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A Aa Aab Aaspes Aba Abbirond Ad Ada Adi Adinndo Ae Aekor Ag Agasant Agibger Agniol Ai Aiat Aingspi Ak Akel Akimp Akist Akog Akonk Al Alepamb Am Amao Amb Amba Ambango Ambka Ambosto Ambtemna Amntolo Amo Amongap Amp Ampik Ampinta Ampkonke Ampo Amra Anadal Anais Anaro And Andenk Anding Andskao Ang Angi Angki Angobmpi Angoend Ank Ankdar Ankespge Ankkeamp Ankndatik Anko Anneag Anskilo Ant Anta Antedpesp Anteop Antgo Antsenas Ao Aod Aoink Aola Aregen Arngeo Aro Ase Aseant Asint Ask Askad Askeo Asker Asko Askosp Asmonkad Asobim Asp Aspa Aspboke Aspenkas Aspilnkomp Aspina Aspip Astelmo Astindntib Astood Astot At Atant Atesk Atonk Atost Attabted Av Avkaed Avod Avvav Ba Bang Bankem Bao Be Beendmpeg Bembirne Bemp Bempange Beotmap Besk Besknkaspsta Bestntadob Bi Bid Bideda Bile Bimi Bogskebe Bonga Boobes Bos Bospoli Bovia Da Daggemp Dail Daint Dampeeng Daogo Dato De Deatpar Debamp Desksko Di Diant Dibspa Dikngo Dimki Divndi Do Doai Dont Dostet E Ea Eal Eandi Eang Easgin Eata Eb Ebato Ebent Ebint Ebmbo Ebonda Ee Eei Eep Eestnge Eg Egask Ege Egkitsko Egolob Ei Eido Eimp Eip Eiski Elnkaspest Em Emb Embemint Emommpint Empa Empabri Emposp Empstai En End Endaap Endi Endrandond Engao Engapgi Enggosmpisk Engibronk Engompstal Engor Enkongast Ent Entek Eo Eolak Eoo Eorsind Eoskank Ep Epe Eplie Epnkertiv Epntomi Eravind Esk Eskak Eskoing Eso Esonk Espaspast Espelo Espo Est Estang Etim Etint Etonkmpon Ev Evio Evmbimp Ga Gaad Gaast Gae Gangov Gasda Ge Gembsiik Gereng Geska Gestembo Gi Gia Gienti Gikedgo Gios Go Gogesa Goii Goir Gomb Goskesk Gospo Gosto I Ia Iaamp Iam Ianbi Ianod Iap Iasp Iba Ibterint Id Idapbos Ie Iedesp Ieor Iesk Iespo Ietle Ieve Ig Ige Igenk Igii Igo Iin Iingo Iink Iir Ik Ikedo Ikempmi Ikgont Ildelskonk Ilind Ilinknep Ilo Im Imair Imb Imbat Impinkstob Impiski Impla Impstaski In Ina Inddaknki Inde Indiob Indo Indont Indrae Inet Ing Ingosk Inkend Inkodek Inkongo Inkosasp Inkota Insoi Int Intinneb Ioend Iomp Ioo Iovmpen Ip Ipimmpint Ipop Ir Iskbindemp Iskepit Iskio Iskmbem Iskmpestnda Iso Isob Isp Ist Istagremp Istileg Istind Istmaa It Iti Itmbind Itsosp Itspi Iva Ivi Kalep Kava Kavopnkab Kem Kembspeste Kentndi Keskoso Kimoop Kiovi Kisk Kistbe Ko Koap Kob Kog Kol Koltait Kong La Las Lav Le Leaki Ledast Lenkel Lente Lesk Lesker Lesp Lia Lint Lisiob Lispempo Lit Livi Loekdim Loeo Lokaint Lomnda Lomp Loro Loskasak Losto Lovsi Mada Made Mamp
Mangontiv Maspabap Mba Mbaamb Mband Mbar Mbasknela Mbasp Mbavin Mbek Mbeng Mbengsav Mbentvorland Mbeor Mbesteeng Mbiae Mbikobink Mbinkamb Mbip Mbit Mbitampab Mboampo Mbok Mbol Mbon Mboostmov Mboskampnga Me Medi Meg Mel Membsti Menkdemp Mi Miaal Miagi Midilo Mimbink Miminke Mindonmbosk Mio Miosk Miskon Mo Moorno Moosi Mostno Mpa Mpagrond Mpanda Mpaperot Mpapvis Mpeimp Mpendampi Mpenkrepi Mpepampe Mping Mpintespla Mpipgengeng Mpisspon Mpistdadiv Mpiv Mpond Mpopo Mpor Mpospsospeg Mpovastpa Nandveomb Nangnankkend Nao Naskom Nast Nda Ndaitar Ndant Ndaoset Ndapki Ndaskang Ndatispngis Nde Ndedgimp Ndemi Ndep Nderiiv Ndet Ndimpa Ndinkstisk Ndir Ndiske Nditnka Ndo Ndolspakask Ndotskov Ne Nedasto Nelombnti Netstaspnda Nga Ngaenda Ngandent Ngankosk Ngankoska Ngasa Ngavmpondo Nge Ngei Ngeib Ngempesk Ngempoge Ngengintngev Ngenkod Ngevovo Ngib Ngimpsko Ngo Ngol Ngolembnkab Ni Nia Nid Nimbek Nindo Ninkavo Nisktabskeg Nkaaba Nkadenglink Nkadoast Nkag Nkal Nkandist Nkaspe Nkast Nkendibske Nkenosa Nkesk Nkidovi Nkiebdid Nkikngaank Nkimampasp Nkimp Nkiombo Nko Nkob Nkonkind Nkost Nong Notvod Nta Ntaa Ntaaspngi Ntaenk Ntaispo Ntamp Ntang Ntaoe Ntatontik Ntav Ntavopig Nte Ntee Ntekvem Ntend Ntesk Nteteap Ntisp Nto Ntoal Ntomp Ntondpei Ntor Ntosk O Oa Oaasp Oai Oask Obaa Obe Odtiend Oemb Oenk Og Ogirent Ognki Oi Oier Oigni Oiil Oinkint Oint Ok Oka Okao Okaont Oki Okmped Okot Okva Ol Olli Olnge Olntisnti Olo Olon Om Omampam Omb Ombal Ombe Ombi Ombomp Omeo Omp Ompa Ompon Omresta Onarop Ondaned Onde Ondenko Ondmba Oneil Ong Ongenda Ongskaank Onk Onkaas Onki Onskeong Ontgask Ontospnda Ontva Oo Ooa Ooga Opdomp Opnkii Oppig Opvi Or Oresp Orneo Osa Osig Osip Osk Oske Osknto Oskongat Oskrest Oso Osp Ospimp Osta Ostai Osterte Ostmespar Osttestvi Ot Otent Oti Otoop Otroant Ovngev Padaov Pas Paspmbaob Pe Peel Peest Peingak Peit Pelasik Petagesp Pi Pie Piinta Piintasp Pintomb Pirskommbint Pisanisk Pisie Pispi Pistommpes Po Poatstest Podste Pomba Pombie Pomposk Pon Por Ra Raao Rana Rant Rasi Raspevek Rea Reegimp Rer Resvo Ribi Rida Rimbega Rimpsto Ringingil Rintnke Ro Rodisp Roib Rolava Rosnkiil Sa Saask Sambaos Sao Sap Sapom Sastpani Satikamp Se Sedi Seka Sepmposk Si Simem Simpdase Simvob Sind Sipask Skaeo Skailig Skand Skant Skasipot Skast Ske Skedomppe Skeintest Skekimmant Skendveng Skengago Skenk Skeok Skeosta Skerrosesk Ski Skia Skimboink Skindamp Skipi Skistle Skomoo Skondeand Skosp Soting Spa Spab Spambvespo Spangnkaom Spappove Spasongint Spasti Spatntestas Spe Speaimb Sper Speraspomp Spes Spesksto Speso Spialog Spiank Spili Spindi Spogina Sponggad Sposis Sposk Sposkno Sta Staar Stamist Stane Staskand Ste Stebemb Stebmpomenk Sted Stenk Stenka Stenkengspes Stentntar Stertot Stespmbai Stevmbevi Sti Stie Stii Stimbskomb Stinkpebind Stiri Stiro Stisog Stist Stiv Stivoskke Sto Stona Stonae Tan Tango Tantendpo Taoa Tarsto Te Tegonk Teia Temb Teva Tinton Tiv Toai Tol Tololo Tomb Tompand Totop Va Vael Vap Ve Veipneg Vend Vi Vib Viembem Viisk Viv Voeri Voiesk Vonta Voppont
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Boston is a racist city and this man is a Boston police officer. Spread it wide.
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#ivoted it’s a precious right we can’t afford to lose so take 5 minutes out of your life & vote! #mapoli #bospoli (at Curley K-8 School SPC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2y7Ny_AGP1/?igshid=10ky4y2xvnfr2
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#TransgenderRights , Allies and Activists are needed now more than ever. Stand for your #TransLovedOnes during these #Trumpist times. Together we are stronger! Story in bio. . . . #yeson3 #mapoli #bospoli #transrights #translivesmatter #transmilitary #antiequality #antitrans #transgender #transyouth #transkids #transpoc #qtpoc #transwomenofcolor #transmenofcolor #transgenero #transmedia #lgbtqmedia #trumphates #derechostrans #vidastrans #therainbowtimes #rainbowtimesmagazine #youmatter (at Boston City Hall Plaza) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpQWbNtg-yw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d2a6ybqwcurc
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It's great that we can vote until 8:00 PM 😍 because after I finished teaching at MGH, I can share my voice for the Preliminary Municipal Election. I am so happy and excite about it. 🗳 #AlwaysVote #Bospoli #bostonvotes #boston #massachusetts #BeEngaged #election (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B20XBARA--rEZclvyJWMv6FuhdVBD8732fXctM0/?igshid=17umceba7ftbc
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#offeraccepted highest isn't always best we got our offer accepted because my client had a conventional loan put down 2% more then the rival offer and provided the loan officers information to confirm that my buyer was a financially strong candidate. What makes me the best real estate agent in our community is the fact that I love and live in the neighborhood I serve and listen to the people that have lived here before the area was desirable. I am Tayla Andrè how can I help you? 617.459.0041 #TaylaAndre #TaylaMade #TaylaMadeRealEstateEasy #PrinceReign #Dorchester #Mattapan #roxbury #hydepark #jamaicaplain #boston #bostonrealtor #bostonrealestate #mapoli #bospoli #realestateagents #RealEstateBroker #firsttimehomebuyer realestateagent #realestatemarketing #realestatesales #realestateforsale #realestateexperts #realestateinvestment #realestatenews #realestatedevelopment #RealEstateTips #realestateagency #interiordesign #BuyTheBlock https://www.instagram.com/p/BtRNYm3nz26/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nw2eq16ojbzc
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"We will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends". - DR. MLK King JR. via State Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz. #mlk #mlkday #mlkday2017 #MLKJR #bostonblogger #boston #bospoli #leadership #fearless #boston #fashionblogger #styleblogger #beautyblogger #cultureblogger #blackculture #blackhistory365
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John Connolly Burns the Boston Blue
John Connolly Burns the Boston Blue
John Connolly, he was once a Boston City Counselor, publicly burned Bostonians for backing the Boston Police Department… John took to his Facebook account to post a diatribe against the people who rallied to support beleaguered police officers who serve in West Roxbury’s District E-5. His post has since gone viral…
John and I are “Facebook friends”… I don’t know John…
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#@BethWBZ#@bostonherald#@bostonpolice#@BPDPCGross#@DrewKaredes#@jakeepstein97#@JohnRConnolly#@KerriKupecDOJ#@KwaniALunis#@proudcandle#BlackLivesMatter#BosPoli#MaPoli#Bashar al-Assad#Black Lives Matter#Boston Herald#Boston Police Department#David Gilmour#District E-5#Donald Trump#Drew Karedes#East Boston#Facebook#Hyde Park#Jake Epstein#John Connolly#Kerri Kupec#Kim Jong-un#Mark Cohen#Marty Walsh
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there was a lot of truly amazing election news last night like the results out of VA or KY, new york city overwhelmingly voting for ranked-choice voting, and the blue wave in PA.
on a smaller note i’m really, REALLY proud of boston’s city council results!! they’re inherently less big deals and boston is already pretty reliably blue as a city & even as a state, but last night (despite embarrassingly low voter turnout) we elected a council made up mostly of women and the most racially diverse in boston’s history.
my neighborhood (allston) voted in an out lesbian housing rights advocate (against a dude who sent out fraudulent mailers ON election day claiming he was endorsed by some union or another to an elderly community btw); the district of hyde park, rozzy, some of mattapan - poorer neighborhoods suffering from gentrification - elected a person of color for the first time, public defender ricardo arroyo. julia meija, an afro-latina immigrant, was elected as a councilor at large - and her opponent (currently asking for a recount) alejandra st guillen is herself a lesbian immigrant rights activist (so like........ good news either way honestly). we ousted some councilors who supported operation clean sweep and rejected proposals to increase the mandatory low-income housing units in new developments and rent control, reelected michelle wu who is a proponent of making the mbta entirely free, etc
this city council & these city councillors/candidates are now also mostly progressives left of the mayor and want to actually push back, which is pretty novel for boston where marty walsh has mostly had unchallenged power. it’s still not equal to the mayor’s office but it still has power!
anyway local elections matter! last night was a very good election night across the whole country! vote in smaller elections!
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Rep. Carvalho takes high road in DA’s contest: "You can look at that as possession, a misdemeanor, or you could charge them for a felony distribution. Or you can look at the entire situation and look at probation—the power is supreme. Let’s look at a restorative justice." READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT DIGBOSTON.COM! #boston #bospoli #mapoli #da #criminaljustice #cannabis #marijuana (at Massachusetts State House)
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Sporting the #teamzakim shirt at #boxing class tonight in support of my good friend and one of #backbay boxing's first and longest serving members @joshzakim. Good luck tomorrow my friend! I'll be 1st in line at the polling station....well, maybe not 1st in line but I'll be there :) #gotv #bostonpoli #bospoli #boston (at Back Bay Boxing Gym and Fitness, Boston)
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@boston.pride Board dissolves organization instead of letting #qtbipoc people lead. Talk about #whitesupremacy - like a Twitter user mentioned who is quoted in the story (by the bio, website). #lgbtq #instapride #instaboston #bostonpride #pridegram #mapoli #bospoli #bostonlgbtq #bostonmassachusetts #bostonmass #lgbtqboston #transboston (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRILrXJMmoG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Going Going Back Back to Boston Boston... #Embargo #HipHopRepublicans #MaPoli #MaSen #BosPoli (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/Boefyb9AqQh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7rab0hk3r7bf
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from @taylamaderealestateeasy - ATTENTION GOVERNMENT FURLOUGHED EMPLOYEES ⠀ ⠀ NOTE: If you have a mortgage and are a furloughed employee due to the government shutdown you have options. Call your mortgage company and request a FORBEARANCE. This means you can pay as little as $1.00 per month on your mortgage until you go back to work. Then once you go back to work they will give you a loan modification for the missing payments. This means the missing payments will be added to the end of your mortgage so you don't have to pay the money upfront. Also ask them not to report your loan to the credit bureaus until you are back at work. Knowledge is power. YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY.⠀ ⠀ What makes me the best real estate agent in our community is the fact that I love and live in the neighborhood I serve and listen to the people that have lived here before the area was desirable. I am Tayla Andrè how can I help you? 617.459.0041 #TaylaAndre #TaylaMade #TaylaMadeRealEstateEasy #PrinceReign #Dorchester #Mattapan #roxbury #hydepark #jamaicaplain #boston #bostonrealtor #bostonrealestate #mapoli #bospoli #realestateagents #RealEstateBroker #firsttimehomebuyer realestateagent #realestatemarketing #realestatesales #realestateforsale #realestateexperts #realestateinvestment #realestatenews #realestatedevelopment #RealEstateTips #realestateagency #interiordesign #BuyTheBlock #governmentshutdown https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs50JS-nYV4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19go3x73r7cdi
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ScottFarmelant: Fun night with #TeamCap. @mikecapuano @ChrisEvans #MApoli #bospoli #MA07
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#Visibility at Honan-Allstom Branch of the Boston Public Library. #Mapoli #Bospoli #AllGood #RockinLikeDokken #ThisIsHowWeDoIt #HUGE #BOOM
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