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petefeenstra · 5 years ago
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Fri 29 May KAI STRAUSS & THE ELECTRIC BLUES ALLSTARS #boomboomclub #suttonunited www.feenstra.co.uk #blues #guitar #kaistrauss #kaistraussandtheelectricbluesallstars https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UO_Oho-ZS/?igshid=uxm9jxjgd3ye
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elizaneals · 7 years ago
Truly Putting it down for a packed reserved seat house inside #BoomBoomClub #Sutton #SouthLondon "15 years 1000 Shows" great to perform for an audience that 'knows their stuff, studied the greats and appreciates the new!' #10000FeetBelow 🕳 with a taste of #BreakingAndEntering 🚨 gave em just what the doctor ordered ⭐️💣💥 Off tomorrow due to permit problems with #CroydonArena see you Sunday night! #UK2017Tour 🇬🇧 #Spirt #Torrington... Video: #BallandChain written by #BigMamaThornton ⭐️ then covered by the world including the iconic #JanisJoplin ⭐️ ... I'm away from the action in the US but hold a heavy heart for my friends family and Americans in harms way, so please stay safe we need you alive! Prayers to my southern family and Godspeed on your recovery ❤️ xxo (at Boom Boom Club @ Sutton Football Club)
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petefeenstra · 5 years ago
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Sat 7 Dec ELO BEATLES BEYOND #elobeatlesbeyond #boomboomclub #suttonunited #sutton #ELO #beatles www.feenstra.co.uk https://www.instagram.com/p/B5xYsQTn4BE/?igshid=1le8kvfzqiqmu
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elizaneals · 8 years ago
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Reaching for the sound that takes you to new heights will forever be the challenge to us musicians. Actually capturing magic on tape, film, digital disc, hard drive is ever more fleeting to musicians. Doing it twice is unheard of... #BreakingAndEntering #OnthisMerryChristmasDay #YouAintMyDogNoMore #10000FeetBelow find all these #recordings that capture #lightninginabottle 👂🏼 at #elizanealsDOTcom 👀 SHOWS: AUG 19th @a2bluesfestival #annarbor #A2 🇬🇧#UK2017Tour 🇬🇧#UnitedKingdom #London #Scotland #Edinburgh #Manchester #Kent #Belfast #Sutton #Crawley #Salford 7th Sept #Beaverwood 8th Sept #BoomBoomClub 9th Sept #CroydonArena 10th Sept #SpiritTorrington 11th Sept #Bullshead 15th Sept #TheVoodooRooms 18th Sept #EagleInn 🇺🇸USA 🇺🇸 Oct 5th #Rathskeller #Indiana Oct 6th #NewWay #Ferndale Oct 14th #JCAST2017 Oct 15th #MexicaliLive #Teaneck Oct 16th #TimeOutPub Maine Oct 21st #DarwinsBlues Atlanta Oct 23rd #FunkyBiscuit #Boca Oct 28 #PorkysRoadhouse 📸📸WHFR Fundraiser #ElizaNealsandtheNarcotics sandwiched between greatness @rockhall guitarist #BillyDavis an Michigan #Blues HOF guitarist @howardglazer giving the spirits #goosebumps while my homeboys @demarcussumter on Drums and @johnny_a_bassman bass provide the rumble to the beat. #MusicLove ❤️
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petefeenstra · 7 years ago
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Lift Off! MALONE SIBUN BAND - Boom Boom Club/Suttonunited pic Rockrpix / John Bull http://getreadytorock.me.uk/blog/2018/03/gig-review-malone-sibun-bandlethbridge-owen-band-boom-boom-club-sutton-23-march-2018/
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elizaneals · 8 years ago
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#MusicMonday #MusicNews #UK2017Tour One of the "Best Live UK Acts 2016" (voted by #GetReadytoRockUK) is #ElizaNealsandtheNarcotics and we're BACK to turn the #BluesRock Power ON in the #UnitedKingdom this September 2017! Change what you listen to & See us LIVE! 7 Sept #BEAVERWOOD 8 Sept #BOOMBOOMCLUB 9 Sept #CROYDON ARENA 10 Sept SPIRIT #TORRINGTON 11 Sept #BULLSHEAD 14 Sept #EAGLEINN 16 Sept #VOODOOROOMS ++more UK dates #GetReadytoRockUK Review... “#ElizaNeals brand of #rockblues shifts from hard edged #noir narratives to emotive, heartfelt and spontaneous moments that you might call #blues expressionism. It’s an album full of hard hitting colorful lyrics, unique phrasing and musical #ebullience, never too far removed from her #Detroit base. And in those moments when her poetic lyrics are simply too impenetrable, she simply wraps her yearning voice round the words like ivy to squeeze every last nuance from her own efforts. She attacks each song with total commitment, passionate phrasing and draws on raw gut emotion from deep within her soul… ‘10,000 Feet Below’ is a #Gothicblues album that #takesnoprisoners…” “#10000FeetBelow is a unique album and there’s nothing out there in the contemporary blues-rock world to compare. Eliza is an idiosyncratic songwriter and all the more adventurous for that… Right now Eliza Neals is the most original and hardest hitting voice to come out of the #Detroit blues scene for years and that great musical city’s reputation should be all the stronger for an album like this.” By PeteFeenstra See you in #London! #JerseyCity #Memphis #Boca #AnnArbor #Ferndale #Rockland #Chicago #Atlanta #KeyWest #Edinburgh #Belfast #modernblues #electricblues #psychedelicrock 🇺🇸⭐️👉🏼🇬🇧
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petefeenstra · 7 years ago
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Happy to receive my Lifetime Achievement Award from the European Blues Awards, special thanks to Bluesman Mike Francis.
#blues #rock #boomboomclub #suttonunitedfc #beaverwoodclub
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