.
“Y/N,” her gentle voice prompted you. “Please, talk to me.”
You swallowed nervously. “I,” your voice was dry as your mind and soul fought in the most intense boxing match of the century, “I’m worried that… if you know… you’ll hate me. That… That you won’t want anything to do with me.”
“Oh, Y/N,” she murmured your name. “Nothing about you could ever make me hate you. Please, just, just tell me what it is.”
You opened your mouth to speak, only to be interrupted again.
“Y/N, is your ass still here?” Jade’s loud voice demanded from the hallway. “If you took an Uber home, I’m gonna be so mad—” she cut off as she entered the living room and saw you and Zendaya on the couch.
“Hi, Jade,” Zendaya greeted awkwardly.
“Fuck,” Jade said plainly. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. I fucked it up again, didn’t I?” Her eyes, wide with panic, locked with yours. “Fuck, did I interrupt?”
“Yeah, Jade,” you informed her, “yeah, you did.”
“But, I mean, this is your house,” Zendaya added.
“That’s true,” you nodded, “it is your house.”
“Shit,” Jade whispered. “I’m so fucking sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt the whole confession again, I’m so sorry—”
“Jade!” you interrupted her, your eyes wide.
“R-right,” she muttered, taking a step back.
“How about we go onto the porch?” you offered to Zendaya.
“Y-yeah,” she seemed confused at your loud interruption. You rarely raised your voice like that; hell, you barely yelled across set.
You got up and dumped Cyborg’s relaxed body into Jade’s arms before nearly marching to the front porch. Zendaya followed a few steps behind you, still surprised at your abrupt, almost irritated actions.
You plopped into a chair and rested your arm on the armrest, laying your head into it. Under your breath, you muttered, “Fucking Jade and her shitty-ass timing…”
Zendaya laughed at your words, making you glance up as she sat on the porch swing. Jade was lucky with the house she had bought; she’d told you that it had needed a lot of work, but because of that, the price had been incredibly cheap for an LA suburb.
“Sit with me on the swing?” Zendaya asked hesitantly.
You hesitated slightly before nodding, getting up and sitting down on the swing. You internally winced as you felt like your weight made it creak almost ominously.
“So,” Zendaya prompted a bit nervously, “you were saying?”
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aspec-stories-blog · 5 years
Good News!
romance (mention), romantic attraction (mention), genderfluid character, fanfic, Loki Agent of Asgard, Young Avengers, Loki, Verity Willis, Kate Bishop, Billy Kaplan, Teddy Altman, Tommy Kaplan
Some days it was harder than others to pinpoint what what he was going to be like. If he was going to be a woman or a man. If he was going to like a man or a woman or someone like him. If he was actually going to feel what the Midgardians called sexual attraction or not. Most days it didn’t matter since most days concerned whether his current mission (either given to him by the All Mother or himself) would get him killed (or in deeper trouble) or not.
  But some days it mattered. Like today.
  As he nervously paced himself in the living room, half mumbling about the state of himself and his home, Verity sitting on his couch watching him do this. Didn’t try to speak a half truth to him as she didn’t know how Loki’s guests would take to the new version of himself. All she was speaking when he stopped pacing for a moment. “Either sit down or risk having your neighbors complain about the racket you’re making and probably try to throw you out since you didn’t get this place legally.”
  “They won’t hear a thing.” He said, looking over at her. “I made sure to soundproof the place since some spells can get noisy. And catching up on Migard pop culture means shouting at the tv for some entirely stupid writing.”
  “Usually there’s another reason a good looking guy would say why they soundproofed their place,” She said, “But since it’s you, I have to hope that you don’t have something in mind for them that ends with the world somehow ending.”
  “Not planning, but the night is still young.” He said before resuming his pacing. The steps echoed in the apartment, somehow louder than before.
  Verity sighed. She honestly didn’t know what to do with Loki when he was nervous like this. He usually would be sprouting some half lie that Verity knew entirely was believed due to how much he believed it and all would be right. But since it was people that he has told her in confidence about some of the things he did to them, she knew he had a right to be nervous.
  Still, she stood up and walked over to him. Gently, she got a hold of his hand and held it into hers. “Why don’t we watch something that’ll distract you for now?”
  For a few moments, he blinked his eyes, pulled out of his haze of worries. Looking towards the tv, he knew what they should watch until he got the dreaded knock. Loki didn’t say a word as he dragged Verity to the couch and pulled up a show that he’d come to adore since diving into the pop culture of the realm on the tv.
  Verity leaned back into the soft cushions of the couch and watched as the opening of Futurama played, seeing Loki be a little less tense than before. She let the dialogue of the characters wash over her as she closed her eyes to catch up on some sleep.
  A few episodes passed by the two of them before a knock was heard. Loki stiffened up for a few moments, not moving to get up or pause the show. Verity gave him a light shove, her eyes still closed and suddenly he was up and moving towards the door. There was another knock, this time in more rapid pace and more impatient than the one before.
  He quickly opened the door to have Tommy nearly hit him with his fist. The speedster barely looked at him before zooming into the apartment. There was a sigh from Billy (Tommy’s twin, Loki found out just recently when deciding to invite some of the Young Avengers) and a look of apology from Teddy. 
  “Come in.” Was all he said before turning around. There were a few whispers from the couple behind him, but he also picked up the light steps from Kate who was standing behind them.
  As he entered back into the living room, he saw the way Verity looked like she had been in a wind turbine. Her red hair was messed up and blown everywhere and her clothes looking more ruffled and wrinkled than when Loki last left her.
  She was also sending a glare his way.
  “Couldn’t have warned me that one of your friends was a speedster?” She says in an annoyed tone. At the same time she started to straighten out her clothing.
  “I would, but the result would have been the same.”
  “A warning, Loki, I just needed a warning. Do you know what it’s like to suddenly have a strong burst of wind rush over you?”
  “I’m sensing your facetious tone here.”
  There was a groan and she headed towards his bathroom to fix her hair. Then from behind him was a light snicker. Turning towards the group, he was faced with the mixed looks of surprise and amusement. 
  “Oh, please don’t stop for us. It’s hilarious to see you bickering with your girlfriend,” Kate said, smirking growing wider when she caught his gaze.
  As he narrowed his eyes at what she was implying between him and Verity, Teddy spoke up, “It’s nice to see you again, Loki.”
  “Yeah, it’s a joy.” Loki said rushingly. “Why do you think she’s my girlfriend?”
  The three of them shared a look. Then a silent conversation that he knew he wasn’t being let in on. Just before it could break up and they started to explain themselves, Tommy rushed back into the room and seated himself on the couch.
  “They think that because you bicker like an old couple. Plus, she scolds like one too.”
  “Tommy,” All of them say, exasperated.
  “Well, it’s better than dancing around the subject,” Verity said, returning with her look close to as it was before Tommy rushed by her. Her eyes sweep over the room and the situation, finally settling on Loki. “Though none of you are right about us. We’re friends.”
  “Denial or something else that you’ve gathered us here for?” Tommy asked. Then rushed towards the kitchen to stand on the other side of the breakfast nook. And once more Billy sighed, his face meeting his palm.
  “Something else.” Loki replied. He motioned Verity to follow him and moved towards the couch. As he sat down, he also motioned the others in the room to take a seat.
  Billy and Teddy took two of the three seats of the breakfast nook while Kate took a seat in the other piece of furniture that Loki had bothered to put in besides the couch, tv and coffee table. Once settled, they all looked towards Loki, curiosity filtering through on their expressions.
  He shifted in his seat, unsure of where he should start. Their stares reminded of what he had done to each of them when he was younger (of what he had done to his other self) and it made him wonder where he truly stood with them. There had been no contact between them over the last few years (not since the night they finally defeated Mother) and the only reason it had started back up was due to Verity giving him the opinion that maybe he should apologize. That he should give them the option to either accept or reject his new attempt at being their friends.
  He’d made contact with Kate, the most likely to not go out and try to end him for doing such a thing. Soon it spread to Tommy, Teddy and Billy as he was given a push by both Verity and Kate to do so. There were tense conversations between all of them for what he had done with Mother and what he had done to each of them because of that.
  And yet here they were, still looking at him like they were friends that he’d seen from many tv shows who’d cared.
   A soft touch from Verity wrapped around his shoulder, knowing her contact would be a calming effect. “I wanted to speak about parts of my identity if we’re to move forward with our friendship. Verity suggested that it would be best to talk to you in person rather over in text to gauge the tone from each of you.”
  “And in usual fashion, he’d rather get it all over with.” She says, lightly patting him on the back. There was a light chuckle from the others.
  “Well, let’s hear Lokster.” Tommy said loudly, zooming back into the living room.
  “The easiest part to start with is that I am both man and woman.”
  “Genderfluid?” Kate said questioningly. Like she was pulling the word from deep in her mind.
  “Yes that’s the Midgard term for it.”
  “Sweet! What do you look like as a woman?”
  “Probably not a lot different, Tommy,” Billy sighed out. 
  As Tommy went to retort something at his twin, Loki quickly shifted from a man to a woman. It felt slightly odd when he wasn’t feeling the way he usually would when shifting to this body, but it was well worth it to see the rest of the Young Avengers looking shocked like they were.
  “Oh, are you free to date?” Tommy asked, rushing to Loki’s side that didn’t have Verity.
  “That was the other part. Well two parts.” He admitted. Loki watched as Tommy sat back, looking over him carefully as he shifted back into a man. “I’m gray asexual as well as biromantic.”
  “You’re Ace?” Teddy asked with wonderment. A different reaction from what Loki expected.
  “Huh, that might explain a few things over the years since that night.” Billy says with a similar look like his boyfriend sitting next to him.
  “Yes, I’m Ace.”
  “Congrats.” Kate says. A smile spread over her face, happy with what she was hearing.
  “So you are still free to date?” Tommy asked, a cheeky grin spreading.
  “Yes, Tommy, I am. Though I doubt you have the patience to do so.” Loki replied.
  “Hey, hey, don’t judge me based on my speed.”
  “Besides, don’t you have David as a boyfriend?” His brother said. A smile that only came when a sibling was messing with other came over his face when Tommy speed over at him.
  Loki could only watch in amusement as their fighting involved the others in the room, including Verity surprisingly. At some point, he started his episode of Futurama once more to hear Bender loudly proclaim ‘Bite my shiny metal ass!’ amiss the chaos.
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by @too-music
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ladygloucester · 7 years
Here of all places - Chapter 4
So sorry for the delay! I’m in the middle of moving out, new city, a lot of weeks without the hubby home… Well, life, pretty much xD
Hope it’s worth the wait!
Previously... 1, 2, 3
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Claire inhaled deeply while the door closed behind her, leaning against it and trapping her hands between it and her back. It still smelled the same way she remembered it. A mixture of old wood and roses. His father would always make sure there was a fresh dozen of them in the living room, by their wedding photograph. The image of them dancing to the beat of Tony Bennet, the verses running through her mind.
Some day, when I'm awfully low,
When the world is cold,
I will feel a glow just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight.
She used to sit on the staircase, holding the balusters and staring at them wondering why they needed to do that every single Friday night, to the same song playing in the old turntable. The sound of her mother’s heels sliding on the crumbling pine floor, his father’s smile against her hair, his hand laying on the small of her back, her cheek resting on his shoulder. That was the most recurrent memory Claire had of them, and one that had been on the back of her mind since they passed away.
Moving to their house after so long was something she hadn’t come to terms yet. Part of her felt an intruder, an obnoxious uninvited guest that would break the living images of a past long foregone. But it also felt like an uncomfortable return home, one that hadn’t been so since she was barely a teenager. The floor creaked under her steps, carrying her to the couch and plopping on it. In front of her, last night’s evidences lied on the floor, a combination of underwear, clothes and blankets she’d have to deal with sooner rather than later.
Her eyes closed with exhaustion and the remnants of latent hungover she had kept at bay with a couple of Aspirins and tons of coffee. She leaned against the cushy sofa and rested her head, allowing herself to lose in the sensation of warmness.
She stood there, her eyebrows almost meeting her hairline with absolute perplexity. He hadn’t listened to a single word she had said, and had the nerve to even touch her in the middle of the corridor, where anyone could see them. Nice, very nice to start a job and be known as the woman that banged Captain Hot— Fraser in her first day.
“Did you listen to what I just said?” Her bafflement was such she needed to check if maybe he had just missed her words. But there, again, that bone melting smile and a carefree shrug.
“Aye, I just thought it would be nice to have a drink.” He stepped closer and her cheeks blushed with rage. And unwilling excitement. “Last night was…”
“Last night wasn’t. Don’t say it,” she threatened pointing him with a finger and huffed in annoyance. “Really, you just didn’t listened to me at all!“  
He raised his hands, meaning no harm.
“All right, lass. Dinna fash about it. But if you ever change your mind,” he wiggled his eyebrows and started laughing wholeheartedly when Claire turned around and almost run into the female locker room.
The next week went by surprisingly quietly. Tending to the patients, getting familiarized with the protocols and getting ready for the arrival of Lt. John Grey filled her hours. Dr. Abernathy, or Joe, as he had insisted to be called right on her second day, revealed himself as a well full of useful knowledge, both medical and regarding any questions she could have about Helwater. He got her acquainted with some of the other doctors there. Willie Hertog was a younger physician, that being his first job. Specialized in general surgery, he was quite eager to learn from a trauma surgeon such as Claire, and they immediately became good partners. Geillis had more work load, being one of the main neurologists in Helwater, but always managed to sneak out and join them for lunch while going over any case she had she could use their input.
It didn’t take them much to realize a couple of drinks after work could be a nice way to put the pressure of their day behind, and they began to meet at one of the pubs, The Covenanter, to play darts and drink ale. It was the same pub where she had met Jamie that night, and whenever she crossed the threshold, her limbs tingled with the memory. Now she knew it was pretty much the place where all the facility met afterwork, owned as it was by a retired sergeant who had switched the kaki for the apron.
Claire fit into this new routine like a tired foot in a snug slipper. Being able to laugh with new —and old— friends was a welcome improvement from her past life and she threw herself carelessly into it. Slowly, she stopped looking over her shoulder from time to time, feeling like an invader in a foreign peaceful country. And besides her friends helping her adapt to a new home, casually encountering with certain redheaded captain here and there managed to elicit a smile almost daily. She was powerless to resist the way he stared at her, so boldly she couldn’t keep her cheeks from blushing every time. But since her negative to join him for drinks, he had maintained the most perfect professional willingness towards her. Salted by that crooked smile, of course.
That Friday morning, Geillis and Claire were leaving the female locker room to join Willie and begin their rounds, when Geillis grabbed their arms and forced them to stop, a conniving smile plastered in her face.
“I just know what ye need, Claire, to stop ye from pouting whenever Captain Hottie leaves yer sight.” Claire smacked her arm
“Jesus, is that what you’re calling him now?” She retorted restraining herself from elbowing her on the ribs and chastising herself silently for having already thought about him that way.
“They all do now,” Willie confirmed while setting his stethoscope around his neck.
“He would die of embarrassment if he heard us,” Geillis laughed. “But that’s no’ the point. We need to throw a party!!” Willie’s face lighted up and nodded excitedly despite Claire’s grimace.
“A party would be so cool,“ he assured and looked at the blonde. “We could invite a few selected people—“
“Where?” And seeing her eyes glinting, she shook her head and resumed her walk. “No way, Geillis, we’re not throwing a party at my place. What are you, fifteen?“
“Ye say that an awful lot these days, ye buzzkiller.” Both of them followed her and each grabbed one of her arms.
“Come on, Claire, it will be fun.”
“I don’t know how many catastrophes have begun with that same statement,” she pointed while pushing the elevator button.
“Just a few of us! Ten tops!“ Claire’s façade started to melt, fantasizing with the idea, and they pushed it further.
“I’ll get the drinks—” Willie stated.
“—And I’ll get the people,” Geillis finished.
Seeing no other routes of escape, Claire raised her hands and yielded.
“Ok, but I tell you now, I’m not cleaning afterwards,” she warned them while the elevator doors opened, while the two of them already began to conspire.
“Do ye think one keg will be enough?”
“Two, better safe than sorry. A party without ale isna a party at all.”
When Claire’s eyes stopped rolling and focused in front of her, Captain Fraser was already leaning against the wall of the elevator, his arms crossed over his broad chest, waiting for them to get in. Her cheeks blushed as she entered, muttering a polite good morning, while Willie and Geillis stared at them.
“Sorry, I just forgot, you know, Willie—”
“Come,” she muttered with her teeth clenched and pulled from his arm away from the elevator. “See ye later, Claire.”
Once inside, the doors closed in front of Claire, purposefully keeping her back turned to him. Seconds slowed down to a tedious pace. She knew he’d be smiling. His lips were always slightly curved in the corners, good-humored. She braced herself as the floors marched by in the LED screen. 0, 1…
“So ye need a keg for a party?” His voice startled her and she bit the inner side of her cheek, cursing under her breath.
“Ehm— Well, I don’t— It’s their idea.” 2… Come on…
“Ye’re throwing a party. At yer place?”
“Yes, actually,” Claire admitted, turning to face him.
“Am I invited?“
There it was, that stupidly sexy smile, flashing in front of her and turning her knees to water. Did he know the effect he had on her? How that night together haunted her unexpectedly? In the middle of the day, while performing surgery, right before sleep… It wasn’t healthy. And now he was trying, not very subtly, to get invited to the party. She had already rejected him when he asked her out for drinks, and pretty blatantly so. But Claire realized there was something about him that irradiated hope. The kind of hope that has someone who always tries to look at the brighter side of things, who gives importance to the things that have it and relativizes those that don’t. His insistence came from that place, rather than the need for the chase most men she had met had. So she tried to look as nonchalant as she could before answering.
“Sure, if it’s up to Geillis she’ll invite half the base,” Claire said rather uncommittedly. His eyes glanced at her, piercing through the thoughtful layers of friendly indifference, introversion, privacy and professionalism, leaving her exposed, naked under his scrutiny. “I… I’ll text you the address,” she offered handing him her cellphone.
His deep blue eyes searched hers, slanted and utterly distracting. For a second he seemed to consider the situation, probably trying to decide if he was stepping on her toes. But the wavering smile her lips drew finally settled it for him. The tip of his fingers grazed her hand when he grabbed her phone and typed carefully his contact information.
“Dinna leave me hangin’.“
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my-words-are-light · 7 years
Lower (Dame Daffodil)
So today is @sakura-rose12‘s birthday. I wrote this up a while back but felt, since I wrote two Dame Daffodil fanfics in such a short span of time already, I should hold onto it for a special occasion. Like, say, today.
So! Happy birthday, Hayley! And I’m sorry but I can’t avoid Momo. He has a magnetic charm about him. I’m just hoping everything’s in-character.
Anselmo’s hands tightened on his car’s steering wheel. Work used to be a regular thing for him; something that flowed like clockwork. Nowadays, his piling sudden absences and declining performance were straining his boss’ patience (as his was more than willing to tell him after taking him aside at the end of his shift).
Driving home, then, was stressful. He could perfectly explain why he was absent more often than not. He wouldn’t, though, because doing so would be a very bad idea. That said, secrets were stressful to keep and Anselmo was just about fed up with his predicament.
It was a tremendous relief to finally be back home. He couldn’t be more eager to get out of his car and go inside his family apartment like it was Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.
          Well, he only ended up in the rather plain entry hallway but the important thing was that he was home. It was a wonderful place by virtue of not being work. “I’m back!” he called to the one other resident of his house; his little sister, Charo.
          “Hey Momo!” she responded. “We’ve been waiting for you!”
          Wait, ‘we’?
          “Hello, Momo~!” cooed the voice of that bloody siren he was all too familiar with.
          He rounded the corner and saw them both sitting on the couch, gripping large milkshakes with straws while nestled under a thick duvet. Some crime noir movie was playing on the TV.
          By ‘them’, Anselmo referred to Charo and the older Jamila. Charo was familiar and welcome. Jamila was... well, she was kind of familiar and welcome. Just not as much as Charo, mainly because Charo actually lived here.
          “Hello,” returned Anselmo. “What brings you here today?”
          “Momo, you wound me!” Jamila covered her forehead with the back of her hand as if she were to swoon. “And here I thought it was fine to visit simply to say hello!”
          “You also eat all our food and generally stay here longer than you’re away. I think ‘simply’ to say hello is a bit dishonest.”
          Charo snickered. “Maybe you should make an extra bedroom for her?”
          “I have a better idea,” began Anselmo as he patted Charo’s head with his knuckles. “How about we prepare another bed for her? An extra room would be too much work.”
          “Of course I’ll help.” Charo playfully nudged Jamila with her elbow. “This place is too big for the two of us alone.”
          “I was thinking the same thing.” Jamila nudged Charo back with a smirk. “Great minds think alike.”
          “Yet fools rarely differ,” said Anselmo. “Anyway, you’re not staying here. I have enough mouths to feed as it is. Money’s stretched thin.”
          “No it isn’t,” responded Charo.
          “Quiet, you.”
          “D’aww, you two are adorable,” cooed Jamila. “And I am more than capable of paying for my food. Just because I don’t buy things I should, doesn’t mean I can’t. Do you—”
          “Okay,” Anselmo cut in, “I’m going to stop you before anyone takes this conversation seriously. No one’s moving in ever. Even if someone was, Alesea’s above you on the priority list.”
          Jamila pouted at him. For someone her age, she was surprisingly adept at making Charo-level expressions.
          “However,” he continued, “you can sleep over.”
          “Woohoo!” cheered Charo. “You can share make-up tips wish me!”
          “Now why would I do that?” Jamila pinched Charo’s cheek. “You’re so gosh-dang adorable the way you are.”
          “Aww, you’re just saying that.”
          “Tip sharing will have to wait until after dinner,” said Anselmo as he pivoted and walked out of the room. “Charo, you need to set the table.”
          “Yes you do have to.”
          “Aw.” Despite her little whine, Charo kicked off the duvet on her side and jumped to her feet. “You don’t have any allergies, do you Jamila?”
          “No but thank you for asking,” Jamila answered with a smile. “I can eat anything your brother cooks.”
          “Boy do I know the feeling. Toodles!” And so Charo vanished around the corner.
          “Charo, you forgot your milkshake!” Jamila called.
          “Oh right!” Charo popped back in, snatched up her glass, and vanished once more.
          Jamila pulled the duvet over her more. Goodness, it was comfortable and warm.
Night had fallen. Having to look after two excitable womanchildren was as difficult as Anselmo expected but now Charo had gone to bed. Finally, Anselmo was left with peace and quiet. Finally, he could watch TV alone with no interruptions.
           Ha. He’d been in this game for too long to believe that would actually happen.
           “Well look who I found,” chimed Jamila (AKA the reason why) as she appeared from the darkness. “Mind if I have a seat?”
           “I’m not going to stop you,” he answered.
           “How chivalrous of you.” Jamila climbed on the couch with Anselmo. “A shame you didn’t keep the duvet. It’s a tad chilly.”
           “I like to keep things tidy.”
           The TV droned on, although neither of them were paying that much attention to it. The sounds of the show were more like white noise, functioning as the ticking of a clock than a teller of a story. As Jamila and Anselmo watched the TV in the relaxing dark, the former snaked her arm behind the latter’s head and nested on his shoulder.
           “It’s quiet,” said Jamila.
           “Night tends to be like that,” Anselmo answered.
           “I honestly don’t know how you stand it.”
           “I like the peace. I’m guessing you don’t?”
           “Hm... Sometimes. Usually, though, it’s rather lonely.”
           Anselmo raised an eyebrow. “Lonely how?”
           Jamila shrugged. “Maybe it’s just me.”
           “Wanna talk about it?”
           Jamila sighed. “It’s a long story.”
           “We have time.”
           “Well I’d hate to spoil your quiet time.”
           Anselmo thought for a moment. He then reached up and held Jamila’s hand that fell over his shoulder. “Look, I know I tell Charo off for all the risks she takes and how she gives everything away. That doesn’t mean I’m not here to listen to you if you need it.”
           Jamila tensed up against him. For all her cheek and cheer, she was rather guarded in some aspects, as if she was showing off the best side of her bouquet so that no one would ask about the other sides. Anselmo had never seen her vulnerable like this.
           He felt more of her weight press against him as she leaned on him. “Charo’s lucky to have you.”
           Anselmo wasn’t expecting that. “Say what?”
          “Just… I never really had someone like you. Someone to encourage me but also protect me. I was… well, I was left alone to figure out everything. What I wanted to do and who I wanted to be.”
          “What told you I encourage Charo?”
          Jamila snickered. “Come now, I can tell you’re a great influence on her. You two are more alike than you think.”
          Anselmo sighed. “That’s a scary thought.”
          “I mean it, I swear.” She nudged his shoulder. “You’re just more restrained and pragmatic than she is. Where do you think she got it from?”
          “TV. Comics. Movies. Internet stories about heroes. List goes on.” He looked down at her face. “Do you not want to talk anymore?”
          Her playful tone retreated once more. “No, I do, it’s... Sorry. I got distracted. Seriously, though,” she gave him a pinch on the hip, “I’d have loved to have known you as a kid.”
          “Were your parents not there for you?”
          “They were. Why do you think I want you to have been my white knight?”
          The night lulled into a sudden quiet again. “I’m sorry.”
          “In a sympathetic or apologetic sense?”
          “A sarcastic sense.”
          “Pfft—” Jamila quickly covered her mouth to stifle her snort. “It’s okay...”
          “If it helps…” Anselmo gripped her hand a bit more firmly. “I know how it feels.”
          “Hm… Not really, no.” She snuggled against him. “Your parents are just not here. I wish that was my case. So no, I don’t think you know how it feels.”
          “Really?” He let go of her hand and pulled away, even as she tried to grab it back. “I always felt that my parents screwed up parenting and I resented them for it. When Charo and I were kids, I always wanted to yell at them to do their actual jobs and take care of us instead of passing it onto Mrs Sylvester. Now I want them to never come back since it’s too late for them to fix…” Anselmo cast out his hand as if around the whole apartment, “… this.”
          “Who’s Mrs Sylvester?”
          “Officially our babysitter. Unofficially our real mum.”
          Jamila lifted her head to look at Anselmo with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t have any competition for my Momo, do—”
          Anselmo hammered a finger to her lips. “Finish that thought and you’re not eating tomorrow.”
          Jamila pushed his finger away with one of her own. “Oh? You’re not going to kick me out?”
          “I would if Dame Daffodil didn’t mistake me for a monster and zap me.”
          Jamila smirked. “And what would stop me from going and eating something other than your cooking?”
          “I have my connections.”
          “Alright, okay, I’ll keep my thoughts to myself.” Jamila’s smile didn’t fade as she rested against Anselmo once more. “So about what you said earlier…”
          “About my parents?”
          Jamila nodded against him. “Let’s just say… bits and pieces match between how we feel.”
          The TV once again became the loudest thing in the night.
          “Thank you, Anselmo,” said Jamila.
          Anselmo snaked his own arm behind Jamila’s head and rested on her shoulder. “Don’t mention it.”
          Jamila grabbed onto his shoulder and pulled him in. “Maybe we should continue this conversation in your bed—”
          “You are most certainly not using my bed tonight. Or any night for that matter.”
          Jamila pouted. Less Charo-esque this time. Seemed more like Jamila’s own face.
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