#boost for smi?
smiggles · 8 months
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You want one? Head over to my shop and pre order to help me fund their production
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leaveittomybpdbaby · 2 years
Call me out next time why don't you lol
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skankinator · 1 month
Complications Ch. 11
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Fem Reader
Looking at Rooster as a work friend turned out to be a lot harder than you thought. You often caught yourself staring, especially during his 200 push-ups. Everything about him was attractive his arms, his laugh, his mustache. That damn mustache. You thought about the way it felt when he kissed your body every time you saw him.
For the rest of the week you did your best to avoid Bradley. You just couldn’t stop your mind from going places that are entirely inappropriate for work friends, so the best plan of action was no contact. The time you spent away from him only made you more excited for Friday night. You would finally get to spend some time getting to know him without the fear of getting in trouble.
You went home after work to shower and dress for your night out. You were feeling nervous about tonight, so you put on your favorite outfit to give you a boost in confidence. You put on the tank top that makes your boobs look amazing and a mini skirt.
You took an Uber to the Hard Deck since you were planning on drinking. You saw Bradley’s car outside when you arrived. Knowing he was already there waiting for you made you even more nervous. You thought of everything that could possibly go wrong and contemplated going back home.
Eventually you hyped yourself up enough to get out, plus the Uber driver got tired of waiting. You walked in with all the confidence you built in the car looking for Bradley. Your confidence quickly turned into panic when you saw a familiar face.
You saw Phoenix. And Bob. And Hangman. In fact, the entire squadron was there. You immediately turn to leave, but stop when you hear someone call your name.
“Captain Y/N,” Nat called out. “Is that you?” You close your eyes wishing you could disappear and slowly turn around with a sheepish smile.
“It’s me,” you say with fake amusement.
“Damn Cap, you’re looking hot as hell. What are you doing here?” Nat compliments and questions.
Both comments make you blush. What are you doing here? Meeting a man you can’t stop thinking about romantically despite agreeing to be friends. You think of a response, “I used to come here with my squad back in the day. Just seeing if anything has changed since then.”
Phoenix smiles at you, “well now you can hang out with your new squad. Let’s play a round of pool.”
“I’m gonna get a drink first, then I’ll join you,” you quickly excuse yourself to the bar.
You take a deep breath and curse yourself for coming in the first place. So far you have seen everyone except the one person you came to see. A drink is exactly what you need right now.
“The usual?” Penny asks.
“Please,” you beg, letting your emotions show.
“Rough week?” Penny asks while grabbing a glass.
“You have no idea,” you say thinking of everything that has happened since you arrived.
“You seemed pretty happy the last time I saw you here,” she says adding, “leaving with Rooster.”
Your eyes dart up to meet hers. “Oh Penny, I messed up big time,” you say before you bury your head in your hands.
“Aw sweetie what happened?” Penny asks placing a hand on your arm to comfort you.
You look up from your hands looking around to see if anyone is near before saying, “I slept with him and I’m his Captain.”
“You need something stronger than beer,” Penny stops what she was doing and grabs two shot glasses.
“I really like him, but I can’t start a relationship with a member of my squad,” you explain as she pours the shots.
“That is a sticky situation. What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know,” you sigh.
“The only advice I can give you is to do what makes you happy,” Penny looks behind you and quickly moves to help another patron.
You are a bit confused by her sudden disappearance until you feel the warmth of someone standing next to you. You glance over and have to crane your neck to meet his eyes. “I’ve been looking for you,” you say while taking him in. He is wearing yet another tight fitting Hawaiian shirt. He has a contagious smile on his face.
“You have? I’ve been looking for you,” Bradley says.
“I found some other friends while I was searching,” you nod towards the pool table surrounded by the squad.
“Yeah,” he looks over as his smile fades. “Sorry about that. They asked about my plans and invited themselves.”
“I don’t mind really,” you lie. “We are just friends after all.”
“Just two friends that work together,” he sounds as though he is trying to convince himself of what he is saying.
You hand him one of the two shots on the bar. “To friends,” you toast.
“To friends,” he cheers and you down your shots. This is going to be a long night.
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Lute x Alastor Fanfiction
Another one :) @tunedradio
NSFW {Blood mention, death}
Lute walked right next door to Alastor’s room as she knocked on the door to wait for an answer. She hummed to herself looking down at her hand and fidgeting with her fingers. She knocked once more and no answer. “Alastor?” She called out opening his door slowly. She hated walking into rooms without permission but she was worried. It was empty as she squinted her eyes and entered more into the room. Everything was in place nothing out the ordinary. “He said he would be here this morning” she felt her foot step over something as she looked down.
It was a very modern watch. “He despises modern technology…” flipping it to the back she saw the very familiar logo that belonged to Vox. “That motherfucker!” Her feathers ruffled up a bit as she stormed out of his room closing the door behind and quickly running out of the hotel. Thankfully she had wings so she could get to the vee's studio with no interruption. As she flew through the smog her eyes scanned the city just incase. Nothing. Approaching the building she landed kicking in the glass door which shattered.
There were other demons and sinners sitting in the lobby who got startled and ran into a corner. The receptionist jumped in her seat looking annoyed. Lute didn't waste time and stormed inside. "Where the fuck is he!" Her loud voice echoing down the halls. Her gold eyes passed the receptionist as she headed past her only to hear her high pitch voice speak up. "Excuse me you need to sign in" Trying to sound professional as the fallen angel turned around and darted her eyes.
"I'm not sighing up for shit until I find his little flat ass face!" Her hands slammed on the counter seeing her confused still. "Vox you dumb motherfucker!" Angrily she threw a near by vase and stomped off as the receptionist hit the panic button under her desk. One by one Lute kicked down doors In hoping to find Alastor. The first floor was a bust so she made her way to the second floor quickly. The cameras in the corner only zoomed in on her closely watching where she would head to next.
"Wow she has quite the character! Dedication to get you back huh" Vox's eyes bounced around the multiple screens that laid out in front of him as his arms were behind his back. With one foot he turned it he could spin easily to face Alastor who was tied down to a chair with blessed rope and away from his cane. His powers were very limited and didn't say much only glaring towards his direction while keeping a smile on his face. "Oh you have no idea what you got yourself into" The radio demon spoke hearing Lute's voice getting closer and closer.
The two other security guards looked at each other and nodded getting ready to fight if she was to find them. Out of the blue debris was flying everywhere from the wall where lute had managed to break through. She growled seeing her eyes glowing yellow and seeing her shadow through the dust. Slowly it cleared and you could see more of her. Lute finally got rid of her old exorcist outfit and found her own style. She kept her combat boots but wore black leggings with a dark grey body suit that had long sleeves. There were chains around her waist and a collar around her neck. A few ear piercings on her right ear. Her halo slightly distorted and her black wings with her feathers ruffled up from being mad. Lute also had horns sticking out that once belonged to her exorcist helmet that became permanent on her.
Taking a few steps up with the watch still balled up in her fist she threw it at Vox hitting him in the face making his jump. "What the fuck! Kill her!" His hand pointed at her while the other rubbed where the watch made contact with him. Both of the muscular hounds started to charge towards her with knives in their hands. Lute looks around trying to think of a game plan quickly. Pushing herself up and using her wings to give her an extra boost she jumped over them and saw Alastor.
A smile spread on her face making her way over to him. "Alastor!" She screamed almost near him but was stopped as she felt her leg being grabbed. Her head looked down to see it being held down as they pulled her back and threw her into a wall. Her back hit it as she fell down onto her stomach. Groaning a bit she got on her hands and knees pushing herself up to a crouch position. The biggest disadvantage was height and how buff they were.
It was a challenge but at this point lute didn't care. She picked up a piece of wood from the debris that was sharp enough and stood back up. She ran to one of the demons and quickly moved to the left making him miss her as she jabbed the wood into his side making him scream. She smirked seeing his blood drip from his body. "Don't fuck with me!" She warned. Her upper body was pulled back as her hands reached up for her collar that was now choking her as the other hound pulled on her collar. Vox stood aside next to Alastor while eating popcorn.
"Man I have you now and I'm about to have one of heavens fallen angels" He munched on the popcorn. A huge grin on his face seeing Lute struggle in the arms of one of his guards. "Imagine the money Valentino is going to make from just selling her to strangers" Whispering down to him just to rile him up as he placed duck tape over his mouth to not hear him. He could sense the aura he was generating as it was mainly angry and vengeance type, ready to kill vibe.
Lute scrambled in his arms as she felt his other arm wrap around her smaller body. "This one is a good one Vox" The guard grinned down as his arm was feeling the curves of her waist and his hands explored a bit too much. Alastor took mental note as his eyes just said it all when he witness what the hound said and did. Lute pulled foreword enough to break off the collar from her neck leaving red marks along the front. She leaned down to bite his arm letting her teeth sink his skin drawing blood out.
Immediately he drops her while clutching his arm and whimpering in pain. The other hound charges at her again swinging for her head but Lute dodges It and moves back a bit. Her eyes notice the long stretch of window and had an idea laid out in her head. Vox had growled getting a hold of Alastor as his face glitches a bit from anger. With the radio demon in his hand he walked over to tell other side of the room where the large panel window is at.
Lute had enough as she grabbed her angelic sword and flew right into the demon hearing her blade puncture him. It was enough to send him back into the glass falling right through. The glass shattered as bits of pieces of it flew everywhere in the room. She covered her face for a brief moment and looked up to see Vox holding Alastor in his hand and near the ledge of the building.
“Let him go!”
She wields her sword and aims it at him not making a move quite yet. She knew they hated each other but lute never knew the full story. She didn’t want to pester Alastor about it but it was clear Vox had a deep hatred relationship for him.
“I waited this fucking long for this moment! He’s going to disappear once and for all!”
With one easy push he sets Alastor off the ledge still wrapped up in blessed rope. Lute lets out a scream as she threw her sword to the side and started to run after him. She tripped feeling Vox’s hand around her ankle causing her to fall to her ankles. Her head turned to see him grinning and laughing as she tried shaking him off but no use.
“Let him fall to his death!”
The angel kicked and fought as she managed to be out of his grasp in no time. She didn’t hesitate she jumped off the building and tucked her wings in giving her an advantage to fall faster. As she got closer to him she opened her wings up slowly extending her arm out to reach for him. So close. Such little time. The ground was coming up closer than expected.
Pushing her body down more the best she could she managed to wrap both her arms his body pulling him in. Her wings opened up completely as she flapped them twice and moved up so they wouldn’t hit the floor. It was a very tight save as she held onto him tightly. Her nails somewhat digging into him as she was breathing a bit heavily. She sets him down and cuts the rope off as she was still finding her composure.
“It’s okay I’m still here”
Alastor straighten himself out and then opened his arms to her as she couldn’t help but started to cry. She went right in for his hug as her arms wrapped around him tightly. Lute let the tears fall as it got into his clothing.
“I’m sorry… I thought… I thought I was going to lose you”
Alastor had given her a reassuring hug as she calmed down a bit more sniffling a bit as she felt his hand wipe away her tears.
“Don’t worry you won’t ever have to worry about losing me”
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pearldentalgroups · 4 days
Realize the Best Cosmetic Dentist in Baton Rouge: Upraise Your Smile with Expert Care
Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, and having a smile that you’re proud of can significantly boost your confidence and overall well-being. If you’re seeking exceptional cosmetic dental care in Baton Rouge, finding the best cosmetic dentist is crucial to achieving the stunning results you desire. At Pearl Dental Group, we pride ourselves on being the premier destination for cosmetic dentistry in Baton Rouge. Here’s why we are recognized as the best cosmetic dentist in the area and how we can help you transform your smile.
What Makes a Cosmetic Dentist the Best? The best cosmetic dentist combines skill, experience, and a passion for creating beautiful smiles. Here are some qualities that set apart a top cosmetic dentist:
1. Expertise and Training: A leading cosmetic dentist has advanced training in cosmetic procedures and stays updated with the latest techniques and technologies. This expertise ensures that you receive high-quality, state-of-the-art care. 2. Attention to Detail: Cosmetic dentistry requires a keen eye for detail. The best cosmetic dentist will focus on every aspect of your smile, from the alignment and color of your teeth to the overall harmony of your facial features. 3. Personalized Care: Every smile is unique, and the best cosmetic dentist will tailor treatments to your individual needs and goals. This personalized approach ensures that your results are natural-looking and perfectly suited to you.
4. Patient Reviews and Results: Positive patient reviews and before-and-after photos of previous cases are strong indicators of a cosmetic dentist’s skill and success. Look for a dentist with a track record of satisfied patients and impressive results. Why Choose Pearl Dental Group in Baton Rouge? At Pearl Dental Group, we are dedicated to providing top-notch cosmetic dental care to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Here’s why we are considered the best cosmetic dentist in Baton Rouge: 1. Comprehensive Cosmetic Services: We offer a full range of cosmetic dentistry services, including teeth whitening, veneers, dental implants, and orthodontics. Our comprehensive approach allows us to address all aspects of your smile and provide solutions that meet your specific needs. 2. Advanced Technology: We utilize the latest technology and techniques in cosmetic dentistry to ensure precise and effective treatments. Our state-of-the-art equipment enhances accuracy, minimizes discomfort, and delivers outstanding results. 3. Skilled and Experienced Team: Our team of skilled professionals has extensive experience in cosmetic dentistry. We take pride in our ability to create beautiful, natural-looking smiles that enhance both appearance and function. 4. Personalized Treatment Plans: At Pearl Dental Group, we understand that each patient has unique goals and concerns. We work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your vision for your smile. Our goal is to achieve results that exceed your expectations. 5. Comfort and Care: We are committed to making your visit as comfortable and pleasant as possible. From our welcoming office environment to our compassionate staff, we strive to provide an exceptional patient experience. Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures If you’re considering cosmetic dental enhancements, here are some popular procedures that can transform your smile:
1. Teeth Whitening: Professional teeth whitening can dramatically brighten your smile, removing stains and discoloration to give you a more youthful and vibrant appearance. 2. Porcelain Veneers: Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that cover the front surface of your teeth, correcting imperfections such as chips, gaps, and uneven coloration.
3. Dental Implants: Implants are a durable and natural-looking solution for missing teeth. They restore function and aesthetics, allowing you to enjoy a full, confident smile. 4. Invisalign: Invisalign is a clear aligner system that gradually straightens your teeth without the need for traditional metal braces. It’s a discreet and comfortable option for achieving a beautifully aligned smile. Start Your Journey to a Beautiful Smile If you’re ready to enhance your smile with the best cosmetic dentist in Baton Rouge, schedule a consultation with Pearl Dental Group today. Our expert team is here to guide you through every step of your cosmetic dental journey and help you achieve the stunning results you’ve always wanted.
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govindhtech · 4 months
Latest DirectML boosts AMD GPU AWQ-based LM acceleration
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Minimize Memory Usage and Enhance Performance while Running LLMs on AMD Ryzen AI and Radeon Platforms Overview of 4-bit quantization.
AMD and Microsoft have worked closely together to accelerate generative AI workloads on AMD systems over the past year with ONNXRuntime with DirectML. As a follow-up to AMD’s earlier releases, AMD is pleased to announce that they are enabling 4-bit quantization support and acceleration for Large Language Models (LLMs) on discrete and integrated AMD Radeon GPU platforms that are using ONNXRuntime->DirectML in close cooperation with Microsoft.
NEW! Awareness-Based Quantization(AWQ)
Microsoft and AMD are pleased to present Activation-Aware Quantization (AWQ) based LM acceleration enhanced on AMD GPU architectures with the most recent DirectML and AMD driver preview release. When feasible, the AWQ approach reduces weights to 4-bit with little impact on accuracy. This results in a large decrease in the amount of memory required to run these LLM models while also improving performance.
By determining the top 1% of salient weights required to preserve model correctness and quantizing the remaining 99% of weight parameters, the AWQ approach can accomplish this compression while retaining accuracy. Up to three times the memory reduction for the quantized weights/LLM parameters is achieved by using this technique, which determines which weights to quantize from 16-bit to 4-bit based on the actual data distribution in the activations. Compared to conventional weight quantization methods that ignore activation data distributions, it is also possible to preserve model fidelity by accounting for the data distribution in activations.
To obtain a performance boost on AMD Radeon GPUs, AMD driver resident ML layers dequantize the parameters and accelerate on the ML hardware during runtime. This 4-bit AWQ quantization is carried out utilizing Microsoft Olive toolchains for DirectML. Before the model is used for inference, the post-training quantization procedure described below is carried out offline. It was previously impossible to execute these language models (LM) on a device on a system with limited memory, but our technique makes it viable now.
Making Use of Hardware Capabilities
Ryzen AI NPU: Make use of the Neural Processing Unit (NPU) if your Ryzen CPU has one integrated! Specifically engineered to handle AI workloads efficiently, the NPU frees up CPU processing time while utilizing less memory overall.
Radeon GPU: To conduct LLM inference on your Radeon graphics card (GPU), think about utilizing AMD’s ROCm software stack. For the parallel processing workloads typical of LLMs, GPUs are frequently more appropriate, perhaps relieving the CPU of memory pressure.
Software Enhancements:
Quantization: Quantization drastically lowers the memory footprint of the LLM by reducing the amount of bits required to represent weights and activations. AMD [AMD Ryzen AI LLM Performance] suggests 4-bit KM quantization for Ryzen AI systems.
Model Pruning: To minimise the size and memory needs of the LLM, remove unnecessary connections from it PyTorch and TensorFlow offer pruning.
Knowledge distillation teaches a smaller student model to act like a larger teacher model. This may result in an LLM that is smaller and has similar functionality.
Making Use of Frameworks and Tools:
LM Studio: This intuitive software facilitates the deployment of LLMs on Ryzen AI PCs without the need for coding. It probably optimizes AMD hardware’s use of resources.
Generally Suggested Practices:
Select the appropriate LLM size: Choose an LLM that has the skills you require, but nothing more. Bigger models have more memory required.
Aim for optimal batch sizes: Try out various batch sizes to determine the ideal ratio between processing performance and memory utilization.
Track memory consumption: Applications such as AMD Radeon Software and Nvidia System Management Interface (nvidia-smi) can assist in tracking memory usage and pinpointing bottlenecks.
AWQ quantization
4-bit AWQ quantization using Microsoft Olive toolchains for DirectML
4-bit AWQ Quantization: This method lowers the amount of bits in a neural network model that are used to represent activations and weights. It can dramatically reduce the model’s memory footprint.
Microsoft Olive: Olive is a neural network quantization framework that is independent of AMD or DirectML hardware. It is compatible with a number of hardware systems.
DirectML is a Microsoft API designed to run machine learning models on Windows-based devices, with a focus on hardware acceleration for devices that meet the requirements.
4-bit KM Quantization
AMD advises against utilizing AWQ quantization for Ryzen AI systems and instead suggests 4-bit KM quantization. Within the larger field of quantization approaches, KM is a particular quantization scheme.
Olive is not directly related to AMD or DirectML, even if it can be used for quantization. It is an independent tool.
The quantized model for inference might be deployed via DirectML on an AMD-compatible Windows device, but DirectML wouldn’t be used for the quantization process itself.
In conclusion, AMD Ryzen AI uses a memory reduction technique called 4-bit KM quantization. While Olive is a tool that may be used for quantization, it is not directly related to DirectML.
Memory footprint reduction on AMD Radeon 7900 XTX systems when compared to executing the 16-bit version of the weight00000s; comparable reduction on AMD Ryzen AI platforms with AMD Radeon 780m.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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akglobaldent · 6 months
Can We Get Braces After The Age Of 30
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Braces is an orthodontist treatment for typically misaligned dentures. When we think about this orthodontic treatment, we usually consider braces ideal for adolescents and teenagers. However, the fact is that brace treatment has no age bar, and anyone, even those who are 30 years old or older, can consider this treatment. To ensure this affirmation, insights from the experts for safe and reasonable orthodontic treatment cost in Gurgaon, that is, dentists at AK Global Dent, have been taken. However, that reasonable cost may vary from one individual to another. So consultation with the dentist is essential.
Braces for Adults
There was a time when adult dental treatment was socially frowned upon, and many people didn’t get braces because they were self-conscious about their appearance. However, people’s views on orthodontics have changed a lot recently, as a record number of people try to improve their looks and self-esteem through dental treatment.
Types of Braces for Adults
Once the adult decides to straighten the teeth, two types of braces treatments present-
1. Traditional Braces
Traditional braces are made of metal brackets and wire. The orthodontist will attach the braces to the real denture. Braces impose pressure on the teeth and make them aligned.
2. Ceramic Braces
Traditional braces are visible; therefore, many individuals refrain from wearing them. Ceramic braces overcome that drawback by giving an invisible appearance to the teeth. Ceramic-made braces correct the overbite and underbite teeth while keeping one’s self-esteem and confidence unhampered.
3. Invisalign
Invisalign also known as clear aligners are the transparent braces for adults. Clear aligners are easy to install and remove. Invisalign is a most preferred braces by individuals as it is hard to notice. It gives a natural look to teeth meanwhile it treats the overlapping teeth, crowded and crooked teeth.
To learn about the invisalign treatment and its cost you can visit AK Global Dent and get ideas from the best orthodontist in the city practising here.
Benefits of Using Braces After the Age of 30
Adult braces offer a wide range of benefits for your looks and health. Some of those benefits are as follows-
Boost Self-Confidence- Straightening your smile can help you make friends, feel better about your self-esteem, and have a better opinion of yourself.
Better Dental Hygiene: Aside from making it easier to clean and maintain your teeth, straighter teeth also make it less likely that you will get cavities, gum disease, and other mouth problems.
Getting Better Face Harmony: Straightening crooked teeth and the jaw can make the whole face look better. Because of this, there will be a stronger feeling of balance and symmetry.
Long-Term Results: As long as you keep up with your orthodontic treatment, your teeth will stay where they should be, and you won’t have to worry about relapses.
Things To Think About While Getting Braces for Adults
Even though it is possible to get braces as an adult, here are some things one should know before the treatment:
1. Treatment in Order: Because adult bones are stiffer and the process of realignment may take longer, orthodontic treatment for adults may last longer than treatment for teens. 2. Oral Hygiene- Adults getting orthodontic treatment need to be particular about oral hygiene. It will eliminate dental issues like dental plaque. 3. Costs for an Adult Brace- It can change a lot depending on the person’s needs and their chosen treatment plan. These costs include doctor’s fees, braces costs, and other additional costs involved in the treatment.
Keeping a healthy, confident smile, no matter your age, is important. People of any age can get the smile they want, with better oral health and a higher sense of self-worth through orthodontic treatment. Because dental technology is improving and adult braces are becoming more common, there has never been a better time to enhance your smile and see the possible benefits of orthodontic treatment. You can visit AK Global Dent, a dental clinic renowned for the best braces treatment, and Invisalign in Gurgaon to get more details about the treatment.
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Research Brief and Insights for Practice: This case study investigated how climate change education can meet the learning needs of U.S. emergency management (EM) professionals. The study focused on understanding EM’s experiences and learning processes regarding climate change impacts by leveraging the expertise of six certified emergency management professionals as key informants. Data collection included surveys, semi-structured interviews, the Sustainability Mindset Indicator (SMI) assessment, and a boosted sample survey of 56 participants for broader trend identification. The findings reveal an increasing recognition among U.S. emergency managers of the complex impacts of climate change on their roles. They expressed a preference for localized climate information considering cognitive, social, political, and historical dimensions, and emphasized practical, long-term thinking-oriented climate training. The study identified strong motivation, preparation for future learning, and a sense of purpose among emergency managers, suggesting the potential integration of climate change information into existing emergency management frameworks. Emergency managers stressed the need to re
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fortunebusinessinc · 11 months
Analyzing the Current Demand Patterns in the Feminine Hygiene Products Market: 2023-2030
The global feminine hygiene products market size was valued at USD 39.66 billion in 2022 and is expected to be worth USD 41.29 billion in 2023. The market is projected to reach USD 62.66 billion by 2030, recording a CAGR of 6.1% during the forecast period.
The sales of feminine hygiene products have grown tremendously in recent years as more women are gaining awareness on the importance of maintaining proper menstrual hygiene. Women residing in rural areas neither have access to proper menstrual hygiene products nor receive adequate education on the importance of the same. Such lack of awareness can have some serious consequences such as temporary infection in the genital areas and infertility. Such factors are expected to positively affect the feminine hygiene products market growth.
Fortune Business Insights™ displays this information in a report titled, "Feminine Hygiene Products Market, 2023-2030."
Menstrual Care Products are Highly Used by Women to Effectively Manage Menstrual Cycle
Based on product type, the market is segmented into menstrual care products and cleaning & deodorizing products. The menstrual care products segment accounted for the largest feminine hygiene products market share as women use these products every month during their menstrual cycle.
Heavy Discounts and Bulk Purchases to Boost Customer Footfall at Hypermarkets/Supermarkets
In terms of distribution channel, the market is segmented into hypermarket/supermarket, convenience stores, drug stores, and others. The hypermarkets/supermarket segment holds a dominant position in the market as women buy their hygiene products in bulk at these stores since these shops offer heavy discounts on such products.
With respect to region, the market covers North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Report Coverage:
The research report offers an in-depth analysis of the industry and highlights prominent areas, such as distribution channels, competitive landscape, and key product types. The report also offers insights into the latest market trends and highlights key developments in the industry.
Drivers and Restraints:
Growing Menstrual Literacy Rate to Boost Market Growth
Feminine hygiene products play a vital role in helping women manage their period flow effectively. Nowadays, more women in the rural areas are receiving education on the importance of using products, such as menstrual cups, tampons, and sanitary pads, thereby boosting the menstrual literacy rate. Since there has been a commendable rise in the number of working women, the demand for these products has grown, thereby boosting the market growth.
However, low access of menstrual hygiene products in underdeveloped areas may hinder the market development.
Regional Insights:
Asia Pacific Market to Grow Considerably with Better Awareness About Menstrual Hygiene
Asia Pacific is expected to dominate the global market as the region is witnessing a notable rise in hygiene awareness in countries such as India and China.
North America and Europe markets have shown tremendous growth due to factors such as higher income level of women, better sanitation practice, and greater awareness about menstrual hygiene.
Competitive Landscape:
Key Market Players to Develop Innovative Products to Cement their Market Positions
Companies, such as Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Kimberley Clark, and many local and startup companies, are leading the market growth as these players are developing easy-to-use and safer feminine hygiene products. These products are being made with softer materials to minimize the risk of rashes and allergies, which will help them consolidate their market positions.
Key Industry Development:
June 2021: Callaly, a British manufacturer of menstrual management products, partnered with Sustainable Materials Innovation Hub (SMI Hub) to produce sustainable materials for menstrual hygiene products.
Procter & Gamble Company (U.S.)
Unicharm Corporation (Japan)
Essity AB (Sweden)
Kimberly-Clark Corporation (U.S.)
Ontex Group NV (Belgium)
Edgewell Personal Care (U.S.)
Maxim Hygiene (U.S.)
Hengan International Group (China)
TZMO SA (Poland)
Unilever Plc. (U.K.)
Browse Detailed Summary of Research Report:
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Unlock your most dazzling smile with Teeth Whitening Fort Walton Beach! Experience the confidence boost you've been longing for with our quick, convenient, and painless teeth whitening solution. Say goodbye to yellowed or stained teeth and hello to a bright, radiant smile that will turn heads wherever you go. Don't settle for a lackluster smile when you deserve to shine. Contact us to find out more here!
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marketing123456789 · 1 year
Halal Food Market CAGR Value, Competitive Analysis, Industry Dynamics, Share, Size, Growth Factors, Development and Forecast To 2032
The halal food market was estimated to be worth USD 1.2 Tn in 2022 and is anticipated to increase at a CAGR of 5.6% from 2022 to 2032, when it is expected to be worth USD 3.0 Tn. According to recently released market analysis data from Future Market Insights, the demand for halal food worldwide is expected to increase by 9.1% Y-o-Y in 2022.
The Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) took over the implementation of the halal certification system, In 2005, in addition to monitoring and enforcing halal compliance in Malaysia, Malaysia’s halal certificate is the only internationally recognised emblem and certification system supported by the Malaysian government. approved for use by all Muslim nations, as it is a member of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC).
Get Sample Report @  https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-15004
Other nations’ halal certification authorities were either created by local provinces or governments, or they were endorsed by non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) was created in 2006 to further improve Malaysia’s position as the world’s leading halal centre. It was established with the goal of raising halal standards while also promoting commercial and industry development and branding.
More than 70 small and medium enterprises (SMIs) in the halal food manufacturing industry already call the Prima Halal Food Park home. All of these SMIs can join the Prima Vendor Program, which allows them to make halal cuisine under the PRIMA brand. The items are then distributed via PRIMA’s dedicated sales network.
Independent food and beverage producers can also create halal cuisine under their own brand names. In this instance, businesses must build their own distribution network while simultaneously contributing to the park’s central services and shared facilities expenditures.
Key Takeaways from Market Study
The halal food market is worth of US$ 1.2 Tn sales in 2022.
The halal food market is expected to expand at CAGRs of 9.7% through 2032.
Global halal food demand is projected to grow year-on-year (Y-o-Y) growth of 9.1% in 2022.
The halal food market is growing with a notable boost towards the production to reach USD 3.0 Tn by 2032.
Increasing requirement for the food among both Muslims and non-Muslims, advancement in healthy technologies incorporated, and strict regulations implementations are the factors driving growth of the market and to be the influencing factors among consumers, which is driving sales of halal food across global markets.
Demand for halal food grew at 8.8% CAGR between 2017 and 2021.
Prima Quality Food Industries Sdn Bhd, The Halal Food Company, Cargill Incorporated, Pacmoore Products Inc., and Al Islami Foods are expected to be the top players in the industry.
Halal food isolate with powdered form segment are in heavy demand from infant formula industry carrying a notable market share.
“Because of the stringent regulations in attaining halal certification, halal cuisine has evolved from being a religious dietary choice to an assurance of safe, healthy, hygienic and reliable food. The move to adopt uniform halal standards across OIC countries will allow them the opportunity to raise the standard of halal food and further strengthen the perception and market share of halal products in the global food trade,” says a Future Market Insights analyst.
Competitive Landscape
Key halal food brands are looking for new strategic partnerships to develop the applications in food and beverage industry, along with infant formula and dietary supplements, while core business brands are focusing on developing nutritional and high quality food solutions to customers with several product innovations.
Delivery startup Jahez in Saudi Arabia raised US$36 million for its commission-free halal food ordering website, DeliverDXB, which launched in Dubai March of 2020.
Explore More Valuable Insights
Future Market Insights, in its new report, offers an impartial analysis of the global halal food market, presenting historical data (2017-2021) and estimation statistics for the forecast period of 2022-2032.
Halal Food Market by Category
By Nature:
By Product Type:
Meat, Poultry and Seafood
Dairy Products
Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
Fats, Oil and Waxes
Grains and Cereals
By Application:
Food & Beverages
Nutraceuticals & Dietary Supplements
Infant Formula
Animal Feed Industry
By Region:
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia
Middle East & Africa
View Full Report@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/halal-food-market
About Future Market Insights (FMI)
Future Market Insights, Inc. is an ESOMAR-certified business consulting & market research firm, a member of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce and is headquartered in Delaware, USA. A recipient of Clutch Leaders Award 2022 on account of high client score (4.9/5), we have been collaborating with global enterprises in their business transformation journey and helping them deliver on their business ambitions. 80% of the largest Forbes 1000 enterprises are our clients. We serve global clients across all leading & niche market segments across all major industries.
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stevecarell600 · 2 years
Airborne ISR Market Share Growth, Trend, Drivers, Challenges, Key Companies by 2022-2029
The global airborne ISR market size is expected to surge exponentially due to the rising benefits of the ISR system among military personnel. Further, the rising adoption of small unmanned systems in surveillance is expected to bolster industry growth. Fortune Business Insights™ presents this information in its report titled “Airborne ISR Market, 2022-2029.” Airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) systems help detect hostile and friendly forces and assess the damage caused to hostile targets within a region. 
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Report Coverage
The report provides a detailed analysis of the top segments and the latest trends in the market. It comprehensively discusses the driving and restraining factors and the impact of COVID-19 on the market. Additionally, it examines the regional developments and the strategies undertaken by the market's key players.
By type, the market is segmented into manned and unmanned. Based on application, it is classified into Maritime Patrol, Airborne Ground Surveillance (AGS), Airborne Early Warnings (AEW), and Signals Intelligence (SIGNIT). As per fuel type, it is categorized into hydrogen fuel cells, solar powered, battery operated, alternate fuel, and gas-electric hybrid. Geographically, it is classified into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World.
Driving Factors
Advanced Data Integration to Bolster Commercial ISR Potential
Advanced data integration and the incorporation of multi-level comparison for data management and integrity may enhance the industry outlook. Further, rising government investments in the research and development of better airborne ISR systems are expected to enhance technology adoption. Moreover, the rising demand for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is expected to elevate sales. These factors may drive the airborne ISR market growth.
However, the negative impact of the pandemic on the aviation industry may hamper the industry’s growth.
Regional Insights
Robust Investments in ISR in U.S. to Elevate Market Progress in North America
North America is expected to dominate the airborne ISR market share because of robust investments in ISR in U.S. Furthermore, the high rate of profitability, acquisitions, and collaborations of big players may bolster market progress.
In Asia Pacific, the rising demand for a situational awareness system is expected to bolster the adoption of the product. Further, rising defense spending in India, South Korea, and China. These factors may bolster market growth in the region
In Europe, high levels of investments in the aerospace sector are expected to boost the adoption of airborne ISR. Further, the introduction of advanced technologies and expanding military programs are expected to elevate industry progress
List of Key Players Profiled in the Airborne ISR Market Report
L3Harris Technologies, Inc. (U.S.)
Boeing (U.S.)
BAE Systems (U.K.)
Elbit Systems Ltd (Israel)
FLIR Systems Inc. (U.S.)
Northrop Grumman (U.S.)
General Dynamics (U.S.)
Thales (France)
Raytheon (U.S.)
UTC Aerospace Systems (U.S.)
Competitive Landscape
Major Players Incorporate Technologically Advanced Features to Enhance Service Offerings
Prominent players operating in the market integrate technologically advanced features in their product offerings and elevate the brand image. For example, L3 and Raytheon were hired by the U.S. Army to develop, integrate, manufacture, and demonstrate prototype communications intelligence (COMINT) and electronic intelligence (ELINT) sensors on its novel reconnaissance (ISR) Multi-Domain Sensing System (MDSS), HADES intelligence in June 2021. This development may allow the company to enhance its service offerings and boost its brand presence.
Key Industry Development
October 2021: The SMi hosted 6th Airborne ISR conference shall be held in London on 20th and 21st October 2021. Topics such as Threat Evolution, Industrial Engagement, Data Dissemination, 5th Generation ISR, International Surveillance Cooperation, AWACS, UAV Technology, and Maritime Patrol shall be covered in depth in this event.
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lightingpiner · 2 years
Vlc streamer vs lite
Tumblr media
It also supports Picture in Picture mode ( h.264 format with H/W decoding).You can protect content with a passcode.It offers video scrubbing and USB or Wi-Fi transfer for getting content into the app.AVPlayerĪVPlayer is one of the best video player apps for your iPhone as it is easy to use, can play almost all the videos and audio formats like AVI, Xvid, WMV clearly and smoothly. Must Read: 9 Best Security Apps To Secure Your iPhone 6. It allows you to choose and adjust default video/audio quality, resolution and FPS for different network connection types, local WiFi, remote WiFi, 3G and 4G to get the highest video viewing effect.It provides an option to remotely turn off your computer once you have finished watching.It acts as your personal audio video cloud.It has inbuilt 320 different video/audio codecs, it streams almost all videos to your mobile devices from Mac or PC.
It consumes less battery as it has hardware decoding mp4/mp3 files by default.ĪirPlayit is a video streaming software that streams videos/audios/movies to Apple Phone iPad, iPod touch and Google Android OS mobile devices over WiFi and 3G/4G network.It supports password for app and folders, hides password-protected folders, Touch ID.It supports embedded subtitles in movies.It supports almost all the video and audio formats.OPlayer Lite gives you the pliability to download your files to your device or browse a SAMBA/FTP/UPnP/DLNA share over the network. It supports almost all the video formats.It supports Network service, such as KMP Connect, Google Drive, FTP, Dropbox, etc.It supports a gesture function for speed video playback and sound adjustment.It has a simple and user friendly interface which makes it easy to use.Yet another best music player for iPhone, KMPlayer is a free encoding media player for iPhone which supports and plays all video files.
VLC offers support for advanced subtitles including full SSA compatibility, multi-track audio, and playback speed control.
It allows file synchronization with Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, iCloud Drive, iTunes, direct downloads and through Wi-Fi sharing as well as streaming from SMB, FTP, UPnP/DLNA media servers and the web.
Therefore, it is one of the best video player apps for iPhone. VLC can play all your movies, shows and music in most formats directly without conversion. Must Read: 10 Best Music Player Apps For iPhone 2.
It allows you to boost volume up to 3 times the original sound for watching movies with headphones.
It also supports SRT, SSA/ASS, SMI and many other subtitles in almost all languages.
It supports HD playback (in 1080p) for all formats.
It can play files from the e-mail attachments.
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0 notes
primofate · 2 years
Can I get more volleyball au? Anything goes.
I have neglected the Volleyball AU for a while hahahaha!!! I can tell cause so many of you are asking for a Volleyball AU update oh gosh XD
This is a response to the 3-4 anons who requested a Volleyball AU update. One of you said something about the Olympics but I wasn’t quite sure if I read your ask correctly but anyway, here it is.
Scenarios: Olympic Genshin Volleyball team getting asked interview questions about you, their S/O, after winning a game + chaotic commentary of the teammates
Warning: some of the questions might be a little personal but journalists always try to get a good story anyway, so, it’s still in the realm of possibility. Not proofread. Please tell me if there are any pronoun slips.
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Xiao, Thoma, Ayato and gn!reader
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
Tries to keep his relationship with you private. He knows the media is super daunting at times. 
Interviewer: “Did your S/O fly in to support you today?”
Zhongli: “No, they’re at home. Though, I’m sure Y/N’s supporting me, even from home,”
Interviewer: “There’s talks on the forum that your performance is better when your S/O is watching on the stands, and that your spikes are stellar.”
*Tartaglia and Kaeya starts cackling. Thoma laughs behind his hand. Ayato is grinning ear to ear. They’re aware of that rumor.*
Zhongli: *clears his throat* “Well... I... suppose it gives a little energy boost, seeing my significant other attend...”
Kaeya: *leans in forward to his mic and butts in* “Our strict captain just likes to show off in front of Y/N,”
Tartaglia: *also butts in* “Our coach and managers have joked that we should have a cardboard cutout of Y/N and just get it up there on the stands for every game,”
Ayato: “Our captain might seem serious on court but he’s the type to have a picture of his S/O as his phone screen. Isn’t that right, captain?” Passes the question along to Zhongli again
Zhongli: *incredibly embarrassed and has covered his loopy, embarrassed smile with his hand. Plotting the demise of Ayato, Kaeya and Tartaglia. Reporters are having a field day that his teammates are ratting him out* “...Let’s move on to the next question please,”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Zhongli: *hesitates, but thinks that you might watch this so answers* “I’ll be home soon. Take care of yourself for me while I’m away,” *gives a small smile and a wave*
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
Does not like personal questions. But will still answer them just so he doesn’t come off as too rude. 
He doesn’t want his team’s reputation to be tarnished because of him.
Gives straightforward answers. Doesn’t give any chance for reporters to brew up a rumor or gossip that would hurt his relationship with you.
Interviewer: “How are you and your S/O doing?”
Diluc: “Good, nothing to complain about. Everything’s perfectly great with Y/N,”
Interviewer: “I heard that your S/O has been supporting your volleyball career ever since high school. That’s a long time!”
Diluc: *smiles the slightest bit* “It is, isn’t it? It wasn’t an easy road...and I owe a lot to Y/N for staying through all of it,”
Interviewer: “What do you miss most about your S/O when you two are apart?”
Diluc: *thinks that it’s too personal of a question and isn’t related to volleyball at all, so he answers awkwardly* “Err... Well... Everything, really,”
Kaeya: “So, funny thing,” *all the cameras turn to him and Diluc kind of heaves a sigh of relief but he does that too early* “I share a room with my brother while we’re out here and he does these nightly calls with Y/N,”
Diluc: “Kaeya--”
Kaeya: “I can list aaaaallllll the things he misses about 'em cause he says it every damn night. I miss your smi--”
Diluc: *completely talks over Kaeya* “NEXT QUESTION!”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Diluc: *sort of bashful, small smile* “Thanks for everything.” *and just to spite Kaeya and make light of the situation earlier* “I’ll make sure Kaeya’s asleep before I call you tonight,”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
Thriving during an interview.
Probably all the interviewer’s favourite cause he doesn’t have much of a filter yet manages to be charming all the same. 
Will show you off but not too much, just enough so that it isn’t too tacky.
Interviewer: “In the last interview you shared an interesting tidbit about your love life. You shared the story of how you met your S/O.”
Kaeya: “Oh you wanna hear that story again? Good story right? It was in high school! I was practicing my serves and accidentally hit the back of Y/N’s head. I walked ‘em to the clinic like the gentleman I was and it started from there,”
Interviewer: “So would you say that you made the first move?”
Kaeya: “No, Y/N was head over heels for me the moment I offered to walk them to the clinic! Totally their idea to get together,” *laughs* “I kid, I’ll admit I was the one smitten from the get go,” 
Interviewer: “Does having Y/N’s support change anything?”
Kaeya: *totally joking but not joking* “It does! I don’t say it often or too much cause I’m usually confident in myself but there’s always going to be a time where you don’t feel good enough, and it’s great to have someone there to say and shout *tries to imitate your voice* “Kaeya you’re the best!!!””
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Kaeya: “Miss you snowflake! Keep cheering for me there, I promise my heart can hear you!” *winks*
#4 Albedo (Setter)
The quiet, thinks for too long type
Kind of blunt
Does not mind any question, he’s mostly just thinking too much about his answer and wants to give an accurate one.
Interviewer: “Did your S/O fly in to support you today?”
Albedo: “No, but they’ll fly in for the last game...We’ll spend a few days looking around here then fly back together...Thankfully the schedule allows for that,”
Interviewer: “What places do you plan to visit?”
Albedo: “...It wouldn’t be too smart of me to reveal that. If I tell you, then everyone will know where we’re going...”
Interviewer: “We heard that your jersey number has a significant meaning. Can you talk about that a little?”
Albedo: “...Oh, yes...back when we were in high school...#4 was Y/N’s class number. That’s all there is to it really...”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Albedo: “...Thanks for believing in me and for pushing me to try volleyball. I still think everything I have right now is because of you,”
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
Thriving number 2
Loves interviews, so the interviewers love him too.
Tends to go off track and talks too much.
Interviewer: “Last time you went off on a tangent talking about your S/O’s cooking,”
Tartaglia: “Yeah! I can’t help it. Your food here is really great guys, but it’s just nothing compared to home food, you know? It’s been nearly a month of not having a home-cooked meal. You gotta understand!”
Interviewer: “If you could, would you fly home right now just to have some of your S/O’s food?”
Tartaglia: “Hell yeah! That’s not even a question! Course I would. Then I can get some much needed hugs and kisses too,”
Kaeya and Ayato at the same time:
Ayato: “Little too much information there,” 
Kaeya “TMI, TMI,”
Tartaglia: “Jealousssss?”
Interviewer: “If you could fly back now, but you could only get ONE thing from your S/O, would it be a home-cooked meal or a hug?”
Tartaglia: “Oh man, why d’you have to do this?” *seriously thinks about it* “Oh gosh, I’ll definitely go for a hug though. Hugs are more important than food,”
Kaeya: “On which planet?”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Tartaglia: “Hey you! Can’t wait to be back home! Need my hugs ASAP!”
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
Polite, quiet but will decline to answer if it goes over his personal threshold.
Still very polite though
Interviewer: “So you and S/O were childhood friends?”
Kazuha: “We were indeed.” *laughs at the memories* “I’ve known Y/N for a long time. Our parents were acquainted with each other,”
Interviewer: “What made you guys cross over to a relationship, after being friends for so long?”
Kazuha: “Mm, that’s a good question...I find that I don’t quite know the answer myself, sometimes. But ultimately it’s because I’d rather not see Y/N with someone else. I suppose that’s how I knew my feelings was past friendship,”
Interviewer: “Did S/O play a significant part in your volleyball career?”
Kazuha: “Absolutely. Training takes up a lot of time. I’m lucky that Y/N understands that, and I’m slightly apologetic because of that too.”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Kazuha: “Thank you for being my pillar. I really am fortunate that it’s you by my side,”
#7 Xiao (Libero)
Tries really hard to answer but is the type to stutter over his words out of nervousness. Probably just not used to the media yet. 
The type to practice interview questions with Tartaglia and Kaeya (the two are really just giving him a hard time, but Xiao thinks that’s great practice)
Interviewer: “Your S/O posted on their social media today about supporting you and it was a photo of you during your high school libero days! *shows the picture*”
*Everyone in the team shares a smile knowing that Xiao will be flustered*
Xiao: “O-Oh, uh... Hm, that’s a really old picture... What were they thinking posting that...? I-I mean! Y/N...has always been supportive!”
Interviewer: “High school was a really long time ago, any secret to keeping the romance alive?”
Xiao: *thinks why in the hell are these kinds of questions asked in press conferences about volleyball????*
Xiao: “Just...be yourself. I guess. Or at least be with someone who doesn’t mind and understands all of you... The good and the bad...” *gets too engrossed in his feelings*
Tartaglia: “Aweeee our little Xiao’s all grown up,”
Kaeya: “He used to be a real bumbling fool in high school. Took him forever to ask Y/N out,”
Xiao: *threatening glare* “You guys...”
Zhongli: “He’s grown a lot,”
Xiao: “Captain, you too?!”
Interviewer: “When you say the good and the bad... Do you mean that S/O has seen the bad sides of you? What do you think are the “bad sides”?”
Xiao: “Of course...! What are the bad sides...?” *hesitates to answer*
Kaeya: “Stubborn,”
Tartaglia: “Too hardworking,”
Thoma: “Blames himself too much for a bad play,”
Ayato: “Tsunde--”
Xiao: “Three examples is enough!!”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Xiao: *thinks for a moment* “Thank you... I don’t have to say much right? Cause I know you know what I mean already,” *small smile*
#8 Thoma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
Polite number 2
Super pleasant and wholesome answers. 
The type to never take all the credit for himself and will tell reporters that “It’s all thanks to my team,”
Interviewer: “You’re voted as “best husband material” on the poll today. Any words about that?”
Thoma: “Oh really? *laughs* It’s an honour! Well, I suppose I do like to take care of the house chores. I feel really sorry Y/N has to handle everything on their own right now,”
Interviewer: “Do you think you’re the better cook or your S/O?”
Thoma: “Gosh that’s a tough one! *waves at camera* Sorry honey, I’m gunna have to take this one. *laughs* You are better at organizing things though!”
Interviewer: “The team voted that you’re “most likely to be married first”. Any plans?”
Thoma: “Oh wow! And I thought the previous question was hard! Haha! Ah well... it’s no secret. Y/N knows that I cherish my relationship with them. We’ve casually talked about it for a bit, but we aren’t in a hurry at the moment. Just having each other is a real blessing already,”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Thoma: “Hey sweetie! I love you, be back soon!”
#9 Ayato (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
Is he the interviewee or the interviewer? Sometimes you can’t really tell.
Is great at explaining himself but doesn’t actually like interviews.
Reporters try not to cross him cause he’s known to bite back if the question is about a rumor/gossip that isn’t true.
Interviewer: “We heard that you met your S/O in your last year of high school. Did you only notice each other in your senior year?”
Ayato: *chuckles* “Not exactly. I was a transfer student. Y/N was tasked to make sure my transition into the new school was seamless. They did a great job, so great, that I couldn’t let them slip away,”
Interviewer: “Your sister and your S/O are quite close to each other, your S/O even used a picture of the two of them as their profile picture instead of a picture with you. Are you ok with that?”
Ayato: “Why wouldn’t I be?” *half-grin, half-smile* I rest easy knowing that the two of them get along well. Y/N will be a constant part of my life, after all, and they treat my sister just as their own sibling,”
Interviewer: “Does your S/O play a big part in your volleyball career?”
Ayato: “Y/N is part of the reason I’m able to enjoy volleyball as a professional player. There were certain situations which made it difficult for me to go into professional volleyball, but Y/N managed to push me through it,”
Interviewer: “Any message for your S/O back home?”
Ayato: “I’m certain that being without me is starting to be unbearable, hm? Not to worry, I promise I’ll be back soon,”
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shivada-jade · 3 years
let's play wii
characters: xiao, kazuha, venti ➡ mentions: aether warnings: n/a
notes: 4nemo are roomies !
xiao looks over you, concerned with how you're holding the wii remote. it isn't strapped to your wrist and you're holding it loosely.
"[y/n], you should really strap the remote on you," he cautions while waving his own remote while sitting. you don't turn away from the screen in front of you and continue to dance to one direction.
"but xiao, i'm in the middle of getting five stars!" you huff, finally reaching four stars. from your peripheral vision, you see xiao just sitting on the floor with an oversized mint green hoodie.
"i don't understand how you always get perfect when i'm the one dancing and you're the one sitting," you quietly fume, unable to accept the fact how you always lose to xiao when all he did is lift the remote up and down.
xiao shrugs, adjusting the strap to his own controller before moving it around again. "you should really wear the strap on your controller, my roommates wont appreciate it if you accidentally fling your remote on our TV..."
he stands and grabs hold of your wrist, grabbing the remote. you whine, pointing at the screen "i was this close to getting another star!"
"you can play now, "xiao takes the strap and puts it around your wrist, tightening it.
you sigh and xiao frowns.
"what's wrong?"
you sigh louder and point to the screen, "you won, again."
the end of the song arrives, showing 'happy' and 'jazzy's' scores. jazzy at over five thousand, and hapy just a few numbers off.
xiao looks at you then to the screen before the corner of his lips curl upwards. it's not noticeable at first, that's why you did a double take.
you slap a hand over your mouth, "xiao!"
xiao tilts his head, "yes?"
"did you just smi-"
"beat you? yeah, i did."
he sets up the game and bounces back when he pops the disc in.
the familiar tune of the game chirps in your ear.
"are you ready for defeat, [y/n?]" he cheekily asks, handing a remote with the second dot at the bottom glowing blue.
you roll your eyes with a smile adorning your face, "no, because you're the one who's going to cry when i beat you."
"how daring of you to make such an assumption." kazuha smiles, wrapping an elastic around his locks before the game starts. "you lost at wii sports already, who's to say you're not going to lose in wii sports resort?"
you gasp, hitting him playfully. "i'm the best you at wii sports bowling, how dare you," you say remembering the wii characters jump in circles when you hit a strike.
the red strand of kazuha's hair falls out of the elastic, so he tucks it behind his ear instead of re-doing the low ponytail. he lets the game start by pressing A and B on the remote.
"anything you wanna play?" he asks.
you grin, "you studied the art of the blade when you were younger, right? let's do swordplay. get ready to lose."
kazuha glances at you warily before pressing 'swordplay: duel,' "i'm the one who's going to win."
"HA. good luck."
kazuha presses 'two players' and steadies the remote to get the game started. you do the same and look at your little mii characters.
two rounds in, and kazuha has one point while you have the other.
his sticks his tongue out, concentrating on blocking then attacking while your little mii character wobbles before attacking back. from the side of your vision, you see kazuha's roommate enter the living room where you play. xiao has never looked so confused, but he stands by the door, unmoving and holding two bags full for grocery.
you whip your wii remote from side to side, pushing kazuha's character at the edge of the stadium and see it plunge in the water.
you laugh in triumph, waving to xiao "did you see that?! your roommate is a loser!"
kazuha smiles, setting his remote down. "actually, that was our practice round i believe. [y/n] said so."
"no that was for real. just admit defeat."
you swerve your princess peach kart, avoiding the red shell venti threw at you. the room is intense.
you hear aether cheering you from behind, hyping you up.
you're placed second, just a hair behind venti's toad kart. you wanted to push venti, "STOP DROPPING BANANA PEELS."
"STOP THROWING SHELLS AT ME," he screams, dropping another banana peel then takes a shortcut.
you threw another shell and he spins off.
aether walks out of the living room and comes back with a bowl of cereal. he eats, watching the screen with focus. your kart passes by venti's and you laugh in delight.
venti bites his lip, leaning towards his right as if moving his body would help steer the kart in screen. he gets a boost and drives by next to you. you try to push his kart off, but he dodges it.
you press different buttons on your controller, hoping it would make a difference so you can cross the finish line first. luckily, you didn't need to press different buttons because aether 'accidentally' knocks venti over, making him lose control of his toad kart.
"aeTHeRR???" venti complains, watching you take first place and him second.
you high-five aether, passing him your remote for his turn. "your turn to beat the crap out of venti."
you pinch venti's cheek and blow a raspberry, "you're the one who LEFT ME in lego: star wars. while you were on the next stage, i was dying with the roger-roger droids."
"it was a mistake!"
"you laughed at me!"
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