#both are no longer invited to dinner parties by their noble family
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luminaxplushie · 8 months ago
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semi-recent lore dragons; two very normal brothers
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zaffrenotes · 4 years ago
[TRR] Kairos
Kairos - Part 12
Pairing: Liam x Riley, Liam x OC Series Rating/Warnings: 18+; language; series will include ns*w 🍋 scenes Chapter Rating/Warnings: G Author’s Note: * All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them * Kairos (καιρός) is a word in Greek that translates to “the right time” or “the right moment to act” * Liam’s wife asks about “the one that got away” one night over dinner, and Liam recounts a relationship from his past * This is my submission for @wackydrabbles​​ Prompt 89: This isn't what I had in mind, but okay. * Author’s Note 2: * I apologize if this chapter feels choppy; I haven't updated this story since January, and writing is H A R D, but I want to finish this AU. I know how it ends, I just have to *gestures at the air* get there. * Word Count: 1708
Catch up with previous chapters here
Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed for this series): @ao719 @blackcatkita @debramcg1106 @ofpixelsandscribbles @callmeellabella @smalltalk88 @aestheticartsx @bbrandy2002 @burnsoslow @choiceskatie @darley1101 @dcbbw @gardeningourmet @iplaydrake @liamxs-world @rainbowsinthestorm @riseandshinelittleblossom @superharriet @texaskitten30 @theroyalheirshadowhunter @the-soot-sprite // @alyssalauren @clairexoxo100 @cordonianroyalty @cordonian-literature @gkittylove99 @gnatbrain @jared2612 @kingliam2019 @mom2000aggie @pink-diamond13 @princessleac1 @queenjilian @sfb123 @txemrn @yourmajesty09
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The evening carried on, and it was nearly impossible for Liam to pull himself away from one conversation to the next. Most of the new suitors vied for his attention to make a good impression, various nobles edged their way into conversations to discuss official business, and his friends made every effort to steal him away for short reprieves. He was dancing when he caught a flash of Max’s dress near the edge of the dance floor.
Brief glimpses and glances of a link to Liam’s almost-love was all The Fates seemed to grant for the duration of the ball, despite his best efforts to carve out a moment with Max. The irony wasn’t lost on him; having found a connection to Elia after years had passed, without a way to speak with her sister. His hand warmed against his dancing partner’s palm as they waltzed with other couples.
“What’s troubling you tonight? Besides the obvious farce of this whole ordeal.” A pair of cherry red lips curled into a sympathetic grin, and Liam nodded in silent agreement. “Something other than counting steps is running through your mind.”
Liam adjusted his grip on Olivia’s hand as he led her across the floor, quickly scanning the crowd for another glimpse of Max. “I require the assistance of a dear friend,” he answered quietly, twirling her in a circle. “Someone who knows of secret passages in the palace to remain undetected, who can also speak with one of the new ladies at court.”
One of Olivia’s brows arched in Liam’s direction. “Has someone managed to catch your eye already?”
“Not the way you think,” he replied. “It’s a long story, and right now I’m grasping at straws, but it’s…something.” As Liam twirled his childhood friend in another circle, the expression in his eyes conveyed the seriousness of his request.
Olivia’s back tensed when she looked up to meet her friend’s gaze, though they moved effortlessly through the song. “What do you need me to do, Li?”
“There’s a young woman here, wearing a peacock ballgown. Her name is Max.”
“There’s some irony,” Olivia giggled. “Maxwell’s probably talking her ear off over her dress alone.”
“I haven’t been able to speak with her since we were introduced.”
“Tell me when and where, I’ll make sure you converse with her before morning.”
Liam shook his head at the suggestion. “That’s not the kind of conversation I need to have, Liv. I do need to speak with her though. It could mean cancelling the rest of the social season before it’s had a chance to begin, in a good way.”
Olivia arched her brow at Liam again, as the music began to come to an end. “I’m going to need a full story about this very soon, if she’s a means of ending the season.”
Liam let out an anxious laugh. “Soon enough, of course. Get her as close as possible to my office without being seen.” He looked over Olivia’s shoulder to see Bastien by the ballroom doors, nodding at him just before Bastien said something to another member of the Kings Guard. “Enjoy the rest of the ball, I’ve got to go over details for tomorrow’s events. Shouldn’t take longer than an hour.”
Nearly an hour after Liam departed the ballroom, he sighed with relief to enjoy the silence in his office once Regina and her team of event planners were satisfied with preparations for the garden party. He poured himself a bit of scotch in a glass as a nightcap, glancing at the clock on the wall. Most of the guests had ventured home while he went over checklists with Regina, minus the suitors and their sponsors that would live at the palace for the next several weeks.
Another weary sigh slipped past Liam’s lips as he returned to the ornate desk in the office, and he removed the cufflinks Madeleine had given to him as a gift. He rolled up his sleeves, trying to ignore the soft ticking of the clock, wondering if Olivia had managed to get a hold of Max. Princess Maria Amelita Xamira Basilio, who had a sister that went by the name Elia. There were too many similarities in her siblings names and the fact that Max looked so similar in appearance to Elia.
He’d opened the laptop on the desk and was about to type Elia’s real name into the search window, when there was a knock at the door. Liam rushed out of his seat to answer, loudly whispering a name when he turned the knob. “Olivia? Is that you?” He was surprised to see Max in the hallway by herself. “Your Highness, please, come in,” he said, stepping aside to let Max pass. “Did anyone see you?”
Max bowed her head to Liam as she stepped into his office. “No, Lady Olivia led me through a number of passages from my room, and distracted the very tall, silver-haired guard down the hall.”
Liam chuckled softly. “That would be Bastien. He’s always had a bit of a soft spot for Olivia, ever since we were children.” He closed the door shut before walking towards the liquor cabinet. “May I offer you something to drink?”
“No, thank you,” she replied, taking a seat in one of the small couches. “To what do I owe this clandestine invitation?”
Liam sat down in the matching sofa across from Max, clasping his hands together as he carefully chose what to say next. “Max, you and I are both aware of the reason you’re here, participating in the social season. Under other circumstances, I’m certain you would have caught my eye, just as you did earlier this evening.”
Max chewed a tiny spot of her inner cheek. “There’s a ‘but’, isn’t there?”
“The reason you caught my eye was because you bear a striking resemblance to someone I met several years ago, before I met and married my first wife, Riley. Someone who, until tonight, I thought was lost to me.”
“Are you saying I’ve got a secret twin you’ve already met? This isn’t what I had in mind, but okay.” She grinned conspiratorially at him. “Who’s this doppelgänger that’s stuck with you?”
Liam sucked in a breath before answering. “As it were, it’s your sister. Elia.”
Max blinked at him silently, her eyes welling up with glossy tears at the mention of her name. “You…you knew Elia? When? When did you see her? Have you heard from her?” The questions tumbled out all at once, as Max tried to compose herself.
He picked up a gilded box of tissues from a side table, offering it to her. Max pulled two from the box, dabbing at the corners of her eyes, waiting for a response. “It’s been a number of years,” he began. “She was vacationing in Greece, just before she was supposed to return to university to study law.”
Max stopped dabbing at her tears to look up and study Liam’s face. “Oh my god, it’s you. You’re the guy.”
Liam’s brows pinched together. “She mentioned me?”
“Very briefly,” she responded. “Only that she met someone that gave her a reason to laugh every day, and seemed to understand what she – what we,” she paused, motioning to herself, “were going through, being…high profile?”
“That’s one way to describe it,” Liam chuckled softly. “She never said outright that she was a princess, but after we parted ways, many of the things we shared in our conversations made sense.” He looked up to see a puzzled expression on Max’s face. “Her fluency in languages, the way she could tell stories about growing up in vivid detail while overlooking things like ‘I grew up in a palace’ or ‘my parents were especially strict with me and my siblings’…”
“Oh by the way, that’s because they’re the king and queen?” Max scoffed lightly, shaking her head.
“I tried to look for her, for quite some time after that trip,” Liam added. “Only…my efforts were in vain, as the names she used were all nicknames. Even her own name wasn’t fully hers. Elia de Leon.”
Max sniffled and the puzzled expression returned to her face. “De Leon? That’s…our great-grandmother’s name.”
“I suppose that makes sense as well, now that I’m familiar with your family name. Had I searched for Elia Basilio, I might have found out about the royal connection, not that it would’ve changed my opinion of her.” Liam ran a hand across his face, his jawline and chin already rough with stubble. “You haven’t heard from her since that summer either? Anyone in your family?”
“No,” Max answered. “When her personal guard called the morning he was supposed to escort her home, he told my parents the apartment was empty…that she must have snuck away the night before.”
“But I was with her until morning.”
“I…” Liam hesitated, taking in a breath. “I had dinner with Elia the night before she was supposed to leave. We talked long into the night, and I told her I was a prince. I even offered to let her stay with me here to take more time and consider alternative options to create some distance with your parents.”
“Because they wanted to marry her off, right?”
“Correct,” Liam nodded. “She only told me it was for a political alliance, to put your family name in a positive light after Mariela’s marriage to someone caused trouble.”
Max sighed with indignation. “That guy, ugh. That’s a story for another evening.” She began to wring the tissue between her hands. “But you saw Elia the next morning?”
“Yes, in fact I was the one that slipped out while she was still sleeping, long after dawn. I stopped for a coffee in the café below where she’d been staying, on my way to return home as well, and I…” Liam paused, recalling the man in the café that morning, remembering the other patron. “You said she had a personal security guard assigned to her?”
“Beni…Benigno, yes,” Max replied.
“Do you have a photo of him?”
“I can do better than that,” Max answered, pulling her phone from the pocket of her cardigan. “He’s here as my security and chaperone for the duration of my stay.”
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nicka-nell · 4 years ago
How you celebrate your New Year
Pairing: Ushijima x reader Tendou x reader Warning: a bit of toxic relationship with parents?
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The cool air of the air conditioner tickles your skin, while the seat heater warms your back and makes you relax. The radio can only be heard quietly, as a newscaster talks about the New Year, which is soon to come.
“My father’s in town for work, so he’ll probably be here for dinner this year.” Although his words are addressed to you, he does not turn his gaze from the road, does not take his hands off the wheel for a second.
Somewhat surprised you look at his, as always quite monotonous look, ask yourself why he has not told you something about it before and not only now, when you are already on the way to his mother.
He hadn’t seen his father in a long time. Now that you’re thinking about it, you’ve never seen his mother and his father together until now. Do they make up? How does Ushijima feel about seeing his parents reunited?
“Are you happy to see your father again, Toshi?” Attentively you check his gaze, try to elicit a reaction from him, but he still looks the same as before. 
“He’s my father. It’s too much to say I’m happy to see him again, but it’s not bad.” Ushijima is accustomed to not seeing his father often, but since he no longer lives with his parents, but with you, he also rarely sees his mother. Because through his career, he travels a lot, doesn’t have the time. Most of the time you are alone with his mother when there are celebrations or she needs help.
Completely immersed in your thoughts, you do not notice that the car is already slowing down; you drive into a small avenue full of snow-covered trees.
Like small diamonds, the snow glistens on the branches, while the road under the white snow is barely visible. His mother’s house can already be seen when Ushijima parks the car and comes to your side to open the door and grab your hand.
He’s wearing his black suit, a purple tie that matches your dress. “Let’s go, my love.” His voice is so deep, quiet in your ears, while his large hand lies on your small back.
The snow crunches under your shoes as you arrive at his mother’s doorstep and the ringing of the bell is heard. A few seconds later, you hear footsteps, and a woman opens the door with a strict bun.
“Wakatoshi, Y/n, good to see you. Come in, my child.” She greets you both with a narrow smile before the door opens wide and invites you in. 
You take off your shoes, hang up your jackets before Ushijima’s father welcomes you and is happy to see his son, and especially his son’s girlfriend again.
You have little time to talk, because you are asked by Ushijima’s mother directly to the table, should start eating before it gets cold. “Y/n my child, please sit on the other side. Otherwise, Wakatoshi always pushes his hand against your arm. You know, he always eats with his left hand. Just like his father taught him...” 
Her voice is almost reproachful as her gaze wanders to the side of her former husband, who has just sat down at the table. He breathes deeply before he crosses his hands and looks at her as calm as possible.
“I didn’t raise him like that, I kept his talent.”, “His talent… So he can start a volleyball career like you? Just look at him. He may be famous, but he’s never there for his girlfriend. He’s never with his mother. He never has time! He won’t stay young forever. What does he do when he’s old? What money should he live on? This volleyball career is not right for him! How can he be there for his family? They still don’t have kids, just look how long they’ve been together!” Her voice gets louder with every word.  
Her anger is palpable, as if she regretted not having prevailed at that time. That Ushijima was not raised up to be a right-handed man, as it should be. He should have learned a sensible profession, should already be married and should already have children, instead he travels the world while leaving you alone at home. She shouldn’t have let her ex-husband get away with this.
“Now stop… He can still be a coach. Besides, it’s not an issue for the New Year’s dinner.” Unlike her voice, his is calm and collected. The situation is getting more and more unpleasant for you, actually you want to say something, but you don’t dare.
Something lost, you look over to Ushijima looking from his parents in your direction. His gaze is still emotionless, but his hand moves under the table to yours, squeezing it tightly before stroking your back with his thumb.
Every time he sees you, he feels his heart beat differently, and how his mind changes. When you laugh, give him a breathtaking smile, he can barely control himself and unconsciously returns your smile.
You’re everything to him, not seeing you happy, makes him unhappy. He knows he’s not the best boyfriend, that you’d probably be happier with another man by your side. A man who comes home every day, supports you in the household and in raising children.
But he’s too stubborn to admit that he doesn’t want to be without you, he can’t be without you. Because you’re the woman who’s different from everyone else. The woman who understands him. The woman he wants to carry in his hands, who is to carry his children.
“I’m sorry, where are my manners… That was inappropriate of me, let’s eat.” During the meal, only the chopsticks can be heard that meet the bento boxes in front of you and begin to clap. It’s so quiet that you could drop a needle. Quiet with tension.
After the meal, you thank his mother for preparing such a delicious meal before she clears the table and the plates. “As a coach, he’s just not home.” She calls to her former husband as she comes out of the kitchen back into the dining room and looks at him, frowning. “Do you want to start this topic again? I think it’s better if I go and you guys just party alone. I knew it wasn’t a good idea to come here.” 
But before Ushijima’s father can manage to get up, it is Ushijima who moves his chair backwards and gets up from the table. You feel your chair being pushed backwards, Ushijima’s hands resting on your shoulders, warming your skin beneath them.
“Mother, the food was really delicious. However, I am not feeling well today. I think it’s better if Y/n and I go home now. I’m very sorry we can’t spend the evening with you. Mother, Father, goodbye.” 
Quietly he looks into your three astonished faces, sees his father just lowering his head, sighing, as if he wanted to apologize. Ushijima helps you up before his parents can react to his sudden announcement.
Quickly you say goodbye to the two before Ushijima’s hands pull you into the hallway, hold out your jacket so you can slip in before he puts on his and you put on your shoes to leave the house with a last “Goodbye.”
Until the car you are silent, do not talk even after Ushijima has already started driving. You know he’s not feeling sick, but that he was avoiding this conversation, this unnecessary argument. 
However, it is better to leave him alone for now. To give him time until he opens up from within you. You look thoughtfully out of the window when you notice Ushijima making a wrong turn at a crossroads. “Toshi we have to go to the other-” 
“I know.” Almost chilly, his voice cuts off your words before stopping at a place you know. Again he opens the door for you, helps you out of the car before you look at him questioning.
“What are we doing here, Toshi?” You want to know, but instead of answering you, he puts his hand on your lower back and sets you in motion, looking forward.
“We haven’t been to a temple or a shrine. Haven’t wished us something for the New Year, haven’t prayed yet.” For a while you still wander through the snow, your cheeks tingle slowly, your nose is cold and you see how your breath becomes visible.
Arriving in front of a small shrine, you already see many people standing in front of it who want to pray to ask for happiness and health. You too stand at the shrine before Ushijima takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
You follow him, pray for his health that he will not get any injuries, that he will continue to enjoy volleyball and that he will continue to be so successful. That he keeps coming back healthy, has no worries, and that you can keep making him happy.
You open your eyes, look over to Ushijima, who is also about to open his, and notices in the corner of your eye you are looking at him. “What did you wish for, Toshi?” You ask with a bright smile, but don’t get an answer. 
With a sigh, he puts himself behind you, takes you firmly in his arm while he lovingly kisses your hairline. He doesn’t care if people are staring at you. He doesn’t care if they talk about you. He just wants to feel your closeness. Smell your scent, hear your laugh and enjoy the time he has with you.
He still won’t let go of you, putting his chin down on your head while his broad upper body rests against your back. “I have wished for us to be a real family, you, me, our future children… The noble family Ushijima. One who is together and not as divided and separated as my parents. I want you to stay by my side. I want you to be happy, shine next to me, and we to look to our future together.” 
Even when it’s cold outside, you’ll notice how his words warm your entire body. Your vision suddenly blurry and a fiery liquid runs down your cheeks. These words that are so unbelievably pure, serious but also loving.
You almost don’t notice the ringing of the bells in the background, which makes the New Year come true for everyone, so that the people get to wish themselves all the best for the New Year.
“Happy New Year to you, my love.” Ushijima whispers in your ear, your body still pressed against his before you turn around and look up at him. 
With the warmest smile you can give him, you face him, see how he looks down at you with a thin smile before you wrap his cheeks with your hands and give him a kiss full of love. “Happy New Year, my bear.” 
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You’re nervous about getting out of Tendou’s car. Take a deep breath of the cold air before you exhale and try to calm down. This is the first time you met with his parents. And then on such an important day.
They probably don’t want you around because New Year’s Eve is a family celebration. You’ve been together with Tendou a long time, but his parents don’t know you.
“Hey, paradise, why are you looking like that? Are you nervous~?” He hums and tilts his head aside to look at you with a wide grin and narrow eyes. He seems as calm as ever, loose as if he has no worries.
“You really don’t have to be nervous. My parents are anything but a prime example of an intact family. So relax.” He giggles before he knocks on his parents’ door, his slim fingers wrapped around yours.
Almost as if someone had been waiting at the door for your knocking, the door opens at an incredible speed. A tall man comes out, thinly built, who looks first to Tendou and then down to you.
His look is not unfriendly, rather surprised and almost overwhelmed. “So you were serious when you said you were bringing your girlfriend?” Says the man in front of you, who must have been Tendou’s father by appearance.
And before Tendou can answer him, he bends forward, looks at you and frowns in confusion. “You really are a beautiful woman. How much did he pay you to play his girlfriend?” 
Speechless from his rude words, your gaze sweeps over to Tendou, who just clicks annoyed with his tongue. “As friendly as ever, eh, Father?” Tendou just laughs, and pulls you past his father to go into the house.
The house is chilly, almost as cold as outside, when you take off your jacket and grab your arms with stiff fingers. But the cold air does not bounce on your skin for a long time, because it is wrapped in just a few seconds by the soft cotton fabric of Tendou’s sweater.
With big eyes you look into his red ones, see his warm smile, and his naked arms now that he’s only standing in his T-shirt in front of you. “I don’t want you to freeze.” 
“But aren’t you cold, Satori?” You worry, but he just shakes his head and pushes you into the dining room, where some food has already been placed on the table.
The closer you get to the dining room, the more the fresh breeze disappears until the scent of food completely envelops you. Tendou’s mother is just about to put the plates on the table as she turns around to greet Tendou and looks at you both with a warm smile.
Unlike his father, she hides her surprise well at first, but can’t help but wonder if you’re really his girlfriend. More and more you understand why Tendou didn’t want you to meet his family for so long.
If you saw the two of them in a photo, you would think that they are wonderful people who would make great parents, but apparently they are not. 
Even if Tendou has no grudge against his family, it begins with every question, at every glance, to grow with you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s just so unusual to see Satori with someone other than Ushijima. Especially if it’s a beautiful woman like you. What’s your name again, my child?” 
His mother apologizes to you with a warm smile and for a moment doubts arise in you whether you really were wrong and her previous words were just chosen unhappily.
Silently you mumble your name, returning her smile when it becomes even wider for your shy answer. 
She asks you both to come to the table, also calls her husband, who watched Tendou and you from the door frame with his arms crossed. But you were wrong to think that his family had expressed themselves unhappily, because at dinner they question you like in an interrogation.
“Now, be honest, if you’re really together with him, tell us why? Why our son? He’s not popular. I think he just has this one friend in his children’s sports club, and let’s be honest, Satori is a bit peculiar.” Laughs his father a little incredulous, before his gaze wanders to his son, who has not said a word yet, eating his food with a buzzing.
It hurts you to see him like this, to know that these words only hurt him, to know that he’s just pretending that they do not touch him, but you of all people know how fragile he can be sometimes.
“Yes, I would also like to know why such a lovely, intelligent and probably popular girl like you chose someone like Satori. You could have something so much better, you’re playing in a whole different league.” Now his mother also interferes, who looks at you with big eyes.
You would like to yell at them now, but instinctively you seek the gaze of Tendou, trying to calm down. But when you look at him, you see his constantly wide smirk as he gets up from the chair and stretches his arms once with a loud growl.
“I’m getting some fresh air. It’s really too warm here. Be right back.” He mumbles to himself and disappears from the room. Just now he lets you and his parents look back on the now closed dining-room door, before they look at you again.
Did he go out because he can’t hear any more of this? Because those words hurt him? His family is the one who’s weird, who’s mean and not him.
And just as his mother wants to open her mouth again, you hit your hands on the table and stand up. “Stop! Both of you! Do you hear yourselves? Don’t you love your son? Aren’t you proud of him? Satori is a wonderful man, he is so caring, attentive, lovable and funny. He gives me so much love and security, I can’t give him that much back. And his volleyball club is not a children’s club! Have you never seen one of his games? How strong his team is! How incredible Satori is?” 
You yell at them, and you don’t care what they think of you now, whether they want to throw you out and never see you again. But you won’t let these people deal with Tendou like that.
“Satori has more friends than just Wakatoshi. Nevertheless, Wakatoshi is his best friend, the person with whom he gets along best. You should be ashamed that you know so little about your own son! That you talk so bad about him, even though he’s so wonderful! You’re the weird ones, not Satori! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get some air!” 
You almost yell when you leave his parents completely amazed but also with an abashed expression and grab your jacket, put on your shoes and go to Tendou.
Through the open window, he could hear every word of you, yet self-doubt arises in him as he leans from the outside against the facade and looks into the cloud-free sky, which slowly gets dark. Of course, his parents are right about you being wonderful, and he knows that best himself.
But is it really so wrong to have you with him? Does he really keep you from finding someone better? Someone like Ushijima? Now that he’s thinking about it, he’s really not good for you. You’d always be confronted with why you’re with a weird guy like him.
“Hey, my lollipop, are you okay?” Your tender, calm voice makes him look away from above, in your direction, as you approach him and reach for his hands.
They are freezing cold, taking away the heat from your hands in just a few seconds. “Satori, your hands are so cold…” Your fragile, sad voice resounds as you press your both hands against your cheek. He was probably already cold in his parents’ house, after all, he had given you his sweater, and even now he only wears an autumn coat.
“Huh... really? I didn’t notice…” He replies, and even when he smiles at you, his voice is sad. Makes you feel bittersweet. “Satori, your parents are wrong about everything. You’re wonderful, and I can’t put it into words how much I love you. Only you! And I will always only love you…” 
You try to reach out to his inner self with your words. To touch his heart and at least warm his body from the inside if you can’t do it from the outside. You must think of Tendou’s words back when you first met. He told you he could read you like an open book.
And now he’s the one you can read, analyze, and understand. Even though you said little, it was enough to put a smile on his face to turn you around and take you in his arms.
Playfully he cuddles himself in the crook of your neck, tickles your cheek with his red hair before he closes his eyes and enjoys your closeness. However, he opens his mouth after just a few breaths and revels in old memories with you.
How you tried to explain Ushijima how to use emojis correctly. How he had saved Ushijima from giving you probably the worst birthday present, as he wanted to give you a huge pillow with the inscription “Y/n loves Satori very much”.
Instead, you got a sweet cactus from him, which had a red flower on top and somehow reminds you of Tendou, which is why you also named it Tendou.
Or also the fact that every Wednesday you watch your favorite baking program together, make fun of some dishes and others want to bake a day later directly.
And also how excited he was when you had your first actual date and he had to go to the doctor a day later because he sat down on an anthill.
With every flashback your smile gets bigger and bigger, also makes Tendou laugh sincerely, while he still braces you in his arms. Still with tears of joy in your eyes, you ask him if you want to go back in, but he just shakes his head.
“I have another idea. Come on, we can also wish my parents a happy new year on the phone.” He whispers to you as his breath forms a light mist through the cold.
Somehow you can understand that he doesn’t want to go back in, yet you ask him if you should at least say goodbye. But again he shakes his head.
Both of you sit down in his car, when you automatically turn on Tendous seat heating, so that hopefully he gets warmer again soon. “Some music~?” He hums with his usual cheerful voice as he pulls out a few CDs from his driver’s side.
Grinning, you nod, tap on a CD that Tendou, with a click of the plastic sleeve, pushes into the CD drive. Slowly it glides in as the first track begins and the loud rock music rings through your ears. 
Anything but Christmas music. But if you’re being honest, neither of you are the traditional person or couple celebrating Christmas. 
Together you sing the songs that you already know by heart up and down. Remember the concerts you were at and make the whole car shake until Tendou slows down and stops at a cliff.
His thin, long hands reach for the turning wheel to make the music quieter as he smiles at you before he looks forward. “Do you remember?” He asks quietly and contentedly with a dreamy face.
After all, your gaze drifts from Tendou’s face, to the front, to the cliff from which the entire city can be seen.
The sky is now dark as the night, while the bright lights of the houses illuminate it again. How could you ever forget this place? The place where Tendou asked you to be his girlfriend? The place the two of you kissed the first time that had gotten you so many butterflies in your stomach. Never could you forget this place or his words. 
“I can read you like an open book, and yet I’m afraid of your reaction, but do you want to be my girlfriend?” You repeat his words and look at him with a smile.
His eyes grow big, his joy huge as he nods hastily. “Exactly my words, you really are the best Y/n~!” He sings again before he bends over to you and cuddles you like a little cuddly animal.
You laugh out loud before he loosens his grip on you and looks at you in silence. You almost don’t hear the bells that open the New Year, yet they softly find their way into your ears.
“Happy New Year, my lollipop.” You whisper before you kiss him gently. And as your lips separate, Tendou turns his head to the side, back to the back seat, before his gaze lands on yours again, his fingers at your chin making you look into his eyes. 
His red eyes, full of excitement. “What do you say we start the New Year by ringing a few other bells, my paradise?” He breathes hungrily, before you both chuckle in a conspiracy, when you strip his seat belt off. 
“So… Let’s ring those other bells.”
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gaemkyuu · 4 years ago
Of Kings & Queens (Part 2)
Warnings: none!  A/N: Part two! We get to meet our Princes! I know you are eager to see Prince Charlie, but I really want to build the story up. AU!Prince Charlie Gillespie x Fictional Character Disclaimer: This is a FICITONAL writing piece! In no way do I claim characters in this piece act this way in real life.
Masterlist *now taking requests ;)
Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4/Part 5/Part 6
For any normal girl in the Kingdom, their coming of age would be spending time with friends and an intimate celebration with their nearest and dearest. As the sole heir to the Western Kingdom, her coming of age needed to be big and glamorous. But this was more than just celebrating her birthday, it was an announcement to the entire nation that Princess Olivia is looking for a King.
 In every Royal family in history, there had always been a male heir to ascend to the throne and assume the position of King, when their fathers were ready to step down. These sons would become the governing power over their Kingdom and would be responsible for overseeing the entire Kingdom, including relational affairs with the other Kings. 
The Lee family always gave birth to healthy male offspring that always ascended to the throne, but unfortunately Olivia’s mother fell ill after she was born and was no longer able to bear children. Being an only child to the King and Queen, put quiet pressure and guilt on the Princess. From a young age, Olivia felt responsible as the only heir of the Lee family to one day take on the role of King. However, her mother quickly squashed this idea when she started to teach her the roles of females in society. 
A good Queen is poised and graceful. 
A good Queen is compassionate and empathetic to her people.
A good Queen is meant to support the King.
A good Queen stays silent and composed until she is asked for her opinion.
A good Queen listens to her King and does not order them around.
Olivia was compassionate and empathetic, and her people could attest to that. She often spent days in the markets and on the streets, greeting the people in the Kingdom and supporting their businesses. She was known to volunteer her time with Savannah to the care homes and orphanages. 
But graceful? Poised? Silent? Composed? Not Olivia!
Her father always described her as strong willed but stubborn and that she could put some Princes to shame with her knowledge and understanding of the Kingdom. He always believed that one day his daughter would make a fine ruler, but as tradition stated, she must become a queen. Something that Olivia fought tooth and nail to change. It caused many disputes between her and her parents but they all ended with the fact that Olivia was meant to take her mother’s role as Queen, the support to the King. 
Olivia prided herself on being the sole heir to the Western Kingdom. From a young age, she proved to be very smart and intuitive, something which her father encouraged within her. Her father always described her as strong willed but stubborn and that she could put some Princes to shame with her knowledge and understanding of the Kingdom. She learned about all the inner workings of the Kingdoms, the political stances and perspectives, the justice system, military tactics and the economy. One would say that if Olivia were a boy, she would make a fine King. 
However, that was the problem. The King always believed that one day his daughter would make a fine ruler, but as tradition stated, she must become a queen. Olivia could not be appointed ruler of her kingdom simply because she was a girl and her father was not going to break tradition, despite his confidence in his daughter. Something that Olivia fought tooth and nail to change. It caused many disputes between her and her parents but they all ended with the fact that Olivia was meant to take her mother’s role as Queen, the support to the King. No matter what Olivia did or how many times she proved capable of being the leader of their kingdom, there was absolutely no way that she could escape being a Queen that sat beside her husband “advising” him.
Now that she was officially on the Royal Market, she knew that the Kingdoms would send their best and Olivia would roll her eyes and be polite. Ever since she was a child, her mother would tell her about the day that she would one day wed and become queen. Olivia often questioned her mother how she felt about having her husband chosen for her and her mother would reply that she was fortunate that she loved her father before they were arranged to be married. Olivia wanted the beautiful love story that she read about in her fictional books and wished to be swept off her feet by her one true love, but this whole orchestrated event took that away from her.
Olivia fought hard against the Traditions of the Kingdom, that eventually, in order to come to some sort of compromise, Olivia would not have an arranged marriage, if she would stop trying to assume the throne. If Olivia conceded to take her place as Queen, they would not choose her suitor for her. As bad as she wanted the throne, if she was stuck with someone who her parents deem worthy of being King, she might be stuck with someone she didn’t want to be with. 
Therefore, she wasn’t surprised when her parents announced that the Princes of the neighboring Kingdoms had accepted the invitation to her birthday party. Inside, she was dreading the forceful encounters and the testosterone that would be shoved down her throat. On the outside, she smiled politely and made no comment, something her parents were grateful for. Plus, she knew that if she played the game properly, she could refuse to marry anyone at the party and continue to refuse to marry, until her parents finally conceded and let her take the throne.
So she played the game and did her best to greet the guests as they entered. Olivia sat to the left of her mother, as each noble family came to greet them. She tried her best to look engaged and greet each family with as much enthusiasm as she could, but in all honesty, she was over the whole process and, much to her mother’s displeasure, it was starting to show on her face.
“Prince Owen and Hayden from the Southern Kingdom!” 
In walked a very charming looking man with his equally charming brother. Both boys were blonde, blue eyed and tall, the family relation very evident in their appearance. With a bow to the King and Queen, the King reached out his hand, shaking theirs enthusiastically.
“Ah Prince Owen, how is your father?” asked the King.
“Healthy as ever your Majesty” Prince Owen smiled, bowing once more to the queen. “Your Majesty”
“Prince Owen, this is my daughter Princess Olivia” her mother gestured a hand in her direction, quickly shooting her a warning glance. Prince Hayden stepped forward and kissed her hand.
“My brother Prince Hayden, Princess. He is pleased to make your acquaintance and looks forward to speaking with you at some point today” she gave them a small smile and a curt nod.
“Great, a two for one deal” Olivia muttered, rolling her eyes, earning her a stifled chuckle from Prince Owen, as her mother cleared her throat.
“Prince Jeremy and Duchess Carolynn from the Eastern Kingdom!”
As Prince Owen and his brother bowed, excusing themselves to the side, in walked a charming looking brunette and a stunning woman. Both people were fair in skin with bright eyes and dark hair, walking in stride arm in arm. Olivia watched in envy as they shared a look of love with one another before bowing to her parents.
“Greetings to you both and congratulations on your engagement!” greeted the King.
“Thank you, your Majesty, we are fortunate to have been able to come to this special occasion for your family” smiled Prince Jeremy, his wife poised and graceful beside him.
“Do you have a date for your wedding and coronation Prince Jeremy?” asked the King.
“The prince shall be crowned in two months time, our wedding following shortly after your Majesty” his partner’s voice was as smooth as silk and she exuded confidence.
“So refined and well mannered, Duchess Carolynn. It would mean the world to me if you could spend some time with the princess and teach her how to be as graceful and poised as yourself” Olivia wanted to roll her eyes so badly, knowing that this was a stab at her stubbornness.
“It would be my pleasure your majesty” she smiled at Olivia, bowing, before the both of them moved off to the side. The doors to the throne room opened once again and two people approached the throne.
“King Patrick and Prince Charles of the Northern Kingdom”
“Welcome to the new King!” her father bellowed as he rose from his throne to shake the hand of King Patrick. Their father retired from the throne and Patrick was crowned the next King as his oldest son Ryan flourished in foreign affairs. King Patrick shook her fathers hand and her mother rose from her throne, curtsying to him. When Olivia made no move to get up, her mother expectantly cleared her throat. Olivia, out of the corner of her eye, saw Savannah subtly gesturing to her to stand up and she quickly did, nearly tripping over her long dress, only to be caught by strong arms.
“How you doin’?” she looked up at the face of her savior and saw the purest green eyes she had ever seen. The man in front of her helped her steady herself on her feet and winked at her, kissing her hand and bowing.
“Forgive me Princess, my brother Prince Charles should know better than to greet you so casually” King Patrick pulled his brother back, giving him a disapproving look to which Prince Charles rolled his eyes. Olivia giggled at the gesture in which the Prince winked in reply.
“Welcome to all who have traveled from near or far. It is our honor to have you here to celebrate the coming of age of Princess Olivia. Please enjoy the days festivities and we shall see you this evening for dinner and further celebration” a grand applause erupted in the throne room as bodies began to move to their respective areas. Olivia felt Savannah’s arms gently usher her away from the throne room and into the parlor behind the throne room.
“What are we doing now?” groaned Olivia, stiffly walking into the room.
“We need you to get ready for the evening’s affair-” Savannah was cut off by the door opening, the Queen walking in. Savannah quickly bowed to which the Queen raised her hand, gesturing Savannah to stop. She quietly moved to stand beside the door, leaving Olivia’s side and bowing her head silently as the Queen approached Olivia.
“Olivia, is it too much to ask that you be on your best behavior today?” her mother sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. The queen let down her guard and hunched her shoulders.
“What do you mean? I was pretty well behaved out there. Do you know how many times I had to bite my tongue?” she scoffed, turning away from her mother and staring outside the window in the parlor.
“Yet the mutters, the sighs, the snide remarks and eye rolls escaped you.” The queen sounded annoyed and defeated. “I understand that if you could have it your way, you would get rid of this entire affair, but I am simply asking you to cooperate for today.”
“Mom, you’re housing a parade of single bachelors and trying to convince me to fall in love with one of them. I hardly know them!”
“And that is the purpose for tonight!”
“I can’t get to know someone in one night and fall madly in love with them!”
“These are excuses Olivia. When I was your age-”
“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, I’m not you!”
“That is not what I’m saying Olivia-”
“Besides! If you would let me rule as Queen regent we wouldn’t have to go through any of this!”
A knock at the door interrupted their argument. The servant told the Queen she was being summoned by the king.
“As someone who is so insistent on ruling a kingdom on her own, there is little that you know about being a Queen. A true ruler puts their people before their own selfish desires. I understand the thought of being wedded to a man you hardly know is scary, but the people need a King. One you aren’t prepared to be. Your father isn’t getting any younger and his health is depleting.” Olivia was silenced at her mothers words. “If you truly want to prove that you are a fit ruler for this kingdom, then you should do what it is that the people need of you. I’ve said what I’ve needed to say” and with a swish of her gown and cape, she exited the room.
The tears Olivia had been holding in, started to spill over, much to her disdain. Quickly wiping them away and facing the window, she took a deep breath to steady her emotions. Savannah quietly walked up behind her and gave her a side hug and leaning her head on Olivia’s shoulder. “You are going to make a fine Queen and Ruler, Liv. Regardless of the circumstances around it.”
Olivia quietly thanked her best friend by hugging her back. She took a deep breath and straightened her spine, now more than ever determined to prove her mother wrong. Her mother only understood one way of bringing prosperity to the Kingdom because it was her way was the only way that was taught, but Olivia so badly believed that she could radically change their old traditions and still bring peace and prosperity to her Kingdom. 
“Alright, what are the next three events?” Savannah perked up, admiring the strength in her.
“We have individual meetings with the honored guests from each Kingdom, afternoon tea with the women of the court and then changing you into tonight’s attire for the celebratory dinner” Olivia would forever be grateful to have Savannah at her side. There was no one who was as efficient and organized as her.
“Please tell me you’re dressing me and not my mother?” Savannah giggled at the statement and linked arms with Olivia.
“No one would dare touch you!” tag list:  @ifilwtmfc @warmness0ul
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years ago
"the knight who pierced the king's heart"
Chapter 2
Hey! yes, I'm actually continuing this medieval AU story!!! Please let me know if you like it so far~ Thanks for reading!
Warnings: alcohol use/drunkeness
Ao3 link
The jousting tournament was just one part of a three-day event, one that pitted all the squads of knights against each other in various forms of combat. Jousting, archery, and dueling are the three pillars of strength for a knight, so those were the three events.
"Congratulations, Fuegoleon. Your squad won 2 of the 3 events!"
"Thank you, your majesty-" Fuegoleon bowed his head politely to Julius. The next day after Lisa’s jousting win, Sei went on to win the dueling competition for the Crimson Lions, and now all the captains were attending a royal lunch in the castle as a celebration. “My squad has exceeded my expectations this year… especially Lisa.” Fuegoleon took a sip of his drink, so he did not notice the multitude of expressions that crossed the king’s face at the mention of the woman. “Although, I had to give her a stern talking to… she joined the tournament against my wishes, and even though she won, she got herself badly hurt.”
“Oh… is it that bad?” Julius frowned a bit, his heart pounding.
“She’ll be in that cast for a month. Strict bedrest.” Fuegoleon let out a sigh. “The squad is holding a celebration tonight, which she probably won’t be able to join.”
Celebration? Julius thought, glancing around the banquet hall. Nobles and Captains alike were standing around a little awkwardly. All of the royal events ended up like this, stiff and boring. Augustus invited me to dinner tonight… but maybe I should skip…
The event ended, and Julius was alone in his room, begrudgingly getting dressed for the dinner party. He buttoned up his shirt and stared at himself in the mirror. He knew it would be just like all the other parties, with Augustus gloating about something or other, and everyone there bored out of their minds. Plus, the Kira family didn’t even really like the Novachrono family, and just wanted to rub in that their house was more prestigious or dominant. It would be unpleasant all around.
I really don’t want to do this anymore… I wish I was still a knight. I wish I could go to the Crimson Lion party… and I wish I could get to know that girl better…
His gaze flickered down to his crown before going back to his face. With the crown on, he looked so regal… but that wasn’t him. He liked the face he saw now better.
… or… to hell with all that. I’m the King! I should be able to do whatever I want!
Without another thought, Julius quickly changed clothes, into something more casual. He wrapped a bandana around his head, covering up the birthmark that had been passed down through his family. Finally, he was ready to go, and without telling anyone his plan, he dashed out of the castle and made his way through the town unnoticed.
“SEI! What on earth is going on here?! And-” Fuegoleon’s eyes widened when he saw who was standing with his husband. “Lisa?! You should be in bed!”
Lisa and Sei turned to look at their captain, both standing by a large wagon that had just pulled up outside their squad’s headquarters. “Look, Captain! We’re going to eat well tonight!” Lisa pointed at the wagon with her good arm, and Fuegoleon saw that it was laden with every type of food imaginable. “And alcohol too!!!!”
“WHAT?! But-” Fuegoleon frowned, unsure of what to make of this. “I said we were going to just use the food in our storeroom, why did we need more?!”
“I used my authority as Vice Captain to buy more,” Sei answered, his lips twitching as he suppressed a smile. “We won two of the events, and that makes us the champions, so we deserve it.” He turned to the man who delivered the wagon, pulling out money. “Here, this should cover it.”
“What’s mine is yours, remember?”
Despite Fuegoleon’s protests, all the food made it inside. “HOORAY! Thank you, Captain!!” the other knights cheered, already geared up for a long night of celebration. Their friends and family were invited too, so the room was packed, but also packed with joy and celebration.
“I suppose this is fine… we deserve to let loose after all that hard work.” Fuegoleon smiled to himself as Sei handed him a drink. “However… Lisa, don’t stay up too late, I don’t want your arm to get worse.”
“You’re not my dad!”
Lisa was already a little tipsy, waving around her mug with her good arm while the other rested in her cast. “Someone get me more!!! I won this tournament for you guys after all!” The people around her laughed, and she couldn’t help but laugh with them. Wow… she thought to herself, a little dazed but feeling great. A year ago, I could never have imagined that people would be cheering for me… or that I would have so many friends! Two of her comrades had their arms slung around her shoulders. I’m so glad I finally listened to my father’s advice… even if it was too late for him to see it himself. Her gaze moved up to one of the higher windows, where she could see the starry night. But, I’m here now… I’m sure the future will be even more exciting!
It wasn’t long before Lisa was in need of another refill, but this time she stood up to get it herself. Her knees were feeling pretty weak by now as she weaved her way through the crowd. Her broken arm was throbbing a little, but she ignored it as she clumsily poured herself another drink. Smiling to herself, she turned around to go back to her seat, but ran right into someone. “Ah!”
“Oh, are you alright?!”
Julius turned around to see none other than Lisa standing there, staring sadly at her now-empty cup which spilled on impact. His stomach immediately did a somersault. Ah! It’s her- ok, ok, stay calm- he gulped nervously before cracking a smile. “I’m very sorry-”
“It’s alright.” Lisa looked back up at his face, her eyes immediately narrowing. Uh oh, did she notice me? “My drink though-”
“Oh, I’ll get you another! Come on-”
Julius went to touch her shoulder and gently lead her back to the keg, but Lisa instinctually weaved her arm around his, holding it tightly in an effort to stay upright. Julius somehow managed to keep cool, ignoring how… close she felt as he walked off with her. So far so good… he thought to himself as he poured her another drink. No one’s recognized me so far, so the disguise is working! Even Fuegoleon didn’t notice me. And now Lisa’s here, right by me- She was pretty tipsy, but Julius was determined to talk to her longer. He wasn’t sure what he wanted out of this yet, but that’s why he had to “investigate.”
“Thank you.” Lisa took a long sip of her drink before looking back up at his face. That curious look appeared in her eyes again. “... have we met?”
Julius sucked in a breath, maintaining his easy smile. “N-No, I don’t believe so-”
“Huh-” Lisa cut him off, cocking her head to the side. It was… very cute. “I feel like I recog- hic- recognize you… hmm.” She shrugged before closing her eyes and grinning. “Maybe we were lovers in a past life or something!”
The smile combined with the sudden comment was enough to make Julius’s ears turn red. Lovers in a past life?! She’s so blunt- He managed to laugh it off, but his heart was pounding in his chest. So… does that mean she thinks I’m attractive? Or did she just say that for a laugh-
“Come on! I’m hungry!!!” Lisa suddenly grabbed his arm again and started dragging him away. Julius yelped, letting her lead him away. “The food is really good- and there’s a lot of it!”
Julius listened to her ramble on about it, smiling a little to himself. She was standing very close to him, her whole side pressed up against his arm, her hand balled up in the sleeve of his shirt. She has so much energy… I don’t know if I’ve ever met someone like her. Soon, they were sitting down again as Lisa ate.
“- and then- I knew they wouldn’t let me play anymore if they knew i had cracked my arm in half, so I just- hic- pretended I was fine! It was -hic- hard, but look where it got me!” She giggled to herself, chewing on the rest of her food. “Were you there? Did you see me?”
Julius nodded, resting his hand on his hands, propped up on the side of their table.
“I was there… and you were amazing.”
Lisa smiled again, and Julius swore he saw a blush on her cheeks.
However, the hairs on the back of his neck suddenly stood on end. Unnerved, Julius looked around the noisy hall. What was that? I feel like I’m being-
His eyes suddenly met someone else’s.
… watched…
Sei was staring dead straight at him. As soon as their gazes met, Sei didn’t look away. Instead, he frowned, recognition all over his face. Julius’s heart jumped into his throat, his blood running cold. Shit! Seiros recognized me-
After a moment of tension, Sei finally rolled his eyes and looked away, uninterested. Julius gulped before turning back to Lisa, his heart still pounding. Did he actually recognize me? Or am I just being paranoid-
“Oooh! Someone’s playing music-” Lisa suddenly jumped to her feet, her grip still on Julius’s arm. “Come on, handsome stranger, let’s dance!”
“H-Handsome stranger?!” Julius stuttered, caught completely off guard. “And- er- no one’s playing music-”
Next thing he knew, Julius was on his feet, and Lisa had wrapped an arm around his middle. The man, for once in his life, had no idea how to react or what to say. All he could do was stand there, his face turning bright red.
“You… you’re warm…”
Lisa suddenly buried her face in his chest, letting out a soft, happy hum. Julius could feel it against his heart.
This… this is unexpected-
Julius didn’t know if he should be giddy or embarrassed, but it was hard for him to not descend into the former. There were many eyes upon the pair now that they were standing, and Julius started to get nervous about getting recognized. There were plenty of family members here that he managed to blend into, but now he was… exposed. He didn’t dare look Sei’s way but his attention snapped back to Lisa as she giggled drowsily and shifted her head so her cheek was squished against him.
Her voice was weakening, and her eyes closed as she let her blissful haze take over.
Her knees wobbled, and Julius instinctively wrapped an arm around her to keep her upright. Lisa let out another happy sound. “Come on- I think you need to sit down-” Julius said, unsure of what he was supposed to do. Yikes, I didn’t expect any of this to happen- I’m glad she seems to like me, but she’s probably not going to remember any of this tomorrow. He started to inch back towards the table, wanting to sit down before people started to get suspicious or anything. Maybe I can try to see her some other time-
Uh oh. Julius looked up just in time to see none other than Fuegoleon pushing his way through the crowd, a concerned look on his face. Julius quickly looked away just as Fuegoleon reached them. “Lisa! What on earth are you doing?! I told you to take care of yourself, and here you are dragging yourself all over this poor man! Do you have no shame-”
Lisa blinked her eyes back open, seeing a blurred image of Fuegoleon’s face. “H-Huh? Oh!” She giggled dumbly and pointed a finger into Julius’s chest. “This isn’t just a m-man- this is my boyfriend-”
BOYFRIEND?! Julius thought, feeling his stomach do another flip.
“BOYFRIEND?!” Fuegoleon barked, and to Julius’s displeasure, immediately looked right at him. Luckily, Julius’s disguise held up and Fuegoleon did not seem to notice that he was looking into the eyes of the same man he had spoken to at lunch. “Is this true?!”
“Er- no-” Julius stammered, his heart pounding with adrenaline. “I- uh- I’m just… I’m just here-”
“Well then-” Fuegoleon scowled before looking back down at Lisa. “You need to go to bed, before you fall over and break your other arm!”
Lisa stuck her tongue out at him. “You’re not my dad!”
“Come on- He has a point. You there, help me get her out of here-”
Julius felt Lisa shift in his arm, and looked down to see that none other than Sei had appeared to grab Lisa from the other side. He bit the inside of his mouth to keep from gasping out loud, but Sei didn’t seem to be any grumpier than usual.”O-Okay-”
“I’m sorry about this!” Fuego called after the trio as they hobbled off. “She’s usually better behaved than this! All the fame is going to her head!”
Lisa mumbled something incoherent as she stumbled along between the two of them. “I’m not even that drunk! I’m going to remember all this tomorrow-”
“Sure you are.” Sei hushed her, stealing a glance up at Julius, who was examining the floor ahead of them as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. He narrowed his eyes again before looking ahead as well. Before too long, he kicked open the door to her room and the two men got her inside. “Alright, get out of here-” Sei told Julius, starting to pull Lisa away. “I can do this myself.”
“Oh… okay.” Julius gulped before trying to stand back. However, it wasn’t so easy; Lisa’s grip tightened on his sleeve, and she let out a tired sound of protest.”
“No- don’t go- stay with me-”
“I can’t- come on-” Julius nervously reached up and started to pry away her fingers. Lisa looked like she was about to cry, and his heart felt like it was about to break. He had hoped to actually get to know her, and the night had been far too short. However… maybe this was the time for him to shoot his shot. “Well… I can come back tomorrow?”
Lisa’s eyes popped back open. “Really?”
Sei shot Julius a warning glance. Julius still wasn’t sure how much Sei knew about him, but he knew Sei was at the very least not about to trust him. However, he wasn’t about to give up. “How about lunch tomorrow? I’ll meet you here?”
Lisa nodded slowly, her grip finally loosening. Julius smiled and held onto her hand for just a moment longer. “Alright… goodnight.”
The skin on her hand was very… enticing. Julius wanted to lean down and place a kiss on it, something for her to remember him by until they next met. But Sei tugged once, and her hand slipped away.
“Come on, shoo-”
Before Julius knew it, the door slammed shut in his face, and he was alone once again in the hallway.
I… I did it… I’m going to see her tomorrow-
Before Sei came back out a couple seconds later, Julius was already gone, running away as fast as he could.
“...what happened to that weirdo?”
“Weirdo?” Fuegoleon looked down as Sei reappeared at his side, slipping a gloved hand into his own. “Who would that be?”
“Lisa’s ‘boyfriend,’” Sei added, glancing around. “Where did he go?”
Fuegoleon shrugged. “No idea. He disappeared. And you can’t just go around calling people weird-”
Sei stopped listening at that point.
Disappeared? Hmm. Maybe I was right… that man…
Julius didn’t stop jogging until he was almost back to the castle. He leaned on the side of a building, catching his breath. Despite the adrenaline from multiple close calls tonight, he couldn’t help but smile.
It was short… but I’ve never had so much fun. Maybe sneaking around is a good idea after all.
He straightened up, looking off into the city one last time.
Until tomorrow, Lisa… I hope you remember me.
He turned and walked off, a newfound skip in his step.
Sei belongs to @fuegoleonvermillion
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dancingkirby · 4 years ago
ATLA OC Week Day 5: Secrets
Summary: Four girls swap their juiciest secrets at a slumber party, but Naoko is disappointed when hers doesn’t get the reaction she wanted.
WARNING: Underage sexuality without actual sex, mentions of bullying, and some homophobia.  In short, these are not nice girls.
“Shun took me to the theater for my birthday yesterday,” Hana confided, so excited to share this information that there was almost no space between words.  “And while the room was dark and everyone was watching the play, we kissed!  With tongue! And you know what?  I even let him touch my boobs!”  She finally paused to take a breath, then added, “I still had my top on, of course.  I’m not stupid.”
Naoko and her other two friends Etsu and Kazashi made the appropriate oooh-ing sounds.  The four of them were having a sleepover, which was a regular occurrence for them.  Since the rules against idle chitchat at the Royal Fire Academy for Girls were so strict, this was the optimal time for them to catch up on gossip and inform each other of important events in their lives while eating snacks. They took turns hosting, and this time they were at Naoko’s house.  She liked it best this way because she had the largest and nicest bedroom.  
“I take it things are getting serious, then?” Naoko inquired of Hana.
The other girl nodded. “We’re both planning on talking to our parents and seeing if they’ll let us being betrothed.”
Betrothals were not uncommon at the academy; many of the girls in the upper classes had had contracts drawn up already, and even a few of the younger ones.  Naoko didn’t see either set of parents objecting; in fact, she wouldn’t be surprised if they’d already thought of that themselves. On paper, it was a good match…Shun’s family were wealthy merchants, and Hana’s family was noble but short on funds after a series of bad investments by her father.  Both families would benefit from the arrangement.  However, Naoko did wonder what they’d do if the betrothal was arranged and the affianced pair’s infatuation faded.  Hana always had been the most sentimental of the four of them.
“Well, there’s nothing going on in the boyfriend department for me right now,” Etsu said. “But I still have something I think you’ll be interested in hearing.  So Sifu Mingxia asked me to get her a new ink brush from her desk, right? I opened it, and she had a nude drawing in there!”  
“EEEWWWW!” everyone chorused.  As she took a handful of fire flakes, Naoko thought that this was useful information indeed; Sifu Mingxia was a total bitch, and now one of them could potentially use this to blackmail her.  
“And what was more…” Etsu said slowly, relishing in the suspense, “It was a nude drawing of a woman!”
Even better.  It also explained why Mingxia had never been married even though she was like fifty.  
“What, was she trying to hit on you or something?” Hana asked.
“Nah, I don’t think so.  I think she either forgot it was there, or put it there accidentally. I just got the brush without saying anything.”
“Good.  Save it for the next time she gets on your case for being late for class,” Naoko advised.  Honestly, what did that woman expect?  Her class was the first one of the day, at 7:30 AM, and almost no one arrived on time for the first class.
“Well, what about you?” Etsu asked, turning her head toward Kazashi.  “Are you gonna tell us why Okayu tried to challenge you to an Agni Kai last week?”
Naoko gaped. “She did what now?  When did that happen?!” Okayu was the most boring, mediocre, and plain-looking girl in their grade.  The thought of her challenging anyone to anything was downright comical.
“Oh yeah, I think that’s when you were at that dance ceremony,” Etsu said.  “You would’ve loved it.  She was blubbering so hard that she couldn’t even get the words out properly, thus forfeiting her challenge.  So what was that all about, Kazashi?”
Kazashi gave a most wicked grin.  “Well…I happen to know her boyfriend, although he’s probably her ex-boyfriend by now. His name’s Aran, and he’s mega-hot. So I spread a little rumor that Okayu blew Sifu Hongqi in the bathroom so he’d give her a passing grade on the kata test.  And everyone knows how stupid she is, so they all believed it!”
She threw back her head and laughed, and the other three girls joined in.  (Perhaps with a bit of hesitation from Hana?  That would bear watching.)  Naoko had always liked Kazashi the best of the three girls; she was very nearly as ambitious and ruthless as Naoko herself.  
“So are you and Aran an item yet?” Etsu asked once they’d calmed down.
“Not yet.  But I’m working on it,” Kazashi replied. “Now, Naoko, you’ve been pretty quiet tonight.  You haven’t told us about that dance ceremony yet!  It was at the palace.  Surely something interesting happened!”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Hana said, opening a bottle of nail polish and starting to paint her fingernails with it.  “I went to the palace for a dinner a couple of years ago, and it was really boring. No cute guys or anything.”
Naoko grinned. “Then you must not have been looking hard enough.  Because I definitely met a cute guy while I was there; a very rich and very powerful guy as well.”  She was intentionally a bit evasive with the details since she didn’t want the other girls to figure out who it was and try to nab him for themselves.
“Sounds intriguing!” Etsu said.  “Was he interested in you too?”
“I think so,” Naoko responded.  “He said I had beautiful hair.  And Father said I could marry him as soon as we get his wife out of the picture!  Got any ideas, Kazashi?”
But to her surprise, all of the other girls’ smiles faded, and they looked away from her, making noises of hesitancy.
“Uh…I’m not sure that’s a great idea,” Kazashi said at last.  “Splitting up a boyfriend and girlfriend is one thing, but…this guy is married?  Getting involved with a married man would be messy.  How old is he, anyway?”
“He’s not old old,” Naoko said, feeling her face twist into a scowl.  “Only thirty-four.”  What was the big deal, anyway?  Why were they all gasping like that?  It was true that the age gap between them was almost twenty-one years, but there were plenty of noble married couples who were farther apart in age then that…including Kazashi’s own parents.  And it wasn’t like she was getting married right now.
“Yeah, that’s, like, super-creepy.  I wouldn’t do it,” Etsu said.
Feeling a mounting sense of desperation, Naoko turned to Hana and demanded, “What do you think?”  Surely she, newly in the throes of love herself, would understand.  However, Naoko was to be sorely disappointed.  
“Well, if you’re really that into older men, maybe it’d be best to check out someone a little closer to your own age first.  Maybe like sixteen-ish?” Hana suggested.  She had finished painting all of her nails, and was waving them around to dry.  Then something appeared to click in her head. “Wait. I think I know who this guy is. Is it Pr…”
Quick as a flash, Naoko was on her feet, had a hand clamped over Hana’s mouth, and was dragging her outside.  She slammed the door behind them.
“Don’t you dare say his name!” she hissed in a voice that was barely audible; she was well aware that the other two girls would have their ears pressed to the door in an attempt to eavesdrop.  “He’s mine, you hear me?!”
Hana nodded, holding up her hands partly in surrender and partly because she didn’t want her newly-applied nail polish messed up.  When Naoko was satisfied that the girl wouldn’t scream, she removed her hand.
“What’s wrong with you?  I…I wasn’t even interested in him anyway!  I have Shun!” she protested.
“Good,” Naoko whispered.  “Let’s keep it that way, shall we?”  Then she opened the door and walked back in to her bedroom like nothing had happened.
The other girls eventually struck up another conversation, but Naoko wasn’t paying attention to it.  She just sat in the corner sulking.  They’d see! While they courted their pathetic adolescent boyfriends, with their acne and barely-visible mustaches, she would be in the arms of a real man.  They’d be sorry when she married the delectable Prince Ozai and became Princess Consort.  Or perhaps…even more?  Father had been dropping hints lately that Ozai might not be content with simply being the spare prince for much longer.  
And if/when Naoko became Fire Lady, she was not going to invite these girls to her sleepovers anymore.  That was for certain.
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marvel-ousnesss · 5 years ago
Flesh, not porcelain  -   part I (Geralt x reader)
Request from @lareinedususpense​: Hi! I don’t know if you are still taking requests but if you do, would you mind writing a witcher x reader where the reader and Geralt have been in a relationship before but somehow lost contact and now they see each other again after so long and they are both shy and afraid of “their love”. But in the end, they know they can’t be together?  Thank you so much if you do write it( please tag me 🙏🏻)
A/N: I really, really enjoyed writing this one (still on it). Alsoooo, sorry!! I’ve been procrastinating this forever, I've been super blocked lately and trying to lift some grades up 🤦🏽‍♀️. Hope you like it and feel free to comment and share. 
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Part II
Your father smiled at you as your delicate frame emerged through the ballroom door escorted by two guards, who stationed themselves at the entrance of the venue. Your hands grabbed the skirt of your gown, making it easier for you to walk to the table in which your family awaited. Once you arrived at your place, you took a seat between your older sister and your mother, who stood up and spoke to her kingdom with a fond smile. 
“Thank you all for coming here tonight; it is only fair to claim that you, the best of subjects and the best friends, are the true essence of this kingdom’s celebrations.” Her words were followed by court clapping and drunken cheering. “It has been a secret of voices that I have gathered you all here tonight because of my eldest’s betrothal to dearest King Aldestier,” she chuckled, “I hereby confirm your suspicions.” 
You playfully elbowed your sister as the crowd erupted into cheering one more time. The only response you got was an eye roll and a smile, but it didn't escape your eyes the way in which her cheeks darkened at least a few tones. It would not be enough to say that you were happy for her, for her betrothed was kind-hearted, entertaining, and quite handsome, if you were being honest. 
Your father stood up, raising his glass of wine with the wide smile that some said was plastered across his face. 
“Your hunger for details will cease later on; now enjoy,” he proclaimed, with an arm swinging over your mother's shoulders as they both sat down once again.  
That was the cue for food and drinks to rain, and for loud music to flood the room.
You smiled at the servant who placed your plate in front of you and eagerly began your dinner. Raising your eyes to take a sip of wine, you saw the familiar face of your life long friend, Aldestair Lorenson iii. A grin formed on your lips but your sister, who had also seen him - and the state in which he was - almost choked on her lamb. 
“Is there a story we would enjoy hearing?” you inquired, sneaking a glance at his wife to be. 
The young king followed your eyes to his loved one and replied, “what is of importance is that I am here now.”
You scoffed, digging back into your food. It was amusing, really; he had decided to venture into the forest in search of what some of your people claimed was a hideous demon mere hours before his very own engagement feast. Even more so, given that, despite the fact that he was an innate diplomat and political leader, military - and anything defense-related, really - had never been among his talents.
“I assume you at least took care of the ‘hideous demon’, did you not?” 
“Believe me, it was taken care of.” He took a seat.  
To say that parties were your scene would be an understatement. You owned the dance floor as you twirled around with a grin on your face. Even if the eyes of multiple bachelors in the room intimidated you; to the eye, you were the most confident woman in the room.
Lord Ducarious de Barra strolled through the drunk nobles, making his way to you. Immediately, your act quivered. You had never spoken to him properly, aside from a courteous greeting or some small talk when he visited; but there was something to him that made you nervous. Maybe it was his charisma, or maybe it was his good looks. 
Before you could figure out which of those was it or come up with a plan to flee the awkwardness that was ensured to come, your eyes found him, standing before you. 
“Your highness, may I have this dance?”
“Yes, I- I mean, of course,” you blushed when his hand landed softly on your waist.
He spun you around with expert technique, but his flirting was just as rehearsed and calculated as his dancing. After a few tunes from the bard, you excused yourself from him and made your way to the nearest table. 
Your eyes drifted around the room as you drank from a glass of wine. Standing out among the sea of elegant gowns and dark manes, you saw someone whom you had only heard from in gossip and ballads. For a moment, you wonder what had brought the infamous white wolf to such a feast, but, putting two and two together, you immediately deciphered the reason for his attendance. 
The Witcher was sitting a few tables away from you, observing the crowd with an expression that seemed to convey no emotion. In a sip, you finished your drink and decided to approach him, with the intention of thanking him for saving your people. At least, that's what you told yourself, but the wine was already beginning to make you feel bolder. 
You walked to where he sat and stood in front of him. 
"Geralt of Rivia, it is an honor to have you here tonight. I'm princess Y/N Y/L/N,” you greeted.
He huffed, but put his beer down and gave you a polite nod. "Your highness, the honor is mine."
Grabbing another glass of wine from a servant who was walking around the room with a tray, you continued, and proceeded to sit next to the witcher. 
Slightly leaning on the table, you spoke with a velvety voice, "truth be known, I did not come here to greet you. It has come to my attention that, earlier today, you had an encounter with his majesty, king Aldestair."
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about, your highness,” he spoke almost mechanically, proceeding to take a swing from his beer. 
His bored eyes scanned you, but still, you could not read him. Only one thing you knew for sure; he was lying. 
“I appreciate what you’re doing, but please don’t pretend with me. Not only did you save my people, but one of my closest friends, who I assume paid for your silence. So, thank you,” you smiled, a gesture to which he responded with the corners of his lips slightly lifting.   
“No thanks needed,” he spoke unbothered, with a voice that was no longer forced.
Yet, you persisted. “How rude would it be for me to leave such great service unrewarded? As I said, you saved my kingdom.”
“You’re welcome, your highness", he sighed, knowing better than to defy you once more; for you did have quite a reputation for being stubborn. "However, his majesty already paid for my service.” 
“I insist, there must be something the crown can give to you in return for your heroics. Is it lands, is it wealth?; say the word, and it’s yours.”
“No heroics”, he scoffed.
Your eyes drifted off to his now empty pint. “At least let me offer you  another beer, in exchange you could grace me with some conversation.”
As soon as he accepted your offer, afraid he would change his mind, you called a waiter. Once you had a drink in hand, talking to the stranger was easier; and the conversation began flowing, like the liquid down your throat. 
“So, was your encounter with king Lorenson mere casualty, or were you a part of his little theatrics all along?”
You managed to earn a chuckle from the man across the table, a raspy sound that fitted perfectly with the smoky tone of his voice. “Happened by chance" he assured you. "I was traveling north, to Redania, when I saw his majesty fighting a giant centipede.”
“Fighting, or running from him?," you snickered, still not believing the witcher’s version of the events. “Here’s my guess: Dearest Aldestair was playing hero, miserably failing to do so, when you saw him. You tried to ignore him but at the end did what you do best. However, his majesty wanted credit so he paid for your silence and invited you here tonight as a form of compensation. What I cannot place a finger on is why did you agree to come." You rose a brow, scanning him. "Please, correct me if I’m wrong.”
His lips twitched up, letting hints of amusement pass through his ice facade, “you know his majesty quite well, but the bard’s the one who dragged me here; no offense.”
“None taken, it is clear that such a feast is not your type of scene; you seem more, I don’t know, of the closed-off type. In fact, we could continue this conversation elsewhere, if you’d like.” You rose to your feet, stumbling slightly, and extended a hand his way. 
As a response, his right brow perked up, “Wouldn’t your family have my head?" 
Blushing, you clarified, "nothing obscene, witcher, you have my word.”
Through the dance floor and through the door, avoiding eye contact with your parents or any nosy noble, you guided the witcher to a small table at the end of the kitchen. On it, rested another jar of beer and a roasted chicken. 
A few hours had passed since you had dinner, so your mouth watered and your stomach grumbled at the sight. As there was only one chair at the table, you sat on the edge of the nearest counter, fixing your skirt so that it hung neatly. After stretching enough to take hold of one of the legs. You took a bite and prompted Geralt to do the same. 
“Be my guest.”
Reluctantly, he sat down, less tense but still not fully trusting. He looked at the meal suspiciously but helped himself to another beer. 
“Thank you, your highness, for sharing your hiding spot.” 
His amber gaze practically pierced you. You blushed but hid it well behind a glass of your own.  
"Don’t mind it," you brushed him off, "always glad to have guests. Anyway, how do you know Jaskier? A witcher and a bard aren't exactly what one calls the most likely pair.”
He groaned, grabbing one of the chicken's wings, It's a -."
"Long story? Don't worry, I'm sure we have time." 
Part of Geralt found your curiosity and persistence annoying, but the kindness in your ways was unparalleled. Before he knew, he found himself animatedly speaking to you, not only about his first encounter with the bard, but about a few of his hunts, and a few stories of your own. As you talked, you ate until you had your fill; but, before you'd have liked, duty called once again.
“Time I go back into the ballroom. My family will start offering treasures around if they don’t see me dancing and bouncing like I usually do."  As you spoke, you picked up your plates and placed them on the counter you were previously on; then you took hold of the witcher’s hand. 
Right before you opened the door that led to the party, you stepped on the hem of your skirt and, with a string of courses that your mother would’ve been utterly disgusted by, fell forward, but managed to regain balance just in time. 
Hearing Geralt chuckle behind you, you turned and glared at him; "not all of us have superhuman reflexes and motor skills”.
“That’s what your king charming said when I saved him”, he scoffed. 
“I don’t have a king charming,” you nodded at the guards as you went through the door, “Aldestair’s my sister’s betrothed. More like a brother to me.”
"My apologies, your highness, I had completely forgotten about your courtings with Lord de Barra."
Surprising him and part of yourself, you scoffed, "Lord de Barra is not one that piques my interest, Geralt." 
He hummed, smirking. It was not like him to court someone at a party or a feast, but there was something to you that made it easier. 
You lead him with ease, carefully navigating the crowd to the small balcony at the far end of the room, shielded from the curious looks of your parents’ guests. 
For a moment, you pretended to contemplate the view of the castle grounds but gravitated toward the man beside you.  You stood closer to him than it was appropriate, yet stepped toward him and closed the space between you. 
“What about you, has any lady caught your eye tonight?” you smirked, placing your arm loosely on his shoulders.
"That question has already been answered." One of his arms traveled around your waist and the scent of beer coming from him flooded your breath as he got closer. 
“I, I-” your words and thoughts were cut short by his lips crashing against yours, but the moment was interrupted before it properly began. You separated yourself from him when you heard your name being called from the other side of the room.
Requests open!
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years ago
My Princess
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All good old fashioned fairy tales begin with narration, And this is no exception.
A long time ago, in a land far from here, sat a kingdom. Prosperous, clean and pleasant. And in this kingdom was a king and queen who unpon a winter morn, blessed there kingdom with a baby girl, a princess. However the day after she was born for reasons unknown to the kingdom the princess was sealed away never to be seen again.
Across the kingdom however while all this was going on a family rather wealthy and high standing welcomed a new baby boy, who they named newt. Yet his father already had two older more talented sons and thus newt was left purely to the attention of his mother.
And as in all old fairy tales, not long after his third birthday, his mother died.
The father wanted little to do with the blonde boy so he put him to work as a servent for his elder sons.
I groaned as I turned over trying to avoid the sunlight peering in thought my window hitting me in the eye I turned to face the wall hugging my old pillow tightly nuzzling close to the soft old fabric "uuummm princess..." I groaned holding it closer to me giving my pillow a kiss "good morning.... Uumm I know, I don't wanna get up either. Maybe we should just stay in bed a little while longer"I smirked pulling my pillow closer lightly rubbing myself on it but-
The sound of a thousand bells erupted from my wall so I groaned getting up and getting my clothes on running downstairs to the kitchen quickly making tea and breakfast taking the trays upstairs to my brother's room
"Your late!" They both complain
"I'm sorry the stove wouldn't light" I lied giving them there breakfast and there tea
"Liar! You where slaking!" They yelled
"He was probably off with that dam rat again!" Mark yelled
"He was probably sleeping in dreaming he was snuggling up with a princess again!" Alex yelled
"Shut up!' I complain going to leave
"You'll never get a princess newt! You'll be lucky dad doesn't just marry you off to the whore house, or some old crone!" Mark yelled I sighed shutting there door and going down the hall
"Good morning father" I smiled bringing him his breakfast, his tea and the morning paper
"Ahh newt, your late" he says
"Sorry the stove didn't want to light" I answered
"Very well" he nodded "Don't you have other things to be getting on with?" He asked and I nodded going back down to the kitchens to put on the pots for lunch and dinner once they where going I went around the house cleaning and dusting best I could, as soon as that was done I went out and fed the animals taking the laundry pot with me scrubbing and cleaning all the clothes often having to run inside to do some little task for my family to clean up after them, tie a shoe, get them a drink, I hated it but it's not like I have anywhere else to go, I wouldn't last a day out on the streets atleast this is a roof over my head, once I was done with the laundry I went and inside to start sorting the lunch sorting the soup I but on this morning, once it was done I took it up and severed it to them just as the door knocked my father glared so I went and got it, it was a messenger he handed me a letter and went off so I took it to my father who opened it and looked shocked
"Dear subject of our noble kingdom, all unmarried of age men are invited to a ball this evening to celebrate the birthday of the princess... And she will be choosing her husband" he read "this Is it boys I want you both looking your best one of you is bringing home a princess or so help me I'll roast your cocks on the open fire" he warned and my brother's ran off "what are you just standing around for?" He asked me
"So- so I can go father!" I asked excitedly
"What? You! No, go run there baths, go pick there clothes go on" he said
"But... The letter said all unmarried of age men.... That includes me father. I- I could try to marry the princess, better to have three options then just two?"
"Newt, I could never disprove your mother... But I have doubted since the day you where born that you where my son. Your not going that's final." He says I stormed upstairs to my room ignoring there bells and calls until I couldn't ignore them anymore I went and did the jobs they asked of me bidding them goodbye as they went to the palace I went up to my room feeding my little mouse a bit of biscuit looking at the castle across the way it lit up so beautifully I'd give anything to go...
"Your wish is my command" a voice smiled I jumped out of my skin looking to see a man behind me I pulled my little mouse close to me and screamed in terror "oh god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he says
"W-w-w-ho are you?' I stuttered in fear
"Your fairy godfather you idiot' he laughs messing with my hair
"Fairy what?" I asked "if your my fairy... Godfather, why the hell haven't you helped before? You know my mum died! I've been abused and neglected since she died by my own father, who in fact might not be my father, and me not going to a party is the time you get off your ass to help with my problems?" I complain
"Look kid, were having to stretch alot of fairy tale cliché to get this weird ass plot to work it's really not the time for questioning it" he warns "now you wanna go have a shot at banging a princess or not?"
"Fine" I sighed "but this is really a stretch"
We headed outside and with a wave of a wand I was washed dressed and presentable "whoa! I wish I could have a bath and get dressed with a magic wand that would make life so much easier"
"Its amazing trust me, and your going to need some transport" he says taking my mouse from me
"Hey leave him alone!" I complain but with a flick and some magic dust he was a beautiful white horse that looked very confused "whoa... You uhh you got big Mr mouse. I Uhhh I just like sniffed some ye old
Fairy tail floor cleaner didn't I? I'm on like some kinda trip? Are you just some nutter who broke into my house and is feeding me acid?"
"Two things can be true at once" he shrugs "now go get that girl!" He encouraged...
When I arrived at the palace I was ushered to a huge hall filled with people I felt everyone's eyes on me it was horrible I went through the hordes of people trying to escape to a less populated area when I bumped into someone
"Ooh goodness I'm so sorry" a voice said
"No, no quiet alright it was my fault" I said opening my eyes to see a girl in a beautiful blue dress with a Vail of lace covering her face she had been knocked to the floor as had I so I got up and helped her
"I'm sorry sorry I didn't see you" she says
"No, no really it's quite alright, it's my fault I should have been looking where I was going, I'm very sorry," I told her
"Where were you going?" She asks
"Oh the outer room get our from the masses a bit" i laughed which made her giggle
'likewise, would you mind?" She asks putting up her arm
"Of course not" I smiled letting her take my arm as she lead me to the little side room full of pictures and bookshelves
"I rather like it in here" she says
"The work is beautiful, and there are some amazing books" I said
"I like the quiet" she said "knowone ever comes in here"
"How do you know?" I ask her
"I go here often, I've never heard anyone else here" she smiled "I'm sorry... I should probably get back to the party"
"Well not if you don't want to" I told her
"I don't really want to" she giggled, we sat on a sofa chatting for what felt like forever she held my hand the whole time "I should really go back now, it is my party after all" she says
"Y-your party?" I asked "your the princess?"
"I am, I don't like telling people they tend to treat me differently" she explained
"I understand, my princess"
"Your sweet" she giggled "what's your name?"
"Newt" I smiled "what's your name princess?"
"Y/n" she smiled we sat and chatted for a while more talking about books and things until "newt... You know I'm looking for a husband tonight?"
"I do" I smiled
"Could I show you something?" She asks and I nodded she then slowly pulled back the lace pushing it over her head, she had beautiful hair, a adorable face, a smile that made me smile even more, she had a couple of scars on her cheeks and around her eyes and her eyes ... They where unique.
"Can I ask you what happened to your eyes?" I asked her
"The day after I was born when my family showed me off to the kingdom, someone tried to kill me. They failed but I was blinded"
"Y-your blind?" I asked "ohh you sweet princess"
"I wanted to find someone who didn't care about my eyes, but didn't want me for just my kingdom" she explained
"Y/n... I think your eyes are beautiful" I told her caressing her cheek "could uhh Could I kiss you?"
"I'd be delighted" she smiled I went to kiss her but I heard the chimes of the clocktower
"Im sorry... I have to go" I told her
"No please" she said holding my hand
"I'm so sorry y/n, if you want to see me again.... My name's newt I live on glade drive," I told her giving her head s kiss and quickly getting out the castle and before I even got out the gates everytime changed back so I sighed picking up my mouse and heading home.
I groaned hugging my pillow tightly
"Uuuummmm good morning princess" I smiled kissing my pillow I sighed as I heard the bells so I got up getting dressed "ummm see you later y/n" I smiled giving my pillow a kiss and going down doing all my usual jobs till there was a knock on the door that my father went to get it my brother's following him
"sir we are looking for the boy from last night, the princess has chosen him for her groom" the man said as he came in with y/n in a little light blue dress and her Vail still over her face
"She has!" I asked excitedly
"Quiet you! Excuse him young servent boy" my father said
"Humm he sounds familiar" she said
"Your highness he didn't even attend last night" he said
"Wait he's-" I began but he slapped me to Shut me up she went over holding the hands of each of my brother's
"Are you sure there is knowone else here?" She asked
"Of course not" he said holding my arm tightly and she sadly left with the castle men but I slapped his hand away and ran out
"Y/n!" I yelled going out the door she turned on the garden path "y/n... My princess"
"Newt?" She asked flicking up her Vail I smiled going to her and holding her hands she smiled widely and I caressed her cheek "it is you" she smiled "can you kiss me now?"
"Of course princess" I smiled happily kissing her sweet lips
"Let's go to the castle darling" she smiled
"Yes my princess" I smiled getting the few things I had and letting her take me home.
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soft-stormcloud · 5 years ago
Falling in Love [Royality]
They met outside of a dress shop.
Roman and his friends were passing it when Patton came out, arms full of shopping bags. He was a little flushed, barely noticing them as he started past.
And, of course, Roman had to ask, “Those for a girlfriend?”
Patton had stopped, looking back nervously. He knew he could lie, he knew he should tell the truth; He didn’t say anything.
Roman smiled as his friends rolled their eyes behind him. He shoved his hands in his pockets, his breath fogging against the cold. “They’re for you?” Patton nodded shakily. “Cool. I’m Roman. Want to get a hot chocolate?”
It was like this a lot, and Logan and Virgil never minded. Roman fell easily, and they liked watching it. So when Patton nervously asked about his friends, Virgil had laughed and said he planned on ditching him anyway.
Roman smiled as Patton whined over his burnt tongue in the café. He was so cute, golden hair sticking out in tufts under a white beanie, face still red from the cold. They spent a while talking and laughing, much after they’d finished their drinks, and made plans for lunch later than week. That night, Roman flopped back on the couch, groaning with his head in Logan’s lap, and giddily recalled every moment.
For their lunch date, Patton wore one of the dresses he’d bought- A white one, with black polka dots. He was practically shaking with nervousness as they walked into the restaurant, but Roman slipped his hand into Patton’s and grinned. Patton’s face flushed bright red.
They talked for a while; They talked about Patton’s brothers, and how he hadn’t visited his family in a while and he missed them; About Roman trying to turn his writing into a career, and he worked at a Barnes & Noble for now to keep things together; About their first boyfriends, and a few of Patton’s girlfriends; About Patton being gender fluid and that for him it meant he felt like a boy almost all the time but he still loved conventionally feminine clothes; About how handsome Roman looked; About No, Patton, you’re prettier.
They talked as long as they could, but eventually Roman had to go back to work.
Patton had groaned and complained, “I don’t want to wait another few days to talk to you! Can I have your phone number?”
What had started out as a text every half hour during work quickly turned into four every minute; Over a week, they evolved into phone calls on speaker because they couldn’t stop talking to clean or make food; Over a month, they sent regular videos and Roman spent half his time at Patton’s apartment.
One night, Roman wanted to spend a night in, so he invited Patton over to his apartment for dinner and a few movies. Roman had made a home-cooked meal that Patton adored, gushing over him the entire time, and they cleaned the kitchen together. Patton got soapy water everywhere and Roman kept slipping. Afterwards, they moved to the living room, where Patton begged for them to watch a horror movie Patton hadn’t gotten the chance to watch yet. Roman had been nervous, but agreed. He was never good with horror movies, but Patton had looked so excited.
Patton grinned proudly and made grabby hands until Roman settled on the couch next to him. As the movie played on, Roman got progressively nervous, until he was pressed right against Patton’s side. Patton cooed over him, kissing over his face and hugging him.
Roman ended up with his face pressed into Patton’s neck, giggling every time Patton kissed his head. When the movie was over, Roman peeked his head up and blinked around, disorientated. Patton couldn’t help but grin.
“Roman?” He mumbled, resting his hands on the sides of his neck. “Is it alright if I kiss you?”
Roman’s face had turned bright red, smiling uncontrollably. He nodded happily, and Patton leaned in, pressing their lips together softly. Roman let out a little whine and pulled Patton closer. Patton spent the night, Roman too afraid from the movie to be left alone, and they slept happily cuddled together.
When Roman woke up to the sun sneaking through the windows, Patton tucked against his chest and dressed in one of Roman’s shirts, Roman’s chest filled with glowing happiness.
The next weekend, Roman felt like he would explode if he didn’t dispose of some of his festering emotions- Both good and bad -so he threw a party. He invited Virgil, Logan, and Patton, told them he could invite whoever they wanted, and invited some of his artist and theatre friends. Patton was the first to show up, dressed in a pastel blue flare skirt and a pretty black sweater. He insisted on helping set up the party, and greeted Virgil and Logan when they later arrived with giddy happiness, bouncing on his toes and offering both of them hugs. He squealed in delight when Virgil accepted, tucking his head to his shoulder.
People began arriving fairly quickly; This wasn’t the first of Roman’s parties and people always tended to have fun. For the most part, Virgil and Logan would stick together, while Roman flitted around the room like an excitable butterfly, but Patton managed to keep them all together without anyone getting bored or uncomfortable.
Logan rolled his eyes as Roman set up the karaoke machine, a bunch of people cheering and rushing to get their place. Roman started them off, of course, but instead of flaunting in his usual spotlight for his newest boyfriend, he offered a duet, to which Patton happily agreed. Sometimes Patton was off pitch and Roman did tend to project just a bit too loud, but they were smiling the entire time and they occasionally blended flawlessly.
Logan, Virgil, Patton, and a few others stayed behind after to help clean up, and when Patton stepped out to take out the trash, Virgil and Logan immediately jumped on Roman. They gushed and gushed over how much they loved Patton; Logan pointed out precise actions, words, and characteristics that he found ideal; Virgil rambled and talked himself into corners, constantly using the word “perfect.” By the time they stopped, Patton was back, standing there with a huge smile and tears in his eyes.
Virgil flushed crimson and Logan stuttered a bunch, but Patton just rushed forward and planted a kiss on Roman’s lips. They laughed, and went back to cleaning.
It was a month later, in the thick of January, when they started leaving notes around. Roman had been having a rough day; He’d bombed an audition, run into a massive case of writer’s block, got an awful review on a short story he’d posted, and everything he tried to create turned out like crap. Patton came over, worried when Roman ignored all of his texts, to find him hunched over his laptop, on the verge of a panic attack.
Patton made him something to eat and dragged him practically kicking and screaming away from the laptop to cuddle and nap. Patton woke him up after an hour and had him tell Patton about his day, what was wrong, and how could he help? Patton stuck around for a little bit longer after Roman went back to work, in case he started to get overwhelmed again, but inevitably went home. Roman was about to make dinner when he found the note stuck to the fridge.
Hello, my prince! You better be about to make something to eat! I know today was hard but you’re still the bravest, smartest, most creative person I know and I love you! If you come over tomorrow, we can take a day off and watch movies and stuff. Please don’t work too late! Get some sleep!
<3 Patton
The next day, after hours of Disney movies and cookies, Roman went to hug Patton, only to stuff a note in his back pocket. Patton yelped, squeaking out, “Hey!” Roman had chuckled and kissed him softly, and Patton melted into it.
Patton texted Roman a few hours later,
Oh, I see! It’s on! >:D <3
From then on, notes were scattered everywhere. They sometimes found notes weeks old, but every time they got huge, giddy smiles and didn’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the day.
On Valentine’s Day, Patton woke up before Roman and slipped out of bed to sneak down to his car and retrieve Roman’s present. He hid it in the kitchen and got back into bed. Later, when Roman was fixing his hair and getting ready for their date, Patton presented the flower crown. It was made of deep, rich red roses. Roman lit up when he saw it; He changed his whole outfit to coordinate with it.
They spent all day out; Roman took him to the park to feed the birds, to lunch at a quiet restaurant, to an outdoor concert where they picked dandelions, and back to the park to stargaze with a picnic they packed together. Patton introduced Roman to everyone they talked to as his prince.
Patton slowly became more and more a part of the group. He lasted as Roman’s longest relationship and longer. He was able to give Logan attention on subjects the other two didn’t understand or weren’t interested in, and could comfort Virgil with anxieties the others couldn’t relate to. He made them all ridiculously happy, and he loved them just as much.
Roman fell easily; Logan and Virgil were both aware of this, and adored him for it. There was nothing sweeter than watching Roman fall in love.
If you like my work, please consider donating a few bucks to my PayPal (paypal.me/chemically) or Venmo (maxgraybooks)
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mintdrop · 5 years ago
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Routines ;; 2008 words
Everyone has a routine; the same pattern of things they do every day, rarely diverting lest they upset the flow of their day-to-day habits -- a change often leading to feelings of anxiousness, as if something is off. For the warrior of light and the azure dragoon, it was no different. As Peppermint addressed dinner, Estinien would take the first bath of the evening; given that both of them had enough hair to hide a small creature (or in Mint’s case, several), they each needed more time than normal to attend to it. The Elezen didn’t take nearly as long as the Lalafell did, and was often ready by time supper was done -- he would take care of clean-up while Mint began fighting the battle against her hair. When she was done, he would help her comb it out, the two making idle small talk and simply enjoying each other’s company while it was brushed and braided into two buns atop her head.
Some days, an event would make their evening routine impossible.
Seeing that she was now a permanent resident of Ishgard, the warrior of light received a near-constant stream of invites to balls and parties, all held by the noble families that made the city-state what it is. While she didn’t mind them, Mint wasn’t one to attend each gala, often citing scion duties or previous engagements. It worked fairly well, but sometimes a remark would pass by Count Edmont’s ears; he would mention it in passing, and Mint would attend the next event if only to make sure the noble would be content for a bit. Estinien was her plus-one, to make sure that she wasn’t overwhelmed -- his cold gaze was good for scaring off those who would hound her with a stream of questions and requests.
Tonight was one such night, and the moment they had crossed the threshold to their small cottage, a sigh of relief was breathed in unison. The Lalafell stepped out of her heels the second the door had closed behind them, gently kicking them towards the nearby wall - she could put them away properly in the morning. “Perhaps next time, I’ll ask Tataru to help me put an outfit together around some boots…” She pulled off her coat as she dragged herself through the kitchen, draping it over one of the chairs that sat at the table. “Or maybe I’ll get lucky, and the next noble will throw some kind of pajama party.”
“As if the snooty nobles of Ishgard would be caught in anything less than their finest silks.” The Elezen snorted behind her, his coat somehow finding its way to the hook on the wall after a leisurely toss; unintended, but he’d say it was planned. Just as the two were to make their way downstairs, Estinien paused. “Totomi, wait. Didn’t Aymeric say he needed to give you something before you left?” He looked down at the Lalafell, whose face was clouding over with regret. “You didn’t see him before we departed, did you?”
“I… forgot.” The groan that filled the stairwell might as well have been classified as an undead wail as she turned on her heel. “I suppose he’s still there. I’ll go back.” She barely made it a step past Estinien before he stuck out his leg to block her path.
“I’ll go, it’ll be faster. I doubt it was something confidential if he was mentioning it there. You already look -- and sound -- like the spirit of a vengeful maiden.” His statement made Mint huff, and while he didn’t show it, he enjoyed her reaction to his tongue-in-cheek remark. “We don’t need you scaring random citizens in the streets. Take this time to soak your weary bones.” He nudged her back towards the stairs before turning back to the door, grabbing his coat once more.
She couldn’t muster any energy to argue it; she already knew she wouldn’t win, even if she wasn’t dead tired. “I’ll have your bath ready for you, then.” She called it out just as he closed the door before pulling herself down the stairs. With each step closer to the washroom, something was plucked from her hair -- mostly bobby pins. If you’d lined them up end-to-end, they might as well go from one end of Eorzea to the other. While she took caution in pulling off her dress (Tataru would give her an earful if it ended up wrinkled), everything else was thrown to the wind, and she thanked the Twelve that the two of them had such a large bathtub, though she supposed she should thank the fact that her partner was longer than he was wide and couldn’t fit in their old tub.
It took about an hour for Estinien to return; Aymeric had already left the party, and had to be tracked down back at the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly. He’d felt bad that Estinien had come looking for him; he had simply wanted to give the warrior of light a gift from another party-goer who had been too shy to face her up-close -- nothing that couldn’t be done the day after. As he made his way downstairs, he tossed it to the Lalafell just as she turned to acknowledge his arrival, her hands fumbling to catch it as they freed themselves from the large braided bun she had finished pinning to her head. “A gift from a noble miss… something-or-other. I forgot her name.”
As Estinien made his way to the washroom -- the steam that greeted him when he opened the door was like his personal doorway to heaven, -- Mint opened the box; inside was a large hair bow, ornately decorated with all sorts of gemstones and glittery bits. It was beautiful! Whoever this noble miss something-or-other was, Mint would have to find out and thank her personally; ribbons were her favorite accessory. Closing the box back up as if to protect it from the evil dangers of cold Ishgardian air, she smiled before returning back to the task at hand; braiding the rest of her hair.
By time she had finished, Estinien emerged from the washroom, his sleepwear just barely clinging to his hips and his wet hair flayed over the towel that hung over his shoulders. Mint had seen him shirtless (or worse) countless times, yet she still tended to get rosy-cheeked whenever she saw him. But, just like those times, her eyes would gloss over the numerous scars that littered his physique, even more-so when his back was turned; just below his shoulder blades sat a scar that gave her goosebumps just to gaze at -- she couldn’t begin to imagine what had happened to cause it.
“Say, Estinien.. Can I comb your hair tonight?” The question caused an eyebrow to raise, and the Elezen stared at her as she scrambled to find an excuse other than the fact that she wanted a better look at his back; she very rarely got the chance because of how their nightly routine would go. “You always help me since I take the last bath! So, er..” She trailed off, her gaze dropping to her hands before she jumped to stand up. “It’s only fair! ...Right?”
The dragoon shrugged and took a seat at the edge of their shared bed, ever so slightly shifting with the mattress as the Lalafell jumped on and stood up, causing it to creak. Her hands reached around his neck to gently pull back his hair, the chill from their environment causing a shiver to run up his back as they met with the stark contrast of his still-warm skin. At first, the two spoke as they often did, snide remarks of the nobles at the party being met with giggles or gasps at how he could say such things so freely. He would admit that the feeling of someone else combing through the tangles of his hair felt.. different compared to when he did it by himself; nice, even. But after a few minutes, something felt off. The comb was running through his hair slower and slower, and the idle chatter from the woman behind him seemed to thin out into nothingness. “Totomi?”
The hairs on his neck stood on end as he felt her hand gently run over the scar that she’d been staring at earlier. “Estinien.. did it hurt?” Her voice was barely above a whisper, and he fought the urge to sigh; she’d grown accustomed to the scars that sat upon his abdomen, but it never occurred to him that she’d never seen the other side. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted. “How many are from protecting me? Do you… do you regret any of them?” Her fingers fell into the dip of the scar as she spoke, as if trying to assess just how much of his flesh had been lost. He wanted to turn, to face her, but he already knew that she would ask him not to.
“If it were for you, I would take as many as needed to keep you safe.” He spoke matter-of-factly, as if he were answering a question designed for a child. “If it were my life for yours, I would--” His words were halted by a loud “Stop!”, and a small fist punching at his shoulder.
“Don’t! Don’t say that. Don’t ever.” Her voice shook, and her hand fell from his back as the dragoon spun to face her. Her head hung low, and her eyes were obscured by her bangs, but anyone could tell that tears were fighting to adorn her face. “I’d never forgive you. I would rather… I-it should be me that…” Her battle against her own emotions was lost, and tears spilled onto the blankets beneath them. Memories rushed back of the incident at the Vault, and she shook as Estinien took her face within his hands, forcing her to look him in the eyes. “I can’t heal the dead! So don’t ever die! I can save you if you’re not dead.”
Her words made no sense, but he understood what she was trying to convey. His face was apologetic, but he said nothing. He simply pulled her forward, kissing at her cheeks, her eyes -- anywhere there might have been tears. “I’m not so foolish as to go getting myself killed. It was a hypothetical; I’m sorry, Totomi.” Pressing their foreheads together, he let her cry, waiting until she let out a shaky sigh to press a kiss against her lips. “I’m not going anywhere. The scars are nothing but reminders of battles won. I can promise you that I did not even notice them when I was struck.”
Bringing her hands to wipe at her eyes, Mint nodded. She pulled apart from him, feeling sorry for herself that she had so easily begun to cry; was it because she was tired? For her own sake, she assumed so. She lifted the comb that she had been gripping onto -- her knuckles white from the force she’d put into keeping it in her grasp -- and gently ran it through the Elezen’s bangs. “I know. I’m sorry. I--”
He grabbed at her wrist, stopping her in her tracks. “Do not apologize; there is no reason to.” He pulled the comb from her hand, flinging it off to Twelve-knows-where along with the towel that had still sat upon his shoulders. “It’s late, and the air is starting to chill.” Not bothering to extinguish the already-dying flame of their fireplace, Estinien pulled himself onto the bed, bringing Mint with him towards the pillows. She said nothing, waiting until he had gotten himself comfortable within the blankets before laying down beside him, head resting between his bicep and chest. No more words were needed between the two, and though the Lalafell quickly slipped into slumber, her hand kept a tight grip on the Elezen’s. She wanted nothing more than to make sure he would still be there when she woke up.
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sirrriusblack · 5 years ago
Merry Fucking Christmas
Prompt: Sirius spends Christmas with the Lupins.
Thanks @wholesome-gay for the prompt.
Okay, so um I took a very angsty turn on this and I’d like to apologise because I think I just ruined Christmas but I hope you like it? Also, this went a bit longer than I meant for (by a couple thousand words oop), but uh… oh well? And I’m sorry it took so long, I think we can understand why.
tw for child abuse and homophobia
* * *
I had to keep myself in check. That’s what Remus had told me the week before when we’d gotten the invitation. Remus’ parents had invited us over for Christmas dinner. Well, they’d invited Remus, and Remus had insisted I come with him. It wasn’t like I had anything to do; we’d all gone to James and Lily’s place last night, had woken up and spent Christmas morning together, our first one since we’d graduated. We’d had lunch too, and I swore, I’d never been more grateful to see my friends alive, happy, healthy, starting the next chapter of our lives despite the looming war. But I was free for dinner. Regulus had sent a letter by owl, wishing me a Merry Christmas, but saying nothing about the formal dinner and party my family held each year, only the most noble and salient of their friends invited. So I’d agreed to go with Remus. Even though I didn’t understand why he was going. He always gave them more chances, always sat around and waited for them to attack him, to reopen the wounds that had just started to heal. I also didn’t know why he was bringing me. His parents knew about us, knew we were together, knew how we planned to keep it that way whether they agreed or not. But bringing me was only adding fuel to the fire. Maybe that was the point. Maybe Remus hadn’t forgiven them, but was finally going back there to give them a large ‘fuck you’ and leave. Maybe. But either way, I had to keep myself in check.
“Sirius, we have to go,” Remus called out from James and Lily’s front door. I grimaced in the mirror at the thought of smiling and shaking the hand of the man that had put Remus through that hell. Shaking my head, I stepped out of the bathroom and walked up to Remus. He looked me up and down.
“What were you doing in there?” he asked. “I thought you were getting changed!” Remus’ eyes were wide, probably as he realised the mistake he’d made in inviting me. 
“No, I was practicing my smile, you know, preparing to keep myself in check.” I smiled a small smile at Remus and chuckled while he kept looking me up and down. “What?” I looked down at what I was wearing, what I’d been wearing all day. I had a black denim jacket on over a burgundy turtle neck, a pair of black Levi’s and cherry red Doc’s. “It’s not like I’m wearing a studded mankini. I mean, I could if you want. Prongs might even have one in his room. Hey Lily—“ Remus flashed his teeth, not able to contain his smile, but still looked at me sternly.
“I’d love to see that one day, Sirius, but maybe not at a Christmas dinner with my parents, okay?” Remus said. Peter yelled out from the kitchen as I frowned.
“You two are disgusting! Leave already!” He had food in his mouth, I could hear it. I smiled, and even though I couldn’t see him, I knew him and James were in there, making their ‘secret recipe’ red velvet cake, stuffing more of the mix in their mouths than in the actual tray. Lily walked toward us, down the hallway, shaking her head and smiling to herself. 
“Ignore those two idiots. You’ll be fine, Remus, Sirius is presentable enough.” I smirked at Remus, poking him in the rib. He dodged it and glared at me.
“Don’t get a big head. ‘Presentable enough’ doesn’t sound like much of a compliment, you twat,” he grinned. Lily hummed before she handed Remus his coat and kissed us both on the cheek before walking back down to those two idiots.
“She’s right, Remus, it’ll be fine,” I told him, grabbing the bottle of wine I’d brought for his parents off of the table by the door. Remus smiled at me, a tight smile, obviously forced. I grabbed his hand and linked it with mine.
“Why are you even going?” I whispered the question. Remus’ eyes clouded for a moment. With his free hand on the door handle, he looked up at me, and there was so much— so, so much in those amber eyes that I couldn’t take it all in at once. 
“I... I don’t know,” he admitted. I reached my own free arm forward and pushed his hair away from his face. “I don’t want to, but I feel like... like I have to. At least one more time.” To see if they were really worth forgiving. I understood. It was the same reason I’d gone back every time. To see if I could deal with the pain, the screaming, the alcohol; if for nothing else, then for Regulus. But for me... it was too much. I guessed we’d see how much Remus could handle.
“Love, I’m here for you, no matter what. And if you want to go home right now, I’m happy to.” I reached for his other hand. “We can lie in bed, watch a movie, maybe... do some other things.” I whispered the last part, not doubting how dramatic Pete’s reaction would be. Remus grinned, a light in the darkness around us. “But if you want to go to your parents’, for whatever reason, I’m fully here for you on that, too.” I squeezed his hands and reached past him to open the door. He turned and walked out in front of me and we both called out goodbye before I shut it behind us. Remus, still holding onto one of my hands, grimaced when he turned to face me, shivering from the cold.
“So what will it be, Mr Lupin?” I asked, pulling him closer by the waist. Remus grinned, the smile so bright and I just... I had to kiss him. Remus kissed me back, some hint of warmth beneath the snow falling around us. I felt him smile against my lips.
“While I’d love to go home and do that for a long,” he raised his eyebrows, “long time, I think I need to go to my parents’” he explained, his eyes solemn. I nodded. I’d just have to keep myself in check.
* * *
We apparated to the gate of the Lupin’s house. It was very... perfect. White picket fence, a neat lawn, trimmed roses. 
“Mum likes to garden. She picked it up as an excuse to go do something while Dad... um.” Remus’ voice got thick and I squeezed his hand, even though all I wanted to do was storm in there and— I had to keep myself in check. “Yeah, she likes it,” he finished, clearing his throat. I nodded. We stood in silence for a moment before Remus spoke again. “It’s like a trap,” he whispered. I looked at him. There was pain in his eyes, and all I wanted was to see it gone, to be able to take that pain for him. 
“What?” I asked instead.
“It’s so perfect. Which is absolute bullshit because there’s a cage in there. There’s a cage in there for a monster.” Remus ran his hands through his hair. “Fuck.” I put my arm around his lower back. 
“We can go, whenever you want. Just say the word.” I told him, just so he knew. Just so he didn’t feel trapped, so he didn’t get stuck back in that cage. I knew how it felt to go back there. I knew how much it hurt. Remus nodded, but opened the gate anyway. 
His mother opened the door on the second knock, something between a smile and a wince on her face. Lyall stood behind her. He seemed... normal. So fucking normal that it hurt. Here it was, the day I would finally meet the asshole that was Remus’ dad and he was just... so average. His eyes met mine and travelled down, right to where my left hand was linked with Remus’. I made to let go, to calm the storm before it happened, but Remus held on tight. Lyall’s mouth twitched.
“Remus, honey, hello!” Hope finally seemed to register it all, and hugged Remus. When she came over to me, I wrapped my right arm around her and kissed her cheek, hating every second of how close I was to her. “And you must be Sirius. Remus has um, talked... a lot about you.” I almost scoffed at that. Remus had told me all that had happened the Summer he came out to his family. I would have called it far from talking.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs Lupin.” I paused for a moment to reach my free hand out to Remus’ father’s to shake it. He locked eyes with me and slowly reached his hand out, like he was taming a wild animal. I quickly grabbed his hand and shook it, wanting nothing more than to get away from him and his—aura. “And you, Mr Lupin. I’ve heard... a lot about you two as well.” I didn’t explain further. Let them figure out what I knew and what I didn’t. His father glared down at our linked hands like they were a threat to his life. Remus smiled tightly at his father, that and a curt nod the only greeting he deigned to give him. Lyall didn’t seem to care. He only nodded in return and walked back down the hallway. Hope winced.
“Please, uh, come in.” Remus and I followed his mother down a narrow hallway. The inside of their house was much like the outside, perfect and welcoming and homey. I thought about what Remus had said, about the cage somewhere in here and I almost shuddered. Remus had been trapped in that cage. Not just during the full moon. I remembered that conversation like it was yesterday. It was the day I’d found out about it all. That the scars on his body weren’t just from his lycanthropy. And I promised him that he’d never come back here, that I’d never let him. 
* * *
Hope led us to the dining room and took a seat across from the two places she motioned for us to sit at. The food was already at the table, still steaming. Remus cleared his throat. “So, how have you—” he was cut off by a gruff voice.
“Who wants whiskey?” Lyall walked into the dining room from a different door then the one we’d entered through. He was holding a bottle of amber liquid and three glasses. Remus rolled his eyes.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea Dad.” Remus said. He was clutching my hand under the table, so hard his knuckles were white. Lyall raised his eyebrows. 
“No?” he asked. His voice was thick with disdain. “Alright then, no whiskey for you.” He put the bottle on the table and took the seat at the head of the table, between Hope and Remus. Remus flinched—flinched, when his father lifted his arm onto the table to pour his drink. I ran my thumb up and down his hand. “What about you, then?” he asked, looking directly past Remus to me. 
I shook my head. “No, thank you. I don’t drink.” I told him, trying to hide the disgust threatening to leak out. Lyall snorted.
“You don’t drink? Guess alcoholism doesn’t run in the family then. Walburga was real bitch for a drink, wasn’t she?” It was my turn to flinch. 
“Dad,” Remus warned, an edge to his voice. Lyall raised his hands in surrender, a small smile on his face. Remus let go of my hand when Hope opened her mouth to speak, and he held it up to her.
“No, wait.” She closed it again. “Why did you invite me here?” Neither of them answered. He turned on his father. “You have treated me like the furthest thing from a son since I was five. You have abused me, locked me up, and treated me like a monster all because of your fucking pride. What happened to the house? Where are the chains and bloodstains?” Lyall wasn’t even looking at Remus, but staring at me instead, horrified at what Remus was saying in front of me. I looked away from him. “When did you decide that you were going to be the perfect, white picket fence family? And how do you keep up that act? This house is a fucking mask. It’s a fucking mask and its hiding the worst monster I’ve ever encountered. And I’m not talking about me.” Remus’ face was red and tears were falling from his eyes. I grabbed his hand again, not deigning to look to his father for a reaction.
“Remus, honey, you have to understand—“ I would give anything to make sure I was never on the opposite end of Remus’ current gaze. Hope had every right to look scared at the anger in her son’s eyes. But Remus also had every right to be that angry.
“No, you don’t get to tell me how to feel, okay? You did nothing but trim your fucking rosebushes while he,” Remus’ arm flung out in his father’s direction, “locked me in a cage for days on end and starved me. You’ve whispered just as many insults and slurs as he’s yelled, so you don’t get to sit around and act like you played no part in the abuse of your son.” The room was silent for a moment, everyone locking eyes with everyone. Remus had told me to keep myself in check, so I sat beside him and I kept stroking his hand, offering the only comfort I could muster. Lyall finally broke the silence. His chair creaked when he pushed it back and stood up, standing at the same height as Remus but still intimidating enough.
“Don’t you ever,” his lip pulled back from his teeth as he stepped closer to Remus, “talk to your mother and I that way again.” I had to keep myself in check. I understood it now. Why Remus came tonight. He wanted the last word. He wanted to tell them exactly what he thought and be done with it—with them—forever. When he’d told me to keep myself in check it wasn’t because he thought I’d be a dick, but because he knew exactly what I wanted to scream at them right now, knew exactly how I’d act if a certain ass-wipe of a father tried to intimidate his adult son, yet again. “And while you’re at it,” Lyall continued, the same sneer still on his face, directed at me this time, “get your faggot hands off of him.” 
“So now, what? You’re forbidding me from holding my boyfriend’s hand?”
“He’s not your boyfriend.” Lyall said through clenched teeth.
“Why not? Because he’s a guy and you don’t condone it? Or because I’m not human enough to have a boyfriend? I’m half a monster, right, dad? That’s what you used to tell me when I went to sleep at night. Instead of a lullaby or a bedtime story, I’d get a fucking lecture on how disgusting my kind is.” I’d never seen Remus like this, laughing and angry and hurt all at the same time. I wanted to help him, I wanted to do something other than sit here, stroking his hand. Lyall ignored Remus. He completely brushed off all that he’d said as he looked at me again.
“I said, get your hands off of my son you fa—“ Remus exploded. He yelled louder than I’d ever heard him yell and stood up out of his chair.
“I stopped being your son the second you let that belt hit my skin, you sick bastard!” Calm, ‘avoid conflicts at all cost’ Remus, was screaming. I wanted to grab him, to leave, to hold him while he sobbed and let everything out. “I don’t even know why I came back to this shithole,” he exclaimed, walking out of the dining room. “Merry fucking Christmas!” he yelled, and slammed the door. The room was silent for a moment while I stood up. I reached over and downed Lyall’s glass of whiskey, before I turned to walk away. When I reached the threshold I turned back to face the both of them. These were the people who had abused and tortured Remus, who had taught him what pain was beyond the measure of his monthly transformations. I smiled at them.
“Merry Christmas, I hope you both rot in hell.” They said nothing as I walked back down the hallway and out the front door.
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riseandshinelittleblossom · 6 years ago
Hoping for Home~ Ch. 3- Coming Home
Summary: Sixteen years ago Libby Scott was supposed to become Queen of Cordonia, but Fate had other plans. Catch up here (ya know ya wanna).
Song for this chapter: “Coming Home” by Gwyneth Paltrow
Disclaimer: I don’t own the TRR characters, they own me
Tags: @fullbeaumonty @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley @leelee10898 @ao719 @hopefulmoonobject @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @choiceswreckedme @indiacater @noey718-blog @carabeth @daniv2278 @cosigottahavefaith  @gibbles82  @innerpostmentality @blackcoffee85 @perfectprofessorherokid  @darley1101 @jovialyouthmusic @liamxs-world @thequeenofcronuts @blznbaby @stopforamoment @zilch3382 @wannabemc2 @jlouise88
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   Two days had passed since Libby's impromptu dinner with Drake, and they had been some of the hardest of her life. There had been so much talking. She talked with the twins about her past answering any and all questions they had.
   Will hadn't had many, except he wanted to know the names of his potential fathers. Libby had found him asleep at his computer desk later, articles about Maxwell and Liam and anything Cordonia-related splashed across his screen.
  Emma had been much more receptive, hungrily taking in the story of how she and her brother had come to be. “It sounds like a fairy tale. King's and assassins and, Mom, you're a Duchess! It's so exciting.” Emma had mused, and Libby didn't have the heart to tell her life in Cordonia was anything but a fairy tale.
    Drake and McKenzie had been back to her house on both days. She and Drake had talked about any and everything under the sun that didn't involve their shared past.  She complained about the harder parts of business ownership and he'd told her all about working on his mother's family ranch.
    Last night he'd come bearing a bottle of single malt whiskey and the throbbing in her head reminded her that they had indeed finished it.  
  As she made her way into the living room, headed for the kitchen, she found the pull out couch she'd made up for Mack and Drake had been put away. The linens and pillows we're folded and neatly stacked on the armchair and McKenzie smiled from her seat on the couch watching TV.
    Libby followed the smell of fresh brewed coffee and pancakes to find Drake over the stove wearing her brown and tan fox apron as he scrambled some eggs.
   “Who are you?” She asked him.
   He wiped his hands on the apron and poured her a cup of coffee which she accepted, walking past him to the fridge in search of cream.
    “It's me and Mack's last day here, so I wanted to thank you for sharing your home with us the past couple of days.” He said simply.
   Libby swiped a piece of bacon from the stack next to the stove when something caught her eye on the fridge. A cheap magnetic “grocery list” pad hung on the door and she noticed Drake had scrawled 'eggs, bacon, orange juice’ at the top. At the bottom he'd written three phone numbers. He noticed her confusion so he piped up, “The top one is mine. Then Liam's. Maxwell's is at the bottom. Just in case.”
    After breakfast Libby tore off the page that hung on the fridge. Drake refused to let her help him and Mack wash the dishes so she excused herself, taking her coffee with her to sit on the back porch.
     Her hands flew over her phone as she punched in the last number on the paper. It rang twice and then there was an answer.
   Libby froze her heart pounding so hard in her chest she thought her ribs may break.
    “Hello? Is somebody there?”
   Her head was spinning as she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.
  “Okay I'm hanging up now. Have a nice evening.”
   Libby panicked. “M-Maxwell? Maxwell Beaumont?” She squeaked.
   She heard his familiar chuckle through the phone. “You're speaking to him. May I ask who's calling?”
   Her eyes went wide. What was she supposed to say?
   “Sorry I didn't mean to bother you. I-I just..” she stammered but he interrupted her.
   “Libby? Is that you?” he sounded mystified.
   “How did you get this number? Hello? Libby?”
    In all of her life she had never smashed the end call button so fast.
     Chest heaving and eyes as wide as sand dollars she gulped her coffee, kicking herself for even attempting that call. She peered inside her French doors to see Drake was still washing dishes, so she picked up her phone and made another call.
   “Libby! I'm so happy to hear from you! How're the twins?” Hana’s bright voice answered.
   “They're great. How's Abel? How're you?”
   “Everything is fantastic here, Abel and me included.”
   “Good...guess what I'm looking at right now.” Libby laughed.
   “Um...a coffee mug?”
   Libby could visualize Hana checking her wristwatch, noting the early hours in the States.
   “Drake Walker. Washing my dishes.”
   “OHMIGAWD! Libby, I didn't say a word! How did he find you?”
  “Relax, Hana. It was total coincidence. But seeing him again has made me think… the twins are turning 16 in 6 weeks. It's Cordonian custom to introduce noble heirs to court before their 16th birthday right?”
  “Spot on, Lib.” She was quiet a few moments before she continued. “Are you sure about this?”
  “I'm not sure about anything anymore, to be honest. Seeing Walker has really messed things up around here,but the twins want to know. Can you pull off a ball in 6 weeks time?”
  “Consider it planned, Duchess.” Hana giggled. “I can't wait to see you. Um, but do you want me to invite-?”
  “The King and Queen, of course. The Duke and Duchess of Ramsford. And it's Lord. The whole court, Hana. I'm prepared to face them.” Libby lied.
Ramsford, Cordonia - present day
     Maxwell stared down at his phone, heart slamming against his ribs. His first thought had been to immediately dial the number back. If it really was Libby she likely wouldn't answer anyway. He had played this game with her before, and although he was persistent, in the end he'd conceded.
    He frowned at his glass of red wine, suddenly feeling like tonight this just wasn't going to be strong enough. He plucked a bottle of bourbon from his bar cart pouring himself a few fingers worth, sipping it slowly as his mind traveled to thoughts of Libby Scott.
Ramsford, Cordonia 16 years ago
        “...your quickstep is a little…” Maxwell started.
   “Slow. Again.” Bertrand commanded and Libby and Maxwell once more got into the starting position.
   Not that he needed to be told to wrap his arms around her. He was more than happy to dance with her as many times as his brother saw fit.
  Everything about Libby Scott was intoxicating-Her laugh, her shampoo, the way the ballroom lights twinkled in her eyes- and Maxwell was suiting up for a hangover he may never recover from.
  She'd stolen his heart right away, on that first night in New York. In the beginning he had thought it was only a school boy crush, but all the time they'd spent together during the social season had solidified something within him, and now he couldn't get enough.
   He found himself becoming less and less willing to share her, hoarding every second they could possibly be together. He was even starting to resent Bertrand for hanging around so much, although the two of them were training her in all manner of courtly etiquette.
   Bertrand's phone rang as Maxwell and Libby spun.
  “I have to take this, but don't stop dancing. Lady Scott must be in perfect form by the time the engagement tour begins.”
   As soon as his brother was gone, Maxwell pulled her closer, much closer than was appropriate for a courtly dance.
   “I thought he would never leave.” He whispered in her ear, earning himself a small laugh from his beloved. She twisted her face to meet his, their lips and noses brushing as she spoke.
  “And what will you do with me, Lord Beaumont, now that our babysitter is gone?”
  He smirked and pressed his lips to hers, savoring the taste.
  Her actions begged to deepen the kiss, and he parted his mouth to oblige, their tongues rolling together in a frenzy.
  No longer were they twirling, they were simply standing in the near center of the ballroom with their bodies clasped so closely together that Maxwell couldn't tell where he ended and Libby began. The rest of the world melted away as he tangled his long slender fingers through her fiery hair. Time seemed to stand still in that moment, until the sound of someone loudly clearing their throat dragged Maxwell back to reality.
   The couple parted with a loud *smack,* whirling around to find Bertrand looking somewhere between angry and appalled.
   He squared his shoulders and adjusted his blazer sleeves. “Lady Libby, I believe that's enough practice for right now. I'd like to have a moment alone with my little brother, please.”
   En route to Cordonia - Present day
    Will tapped Emma's shoulder as he slouched down in his seat. She pulled her earbuds out and quirked a brow at him.
  “What do you think they're gonna be like?” he asked, fiddling with his fingers, his voice barely above a whisper. Emma snuggled down into her chair, now level with her twin.
   “Well you read all about them. You tell me.”
    Will fingered his shoelace, twirling it between his fingers. After a few moments he replied, “I think that King Liam is pragmatic. I like a lot of the equality policies he's put into place since he became king. The general consensus throughout Cordonia seems to be that he's a wise and fair king.
   Lord Beaumont finished fourth in his class at Cordonia University. He speaks seven languages and he has a Master's degree in political science. A minor in accounting. So he seems intelligent. I found a few articles about him in Trend Magazine back around the time we were born. He's been married twice. There were rumors that he was a drunk and a party guy.” Will shrugged.
   “It sounds like we'd be lucky to have either man be our dad.” Emma told him. “But they're still just articles. The authors likely don't know Lord Beaumont or the King personally. We should be open to giving them both a chance when we meet them.”
   Will sighed heavily, his head lolling to the side as he peered out window.
  “I don't mean to be rude, but you know I have met both the King and Lord Beaumont. Liam is my godfather and Max is my uncle. A lot of what you read on click it and in Trend or wherever else is bullshit.” McKenzie said.
   Will whipped his head in her direction as Emma giggled.
  “Well then, tell us what they're really like.” The blonde girl prompted.
    McKenzie picked at a loose thread in the hole on her jeans.
   “The King is….he has a boyish charm. Everyone adores him. He's fiercely determined and very guarded. I don't mean physically, but his emotions. Even when he's sad he still smiles.
    Uncle Max is seriously the funniest guy in the world. He's constantly like, making silly faces and telling bad jokes, or dancing to music that isn't there. But he's also very serious. Like two sides of a coin. And when you talk to him, he actually hears you. Like he isn't just waiting for his turn to talk ya know?”
   Will stared at her a moment.
   “I just wanna know, ya know? Like who are we? Where did we come from? Why did Mom keep this secret for so long? Last week I barely knew Cordonia was a place and now, I might be the crown prince. You might be the princess. Our mom is a freaking Duchess?” He shook his head. “I'm so pissed off at her.”
   He slammed his knuckles into the armrest causing his sister to jump.
  “Hey. It's okay. I'll be with you the whole time. I won't let my dad take me Away. And Emma will be there too, so you won't ever be alone.” McKenzie told him reaching over Emma to place a hand on Will's thigh.
   He smiled at her. “Thanks. I'm thankful for that.”
   “And Abel. I can't wait to see him.” Emma gushed referring to Hana's son. He and Hana had visited the twins and Libby every summer and Emma had always been particularly close to Abel.
  Will rolled his eyes. “Of course you're excited to see him. You totally have a  crush on Mr-Im-perfect-at-everything.”
  “Hush! All he's ever tried to be is your friend, Will. It's not his fault he beats you at every game.” Emma scolded as her brother mumbled under his breath.
  Libby peered over the back of her seat at her twins.
  “Hey guys look out the window. We're about to fly over Cordonia. They view is breathtaking. It's always been my favorite part of flying in.” She told them.
   Emma lunged across her brother's lap plastering her face against the window. Will reluctantly peeked out too as Libby and McKenzie grinned.
   The waters surrounding Cordonia were pristine and the perfect shade of inviting blue.
   “Wooooooow. It's like something from a storybook. Isn't it beautiful, Will?!” Emma squealed.
   Her brother scoffed, “it's something alright.”
   Libby eyed her son. Although she could tell he was impressed she allowed him to continue to brood. She wished for the millionth time that she knew how to reach him.
  “Can we see Valtoria from here?”he asked.
  Libby shook her head. “Unfortunately it's too far from the airport. But we'll be there soon enough. You're going to love it in particular, Will. Valtoria is heavily wooded, perfect for camping. And there's an outdoor fun park, complete with it's very own paintball field right on the estate grounds.”
   For the first time in days Will actually smiled as he turned from the window to face his mother.
   “Cool.” He commented.
   Emma sat back in her seat as the pilot announced their descent. “Well I can't wait to see it, Mom. Or Aunt Hana, Uncle Mark, and Abel. We've never been to their house before.”
   “Actually,” McKenzie said. “Although they have their own holdings in Whipstaff, a county within Valtoria, Aunt Hana and Uncle Mark live in your house. The estate at Valtoria belongs to the Duchess.”
    The blonde girl smiled as she buckled her seat belt, gripping each armrest. “Even better.”
Cordonian Capital- present day
    Liam snapped his head up from his desk as his wife entered his study, her heels clicking across the marble floors as she marched straight up to his desk. His first instinct told him she was angry, but as she slammed an elegant piece of heavy card stock down on the mahogany surface he caught a wry grin forming at the edges of her lips.
   “Hello, Darling. What have we here?” He asked sliding the paper from under her polished nails.
   “An invitation that you are going to be very interested in seeing.” She remarked, clicking her tongue.
  Liam read over the document three times before he finally looked up at Olivia whose arms were now neatly folded over her chest. “Heirs..?” he said aloud. “There are two of them?”
   The queen nodded. “Apparently so. She sure did take her sweet time starting a family though. And why haven't we heard about a husband? Or hell, even a wife?”
   He tossed the paper on his desk. “I have a summit meeting in Italy the next morning. I don't think we will be able to make it.”
   He removed his glasses, tossing them aside as well.
    “Liam, as your wife I'm telling you that you had better find a way to reschedule that meeting. But as your friend, I'm telling you that if you don't reschedule it I will kill you and make it look like an accident.” A wide smile plastered itself on Olivia's face as Liam chuckled.
   “Ah, Liv. I thought I smelled a hint of treason in the room.”
   “You never really know with me, dear. I think that’s what keeps things interesting.” she sat on the edge of the desk, smoothing her dress over her knees.
  “We have to be there, Liam. I really want to see Libby, and I’ll be damned if I’m going alone.”
   Liam laced his fingers behind his head and leaned back in his chair.
   “I’ll do my best, Darling.” he told her.
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lifeofbouyd · 6 years ago
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The Squirter
Overhearing a conversation in a taxi.
Girl 1: The bwoy hafi nyam mi fi mi cum. No man neva fuck mi mek mi cum yet.
Girl 2: eeeeeee. Yuh life short gyal. Nth like when a man fuck yuh till yuh cum.
Girl 1: Mi jealous bad.
They sat there talking about who fucked them good and who were nothing but one fuck. Who’s dick they sucked and who’s man they took. Within minutes I felt like I’ve known them all my life. I felt las if I was in their bedroom watching them take dick. I couldn’t help but notice girl 1 though, she was the prettiest of the two and seemed to be the youngest. For college girls, they were pretty well done. Makeup on fleek, minks blowing the place and the latest school girl accessories. From the looks of it, they were hype. Not the typical nerdy, book worms. They both wore Desert Clarks which made me realize that they were either from money families, or they had rich boyfriends. I noticed they kept staring at me while they talked. It was as if they wanted me to hear what they were talking about.
Girl 1: Keachia da bwoy yah smell nice eeee man. A wa man like this yuh want gyal.
That’s one way to get her name I said to myself with a smile on my face. A man like me huh? I might just give her the opportunity to date me. Her friend kept sniffing my neck as if she wanted to suck the scent off. I entertained their conversation and took her number for conversational purposes. At least that’s what I told her. I’m my mind I was imagining making her cum for the first time and getting some of those heads she bragged about. I wouldn’t say it’s a requirement, but I’ll take it if it’s given. I love me a “good blow job” and I put emphasis on the word good because some girls really can’t suck dick 🤦‍♂️. Sex for me is a connection, it’s either you’re good at it or not. Most of these girls today sucking dick because they heard their friends talk about it, but they don’t know the basic of dick sucking 101. First off, you don’t suck dick with your teeth, that shit hurts like fuck. Don’t even try that shit with me because I’ll tell you straight up to get the fuck up. Second, you don’t have to make it super sloppy to suck it. All that spitting is useless if the nigga can’t feel shit. It’s just going be a big, sloppy, dead dick down your throat. Makes no sense, does it? Our conversation was simple because we both knew what she needed. Someone to make her cum. Someone to do just more than making her tummy hurt. This has become a major complaint against most men these days. We as men don’t take the time out to make women feel pleased. Once we get an orgasm, that’s it. Some men are just busy eating away like cannibals and providing excellent mouth service, but where’s the dick?
I hadn’t realized how sexy she was until she sent me some sexy pics one night. Chick had me jerking off like crazy. Her body seemed spotless, her nipples stood upright which made it seemed like she always had a bra on, or they just haven’t been pulled on much. I imagined sucking them off while she rides my dick a million times. She had a nice ass, a nice smile, a workout kinda tummy and a really nice buff. On most of the pictures she sent, she was clean shaved. It somehow made her legs spread wide, and you know what they say about slim girls 🙃. “Slim gyal can tek buddy”. In my mind, I had created the perfect sex simulator that would make her cum. I’d start with foreplay to make her want me, then starve her until she begs for the dick. She was very specific with her sexual requests. “You either make me cum or don’t fuck me at all”, she’d say; which sometimes made me doubt myself. She made it sound like making her cum was like going into Iraq for a kingpin with nothing but a knife in a gun nest. She made it seem “impossible”. She wanted me to speed up the process, but as always, I like to make them wait. Build up the suspense between us. I took her out for dinner which she was used to. No one had ever done that for her before, so for a fact I knew she was gonna fall for me eventually. I took her home, bathe her, slept in nothing but my underpants next to her, and didn’t even attempt to fuck her. Another noble gesture that she didn’t expect. She invited me on her school’s trip a week later with expectations that she gets dick in the water. But again, I got her all wet for nothing. She was furious and demanded answers, but I reminded her, patience is key. I could feel the tension in her body, she was dying from the inside, waiting to be set free. Again I invited her over for her birthday surprise. Her friend and I had gotten cake, Henny and some gifts for her. Another noble gesture no one had ever done for her. Her friend had slept next to us that night so I still didn’t fuck her. I left her in bed the next morning to drop her friend off and came back home to her naked in bed. It would seem she couldn’t wait any longer.
We started kissing slowly while I laid between her legs. Slowly moving my waist and bouncing against her buff. She breathed heavily as if she was running out of breath. I kissed her neck and ran my tongue along her shoulders causing her to whine like a snake. From her body reaction, I could tell she was dying. I kept whispering what I’m gonna do to her in her ears which got her even more excited. I rubbed my thumb against her clit, feeling for her wetness. She was dripping. I hopped off and turned the tv on, telling her to get some rest. She flew up furious and turned the tv off. “Mi wi kill yuh blood cloth eno bwoy”. She pushed me back in the bed and flipped my dick in her mouth. No teeth, just mouth, and throat. Obviously, this girl has been sucking dick for a while. She ran her tongue from balls to tip and from tip to balls. She slid it down her throat and moaned as if I was fucking. Hearing her moan and watching her caress my dick made me rock hard. My dick was jumping from all the excitement. I was so horny I didn’t give her a chance to finish. I pulled her to the edge of the bed and rubbed my dick on her clit then slapped it hard several times, causing her to jump. By then her pussy was soaking wet. I slid the head in, moved my waist two times, then took it back out. She held me tight and tried to whine down on. Begging me to put it in. I sucked on her nipples and continuously rubbed her clit with my thumb, bringing her close to climax then stopping. I gave her wet lingering kisses and fucked her with my words. “Please... please baby..... please me, fuck me, kill me.... please” she screamed. I held her hands above her head and slid my dick in slowly, thrusting back and forth in her wetness. She spread her legs wide and I went deeper and faster. “Cum for me, cream this dick, show me you love my dick”. She moaned and screamed and slowly moved her waist to match my pace. With one hand around her neck and the other holding her waist firm, I fucked her hard. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she scratched and bit me all over. Her cream flooded my dick. She vibrated like a ringing phone and started spraying like a broken pipe. (((( breathing heavily )))) “I’m...... I’m fucking.... cumin... oh my fucking god I’m cumin”, she screamed. She sprayed me. Squirting all over the place. If I didn’t know better I’d think she was having an asthma attack. She took hard deep breaths and squeezed her legs shut while she vibrated. She rolled across the bed laid on her back, staring at the ceiling with tears running down her cheeks. She said, “I fucking love you Bouyd and if you ever leave me I’m going to kill you”.
I did knock her out again before taking her home. Making her toes crack and her body shake. She was no longer the girl in the background. She wanted the best of both worlds, which was strange to me. At first, she wanted nothing but to be fucked to an orgasm. Hard dick to make her vibrate. That’s what I signed up for and that’s what I delivered. But now she wants a relationship? How does that even work? She was damn pretty, sexy, smart, gave good heads and had a bomb ass pussy, but sigh, maybe she was just too good for me. Or could it be the fact that we signed up for fuck dates and not moonlight dinners. I told her several times that I couldn’t give her what she wanted but the more I said it, the more we fucked. We went out so often that we were considered the perfect couple. Funny things is I already had a girl or borrowed one or whatever it was. The main fact is, there was someone else who I liked a lot. So being the gentleman I am, I took the time to explain that to her. She accepted it, at least that what she said. I realized she always had a knife in her purse which made me think twice before doing or saying certain things. She’d always say “baby I’d never cut you, but I’d cut a bitch if I have to”. That right there for me was a big problem. They both traveled with knives, they both claimed they cut a bitch for me, they both claimed they’d kill me if I left them. So what was I to do? Live the best of both worlds I guess. Venice and I were out one night holding a vibe at a party when Keachia popped up from nowhere. With no questions asked they started wrestling. I tried separating them until they both pulled blades. Now I ain’t no fool to knives as I’ve done some damage myself in the past. One swing at the right angle can open you up like a frog on an experiment table. I walked backward trying to get to a good distance from the two. “Yo, behave unu bombo cloth self eno, unu a try mash up mi career eno”. “Right now man ago lef di two a unu”. Instead of cooling down the fight, it became like an old karate sword show. Dodging and swiping, kicking and fighting. (((Gunshots))). “Put the knives on the ground”, shouted the officer who fired the shots. I tried walking away as if I had nothing to do with it but he called me back and cuffed me too. We were all thrown in the van and taken to the station for questioning. The officer wanted to lock me up for not trying to part the sword fight I had started. But after explaining the situation to him he changed his mind. However, he wanted me to make a decision between the two of them and I chose none. This cost me my four brand new tires and a backlight 🤦‍♂️. I wanted to break their necks but I had no idea which of the two did it.
After all this, I had sworn to leave them both alone, but the somehow became friends and wanted threesomes; which to me was a pretty sweet deal. The first one was epic but the second ended in a fight. It was clear at that point that it’s never gonna work out. If I chose one I’d have to choose the other. Eventually, I walked away from the drama. It wasn’t an easy task but it was something I just had to do. I was more concerned about my life than I was about heads and pussy. I can get that at any corner store. All that drama had made me realize one thing; never fuck her good if you don’t plan on keeping her. The moment you give a woman good dick is the moment you unleash a demon from hell. And men, please take the time out to make her cum or else she’s gonna come find me 🤤.
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kivaember · 6 years ago
Prompt #21: Repast
“You’re scrawnier than I thought.”
“Elezen are naturally lean,” Aymeric replied amicably, trying not to be put off by the intense, near-predatory stare boring into him, “We do not pile on muscle easily like you Xaela.”
“Hmm,” said his companion.
His companion being, specifically, Aza’s mother. She was tall for a Xaela woman, built like a destrier Chocobo with a brusque temperament to match, and possessing long, grey-streaked hair scraped back into a loose ponytail. She looked young for her supposed sixty years, even with the harsh lines pulling at the corners of her mouth and crinkling the corners of her eyes, and her body still looked strong and sturdy beneath her sturdy hunting tunics.
Strong enough to snap him over her knee like a twig, if Aza’s whispered warnings before they stepped into the yurt were anything to go by. He wasn’t keen to test if that had been an exaggeration or not – not only out of fear of discovering that prodigious strength was true, but because getting into a physical fight with his partner’s mother probably wasn’t the correct way to go about this.
“Aym’s pretty built beneath that armour,” Aza piped up at his side, “He’s Lord Commander of Ishgard’s military force, so he has to be strong for it.”
Aza’s mother, Atani, hummed again, her gaze taking on a shrewd edge to it, “Lord Commander…” she repeated, her voice thick with the accent of the Steppe. She knew Eorzean Common surprisingly well, despite Aza confessing it wasn’t her second or even third language, “Is that like a khagan?”
Aymeric glanced at Aza questioningly.
“Uh, yeah. Kinda,” Aza scratched his cheek in a clearly nervous gesture, “He’s the strongest warrior, leads the Ishgardian warriors into battle. Smart too, and, umm...”
Truthfully, Aymeric would place Estinien and several others above himself in terms of martial strength and intelligence, but he said nothing as Atani, once more, hummed and let the matter drop entirely – just in time for their last companion, Aza’s father, Aruci, to sweep next to their table and set down a large, steaming pot in the middle: the family hotpot Aza promised him when inviting him to the meal.  
“Atani, stop intimidating the poor boy,” Aruci chided gently, easing himself down on the floor with creaking knees, “He’s here as our guest.”
“If he finds this intimidating, then he’s too soft, isn’t he?” Atani said idly, then shot Aymeric’s way almost lazily, “Are you intimidated?”
“Not particularly,” Aymeric said truthfully. Compared to Nidhogg, or even Hraesvelgr, Atani’s intimidation was tolerable and like water off a mudpuppy’s back. There was only so much your glares could do when lacking the terrifying jaws of a furious, hungry dragon to go with it, “Mildly threatened, perhaps, but not intimidated.”
“Hah!” Atani leaned back, slapping a hand on her thigh, “Oh, I like this one,” she said to Aza, pointing rudely at Aymeric, “He’s bold.”
“Don’t I know it,” Aza grumbled, but he was looking pleased and incredibly relieved. No doubt he was happy this whole meeting was going so well – and that no one had been stabbed yet, an alarming possibility that was allegedly common with Xaela tribes in these situations according to Aza. It was why his partner had been so insistent he wore light armour for the meal, even if the noble upbringing in Aymeric squirmed at the perceived insult of it.
“You know, Aza speaks very warmly of you,” Aruci said in a surprisingly gentle, placid tone as he began spooning out the hotpot into everyone’s respective bowls. His hands were rough, calloused and gnarled, but still steady and strong. Aza mentioned he was a renowned crafter, and it showed, “Every time he comes home, he’s always eager to share affectionate tales about you.”
“And Bluebird the risqué ones,” Atani added teasingly, her mouth curving into a very Bluebird-esque smile when Aza turned an adorable shade of red, “Oh, come now, my little Coeurl, don’t be shy! It’s good to have a partner that satisfies you both emotionally and-”
“Okay!” Aza said a little too loudly, waving his hands frantically, “Can we please not talk about my sex life at the dinner table?”  
“I guess it is a poor subject to start off with,” Atani admitted grudgingly, her focus sliding back to Aym with her smile shifting back into too-predatory, “Instead, why not tell us how you two came together? Aza has been so secretive about it…”
At that, Aymeric and Aza shared a brief look. Their ‘coming together’ had been due to copious amounts of alcohol, Aza puking on his boots after publicly confessing his love on top of a table at a dinner party, followed by a very awkward conversation during the unpleasant throes of being hungover. There had been nothing romantic about it – it had been raw, emotionally exhausting, yet… good, in an odd way.
Of course, Aza avoided him for three weeks afterwards before Aymeric could pin him down and get a straight answer out of him regarding what they were but, well, that hungover, emotional talk had been the real start to their… relationship. Sort of.  
There was no pretty or gentle way to explain this, though. It had been a mess from start to finish.
“Um, well…” Aza cleared his throat, his left ear flicking nervously, “Bluebird didn’t tell you?”
“Your sister has a big mouth on many things,” Atani said bluntly, “But even she can be discreet about others. She hasn’t told us.”
“Oh,” Aza looked as surprised as Aymeric felt, “Well, uhhh, so… we got together after a… party…”
Aymeric had to hide a helpless smile behind his hand. Aza was such a terrible liar, and his partner stuttered and awkwardly talked around the unsavoury parts of the story under his mother’s far too knowing gaze.
“…and then we decided to give it a shot,” Aza finished his highly abridged and redacted tale, “And here we are, two years later.”
“Two years later,” Atani echoed, sharing a look with her husband, “Well, you really do seem happy.”
“I am,” Aza said firmly, sitting up straighter and looking his mother straight in the eyes, “I’m very happy with Aym. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Well. Well. Aymeric was suddenly very glad he had a bowl of hotpot to distract himself with at that bold declaration. His heart felt like it was doing something very squishy and potentially medically fatal, unable to stop the no doubt stupid, lovesick smile curling his mouth. There was something so good to hear that, if only because Aza had been so sad and lonely at the beginning, almost lost and hesitant to get attached and love. To hear him boldly declare his happiness now was…
“I can see that…” Atani murmured very softly, and something complicated flickered across her expression.
Aruci settled a hand over Atani’s, giving it a squeeze, “We’re happy for you, Aza. You’ve come a long way since we first took you in. We’re both proud of you.”
Atani gave herself a bit of a shake, motherly warmth filling her expression and chasing away the shadows that had lurked there, “So very proud. I always knew you had the better taste in men than your sister-”
“Mom,” Aza protested, his face was bright red at this point and his eyes suspiciously teary.
“-I mean, he’s leagues better than that Felyx,” Atani finished with a roll of her eyes, “Do you know Felyx, Aymeric?”
Aymeric knew Felyx very well. Bluebird had delighted in telling him that Aza’s fellow adventurer used to be a ‘fuck buddy’ when his relationship with his partner had been new and tentative. Looking back, he suspected Bluebird had been testing him, gauging his jealousy – Aymeric didn’t care. Aza wasn’t the disloyal sort, and whatever was between him and Felyx was no longer sexual. He had simply filed that fact away as an interesting piece of trivia and never thought about it in depth again.  
“We’ve met,” he said simply, “He gets around, from what I hear.”
“He’s not that bad,” Aza grumbled, “Just because he’s open about being poly-”
“Your sister wanted to marry him,” Atani said flatly, and Aza choked on the rest of his words.
“W-W-W-Wh-” Aza coughed and drew in a deep breath… if only to shriek; “What!?”
“Huh,” Aymeric said, trying to see it and failing. Bluebird, wanting to marry someone? It boggled the mind.
“Hah! I see Bluebird didn’t tell you that story!” Atani chortled, slapping her thigh, “Aruci, love, tell Aza about that disaster.”
“Oh, come now, let’s not embarrass her. She’s not even here to defend herself-”
“You have to tell me!” Aza breathed, looking torn between morbid fascination and utter delight, “Please, Dad!”
Aruci sighed, and groaned when Atani playfully ribbed him, but he gave in with a, “Well, three years back…”
“Three years!? That recent!?”
“Let him finish,” Atani scolded.
Aymeric leaned back slightly, relieved that focus had shifted from him to this humiliating tale of Bluebird’s ill-advised marriage proposal. The hotpot was good, he found, his gaze drawn to Aza as his partner drank in the embarrassing story about his sister, admiring how openly happy and relaxed and carefree he was. He looked younger, happier, basking in the presence of his family, adopted or not…
He felt an odd twinge, then – not quite longing but… a realisation that he was missing something he never truly had. Lord Borel had been a good guardian, but he had never been a father. Kind and affectionate, yes, but his love was not unconditional, and there was always an edge of political posturing when it came to Aymeric. He had long made peace with the fact that he had been a chess piece on the board that was Ishgardian politics, and that he never really knew what a proper family was.
But this… hmm. It probably felt a little like this.
Yes, a little.
Content with that, Aymeric settled in, finding contentment in being accepted into the small circle that was Aza’s family, if only for today.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 5 years ago
Illusion (chapter 5)
Grey Deer Fic chapter 5! Here’s the link to the full story: link.
As you can see, I changed the name bc I wasn’t vibing with the other one.
WARNING: slight implication of *Sex* (but not with Julius, unfortunately...)
As always, I would really love to hear what you think of this chapter!
"Captain, do you have a minute-"
I stop talking as soon as I poke my head into Captain Hervey's office. It's a sizable room, with rich wood paneling and blue wallpaper making it seem cozy. Several stuffed deer heads are hanging above the severe man's desk, where he sits across from his vice captains. Both Malota and Julius turn around to look at me; obviously I'm interrupting a meeting. "A-Ah, sorry, I'll come back later-"
"Nonsense, spit it out. But make it quick." Hervey gestures me closer, and I gulp and enter the room, a paper clutched in my hands. "What's that?"
This is always a little awkward, even though I've given several of these requests to him over the years. But it's his fault for having the "only registered guests only" rule for our base. "Lawrence wants to come visit tomorrow, can I get your approval?"
Hervey lets out a snort of laughter. "Your fiance? He was here pretty recently, wasn't he? Why do you keep inviting him here, just go visit him yourself."
"Ah, well, he insists. I can't really say no to him..."
But you can, sir. I watch as he takes the paper and looks at it carefully, as if he's making up his mind. Meanwhile, I'm praying that he says NO so I have a good reason to avoid seeing Lawrence tomorrow. Malota looks bored and lets a sigh out through her vulture-like nose. Julius stares at the Captain's table silently. Another reason why I wanted to avoid asking in front of other people is because it becomes awkward like this. Neither of our Vice Captains want to hear about my personal life, I'm sure. 
"Very well. But he better be gone by dinner time, I'm not feeding him, even if he is a prince!"
Fuck! I force a smile as he signs the paper, a magical chill moving through the room as he does so. Somehow, Hervey can manipulate the barrier spell he cast around the base to let authorized guests enter after he signs off on it. His ice magic is some of the most powerful I've ever seen, and he's able to upkeep such a potent spell all day and night, subconsciously. He really is amazing, despite his faults, and it's easy to see why he's captain. "Thank you, sir, sorry for interrupting." With that, I turn and shuffle out of the room, feeling a small weight of dread in the pit of my stomach.
Why, though? Why are you dreading this? Lawrence is your Fiance, your future Husband! Shouldn't you be happy to see him?
That's probably what you're thinking, but it couldn't be farther from the truth. I tolerate Lawrence Kira, and that's all. He's 5 years older than me, always acts like he's my superior (which he is, but come on!), and really isn't the most considerate person. He always talks about how great things are expected of him, and how he needs a supportive wife to help him achieve those things and continue the Kira line. "One day." he always tells me. "One day, our children could be the King. Wouldn't you like that?"
No... Not really, actually.
But I can't tell him that. If I show any disrespect, he'll bring the hammer down, on both me and my parents. We're already on thin ice, and this marriage is supposed to save my family. When the engagement was first decided, I was only 5 years old and had no idea what it even meant. As I grew older, I was told how romantic it was going to be. Doesn't every girl want to marry a prince? I was excited to live out what seemed like a fairy tale.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. It soon became clear that Lawrence would never actually love me. At least not all of me. Not only that, but like I said, he's older than me, and as we spent more and more time together, he started to force me to grow up a bit faster than I should have. I'm sure you can guess what I mean. 
If I didn't have Alice, I don't know what I would have done. But when I came to her and revealed that I didn't want to marry this prince, she didn't shun me or say I was crazy. She held me, and told me that we were going to get out of this, together. And so, I joined the magic knights, as the first step of my plan. The wedding that was supposed to be when I turned 18 was postponed. Luckily, the Magic Knights are a very esteemed and legitimate career path for both Royalty and nobility, so I was able to get away with it. Lawrence's family even said they were proud that their son would be marrying a magic knight.
Well... it's been 7 years since then. There's no plans for a wedding yet. This engagement can only go on so long before Lawrence decides to break it off. By that time, I'll be able to support my family myself! I don't need a marriage, and I'll finally be free to do what I want.
That's my secret, the secret only Alice and I know. My one hope for tomorrow is that Lawrence will coldly tell me that he can't wait around any longer, and will break it off right then and there.
Of course, it's never that easy.
"Hello, Lawrence."
I stand outside the base to meet him as he transports in with the help of a spatial mage. He brushes himself off before looking up, his grey eyes quickly meeting mine. Unintentionally, I feel a cold chill down my back, something that's always happened when he looks at me like that. "It's been too long, have you really been that busy?" Lawrence asks as he walks over, pulling his cloak a little tighter around himself. The snow has long melted, but its freeze still hangs lightly in the air around us.
"Er, yes, pretty busy." I let him take my hand and pull it up to his lips, not bothering to bend over. A royal shouldn't bow to anyone, after all. His lips are cold on my skin as he kisses the back of my hand, before dropping it immediately. "I actually had a pretty big mission a few days ago, I was able to beat five guys-"
"Yeah, I'm sure. You can tell it to me over lunch." Lawrence dismisses my story kind of quickly before turning to walk towards the base. I wince and hold out a hand to stop him. "Uh-er, we can't eat here!"
"Hmm? Why not?" Lawrence throws a glance over his shoulder.
"Captain Hervey said, uh... we can't spare food right now for outsiders."
"Hmph. Fine. We'll eat in town." Lawrence sighs and turns to walk back to me, grabbing my hand as he does. "Also, what did I tell you about using filler words? Stop saying um and er so much."
"R-right, sorry." I let him pull me along, away from the base.
"Man... are they really in love?" 
Giles leans on the windowsill as the others gather around him, peeping down at me and Lawrence as we walk off out of sight. "Every time he comes, she looks like she'd rather be somewhere else."
"It's true," Alice pipes up, leaning against the wall and not bothering to look. "He's a real piece of work, you know."
"How can that be? He's a prince." Elia crosses her arms. "Who wouldn't want to marry a prince?"
"She just wants to live a normal life, I think. She's not cut out for that royalty stuff anyway."
"Nigel, shut up."
Meanwhile, Lawrence and I reach town and make our way towards my favorite resteraunt there. "There's really no other place to eat?" Lawrence asks, pulling his hood up over his head, his eyes darting around the street.
"It's my favorite! I think you'll like it, too." I squeeze his hand, causing him to smile for a moment. "You're afraid of being recognized."
"Yeah... I have a pretty big fanclub you know!"
... I doubt that...
Our base is located in a forest right outside the limits of the noble realm. We're close enough to town so we can get all of our supplies, but secluded enough that Captain Hervey is able to put up our barrier. It honestly feels like a little sanctuary for the squad, but I still like going in to town to see the usual hustle-and-bustle of civilization.
"You know, this type of place does have a little charm." Lawrence talks to me as he quietly sips his beer. His eyes keep darting around the restaurant, as if he were analyzing everything in sight. He's always been like that, cool and calculated, always scheming or sizing the world up. He's really an intelligent man, someone who can keep a level head in any situation. His magic is very strong, too, and it's interesting that he never joined the Magic Knights. When I asked him why a long time ago, he simply said that it wasn't his style. I have a feeling he'd rather be involved in the government down the line.
"I'm glad you think so. I guess not all Royals are so stuffy," I answer, playfully nudging his foot under the table. Lawrence narrows his eyes at me but can't conceal his smile. Ah! I need to stop being so cute around him, remember?
"I'm not that stuffy, am I? I can have fun... what do you and the squad do for fun, anyway?" Lawrence yawns a little, scratching his chin under his hood.
"Hmm..." I think over the past for a moment. "Well, we have little parties in our base now and then. Oh, also, the Captain lets us go to the beach on our days off! We also like to come to town to go drinking some nights."
"Ah... that sounds like fun. A little crude, but fun." Lawrence nods along with my words. "Maybe I'll take you to the beach sometime, just the two of us."
Just the two of us.
"...yeah, sure."
By the time lunch is done, it's obvious to me that Lawrence isn't about to break up with me or anything. In fact, I've somehow managed to warm him back up to me after more than a month of absence, and now...
"Let's go back to the base."
"Huh? Er- Lawrence, I told you before-"
"Stop saying ER! And I don't want to eat. Is your roommate around?"
"...probably not..."
This is my least favorite part of his visits. Lawrence hates showing affection out in public, but as soon as we're alone and away from prying eyes, he basically pounces on me. I can't really do much but hold on as his lips crash into mine hungrily. We were each other's first kisses, but I'm pretty sure he's pretty good at it. The way he moves his lips against mine always makes me dizzy, at least. He pushes me until we're both flat on my twin bed, one of his hands bunching up the sheets next to my head. The biggest drawback of avoiding him for so long is that he gets... needy. 
However, his affection doesn't last long. As soon as he's done, Lawrence simply pulls the covers over me and gets up. I roll over, feeling a bit sore, and watch as he starts to re-dress himself. "You're leaving?"
"Yeah." Lawrence buttons up his shirt, his fingers fumbling slightly. "I assume I'm not allowed to stay for dinner." He sits back down on the bed to start pulling his shoes and socks on. "I'll come back to visit soon, don't avoid me any more, you hear?"
"...yeah. No guarantees, though." I gulp nervously, pulling the covers over myself more as he looks down at me again. "I'm a magic knight, you know! I have a duty-"
"Your duty should be our future," Lawrence cuts me off, his gaze moving away from me again. "...do you really feel like this is where you belong?"
I open my mouth to respond the answer that I always do: Yes, of course. I'm meant to be a magic knight! 
But... I can't say that any more, can I?
Because, for whatever reason, someone on my very own squad wanted me gone.
"Hey... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry."
I didn't even notice the tears trailing down my face until Lawrence reaches out to cup my cheek gently. I look up into his grey eyes, which are filled with warmth, for once. But I still get that chill.
"If something's bothering you... you know where to find me, okay? You're going to be my wife one day, hopefully soon. We can put all this Magic Knights business behind you, but you'll always carry that honor. I'll take care of you, I promise."
... "Alright." I nod slowly, reaching up to hold his hand for a second before he pulls it away. "Write me some letters."
"I will. See you soon!"
Lawrence gives me a small smile and a wave, before quietly leaving me alone in my room once again.
I stay there for a while, curling up under my sheets like a cocoon. For just a couple minutes, I feel safe.
Lawrence really isn't so bad, is he? I mean... at least I know what he wants. My attackers won't show themselves again, not yet, and they won't tell me why they want me gone. Maybe... maybe I should just listen to them, and leave...
No. That's stupid. I squeeze my eyes shut as memories start to flood back.
I can't leave... because then I'll marry Lawrence. I don't want to be near him at all! Slowly, I sit up, letting the sheets fall off my body as the more pleasant chill of the base hits my skin. I'll find out who attacked me, and purge them from this squad! I'm meant to be here, I'm meant to be a magic knight.
Eventually, I get up to get dressed, cleaning myself off before heading to the bathroom. I splash some water on my face before looking up at my reflection. I look tired and a little stressed out... but alive.
"Hello there! Enjoy your day off?"
I'm on my way down to dinner when I run into none other than Julius. I haven't seen him all day, not since yesterday's meeting, but he's heading the same way as me now. "Ah, yeah. I haven't seen my fiance in a while, so it was nice to have lunch with him."
"Your fiance? Oh, right, Prince Lawrence." Julius nods as he falls into step next to me. I glance up at the taller man, not able to read any emotion other than his usual neutrally-happy expression. Even so, his presence puts me at ease, although I doubt anyone would attack me now while everyone is awake in the base. "Is the wedding happening soon?"
"Oh, definitely not. We haven't even started planning it!" I smirk a little. And if I have my way... it won't ever be planned!
"I see... I guess, eventually, you're going to outrank us all."
"Huh?" I look up to see him smiling teasingly down at me. 
"You'll be a princess, right?"
"P-Princess?" My eyes widen as I realize that he's right. Then, I shake my head. "Ah! I don't even want to think about that..."
"Why not?"
"Too much pressure?"
"Ah, well, I think it suits you."
I look back up at him, aghast, just in time to catch his wink. "Hey! Jul- I mean, sir, that's a long way in the future-"
"Julius is fine-" He lets out a warm laugh before gesturing for me to keep up with him. "Come on... a princess can't be late for dinner."
..... AHHHHHH.
I swallow my pride and quickly catch up, pouting a bit to myself. Princess... I can't even imagine becoming royalty. And I don't want to! I'll never be a princess, not if I have anything to say about it.
Slowly, though, I feel my cheeks heat up, and it takes everything I have to keep from glancing back up at Julius's face.
It didn't sound so bad when he called me that...
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mattzerella-sticks · 6 years ago
A Family Affair (a Mary-centric Thanksgiving fanfic)
With special guest appearances by: John/Mary, Sam/Eileen, Mary/Bobby, and of course... Dean/Cas
Mary didn't have the best relationship with Thanksgiving. But like most things over time, it changes.Take a look through Mary's life and see just how she starts out not really caring for the holiday to appreciating it in a new light.
           Mary didn’t much care for Thanksgiving, at first. The dull feeling has always existed, beginning early on in her life. When her cousins would visit and she’d laugh and play outside until her mother called her in to help ‘cook’. “Can’t have you dirtying up your nice holiday clothes, Mary,” she would always say, tapping condescendingly on her head, “better you learn now so when you bring a boy over, you can impress him with your food!” Mary didn’t care about basting, seasonings, or the perfect temperatures. What she wanted was to tackle Caleb into the mud before he scored a touchdown, and then rubbing his face in it for laughing at her pink frills.
           It didn’t help that every year her mother would call her in earlier and earlier until finally she stopped going out all together when she hit puberty. “We need all hands on deck,” Deanna said, “and now that you’re older, you can do more than just watch.” So she did, with a scowl on her face, glaring at all her male cousins tossing the football around. Even Brett, who Mary knew would have gladly switched places with her in a heartbeat.
           The food and preparations didn’t matter to her, only family did. And you shouldn't need a special day to make that happen. Luckily she found a kindred spirit in John. He was more impressed by her aim than he was her cooking. “I could care less if you burn water just by looking at it,” he told her, one night when they were lying in bed together, their first Thanksgiving on the horizon. “We don’t need some big meal. We’ll make do with take-out.”
           She said ‘I love you’ shortly after that.
           For the first few years of their relationship, the holiday was like a record playing at a party: still present, but softly, and in the background. Easy enough to go unnoticed. No one quite paid attention to it, but it was still there.
           Except Dean happened, and then Sam; suddenly Thanksgiving meant something again. And Mary started cooking – although nothing special. She was just thankful her food was edible, mostly. One year she ruined the turkey past the point of saving, and they had turkey sandwiches for dinner. “I don’t know how you did that,” John said, he and Mary staring at the charred bird, “it’s like you threw that thing up on the ceiling and hit it with a flamethrower.”
           It was a miracle when Dean managed to make grilled cheese without starting a fire. “You guys make it look so complicated,” he told them, flipping a burger at the age of ten, “but it’s not too hard.”
           Mary didn’t know what to think. “Well, obviously he didn’t get it from me,” she whispered to John, “this tastes good.”
           Dean was in charge of Thanksgiving by the time he reached high school. For the next four years, their little family shared a traditional meal together.
           But then Dean went away to culinary school. “It won’t be long,” he told them, “I’ll be back before you know it!” Dean was hired right after graduation to work in a restaurant in Chicago. It took some convincing from all of them, but her little boy flew the nest for one final time.
           And then when Sam left for California, the holiday was vanquished once more.
           Or so she thought. Because then, Sam met Eileen, and their family grew.
           Eileen was a lovely girl her son met at a Barnes & Noble, when they both attended an in-store lecture on Celtic Mythology. He was sitting in front of her, blocking her view of the interpreter.
           She tapped him on the shoulder. “Excuse me, but has anyone ever told you you’re really tall?” Sam was awestruck. He could barely say a word as Eileen looked at him, expectantly. “I can’t hear,” she explains, pointing at the interpreter, “and I need to see her.” Nodding dumbly, Sam switched places with her. “Thank you.”
           “I was so distracted,” he told Mary later, “I could barely focus on the guest speaker… but I guess that was okay. Because after she and I sat down at the indoor Starbucks and she filled me in on what I missed.”
           Eileen gave Mary her side of the story much later, when they met. “I felt kind of bad,” she said, “I thought I was ruder than I meant. So it was an apology of sorts…”
           Their friends made sure to bring up the story at their wedding.
           And not long after their bliss, Sam and Eileen welcomed their first-born son, Declan Winchester. Mary cried so many tears when they sent her a photo of her first grandson. It was one of the happiest moments in her life.
           Except it brought Thanksgiving back once more.
           Sam called her on a night in September. “We rarely see you, and it’d be a great reason to have you and dad visit,” he said, “You won’t have to worry about anything.”
           Mary raised her brow, “Why, is Dean cooking?” She didn’t have to see her son to know he was giving her, what her eldest son affectionately calls, a bitchface.
           “No, I doubt he’ll even be coming this year what with his new restaurant…”
           Dean became a popular chef in his own right, and was kept busy his first few years after culinary school being shipped from restaurant to restaurant by the owner. “It’s getting pretty exhausting, never knowing what my week’s gonna look like,” he confided in her during Sam’s wedding, “but I’ve been talking with my friend, Cas? He says I’ve got the skills to open up my own place and… well, I’m no good with numbers, but he said he’d help me through it all. I think I’m gonna do it.” He did.
           “Anyway,” Sam continued, “Eileen will be handling it. Although, I hope you’re not too partial to turkey. We’ll probably be having seitan since we’re, y’know, vegetarian.”
           John complained, but they booked their flight almost immediately. It was nice seeing Sam, Eileen, and Declan, but they could do that anytime. In fact, they were back in Kansas for Christmas. Even Dean managed to sneak away and join them. He found the time for that holiday, and Easter – even Fourth of July; but never Thanksgiving.
           Even when Mary had to make the journey to Sam’s alone.
           John died on a quiet night in April. Mary woke up to find he wasn’t in bed, and started looking for him. She found him asleep on the couch, never to wake. “I think he knew it was his time,” Mary said at the funeral, hands shaking on the podium, “And he didn’t want the first thing I saw to be his lifeless body. I’m just thankful for all the mornings in-between that we shared together…”
           Mary didn’t go to Thanksgiving. She barely left her house the first year; too busy navigating her life like a ship, with no port to come home to, adrift and directionless.
           It was the next Thanksgiving, and she didn’t have a choice. “I bought your ticket already, so you have to come,” Sam had told her, “Dean even said he might find the time to stop by. And the kids miss you. Just the other day, little Brendan signed that he loves his grandma, unprompted.”
           “I highly doubt Brendan did that.”
           “But the guilt’s working, right?”
           She couldn’t let her boys down. Mary packed her bags and flew to her son’s home.
           “Dean called earlier,” he said, “Something came up, he didn’t say much except that he was sorry and he was going to make it up to us.” Mary wasn’t that upset, she had a feeling her oldest wouldn’t be coming. “But, we do have an extra guest.”
           She met Bobby Singer on Thanksgiving. She knew of him for far longer. “He fixed my car up even better than it was before,” Sam said, “And for half the price I paid when I took it to the chain store on the other side of town.” That was only the first story, but the others were few and far between.
           “So,” she asked, after a few glasses of wine, “no other family to celebrate with?” Sam and Eileen were seeing the little ones off to bed, and she was feeling brazen. Bobby was gruff at dinner, giving short answers, all somewhat mysterious.
           Even now, she has to needle his words out of him. “Wife’s dead.”
           “My husband died, too,” she shrugged, sipping on her fifth glass, “Although Sam probably told you about that.”
           “He did.”
           “No children?”
           He flushed at that. “I had a son…” Mary is well familiar with that special ‘had’.
           “…I’m sorry.”
           “No, it’s… it’s okay,” Bobby said, even though Mary could tell it wasn’t the truth. He was looking all over Sam’s living room, and his hands were rolling and unrolling his tie. “Daniel died four years ago… out in Afghanistan. Bomb. It was his third tour – I told him to give it up after his second one but he wouldn’t.”
           Mary placed a hand on his shoulder. “You were in the army?”
           “I was a marine.”
           This piqued her interest. “My husband was a marine.” John had signed up right after high school, serving two tours before taking a break. They met in the interim, and didn’t start dating until after his fourth.
           “Your son told me. John Winchester – I hadn’t heard that name in years.”
           “You… you knew John?”
           “Sure, we ran in the same circles, sometimes were in the same unit.” He pulled out a faded picture, of a youngish looking John and another man that must be him. “Told me what happened and… I wish I went to the funeral. When he found out I was doin’ nothin’ today he invited me, said you were gonna come. Figured you might want to see this and… I’m sorry, really, I get a bit personal the more I’ve had to drink.”
           Mary wiped away her tears. “No it’s… it’s okay. Thank you, really.” She tried to hand him back the picture but he didn't take it. Told her to keep it. “I’d feel bad,” she said, “it’s your picture.”
           “Then why don’t you tell me about him,” he offered, “We didn’t stay in touch after he retired… I’d like to hear what happened since.”
           She smiled, genuinely, for the first time in a while. “I’d be happy to.”
           They kept in contact after that. They’d email, text, and sometimes called each other. Those were some of Mary’s favorite conversations. At certain points both of them would stop talking, and they’d take comfort in hearing each other’s breathing. Almost as if they were in the same room.  
           Bobby’s friendship helped steer her in a new direction. Gave her the motivation to leave the house and take on the challenges life continued to throw at her. Even to seek out a few new ones.
           “I feel like there’s more I should be doing,” she told him, “It seems like all I’m doing nowadays is going shopping and coming home. Occasionally I might go out with a few friends, but either everyone’s busy or they’re dead.”
           Bobby huffed from the other end. “Well, didn’t you use to do anything?”
           “I worked,” Mary said, smiling, “out in the field, chasing down criminals and solving crimes. But I retired years ago, when I had Sam. I doubt they’d let me join back so easily.”
           “No hobbies?”
           “I used to write, a long time ago…” Mary dreamed she’d make a career out of her writings, way back when she was a teenager. Until her mother ripped her notebook out of her hands and tossed it into the fireplace. Deanna Campbell wanted her daughter to focus on more important things, said that dreams were the playthings of little girls with nothing better to do. ‘Jokes on you mom,’ she thought, ‘I’m sure you would’ve liked a writer for a daughter more than a police officer.’
           A rough clearing of the throat brought her back. “I’m sorry, what was that?”
           “I said that maybe you should pick it up again,” he said, “Or find something to bide your time. Listen, I gotta go…”
           Mary thought about what he said that night, into next morning, and all for the rest of the week. ‘I haven’t picked up a pen in years. Who knows if I’ll even be good at it.’
           She wasn’t good at it, not at first. But Mary kept at it – writing down ideas and characters from the morning to the afternoon in a little notebook, and then typing it all on the computer. It was coming together slowly, but she still didn’t feel right. Like she did when she was riding in the police cruiser, the sirens blaring, and her partner yelling into the radio.
           Then she saw the ad in the town’s newspaper: Columnist Wanted.
           Mary wrote for her college’s newspaper. She took a journalism course for the credits, but enjoyed it. And when the class was over, joined as a reporter to keep getting her fix. ‘I don’t know why I stopped,’ she wondered, looking over the job description, ‘I had so much fun. I think I still remember…’
           By next week the position was filled. Mary joined the staff at the Lawrence Gazette as their newest columnist. And she loved it. It was the missing piece in her life, and through her job she made tons of new friends.
           Like Chuck, her editor-in-chief. She was always making sure he was taking care of himself – the man had a habit to forget the simplest of things when he was working. She also grew very close to Rowena, who wrote the Horoscopes Section every week. Rowena always had a barbed comment waiting, ready to fire, and Mary enjoyed watching her hit her targets.
           Mary even got to know a few more folks in Lawrence. There was Ellen Harvelle, owner of the Roadhouse. They met when Mary came to interview her about recent renovations, and became fast friends. And Jody Mills, when she moved to town to become the newest Sheriff; Mary not only asked her questions, but also gave her a few tips on the town.
           But no matter how many new people Mary brought into her life, nothing could come close to replacing John, except one, maybe.
           “So Bobby mentioned you again,” Sam said casually one night during a weekly phone call. Mary rolled her eyes, her youngest son, subtle as always. “You two seem very close for people who only met once…” There was a question he couldn’t ask, and Mary understood why.
           “We’re very good friends,” she said instead.
           Sam didn’t buy it, either. “Sure…”
           Mary sighed. “Sam, Bobby and I are friends. Maybe if things were different, or our lives weren’t too firmly established in different places but… we can’t go back and change that. And we wouldn’t. We’re happy where we are now. If that changes… then maybe more will, too.”
           He dropped it, but still invited Bobby to Thanksgiving again the next year, and every year after until the holiday brought more change.
           Which leads her to now.
           Dean surprised all of them in mid-October. “Hey, I know you guys do Thanksgiving in California, but I was wondering… could y’all come up to Illinois? I – I want to host it this year. I’m always missing out because of business and… I miss you all. Please, just think about it?”
           It didn’t require much thought.
           Sam agreed whole-heartedly. “He’s a chef, why wouldn’t we let him cook?” He even told her Bobby bought a plane ticket already, too.
           She smiled to herself. “Of course I’m going to go,” she laughed, “the only reason I celebrate this damned holiday is because of you folks.”
           So on the day of Thanksgiving, Mary paid her cab driver and rolled her suitcase over to her son’s house. It was a large thing, with two stories, a verdant lawn, and a picket fence. “A beautiful place,” he described it, “with a lawn big enough for the kids to run around.”
           Mary figured he meant Sam’s kids, as her son never got around to having any of his own. It hurt to see, as she knew Dean wanted children to raise more than anything. But it came with the job. He didn’t have any time to truly find someone. There were a few – girls Mary thought could overcome his schedule. But all of them lost out. Cassie’s job was just as demanding. Anna wanted Dean to stop pushing himself and cut back. Lisa made him choose between his career and her. When he said he couldn’t, she and her son moved back in with her parents. That hurt Dean the hardest.
           So when she rang the doorbell, she was surprised to see a little boy with a mop of sandy hair answer the door. He grins up at her, one of his front teeth missing. “Hi!”
           “Um… hello?” she says, looking around. Dean's living room is just like she remembers. ‘This… this is the right house, right?’
           A man comes stalking in, dressed in a white shirt and slacks, and scoops the young boy up. Jack giggles, pressing himself into the man’s neck. He looks at Mary. “I’m sorry, I heard the doorbell but was busy peeling. I hope you didn’t wait long.”
           “No, not at all, but…” she looks him up and down, “I’m pretty sure this is my son’s house.”
           Dean walks in at that, wiping his powdery hands up and down his apron. “Ma!” he says, rushing over to give her a hug. He pulls back, wincing at her white-stained top. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
           “Dean!” Mary says, “It’s okay but, uh… are you going to introduce us?” She glances over at the other two, and he gets the hint.
           Dean moves to the other man’s side, standing close. His arm swings around back, hand drifting close to the hip, only to swing further up and land hesitatingly on a shoulder. “Ma, this is Cas, remember. My friend. And this,” he ruffle’s Jack’s hair with his other hand, “is Jack, his son. He and his family are joining us for Thanksgiving.” His smile drops, then. “I… I should have told you, shouldn’t I? I figured –“
           “Dean, it’s okay,” she tells him, “this is your house. We’re guests. Speaking of, has Sam and Eileen arrived yet?”
           “No, but they called a little while ago from O’Hare. Said they’d be driving over soon.”
           “I must have just missed them. He tell you he’s bringing a guest as well?”
           “Oh he’s told me all about him,” Dean says, winking, “Although I’m sure you can do that yourself.”
           Mary rolls her eyes, shoving him. “Go cook, otherwise I’ll grill you on your love life.” That startles him, and he looks once more at Cas before heading right back into the kitchen.
           Cas steps in, offering her a seat on the couch. “I’m glad to meet you, Mary. Dean has talked very highly of you, but we’ve never had the fortune of meeting.”
           “He’s done the same of you,” she says, smirking, “although he did forget to mention a few things…” Like how attractive he is. She thought he was some scrawny, awkward man in a trench coat. Her son forgot to mention his tanned muscles, the swoop of raven hair, blue eyes and a kind smile. ‘Oh to be young again…’
           “Yes, well,” Cas blushes, “I’m sure he had his reasons.” Just then a teenager plods down the stairs. Her blonde hair is pulled back tight in a ponytail, and she’s smoothing out wrinkles on her skirt.
           “Dad,” she says, “Is this better? And be careful because I’m not changing again – oh!” She notices Mary, face reddening.
           Mary waves to her, “Hello.”
           “Claire, you look great. Now come say hello,” Cas motions for her. She passes by Jack, the boy too absorbed in playing with his action figures to look up, and stands beside Cas. “Mary, this is my daughter Claire. Claire, this is Dean’s mother, Mary.”
           “Sorry about that,” she says, shaking Mary’s hand, “I didn’t know anyone had arrived yet.”
           “It’s okay, I’ve been where you are. If I didn’t have to change three times before my mother was pleased she might have had less frown lines.” They all share a polite laugh before Mary looks around the room. “So, Cas, a son… a daughter… will your wife be joining us soon?”
           “That’d be pretty difficult,” Cas chuckles, “For someone to pop out of thin air.”
           Mary raises a brow. “I find it hard to believe at your age no one’s staked a claim in you.”
           Cas rubs a hand at his neck, not meeting her eyes. “Well I wouldn’t say that…”
           “So Claire and Jack?”
           “Claire’s parents were my brother and his wife. Unfortunately they passed after a horrific accident when she was young, and I’ve been caring for her since.” He grabs for Claire’s hand, rubbing small circles into it. The younger girl smiled. “Jack, on the other hand, was the son of a dear friend of mine. She didn’t make it through child birth, so I took him in as well.”
           “Well I’m happy to say Dean was right about you,” Mary says, “a kind man with a big heart. It must not have been easy raising two kids by yourself, especially when you’re helping my son run his restaurant.”
           “I just handle the finances, and I can do that from he – home.” He turns towards the kitchen, beaming softly, “And I had help. Dean stepped in whenever he could to help me. He was always there when I needed him, and vice versa.”
           There was something there. Cas and Dean were tiptoeing around something, and Mary’s keen insight was picking up the breadcrumbs. She wanted to ask a question, but soon enough the doorbell was ringing again. Sam and Eileen, the kids, and Bobby were all tumbling in, and greetings were exchanged once more. Mary barely said two words to her grandkids before they were running over to Jack, joining him.
           “I take it they know each other already?” Mary asks Sam.
           “Yeah,” he tells her, “Seems like Cas, Jack, and Claire are always over whenever we visit.”
           “So you knew they’d be here.”
           “I mean I had a feeling they would?” Sam sighs, glancing around before leaning in close, “Dean spoils Cas’s kids. Last time I was here, he had built Jack a tree house in his backyard. And Claire, he’s been teaching her to drive the Impala.” He has more he wants to say, but Dean pulls him into a hug, and their conversation is put on hold.
           Even more so when Bobby makes his way over to her, his copper beard somehow more gray than she remembered. “Hey.”
           “Hey, yourself.”
           It’s another hour before dinner is ready.
           Dean calls them all in. Seating is a bit telling. There are two tables, one for the adults while another for kids. Jack and Brendan sit on one side of the foldout while Declan and Claire take the other. She put up a small fuss, but twin glares from Cas and Dean quickly stopped it.
           The table for the adults is fit for a feast. The turkey, already carved, waits for them on a silver platter. It’s surrounded by a bounty of sides from mashed potatoes to cranberry sauce, candied yams and macaroni and cheese. There’s even a smaller platter with some steamed vegetables and seitan. “For Sam because he’s still denying his heritage,” Dean joked. Sam punched him on the arm.
           They took their spots. Dean sat at the head, and while Sam took the seat on Dean’s left, Cas was in the chair to his right. Mary was at a loss, unsure of where to sit. “Here,” Bobby pulled the chair across from Dean, at the other end of the table, out. She gladly took it.
           Especially when it proved to be the best seat in the house.
           The clues start connecting themselves the further through dinner they get. While Dean and Sam chat, Cas dishes out plates and servings. Always filling her son’s plate before his own. They share stories, always giggling, staring at each other too long, and waiting for the other to finish their thoughts. “We thought about expanding,” Dean said, halfway through the meal, “but with Jack, it’d be tough for us to manage tworestaurants.” The picture is clear for Mary soon enough.
           “Dean, you really outdid yourself,” Sam says, patting his stomach tiredly.
           Eileen rubs a gentle hand through his hair. “Agreed, we wish you were able to come to all our other Thanksgivings.”
           “It’s a busy life,” Dean shrugs, “’m just glad y’all were more than happy to come here.”
           “We missed you,” Sam tells him, smirking, “And your cooking.” Dean barks out a laugh, slapping Sam on the shoulder. “Seriously, though, it’s somehow better than usual?”
           Dean blushes at the praise. “Wanted to make this special, s’all…”
           Sam rolls his eyes. “Maybe if you cooked like that more often, you’d find somebody, Dean.” Mary watches as Dean and Cas nervously glance at each other, neither laughing.
           Her son starts to stand, “I think maybe it’s time for dessert –“
           “I’ll get that, Dean.” They all turn to stare at Mary, already out of her chair, and moving towards the kitchen.
           “No, Ma –“
           “Nonsense,” she tells him, pushing him back down, “You’ve already done so much. It’s the least I can do.”
           Dean swallows roughly. “There’s… there’s a lot. More than one person to carry.”
           “Cas will help me, won’t you?” She offers a warm smile, the other man sitting ramrod straight in surprise. He shakes out of his stupor after a long beat, agreeing.
           There’s more on Mary’s mind than just dessert.
           Cas leads her to the kitchen, where four different pies are laid out on the counter: cherry, apple, sweet potato, and pumpkin.
           Mary walks past each, slowly, finger trailing the edges of the counter. “So many… you know, Dean usually only bakes this much when he’s nervous.”
           “I… I do.”
           “Although I have no reason to believe why he should be, when it’s just us visiting,” she stops, turning towards the other man, “Do you know, Cas?”
           Cas doesn’t answer. He moves over to the pies, “We should probably bring these out –“
           “How long have you and Dean been seeing each other?”
           He stops, hands hovering over the apple pie. ‘Dean’s favorite…’
           “How do you know?”
           “A mother always knows, Cas.”
           “And you…”
           Mary sighs, rubbing a soothing hand across his back. “I want what any mother wants for her kids – to be happy. And Dean looks very happy with you and your kids. Is he?”
           Cas leans into her touch. “Yes, very much so.” He finally looks over at her. “You must have a lot of questions.”
           “I have a right to them.”
           “You do, you do…” He rubs a hand across his jaw, back and forth. “Dean invited you all here because he wanted to tell you all we were together. He and I… it’s been a strange dance. We were two different people back then – a rising star and a man beat down by his numbers. Dean helped me see there was more to life that I was missing, holding myself back from. And when the time came, I paid him back in full. We’ve been through so much together – threats from competitors, partners leaving us, the loss of my brother, my friend… Funny, sometimes you walk through life waiting to meet the one… when in reality they’ve been beside you all along?”
           Mary grins, fighting back the tears. “Sounds like something Dean would do. He can be a bit oblivious.”
           “Both of us were… that and stubborn,” Cas says, “We only got together months ago… but it’s felt like years.”
           “I’m glad,” Mary tells him, “That you two found each other. For you and your family, giving Dean the one he’s always wanted. The one he deserves.”
           “He adores Claire and Jack,” Cas confesses, “Treats them like his own. We were only dating for two months before we moved in here. It didn’t take much convincing, since half of our things were always here.”
           Mary laughs at that. She pulls away, picking up two of the pies. “So,” she says, “should we get moving? They’re probably wondering…”
           Cas stops her, a hand on her arm. “Before we do, I… I want to tell you something.” She nods, and he starts digging into his pocket. “Dean wanted this night to ease you into our relationship, spill everything out into the open and… I can’t toe the waters anymore. I’m plunging in.” He pulls out a small, velvet box. Inside, a beautiful silver band rests, a small diamond in the middle. “I’m proposing.”
           Mary almost drops the pies. “Are you asking for my permission?”
           He shrugs. “We’re kind of springing everything else on you, last minute. It’s the least I can do.”
           It’s not something she has to think about for long. “Come on then,” she says, “I can’t wait to see the look on his face.” Mary leaves him there, making her way back towards the dining room.
           Mary never much cared for Thanksgiving in the beginning, but she learned to love it. It brought her family closer together, gave her new friends and memories to cherish, and a happier life.
           And Thanksgiving was when Dean said yes.
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