#bos rental
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holopiscom · 2 months ago
Luapan Emosi Anak Bos Rental Mobil Saksikan Rekonstruksi Penembakan di Rest Area KM 45 Tangerang
SERANG – Polisi Militer TNI Angkatan Laut melakukan rekonstruksi penembakan pemilik usaha rental mobil di Tangerang, Banten. Rekonstruksi dilaksanakan di rest area Km 45 Tol Tangerang-Merak atau di wilayah Balaraja, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten pada hari Jumat 10 Januari 2025 malam. Kasus penembakan tersebut menewaskan bos rental mobil milik Ilyas Abdurrahman dan satu orang lainnya mengalami…
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lampung7com · 2 months ago
Rizky Agam Puas dengan Rekonstruksi Adegan Penembakan di Tol Tangerang-Merak
Tangerang – Rizky Agam (24), anak dari bos rental mobil yang menjadi korban penembakan di Rest Area KM 45 Tol Tangerang-Merak, mengaku puas dengan pelaksanaan rekonstruksi adegan yang dilakukan oleh Pusat Polisi Militer TNI Angkatan Laut (Puspomal) pada Sabtu (11/1) dini hari. Agam mengatakan bahwa rekonstruksi tersebut sudah sesuai dengan apa yang ia saksikan pada saat kejadian, mulai dari…
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redcarpetexpert · 2 years ago
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cinews-id · 5 days ago
Dokter Spesialis Forensik Sebut Kematian Bos Rental di Rest Area KM 45 Tangerang-Merak Akibat Luka Tembak
Jakarta, CINEWS.ID – Dalam kesaksiannya di sidang lanjutan kasus pembunuhan Bos Rental Mobil di Rest Area KM 45 Tangerang-Merak di Pengadilan Militer II-08 Jakarta, Jakarta Timur, Senin (24/2/2025). Dokter Spesialis Forensik dan Medikolegal di RSUD Balaraja Tangerang Baety Adhayat mengungkapkan, penyebab kematian bos (pemilik) rental mobil Ilyas Abdurrahman akibat luka tembak yang menembus…
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kabarfaktual · 19 days ago
Sidang Perdana Tiga Prajurit TNI AL Kasus Penembakan Bos Rental Digelar di Pengadilan Militer
kabarfaktual.com – Tiga prajurit TNI AL yang menjadi terdakwa dalam kasus penembakan bos rental mobil di tol Tangerang-Merak hadir dalam sidang perdana yang digelar di Pengadilan Militer II-08 Jakarta, Cakung, Jakarta Timur. Ketiga terdakwa adalah Kelasi Kepala (KLK) Bambang Apri Atmojo, Sersan Satu Akbar Aidil, dan Sersan Satu Rafsin Hermawan. Dalam persidangan, ketiganya hadir mengenakan…
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banj0possum · 6 months ago
So… ah…
Gift! Take! Present!
CW: blood!
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I’m in love with these goobers. Thank younsm for all you do!
Bonus? Some HCs that have been swishing in my empty empty noggin: (dunno where else to put them but here)
- Screw calls his treasures “Sparklies”. He also likes marbles. It’s hard for him to actually play, but he like the Sparklie. He has a big one that is his prized possession… but you can hold it if you want…
- I swear Ribs was big into Among Us or FNAF bc bro be venting. That’s all.
- In the “Bite HC” thing you said that the boys associate biting with eating/ their teeth are sharp, so I just thought of in Part 1 Soda is deadass trying to eat Reader with everyone standing there. But it’s in a funny haha way not in a scary way. My heart couldn’t take that.
- I HC that Bo drools. Not a lot, but more than the others. His gums are just out, poor guy.
- I was thinking about what the boys did before the apocalypse, so here are my silly dumb thoughts.
- Screw was a student, most definitely. Just an art or lit student scrimblo stumbling his way through college. (Also he likes Sanrio *cough*)
- As mentioned by you, Ribs is a party boy. I feel like he’s the type that did odd jobs. He;s all over Fiverr and Craigslist. Also he has no regards for savings. It’s is blessing in disguise he’s undead. No 401K to worry about.
- I feel like Soda worked at like a “fancy clothes rental” store or something to do with hospitality. I say that bc it was mentioned that he keeps his hair and clothes cleaner than the others. Although he could totally be like a VTuber or professional gooner for all ai know.
- Obvi Bo was conscripted into the military, but I could totally see him as a teacher. Dunno what age group tho.
Thank you for taking the time to read this far! Also don’t be afraid to cut so,e stuff out since ik it was long.
Love your work!! (qwq)✌️
akjhfikauvkhfnvujbghuhgb!! this is amazing !! :0000000
this is all canon now, i said so, its all canon
soda please share your hair routine sir please sir please share your hair-
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 6 months ago
The Cowgirl and The Aviator Ch12
WARNING: Character harm, blood, hospitals, ranch hands being protective, hurt, comfort, trust building and fluff.
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Jake didn’t even pack a bag as he booked a flight to Austin and a rental car for when he landed. Bradley even volunteered to take him to the airport. “When you get there tell her we miss her here, and you better apologize on your knees because she won’t accept anything less”, Bradley said. “I will do anything and everything to get her back”, Jake replied. Bradley watched as Jake fidgeted in the passenger seat and he decided to speed a little to get him to the airport.
Once Jake made it into the airport he went through security and ran to the gate only to realize he had to wait thirty more minutes before he could board the plane. He tried your cell phone several times but it would ring before rolling to voicemail. He begged and pleaded for you to give him another chance that he would do anything for you. Even admitting he would go AWOL from the Navy if he had to.
They announced boarding and to Jake it felt like the longest boarding he had ever sat through. You on the other hand were helping Bull and the other ranch hands brand and castrate the young calves. “Nothing like being outdoors and working like this huh”, he said. “I wouldn’t mind having a ranch like this one day”, you replied. Bull noticed how happy you were and he knew that even though you loved Jake you would be okay. 
It was late afternoon by the time you got done and the guys were setting up to cook some dinner. “I’m gonna walk Rebel down to the creek”, you told Bull. “Don’t be gone too long once these guys get the food done they don’t hesitate to eat it all”, Bull jokes. You nodded and walked the mile to let Rebel cool off and get a drink. While there you noticed someone walking down the creek. You figured it was one of the guys coming back from getting cleaned up in the creek as you relaxed.
Jake had just made it to his sisters front door where he knocked incessantly. Evelynn opened the door with a frown on her face and a glare in her eye. “What do you want?”, she asked. “I need to talk to (Y/N)”, Jake explained. “And you think she came here? Even if she was here, why would I tell my jackass of a brother where she was?”, she scolded. “I know she’s here and I have to get her back, Ev. Ever since breaking up with her all I see when I close my eyes is her. I hear her in my dreams and I messed up. I’ll get down on my knees for her. I know now that the photo was all a trick and I should have let her explain”, Jake rushed.
Evelynn had never seen her brother so distraught, not even when he found the girl he was planning on marrying was cheating on him. “She isn’t here right now, but she’ll be back tomorrow afternoon. Until then you better think about what you’re going to say to her”, Evelynn said. Jake was at a loss so he walked out to the barn where he found your cot with your duffle bag. He noticed a picture poking out of the bag and when he pulled it out he noticed it was a picture of him. 
It was an old photo of when he had just joined the Navy, and he knew that Evelynn had given it to you. It was nice to know you still somewhat cared about him. You were taken by surprise when the person that had been walking stopped beside you. “Hey (Y/N) long time, but I told you that I was going to take you back home”, the person said. You knew that voice right away and when you looked up there stood Jackson pointing a gun at you. “Look I don’t want any trouble”, you said. “Well I just wanted you to come home and now I have to resort to making you come home”, he says grabbing your arm. 
You automatically let Rebel go and slapped him to get him to run. To your relief he started heading back to the camp. Bull was helping put more wood on the fire when Rebel came running into the camp. When Bull grabbed a hold of him his eyes were wide and seemed panicked. He knew something was wrong, Rebel wouldn’t have left you otherwise. He told the boys to mount up as he was the first to saddle up and ride off. 
Jackson was dragging you along the creek when you could hear a horse approaching. Before you could distinguish whose horse or who was coming you heard a cry and before you understood you hit the ground hard. When you were able to find your feet Bull had leapt from his horse and tackled Jackson to the ground. They were scrapping and Bull was winning until Jackson pistol whipped him. Jackson got up pointing the gun at him when you leapt into action. 
You had just hit Jackson when the gun went off the first time. You fell on top of him as you both scrapped knowing now that this was life or death. You could hear the rest of the ranch hands on their horses approaching as you continued. You reached for the gun in Jackson’s hand when it went off and you felt the burning in your abdomen. Jackson pushed you off of him and ran, but one of the ranch hands lassoed his foot bringing him down hard as the gun went flying out of his hands.
Bull was by your side in a second as you could hear Jackson yelling for the guys to unhand him. “You're hurt”, you told Bull. He had some blood coming down from his gray hair. “Hun you’re worse than I am. Someone give me their shirt and ride hard and as fast as you can for the house to get help. They might have to call in the airlift!”, Bull bellowed. A shirt was handed to him when you looked down to see the blood soaking your shirt. “This is gonna hurt hun, but I got ya’. Hold on”, Bull soothed. He used the shirt to put pressure on the wound as you cried out and grabbed his arm. 
“Boss, what do you want us to do with him?”, one of the ranch hands asked. “Rough ‘im up”, Bull growled. That’s all they needed to hear as Jackson started screaming for you to help him. Jake was talking with Colton when one of the youngest ranch hands came riding in like his ass was on fire. “There’s been an accident (Y/N)’s been shot and Bull said she might need an airlift to the hospital”, the young man rushed. Jake felt his blood go ice cold as the ranch hand told them what field they were in.
Colton called for emergency services and explained as he handed Jake his truck keys. “They are sending emergency services”, Colton relayed. He told Jake where to go and when the ranch hands came into view he saw you laying on the ground. He barely put the truck in park as he ran to you. “(Y/N) darlin’ I’m so sorry”, Jake said as he kneeled beside you. Somebody had put their saddle under your head to keep you somewhat comfortable. 
“Jake what are you doin’ here?”, you asked. “I’m here because I messed up. I was coming to beg you to take me back. I know now that I should have listened to you when you tried to explain about the photo. I’m a jackass and I love you”, he tells you. The whole time he is stroking your hair and crying. He worries as you start looking tired and too pale. “I love you too. I never stopped loving you even after everything that happened”, you sigh. He sits with you as you start to feel weaker and weaker.
“Jake”, you whisper. “Yeah darlin’ “, he replies. “I feel cold and tired”, you admit. “You gotta hold on darlin’ the ambulance is on its way. You have to hold on for me. I can’t live without you please hold on”, he panics. Bull is on your other side as you glance at him and notice even he is crying. The ambulance finally arrives as they get out to assess you. Jake insists on riding with you in the ambulance as they load you up. 
“Jake”, you whimper. “I’m right here darlin’ I’m not goin’ anywhere”, he tells you. “Jake I’m scared”, you say right before you slip into unconsciousness. Jake loses it at that moment as sobs take hold of him. The EMT tries to assure him that your pulse is strong as he checks the blood bag he had hung up. Jake is overwhelmed at this point and everything is a blur as he walks into the ER and nurses have to hold him back as you're rushed to surgery.
Bull and the others wait for the police to show up and when they do Jackson is in need of a hospital as well, but once the officers hear what happened they insist on taking everyones statement on what happened. When they find that he has a restraining order they automatically read him his rights and take him into custody. Colton, Evelynn and Bull show up at the hospital where Jake is sitting in the waiting room pacing.
“Jake I’m sure she is gonna be fine son”, Bull tells him. Evelynn tries to get him to sit down as Colton tries to get him to talk. Hours go by when a doctor comes to the waiting room to find them. “How is she please tell me she is going to be okay I can’t lose her”, Jake pleads. “She is going to be just fine. The bullet was removed and internal bleeding dealt with. She is still asleep but I can allow at least one family member back to see her”, the doctor announces. “I’m her husband”, Jake blurts. 
The doctor raises a brow, but walks him back to the room you’re in. He pulls a chair up to your bedside and pulls your hand into his. He doesn’t know how long he sits there just watching to make sure you’re still breathing, but eventually he falls asleep. When you open your eyes you notice that you're in a hospital room and that your abdomen is painful remembering being shot. Then you look to your right to see Jake sitting in a chair slumped on your bed fast asleep. You also notice that your hand is in his and you can’t help but smile. 
A nurse comes in to check on you and make sure that the morphine drip is doing okay. “Your husband was so worried about you. Paced in the waiting room the whole time you were in surgery and hasn’t left your side since he came in here”, she says. “That sounds like him”, you croak. “Here honey, let's get you some water. Ya’ sound parched”, she tells you. The nurse pours you some water and hands it to you making sure you have it before letting go. You drink enough to wet your dry throat as she sets it back on the small rolling tray. “I’m going to come back in a little while to check on you”, she tells you.
After she leaves you squeeze Jake’s hand and call to him softly. He stirs and wakes immediately looking up to lock eyes with you. Tears fill his eyes as he lets out a relieved sigh, “I thought I was gonna’ lose you”. “Oh, well I couldn’t leave my husband”, you tease. He smiled and got up to kiss you. You reached up to wipe the tears from his eyes. “Here I am crying while you're comforting me when it should be the other way around”, he says. “I’m fine you look like a wreck. How did you know where I was?”, you ask.
“Well Penny after hearing me confess that I would beg on my knees to get you back told me where you were”, he says. “Well I’m glad she told you and for the record I will wait for you to beg on your knees”, you say. “I get it if you want some space”, he says. “I think we have spent enough time apart”, you reply. “I hope you can forgive me”, he says. “It might take a while, but I’m sure I can in time”, you tell him.
“I can live with that. Oh Rooster wanted me to tell you that they all miss you”, Jake says. “I should probably call them and let them know what happened”, you yawn. “Don’t worry about that now darlin’. Right now you need to rest up”, he tells you. You both sit and talk as Jake tells you how he found out that the picture was set up, and you tell him about working on the ranch. He listens intently as you talk until you start yawning. 
“Get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up”, he tells you. You fall asleep quickly as he watches you for a while before catching some more sleep himself. The next day Evelynn came up to visit and bring Jake some clothes since he came without any. The room you were staying in had a shower, but Jake would only get in long enough to wash his body and hair. Your stay in the hospital was a week to make sure you were healing properly. 
When it came to leaving the hospital you swore Jake was worse than a mother hen with new chicks. He helped you into the truck that Evelynn and Colton had lent to him. Then he drove ten miles per hour under the speed limit. “Jake honey you can drive the speed limit. The doctor discharged me and said as long as I don’t lift anything until the sutures come out I’ll be alright”, you protest. “Absolutely not, these roads are bumpy and I will not risk hurting you”, he replied. You roll your eyes as he continues to be passed by angry drivers. 
When you finally make it to the ranch you tear up when you see that Colton, Evelynn, Annabelle, Georgia, Bull and the rest of the ranch hands are there to welcome you back. Bull gives you a hug much to Jake’s worry as he rants about being careful. “He’s worse than my wife God rest ‘er soul. She used to fuss over the smallest things”, Bull laughed. You laughed along until pain caused you to stop and slightly double over. “See this is why you should rest”, Jake said. 
“I’ll be fine”, you tell him. He continues to watch you to make sure you aren’t over exerting yourself. After everyone welcomes you back Evelynn goes to cook dinner as you offered to help. “Now I hate to be like my brother, but I feel you should sit down and relax. I do have a job that requires sitting down”, Evelynn says. You follow her to the kitchen where she has potatoes that need peeling. Jake had followed you both in as you felt like you were suffocating. “Honey I think I can sit and peel potatoes without a problem”, you told Jake. 
Annabelle came into the kitchen being careful not to hurt you as she hugged you. “I’m happy that you’re okay”, she says. Georgia comes toddling in and climbs right into your lap as Jake tenses. “Wuv you aunt (Y/N)” Georgia said. That brought tears to your eyes as you hugged her then asked her if she wanted to help peel the potatoes. She excitedly clapped her hands as Evelynn handed you the potato peeler. 
Jake finally relented and walked out with Annabelle to find something to do as she pulled at his hand. “I swear he has done nothing but hover since I got shot”, you say. “Pray you don’t get pregnant anytime soon”, Evelynn laughs. “Oh I could only imagine how that would go”, you snort. “I know my brother is a jackass, but he does have a heart of gold”, she replies. “I still love him, but I can’t forgive him just yet”, you whispered. “I understand me and Colton had a moment like that. It took some time, but we overcame it eventually. Now we can laugh about it”, Evelynn confides.
You smiled at that then giggled a little when Georgia got impatient waiting for you to help her with the next potato. Once dinner was done Jake made your plate bringing it to the table for you. You leaned over and kissed his cheek thanking him for being there for you. He seemed to be more relaxed now than he had been all week. “We need to head back to San Diego, but I don’t know if you can handle the drive”, Jake announced. 
“I’m fit for travel besides you can drive my truck this time. Now I’ll admit it isn’t as fancy as yours”, you reply. The next couple of days Bull helps you pack up your gear, and you start to cry. “What’s wrong hun?”, Bull questions. “You’re the closest thing I have had to a father since I lost mine and I hate goodbyes”, you cry. “Oh hun you’re gonna’ be just fine and if ya’ ever need anything I’m gonna’ be right here on this ranch”, he sniffles. “I thought old cowboys don’t cry”, you laugh through your tears. 
He laughs along with you as Jake comes to make sure you’re ready to head back to San Diego. You had already gotten a doctor appointment set up for a check up back in San Diego so you were ready. After hugging everybody and saying goodbye you and Jake hit the road. You received a phone call from the police asking when you could give a statement. You explained that you were going to be staying in San Diego and the officer took down your information so they could come to you.
“I’m probably going to have to testify at the trial”, you say. “I’ll come with you as long as I’m not on deployment and I guarantee that Bull will go with you if I can’t”, Jake replies. The rest of the ride is calm other than the frequent stops that Jake was taking. He told you it was to get snacks or bathroom breaks, but you know that he is trying to make sure you are okay. Jake eventually books a hotel since he wanted to make sure you got the rest you needed.
When you arrive at the hotel you call Bradley to let him know what has been happening while Jake goes out to get food. When you tell him about what had happened he loses his mind. He continues to ask if you’re okay and starts to sound like Jake. The only way you get off the phone with him is telling him you need rest as directed by your doctor. When Jake comes back with food you let him know about telling Bradley.
“Great I bet he is going to hate me even more now”, Jake says. “Honestly I told him that you're a helicopter boyfriend and he agreed that you should be right now”, you laugh. Jake just stares at you as you open your bag of food until you notice him staring. “What?”, you ask. “You called me your boyfriend”, he says. “Well the way I see it I never broke up with you”, you smile. In one swift moment Jake is sitting beside you pulling you in to kiss you. 
“I love you so much. I made the dumbest mistake of my life when I did what I did”, Jake rambles. “I love you too, but you're taking the couch tonight”, you tell him. You hadn’t let him sleep in bed with you as a sort of punishment and he had obliged without protest. You have had some time to heal, but you want to see if he is serious about you. After staying in the hospital and how he has been by you since then it wasn’t going to take long to convince you he was all in. 
That night he slept on the couch as you took time to think about the last couple of months. Even with him being on a couch, but in the same room brings you comfort. The next morning when you wake up Jake is sitting at the small table with breakfast. “Why didn’t you wake me?”, you ask. “You need rest and you looked peaceful”, he tells you. You smile as you get up and sit beside him to eat. Jake waited for you to finish up then went to the front to check out once he got you to the truck. 
While sitting in the truck you could see Jake peeking through the doors checking on you. You smile when he comes out looking absolutely gorgeous in his jeans and t-shirt. When he gets in and starts driving you scoot to the middle and buckle up. It feels like forever, but eventually you both make it to the apartments. You are both tired and before you know it arms wrapped around you and you could smell Bradley’s cologne. 
“Bradley”, you laugh. He pulls away and asks how you feel, to which you respond. Jake waits patiently as you both catch up. When there is a lull in conversation Jake makes his move. “I know you probably haven’t thought about it, but where are you wanting to stay?”, Jake asks. Bradley looks to you waiting for your answer before Bradley takes you aside. “(Y/N), I know that what he did was wrong, but he has been a mess around here without you”, Bradley confides. You look back to Jake as he watches the ocean while you talk with Bradley. 
“You wouldn’t be upset if I go back to staying with him?”, you ask. “It’s your decision”, he tells you. You ponder it for a moment then smile as you realize that even though he had hurt you, you had missed everything about Jake. “Even though he hurt me I still love him. He has some trust building to do, but he is making up for it. I mean he never left my side at the hospital”, you say. Bradley respects your decision as you hug him and head back over to Jake. “Bring me home cowboy”, you grin. Jake smiles and it feels as though the last couple days fade away.
Once inside Jake helps you get ready for bed like he has for the last couple of days. Everything smells like him and your tension just melts away. He goes to walk back towards the living room when you call out to him, “Where are you goin?”. “The couch I figured you would want your space”, he replies. “Not tonight Jake I want you here with me tonight”, you reply. He hesitates at first until you pat the other side of the bed. The apartment is quiet as you both settle in to sleep.
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celenawrites · 6 months ago
inspired by this lil rambling I did a while back
The veil on your head sticks to your forehead with perspiration and your fingers ever so slightly shake with nervousness. You stand before a large wooden door, and walking inside the room seems almost impossible for you. You consider calling a raincheck, or maybe running away from this whole arrangement - but your friend pats you comfortingly on your back and you feel somewhat grounded again.
This entire fiasco is for your own benefit, and you don't have any other alternatives.
So you suck it up and push open the wooden door, taking long strides to close the distance between you and your unknown betrothed.
The church is mostly empty save for the groom and a few key witnesses, thanks to a favor the old priest owed to the task force’s captain. The door’s loud creak gives you away, and everyone is now looking at you. Captain Price, the man who orchestrated this union, stands proud and steady as he eyes you down mechanically - possibly an old habit from his time serving in the army for so many years. The old priest stands in front of the pews with bated breath, almost impatient to get this over with. There’s a middle aged woman sitting in the front and she looks at you sharply with disdain, you’d assume she’s part of your betrothed's task force, if it wasn’t for the fact you were intimated last minute that she’s his mother.
And there’s your groom - Sergeant Kyle Garrick, dressed in an all black suit as he eyes you down with what seems to be wonder in his eyes. Apart from them, there seems to be no one else present here. 
Your friend adjusts your veil as she walks with you down the aisle. You’re sure that by now, her hand must be throbbing in pain from how hard you’ve gripped her. When it came to tying the knot, you hadn’t exactly envisioned this in your mind - but you try your best to play with the cards you’re dealt anyway. 
You almost wish you had dressed elaborately, instead of settling for a short white dress and a rental veil that makes your nape itch - but your wedding called for urgency and you had to ditch the elaborate bridal plans if you wanted to ensure your amenities are not cut off by the end of the month. 
With bated breath, you walk down the aisle as you grip onto your friend for some comfort. The walk is finished in minutes, and your friend is quick to leave you standing before your groom and the priest as they take a seat in the pews nearby. You look at Mr. Garrick, and he’s even more ethereal up close. A light scar runs across the span of his left cheek, but it only adds to his charm. His warm brown eyes twinkle like stars under the yellow fluorescent lights lighting up the room. If you had met him under any other circumstance, you’re sure you’d been smitten by now. Maybe you’d have asked him out for coffee…
Almost sensing your nerves, Kyle is quick to flash a kind smile your way and you breathe deeply as you look back at him and smile back a watery smile of your own. For his sake, you’ll suck it up and deal with it just fine - no matter what. 
Snapping out of your wishful thinking, you try to concentrate on what the priest is saying, but it is so hard to pay attention to the dronings of an old man when your handsome soon-to-be-husband stands in front of you. You notice that he taps his foot thrice at an interval of eight or so minutes, maybe as a way to deal with his nerves. After all, this is not just your wedding day. 
You both soon dot your I’s and cross your T’s as you both give out short, succinct vows and promise each other the promise of love and respect ‘till death do us apart’, which leaves an ashy taste in your mouth. This is not how this was supposed to be, but you both have no other choice in the matter. 
The rings are brought out, and you gape at how pretty the diamond looks on the thin platinum band. You wonder how much of his paycheck Kyle had to spend in order to find something this big and beautiful, and you almost feel ashamed for the ring you bought, a simple band with small gems encrusted in it - no cheaper in this economy, but still falling short of what the Sergeant had prepared for you. 
With quivering hands you slip his ring onto his finger, and he quickly returns the favor with a steady hand holding onto you, the warmth of his palm feeling awfully nice and comforting against your clammy hands. The priest finally announces, “You may now kiss the bride.”
Fearing the worst, you close your eyes shut as you’re not certain on how to approach this step. You’re no virgin, but kissing a man you barely know (and marrying said man) is something you hadn’t anticipated in your twenty-something years of your life. You feel Kyle wrap an arm around the small of your back gently as he raises the veil on your head - only to give you a chaste peck on the corner of your lips, just shy of giving you a proper kiss. Everyone present in the church let out reluctant claps, calling curtains on the show you both have put out knowing well enough that there is more to come. 
Now that the union was finally complete with witnesses and your marriage certificate soon after filed and to be submitted for review, you are looking forward to crashing on a bed and sleeping the day away after gorging out on some much needed junk food. (Especially if you wish to forget how Kyle’s mother has been eyeing you down like some filthy vermin throughout this sham of a wedding, really.)
“Welcome to the married life, Mrs. Garrick”, Kyle is quick to whisper in your ear as he ushers you out of the small church, and you’re yet to decide if you like the way he refers to you as his. 
“Can we get some takeout on the way home?” you ask him, and he smiles that brilliant smile your way, the one that makes you just a little weak in the knees. 
“Whatever you want, wife.”
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typingatlightspeed · 3 months ago
hey if you're still taking requests could you write something about the defense trio having a chill day and hanging out? I need to see them interact more :>
TF2 Fanfic - Alley Cats
Defense goes bowling. Surely there's no way they could get weirdly competitive about that, right?
Ao3 Link!
I hope you enjoy, Bo! :D
The crash of pins scattering and a heavy urethane ball slamming into the back wall of the lane resounded through the bowling alley, quickly followed by the whooping of two men. Several other bowlers looked over in alarm. The attendant working at the front desk spared them a look and a frown, then went back to the novel she was reading.
"Steee-rike!" Engineer cheered, applauding as Heavy walked back from the lane, shaking the pain out of his hand. "Hell of an opener, Big Guy!"
"Fingers hurt," Heavy grumbled, flexing his hand. "Tiny baby ball holes are too small."
"It's the biggest ball with the biggest holes in the whole alley," Demoman chided, pulling his feet down and slowly shoving himself to his feet as the pin setter readied his turn.
"Holes are too small," Heavy insisted with annoyance.
"Explains why you chuck that ball like you caught it fuckin' your sister," Engineer chuckled.
Heavy stared at him, not understanding the comparison. His first response upon catching someone fucking his sister would be to leave the room in a flurry of embarrassment, not to put his fingers in the man and throw him.
With a thump, Heavy's ball was ejected out of the ball return, a scuff on it where it had collided with the back wall.
"Aye, well have a seat and watch a true master at work, then," Demoman bragged, taking hold of his ball and swaggering up to the approach. "Heavy may have the power, but I've the finesse!"
"That what you're callin' it?"
"Laugh all ye like, lad. Right until yer cryin!" With that Demoman took his stance, eyed up his target, and strode to the line with the confidence of a man who had hit the bar immediately upon entering the alley, while his mates handled requesting a lane and shoe rentals.
He wound up and released the ball, his form perfect, his execution flawless. The ball zoomed straight down the lane and collided dead on.
With the ten pin. And nothing else.
His teammates burst into laughter, Heavy slapping his knee and shaking his head as Engineer held his gut in pain from the sheer force of his mirth.
"You were right, Demo! I am cryin'!" Engineer barely managed to say between guffaws, wiping at his eyes which were, indeed, tearing up.
Demoman stood there, sagging, staring down the lane ruefully at that single pin as it spun into the gutter. Apparently the guide dots weren't as helpful in compensating for his single eye as he'd thought. Or he'd misjudged how limp his wrists got once he'd had a few.
He'd never admit that part aloud.
With a snort, he turned on his heel and stalked back to the ball return, pointedly ignoring his companions' slowly dying giggles, and took up his ball once again. Wordlessly, he returned to the approach, and with yet another display of perfect form, sent the ball straight down the lane once again.
This time, he hit his mark, picking up the spare with a sigh of relief. He'd never live it down if he'd cocked up the second half of the frame after all of that bragging. With a nod of satisfaction, he spun and loped back to his seat, kicking his feet back up. "Just needed tae calibrate, is all."
"Not bad," Heavy conceded with a nod, his lips curling into a smirk in spite of himself.
"You fellers ain't seen nothin' yet. Prepare to watch how a Conagher hunts turkeys," Engineer said, pushing himself to his feet and ambling easily over to the ball return with a crooked grin across his face.
"Ye gonnae bowl left handed, then? Or is this a tech demonstration for that Gunslinger under yer glove?" Demoman and Heavy shared a knowing look.
Engineer's mouth drew into a straight line as he froze, about to reach for the ball with his gloved right hand. Well shit.
"I think lowest score should buy drinks at alley bar," Heavy hummed, twisting the knife.
"Aye, I'm in!" Demoman agreed. They both turned to Engineer, grinning like a pair of cats ready to pounce on a one-legged mouse.
Seizing the ball with his left hand, Engineer let out a long sigh. Heavy didn't drink much, at least. Demoman, on the other hand?
"It's a bet."
The joke on them was that he'd spent all the cash he'd brought on the shoe rental.
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sigynpenniman · 8 months ago
- MCO Orlando. My love my queen. Platonic ideal of airports. All the other airports wanna be her.
- MSY New Orleans - I have only seen your beautiful face once but your vibes were just impeccable. I miss you beautiful
- LHR London Heathrow - you’re so chill and sweet to be such a major airport. Weirdly calming somehow. Sterile, but the big boy of London airports. When you’re here you’re in London. Smells like joy.
- CDG Charles DeGaulle Paris. Dripping in stunning retro futurism and has a Concorde on stands by the runway. We love her
- DCA Ronald Reagan Washington DC. So pretty. So clean. So easy to navigate. Prevented from S tier status by being one long skinny thing with no way to get quickly across it.
- DEN Denver Colorado. Architecture for the gods but somehow the vibes are off. I’d fly through you again happily but I don’t feel especially warm when I think of you.
- FLL Fort Lauderdale - Hollywood. You’re permanently attached to very warm memories for me because of the trip I took from you but you’re just kind of there. Vibes are off. Meh.
- ORD Chicago O’hare. Aesthetic perfection but weirdly stressful. While I had a great time on this trip I do not think warmly of the airport other than the rainbow lighting. Jules got yelled at here. -10 points.
- CLE Cleveland Ohio. Another airport that is home of warm memories due to loved ones but just really not the vibe as an airport.
- LGW London Gatwick. I don’t like you for no reason. Like a disappointment, you’re in London but not at Heathrow for some reason.
- PHL Philadelphia. Again, weird aimless dislike. I cannot justify.
- BNA Nashville. Meh. Fine, which may be the worst insult I can lob at an airport.
- LGA New York LaGaurdia. Fuck you and your tiny spirit terminal in the middle of nowhere and your hard to access rental cars and your poor road signage that sent me round and round on the New York interstate in my rented Corolla. The bigger terminals are pretty though, and anyway. New York City!
JAX Jacksonville. Ew.
BOS Boston Logan International Airport. I loathe you. Less busy numerically than ATL and yet somehow even more spread out. Signage is bad. Directions unclear. Nothing makes sense in this alternate reality. Labyrinthine building designed by the god Hades. Never again would be too soon.
ATL - Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta. The biggest and busiest airport in the world. When you buy a ticket on Delta a box pops up that says “by buying this ticket you agree to see the inside of Hartsfield Jackson Airport.” Not actually a real place, but a floating parallel dimensional space you enter when you walk through the doors. When you get off the Plane Train at terminal D a sign to the left points down a hallway and says “Walk to Terminal E. Time: 45 minutes.” Bigger than many cities and some European principalities. And sometimes you’ll be forced to run clear across it when your gate gets changed. Send every domestic flight that goes near it and many that don’t through it for a completely unnecessary 45 minute layover and sautée until golden brown to birth this unholy god of a space outside all time. They have CPR training machines. They have bathrooms too rarely. They have a whole other airport underneath for international transfers. Don’t die before you see it. Everyone should, at least once. 🎶Welcome Aboard the Plane Train!🎶 next stop: the 4th circle of hell. Walk to purgatory: 45 minutes. Moving sidewalk out of order.
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thlayli-ra · 3 months ago
Can i request whump ficlet prompt ‘missing’ with CM Punk, Baron Corbin, and Bo Dallas set in Valetverse please? The idea is that Punk confronts Baron after finding out that Bo’s been missing for awhile and thinks he did something to him only to change his mind when he sees how depressed Baron is about the whole thing
Always happy to accept a Valetverse request from you 😁
And this is also the final request I'm doing for Thlayli's Trick or Treat! It's back to business as usual now (and yes, don't panic, I'm still doing a follow up for that Experiment AU fic). Love ya! 😘
Trick - 'Missing'
Characters - Baron Corbin, CM Punk, Bo Dallas (mentioned), Bron Breakker, Wolfgang Corbin (OC)
Rating - Teen and Up
Warning Tags - Mentions of previous domestic abuse
Grabbing up his bags and the keys to his rental, Baron Corbin got ready to leave the venue. Bidding a quick goodbye to the other wrestlers in the dominant's locker room, he left through the door and made his way through the corridors until he found the back exit to the building that lead to the secure parking lot.
Night had well and truly fallen. He zipped up his jacket to fend off the chill in the air and ventured out into the lot to find his rental. There weren't many lights in this area and, in his typical fashion, he had parked right at the edge of the lot where there were none at all so he had to fish out his phone and switch on the torch to light the way. Passing by each car in turn, he finally found the one he was searching for and almost jumped clean out of his boots.
There was a figure waiting, leaning against the side of his rental with his hands in his pockets and a bright red cap drawn low over his face. Corbin immediately realised who it was, knew it as soon as he spotted the familiar Blackhawks logo on the front of the cap.
'Calaway?' he asked aloud, stopping several feet away from the other man and refusing to take another step.
The head lifted and the shadows dispersed revealing the valet's face. Phil was growing gracefully into middle age, with the deeper lines in his face and patches of distinguished grey in his beard. But age had done nothing to dampen the fire in his sharp hazel eyes. Even through the gloom, Corbin trembled at the sight.
'Corbin,' Phil replied, his voice rumbling into the pit of Corbin's stomach like an omen of doom.
'I heard you were back.'
'Yeah. I am.'
The dominant nodded his head awkwardly. 'H-how have you been?' Corbin tried to keep his voice light but his nerves were showing through. After all, this man had once barricaded them both into a storage closet and beaten him so bad he'd spent several weeks in the hospital. Of course it could be argued that Corbin deserved it. Phil had only acted that way after he'd found out about-
'A lot of things have changed around here,' Phil noted, looking out across the dark, empty parking lot. 'Vince and Bischoff are gone, Hunter's now in charge, Reigns and Rollins both lead the locker rooms...'
Corbin stayed still, considering turning tail and running back to the safety of the building but stayed put, rooted to the spot.
'..and that's not all,' Phil went on, ''cause I got word that apparently Bo Dallas hasn't been seen in months, considered 'missing'.' He pushed himself off the car onto his feet. Corbin took note of his left hand which he kept hidden behind him, possibly concealing a weapon. 'Imagine my complete lack of surprise.'
'Look, I know what you're thinking, Punk,' Corbin dropped his bags in order to put his hands up, backing away.
'That's 'Mr Punk' to you.'
'Ok, M-Mr Punk. Please believe me, I had nothing to do with-'
'Now, see,' Phil raised his chin, catching a manic glint in his eye, 'why don't I believe you.'
'I swear! It's the truth! The cops even-'
'The cops?' Phil snorted ruefully. 'Cops don't give a shit about valets, Corbin! They don't even see us as people. We're just possessions that belong to our dominants, and they can do whatever they want with us. That's the law. But then, you knew that already, didn't you, Corbin?'
'Please, Punk - I mean, Mr Punk, I-'
Phil took another step closer, his hand still hidden behind him.
'I saw what you did to that poor kid,' the valet's voice went raspy with threat. 'I remember all the bruises on his face and how his own guts just about fell out of him, all because of you.'
Corbin felt sick to his stomach, remembering back to that time when he had been so cold and cruel. 'I'm a changed man-'
'Dominants like you never change!' Phil snarled. 'I don't care what the cops, the press, what anybody else says, I know you had something to do with Bo's disappearance and I want answers.' Finally he pulled his left hand forward and Corbin gulped, his fear spiking when he saw the implement in the valet's fist. 'And you're gonna give me them,' Phil brandished the crowbar menacingly.
'P-please don't hurt me...'
'Oh, I'm not gonna hurt you, Corbin,' Phil sneered, testing the weight of the crowbar in his other palm. Both of his fists were taped, just like they had been that fateful day. Ready for a fight. 'After what happened at AEW, I've been well warned by the powers-that-be here at WWE. I'm on my last chance, one wrong move and I'll be kicked out the door before you could say 'cry me a river'.'
Nervously, Corbin glanced down at the crowbar, wondering what he intended to do if not assault him with it. The sweat beading on his forehead was sliding down his face now, in spite of the cold.
'See, everybody believed all that shit they spouted online,' Phil continued his monologue, the crowbar an ever-present threat in his hands. 'Thinking I got upset over a little broken glass? Fucking lies. It wasn't the glass I was worried about (although it's a fucking stupid way of messing up your body for life).' He paused to rest a hand on the roof of Corbin's car. 'It was the fact the car they wanted to use for the spot was a rental.
'AEW was a company founded by valets. Most of the roster were valets, the majority of which were just starting out. I mean, only about five of us had our own bank accounts. The rest of them had fucking nothing, not two cents to rub together. And if those bozos went and trashed a rental car, what did they think would happen? I'll tell ya! The rental companies would get wind of it and when they see any wrestlers - valet wrestlers especially - come knocking they'll either hike up the prices to a premium or flat out refuse them. This was people's livelihoods we were talking about! These kids were trying to save up enough money to be able to have some independence from dominants. How was it fair to fuck that up for everybody?'
Phil sighed, thumping his fist against the roof of the car.
'Yet somehow, again, I come off as the bad guy.'
Corbin didn't understand. To him, this was all the frantic ramblings of a desperate, insane man and he felt even more terrified than ever.
'But your rental on the other hand,' Phil went on, his voice so low it sounded like a growl in his throat. 'Dominants like you don't need to worry about all that shit, do they? Especially not you WWE dominants with your massive pay checks and a boss that protects you for every shitty thing you do to us!'
It all happened so quickly! In a flash, Punk took a step back, raised his arm and swung the crowbar down with a thunderous whack. Corbin let out a yell as the side-mirror of his rental was torn off and smashed against the ground.
'Oops, that'll cost you a pretty penny,' Phil smirked viciously. 'What should I go for next? The window?'
'No! Wait!'
Phil raised his arm again, holding it on the brink of the next blow. 'Then tell me what happened to Bo.'
'I don't know! He just vanished and-'
Phil unleashed his arm, the crowbar smacking against the driver's side window. A huge spiral of cracks like a spiderweb stretched out across the glass. 'The truth, Corbin!'
'I swear! I've been trying to find him too!'
Smash! The second blow destroyed the window entirely and it crumpled into a thousand shards at Phil's feet. Corbin grabbed at his head in anguish. 'I'm gonna cave in your windscreen next,' Phil warned, twirling the crowbar like a baton in his fist. 'Unless you tell me what you did to your husband.'
In reply, Corbin sunk to his knees, tears blurring his vision. 'Please, Punk, I'm telling you the truth. Please believe me that I have no idea where-'
The two men froze at the sound of a young voice through the gloom. Corbin let out a stuttered gasp and even Phil stepped back, dropping the crowbar to his waist as a boy walked towards them with another dominant at his side.
'Hey,' the large-set dominant pushed the kid back by a palm at his chest and took a careful step towards the carnage, 'what the hell is going on?'
Corbin quickly wiped his face with his sleeve, hiding his distraught from the newcomers. 'Nothing, Bron. Everything's alright.'
'Your car's all smashed up,' Bron Breakker noted, arching a brow at the wreck then at Phil, who had hidden the crowbar behind his back.
'Uh yeah, some vandals got into the parking lot,' Corbin uttered, stumbling up to his feet. 'Punk here came and told me.'
'Huh,' Bron eyed Phil warily, clearly not believing his friend's tale. 'Sorry to barge in. When you didn't come round the front to pick us up, I was worried something had happened.'
'Well, yeah, you were right,' Corbin gave a pathetic laugh, trying to cover up the adrenaline rushing through his veins. 'I'll need to make a few phone calls, maybe organise another rental or a hotel room for tonight or something. Can you do me a favour and take Wolfgang back inside?'
'Aww, Dad,' the kid whined. 'I'm not a fucking baby.'
'Hey!' Bron warned him. 'Mind the language.'
'It's ok, Bron,' Corbin reassured him, his voice softer. 'I know you're not, Wolfie, I just need to sort out a couple things then I'll be right in. You could play your new game if you want?'
'The wi-fi in there is shit!' Wolfgang complained.
'Language!' Bron barked again.
'I'm sorry...' Corbin couldn't offer anything else and just stood there, lost, until Bron lead the kid away to the back exit of the building. As they left, both Corbin and Phil clearly heard Wolfgang say 'I hate being on the road. I wanna go home.'
The pair went inside, slamming the door shut and the silence suddenly became very loud. Neither Phil or Corbin moved a muscle, awkwardly fumbling with what to do next.
'You have a kid?' It was Phil who took the lead.
'Yeah. Mine and Bo's.'
'How old is he?'
'Twelve, coming into the tricky years now,' Corbin scrubbed his hands over his face.
'My son's nine,' Phil said.
'Oh, I didn't know you and Taker had a son,' Corbin replied. Phil pursed his lips tightly and briefly looked away. 'What's his name?'
'Frankie,' Phil answered.
Corbin nodded his head. 'They change everything, don't they?'
'Biggest mind-fuck in the world,' Phil agreed.
'But worth it,' Corbin piped up. 'I don't know what I would do without Wolfie - although he hates it when I call him that!' Corbin lowered his head. 'He misses his Mom.' Phil lifted his gaze, eyeing the dominant, guiltily. 'He's been acting out every since he disappeared. Getting into fights at school, the attitude... he blames me for his Mom going missing too.'
Phil began to shuffle his feet, tapping the crowbar against his leg. 'I'm... sorry...'
Corbin gave a sniff and wiped at his eye quickly. 'I get it. I would have come to the same conclusion as you too. After the way I treated Bo in the beginning. I started him down that path, I pushed him into the darkness.'
'You don't have any idea where he could be?' Phil tried one last time.
Corbin bent down to pick up his bags. 'I'll tell you the same thing I told the cops,' he turned towards Phil, valet and dominant locking eyes. 'Bo's been acting funny every since his brother came back.'
'Bray Wyatt?' Phil narrowed his eyes. 'But isn't he-?'
'He used to come by and pick Bo up and take him out places,' Corbin explained. 'Far as I knew they were just reconnecting after all those years apart. I never thought there was anything sinister in it but then Bo started acting... weird...'
'Weird, how?'
'Just... getting distant,' Corbin continued, his face turning somber. 'From me, but also from Wolfgang which is why I found it strange. Bo loved his son so much, but it was like he was, I don't know, drifting apart from him. Like he was closing in on himself. Once or twice, right before he disappeared, he got really aggressive with me. One time, he pulled a knife on me and threatened to stab my eyes out.'
Punk paled. 'That doesn't sound like Bo!' The kid he'd known back then was all wide-eyed innocence and sweetness. But then, Seth had been that way once too. Time, and the many terrible things it inflicts, can change a person.
'It wasn't. Not at the end.' Corbin shouldered his bag and went to fish his phone out of his pocket. 'I've tried to find him. I want to help him. But now I think I'm realising that he doesn't want to be helped.'
'We can't stop trying though,' Phil protested.
Corbin lifted his head, catching the valet's eye. There was a glimmer of hope in them, tiny, but there all the same. 'I hope not,' Corbin gave a weak smile. 'Look, Mr Punk, I really need to make some phone calls.'
'Yeah, I get it,' Punk waved the dominant off. 'And hey, just send me the bill for this, will you?'
Corbin looked over the wreckage with a sigh. 'No,' he shook his head. 'I'll take the hit and we'll call this even?' He took a timid step towards the valet and stretched out his hand. Phil studied it suspiciously.
'Even,' he said, finally accepting Corbin's hand and they shook. 'Hope things get better between you and Wolfgang.'
'Heh, we'll see,' Corbin shrugged his shoulders. 'I've heard horror stories from other parents about their kids becoming teenagers.'
Punk huffed a laugh. 'I feel like I'm already there with Frankie. Kid's nine going on fifteen! Stubborn as hell; he never, ever backs down from a fight.'
Corbin smiled warmly. 'Sounds like his Mom.'
'Yeah, well,' Phil said, scratching the back of his neck. 'Maybe we are a bit alike. Don't know if that's a good thing.'
'He'll grow up tough,' Corbin stated. 'Take no crap from anybody. I think that's important for a valet these days.'
'Wish it didn't have to be,' Phil sighed.
'I'm sure one day it won't,' Corbin said with encouragement. 'Just keep fighting the good fight.'
'Sure. Night Corbin.'
'Good night, Mr Punk.'
Phil rolled his eyes and gave another small laugh. Looking back at the damage he inflicted on the rental car, he heaved a sigh and took off his cap to ruffle a hand through his short, greying hair. 'Fuck...,' he muttered to himself.
Fighting the good fight was a nice sentiment and all, but Phil feared he was fighting the wrong one.
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holopiscom · 2 months ago
Buntut Penembakan Bos Rental di Tangerang, Kapolsek Cinangka dan Anak Buahnya Dicopot
SERANG – Kapolda Banten Irjen Pol Suyudi Ario Seto mencopot Kapolsek Cinangka AKP Asep Iwan Kurniawan buntut kasus penembakan yang melibatkan bos rental mobil dan berujung pada insiden Rest Area KM 45, Tol Tangerang-Merak pada hari Kamis, 2 Januari 2025 dini hari kemarin. Selain Kapolsek Cinangka, dua anggotanya, Brigadir DA dan Bripka DI juga dicopot. Mereka dimutasi ke ke bagian Pelayanan…
0 notes
lampung7com · 1 day ago
Sidang Penembakan Bos Rental: Ajat Akui Pernah Gelapkan Mobil Rental Lain
Tangerang – Ajat Supriatna telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka kasus penggelapan mobil Honda Brio milik bos rental yang tewas ditembak oknum TNI, Ilyas Abdul Rahman. Aksi licik Ajat ternyata bukanlah yang pertama kali. Hal ini terungkap dalam sidang lanjutan kasus penembakan bos rental di Pengadilan Militer II-08 Jakarta, Kamis (27/2). Ajat menjadi saksi untuk tiga terdakwa oknum TNI, Kelasi…
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andie01writing · 1 month ago
Alphasmuts R - Rain
A/N: I'm back. Am I back to good writing form? No. But I was trying to distract myself from a trauma so I cranked it out anyway. Enjoy!
One letter per one shot, all smut
Rain – An unexpected walk in the rain ends interesting.
Ft: Bo Dallas
                “Fuck.  Fuck.  Fuck,” I mutter as the cold rain pelts me, pulling my jacket closer to my torso.  “This was a bad idea.”  My rental breaking down in the middle of nowhere starting my day off on the wrong foot.  The tow truck taking hours to show up souring my mood further.  The fact that cell service dropped out an hour ago was the last straw.  Leaving the car and phone on the side of the road as I trek towards some version of civilization.  Now a downpour to finish up my day on the lowest point.  “Should have just stayed in the car.”
My head shoots up.  A dark figure stands beside a SUV ahead of me.  They step forward through the haze.
  “Candis?  What on Earth are you doing.”
The haze finally splits to reveal Bo Dallas, water dripping off the brim of the top hat.
  “What are you doing?”
  “Trying to find civilization, what are you doing?”
  “Rented a cabin up the road.  Jesus, it’s cold out here.  Come on,” he holds out a hand to me.”
  “Bo?” I ask stepping forward slowly, taking in his appearance.  “Or Uncle Howdy?”
  “What?  Oh, no.   Come one,” he motions me forward.  Holding the passenger door open, he waits for me to slide in.  “Just left right after my match, didn’t take anything but the mask off,” he continues as he slides behind the driver’s wheel, adjusting the heating vents towards me.  “Why were you out in this?”
  “Car broke down.  Got tired of waiting on the tow truck,” I shiver.  “Rain snuck up on me.”
  “So you decided to walk a back country highway in the middle of nowhere?”
  “Wasn’t thinking,” I mutter.  “Got impatient.”
  “You got soaked,” he states, reaching in the back and returning with a towel.  “Where to?”
  “Closest hotel, I guess.”  I run the towel over my hair and arms.
  “Nearest town is twenty miles.”
  “Closet you can get me then.”
  “You’re staying with me,” he sighs.
  “Since when are we that close,” I smirk as he turns down a side road leading into the woods.  “I’m sure the rest of your little group would love that also.  Or is that your plan?  Take me to the middle of the woods as a sacrifice?”
  “No,” a smile crosses his face, a dimple flashing.  “Just me.”
  “Just you sacrificing me?”
  “We’re not as bad as everyone thinks,” he states lowly.
  “I know you’re not.  Or you weren’t before you left last time.  You seemed to have changed slightly.”
  “Not really.  Just let my dark side out more.  I’m still me.”
  “Still you huh?”
  “Yes, still me.  We’re here,” he sighs, putting the car in park.  “I think I have some clothes that will fit you, they’ll fit you badly but they will fit.  You can come in and get warm or you can continue in the cold,” he nods towards the cabin in front of us.  “Whatever you choose.”
Sliding the car, he hurries into the building.  I sit watching him disappear.
  “Am I really going to trust a cult leader,” I think.  “He’s more than a cult leader, Candis.  He’s Bo, you’re first crush in NXT.  The sweet guy who helped you through the tough first years.  The guy you still crushed on when you made it to the main roster.  Still sweet despite the people he hung out with.  But then he left.  And when he came back, he came with a darkness.  A darkness that scared you despite the lingering crush.  The crush that made you climb into a car without thinking.  A crush that has you sitting in the middle of the woods with no way to contact the outside world.  A crush that is really pushing me to go in that cabin and not start walking in a storm again. I can go back to the car and hope it hadn’t been picked up yet.  We hadn’t been driving that long, I could probably make it… and be alone once again.  The loneliness seeping into your bones faster than the cold.  What the hell, what’s the worst that can happen.  He kills me and I don’t have to worry about the car anymore.”  Trudging up the path, I slip into the cracked door.  “Sooooooo,” I draw out the word as I stand by the door.  “Does a hot shower come with the clothes?”
The dimple reappears as he turns to face me.  “That could be arranged.  Leave that soaking jacket there by the door.  I’ll throw it in the dryer with the rest of your stuff.  Come on,” he nods down the hall.  “I’ll see if I can find you something to wear.”
  “Thank you Bo.”
  “Don’t mention it.”
  “You’ve always been so nice to me,” I sigh as I watch him dig through his bag.
  “I’m a nice guy,” he smirks, holding out a tee and sweats to me.  “Always have been.”
  “And so humble,” I smile.
He shrugs in response.
  “Through there,” he nods, behind me.  “Sorry about the lack of feminine smells.  There might be some vanilla shampoo in there but otherwise it’s just my stuff.”
  “Eh, you always smell good every time I’m around you,” I shrug taking the offered clothes.  “Thank you again.”
  “Just throw your wet stuff out here, I’ll throw them in the dryer.”
I throw a thumbs up over my shoulder.
I step out of the steamy bathroom and shiver as the cold envelops me.  Looking around I find 2 space heaters trying diligently to burn off the chill and a fire in the fireplace.  Glancing past the fire I see Bo on the other side.  “Ah a shared fireplace,” I think.  “Lovely.”  Padding down the hallway, I find the living room and Bo.  The man sits shirtless in the floor in front of the fireplace, stoking the fire before throwing another log on.  I watch the muscles in his back work, following them down until they disappear beneath the low slung sweats on his hips.  “I’m a goner,” I whisper to myself as my heatbeat doubles.
  “Hmmmm,” Bo hums.
  “Talking to myself,” I mumble, joining him in front of the flames.
  “Should have turned the heat on before I left earlier,” he sighs.  “Sorry.  Wasn’t thinking.”
  “You’d also be warmer with a shirt,” I smirk, glancing at him from the corner of my eye.
  “Can’t sleep in one,” he shrugs, holding a bottle of whiskey between us.  “Something to warm your insides while we wait.”
  “Are you trying to get me drunk,” I smile, taking a long pull from the bottle before handing it back.  “Cuz I’m not a cheap drunk.”
  “I remember,” the dimple makes another appearance.
  “What are you talking about?”
  “Your one-year anniversary in NXT.  You about drank the bar dry that night.”
  “I have very few memories of that night,” I smirk.  “So anything done cannot be held against me.”
He snorts, ducking his head and I could swear the color is deepening on his neck and face.
  “So I can’t convince you to dance on the table?”
  “You’re gonna need more bottles for that,” I smile taking the liquor when it’s reoffered.
  “I do have more,” he whispers leaning into me.  “But not for tonight.”
  “You have plans to lure some other helpless girl here tomorrow night,” I smile as he stands.
  “Nope,” he sighs returning with a blanket to drape over my shoulders.  “You’re still shivering.”
  “You’re less dressed than I am,” I return, shrugging the blanket off.
  “I’m fine.”
Reaching out I run my fingertips from his throat to his stomach, causing the man to tense.  “Tell that to your skin,” I smile slowly, holding the blanket towards him.  “You feel like an ice cube.”
He opens his mouth and I cut him off, “I’m not taking no for an answer.”
Sighing he takes the blanket and tosses it on the couch before disappearing.  He returns a few seconds later with the thick comforter from the bed.  Taking the bottle from the floor he hands it to me before settling behind me, wrapping his arms and the comforter around the both of us.  It’s my turn to tense as his hand slides down my arm.  “Good compromise,” he asks, taking the bottle from my hand.
I shrug tensely as the bottle returns to my hand.  “So what were you planning before I intruded?”
  “Getting shitfaced in the woods,” he mumbles.
  “Well that’s something.  Any particular reason,” I ask, letting my head fall back against his shoulder so I can see his face.
  “Feeling particularly lost without him.”
  “Without who,” I whisper.
  “Bray,” he whispers, taking another long drink from the bottle.  “My big brother.”
  “That’s why you went darker,” I state, pulling his arm with the bottle back down.
  “That and they needed someone to remember them.  Nikki, Joe, Dexter, and Erik.  They needed someone to bring the attention back to their talent.”
  “Like Bray did.”
  “Like bray did,” he echoes, his eyes on his hands.  One now resting on my knee, the other gripping the neck of the whiskey bottle tightly.
  “You really are a good guy,” I smile up at him.
  “It can stay our little secret,” he smirks, but it doesn’t quiet reach his eyes.
  “I’d rather tell everyone.”
  “What about you?  What are you doing out here?”
  “If you’re gonna be lonely, might as well do it thoroughly,” I shrug taking the bottle from his hand.
He cocks his head behind me and I feel his eyes heavy on me.
  “I don’t know if you noticed but I don’t really fit in…anywhere.  Not with the women, not with the guys.  I don’t make friends easily and most of mine left.  Or found new ones,” I whisper.
  “You could have found your old ones when they came back.”
  “They’re kinda scary now,” I recap the bottle setting it at my feet.  “Didn’t know if was still welcome around them.  Just kinda lost right now,” I shrug.
The heat gathering in my chest has nothing to do with the liquor in my system as I watch his fingers skim up my arm slowly, continuing up my shoulder to my chin.  Tilting my head back he meets my eyes squarely.  “You could have found your old ones,” he states again firmly.
I swallow thickly before nodding.  “The Wyatt Seven doesn’t have the same ring to it.”
  “Sicks.  S-I-C-K-S.  And there are only five of us.”
  “So what are you trying to say,” I ask spinning to face him, my legs draping over his thighs as my feet cage in his hips.
  “You don’t have to be lonely.  And you don’t even have to join the group if you don’t want to.  Just find me.”
  “What if you didn’t want me anymore?”
  “Impossible,” the dimple returns.
  “What do you remember about that year anniversary party?”
I shrug, folding my hands in my lap.  “Everyone was buying me drinks.  Dancing.  Vaguely being  on top of the bar.  Being carried home.”
  “Who carried you home?”
  “Don’t know,” I sigh meeting his dark eyes.  “I know who I wanted but I always assumed it was Kass.  He was always the father of the group.”
  “Nope,” he states, the intensity in his eyes growing.
He nods.  “Threw you over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes.  You commented on my ass the whole walk back.  Then when I put you in bed,” his eyes close at the memory.  “And you pulled me down and planted a sloppy kiss on me.  And moaned my name.”
My mouth goes dry at the look on his face, a mixture of ecstasy and pain.
  “I wasn’t going to take advantage of you when you were like that.  The next day you acted like nothing happened.  So…” he trails off.
I lick my dry lips trying to think of how to respond.  “So you ignored it and acted like it never happened?  Just brought me breakfast and electrolyte drinks?”
He nods, eyes still closed.
Sliding closer, I wrap my knees around his hips.  “That night,” I whisper, inches from his ear.  “Did it sound like this: Bo,” I groan, my lips ghosting over his jaw.  “Or was it needier?  Like: Bo, please,” I moan, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.  “It’s always been you that I need, that I want.  Always you.  Even when I’m terrified I still only wanted you.”
  “Candi, don’t.  You don’t mean…”
  “You know it takes more than half a bottle of whiskey to affect me.”
His eyes pop open to study me.  “God, you’re beautiful,” I grin, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.
  “Not half as beautiful as you,” he growls pulling me into his lap and flush to his chest.  His tongue swiping his lower lip as his eyes drop to mine.  “Are you sure?”
  “Never more sure in my life,” I smirk, leaning in but leaving just enough space for him to back down.  He closes the gap, kissing me softly.  The second kiss is more intense and the third leaves me breathless.t
  “Fuck,” I breathe as we break apart, my hands sliding up to bury in hair.
  “Not yet,” he smirks.  “I’m getting there.”
He dives back in before I can respond, his tongue coaxing my lips apart to dance with my own.  His hands gripping my hips tightly.  Breaking the kiss briefly I yank his shirt over my head and to the side.  “Much better,” I grin diving for his throat.  My breast pressing against the warmth of his chest as I lavish his throat with nips and my tongue.  His hands go behind him as he collapses backwards slightly to allow me more access to his throat which I take advantage of.  My hands tracing every curve of the muscles in his arms.  “Damn I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” I think.  “And it’s better than I could fucking imagine.  My hips roll experimentally against his and his buck to meet mine.  A ridge already forming beneath me.
  “Want my mouth, Bo,” I whisper, moving back to his ear.  I can feel you’re already at half mast and already working on too big for me but damn would I not want to try.  I’ll let you do whatever you want to me until you can’t hold it anymore.  Then I’ll milk every drop from you.  I’m such a good girl like that,” I purr, nipping the shell of his ear.  Suddenly I’m on my back beneath his body.  The noise I make as his teeth find my nipple, waking my body up more would be embarrassing if it were anyone else.  This is Bo though.  Our bodies fit together like they were made to.  One hand intertwining our fingers as he pins my hand above my head, the other moving to show my neglected breast some attention.
  “Much better than my mind could think up,” he chuckles against my skin.  “Do you always make such great noises?”
  “It’s been so long I don’t remember, honestly,” I groan, wrapping my legs around his waist.
  “Fuck,” he sighs pressing his forehead against my chest as our lower half meets again.  “You’re gonna be the death of me.  I can tell that already,” he grins up at me.
  “Is that a complaint?”
  “Nope.”  Suddenly we’re upright and moving through the cabin as his tongue battles with mine again.  “But this is gonna be hard and fast,” he mumbles between kisses.  “I don’t think I can hold back.”
  “We can go for the romantic stuff next time,” I smile as my back hits the mattress.  “Right now I just need you to fuck me.”
He growls in response as he yanks the loose sweats easily down my legs, deepening as his hands side into my cunt.  “So fucking wet.”
  “You’re not so bad yourself,” I mumble working his own sweats down just enough to free him.
He slams into me without preamble and a whorish moan slips through my lips, arching beneath him.
  “Please fucking move,” I whimper.  “I can’t take you not fucking me.”
  “Fuck,” he breathes, staring down at me in awe.  His hips slamming into me and I try to meet them with my own.
  “I got you, Babe,” he breathes, his hand working its way between us to press long slow strokes to my clit causing me to see stars at the combined sensation.
.  Show me what you really got,” I moan draping my arms over his shoulders to tangle my finger through the ends of his hair.  “Oh yeah,” I groan as he fucks me harder.  My nails scrapping the back of his shoulders as I pull him closer.  “That’s it Bo.  Yes.  That’s it.”  I arch against him, my breast brushing against his torso with each movement sending electric tingles through my body.  “Fuck,” I yelp as he adjust his hips to hit even deeper.  “God, you feel so good.  Fuck.  Fuck.  Don’t stop.  Please.  Please.”
  “Not gonna,” he growls, burying his face into my neck.  The vibrations setting my entire body on fire.  “Gonna cum for me Babe?”  Another growl as I slide my nails down his back. And electric sparks flash throughout my body as he bottoms out and I nod wildly as I feel myself tightening in preparation for my orgasm.
  “Good girl,” he grins as his lips wrap around my nipple.
I see sparks as that pushes me over the edge finally.
  “Mmmmm,” he hums as he fucks me through my orgasm.
  “Don’t you fucking stop,” I growl as he starts to slow.  “Not til you filled that pussy up like I’ve always imagined.”
His hips resume the fast and harsh rhythm.  Aftershocks rocking my body with each meeting of our hips.  He groans with each spasm of my pussy around him.
  “You close Bo,” I purr.
He nods wildly, rolling his hips and my eyes roll to the back of my head.
  “What do you need, Bo?  Tell me and I’ll give it to you.”
  “Perfect,” he grunts, his breathing ragged.  “So fucking perfect.”
Seconds later he cries out, his hips stuttering, cock twitching inside me.
Collapsing down onto his elbows, he studies my face and I study him right back.  Taking in the flush of his skin and the tangled mess I made of his hair.
  “You’re even more beautiful when you’re fucked senseless,” I grin, earning me a chuckle.
  “Ditto,” the dimple makes yet another appearance.  “Should we shower now or when you’re done with me?”
  “Oh, that’s going to be a very long time,” I grin.  “We might need to do other things like clean up, eat; you know the basics.
  “Come on then,” he smiles stripping completely.
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cinews-id · 1 month ago
Puspomal Melimpahkan Kasus Anggota TNI AL Tembak BOS Rental ke Otmil II-07 Jakarta
JAKARTA, Cinews.id – Komandan Pusat Polisi Militer Angkatan Laut (Danpuspomal) Laksamana Muda TNI Samista mengatakan, kasus anggota TNI AL tembak bos rental mobil hingga tewas ke Oditur Militer (Otmil) II-07 Jakarta. Menurut Sasmita, pelimpahan dilakukan karena pihaknya telah selesai melakukan penyelidikan terhadap perkara tersebut. “Puspomal telah melaksanakan serangkaian tindakan penyelidikan…
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whatsnewalycat · 10 months ago
Rules: List 5 topics you can talk about for at least an hour without any preparation. Tag others to find out their topics.
Thank you for tagging me @party-hearses & @imaswellkid & @frannyzooey 🖤🖤 This is by no means an exhaustive list, but:
1. My Chemical Romance
2. Institutional racism (specifically in the US, although a bitch can ramble for days about ‘the war on drugs’ and its disproportionate impact on ppl of color worldwide)
3. The military-industrial complex
4. Horror as a genre
5. Movies—for real I could sit and chat about movies for hours and hours and hours and hours (can you tell I used to work at a video rental store lol it’s my comfy topic)
Backup topics include, but are not limited to: writing, pedro, intersectional feminism, why the American criminal justice system is downright fucking evil, drugs, capitalism, colonialism, spirituality and religion, ghosts, queer stuff, health insurance, mental health and mental illness, cryptids, general occult things, bo burnham, glass animals, succession, the leftovers, etc etc etc as you can tell I could ramble about a million things
tagging: @pennyserenade @wannab-urs @chronically-ghosted @sp00kymulderr @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @wildemaven @whataperfectwasteoftime @all-the-way-down-here @littlebirdsbookshelf @yourcoolauntie @for-a-longlongtime @schnarfer
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