#borkul the beast posting
daedrabait · 1 year
she gaggin' on my lolly till I'm forsworn in cidna mine
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michameinmicha · 10 months
Randomly drew a half-orc wizard today and fell in love with him so much that i made him a character sheet and everything even though idek when or if im gonna get to play in a possible next campaign...
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skyrim-said-that · 4 years
A community created List of the best non-romacable husband material in skyrim:
(This is not a ranking, and I did not suggest like most of these. Y’all are ridiculous I love you)
Borkul the Beast
Jon Battle-Born
Kodlak Whitemae
Savos Aren
Teldryn Sero
Urag Gro-Shab
Glover Mallory
Captain aldis
Brunwulf Free-Winter
legate fasendil
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reachfolk · 3 years
Sorry but Borkul the Beast? 👀 i need more information! and Bothela!! I love her so! Does that mean Lexi knows Muiri?
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OOOHH BESTIE U CANT JUST ASK ME THAT, i will go on about it for ages!! i have SO much to say about alexi's childhood in markarth and some pretty detailed notes on her relationship with a lot of the residents of the city, ESPECIALLY bothela who's like her #1 role model and one of the most positive influences in her life. this is my (failed) attempt to keep my ramblings short.
so when it comes to borkul the beast, i actually have a long ass fanfic in the works explaining the details of how they met, but the gist is: her uncles (thonar and thongvor silver-blood) have always wanted to get rid of their eldest brother/alexandria's father and his whole side of the family because of his marriage to a reachwoman. alexi pretty much spent her entire life with a target on her back, and a complex set of circumstances basically ended up landing her and her siblings in jail when she was 17 and robin & marceline were only 12 years old. it was there that she met all the cidhna mine prisoners, and it took a while but they eventually got on everyone's good side. borkul was the hardest to convince, but when lex threw up a fire cloak spell and tackled him to the ground because he was scaring her siblings, she earned his respect lol. he ended up insisting to teach her how to throw a proper punch. this is the promo for the fic btw:
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as for bothela,, oh my god i love her. she and alexi's aunt from her mother's side, ursula dain, are an old lesbian power couple. they took on alexi as an apprentice, with bothela teaching her alchemy and ursula teaching her magic. & alchemy is such a core part of lexi as a character; it shapes the way she looks at the world and is why she has such a strong connection to namira. the fact that even the most repulsive things, including bugs, flesh, blood, and organs can be used for alchemy makes her inherently drawn to namira's sphere of all things gross as shit lol. but that's a whole post on its own!! the point is that all of this is largely thanks to bothela's teachings. alexi wouldn't be the same person at all if not for her. i have a lot of headcanons about how she is as a teacher and tons of little stories of her interactions with lex!!
as for muiri !! the light of my life <3 i hc that she's a little younger than lexi and only hired as an apprentice after alexi left home. when she does finally visit bothela again (disguised so as to not alert the guards), she's already an expert alchemist, and muiri only recently started. alexi makes a joke about how, "bothela, i can't believe you'd replace me like this!!" but she's super sweet to muiri. they kinda have that dynamic of "alumnus that graduated with straight A's and the struggling freshman they help out." when muiri is having trouble remembering what different ingredients do or how to make a certain potion, lex happily offers to give her the old notebooks she filled when she was just starting and gives her all sorts of tips. bothela is a very harsh teacher, but alexi assures her that she's only that harsh with people she sees potential in. they definitely would exchange letters every now and then!!
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WIP Meme
Rules: post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic/original/anything!) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
I got tagged by @ladynorbert!  It’s from the Unpublished Madanach Dragonborn fic!
“Reachmen and their goats,” was all he could say as one brother and sister pair fell into step behind another, and the little group went to see a man about a goat.
(Borkul the Beast is the speaker, the brother-sister pairs are Borkul and Borgakh, and Argis and Eola respectively, and they, along with Madanach, have just rescued Gleda.)
I don’t know 32 of you who are writing anything, so I will tag:  @ariakitty, @norroendyrd, @aliceliveson, @heiwako, @evil-is-relative and anyone else who’s got a wip they want to post something from (and hasn’t done the meme already).
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brimbrimbrimbrim · 7 years
Since I'm supposed to be such a gamer, I'm really intrigued by this extensive list of video games you like. Like... after Lucas Baker, I really wanna know what else (and who else?!) is out there that I'm missing out on. Feel free to give as much detail as you like, also take your time because it's not like I'm gonna be finished with RE7 and Outlast anytime soon. Thanks!
 Thank you for asking, Waffle. I’m going to list some unconventional interests, as far as male villains and such go, and then I’ll add some of my favorites horror games for you at the end since some of them are just too damn good even without something dubious to obsesses over. Possible spoilers, but I’ll try to limit them to minor things.
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Outlast’s Eddie Gluskin: Probably, my favorite villain from Outlast, after The Twins. His obsessive desire to make himself a wife is as sympathetic as it is batshit insane. He’s a real family man, has a great haircut and bow tie. If it weren’t for the blood and gender mutilation he’d be a real catch. You’ll meet him soon…
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Outlast’s Twins: I’m not sure if they have another name or not, but these two really want to eat you and hang major dong throughout the whole game. The swinging dick is enough to either put the player off… or pique their interest. My interest was piqued. There’s no fandom for these guys, which sucks. Maybe I’ll write something awful for them one day.
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RE7′s Lucas Baker: This fucker needs no introduction. Genius mastermind, sociopathic tendencies, probably a virgin and has an accent close enough to my boyfriend’s that I get weird feelings daily. Plus, he loves birthdays! I bet he’d be great at parties.
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Silent Hill 2′s Pyramid Head: I wondered if I should include him or not because it goes without saying most of the people that will see this are already familiar with the manifestation of sexual deviancies and repression. He rapes Mannequins, has a long tentacle tongue that smacks the shit out of you and wears an apron of human flesh. Gotta love the dedication.
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Fallout 3′s Charon: Not for the faint of heart, ‘cause of the whole zombie-face thing (he might not even have a dick if you think about the fact that he doesn’t have ears or a nose anymore) but he’s six and a half feet tall of ghoulish bodyguard. He’s available to both good and bad karma players because he’s loyal to anyone who holds his contract. The dude pretty much communicates in grunts and questionable insults thrown at enemies. He’s awesome.
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Fallout 4′s Hancock: He’s a drug addict, a ghoul without all the insecurities and the Mayor of an anarchist town. The dude stabs a guy just for trying to extort caps off you the first time you walk into his town. First impressions am I right? His romance veers into sticky romance a bit too heavy for in at times, but he’s still a fucking badass and that radiation-torn voice is fucking hot.
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Fallout 2′s Myron: It’s not creepy since I was a teenager when I played this game. This little shithead genius created the ultra addictive wasteland drug Jet, pretty much solely so he could barter for prostitutes. He’s a horny, greasy asshole and my favorite companion in Fallout 2. I sorta wanted to strap him to the Highwayman and put him in his place.
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Gears of War’s Locust: They come in many forms/races but the grunts were always my favorite. When a town would get decimated it was usually these beasts that got sent in first, kidnapping people in spades. I always wanted to read something devious about these guys but never could find anything. 
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F.E.A.R.’s Paxton Fettel: I fucking loved this guy to the point of trying to write my own messy fic about it, but I couldn’t figure out how to make the sex work with him. Maybe I’ll pick it back up someday. He’s a mama’s boy, bloodthirsty and look at that face! He’s a monstrous and methodical human in the first game and, even after surpassing that in the second game, manages to still be just as menacing. Any more and I’d spoil the game, but it’s a great FPS with solid horror elements.
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Dragonage 2′s Arishok: Yeah, his design in the game is a bit different than the CGI trailer, but he’s no less menacing. The Qunari in DA is an interesting race. Though they are very hard to write for considering they don’t have sex outside of procreation unless they’re Tal-Vashoth, which are essentially deserters of the Qunari way of life. This bad boy is the head of their military and his horns… dear god. 
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Skyrim’s Borkul the Beast: I’ve had a thing for Orc’s and Orc-like races since Lord of the Rings… and Borkul is probably my favorite. He’s a self-appointed guard in the Cidhna Mines with skull face paint and he’s fucking massive. Your character is stuck in a prison mine, weaponless and part of the quest to escape is get this fucker to let you in to talk to the head prisoner. How, oh how can you convince him to let you through? Better break out the knee pads…
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The Darkness’ Jackie Estacado: The nephew of a crime boss and ex-assassin. He gets possessed by The Darkness on his 21st birthday and everything after that is just one big cluster fuck of blood and angst for poor Jackie. He’s a tragic character, good with a gun and has monsters that come out of his back to devour gang members, so… he’d be an interesting lay, to say the least. It’s also a great game, same with the sequel.
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The Evil Within’s Ruvik/Rubin: He’s a bit edgelordy at times but he’s got the hood, scars, and disposition of a madman. Also a genius in his own way, if not very sociopathic to the point of keeping a brain alive to submit it to needle pokes of torture, stimulating the different lobes to give the disembodied brain the purest kind of dread. But he’s also obsessed with his sister (not sure if it’s incestuous or what) so he’s got some emotions left at least. It wasn’t the game it was cracked up to be in my opinion, but it was still a fun playthrough.
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The Evil Within’s Safe Head: A diet Pyramid Head, but he’d no less brutal. No rape from what I could see, but he’d got a meat hammer and he has the added advantage of being able to snap his own neck in order to manifest himself in any place where there’s another safe just laying around. He’s tenacious and at certain points, there’s more than one of him. He made me feel things other than fear a few times.
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Dead Space’s Isaac Clarke: First of all, I wish they’d never unmasked him. Secondly, his whole course of action is to find out what happened to his wife on one of the mining ships. He’s not a fighter, although you wouldn’t know from looking at him, he’s an engineer and his gun is a laser cutter. If you like survival horror and sci-fi, this is the game to play. Say what you will about the third game, but I enjoyed all of them.
Aaaand, that’s about it. I’ve got a soft spot for Bioshock’s Splicers, Alice: Madness Returns’ Carpenter, Metro: Last Light’s Pavel Morozov, and Silent Hill 3′s Valtiel.
If you run out of stuff to play, let me know. I have other horror (and horror-like) games to recommend that don’t necessarily contain drool-worthy villains. Thanks again for the ask, this was a challenge and a blast to put together. Hopefully, this post doesn’t crash people's browsers/apps. It wasn’t short.
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skyrim-said-that · 4 years
Do you have any Borkul the Beast headcanons?
ok so like NONE of this has anything to do with the quest bc its been WAY TOO LONG since i played that but-
This man is fucking huge. Everyone disregards the sizes of people in Skyrim, this is the largest fucking dude he is massive.
He wears no shirt to assert his dominance, he would honest to god take it further and be naked if it weren't a hazard as a miner
Tbh he doesn’t own a shirt. Like let’s be real he doesn’t bother. 
He’s the only one in Cidna wearing armour, and all the guards are lowkey kinda scared of him so they haven’t bothered trying to take the gauntlets. 
Seems like the type to put either 0% or 100% into everything, no in-between. You tell him to build smth when he doesn’t want to and he will throw two rocks in a pile and take a nap. But you ask him to get some firewood or smth and he tolerates you or feels like doing something? Mans brings you a whole tree.
He eats so much. It’s ridiculous. This dude could polish off an entire elf by himself and still have room for a sweet roll. It’s ridiculous.
Fucking excellent at building things. He could build whatever you wanted with 3 rocks and pure force of will. 
Yall dont even KNOW the fic I'm planning for this man rn
Not sfw hcs under the cut. Im gonna scare yall BACK
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The size kink. Any partner he has ever had would be smaller than him. He fucking LIVES for it he would literally dwarf anyone
He has a blood kink that is CANON. One of his lines is literally It's been so long since I tasted my own blood. Sour.". Like ok now taste mine? I would let you.
He would be so fucking strong. Man has been straight mining and murder for 12 years he could bench press you plus 3 more, people. 
The STAMINA. WOW. Like. good luck to his future partner I just KNOW this dude could fuck for 2 days straight
He would be MEAN, especially if the person is fucking was insignificant to him. This man has a DIRTY mouth and he will call you so many names and also spit on you.
Def the type to wrap one of those big ass hands around a neck or a handful of hair and straight manhandle his partner on that dick.
Definitely into anal when thats an option
Has probably injured people with that thing lets be real. There’s no way anyone has walked away from that unaffected. Or walked at all after that
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michameinmicha · 4 years
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just... thinking about Borkul the Beast...
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skyrim-said-that · 4 years
Taming the Beast, CH. 2
Overall Wordcount:  2764
Borkul the Beast/Female Dragonborn
“Do you know how to mine silver new blood?”
His tone sounded a little condescending, and she huffed under the weight of both men’s eyes. “I can swing an axe, no need to worry about me.” It was a little uncomfortable to turn her back on two strange men, but she hardly had a choice as she turned to the silver vein in the wall. ‘How hard can it be, it’s just hitting some rocks.’
Harder than she thought, as it turned out.
Reblogs appriciated!
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