asteria-argo · 2 months
🌹 - hope you are having a good day
Thank you! I am for the most part. Here’s a snippet of the next chapter for tatbp, in which all that emotional repression Jamie’s been doing comes back to bite him in the ass as promised
It reminds him distantly of what locker rooms used to feel like. Richmond had been a bit like this, at least it had been beginning to be that night at the bonfire. He imagined it was a lot like this now, after so many years under Teds tutelage with his power of friendship philosophy. It certainly seemed like it was after watching them all on Saturday. It was nice. Jamie reckons he’d like it there, at Richmond, if he’d stayed.
The thought comes abruptly, and promptly ruins his good mood. Ever since the show, the lingering thought of what if was stuck in his mind like a fly in a trap, souring every fucking thing he did. He thought he was fucking happy, but now the thoughts wouldn’t leave him alone. Would he really be happy with his life if he knew he had another option? If he could’ve had everything? He’d never felt like that before. Jamie regretted a lot of things, but he’d never regretted leaving. Until now. Suddenly it was all he could fucking think about. Maybe he’d have played for England by now if he’d stayed. Maybe he’d have won for England if he’d stayed. He used to dream about that shit. It was an unwelcome reminder that he still dreamt about that shit.
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thestobingirlie · 2 months
Hey just wanted to share that i really love your 'even after death' fic. Its so creative and interesting. Thank you for writing and sharing hope you have a good day
thank you!! i’m really glad you’re enjoying it!! despite how long it’s taken me to write the latest chapter i really do love saint stephen, so i’m glad other people do as well lol!
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