83 posts
oswald | 17 | M | every time somebody asks me if i have lung cancer, take a shot. {indi oc., please read pages. if not tagged ooc., it's ic.}
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hygric · 11 years ago
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Oh man, I forget that's a thing people do.
{He chuckles quietly. Money has never been a thing for him, he's seen it, had it spent on him, knew what medical bills were and how insanely expensive they were. But he's never really had it at his exposal. And, yet, here he is, with a woman who could probably buy whatever she wanted. Which he, honestly, finds more intimidating than the War thing. Money is powerful, she's powerful, and he's weak. Well, at least they're friends and not enemies. She watches him, he knows she is, but he doesn't really mind, simply deciding to focus on the world blurring past them through the windows.
He doesn't mind the long ride, though he doesn't mind stretching his legs either. He takes the cart out first, following after it. He thinks about somehow grabbing his things first, but she's far too fast for him, so he just lets her. Looking around, he may or may not gawk a little, slowly nodding.}
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                     ”There’s an easy solution for that. It’s called ‘I take your ass shopping.’”
        If you had roamed the earth since the dawn of time, you’d be incredibly wealthy too. Ridiculously wealthy. So much so, the little warlord was running out of things to do with all her cash. But hell, a roommate isn’t a bad thing to spend it on. It’s not bad at all. She returns a few of his awkward gazes, watching his eyes fall towards the cars. Hm. She’s not exactly positive of where he lived before, but it was surely not like this place. One hand leaving the wheel, she stretches ever so slightly. Cat like tread from a cat like entity. This new, oddly shaped two piece puzzle is having it’s first adventure, and it’s taking everything in her not to over-analyze. Not to point out the silly little traits she’s picking up. She’s got this. She’s fine.
        Half an hour. It’s not too long, but for someone who just had legs crammed behind a plane for that times fourteen, she could see how it would be. Parking in the garage by her high-rise, she takes the key out of the ignition and heads around to open her companion’s door, without a glance back to him heading for the bag.
                                              “I’m guessing elevator, yeah?”
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hygric · 11 years ago
lays on the floor and groans.
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hygric · 11 years ago
thanks for setting that straight, i totally was assuming when i followed you that you were completely emo.
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hygric · 11 years ago
whatever, screw it, pump or no i'm sleepy as fuck.
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hygric · 11 years ago
ugh i have to sleep in the pump tonight.
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hygric · 11 years ago
stop sneezing 2kforever. fuck sneezing. it's scary.
you are too nice for your own good. what the hell how.
stop sneezing 2k14 because 2013 is coming to an end. 
hey, sometimes we all need a little hope, right? 
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hygric · 11 years ago
sure okay.
call me princess
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hygric · 11 years ago
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{He can handle it. Self destruction, whether psychically - getting into fights and letting himself get the shit beat out of him - or mentally - if you got a peek inside his mind, it would be worries about breathing and 'wow I could be dead right now and it probably would feel the exact same way I feel 99% of the time. A mix that's definitely strange, but they don't clash, not at all, they fit like strange puzzle pieces.
Silently sitting, he watches her, gaze flicking around them. He's used to cars, but this is a lot of cars compared to what he's normally used to. Like, this is an ungodly amount of cars. He's definitely a bit nervous about that. But, hell, she knows what's she's doing. Hopefully. Every time she glances over and he happens to be glancing at her, he offers her a smile, or just looks away out of embarrassment. Eventually, his mind wanders, but his words snap him out of it.}
Oh -. That's actually really cool. Thanks. I bet I'll like it, I mean, I don't have much to decorate it with myself.
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        She’s just concerned. Not for the situation. She’s absolutely positive that it’s going to work out. She’s not so positive about his health. She’s a cloud of self-destruction. Binge drinking, heavy smoking, countless one-night stands. He destroys himself against his will. The toxicity in his lungs pollute him from the inside out. The toxicity in her brain rot her from the outside in. An odd pair, and yet one that will seemingly be together for a decent amount of time.
        Revving engine, silent pause, she simply nods when he says he would rather just go home. Her arm slings around his seat and after pulling out, she speeding off. If she wasn’t so concerned for his heath, she would have driven off the side of the road and used powers of an entity. Sped through time and space alongside humanity in such a blur mortal beings only felt an increase in wind speed. If just for a brief moment. Instead she’ll just live her life in the fast lane, eyes constantly and carefully flicking to the boy beside her to check him over.
                      “I hope you like you’re room. I’m not really sure what you like but I left some of my stuff in there. Like, battle stuff. Not bras and panties and girly sweaters stuff.”
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hygric · 11 years ago
no diana not allowed.
*airy distant voice* im dead inside
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hygric · 11 years ago
no stop. no sneezing. don't do it.
thank you for the hopes they make me feel alive.
you can’t help sneezing though, right? since it’s involuntary? but i hope you don’t sneeze often, or at all!
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hygric · 11 years ago
that sounds like something a person who is dead inside would say.
im the opposite i think so hard that the emotions just sucked outta my words
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hygric · 11 years ago
your blog is so cute and sweet looking i now have diabetes.
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hygric · 11 years ago
hi i'm oswald and i have some words of advice for you.
never sneeze if you have lung issues. it's horrifying.
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hygric · 11 years ago
leave me be i don't ever think before i talk/type.
oswald you big dork omg
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hygric · 11 years ago
i sneezed so hard i sort of knocked the wind out of myself.
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hygric · 11 years ago
hell yes. i'm gunna swim in it then drink it.
wait no that's fucking gross ew.
yea so were all good on that part. lets feed you gallons of coffee and soda. a pool full of soda and coffee
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hygric · 11 years ago
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marry me.
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