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jacqthehermit · 5 years ago
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BORUSARA WEEK 2019 Day 4: Music
Sometimes the usual sparring gets a little bit boring so the two would dance to hip hop music to workout.
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kairi-chan · 6 years ago
Where Sarada is from Slytherin and Boruto Gryffindor. "Everyone is afraid of Slytherin members, why are you talking to me?" the other houses are prejudiced with Slytherin, but Boruto will not give up his love... BoruSara
Title: Light 
Rating: T 
Genre: Fluff - Boruto x Harry Potter AU 
A/N: Sorry this took so long, but I finally got to finish part 1, and just in time for BoruSaraWeek19 - Day 3: Crossover AU 
Art by @benteja
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“Light is to darkness what love is to fear; in the presence of one, the other disappears.” -Marianne Williamson
First Year 
Boruto sat on the chair and eagerly anticipated to feel the weight of the worn sorting hat on his head. His eyes burned with light and excitement as he gazed on all the other first years. There were a few that he knew, others he had never met, some who intrigued him more than others. It all happened so fast. As soon as he got his letter, his mother wasted no time in proceeding with their shopping. He was accepted into the same wizarding school his parents had been admitted to. All the years of the wonderful stories he heard from his uncles and aunties were going to become his reality. From buying his wand, and trying on his robes, he knew deep inside this was where he was meant to be. But what house would he be in? 
His father was in Gryffindor, while his mother hailed from Hufflepuff. He was certain one of these houses would become his, as well. Or perhaps he would be in Ravenclaw, like his uncle Neji. Boruto had always been praised for being a genius. It wouldn’t be a surprise. Although any of these three houses would be fine, there was one in particular that he did not want to be in. As the sorting hat came nearer, his eyes landed on the girl he had perhaps known, but never really knew his entire life—Sarada Uchiha.
She sat there on the table in the far right, smiling proudly under the green banner that also represented her father’s house. Sarada’s smile faded as soon as she realized she was being watched, and a grim expression marred her features. Boruto knew she wasn’t bad, but he didn’t know if she was good either. 
If the Sorting Hat was all too sure she belonged in Slytherin, even after much contemplation, perhaps the darkness that loomed over her clan also resides in her heart.
He pressed his lips to a fine line as the hat was finally placed on his head. The old thing took its time, gnawing on where Boruto really belonged. “This one has true potential,” the Hat drawled. “A brilliant mind, a big heart. Which house would best suit…”
Memories of Boruto’s father flashed before his eyes. Although Naruto was smiling, he knew there was some pain that lied beneath. “Sasuke’s changed a lot since then. He isn’t bad.” Boruto drew in a shaky breath. His father was a fool to think that. His gaze never left Sarada’s dark pools, seemingly reading his thoughts. The child of a muggle and a practitioner of the Dark Arts… no. He could not associate with someone like that.
“Not Slytherin,” Boruto gritted out. “Not Slytherin, even if those are your trail of thoughts?” The Hat asked before continuing, “Then it must be… Gryffindor!”
A loud cheer roared from the Gryffindor table, and a wide grin found itself on Boruto’s face. He had broken eye contact with her, as he was now looking at his fellow housemates, all smiles and cheers.
There was no time for him to worry himself with people he must not associate with. Muggles with the darkness that shadowed over their hearts they called ambition. 
Boruto gripped his broom and puffed his chest. He felt good in his uniform. He had not even stepped on the field yet his heart was already brimming with pride. For he, a first-year, was the seeker for his house. Not even his father was given this recognition. He had many fond memories with Quidditch and his father. 
It was a game he played since he was a child with his dad. Boruto looked at the photo from behind the glass case. His father’s face was rounder, hair much longer. He was covered in bandages, and yet his smile was as bright as the sun.
On one hand, he held on to his broom, the same one that Boruto liked to steal from his father’s study and play around with when he was six. It was old but reliable. Naruto was holding up something barely visible, yet it was all too clear to Boruto’s sharp eyes. 
The Golden Snitch. 
Naruto was a Seeker, and arguably the best one. However, when Boruto’s eyes slid over to the other man in the photo, he felt his lips dip to a frown. It wasn’t just Naruto who was holding on to the Snitch. A man with dark hair and eyes and the smuggest smirk Boruto had ever seen was also held on to it with his left hand. 
Naruto and Sasuke were both holding on to the Golden Snitch. 
He knew this story well. It was one of Naruto’s favorite to retell, over and over again. About how he and Sasuke nearly died trying to catch that snitch–how both Gryffindor and Slytherin tied that year because they had both caught it at the same time. 
Boruto knew about Sasuke and his dad’s rivalry. It was legendary. Everyone knew about it. For a time, Boruto used to find his uncle cool. All until he heard of what happened after their schooling years. All the hardships Sasuke had placed everyone through–what his father and auntie Sakura through. He gritted his teeth. Some part of Boruto still couldn’t understand how auntie Sakura could forgive him, and still love him after everything he had done. Then again, he always knew she also had a big heart and knew his uncle more than anyone else. 
Auntie Sakura had been one of the kindest souls he had ever met–she had what was deemed to be one of the most brilliant minds in the wizarding world. A muggle who made a name for herself and broke all barriers. One of the only things people could pick on was that for the most part, her husband had been absent. Wandering around the world doing Merlin knows what. Boruto rolled his eyes at that. 
Boruto’s gaze lingered a little longer on Sasuke’s face. Sarada looked a lot like him, in fact, almost entirely like him. Although she did possess the signature dark locks and eyes of an Uchiha, there was a certain softness in Sarada’s eyes, a certain light that shunned the darkness. They were so enthralling, so mysterious. 
How could something so dark be so full of light? 
Before Boruto could think about it a little more, he was distracted by a loud cheer. He whipped around, his broom knocking the glass, shaking the entire case. He sighed to see he had not broken it. Quickly, he ran into the field, and his eyes widened. 
Perhaps this girl was the devil, as whenever he thought of her, she would appear. 
Sarada Uchiha was dressed in green, a color that made Boruto frown. Although she looked beautiful, he thought a different color suited her far better. His thoughts immediately dissipated as he caught her wide smile, and the tiny golden ball in her hand. She was high up in the sky, and yet he could feel her glee all the way to the ground. It filled his heart, and then slowly, his entire being. It was a warm feeling, one that he relished and found infectious. Boruto didn’t even realize that he, too, was grinning. 
She had caught the snitch, and her teammates were surrounding her. All of them nearly a head taller, twice her size. Sarada’s lithe body moved fluidly in the skies as she rode around, cheering at her victory. It was only practice, but catching the snitch was always a feat.
Boruto gulped as it dawned upon him.
Sarada was Slytherin’s Seeker. 
Lectures were always boring for Boruto. The only upside that he found amusing was spending time and getting to know the other students from different houses. Even if he mostly only spent time with the students from his house, he found a lot of the others interesting, too. 
In the course of a few weeks, he had made friends with two boys from Ravenclaw. Two of which who he had apparently been running in the same circle with – Shikadai Nara and Inojin Yamanaka. Shikadai was really all smarts, while Inojin was more of the creative sort. Although he wasn’t from the same house, Boruto found himself spending a lot of time with them. He shrugged it off as his natural genius self, wanting some smart company from time to time. 
There was another boy he met, one who really was quite strange, yet found him to be fun. Mitsuki surely was not like other normal people he met. He would always say the strangest things and had an affinity for snakes. That was an obvious reason why Mitsuki was in Slytherin, he could also be sly and his morals played around in gray areas. Boruto thought he was set to hate this house but Mitsuki was alright. He wasn’t as bad as he thought people from this house would be.
“I just want to be with you, Boruto,” Mitsuki replied. That creepy smile on his face made Boruto cringe, and laugh nervously. Mitsuki could be really… weird at times. Shikadai and Inojin seemed not to mind it much, though. Or perhaps they were just used to him.  
The Hufflepuffs he had met was also a nice and warm bunch. Although they could be quite… loud sometimes. Chocho, Namida, and Wasabi would also hang out with them from time to time. But not as often, as they usually hung around another person, one that Boruto felt he had to watch out for. 
“Sarada!” Chocho called to the girl on the other side of the courtyard and waved. 
She wasn’t alone. Sarada was with another girl with Purple hair, and donned blue robes. This made Boruto raise a brow. Right next to Sarada was a person Boruto thought he could have been friends with–the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team–Kagura. He was always hanging around Sarada, training with her, and helping her with her studies. But with the classes he took with Sarada, Boruto knew she didn’t need the help at all. 
Boruto almost never heard her voice, but whenever he did, he found himself so annoyed, yet he wanted to hear more. Whenever she recited in class to give her two cents, or to challenge a concept, he felt like she could easily put a Ravenclaw to shame. 
It wasn’t surprising. Her mother was deemed as one of the most intelligent witches, one who had contributed so much to the medical magick community. She had innovated spells, potions, concoctions, more than the great Tsunade Senju. Sakura Uchiha was a force to be reckoned with. Not just with smarts, but with strength as well. Naruto always joked that Sakura could end his life as easily as she could revive him with a flick of her wand. His mother would always second the notion, her eyes never betraying any doubt to this truth. It was a running joke that without her, Naruto and Sasuke would have been long dead during their misadventures. 
Seeing all of the books in Sarada’s arms made Boruto blink. She waved at Chocho, and so did the other girl– was her name Sumire? – and Kagura. 
Chocho, Namida, and Wasabi took their leave and walked towards the trio across the yard. 
“Seriously, what is it with Hufflepuffs and hanging out with Slytherins?” Inojin raised his brow. “And that Sumire girl, she likes hanging out with Chocho and Sarada a lot.” 
Shikadai sighed and stuffed his hands inside his pockets. “I don’t know. Sometimes those guys are just far too nice, you know? Sarada’s also pretty smart.” 
Mitsuki smiled and tilted his head to one side. “Is there something wrong with Slytherins?” Although he was one, it didn’t sound like he was offended at all, more on the curious side, really. 
Boruto had a sour look on his face and tore his gaze away from Sarada. He faced his friend and laced his fingers behind his head, walking away. “Heh! Slytherins!” He eyed Mitsuki. “No offense.” 
Mitsuki’s smile melted away from his face and asked again, “what’s wrong with them?” 
Inojin shrugged. “Everyone’s afraid of them.” 
“Afraid?” Boruto repeated, incredulously. “Maybe you, but not me!” He pointed to his chest with his thumb. “None of them scare me.” 
“Oh?” Shikadai smirked. “Maybe not afraid, but you seem interested in them.” 
Boruto stopped walking and raised his brow at Shikadai. 
“One in particular.” 
“Oooohh…” Inojin teased, falling in step with Shikadai, leaving Boruto and Mitsuki behind. 
“I am not!” Boruto stomped his feet on the ground, glaring at the back of their heads. He cupped his hands around his mouth. “You think you know everything, but you don’t!” 
The two boys didn’t look back, but Boruto knew they were still smirking. 
How stupid. Him? Interested in a Slytherin? In Sarada? And yet, he thought they were supposed to be the smart ones. 
“I am not interested in Sarada,” he muttered. 
Mitsuki was mere inches away from his face when he spoke up. He was so close, Boruto felt his warm breath on his jaw, “They never mentioned it was Sarada, Boruto.” 
Boruto jumped, his heart nearly flying out of his chest. He fell on his butt. “Don’t stand so close!” 
Mitsuki only smiled knowingly. “I see…” 
“See what?” Boruto got up and dusted his pants off. 
Mitsuki only smiled and slunk away in the opposite direction. 
The wind was starting to pick up, and sooner rather than later, Boruto was waking up to first snow. His hands touched the icy glass and he looked outside with wide-eyed wonder. It also snowed in his hometown, but it looked so magical seeing it from Gryffindor’s tower. 
“It’s snowing!” Boruto exclaimed, barely containing his glee. 
His roommate flipped over in his bed and grumbled, “Don’t be so loud.” 
Boruto threw a pillow at him. “Get up, Iwabe! It’s snowing!” 
Iwabe grumbled more and refused to open his eyes. Meanwhile, Boruto was excitedly putting on his sweater and scarf, blindly reaching for his cloak by the door before dashing out the door. 
First snow. 
He felt like a child on Christmas morning. 
Seeing the blanket of white on the ground, trees, and on the roof was setting such happy feelings inside of him. Memories of him and his little sister filled his mind, they used to race to their yard and play in the snow all the time. But things were different now, as he was alone… he didn’t let the sadness sink too far in. In just a few weeks, he would get to go home to see her again for the holidays, anyway. 
As Boruto flew down the stairs, he nearly squealed when he saw fresh snowflakes slowly falling from the sky. He didn’t know it was possible to run any faster, but apparently, it was. All the paintings followed his speeding form down the stairs, even earning a few, “no running in the halls!” from his early rising seniors and prefects. But that didn’t stop him. He wanted to jump into that snow and watch the flakes slowly descend into his face.
The door flung open and Boruto was so ready to throw himself into the snow. However, he found himself stopping at the sight before him. 
A sole figure stood in the middle of the courtyard. Her dark hair and cloak standing out in the pure white landscape before him. His heart jumped to his throat and struggled close his mouth, an attempt to swallow it back down. 
Her green scarf was wrapped around her neck, her breath visible. She wasn’t wearing her red-rimmed glasses and Boruto instantly missed the red hue on her. He always thought she looked better in red than she did in green. 
Sarada’s long lashes had caught some of the flakes. How long had she been standing in the snow? Her hands were covered in black mits, palm facing the sky. Boruto’s eyes followed a snowflake’s trail. It landed softly on her hand, and she pulled it close to her face. A soft smile appeared on her face as she examined it. Slowly, her gaze shifted to him, her smile never wavering.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” 
Boruto blinked and took a while to process that she was talking to him. He closed his mouth and swallowed hard, struggling to find his voice. “W-what is?” 
Smooth. The first time he talks to her and he stammers. 
Her smile stayed on her face and Boruto suddenly forgot the cold weather. It was warm… all too warm. From her smile to his blood rushing around his body. 
“The snowflakes,” she started. “They’re all so different, so unique. Yet they’re all so beautiful.” 
His brows knotted together. He trudged into the snow to join her.
“I’ve been catching snowflakes for a while now. I can’t even judge which one is the prettiest I’ve seen so far.” She giggled. 
Boruto was starting to think this girl was sorted in the wrong house…. She seems really weird. Or maybe that’s why she and Mitsuki were in the same one. Who knows. 
“I guess it is,” Boruto responded. He grinned at her. “Is that what you like about it?” 
Sarada looked up at the sky, snowflakes landing on her cheek. Boruto didn’t understand why, but he wanted to gently brush it off her face. 
She hummed in reply, still a soft smile on her lips, the light in her eyes being replaced by a certain kind of melancholy that Boruto knew well. It was the same look his sister would take whenever their mother would break the news that Naruto wasn’t coming home for her birthday. 
Himawari would smile like that whenever she was being brave. She never wanted their mother to worry, or for her father to feel guilty. Certainly also did not want Boruto to be angry should he see her cry. 
That was one word he never thought would be used to describe Sarada. 
“I’m hooome!” Boruto dropped his suitcase on the floor and opened his arms wide. His little sister was running towards him from the top of the stairs, the widest grin on her face as she cheered that her big brother was finally home. She jumped off the second step and straight into his arms. He hugged her tightly and squeezed her, making her squeal.  
“Welcome home, dear.” His mother came to the front door to greet him. “How was your ride back?” 
Boruto placed his sister down and responded to his mother, “Ah, it was alright. Inojin and Shikadai kept me company.” 
She smiled at him, “Getting along with the Ravenclaw boys, huh?”
“My natural genius self craves smart company from time to time, ya know?” 
Hinata giggled and made her way back to the kitchen. “Put your luggage away and wash up. Dinner is almost ready.” 
“I’ll help!” Himawari raced after her mom. “Will Dad be coming home, too?” 
“He said he will!” Hinata responded. 
Boruto hid the small smile on his face. He was happy to hear that his father would be home for dinner on the night he returned. 
Christmas was still a week away, yet the presents under the tree were already piling up. One quick glance and Boruto already caught some familiar names signed on tags meant for him and his family. There were three neatly wrapped gifts, covered in dark blue wrappings, tucked at the corner, signed by his mother: Happy Christmas, from the Uzumakis 
Strange. Usually, his mom was early when it came to Christmas shopping and sending out gifts. Boruto walked a little closer and tugged on the golden tag lightly. His eyes went wide when he saw who the gifts were for. Their names were written in his mom’s pretty script: 
For Sasuke, Sakura and Sarada Uchiha. 
Christmas morning had finally come and Boruto and his little sister, Himawari, were opening presents. There was a mountain of it at the foot of the tree, and the two relished in the magical gifts their parents had bought them. 
Despite all the colorfully wrapped gifts that laid before him, his eyes scanned for three gifts wrapped in dark blue but failed to find any. He shrugged one shoulder up and then turned his attention to more important things. 
After a while, their father flooed through the fireplace, a wide grin on his face and holding on to a large shopping bag. 
“Back so soon?” Hinata rose from the sofa and kissed his cheek to welcome him home. 
“Yeah, Sakura-chan wanted some time alone with Sarada and Sasuke.” 
“Sasuke’s home?” Hinata clapped her hands together, delighted that her friend’s family was complete for the holidays. 
Boruto, being the little snoop he was, craned his neck to hear their conversation more as he pretended to distract himself with the spellbook his auntie bought him. 
“Yeah,” Naruto scratched the back of his head. “He looks to be well, and Sarada’s grown so much. They even prepared some gifts for us.” He lifted the bag up and called his kids. 
Naruto first pulled out a large one for Himawari. Turns out it was a stuffed bunny. She loved it and refused to let go as she walked around the house. There was a small cookbook for Hinata and a ramen-looking paperweight for Naruto.
Boruto knitted his brows together. They were all so… strange. Not the usual wizard-like gifts they usually received. He then remembered that Sakura was a muggle, and probably purchased these gifts for them back in her world. 
Naruto pulled out a small box from the paper bag and handed it to him. “This one’s for you, Boruto.” He grinned cheekily. “I think you’ll like it.” 
This made the boy skeptic but took the box from his father anyway. Who would turn down a gift, right? Carefully, he pulled the white red ribbon off and lifted the lid. There was a golden ball inside, and slowly, a pair of white wings unfolded and it floated out of the box. 
“A snitch,” Boruto whispered under his breath. 
Naruto snickered. “Guess it’s a good gift from a seeker for a seeker, huh?” 
Boruto caught it in his hands and opened his palm. He couldn’t believe it. 
Sarada gifted him a golden snitch. 
Platform 9 ¾ was full of students and parents, wishing their children off and meeting their other friends. It always amazed Boruto how a lot of alumni knew each other and was almost always friendly towards each other once they knew each other’s alma mater. 
Hinata handed him his suitcase and fixed his cloak. “You be good now, and don’t cause any trouble,” she joked. 
“Yeah, do your best.” Naruto gave him a thumbs up and a wide grin. 
Himawari gave him a tight hug and told him she would miss him while she was away. 
After another round of goodbyes, Boruto turned around to get on the Hogwarts Express. However before he could hop in, he noticed a small family saying their goodbyes as well. 
It was the Uchihas. 
Involuntarily, Boruto reached to feel the contents of his pocket. Once he felt the bump from the small box, he pulled his hand away and hopped in, and went to find his cabin.
His first day back was festive to say the least. He ate his fill at the feast, played games with his friends and hung out in the common room with his housemates. By the time he was in bed, all his tiredness came crashing down, but before sleep could take him, he extended his arm towards his bedside table and took the small box in his hands, opened it and picked up the snitch. 
The small golden ball unfurled its wings, flapping slowly. He studied it in the dark, letting the moonlight shine on its body. Boruto put it back in the box and sighed, as he curled to his side, attempting to be comfortable. 
He didn’t know why, but he couldn’t get Sarada out of his head. 
Boruto closed his eyes and tried to shun her away from his thoughts. But all he could see was her laughing in the great hall as she toasted with her housemates, Sarada gliding around the halls, and imagining how she must have tied the ribbon around his present. 
With one deep breath, Boruto drifted to sleep, with the Uchiha girl as the last thought on his mind. 
To be continued. 
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! The WIP was sitting in my drive for months, but I’m glad I got the push to finish it today. 
I have to admit, I haven’t read all of the HP books, or watched all the movies. You’ll have to excuse me and my mistakes with the lore. I tried my best. ^^; 
If you like what I write, please do check out my profile, there you will find links to my master post, FFnet, Ao3, Twitter, and Ko-Fi. 
Write on, darling. 
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abbypdg · 6 years ago
A/N: A really small piece for BoruSara week 2019! I’m really excited, and this is like a small birthday present from me to me:)
Prompt: Day 5 - Little Moments
Genre: Fluff
Rating: K? or T? Idk but kiddies can read.
Boruto is used to even the smallest touch of their skin together. Even if it’s her pinky tracing short paths on his thigh when she’s lost in her thoughts, or the way she brushes her hand on the back of his when they are in public to reassure her presence—as if he could take her out of his mind. He is very fond of the cold of her skin, of the way her soft caresses catch him off guard, and the way their hands fit together as if they were made for each other. He thinks so, though. They were born to be together.
She often sleeps with her head on his stomach and her left hand on his shoulder, while her right hand is always looking for his fingers to lace them together. He loves the way her lips tremble from time to time, her lashes trembling softly, and those deep sighs that send shivers through his body.  He watches her sleep for a while before he joins her in slumber, for he doesn’t like to miss sight of her even if he dreams of her.
She likes him to lay on her lap to play with his hair when she’s working, maybe because his hair is soft and she likes to dig her fingers in his blond curls. She can be doing that for hours and never get tired of it, and she says it helps her to concentrate. He wonders, because he can’t keep his thoughts on track when she’s around; she takes so much of his mind and she doesn’t even try. Nevertheless, he enjoys to be there with her since she often hums for him when she notices he’s getting sleepy. He doesn’t notice that she traces the edges of his lips, or caresses his cheeks to feel the small of beard that threatens to come out when he doesn’t feel like shaving. She might not say it out loud, but she loves when he curls up and clings to her like a baby—she doesn’t mind the drool on her clothes either—and the way he whispers her name in his sleep. She also takes pictures of him to send to his mother and for her to keep.
He cooks for her most of the time since she’s not very skilled in the kitchen, however, she tries to surprise him with dinner when he comes home late, and he makes sure to let her know that he appreciates her trying , even if she makes a mess and they end up ordering something. He knows he’s the luckiest man in the world, for he doubts someone else would try so hard for him. He has so many flaws, but she accepts every single one of them and she doesn’t make him feel like he has to change for her. Sometimes, he thinks he’s dreaming and that she’s not real. How can someone as perfect as her could be with him? However, when he snaps out of it, he does his best to be just as perfect for her. He’s not aware that she’s the happiest just knowing that he’s alive, and she doesn’t ask for more. She never does.
Sarada cuts his hair when his bangs start to bother his sight. At first, she refused to do it in fear of messing it up, but he begged her for days, so one day, she found it really easy and she started to wait eagerly for when he needed a haircut. They both love those days; they put on some music and take a bath together afterwards. She would never admit it, but she often loses her breath at how handsome he looks. She wonders if he knows that she’s not the only head over heels for him.
All those moments are the ones that make them think that they did the right thing marrying each other. Of course, their wedding, their honeymoon and the first moment they stepped into their home as husband and wife won’t ever be able to compare; still, those little domestic moments are something else. Those make them think that what they have is real, and that they can be themselves around one another and they won’t be judged. They grow together, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I love you,” Boruto says when he hugs her tightly against his chest, like he does every night. “More than anything.”
Sarada smiles and nuzzles her head on his chest. “I know,” she whispers. “And I love you more.”
He giggles, because he thinks there’s no way no one would ever love someone as much as he loves her. Little does he know that she thinks exactly the same.
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borusarafics · 6 years ago
BoruSara Week 2019
I'm glad to announce that we'll be hosting a BoruSara Week for year 2019! This week will be dedicated to celebrate the bond between Boruto Uzumaki and Sarada Uchiha from Boruto/Naruto series!
The event will be conducted from:
August 25 to August 31
The submissions for the week can be anything you want! Fanfictions, Fanarts, AMVs, Gifs, Edits! Everything is open!
The prompts for the week are as follows:
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Aging together, from kids to teens to adults.
What kind of treasure? Like their time just to be with you. Something precious that they have received from each other and kept it with themselves for years?
They travel, both or separately, local or abroad.
Their monologues and feelings for each other that only a diary may ever know. Like their fav parts about each other, or the changes their witnessing that they're too afraid to point out.
Crossover AU
Want to see them in Harry Potter Universe? Pokemon...Hunger Games…
Flower Crowns, flower you think best represent Boruto and Sarada- or their relationship
Sunset or Rain
Something very meaningful happening during Sunset? or Something sad while raining? Rain can wash away your sorrows after all.
Inspiration from a song or the meaning behind it. Or just have them dance around it.
Little Moments
Sharing clothes/food/bed or normal everyday things that makes you appreciate their company- or canon moments you see in the anime or manga
Social Media
What they do in social media? Tweet them something sweet? Pick-up line?
A problematic situation happening between the two. Stuck in an elevator/cave? Body Switching? Have to fake date/marry? Go wild but Keep it PG-13. PLEASE THEY'RE BABIES
Yin Yang
Opposites. Light and Dark. Yin can’t exist without Yang and vice versa.
Soulmates, Partner in Crimes or things they have in common. They fight together, support each other, understand each other, love each other- okay, keep it PG13 guys
Red and Blue
Their…eyes or however you see those two colours fit them!
The prompts are supposed to spark fun and creativity among participants. And if you're not comfortable using them or if you already have some ideas in your mind, then you're more than welcome to use it!
Now, the following rules must be followed for every submission that will be made for the week:
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• No character bashing. Your submissions will be rejected.
• No ship bashing. Any content containing bashing in regards to any pairing will not be accepted.
• No reposts, stealing and copying other's fan works.
• If you're inspired by someone's work then please do not forget to give them credits.
• NSFW content is NOT accepted! Please keep it Rated T/PG-13!
• Please tag your works as 'borusaraweek19' and 'bsaweek19'.
• You may even add @borusarafics so I don't miss to reblog your post!
The week will be conducted both on Tumblr and Twitter!
The Twitter handle for the week is @borusara_week19.
Please reblog this post so more and more people may know about the event!
Let's sincerely celebrate this event with positivity and fun! And if you have any questions then please send me an ask here or on my personal blog @faintblueivy!
My sincere thanks to @benteja for creating these lovely posters and @mirachaann for her support! In the end I just wish to say that
Let's have fun together!
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faintblueivy · 6 years ago
Loud and Clear - Borusara fanfiction
Dropping another tiny oneshot! For day 5 of Borusara week 2019!
Prompt: Little Moments
Genre: Fluff, obviously.
Loud and Clear
She is in a delirious haze, blinking slowly with heavy eyelids. Her body feels warm, but the wet wipe on her forehead is so relief giving.
"Oh, you're awake."
Sarada's tired eyes follow the direction of the voice, coming to rest upon an exhausted looking Boruto. He was seated on her chair, by her bedside. Leaning back to be as comfortable as he could be in that position.
"Is something the matter?" He asks, gently, his eyes roving on her form with concern visible.
She makes an attempt to sit up although her body resists, but Boruto instantly jumps on his feet. His one arm rounds beneath her back and other one grasps her arm to gently pull her up in a sitting position. He grabs all the pillows he can and stuffs them against the head of the bed to make her comfortable. Sarada lets her body go loose, sinking into the comfort. Her gaze flick to her best friend who is still looking over her in a way to detect any signs of tiniest discomfort on her face.
"It's late." She tells him, glancing the clock on the bedside desk.
"I know." He says nonchalantly.
"Then why are you still here?" She admonishes him, slightly angry that he was sacrificing his sleep for her.
"Cause you're sick?" He raises an eyebrow, as if replying an answer that was way too obvious to have been needed to be said.
"But that doesn't mean that you have to stay up all night worrying about me, silly! I've seen worse days." She yells, even though it comes out as a weak protest because her body refuses to co-operate. "Go home Boruto." She continues, weariness seeping into her voice.
"Nuh-uh." He shakes his head and the stubbornness shining in his clear blue eyes convince her that any further argument will be a wastage of time and energy from her side. All the while she had known him, which basically meant their entire lives - when he made up his mind for something, he did it anyway.
"Oh, I remember, your Mom left some meds!" He exclaims, scrambling up and leaving the room to rush downstairs. The quiet stillness of her house seemed to echo his racing footsteps, in a hurry to return back to her and Sarada felt a calming sense of reassurance that she was not alone.
It was weird. They had returned back from a mission that stretched for a fortnight only for her to fall sick thanks to some new virus she might have gotten during their journey. The only thing the virus seemed to cause was fever and congestion of nasal passage. It even made her voice sound different.
Her father had been away on another new job for a month and her mother had a night shift for a week so she wasn't expecting any company tonight. Boruto had visited in the evening and she never knew when she had fallen asleep, not even having the sense to send him off. Apparently, he never left.
The pounding of the feet comes closer and he bursts into her room again with some pills and a glass of water. She dutifully ingests them and he eases her back on to the mattress again.
"If you are not leaving then there's a futon in the there, use it." She commands, though weakly.
"I'm not sleepy." Boruto says, his lips curling up into a smirk. He grins at her pout as she pulls the blankets up to her chin obviously offended. It comes as a surprise when his hand reaches up to stroke her hair tenderly.
"Come on Sarada? Are you really that bothered by my presence here? Hmm?"
She doesn't answer, hiding her face by glancing to a side and the feverish blush on her face becomes slightly more prominent.
To be honest, it felt lonely to stay in bed, be weak and vulnerable, with no one by your side. And as reluctant as she was, even she had to admit that having him here, sitting beside and keeping a watch over her was oddly comforting. And Overwhelming in it's simplicity and feel of affection.
It were little moments like these Sarada cherishes. Moments of caring and self sacrificing. Moments of astounding synchronisation. Moments of quiet togetherness.
Moments when she doesn't say anything but he still always hears.
Loud and Clear.
Whoops??? This thing came out of nowhere! But I still liked it enough to post! Did you all liked it?? Let me know!
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borusawa · 6 years ago
Press Play
❀ Pairings   BoruSara
❀ Rating  T
❀ Beta-reader @ss-tyytyy (thank you for all the much-appreciated support.)
❀ Word Count 1,077
❀ A/N I told everyone I wasn’t going to post anything but I’m a clown and here I am. This is small and simple just to celebrate my OTP with the thing I know how to write the best *shameless fluff*.
❀��BoruSara Week Day 5: Little Moments | Social Media  ❀
Video games were their new weekend playdate since the day Sarada gave it a try and decided that it could be a pleasant activity. Growing up was hard on their friendship—as jounins, they barely ever had missions together, constantly being assigned with random teams and not meeting each other as often as they would like. In a lack of better options,  those Saturday afternoons with video games were all they had left. 
It was then that Sarada learned—maybe a little too late—that she needed him. She missed every extent of his being on a daily basis, even his underwhelming antics and the annoying habits she grew used to. Foremost, she missed his eyes. Sarada laughed loud to his stupid jokes and no one else's because she liked to see his blue orbs sparkling in her direction whenever she did so.
Those same eyes were now scanning her face.
“Would you please stop laughing? I'm mourning here." Boruto tried to maintain composure but the sound of her sweet laugh was simply too much. He smiled. He knew that this version of her was only for him.
Sarada slipped her glasses back in place after wiping away a tear of joy. "But you just said the funniest thing, not my fault."
"You're a heartless monster." He sighed.
"I'm not!" She straightened her back on the couch.
"So how is the fact that I broke my video game so amusing for you?"
Sarada smirked. "Because I'm a heartless monster." Boruto shrugged it off while he did his best to tie the cables behind her tv monitor; Sarada kept dispersing her giggles around the room. “I just can’t believe that you, of all people, let it fall from the top of a building, that’s all.”
Boruto finally placed the last cable, hoping for it to work. He took a step back and pressed the start button. “I was distracted.”
“What could possibly distract you that much?” She narrowed her eyes and smiled.
“The thought that I was going to see the most beautiful girl I know smiling at me.” He smirked and peeked over his shoulder to find an embarrassed Sarada blushing all over.
She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes so hard that she thought they wouldn’t come back. “Do you know I hate you? I hate you.”
The music of the video game started and Boruto took his place by her side again. “So I start with one point against zero.”
“What do you get one point for?”
“Because I fixed the video game and made you blush. I mean, that must count for something.”
“I don’t know why I let you enter my house.”
He pressed play. 
His words were repeating in her mind, even if they were only a joke. She appreciated the thought that he wanted to see her smile as much as she wanted to see him; she didn’t want to be the only one to care. For a long time, Sarada reasoned with herself that they shared a strong bond, therefore, it was at least natural for her to enjoy his antics. She swore that friendship was a plausible excuse for the number of times she caught herself staring directly into his eyes and getting lost. Nevertheless, nothing explained why she wanted so badly for him to feel the same. Was she lying to herself?
Sarada had the impression that he somehow enjoyed her company just as much as she enjoyed his; she brushed away the worries, holding onto that. Even so, it was not easy to fight against the blush that always insisted to appear whenever she noticed the way he looked softly at her, almost like he intended to say something. He always smirked when she looked away. Boruto knew what that meant; Sarada refused to think about it.
However, every Saturday night after he left,  she would unavoidably feel more lonely than she did the whole week of getting home to empty rooms. Maybe she should’ve kept living with her parents. Maybe he should stay.
"You okay?" His voice woke her up from a daydream and her eyes snapped to his face. Maybe thinking about life while playing video games was not a good strategy because when she came to herself the third round was over and she had lost the game. "This round was too easy. Is there something wrong?"
Sarada shook her head. "No."
"Are you sure?" Boruto insisted.
"Yes, I'm okay." She answered with a soft smile.
Subtle silence settled when Boruto said the words she didn’t want to hear. “I guess it’s time for me to go.”
Neither of them moved an inch.
“Boruto?” His eyes locked on hers; she gently touched his arm. “I want you to stay.”
He grinned. “I guess I can stay for another round if you want it so bad.”
“No.” Sarada avoided his glare and took a deep breath. “I don’t want you to ever go.”
They kept quietly sitting on the couch, eyes permanently on each other's for a long time, time enough for the first stars appear in the sky. He didn’t want to go. Boruto tried not to overthink about how much her absence had been noticed but it didn't matter how much he tried—a full room was empty if Sarada wasn't there. Knowing she was still willing to share her little free time with him was enough to keep his feelings at ease. Oftentimes, after leaving, he’d think about excuses to come back, never figuring out any. It was frustrating; he wanted to be by her side and tell her that but how?
Nothing could’ve prepared Boruto for the fact that Sarada also wanted him to stay.
“I never wanted to leave.”
Boruto raised his hand and caressed her face. He was hesitating; she decided to pretend it couldn't be for what she thought it was. It became undeniable once he started to lean in.
The sound of accelerated heartbeats was the melody that played around the room when she leaned in his direction as well. It was a simple touch of lips at first and it became exhilarating as seconds passed. 
They were only playing and it was supposed to be a day like any other but everything changed at the moment when they finally kissed and their feelings were out in the open. If felt good, exciting. It was a small moment that represented the beginning of something great. God, she loved video games.
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arinrumi · 6 years ago
Diary Entries of a Shadow. [BoruSara, OneShot, BoruSara Week 2019]
Title: Diary Entries of a Shadow. [BoruSara, BoruSara Week 2019, Day 2, Diary, Boruto PoV]  
BoruSara Week Day 2 Prompt: Diary.
Word Count: 602. 
Rating: T.
Entry one, day one, year of the moon:
Today I fought together with Sarada against an enemy that used curses.  Luckily, I jumped up to protect her in time. I get she's powerful, but it doesn't mean she shouldn't be careful. I'm starting to get seriously worried about her. Recently she spaces out a lot during the battles. Is there some reason for it? 
Anyway, that means I just need to be more thorough to protect her. She's my precious friend, after all. 
Entry two, day two, year of the moon: 
I talked with Sarada today. Learning that she hid from me her concerns, made me upset. How? How can I make her talk about the other things that bother her? 
Am I not her shadow and protector? Wasn't it the promise I made with her? 
Entry three, day six, year of the moon:
Sarada told me that I don't need to fulfil the promise we made during childhood. I wanted to protest, but I was too much shocked, hearing her say these words.
Why? Why she doesn't understand that with the time my words;
"I will protect you." 
Changed their meaning after I realised my feelings for her. I... don't want for my words, promise and time I spend on training to be taken lightly. 
Even if she doesn't want protection, I'll still protect her. Not because I promised to do it. 
It's because she's important to me.
Entry four, day nine, year of the moon: 
Foe we faced yesterday was overwhelming. I took a fatal blow to protect Sarada, and in exchange, my eye got scarred. 
As long as she's safe, a scar or two on my body means nothing to me. Hospital nurses scold me a lot though, ya know? They say I shouldn't yet write in my diary with that serious injury.  
Jokes on them, I like boasting too much about my accomplishments in the department of protecting Sarada. 
I owe her. For all those times she protected me too.  
Entry four, day fourteen, year of the moon:
Sarada came to visit me. At first, she acted like her usual self,  then she suddenly cried. 
I was annoyed by her apology. My scar wasn't her fault. That was the choice I made being aware of the ugly consequences. 
There's something I need to confess. I cannot bear the thought of Sarada dying. 
Ah, it's too late for me, ya know? I am a fool in love.  Writing it down is a lot easier than saying it out loud.   
Entry five, day twenty, year of the moon:
I got scolded. Sarada found and read my diary. I was called a big dumbass as well as a drama queen. Well, it's true that maybe I overreacted by misunderstanding what she meant.  
She could use better words to explain it to me, ya know? Anyway, I feel relieved and at the same time, scared.
I found an entry with Sarada's handwriting. It said; 
"You're important to me too, idiot. I love you."
I don't know if I should feel happy she reciprocate my feelings, or angry she wrote in my diary.
Honestly, no matter what, I do think she's an amazing woman.
The woman I love. Of course, first I need to go out of the hospital.  Hey, I hope she really wasn't joking and loves me for real. 
I can handle any scar on my body if she's honest about her feelings. 
The only thing I need is her being by my side. That's the only thing I can ask for. 
Because I am a fool.  A fool in love.
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borutoxsarada · 6 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Day3 : Flowers 🌸
Borusara Week 2019
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kairi-chan · 6 years ago
Know Your Name - BoruSara
Genre: Romance / Humor
Rating: T
Sound Track: I Don’t Even Know Your Name by Shawn Mendes
A/N: Pop Star / Reporter AU for BoruSara, written for BoruSaraWeek19 D4 - Music 
The crowd outside of The Leaf Hotel was getting thicker by the second, the low murmuring started to turn into an uproar when a fan found that the much-anticipated star was approaching.
“They pulled up for take-out!” She screamed, holding up her phone. “He’s having an Extra Spicy Thunder Burger!”
“Oh my god!” Another fan screamed. “That’s just right around the corner!”
High pitched screaming filled the street, photographers prepared their cameras, and the security took their positions by the pathway.
Sarada took a deep breath and sighed. The frown on her face was starting to look permanent. Her disdain for this crowd, Star and the whole situation just grew more and more by the second. The screaming was starting to give her a headache. Sarada massaged her temples.
“Oh come on, it’s not that bad,” Inojin grinned. “You get to see this pop star up close, get a pass,” he lifted his ID, and then wiggled his eyebrows at her, “And The Leaf Hotel serves the best food. I’m seriously just here for the food.”
She took a deep breath and gave him a look. “I’m not a feature writer!” She whined. “I’m supposed to be covering topics that will get me closer to that front page spread!” She threw her hands up in the air, and for a moment, Inojin felt concerned for the recorder in her hand. “Covering things like the crashing economy, dirty politics and—“
“—all the boring stuff,” Inojin snickered. “I know you’re smart and all, Sarada. But this could be front spread worthy, too.” He lifted his camera and nudged his head towards the crowd behind them. “Boruto Uzumaki is half French, half Japanese, and where did he make it big? America. Of all places.”
She rolled her eyes. The singer had blond hair and blue eyes. His style was so mainstream he could fit anywhere they sold overpriced coffee, avocado toasts, and morning cocktails. He sang about love, living young, wild and free. It was so typical pop. Sarada loathed the idea of having to listen to his songs, read articles about him, and follow his account a month before to prepare for this interview.
She loathed the idea until she actually started listening to his songs and liked them. Not like she would ever admit that out loud. Her editor would never live it down. His Instagram was also… fun to follow. He always posted silly stories, and his feed photos were always on point. He knew when to look goofy, natural, and hot.
“Oh come on, don’t pretend you’re not in the slightest bit interested.”
“I am not.” Sarada pushed her glasses back up her face and straightened her blazer and pencil skirt. “Let’s just take his photo while he enters and we do this interview, eat and we’re out of here.”
Inojin shrugged. “As long as we eat, I’m good. I’m gonna send Chubs photos to make her jealous.”
Sarada rolled her eyes and then laughed. “Okay, okay.”
The crowd started to scream and some of them pushed against the reporters at the back. The two of them were thankful that working for The Konoha Times gave them media passes and special treatment.
A shiny black limo pulled up, and the crowd went wild. Security had to push them back, and all the photographers started clicking away, filling the path with bright flashing lights. Inojin pushed a little forward to take a better photo, but Sarada hung back. She didn’t even bother to record any of the audio of things he might say as he greeted his fans.
Two bodyguards and a man with brown hair and a blue scarf came out first—his manager, Konohamaru—and then, the star of the night, Boruto Uzumaki, climbed out of the car. The crowd was hysterical. Sarada couldn’t help but roll her eyes for the nth time that night. She liked his music, and yeah, he was attractive, but she would be caught dead losing her cool like that.
Boruto looked a little different up close. He looked taller and leaner. His vibe was easy, and his grin looked even brighter if that was possible. He waved at the crowd and said a few words. Sarada couldn’t help but snicker when he switched from French to Japanese and then ended in English. His manager whispered something to him, and then he continued in English, with a tiny accent she couldn’t put her finger on.
It reminded her why her editor chose her for this assignment, because she could speak all of the languages he could, and was notorious for switching languages mid-sentence. It was a quirk that people initially thought was a PR stunt to make him look cute, but the more interviews he entertained, the more believable it seemed. He blew a kiss to the crowd and Sarada could have sworn someone behind her fainted.
She looked at the floor and sighed as she adjusted her glasses. When she looked back up, she and Boruto made eye contact for a split second but she could have sworn he was looking at her far longer than that. He wasn’t smiling anymore, instead, his lips were slightly parted, big blue eyes wide. Her face remained passive and then she tore her attention away from him to Inojin, who was telling her that they had to move to get into the Hotel.
Boruto was being pulled by his manager into the hotel as well. A bunch of other reporters scurried after Boruto and his team. Although Sarada and Inojin tried to make haste, the golden doors were slammed shut in their faces.
“I’m telling you,” Sarada held up her PRESS ID and gritted her teeth, “the two of us are part of the reporters cleared for an interview with Boruto and his team!”
The big security guard crossed his arms across his chest tightly, flexing his muscles. “And I’m telling you, you’re not on the list.”
“That’s impossible!” Inojin retorted. “We’re from The Konoha Times. We’re always on the list of press.”
“Tough luck, buddy. Not this time.”
Inojin continued to argue with the guard, and Sarada was on the phone, desperately trying to reach her editor, but to no avail. It was already past nine in the evening, and the group interview was over half an hour ago. They were all just probably having dinner already. This was horrible. They wouldn’t be granted passes if they weren’t cleared for an interview. The other rival publishers were there, and this article was needed by tomorrow morning.
Sarada needed to find a way to get in. She took a few steps away from the door to clear her head. Inojin’s screaming was starting to remind her of her Mama and Auntie Ino’s arguments. A few more steps and she stopped, as the soft scent of cigarette smoke floated to her nostrils. There was only one person she knew who would rather take a smoke than indulge in pleasantries over dinner. She ran to the corner and spotted him.
“Shikadai!” She grinned, so genuinely happy to see him.
He pulled the stick out of his mouth and blew the smoke away from her direction. He smiled lazily and nodded his head. “Ah, Sarada. I was starting to wonder when the Times would appear. But I was expecting Chocho.”
Sarada laughed. “Yeah, But she’s on leave so you’re stuck with me.”
He nodded his head and lowered his cigarette. “Right. And what’re you, miss Journalist, doing at this alleyway and not inside? Too flashy for you?”
“Ha-ha.” Sarada placed her hands on her hips. “It’s a long story but I need a favor.”
“Ooh,” Shikadai smirked. “Those are expensive.”
“I’ll give you a tip for the next dirty politician I expose,” she bargained.
“That’s pretty solid.” He laughed. “I was just gonna ask for a leak, but okay, sure. Let’s hear it.” He took a long drag and waited.
“I need you to get me and Inojin in there, as well as an interview.”
Shikadai choked and coughed the smoke out. “Excuse me, what? Why do you expect so much from me?”
“Someone forgot to include us in the list. I need an interview with Boruto before the night ends.” She placed her hands together and pleaded. “Please!”
He took a deep breath and rubbed the back of his neck. “I can get you in, but I don’t think I can get you a private interview. I didn’t even get to ask a question.”
Her dark eyes went wide. She never backed down from a challenge. She had gotten interviews from senators, economists, even criminals. Surely getting one with a pop star wasn’t going to be so difficult.
He raised his hands up in surrender, “listen, I’m telling the truth. I can get you in the hotel, but I don’t even know if you can get close to him, let alone his room number. Security is tight.”
She pressed her lips together. “Try me.”
Boruto was showed to his room, one of the best suites in the house. His manager had the room on the floor below, and so did the rest of the team. He didn’t mind sharing, but Konohamaru always insisted he got his own so he could rest up properly. The last time he shared a room with his team, chaos ensued and they didn’t sleep until the sun came up, causing Boruto to look exhausted as hell the following day. Luckily it was a small event.
He looked around and took it all in. “Just another empty hotel room,” he whispered and walked over to the king-sized bed. He let himself fall on the mattress and sink in. Boruto closed his eyes and recalled the questions.
“What’s your next album going to be about?”
“Is it true you’re dating? Is it a boy?”
“Favorite song to play?”
“Who do you want to work with next?”
They were all the same typical questions. Shallow, about his dating life, or his sexuality. He rolled his eyes. When was he going to have a challenge for once? His manager and PR team trained him well, and how to dodge questions. His natural wit and charm had also gotten him out of a pickle on more than one occasion.
“There wasn’t even anyone hot,” he muttered. Some tabloids liked to send attractive looking reporters to try to distract him, but none of them ever worked. They just… weren’t his type. He could have any girl he wanted and has had a few encounters—under wraps, of course. Although not a secret enough for the world to think he was a virgin. Not that there was anything wrong with it. It just didn’t fit his image. He closed his eyes.
And then, a pair of dark eyes flashed across his memory, making him sit up, eyes flying open. “There was one!” He exclaimed to no one. He bit his lower lip, trying to remember. She was in the crowd, outside the hotel. There was a press ID around her neck, but he didn’t quite catch for which publication. She wore a pair of red glasses and she looked so… bored.
Boruto pouted. No one ever looked bored in his presence. She didn’t even bother to record anything…
He closed his eyes again, trying to recall if she was there during the interview and dinner. He couldn’t remember. After a while, he gave up and simply concluded, “Then I guess she wasn’t there…” he muttered. No way he wouldn’t notice her in that crowd. Plus, there weren’t many of them, anyway.
Why wouldn’t she be there, though? He shook his head and stood up. Why was he getting so worked up over a reporter? She wasn’t even there. Not even that pretty. Nope. She had long, black hair and wore a black pencil skirt and blazer, like those stiffs in his legal team. Or the dudes who do his banking for him.
Boruto took a deep breath and walked towards the shower, hoping that thoughts of the stiff reporter would wash away with the water.
It was easy enough for Shikadai to bring Sarada and Inojin in. All he needed to do was convince a waiter to help distract the guard long enough to sneak the two of them in. Shikadai gifted the waiter a coupon for a free issue of the next Rogue issue.
“Aww shit!” Inojin complained. “There’s no more food!”
Shikadai pitied the photographer, but he was getting worried about Sarada. She graduated in Journalism and was currently taking up law school. She part-timed in a local newspaper for a while and eventually got hired by the Konoha Times Magazine for her journalism work about a mayor’s corrupt business. It was dangerous, and she had taken on a number of threats for her work. Never did she looked bothered, or even showed hints of it. She was also a tough cookie herself… perhaps a little too tough. That look in her eyes… he knew that look and it scared him.
“Hey,” Sarada waved her hand in front of his face. “Since you’re spacing out, you better be thinking of a plan how to get me to his hotel room.”
Shikadai groaned. This woman was impossible. Was a tip really worth it? “Sarada, you’re being too troublesome. I got you in  since we’re uni buddies. But getting that hotel room number is just—“
“I’ll ghostwrite for you.”
His dark eyes went wide and Inojin instantly shut up. Was Shikadai hearing this right? “Come again?”
Sarada’s face seriously meant business. “I’ll ghostwrite for you.”
“Duuuude!” Inojin nearly dropped his camera.
“I can’t do that,” Shikadai shook his head and took a step back. Even if the offer was tempting, that was too good to be true. It would help him when things were too busy for him. “That’s—you care about getting your name out there!”
She shrugged. “I can type up a thousand words in the back of a cab on my way to work…” she paused and looked at him, an easy smile on her face. “Are you really going to pass this up?”
“But…” oh shit. It was too tempting. “Your writing style…”
“Is flexible.” Sarada grinned. “Just let me read three of your articles and I’m good. You can always check it before passing it in, you know?”
“Duuuuude!” Inojin was now shaking his shoulders. “Getting Sarada to offer something like that is—“ he threw his hands up in the air. “What are you waiting for? Aren’t you sleeping with one of the girls on Boruto’s band or something?”
Sarada’s eyebrows shot up and a knowing smile grew on her face. “Oh really? That sounds interesting.”
Shikadai screamed internally and glared daggers at Inojin. “You promised!”
“Whoops. It slipped?” Inojin snickered.
“Okay, so…” Sarada held up one finger. “I give you a tip,” she held up another, “I ghost write,” and held up another, “and we don’t speak about this girl in front of Chocho.”
Shikadai felt like a bucket of ice-cold water was dumped on his head. If Chocho were to find out— “DEAL.”
The sound of running water mixed with soft pop tunes echoed inside the bathroom. Boruto leaned his weight on his arm on the wall and bowed his head, letting the warm water from the shower pour down his head. Little streams made a path down his hair, nape, and back. Others made their way down the sides of his face and dropped down to his chin. This particular playlist usually put him in a good and sober mood, yet he couldn’t get her out of his head, feeling drunk on the thought of what her name might be.
She didn’t look American. Definitely Asian. Yet, she was a little taller. Maybe she was mixed, like him?
Boruto turned the knob off and leaned his forehead on the cool, tiled wall. Why was he getting so caught up in this? She was just a reporter. She looked bored in his presence. Big deal. She might have just been tired. Or judging from her stiff-looking outfit, she just felt out of place.
He took a towel and dried himself with it, starting with his face, hair, torso and then legs. Boruto looked around for the bathrobe, but before he could grab it, his doorbell rang.
Boruto lifted a brow. “Who the hell could that be?”
Inojin was lagging behind. His legs were burning and his lungs were crying for more air. He held on to his camera with one hand, and to the handrail on the other. “Tell me… why… did we have to take the… service stairs?”
“Because—“ Shikadai grimaced and took a deep breath to steady himself. “This is the only way the cameras won’t see us until we approach Boruto’s room.”
“Who happens to be on the top floor!” Inojin cried.
“Stop your whining!” Sarada chided him, she also struggled to steady her breath. “Just a few more.”
“Why are you so bent on making this happen?” Shikadai raised his brow. “This isn’t even your article, is it?”
“It wasn’t,” Sarada responded and adjusted her glasses. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to half-ass it. Neither does it give me the license to slack off. I’m not going to get that front page unless I work hard.”
“Or is just fucking lucky.” Inojin rolled his eyes.
Sarada pursed her lips and held her tongue. She had other reasons for wanting to make this interview work. There was a betting pool going around the office who would be stuck in their current work and never make it big. To her surprise, she was in the pool. It hurt and outraged her. Chocho calmed her and explained it was because she always stuck to the same boring topics, and never ventured to try writing for other articles or covering other events.
“She’ll stagnate,” one colleague remarked. “People need to be flexible. Can’t have someone turning down assignments just because they don’t like the job.”
It wasn’t that she didn’t like the job, it’s just that she didn’t feel like she was the right person, with the right knowledge, to fulfill the job. What did she know about food blogging or makeup? Traveling and what to pack or look out for? She was studying law with a passion for economics. Her father was a big shot on Wall Street, her mother a successful surgeon. They each had their own passions and expertise, never bothering each other or even pretending to know better than the other in their field. But… Sarada’s colleagues did have a point. She needed to expand and show them that she can get out of her comfort zone and still excel.
“I’m going to make this interview the most talked about, hashtagged, trending shit in the world,” she swore to herself.
Boruto opened the door and what he saw astounded him, eyebrows shooting up his forehead.
The reporter he was just thinking of, now in a wrinkled blazer, sweat on her dark brow, and breathing heavily stood before him. She was holding up her ID for him to see and a smirk slowly grew on his face.
Boruto said her name, letting every syllable roll off his tongue, “Sarada Uchiha.”
She immediately closed her mouth and fought even harder to steady her breathing. Her dark eyes were wide upon hearing his voice. She cleared her throat. “Yes, that’s me.”
Serendipity was wonderful. He didn’t believe in destiny, but he knew this had to be it. Boruto just wanted to laugh but held it in by biting his lower lip.
“Would you please let me interview you?”
“Is that what you’re here for?” He couldn’t believe it. The girl he was thinking about was standing right at his door, and she wanted to interview him?
Sarada nodded. “Yes. May I come in? This won’t take long.”
“Oh, right. Yeah.” He stepped aside and she let herself in. He looked at her small figure standing inside his suite, still disbelieving the entire thing.
“Mr. Uzumaki, where would you—“
Boruto cringed. “You can call me Boruto.”
Sarada turned around to face him, eyes trailed down to his waist, before hastily looking away and pushing her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. “Umm. Right, then. You can call me Sarada.”
Boruto looked at himself and realized he was still in a towel. He was about to spazz and go on a full apology for being in a towel, but that pink dust on her cheeks… is she… blushing?
All his embarrassment washed away and his smug smile was back. “Alright, Sarada.” God. He loved her name. The way it sounded, the way it rolled off his tongue. “It’s nice to know your name.”
He relished watching her cheeks turn a deeper shade of pink. This was surely going to be an interview he wouldn’t forget.
“Shall we?”
Sarada nodded.
With one flick of his hand, he closed the door behind him.
To be continued.
A/N: This was a WIP sitting in my drive for months. I decided it would be perfect to use for the prompt -- Music. I’ll be continuing it another chapter to wrap up! Soon, when I get more free time to write. ^^; 
Thank you for reading my fic, darling. If you like my stories, please check out my profile and check out the link to my masterpost. I also have links to my FFnet, Ao3, Twitter and Ko-Fi.
 Write on, darling.
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faintblueivy · 6 years ago
Treasures Left and Promises Made - Borusara Fanfiction
A long time ago I received a few asks with few of the prompts I've used in this piece. Funnily enough, this oneshot deviated way too much off the prompts for bsaweek than I expected but since I've already worked on it, I decided to post it! Hope you like it!
Word count: 1k
Genre: Minor Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Treasures left and Promises Made
The wind around him raged, and he watched the fields and forests being torn apart from the inside of his safe haven. It was good that he found this abandoned house when he did. Suddenly, a leaf slapped on the window pane he was looking through and it was enough to make his thoughts reel back to the village hidden in the leaves - Konohagakure.
His home. 
His family. 
His people. 
His her.
He wasn't sure if she had found his message. He wasn't sure if she was willing to come and see him. He wasn't sure if the village has noticed his absence or not. He wasn't sure if she was willing to let him go that easily.
He was not sure of a lot of things. In fact, this entire self proclaimed mission of his was completely insane. 
All though...he was sure of one thing. 
Whatever he was doing? It was never going to make anyone happy. 
"So, you're leaving again, aren't you?" 
Boruto almost jumped at her presence behind him. He whirled around to face her and his heart immediately twisted at the disappointment in her eyes. She was soaked, just like he was, standing in heavy rain in front of him. Boruto chokes on the answer. 
"I didn't sense you coming." He replied, taking a step closer to her. 
They stood on the opposite ends of the valley of end - a place where their fathers battled once upon a time. 
"I had to suppress my chakra. The village shouldn't know that I'm here as well." She said monotonously. 
"Uh...yeah." Boruto didn't know what to say. It was moronic. To call her here via a letter and then have nothing to say. This was a farewell, wasn't it? For an indefinite time. She wasn't daring to break the silence too, most probably waiting for him to gather his thoughts. 
So he had to speak up. 
"I didn't really expect that you'd come." 
"You called me, didn't you?" She raised the familiar piece of paper he had written his request on to, pinched between her fingers. "Can't say I'm surprised though."
"Eh?! How did you-"
Her words throw him off guard. He has been quite meticulous and secretive with his planning. How did she…? But then again - he should have remembered that it was her. She knew him better than he did himself. 
"You have been quite spaced out, agitated and busy with your own self. I had an inkling that you were planning something." She averted his gaze as if it was physically painful for her to look at him. 
"Did you...tell anyone about this?" He asked, hesitant. 
Her gaze flicked back at him. A long moment of silence passed before she said, "No...I didn't." 
"Sarada, I- listen, please!" He was not even sure what he was explaining but he understood that she deserved it. Taking so much trouble for his sake...this was definitely the least he could offer. 
"Sarada, I have to do this, you know. Kawaki...he never had a family. But he liked it here! He called Konoha his home. He cared about Dad...and Hima and also Mom. He cared about me too! And us, all of us. I don't know what happened. But I can't just accept it. I can't let that man take Kawaki away from us when he didn't want to leave...I want to save Kawaki. As his family. As...his brother? It is something I must do." 
Boruto couldn't meet her gaze. After everything...it must have seemed to her as if he was willing to abandon his family, his friends and his village and her for Kawaki's sake. But that was not true! At all.
He might have never even experienced a fraction of pain that Kawaki had to go through. And probably could never connect to him the way his dad did. But that made him even more desperate to give Kawaki the life he deserved. He wondered though, if she understands his motives. 
"I do. I do understand." 
The loud voice of rain hitting the earth overpowers her whispered words but somehow, he hears them - loud and clear.
"I won't stop you, if you're worrying about that. I get why you want to search for him. You can go. I won't tell anyone anything." 
He feels his eyes burn with unshed tears. Her accepting his decision and his reasons so easily overwhelmed him. He was thankful to her in every possible way. Funny thing though, everytime he thought she could not stun him again, she did. 
"At first" she started, "I...wanted to come with you. But then I remembered that someone among the two of us...has to stay here. To take care of everyone else. So I'll be here." She gave him a melancholic, understanding smile - a genuine one nonetheless. God, she looked beautiful - heartbreakingly so. 
Boruto felt his throat constrict, words clogging, unable to come out. He crossed the distance between them and without thinking anything, pulled her into his arms, burying his face into the crook of her neck pressing her as close to him as humanly possible. When she latched onto him immediately, encircling him in her arms he realised how hard it was for her as well. 
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." He chanted repeatedly. 
Her lips pressed against his ear, her hands clutching the shirt on his back and she whispered, "Promise me you'll return back."
Boruto felt his heart shatter into millions of pieces. She sobbed as he lightly pulled away from her and brushed the bangs that stuck on her forehead gently. His other hand held hers in a soft grip. His thumb rubbed against her knuckles, tenderly and comfortingly. He leaned in, placing his lips on her forehead, staying there, wondering if somehow she could understand everything he felt for her.
"I will." 
He noticed that the storm has passed away and the orange and golden sunlight poured in through the small window. Boruto felt a smile creep up his lips. It's been three years since that fateful day he had left home. But even now remembering those moments and the feel of having her in his arms made a bittersweet nostalgia build up in conscience. 
Grabbing his bag and slinging upon his shoulder, he exited the little hut, ready to continue on his way always thinking of the treasures and years he had left behind. 
But also of the promises he has made and of the people who are waiting for him. 
"Will you...wait for me?" 
"I will."   
Well everyone! It's my first submission for the week and I hope you liked it! Please let me know your thoughts!!! Thank you for reading!
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borusarafics · 6 years ago
Let BoruSara Week 2019 begin!!!
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25 August - Day 1
Years 🌸 Partners
I really hope that the week provides us all with fun content and positive experience! Let us enjoy it to the fullest!!!
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borusarafics · 6 years ago
BoruSara Week 2019 Day 2
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26 August - Day 2
Travelling 🌸 Dairy
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arinrumi · 6 years ago
Fanfic Request: BoruSara, Monster AU; Vampire!Boruto listening to Frankenstein Monster! Sarada's heart beating faster and faster
AN: Hey, there was two Frankenstein Monster songs, so I hope I picked the right one. Anyway, it’s so far my favourite oneshot entry for BoruSara week this year. 
Link to the song I based this One-Shot on:
Frankenstein Monster
Title: Musical Rain. [BoruSara, BoruSara Week 2019, Request, Monster AU, OneShot, Songfic.]
BoruSara Week Day 4 Prompt: Music&Rain
Word Count: 1, 564.
Rating: T.
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
Colourful costumes followed by a beautiful set of voices. Varied emotions that depended on the tone of sung songs, and that sparkling aura all singers had on the stage. All of them were shining like the real stars. 
Sarada loved to watch both professional and amateurish singers. The thrill of wanting to know how everything will play out never was leaving her. Some elements completely captivated, pulled in, and kept her on her toes.  
Recently she discovered a hidden gem in terms of singing. She came across the forbidden forest and saw him putting on the best performance she ever saw. Boruto Uzumaki was the vampire, every monster and human preferred to avoid. 
Not her.  
Well, rather than meeting him, she was eavesdropping on him every time he was singing in the forest. This day was no different.  
She arrived at her usual hiding place. From this spot in the forest, she should be able to see the whole beauty of Boruto’s performance without interrupting him. That moment when he took out his mp3 player, listened to the song and started to sing always taking her breath away. She loved to see what song he picks up and later sometimes ending up whispering to the words of the song with him. Despite not knowing him, it gave her sense of strange familiarity with him. A connection that nobody else had. 
To be fair, not every person has guts to be near a vampire, let alone talk to him.  
Every fibre of her being was whispering to her, that she lacked common sense. That she shouldn’t come to this forest every day. She was sure her best friend would go pale, knowing she comes to watch Boruto singing from afar every single day. But then again Sarada threw out her common sense out of the window long ago. It was too late for her.    
The way his blue eyes were sparkling with joy, the way he moved, the way his charming voice slowly crept in forming a place in her life, made her unable to stop watching him. Out of all performers, singers, actors playing on the stage, it was Boruto that entranced her the most. 
This day was similar to the other days when she was watching him today. Boruto took out his mp3 player from the pocket of his jacket and did the small ritual he always did before singing the song. However, this time it looked like he was aware she’s here. Did he know someone is watching his performance? No, that’s impossible. He never spotted her presence before. Maybe he just glanced in the direction of her hideout, and she shouldn’t be concerned about it.  
Sarada felt her heart beating a bit faster. What song he’ll sing this time around? The rain that started to pour down, but she didn’t mind. Like usual when the small cough escaped from Boruto’s lips, it meant the song he chose to sing begins. 
“I’m nine feet tall, and my skin is grey. All the girls scream when I come out to play.” His vocal during the first few verses of the song was already the display of strong emotions.  
So he chose to sing the ‘Frankenstein Monster’ and was currently listening to this song on his mp3 player.  
Luckily Sarada knew the lyrics of the song from her memory. Her heart still wasn’t able to calm down due to the sound of Boruto’s voice. She could even sing along with him using a soft whisper since she knew the song.
“They scream, and they scream,” he continued his singing. “And they run away.” 
She felt hidden sadness in his voice. Is Boruto lonely because every person in the village is wary of him? Just because of his race? Status as a vampire? However, he has such a beautiful voice and displays an aura of kindness. Why people and monsters run away from him? 
“I’m one of a kind.” She couldn’t agree more. Sarada saw many of his breath-taking performances, but this one was pulling at her heartstrings. It was one of his best ones, the start of this song was better in comparison to the song he picked yesterday. 
“Doctor, doctor, you’re the one to blame. You put me together, you forgot the name.” The next words cannot be applied to Boruto’s situation in the village. From what Sarada heard, vampires lived a long life, so someone important could forget his name. In worst-case scenario pass away before him.
Sarada’s heart didn’t stop beat faster, even when she had painful thoughts about the life of a performer she deeply admired. She felt foolish. Why of all the songs she makes wild guesses about his life based on this song? He was a stranger to her. She didn’t know him as a person. Just occasionally watched him singing and making her assumptions based on rumours.  
She needs to stop. Before this craziness of watching him will go too far. 
“Sew me a lady, sew me a lady, sew me a monster lady.” Was it wrong of her to wish to be that monster lady he passionately sang about?  At the thought, Sarada could feel how her cheeks heat up.  
It seems that even in the middle of singing Boruto was suspicious about someone watching him right now. She should go before he accuses her of stalking and put a restraining order on her. 
“Just like me!” He smiled, noticing where she was sitting. Her heart started to beat faster again. Now for sure, he’s aware she’s here watching him. No, he knew this entire time. Sarada sighed coming out from her hideout and sit on the bench.
Her presence is now officially known to him. Does he still continue singing because she’s here? Is he singing now for her?  
“I’ve got a dead man’s heart,” he looked at her. “And the dead man’s brain.”Sarada was speechless. Hear heart couldn’t slow down at this point. She could as well remember watching him up close like this her entire life. 
“I look in the mirror, and it’s pure pain.”  Unfazed by her, his performance just got better. She could see her face is reflected in his eyes. The rain, the light of the moon in the dark, everything made this night for her unforgettable. 
Sarada assumed he liked to have a small audience for his singing forest detours.  She smiled in the approval when he took her hand.  
“I’m so ugly, and so lonely, that I’m going insane.” He helped her to stand up. Using his charming smile, Boruto started to spinning with her making them dance in the rain. 
Not for any moment, he stopped singing despite spotting her. Sarada nearly tripped and, he still was able to catch her.  
“Out of my mind.” He helped her out without breaking his role. Still singing and on top of that, dancing with her. Her thoughts were processing too fast, so did her heart. She was surely blushing the entire time while trying to not slow him down in their dance. 
The rain, the night, the forest and Boruto dancing with her felt unreal. There was something fairy-tale like about it. Sarada always admired him from afar, but it was the first time the person she admired was so close to her. 
Noticed her. Acknowledged her presence.  
“Dr, Dr, please use all your heart. Make me a girl with a dead girls heart.” He winked at her, at the same time pulling her closer.
In contrast to the words of the song, Sarada was feeling her heart cannot stop beating from excitement. Oh, how she wished for her heart to calm down. 
Reflected by the light of the moon, both of them rotated in their dance. Her mint dress needed to be dried afterwards. His clothes need to dry too. Catching a cold after being drenched by the rain is in an essence foolish.
However, no-one can stop this precious for her moment. 
Not right now.
“Sew me a lady, sew me a lady, sew me a monster lady.” With these words, the song came to an end. He turned her around masterfully, finishing their dance too.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Sarada’s heartbeat wasn’t calming down, even after the final of their dance and song. Neither had the heart to pull away from each other’s embrace. In the end, she was the on that broke this strange spell and clapped. 
Yes, she clapped for being able to hear him sing. Her face was still flushed, as well her breathing was heavy after the dance. 
But it was one of the happiest and memorable memories in her life.
“I hope I’ll see you next time, ya know. It was my pleasure to dance with you,” Boruto said. It was the first words he said to her without singing. Even his normal voice sounded charming and beautiful. 
“You will. It was my pleasure to dance with you too.” She nodded in agreement. 
That’s how their friendship started after this rainy night. Sarada watched a lot of other songs Boruto performed in front of her. 
However, any song couldn’t make her heart beat faster like the “Frankenstein Monster”, he sang on this special rainy night that made her heart skip a faster beat.
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borusarafics · 6 years ago
Reblogging Again! Please spread the NEWS!
BoruSara Week 2019
I’m glad to announce that we’ll be hosting a BoruSara Week for year 2019! This week will be dedicated to celebrate the bond between Boruto Uzumaki and Sarada Uchiha from Boruto/Naruto series!
The event will be conducted from:
August 25 to August 31
The submissions for the week can be anything you want! Fanfictions, Fanarts, AMVs, Gifs, Edits! Everything is open!
The prompts for the week are as follows:
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Aging together, from kids to teens to adults.
What kind of treasure? Like their time just to be with you. Something precious that they have received from each other and kept it with themselves for years?
They travel, both or separately, local or abroad.
Their monologues and feelings for each other that only a diary may ever know. Like their fav parts about each other, or the changes their witnessing that they’re too afraid to point out.
Crossover AU
Want to see them in Harry Potter Universe? Pokemon…Hunger Games…
Flower Crowns, flower you think best represent Boruto and Sarada- or their relationship
Sunset or Rain
Something very meaningful happening during Sunset? or Something sad while raining? Rain can wash away your sorrows after all.
Inspiration from a song or the meaning behind it. Or just have them dance around it.
Little Moments
Sharing clothes/food/bed or normal everyday things that makes you appreciate their company- or canon moments you see in the anime or manga
Social Media
What they do in social media? Tweet them something sweet? Pick-up line?
A problematic situation happening between the two. Stuck in an elevator/cave? Body Switching? Have to fake date/marry? Fuckbuddies with no-strings-attached rules but y’all know that’s impossible? Go wild but Keep it PG-13. PLEASE THEY’RE BABIES
Yin Yang
Opposites. Light and Dark. Yin can’t exist without Yang and vice versa.
Soulmates, Partner in Crimes or things they have in common. They fight together, support each other, understand each other, love each other- okay, keep it PG13 guys
Red and Blue
Their…eyes or however you see those two colours fit them!
The prompts are supposed to spark fun and creativity among participants. And if you’re not comfortable using them or if you already have some ideas in your mind, then you’re more than welcome to use it!
Now, the following rules must be followed for every submission that will be made for the week:
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• No character bashing. Your submissions will be rejected.
• No ship bashing. 2. No ship bashing. Any content containing bashing in regards to any pairing will not be accepted.
• No reposts, stealing and copying other’s fan works.
• If you’re inspired by someone’s work then please do not forget to give them credits.
• NSFW content is NOT accepted! Please keep it Rated T/PG-13!
• Please tag your works as ‘borusaraweek19’ and 'bsaweek19’.
• You may even add @borusarafics so I don’t miss to reblog your post!
The week will be conducted both on Tumblr and Twitter!
The Twitter handle for the week is @borusara_week19.
Please reblog this post so more and more people may know about the event!
Let’s sincerely celebrate this event with positivity and fun! And if you have any questions then please send me an ask here or on my personal blog @faintblueivy!
My sincere thanks to @benteja for creating these lovely posters and @mirachaann for her support! In the end I just wish to say that
Let’s have fun together!
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ourlittlesecrethoney · 6 years ago
BoruSara Week 2019
I’m glad to announce that we’ll be hosting a BoruSara Week for year 2019! This week will be dedicated to celebrate the bond between Boruto Uzumaki and Sarada Uchiha from Boruto/Naruto series!
The event will be conducted from:
August 25 to August 31
The submissions for the week can be anything you want! Fanfictions, Fanarts, AMVs, Gifs, Edits! Everything is open!
The prompts for the week are as follows:
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Aging together, from kids to teens to adults.
What kind of treasure? Like their time just to be with you. Something precious that they have received from each other and kept it with themselves for years?
They travel, both or separately, local or abroad.
Their monologues and feelings for each other that only a diary may ever know. Like their fav parts about each other, or the changes their witnessing that they’re too afraid to point out.
Crossover AU
Want to see them in Harry Potter Universe? Pokemon…Hunger Games…
Flower Crowns, flower you think best represent Boruto and Sarada- or their relationship
Sunset or Rain
Something very meaningful happening during Sunset? or Something sad while raining? Rain can wash away your sorrows after all.
Inspiration from a song or the meaning behind it. Or just have them dance around it.
Little Moments
Sharing clothes/food/bed or normal everyday things that makes you appreciate their company- or canon moments you see in the anime or manga
Social Media
What they do in social media? Tweet them something sweet? Pick-up line?
A problematic situation happening between the two. Stuck in an elevator/cave? Body Switching? Have to fake date/marry? Fuckbuddies with no-strings-attached rules but y’all know that’s impossible? Go wild but Keep it PG-13. PLEASE THEY’RE BABIES
Yin Yang
Opposites. Light and Dark. Yin can’t exist without Yang and vice versa.
Soulmates, Partner in Crimes or things they have in common. They fight together, support each other, understand each other, love each other- okay, keep it PG13 guys
Red and Blue
Their…eyes or however you see those two colours fit them!
The prompts are supposed to spark fun and creativity among participants. And if you’re not comfortable using them or if you already have some ideas in your mind, then you’re more than welcome to use it!
Now, the following rules must be followed for every submission that will be made for the week:
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• No character bashing. Your submissions will be rejected.
• No ship bashing. 2. No ship bashing. Any content containing bashing in regards to any pairing will not be accepted.
• No reposts, stealing and copying other’s fan works.
• If you’re inspired by someone’s work then please do not forget to give them credits.
• NSFW content is NOT accepted! Please keep it Rated T/PG-13!
• Please tag your works as ‘borusaraweek19’ and 'bsaweek19’.
• You may even add @borusarafics so I don’t miss to reblog your post!
The week will be conducted both on Tumblr and Twitter!
The Twitter handle for the week is @borusara_week19.
Please reblog this post so more and more people may know about the event!
Let’s sincerely celebrate this event with positivity and fun! And if you have any questions then please send me an ask here or on my personal blog @faintblueivy!
My sincere thanks to @benteja for creating these lovely posters and @mirachaann for her support! In the end I just wish to say that
Let’s have fun together!
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faintblueivy · 6 years ago
Borusara week is coming SOON!
BoruSara Week 2019
I’m glad to announce that we’ll be hosting a BoruSara Week for year 2019! This week will be dedicated to celebrate the bond between Boruto Uzumaki and Sarada Uchiha from Boruto/Naruto series!
The event will be conducted from:
August 25 to August 31
The submissions for the week can be anything you want! Fanfictions, Fanarts, AMVs, Gifs, Edits! Everything is open!
The prompts for the week are as follows:
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Aging together, from kids to teens to adults.
What kind of treasure? Like their time just to be with you. Something precious that they have received from each other and kept it with themselves for years?
They travel, both or separately, local or abroad.
Their monologues and feelings for each other that only a diary may ever know. Like their fav parts about each other, or the changes their witnessing that they’re too afraid to point out.
Crossover AU
Want to see them in Harry Potter Universe? Pokemon…Hunger Games…
Flower Crowns, flower you think best represent Boruto and Sarada- or their relationship
Sunset or Rain
Something very meaningful happening during Sunset? or Something sad while raining? Rain can wash away your sorrows after all.
Inspiration from a song or the meaning behind it. Or just have them dance around it.
Little Moments
Sharing clothes/food/bed or normal everyday things that makes you appreciate their company- or canon moments you see in the anime or manga
Social Media
What they do in social media? Tweet them something sweet? Pick-up line?
A problematic situation happening between the two. Stuck in an elevator/cave? Body Switching? Have to fake date/marry? Fuckbuddies with no-strings-attached rules but y’all know that’s impossible? Go wild but Keep it PG-13. PLEASE THEY’RE BABIES
Yin Yang
Opposites. Light and Dark. Yin can’t exist without Yang and vice versa.
Soulmates, Partner in Crimes or things they have in common. They fight together, support each other, understand each other, love each other- okay, keep it PG13 guys
Red and Blue
Their…eyes or however you see those two colours fit them!
The prompts are supposed to spark fun and creativity among participants. And if you’re not comfortable using them or if you already have some ideas in your mind, then you’re more than welcome to use it!
Now, the following rules must be followed for every submission that will be made for the week:
Tumblr media
• No character bashing. Your submissions will be rejected.
• No ship bashing. 2. No ship bashing. Any content containing bashing in regards to any pairing will not be accepted.
• No reposts, stealing and copying other’s fan works.
• If you’re inspired by someone’s work then please do not forget to give them credits.
• NSFW content is NOT accepted! Please keep it Rated T/PG-13!
• Please tag your works as ‘borusaraweek19’ and ‘bsaweek19’.
• You may even add @borusarafics so I don’t miss to reblog your post!
The week will be conducted both on Tumblr and Twitter!
The Twitter handle for the week is @borusara_week19.
Please reblog this post so more and more people may know about the event!
Let’s sincerely celebrate this event with positivity and fun! And if you have any questions then please send me an ask here or on my personal blog @faintblueivy!
My sincere thanks to @benteja for creating these lovely posters and @mirachaann for her support! In the end I just wish to say that
Let’s have fun together!
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