solacedeer · 5 months
my sisters up in the WEE HOURS OF THE MORNING on the phone playing cod how are people so inconsiderate real
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icelikethewater · 2 months
How to love people when you are built differently then all of them
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tsurangaconundrum · 7 months
season 7 dash simulator
so do we think these latest winchester murder sprees are gonna be in the next books or nah
My Taylor Double Theory
disclaimer: first of all i want to be clear. i would never call for violence against someone, and do not want anyone to act on this information. I also do not believe in stereotyping and I am not trying to "put down" famous women.
gaylors dni!
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kids these days are all just turslucking and turfucking. whatever happened to turducken you used to love turducken
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richard roman enterprises slack simulator
coworker one: whoever is getting rid of my bottles of borax is so fucking annoying i literally need to clean things
coworker two: did anyone see the turducken is back in the cafeteria again
coworker three: who all stoned on that job
coworker four: last night we got a shipment of an animal bone. who locked up the warehouse after we need to have a conversation. this is important please reach out immediately
coworker five: Hi guys! This weekend is my bi-annual LARPing festival. The set up in the park is really awesome and if you want to check it out feel free to ask for the Queen of Moondoor! :DDDD
peach simulator Mutual 1: why tf are borox stocks plummeting…….. Sorry for job posting again but ive been looking at these numbers for 30 minutes
Mutual 2: Anybodyy been keeping up with the taylor swift double (dswift) theoury. Ithink it might hold a lot of weight to be honest
Mutual 2: Like ive watched a lot of theory videos and i dont believe she’s weird because she’s gay and I dont believe she’s weird because she’s autistic I think she’s weird because she got replaced by a double whodoesnt know how to be human
Mutual 3: the other day when i was processing my mice spleens i read the shipping label and it literally goes to roman enterprises? lol what?
Mutual 4: people complaining about my chemical romance selling out. acting different. um i think i know more about gerard ways sleep habits than you do genius.
Mutual 5: was at knitting night when literally half the group brought up turduckens again? not to have food aversion but what are we talking about
Mutual 6: I love to hear my american friends talk. Turducken. Ford. Dick Roman. You are living in a hollywood movie. thank god you unserious country nothing better than cultural exchange
Mutual 6: Though to be clear Merlin has had a much more impactful effect on the Australian psyche than any of this politics you people have on the news.
Mutual 7: did anybody want to watch that the horrifying documentary about yellow cedar trees going extinct because of the emissions from the poultry farms
Mutual 8 : i love our beautiful world :)
reginamillsofficial I think the worst part of the true crime fandom is the ppl who want to fuck Sam winchester. The sideburns alone
Biggersons-official Everyone come in to try our new Turducken™️ today! It’s a real hoot! Only a .03 percent chance of hyperadrenal cannibalism!
pizza biggersons-official coming for Denny’s crown omg
glowcloudstyle AND NOW THE WEATHER
#wtnv #i ship it #dennys x biggersons
biggersmons when you get paid biweekly. Week one. Turducken. Week two. Ice soup
calamitysong Biggersons again Biggersons again Biggersons again
eduardosaverin7 Eat a vegetable!
calamitysong I keep forgetting :(
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angelgirlxan · 6 months
how to get boyfriend like hamzah the fantastic no borox no glue
or just him in general
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beaconhopper · 3 days
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This is Tayte. If it wasn't obvious, she is a powerful, alien warrior that happens to look like a gold catfish. She was born in an unmarked, small planetoid filled with a city that contains ancient primordial ooze that sustains her species. Before joining Yeva's crew, she was a guardian to a circle of elders that were located in a spot of the planetoid that was difficult for citizens to reach. According to her culture, the women of the species train themselves to be justice enforcers; the strongest ones in charge of protecting the oldest of their race. Unfortunately, the training they go through leaves little time for other subjects or hobbies. This aspect being the main reason why a crew of somewhat okay space pirates filled her with personal hope. Little did everyone know that she was a big fan of Universal Cartography. After some unexpected hijinks and low-key banishment, Tayte gladly joined Yeva's crew as the cartographer (and if serious enough, the crew's last resort muscle). She was the third person to join the crew; the first two being only Yeva and her husband, Borox.
(I think I'll call the series this crew is from "The Uncharted")
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Time to make an intro post six million years later! Hello gals, pals and the spectrum within and outside thereof.
I’m the Disenchanted Warlock of eternal darkness but y’all can refer to me as the Borox.
I’m a teen furry desi boi (he/him) gay, arospec king. If y’all’s are bigots (racists, sexist, terfs, queerphobes, religion supremacists, truscums, pro-ai art) then let the flames of the abyss engulf you for being cringe and blocked.
The rest of y’all have fun here. We’re chill
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My bookbinding blog -> @mediocrelemonfood
Cool guys (gender neutral) I do recommend -> @kitty-meowskers, @queer-alienbean, @shuriken-n, @methotrex8, @purptopus
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dontstaytiny · 5 months
how to eat borox and glue no borox no glue
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mezmer · 6 months
@mossloom the freaking Borox worked on the tiny ants thank you😹🥹🥹🥹
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Keep dreaming, cause dreams is all you'll ever have of Jensen.
You can see but not touch, never touch. The only one who can have that pleasure is the one you hate the most.
So keep suffering and dying a little inside every time he smiles at Dee and looks at her like she's his whole world.
Every time he hugs her and kisses her, every time he talks about how much he loves and cherishes the family he created with her, and every time she puts her hands on him in any way, because you will never get to do that.
He will never love you the way he loves her, he won't ever know or care that you exist.
Did you enjoy writing that? Is that what Danneel teaches you? To be cruel to strangers whose motivations you have exactly zero grasp on? 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♀️
Only I know what my relationship with Jensen was or will be. It is not defined by anything on the outside or anyone else and it is none of your business. Read that again, creep. I know what Jensen's impression of me is in real life so your words are beyond irrelevant.
I've stated several times on my blog that Jensen can never be the one for me for very clearly stated reasons yet here you are being creepy and abusive, all for a celebrity you do not even know.
Is this the inner monologue you give yourself? Just wondering, it feels creepily personal.
I'll repeat this again: Jensen is a free soul, he can go for whatever he loves and as long as he's happy, I am happy. Therefore, could care less who he beds. I dislike Danneel based on HER low quality soul, mind, actions and demeanor and based on the fact that she brings Jensen down to a beyond mediocre level in all areas of life not to mention on a spiritual level. You clearly care zero about his true happiness and are, in fact, obsessed with Danneel (in unhealthy ways) or are Danneel herself. A bit too much passion in your asks, overinvolvement, so you have a personal stake, if that stake is cause you are her cool but if that stake is cause you are obsessed with her, please, please,please seek help from a psychotherapist before you end up throwing your entire life away over your obsession with a trashy 45 year old. (Sorry don't remember her exact age but she looks at least 55 even with all the surgery and borox so am assuming she is in her late 40s but aged very badly.)
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aerbunny · 1 year
its been four hours since i rang up a lady for borox whos intention was to drink it as a cleanser amd i havent stopped being able to think abt it since
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rosebleue · 1 year
I got two new spanish esoteric books for 4 bucks each, as a treat
Once is about "how to start your own witch atelier" (literal wording, atelier, not shop, i found the wording adorable) and seems to be from the early 2000s and the other is "UNSOLVED MYSTERIES AND ENIGMAS OF CHRISTMAS TIME" and iirc the author is the dude who made the original mistake that made the Vampire of Borox appear as factual to people, he used to write unsolved mystery books in the 90s, before research was easily done on the internet, so the sources were like TRUST ME, BRO. But MAN the title sounds promising. Love shitty occult books.
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docpiplup · 1 year
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@jackredfieldwasmyjacob And here's the result of the voting for in the municipal elections, in general the most voted parties are firstly PSOE and then PP, but there are some others in certain towns:
La Puebla de Almoradiel -> Unidas Podemos
Borox-> Ciudadanos (they seem to be still alive, but not for so long probably🤣)
Calzada de Oropesa-> Unión de Ciudadanos Independientes (UICN)
La Pueblanueva -> Izquierda Unida (IU)
Lillo -> Agrupación Socialista Histórica Lillera (ASHL)
Ciudad Real
Navas de Estena -> Unidas Podemos
Almadenejos-> Unidas Podemos
El Robledo -> Agrupación Robledana de Electores Independiente (A.R.E.I.)
Puerto Lápice -> Iniciativa Por Puerto Lápice (IXP)
Chiloeches-> Unidas Podemos
Robledillo de Mohernando-> Vox
Albendiego-> Izquierda Unida
Embid-> Vox
Uceda -> A.C.U.A
Zarzuela de Jadraque-> Izquierda Unida
Fuentelahiguera de Albatages -> Agrupación Independiente de Fuentelahiguera
Galápagos-> G.A
Valdenuño Fernández-> AID
Alovera -> Alternativa Alovera
Fontanar -> ETF
Valdegrudas -> AEV
Espinosa de Henares -> HeM
Viana de Jadraque -> IPV
Valderrebollo-> A.R.G.A
Peralejos de las Truchas -> Agrupación de Electores por el cambio
Albendea -> Ciudadanos
Almendros -> PIDA
Barchín del Hoyo-> +CU-EV*
Olmedilla de Eliz-> Vox
Carrascosa de Haro-> JXCH
Hontecillas-> Vox
Huerta del Marquesado-> +CU-EV*
Paracuellos-> TÚPATRIA
Montalbanejo-> Vox*
Villalba de la Sierra-> Villalba Viva
Villas de la Ventosa-> Vox
Ossa de Montiel-> Somos el Cambio
Viveros -> AIV
Casas de Lázaro-> AICL
Montealegre del Castillo -> AM
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veganbread1 · 1 year
brenda whos better milk or garce from flickr borox
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hard2begood1 · 2 years
how did u clean the vertebrae? i found teeth that i need to clean
i soaked them for a day in bleach diluted in water, then scrubbed them with a tooth brush. i still have some vertebrae and a hoof that were a little gnarlier that are currently drying in borox and cornstarch :•))) good luck !!
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ivanreycristo · 2 years
Hoy GOOGLE FOTOS me recuerda fotos de hace 8 años en SEVILLA como son en la OFICINA de Cobrador de "MORO_S.O.S." o el COBRADOR DEL FRAC sobre la peluquería PENNY LANE [con poster de YELLOW SUBMARINE de THE BEATLES]..y una bolsa de la SUMERGIDA " NEW ORLEANS" en el HOSPICIO de TRIANA al q iba a COMER Y DUCHARME así como x ROPA LIMPIA..dándome una Gorra de AQUALAND
Luego x otro lado me recuerdan de 22 oct 22 la foto a la CASA DE PUTAS de Avda LOGRo+cOÑO con una enorme Bandera de la PUTA ESPAÑA indicando la entrada a la VUELTA DE LA ESQUINA y q fotografié desde mi patinete PURE desde la calle SAN SEVERO y la cual esta muy cerca de la casa de mis amigos de la INFANCIA los LOBATO PALOMERO en num 69 de la calle BOROX donde veía mucho FUTBOL DE PAGO como fue en CANAL+ las 2 TRAGEDIAS CONSECUTIVAS del REAL MADRID en SANTA CRUZ DE TENER_i_FE x las q perdió 2 LIGAS [91_92/92_93] en ULTIMO PARTIDO afavor de FC BARCELONA q encadenó IV LIGAS CONSECUTIVAS con el DREAM TEAM..la última al FALLAR UN PENALTY en Último minuto el DEPORTIVO A CORUÑA vs VALENCIA [se lo paro el portero q no se jugaba nada a DJOKIC xq BEBETO no se atrevió a tirarlo..lo q impidió q ganarán su 1era LIGA ganando luego la temporada siguiente su 1er título q fue la COPA DEL REY'95 o la SUSPENDIDA X EL DILUVIO DE GRANIZO en EL BERNABEU el día de SAN JUAN BAUTISTA'95 haciendo estragos en MADRID..reaunudandose 3 días después con gol de la VICTORIA de "ALFREDO=mi primo muerto con 26 años al quedarse dormido tras dejar a su novia pues no había huellas de Frenado..en VALLADOLID=estadio ZORRILLA q visite en SEMANA SANTA'22..SANTAELENA=madre de emperador CONSTANTINO q encontró la CRUZ DE CRISTO bajo el TEMPLO DE VENUS en JERUSALEN con la q resucitó un MUERTO y x lo q su hijo fundó el VATIKANO cambiando la capital de ROMA a CONSTANTINOPLA=ESTAMBUL AGUADO"= unico en marcar en 2 finales de Copa de REY el gol decisivo como hizo también con ATLETI VS MALLORCA en el BERNABEU partido q impidió q se celebrará el concierto 25 aniver. de los 40 principales al ser al día siguiente y x lo q lo hicieron en el HIPODROMO DE LA ZARZUELA donde me cole GRATIS con mi vecino Javier serrano EL SUCIO [Q me cambió el cd NOTHING LIKE THE SUN de STING en cuya contraportada sale preocupado con una VIRGEN y del q saco el EP con 4 canciones en Español y una en Portugués " NADA COMO EL SOL" x el cd I'M YOUR MAN de Leonard COHEN o entre cd VARIOUS POSITIONS del q dijo q se refería más a posiciones políticas q sexuales INCLUYENDO HALLELOUJAH donde una mujer con su belleza destrona a un hombre y q versiono VIRGINIA MAESTRO el día q murió con la SUPERLUNA de fondo en un ATICO ..y el cd THE FUTURE cuya portada representa la LIBERTAD y q fue BSO de ASESINOS NATOS..q compró mi padre junto al CD TUNNEL OF LOVE de SPRINGSTEEN]..perdiendoseme misteriosamente el RELOJ x lo q lo estuve buscando con un mechero pero al estar lleno de papeles se hizo FUEGO q alimentamos xq era de MADRUGADA y hacía frío JUSTO ANTES DE EMPEZAR "HEROES DEL SILENCIO" y la gente nos IMITO
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beaconhopper · 1 year
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Welcome! My name is Bkenhopper and I am an amateur, self-taught artist. I like to doodle different things and make up random lore for it. I'll do my best to post here often and explain things here. For now, these are the names of a few ocs I made (left to right) Crutch, Borox, Yeva, Tayte, Vonce, and UwU-bot.
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