#boredom is absolutely a factor too though.
feltcaverns · 6 months
why are you even reading the site anyway - 🐇
Beyond bored.
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phantasmiafxndom · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers: Hybrid Au Info [04]
Part four is the birds! There are only two of them, but I still felt like they should get their own post for organization's sake. XD
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 5] [Part 6]
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Kisaki Tetta — Cockatiel
Has fairly large, feathered wings. The feathers are a pale shade of gray, and the total wingspan is close to his full height. Since the bones are thin and fragile, the wings are quite delicate.
Small, scattered patches of feathers on his back, shoulders, and around his chin and neck, as well as a crest of bright yellow feathers running along the top and back of his head. 
The crest is highly expressive, much to his displeasure. Its movements and position show his emotions no matter how hard he tries to stop it.
His body is too small to properly support his wings, so the resulting aches and pains are near-constant.
Capable of all kinds of chirping, cooing noises; tries to stifle them as much as possible. Despises how the little calls come out against his will when he lets his control slip in the slightest.
Highly particular about the state of his feathers. Preens what he can reach of them obsessively... despite a bad habit of feather-plucking.
Molting makes him absolutely miserable. Not only does it look ridiculous, the days-long experience of being itchy and uncomfortable always has him in a rotten mood. Prone to trying to avoid others (if at all possible) during it. 
Highly social, no matter how much he denies it. Needs a lot of company and attention, and gets attached to people easily.
. . .
Hanma Shuuji — Carrion Crow
Has large, black-feathered wings with an impressive wingspan. While they’re quite powerful (enough for short bursts of flight), they’re still more fragile than he lets on. 
Feathers are on the rest of his body in small, scattered patches, most notably around his throat and back. 
Despite his intimidating height and significant strength, his build is much too narrow to support his wings. Muscle pain is a constant factor in his life, though he’s learned not to show any signs of it... save for the days when the pain is at its worst.
Powerful grip and talon-like nails on his fingers and toes. Despite his thin, scrawny build, he’s shockingly strong. 
Needs constant entertainment. He’s smarter than people give him credit for, and his boredom is always bound to end in chaos. 
While he tries to suppress them, he has strong nesting instincts and a desire to have somewhere enclosed and comfortable to retreat to. Surprisingly particular about his living space, if at all allowed to be, and is drawn to enclosed areas. 
Strong attraction to shiny things of all kinds. Has a stealing problem that’s gotten him in trouble plenty of times before. 
Molting makes him absolutely insufferable. Feeling agitated and vulnerable ends in downright terrible behavior... which is partially an attempt to keep others away while the molt goes on.
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
So I found a carrd today I found interesting today
It's a plural code
Basically a set of emojis to show your opinions about syscourse in a shorter, less wordy way
While I do have my criticism, such as many people won't recognize it or what it means, and learning a whole new list of coded symbols and remembering them all can be difficult to impossible, I did think it was interesting.
I don't think I will widely use it on my blog, but I figured I would go over the different categories and fill in which ones I fall under (mainly out of boredom)
If the creator of the carrd says they don't want me, or people in general, doing this, let me know and I'll take this down.
Now the questions are in sets of 2 to 3 as there was too many to put an image for each one in a single post due to tumblrs image restrictions.
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Question 1: Do you believe in endogenic plurality?
With this one I lie in between 👍 and ✊
I am willing to believe it is a thing, and possible, and that those people are real systems. However I believe more research should be done before absolute claims in either direction are made.
Question 2: Opinions on tulpas
I firmly fall under 💛 with this one. Tulpamacy is a Buddhist practice specifically practiced by upper level Buddhists. The practice does have scientific research into it, though so I am not against it. I am however against non Buddhists and new Buddhists appropriating it without the proper understanding of Buddhism and the practice itself. I think these people need to use a different term for what they are doing and not appropriate the practices.
Question 3: Do you think endos just don't remember their trauma?
I fall under 📘 here. There are people misinterpreting their experiences. A brains internal workings are difficult to understand, and are complicated by a lot of factors. Misinterpreting what you have experienced is fairly common in general, not even with this specific topic. However I don't necessarily think everyone is. Nor do I find it my place to say who is or isn't misinterpreting their experiences.
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Question 4: Opinion on shared spaces
I fall under 🔸️. I think in certain cases, shared spaces are fine. There are experiences we have in common. But there are also many that we do not, and it is very important for traumagenic systems to have their own spaces because we have needs related to why we are a system that endogenic systems will not. Saying we shouldn't have our own spaces is ableist and harmful.
Question 5: Do you think endogenic plurality is comparable to transX?
I lean more towards 🟠 here. There are some cases where they are not similar. But, for instance, the idea of purposefully making yourself a system is rather similar in beliefs and working to transX. It's a case by case subject, really.
Question 6: Do you think you can have DID/OSDD/UDD without trauma?
I am firmly 🌑. These disorders have been proven time and time again to be caused by trauma. Saying they are not is the same rhetoric ableist psychs have been pushing to delegitimize them for years. Also I don't believe a system made from trauma can have endogenic alters, as, even if the alter didn't form directly from trauma, the fact that their system has a trauma disorder still influenced their formation, meaning to some extent they still come from a place of trauma.
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Question 7: Do you think introjects from other cultures should be able to use that cultures names if they aren't a part of it
🟩. Very firmly so. If a cultures names is closed, and you are not bodily a part of that culture, it is not your name to take. Being an introject does not change that. Additionally, the introject is not from that culture. Their source is. They are not their source and will never understand or experience living as a part of that culture.
Question 8: Opinion on researched self diagnosis?
🌲, I wholeheartedly support educated self diagnosis. It is difficult to get an official diagnosis, and with certain diagnosises can seriously fuck over your life to have it. If you do proper research, it's okay to say you are pretty sure you have something.
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Question 9: Sysmed as a term
☁️, it has many ties to the term transmed and many people who use it tie anti endos to transmeds in other ways, which is very transphobic and ableist as system issues are not comparable to trans issues. Personally I think it's better to just... call them anti endos.
Question 10: Traumascum as a term
🥖 + 🥧 do I even really have to explain? Calling traumagenic systems, regardless of why, traumatized scum is fucking disgusting.
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Question 12: Endogenic systems using the term alter
🐝, alter stands for 'alternate personality', and is a term for DID/OSDD/UDD systems. I won't force people to change their terms but I do feel... iffy.. about non traumagenic systems using a term meant for us.
Question 13: Xeno-Origins
🐬, plain and simple. I don't understand why or how they realistically work, and some of them I have seen are harmful and even spread misinformation in my opinion.
That is all, sorry for the long post, I just figured I would do this, test out the format some
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flv0r3sc3nt-gvtz · 3 months
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forgot to do this for a while, so this is going to be days 4-9 combined. all under the cut cuz it’s long.
[note: alternating ‘we’ and ‘i’ is due to osdd]
day 4: your greatest fears about weight loss
heart issues. i already have some chronic issues with fainting and tachycardia (fast heart rate), so i’m quite worried about that.
also balding, cuz our hair’s quite cool and i don’t want to lose it TwT
day 5: why do you really want to lose weight? are you doing it for you?
partially, yes. i have horrible chest dysphoria, and overall gender presentation is my primary goal, i guess. though that’s also a societal pressure.
also sensory issues, which is definitely a personal thing.
day 6: do you binge? explain why you think you do
absolutely. we’ve had binge ed since forever (for nearly a decade at this point), mainly stemming from ocd (eating “even” amounts of food).
nowadays it’s mostly an adhd thing, i tend to eat out of boredom/understimulation. ocd still factors in, too.
day 7: do your parents know you are trying to lose weight? do they care?
they do know about our history with rapid weight loss, so they get concerned quite quickly, but currently we’re post- binge era, so they aren’t suspicious of anything.
day 8: your workout routine
i try to walk as much as possible. and sometimes i do sit-ups. that’s about it, really, i’m not much of a workout person.
day 9: did people ever make comments about your weight in a negative way?
oh yeah. a lot. we used to be very overweight, so people would comment all the time.
most memorable is when our pedo asshole of a teacher made a “you wouldn’t say [he]’s anorexic” joke in the middle of class right as we started starving ourselves. ouch :’)
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yebinette · 1 year
Who is she?
Hello there! Please just call me Yebin. This is a made-up name, if ever you're wondering. Probably, the most relevant thing that you should know about me at first is that I am primarily lost at life right now. Why else would I be writing down stuff here in Tumblr, if not for the sheer boredom of being confined to my own thoughts everyday of my life? I say all this, because I am unemployed.
As an Asian living in Southeast Asia, in an Asian household, I have thought that I am only ever equal to the amount of money I bring home. This isn't to say that my family treats me like their personal bank, no absolutely not. In fact, my family has been quite the socialist when it comes to letting me still live under their roof. I just couldn't stand the pressure of not being able to be financially independent at the ripe age of 24 (turning 25), when my peers are ticking off their respective money goals and living their best lives, or at least that's what their social media accounts show (though, I really do hope they are because I truly wish the best for them).
I have tried searching for jobs. Jobs that are aligned with what I am trained to do; jobs in STEM. I did, I really did. I received a considerable number of calls, interviews, and offers but nothing really struck me as something that I would sacrifice my current life for. Having to move to another place is great for me, but moving to THE Metro Manila, while working on a minimum wage despite being a licensed professional? Absolutely not! I could tell you about the realities of the job market of a third world country during a recession but this is not what we're here for today. Yes, I actually do have an agenda for this post and this isn't some random rambling brain fart I decided to share because I have an overactive imagination 20 minutes past 9 in the evening.
What we're here to talk about is how I am supposed to find what I want to do for the rest of my life. Twenty-four turning twenty-five isn't too old, nor is it too young. But I feel it is at the age where you should have at least an idea of what you want to do. Currently, I have none. Or too many. One thing is for sure, some sort of career change is on the way for me; if not, I will make a way for it. You know those manifestation videos you randomly see on your FYP on social media? Yeah, I've manifested on those too. Too many times, actually, it's embarrassing. But if anything, it did serve a purpose though.
The past few weeks of job hunting in tandem with manifesting made me understand that I don't want a repetitive, too-technical, highly objective job, which ironically, is the nature of all the jobs I have been offered. The cycle goes the same every time: I apply, I get interviewed, I wait a few days, I get an offer, I say I don't want the job anymore and have changed my priorities. A large factor to my non-acceptance and "change in priorities" is the fact that all these jobs are offered to me at minimum wage, overtime, contractual, and with no health benefits. So really, why would I overhaul my life for the barest of all the minimums? Currently, I find jobs in technology relatively isolating and even more so in these conditions, depressing. Don't get me wrong, I like math and science, but I also like interacting with and learning from people. As I ponder while in transit to-and-from different places to catch interviews, I come to realize that my background in STEM doesn't really align with who I am anymore nor who I want to be in life. Maybe there was a time I wanted to become a scientist, researcher, or inventor, but I don't have that in me anymore, not because I lost interest, but simply because I changed. Although, I still aim to find the silver lining by striving to marry what I know with something new, but I might as well be tempted to abandon it altogether.
Currently, I have decided to stop job hunting and start focusing on what I want to learn more. Even though I may not have as much right now, I recognize my privilege in having a safety net that provides me the freedom, although limited, to explore what I truly want. Don't expect too much though; I am relatively optimistic but we still have to keep in mind that I am technically considered a fresh-out-of-college-but-unemployed girl in her mid-20s with only 20 bucks to her name living in a developing country so the privilege isn't really ✨giving✨ when compared to the rest of the world. Hence, with the next few weeks to months, this account will be a log of every single hobby I have ever dipped my toes in and my thoughts as I walk through in it. I have a few in mind for a while now and I have actually registered for some classes, all of which I am very excited for. I'll make a list of it surely so I can all share my progress as well.
Anyway, I believe this has been too long? Maybe one of the classes I'll take someday is how to properly write a blog post... and uhm yeah, I'll see you in my next post!
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glowingbadger · 3 years
OQBQJQH OKAY SO I LOVED THE YURI HEADCANONS YOU MADE- May I please request A, C, D J, K, and X for Yuri from Fire Emblem? Thank you lqbqjqhqj
I'm so glad you liked them! :D I had a ton of fun with them- Dom content is some of my favorite content lol.
So I'd honestly planned to close out the alphabet prompts for a little while, but I have a bunch of requests for them and I feel like they help out when people want to hear about their F/O but don't know what to ask for, so let's keep doing them lol. I will say that typically I prefer to keep it at like three or four prompts per ask just to keep from getting overwhelmed lol but for now, let's go ahead and talk about Yuri~
Yuri LeClerc (FE3H)
NSFW 18+
A (aftercare): Yuri is absolutely callous about aftercare until he's with someone he really cares about. He knows he's attractive and skilled in bed, but once the deed is done and he's gotten whatever deal or information he was after, he's more likely to show his most recent conquest the door and be done with it. To some extent, it's his way of reinforcing to both himself and his latest partner that they hold no sway over him. That's why, when he's had you for the first time and finds that a part of him so dearly wants you to stay in his arms just a little longer, he's actually a little alarmed. So you can expect him to be rather uncharacteristically stilted and awkward with you after the first few times.
C (cum): Yuri is not shy about cum in the slightest. He'll tease you by making you watch as he carefully drags his tongue along his own coated fingers, savoring the taste of you and making you burn under his cutting gaze all the while. While he's flexible about it however, he doesn't prefer to have your cum on his face or chest- it's an unsightly mess and feels undignified to him. As for his own, he adores watching you swallow his load, and if you're willing and able, he'll be so riled by the sight of you holding his release in your mouth that he'll be ready for another round in no time.
D (dirty secret): for all the secrets Yuri keeps, not many of them are dirty, simply because those are things he's generally comfortable being quite open about. That said, just about no one knows exactly how many different places he's fucked throughout the Abyss and Monastery. If you ever get the chance to ask him to list them out, it honestly sounds like he's trying to fill out a Bingo card.
J (jack off): Yuri doesn't masturbate often, but when he does it's generally out of boredom, or because he's been too busy with "work" to pursue any pleasant company. He likes to take it slow when he pleasures himself, luxuriating in pleasant fantasies and varying his pace to make the climax feel truly worth it. Once you've become a consistent factor in his life, he's certainly not shy about masturbation, more than happy to incorporate it in the bedroom. In fact, he quite likes watching you touch yourself- he sees the individual and psychological aspect of how people pleasure themselves, which he finds thoroughly intriguing.
K (kink): oof this is a tough one because Yuri is an open minded man lol. His favorite though has to be seeing you flustered. He loves drawing you to his side to whisper something absolutely filthy into your ear and watch you try to maintain composure in front of others. He adores when you try to disguise how incredible he feels inside of you, biting your knuckle to keep from crying out while your shaking legs and flushed complexion give you away. He especially enjoys fucking you in a dark corner of the Abyss, or in an empty classroom with people going about their business just on the other side of the door- places where he can tease you with a whisper in your ear that, "if you don't want to be seen exposed and full of my cock, you'd best keep it down, darling."
X (x-ray): through a combination of incredible genetics and careful self-care, all of Yuri's body is as lovely as his face. His physique is fit and lean, nicely toned but not bulky at all, and always presented with an element of grace. His cock is long and tapered, with a fair complexion and a nice pink flush at the head. He's not terribly thick, but a few well placed veins running up the length of his shaft add a delightful texture and friction.
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nona-piccolo · 3 years
Princes of Hell AU
Princes of Hell AU
Warnings: none, unless the mention of “hell” and demons bothers you
This is my own little AU where Obey Me brothers are genuinely princes of hell, and each of them occupy a Circle of Hell where the damned come to be eternally punished; there is no school, there is no RAD, and there is no funny banter 😈 When I had first played Obey Me, I always imagined a more darker story to the brothers, ones that involve fighting and action, and less of the romance aspect, especially since they are in fact demons, and each of them possess the burden of a sin. I always just thought it would be interesting to view them in a reign of power for a territory of their own. I also really really wanted to speak about the boys’ abilities and powers, so their strengths and combat is also talked about.
Please enjoy my little indulgence!
Okay so hear me out, there are seven rings of hell that occupy the space of the underworld. The worse of a person you had been on earth, the further into the ring you get placed in--- this also deals with the punishment that is endured. To put it simply, the rings are formed from 1 to 7: 1 being the least terrifying, while being placed in ring 7 is reserved for the worst and scummiest human beings. Taking off from there then, that leads us to the very first prince and owner of the 1st circle of hell:
Leviathan - 1st Circle of Hell:
They call this place Sheol. One thing that greatly differs Leviathan’s circle compared to the others is that fact that his circle is not a physical layer. There is no land. In fact, Leviathan's layer is almost sea-like, with spirits floating through the sky and composed of a sea of high whines of envy. The misty green layer is also the largest part of hell, considering it is the outer-most layer of the circle and takes up the most surface area. Leviathan is comfortable in his true form here (a giant beastly Leviathan) with eyes filled with envy to roam his territory. Leviathan is a powerful being, able to summon and control hideous demonic ocean creatures to do his bidding. His brothers are cautious if ever caught in a fight with him; Leviathan’s control can absolutely crush and overflood the other circles of hell. Many are terrified of him, and rumors had gone around saying he has the potential to become 2nd, maybe even 1st strongest of the Devildom, but his downfall and probably biggest weakness, is the time he spends moping about the things he doesn't have. The feeling of envy has crippled him to a pathetic and whiny ruler. Still, he appears to be one of the best of his brothers, as he doesn’t need to do much to care for the crying souls that wander around lifeless.
Asmodeus - 2nd Circle of Hell:
They call the 2nd Circle of Hell Dis--- the most laid back circle of all of them. Yes, even more so than Leviathan’s. Now you may think it would be odd, especially for Asmodeus’s circle to be placed where it is. But the people bound here for all eternity have the guilty pleasure of what Asmodeus finds entertaining. All demons and humans there are not tortured, with no laws, and given the ability to do whatever it is they desire. He likes to be surrounded by succubi and incubbi almost constantly. Asmo hates humans the least, and feels no need to want revenge. Being in hell and stripped of everything is punishment enough for him. Talking about abilities, Asmodeus himself would say that he isn’t fit for physical combat. Instead, he was given the ability to charm any creature or non creature he sees fit. With just a look in his eyes, he commands every bone in their bodies. Very few people are immune to this charm, but every once in a millennia he will meet someone who doesn't fall to his charm. This bothers him immensely.
Belphegor - 3rd Circle of Hell: 
Gehhena. That is the name of his circle. Opposite to his twin brother Beelzebub, Belphegor has a barren land of almost nothingness... Everything is shrouded with sloth, to the point where not even the air moves. Too lazy to make changes to his kingdom, there is a constant stagnation within his circle. His followers are left sitting there with nothing except constant loneliness and nothing to ease their boredom. Belphegor, the ruler that he is, sleeps on his throne any moment he can, and the crazed state he left his followers in have caused them to struggle with each other on who will get the throne. They feel they will go crazy if no one takes up Belphegor’s place. And so they plan to take his throne. Acting like he doesn't know about the plan to overthrow him, Belphie is pleased to spend all of eternity with the entertainment of watching his underlings argue to no end on who should sit on his throne. Belph doesn't seem like the brightest, especially due to his dozing and sleeping, but perhaps that's where he and Mammon are able to catch opponents off guard. Being underestimated is what Belph depends on, and frankly he seems to enjoy it just as much. He is the youngest of his brothers, and therefore the weakest physically, but his ability can be powerful in controlling what happens in other's dreams. This demon does his dirty work in the dream realm, having full and complete capabilities to cause disaster in his enemies through during their most vulnerable moments--- sleep. His constant state of sleep can ease others into a sleeping death, where the dream realm becomes Belphegor's greatest strength. He feels no need to try and climb the ranks higher. He is content where he is.
Mammon - 4th Circle of Hell:
Pandaemonium is the name of Mammon’s circle. Perhaps the greatest designed circle of hell, Mammon's image of what he wanted hell to look like is what came true on his land. He has complete control of what he wishes his kingdom will look like. As a great architect, he believes that hell could be just as great as heaven, and tried to prove it to Lucifer by designing Lucifer's very castle. Mammon’s land is filled with enormous landmarks and sky scrapers that appear to touch the stars. His circle of hell has the most impressive buildings and works of art, truly impressive to look at, but... as a ruler, Mammon isn't too good. There are still so many unfinished buildings and projects that he has abandoned in order for his subjects to mine and work in labor for eternity, finding the greatest diamonds and jewels within the ground to bring back to Mammon's castle. They needed to keep their master rich somehow. The work loads for his followers keeps increasing with every little thing Mammon craves for. More and more buildings, more and more diamonds, he can never get enough of it. Although rarely any violence ensures, his underlings constantly screw each other over in order to survive. And like his followers, Mammon is not particularly violent. In fact he shows more of a masochistic side, letting other people take out their frustration on him. This is ironic, due to Mammon's main ability being his luck. Among other demons and humans, his sheer luck and ability to gamble come in handy for him; getting him out of situation after situation. In the battlefield, he is often used as a decoy, his luck coming in handy to miss fatal wounds and strikes. It is also said Mammon's speed can rival Beelzebub's, yet he seems to run even faster if it's to get away from trouble. 
Beelzebub - 5th Circle of Hell:
Beelzebub’s circle was named Tantarus, or better yet the Tantarus Pit. It is a massive swamp, and with basically an "eat or be eaten" policy. His people are desperate in getting whatever they can in their search for sustainability. Although not particularly strict, Beel's attitude of eating whatever he wants can become a scary factor. He has many good cooks enslaved, whom make meals for him almost constantly. Much like Mammon, the people in the 4th circle of hell are forced into an everlasting workload. Yet unlike Mammon, Beelzebub has been known to get impatient, sometimes swallowing up the nearest thing he can find--- whether it’s a person, or the dinner table. He does not purposefully seek out trouble though, and prefers to keep to himself--- or with Belphegor. His circle is too far from Belphie, much to Beelzebub’s dismay, but Lucifer had simply brushed it off and told him he needed to deal with it. With super strength and speed, Beel is by far the physically strongest of his brothers. His frightening stature, height, and gluttony puts him at the very top of the list for being intimidating. Along with the constant intake of food, he makes sure to exercise and keep the bounds of muscles he has solidified on his body.
Satan - 6th Circle of Hell:
Satan owns the circle of Malebolge. There are two sides in Malebolge, and both sides are at constant war with each other. The pain and horror of war is everlasting and perpetual. Satan trains his people for the day they get a chance to attack the Celestial Realm. It is by far the most violent and frightening circle of hell. Satan is a monster fuming with hatred and insults. His control over his wrath had been let go a long time ago; he had let it overwhelm him and take control. To the point where Satan’s very presence on the battle field freezes opponents up in their tracks. Continuing to fight Satan for more than a few minutes will trigger his ability. He had all of eternity to practice thinking clearly through his anger and wrath--- it is no longer a roadblock to him. But he uses this as his greatest weapon. Fighting Satan for longer than a few minutes will provoke a growing rage inside of you; like the pressure of a dam against the heavy weight of water. His opponent will begin to think unclearly--- they will feel frustration and rage, giving Satan a chance to strike them down. Skilled and precise, he taught himself to suppress anything other than the rage he feels in order to kill more efficiently. Unlike his brothers, Satan prefers to use a sword in battle, and he can do so both methodically and elegantly (particularly Archangel Michael's sword that had fallen into Heaven with his other brothers).
Lucifer - 7th Circle of Hell:
Of course, the last and most dreadful circle of hell is reserved for Lucifer himself. Cocytus is what he had called it. This circle occupies the smallest space, taking the very center of the ring he and his brothers had formed. In the very middle lies Lucifer’s giant castle he had built just for himself. Lucifer's castle Helviti is where he stays, and where his most valuable followers and favorites live. The castle is all Lucifer really needs to be content. There are dreadful winds here, the cold and winter storms are drastically below freezing temperatures, keeping and reminding him that he could never ascend to the warmth of the Celestial Realm. So he is glad to have a warm place to stay in order to keep out the numbing weather. His people however... are left in a biting state of paralysis from the freezing cold; left out of the castle to rot. The most powerful of his brothers, Lucifer's cunning behavior and strict attitude are just added weapons alongside his ability of energy manipulation. Two of his six wings were disintegrated from his fall from Heaven to hell, and turned from a pure white to a rich black. He is also the only one who can control Cerberus, an enormous three-headed dog he keeps right by his side.
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shockingheart · 3 years
♢ ♢ ♢
With confidence he could say that the person that knew him best was Floyd. And the person who knew Floyd best was Jade. That being himself. And he felt that he was about to make an exceptionally poor decision. But what was existence if not the culmination of one choice after another to bring them to the current point in time. Was it possible that this choice might significantly cut his chances of living to see the sun rise come tomorrow? Possibly. But would it be worth it to catch a look of surprise on Floyd’s face? Absolutely. 
And so he found himself in his current position, lurking beneath the lapping surface of a pleasantly deep pool. The tiles that lined the floor along the bottom made the surface reflect a nice dark color, one that any deep sea dweller would have found useful for appropriate camouflage. What was more, the shallows veered sharply into depths that plunged several meters deep. Or so he felt safe to assume based on the convenient little numbered tiles that were stuck to the topmost edge of the pool. But enough about that, there was a critical moment coming. 
Even with the water leaving a swishing sound in his ears, it was but second nature for Jade to be able to track the familiar foot steps traveling across hot concrete. It registered that this person, Floyd, was most likely wearing shoes. A pity that they were about to get wet. 
And a pity it may be, it was a sacrifice that he was willing to make. All for the greater good. Perhaps that good was just his way of staving off the hint of boredom that was threatening to claw a space in his chest, but never mind that. 
The inborn instincts possessed by all with a prey drive gave him both the patience and insight to bide his time, doing the math in his head without so much as thinking. And for this particular mark, he had to be precise. Floyd knew his tricks all too well for a simple attack. So he waited until the wobbling shadow of his twin crossed his arm, covering the movement of his hand as it flashed out to grab Floyd’s ankle. 
The grip was just loose enough not to snap anything, but firm enough to yank the unsuspecting victim off his feet. But if it was Floyd they were talking about, it was entirely likely that he had noticed what was going on. Though unfortunately a split second too slow this time around. 
As he heard the splash that usually followed a body hitting the water, it occurred to him that maybe, just maybe, being directly under Floyd wasn’t the safest place one could find themselves to be. In fact, this was exactly what he should be avoiding. A second sudden revelation came to him when he factored in the level of fondness Floyd had for his shoes. Which were now, no doubt, a little bit wet. 
Truly a misfortunate oversight. 
With that, he decided now would be a great time for a getaway.
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absinthemind3d · 4 years
Bend and Snap
Written for @jurdannetrevels​ Jurdan Smut Week Day 3: Orgasm Delay/Begging/Overstimulation. My first fic in at least six years. Also posted on AO3 here. Snippet: I had been watching him at these events too, saw him trying not to look at me too frequently so his silk pants wouldn’t betray his thoughts. I had been watching, and I had been planning. Tonight, I intended to make the High King of Elfhame beg. 
Content Warning: E for there is some e x p l i c i t stuff
Word count: 3583
🗡--I’ll show you how a real queen behaves--🗡
“Jude.” Cardan snaps my name like a command—and a caress. Despite my feigned boredom, a shiver runs through me. 
“Cardan.” I answer back, arching an eyebrow as I toy with the knots of wood in my twisting, high-backed chair. 
“My darling queen,” he leans toward me, looking for all the world like a doting husband, “You’re being rude.” 
“And you—” I draw closer to him, hand flying instinctively to the dagger on my thigh. Are being a tease. I hated sitting through the hours of feasting, restrained to sitting by my husband’s side when all I really wanted was to fuck him for hours instead. Leaning back in my chair, I let loose a repressed sigh, smiling for the crowd around us and muttering instead, “—Know how good you look tonight, don’t you?” 
I hated it, this wanting—it came at the most damnedly inconvenient of times. Worse still was that I had to wait to satisfy my desires—not that I would ask. Even though I knew he loved waiting for me to beg. My hands shake imperceptibly, I hope, as I bring one to his cheek and the other to my own lips. They still feel bruised from his ministrations the night prior; what I wouldn’t give to be back in that moment… 
“Sweet Jude,” Cardan chuckles; noting the hand on his cheek had moved from where my knife was hidden, he gives me an infinitesimal eyebrow raise before continuing, turning his head so his lips brush my palm, “When don’t I look like a feast in my own right?” Leaning closer again, forcing myself to press my skull against the back of my chair, he whispers, “You know very well how this night will go if you refuse to play along.” He smirks, and I redden despite myself. I knew he watched me at events such as this, like a snake waiting to strike, waiting for any sign of weakness, that I might give in. That I might ask. 
He hadn’t bothered to factor in that I might not need to ask. 
I had been watching him at these events too, saw him trying not to look at me too frequently so his silk pants wouldn’t betray his thoughts. I had been watching, and I had been planning. Tonight, I intended to make the High King of Elfhame beg.
Fairies were, as a rule, less conservative than mortals. I had seen Cardan lose himself in such revels, drunk, lips and skin glittering with sweat and the nectar of various imbibements. Yet, as High King, he has been showing restraint. He touched me as we danced, of course, and there was the odd leg squeeze under the table, but he’d never let go with me the way he had before. Perhaps it was because he was High King now. Perhaps it was because he didn’t want to share me. Or—and this was an idea I was very curious to entertain—perhaps he didn’t want anyone to see how absolutely wild I could drive him. I was getting braver, sexually, to put it bluntly, and tonight—Oh, I would have fun tonight. 
He doesn’t expect an answer, and he begins to draw back, threading his hand through mine as it drops from his cheek. I pull him back with that hand, perhaps with more force than necessary. “And you,” I whisper in response, “Have no idea how this night is going to go, whether I play along or not.” 
He raises his eyebrows obviously now and shock flits, briefly, across his face. He knows I am brazen, but this is new. Unexpected. Good. I don’t want him thinking he knows everything I am capable of.
“High King,” I place each of my hands on either arm of my chair and cross my legs casually, refusing to let him know I am already burning, “Let us enjoy the night’s festivities.” He leans back when I do, and as he crosses his ankle over one knee I can imagine we make a formidable looking pair, observing those who have already given over to the drinking and dancing portion of the evening. I can spot Nicasia with her admirers, and it seems a long time ago that she saw me as a threat. I am far away from those petty power struggles; I have something much grander in mind right now, anyway.
I can feel Cardan giving me a sidelong glance, but I do not move my gaze from those dancing. I will not give him the satisfaction of learning what I have planned before I choose to reveal it. Once again, I slip a mask of boredom onto my face and reach forward to take my goblet into my left hand. As I do so, I slide my right over Cardan’s thigh. This is nothing new for us, though it is usually he who instigates such affections beneath the feast table; they are also usually quick, passing, perhaps enough to arouse for a moment. He remains very still beneath my hand, and I resist the urge to laugh. Less than thirty seconds after my initial graze across his thigh, I lean back with the goblet in my hand and allow gravity to pull my hand squarely into his lap. I am silently grateful our chairs are close enough for me to accomplish this, my first task of the evening. 
A sharp intake of breath from beside me. I arrange my skirts, kicking at them with my crossed leg until most of their bulk is on my right side, shielding half of my arm from view so to any passersby it might appear my hand is resting anywhere innocently on my husband’s leg. Again, fairies need not have such actions concealed, but I am not a fairy, and the clandestine element is crucial to my plan. The mix of public and so, so private thrills me in a way I haven’t yet fully allowed myself to contemplate. “Is this not,” I trill, a bit unnaturally, glancing at the High King, “The most delightful of our recent celebrations?” As I speak, I apply the barest amount of pressure, running my thumb up his length. His cock, already hardening under my touch, reacts instantly. Soon, I have him halfway to where I want him, but I am still expecting an answer. My hand stills, waiting, and his bent knee smacks the underside of the table, rattling his own goblet and spilling some of the wine in it. 
Recovering quickly, he snatches up his goblet and runs his finger idly around the rim, then looks directly at me and licks his finger in such a way that has my core threatening to betray me. I clench my thighs together harder. “It is the most… surprising one as of late, my dearest weapon.”
“Well I grow tired of only observing,” I sigh, probably too dramatically, as I resume my strokes. Then I smile brightly and stand, moving my hand to linger on his arm just as he becomes fully erect. “Shall we partake of the dancing?” 
He looks at me as though I’ve struck him, then manages to splutter “Jude” before raising his glass to his lips. I gaze down at his lap and smirk at how little the thin fabric there hides. I chuckle, perhaps a little darkly, but I am deeply enjoying this new thrum of power humming in my veins. I drink deeply and set my glass down, never taking my eyes from his even as I lean forward and place the goblet. My loose hair brushes against his hand, then his arm, and as my body moves I sink my lips to his ear and whisper, “Or is there anything else you require, my king?” The knuckles of his free hand turn stark white as he grips his chair, though his face has recovered and betrays nothing.
I glance around nonchalantly, as if curious. No one is paying us particular attention; everyone knows the king and queen will soon make their way from the dais and join the throng. At this stage in the night, we meld with our subjects—Cardan maintaining more control than he did as prince, but still playing the part of spontaneous host to a tee. Tonight, I am more grateful than most that his demeanour as ruler allows folk to relax at such events. This next phase requires that fine balance. I smile at Cardan once again, and allow the thrill of my previous action to course through my body, still fresh. I turn as if to walk away from my chair, my hand once again moving to the dagger on my thigh. With my back to him, through my dress I flick open the final buckle holding the weapon in place and it clangs to my feet. I kick it behind me, under the table, and turn on my heel. 
“Oh!” I exclaim, simultaneously aware I am a poor actress yet not caring a whit. For a moment I am reminded of the mortal movie Vivi made us watch recently, something about a lawyer. “That’s my favourite dagger,” I mutter as I move swiftly to duck under the table. Cardan’s face is agape and he hasn’t moved a muscle. Good.
Now on my knees, I pick up the knife and sheath it—it is my favourite, and I will not lose it—before turning my attention to the task at hand. Slowly, I take Cardan’s leg, the one crossed over the other, and gently lower his boot to the floor. Idly I wonder if he has any idea what I am about to do. I chance a look up his body, taking a moment to appreciate the view before reaching his face. He’s staring right at me, and when we lock eyes his breath hitches. Realization dawns on his face as I make short work of unlacing his pants, eyes locked with his the entire time. A slow smile makes its way across his lips and he looks away from me, lifting his chin and suddenly finding what is left of the fare on the table extremely interesting. A dare, then. I knew he would take this as a challenge—to maintain control as I pleasure him. I laugh softly despite myself.
Taking his length in my hands, I raise it to my lips and barely kiss it, running my tongue over his head with deliberate slowness. His left ankle jerks beside me and I hear a soft clatter from above, as though he has idly discarded a piece of cutlery on the table. Oh, he was going to put on a good show. I lower one hand to the base of his erection, savouring both the warmth and the size of it. When I take all of him into my mouth, I can feel a similar thrum of pleasure winding through his veins that matches my own. My free hand makes its way to his hip, pressing him back into his chair as I begin a rhythm. I’m savouring this feeling of complete control; his hips are threatening to buck upward off the chair, begging me to increase the pace. But I will not. Instead, I slow as his hands fly to my hair, another desperate attempt to get what he wants. Just as I’ve restrained his hip, he has my head locked squarely in his lap, but that doesn’t mean I am forced to provide complete satisfaction.
Slowly, painfully slowly, I move my mouth up and down his cock and move both of my hands to the base of it, devoting all that is in my power to driving him wild. I let his hips thrust upward and match the increased pace, relishing the way I can feel his body react to my actions. 
Deliciously, I feel pleasure pulse up his length, and I know he’s close. Much as I am enjoying this display of my newfound talents, I’m not done with him yet. I slow my hands and mouth and sit back on my heels; the silver and quartz threaded through the train of my dress now dig into my ass. If any break, it will be a small price to pay. As soon as I sit back, I hear a sharp intake of breath from above, and his hands fall from my head, pulling strands of my hair through his fingers as he moves them to his knees. His knuckles are still standing out, pale as bone. Then, “Jude,” he announces loudly, bending sideways to stare right at me under the table, “Did you find your dagger, my sweet villain?” His voice is like honey, and his finger swirls gently over a strand of my hair that still floats over his knee, but his eyes—were I someone else, in another lifetime, I would have shrank back from that stare. 
But I am High Queen of Elfhame, and I have not finished my quest. Resting one hand idly on my thigh, I stare right back at his black eyes as I reply, “My mortal eyes made the task difficult, but it is right here, my king.” 
“I’m surprised you found it at all,” he mutters, voice dripping venom now, “Since you seem so terrible at finishing what you start.” 
“If you knew me at all, darling Cardan,” I shoot back, voice equally poisonous as I attempt to gracefully rise, dusting off my knees conspicuously, “You would know that once I am committed to a task, I see it through.” 
His face is a delightful mixture of pain, desire, and shock, and I can tell he is trying very, very hard not to take me in his lap and fuck me here. If he wants me, he will have to be on his best behaviour now. I take my seat beside him, thrill and arousal still coursing through me. Weaving my hand through his own, I raise it to my lips and smile over our clasped fingers, being sure he has noted my thoroughly smeared lipstick before I swipe it off my chin with a napkin. “What,” he grinds out, stabbing an errant piece of fruit with his fork, “the fuck,” he spits, running a hand through his hair, knocking his crown further askew, “was that?”
“That,” I spear a grape with my knife and bring it to my lips, running my tongue over my teeth before I take it into my mouth, “was only the appetizer.”
I can feel his knees pressing together and his feet pushing into the floor in his attempts to not carry through with his desires, yet I school my features to appear unmoved. I suddenly become very interested in the candles lining the table, watching the wax drip down their columns… 
I swallow hard; perhaps candles weren’t the most benign of objects to coolly observe. I glance sideways at my husband, and see he is trying hard to stay in his chair. I’m good at action. I’m not so skilled at this: the slow dance between pleasure and release. And, I find as I stand and begin to walk away from the table, sure he will follow, I want to finish him off. My feet threaten to once again turn and take my back under the table, but the finale to this evening relies on Cardan being as riled as possible.
I make sure to swing my hips so that the crystals throughout the fabric in my dress glitter to the movement, drawing attention to my curves. I glance around as I walk: some folk incline their heads toward me as I pass, but most are too lost to their own pleasures to acknowledge even their queen, as I’d expected. As I’d hoped. I cross the dance floor deliberately slowly, refusing to turn and look back at Cardan, though I can feel his eyes boring holes in my exposed back. I arrive at my target: a dark alcove with a single green velvet chair. It is too dark for my human eyes to know it is green, of course; I had it placed there earlier today. Another deep ripple of pleasure runs up my spine, and I lick my bottom lip, envisioning, as I had hours before, my plans for that chair.
I turn as slowly as I dare, stepping back so I am against the wall, which curves inward toward the chair. I have chosen this alcove as it offers the most privacy in the entire room, even away from immortal eyes, yet it amplifies the volume of the crowd. My delicious mix of public and private.
As I suspected, his eyes are piercing through the crowd right to me. He maintains that laser focus as he walks, also slowly, towards me. I am still against the wall when he reaches me; I glance down as he approaches, making sure he knows I am looking him over. His arousal is still evident, at least to me, and he moves to kiss me but I step quickly to the side, gesturing instead at the chair. He looks murderous, but acquiesces and sits in a flurry of black fabric. His tail catches my wrist and begins to snake its way up my arm. I move closer, knowing that is what he wants, and hitch my skirts. 
As I do so, his breath hitches, and I smile fiendishly before turning my back on him. His tail drops from my arm and I move, heart hammering in my chest. Holding my skirts in one hand, I sit back onto his legs and wind my other hand up his thigh. Slowly, I find one end of the tie keeping me from his cock—which I note he has hastily strung together after my last attentions—and tug; soon, his hand is on my hip and he is eagerly helping me as I move to ride him. I gasp as he enters me; from this position, I can feel everything—including his breath, hot on my neck as he pulls my hair away from us, keeping some of it bunched in his fingers. “Jude,” he pants against my back as he runs kisses down my spine, and I move experimentally, pleased when he gasps in reply, “Jude, you have orchestrated my undoing.” I smile smugly at that and gaze at him over my shoulder, rocking a bit, splaying a hand on his knee as I do so.
Through it all, the music plays, the folk dance, and the divine mixture of pleasure and power now pulse at their highest in my veins. There is something in me that loves chaos, that thrives on the inexplicable high I am experiencing from this most private of pleasures and this most public of venues. I feel as though I have never felt power such as this, never had such control during such sensation.
Yet still, I do not move as much as I could. I am still waiting. 
“And how,” I purr, still watching him over my shoulder, “would you like to be undone, Cardan?” 
At his name, I rock faster, and the hand on my hip threatens to rip my gown. I know I am driving him crazy, but I need him to show me just how crazy he can be. I arch my back and begin moving my hips in circles, mimicking my earlier work with my tongue. I know I have him in a position where he can’t control the pace, and I know, after what I have put him through, that this will madden him. I am waiting until he cannot take it any longer, but as I move, I get caught up in my own pleasure.
The heat spreading through my core and down my legs is threatening to be my undoing, and I begin to increase my pace as I find myself teetering on the edge of release. I am lost in what I can feel: Cardan’s hand in my hair, Cardan’s hand on my hip, Cardan’s lips against my neck, Cardan’s length sweetly, deliciously filling me so much so that I can’t think or feel anything that is not this moment.
I am so lost in this that the moment I was waiting for, the moment Cardan begs—”Jude, please, Jude, fuck, Jude”—falls away like all the rest and becomes a background chorus to the main verse as we both gasp our release, as the torrent of pleasure spills over for us both and we both whisper each other’s names as we come.
My eyes slowly flutter open and I lean back into my husband, sounds of the revel around us returning to my ears. No one has noticed their monarchs in this corner, slipping out of reality and into each other, at least as far as I can tell. “Learning new tricks, have we been?” Cardan whispers into my ear, nipping the lobe for emphasis. 
“All the time,” I toss my hair over one shoulder and press my lips to his cheek. 
“You can lose your knife under the table anytime,” he murmurs, voice gravelly. Gently, he lifts me enough so he can string his pants back together. I settle myself onto the edge of his lap. “And Jude,” he catches my wrist with his hand this time as I move to stand, his eyes glittering with conspiratorial delight, “Let’s make this chair a permanent fixture here, shall we?”
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multifandomthoughts · 4 years
As I Am
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Requested by: Anonymous
Triggers: None
Word Count: 925
“Zorooooooooo!!!” Comes the whining voice that echoes across the Sunny. Could it be Luffy wanting entertainment to distract from the boredom of the open seas? No, it’s you trying desperately to get your boyfriend’s attention. You have been like this recently, begging for your boyfriend’s recognition when he’s not doing anything important. However, there is a distinguishing factor between you and someone toxic: when Zoro is doing something with others, you leave him be.
The swordsman in question is napping on the deck, and does not show any response to your voice. Not a single twitch of his muscles, nor a change in his facial expressions. But you simply won’t stand for that, so you flop yourself into his lap with a thud. That gets him to respond, though it’s mostly out of pain at this weight thudding onto his pelvis. He groans loudly, a frown springing to life on his face.
“What are you doing woman?! I’m trying to sleep here! Anyone with any semblance of common sense could have known that!” He shouts, but you’re used to his outbursts; he doesn’t like anyone disturbing his naps. “What did you come over here to ask me for this time...” he grumbles. You respond swiftly with a bratty and rude response. “Well excuse me! I just wanted to spend some time with you, our lives as pirates might not be as long as we expect, and I want to spend the time with you!”
Zoro’s frown softens as he sits up straight against the ship’s mast. “Okay, I understand. You might want to be a little nicer next time, no reason for you to nearly bust my hips. I need to go work out, but you can come with me and tell me all about your day, how about that?” “That sounds alright, but you know that it’s my general attitude…it’s the way I am.” You mutter. “I got up and wondered where you had gone since I was in your bed, then I had breakfast and kicked Sanji in the leg for flirting with me.”
“Sure, it may be the way you are, but you can change you know. Why am I not surprised that Sanji hit on you again? Doesn’t he know we’re pretty much together?” Zoro rolls his eyes and gets up from his seat against the mast, stretching. “Alright, would you maybe like to try to train a little bit with me?” “Sure, maybe I’ll try a little bit to become strong like you. Plus, I love all the time I can get with you.” With a nod, Zoro motions for you to follow him as he begins to climb up the mast up to his gym.
With the clinking of his boots against the ladder, he asks a pertinent question; “Why are you always you bratty to me? Why is it that whenever I do something you have that attitude towards me?” You stay silent, climbing up to the top. Reaching for the door, you begin to speak. “I am this way because I constantly want your attention…” you admit sheepishly. “I feel like it is the only way that I can possibly get it is by being rude or demanding. Like Nami.”
“Well, the you that isn’t bratty like this is the one I got into this relationship with. That should tell you something about how much I care about you and how much you have to do to get my attention. If I wanted someone rude like Nami, I would have just dated Nami. If you want to be bratty, that’s fine just don’t use it as much as an excuse to get my attention.” You were absolutely floored. It’s true that you hadn’t been this way at the beginning, but you just figured he would roll with it.
You sigh and look down at the hardwood floor, ashamed. “I guess I have been a bit bratty with you and I think I can change. I just was a little concerned that you wouldn’t want to spend time with me unless I initiated.” Zoro nods understandingly. “Well, I’ll try and be sure to initiate sometimes too so you don’t feel so much pressure.” Entering inside the room, you are hit with Zoro’s natural scent. Some would call it strong, yet you would call it calming. Weights are scattered all over the room, mats covering almost every inch of floor. You knew this was Zoro’s domain.
Sitting down back to back, you begin to stretch with him. It was relatively easy at first as you passed a weighted ball back and forth. But it was only going to get much harder. Things like sit ups, pull ups and bench presses were probably things he would want to do.
He has you lie on your back while he holds you leg in the air and bends it back towards you as far as you can bear for it to go. “Flexibility is important, got it?” “Mhm! I bet I can bend more than you...” You give a cheeky smirk, looking in his direction. “Don’t go there just yet, we have some more things to do first.”
“Come over here. I need someone to spot me while I bench.” He less requests than demands. You’re happy to do so anyway. After he does his incredibly heavy sets, he takes the weights off. “Alright, your turn. How much can you do?” “I can do as many as I want! I may have toned down the brattiness but I won’t stop being competitive!”
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bangtanloverboys · 4 years
backstage passes // kth
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summary - ever since you befriended kim taehyung of bts, he’s practically begged you to go to one of his concerts. having suffer a bit from claustophobia, you always decline until he gets the idea to have you backstage
pairing - idol!kim taehyung x gender neutral!reader
genre - fluff; idol au
word count - 5.1k
warnings - minor descriptions about panicking at a concert, kim taehyung is dangerous, kissing, kim namjoon is kind of an idiot 
author’s note - this is an old wip i decided to dust off and post for @rougebangtan birthday today!!!! happy birthday maria!!! love you so much and i hope you enjoy this!! side note, i mainly used 5th muster magic shop for this so. . .190623 taehyung
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You loved Taehyung. You really did, but as of recently he was really starting to get on your nerves. 
“Come on, baby, pleaaase.” Taehyung practically purred in your ears. You rolled your eyes at him, pushing him away from you. 
“Taehyung, we talked about this. I’m not going to your concert.” You’ve been arguing with your friend over this topic the past few days. He really wanted you to attend the Muster concert next week and it wasn’t that you didn’t want to go, it was the fact their concerts are known to be packed. You suffer a bit from claustrophobia. It wasn’t that bad but the mere thought of being trapped in between God knows how many bodies all moving and shouting was enough to have your body tense up. 
   He crossed his arms and pouted at your refusal once again. He’s been like this the past year and a half you’ve known him, always acting like a child. 
You’ve been friends since you were a background dancer for their IDOL music video. How you met was because you missed a step, like an idiot, and ended up toppling right into THE Kim Taehyung! V of BTS! You were absolutely embarrassed and was completely ready to be fired from the shoot right then and there. Taehyung however, brushed it off and laughed. Assuring you that he was alright and that at least neither of you got majorly injured. 
The director called out a break and you quickly rushed away from the set to the breakroom and get yourself some water and try to not freak out. Taehyung seemed to have a different idea as he followed you, keeping silent as you wandered through the hallways of the studio. He didn’t have time to make himself known as soon as you turned around after getting water, you screamed seeing the half and half haired boy and dropped your water cup.
“Are you always this excitable?” Taehyung asked, laughing as you again started to apologize profusely. 
And that was the start of your glorious friendship. You’ve met the other guys as well, and they’re all humble and really fun to be around. Spending whatever free time they have with them at their places either drinking or playing Mario Kart. But spending mainly a lot of time with Taehyung, as he claimed to be your closest friend out of them all since ‘he befriended you first’.
“What do I have to do to convince you to come to the concert?” Taehyung begs, clearly not wanting to drop the subject.
“Taehyung, I’ve told you this before. I do want to go, trust me. But if I get in that audience, I can guarantee you I will have a panic attack.” You’ve tried before and that’s what happened, you were going to the concert as a little surprise for him but soon as you stepped foot in the venue, you turned on your heel and left. When you told Taehyung, he quickly reimbursed you from his own pocket. You told him multiple times that you didn’t mind not getting a refund, he still transferred you the amount of money you spent on the tickets. 
The brunette bit the inside of his cheek before falling back onto your couch, deep in thought of what to do next. The remainder of his visit was spent in silence as the two of you watched a drama on Netflix. You noticed in the corner of your eye that Tae was texting someone throughout the show, you dismissed it though, he was probably talking to his band members or a manager. Usually that had two outcomes, one he could spend the night but leave really early or two he had to leave as soon as he could. As much as you wished it was the first one, it was more often the latter. Once the drama was over, he stood up saying he received a text from JK saying he was needed back at the dorms. He pressed a quick kiss to the top of your head before saying goodbye and promising to call you later. 
With a sigh, you turned off the TV and headed back to your room. At this point in your friendship, you were used to Taehyung jumping up and leaving at a moment's notice. What else can you expect from being friends with one of the world���s biggest idols? It just hurt a little more each time he had to leave.
Another factor of your heart hurting whenever he left was the matter of your growing feelings for him. You know he would never feel the same about you, so what was the point in trying? You groan, covering your face with a pillow, you just wanted to have normal feelings with your friends. You spazzed about on your bed, really trying to forget your feelings.
You must’ve fallen asleep at some point because the next thing you know your phone is ringing, waking you from slumber. Patting the bed around you, you find your ringing phone to see that ‘Taehyungie’ is calling you at 2 in the morning.
“What?” You grumble into the phone as you answer.
“You can sit backstage.” Did he really call you at 2 am to again try to convince you to see his concert?
“Tae, it’s 2 in the morning. I was sleep-”
“Forget that, the concert. I talked with the guys and Yoongi brought up the idea of you sitting backstage and watching us from there!” He explained, “you’ll be away from the crowds and the staff will look after you!”
“If I say yes will you leave me alone?” You rub your eyes, officially caving in and trying to move on. 
“Then yes. Goodnight.” With that, you end the call and toss your phone onto the bedside table. You pulled your blankets around you and curled up. You were going to regret this.
It’s a full week before you hear from Taehyung again, and when you do, it’s the night before Muster and he arrives at your door. You were a bit shocked at the fact he came to see you so suddenly, and you were happy to see him but what would prompt him to come to your apartment unannounced?
 Before you have a chance to ask him what was up, Taehyung just waltzed right in. Normally this was okay, but again he came over without telling you and you were just about ready for bed. Plus he had to get up early for Muster didn’t he? What was he doing here?
“As much as I love seeing you here, what are you doing?” You ask as he collapses onto your couch.
“I can’t come and visit my favorite friend?” Taehyung asked, looking slightly offended. The look on his face suddenly had heat rushing to your face.
“No! I didn’t mean it like that, just, you have Muster in the morning-”
“And I got permission to stay here for the night, just have to leave a bit earlier.” He explains, shrugging as if that was obvious. 
“Okay, cool. You didn’t think so tell me first? What if I had someone over?” You really don’t mind having him over but you also really wanted to have some sort of privacy. He of all people should know how valuable privacy is. 
That causes him to snap to attention. “It’s not like you to bring people home, Y/N.” Taehyung muses, “I didn’t even know you dated.”
You’re not sure if you should be offended by his words. “It was just an example, first of all. And I do date. . .just not often. . .” you muttered under your breath. Most of the dates you went on usually ended with either them never speaking to you ever again or you fleeing from boredom. 
Taehyung just laughs at you before beckoning you to sit next to him on the couch. You did so and instantly Tae wrapped his arms around your torso, burying his face in the crook of your neck. The sign of affection caused the heat in your cheeks to spread to your ears. While Taehyung being affectionate wasn’t anything new, this time it felt. . . different? 
Not one to deny cuddles, you openly welcome his affection; wrapping your arms around him and running your fingers through his hair. The two of you just sat in silence while the show on Netflix you were watching is long forgotten.
You can feel yourself slowly start to nod off when you feel Tae start to sit up. You whine at the loss of his warmth, did he have to leave already? “Don’t leave,” you mumble as you move your hand to grab at him.
“Not leaving yet, just moving to the bed.” You hear his voice explain, you can feel his soft hands pull you to your feet and lead you to your room. All this time, you’re too tired to even really open your eyes so you just let him lead you, trusting Taehyung completely. 
He leads you straight to your unmade bed and helps lay you down in the middle of the bed. You hear some shuffling of clothes and you peek open your eyes to see the man strip from his T shirts and jeans to just boxers and suddenly you’re very aware that he’s going to be sleeping in the same bed as you.
The side of the bed dips next to you and you look to see Taehyung again wrapping his arms around your torso, you could feel the warmth of his skin through the material of your thin shirt. He presses a kiss to your hair, whispering “Go to sleep, baby” and with that, you immediately shut your eyes, hoping that this is a dream and when you wake up you don’t have the most handsome man you’ve probably ever laid eyes on in your bed. 
You’re woken up by the shifting around in your bed, the warmth that was surrounding you no longer present and you whined. Tossing on your side to try and steal the remaining warmth from the now empty spots on your bed. 
“Sorry, Y/N, we gotta leave now.” Taehyung’s voice is very close to you and you feel him brush some hair from your face. “We’ll see you at the concert later.”
“Mmhmmm,” you groaned, just wanting to go back to sleep. All you hear is his chuckles as they shuffle out of your room and out of your apartment. Your phone buzzes a few minutes later, but you don’t bother to check it as you’re way too tired to even attempt to open your eyes. It’s way too early for you to be up and you know it. How he ever functions getting up this early, you’ll never know.
For the third time, you wake up and you stay awake this time (much to your dismay). Sunlight trailing in through your open curtains, you push yourself to sit up in your bed. Did last night really happen? Did Kim Taehyung, your friend, whom you’ve had a growing crush on cuddle you as you slept in the same bed? As much as you wanted to believe otherwise, it did happen as there’s no denying the deep indentations on the side of the bed where you definitely weren’t sleeping.
Reaching over to your bedside table, you fumble around to grab your phone and check the time. It’s almost 10 am, and you see that you have a few texts from Taehyung that was sent about 5 hours ago. Jesus, he really did leave early didn’t he. You open the texts and it’s basically a goodbye note saying he didn’t want to wake you up and that a car will be sent for you at around 5 pm. He really did think of everything. 
Closing your phone and getting out of bed, you make your way to the kitchen to make yourself some breakfast. What you’re going to do for the next 7 hours before the concert, you have no idea, but probably to save time you’ll stay inside. 
After a quick cereal breakfast and watching a few episodes of a drama, you glance at the time and see it’s now 3 pm. Thinking enough time has passed, you decide to start getting ready for the concert. You quickly put away all your dirty dishes from breakfast and the night before, seeing how you didn’t last night with Taehyung’s unexpected arrival.
Quickly, you make your way over to your bathroom and start the shower and that’s when you get a call from him. 
“Hello?” You answer, stepping out of the bathroom so the rushing water wouldn’t drown out the call.
“Hey there, you getting ready?” It almost sounded like Taehyung was shouting into the phone.
“Am I on speaker?” You ask, wanting to be careful of what you’re going to say depending on who is in the room.
“Nope, just me,” he responded. 
“Gotcha, and yes. I’m about to hop in the shower, what’s up?” 
“Oooh, baby gonna make themselves nice for me,” Taehyung teases through the phone. 
“Yes, you’re the only boy in existence I’ll get dressed up for.” You roll your eyes at them. “Plus ARMY always dresses to the nines with their concert outfits, might as well try to blend in a bit.”
“Mmm, that’s true. But I bet you’ll be the best dressed there though.” His voice was very flirtatious, and you swear you could feel your cheeks burn in embarrassment despite being alone. 
“I’ve literally seen your concert outfits, y’all really think I’m going to be the best dressed one when you and the other members are literally wearing silk and diamond jewelry?” You were lucky enough to see a few of their snapchats of them trying on and accessorizing their outfits for Muster a few weeks ago when Taehyung first brought up you going and you were breathless at what they all wore. 
“Whatever you wear though, I’m sure you’ll look better than us. Designer clothes or no.” Taehyung’s sickly sweet voice was churning more butterflies in your stomach.
Before you have the chance to respond, you notice the copious amount of steam coming from your bathroom. “Aahh, I gotta go. Wasting the hot water, I’ll see you guys soon!”
“Have fun, be safe, think of me!” Tae says as you end the call. Of course he’d say something like that, the weirdo. You love him for it though. 
Putting your phone down on the bed, you strip down and make your way to the shower and quickly clean yourself without wasting any more water than you already have. Shower done, you dry yourself down with a towel before wrapping it around you and making your way to your closet and begin pulling out clothes to wear. Keeping it a bit casual but also up to enough standards for your favorite boys, you threw on a nice pair of dark pants and a blue button up. Looking in the mirror you couldn’t help but feel as if you’re missing something. . .that’s when you notice a shine from your bedside table. 
When you pick up said shiney thing you notice it’s a necklace that you’re sure you’ve seen Taehyung wear at some point. He must’ve left it here last night. . .well you are seeing him again in a few hours so might as well add it to your outfit so you don’t forget to give it to him. You quickly clasp the silver chain around your neck and play with it for a few seconds, the metal cool against your skin. 
Turning towards your mirror, you deem your outfit to be complete. Minus shoes, but you already had an idea for shoes. Jungkook gifted you a pair of black boots for your birthday not too long ago; they were similar to his with the spiky soles after hearing you compliment how cool they were. So on a whim he just bought you a pair after asking your shoe size. Knowing they probably cost more than your monthly rent, you wanted to strangle him. Expensive material items weren’t usually your thing, so you liked it best when they gave you more personal items. 
You checked your phone and took notice that the ‘OT7 + Y/N’ chat was active once again. You quickly scrolled through the texts, most of them from the other members saying how happy they were to see you at the concert tonight (Yoongi sent you a private message saying how proud he was of you for going out despite knowing your fear of crowds and tight spaces, and that tugged on your heart strings a bit).
You laughed a bit before sending your usual ‘Break a leg’ text, flopping on your bed. You still had about an hour left before the car would arrive to get you. So you mindlessly scroll through your social media feeds, just waiting for the text from either of the guys saying the car is on it’s way. 
Just as you were grabbing a bottle of water from your fridge, you got a text from Tae saying that the car should be about 5 minutes away. With that warning, you grabbed your keys and wallet and made your way out of your apartment and down towards the garage where you were instructed to go. 
Soon enough, you were on your way to the venue and as you watched the world pass outside you could feel your heartbeat start to pick up as the crowds started getting larger and larger. Why did you agree to this? Why? Your heart felt like it was about to drop to your stomach as you got closer and closer to the venue. 
The car pulled up into the back where all the staff were waiting for you. A manager pulled open the door for you and you felt a bit frozen in the seat. 
“Y/N, please follow us. You’ll be fine, we promise.” He said, holding out his hand for you to grasp. Slowly, you took the manager’s hand and let yourself be led into the venue and around the backstage until you were brought into what you assumed to be the main dressing room as there were all 7 guys, dressed and stylized to the max. 
“Y/N!” They all called out as you entered the room, they all raised their arms to give you all a group hug but they stopped when they noticed you flinched at the sudden movement. 
“Hey, you okay?” Jimin asked, raising a brow at you.
“Fine, just. . .nervous. . .” You gave them all a weak smile, trying to put on a brave face. 
Yoongi nodded in understanding, he slowly approached you and handed you a water bottle. “Drink this, if anything happens while we’re on stage: tell a staff member and they’ll escort you out.” 
You nodded as you started to gulp down the water and put it down on the table. When you looked back up, Taehyung had a bit of a frown on his face, clearly not liking the idea of you leaving while he’s on stage. “Do I get a sneak peek at the setlist?” You ask, changing the subject from your rising anxiety.
Namjoon rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “Nice try-”
“But you’ll get a hint!” Taehyung jumped on his shoulders, cutting him off. “It’s how we met!”
Of course they’ll do IDOL. It was one of their main tracks. You simply roll your eyes at them and start keeping small conversation as the staff around them rush around to get ready for the show. They get their makeup and hair retouched as needed, and you watch with close eyes as they work like a well oiled machine. 
Taehyung keeps you at a close distance from where he’s being worked on, talking with the stylists and you about the concert and what he’s excited to see happen from ARMY. You just smile and watch through it all. He looks absolutely breathtaking as well, hell they all do, you can tell for sure that their ARMY is going to go feral over them (you might as well but you have to contain it).
“Places everyone!” You hear a stage manager call out. All of the stylists pull away from the members and they start filing out towards the door to the stage. You watch in awe as they all start to make their way out of the greenroom. 
“Come on, Y/N!” Taehyung grabs your hand and starts tugging you alongside them towards the stage. “Already found a spot where the crew said it was okay for you to sit and watch!”
You let the man drag you towards the stage entrance, the closer you get however, the louder the crowd gets and you can feel your heart pounding in your chest. Was it getting hotter? Or was that just you? You immediately stopped in your tracks, causing Taehyung to stumble a bit. He looked back at you, concern falling over his face. He took a few steps back to be closer to you and gave your hand a squeeze. 
“It’ll be okay, just keep your eyes on me.” He said, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Eyes on me, okay?”
“Okay,” you nodded and he gave you another smile before sneaking out the entrance to take his place with the other guys. You could barely make out their outlines in the dark, but judging from the screams of the crowd they were out there. Soon as the lights went on, all you saw was a bright light and all you heard was the deafening screams of thousands ARMY. The speakers started blasting music, you weren’t sure if you could even really hear if over the crowds. 
You wanted to leave. You shouldn’t have agreed. You weren’t cut out for this. You were about to grab out for a staff member but then you laid eyes on Taehyung and your breath caught in your throat. You watched as he moved around with the other guys and suddenly all the noises of the crowd died away as they performed.
“Excuse me,” a staff member tapped you on the shoulder. “Taehyung wanted me to keep an eye on you, are you doing okay? Do you need anything?”
“I, uh,” you completely blanked for a second, completely lost in the performance. “Water, water please.” The staff member nodded and quickly got you another bottle of labeless water. You quickly downed a good portion of the water as you watched the guys move around and dance, having the time of their lives. 
They came on and off stage, Taehyung always checking on you when he had a spare moment. You could tell by the big boxy smile on his face that he was glad you were still here and watching the show. Granted, you had no idea how in the hell you managed to get through the loud noises of the crowds but you were barely alive after some of the sets you saw. Watching Taehyung during the 3rd act nearly killed you, because his stare suddenly reminded you how thirsty you are and you were out of water already. 
“Last stretch before the end, you having fun?” Namjoon asked you as he waited for the final que to be on stage.
“Yeah, you guys are doing awesome!” You said, looking to the leader as he gave you a big smile.
“I’m glad you came and stayed, especially for Taehyung’s sake. He really wanted you to come.” He said as he took a couple big gulps from a water bottle.
“Yeah, he wouldn’t let me say no until he wore me down.” You chuckled, “he really knows how to get you to say yes.”
“You can say that again, he was practically jumping for joy when you said yes though.” Namjoon smiled, probably reminiscing on the memory. “He likes you so much, he was about to scream if you didn’t come to the concert-”
“Wait what?” Taehyung likes you? You gave Namjoon a look and when he realized what he said, a staff member called out that it was time to leave. “Oh would you look at the time, I gotta get on stage. Bye!”
“Namjoon!” You hissed as the large man scrambled away from you and was quickly followed by the other members. 
Taehyung was the last but he stopped to stand next to you before going on stage. You just stared at him, he liked you? When did that happen? But do you confess to him first or do you wait for him?
“-Y/N? You there?” His voice rings in your ears. 
“Hmm-? Oh sorry, I uh, kinda phased out for a second.” You silently thank the fact it was hot backstage to excuse the growing blush on your cheeks. 
“I asked if you liked the show so far? You like it back here?” Taehyung asked, avoiding all the staff members yelling at him to go on.
“I’m loving the show, and I’d like it even more if you’d go out there and finish it!” You laugh as you push him towards the stage entrance.
“Fine fine, but you owe me for pushing me out in the middle of the conversation!” He said as he made his way out.
“I’ll give you a kiss at the end of the show, how about that?” You didn’t realize you said those words until the shocked look of Taehyung was pulled away from you and back onto the stage. Did you really just say that?
You were so wrapped up in your own thoughts for the next few minutes replaying that moment over and over again you didn’t realize the show was almost over and all that was left was the encore. You watched as they all sang and performed, looking out over the sea of ARMY bombs. The scene was so beautiful and serene, it almost brought tears to your eyes. 
As they said their goodbyes and thank yous, you could tell they were sad about the concert ending but at the same time they were exhausted from it so it was bittersweet. Once the stage went dark, a staff member started escorting you away from the stage doors and back towards the green room area. 
There you waited for the guys and it was mere moments when 6 exhausted men trudged into the room. “You guys did amazing!” You jumped up and down and clapped as they all gave you tired smiles and collapsed onto the couches around the room. You watched as they all sat down and wiped tears from their eyes and drank water, you noticed that Taehyung was missing. When you pointed this out to the other guys they were also perplexed. 
“He was right behind us? Wasn’t he?” Jimin said, looking around for his friend. 
“Y/N, can you go look for him? I don’t think I can move my legs,” Jin sighed from the corner of the room.  
“No problem! He can’t be that far behind right?” You gave a shrug as you went out the doors they came in.
Apparently he was far behind because you walked all the way straight back to the stage and Kim Taehyung was nowhere to be found. You looked into several other passages and asked staff members where he could possibly be, but came up with nada. 
“Tae, where the fuck did you go. . .” You muttered under your breath as you made your way back towards the green room and there the fucker was standing all alone. “What the fuck dude, I’ve been looking everywhere for you?!” 
Taehyung  gives a nervous chuckle, “Sorry I wanted to talk to you in private and this was a dumb elaborate scheme to make that happen.” You watch as he takes a cautious step towards you. “So. . . about what you said before I went back on stage. . .”
Heat rushed to your cheeks and you looked away from him. “I-I’m sorry about that, i have no idea where that came from.” You felt him come closer and pick your chin up to look back at him, his dark brown eyes not looking away from yours. “Namjoon said you liked me-!”
You watched a look of shock wave over his face, “Fucker. . “ he grumbled. “Uh, so uh, does that mean you-”
“I like you too,” you cut him off. Could your face get any hotter? Where was the damn A/C when you needed it? 
You watched him as he formed a smirk on his lips before bringing his face closer to yours. “So, does that mean you’ll be okay with this?” With that said, he brought his lips to yours and you stood there shocked for a moment before kissing back. You wrapped your hands around his shoulders, fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. You could feel him smile into the kiss, causing your stomach to do flips.
You pulled away for a moment to catch your breath and he just stared at your with his rectangular smile. “Yes, I’m okay with that.” You laugh airly, he only responded with a good before connecting your lips again. His lips were soft and tasted faintly of strawberry chapstick, one you’ve probably seen him apply on a multitude of times. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you’d be able to taste it off of the man you’ve been crushing on for a few months now. Yet here you are. He pulls away and start to pepper the rest of your face with kisses, causing laughter to fill the room. 
“I don’t know about you, but I’m tired.” He said, pushing some hair from your face. “Wanna head out?”
You licked your lip and watched Taehyug’s face, his lips were kiss swollen and his hair was still sweaty. But the look in his eyes of full and utter adoration caused you to melt underneath his gaze. “Yes please.”
With that, he took you by the hand and led you out of the arena and the stage doors where the other members were waiting. They started cheering for the two of you as you walked to them hand in hand. 
“About time you two got together,” Jungkook sighed. “He was becoming unbearable with talking about you.”
“Ah Jungkookie, I don’t think just because he’s with Y/N doesn’t mean he’s gonna stop talking about them.” Namjoon laughed. 
“If anything, it’ll get worse.” Hoseok chuckled, causing Jungkook to groan.
“By the way Namjoon, I know you let it slip and don’t think because I’m in the honeymoon stage that I’ll let you get away with it.” Taehyung gave Namjoon a quick side eye, causing you to roll your eyes and press a kiss to his cheek.
The rest of the night was filled with drinks and cuddles and more kisses. All the things you wanted to tell him you could finally express. You’d never been more thankful for messing up a dance routine though, because if you didn’t mess up, you wouldn’t be in the arms of the man you love.
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slasherholic · 4 years
Essay: The Impact of Smith’s Grove on Michael Myers’ Antisocial Tendencies
-warning: personal opinion and headcanons ahead!-
The topic has been on my mind tonight, so naturally, my thoughts have culminated in an unnecessarily lengthy essay :)
I’ll preface this by saying Michael’s time at Smith’s Grove undoubtedly contributed to the severity of his antisocial behaviors. While temporary hospitalization was likely the right course of action for him after Judith’s murder, under no circumstances would it have been beneficial for his development to spend his entire childhood at an institute for the criminally insane. It would seem that, ultimately, (and almost certainly in part due to the recommendations of Sam Loomis,) Michael was “forgotten by the system” and doomed from the beginning to become just another statistic.
Let’s make something clear, though: Michael’s lack of empathy was not caused by Smith’s Grove. Michael’s sadistic personality was not caused by Smith’s Grove. These are inherent biological factors. It may seem harsh to label a child with such a serious, seemingly adult condition, but Conduct Disorder is a very real occurrence.
Of course, that isn’t at all to say that Judith’s murder was Michael’s fault.
Due both to the severity of Michael’s disorder, and his young age, he would not have been able to internalize why cruelty to others and outright murder was considered “wrong” by society.
Yes, he probably had adults talking at him all day about why it wasn’t okay to bully kids in school, or throw rocks at dogs, or cut up all of Judith’s toys; but ultimately, little Mikey lacked the cognitive function that would be developing in a “typical” brain to ascertain morally right behaviors from morally wrong ones. In short, all that adult talk was just obnoxious nagging that went in one ear and right out the other.
Alright, there’s my rambling and obligatory “it’s very not groovy to fling around unfounded and damaging labels such as ableist” (I’m a mentally ill individual myself, thanks 😎👉) out of the way. On to the actual topic of this essay weeeee
Also! Due to the very limited knowledge we have about Michael’s character, here is where things get quite headcanon-y--so please, dip out now if you are bothered by that.
Smith’s Grove ultimately failed Michael for a multitude of reasons. Psychiatry at the time was ill-equipped to deal with the severity of a disorder such as his, and to worsen matters, those in charge of his care were never able to achieve a break-through with him during the course of his treatment. (This includes Loomis, yes, but I highly doubt that it was strictly limited to Loomis—I do not think it’s responsible to pin all of the blame on a single psychiatrist. I will go more into detail about what Loomis is responsible for in another essay.)
The core issue, however, is this: from little Mikey’s point of view, the staff of Smith’s Grove were never there to “help him.” These adults were merely the people keeping him locked up in an unstimulating environment, making him swallow gross pills, and trying to lecture him about things that he really didn’t care about. He wanted out.
However, thanks to the naivety of psychiatry at the time—and with good intentions in mind, albeit very misplaced—the people in charge were not about to let him out into, say, some sort of outpatient program.
Michael picked up on this fact quickly. And the effects it wreaked on his attitude toward other people as a whole were catastrophic.
Because of this deeply-rooted frustration toward his confinement, I have no doubt that little Michael would have come to resent the staff of Smith’s Grove—his psychiatrist included—and the institution altogether. In his worldview, every single person now involved in his life was guilty of being an utter jackass, unworthy of his respect, unworthy of his cooperation.
This was the catalyst that led Michael to voluntarily stop communicating.
Think about it—engaging with the staff was ultimately not something that could be forced on Michael. His refusal to cooperate became the single aspect of his life that he still held some semblance of personal control over. Doctors could talk at him all they wanted, but at the end of the day, he didn’t have to listen, nor react; so, he didn’t.
Michael’s refusal to communicate was likely done sheerly out of frustration and a desire to be defiant—that is, until he was mature enough to realize how he could use the behavior to slip gracefully under the radar, and be forgotten about. His next decade was set to be spent perfecting his act of docility, biding his time, and waiting for the day when he could free himself on his own terms.
But by then, the irreversible damage to his social proclivity was done; and any hope of him cooperating in his treatment was long gone.
Michael had long-since internalized the idea that communication with others was not a worthwhile use of his energy. In little Mikey’s mind, having no desire to engage socially with those in his environment, no inherent need or longing to seek out friendly interactions, and a very low opinion of practically everybody, other people were now useful only as tools.
This mindset of his was strongly reinforced as his libido developed—at which point he discovered that cruelty to others wasn’t just entertaining, it also made him feel good in a different way. Essentially, as Michael matured into adulthood, his “people are nothing more than toys and tools” mentality had become too deeply rooted in his psyche to ever realistically be rectified.
Now, consider a perfect world: a world in which Michael hadn’t been left a permanent inpatient. A world where instead, he was released back to his family within a year. A world where he had been taught healthy and effective mechanisms to cope with his impulses.
Even in this ideal situation, I feel it would be unmindful of me to make any sort of claim that Michael absolutely would not still be engaging in criminal activity—murder possibly included.
Upon his escape from Smith’s Grove, Michael, a perfectly sane adult, (ASPD is not a psychotic disorder,) who now knows that murder is wrong by societal standards, who now understands the gravity of his actions and the potential repercussions he faces, whether out of impulse, sexual desire, sheer boredom, or any combination of the three—still opts to kill people.
Michael could have disappeared after his escape. I am confident that he is both intelligent and perceptive enough that if he really felt like it, he could have picked up on the skills needed to at the very least “blend in” with society. He could have faded into obscurity in the public eye, and that would have been the end of it. It would not have been a “normal” life, but it might have been something bordering on functional.
Instead, he murdered four people.
Let me emphasize: when Michael finally got free, rather than doing literally anything besides murder, Michael went out of his way to commit even more murders.
To conclude, yes; institutional misconduct worsened the severity of Michael’s antisocial tendencies and stole from him any chance he might have had at living a “normal” life.
However, Michael’s crimes as an adult are inexcusable, and despite the very real mistreatment he faced at the hands of an authority, he absolutely deserves to be held responsible for his actions in the original Halloween.
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lordmomohismomoness · 4 years
Here are my top Zutara fanfiction recs.
The biggest factor in my ranking and why I recommend them is because I had a hard time putting them down. Other than that, they are pretty all over the place in terms of content and setting.
  His Majesty Prefers Blue by Shamelessliar
Rated M  212K+ words  Completed 2012
A year after the war's end, the gaang returns to the Fire Nation for a week of diplomatic meetings. There, they hear rumors about a vigilante who wears a blue mask and Katara finds herself digging deeper into his identity and motives. Blue/Zutara Lemons
Trigger warnings: rape, torture (1 scene)
This is my absolute favorite fic. It has a little bit of everything: romance, humor, drama, suspense. There is an actual plot too! It is also one of few fics which show Zuko and Katara being a great team.
  When The Mask Comes Off by Jamie Hasaku
Rated K  73K+ words  Completed 2006
After freeing her and her friends from capture, Zuko has no choice but to care for a gravely injured Katara, who was left behind by accident. The trick? Keeping his face hidden so she doesn’t hurt herself even more by trying to fight him. Zutara Blutara
This is not your average capture fic. Katara is still pretty badass. The scene where she finds out who is behind the mask made my heart melt. Hanae is one of my favorite OCs ever! It does have a sequel which has been abandoned, but that doesn't change the fact that this story is wonderful by itself.
  The Dragon and the Siren (AO3) The Dragon and the Siren (ff.net) by CultofStrawberry
Rated M/T  147K+ words  Completed 2012
Zutara, Hades x Persephone inspired. In a land of gods and spirits, Katara is the daughter of the Sea, and Zuko is the powerful and reclusive God of the Fire Realms. Zuko has been pining for her for too long... so he finally takes action.
Being a huge fan of Greek mythology and A:TLA, I did not think I would enjoy this fic. I was pleasantly surprised as the author combined the two seamlessly. The worldbuilding is amazing and the tale is not an exact replica of the myth. The AO3 link contains smut, but is incomplete. The fanfiction link has the completed story.
  Subterfuge by Smylealong
Rated M  113K+ words  WIP last updated Oct 2020
Thirty years ago, the Fire Nation attacked, throwing the world off balance. Katara entered the Fire Nation war camp at Ba Sing Se as a healer, prepared to do whatever it takes to play her part in stopping the war. Getting kidnapped with the Fire Prince and falling in love with him were not parts of the plan. AU. Zutara.
Trigger Warnings: Sexual Assault, Incest, Graphic Depiction of Violence
This fic is VERY dark. However, the writing is amazing which more than makes up for it.
  Dancing in the Dark by DamageCtrl
Rated T  61K+ words Complete 2006
Post-Season 2 AU: While in Ba Sing Se, Katara and Toph hear a rumor about two tea servers in the lower tiers of Ba Sing Se and sneak away go to investigate only to have their suspicions confirmed. On her personal time, Katara tries to teach herself to dance and fails so badly, a masked man takes pity on her to try to help.
In case you haven't noticed, I LOVE the Blue Spirit. This fic is full of fluff, and awkward Zuko is my favorite Zuko. It does start slow, but once you get into it, it is a pretty cute story. Zuko is the one with multiple suitors for once.
  Twist Me to the Left by Grapefruittwostep
Rated T  91K+ words  Complete 2017
So here Zuko is, with no family, no band, and no more record contract. Just another punker with a guitar who thinks he's got what it takes. Then he meets Avatar, the band breaking all the rules. They've got everything going for them, the rising star, and they're everything Zuko isn't. But maybe, just maybe, they want a new guitarist. As long as the pretty keyboardist with the blue eyes doesn't murder Zuko first.
Warnings: References to Drugs
This is a college age AU with an angsty emo/punk Zuko. A fluffy enemies to lovers trope, but fun nonetheless.
  Don't Stand So Close To Me by Cinemascope08
Rated M  76K+ words  Abandoned 2013
Katara and the Gaang are in full swing at Ba Sing Se University when interactions with a new professor start affecting Katara's life in increasingly complicated ways. Rated M for scenes of a graphic nature.
Trigger Warning: Torture, Murder, BDSM, Incest
Another really dark fic, but it takes a bit to get there. Once it does, you are hooked by the suspense. It is abandoned, but still a good read.
  So let us melt and make no noise by LittleLostStar
Rated M 69K+ words  WIP last updated Jan 2021
When a mission to the South Pole goes awry, Prince Zuko awakens in the home of a healer named Katara and finds his heart is damaged and his bending has vanished. His quest to find the last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe is his destiny-- the one chance to regain his honour and return home. But as time passes and Zuko's heart heals, it becomes clear that Katara is protecting an ancient secret of her own, and that both of their destinies are entwined in ways never before thought possible.
We get to see Zuko at the mercy of Katara here. And this fic has an actual plot to it, which is an easy way to get into my good graces. There is a lot of mystery and suspense. It has slow updates, but the author has commented that she intends to complete it.
  Butterflies and Hurricanes by Rerbirth of the Phoenix
Rated T  103K+ words  Complete 2012
"You may find yourself capturing hearts that you are forbidden to keep." She is a servant. He is a Prince. Together they are about to go against everything that keeps the world at peace. Zutara
This one took me a bit to get into, as I was bothered by the ages at the start. Fortunately, it takes place over several years so we see the relationship develop. No spoilers, but wow the ending really got me.
  The Penance Series by delectate
Rated M  39K+ words  Complete 2010
The road to forgiveness is long and arduous...just ask Zuko. Season 3 Zutara, following the episodes past 312. Rated M for Mature.
Warnings: BDSM
Zuko is taken prisoner at the western air temple. As it turns out, Zuko is a masochist and Katara lets her freak flag fly. I like this one because it does such a different take on the characters, and it actually makes sense that Zuko would be a masochist since he has such a messed up family.
  Lotus Lake by Rebirth of the Phoenix
Rated T 65K+ words  Complete 2006
Zutara AU. An orphaned Katara and her brother find themselves at boarding school. Katara's first thoughts are that her life will now be filled with boredom. How wrong she was!
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse
This is a bonus rec. While not super high on my list, it is still an enjoyable story. Plus, I really like the boarding school premise since I love shows like Rebelde and Het Huis Anubis. I would have liked to see more drama with Jet though. Still a good one if you are looking for fluff.
  I added some more to my top recs!
  Indigo Summer by Serendipitea
Rated T  21K words  Complete 2020
Zuko takes up a life guarding job the summer before going off to university. What he doesn't expect is to be completely distracted by the surfer girl with bright blue eyes.
This one is just so darn cute
  And expectations she won't meet by Gxldentrio
Rated  T  8K words  Completed 2020
Katara’s organic chemistry TA is an asshole ----- or is he?
A texting/social media fic that I reread all the time because it is just that GOOD! I love the way the author uses all the character's interactions to tell a cohesive story.
  (if my wishes came true) it would have been you by TheDecension
Rated  T  34K words  WIP Last updated Mar 2021
Katara overshares on the internet. Zuko makes it a point to only lurk. Good thing there's nothing tying their online adventures to their real lives — right?
Or, Katara and Zuko have something of a history, and when they reconnect after months of silence, there could be more going on behind the scenes than they realize.
If you haven't heard of this one, you should! It is though social media posts and text, and it is just wonderful!
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404fmdminjung · 4 years
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aesthetic & headcanon — a mixture of figures
summary: minjung has elements from a lot of characters in western shows / movies — the top three being holly golightly, alice ayres and effy stonem. there’s a duality to each of these characters that have the contrast from their surface level characterizations to what’s really shown once the facade is stripped away. the pictures highlight 3 different expressions, all which radiate ‘minjung energy’ of each character. headcanon: elaboration on the characters / how minjung relates to them. warnings: mentions of smoking. alcohol. wc: 1019
effy stonem, skins
yes, when i first made minjung i did not know this character existed. yet, after binge watching skins — i realized, there are a lot of similarities with seo minjung and effy stonem. they’re both destructive in the tendency to hurt themselves at the sake of their hearts. an emotional inability to actually voice how they feel till they’re pushed over the edge.
she will be the first to runaway with love (has done before when she broke up with yeonggi the first time) — mainly because that sort of shit is suffocating to her, and she doesn’t see it as healthy for mind. but also short-sighted when she realizes not having love also causes a turmoil of events that cause her to dwell in self-ruination.
love love love — what’s it good for? absolutely thing. that quote resonated with minjung as she didn’t see herself ever stepping into permanency. similarly, effy has elements of these as well, where hers is more family trouble based minjung is more about the backstory where she moved around a lot.
loves the cigarettes and alcohol, but doesn’t drag people into it. instead, it follows her and without a crowd she partakes in it and with a crowd, she thrives in it. there’s a feeling of losing herself in these settings, where she doesn’t have to think about anything except jump around to loud music — in that case, they’re very alike.
the whole whimsical big picture? it’s less effy more minjung. yet, they still have similarities when effy pops in the big picture questions once in a while, only that is how minjung talks 99% of the time.
takes two steps forward only to take one step back, and doesn’t realize the repercussions till it’s too late.
a mental health not really addressed because she’s too busy living in the moment than dwelling on past things — this in turn causes it to fester and ruminate into something bigger in the end (i don’t think minjung will have a great downfall like effy though.)
effy also has these attributes where she has a smile no one can decipher — often times, minjung does that. will hold these things above people’s head like she’s talking nonsense, only to polish it off with a smile. people think of her as ‘bonkers’ as pandora says, and people know that minjung’s comments should just be brushed off and not thought about for long.
in my opinion, i think she’d resemble effy the most or maybe alice ayres.
holly golightly, breakfast at tiffany’s
whimiscal in the way she goes about life — that in the essence is minjung. having fun, ignoring the problems / history of herself for the sake of what is presented in the present / in front of cameras.
an american geisha? that isn’t minjung, nor is she an alluring siren (but holly was never meant as that characterization). 
holly golightly has this mysterious factor that fred can’t figure out, and in a way minjung does have this mysterious factor she keeps to not let people in too close for her. both in that regard have a defense mechanism in that way.
holly speaks in grand wording, the life of the party with no regard for tomorrow. minjung isn’t so much the life of the party, let’s get faded type gal, but she still does hold certain elements in her wording and her constant taste for excitement inside her bones. she doesn’t want boredom, doesn’t like monotony in many things — just because every three years she was subjected to something new in her history. i guess, elements of holly somewhat bleed onto her there.
love versus keeping up the euphoria from her own facade — she’d pick love everytime just as how holly inevitably ends up picking fred in the end. hopeless romantic deep rooted heart, that is her essence and she fools no one once the layers are peeled back.
acts like nothing phases her despite the whole world hovering over her head like a tight enclosed space, heralding her as
alice ayres / jane jones, closer
once alice is in love, she’s clingy — similarly to alice, minjung is also clingy? loves the feeling of being in love and letting everyone know it. she’ll show her love in front of people with a real disregard for anyone in the room except her partner. 
often times, love leads her to be blind — she has tunnel vision to the point where the ‘apple of her eye’ literally becomes her partner, but she still remains keen to every little detail of her partner.
i think — the reason i pick alice ayres as being close to minjung predominately stems from her way of clicking off, and closing herself off in face of heartbreak. the moment she senses something is seriously off, she’ll run like wild-girl and do something irrational. 
and alice is really calculative, and smart — she does things that people don’t expect until it’s too late while dropping little hints. that sort of long-term planning, and the small details is very minjung-esque.
because there’s love which consumes, and once that gets stripped away she feels bare for a time period — might cut her hair, do something crazy. give up a little because heartbreak hurts more than anything in her personal opinion.
i won’t spoil the movie, but the big plot twist at the end would be something minjung does — tell someone she doesn’t love them, and split to get lost so that she’ll never be found again. seems like her to harbor a lie for a long time just for the sake of love and protecting her own heart (though, in regards to yeonggi, she would never because their love is nothing like alice / dan’s).
honorable mentions
lee bona (the heirs) for the sake of jealousy that minjung has when she’s really in love
cassie from skins series 1&2 — the whimsical nature of never showing how she feels
blair waldorf — just for the pure ruthlessness of her when she gets angry / upset
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
a simple romance — tsukishima kei
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1.5k words | genre/s: fluff, 80s!au | warning/s: — | pairing: tsukishima x fem!reader
↪︎ in which you and tsukishima celebrate a simple anniversary for your simple romance
a/n: kinda plotless and just mindless word throw up because im a homeless romantic who’s whipped for tsukishima, plus it’s my 500 follower special ✋🏻😌
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you and tsukishima always had quite the simple romance. the only factor that was not exactly simple was that it was tsukishima who confessed first one september day. it was early in the morning the moment the sky bled its onyx night sky into an orangey-dawn.
you had barely left the safe confines of your home when the tall blond that waited outside your door in the crisp autumn air had nonchalantly confessed. usually it was him and yamaguchi waiting for you, but you figured he made his best friend walk ahead in order to be alone with you.
it was quite surprising, really. you assumed that all you were to tsukishima was nothing but a friend, someone so annoyingly bearable that he only let you stick around because you made him bentos once in a while. and in a surprising turn of events, you accepted his feelings and the two of you have been dating primarily on the low.
having your relationship known wasn’t exactly your main priority and neither was tsukishima’s. especially considering that if his volleyball team found out, they wouldn’t leave you alone for a second without bombarding you about why you would end up with someone as salty as him. the funny thing was that you often asked yourself that as well, but with how simple your romance was, there was nothing more to answer that question besides the fact you liked being with him. so you digress.
granted, since your relationship was more or less a secret besides only yamaguchi being aware of this fact, you and tsukishima often had to see each other in away from the sight of others. most of the time is was behind closed doors, but sometimes, sometimes, very early in the mornings you two would have a sweet rendezvous somewhere behind the gym before spending the rest of the hours before school starts on the field.
with you being a member of the track team and tsukishima being in the volleyball club, the field seemed like the only plausible reason why the two of you would be there. every friday morning you two would come early just to run around the track with the cool morning breeze and the tweets of songbirds tweeted among the peaceful silence.
you and tsukishima walked upon school grounds with water bottles in hand and your walkmans in the other. you had recently gotten a new one for your birthday, the latest 1984 Sony Walkman that was progressively better in sound quality than your boyfriend’s old 1982 model, to which he stated, “how much better can it be when your music taste is trash?”
you rolled your eyes and ran ahead of him. he gets quite annoyed when you do that as he isn’t necessarily the fastest runner. the only reasons why he does these morning runs is to be with you, so you ditching made him put on that cute pout you can’t resist. besides, you would reward him with a heated make out session behind the gym or the storage closet in return.
ten laps around the track was all you two ran, occasionally making small talk on the most existential topics on whether or not aliens exist or the stupid hypothetical questions about a zombie apocalypse—to which tsukishima would tease you and say he would feed you to the zombies. but it wasn’t to say that sometimes waves of comfortable silence wouldn’t fall upon you two. you concluded that no matter what, you would always find yourself in this type of tranquil silence with tsukishima. you had even forgotten your boyfriend’s stares of admiration, rather, you didn’t actually know if his gazes were of malice, indifference, or adoration, but whatever it was you hoped it was something good.
despite dating for a year now, you still couldn’t tell the difference, but you knew deep inside your gut that was accompanied by the same butterflies that all he means is nothing but love. and you wished to show that love as today was your anniversary.
and to which tsukishima thought you couldn’t get more breathtaking than the last time you had been at each other’s companies just yesterday, it seemed he had been proven wrong. you were teeth stark against the moonlight, divulged in night torn howls of winds and slick with honor. even at your worst, with skin frayed with abrasions and scrapped knees, tsukishima still found light within your fondness. and right now, you were filled with ichor of charming homemade raptures. your boyfriend couldn’t fathom how beguiled he was for a girl he hadn’t thought of more than an add on to his friendship with yamaguchi.
after your run, you two found yourselves resting upon the bleachers near the baseball field. you rested your legs atop tsukishima’s as he fiddled with your walkman. your headphones were now rested over your boyfriend’s ears as he listened to your curated mixtape of songs you specifically listened to on your runs with tsukishima. the songs that you burned on it were special to you and him and to you and him only. the songs that reminded you two of your first date during the night when you breathed out against the late night’s mist, inhaling the stars as you and tsukishima walked hand in hand through the city—of his quips of banter, his wisecracks of pleasantries, even his annoyingly amiable witticisms that would often put you in your place of not being as clever as your boyfriend—had a special place in your heart.
your gaze, warm in admiration as you looked upon his handsome features, took him in like a breath of fresh air. he was bobbing his head lightly to the music. it made a smile melt upon your face as your thoughts were scattered by the wind (a mere light breeze) as you exhaled your silk promises. your bare knuckles grazed over his as your hand lifted to his face, running your hand through his messy blond hair.
within seconds, the mixtape clicked to an end to which tskushima kissed your palm messing at his hair as he sat up. “this is actually good,” he mutters. “perhaps your music taste isn’t as bad as i remembered.”
“that’s funny considering most of my past music taste was from you.” you jested with a smirk on your lips.
he scoffs playfully, pecking your lips quickly. “yeah right, the majority of your mixtapes were nothing but queen and abba.”
“please tell me you’re not trashing queen and abba,” you rolled your eyes and feigning offense, “they’re literally iconic.”
“if you added some mötley crüe or tears of fears, maybe it would be better.” tsukishima smirks, making you huff. “but it’s fine as since it is our anniversary today, i figured i would be nice.”
“do you want to give our gifts now?” 
tsukishima nods as he smiles, “so i can listen to it throughout the day.”
your eyebrows furrow together in confusion, “how’d you know i was going to give you a mixtape?”
“mere intuition,” your boyfriend jokes, causing you to shake your head as you reached into your backpack’s front pocket. “i actually burned you one too.” tsukishima did the same as the two of you faced each other once more with mixtapes in both your hands.
your fingers brushed each others briefly as you two traded gifts. and despite contact between the two of you hadn’t been scarce, there was still that same spark and radiating warmth that would consume you two.
both had cute notes attached to it as you had both read it.
FOR MY LOVE: the first mixtape of yours that isn’t complete rubbish and the first mixtape given to you for your new 1984 Sony Walkman that you won’t stop talking about. i don’t have to worry about you liking these songs because i know you will since i know you so well. i’ve also come to notice that you like to mix severely opposite genres on one tape i.e fleetwood mac and metallica like an absolute monster. so i did that on this tape for your sake. i love you, idiot.  —tsukishima kei
FOR MY BLONDIE: even though you hate listening to mainstream music, i couldn’t help but put on the latest from michael jackson, madonna, and some city pop because who else would i scream these songs until my throat is raw with? but besides that, i added some more of your favorites like twisted sister. i can’t wait for you to make fun of this mixtape because i know deep down it’s going to be one of your favorites because it came from me. i love you, dickhead.  — l/n y/n
you two sit in silence for bit, doing nothing more but being in each other’s presence and embrace. letting the world before you continue to move as you looked at the tape’s songs. you were immediately struck with the feeling of the nostalgic nights with tsukishima, laughing in the dark at two in the morning of messing around and reassuring pats on the back. you two were quilted blankets and moonless nights, of warm sunspots on a cloudy day, and cherry blossom petals falling upon your hair without noticing. you were tsukishima’s cure to boredom and lack of sleep. you two were each other’s everything.
it was your simple romance.
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jkbabiey · 4 years
{JJK} Say it ⤇ 2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairing:  fuckboy!jungkook x student!reader
Word Count: ~2.1 K
Genre: we’ll keep up with the flirty tension and let’s add a bit of an awkward tension to the mix... just for fun ; college!AU
Warnings: Jungkook seems to be less of a dick and Y/N gets shy, she’s still a sweetheart. 
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4th of March, 2023
Another typical saturday night. 
It was about midnight and you were, as usual, covered in anatomy books and human body scrawled papersheets. As much as you loved anatomy, you had to admit that along with interesting, it was a really exausting subject. You were incredibly sleepy from all the studying you’d been doing from at least 3 PM and all you wanted was to go to sleep, but you refused to give in to your desires, deciding to stay up at least for another hour. 
Yes, you were aware that probably - and most-certainly - you were sounding like a nerdy self-sabotaging bitch BUT you had a reason. You had an anatomy exam next week and you were determined to get the highest grade possible, even if it cost you some hours of sleep. And why was the reason behind that? Well... you had been holding a grudge... Yeah... In you previous anatomy exam - in wich you were close to getting the highest grade in class - your asshole professor had insinnuated that you had cheated just because he had seen you turn back to pick your fallen pen and though you were looking at your seatmate’s exam. You were -oh, so ready to get the highest grade of the class in this exam and freacking rub it in that dubass’ face.
You grabbed a handful of the crispy bacon chips you were using as a motivation to keep up the good work, furiously munching on them and preparing yourself to start reading another chapter of your favorite anatomy book, Gray’s Anatomy.
Before you got to read the first word something got your attention. You had never been so happy to receive a text from an unknown number in your life. This had to be a sign telling you to just go to sleep, for sure. You grabbed your phone instantly, dropping the heavy book on top of your sprailed thighs, finally finding an almost proper excuse to get away from your never-ending studies.
[Unknown number, 00:10 AM] - Hey princess
You didn’t take you long to remember the annoying man that approached you at the bar three weeks ago, probably because of the exact same choice of words he used the night he tried to seduce you.
[Unknown number, 0:10 AM] - Remember me?
You would be lying if you said you haven’t thought about him these days. His appearance was too good to just disappear from your mind in three mere weeks. Everything, from the way he looked to the cocky and snarky comebacks he spat after hearing you neglecting him multiple times that night was, unfortunately, attractive to you.
[You, 00:14 AM] - No.
You lied. 
It didn't take a lot of time for another message to pop up on your phone's screen.
[Unknown number, 00:15 AM] -  Come on, I know you've been thinking about me
[You, 00:15 AM] - Tell me your name, and maybe I'll remember who you are.
Deep inside you knew that this wasn't the real reason why you were asking him his name. The truth was that you wanted to know a name, so you could associate his face – which you haven’t been able to stop thinking about for the last 21 days and it was honestly driving you insane – to a name.
[Unknow number, 00:15 AM] - I didn’t tell you my name, it wouldn't help baby
And, unhappily he was able to turn your little game against its own creator. 
That cunning little shit...
[Unknow number, 00:16 AM] - But we both know I haven’t left your mind these days
You were, once again, left bewildered staring at his text. He was a cocky, selfish, jackass that was completely full of himself.
You threw your phone on your sofa and tried to calm down. It was impressive how quickly he was able to get you all riled up. He literally just had to say something, anything, and you would already be thinking of ways to kill him. You wouldn’t say it out loud, but after that night you had been waiting for a call or a text. For his call or for his text, and that was the major factor that was holding you from telling him to fuck off right away. But you couldn’t blame yourself for thinking about him. He was annoying, yes he was. But he was also extremely hot, and if you’re being honest, you missed getting laid. You didn’t even remember the last time someone made you feel good in that way and you were definitely craving it. A woman has needs and, unfortunately, he filled all of your physical demands in a man even though you were selective, very selective.
And even after considering how physically needy you were at the moment, you decided to act against yourself once again that night and left him without any answer. The guy had already proven himself to be such a dick and as sexually needy as you coud be, you would never let someone like that get to touch one single inch of your body. 
You weren’t that needy, anyways...
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7th of March, 2023
It was Tuesday today. You hated Tuesdays. Today you would have to endure two straight hours in the lab. Your microbiology professor wasn't the best, and his monotone way of talking just made it all worse. Usually you would have pretty much use this two hours to discretely close your eyes and try to sleep. 
That would have happened if your crush hadn't asked to sit next to you. Right now, sleep was the last thing on your mind. You were fixed on the way Jimin lurked into the microscope's ocular. The way he pursed his plump lips whenever he didn't get the outcome he wanted or the way he looked at you and smiled softly from time to time. 
When class ended, Jimin got up from his seat and turned to you.
"Hey, do you want to come get coffee with me?" 
Your eyes widened and your lips instantly parted, shocked by his invitation. How come the hottest and sweetest guy in your class was asking you on a date?
"Yes, of course!" 
You cringed internally hearing how desperate that answer had probably sounded to him, but the smile on your face never faded. You threw your books and all the other stuff you could recognize as yours into your black leather bag and quickly walked beside him.
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You bit your red velvet muffin cautiously, sipping on your black coffee right away. You were trying to look pretty in front of Jimin. He had been your crush since you started med school. He had catched you eye immediately. He wasn’t the type of guy to try to get people’s attention, but he did, naturally. You two had been sitting in that coffee shop for about 15 minutes already and you were completely enchanted by his sweet and delicate ways. He was every girl's dream and you couldn't deny that you were a part of that crowd. He was absolutely dreamy and you were absolutely entranced in his whole appearance. 
"So... I noticed you haven't been dating anyone for a really long time now..." he smirked at you and waited patiently for your answer. 
The thing is, you couldn't really answer him. You had been caught off guard. You didn't know he would be this direct.
"Right," you murmured, completely flustered by his sudden approach to your love life.
"Don't be so shy, we're friends Y/N!"
Your expression fell immediately after hearing his words. And then came the sudden realization that this was not romantic. This wasn’t a freaking date.
"Maybe, I can introduce some of my friends to you! I'm pretty sure, anyone would love to date you, you’re absolutely gorgeous!"
His words pissed you off, but you didn't say a thing, displaying the smalles and most polite ever instead. How could he say you were gorgeous right after friendzoning you?
After that neither of you say a thing and just kept eating the food he insisted on buying until you noticed him squinting his eyes to see something behind you. 
"What are you looking at?" you asked, way more harshly than you had intended to sound, but he didn’t seem to notice, anyway.
"I think that's a friend of mine..." he hummed and squinted his eyes even harder. He had some vision problems, but he refused to wear his glasses - even though they looked great on him, what a surprise...
This was just what was missing  in tjis “date”, someone to take his attention from you. Definitely not a date.
"Really?" you asked sharply, looking at him in pure boredom. You knew you didn't have any right to be mad at him, but how are you supposed to react when your crush of 1 whole year says he could ask one of his friends to go on a date with you, just before saying your “absolutely gorgeous”?
"Yeah... I think it's Jungkook," he said, still waiting for his friend to finish paying his coffee and turn around, so he could see if he was or not the person he expected.
You rolled your eyes and looked over your shoulder, curious to see who Jimin was talking about, and just as you did it, your eyes locked with the familiar wide and shiny eyes from three weeks ago. You felt the exact same electricity you had felt that night in the bar and instantly turned your eyes back to Jimin, in hopes 'Jungkook' was someone else, anyone else. But when you turned back to Jimin, he was already standing up and opening his arms, ready to hug whoever his friend was. You still hoped and asked the Gods for his friend to be someone else, but not him.
Jimin was so excited that you could see the glint in his eyes as he almost screamed his friend's name.
All your hopes died when you sensed his presence next to you, engulfing Jimin in a bear hug
"Hey man! Haven't seen you in a while!" he whispered into Jimin's hair loud enough for you to hear. His voice was very different from the one you remembered from the bar. It was much softer now.
"Yeah..." Jimin hummed softly into his friend's chest and when they parted from their tight and long hug, Jimin's eyes landed on you
"This is Y/N, she's a friend from uni. Y/N, this is Jungkook, he's my best friend, " Jimin stated and winked at you, remembering your dialogue from earlier. You could feel the heat in your cheeks and the color on them was probably pretty visible as well.
"Hey Y/N," he greeted as if he hadn’t ever seen you before in his life and trained his eyes on you to watch your reaction.
Well, your reaction was probably up to everything he was waiting. You coughed awkwardly and quickly sipped on your coffee so you could get rid of the annoying dryness that had settled on your throat. You looked over at Jimin, that wriggled his brows at you and winked discreetly. You decided to ignore him and in the meantime Jungkook’s smirk grew wider. You could physically see he was dying to make fun of you.
"Hey..." you answered quietly, after a long time. 
Jungkook chuckled and broke his stare from you, looking at Jimin
"I have to go but I'll call you later," he said while giving a large bite to his donut before sipping on his coffee.
"Stay a bit longer! You should meet Y/N, she's pretty cool," Jimin answered quickly, trying to hold his friend back, while your cheeks burdened even harder. Jungkook chuckled quietly again and answered his friend
"Can't, class starts in..." he looked at his clock to check the time he had left and his eyes widened "-fuck, I have 2 minutes" he looked between me and Jimin and muttered a little 'I’ll call you later', before running to get to his class quickly.
Jimin laughed a bit and ran his fingers through his blonde locks.
"I think there was some chemistry" he stated teasingly and you shot him a threatening look, trying to fight the smile that tried to creep up your face. 
“Shut up,” you muttered, suddenly feeling a lot more comfortable in Jimin’s presence. The awkwardness from before, now totally gone. 
"He's majoring in criminal justice, he’s actually a very smart guy..." he stated excitedly
"I don't care Jimin..." you said after chuckling lightly at his efforts
"Shut up, you liked him!" he screeched and hit you softly on the arm
"No, I didn't" you murmured and sipped on your black coffee.
Well, at least Jungkook had a good taste in coffee.
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You weren’t shocked when, at 5 PM, while you were enjoying your ride home in the subway, you received another text from Jungkook. Being the little brat he already showed he was, there was no way he was going to let this opportunitie of making fun of you slide. You had that figured out as soon as he left the coffee shop earlier that day.
[Unknown number, 5:00 PM] - You didn’t seem very brave today.
You sighed, wondering what you were supposed to answer. Well, yeah... How the fuck were you supposed to act brave when, first of all, you were by nature too socially awkward, and second of all, you had been under his stare, which was too intimidating for you to say something longer than ‘hey’. 
[You, 5:01 PM] - You also weren’t as dickish as you seem to be.
[Jungkook, 5:01 PM] - I am not dickish!
[You, 5:04 PM] - Of course you’re not.
[Jungkook, 5:05 PM] - Give me one date.
Your eyes-widened and you choked in the chocolate milk you were drinking. The sixty-year-old man seated in front of you sending you a slightly disgusted look, to wich you answered with a nervous smile.
[You, 5:06 PM] - Do you think you can woo me in one date?
[Jungkook, 5:08 PM] - If you want me to take you on more than one date, that’s alright...
You couldn’t help but laugh at his response. How the hell did he find ways to turn every single thing in his favour?! That was seriously a gift from god, and you weren’t even religious.
[You, 5:09 PM] - Oh my god, pls shut up
[Jungkook, 5:11 PM] - One date and i won’t talk to you anymore today
[You, 5:12 PM] - One date and you won’t talk to me the whole week.
[Jungkook, 5:12 PM] - Deal.
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