#boromir x male!reader
Bad Moon Rising
Boromir x male!reader
Requested: Anonymous
heyyy so idk if you still take requests for LOTR but if you do i have one! its been rlly difficult to find male readers and as a trans guy i cant stand to read the fem readers so i decided to specifically request one instead. I was wondering if you could do headcanons or a short story about the fellowship having the male reader who is secretly a werewolf in their company. I think maybe he transforms during a fight or smth and it freaks people out a bit. Platonic relationships are good except for maybe theres some slight crushing with Boromir. Thanks so much!
Author’s Note: Sorry to keep you waiting. I really enjoyed writing this, so I hope you see this! I have been in my Boromir and Faramir era, so I am loving finally writing for them
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There were few skin-changers left. There were fewer still that continued to shift forms - lest others became aware of their ability. Decades upon decades of being hunted for the entertainment of orcs caused your people to live in fear.
You kept your identity as one of the wolf-changing folk under wraps, choosing to walk under the sun and posing as the race of man. Only a few non-skin-changer individuals had learned of your secret, yet none of them were within your present company.
A rather odd company, or fellowship as Elrond had termed it, it was. A wizard, an elf, a dwarf, four halflings, two men, and a skin-changer (or was it simply three men? After all, everyone believed you to be a man, but you weren't really. Were you? This would be added to the list of things to mull over while trying, and failing, to get a fitful nights sleep).
Despite your secret and the initial distance you tried to keep with the others at first, you found yourself easily brought into the fold. Trying to quietly hold in your laughter with Aragorn as Legolas and Gimli started bickering for what must have been the hundredth time. Helping Sam collect firewood and wild berries to make dinner. Eagerly listening to Gandalf's accounts of his previous adventures, and sharing quite a few of your own high spirited ones that he delighted in. Discovering your and Frodo's similar taste for literature, resulting in many discussions on the hobbit's favorite books - your way of lightening his mood while undertaking such a heavy burden.
Of course, your favorite moments were often with Merry and Pippin. Boromir undertook the task of training them for combat, something he roped you into. You feigned hesitance, but really you did not mind doing something to make the Captain of Gondor happy. It was only an added benefit that the hobbits seemed delighted for you to join them.
Admittedly, you had grown rather fond of Boromir. Something fleeting you would surely get over once the fellowship was over. The experienced and generational fear and trauma of being hunted made you hesitant to open up to anyone about being a skin-changer. Boromir, along with the other members of the fellowship, seemed kind, yet would they understand why you kept such a major part of yourself secret? You cherished the connections that were taking root, but as the weeks wore on confiding in them seemed to grow ever more impossible than if you told them from the beginning of the fellowship.
"humph," you let out a small grunt as you stumbled over Merry and Pippin. Once again, you were too busy warring with your thoughts to notice the group had been called to a halt. "Forgive me, my mind was elsewhere, I did not mean to run over you two," you apologized, hoping the hobbits wouldn't be upset thinking you had overlooked them.
"Oh, it's quite alright," Pippin answered and shot a look towards Merry.
"Yes, we'll get you back when you practice sparring with us," Merry teased.
"Ah, I see, you two aren't going to take it easy on a poor son of man like myself? Tsk tsk I shall be too ashamed to show my face in society ever again," you started to break into a laugh at the end of this sentence, which was only made worse when the pair adopted stiff postures and what they called 'elegant, knightly airs'. As your laughter drew to a close, a warmth brushed against your shoulder.
"I take it then we are ready to begin tonight's training, little ones?" Boromir smiled at the two, but not without taking a moment to shift his glance towards you.
"We were born ready!" Pippin asserted and darted off to lead the way to a clear area next to the night's campsite.
"Pip, wait for me," Merry called after him.
"I admire how cheerful they've managed to stay," You reflected aloud while Boromir chuckled at their antics.
"Agreed, perhaps they should be the ones teaching us instead," Boromir mused whilst the two of you walked over to join the hobbits.
You hummed in response, reaching the hobbits and drawing your swords. Merry entered one of the opening stances Boromir had shown him and engaged in a round of sparring with you.
"Very good, Merry, remember to keep your weight centered. You never want to let your opponent find you unbalanced," You instructed as the sparring continued. You had to admit, he (and Pippin) improved very quickly under your and Boromir's tutelage. They had learned to use their small size and speed to their advantage - something causing you to focus more on Merry's swift parries and thrusts. One misstep, and you found the hobbit sweeping your feet out from underneath you.
"It seems I should have heeded my own advice," you laughed. Merry offered his hand to help pull you up, more of a gesture than a reality, yet you still took it as you regained your feet. "Very well done," you ruffled his hair, a satisfied grin growing on his face.
"Are we ready to go again?" he asked eagerly. Glancing towards Boromir, who was still sparring with Pippin, you returned your gaze to Merry and nodded. The second round had only just begun when the voice of Legolas shouting something in elvish made everyone in the encampment pause.
"Orcs!" Aragorn shouted in the common tongue. Quickly, you and Boromir closed ranks to better protect Merry and Pippin. In a fraction of a second, the previously peaceful hillside was suddenly swarming with orcs. No matter how many you cut down, more continued to flood around you. It wasn't until you were faced with a particularly large and foul smelling orc that you realized you were cut off from Boromir and the two hobbits.
At first, you were fine holding your own against the orc - until others started to draw nearer. The orc was not so skillful with a sword, but was able to utilize his brute strength to disarm you. The force from his disarming blow sent a shock of pain through your arm and to your shoulder. A quick look at your surroundings, and you were surrounded. Several yards away, you could see the orcs were closing in on Boromir, Merry, and Pippin as well.
You could hear your heartbeat pounding in your head as the world seemed to slow down. Your eyes fluttered closed and a chill ran up your spine. You would do what you must.
Skin-changing wasn't painful, but it wasn't comfortable either. It felt like a rather intense itch as your bones reformed a fur sprouted from your skin. Time and events felt different as a wolf - as though they were slightly fuzzy and happening very fast. It was almost an out-of-body experience: you could hear yourself growling and snapping at the orcs that left a foul taste in your mouth. You could see yourself, pouncing on them and clearing a way to your companions. You could feel the intense itching return as the last of the orcs were slain, your bones shifting and the fur retreating.
You quickly grabbed your cloak from where it had fallen to the ground and wrapped it around yourself. Shooting a look around to ensure no one was watching you at that moment, you picked up your pack and slipped into a change of clothing before rejoining the group.
Upon your re-entrance, you could feel many pairs of eyes burning into you. You joined them in putting things back in order after the skirmish, but it seemed no one dared to speak. By the time you and the others were finished, the sun had set and dinner was ready but you had no appetite.
You took a seat a couple yards away from the rest of the group, facing away from them as they ate and engaged in sparse, whispered conversations.
"Care if I join you?" You looked up and gave a weary smile to the speaker, Boromir. He was holding two bowls of the stew Sam must have managed to pull together.
"Sure," you sighed. "You may be the only one here that cares to keep my company now." He lowered himself to the ground beside you and offered you one of the bowls, which you hesitantly accepted.
"I'd rather you not say such things. Everyone is merely... surprised is all," Boromir reassured.
"Thank you, but I'm sure seeing one of their companions go through a skin-change may have been too horrifying, even for those such as Gandalf." A silence pervaded after you made this statement. The lack of a response brought tears to your eyes - it must have been true then...
"I cannot speak for the others," Boromir finally broke the silence. "I found your transformation, or skin-change, to be-" he paused, searching for the right word. "-beautiful."
"I - what? Really?" Of all things you had been expecting, it wasn't this.
"Yes. I have only ever heard of you, your kind, in stories from legend. I never thought I should see a skin-changer in my lifetime, but I have now, and I have never seen a more stunning sight." This brought a flush of heat to your face
"If I knew, I would have shared this part of me with you, all of you, sooner. I hope you may understand, but I was afraid." Boromir shifted his own bowl of stew to one hand, freeing his arm to wrap it around you. Feeling his warmth and the soft strength he seemed to always carry brought a wave of comfort.
"Well, you shall have nothing to fear, so long as I stand by your side."
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intoxicated-chan · 9 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲❜𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞
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Inspired by “Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene” by Hozier (I had the idea while listening to this song and yeah, I know the meaning.)
A collection of One-Shots, blurbs, mini-series, etc of being Boromir’s adopted child.
You are a street rat in Gondor, after the rise of soldiers patrolling the streets, you become desperate for coin and meet the man you attempt to steal from. The man is Boromir of Gondor and instead of arresting you, he decides to take you in as if you were now his own.
Requests are always welcome! I will always write for a Gender neutral Reader unless specified. Check out my RULES before requesting. But I will not allow INCEST.
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Main Chapters ↓
Meeting the Man Named Boromir…
Side Chapters ↓
Sword Practice
Headcanons ↓
One-Shots ↓
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2023, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission. None of the photos used belong to me!
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edmetalqueer · 2 years
♛Hobbit & LOTR Masterlist♛
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thewulf · 7 months
Never a Burden || Legolas
Summary: Request: hiyaaa i have another legolas fic ideaaa! You write him soo well. How about reader who hasnt slept in a while and always offers to take watch. Legolas ofc notices after a bit and demands she doesnt take watch that night... Read Rest Here
A/N: Another one for my fav elf. Thanks always for the requests!!
Pairing: Legolas x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.1k +
TW: General LOTR triggers, anxiety, fear
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Throwing out your bedroll you knew it would be a useless effort trying to sleep as it was so dark out. The stars were hiding behind a thick layer of cloud that had other plans for the night. The further along in the journey to Mordor the more your anxiety grew. Ever since the group was attacked by orcs not long back you couldn’t seem to fall asleep at night. You were left to sleep during the small breaks the Hobbits needed or when you got to sit on the horse.
The attack was weeks ago now. The lack of sleep and the constant moving was really starting to get to you. You’d do anything to be back in Rivendell under the elves protection. One of those elf beds would feel immaculate in this moment.
“I’ll take the first watch.” You yawned, speaking to the group as they huddled around the fire trying to keep warm.
Legolas looked up to you with skepticism in his eyes. He was the most observant of the group. He’d noticed you slept less than he had ever since the ten of them left Rivendell. He didn’t know you well. You’d come accompanying Boromir, but he quickly grew a liking to you. You were quiet and reserved, speaking only when you thought it was needed and always helping. Even him being an elf didn’t negate the fact he found you quite striking for both a non-ellon and a human altogether. That and you were far more intriguing than any other creature he’d come across in all his years across middle earth. How had the thirty-year-old mortal done that to him? What were you doing to him?
Legolas was a far departure from his father, King Thranduil, who had a disdain towards the human race. Instead, Legolas found humans, you more so, absolutely fascinating. How much the race managed to cram in their short lives. It exhausted him at the thought of what mortals went through. But it was their normal.
“Aye Lassie. Why don’t you let Legolas take the first watch. You’ve been up quite a bit, yeah?” Gimli spoke up after Legolas had confided him in of his worries over you. Usually, you were chatty and upbeat, but that personality Legolas had looked forward too had vanished all too quickly.
“Oh, it’s all right. Really. I’m not terribly tired.” You lied. You were exhausted but sleep just wouldn’t come.
Legolas shook his head, “I insist, Y/N. You’ve taken watch nearly every night for the last few weeks. You need a break.”
You bit your cheek trying to bite back your usual sharp tongue. He was just trying to be kind. Little did he know he was doing the opposite of what you wanted. You craved a distraction from the darkening thoughts in your mind that drove your fear and anxieties through the roof.
You gave up after a few hours. The snores of all the males around you irritating you more than soothing you too sleep at this rate. You got up from your bedroll and walked down the path to find Legolas. You knew he’d be displeased at your arrival but truly, you could not sleep. After a few moments of wandering in the dark it was he who found you. He had the advantage of being an elf and all.
“Whatever are you doing awake mellon nin?” It was like he appeared out of thin air startling you more than you wanted to admit. You spun around look up into his ever so blue eyes that shone bright in the darkness. Somehow they were striking even in the dead of the night.
“I said I could not sleep. Gimli’s snores are bothering me. I needed to be away.” You sighed in frustration.
Legolas took your hand like he had so many times before. You tried to ignore the way your heart raced at his touch. Needing to get over it, it wasn’t uncommon to have to touch or pull or shield another person or creature in the fellowship from time to time. It didn’t mean anything; it was just how things were. Legolas could never like a human like you. You’d be gone in the blink of an eye. It was probably funny for elves, little mortal crushes that they likely forgot about after some time.
“Come sit.” He pulled you down with him at the base of a large tree. Once you’d settled down beside him he continued, “What bothers you?”
You weren’t really going to tell him. That was far too embarrassing. You were supposed to be a fearless Ranger of Gondor. You’d been hand selected to travel with Boromir at request of his father, Denethor II. How could you deny such an honorable request? A female hand selected? You had a job to do, and you were going to do it well. Even if it quite literally killed you.
Instead, you shrugged, “Cannot sleep is all.”
Legolas wasn’t going to accept that as your answer, “Why not mellon nin?”
You turned your head to look at his, “I don’t know. Sleep has always been hard for me.” It was a lie even Legolas could see right on through.
He was quiet for a moment before pressing on a bit further, “You view me as your friend, no?”
You’d known him for a few months now after departing from Rivendell and naturally you’d grown close to him the quickest. Boromir was always a comfort as he reminded you so much of home, Minas Tirith. But Legolas brought out a different sort of bliss that drew you too him. He was funny, witty, sarcastic, and so different than any other elf you’d met in your almost thirty years in middle earth.
“Of course, I do Legolas. Why do you ask?” Maybe if you played dumb he wouldn’t press.
But you were wrong, “You can talk to me about what is bothering you. I have noticed you have been… off.” He paused looking over to you to see your reaction. Your eyes widened slightly at his realization of you sudden change. You should’ve known he would notice. He was far more observant than the common male you usually found yourself around in the mortal world, “I am worried for you mellon. I have not seen you smile in weeks. When was the last time you slept through the night?” He asked hoping you would open up to him for once. Legolas had found you to be particularly hard to crack. Most Rangers were but you didn’t seem like you’d ever budge. You’d been trained to be a stone wall and you were excelling at it.
You looked down feeling suddenly guilty for making him worry about you of all things. There were so many things that his attention needed to be on, not you and your emotions, “I cannot sleep. Not at night at least.” You yawned feeling the exhaustion overwhelming you, but your mind would not shut off even as you begged it.
Legolas nodded, motioning for you to continue, “I know this.” He said without judgement.
You let out a small sigh knowing you’d just have to tell him. He was never going to stop, not now, “Ever since the orc’s attacked us. I can’t seem to sleep. My head will not let me Legolas. I try, trust me I try so hard. And I am so tired. So tired I am afraid I have become a liability. What good will I be in battle if I can hardly handle my sword anymore. I am weak and tired and…” You felt the tears overwhelming your vision as you let it all out. Once the words had started it was like a waterfall had come out of your mouth.
Legolas ran a comforting hand up and down your back as you let it out. You wanted to run away from his touch as you had so many times before. You were a Ranger. Rangers had solo lives. You couldn’t get attached; it wasn’t fair to anybody let alone you. But damn, as his fingers traced up and down your back you knew you needed it. This life was lonely, and you were terribly touch starved. It felt so good. You knew his touch kept you from spiraling further into your own mind. Thankfully, the tears subsided before a full-blown anxiety attack took over your emotions.
Once your sniffles subsided he spoke up trying to continue to provide you the needed comfort, “I will let no harm befall you mellon nin.” He gave your shoulder a squeeze hoping it would provide you some additional comfort you needed. Legolas was no expert in elf emotion let alone human woman ones. But you seemed to be responding to his gentle advances positively so he concluded he must have been doing something correctly.
You sniffled knowing you probably looked awful under the tears that had slipped out. It had been so long since you cried. Not when you learned your mother had passed. Not when you’d been stabbed many times over training and being a Ranger. No, now when Legolas had finally got you to open up to him after months of trying.
“You cannot promise that Legolas.” Your voice sounded horse after letting more out than you had intended.
His eyes narrowed in on your puffy cheeks, raw from the crying, “I can, and I do, Ranger of Gondor.”
But you shook your head in response, “I do not wish to ask that of you Legolas. You need to look out for yourself and the Hobbits.”
“And you.” He only cocked his head to get a better look at you. He wasn’t shying away from the conversation like you were. It had become too difficult to look him in the eye at this point. You were too mortified by the breakdown and the now defense that was stemming from it.
He was as stubborn as you were, “Legolas you…”
But he stopped you by placing a hand on your arm, “I do not wish to offend. But you can hardly hold up your sword any longer. Do not think that has gone unnoticed by me nor Aragorn. You cannot protect yourself let alone Boromir. Not until you let yourself rest.”
You looked away once again in shame. Thinking you’d done an excellent job at hiding these exact ailments. Words were suddenly hard as you failed to come up with a sentence. What was the best way to admit how scared you were to sleep. How embarrassing for a literal Ranger. If anybody were judging, thankfully for you, they chose not to say a thing.
“As I said, I do not wish to offend you.” He said once more, this time a little softer as he dropped his hand from your arm leaving you aching for that touch that seemed to come so rarely these days.
“Hardly.” You swallowed your breath and took the moment to finally look at Legolas once again. He was studying your exhausted form before his icy blue eyes landed on yours. While you knew you couldn’t see him as well as he could see you, your eyes finally adjusted to the darkness. He was a vision even coated by the darkness of the night. You’d never been particularly fond of elves. You had always found them to be far too prim and proper for your rough lifestyle. But Legolas defied all your expectations by being exactly what you hadn’t expected him to be.
He let out a sigh knowing you weren’t going to say anything further, “Will you try to sleep?”
But you shook your head, “No. It just frustrates me. Laying there, listening to the rest of them snore away.”
The elf next to you contemplated something for a few moments before finally saying something, “Go grab your bedroll.”
“What?” That was the last thing you expected him to say.
“You will sleep here.” He spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
There weren’t many excuses you could make as you just shook your head in disagreement, “I cannot do that…”
“Why not? I will help you sleep.” He stood from his spot offering a hand out for you to take. With slight hesitation you let him pull you up from your seated position on the base of the tree with a small pull.
“I do not wish to burden you with such small problems. We have much larger problems at hand is all.” You spoke out your final fear. Why should he care? All of middle earth was relying on your group to make it to Mordor to get rid of the ring. What was a little lack of sleep when orcs and evil could be ruling the world if they were unsuccessful.
His head snapped to yours with nothing but concern. An emotion he’d been wearing as he looked over you as of late, “You are not a burden. You are never a burden. It is a burden to see you not sleep. It is a burden to see you so weak when you are so strong. It is a burden that you have not come to me sooner mellon nin. Go get your bedroll and bring it here. I will help you sleep.”
Snapping your mouth shut you simply nodded to him, “I will be back momentarily.” Walking with haste you walked like a dog that had been kicked by its owner. Legolas had never been so outright with you before. You are never a burden… what had he meant of that?
When you had gotten back to him, very momentarily, he had already cleared out a space for you to sleep. Without saying much more you got into your bedroll knowing that sleep would be hard to come by, even away from the snoring of the males. Even getting all your fears out into the world you still knew sleep would never befall you.
“Close your eyes.” Legolas sat next to you being sure to keep his senses heightened as he helped you.
But before you did you needed to know one thing, “Legolas?”
You turned your head towards him, “What did you mean I will never be a burden?”
He smiled a touch at your unusual vulnerability peeking through, “Exactly that mellon nin.” He began to brush through your knotted hair gently. His mother did this so many times when he was young to provide a sense of comfort. With the utmost gentleness he brushed out the knots from the long days of travel and lack of being able to wash, “I care for you very deeply, you know that. You are never a burden. You are my…” He paused wanting to say more but knowing it was not the right time. He was trying to get you to sleep not confess is true feelings, “friend. And I care for you. We care for you. We need you to care for yourself now.”
You hummed knowing he was right, “Okay. But… I am scared. Sleeping brings the terrors I cannot hide behind any longer.”
He shook his head continuing to stroke your hair, “I will fight them away. Fear not. Close your eyes. Trust me.”
You nodded closing your eyes beneath his gentle touch. Even as stubborn as you were his soft touch through your hair was already lulling you into a state you hadn’t seen in nearly three weeks. His tender touch was almost enough to lull you into a hopefully dreamless sleep. When he started softly humming a tune you’d so rarely heard you knew sleep would overcome you shortly.
“Thank you Legolas.” You mumbled unsure if the words were even coherent in your sleepy state.
“I will be here you when you wake, mellon nin.” He continued humming and brushing through your hair even after your breathes evened out letting the ellon know you were finally asleep. He continued to have his touch on you throughout the night knowing it was what your needed to feel safe.
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When your eyes were hit with the sun the next morning Legolas had kept true to his word. He was sitting beside you with his eyes on your waking form. You’d have been more embarrassed by his eyes on had he not spoken up before you could.
“How did you sleep?”
Scooting to sit up next to him you gave him a quick nod, “Very well. I do not believe I woke up once. I feel… good.” Giving him a smile that he had so rarely seen form you as of late he grinned in return to yours.
“Good. We will do this again tonight.” He stood offering his hand to yours.
You took his hand once again relishing in the closeness the two of you were having so ardently over the last few hours, “You must sleep too.”
“Do not worry about me. I have had plenty. With you taking every watch as of late I have been able to rest.” He smirked knowing you wouldn’t have a good enough comeback for that one.
“If you insist…” You wanted to give him an out. He didn’t need to care for you. To watch over you. He had other, much more important, things to worry about.
“I do.”
Deciding it best to pack up you just looked to him after, “All right then. We will do this again tonight.”
He nodded with a small smile playing on his lips, “I have forgotten how agreeable you are once you have slept my lady.”
Your mouth dropped open at that backhanded compliment that came so naturally to your elven friends, “I am not that bad.”
He shook his head mindlessly placing his hand on your back guiding you back to camp as you were distracted by him, “Just less stubborn is all.” His grin only widened seeing you crinkle your nose up trying to come up with a comeback but coming up short.
“You test my patience elf.” You spoke with a hint of sarcasm coming from within. As much as he tested you, you needed him far more than you could imagine. He’d become somebody to lean and rely on. Somebody who could be there for you when it was so often the other way around. He promised you’d never be a burden to him.
He laughed that beautiful sound that made your heart race, “And you mine. But, I would have it no other way.” You shut your mouth as the two of you made your way to camp where the eight of them were sitting, waiting on the two of you. He must’ve let you sleep longer than normal because they were all awake and ready to go. But seemingly unfazed by your appearance with the elf. He must’ve done or said something. Making true to his word. You would never be a burden.
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Training- Legolas x Hobbit!Reader
Summary: Legolas comes to help reader with sword training and some heated confessions are made.
Word count: 1, 662
A/N: I requested this story to @intoxicated-chan a while ago because I wasn’t sure if I’d ever write it but now I have, so if you like my version then definitely read theirs here
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The forest clearing was still as you snuck away from the group to practise. While Boromir was training Merry and Pippin, he had joked that you don’t need training, as you were vicious enough with your knife.
You wanted to be brave and tough, to do your part in the fellowship, but living in the Shire you had not had much experience with fighting. A little dagger you had once bought and sometimes kept on you being the only weapon at your disposal felt a little pathetic.
Aragorn had seen your disdain at the comment and had handed you one of his smaller swords and told you of this clearing.
“Take this, there’s a little clearing just past those woods. Remember your stance and fluid movement. Be back before the sun is low and come back if there’s trouble.” He had quietly encouraged you with a fatherly smile and a nod of his head.
Now you stood in the field, trying to remember what you had briefly seen Boromir teach your friends, as you heard someone approach from behind. Swinging your borrowed sword viciously, but gracelessly, you saw it was only Legolas.
“I’m so sorry for disturbing your training, shield maiden of the Shire. I only worry that one so lovely and vicious might just be taken from me.” Legolas jokingly smirked down at you.
Since the beginning of this journey, Legolas had often liked to joke and compliment you. If he had been a fellow hobbit you might believe he was flirting, but he was an elf prince and you couldn’t believe such things, even if you did want them to be true.
Though he was not handsome in the way male hobbits are, he had a different kind of beauty. Where male hobbits beauty comes from their actions and the way they can make you laugh, Legolas’ simple came from who he was. Legolas is beautiful like how a flower is, it needn’t do anything but sway and bloom and the beauty is there.
You couldn’t stare at him for long, and you tried not to show how his words affected you. Being a hobbit on this journey you already had to prove yourself enough, but being a woman made it even more difficult. Your brother, Samwise, could get by because he was kind and had a confidence in his own right, but you felt you had to try hard to be taken seriously.
“I’m only trying to earn my place among you all, there is no need to make fun.” You stood up for yourself, trying to sound more brave and strong, and less like a whining child.
It seems your attempts at strength worked as Legolas was taken aback.
“Forgive me, I did not mean to offend you. I had only come to see if I could aid you with your training. I do not jest when I say that you have a warrior spirit, it could just do with some refining is all.” Legolas gently explained with a sweet and kind smile.
“What would an elf know of swordsmanship? I thought your kind were archers.” You asked him, still on the defence.
Legolas smirked down at you as he began to step closer, now barely an arms length from you.
“My people have many skills, little warrior,” he began to explain as he was now crouching before you, “don’t forget I am not as young as I seem and as a prince I have had more training then just archery.” He teases back as he flicks your nose cutely.
“Well what kind of refining do I need, Mr. Fancy Elvish Prince.” You tease back, taking a bit of his braid from behind his ear and flicking it, as he had flicked your nose.
His lovely face shone as he sweetly laughed at your returned gesture.
“Well how about we start with stance, little warrior.” He smiled warmly at you as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, his fingers lingers ever so slightly on your cheek.
Feeling his finger lightly brush your cheek had your eyes fluttering, but luckily you were quick to recover as you turned to show your stance.
Remembering what you had heard from Boromirs training, and seen in the fights you had encountered thus far, you held your stance as best you could.
“Not bad, but just remember,” suddenly you felt Legolas’ delicate but strong fingers on your waist, “your hips need to be facing towards your enemy.” You hotly whisper in your ear, making you shudder with need.
Though he had adjusted your stance, his hands did not leave your body, in fact he adjusted his position to hold you closer. He was now knelt on one knee as his other leg was bent beside you, and his front was pushed more into your back as his hands slid down to your hip.
Your sword was becoming heavy, but even as you dropped it, he didn’t seem to mind, in fact it just made his touches more eager and bold.
Now holding your hips, he pushed you back into himself and you could feel how excited this was making him, as his hardness pushed against your back.
“You are so beautiful, y/n, I just can’t help but need to touch you. Please tell me if this makes you uncomfortable.” He gently whispered in your ear.
Even as you could feel his need pulsing through him, he was still so gentle and sweet.
Turning your body in his grip slightly to face him, your small hands run against his cheek and into his soft hair.
“Don’t stop, Legolas.” You softly spoke as you hold onto his hair, pushing him closer to you.
At hearing your approval, he can’t help but let out a growl as he pushes you into the soft grass below with a passionate kiss. Your grip on his hair tightens as he lowers your body and his hovers above your.
With one hand beside your head to keep his body from pressing too hard against yours, his other gently runs up and down your form. His sweet touch beginning at your neck, down your breast, your waist, your hip, your legs and back again.
His touch on your body was delicate and sweet but his kiss was another but. His kisses were dominant and desperate as his mouth devoured yours. As he deepened the kiss and his tongue slipped into your mouth, you tugged on his hair even tighter, a muffled moan being heard from both of you.
His lips broke from yours and his grip tightened against your thigh as his head pulled back with a moan. Looking down on you, his gaze was animalistic and you could see how the kiss was affecting him from the tent in his trousers.
Growling once again, he bent down as he pressed open mouthed kisses across your neck and chest, making sweet moans and whimpers pass through your parted lips.
“You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted you, little one. I try to be good and respectful of one so sweet but you make my body become obsessed.” He confesses as he kisses along your chest.
Raising his head, there is a serious look in his eye as he gazes at you.
“I can not stand to have another near you. When Boromir carried you the other day, I felt a jealousy I had never felt before. I want you to be mine and me be yours.” He continued his confession, his touch now much more gentle as he sweetly caressed your face.
Hearing this makes you realise that all his comments and jokes truly were flirting, and that you weren’t just imagining it. While you want to live in and embrace this moment, you can’t help but feel a self consciousness creep through your mind.
Your hand once in his hair now comes down to play with the ties of your shirt as you begin to worry.
“Legolas, you’re an elvish prince and I’m just a hobbit from the Shire. I would love nothing more than to be with you, but it’s not right.” You explain as you begin to feel tears fill your eyes.
Your tears do not have a chance to drop however, as Legolas wipes them away and lifts your head. Looking up into his eyes, you see nothing but love and compassion.
“I am not bound by anything that means I can not care for you. I am my own being and if my heart has chosen you and if you will have me, then it is you I want,” gently he lifts you to sit in his lap as he continues to explain, “you have captured my heart in a way I can not explain and I want you in every way there is to want another. Please do not push me away because of our differences.” He sweetly reassures you, his lips coming to gently press against yours.
When he pulls back from the gentle kiss, his head is still pressed against yours.
“If you promise to kiss and touch me like that again, I am yours.” You cheekily assure him.
A light chuckle leaves his lips as his smile grows.
“Oh believe me, little warrior, I intend to do much more than just kiss and touch you like that.” He assures as he stares hungrily at you.
“And though I wish to take you right on this forest floor without a care in the world, I think we unfortunately need to head back.”
Looking away from his gorgeous eyes, you realise how low the sun was truly getting. Before you could think to stand, Legolas is lifting you in his arms, causing a small gasp to leave your lips.
“I’ll put you back down as we get closer to camp, but I just need to hold you a bit longer.” Legolas tells you, with a sweet kiss to your temple.
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mlmxreader · 6 months
A Losing Battle | Faramir x m!reader
↳ ❝ Hello! Can I request male reader with really bad separation anxiety x faramir with prompt "Just close your eyes and go to sleep, I'll still be here" ? ❞
: ̗̀➛ You and Faramir will be married one day, but that doesn't stop you from constantly worrying about him.
: ̗̀➛ brief mentions of injury/fighting
Faramir frowned when he noticed that your horse was tethered beside his, as he had explicitly told you to stay with his men when he had left; that horse would not allow any other rider in its saddle, and it vexed him to think of what possible reason you could have for showing up at the camp.
Of course, he understood that you tended to worry and panic a lot when he was gone for more than two minutes; he knew that you liked to be within his vicinity as often as you could be, and that you would sometimes find it overwhelming to be without him.
But he didn’t want you to get hurt, either; he needed you to stay back so that he could deal with the task at hand and make it back to you without needing to try desperately to keep you safe at the same time.
He tried not to think anything of it as he approached where he had been sleeping, but when he saw a rather large lump beneath his blanket, he knew that there could only be one person in the entirety of Middle Earth who would do such a thing.
Faramir didn’t mind, though, not really; when he got down on one knee beside you and gently shook you awake, he realised that he didn’t particularly feel angry for you at disobeying him, and nor did he feel particularly disappointed to find you beneath his blankets.
If anything he was relieved to know that you were still alive and that you had made it there in one piece; it made him smile when you snuggled into his blanket, taking in his scent for a moment.
Faramir knew you well enough to know that you weren’t so easily woken, and it was likely that you had fallen asleep after trying to stay up waiting for him to get back.
Perhaps any other day, he would have felt guilty for making you stir, but tonight, he just wanted to lie down beside you and know that you were there in his arms. Safe and protected, as always. 
It did take him quite a while to wake you, but when you looked up at him with your face half covered by the blanket and your eyes still blurry from sleep, he couldn’t help but to smile and to take it in for a moment.
“I do apologise for disturbing you, but erm, you do happen to be in my bed.”
“‘M always in your bed,” you muttered softly, struggling to sit upright but getting there eventually. “I’m really sorry, Faramir, I know you said to stay put and to wait until you got back, but I started thinking about, y’know, everything and I started worrying if you would be alright, and-”
“I understand,” Faramir whispered kindly. “I know that you tend to think too much for your own good. I will not shame you for that, ever.”
You nodded, wrapping your arms around your knees as you rested your chin on them and hummed. “Thank you…”
“Of course,” he whispered. “If you’re to be my husband one day… well, you know the rest of it. And Boromir was always the better speaker between us, anyway.”
You laughed softly, nodding as you beckoned him to sit beside you, which he did so gladfully, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “One day I will be your husband, and you will have to put up with me at your side constantly - regardless if you order me to or not.”
Faramir grinned as he licked his lips, nodding slowly. “Is that not exactly what happened tonight?”
“Well, either way,” you shrugged. “How do you feel, anyway? I heard from some of your boys that it was pretty brutal out there.”
He nodded, clearing his throat. “We all managed to do fairly well - a few of the men were injured but thankfully nothing major.”
Immediately, you switched to sitting between his legs, your hands wandering his body to check for any piercing in his armour. “And wha-”
“I am fine,” Faramir said calmly, taking your wrists in his hands and holding them close to his chest as he shook his head. “I did not suffer so much as a blow from a shield.” 
You nodded slowly, splaying your fingers out across the taught leather breastplate as you swallowed thickly and licked your lips. “Not even a bruise?”
He shook his head, putting his hands over yours. “Not even a bruise.”
“Alright,” you whispered, pressing your forehead against his shoulder. “Just as long as you promise you aren’t hurt.”
“I’m not,” he told you softly. “I promise you, I am not hurt… although, I am a little hurt that you would try and steal my blanket from me on such a cold night.”
You smiled, shrugging as you tilted your head to the side for a moment. “Well, maybe, if you’re so cold, we could share?”
“I think that would be a good plan,” he admitted, waiting for you to get comfortable before he took his breastplate off and laid down beside you. “You know, you can just close your eyes and go to sleep, I’ll still be here when you wake up.”
You nodded as you snuggled into him, trying to squirm as close as you possibly could. “You promise?”
Slowly, Faramir threw his leg over you to keep you against him, and he was quick to let his arms welcome you tightly the second he could. “I always promise. Believe me, you will soon enough get sick of me.”
You laughed softly, tiredly as you pulled up the blanket so that it sat around you both, although you could feel the cold breeze against the backs of your legs. “I doubt that could ever happen, really.”
Faramir wanted to laugh, although the way you were pressed against him and the feeling of your soft breath against him was all too difficult to ignore, and he soon found himself fighting against the urge to sleep; he waited, though, only daring to admit defeat when he felt you go limp in his arms as your breathing became all too steady.
With a smile on his face, Faramir allowed himself to lose that battle. 
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 7 months
Teasing (Thorin X Fem!Reader)
Bedtime Stories (Bilbo X Fem!Reader)
Kiss Already (Legolas X Fem!Reader)
First Meeting (Legolas X Fem!Reader)
The Swan Princess (Legolas X Fem!Reader)
I'll Take It! (Frodo X Fem!Reader)
Stone Skipping (Child!Aragorn X Sister!Reader)
Following As Backup (Boromir X Sister!Reader)
Elrond's Ranger (Elrond X Fem!Human!Reader)
Hidden Feelings (Elrond X Human!Reader)
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manlywitch · 2 years
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Requests are- opened☆
◇Rules and boundaries◇
- I will not write female readers.
- Don't expect me to write your request within a snap of a finger. It might take some time.
- I won't write any weird kinks like barf or scat.
- I won't write anything romantic about a literal child (16 is the minimum)
No romantic fem character x male reader
- No Irl serial killers.
Fandoms and characters I write for.
- Almost all class 1-A males. ☆
- Almost all class 1-B males. ☆
- Platonic stories with the girls. ☆
- Almost all pro-heroes. ☆
- Almost all villains. ☆
- Human versions of the animatronics. ☆
- Animatronics X animatronic reader. ☆
- Micheal Afton. ☆
- William Afton. ☆
- Most nightguards. ☆
Sally Face
- Sal Fisher. ☆
- Larry Johnson. ☆
- Travis Phelps. ☆
Hazbin Hotel.
- Angel Dust. ☆
- Alastor. ☆
- Sir. Pentious. ☆
Helluva boss.
- Blitzø ☆
- Moxxie. ☆
- Stolas ☆
Lord of the rings/Hobbit.
-Legolas ☆
-Frodo Baggins ☆ -Gimli☆ -Aragorn☆ -Boromir☆ -Samwise Gamgee☆
-Thranduil☆ -Bilbo baggins
-The 15 dwarves☆
- ☆
- Yandere's. ☆
- Demonic male's. ☆
- Childhood friends. ☆
- <Other's may be added> ☆
< about me >
Name: Evan.
Nationality: Denmark (Dansk)
Pronouns: He/him.
Job: Cleaner + student.
Age: 21.
Special interest: Frida Kahlo
Extra info: I'm Danish but live in America for college ^^.
I'm also Autistic so I might come off as 'rude' to some people :p
I'm Jewish so um...Yeah do whatever you want with it I guess 👍
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sotwk · 2 years
Final Call: Valentine Mini Event by SotWK
Announcing last call for requests! 💌 Open for asks until 2/28/23, 11:59 PM PST. 👍
Welcome to my first-ever mini writing event! (Is that the right thing to call it?) This is a Followers Appreciation Event, and therefore open to Followers only. Anon asks for this will be deleted; non-followers will receive a "please follow me" message. <3
Just like Valentine's, short and sweet, here's how it works:
Select your favorite line from the prompt list below.
Send the line to me in an Ask, along with the male LOTR/Hobbit canon character of your desire.
I will respond to your Ask with a Character x Reader romance drabble featuring that exact line (verbatim)!
One request per ask/message, but send as many asks as you wish!
Deadline to submit asks: February 28th.
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A few reminders:
Characters I write best for: Thranduil, Legolas, Elrond, Lindir, Haldir, Thorin, Fili, Boromir, Eomer.
No Silmarillion or RoP characters, please.
Reader will default to female, but if the story doesn't require much gender detail, I can try to keep it gender neutral.
Please be patient and understand that there is no guaranteed delivery time for these fics. I will do my best, but they will be written and completed as time and inspiration allow.
Thank you for your interest!
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Here is the first work I have completed and posted in response to this event: "The Task of Living" (Thorin x Reader). As you can tell, I have trouble keeping things brief.
(Bonus gratuitous GIF! 😉)
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cauliflowertree · 2 years
┊͙ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ WHO I WRITE FOR—
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FANDOMS & CHARACTERS— [subject to change]
gilmore girls -> jess, tristan, dave, rory.
harry potter -> harry, hermione, luna, draco, fred, george, blaise, ginny, cedric, tom, theo, mattheo, sirius, james, remus, regulus, lily, narcissa, bellatrix.
lord of the rings / the hobbit -> aragorn, legolas, eomer, eowyn, faramir, boromir, haldir & bard, thranduil, kili, thorin.
the maze runner -> newt, gally, thomas.
stranger things -> steve, dmitri, joyce, hopper, chrissy, nancy, robin.
star wars -> anakin.
the mentalist -> patrick.
grishaverse -> the darkling.
pretty little liars -> aria, jason.
timeless -> flynn.
the vampire diaries -> damon, stefan, elijah, katherine, klaus, kol, rebekah.
twilight -> bella, edward, carlisle, charlie, jasper, alice.
bridgerton -> anthony, benedict, eloise, daphne.
criminal minds -> aaron, spencer, jennifer, emily, derek.
anne with an e -> gilbert, anne.
dead poets society -> neil, todd, charlie, knox.
little women -> amy, jo, laurie, beth [platonic!].
teen wolf -> stiles.
pirates of the caribbean -> jack, will, james, elizabeth.
the hunger games -> finnick, peeta, haymitch, katniss, johanna.
pride and prejudice -> mr darcy.
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don’t request any smut. nsfw themes are okay but i don’t write full blown smut.
i will write platonic fics & romantic fics but please specify which you want when you request.
i will write: oneshots, blurbs / drabbles, headcanons & dialogues, fem!readers and gn!readers. if you don’t specify in your ask which you prefer, my default is usually gender neutral.
i don’t write male readers, sh, professor x minor!student, poly relationships, parent fics or pregnancy fics.
i only write marriage fics for bridgerton & pride and prejudice!
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request status; CLOSED
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Tolkien Request Character Sheet
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Hello again! This is my Tolkien character sheet, where you will be able to request all things Tolkien, whether it's hobbit, LOTR or something else, keep an eye out for requests opening as it's mostly first come first serve!
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Requests for Tolkien are CLOSED
Please check out my RULES before requesting and please message the request rather than commenting.
Who I write for: (if your preferred character isn't on here, ask if I write for them, chances are I can!)
The Hobbit
Bofur?? (Maybe - I’m still debating)
Bagginshield (Though I know there are already amazing fics out there way beyond my level, so pls check those out before asking here)
The Lord of the Rings
(Personally, I don't swing towards women, but if u really want me to write for any Tolkien girls, I can consider it!)
How I write:
x reader (fem/gn since I am not male, but again I can always consider <3)
x oc (not always though)
LOVE U GUYS <333333
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Duty & Inclination
Faramir x male!reader
Requested: Anonymous
Summary: “Hello! May I request a fluff with faramir x male!reader? Maybe where the reader is also from a royal background?”
Pre-Lord of The Rings events
Authors Note: Dear Anon, I am so sorry to keep you waiting for so long for this fic. It has been like, two years since you submitted this... but I hope you are still around to enjoy it!!! I do feel like my writing while I’ve been on hiatus has gotten much better, so please enjoy :)
Also the title is from a book about Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens lmao
This may get a part two, I would love to continue this honestly and I want it to be a slow burn.
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You gave yourself a (third) final glance-over in the mirror. It had been nearly two years since your father had suddenly passed, leaving you to shoulder his responsibilities sooner than anyone had ever anticipated. Tonight's feast in Minas Tirith was to be a grand showing of the continued allegiance to the Steward of the White City by the smaller lords that dotted the nation's countryside. As one such lord, you were to promise to provide fighting men or supplies should the Steward call upon them - an increasing demand as the shadows of Mordor encroached upon the land
Despite attending a handful of these feasts when you were younger, you couldn't help the growing pit of nerves in your stomach. This would be your first major diplomatic event since inheriting your father's title. You had attended to smaller matters and made appearances in your own holdings yes, but that was a familiar audience in a familiar setting. Now, you would be subjected to the scrutinizing eye of the Steward, Denethor, and his court.
With all of this weighing on your mind, you smoothed the front of your tunic. It was finely embroidered - your family's crest placed across your chest. Perhaps a little odd, but the familiar shield and symbols gave you comfort. May my forefathers give me the strength to get through this night, you thought.
The mingling and light drinking that often preceded these feasts had yet to conclude. Already, you felt socially drained from the number of "battles", as you had taken to calling them, you fought. Older lords that engaged you in conversation for the sole purpose of testing the mettle of the newest addition to their ranks. A countless number of Mother's hunting you down to introduce their "most eligible and accomplished" daughters. The air inside the room felt warm and suffocating, with not a moments respite before being ambushed into yet another formal conversation.
The announcement of the entrance of the Steward and his two sons, Boromir and Faramir, provided an ample enough distraction for you to slip unnoticed to an open balcony. Leaning over the intricately carved white ledge, you breathed in the freedom of the open air. The balcony overlooked the gardens, allowing the delicate vanilla-and-jasmine scent of honeysuckle to dance in the warm summer air. Nursing your goblet of wine, you released a sigh you didn't know you were holding. If you closed your eyes, you could almost envision you were home - walking in the gardens, taking a seat beside the fountain where the roses and honeysuckle flourished, opening a copy of your favorite book-
The noise of footsteps behind you jolted you out of your daydream. A man's gentle voice fell upon your ears:
"Forgive me, I was unaware someone else had found the same hiding spot." You turned and were met by his soft grey eyes and the cascade of brown hair that fell nearly to his shoulders. Becoming aware that you were staring, practically gawking, at this stranger, you tried to offer a reply as the heat rose to your cheeks.
"Oh, it is quite alright. I'm sure there's enough room for the both of us to take refuge from the siege going on in there." At that, the corner of his mouth quirked up and he released a quiet chuckle. You flashed him a smirk of your own, shifting over and gesturing with a wave of your arm for him to join you. You both took in the picturesque view, enjoying the rare moment of silence, before you turned you head to talk to him.
"I suppose I'm correct in guessing you're more of a veteran at court if this is your go-to getaway?" He shifted to face toward you, a twinkle, perhaps of amusement, in his eyes.
"Yes, I suppose I am a veteran. On the other hand, I don't believe I have ever seen you here?"
"Definitely not. At least, if you have, it has been a long while." You sipped some of your wine before continuing, "I have only recently become responsible for my lands and my people. I spent much of my life in the country except for the occasional visit to Minas Tirith as a child."
"I am sorry for your loss," he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "I know it is no easy task when others place such great expectations on you," he gave an extra squeeze to your shoulder before removing his hand, a faraway look coming over his eyes.
"Come now, let's not dwell on such things," You gently nudged him with your elbow. Taking a deep breath, you relaxed into the familiar floral scent of your daydream. "You know, before you joined me, I was reminiscing about the gardens at home. When I was a child, my friend and I would run absolutely wild in them. We would pick all of the honeysuckle flowers to get our fill of their sweet syrup. My mother nearly killed us after we picked all of the flowers within our reach." The light-hearted air returned to the man's demeanor at the account of your childhood antics.
"You see that fountain over there," he leaned closer to you to point out the structure within the garden. The scent of leather and books filled your senses. "As boys, my brother and I would wrestle and have water fights in it to battle the heat. It was perfectly fine until one day, my tutor came in search of me - I was late for one of my lessons you see - and my brother and I, we pulled him into the fountain with us." Your muffled laughter was barely contained by the hand you had placed over your mouth. "I still can't believe he ever forgave us for that," he finished.
"I wouldn't have blamed him if he didn't", you teased. "I did not take you for such a trouble maker," you continued laughing, your voice now intermingling with his own laughter. After the two of you had settled down, a suspicion finally struck your mind.
"Forgive me, I have been terribly rude and never asked for your name," you questioned.
"There is nothing to forgive, I assure you. I am Faramir, Captain of Gondor and second son to the Steward, Denethor." He gave a small bow with his head. The confirmation of who your fellow-refugee-companion was flushed your face with heat. Quickly, you bowed and gave him your name.
"I apologize for not recognizing you myself, my Lord. I am afraid I have acted too familiarly with one such as yourself." You kept your gaze away from him out of embarrassment. Great job, you thought sarcastically to yourself. You're supposed to swear allegiance to the Steward, yet you cannot even recognize one of his own sons. You must look like an absolute fool. You felt Faramir's hand gently take your chin, raising your eyes towards him.
"Again, there is nothing to forgive. I find your honesty and humor most refreshing. I do believe your companionship may make this night more bearable." Realizing how strongly and straightforward his words came out, a blush crept across his cheeks. Looking into his eyes, you could see that there was something there - an emotion, yet one you could not place. The light and musical ringing of a bell announced that the Steward and his guests would now be going through to the dining room for the feast. The noise of the guests moving and continuing their chatter broke the both of you away from the moment you had shared. Faramir removed his hand from where it had still been holding your chin. You tore your eye's away from his gaze, looking instead to the emptying room. You cleared your throat.
"It seems our refuge from the siege is over," your humorous tone returned once more. Leading the way, Faramir took a few steps towards the entrance back into the room, before turning and offering you a small smile.
"Ah, but at least we may weather the fury of the storm together now. Much better than trying to fight the battle alone, I believe." You chuckled at this comment.
Yes, back into the thick of it, but now you had someone to stand by your side, providing each other back up if the other should need it.
Tag List: @themerriweathermage @entishramblings @miriel-estelwen
(if you guys no longer wish to be on my tag-list please let me know!)
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
Faramir of Hurin Imagines
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ne2OJ4r
by Bonniebird
The lord of the rings: Faramir of Hurin ; This book is for LOTR's Boromir . All of my Imagines, prompts, oneshots and moodboard for Faramir requested via my Tumblr account; @bonniebird Fics in this book are Faramir x Reader, Faramir x Fem!Reader or Faramir x Male!Reader
Words: 308, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Faramir (Son of Denethor II), Boromir (Son of Denethor II), Aragorn | Estel, Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, Gandalf | Mithrandir, The Fellowship of the Ring, Gimli (Son of Glóin), Legolas Greenleaf
Relationships: Faramir (Son of Denethor II)/Reader, Faramir (Son of Denethor II) & Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ne2OJ4r
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starsofjewels · 26 days
Request Conditions (The Info)
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Do you have dreams of questionable fanfiction? Do you not want the shame of having said questionable fanfiction attached to your person? Well, that's what my request button is for!
In honour of my requests being officially opened, I present this list to you. Please read carefully so I don't have to reject you!
Who do I write for?
I will usually only write in the x reader (second person) format. It's just what I find fun to write.
Though I am willing to TRY with a male and/or POC reader, I am neither of these things, so they may not come across as well as they might if a male or POC author wrote them.
I will write any relationship (straight or LGBTQ), but I am most comfortable with a male character x reader.
What do I write? (Fandoms and Characters)
Because my autism brain likes giving me hyperfixations, here is a list of fandoms I am willing to write for: (shocker, it's not very long)
Game Of Thrones/ House of the Dragon
Harry Potter/ Fantastic Beasts
Lord of the Rings/ the Hobbit
Star Wars
Disney Villains
Horror Villains
I prefer writing for villainous / questionable characters, because it's funny. If you aren't sure, if you're thinking 'hm, I don't think she'd want to write for this character, they're weird and gross'- Then I'll probably write for them. This is my whole schitck.
EG- I probably won't write for Boromir or Faramir, but I'd 100% do a Denethor fic. (#Denethorisasmash).
When do I write?
As much as I love and appreciate everyone's ideas, being both in college AND having a job on the side means this is my side project (I also run a TikTok edit account, but we don't talk about that). So, requests are done on a what I feel like writing basis- Please don't feel bad if you don't see your request, I promise it's not at all personal!!
What do I write? (Content)
As we've seen with some of my current fics, I'm not afraid to go into some dark and disturbing stuff- A taboo is only a taboo if you make it one. That being said, there are some things I'm not comfortable with, and some things that aren't okay. Here is what I will NEVER write for:
Paedophilia in any form. This includes writing an aged-up version of a child character (excluding near-mature teenagers written as adults).
Note: I don't consider ageplay/ a mommy/ daddy kink in this bracket- Which I know some authors do.
Shit. No further comments.
Insects/ bugs (yes this includes arachnids)
'Proper' gore (I just can't give it the respect and proper treatment it deserves.
SH or suicide
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streets-in-paradise · 6 months
Hi Lu!! How about E and J for the fanfic writer asks?
Hi, Chel!!! Thanks for sending some in!
E - What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
This is a complex question given the introspective sight it requires.
Personally, I think I tend to identificate with over burdened eldest brothers ( Boromir from lotr, Hector of Troy) or tragical sisters/daughters/ women in daughter - like positions to a male character ( like Eowyn from lotr )
Even since I was a kid I had a weird attachement to both Iphigenia and Cassandra from greek mythology. Across my fics in various fandoms I have sprinkled referenced metaphores to those two mythological figures in situations that justified it.
For example, in one Chucky fic I wrote working on the " teacher foreshadows through a lit class" slasher horror cliché, I developed a connection between Nica Pierce and Cassandra. Also, my longest fic to date is a still on going Troy (2004) canon character x reader prequel fic where the reader started originally inspired on Iphigenia before the fic grew too long in my mind and I developed her more properly.
When it's time to get very self indulgent or when it's all about comfort, for some reason I love to read or write the little sister with two protective bros dynamic. ( you already know this lol)
J - What’s your favorite fanfic trope? Have you written it?
I have a lot, but I will reference the ones i remember to have written about more frequently:
Friends to lovers
Child of a villian in love with a hero
Found Family, that can ( sometimes, but not always) be combined with Accidental Child Adquisition ( gotta stop giving children to Andy Barclay lol)
Chaotic siblings
Arranged marriage ( in historical or fantasy settlings, and I have a small list of characters i prefer for it)
Only one bed ( even tho not in a smut way, i overuse this one in Troy fics given the greeks live in tents. Same with bath scenes when character b assists character a and the scene exposes aspects of their relationship or growing feelings)
Anything involving a character singing to their loved ones, either in contexts that are romantical or platonical.
I know I have many more, but those are the ones i remember now.
Thank you so much again for asking!
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hobbitenjoyer · 3 years
Intro post ?
Hi there ! I’ve recently been very fixated on Hobbit and LOTR so I've decide to start writing my own content. None of these will be very long but I decided to give it a try ! All writings will be gender neutral unless otherwise specified or requested (although I will definitely be creating my own male reader fics since there is a huge lack of them here). I will write for all of thorin’s company, Thranduil, Bard, All of the fellowship, Elrond, Haldir, Eowyn, Arwen, Faramir, Boromir and maybe more in the future ! I will probably update rules as we go or create different posts, but all that's important for now is I will not write anything illegal or gross such as durincest, or anything NSFW as I'm only 17. Thanks for reading this and please leave some asks !!
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