#borra one shot
callsigns-haze · 2 months
Not like him
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Eris x Rhysand's Sister!Reader Summary: Eris juggles his responsibilities as a leader and a new father, struggling with memories of his cruel upbringing. Overwhelmed by self-doubt, he fears becoming like his father, Beron. With the support of his advisor, Borra, Eris finds strength in his bond with his son, Finna, and reaffirms his commitment to his family. Warning: Flashbacks of childhood trauma and abuse, Emotional distress and self-doubt, Parental challenges and anxiety
*Serves as a one-shot but can be read as memories fade or the sequel loves haze series
Eris sat in his office, a place usually reserved for the burdens of leadership and the endless stack of paperwork that seemed to grow daily. Today, though, the room had a new addition: a small rocking crib placed beside his desk. Inside the crib lay baby Finna, his tiny chest rising and falling with each breath. Eris glanced over frequently, his heart swelling with love and worry.
He had insisted that Y/N take a day off, to go out into the town, relax, and enjoy some much-needed time to herself. She had been hesitant, but Eris had pushed her gently, knowing she deserved a break from the constant demands of their new life.
As he worked, the sound of Finna’s soft coos and occasional cries filled the room. Eris tried to focus on the papers in front of him, but his attention kept drifting back to his son. He rocked the crib gently with his foot while scribbling notes and signing documents, but the work felt like it was suffocating him today.
Finna let out a louder cry, and Eris’s heart tightened. He dropped his pen and moved to pick up his son, cradling him gently in his arms. He whispered soothing words, trying to calm the baby, but Finna seemed inconsolable.
Eris rocked Finna gently, walking around the office in an attempt to soothe him. The baby's cries slowly subsided, but the paperwork continued to loom over him. He felt exhausted, both physically and mentally, and the weight of his responsibilities pressed heavily on his shoulders. The balance between work and caring for his newborn was proving to be more challenging than he had anticipated.
Eris sat back at his desk, finally getting Finna to settle into a light sleep on his shoulder. He tried to resume his work, but the papers blurred in front of his tired eyes. The door to his office creaked open, and Borra, his advisor and leader of the armies, walked in. Seeing Eris’s dishevelled appearance and the baby nestled against him, Borra burst into laughter.
"Look at you, Eris," Borra chuckled, shaking his head. "The mighty leader brought to his knees by a newborn."
Eris shot him a tired but affectionate glare. "Careful, Borra. I might just hand him over to you for a while."
Borra grinned and stepped closer, peering at Finna. "He's a cute one, but I think I'll stick to dealing with soldiers and battles. You're doing great, though. Even if you look like you haven't slept in a week."
Eris sighed, shifting Finna slightly. "I pushed Y/N to take a day off. She needed it. But I underestimated how much work this little guy would be."
Borra placed a hand on Eris’s shoulder. "You're doing the right thing. Both for her and for him. It’s not easy, but you’ll find your rhythm."
Eris nodded, grateful for the support. "I know. It’s just...there’s so much to juggle. The responsibilities, the paperwork, and now Finna. Sometimes it feels like too much."
"You've faced tougher battles, Eris," Borra said with a reassuring smile. "And you’ve got a whole village behind you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help."
Eris looked down at Finna, who was now peacefully sleeping, and then back at Borra. "Thanks, Borra. I appreciate it. I just...I want to be the best for him, for Y/N."
"You already are," Borra replied. "Now, why don’t you take a break? I can handle some of this paperwork for you."
Eris hesitated, then nodded. "Alright. But just for a little while. I need to be there when Y/N gets back."
Borra laughed again. "Go on, get some rest. You’ve earned it."
Eris handed Finna over to Borra, who held the baby with surprising gentleness. As he left the office to catch a few moments of rest, he felt a wave of gratitude.
Eris stepped into the bathroom, the exhaustion weighing heavily on him. He splashed cold water onto his face, hoping to wash away the fatigue and frustration. As the water dripped from his chin, he looked up into the mirror and was met with his own weary reflection.
Suddenly, unbidden memories began to surface. Memories of his father, Beron, the High Lord of the Autumn Court, and his cruel ways. Beron’s harsh words and brutal actions replayed in his mind like a nightmare he couldn’t escape.
He remembered a time when Beron had berated him and his brothers, particularly Lucien, for not meeting his impossibly high standards. The punishments were severe, the lessons brutal. Eris recalled the cold, unfeeling eyes of his father as he dealt out punishment, the sense of helplessness and fear that had permeated his childhood.
Another memory flashed—Beron’s hand striking him across the face for a minor mistake, the sting of the slap, the shame and anger that had boiled within him. Eris had sworn to himself, even then, that he would never be like his father. He would never inflict such pain and fear on his own family.
But now, standing in the bathroom, exhausted and overwhelmed, Eris couldn’t shake the feeling that he was failing. He had pushed Y/N to take a break, but in doing so, he had struggled to handle the responsibilities of both his work and caring for Finna. The baby had cried inconsolably, and Eris felt helpless, just as he had as a child under Beron’s rule.
A sense of dread settled over him as he questioned if he was becoming like his father. He had promised himself, and his family, that he would be different. That he would be a loving, caring father who was always there for his children. Yet here he was, barely able to manage a few hours alone with his newborn son.
He gripped the edge of the sink, his knuckles turning white. “I’m not like him,” he whispered fiercely to his reflection. “I’m not Beron.”
But the doubts lingered. The fear that he might be failing his family, that he might inadvertently become the very thing he despised, gnawed at him.
Taking a deep breath, Eris forced himself to remember the love and support he had from Y/N, Borra, and his friends. He wasn’t alone in this. He had people who believed in him, who supported him. And most importantly, he had his own love for his family, a love that Beron had never shown.
He straightened up, wiping his face with a towel. He needed to be strong, not just for himself, but for Y/N and Finna. He had to break the cycle of cruelty and fear that his father had perpetuated. He would be better. He would be the father Finna deserved.
Eris walked back into the office, the determination still fresh in his eyes. Borra was sitting in the corner with Finna in his arms, gently rocking the baby. When Borra saw Eris enter, he looked up, a mixture of surprise and concern on his face.
"Back so soon?" Borra asked, his voice laced with shock.
Eris managed a tired smile, moving to take Finna from Borra’s arms. "Just needed a moment," he said, his voice steady but betraying the emotional turmoil he had just experienced.
Borra studied him for a moment, noting the slight tremble in his hands as he took the baby. "You alright, Eris?" he asked quietly.
Eris nodded, cradling Finna close and feeling the warmth of his son against his chest. "Yeah," he replied, his voice more confident now. "Just needed to remind myself of a few things."
Finna stirred slightly but settled quickly in Eris’s arms. The baby’s soft breathing was a soothing balm to his frayed nerves. He looked down at his son, feeling a surge of love and determination. He would do right by his family, no matter what.
Borra, sensing the weight of the moment, gave Eris a supportive nod. "You're doing fine, Eris. It's a lot to handle, but you're not alone."
Eris appreciated the sentiment, knowing Borra meant every word. "Thanks, Borra. I know I can count on you."
With that, Borra stood up, giving Eris a reassuring pat on the shoulder before stepping back. Eris turned his attention fully to Finna, who gazed up at him with wide, innocent eyes. He gently rocked his son, feeling the bond between them strengthen with each passing moment.
The office, with its stacks of papers and looming responsibilities, seemed less daunting now. Eris knew he had a long way to go, but he also knew he had the support of those who cared for him. And most importantly, he had the love of his family to guide him.
As he continued to rock Finna, Eris whispered softly, "We'll figure this out, little spark. Together." And in that moment, he felt a renewed sense of purpose, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
Tagging some:
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ghostedgrim · 2 years
Borra x Dark Fey soldier pt.1 (I'm struggling with keeping the motivation to make pt 2, does anyone even want a part 2 of this)
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Outside of meetings, training, parties, festivals, and ceremonies, you never see Borra, which is surprising considering how small the Nest it. You only interact with Borra during work, wether it's reports on the Moors or humans, or a rare patrol with him because his partner canceled.
Talking to Borra outside of work seemed unprofessional, not to mention he always seemed busy and you didn't want to bother him. Even on nights you patroled with Borra you didn't talk to him, hiding from fey and humans, often looking after opposite sides of the forest, you couldn't talk to Borra even if you tried. By the end of patrols you where often too tired to speak, and before them Borra is either going over a plan, or too focused on who knows what to hear you.
Tonight was one of those nights, Borra had described where and when to meet throughout the night, the original times and places had to be changed because he and his partner where almost caught the previous night. The first two meetings went without problems, the third you noticed Borra looked drained, the fith however didn't go well. A small group of Aurora's guards nearly spotted Borra and you, you both hid in a small cave, staying there till they left, except the didn't, they decided to rest there for who knows how long, taking turns to keep watch.
Borra sat with his back against the wall in a slouched position, his wings drooping on either side of him his horns nearly touched the ceiling, you sat opposite to him, hugging your knees to your chest and resting your head atop them, meer inches from Borra, the cave entrance sat in an upper corner of the cave, Borra covered it with vines. Sitting so close you could see just how tired Borra was.
"You've worked hard enough," you stretched out your legs letting out a slight groan, being so cramped made your body ache, "get some rest, I'll keep watch." Borra gave you a weird look, like you spoke in some mythic language. You pat your thigh, offering for him to use it as a pillow.
"No, that would be inappropriate," Borra shifted turning away from you, resting his shoulder on the wall, "I'm your superior, and what if I'm in a monogamous relationship with someone else, I would disrespect my relationship with my parter".
"Well for one, bullshit, you're not in a relationship, everyone knows that, and two, while you are my superior, I'm being professional. You desperately need rest, it's dangerous if you don't sleep, we happen to be stuck in a cave, so there's no danger for taking a nap, and I'm offering you to use my leg as a pillow to help you sleep. I don't want to carry you home". Borra shot you a glare, but gave in none the less, and begrudgingly laid his head on your thigh, slightly curled, body tense. "Better Borra?"
"Fuck off, and speak of this to no one."
"Stop being so tense, you won't be able to sleep-"
"I said shut up!"
"No, you said 'fuck off," You chuckled slightly.
"Well shut up,"
After what felt like forever, Borra's body finally relaxed and he fell asleep. You took advantage of the moment to admire him, his strong cheekbones, the soft look upon his resting face, the cute way his cheek squished against your thigh, the scars and stretch marks littered across his body, his arms crossed over his chest, the fluff of his wings. You wanted to caress his hair and feathers, but that would be inappropriate, such an act is reserved for lovers or family (chosen and blood), you where neither of those things, and that disappointed you. Borra's arms looked to be cold, so you settled for resting an arm over his shoulder and curled your wings around the both of you.
After what felt like a few hours, you looked through a small hole I'm the vines to see the guards where gone. You chose not to wake Borra, he needed the rest, and you enjoyed the soft moment. Aurora's guards and Maleficent can watch over the Moors tonight.
It was close to sunrise when you finally woke Borra. A gentle nudge was all it took for Borra to sit up, with a groan he made an attempt to stretch only to be soon reminded how small the cave was when his horns scraped the ceiling. You made up a lie claiming the guards left half an hour prior to you waking him, and to your slight surprise he believed you. Borra then leaned over you to look through the vines, you prayed he wouldn't notice your blush, and deemed if safe to leave.
Rather than taking flight after exiting the cave, Borra and you took a long moment to stretch and breathe in the fresh air. A sudden idea popped into your head as energy filled your veins.
"Race ya to the clouds," and you took off into the sky not even checking to see if Borra heard you, he would most likely be pissed, so you didn't want to risk him catching you. The feeling of a hand on your ankle made your soul leave your body, you knew Borra was fast, you just never knew he was that fast. To your surprise Borra looked more excited rather than angry, why he laughed as he raced above you, beating you to the clouds by a feather.
"Last one to the nest has to do 100 push-ups and fly 100 laps around the Nest first thing in the morning," Borra shouted, looking behind him to make sure you heard. You regretted racing him to the clouds, and you now know Borra laughing is not a good thing. You knew would lose, but you share as Hell weren't going down without a fight.
Pt 2
Author's note
I'm sorry this took so long to make, I had a few paragraphs made when my parents suddenly announced their divorce, the first few months of it where calm, but I had lost all my energy to write, eventually I started getting energy to write again, but school and my parents having terrifying loud arguments made it hard, dad kept promising to hang out with me but kept on bailing last second, suddenly my dog, she was 14, couldn't hold down food, for a whole week I had to watch her vomit left and right, on the days my dad was at the house he was no help, merely gave me a hug and walked off as I'm desperately cleaning off 3 spots of throw-up while trying to get ready for school, week comes to an end and Saturday morning she doesn't have the strength to sit up and I was left with no choice to put her down. My fucking dad couldn't even check on me through text or call, until 2 ½ days later he checks on me in person because he happened to be in the area and mom reminded him a third time. Things calm down, Thanksgiving takes place to my surprise everything went okay. Finals come around, I didn't have time. Luckily this holiday break has been good, a hopefully things stay that way for a bit longer.
On another note, the first half of this upcoming year is going to be busy for me. I will work on part 2 as much as I can, I'm also bad at writing confessions so if y'all have any suggestions please feel free to send them in.
On a final note, I hope y'all've had good holidays, and happy new year eve.
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may the best bait win! propaganda under the cut
eva and gabriel:
they were really cute together and all their flirty build up actually had me, a known dyke, kind of rooting for them and then halfway through the show right in what's about to be a makeout scene they reveal he's gay lmfao. then they sleep together (platonically on different side of the covers) in his houseboat. iconic and i'm not mad about it but it was SO clearly calibrated to be straightbait and switch it was so funny like the cameras were WORKING for those lingering shots
team avatar 2.0:
it's that one meme where the guy ignores his girlfriend to check out another girl, only the two girls get to know each other and get together. S1/2 has love triangle drama between who Mako will be with (Korra or Asami). S3 no one is together but Korra and Asami become really close friends. S4 Korra and Asami are together. Mako is single. Like the only example of exes being good friends and Not getting back together, as well as giving the middle finger to heteronormative assumptions when after the love triangle is over, the two girls get together Shipping the two girls in a love triangle together but it actually happens You forgot about Bolin. LOK had a 4-way straight bait love quadrangle context from straightmod: korra briefly rebounded from mako with bolin. at the time, borra had been a thing in the fandom for a while, in addition to pretty much every combo of these four
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thatoneguy56fanfic · 1 year
Just a short Borra one-shot I wrote.
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so you like hide and seek, can i interest you in (wo)man-hunt
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prompt: none, just trying to start w a creepy/scary note and end with a happy one
pairing: borra x reader
warnings: none, its just hide and hunt
word count: 1254
a/n: i watched maleficent: mistress of evil and i lovedd it! the dark fae are all so beautiful ! i need more of them!
The Moor was bathed in orange, green and shadow. It’s residents were readying for sleep, everything was slowing down…  except for the human visitor rushing through. She was racing through the flora, clutching her skirt, jumping over tree roots, looking over her shoulder, scanning the skies, she ran with no destination in mind, just trying to get away.
They could be anywhere, hidden by the trees. Skidding along a small bank in the heart of the forest, she found trees whose leaves created swaying curtains, brushing the floor with their length. She searched among them, finding an elm whose trunk had an opening large enough for a person to squeeze themselves into. Taking a moment she calmed her breathing, peered out into the woods, looking for any sign that she was found and then tucked herself into the opening. 
The dark hollow of weeping elm, hidden from the world, seemed to engulf her, she cautiously tried to find a position that kept her concealed and comfortable, there was no knowing how long she would remain, how long she would have to be hidden. Flinching at any sound, she could only hope that they wouldn’t think to look here, in the belly of a tree. None of them could fit and she prayed that they would forget that her human, wingless body allowed her to hide in smaller, tighter places then them.
The sky had turned from orange to purple, and in the depth of her hole she knew that with the night would come the cold and her safety. She just had to remain hidden a while longer before she would be out of harm’s way. She could practically smell her freedom, or was that the damp of her skirt.. No matter, the tree hid her, the small stream covered the sounds of her breathing and the forest was occupied by the wake of its night creatures.
Her semblance of safety shattered as she heard the crunch of landing feet, they were just a few paces from her. “This is dumb,” a childish voice groaned, “she couldn’t have gone this far!” the immature hunter stomped to emphasize their point.  Some others -she wasn’t sure how many had unknowing cornered her- chirped in agreement, they began giving their own ideas for where she was.
“She must have scurried to the waterfal-”
“No! The waterfall is even harder to get to-”
“The caves are wayyy easier to hide in!”
Raising her eyebrows at the squabbing team, her fear of being uncovered morphed into confidence.Yes, fight amongst yourselves, allow her to remain hidden and safe, all she needed to do was keep quiet until they split up to search any of those locations, then she could escape! The waterfall and caves were both far from her, she could find a safer spot, somewhere far from where they would go, she thought victoriously!
A gruff chuckle had her heart fly to her throat, all hope lost as she heard the precise flapping of an adult fae, “you think she could make her way that far!” he remarked,dirt and leaves flying as he descended. “I had hoped you were paying attention during training, but it seems you are more fledgling-like in remembering the lessons taught to you, Maivi.”
“I- I’m not!” Maivi, the fae who had first complained, bristled at the comment. “We did everything you said! I followed the track she made, Hovif and Flutri flew above the treeline, and Jarvi even tried to scent her!” she exclaimed, shoulders squared as she spoke to her commander “but it just didn’t work!” her wings fluttered as she flung her arms wide, emphasizing the lack of their human prey.
The silence that followed the juvenile fae’s outburst had their quarry shifting herself closer to the opening of her hide-e-hole.
The fae commander spoke lowley, “Are you sure..” was all she could make out.  “Did you search where your training led you?” he probed at his students, an air of tolerance one could only have when teaching those younger how to hunt.  
Her heart was beating so hard and fast, she felt sure that he could hear it. She was about to be found and there was nothing she could do about it, there was no means of escape all they had to do was walk a few toward her willow and spot her hiding in a tree trunk! She had boxed herself in, if she ran they would catch her before she took her fourth step. And with the night went her ability to see, but she knew that fae can see in the dark!
She heard the shuffling of wings and feet, the wait for them to discover her was nail biting, when she heard that deep voice question again, “and you looked carefully, among the tree branches and in the water?”
She heard the juveniles hum in the affirmative. Lying, they were lying to save face with their commander! Saved! She was safe!
They muttered amongst themselves before coming to a decision, Maivi (the juveniles decided she would be their speaker) faced their instructor, unhappily admitting “we have lost our prey,” the wings of the young fae drooping as she announced “and so our hunt is null.”
At his students’ admission of defeat, their instructor sighed, “you hunt is null then.” She heard the fluttering of wings, the fae were going to return to their own nest. The warmth she felt was all encompassing.
A cooling wind brushing against her face was the only warning she had, a scream left her lips without her realizing, when glowing eyes of amber appeared before her, strong arms pulled her from her hollow before she could comprehend her capture.
“You need to trust your training” her captor proclaimed to his defeated students, groans leaving them, “ you have to search everywhere!” he stated, making it known to them that they had been caught in their lie. “And you,” he smirked, looking down at the pouting woman, “you know, you need to be sneaker than that to hide from me.”
“You can put me down now Borra” the woman huffed, failing to hide her smile, all she got in return for that remark was to be held tighter by her warrior fae. “You all did wonderful!” she complimented the flock of young fae, “just another moment and I’m sure you would have got me!” trying to look as scared and encouraging as one, in such a situation, being held bridal style definitely did not help her convey her assurances she was sure.
“You need to train smarter if you wish to become protectors of our land-” Borra’s lecture began.
“But in the meantime,” interrupted by the human in his arms, saving his students from a long tongue lashing, “we should get back, I’m hungry and I am beginning to feel a little cold” she shivered looking up at Borra, hoping he would not allow her this excuse to keep him from choosing to have the young fae hunt for her in the night.
“…yes, we should return,” Borra shifted, making sure his beloved was secure in his arms.”we will have training tomorrow” walking to an open area, his love wrapped her arms around his neck, readying herself for flight. “We start before noon,” he informed his student, stretching out his wings. He placed a quick kiss to her forehead “are you ready to fly” he asked, grinning before an answer was given, he was shooting up into the night sky.
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refiwrites · 3 years
━━ ysa’s maleficent masterlist  ━━
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¦ maleficent ¦
none yet
¦ princess aurora ¦
none yet
¦ diaval ¦
Familiar - Summary: Meeting a raven which Y/N quickly become friends with but its sudden disappearance leaves her sad. When the events involving Maleficent was over, someone familiar comes up to her.
Protective - Summary: Diaval being protective of a human he fancies.
¦ prince philip ¦
none yet
¦ borra ¦
Fascinate - Summary:  Where he finds Y/N singing and dancing and is fascinated because he never knew a human could catch his eye.
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starjane312 · 3 years
Maleficent Imagine
Udo x Oc Warnings: Violence, Death
My name is Jane. I am the leader of the Forest fae and one myself. My eyes wander upon the children who are playing, waiting for my husband to come back from the Meeting. Ivory, one of the youngest tundra faes, is in my arms and plays with my dark brown hair which match my Wings. Elenore, a forest fae girl who has jet to learn to fly, tugs on my coat. I get down to look at her. She smiles up at me and holds up a flower, which she procedes to stick in my hair next to my horns. I smile at her and cares the back of her head, in which flowers appear and waver in her hair. She runs back to the other children and keeps playing with them. I stand up and see my husband Udo, a Tundra fae, flying towards me. As he lands next to me and gives me a kiss on my forehead, close to my horns. The children run to him eager to learn to fly.
J: How was the meeting ?
U: Borra thinks that the Humans want to go to war with us again.
J: Beacuse of the other fae ?
U: She was shot with a Iron bullet.
I nod.
J: What did Connal say.
U: What do you think he said.
J: No what else, he always wanted Peace just like us.
We start to train the children to Fly. Dalia a Jungel fae is next. She lets herself fall and Fly. I see Connal and Maleficent.
J: Does she have them, the power ?
U: Yes, she threw Borra at a wall with her powers.
I laugh slightly. At night we all sit together and Celebrate. Ivory still playing with my Hair almost falling asleep. Her Mother comes and grabs her to go to sleep. One of the Forrest Faes, Kamia, goes to Maleficent and hands her a Branc which she takes with a smile, but then she gets up and leaves. Borra and Connal go after her. As it gets late and the children are all asleep, me and my Husband fly to our nest in the forrest. I lay next to him my head on his shoulder as he wraps his wings around us and lays one hand on my Stomach.
J: I can't wait till they are here.
U: Me neither my love.
I give him a kiss. The next day I stand next to my husband. Him as the leader of the Tundra Faes, me as the leader of the Forrest Faes. I am not a person for War, but the Humans are at fault that my Brother Connal, not by blood but by Choice, is dieing and I want revenge.
B: Connal wanted peace and they filled him with iron, now we will have a war our fight beings now !
We all agree with him.
S: We will fight together !
I look at Shrike.
I: We will die Together !
I look to Ini.
J: And we will show no Mercy !
Our faces painted with war paint, we fly towards the Human city. I give my husband one last look bevor flying next to him as we see the castle. When suddenly bombs of Red powder explode on a few of our kin and they wanish into thin air. Screaming we retreat. We stay low so they can't see us and start atacking them over the wall, when even more power begins to explode. I'm flying next to my husband, but in the next moment I can't see him and grow worried, franicly looking around for him. While fightig the guards my vison blury through tears. I get impaled with a bullet, right in my arm. I crash into the ground. Guards start suronding me when I see her Maleficent. I fight of the guards and Rise back to the sky and I see Thalia and a bullet flying towards her ad Quickly as I can and push her aside. As I see Maleficent being Reborn as the Phoenix, the guards flee but we stand our ground and watch her save Aurora her Daughter. Me and my kin get down on our Knees and bow to her. Just as she transforms back we rise again. As she breaks her Curse. I franicly look around for My husband with tears streaming down my Cheeks. When I finally see him I run to him and we both Crash to the ground. I hear some others chuckling at us, but I don't care and neither does he.
J: I thought I lost you.
U: I'm here.
I rest my forehead against his.
U: Are you Ok.
I nod and he gives me a kiss. We all gather for the wedding and the elder come to us with the Children, Ivory direcktly ataccing to my side after hugging both her parents. After the Wedding all Faes settle in the Moors and with Maleficents powers we make environments for all Faes. 6 months later Udo and me welcome our daughter Elaria into this world, she has Udos piercing ice blue eyes and her wings are a Mix of my Dark brown and his White feathers her hair is just as dark as mine with a few white strands. We lay in our Nest Elaria on my Chest silently sleeping away, Udos wings wraped around us.
U: She is perfect.
I nod and give him a kiss.
J: Just like you.
He smiles at me and caresses Elarias cheek. 4 Years after we all settelt in Elaria learns to fly. Udo with her and other children are on the cliff, me watching from afar with our 1 year old son Ethri, who has Grey blue eyes, komplete white Wings and Dark brown hair, on my Hip. She jumps down and fly's to us. Ethri claps while looking at his older sister, she squishes his face and gives him a kiss, to which he sqeels. I give her a kiss on her head and she fly's back to her dad. I fly to the lake at the Moors next to Borra.
B: How did she do ?
J: Great. Better than you.
I look at him form the side.
B: Ha Ha.
J: What, she didn't fall into the lake at the cliff four times.
B: You also fell.
J: One time, because Connal pushed me.
Ethri steches his arms to Borra, who gently takes him and Ethri plays with his dreads.
B: His horns are growing.
J: I know it kept us up half the night.
He laughs. Ethri flutters with his wings and whines.
J: Someone is Tired.
Ethri lays his head on Borras shoulder.
B: Uh Jane ?
J: Yes ?
B: Could you Um...
J: Nope.
He looks at me.
B: Why ?
J: He will wake up if I do it and he bearly slept this night.
We sit down by the Lake and talk until I get tackelt from behind and arms sling around my middle.
E: Mommy I'm Tired.
She clibs in my lap and lays her head on my shoulder.
J: Where is your Papa ?
U: Here.
He sits next to me. Borra slowly hands Ethri to Udo and flys off. Ethri fusses a little but then nusels into Udos neck. Elaria falls asleep in my arms.
J: We should head to our nest.
We fly to our nest and with one last look at our family we fall asleep with our kids in our arms.
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eternalstrigoii · 3 years
Okay so one of the problems I have with the MoE novelization is how completely and utterly void of content it is.
Consider 1:31:50.  Percival just made an extremely biased “self-defense” decision that didn’t go as planned - whether due to Borra’s foresight or Percy having been thrashed senseless, what was supposed to be a kill-shot turned into now-you’ve-just-pissed-me-off non-lethal wounding. Borra disarms him before he has a chance to finish the job, and there is no subtlety to the implication that kill or be killed has been extended to their increasingly personal foray. But! Philip intervenes! From a human perspective, there should be no chance of failure (even though a sword is....the man has like a twenty-foot wingspan, your sword is only as good as you staying on your feet is, bud). There is still a battle to be fought, and, overhead, even Maleficent can tell.
Yet, Philip lets the sword fall.
In that ten or fifteen seconds of action, so many things happen. Percival, disarmed and well-thrashed, looks for mercy instead of lashing out with his iron armor and betraying everything Philip just said. Philip hopes for the best while confronting the possibility that he dun fucked up. Maleficent -- who has never seen Borra make peace before in the whole time she’s known him! -- is like cool, the kid didn’t kill him, they’re not my problem anymore, and fucks off to go after Ingrith. Did she really wash her hands of Philip completely? (Considering she chose him for Aurora five years before? Considering - if Heart of the Moors is truly canon - Philip did everything in his power to protect Maleficent once before?) Or did she have faith that Borra’s love for Conall would keep him from killing an innocent moron and the suddenly remorseful instigator he’s defending?
And Borra.
The softening gaze, his flexing jaw, the decision to take off looking like a badass instead of making any acknowledgement whatsoever that Philip just kinda got through to him a little -- if not (again) proved what Conall had been saying all along, to a degree.
We’re owed so much content, you guys.
And now we’re stuck in the hell of and if I want this content, I have to make it myself.
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ljf613 · 3 years
Sooo... LOK for the fandom ask? XD
the first character i ever fell in love with:  Bolin. Mako took me a while to fall for, but Bolin was just so sweet and lovable I couldn’t help but adore him. 
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:  IDK, Lin, I guess? Or Asami? Honestly, I was never seriously invested in either of those characters, but I did think they were kind of cool at one point. 
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:  Borra. I was into them for a hot minute in season one, although that says more about my exhaustion with tired “MC falls for edgy, brooding loner instead of the sweet guy who clearly adores her” storylines. 
my ultimate favorite character™:  Mako. I’m sorry for not appreciating you in season one as much as I should have. (I also love Suyin a lot.) 
prettiest character:  Oh, definitely Asami. I have my issues with the way her character was written, but her character design is flawless. 
my most hated character:  I don’t really care enough about the characters I dislike from this show enough to hate them.  Scratch that-- Yakone and Unalaq. I don’t like how they treated their kids. (Hou-Ting was kind of yikes, too.) 
my OTP:  Hukki. I love them sooooooo much. 
my NOTP:  Wuko. I have many, many problems with this ship, and I do not understand why it is so popular. (I’ll probably go into that rant another time.) (Again, no hate to the shippers.) 
favorite episode:  Korra Alone was pretty good, I guess? 
saddest death:  Did anyone I actually like die? I guess Asami’s dad, although it was kind of a cheap shot to just bring him Back For the Dead. 
favorite season:  Season one was probably the one with the best pacing. Season three was also pretty good. 
least favorite season:  Honestly, I know everyone hates on season two, but it definitely hate some redeemable bits (including Mako’s character development). I’m going to have to say season four. Other than "Korra Alone," there wasn't much that was done well here.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:  Well, I don’t hate Asami, Lin, or Korra, but I’m definitely not nearly as invested in them as so much of this fandom seems to be. 
my ‘you’re a piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:  Iroh II was done so dirty by the narrative. 
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:  Pema has done nothing wrong, ever, in her life. (Also, like I said, the story did so many things wrong with Iroh.) 
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:  Don’t really have one of those for this fandom. 
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:  Edit: Makorra. It's a cute ship, and my favorite ship for both Mako and Korra, but I don't have super-strong feelings about it.
Send me another fandom
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mothermckinney21 · 4 years
Borra found himself craving his own company more often than not. Of course, he spoke to the other fae upon the daily. But even then most wished to spend their time conversing with the humans, most on both sides seemingly willing to make an effort to strengthen both Auroras and Phillips's vision of peace and harmony between the two kingdoms.
Yet he didn't feel the need or desire to do the same.
A story where Borras crosses paths with a peasant child from the borders of Ulstead who from the start takes a keen interest in Borra and wishes for him to be his friend. Of course, Borra wants no such ties, especially not with a human of all beings despite the ongoing reign of peace. Unfortunately for him, fate has other plans when he's not given much of a choice but to converse with this unstoppable force of a pint-sized chatterbox.
But could this turn of events put an end to his hatred towards humans once and for all?
Hey peeps!
So here is my first story for this fandom, this will be a series of one-shots featuring Borra and my OC. Just to clarify it's not the romantic kind as that wouldn't be right seeing as it's a child OC and all... Anyway, I hope people enjoy the first nugget of many chapters I have planned for this story.
This story coincides with another story I have in the making called Scathed survivors which focuses on Borra's backstory and how he becomes the bloodthirsty warmonger we see in the movie. But for now I hope this is good enough for the time being!
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callsigns-haze · 29 days
Welcome home
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Eris x Rhysand's Sister!Reader Summary: The family is finally back together Chapter contains scenes of family bonding and lighthearted moments.
*Serves as a one-shot but can be read as memories fade or the sequel loves haze series
The night was still and quiet, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had plagued Eris’s heart for the past year. He sat in his study, the fire crackling softly in the hearth, its warmth a poor substitute for the comfort he longed for. His eyes were unfocused, staring into the flames as his thoughts drifted to Y/N and Finna. He had received word earlier in the week that their return was imminent, but the waiting was agony. He hadn’t slept properly in days, his nerves frayed by the anticipation and the longing that had gnawed at him for so long.
As the hours passed, he forced himself to focus on the parchment in front of him, his quill scratching across the paper as he tried to finish the last of his work for the evening. But his mind kept wandering, his heart aching with the hope that tonight might finally be the night.
A sudden knock at the door jolted him from his thoughts. Eris’s head snapped up, his heart pounding in his chest as he stood abruptly, the chair scraping against the floor. He moved swiftly to the door, yanking it open to find Borra standing there, a rare smile playing on his lips.
“They’re here,” Borra said, his voice calm but with a hint of excitement.
Eris didn’t need to be told twice. He brushed past Borra, his heart racing as he made his way down the hall, the anticipation building with each step. He reached the front door just as it began to open, the cool night air rushing in.
He reached the foyer just as Y/N stepped inside, her face illuminated by the warm glow of the lamps. Finna, now four years old, clung to her hand, his golden eyes wide as he took in the familiar surroundings.
Eris froze at the sight of them, his breath catching in his throat. He had imagined this moment countless times, but nothing could have prepared him for the overwhelming rush of emotion that washed over him. His family was home, right there in front of him, after what felt like an eternity.
Finna was the first to spot him, and with a joyful cry of "Daddy!" he let go of Y/N's hand and ran straight into Eris's waiting arms. Eris scooped him up, holding him so tightly he feared he might never let go. Tears welled up in his eyes as he buried his face in Finna’s soft hair, the familiar scent and warmth of his son a balm to his wounded heart.
"Finna, my boy," Eris whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I've missed you so much."
Finna giggled, wrapping his little arms around his father's neck. "Missed you too, Daddy!"
Eris could hardly see through the tears that blurred his vision. He kissed Finna's forehead, his heart aching with the joy of having him back. For a moment, he simply held him, revelling in the reality that this was no longer a dream. His son was here, safe and sound in his arms.
When he finally lifted his gaze, his eyes met Y/N’s, and a fresh wave of emotion threatened to undo him. She looked tired but strong, her dark hair cascading over her shoulders in soft waves. Her eyes, though weary, shone with a mixture of relief and love as she watched Eris embrace their son.
Eris slowly set Finna down, his hand lingering on the boy's head before he closed the distance between himself and Y/N. Without a word, he pulled her into his arms, holding her as tightly as he had held their son. The feel of her against him, the steady beat of her heart, the warmth of her body—it was almost too much.
"You're home," Eris whispered into her hair, his voice trembling. "You're really home."
Y/N nodded, her hands gripping his shirt as if she were afraid he might disappear. "We’re home, Eris. For good."
He pulled back slightly, cupping her face in his hands as he searched her eyes. "I didn’t know how much longer I could go on without you," he admitted, his voice cracking.
Y/N smiled softly, leaning into his touch. "You’re stronger than you think, Eris. But I missed you every single day."
He kissed her then, a desperate, lingering kiss that spoke of all the love and longing he had carried in her absence. When they finally parted, he rested his forehead against hers, breathing her in.
"Tell me everything," Eris said, his voice barely more than a whisper. "Tell me about the training."
Y/N hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath, her eyes searching his as she began to explain. She told him about the intense training sessions, the way Finna had learned to control his powers with a discipline that belied his age. She spoke of the challenges, the breakthroughs, and the moments of doubt that had plagued her, but also of the pride she felt in their son’s progress.
Eris listened intently, his gaze never leaving her face. As she spoke, his heart swelled with admiration and love for both of them. He could hear the strain in her voice, the toll that the past year had taken on her, but also the strength that had kept her going.
When she finished, Eris couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They spilled over, tracing silent paths down his cheeks as he pulled her close once more. "You did so well, Y/N," he whispered, his voice breaking. "You both did. I’m so proud of you."
Y/N’s own tears began to fall, and she held him tightly, her hands fisting in his shirt. "I couldn’t have done it without you, Eris. Knowing you were here, waiting for us."
Eris kissed her again, this time with a tenderness that conveyed all the love he felt. "You’re everything to me, Y/N," he murmured against her lips. "Both of you. I can’t believe you’re finally home."
As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Finna toddled over and tugged at Eris’s pant leg. "Daddy, don’t cry," the little boy said, his voice full of concern.
Eris let out a shaky laugh, bending down to scoop Finna up and hold him between them. "I’m not crying, little one," he said, kissing his son’s cheek. "I’m just…happy. So happy to have you both back."
Y/N smiled through her tears, her hand resting on Finna’s back as she looked up at Eris. "We’re home now," she said softly. "And we’re never leaving again."
Eris nodded, unable to speak as the weight of the past year lifted from his shoulders. He looked down at his son and then at the woman he loved, his heart so full he thought it might burst.
For the first time in what felt like forever, Eris allowed himself to believe that everything would be alright. His family was whole again, and he would do everything in his power to keep them safe, to cherish every moment they had together.
Request are open and active!
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vampiratesgrl · 5 years
I need more one shot of Borra
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
I liked Maleficent 2 alot more than the first one, especially where Aurora and Phillip were concerned, but I still had my problems with it, like with the climax.
Yeah, I think I like Maleficent 2 more than the first one as well. For me, the first one was an acquired taste because there are a lot of cheesy and underdeveloped elements to it. Though I enjoy it, what I really like about the first movie is the themes and aesthetic more that the actual movie itself. It’s one of those movies where what you get out of it is dependent on what you put into it, rather than it being amazing of its own merit, if that makes sense. Like, this is how I watch that movie: “okay, skip skip, ignore, ooh love this scene, skip, wow the cinematography and costume design is beautiful here, ignore, great scene, love that shot, I guess I’ll make a headcanon as to what happened there, skip, good scene, the end.”
I think Maleficent 2 does more of that work for the audience, although it has some of the same underdeveloped issues as the first. Upon rewatch, I would skip less scenes, but I would also have to make headcanons for some parts to make more sense. For example, there was a lot of “Mal is descended from the most powerful dark fey line in the woOoOoOrld” stuff that I ultimately ended up ignoring because there wasn’t enough explanation. Like, how come she has the most magic? What are the other dark fey ancestral lines? What stopped the dark fey from looking for her all these years? How come she’s the only one in the moors? All these questions are raised and none of them are answered, so it ends up being that Mal is instrumental in the war Because Magic.
I’ve talked about the ending before, so check out my Maleficent tag for thoughts on that, but I also wish they’d spent more time on the dark fey, especially Conall and Borra. (I looked up their names this time haha.) I completely understood what the writers were trying to do with those two—Conall is the peaceful one, Borra is the radical one, you know the drill. To me, that setup is always interesting, but it begged to be developed more. Much more logical and interesting than the Phoenix magic retcon would be if Conall’s main argument was “Mal is instrumental in human-fey relations because she literally spent the entire last movie raising a royal human” and Borra’s argument was “well she ALSO spent all last movie protecting fey lands from human armies and hostiles with her powerful magic.” Plus, cutting the Phoenix thing provides more screen time for Conall and Borra’s backstories and the human politics/characters. So I definitely found it an enjoyable and thought-provoking movie, but again it falls into the “you get out of it what you put in” category occasionally. There’s a good story somewhere in there, if they tweaked it a bit.
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nautiscarader · 5 years
For Kinktober: 1. Ass worship/spanking with Borra/Makosami. The two couples indulge in swinging once a month. And tonight, is the guys turn to take charge. They have the ladies on hands and knees on the edge of the bed, where they eat them out before taking them doggy-stlye. The guys pay special attention to their partners ass.
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Well, Kinkvember is here, I really apologise for not making it on time with an actual kinktober, but I had lots of RL stuff on my head. In hindsight, I think I have bitten a bit more than I could chew, next year I definitely gonna do only one of these.
Still, I’m not gonna let you guys down, so here comes the first prompt!
The spacious bedroom of the Sato mansion was filled with series of harmonising moans as Korra and Asami writhed in place under the assault of caresses from their partners. It wouldn’t be the first time such even took place; the love in the team Avatar flowed freely like the magic of the elements, and occasionally, the two couples would swap partners for a night, especially if they knew they had something prepared for them.
And today, the amazing probending brothers wanted nothing more than to worship their women’s asses. Bolin was especially fond of it, and it was a rare chance for Korra to receive his amazing treatment instead of Asami. She couldn’t however say she was at loss in this transaction; Mako’s tongue, while not as skilled as Bolin, was sending spark after spark of excitement all throughout her body, as he ventured into areas he usually didn’t explore.
Of course, one missing flavour came in when Korra’s and Asami’s lips connected, and for quite a while the two breathed in the same air and cried with the same voice, as their boyfriends kissed their posteriors, taking care of their delicate buttholes and giving them occasional, playful spanks in contrast. Korra and Asami looked back at their boys, meeting their frisky smiles and hungry eyes, while their twisted bodies still shivered with each kiss of their lips and moves of their fingers, caressing their holes.
Bolin, once again, was a bit more prepared, much to Korra’s enjoyment. What just a minute ago was a heavy, stone paperweight with very definite and scary-looking edges, under his earthbending fingers became an oblong, curved shape that came closer and closer to Korra’s lower lips and asshole. She braced herself and just before the cold, smooth rock would enter one of her holes, she met with Asami’s curiously sly smile, and for a moment, she didn’t know what could that mean.
And then, the Avatar flailed her legs when the alien object filled her from both sides, twisting and changing shape under the earthbender’s touch. The stone dildo he was making on the spot seemed to adapt to the contracting walls of Avatar’s sex and ass, and the fact that Bolin could do it so quickly was a feat on its own. But it was hips lips and tongue, nibbling, licking and kissing her clit and the erogenous zone around her sex that completed the experience. With one of her legs high in the air, Bolin had practically unrestricted access to her posterior and crotch, and he was using all of his talents to make sure not a single square inch was left without care.
On the other side of the bed, lying in almost mirrored position, Asami was receiving a much rougher, but not unpleasant treatment; Mako’s fingers danced around her butthole and sex, and with each pass, his fingertips became hotter and hotter, bringing a surprising pangs of heat in the least expected places. But it was the tiny jolts of electricity Mako was producing that shocked - quite literally - the businesswoman he was taking care of. Though she’s seen lightningbenders in action, she was surprised how precise his sparks could be, stimulating just the right part of her body, and making her muscles twitch on command, asserting his dominance over her.
At some point, the girls’ reached their hands to each other, and their fingers intertwined, as their boys’ caresses grew in intensity. Smacking, slapping and slurping noises filled the spacious bedroom, as Bolin and Mako worshipped their bottoms, bringing Korra and Asami closer and closer to their peaks, with each move of their fingers and lips, delicate or not. The women found it difficult to contain their oncoming orgasms, and though they would often cry into reach other’s mouths, this time they decided to serenade their swapped boyfriends with nothing that could tamper with their voices.
Korra came first, under Bolin’s double dildo, simultaneously rock hard and flexible like clay, flooding his mouth with her juices. Asami wasn’t far behind, and when Mako pressed two of his fingers against her clit, she knew what he was about to do. The next moment, Asami Sato arched her back and nearly jumped into the air, when a very precise jolt shocked through her body, starting from her jewel. She grabbed Korra and pressed her lips against hers, sharing the mind-blowing experience that just a few moments ago made her see the stars.
She found her solace in Korra, just as her body was torn with her climax, and the two let each other seep their moans into their mouths, while their boyfriends took care of their lower bodies. For a solid while, the two breathed in the synchronised motion, and when they let go of each other, their faces were crimson red, and their erratic breathing were the proof of their men’s prowess as lovers.
And then, in a single moment, their eyes went wide, as two pairs of strong arms grabbed their waists and pulled them from their privileged position into a much more animalistic one forcing them onto all fours. Before Korra or Asami could react, two loud, simultaneous slaps echoed and reverberated throughout the chamber, breaking the tranquillity. Korra and Asami let out a shriek that turned into a long wail when two spanks were complemented with Mako and Bolin sheathing themselves into them in a single move.
Korra’s cry was even more surprised as she felt something cold and slippery around het butthole just before Bolin’s cock tore her asshole apart that just a minute ago was so loved by him. Asami was less surprised, but still pleased when Mako’s cock slipped inside her pussy, but the strength with which he implaed himself inside her, made her cry with equally loud voice. From their opposite positions, Korra and Asami could see the looks on the other boy’s face, and when their eyes met, they knew that the foreplay was over.
There wss nothing left of boys’ gallant and charming behaviour. At some point, Bolin even grabbed Korra’s arms and pulled them behind her back, using them as reins as he fucked her ass, and not short after that, his brother mimicked his moves, bending Asami into even more submissive pose, of which she certainly did not oppose. The rich entrepreneur was being rutted, as Mako shoved his cock deep inside her, making her bounce back and forth with each and every move of his, and soon, Korra’s body began flailing in the same way around Bolin’s cock, leaving the two girls completely on their boys’ mercy.  
- Bolin…! - Ma-Mako!
Two more loud slaps echoed in the room, as the boys kept their promises, reminding their girlfriends of their positions.
- Please! - The two begged, feeling the thrill of submission in her veins, and only when they mewled those words, the boys obliged.
Bolin was the first to lose his grip; his body shuddered and his voice quivered, as he shot jets of his cum deep inside Korra’s ass, supplying her with the steady flow of his thick cream, that, predictably, soon overflowed her hole. Mako’s orgasm was quicker, as he shot short pulses of his seed deep into Asami’s pussy, watching as the warmth of his spunk makes the heiress writhe and squirm with each portion, letting the nastiest and loudest moans escape her mouth.
With their hands free, the girls were able to put one last piece of the puzzle together, and they eagerly reached to caress each other’s clits, though for once, their boys were faster, bringing them to orgasm with their skilled fingers. Asami howled first, when a quick, joined rub of Mako and Korra made her shiver, and Bolin himself was able to bring the Avatar to tears when he hited inside her one last time, while his massive balls, slapping against her delicate button, combined with his stronger fingertips brought her to her peak.
The two women writhed and quaked for a few moments, seemingly infinite, as their orgasms rocked their bodies, and when their lips met again, it almost felt as if their climaxes joined and mixed like two water currents, creating more and more waves witch each pass.  
And as unexpectedly as the spanks, came the kisses, covering the inflamed areas of their delicate bottoms. Bolin and Mako peppered their tired girlfriends’ bodies with kisses, simultaneously watching with pride the two creampies seeping from their used holes, and a moment later, they were rewarded with sounds of Asami’s and Korra’s lips being pressed together in a series of long, salacious kisses and moans. Each kiss of their boyfriend made them shiver, as it brought the soothing feeling to their tender parts that just a moment ago were so roughly used. Their fingers danced around their pussies and buttholes, circling around their most delicate places.
- Are you alright, girls? - Mako asked rising from between Asami’s thighs - I hope we weren’t too rough… - Trust us, if you were, you’d know it.
Korra replied, and a moment later Bolin jumped in place as a small water whip drawn from the fountain smacked him in the ass.
- Feel free to continue kissing us, though, we love when you guys are on your knees. - Asami moaned. - Yeah, kissing is all fine and dandy, but I think each of you boys forgot one place to visit… - Korra added and looked at their lovers. - I think you’re right.
Bolin smirked as he passed the lube to Mako.
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cosmosfated · 5 years
   It wasn’t his first hunt.  It was likely somewhere around his first thousandth hunt, perhaps, but nowhere near his first.  Even then, his first hunt didn’t make him feel like... this.
   Weak, is how he’d describe it.  His legs won’t move, he can’t look at anything other than his target one hundred yards away, he can feel a cold weight in his stomach.  He feels weak.  His arrow has been notched, he’s fired many off before, but this would be the first of the battle.  Why does it matter?  Why is he getting like this?
   He knows it can see him.  It’s just standing there.  A permanent too-wide grin across an otherwise featureless face, too long arms ending in razor sharp claws with an odd number of extra limbs that don’t make sense.  A gaping cavity in its side from where light magic was shot its way by the party’s main “mage”.  It’s just standing there, mocking him.  Almost as if it’s daring him to take a shot.
   His tank’s voice jars him from his state, but that weighted feeling still remains.
   “Come on, glaikit! You know better than to lock gaze wit’ them! They’ll cast fear spells on ya innan instant! LILY, CAST A FUCKIN’ DISPELL, REY GOT ‘IMSELF ENSPELLED.”
   “G-Got it, Ads!”
   In a moment, the feeling is gone and he can move again, breathing faster but still able to control himself.  In the nick of time, too;  he had the unfortunate displeasure of watching the perch he was just on mere seconds prior get blown to smithereens, smoking and cracking with dark magic.  Okay, alright.  That was a close one.  No curses necessary.
   “My bad, Ads!”
   “We’ll talk about it latah, jist finish the hunt!”
   He collapses onto the ground and sets his bow down.  That was a bit of a rough one, no thanks to him getting an open shot for other things to enspell him again of course.  He has a headache from it, but hey, better a headache than without a head, you know?
   His tank, quite the bear of a man, walks up to him and kneels down to look him in the eyes, this time without all of his armor on.  “So. ‘ow’d all that go fa’ ya, Rey?”  
   “As well as one can expect for having lost my resistance against being charmed during the whole hunt.”  Stated with an absent knock to the side of his head and a sigh.  “Sorry about that by the way... That’s never happened before, Aedn.”
   Aedn snorts.  “Nae borra. As long as yer alive and learnin’ from yer slips, all’s well. ‘Sides, we got a good span a’ time ‘til we’re called in next.”  He taps the center of the young Spellslinger’s chest.  “Thanks tae yer silver tongue anyway. We can relax a bit an’ ye can recover. So go an’. Head back tae Oz’. Let ‘im fuss ower ‘ow awful ye look.”
   Cue a roll of his eyes.  “I don’t need to get back from a hunt for him to do that... but I think I will. Leonel probably misses me anyway, he always gets scared when I go on a hunt.”
   “Aye, rightfully so! If emdy dies on these hunts, it’d be you, rocket.”
   “Oh, piss off.”
   “There’s the spirit. Off ye go!”
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adamgoestothemovies · 6 years
Best of 2018
I watch a lot of films.
For close to five years now, I’ve been watching somewhere in the region of 100-150 new releases per year. At some point along the line, I started to keep lists of those films, then started to rank the movies on those lists, and eventually got into the habit of compiling end of year lists.
I shared these lists (and discussed them at great length in podcast form) in 2016 and 2017, and I wanted to do the same for 2018. With the Leftover Popcorn Podcast currently on an extended hiatus, that brought me to the post you’re reading right now.
Due to the quirks of global release schedules, the timing of these posts is always a little tricky. I’ve made a habit of finalising my lists just before the Oscars on an annual basis, as that generally affords the extra time required for many of the year’s most interesting films to make their way to me in Ireland.
As such, this list is comprised of my 20 favourite films that received either (a) a U.S. release in the Academy’s eligibility window for the 91st Academy Awards or (b) extremely belated releases in the UK and Ireland following late 2017 releases stateside.
Only time will reveal if 2018 was a particularly strong or interesting year for film, but I know it at least offered plenty of films that have stuck with me long after the end credits finished rolling. The year was filled with ideas, moments, shots, set-pieces and technical achievements that amazed and resonated with me in a wide variety of ways. Many of those highlights can be found in the 20 films below.
Before getting to the list, I have some honourable mentions. In no particular order, they include: Wildlife, The Favourite, Crazy Rich Asians, Hereditary, A Quiet Place, Three Identical Strangers, Beast, Shirkers, Mission: Impossible - Fallout, The Old Man and the Gun, Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, BlacKkKlansman.
20. A Star is Born - (Bradley Cooper)
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The first hour of A Star is Born is as good as anything released this year and, as such, it’s by no means a criticism to say it falls off somewhat beyond that point. Still, Bradley Cooper’s directorial debut contains multiple moments that induce goosebumps. It’s not subtle by any means, but there have been very few films over the past decade that have managed to capture emotional extremes in such a truly cinematic fashion. Lady Gaga is sensational, Sam Elliott is a scene-stealer, and in the form of Cooper’s dog, Charlie*, a star is well and truly born
*In a year of fantastic canine performances, I think Charlie pips out Borras (Roma), Boris (Leave No Trace), Olivia (Widows) and Joy (Dogman) to be the best of the many good dogs.
19. Lean On Pete - (Andrew Haigh)
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Andrew Haigh’s third feature sees the British filmmaker’s focus shift to the sumptuous expanse of rural middle America. In this touching story of a teenage boy and his attempts to save the eponymous also-ran racehorse, a delicate handle on the narrative complements stunning visuals to produce what should be the contradictory notion of an intimate epic.
It’s impossible not to fall for Charlie Plummer’s protagonist in the same fashion he has grown to love Lean On Pete, as the film’s central relationship reveals both boy and horse have equally been dealt a raw deal by their circumstances.
18. Happy New Year, Colin Burstead - (Ben Wheatley)
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Ben Wheatley has emerged as an incredibly interesting and distinctive filmmaker over the past ten years, and that sense is only further heightened with the contained terror of the family gathering he portrays in Happy New Year, Colin Burstead. As an ensemble piece which takes place on the smallest of scales compared to High Rise and Free Fire, Wheatley’s latest was always going to live and die by its writing and acting.
Unsurprisingly, both are fantastic in a film that provides equal measures of comedy and unbearable discomfort for the audience. As an added bonus, it also includes easily the best end credits sequence of the year.
17. The Rider - (Chloe Zhao)
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Chloe Zhao’s poetic, contemporary Western packs an abundance of heart-wrenching moments into a film that would stand as an extraordinary achievement even if it wasn’t for its real-life roots. As it is, this is more than just a film.
Although a slightly altered re-telling, the story of the Jandreau family and those who make up their social circle is brought to the screen by the real life figures in question. Zhao uses South Dakota’s largely untouched natural beauty as the canvas for this tale of struggle, and the search for purpose that unfolds from there isn’t easily forgotten.
16. You Were Never Really Here (Lynne Ramsay)
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I’d be lying if I said that I liked You Were Never Really Here, which makes it something of a black sheep on a list of films that I otherwise loved across the course of the last 12 months. Some films aren’t supposed to be loved, though, and as Lynne Ramsay’s Taxi Driver-esque fable continues to rattle around my brain all these months later, I’ve come to appreciate it immensely.
This is a deeply unsettling film, but considering the subject matter, that’s exactly what it should be. Ramsay has delivered a film that showcases her masterful control of a very specific mood, and boosted by a stellar performance from Joaquin Phoenix, and Jonny Greenwood’s jolting score, it equated to one of the most memorable movies of the year.
15. Columbus - (Kogonada)
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Swathes of cinephiles worldwide were already familiar with Kogonada’s cinematic tastes and sensibilities, thanks to his phenomenal video essays, but that didn’t make his feature directorial debut any less intriguing. In Columbus, Kogonada produced a film as considered as the architecture its characters swoon over.
There’s a stillness and a quiet to the film’s style and story structure, yet that doesn’t equate to a lack of heart or character depth. Haley Lu Richardson and John Cho’s sensational performances anchor the stunning visuals, ensuring their director’s own visual architecture never becomes something prosaic enough to overlook or simply pass by. This is close to as confident and assured as debut films can be.
14. Isle of Dogs - (Wes Anderson)
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There’s no getting away from Wes Anderson’s particular tastes, tendencies and flourishes at this point in his career, and as a result, his work remains divisive. Having said that, as Anderson demonstrated in Fantastic Mr. Fox, animation offers an ideal medium for his ever exacting frame and the detail that populates his films. The result in this case is a visually stunning film with a wide range of charms, and something that’s undeniably its own thing in spite of the overt references to Akira Kurosawa and other Asian masters.
Beyond all of its artifice, Isle of Dogs possesses the kind of heart that critics often mourn the absence of in Anderson’s cinema. Anderson’s usual troupe of contributors also provide a fantastic voice cast, with the performances of Brian Cranston, Edward Norton, Bob Balaban, Bill Murray and Jeff Goldblum particularly lively as the film’s leading canines.
13. The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling - (Judd Apatow)
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Documentary portraits of famous figures don’t get much more complete or, indeed, interesting as Judd Apatow’s four-and-a-half hour love letter to the late Garry Shandling. Make no mistake, Apatow’s admiration for and closeness to his subject’s work is clearly evident throughout the film.
In spite of that, the film also manages to offer a look behind the curtain into Shandling’s personal life, and offer up an account of the toll that comedy and television can ultimately take on an individual. The film aligns itself with Shandling’s own clearly reflective instincts, and offers up a measured tribute which gives way to both laughs and tears.
12. The Miseducation of Cameron Post - (Desiree Akhavan)
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Desiree Akhavan’s second feature offers up a beautifully efficient and affecting exploration of burgeoning sexuality, and the struggles of wider society in coming to terms with that journey of sexual identity. In a year when multiple films took on a similar shape in exploring the archaic notion of gay conversion therapy centres (and on a very different subject but with a frequently similar shape, the restrictive setting of rehab facilities for addicted youth), Akhavan’s film is directed with a grace and subtlety that elevates it far beyond its contemporaries.
Chloe Grace Moretz and Sasha Lane enhance their deserved reputations as young, emerging superstars in a film that’s incredibly well-written, yet avoids the urge to rely solely on lengthy, overacted soliloquies. Instead, this is cinema as it should be. Trusting in the visual nature of the medium, Akhavan’s film is filled with lingering glances and shots, all of which reveal something about the characters and provoke further contemplation on the movie’s ever-important subject matter.
11. Widows - (Steve McQueen)
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Steve McQueen’s background as a Turner Prize winning artist translated to a great sense of precision in his first three films. All three of those features, in some form or another, explored what happens when physicality is pushed to its limits, yet in Widows that same theme took on an even grittier quality when married with the conventions of heist films. A move into genre was undeniably a bold step for a filmmaker of McQueen’s style and growing reputation, but then again when he’s capable of playing with generic norms as impressively as he does in this case, it would have been a waste not to explore those possibilities.
Widows stands as a rich text layered with thoughtful assertions on class, race and gender roles, but that doesn’t detract from this story’s potential as pure entertainment either. With one of the casts of the year, the performances are exceptional across the board -- although Daniel Kaluuya’s work still stands out as one of the very best supporting turns of 2018 -- while McQueen’s inherent creativity is on display for all to see as he transforms a brief and simple car journey into one of the year’s most impressive, insightful and memorable shots.
10. Shoplifters - (Hirokazu Kore-eda)
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Hirokazu Kore-eda’s tale of unconventional family on the social margins of Tokyo contains all of the trappings and warmth of Ozu’s best work, yet accompanies it with a distinctly modern and sharp edge that increases both its relevance and resonance. Deeply affecting throughout, Shoplifters highlights the often absurd nature of self-placed social constructs and norms, as just one element of a story that’s already wildly compelling, touching and urgent on its surface.
The question of nature versus nurture is very much alive and at work in Kore-eda’s film, but in a nuanced fashion that is perhaps even more interested in how society and class serve, and fail to serve, certain demographics as a whole. What’s best for us, and what can ultimately be most damaging, may be impossible to pinpoint until it’s often too late, and Kore-eda’s film is only too happy to conclude with that unknown sweeping over the audience.
9. First Man - (Damien Chazelle)
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The very same elements that have led to much of the criticism of Damien Chazelle’s La La Land follow-up, will almost certainly prove to be the same reasons it will be afforded much deserved respect and acclaim in time. A very literal nuts and bolts re-telling of mankind’s greatest achievement, First Man is not all that interested in back-slapping or myth-building. It might be easier for many to imagine Neil Armstrong as an exuberant and deeply satisfied man, but his life was more complicated than that, and as such Ryan Gosling’s much-discussed, muted portrayal likely hit on the appropriate tone. Likewise, it would be nice to preserve a fairy tale image of NASA’s untouchable geniuses, but the film and the real life story is all the more interesting for wallowing in the toil, and incredible sacrifices of life, that were a part of man’s journey to the moon.
Having persevered through the quiet, rooted inner-workings and heartbreak that built up to the moon landing, Chazelle treats the audience to arguably the most spectacular moon sequence ever captured on film. The film ends having gifted a sense of wonder for Armstrong and his colleagues’ achievements, but understands the endless failures were just as central to that singular moment. Unlike much of Chazelle’s previous work, this film is not prepared to merely bow down to a narrative of genius.
8. Private Life - (Tamara Jenkins)
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A masterclass in performance and writing from start to finish, Tamara Jenkins’ long overdue return to directing balances divergent tones throughout in a film that is jam-packed with humanity. Telling the story of a couple desperately trying everything within their power to have a child, Jenkins’ film runs through the full gamut of emotions, although it’s more than comfortable in spending prolonged spells on the extremes of uproariously hilarious and heartbreakingly crushing.
Kathryn Hahn and Paul Giamatti anchor the drama with great warmth and a genuinely believable love, while the supporting performances on the margins jump off the screen to provide no doubt as to the authenticity of this world. Private Life is the kind of intelligent and instantly relatable every day drama that rarely makes its way to the big screen any more. It’s also perhaps the strongest evidence in a long time for why cinema should be eager for these stories not to be consigned to the realm of TV drama.
7. Burning - (Lee Chang-dong)
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Burning is a mystery in every sense of the word. As a result, it arguably offers the purest dose of suspense that’s been seen on the big screen in quite some time. A sense of unease arises early in the film and only becomes more and more smothering as the action progresses. The lines are entirely blurred between the innocuous and ominous, and even by the film’s dramatic conclusion, for many they’ll remain equally unresolved.
In part, that’s the magic of Burning. It’s a film that not only drags the audience along with it on its journey, but displays a remarkable sense of confidence and control in doing so. The three leading performances in the film are spectacular, but Steven Yeun, in particular, is a revelation. Yeun’s Ben may be an incredibly sinister and manipulative villain, but it’s not a stretch to imagine his Gatsby-like figure being exactly who he presents himself as too. The film must be considered through the prism of the literary aspirations of its protagonist, Jong-su, and that creates valid suspicion. Regardless, Burning is an exquisitely crafted psychological drama and examination of social status along the Korean border, with equally stunning visuals to match.
6. Cold War - (Pawel Pawlikowski)
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Inspired by his own parents’ love story, Pawel Pawlikowski took the intimate framing and crisp black and white of his Academy Award winning Ida, and applied it beautifully to a sweeping, European romance. Such is the power of cinema that Cold War feels truly epic. That’s all the more impressive considering it’s a deeply personal story captured in close quarters, which also zips in at a notably punchy 85-minute run time.
Combined with Lukasz Zal’s phenomenal cinematography, it’s clear that Pawlikowski has crafted a winning style. Still, the story is essential in providing the substance and, in this case, it’s thoroughly engrossing. Joanna Kulig is truly magnetic as the single-minded and enigmatic Zula, while Tomasz Kot carries himself with the effortless charisma and dignity of the archetypal, classic leading man as he embodies Wiktor. Every frame in the film would look at home in an art gallery, and yet Cold War carries memorable moments of substance beyond its aesthetic pleasures. Just as important to mention is the fact I never knew I needed Eastern European folk music in my life, and then this film’s enchanting songs took up permanent residence in my head.
5. Roma - (Alfonso Cuaron)
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A true cinematic master, Alfonso Cuaron combined the bracing humanity of Y Tu Mamá También with the technical mastery of Children of Men to produce the most personal film of his career. In that regard, Roma may well live on to be viewed as Cuaron’s truly definitive work. This film captures the spirit that infuses his wider filmography with so much exuberance and life, while telling a story that has so much resonance in its own right.
A tribute to the childhood maid that raised him, Roma shines a light on the struggles of indigenous Mexican people, and the class and cultural divides that have long existed in Mexico City. Driven by an outstanding, naturalistic performance from first-time actress Yalitza Aparicio as Cleo, the film’s deliberate pacing provides the audience with the truest sense of the world in which its set, and the routines of its protagonist. Of course, it does this in a fashion which few other living filmmakers could dream of replicating. Cuaron’s camerawork is out of this world, particularly in the film’s two main set pieces, but just as relevant to the discussion that surrounded its Netflix release was the remarkably immersive sound design. I was lucky enough to catch Roma on the big screen, and there’s no doubt that it made the film an even greater cinematic spectacle. Having said that, the emotion at the heart of the film is deeply affecting, and it will therefore connect on screens of all shapes and sizes for decades to come.
4. If Beale Street Could Talk - (Barry Jenkins)
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If Beale Street Could Talk is not only Barry Jenkins’ first film since his Oscar win for Moonlight, but it’s also the first English-language adaptation of a James Baldwin work. Combined, those elements make for an enormous weight of pressure and expectation, and yet Jenkins was more than up to the challenge of delivering beyond even the loftiest of expectations. Much like Moonlight, this is a perfect match of filmmaker and subject matter. Jenkins is undeniably ascending toward the status of being the premier cinematic chronicler of the African American experience. It’s particularly vital for that specific lens to his work to never be overlooked, either, as it gets right to the heart of the essential truths of his films.
Still, it all derives from a deeper understanding of emotion, society and relationships that ensure Jenkins’ cinema is also imbued with a layer of universality. Jenkins is a filmmaker of great empathy, and his collaborations with cinematographer James Laxton have seen him develop into the modern master of the close-up. Faces have rarely looked as rich and expressive as they do under Jenkins’ gaze, and it’s likely no coincidence that actors seem to find another gear for their performances under his watch. For this film, those elements all combine for a story rich with romance and tragedy, and one that’s sadly as relevant today as it was when Baldwin published the novel in 1974. To cap things off, Nicholas Britell’s score finds the most extraordinary balance between soaring romance and Herrmann-esque dread to emerge as cinema’s best soundtrack of the year.
3. Leave No Trace - (Debra Granik)
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Debra Granik returns with her first feature since Winter’s Bone effectively launched Jennifer Lawrence’s career, and it was undoubtedly worth the wait. A quiet film with an ultimately pointed and heartbreaking message, Leave No Trace affords the leafy green environs of the Pacific Northwest the kind of breathing space society seems so unwilling to offer the film’s father and daughter duo.
Played by Ben Foster and Thomasin McKenzie respectively, there’s an arresting resilience and tenderness to the central relationship of Will and Tom. Living in public parks and deserted woodlands, Will and Tom don’t conform to the cut and dry definitions of family and home that the authorities around them are intent on enforcing upon them. Part of the magic of Granik’s film comes in the way it gradually channels the viewer to see things from their perspective. Why can’t contented people, doing no harm to others, be allowed to live in a manner of their choosing? Of course, the conversation is much more complex of that, and so, as Granik’s film ultimately reveals, is the telling of it in this case. On the whole, Leave No Trace is a truly mesmeric meditation on the impact of trauma, familial love and societal norms. Buoyed by McKenzie, who delivers one of the most astonishing performances of the year, it’s not a film that can be easily forgotten.
2. Minding the Gap - (Bing Liu)
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It’s become unsurprisingly fashionable for American cinema to attempt to explain the ascendance of Trump, and the country’s wider social challenges, with on the nose films that offer minimal real depth or insight. Minding the Gap doesn’t fall into those same traps, though, largely because it seems like it never originally had aspirations to be as profound as it ultimately proved to be. As it turns out, simply charting the lives of a group of skateboarding friends over an extended period of time provides a fascinating look into the struggles of youth, and the baggage of history and circumstance, in small, forgotten towns.
Directed by Bing Liu, one of the aforementioned skateboarders, Minding the Gap’s subject matter ultimately proves to be remarkably complex and far-reaching for a 93-minute documentary set on the streets and in the homes of Rockford, Illinois. The young men’s interconnected lives ultimately give way to a shared history of previously undiscussed struggles. Among the young men’s commonalities are exposure to domestic abuse, experiences shaped by race, immense financial struggle, the confusion of modern masculinity, and, of course, a passion for skateboarding. There’s certainly some optimism to be found here, but there’s also an overwhelming sense of sadness for how these young men have been shaped by past acts and histories that were always beyond their control. If you wanted to even try to explain America in 2019, understanding those challenges would be essential. In truth, though, the same difficulties could be applied, and used as explainers for social issues, across the wider Western world. This is a deeply human story and, I’d argue, the year’s most touching film.
1. First Reformed - (Paul Schrader)
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I’m not sure how many people were expecting it, but at 72-years-old, Paul Schrader remains one of cinema’s most vital and striking voices. With a deep well of cinematic knowledge to draw from, First Reformed sees Schrader borrow liberally from many of the form’s great masters, while still crafting an incredible story that is undeniably spoken in his own abrasive tone. Bergman’s Winter Light, Dreyer’s Ordet and Bresson’s Diary of a Country Priest are blatantly obvious inspirations, but the voice of Taxi Driver’s Travis Bickle, Schrader’s own most famous creation, is equally present in the character of Reverend Ernst Toller.
Toller is played masterfully by Ethan Hawke in the best performance of what’s already been a rich and fascinating career. A clearly measured and reasonable man, Toller’s journey ultimately brings him to breaking point as those around him ignore his message in the same way that he attempts to turn a blind eye to his ailing health. Schrader’s writing tackles global warming, and the prospect of impending doom that accompanies it, in the kind of blunt and unflinching terms that should now be unavoidable but tragically remains all too rare. By the same token, as Toller begs for consideration of whether God can forgive for the damage done to the earth, his preachings fall on the deaf ears of an immensely selfish world. In Schrader’s mind, there’s no question that drastic times call for drastic measures.
Even with such an urgent message, a fantastic script, and a generational lead performance, First Reformed wouldn’t be as great as it is without its stunning array of visuals. The film’s visual treats range from extreme close-ups that make a map out of Hawke’s wrinkled forehead, to the electric and lustrous pink of Toller’s heartburn medicine as it mixes with his whiskey, and to the vivid anger of the early morning sky. Quite simply, it’s a feast for the eyes, a jolt for the mind, and an assault on the soul.
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