lesspopped · 2 months
SISKO/DUKAT??? (also, hello! <3)
okay look I did not invent “waltz”, in which dukat and sisko are trapped in a cave and dukat makes sisko soup and calls him “benjamin” the whole time. I’m not saying it would be a good ship or that it would end well! I’m just saying that, for instance, if you watch their exchange in the runabout in “the maquis part 1” with the knowledge that cardassians flirt via bickering and even overt hostility in mind, dukat’s delighted reaction to sisko’s “I am [joyless] when I’m with you” takes on a whole other dimension.
I’m also just saying that the episode where jake sets ben up with kasidy yates comes immediately after the episode where jake was stuck on a very small ship with his dad watching him and dukat barely cardassian-flirting and practically human-flirting and dukat welcoming them with fireworks. that young man got home and was like “red alert!!!!!! my dad needs a normal date!!!!!!!!!!” I could go on like this sorry.
tl;dr if you watch the show with the assumption that dukat is in love with sisko you’ll be shocked how well it fits. canon imo
(hiiiii!! 💚💚💚)
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oflights · 1 year
five ways drarry eschew the wizarding world for the mundane muggle versions/experiences instead?
hi!! hmmm this is a good one because i don't think i've really thought much about this before? i tend to go hard on all magic in my fics and get creative that way. and i think find a new place to be from is a good representation of how i think they both feel about life in the muggle world and how they make it work, so coming from this angle will be a bit stream of consciousness!!
i've mentioned this before but i think harry likes to drive. having a car still feels like a life a goal for him, a symbol of adulthood. draco does not share this at all and hates the car until (out of fear and curiosity he won't admit to, he's not arthur weasley!!!) he dives deep into a research hole and winds up taking harry's car completely apart and putting it back together and becoming something of a gearhead. for science.
draco winds up being the one to fix harry's car if something goes wrong; harry barely knows how to change the oil. he blithely ignores the check engine light (it feels like his entire life has had a check engine light lit up about it) until draco sees it and screeches and checks the engine himself.
draco's big muggle thing is like, snacks. he's inherently mistrustful of modern tech (and writing he and harry sort of catching up on that together in the fic i linked was so fun) but he's curious and has a sweet tooth and the muggle world provides variety, so he's all about that.
oh, and coffee. draco has always thought he hated coffee and basic espresso drinks (too bitter) but catches on very quickly to all flavors and methods muggles employ to make it not taste like coffee. he loves a frap. harry feels the same way but doesn't get the exact same "this is new and exciting!!" joy in it that draco retains.
as in pepper spray fic, harry finds it easier to go out and be social in the muggle world, including hookups/dating. in the magical world he gets by on his network of friends to weed out potter-obsessed nutters but those relationships still tend to buckle under the weight of "this is harry potter" and all that entails. there's something freeing about the anonymity of the muggle world. draco can't relate as much, and can more easily rely on his social group to navigate dating, but i think the vastness of the muggle world entices him too. i picture him as living this very insular, protected and exclusive life with the exact same people from birth and getting to open that up and meet all kinds of new people is both scary and exhilarating to him. better still if his world opens up to be so big and he still finds love with harry, in a world so much wider than the magical one. choosing each other among so many fish in the sea is wonderful.
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persianflaw · 5 months
🍜☕️🌻😈 (😘)
😘 😘
🍜 favorite dish 🍜
this is like. a cheap answer. but i really love grilled cheese sandwiches. cheddar cheese is the crucial ingredient but the addition of swiss, parmesan, mozzarella, maybe a nice provolone, is never unwelcome.
☕️ favorite hot drink ☕️
🌻 favorite flower 🌻
it's a tie between roses and jasmine. roses are such a classic beauty, they smell terrific, and they're useful in food! but the smell of a cluster of jasmine bushes on a hot day is what i imagine heaven would smell like, if it were real. maybe heaven is real, and it's the smell of jasmine.
😈 favorite meow meow 😈
i've been thinking about hannibal lately, and ohhh, abigail hobbs. sweet girl. a meow meow that predated the popularity of the term. hashtag gone but not forgotten. one of those meow meows where you know things aren't going to be nice for her but goddammit that doesn't mean you can't get sad all over again when they go badly! :(
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redshift-ao3 · 2 months
First lines game
Tagged by @nadsdraws !
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway. From a winning hand [T], written for the Even Keel Steddyhands zine, 1.5k:
"Have you ever played cribbage?" Ed asks, when Stede settles down into his armchair and sets the brandy on the table between them.
From cursed [T], a pre-Steddyhands, playful Izzy fic written for the Canyon Writers' Workshop zine, 1.6k:
"Ed, I have something terrible to tell you."
From inside out [E], a t4t sub!Ed Blackhands PWP written for Our Flag Means Gifts 2023, 8k:
"You've been a proper twat recently," Izzy says, from his armchair.
From in a house by the sea [T], an Izzy-focused gen-to-pre-Steddyhands fic about grief, written for the Canyon Writers' Workshop Exchange 2023 (I swear I write fics not for zines or exchanges! sometimes!) 5k:
“How’re you doing, boss?”
From frivolous [T], silly Stizzy roleplay written for the Izzy Hands Festive Fix-It Fest, 1.5k:
"This is fucking ridiculous," Izzy says. He plucks at the fabric swathed over his legs with distaste, pulling the skirts into disarray. "Just so you know."
From cadenza [M], gen(ish), Izzy's torture at Ned Low's hands takes a different turn, 3k:
"What would be most humiliating for you, I wonder?" Low asks. He touches a finger to Izzy's chest, stroking over the collar of his waistcoat. 
From all falls away [E], Edizzy vampire sex 😈 2.7k:
"Shh." The fingers on Izzy's neck are gentle, almost soothing, like the cadence of Ed's low, quiet voice. There's something Izzy should be doing now, he's pretty sure, but it's hard to remember with the hush of Ed's voice in his ears. 
From this bridge we built won't last [E], Edizzy sad dubious dream sex, 3k:
The dream starts with the door swinging open. It usually does, though Izzy hasn't had this dream in a while, and the Ed who slides into his room this time looks more like the one Izzy sees trailing after Bonnet up on deck than the one who usually turns up in Izzy's dreams.
From opening [M], Ouizzy! 2.3k:
There's a box in Frenchie's head next to the box where he puts all the bad stuff. 
From the rock on which all else stands [T], Ed-centric gravy basket introspection, 2k:
"I'll take you to my thinking spot," Ben says.
Phew! It's interesting looking at these: I start in the middle of scenes pretty often, huh? Drop you right on in there. Thanks for the tag, nads! Tagging in @ewelinakl, @sweveris, @multishipperpirateking, @vexbatch, @bimbobrock, @thedarkcaustic, @boppinrobin if you wanna play 👀
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mistpodfics · 1 year
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Limonene, α-Pinene, Sabinene written by horchata | @boppinrobin A Murderbot Podfic performed by mistbornhero @sunlightsymphony with a cover by @justaphage for VoiceTeam: Team Spirit
"I wish you could eat"
Podfic Length: 09:44 minutes
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the-wanlorn · 4 months
Tagging Game!
Got tagged by @bedalk, ty ty!
Last Song I listened to: Noire Clarinet by Andrew Hale
Currently Watching: Fringe. Again. lmao. I was watching the dirty secrets Dropout show but my free trial ran out and I don't get paid for weeks.
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy?: Sweet. Everything's gotta be a lil bit sweet or why bother eating it? ha ha im in danger
Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle (from the comfort of my computer screen)
Current Obsession: mmmmmmmmmmmm. I'm pretty between obsessions right now. It's a bummer. I would like the good brain chemicals please.
Tagging: @kisahawklin, @gaslightgallows, uhhhhh who else do I know the tumblr url of. Uhhhhhhh @boppinrobin. Three is good enough.
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seabassapologist · 5 months
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When a beloved mutual reads you for FILTH 🥹🥹🥹
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alder-knight · 1 year
Tagged by @buddyblanc !
Rules: Fill out the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better!
Relationship status: well… I have been dating the Dayglo Femme since Feb 2016 and Rocket since Oct 2016? and I'm in an intentional community that's kind of an extended trans polycule. call it both Committed and Complicated, but not bad-complicated.
Favorite Color: green, kelly or lime, esp with black
Song stuck in head: A Little Priest from Sweeney Todd, idk
Last song I listened to: The Moss by Cosmo Sheldrake
Three favorite foods: cookie… soup with bread… enchilada
Last thing I googled: "Falliforia Labrys Greece"
Dream trip: Morocco + Turkiye + Syria + Nigeria + Ghana
Anything I want right now: executive function. please. also greater interaction with the ecstatic.
Tagging: 1. @rockemsockemrocket 2. @mxroo 3. @countessofblooms 4. @indielowercase 5. @satyrmagos 6. @boppinrobin 7. @beeoperator 8. @kawaiiabetic 9. @idledreams-burninghearts 10. @caer-solace
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void-star · 1 year
Tagged by @fvckroach ~!
Currently Reading: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab, The Decision by K. A. Applegate (The main Animorphs series in general), and Akira (Graphic Novel)
Favorite Color: y e l l o w
Last Song: "Don't You Dare Forget the Sun" by Get Scared
Spicy/Sweet/Savoury: WHY DO I NEED TO DECIDE BETWEEN SAVORY AND SPICY. I guess savory, if pressed.
Last Movie I Watched: Petals of a Rose
Currently Working On: ...Way too many things, fr.
Chapter 3 of "Anyone Could Slip" (TBS - Damiark)
Chapter 1 rewrite of "I Can Be Your Freak" (TBS - Damien)
An OG novel
Erotic Violence Damiark AU drawing
Damien art collab with a friend
Marco/Tobias art (x 2)
Traditional MurderBot/ART/Three painting
Traditional Damien painting
I don't know how I expect to work on bigger projects like this, either. Like I want to do podfics and audio dramas eventually, too.
But yeah thanks for tagging! I'm gonna tag @boyswillbeboxes @cmdrburton @incomt65 @boppinrobin @unityinblack @perfect-cecilos @catthecowardlylyon @spencerfantastic @stygianstranger
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specialagentartemis · 2 years
Wait forgot one: 👽
👽 Strangest fic you ever written?
Haha, probably "Effects of the Consumption of Kaiju Flesh by a Human Subject," which was... a Metal Gear Solid-Pacific Rim fusion AU fic, but there are no kaiju fights involved, this is specifically from the point of view of a very unpopular character I love, when she was 13 years old, in the format of a scientific report about a very serious experiment to determine what kaiju meat tastes like.
It doesn't make much sense except in a highly specific collaborative AU spun up on twitter in the MGS fandom 4-ish years ago, and is goofy even then. I'm still charmed though. I have a fondness for Pacific Rim AUs.
Also shoutout, of course, to "Who Let The Constructs Out?" because that one was a BLAST to write and record. Such a silly premise and then boppinrobin and blackglass went and gave it Actual Feelings :')
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lesdemonium · 4 years
20 and 7!!
thank you!!! i love this combo omg???
20. top of head kisses 7. routine kisses where the other person presents their cheek/forehead for the hello/goodbye kiss without even looking up from what they’re doing
“Hello, dear,” Jaskier called out as Geralt burst through the door. 
Something had him agitated, Jaskier could tell in the noisy way Geralt was blundering through the hallway to the kitchen, where Jaskier was working. As a result, Jaskier worked through the paper he was grading just a touch faster. He still tilted his head, absentmindedly presenting his cheek for the kiss Geralt usually gave him, as he tore through the last paragraph and added a few marks.
Only, the kiss didn’t come.
It took Jaskier a moment to realize what had gone wrong, as Geralt brushed past him. He hadn’t even registered the way he had tilted his head to the side, until there was no soft press of lips against his cheekbone or temple. Now, he only looked silly. Jaskier put down the paper and, feeling wounded, turned in his chair to face Geralt.
“Geralt,” he said, his voice so much more watery than he thought it would be. Gods, Jaskier, pull yourself together, he chided himself. It was only a kiss.
Geralt looked up from where he was furiously preparing a cup of coffee, but the tense lines of his face softened when he saw Jaskier’s expression. “Jaskier?” he asked.
“You--” Jaskier turned back to his paper then, his face heating up in his embarrassment. This was silly. No sense getting upset over a tiny disruption in routine. “You didn’t kiss me hello.”
There was a pause, and Jaskier tried to pick up his pen again and return to work. It didn’t matter. Not truly. Geralt, however, crossed the room until he stood in front of Jaskier, and cradled Jaskier’s face in his hands. He brought Jaskier’s head forward and pressed a kiss to the top of Jaskier’s head. 
“Better?” Geralt asked into Jaskier’s hair.
Jaskier let out a sigh. “Much.” His hands covered Geralt’s wrists and he pulled back to meet Geralt’s eye. “Now, what’s wrong?”
send me geraskier kiss prompts?
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lesspopped · 3 months
tagged by both @suncaptor and @littlelindentree!
tagging @pearwaldorf @katemonkeyville @boppinrobin @liz-squids @zaharrena and anyone else who wants to do it!
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some-stars · 4 years
I am tired and sad today and would love to read abt someone just pressing their forehead and nose into the warm middle of someone else’s back, maybe with a kiss.
Jaskier rarely wakes first, because apparently an unfailing internal clock is one of the mutations witchers have, and he's used to being woken by Geralt giving his shoulder a shake, or mussing his hair, or patting his cheek. He likes those touches, casual and intimate, likes waking to Geralt's voice murmuring his name. He likes it even more when Geralt follows that touch—once Jaskier stirs and opens his eyes and yawns—with a soft kiss, dry and fond, lips smiling as they press against his.
This morning, though, he wakes on his own, squinting into the risen sunlight coming through the high window (a rare luxury in a rented room). Geralt had been exhausted last night when he'd finally made it to bed after finishing his hunt in the small hours of the morning—so late that Jaskier had dozed off waiting for him, though he hadn't slept soundly until Geralt had returned and crawled, clumsy with weariness, into bed behind him. So it's not surprising, then, that Geralt is still sleeping.
It's not that surprising either to feel Geralt pressed against his back, one arm wrapped around his middle. Usually, though, when they cuddle while Jaskier is awake, Geralt—well, spoons him, though he wouldn't like to hear it referred to that way. Envelops Jaskier head to toe, making him feel safe and small and encompassed, presses a kiss into his hair and falls asleep that way. There's something achingly tender about this instead—Geralt's face nestled into his bare back, legs curled up under Jaskier's knees, arm slung around his stomach, breath tickling across his skin with just the faintest of snores. It doesn't make Jaskier feel small, or swallowed, though he does love that—it makes him feel a wave of painful care and softness, especially as Geralt, sensing his movements, starts to stir and murmur something inaudible into the small of Jaskier's back.
Jaskier smiles and rolls over, gazing down at Geralt's half-open eyes and his expression that hasn't woken up enough yet to be guarded or surprised, or anything but sleepy and open. He tangles his legs with Geralt's and cups his head against his stomach, fingers slipping through his hair.
"Go back to sleep," he tells him, and Geralt—only half-awake anyway, utterly trusting—sinks his face back against Jaskier's belly, wraps his arm around his back to hold him securely, and does just that.
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persianflaw · 1 year
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@boppinrobin i can't stop giggling at this you have sent me into the fucking stratosphere 😭
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gayregis · 4 years
What’s religion like in the novels?
pretty diverse. just to immediately clarify a point, christianity doesn’t exist in the world of the witcher (except through literary influence on sapkowski and how he references christian motifs) so jot that down... idk why i’m pressed about this, but i keep thinking of the witcher fanart i’ve seen where objects have christian designs on them. like, ive seen fanart of regis standing in a cemetery where all of the graves had crosses on them... it’s like... why would they have crosses on them... if no one knows what christianity is? when ciri worldhops to earth during the middle ages, she sees white crosses on buildings and she finds them strange and out of place.
i’m not really a witcher theologist, but from what i can recall off the top of my head, there’s a variety of deities worshipped by the humans of the continent. some cults are really old, while some are new. geralt in baptism of fire mentions that the pantheon seems to be “ever expanding” in the times of war. geralt doesn’t recognize the emblem that the priest who is torturing a girl shows them, due to this expanding pantheon. 
so it’s safe to say that there are many new deities constantly being made and worshipped, and likely these new deities’ cults being abandoned just as quickly as they were made. there are also i’d say quite a few atheists and humans who don’t believe in the gods.
some specific human deities we know about:
the cult of melitele is one of the oldest and most widespread cults, this longevity and popularity is thought to be connected to how she is a fertility goddess of the harvest and childbirth. dandelion attributes this to how women need a lot of faith to go through with giving birth, and since birth and death is an unending cycle, melitele and fertility goddesses will forever remain popular
another religion also mentioned in the saga is the church of coram agh tera, the lionheaded spider, which is only relevant because a priestess of that church cursed nivellen into becoming a beast
dana meadbh is the focus of edge of the world, and the human peasantry of dol blathanna and the elves of the blue mountains recognize her authority. idk how much this extends into worship though
pretty sure that zerrikanians worship dragons and that’s why tea and vea are so steadfast to villentretenmerth
of course, you have the worship of the eternal flame, which controls the cosmopolis of novigrad with its 30,000 inhabitants
the prophet lebioda is mentioned a couple times while the hansa winters in toussaint iirc
the nilfgaardians swear by the great sun (as an expression... like how one might say “oh my god,” they say, “by the great sun!”) but it’s unclear as to how religious this can be considered 
but this is all about humans... what about the other sentient species of the witcher?
in the passage about melitele, we also learn that “practically every pre-human race and every primordial nomadic tribe honoured a goddess of harvest and fertility, a guardian of farmers and guardians, a patroness of love and marriage.” (the last wish, p. 36) so, assumedly, the elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, and others worshipped similar deities. my personal take is that the dwarves seem more interested in metallurgy and the gnomes seem more interested in technology, and halflings apparently come from meadows, unless they’re businessmen... 
i feel bad because idk shit about the aen seidhe or aen elle off the top of my head. i know that the aen elle care a lot about ithlinne’s prophecy, and that’s kind of like a religion, right? following this prophecy around? the aen seidhe have ancient cemeteries that are large stone structures and remind me of stonehenge tbh but that’s not really here nor there
and of course because my username is gayregis... i MUST talk about the vampires... SO, it’s not entirely explicit, but i sincerely doubt that the vampires have any sort of organized religion. regis says that there exists no system of rules, restrictions, or morals among vampires, and one could argue that the purpose of religion is to enfore a system of that sort (though i’d personally disagree). he does later say that the full moon is a “holy day” for the vampires, i learned from @karanfile that this was translated from the word “oblewać,” which has a different definition/connotation to it than “holy day” does in english. quote from them: “oblewać is a fun word, because it literally means 'pour something over something else', but also means to celebrate something by drinking. also usually extensively.” so i think it’s less of an organized worship, but a ritual celebration.
ofc you also have your mages and magic-users across the world and time and space, but idk if their teachings and adherences would count as “religion”
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mistpodfics · 4 months
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VoiceTeam Journey written by mistbornhero
A VoiceTeam Filk performed by @esbielle, @boppinrobin, @djemsowhat with a cover by @green-fifteen for VoiceTeam filling the challenge Band Together
A group of podficcers sets off to join VoiceTeam, to the tune of A Hero's Journey from Galavant.
Podfic Length: 01:51 minutes
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