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momomomma2 · 6 years ago
I finally got to play Far Cry 5 and since I'm a big gay I started looking up male deputy/john seed fics and was so excited when I saw some of them had been written by you.
Ah did you like it? Have you beaten it yet? I’m assuming John is your favorite brother? 
(I got fics for so many things now, I’m bound to run into people across fandoms. I hope you liked them!
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luke-the-bisexual-mess · 4 years ago
With the citadel Council being somewhat incompetent I assume that the Normandy crew just usurped them after ME3
Liara: okay so you 3 are doing everything wrong, you're out and I'm now the asari Councillor
Asari Councillor: but I don't thi-
Garrus: that's right! Look what happened under your watch, I'm taking over for the turians
Turian Councillor: I'm sure we can talk about this
Liara: salarian Councillor as you did help us stop udina you can keep your role
Garrus: be thankful mordin isn't around or he'd have your spot
Salarian Councillor: fine by me, screw you two tho
Asari and turian Councillors: 😟
Tali: and my people are also joining the council! Don't like that then kiss our bosh-tet's
Asari Councillor: surely there's no need fo-
Wrex: my people are joining too, however I have to stay on my home planet I'm nominating my best warrior for the position
Grunt: tee-hee
And the rest of the galaxy agrees with them
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ladysunamireads · 4 years ago
Wake Up, Sleepy Head
Wake up, sleepy head by Bosh tet
Kageyama over sleeps. Thankfully Hinata is here to save the day
Kiss prompt: Early morning kiss
Words: 679, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Kiss prompts
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26491048
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planetiinente · 5 years ago
Tani qe po shkruaj jam vetem tek diga e liqenit, nuk kam internet se ofert nuk bej ndonjiher as verdall nuk po kap ndonji vale. Jam ulur ke shkallet ke moli, kam ven kufjet me vesh dhe 400 kenget qe kam ne cel i kam ber shuffle. Kalojn nga kenget depresive, ne kenget shqiptare, ne rrokun e 90, ne keng spanjolle dhe shum te tjera po prap nuk esht se ndryshon si ndihem un.
Vetem, bosh, pa shoqeri, pa dike per te folur, zgjidhni ke te doni , shtoni dhe te tjera dhe prap do jet si ndihem un. Pse kujtoni qe jam ktu kaq von si budalla. Se u mbyta ne shpi. Sinqerisht ndihesha i mbytur. Jo se po beja dicka dhe u lodha dhe doja pushim. Jo jo, krejt e kunderta, kam nji jav nuk bej asgje. As te msoj, qe i kam ven shkelmin me koh e pse e urrej vetem per kte gje, as te dal per vrap dhe te bej stervitje ku te pakten harxhoja pak kohe nga kjo monotoni e keqe boshe e merzitshme, as te bej ndonji nga 20 "projektet" e vogla neper shpi qe kam menduar po si kam nisur akoma. Pra po kaloj kohen kot, po jetoj kot e di qe cdo gje qe spp bej po me le shum mbrapa qellimeve te mia por nuk e kam me ate vullnet qe te bej dicka. Dhe uri nuk kam me dreqi ta haj kur dikur haja si derr dhe nuk ndaloja, kurse tani nje tost me mban gjith diten pasi pertoj dhe tcohem nga divani. Nuk esht se nuk dua tbej gje, po mduken te pavlera, tgjitha cdo gje mduket e kot. Dhe sa me shum koh kaloj kot aq me shum e ndjej qe po shuhem nga brenda.
Para disa ditesh vizatova nje karton te vogel per vllain qe ta marri me vete ta perdori per bookmark pasi do iki ne vend tjeter per te punuar. E kam shtyr kaq koh se ca do vizatoja aty pasi nuk me vinte frymezimi ne bot se doja te beja dicka me kuptim, ne fund u dorzova dhe vizatova si tme shkonte dora dhe mendja ne nji moment qe me kapi frymezimi. Me pelqeu ckisha ber, nuk ishte gje per tlen koken pas saj po aq sa mundja bera dhe mu duk lezecem. Reagimi vllait ama me dhimbti. Nuk u duk fare entuziast, nuk e di cpriste... Me lendoi por e anashkalova dhe gjys shaka gjys serioz i thash po ste pelqeu ma jap se e mbaj vet. Direkt e mori nuk ma kthehu po reagimi i par me mbeti ne mendje sbesoj se do e harroj se spara vizatoj dicka per te tjer, kjo mund te ket qene hera e pare qe me kan kerkuar tbej dicka dhe hera e dyt qe e kam ber me deshir. Po prap me hypi qefi ti beja nji vizatim mlta kishte kujtim. Bera gati cdo gje. Planin se cdua tbej, iden si do e bej, bera dhe nji skech tvogel n3 te nates, u ngrita nga krevati dhe e vizatova ne nji nga ato fletat e verdha tvogla. Cdo gje mu duk gati do e nis neser thash patjeter u emocionova shum qe do i kthehesha vizatimit pas dy viteve..... Kjo ishte para nji jave dhe telajo qe do perdorja esht akoma e bardh. Doja ta beja paraxege ikte ta merrte me vete po me shum mundsi do ja dergoj me von nese e mbaroj ndonjehere...
Leviza pak me posht tek diga se era e nates te ftof po te rrish me nji vend dhe thash po shkruaj duke ecur. Gjeja par qe mshkoi ne mendje ishte jam vetem, si me shofin robt pasi ky esht perceptimi me te cilin jemi rritur. Por kam kufjet ne vesh dhe ndodhem ne boten time tashme kshuqe nuk me intereson shum, po dua sdua ai momenti i pare qe e mendoj gjithmon ndodh.
Po dreqi ta haj, kaq jet kari qenka sa mos te gjesh dot nji shoqeri tamam. Lere pastaj per tkerkuar dicka me shume po shoqri si fillim dreqi ta haj shok shoqe tamam tkalosh kohen sic duhet tbesh qefin sic duhet jo vetem me intriga drama e budalliqe . Prandaj ndodhem vetem tani. Se ata persona me te cilet rrija nuk i flas me se i thash qe sjellja qe po benin nuk me pelqente dhe u zum dhe aq ishte pra ajo "shoqeri" e ndritur. Aq vlera kisha un per ata, po nuk me erdhi cudi e dija qe heret a von do ndodhte dhe me mir ta mbyllja vet se nuk dua shoqeri aq fallco dreqi ta haj. E di qe thjesht po shfryhem po ca shoku je dreqi ta haj kur nuk bem dot nji mhb srz me ty. Eh i hodha pas krahve se ashtu meritonit dhe nuk pendohem aspak dhe pse tani jam vetem pa asnji. Me mir vetem se sa me ju njerez te poshter, interesaxhij. Dhe ate qe gjojash e konsideroja shok te ngusht e kuptova qe rrethanat na ben te till, ne cdo version tjeter sdo kishte ndodhur. Po nuk dua ti futem detajeve se e di sdo mbaroja kurr qe ske qen pothuajse asnjehere aty per mua dhe pse jam perpjekir gjithmon te jem aty per ty. Varja se me acaroi qe i rimendova te gjitha kto prap.
As per tshkruar nuk mvjen me po kenga qe u vu tani gjithmon me ben te kercej. Ritmi i saj po dhe teksti jan shum tbukura. Nese dikush do doj ta degjoj :
Eh dreqi ta haj as ty nuk te harroj dot se mendoj cdo nate per ty dhe ti di mir kte gje dhe kenget qe me dedikon ne story te instas dhe snapit i shof i degjoj kenget, ja dgjoj mir tekstin e tyre dhe me dhembin kur i degjoj po cado qe ti te besh dhe pse gjithmon do tet dua, kurr nuk do kthehem me me ty. E bera njiher gabimin dhe te fala dhe prap njelloj veprove po nfund un jam idjoti po mos ki merak se nuk do ndodhi me qe tme perdoresh deri sa tmerzitesh e pastaj tikesh me nji mesazh.
P.S. Sado qe perpiqem tani te rikujtoj dicka te mir , vetem momentet e kqija me vijme ndermend.
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emmavakarian-theirin · 7 years ago
i read this to the tune to the fairy odd parents, so thank you for that
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dichotomy7343 · 8 years ago
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag followers you would like to get to know better.
NAME: Eric NICKNAME: Arcane, Legolad ZODIAC SIGN: Cancer HEIGHT: 6'0 ETHNICITY: White ORIENTATION: Straight FAVOURITE FRUIT: Strawberries FAVOURITE SEASON: Fall FAVOURITE BOOK: Harry Potter series (can't choose a specific one) FAVOURITE FLOWERS: Not really familiar with many flowers. The different colors of roses are nice FAVOURITE SCENT: Can't identify the specific scent (don't know what the hell creates it), but probably the scent I associate with the Harry Potter series. Or other nostalgic scents FAVOURITE COLOUR: Forest green FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Dogs FAVOURITE BEVERAGE: Vanilla or strawberry milkshake AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 10.5 FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: A lot. But I'll mention Tali, Eren Yeager, Emile (Halo), Obi-Wan, Legolas, Harry Potter, and Elizabeth Swann just for a few. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: 1 blanket + 1 sheet BLOG CREATED: 2010s I think NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS: 399
tagged by: @steelinquisitor tagging: @zenjestrr, @bosh-tet​, @nightstep, @artsykristi, and anyone who sees this and wants to do it
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Shout out to my good friend @bosh---tet for dragging me back into shipping hell.
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momomomma2 · 8 years ago
"If these people weren't here, I'd be on my knees with your cock in my mouth" Scott/Jaal???
Dirty Talk Prompts (Currently Closed)
“Are such festivities really necessary?” Jaal’s annoyed, huffing the words into Scott’s ear as he sidles up behind him.
Scott swallows back his amusement with another sip of his wine, hiding his grin in the curve of the glass. There’s so many people milling about, talking and laughing and drinking, but he’s in agreement. The message from the quarian ark was great news, letting the Nexus know they were inbound and safe. Everyone had rushed to toast the message, leaders and underlings alike raising glasses in a cheer.
But Scott knows how fleeting ‘safe’ is in Andromeda and can understand Jaal’s annoyance with the premature celebration.
“I thought you’d be happy to celebrate. Aren’t Angara big on parties?”
“Not on nights when they’ve other things on their minds.” Jaal’s hands slide over his hips, fingertips digging in, dragging Scott against his body. “This is the first time you and I have had the chance of privacy that the Nexus offers.”
“Mmmm, did you have something other than a party in mind?” Scott keeps a genial expression on his face, flashing Cora a bright grin when she squints across the room suspiciously at them.
“If these people weren’t here, I’d be on my knees with your cock in my mouth.”
Scott chokes on his swallow of wine, burning in his throat, coughing and waving away the expressions of concern that turn to him. He swallows thickly, blinking back tears, before twisting his head to glare at Jaal’s unrepentant expression.
“You have a kink.”
“For you?” Jaal hums, nuzzling against the side of his face, laughter in every word. “For the sounds you make? For the way you arch under my hands, the way my tongue makes you tremble? Absolutely.”
Scott sets his glass down on a passing tray, turning to grab a fistful of Jaal’s Rofjiin and huff at his satisfied grin.
“Twenty more minutes.”
“Five,” Jaal counters with a purr, thumbs rubbing tantalizing circles into the hollow’s of Scott’s hips.
“Ten, and I’ll let you come across my face.” Jaal’s grin is as wicked as the glint in his eyes. “You rather liked that last time, if I recall correctly.”
Scott shivers, fighting back the rush of arousal at the memories of purple skin streaked with white and a flicker of a tongue licking up what it could reach.
“Ten,” he agrees hoarsely, ignoring Jaal’s victorious laughter.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years ago
Annie Mac shares her ultimate festival survival guide (and beauty essentials she can't live without)
Annie Mac shares her ultimate festival survival guide (and beauty essentials she can't live without)
GLAMOUR was lucky enough to make the trip to Malta earlier this month to celebrate the fourth year of Annie Mac’s very own festival, AMP Lost & Found. It got summer off to a soaring start by kicking festival season off with the most amazing weekend of music, weather and beauty-inspo. We were totally spoilt for choice with the line-up featuring a huge variation of the world’s best DJs and acts, including Jamie XX, Four Tet, Diplo and J Hus. AMP Lost & Found makes a huge change from your standard British Festival; no wellies, no rain, no tents – just the gorgeous Mediterranean sun, an incredible castle-rave and glitter for days. We caught up with headliner, radio-hero and hair-goddess, Annie Mac, about all things, beauty, festival-survival and Malta.
What’s been your pre-festival beauty regime?
Topping up my spray tan as a priority and I’m getting my eyebrows microbladed for the first time ever, which is just changing my life. The idea of not having to fill in my eyebrows every day is just like, the best thing ever. 
This my new thing now, as I’m getting older I’d rather do stuff like that and not worry about my eyebrows for years. I’m also getting lash extensions, because it saves you having to put mascara on on a hot day and they last for like a month – so it’s just perfect.
What would you are the three most important things to pack for a festival abroad like AMP Lost and Found?
Phone charger, essential. You don’t want to lose your mates. Portable if possible, one that you can plug in a wall at night and bring with you during the day. 
Adapter. Anything like shades and stuff, you can buy at the airport. You need to have the technical essentials in order to be a happy person at two in the morning. 
You need a good face wipe situation. You know, I wouldn’t trust that you could get that in Malta.
So you’ve got your wipes, you’ve had your brows and lashes done. Are there any other beauty products you couldn’t go to AMP Lost and Found without?
Always use a foundation – MAC face and body foundation, no matter what. I mix that with MAC strobe cream and then plaster my face with it and it gives your face a really nice and subtle highlight. 
Also, my friend Jules Von Hep, who usually does my fake tan, has just started his own line of fake tan that you can get in Boots ‘Isle of Paradise’ and that’s sick. It’s got this little bottle, which is self-tanning drops and you just mix the drops into moisturiser and put in on your face. So, that gives you a really good tan base and it last like four days. I just think when you have a really good tan, it cancels out a lot of insecurities. 
17 of the best fake tans for golden holiday skin
So you’re all for the fake tan?
All for the fake tan. I’ve got more sensible in my old age. I went for a facial and this lady was like “clearly you need to deal with your sun spots”. And I was like “really, I would have just liked you to massage my face and make it feel nice”. She said that you should wear factor 50 whatever you do. So I do now, and I’m all about using fake tan.
Very sensible. So, when it’s the morning after a big night what do you do to get ready for day two?
First things first, I’ll have a Berroca. I’m a big BIG fan of electrolytes. So, I down a Berroca and I would try and eat something – I eat SO many bananas I worry sometimes that it’s unhealthy. I would bosh two Advil and just keep hydrated with loads of water and loads of Berroca. And when it’s a reasonable time, I might have another drink – maybe a Bloody Mary, just to take the edge off. But, you have to be careful with that because if you get into solid drinking again – then you’re in trouble, so I’d just have one.
Does the festival season have a knock-on effect on your skin, your body, your health, mind? How do you detox afterwards?
It’s about making sure it’s never too full-on, because I have a full-time job in the week, I have to really change how I approach it now. I do way less gigs, and if I do festivals on a Saturday, I’d always make sure my Sunday is clear.
I try not to stay over as often as I can, so that even if I’m home at three or four in the morning, I wake up in the morning and I feel like I have a full day and a night at home before I feel like I have to go again.
What would you say is your best festival memory?
OMG, that is SO hard. I did a gig at the Silver Hays stage Glastonbury about three years ago and it was kind of against all odds. I hadn’t had any sleep the night before, I was parked right behind a tent and had no sleep all day. But, it was really REALLY emotional and amazing because it felt like the entire crowd was really behind me. I actually shed a real tear (probably because I hadn’t had any sleep) but it just felt overwhelming in a positive way and it was just one of those gigs where everything went right, everything worked really well and positively.
So, I have to follow that up with… what’s your worst festival experience?
Years ago, when Global Gathering was still a thing, I played on the main stage and it was my first gig back after having my first kid. I was still kind of big and still wearing my pregnancy wear, so I was wearing this tent dress I’d got from ASOS. I was behind the decks so you could only see from my waist up. But, halfway through the gig a biblical storm happened, and in about ten minutes, the sky was black and there were just buckets of rain. I probably lost about two-thirds of the crowd because they all just ran for shelter. The rain was coming down so hard on my decks that we were having to wipe down each deck with a tea towel whilst the other deck was playing.
The worst thing was that it got really windy and my dress kept blowing up. So I was trying to hold my dress down with one arm and DJ with the other and there were loads of people behind me so I was totally aware that my knickers were on show. My manager ran onto the stage and was holding my dress down and then my tour manager came round with gaffer tape and had to tape my dress to my thighs while it was pissing rain and the whole crowd were running away.
13 festival hair ideas that make the flower crown look dated
What are your anthems for Summer 2018?
There’s a track by Denis Sulta who played for us in Malta, a Scottish guy who is becoming really popular. His track is called D.K.Y and it was something I actually played all last summer but it’s only just come out now and I feel like a lot of people are just discovering it. 
A guy called DJ Koze has a track called Pick-up, which is the ideal sunset, cool party track, it’s gorgeous string, it’s got a Gladys Knight sample – that’s the hottest record I’m really excited to play.
We’ve seen a rise of female DJ’s over the last few years, who are your favourites and who should we look out for?
I love a girl called Jayda G – she is so fun to watch, she plays everything from old R&B records, to disco and house. She’s one of those DJs that gets so into it, she dances like a crazy-woman; she’s really fun to watch and infectious.
A DJ called Peggy Gou plays amazing music and is also a wonderful producer. The Black Madonna is a firm favourite, she has insane breaths of knowledge when it comes to music; she will play anything from vintage hip-hop to classic jungle to the latest unrelated techno. She is one of these people who will take you on a journey, she’s really unpredictable in an exciting way and can totally flip the mood.
Monki is a long term friend – someone I’m a big fan of. I’m excited for Monki’s future as a DJ.
Tickets are now on sale for AMP Lost & Found 2-5th May 2019 www.lostandfoundfestival.com
Want more festival content? Check out our guide on the perfect festival clothing to make you stand out from the crowd.
How to… dress in festival clothing without looking like you’ve tried too hard
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theseventhhex · 7 years ago
Fink Interview
Fin Greenall
Photo by Tommy N Lance
‘Resurgam’ – meaning “I shall rise again” – is the hotly-anticipated sixth studio album from Fink: UK-born, Berlin-based founding singer-songwriter musician Fin Greenall, alongside long-time bandmates Tim Thornton and Guy Whittaker. Fink have never been afraid to experiment; on ‘Resurgam’, they arguably sound more fearless than ever. Its ten new tracks were created over two months, a relatively luxurious stretch of time compared to previous Fink albums, resulting in a collection that is both assertive and richly immersive… We talk to the pleasant Fin Greenall about capturing the intensity, fitness of the mind and body and performing live…
TSH: Did you approach ‘Resurgam’ with your familiar outlook or did this album entail a different atmosphere and an overall different ambition?
Fin: We started to approach this record with the same vibe – do some demos, hang out in my studio, write stuff, but when Flood came on board as producer everything changed…he was our filter and our second pair of ears, and all of our processes were turned on their heads. We started to look at the way we were making the music and producing our works and that helped us get out of our usual ways and into some really cool and interesting new spaces both lyrically and musically. We loved it.
TSH: What would you say are the primary influences in recent times that continue to inform your work?
Fin: Intensity still carries the biggest punch for me. If I feel something intensely then I’m into it. I think that’s what holds all of my musical tastes together. The common thread is basically the intensity of it…maybe that’s why I’m not into pop music so much – it is deliberately not intense…bands like Arcade Fire and Radiohead and Beck continue to inspire us and show us how to do this over the long term as opposed to the short term. We have also been inspired by artists like Bon Iver and his killer live show, and both me and our drummer Timmy listen to a lot of new music. Hearing new ideas filter through from the underground is like a permanent obsession with me. That and pushing our own music further and further. Inertia is our biggest fear, both live and in the studio.
TSH: In what ways has this album given you new tools to work with and a new perspective?
Fin: This record, and to some extent the Blues record I released earlier this year, have definitely taught me that “performance” is a key element when writing lyrics and melodies. I’m not really talking about live performance at all; it’s more about inhabiting the songs, really being in them. Loads of times in the studio we would go through many, many takes of the tracks and essentially much of this record is live, but it was about Flood capturing the take when I meant it the most, not necessarily the most accurately sung and perfectly performed moment. With this record I am definitely not behind the guitar the whole time – in fact – there is only one track where I play acoustic guitar in the traditional sense…this one was about finding new spaces for the songs and for my voice, and letting the voice and song have more space to breathe, more melody, and I suppose therefore, more intensity.
TSH: Do you prefer letting the songs reveal themselves to you instead of limiting yourself to a fixed plan?
Fin: There is no plan at all. I will find out what they all mean later on in life – art is like a stream of consciousness for me, so when you are writing, recording, and now touring, you don’t really have time to think about it. You are very much caught up in the moment of just doing it.
TSH: How did you go about layering and structuring ‘Day22’ from the outset?
Fin: It started as a very different song. Honestly it was like a kind of Cobainesque indie strummer. The demo was also recorded like that, inspired by a cover I did years ago of a Nirvana track for an anniversary compilation of Nevermind… Flood then jumped on one aspect of it, a kinda almost funky riff that was just like a post chorus part and we set up in the studio and just jammed on that all day. I played it on a re-amped grand piano, the boys played it live with me and we just did take after take, to get the groove, then boshed a huge ending on it. That happened when I was out of the room. I must have been doing promo or something but I came back in to see Timmy’s beaming face with a grin like, dude, wait till you hear what we’ve done to the end! It was massive. I really love the fact that when the track starts you would have no idea that the end is coming.
TSH: Furthermore, what resonates with you most with regards to a track like ‘Godhead’?
Fin: The feeling of being able to read through someone’s, or your own kind of grey mood, to find the optimism in it. That’s what the lyric “clouds were just cover“ is about - the sense that behind even the darkest skies the sky is blue, like when you’re taking off on a plane in rainy grey Heathrow and you get above the clouds and it’s beautiful. I love the optimism in this one. It’s a very different track on the record than the others, and I think that’s because it was one of the more joyous experiences to record.
TSH: What’s led to you being much more open than you used to with your musical directions?
Fin: Good question. Maybe a sense of having nothing to lose and being much less caught up in the whole “like me” game. I have definitely learned over the years that the less you care about that side of things the better the art. Maybe now I’m just getting better at not caring, in the nicest possible way, what people think. Judgement doesn’t really bother me anymore, for whatever reason. Maybe that’s why we can create such diverse records but I’m not sure. Might be a confidence thing, I don’t know. My therapist could probably answer that question better than me.
TSH: How beneficial was it to work on Sunday Night Blues Club, Vol.1, knowing that it allowed you to retool yourself as a singer, player and producer?
Fin: It was really cathartic, creative and liberating. I knew I had to make it a very BLUES record. Not a fusion record but very much my own place, pace and time. It also allowed me to build a relationship with Flood who mixed it and co-produced it with me. It was a re-tooling but actually it was more of an “un-tooling”, all totally analogue, live, basic gear, one amp, one mic kind of stuff. Sessions were delivered that I wouldn’t touch, edit or do anything with. I wanted to capture some live elements of the Blues, so in a way the mistakes are what makes this record so human to me.
TSH: What are the key challenges that you’ve had to endure as an artist over the last few years?
Fin: Fitness of the mind and body is super important with such ambition and workload. Most of the key challenges, as explained in my 2007 track ‘This Is The Thing’ basically, are the challenges of maintaining real life through the lens of such a bizarre working environment.
TSH: How do you feel your live shows have evolved over time?
Fin: I’ve got more comfortable as we’ve invested more time and energy into it. This current tour is 3 months straight. The more you play, the more you feel comfortable with experimenting on stage and moving tracks around, creating new sounds and moments. Depending on the night and how we feel, or how they feel these days. We just love it. We have a great live family around us and when the wheels on the bus start turning we just never want them to stop.
TSH: What new music have you enjoyed recently?
Fin: Snapped Ankles, Baba Commandant, Floating Points, Four Tet, Zomby, Lower Slaughter, Kris Wadsworth, Protomartyr and Tzusing.
TSH: How do you like to spend your downtime?
Fin: This afternoon I am going to a second hand book market in Northern Kiev to hunt down some late seventies soviet psyche vinyl.
TSH: What sort of opportunities do you relish and want to explore with your future music plans?
Fin: I just want to keep making a better record than the last one.
Fink - “This Isn't a Mistake”
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planetiinente · 5 years ago
Im tired.
Jam i lodhur nga cdo gje. Isha me shoket deri shpar ne kafe dhe po flsinim aq thell per cdo gje ne jeten tone po kur u permende ti fillova te stresohesha pakashum. Kur te permendja ty .... Me vinte te plasja. Jo nga inati a ndonjegje e keqe, si ta them me shum nga nje merzi qe po flisja per dicka te shkuar, dicka qe kurr me nuk do ishte pjes e imja dhe kjo me bente te plasja. Gjate gjith kohes kemba po me tundej nga nervozizmi ne njefar menyre dhe nuk me pelqente kjo gje. Nuk fola shum per ty jo se ata i dinin pakashum gjerat po po te merrja si shembull se si shkon jeta si kalon nga gjeja me e bukur ne bote ne shkatrrim total. Po flisja se si ne muajt e fundit pas cdo gjeje tbukur qe kishim bashk e shkatrrove aq leht pak nga pak.
Me ato prekjet e tua te ftohta mos te them qe u ben inekzistente shum shpejt sa me sdi ca esht te ndjesh dike tjeter, tja ndjesh ngrohtesine prane. Ajo e folura e pashpirt e rralle sa per te thene po flet dhe ai shikimi bosh ne drejtimin tim.... Aq ishte dhe qe ziheshe per cdo gje tmundshme te imagjinueshme. Me shkatrrove pak nga pak dhe e dije e si mund te ta falja perseri kur heren e par budallai u kthye. Ja pra dhe gjerat me te bukura shkatrrohen po pyes si esht kjo ndjesia qe ti shkatrrosh vete dalengadal, ta shofesh cpo ndodh cpo ben dhe te mos ndryshosh. Te besh cdo gje kastile qe tek ai fundi i keq tmos dalesh ti e keqjake kush do e dgjoj.
Po e mbaj mend shum mir kur ikem ne kinema, dhe te kerkova doren ta mbanim gjate filmit se kisha kenaqsi te madhe qe po e shifnim bashk. Po e mbaj mend reagimin tend ku u spostove komplet me trup per tme shmangur dhe nuk doje tme prekje, e mbaj mend shikimin tend te ftoht e tpeshtirosur, r mbaj mend dhe si largoje e kembet qe mos mbeshtetesin tek te mijat sic beje gjithmon me para. Kujtimi atij filmi gjithmon do jet ky moment qe mka lenduar shum dhe pse ai esht nji nga filmat me tbukur qe jan ber nuk e kam shijuar dot fare dhe nuk besoj se do mund ta rishikoja dot pasi e mbaj mend dhe ne cpjese ka ndodhur cdo gje. Cdo sken si veproje kur doja tet tregoja si femij i emocionuar qe ishte nje sken shum e bukur kjo. Tashme ato skena msjellin nji lemsh ne stomak qe nuk do tretet kurre.
Kur ti, qe ishe personi qe ndaja cdo gje, veprove ashtu me mua, si mund te ndihesha si duhet te ndihesha e si duhet te mendoja nuk e di ... Nuk e di. Di qe ne kte moment me mungon do doja tkisha ne krah po esht dhe vetmia qe po flet tani. Dua dicka. Dicka te re. Dicka te bukur dhe emocionuese. Frik kam dhe e di qe me shum mundsi do lendohem perseri ....por thjesh dua te dua dicka dhe tme duan. Pse mos me duan. Mendoj qe e meritoj ta provoj dhe pse mduket e pamundur.
Dhe ja ku cdo mendim prap shkoi ke ty prap fola per ty si gjithmon dhe pse vetem ktu e bej kte gje kaq gjat. Se ktu nuk e di kush kush jam un kush je ti dhe po tduan te gjykojn nuk me intereson dua thjesht te shprehem diku dhe ndoshta dikush mund ti lexoj kto gjera qe llomotis un po ska shum rendsi ne fund dhe nese askush nuk e shef kurr kete. Thjesht dua ta nxjerr pak nga gjoksi kte gje mos ta mblesh tgjithen aty. Nuk mund tja them dikujt tjeter ne jeten time te vertete kte. Nuk kan ngelur shum veta jo dhe ato te paket qe kan ngelur qe mund ti numurosh me gishtat e dy duarve qe mos them me nji dore.... Dhe me ato nuk mund ta flisja kurre. Nuk ka lidhje turpi apo ku di un, por thjesht nuk do mund ta flisja, nuk do me kuptonin, nuk do mund te me ndihmonin, as nuk do shkonte muhabeti aty qe te flisnim per kte gje, madje as nuk do i shkonte ne mendje qe dua ndihme,qe dua tflas me dike qe besoj, qe dua tkem dike qe interesohet per mua te me pyesi si je e te doj vertet ta di jo sa per tlare gojen.... Heh varja jam i lodhur nga cdo gje.
Jete muti po tpakten kur isha me ty doja ta jetoja.
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momomomma2 · 7 years ago
You followed me and I screeched. This is the best day ever.
I THOUGHT I ALREADY WAS??? You reblogged something and I clicked over to see what it was and it was like “FOLLOW” and I had a little moment of “what the fuck even Tumblr.”
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momomomma2 · 8 years ago
I downloaded the new patch and I'm crying. Who else can barely contain themselves?
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I have gotten exactly one (1) flirt line in with him so far and Im already so gone on this stupid man. However this romance is gonna take for freaking ever bc Im an idiot and forgot myself and was like “I’ll go do Voeld first!”
Side note: there’s a couple adorable Angara on Voeld! Cold blooded little kitties (♥ω♥*)
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momomomma2 · 8 years ago
"I can't wait to have kids with you" Gil/Scott. If you're still doing them
A/B/O Dialogue Prompts (Currently Closed)
“I can’t wait to have kids with you.”
It’s barely more than a whisper, breathed into Scott’s nape while one of Gil’s hands slides slow across his stomach, but it makes him shudder nonetheless. He’s still achy, exhausted from a knotting that made his thighs shake so hard they’re still twitching in aftershocks. They’re not even under the blankets, having kicked them off the bed ages ago, the warmth of shared body heat more than enough for them.
Scott drops his hand, lacing his fingers through Gil’s, and drags the Alpha’s hand up to press a kiss to scarred knuckles.
“Lexi said it might not take the first few heats.” Scott reminds him softly, hearing Gil’s exhale, feeling the way the Alpha huddles in closer.
“I know. No harm in hope, though. And certainly no harm in trying until it does.”
“Insatiable,” Scott teases, biting down gently, Gil’s hand twitching in response.
“Only for you.” There’s a moment of silence and then Gil is untangling their fingers, gently tipping Scott onto his back to lean over him. “You know that right? It’s just you for me. Gonna be you for as long as you let it be.”
Scott absolutely melts at the warm affection in Gil’s gaze, linking his hands behind the Alpha’s neck to tug him into a kiss. There’s a laziness to the way Gil licks inside his mouth, stroking a free hand over his side, to the way they break apart only to come back together within the same breath.
“I feel the same way.” Scott breathes finally, once they’ve separated for good, momentarily satiated.
Gil goes quiet, contemplative for a second, before a wicked grin stretches across his face. His fingers dance across Scott’s lower stomach once more, urging the heat coiling within him back to the surface, filling Scott’s veins with a thickly sweet need.
“You smell like you’re ready again, Omega. Now who’s insatiable?”
“Hard not to always want an Alpha like you,” Scott parries back, spreading his legs easily when Gil moves to slide between them.
“Always, huh? Sounds good to me.”
“Me too,” Scott sighs happily, before crooking a finger and wrapping his legs around Gil’s waist. “Now, c’mere, Alpha. We got babies to make.”
“Plural, huh? Guess I better step my game up.”
“Oh, trust me, your ‘game’ is just fine. Now get inside me.”
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momomomma2 · 8 years ago
I love you.
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Thank you! I love you too!
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