#boole family headcanons
presidentstalkeyes · 1 year
Compton Boole Beeswax:
Earlier today I was thinking about Compton's Cookoff, and I have a Crackpot Theory-slash-Headcanon: the four animals that help Raz prepare the meals are all based on other people from Compton's life.
Pork Chopper is based on his father, a police officer (i.e. a pig) who Compton remembers as being very 'tough' with him, encouraging him to fight back against bullies ("they'll be much nicer once you've put 'em through the slicer!"). Their relationship deteriorated once Compton got involved with the Animal Liberation movement, eventually deciding he was 'sick in the head' after blowing up those animals with his mind - something Compton apparently agrees with, as Pork Chopper calling the hosts 'sick' is portrayed as an attack of conscience. Compton still has positive memories of him and may have wished to reconcile, going from Chopper's sudden turn for the upbeat (in contrast with Butch Oleander who was portrayed as a monster).
Frog Flipper is his son - and the father of Dogen and Sam - a high-strung, nervous, overworked individual ("I gotta pull a double shift?!") who tries to stay positive but always seem on the verge of flipping out. Compton had to raise him fresh off the heels of losing everything in the fight against Maligula, an experience comparable to trying to fry an egg over a constantly-moving fire. Later, his son came to him for guidance on how to manage Sam and especially Dogen, only to be pushed away - by then Compton had isolated himself and believed his advice would only make things worse. He'd ultimately turned his son into the same parent he had been.
Patty Puree is his ex-wife and the mother of his son. Compared to Cassie, who he saw as a friend and someone he could approach, his relationship with his wife was far more uneven - she'd always seemed like a high-and-mighty figure, well beyond his reach (hence why she's the hardest to get to), who carried herself with a regal air. He convinced himself trying to reach out to her would just end with his hand getting blended into paste. In the end, he thinks, she only married him out of pity and to help raise their child. The fact she divorced him once their son became an adult only confirms that for him.
Hippo Pot I'm not so sure about, since he only has one line and it isn't anything especially noteworthy. My best guess is that he's an old partner-in-crime from Compton's Animal Liberation days, someone reliable who kept him focused and relaxed, hence why the ingredients relax while boiling... but they are still boiling, and Compton believes he can never relax, otherwise he'll boil over.
The fact that all four of them are involved in Ram It Down but never actively judge him like the Ford, Hollis and Otto stand-ins do suggest that, to some extent, he's 'moved on' from them and doesn't care so much about their judgment specifically. However, he still can't forget them, so they're relegated to side-roles in his mental game show. This also shows that, despite everything, a part of him wanted to move on even before Raz arrived, he just gave him a push in the right direction. Tellingly, they're still on the set if Raz comes back to the level later, unlike all the Judges.
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tumbleinthenet · 2 months
SamFrazie with 6, 8 and/or 21?
i'm so sorry... you're going to get so many headcanons spewed at you and almost none of them are going to make sense. take this all in assuming that sam: 1. is blastokinetic and 2. killed her father on accident as a child, thus thoroughly destroying her already tense relationship with her mother and probably seeing her very rarely from that point on.
6.) What about their environment influences them?
they're short of options for other people to talk to, honestly. they're very similar kinds of girls, brought up in homes that were never normal, even if the aquatos were happier than the booles in myself and my friend's shared headcanons. frazie grew up molded by the experience of being an eldest sister and so did sam. they have to protect their siblings from the bullshit their parents put them through (though i think sam does a better job of that). i don't think frazie is the oldest technically, i do think she's dions younger twin, but being the eldest sister is still a very unique experience.
they're very abrasive in very specific ways (a little violent, a little unhinged). they don't have much experience with other people their age. they're just going to kind of drift together no matter what. (sorry if this answer makes no sense for this question, its 2 am and im having trouble parsing it so i just threw in every kind of answer i thought made sense)
8.) Is there a third party involved that influences them in anyway?
in most cases, it's probably their brothers that push things forward. raz and dogen being friends would be a good enough push for sam to check out raz's other siblings, and frazie knows sam was the least fucked up to raz when it came to everything so she doesn't dislike her as much as she initially does the other interns.
in some cases, norma is the linchpin. i just don't super ship her with frazie which has led to me putting her into kind of an antagonistic role sometimes? frazie battles her sexuality long enough to confess to norma, they don't have a very fulfilling relationship (norma's bound to other things. she likes frazie well enough but she's probably a little nervous about her own sexuality along with familial pressure and the image of herself she likes to put out into the world. a partner, especially one as reckless and wild as frazie, just doesn't work for her. she gets colder and colder and eventually turns away from her completely.), sam picks her up when she gets dropped and becomes the surprise rebound. they bounce off each other better than expected.
there's also donatella? i don't think she has any specific role in things, but my view of her is as a woman who does not hold any particular liking for her daughters. i love dona. i think she's great. i also think she's a boy mom, and her only involvement with her girls is to teach them how to be proper women. i don't think frazie's into that. i think she worries a lot about how her mom thinks of her. tala's the little primadonna to be; it was never going to be her.
she feels a lot like she's worth nothing in the family dynamic (she has nothing that's her own as compared to her siblings, she has nowhere to go and nothing to be without the circus) and i think dona influenced a lot of that thinking just for bringing up the boys to a different standard. i think she's very much a papa's girl but he fucked her up too, in different but very noticeable ways 😭
21.) How much of the issues are external vs internal?
for them, it's probably more internal. i think of frazie as having a really hard time coming out, and struggling with being a lesbian not because she hates herself for being one or hates the idea, but because she worries a lot about how she'll be seen by her family and by the greater public. it takes a long time for her to get to the idea of being in a relationship, and once she's in one, she's pretty private about it with everyone except dion, when they're getting along well enough for him to listen.
sam talks about it pretty much openly, though it only comes up on occasion. the external bits of this are that frazie has a hard time with pda and it does Not Feel Good for sam, as well that she just really struggles with knowing when is too far. frazie is used to talking with her siblings, she knows what they can take both physically and mentally, and even then she sometimes hurts their feelings. she probably hits the wrong button with sam a few times and doesn't know how to apologize, even if it's kind of hard to tell when sam's feeling hurt at all.
sam, imo, has kind of a fear of intimacy but is trying? she nuked her home life pretty hard and doesn't know how to come back from that. she puts people at lengths. they both don't really know how to navigate a relationship but it's super frustrating to her that frazie doesn't even seem to be trying to get over her own hurdles.
just as well, they really don't know how to communicate. it's probably their first relationship ever in any world where norma isn't a part of the situation, and they don't have many close relationships with people outside of that. plus, they're teenage girls. they're still figuring themselves out. being psychic doesn't help everything. they have to figure out how to talk to each other.
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technovillain · 2 years
headcanon that the booles were a little concerned that sam wouldn't be a psychic like the rest of the family. she was a late bloomer on discovering her psychic abilities, which happened very suddenly after she was kicked in the head by a goat at a petting zoo
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I miss Harvey so uh
*sits down in your inbox* tell me about Compton's family other than Dogen and Sam? I want to know your headcanons. Any of them.
context for harvey
eeeeyyyyy its been a while since i talked abt him or the boole family let's go
Like I said in the P7 family post I was typing up, Compton's parents were the wealthiest of all the 7's parents. I don't know if they run/own a fancy resturaunt brand or something to do with animals or what but they're like fanciful edwardian non-psychics who care a lot about their Image and how other people See Them. this certainly had no adverse affects on their child whatsoever
I mused a bit about Compton having a sibling or two, but still not sure about exactly how that manifests in the broader scope of things. it just ""sounds right"" whatever that really means
Harvey, my friend Harvey, met Compton in their young adult years because Harvey's family runs some kind of rustic ranch that the Booles held a fancy little charity event at and Compton was like "wow... you like horses....... this must be Romantic Love"
whether it actually was Romantic or just Compton and Harvey being very close i don't know. i like aroace compton and also gay compton. both can hold hands bc orientation is silly like that
the important part is they liked each other enough to get married. or like domestic partners at least. they move in. oh my god they were roommates.
their daughter, dont worry about how they had a kid, i never have a name for her. I'll call her Suzy just to have a name.
but i think Suzy's not psychic and takes after harvey a little more than compton, which was ok for a long while. compton actually raised her with harvey at least up into her teens, because I think she was 16-19 years old when the Incident Happened.
i think this bc i feel like Suzy and Truman have to be around the same age? it makes sense in my head for that to be the case at least. Don't worry about it.
Sam's prison/mom line in the diner gives me a couple options. either Suzy went to prison, works at a prison, or Sam's just being a little sillay.
I tend to gravitate toward "works at a prison" or "sam is being sillay". I saw a headcanon once that the noodle bowl chef lady is Sam & Dogen's mom, which is cute, I think about it sometimes, but i also dont rly think she feels like their mom. to me at least. but it was interesting to bring up.
what headcanons I actually have abt Suzy amount to thinking she's... well meaning but maybe the worst parent out of the Truman/Augustus&Donatella "second gen" of psychonauts folks.
to say the subtext as text, Dogen being cut to when Raz says "your mother is afriad of you", it always gives me autism mommy vibes. like Suzy goes oh my poor little dogen and sam are so Strange, just like my Father. I don't want them to become Criminals, Also Just Like My Father. and she maybe makes some poor decisions because of it. Not as awful as say Loboto's parents. but not great.
Their Dad I think is the most guy ever. just a real nobody kinda dude. he carries a briefcase. works a nine to five. loves to talk about the Big Game. has kind of a minnasota accent when I try to imagine him talking. car grill mustache.
Compton has a weird, awkward relationship with Suzy & her husband bc of all this. He had kind of lost contact with her and Harvey after moving to GNG, and didn't hear from them again until well after the Psychonauts became a government agency because that's when he learned 1) he's a grandparent and 2) little baby Sam is burning the curtains oh god what do i do . I imagine Suzy made a panicked call to the Psychonauts one day and it got redirected to Compton once the family name came up and it was the most awkward phone call in the history of man kind.
Compton does love his grandkids though. And he's tried a lot of times to let his own kid and his ex-husband that they are welcome at the Psychonauts. he might not be available but yknow the other agents here are more capable anyways have you met Truman he's also a dad.
I think that's all I got for now cheif, though if you have more specific questions abt Boole or the other families I'm sure my brain will mix something together once prompted ✌️ it's always fun to answer these kinds of questions
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doodle17 · 2 years
Follow up to the Lili family ask, how do you feel about the headcanon that she sees Dogen Boole, Sam Boole, and Elka Doom as cousins cause their families are important to the Psychic community?
Its actually a really cool thought! I've always wanted to make a comic or something of all of them hanging out 'n stuff
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frankenbolt · 3 years
Your Psychonauts headcanons are very fun! Do you any for Sam and Gisu? They don't get a lot of screen time, but they're neat, I think
I agree, they are neat, and easily my two favourite interns by far.
- I think with Sam, a lot of her personality has been shown and she's by far the intern I warmed up to the quickest. It's the Boole gene, people love the Booles. I think she, like the rest of her kin, feels more at home with animals than people but no matter how much she likes to kid herself, she's got little empathy for them.
- I think she's very protective of her baby brother. We've been shown no evidence of this BUT, I can't imagine them being anything other than really cute. She looks out for him, and will destroy anyone who hurts him. She asked Lili to look out for him at summer camp, and when Raz tells her that he made friends with Dogen, that really pleases her, and I think that's why she's so open to talking to Raz about her family.
- Likewise, Dogen clings to Sam when he's around her. It's partly why he got sent to summer camp in the first place, so he could find some new friends (with heads that don't explode as easily). When she comes home from the Intern program, he's going to tell her all about the helmet with a boy attached he made friends with and is going to be thrilled that she met him too!
- Gisu being a technically minded gal had trouble as a kid because she would take apart every electronic device in her family's house and put it back together again with TK, making the radio pick up dreams and thoughts, the television picking up on the neighbour's dogs fears ect.
- Gisu also got hand picked by Otto for the internship as technopathy is a rare, new and rapidly developing field. The terms of her Junior Agent status require her to spend a lot more time focusing on research and development. Eventually, that area just above Otto's lab will be turned into her workshop.
- Gisu's whole crush on Dion is based solely on his fancy hair and just how dumb he is about the world she lives in. Slowly changing his mind with sweet skateboard tricks and teasing? She's all about it. (When she finds out about the family curse and water, she offers to show him how to swim in a one on one lesson, solely based on the idea of getting this lanky teenage dork into the water for the promise of a pretty girl in a bathing suit...and dunking him hard into the water...for research.)
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jnixz · 2 years
Compton Boole and gluttonous goats for Le character ask game plz
For this Character ask game 💚🤍🖤  
Compton Boole
one aspect about them i love
Everything he is involved in is so weird if you think about it too much, but also like, its so weird but its also normal. Embodiment of the energy of the psychonauts universe tbh
He sounds so polite he is also so small you wouldn’t know he got powerful powers, then he moves and you can hear the comical sound effects. He knows this and tries to keep people safe by keeping himself away from a situation that creates accident. **would babble more about him and the memory vaults if I could but this is already getting long
Also his frantic energy when he is stressed out, like me too bud (extremely vibrating little guy inside who want to peace out of the situation, because holy shit *self-imposed timer + quality standards = explodes from imploding self-pressure*) I’d want me a psychoisolation chamber and play chess with a clever little rat too
One more thing but I do love that little mischievious laughter he has with Cassie and her shenanigans, absolute besties -- they know each others shit so well they think its hilarious
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
I need more sass for portrayed in his fan works, he is POLITE but is also very good at what he like doing. 
Did you explore his speech tree before you go into his mind? my god he tsks at you at one point holy shit his face. Like he can still be firm even before clearing the goat judges, so not a pushover kind of shying away, and firmly to prevent dangers FROM himself
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
He didn’t know about teleportation till he met Ford. First few times still gets him spooked but eventually gets used to it. Then when he sees others who get added getting spook, he gets why Ford thinks its funny. 
When he gets to learn teleportation, he gets to do the same thing as well (even though its mostly limited to a small area, namely size of a kitchen, and his mindscape.)
one character i love seeing them interact with
We only saw him interact with Raz and Psychic 7 (and even more in fanfiction), so I’d love to see his interactions with his family and motherlobe employees.
Family of course we see a bit implied with lines, but I am also curious with the relationship with Boole kids’ parents.
Very curious most of all his relationship with Truman, Hollis, and Terryl since those characters would atleast have more than just a glimpse of him. The Camp Counselors too! 
We need more Compton fics in general where he isn’t just a small part of the fic.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
*smashes you with more Psychic 7 interactions*  OBVIOUSLY
but yeah no yeah I always love Cassie & Compton platonic partners content, but I would also love to see more of his dynamic with the other 6. Namely while we see him with Cass the most, then Otto and Ford, we don’t really see much for Helmut (okay he kinda does as Tasty but--), Bob and Lucy. Give us DLC with just character interactions Doublefine ples
Anyway as I’ve mentioned, would love to see more with his family and motherlobe employees
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
He knows everyone's favourite dish and does his best to make something that they would like based on that dish (+everything else they like). It would be a massive compliment to him if someone says the dish he made up is their new favourite. He also really just likes it when he makes it with someone else, even if it is a simple dish. Cassie with cooking, Lucy with Baking, Ford with Grilling and all that~
Not gonna do the gluttonous goats one since that’s a tad hard as one dimensional character, though I would love to see what they were like before we see them in game, as well as what they could be like after the game. Hell it’d be interesting to see how they’d do when they turn to judge others (though I doubt that since they are Compton’s self judgement)
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wobblewokgaming · 3 years
Headcanons for the future of Psychonauts
After the events of Psychonauts 2 Raz starts to delve in Hydrokinesis, hoping to harness it in a way that made a better Psychonaut without becoming like how Lucricia Mux (AKA Maligula).
When he marries Lili, he becomes known as Razputin Aquato-Zanotto.
The Hand of Galochio becomes a sort of extension to Raz's abilities (He renames it the Hand of Aquato).
He's still capable at using Pyrokinesis, Telekinesis, Psi-Blast, Clairvoyance, etc., but he's just an expert at Hydrokinesis.
Puts on amazing performances with his Hydrokinetic abilities.
Becomes a Counselor at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp, along with Lili, and Dogen.
In honor of Ford Cruller, who has passed away, Raz forms a brand new Psychic Six to help the word in need.
The brand new Psychic Six consists of Razputin himself (specializes in Hydrokinesis), his wife Lili Aquato-Zanotto (specializes in Pyrokinesis), Dogen Boole (specializes in Zoolinguism), Rodney Nein (eldest son of Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello, specializes in Levitation), Mika Orsenberg (an OC of mine, specializes in Electrokinesis), and Audrey Galochio (An OC that's from the Galochio Family, specializes in Geokinesis).
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For send me a character ask meme
Compton Boole
Gluttonous Goats
Both my faves from Psychonauts 2
No prob!
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Compton Boole
First impression: Small man I would hug.
Impression now: Small man I REALLY want to hug and help him deal with his anxiety.
Favorite moment: The moment it's revealed the arms that controlled the goats were his. it's an AMAZING symbolic portrayal of how performance anxiety and fear of judgment works, how it's really a result of self sabotage, and how ultimately Compton manages to take more control on his mental health.
Idea for a story: I'd really like to see him interacting with his grandchildren: it's easy to see how Sam and Dogen took after him, and I want to see some family situations between them. ^^
Unpopular opinion: I don't have one. ^^
Favorite relationship: The way he always speaks so highly of Cassie is just so sweet. They really have a wonderful friendship! **
Favorite headcanon: I like to think Compton is able to calm down when especially stressed when he touches items that are smooth or soft to the touch; sometimes it's his mustache, but it'd be cute if he's got something made of sheep wool that he can hold during the more difficult times. Also, judging by the cooking theme in his level, chances are he used to enjoy cooking at some point, and is trying to regain that hobby ever since coming out of his self-confinement.
Gluttonous Goats
First impression: Those are surprisingly cute looking goats puppets! They represent Compton's friends in such cute ways!
Impression now: Still are... but I don't want to go near their barf anytime soon. XD
Favorite moment: Goat Truman as the host is always so fun to watch: his voice works really well as a TV show host, especially when he comments the level's use of dark humor! XD
Idea for a story: Now that Compton is able to deal with his anxiety better, the goats could be seen as less of judges, maybe seeing him as more on an equal ground.
Unpopular opinion: I don't have one. ^^
Favorite relationship: I guess with Compton himself, especially since they represent how he thinks his friends view him.
Favorite headcanon: The goats are still around in some way, I think: I believe that one is not able to completely get rid of years of anxiety and fear of judgement. But they most likely are not as big or powerful as before, since nevertheless Compton knows how to deal with them now, thanks to Raz's help.
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britishsass · 2 years
what if instead of lucrecia mux,compton boole,bob zanotto having descendants,it´s ford cruller,helmut fullbear,cassie o´pia,otto mentallis
Fun fact! I already kinda think that Otto and Ford have relatives!
It's a common headcanon to say that Lizzie and Norma are Otto's great-nieces, and personally, I can see it. For one, I just think it's funny to imagine Norma with grunkle Otto, since she's so straight-laced. I mention this in my Escape the Circus au, but I haven't had a chance to get them to interact just yet in that one. However, overall, Otto strikes me as an only child, so it'd be more like they're his cousins kids or grandkids.
On the other hand, Ford's relatives are something I'd like to pass off to @jnixz since they have way more information on them than me! But let's just say that his adoptive brother is the Stan Pines to his Ford Pines. It's so good.
Cassie, however, isn't someone I could see having relatives that come up. In the pictures we've seen of her family, she's an only child, and her parents abandoned her. As well, she's an asexual lesbian in my heart, so I couldn't see her ever having biological kids of her own. The only thing I could see happening is her having honorarily halfway adopted grandkids, who aren't related to her in any way but still trust her like a grandma.
Finally, Helmut-- I definitely think he's got nieces and nephews and great-nieces and great-nephews. I'm very here for the idea of him having a big family, and I feel like his great-niblings would be a lot like the Aquato family or the interns in that they're always causing chaos and having a good time.
Anyways, hope that answered your question!! Overall, I think Ford is the only one I could see having actual biological kids, but I do like seeing the fankids for Bob and Helmut.
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presidentstalkeyes · 1 year
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OC stuff! The true identities of Pork Chopper, Frog Flipper, Patty Puree and Hippo Pot, as Compton best remembers each of them.
For context, see this post where I talk about my headcanons about Compton's Cookoff and the Boole family.
Some additional facts!:
I headcanon Compton as having been born in the UK - mostly because of his accent - hence why his dad is a British bobby.
Newton St. Peter got his name because Compton couldn't decide if he wanted to give him a scientific or religious name, so he went with both.
Compton met Patti after he joined the Animal Liberation movement. Together with Ryan, they pulled 'rescue missions' all over Europe. Compton got the animals to cooperate with his powers, Patti used her family's money to bribe their way around, and Ryan was the getaway driver. He'd always say "I'm all fired up an' ready to go!" when it was time to go. :V
Newton was born eighteen years before the Maligula incident - he was already a baby when Compton had that accident at the dog pound. Patti thought that Ford Cruller was taking her husband away to some kind of 'psychic therapy' to calm him down (which wasn't wrong, per se). She grew increasingly impatient over the years, thinking her husband had been sucked into some kind of cult. Learning the truth behind the Psychonauts and how Compton put himself in danger in Grulovia pushed her to divorce him, not helping his already fragile self-confidence issues.
Compton's psychic powers skipped a generation; neither Newton nor his wife Shelly are psychic. He didn't have the best relationship with his father to start with, since he spent all his time at Green Needle Gulch and rarely visited (apparently Compton floated the idea of inviting his family to live with them, but nothing came of it, possibly because he didn't think Ford and Otto would want non-psychics to know about their experiments). It only got worse after the Maligula incident and Compton refused to help with Dogen, after Newton had a front-row seat to a bully's head getting blown to chunks.
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presidentstalkeyes · 1 year
Psychonaut thoughts time again!
Why do the animals that Sam terrorizes put up with her? I mean, they're animals. They can just run away, right?
My first idea is that Sam's obliviousness means she doesn't realize that she's talking to different animals each time. There's been about a dozen Fur Lancelots, for instance. The squirrel who came back with the not-crushed acorns wasn't the same one she sent off to get them. The first probably didn't tell the second they needed to be crushed. :V
My other thought was that the animals are, to some extent, passively enabling her behaviour out of fear how she'll react if they stop listening to her. After all, she may have better control over the Boole Family Psychic Issue but she is still Dogen's sister. Who knows what kind of havoc she might have unleashed in the past? Given the option, listening to her boss them about is a preferable alternative in the short-term, though in the long-term it's probably doing more harm than good. They're animals, not psychologists. :V
Tying into the headcanons others have shared about her and Dogen's parents, one imagines her treatment of her so-called 'animal friends' is a form of venting when stressed by her brother, her clueless non-psychic parents and her distant grandpa who could help them, but chooses not to. Albeit a very unhealthy and destructive form of venting that she probably needs to learn to stop doing at some point.
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True and real headcanon: the Boole family is originally from France, and they got their name from being compared to a "boule", a French bread resembling a squashed ball.
Me: wow Mr Boole great to meet you such a big fan
Mr Boole:
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For send me a character ask meme
The Gluttonous Goats
Compton Boole
I'll answer for both with breaks between;
First impression:
Compton - Dogen :)
Impression now:
Compton - he's a really good character, like all the psychic 7 are, and I really enjoy his good humor and the humor that comes from relating to his anxieties. He's also got an interesting depth born from the old joke from Dogen exploding animals... my man Compton really went thru a traumatic animal experience and that's fascinating and gotta be rough. I like him
Goats - They're funny! Their designs are very cute and the delivery on their lines is extremely good. The boss fight is gross but not as gross as it could have been, at least for me personally. I really liked getting to throw plates at them
Favorite moment:
Compton - When he takes the puppet off his hand and calls for everyone to clean up, it's just very nice to see him owning the scene when he was so STRESSED earlier. honorary shout out to the video feed from the boss fight where Compton murders an egg
Goats - I love Tincan just being a funny little announcer guy, especially during the fight where he's like ok I'm leaving bc this is about to get messy
Idea for a story:
I wanna see more abt Compton and Sam and Dogen !! family bonding time? 🥺
Unpopular opinion:
Compton - He should be given more chances to have funny little interactions with the psychic 7, they're all friends, gimme the content
Goats - shrug emoji, dunno! they came, they did their job, good part of the level
Favorite relationship:
Well Compton and Cassie obviously have a very sweet friendship so I gotta go with that
Favorite headcanon:
Compton likes scary insects, like the really fucked up nasty ones, they're good company
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jnixz · 2 years
🥖 🗡 🛏 for ford Cruller, Compton Boole, and Otto mentallis plz
For this Headcanon Ask Meme 
🥖- Food headcanon
Can stomach anything, and will try anything that it borders on very strange categories and thinks its fine. Has a larger preference over simple dishes that are greatly exaggerated in its form, specially if he made it.
Despite Chef Cruller taking a week to make a burger, be it a joke or reality, he can actually make the meals appropriate for the campers' meal time. It's just that If you ask him for a Burger that he greatly delays in for some reason (Likely related to someone fond of burger, and particularly likes the way he made them. He doesn't quite remember why but he thinks they deserve the nothing more than a half-assed grilled patty because he keeps teleporting everywhere and messing up with the stove...). Otherwise, if there is a BBQ party happening, you could let him handle the grill. Post-PN2 he does invite people to have a BBQ party once Helmut's body has recovered enough to join in.
Had precious family recipes passed down to him that started his interest in cooking. Watching cooking shows actually help him improve on his skills. He likes to figure out how to make a dish he has seen on his own. He also like making new recipes for people he likes. He gets a bit of a heart attack watching with how his grandniece cooks and genuinely hopes that maybe he could help lessen the lethality of her recipes by cooking with her (and maybe even how to properly manage her animal assistants).
An absolute foodie. Would love to eat whatever his friend makes and gives genuine feedback on what they make. One thing that helped Compton open up to the group when he joined was Otto complimenting and supporting him about his cooking. He just get them from other people to not waste time cooking and spend more time science-ing! A frequent thing that helps him whenever he is working on a project or in a stressful situation is food. He can sufficiently cook on his own but doesn't think it is as tasty. May have teared up a little bit when Ford finally made him burger again.
🗡- Badass headcanon
Is still frightening even as Fragments and has fought off intruders who decided that he can easily be taken care of. Big mistake. This man is still threatening even without using psychic powers, and will use the power of everyday tools and experience of a hard-worker.
Ironically, being fragmented improved his proficiency in Teleporting and allowed him a unique expertise on the power. He can quite literally be in numerous places at once by combining it with the power of Projection. Of course he doesn’t always do this, unless he needs to actively interact with people on different locations. 
(Hard to explain what I have envisioned but this is basically me sharing that I totally have a fic wip where fragments face off intruders at the same time)
When he was an active agent, he is somehow very good at breaking into places. He can easily ask animals to scout for him and lead him to the best possible routes in missions. He is also very good at coordinating large scale attacks. He is also still have powerful blastokinesis, and has learned more how to control it. Still, he prefers not to use it unless it is necessary or when he is alone, minimum amount of possible casualties around him. He prefers zoolepathy since they can be more flexible in solving things without the use of force.
He doesn't often get called for missions as firepower, and would often be more on the support and technical side of things. However, he is very good at going undercover and often use his little sleight of hand magic tricks to precure things in the middle of a mission without anyone noticing. Speaking of Magic Tricks, he is also very good at diverting attention or causing distraction without casting suspicion on him (he can casually shrug it off as being an eccentric fellow with an amiable smile on his face). 
While he’d rather not fight, he does learn how to sucker-punch someone. He also often little trick to catch someone off guard and give him an advantage on situations
🛌- Sleep headcanon
Ford - other post
Early riser and had a pretty decent sleep schedule before everything went down. It broke down the more scattered he became. His body clock retains the early morning wake up hours, which is not a good thing when he gets his sleep interrupted all night.
If he doesn’t drink tea he might have a bit of trouble getting to sleep so he reads books instead. Very good at telling bed time stories. Likes to have background noise of some kind, usually music, to fall asleep to. snores but its the *snork mimimi* kind
Actually has a decent sleep schedule, although will sleep in late if he doesn't have any work to do. Likes sleeping in a cold environment accompanied by tons of blankets. Does a little bit of light reading on scientific papers before bed.
You'd be able to tell he is not in a good mood whenever his sleep schedule wanes due to being reminded of everything that happened. He'd go on to fiddle with machinery instead of sleeping.
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jnixz · 2 years
Compton is such a fun character to think about more because I firmly headcanon that out of the psychic 7 members, he could have arguably had the perfect mix most ‘normal’ life mixed with whatever normalcy is available through the execution of genetic weirdness of the Boole family, should he have not joined a psychic hippie commune.
(I say arguably because psychic powers have a subtle yet interesting effect on how they have affected the everyday of these people's lives, compared to non-psychics/ours.)
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