#boost Samsung Galaxy A7 2017
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trendythree · 4 years ago
How to turn on Download Booster in Samsung Galaxy A7 2017
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How to turn on Download Booster in Samsung Galaxy A7 2017
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trendyten · 4 years ago
How to turn on Download Booster in Samsung Galaxy A7 2017
New Post has been published on https://trendyport.com/how-to-turn-on-download-booster-in-samsung-galaxy-a7-2017/
How to turn on Download Booster in Samsung Galaxy A7 2017
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kleinen2-blog · 7 years ago
Toshiba satellite u505 Netzteil notebooksnetzteil.com
Das Belkin BOOST↑UP™ für Samsung ist für das Note5, Galaxy Note8, Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8+, Galaxy S7, Galaxy S7 edge, Galaxy S6 edge+, Galaxy S6 edge und das Galaxy S6 ausgelegt, aber ist auch kompatibel zu allen Qi-fähigen Geräten anderer Hersteller und Baureihen. Das Boost Up-Ladegerät ist sehr ähnlich zu dem Schwestergerät von Belkin für aktuelle iPhones gestaltet, liefert allerdings bis zu 15 Watt Ladeleistung statt wie letzteres bis zu 7.5 Watt.
Das Belkin BOOST↑UP™ besteht aus einer untertassenförmigen Scheibe mit einem Durchmeser von 11.3 cm, ist 1.27 cm hoch und wiegt knapp 90 Gramm. Geliefert wird es mit einer bebilderten Kurzanleitung sowie den Garantiebestimmungen und einem passenden Steckernetzteil. Letzteres ist mit einem abgerundeten Stecker ausgestattet, der sich perfekt in das Design der Untertasse einfügt.
Das Boost Up selbst ist aus silbernem Kunststoff gestaltet und wirkt hochwertig. Ober- wie Unterseite mit schwarzem Gummi, genannt Soft Touch Oberfläche bezogen, wobei die Oberseite mit einem silbernen Ring ausgestattet ist. Dies hat den Vorteil, dass sowohl die Ladestation auch auf glatten Oberflächen nicht einfach weg rutschen kann, als auch Geräte auf dem Belkin BOOST↑UP sicher und stabil aufliegen. Weiter ist nahe am Rand auf der rechten Seite eine Status-LED unter der schwarzen Oberfläche zu finden, die anzeigt, dass der Ladevorgang aktiv ist bzw. Fremdkörper oder Störungen erkannt wurden. So kann das Gerät nicht durchbrennen, wenn aus Versehen eine Büroklammer drauf liegt.
Durch die vergleichsweise grosse Fläche des Belkin BOOST↑UP™ Samsung Qi-Ladegeräts lassen sich Smartphones relativ problemlos und bequem auflegen und in nahezu jeder Ausrichtung gut aufladen. Dank der bis zu 15 Watt Ladeleistung nach dem Qi-Standard 1.2.3 nähert sich das resonante induktive Laden nunmehr den Geschwindigkeiten via USB-Kabel an, trotz vergleichsweise schlechtem Wirkungsgrad.Das Laden mit dem Belkin Boost Up funktioniert einwandfrei. Entsprechende Geräte laden durchaus merklich schneller auf als mit den alten 5 Watt Ladegeräten, bei denen nur wenige hundert mA am Gerät ankamen. Belkin gibt im Übrigen nicht nur eine drei Jahre umfasende Garantie auf das Lade-Pad, sondern deckt auch bis zu 2’000 Euro Schäden an mit dem Boost Up aufgeladenen Geräten.
Das Belkin BOOST UP Qi-Ladepad mit 15 Watt Leistung ist perfekt für das kabellose Laden von allen Geräten, die den Qi-Standard unterstützen. Ob Samsung, LG oder Apple und viele mehr, werden Geräte aller Hersteller zuverlässig mit bis zu 15 Watt aufgeladen, ohne dass sie eingesteckt werden müssen.Die EU bemüht sich seit Jahren um freiwillige Verpflichtungen von Herstellern, universell einsetzbare Ladegeräte und Ladekabel anzubieten. Auch eine EU-Richtlinie soll für einen einheitlichen Standard sorgen, fragmentiert ist der Markt trotzdem.
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Die EU-Kommission will erneut einen einheitlichen Standard für Smartphone-Ladekabel einführen. Das berichtet unter anderem Zeit Online unter Berufung auf AFP. Die EU-Behörde arbeite derzeit an einer "neuen freiwilligen Verpflichtung" erklärte eine Sprecherin. Die Kommission sei "zuversichtlich", bald eine Lösung zu finden. Die für den Binnenmarkt zuständige Kommissarin Elzbieta Bienkowska hatte dem Europäischen Parlament bereits Anfang April auf Anfrage mitgeteilt, eine "erneute Fragmentierung des Markts für Ladegeräte" werde sie "nicht hinnehmen".
2009 hatten die damals wichtigsten Smartphone-Hersteller – darunter Apple, Samsung und Nokia – ein Memorandum of Understanding unterzeichnet. Sie verpflichteten sich, einen neuen Standard für Ladegeräte mit Micro-USB-Stecker zu unterstützen. Diese kamen aber erst mit einiger Verzögerung 2011 in den Handel. Zwar waren Ende 2012 den Herstellern zufolge 90 Prozent der Ladegeräte zum Standard kompatibel, allerdings lief das Memorandum am 31. Dezember 2012 aus. Seitdem bemüht sich die EU-Kommission um eine Verlängerung und konnte auch mit Regelungen in der EU-Richtlinie 2014/53/EU nur wenig Erfolg verbuchen.
Ungehörte Appelle Nach Auslaufen des Memorandums drängte der damalige EU-Industriekommissar Antonio Tajani die Handyhersteller, weiterhin einheitliche Ladegeräte anzubieten. Er wünschte sich außerdem, dass ähnliche Vereinbarungen auch für andere Produkte getroffen werden sollten – ganz im Sinne der Verbraucher und des Umweltschutzes – denn die Verpflichtung von 2009 galt nur für Smartphones, genauer: mobile Telefone, die per USB Daten übertragen können (Norm EN 62684:2010). "Denken Sie an das Zubehör für Computer und alle Arten von digitalen Geräten. Auch hier möchte ich, dass die Industrie sich auf mehr Einheitlichkeit einigt."
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Im Jahr 2014 einigte sich die EU-Kommission dann darauf, dass ab 2017 einheitliche Ladegeräte für Tablets und Smartphones kommen sollen und stimmte für entsprechende Vereinbarungen in der neuen EU-Richtlinie 2014/53/EU. Damit sollten etwa 51.000 Tonnen Elektroschrott pro Jahr eingespart werden, da sich die Kommission vorstellte, dass zukünftig nicht mehr jedem neuen Smartphone ein eigenes Netzteil beigelegt werden müsste. Dieses Ziel gilt als verfehlt.
Die EU-Kommission übersah zudem ein weiteres entscheidendes Detail, wie c't-Redakteur Michael Link zuletzt kommentierte: In ihrer Richtlinie kommt nur das Wort "Ladegerät" vor. Einige Hersteller urteilen, dass das geräteseitige Anschlusskabel nicht mehr zum geregelten Bereich der Norm gehört. So gibt es auch hier weiterhin das, was die Norm aus Verbrauchersicht hätte gleich mit abschaffen können: Den Kabelwildwuchs.
Wie AFP berichtet, versicherte Kommissarin Elzbieta Bieńkowska dem Europäischen Parlament, dass sie auch für eine neue Vereinbarung einen "kooperativen Ansatz" verfolge und die Hersteller "über die technischen Merkmale der nächsten Generation einheitlicher Ladegeräte" entscheiden sollten. Schließlich hatten sich bereits 2009 nach Angaben der EU-Kommission 80 Prozent der Mobiltelefonhersteller freiwillig dazu verpflichtet, universale Ladekabel für ihre Produkte anzufertigen. Die Titan Plus, eine 5 Port Ladestation, mit 90 Watt Gesamtleistung und Qualcomm Quickcharge 3.0 haben wir uns mal angeschaut und für euch getestet.
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infotainmentplus-blog · 7 years ago
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Best Samsung phones you can buy right now Samsung is without a doubt the biggest name in the Android world, and so if you are considering purchasing a new phone, logic dictates you may be looking to pick up a phone made by the Korean giant. But which phone is right for your individual needs? While it might be easy to just say “get a Note or the latest Galaxy S”, Samsung’s line-up is actually quite robust with a variety of phones covering prices as low as $150 or as high as $1000. Even more confusing, some of Samsung’s mid-range and entry line-ups are so similar in specs and design that picking a phone can be a bit confusing. That’s where we come in. In this list, we break down some of the best high, mid, and even entry-level options from Samsung. Best Android phones Best cheap Android phones Editor’s note: We will be updating this list regularly as new devices launch. Best Samsung phone all around: Samsung Galaxy Note 8 See more Galaxy Note 8 photos After a controversial 2016, Samsung’s Galaxy Note line is back in full force. With top-of-the-line specs, a stunning design, an all-new dual-camera setup, and new software features, the Galaxy Note 8 is the best Android phone you can buy right now. The Note 8’s near-bezel-less 6.3-inch Quad HD+ Infinity Display with an 18.5:9 aspect ratio is one of our favorite parts about this phone. DisplayMate agrees with us too. It’s big, maybe too big for some people, but at least the company puts that screen to good use. There’s a new App Pairing feature that allows you to open up two favorited apps in multi-window at the same time, and there are a few new S Pen features that will satisfy the stylus users out there. What’s more, the new dual-camera setup on the back performs incredibly well. While picture quality isn’t a huge step up from what we saw on the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus, the extra 12 MP sensor with OIS allows you to take clear, concise photos and impressive bokeh shots in just about any situation. No, it’s not perfect, but no phone is. Samsung’s fingerprint sensor placement is still super annoying, and this phone is expensive. If those things don’t matter to you though, the Note 8 might be the right phone for you. Check out our full review below! Read more Samsung Galaxy Note 8 review Samsung Galaxy Note 8 specs Samsung Galaxy Note 8 color comparison Samsung Galaxy Note 8 vs the competition Samsung Galaxy Note 8 vs Galaxy S8 quick look Samsung Galaxy Note 8 vs Essential Phone Samsung Galaxy Note 8 vs Galaxy Note Fan Edition quick look Top five new Galaxy Note 8 features Galaxy Note 8 price, release date, and carrier deals Buy now from Amazon Honorable mentions: Samsung Galaxy S8 and S9 Plus Want a flagship Samsung experience, but without paying quite as much money? Now that a new flagship is out on the market, that means plenty of deals are starting to pop up. Right now you can get the S8 starting around $725, with the S8 Plus priced around $825. Get Samsung Galaxy S8 or S8 Plus from Samsung Samsung Galaxy S8 Active While the Galaxy S series is already waterproof and dust resistant these days, if you want even more protection — that’s where the Active series comes in. The Galaxy S8 Active is the latest member of this family, and you can get it unlocked for $850 Get Galaxy S8 Active at Samsung Best mid-range Samsung phone: Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017) and A5 (2017) The Galaxy A family seems to be Samsung’s flagship mid-range line, getting way more marketing attention than the C series — at least in the United States. Although the Galaxy A7 and A5 are an obvious step downward from the Galaxy S7 or S8 lines, they could be perfect for you if you are looking for a solid Android experience for below $400. Essentially the Galaxy A7 and A5 are the same phone, with the former packing a 5.7-inch display while the latter sticks to a more modest 5.2-inch display. Both are packing 1080p super AMOLED panels. Under the hood you’ll find the A7 and A5 are powered by the Samsung Exynos 7 Octa 7880 with 3GB RAM. Other key specs include 32GB storage with microSD, 16MP front/rear cameras, and a 3600 mAh or 3000 mAh battery respectively. There is at least one big downside though, and that’s the software is still based on Android 6.0 Marshmallow. That’s slightly disappointing, considering these phones were released in January of 2017. Of course a Nougat update shouldn’t be too terribly far off. Overall, the Galaxy A series is a great substitute to the S line if you are looking to save some hard earned cash. Specs 5.2-inch 1080p Super AMOLED display, 424ppi (Galaxy A5) 5.7-inch 1080p Super AMOLED display, 386ppi (Galaxy A7) Samsung Exynos 7 Octa 7880 3 GB of RAM 32 GB of on-board storage, microSD expansion 16 MP rear and front cameras Non-removable 3,000 mAh battery for A5, 3,600 mAh for A7 Android 6.0 Marshmallow 146.1 x 71.4 x 7.9 mm, 155 g (Galaxy A5) 156.8 x 77.6 x 7.9 mm, 186 g (Galaxy A7) Read more Samsung Galaxy A5 hands-on Samsung Galaxy A7 vs A5: spec comparison Buy the Galaxy A5 for $350 BUY THE GALAXY A7 FOR $350 Honorable mentions: Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge The Galaxy S6 is now two years old, but still remains a solid option for those that gotta have a flagship. Just keep in mind that major software updates are starting to come to a close so if that’s important to you, getting a newer mid-range might actually be the better deal here for most buyers. That said, if you buy the Galaxy S6 used or refurbished — you can get it for way below the $300/$400 mark. Get Galaxy S6 for $350 / Get Galaxy S6 edge for $425 Samsung Galaxy C7 / C7 Pro / C5 Pro Frankly, the Galaxy C7 family is in many ways better than the A series, offering more RAM and built in storage. That said, the Galaxy A series seems to be more widely available in many markets (including the US). One note, the Pro variant of the C7 isn’t that much different than the slightly older C7 and is about $60 cheaper. Get Galaxy C7 for $292 / Get Galaxy C7 Pro for $350 / Get Galaxy C5 Pro for $350 Best cheap Samsung phone: Samsung Galaxy J7 / J7 Prime / J7 V When it comes to affordable Samsung phones, the J7 family is pretty easy to recommend. Each of these models have slightly different designs and specs, though they certainly aren’t worlds apart. The J7 and J7 Prime are both powered by an Exynos 7870 processor, while the J7 V trades in the Exynos chip for a Snapdragon 625. You get 3GB RAM with the Prime model, and 2GB for the other two. It’s also worth noting the Prime and standard J7 have better 13MP shooters, instead of an 8MP main camera. Turning to the display, while all three have 5.5-inch sizes, the technology and resolutions differ. The Prime has an LCD display with a resolution of 1080 x 1920, meanwhile the J7 and J7 V offer 720 x 1280 resolutions, with Super AMOLED and TFT technologies respectively. The majority of the other specs remain the same across the board, including 16GB storage with microSD and 3,300 mAh batteries. That said, the Prime’s battery is the only one that isn’t removable. Pricing for the J7 is set at $200 (or $160 via Boost Mobile), with the Verizon only J7 V set at $240. If you are interested in the Prime’s higher resolution and higher RAM count, you’ll pay around $50 more than the standard Galaxy J7. Editor’s note: The Galaxy J7 Prime known as the Galaxy On NXT in India and other select markets. This variant offers the same looks and core specs, but with double the internal storage for roughly the same price. Specs 5.5-inch Super AMOLED display with 720 x 1280 resolution (Galaxy J7) 5.5-inch LCD display with 1080 x 1920 resolution (Galaxy J7 Prime) 5.5-inch TFT display with 720 x 1280 resolution (Galaxy J7 V) Samsung Exynos 7870 or Snapdragon 625, depending on market 2 GB of RAM for J7 and J7 V, 3GB for Prime 16 GB of on-board storage, microSD expansion up to 256 GB 13MP main camera for J7 and J7 Prime, 8MP main cam for J7 V 5MP selfie cam for J7 and J7 V, 8MP selfie cam for J7 Prime 3,300 mAh battery Android 7.0 Nougat for J7 V, Android 6.0 Marshmallow for J7 and J7 Prime Read more Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime debuts Samsung Galaxy J7 V arrives on Verizon BUY THE J7 Prime FOR $245 BUY THE GALAXY J7 FOR $200 BUY THE GALAXY J7 V FOR $240 Honorable mentions: Samsung Galaxy A3 (2017) If you are looking for a smaller handset, the Galaxy A3 could be perfect, thanks to its compact 4.7-inch display. The rest of the specs are on par with the J7 family as well, though it does offer a smaller 2350 mAh battery. Keep in mind that this phone isn’t officially available in the US, though you can find the international version pretty easily at places like Amazon — just make sure the bands support your particular carrier. Get Galaxy A3 (2017) for $260 Samsung Galaxy C5 While the C7 and C7 Pro are essentially the same phone with just minor changes, the gap between the C5 and the C5 Pro is actually a bit larger. That said, it’s still a good phone if you’re on a tight budget. Core specs include a 5.2-inch Super AMOLED display (1080p), a Snapdragon 617, 4GB RAM, and 32 or 64GB storage. On the camera front you get a 16MP main cam and 8MP front shooter. The phone offers a non-removable 2,600 mAh battery and runs on Android 6.0-based software. Get Galaxy C5 for $250 Best entry-level Samsung phone: Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017) and its variants While the Galaxy J7 and the honorable mentions listed above are the best ‘cheap’ Samsung phones, what if you are looking for the bare minimum? You simply want a phone that can do the basics relatively well. Whether you are looking for a secondary phone, a phone for a student, or just have a really thin budget — Samsung still has an option for you. Okay, so the Galaxy J3 isn’t going to blow your socks off. Don’t let that fool you, it’s still a pretty great handset, especially considering it costs around $150. Unfortunately, Samsung’s budget-friendly headsets can be a massively confusing, especially since it seems that Samsung and its carrier partners have renamed the same phone like a hundred times. Even worse AT&T GoPhone has the Samsung Galaxy Express Prime 2 for $130, while AT&T (postpaid) has the J3 (2017) for $180 — and yet they are, as far as we can tell from specs and design, the EXACT same device. The confusion continues as the AT&T J3 (2017) and Prime 2 are powered by an Exynos 7570, while the J3 V, J3 Emerge, and other 2017 J3 variants are typically powered by either a Snapdragon 410 or 425. Aside from the processor, all the models are roughly the same, and all have just 1.5GB RAM. If you are planning on getting this phone, don’t pay more than $150 for it. Sprint’s Emerge, for example, is $235 — which means it’s only like a few dollars cheaper than the more powerful Samsung Galaxy J7 V. The low amount of RAM is easily the biggest weakness for this phone, though for users with modest needs, it should still get the job done well enough. Other specs include a 5-inch 1280 x 720 display, 16GB storage with microSD for expansion, a 5MP rear cam, 2MP front cam, a 2,600 mAh battery, and Android 7.0 Nougat powered software for the AT&T variant. It is worth noting, that if you are picking up another variant other than the AT&T version, there’s a good chance your phone might still have Marshmallow-based software. Again, while the hardware specs are nowhere near those of the Galaxy S8 series, Galaxy A family, or even the J7, the price tag might be right for someone looking for an entry-level handset that comes from one of the world’s most popular handset makers. Specs 5-inch 720 x 1280, 294ppi (TFT for most variants) Exynos 7570 (AT&T version) Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 8917 or Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 8916 (most other variants) 1.5 GB of RAM 16 GB of on-board storage, microSD expansion 5 MP rear camera, 2 MP front camera Removable 2,600 mAh battery Android 6.0 Marshmallow or 7.0 Nougat Roughly 139.7 x 69.9 x 8.9, dimensions and weight may vary slightly based on model Read more Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017) goes on sale at AT&T for $180 Galaxy J3 Emerge arrives on Sprint Get Express Prime 2 from GoPhone Get unlocked J3 (2017) for $130 And that’s all folks. Agree with our picks? Any major Samsung handset we didn’t mention that you feel should have made the list? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments. , via Android Authority http://bit.ly/2DYpsBZ
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nota10adroid · 7 years ago
via CDroid: Apps y juegos para Android
Cómo obtener acceso root en Android? El Root es bastante fácil de conseguirlo, y te daré una gran cantidad de oportunidades con estas aplicaciones, para conseguir la configuración del sistema mejorada. Ahora nos ocuparemos de la forma más sencilla de obtenerlos. 
Pero en primer lugar, deben saber lo que necesitan para su teléfono Android? sigue leyendo como Rootear mi android.
Las aplicaciones Son muy útiles para todos los usuarios, hay muchos programas que requieren de ser Root, por ejemplo, un bloqueador de anuncios, Un juego de pago que quieres jugar gratis, hay programas que te ayudarán a aumentar la velocidad del Internet, y la optimización del firmware!
Pero Cómo obtener acceso root en Android con estos 4 programas?
¿Qué programas te traemos para que por fin lo consigas? 
Hay muchos, muchos, pero hoy vamos a ver estos:
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Excelente programa para obtener la raíz de muchos dispositivos, he aquí una lista de los dispositivos compatibles:
Cherry Mobile Amber
ZTE T83 (Telstra Dave)
A8 Alps [* ] Acer A1-810
Acer A1-811
Acer B1-711
Acer Iconia A3-A10
Acer Liquid E2
Acer Liquid Z3
Alcatel 975N (Vodafone Smart 3) [ *] Alcatel OT 4030D S'POP
Alcatel OT 8008D Scribe HD
Alcatel OT 997D
Alcatel OT Fierce
Alcatel OT Idol 6012X / Le Mobile Sosh / Orange Hiro
Alcatel OT Idol 6030X / 6030D / 6030H
Alcatel OT Pop C5
Alcatel OT Scribe Easy 8000a
Alcatel OT Star 6010X
Alcatel OT Ultra 6033x
Alcatel OT X'Pop 5035D
Amoi N828
Arc Mobile 350D
Archos 40 Titanium
Archos 50 Platinum
ASUS Memo Pad HD 7
ASUS Memopad FHD 10 LTE
Asus Padfone 1/2
Asus Padfone A66
Asus Padfone Infinity
Asus Transformer Pad Infinity TF700KL
Blu Dash 5.0
Blu Life Play
BLU ONE X [* ] BLU Studio 5.0 / 5.5 / 5.5S
BLU Studio 5.3 S [ *] BW T18 + (Fortis Evo)
BQ Aquaris 5 / 5.7
BQ Elcano
Brondi Glory 2
Cat B15
Changhong z9
Charmpin (UTime) G7
Cherry Mobile Burst 2
Cherry Mobile Cosmos S
Cherry Mobile Cosmos X
Cherry Mobile Omega XL
Cherry Mobile Thunder 2.0
Chinese Star S7589
Chuwi VX1
Cloudfone Thrill 430x
Coolbox Quore v57
Coolpad F1 (8297)
Cube U39GT 3G (CubeTalk 9)
Cube U51GT C4
Cube U55GT (CubeTalk 79)
Cubot A890
Disgo 8400g
DNS S4504 / S4503 / S4502
Doogee DG200 Hotwind
Doogee DG350
Evercoss A7S
Excelvan ET704
Explay HD Quad
Explay infinity II
Explay Polo
Explay Surfer 7.32 3G
Explay Surfer 8.31 3G
Explay X-Tremer
Fly IQ440 Energie
Fly IQ441 Radiance
Fly IQ442 Miracle
Fly IQ443 Trend
Fly IQ446 Magic
Fly IQ450 Quattro Horizon 2
Fly IQ451
Gigabyte GSmart G1315 Skate
Gigabyte GSmart Rio R1
Gionee 868H
Gionee E7 mini
Gionee Elife E3
Gionee GN 708
Gionee Pioneer P2
GoClever Fone 570Q
GoClever Quantum 4
GoClever Tab M713G
Google Nexus 4
Goophone N3
GSmart Aku A1
GSmart Sierra S1
GuoPhone G9002
Haier W718
Haipai I9389
HDC I9500 / N9006
Highscreen Alpha GTX
Highscreen Spark / OMEGA Q / Blast / Strike / Boost
Hisense AD683G
Hisense U970
HKC Q79 3G
Hosin v70
HTM M1 / M3
Huawei Ascend G330D U8825D
Huawei Ascend G526
Huawei Ascend G730
Huawei G610-U00 / G610-U20
Huawei G700-U10 / G700-U20
Huawei Honor Pro (U8950- 1)
Huawei Premia 4g
Huawei U8815 / U8816 Ascend G300 / G301
Huawei U8825D Ascend G330D
Huawei U8836D G500 Pro
Huawei Vitria Y301-A2
Huawei Y215
Huawei Y320
Huawei Y511
iBall Slide 3G Q1035
IconBIT NetTAB Mercury Q7
IconBIT NetTAB Space 3G Duo
I-mobile series I-style 7.2
Inco Colossus II [* ] INEW I6000 +
Intex Aqua HD
iOcean X7
Jiake JK 11
Jiayu F1
Jiayu G2
Jiayu G3S
Jiayu G4
Just5 Sp
Karbonn A1 / A30 / A9 +
Karbonn Titanium S2
Karbonn Titanium S5
Kata i3
Kata Venus 3
Kvd N3 + [ *] LANIX ILIUM S600
Kyocera Hydro Edge
Kyocera Hydro Xtrm
Kyocera Torque
Lava iris 405/503
Lenovo 10.1
Lenovo A3300
Lenovo A600e
Lenovo A706
Lenovo B8000-H
Lenovo S870E
LF-LTE3 (F260S)
LG L7 II P700 / P710 / P714 / P715 / P870
LG Lucid 2 (VS870)
LG Nitro HD
LG Optimus Dynamic 2
LG Optimus F5 (P875)
LG Optimus F7
LG Optimus G E970 / E975
LG Optimus L3 II E425
LG Optimus L5 E610 / 612/615
LG Optimus L7 II P710 / P713 / P714 / P715
LG Optimus L7 P700 / R705
LG Optimus LTE 2
Micromax A111 Canvas Doodle
Motorola Defy Mini XT321
Oppo Find 5
Orange Nivo
Orange Yumo
Orange Zali
Pantech Discover
Pantech Flex
Pantech IM-A840S Vega S5
Pantech Sky S5 A840S
Pentagram Combo
Phicomm i370w / i600 / i800
Samsung Galaxy Core i8260
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
Samsung Galaxy Win I8552
Sharp Aquos Phone SH930W
Smartfren Andromax i2 [* ] Sony Xperia E C1505 / Dual C1605
Smartfren Andromax U
Sony Xperia L C210X
teXet TM-3204R
teXet TM-4677
Xiaomi Mi-2S
Yarvik Ingenia Compact SMP35-200
ZTE V880G /
ZTE V955
ZTE V9815 Grand Memo N5
ZTE Warp SequentMTK device:
Con él, conseguiras rootear tu telefono con un solo un clic! Tras la recepción se te pide que reinicies tu dispositivo!
Z4root 1.9.3 
Con este programa puedes conseguir fácilmente Ser Root, es adecuado para Android 2.1 y Android 2.2.1 +.
Como Descargar z4root 1.3.0
HTC Legend
Acer Liquid S100
Archos 70 (unknown)
Cricket Huawei Ascend
Garmin-Asus A10
Gigabyte GSmart 1305
Google Nexus One (worked before FRG83D)
HTC Desire (requires nand unlock)
HTC Desire HD (requires nand unlock)
HTC Droid Incredible
HTC Evo (requires nand unlock)
HTC Hero (2.1)
HTC Magic (unknown)
HTC Sensation XE (You can get a bricks)
HTC Wildfire
Huawei U8110
Huawei U8150 (Android 2.2)
Huawei U8220
Huawei U8230
Huawei U8500
It does not work:
LG GT540 (2.1)
LG P500 Optimus One (2.2)
Motorola Backflip
Motorola Defy
Motorola Droid 1 (2.2.1)
Motorola Droid 2
Motorola Droid X
Motorola Droid1 (older firmware)
Motorola Quench XT5
Pocketbook IQ 701
Samsung Acclaim
Samsung GT-I5700 Spica
Samsung GT-I5800 Galaxy 3
Samsung GT-I7500 Galaxy
Samsung GT-I9000 Galaxy S (Android 2.2.1)
Samsung GT-I9000 Galaxy S (strictly up to Android 2.2.1)
Samsung GT-P1000 Galaxy Tab
SonyEricsson X10
SonyEricsson X10 mini
SonyEricsson X10 mini pro
SonyEricsson X8 (Android 2.1)
SuperPad (WowPad / Fly Touch II) Infotm x220.
T-Mobile G2 (requires nand unlock)
T-Mobile MyTouch 3G (unknown)
Como ser root con SuperOneClick 2.3.3
Con este programa podrás ser root desde tu ordenador o pc en youtube hay muchos tutoriales de como hacer este proceso con los diferentes dispositivos. abajo una lista de los telefonos android que funcionan de maravilla.
Droid Eris (HTC DesireC)
Droid Incredible (HTC Incredible)
HTC Aria
HTC Desire CDMA (HTC BravoC)
HTC Desire GSM
HTC Legend
HTC Wildfire (HTC Buzz)
Sprint EVO 4G (HTC Supersonic)
T-Mobile G2
T-Mobile MyTouch 3G 32A (v1.2)
T-Mobile MyTouch 4G
Descargar El programa SuperOneClick 2.3.3
360 Raíz 7.1.6 
Otro gran programa para ser root en android, que cuenta con una gran base de teléfonos muy grande para obtener los derechos de raíz o root, más de 9.000 modelos de teléfonos móviles y tabletas.
Descargar 360 Root 7.1.6 Para Android.
¿como rootear un celular?
hay otras app como kingroot, super root, kingroot 5.1, kingroot pc y otros. dinos cual has usado tu?¿?
0 notes
shadyglitterpolice · 8 years ago
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) Review
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) Review
These days, Samsung has simplified its previously huge lineup of phones: we now have the Galaxy S and Note series representing the best of Samsung, the Galaxy J series as the most affordable options, and then, there is the Galaxy A series standing right in the middle.The history of the Galaxy A series starts in the beginning of 2015, when Samsung launched this new lineup with three phones in it: the original A3, A5 and A7, differing by features, but most importantly by screen size. An update to the A series in 2016 brought trendy new glass designs, but we had complaints about the performance.This year, Samsung has just launched the brand new Galaxy A (2017): the A3 (2017) and A5 (2017) are already out there, while the A7 (2017) is coming up soon.Of all these phones, the Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) is the phone that will be the right fit for most people: it is not too cheap, nor too expensive; its 5.2-inch screen is neither too big, nor too small; it’s the golden mean.
The A5 (2017) also has a few tricks up its sleeve: it comes with a new-generation, more power-efficient processor, an improved camera, it sports the reversible USB-C port for charging and it even has water resistance. Add to that a premium grade glass and metal design, and you start to wonder: with all those features, isn’t this phone just as good as the Galaxy S7? We take a deeper look to find out.In the box:
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) model SM-A520F
User Manual
Sim ejector tool
USB-A to USB-C cable
White Samsung earbuds with replaceable rubber tips
Adaptive Fast Charging wall charger (15 watts peak, 9V and 1.67V, or 5V and 2A)
Designed to near perfection, with a curved glass back, metal frame and full-on water-protection.
The Galaxy A5 (2017) is a real looker. In fact, its glass-and-metal construction feels so seamlessly well put together, we’d forgive you if you mistake it for the flagship Galaxy S7 model. The similarity is certainly there. In the hand, the phone feels well balanced, with a nice heft to it: it’s thin, but not too airy, with just enough weight to feel comfortable. The only design quirk that I personally don’t like is the disproportionately small camera on the back. This is the one element that is different than on the S7, but you do get used to it with time.
The new A5 features a scratch-resistant glass on the back and comes in a selection of four distinct colors with catchy names: Black Sky, Gold Sand, Blue Mist, and Peach Cloud (we have the Blue Mist up for review).With a 5.2-inch display and tiny bezel on the side, the A5 is certainly compact. In fact, it is almost the same size as the Galaxy S7. And if you want a better idea of its physical size, feel free to check out our neat size comparison tool below.We’re glad to see the reversible USB-C port rather than the old and quickly disappearing microUSB for charging here, and the handset also has a good ol’ 3.5mm headphone jack for your headphones, speakers and AUX cables.
The really cool thing about the new A5, however, is that the phone is water-proof. It is officially IP68 certified, which means the phone is protected from water damage when submerged as deep as 5 feet (1.5 meters) for up to 30 minutes. Water resistance is a premium feature usually found in the most expensive phones out there, and it’s definitely a rarity seeing it on a more affordable phone like this new A5. With a water-proof phone, you don’t need to worry about using your phone when it rains, that occasional drop in water, or taking a few pictures near water or even an underwater video in the swimming pool (just don’t use it near salty sea / ocean water, as the phone is only protected against fresh water damage).
VIEW MORE+ 15 images
A 5.2” Super AMOLED screen with good looking color and plenty of color customization options.
The Galaxy A5 (2017) sports a 5.2-inch Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 1080 x 1920 pixels. AMOLED screens come with the advantage that you can control each pixel, which his means that you can shut down individual pixels and achieve perfectly deep blacks and excellent contrast, something not possible to the same extent on LCD screens. On the downside, it’s a PenTile display, which - for the unenlightened in display tech talk - means that it has less sub-pixels, and is not quite as sharp as an RGB (most LCDs) display of the same resolution. Enough with the complicated terms, though: in reality, the screen looks very nice. It’s definitely sharp enough, so much so that at a regular viewing distance, you cannot see any jagged edges to icons or images. It also looks very good in terms of color reproduction.
Samsung allows customers to fine-tune the color reproduction of the screen: go into Settings > Display > Screen Mode, and you get to choose from four different modes. The first one is the Basic mode, which we recommend as it has the best-balanced colors that are close to the sRGB color standard, accepted and used across the world. You also have the Adaptive display option that features oversaturated, punchy and impressive (but not ‘accurate’ to any particular standard) colors. There are also the Photo and Cinema modes, there with the aim to improve the look for your still and motion pictures, but we would recommend the standard Basic mode over any of these. Samsung also allows you to tweak the red, green and blue colors individually to your liking, if you are into custom colors.This is also one of the brightest AMOLED screens out there. That’s great for outdoor use, as the boosted brightness makes it easier to read what’s on the screen even on a bright, sunny day. The minimum screen brightness can drop down to 1.8 nits. The lower this value, the more comfortable is to look at the screen in bed with the lights off without the display burning your eyes. The A5 is one of the better phones in this aspect. There is now a Blue light filter on the new A5: what it does is filter out the blue light from a screen. This is important because blue light is a trigger for the brain hormone melatonin: when you see blue light, your brain makes it more difficult for your body to fall asleep, hence, using your phone without a blue light filter before bed could ruin your sleep. We’re glad to have this new Blue light filter on the A5 (2017) and you can customize it to best suite your sleep times and habits.Another one of the cool new features that has trickled down to the A5 from Samsung’s flagship phones is the ‘Always-on Display’ mode that shows you the time, date and the type of missed notifications even when your screen is locked (but not the actual notifications). The letters are contrasting and easy to see, but be warned - this drains battery like crazy, at a rate of around 1% each hour.
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2mByexE via IFTTT
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techtuneplus-blog · 8 years ago
Finally, Samsung has released Galaxy A7 (2017) as New Year gift for Samsung lovers. Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017) has released in January 2017. After a welcome identity boost, the A-series returns home with Samsung Galaxy A7. The Galaxy A7 (2017) is a slim, metal-trimmed phablet to offer an alternative to any other smartphones. Its premium looks, features and competitive price makes the customs to buy Samsung Galaxy A7.
Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017) is 6.3mm thick and has a metal frame which gives the gorgeous look. Also it is such a big phone with 5.7 inch display. People who love to use see big screen they definitely can go for Samsung Galaxy A7. The super AMOLED display used in this phone with 1080 x 1920 pixels resolutions and corning gorilla glass has used this phone for display protection.
The performance of this phone just outstanding with octa-core processor 1.9 GHz speed. It has 32 GB internal memory and 3 GB RAM.
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In addition it has 16 Megapixel primary camera as well as selfie camera. That certainly the best features has provided by Samsung. Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017) has non-removable 3600mAh Li-lon battery that ensures maximum talk time. In conclusion, This phone is good for those who love to play games and watch big screen.
The offering price of Samsung galaxy A7 (2017) is $742.22 in USA, Price in India Rs.40000 and Price in BD TK.50600
Let’s see the full Specification of Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017)
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Samsung Galaxy A7 Price,Full Specification And Release Date Finally, Samsung has released Galaxy A7 (2017) as New Year gift for Samsung lovers. Samsung Galaxy A7…
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