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Dive into a thrilling collection with five gripping RM author novels!
These books are filled with suspense, twists, and unforgettable characters. Don’t wait—start your thriller adventure today!
Serious Consequences by David Stewart - https://www.davidstewartbooks.com/
Within The Wind by David Stewart - https://www.davidstewartbooks.com/
Black Shadow Detective Agency: Infernal Angels by Count S.A. Olson - https://blackshadowdetectiveagency.com/
Combating Chaos by Jill S. Flateland - https://www.jillflateland.com/
Quinn's Dilemma by Bruce N. Ball - https://www.bruceballquinnsdilemma.com/
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Bookthriller - Il Principe Mago e la Linea Sacra di San Michele Arcangel...
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🎉 Happy Pub Day to STRANGE PLANET by Nathan Pyle 🎉 . 👽 . I have been following Nathan on social media for awhile and I absolutely love his posts. They instantly cheer me up and definitely make me chuckle. You need to make sure you follow @nathanwpylestrangeplanet plus grab a copy of his book ASAP. You will not be disappointed❗️ . 👽 . #strangeplanet #nathanpyle #williammorrowbooks #pubday #graphicnovel #bookbirthday #bookreviewer #jennblogsbooks #bookthrills #booksharks #bibliobabe #averybookishpost #bookishbabe #bookishfeed #bookishaccount #prettybooks #beautifulbooks #bookbabe #bibliolife #novellove #bionicbookbabes https://www.instagram.com/p/B5EcbidlrhJ/?igshid=plkw88g7qdaj
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Avete mai fatto uno scambio di libri? Io ho provato quest'anno, ho scambiato su un gruppo Facebook un libro della Steel con #ilfattorescarpetta Che dire, sono soddisfatta 😊 #scambiolibri #scambiolike #bookthriller #bookandtea #bookblu #bookishphoto #bookishcommunity #booksbooksbooks #libriinscambio #librithriller #patriciacornwell #libridaleggere #libriaprile #nextread #readerscommunity #readmore #readinglove #livraddict #litterature https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv3sC7snnPr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1irsk7bitgsld
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Good looks can bewitch your heart but a good heart can give you life long happiness you deserve, fair complexion is not everything. . . BOOK:- I WISH I COULD TELL HER AUTHOR:- @author_ajaykpandey GENRE:- ROMANCE FICTION FORMAT:- PAPERBACK PAGES:- 198 RATING:- 5 ⭐ PUBLISHERS:- @srishtipub . . This man always makes me smile in the last with his soulful stories and mesmerizing words he writes this time by this story he had won my heart and given a meaningful story that could change society, they can portray their life with the life lessons it has. I will always take my time to read his stories because it gives me hope that in this whole world of selfish people there is some kind soul who understands to be alive and always does the best thing. This book is a slap at racism which is very common in this world where some racist people still do differently with colours. In my entire life, I have never judged people due to their colours I try to find something in common in every person I meet and try to make a good impression and have a good moment because life is all about living and making moments that can cherish you to be more alive. If you haven't read any book by Ajay sir then you are missing soulful stories, you can connect with his stories and will see how beautiful he writes and weaves his character. In this story, the author is trying to make a difference by presenting a story which distinguishes humans by assumption based on their skin colour and I liked the way the author has put it together. I wish I could tell her is the story of a boy who has a big heart and is friendly but he is always insulted because of his looks as he has dark skin colours everyone tries to insult in many ways but this boy is so innocent to look all this and despite of his dark complexion he fell in love with a fair girl and that girl just consider him her best friend. ........... #iwishicouldtellher #ajaykpandey #romantic #romanticfiction #bookreviewsofinstagram #bookofig #bookthriller #flatlayout #whitethemes #happyending (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgek_avLqqg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Thanks to everyone taking The Academy Saga journey with me. I’m just thrilled you’re along for the ride! And what a ride it’s been . . . Better buckle up because it’s about to get bumpy! 🔥😮💔 . . . . #bookjourney #bookthriller #booklove #readersofinstagram #bookclub #booknwrdsunite #bookobssesed #kindlebooks #readingtime #readingnook #summeread #theacademysaga @rwbookclubgoodreads @amazon @goodreads @readersfavoritecom
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partners [george weasley]
request: 15 & 32 for george weasley? ( not even sure if you write for him but dang, i think your writing is really good and i'm curious on how you'd write for other characters. thank you. 😉 x ) - @bookthrills
word count: ~2200 (i totally lied about the 1500 word limit omg HOW did i go 700 words over my budget)
a/n: so basically i’m a terrible human being and HAD to write this before ANYTHING ELSE. i have so many requests atm AND I LOVE YALL FOR IT IM JUST SO OVERWHELMED so sorry if there’s a delay in ur request im trying my best!!! also this took so long bc im a bad influence and partied after finals. it got bad. ANYWAY I LOVE U AND THANK U SO MUCH @bookthrills UR A GR8 WRITER go check out her blog she rocks my socks
15: “can i kiss you?”
32: do u like me? check yes or no
You’ve always had a specific seating preference. Most of the Hogwarts classrooms are similar in the way that the seating is arranged - of course, in environments like Herbology and Divination, there’s a bit of a variation, but for the most part, the desks or tables are aligned column through row. From your very first class at Hogwarts, you’ve sat in the front, closest to the professor. You have your reasonings, of course; for one, you don’t like to talk much during class, as you think it’s vital to learn. The fact that you’re so close to supervision means you’ll get more work done, as the professor can see if you’re slacking off. The professors are always impressed with the way that you sit so close so voluntarily. In your year, everybody knows that your seat is reserved for you. Nobody wants to sit that close, anyway.
Most of your teachers don’t switch up seating arrangements, either. As long as there is order, then they don’t really care who is next to who. This is why it is an ultimate surprise when, as soon as you enter Ancient Runes, you find all of your classmates lined up against the wall, books in hand.
Professor Babbling catches your eye and nods to the wall. “Thank you for being here. Line up with everybody else; we are switching seats today.”
You swallow, nodding. You walk over to an open spot on the wall, right next to your classmate, George Weasley. He’s chatting with his brother on the other side of him. The only recognition he gives you is a quick wink. You look away, cheeks burning.
After everyone is inside, Professor Babbling begins telling people where to go. She has arranged the desks in pairs, and as she points to people, she explains her reasoning for the change.
“We have just recently come back from holiday. You have been in your seats for half a term. I, personally, like a little bit of change, don’t you?” She doesn’t seem to mind the irritated murmurs and grumbling that ensues, and only continues with, “Well, no matter if you do not, because it is going to happen. We will be doing an independent study for a good while-” Babbling points to you and motions towards a seat in the very back. You, frowning, obey, and set your books on the top of the desk, standing next to it to figure out your partner.
Babbling pauses for a good moment, studying the students that are still standing. There aren’t many; George and Fred Weasley, a Slytherin third year you don’t know, a Ravenclaw seventh year you’ve seen before, and a couple Hufflepuff fourth years. She, after muttering to herself for a moment, points to George Weasley and nods to the second desk of the pair. “As I was saying, we will be doing an independent study for a couple weeks. Ancient runes are best taught not by me lecturing on them, but through self-discovery. I will assign a passage of text that is entirely runic. You will translate it during class. Then, you will present the translated passage with the runes’ translations, both of you, to the whole of the class.”
Babbling is done choosing partners by then. She makes her way up to the front. Lee Jordan and Angelina Johnson are in your spot. For a moment, you’re a little spiteful, but it passes quickly. ‘This is good,’ you try to convince yourself. ‘Change is good!’
Babbling hands out the passages. Each group gets a different passage so there isn’t any copying. After everyone is prepared, Babbling nods to the class. “Begin. You have two weeks to this day before we begin presenting.”
Sighing, you turn to George Weasley. His head is in his hands and he isn’t moving. You tentatively poke him on the neck.
George’s head shoots up, eyes open. “I’m listening,” he says, looking around. “Oh, she’s done talking? That’s good. Hey, would you mind repeating what she’d gone on about?”
You blink at him. “I’m sorry? You weren’t listening?”
George laughs, shaking his head. “No, sorry! I was preoccupied,” he taps his head. “Was communicating with Fred.”
You’re at a fault. You look between him and his brother, who sits nearly all the way across the room, next to a Hufflepuff in your year. They’re laughing about something, but once you look over at them, Fred glances at you, too. He shoots you a grin as well.
“You’re… all the way across the room from him,” you remark. “You couldn’t have been speaking to him.”
“Did I say speaking with him?” George smiles. “We’re twins. We have telepathy. Right, Fred?” He says the last bit really quiet, almost a whisper. Fred nods and flashes a thumbs up. “See? He knows what I’m saying! Twinepathy!”
“Psychopathy, maybe,” you tease softly, chuckling so he knows you’re kidding. “Er - alright, then. We should get to work. Um… tell Fred that you’re busy.”
George rubs his temples. A second later, Fred nods and turns around, back to the Hufflepuff. You raise a brow. George only laughs. “So what are we doing?”
You explain the project to him. The two of you get to work. By the end of class, you have maybe a tenth of the passage translated. Professor Babbling takes up everything and dismisses the class.
You’re packing up your stuff when George approaches you, Fred by his side. You look up. The twins both smile and lean on the desk in front of you. “...Yes?”
“We were wondering…” George begins.
“Well, Georgie was wondering,” adds Fred. George slaps him on the arms and snorts, shaking his head.
“I was wondering if we could accompany you to your next class.”
You stare, unblinking, at the identical boys before you. After a minute, you sigh, shrugging your shoulders. “I don’t see why not. I’m just going to Divination.”
Fred groans, rolling his eyes. “All those stairs? Georgie, I don’t know if I can do that. You know, the other day, I nearly snapped my leg in half-”
“That… isn’t really possible-” you say.
“-and it’s been so rough going up stairs. I don’t feel like going up to the Divination room. Maybe you could just go, George?”
George narrows his eyes at his brother, but lets his lips spread in a smile. “Aw, Fred, get well soon! I’ll owl mum an update on your leg right after I drop her off at Trelawney’s.”
“You do that, Georgie. I will be up in the common room resting. I’ll see you kids later,” Fred backs away, winking exaggeratedly. When he’s gone, it’s just you two in the room. Babbling has retreated into her office.
“Well, we should probably be going. I don’t want to be late to Divination.”
“I’m sure Trelawney will know whether or not you’ll be late. Can’t she tell the future?”
“It… doesn’t really work that way, George.”
You and George keep working on the project. Each class, you seem to get closer and closer. He’s a really nice guy - you find yourself majorly looking forward to the class every day. Your friends have noticed the change - during meals, they catch you looking at him and tease you, relentless, despite the fact that you swear up and down that you’re only friends.
“But you think he’s attractive, right?” They ask. When you nod, they all shake you and yell and act like… well, basically children. Sometimes they threaten to go over there and ask him out for you.
“Guys - stop,” you frown. “It isn’t like that. He probably doesn’t feel the same way. And we’re still partners, I don’t want to mess anything up.”
“He walks you to class every day!”
“He’s just being nice,” you insist.
They still tease you about him.
It seems like those two weeks fly by. Before you know it, the entire passage is translated, and you’re presenting the projects. Your presentation is just filled with you two smiling and laughing at each other, making little jokes to the entire class. Even Babbling is laughing a little by the end of it; she automatically gives you two the highest grade and sends you back to your seats. When everyone is finished, Babbling goes to the front of the class and smiles, lacing her hands.
“Everyone, this project has been an ultimate success. It seems like your knowledge of ancient runes has increased dramatically. Starting tomorrow, you will be able to go back to your original seats…”
She keeps talking, but you don’t listen to her. Your heart drops. You won’t be sitting next to George anymore? It isn’t even that big a deal - you’ll still be friends, right? Regardless that you won’t be talking every day?
Babbling dismisses everybody. You rise to your feet, shakily slinging your bag over your shoulder. “Well, I think we had a successful partnership,” you say finally, smiling.
George nods. “Oh, yeah. I reckon we work well together.”
“We do!” You hesitate. “Okay, well-”
“We should get you to Divination, yeah?” George says a goodbye to Fred and holds his elbow out. Snorting, you roll your eyes and hook elbows with him.
“You’re a dork,” you remind him.
“Me? A dork? I am a handsome young man! A handsome, intelligent young man!”
“A handsome, intelligent, funny young man.”
George stops walking. “You think I’m funny?”
“Uh… yeah. You are funny.”
A slow grin slides across his face. “And handsome?”
Flushing, you duck your head. “Shut up.”
When you walk into Ancient Runes the following day, you’re disappointed to see the desks in singles again. You pass George’s desk on your way to the front; he leans over and taps you on the side as you walk by. You sit at the front and smile at the professor. Babbling nods to you.
“A bit odd being at the front again after sitting in the back for so long?”
You nod, sighing. “Oh, definitely, professor.”
Halfway through class, you hear a small plop underneath your nose. You look down; there’s a small piece of paper in your lap. Glancing to Babbling to make sure she doesn’t see you, you unfold the paper and read what’s written.
‘Do you like me? Check yes or no -George’
Underneath that, there’s a little box with a ‘yes’ next to it and a little box with a ‘no’. You laugh to yourself. You take your quill and dip it on ink, drawing a little check. You pass it behind you to Angelina Johnson, who you assume keeps it going back to the original recipient.
After class, you meet up with George outside. He’s clutching something in one hand, cheeks pink. Fred is nowhere to be seen.
“Where’s… um… Fred?” You ask.
George, who can’t seem to stop smiling, nods the opposite way. “He’s gone that way. Has to meet up with Ronnie, our brother, for something,” George clears his throat and extends his hand. “Shall we… go?”
You take his hand, lacing your fingers together. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.”
The entire way to the Divination staircase, you can hardly think of anything other than the feeling of your interlocked fingers. You seem to hear your heart thumping in your ears - but that can’t be right, can it? Your heart is in your chest!
George pulls you behind the stairwell when you reach it. He lets go of your hand. You’re almost sorry about it. George stammers for a second about something, but then he takes a deep breath.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks.
Oh. Okay. Around you, time stops. There is nothing else in the entire world - there’s only you and George and definitely not a staircase above your head, not a floor underneath your feet, not walls around your body. You nod too quickly.
George laughs and, in slow-motion, really, leans down and presses his mouth against yours. You reach up to touch his face, the other hand resting on his chest. The kiss is slow, soft, a gentle brush against your lips. When he pulls away, he’s smiling even wider.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” he admits, grabbing your hand again. You let him.
“Honestly, me too.”
“Yeah,” you laugh. “Really.”
He leads you out from behind the stairs. The two of you begin to climb. “Hey,” he says out of the blue.
“Wanna be my girlfriend?”
You beam. “Of course I do, Georgie.”
He stops when you’re a step above him, making you the same height. George kisses you again. It’s only a second before you melt into it, hands tangled in his hair. You kiss him for so long, when you break apart, you realize you’re late for Divination.
George laughs, “Sorry for making you late.”
“I don’t mind. You’re right, Trelawney probably foresaw that I’d be late because of some stupid ginger Weasley boy.”
“That’s all I am to you, eh? Some stupid ginger Weasley boy?”
You kiss his cheek. “Of course not, George. Now you’re my stupid ginger Weasley boy.”
“Thank Merlin for that!”
#george weasley#george weasley x reader#george weasley fanfic#george weasley one shot#harry potter fanfic#george weasley imagine#my writing#partners#liquidmusing#writing#prompt list#im doing all the prompt stuff first bc its quicker#like i wrote this in maybe an hour#which is a lot less than the others#i will get the others out tho#im so sorry for the delays im so bad at this stuff#mine
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Mim’s favorite imagines of the week.
If you haven’t heard the news, President Donald Trump intends to ban transgender people from the us army, this equals to 15,000 transgender Americans currently serving in the United States armed forces. With my very first Represent campaign I want to raise awareness and funds to help @glaadmove forward and further on their battle with the discrimination against the LGBTQ 🏳️🌈 community. So if you also support the #lgbtq community, buy this t-shirt and help me and glaad make a change, because this needs to change. The link is in my bio. Even if you can’t buy it, please, spread the word. Thank you.

Buy the tshirt here.
Feel free to tag me in your work or in someone’s work if you think I’d like it!
Check out my own writing: chrystelemyriam.org
NEW! There will be my weekly rec but you will also be able to find all of the imagines of all of my recs on my website chrystelemyriam.org/Favorites
Jensen Imagine (Jensen x Reader) written by @angelkurenai
Sam & Dean Imagine (Dean x Reader, Sam x friend!Reader) written by @mkate-writes-things
Smooth Criminal (Sebastian Smythe x Reader) written by @livinginimaginds
Vestige (Olivier x Reader) written by @queer-imagines
Never Too Far (Jensen x Sister!Reader) written by @impalaimagining
Wait a second…are you jealous? (Castiel x Reader) written by @sonnyalice
Silence (Sister Winchester) written by @dreamin-of-somewhere-else
The Little Things (Dean x Reader) written by @bringmesomepie56
Goodbye. Dean Winchester. (Dean x Reader) written by @goodwriterwithbadhabits
Follow Your Dreams (Jensen x Reader) written by @bringmesomepie56
Ketch Her If You Can (Ketch x Reader, Dean x Reader) written by @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog
Insomnia (Dean x Reader) written by @impalaimagining
Love & Beauty (Barry x Reader) written by @bookthrills
Doppelgänger (Barry x Reader) written by @bookthrills
Point Proven (Barry x Reader) written by @bookthrills
Dean Drabble #2 (Dean x Reader) written by @sofreddie
The fall (Short Story) written by @stormysymphony
Jensen Imagine (Jensen x Reader, Jared, Misha) written by @angelkurenai
Happy Birthdays (Jensen x Reader, Jared, Gen) written by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
#short story#tumblr writing community#tumblr writers#dean drabble#Barry allen#jensen ackles#sister winchester#olivier x reader#sam x reader#the flash imagines#arrow imagine#castiel x reader#sebastian smythe x reader#grant gustin#jared padalecki#john winchester#jeffrey dean morgan#stephen amell#misha collins#ketch x reader#spn family#spn x reader#team arrow x reader#team flash x reader#flash x reader#arrow x reader
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Fic Recs (July 2nd)
Hiya, lovelies! I know it’s been a little while since the last rec list and I apologize for that! I haven’t been able to dedicate as much time to reading fic as I used to.

“Bakers and Pie Makers” written by @drabbletastic. The reader opens a bakery near the Pie Hole. Adorable Ned makes an appearance. (Pushing Daisies)
“Chupacabra” (completed??) written by @xx-multi-fandom-imagines. The Winchesters make fun of Ketch’s accent and the reader helps him feel better. (SPN, link to part 2 but other link is attached)
“Potions Partners” written by @chelswriting. The Hufflepuff reader gets paired with Draco in Snape’s Potions class. She and Draco don’t get on so well. (HP, link is to the 2nd part where you can find a link to part 1)
“Something Sweet, 2″ written by @the-new-fanfic-order. The reader gets a job as a pastry chef working under Obi-Wan Kenobi who has a very strict way of doing things. (Star Wars AU)

“Total Cliche” written by @lotfanfics. The reader is getting scolded by Professor Stein. Leonard sticks up for her. (Legends of Tomorrow, angsty fluff)
“Tea Party Playtime” written by @talesmaniac89. Crowley’s 5-year-old daughter, the reader, becomes suspiciously quiet. Crowley finds her and joins her little tea party. (SPN fluff. OH THE DAD!CROWLEY FLUFF)
“I Love You” written by @the-flash-imagines14. Barry asks the reader on a date, but she’s confused since she always thought Barry liked Iris. (The Flash, fluff)
“Greatcoat” written by @obiwan824. Hux can’t find his greatcoat. (Star Wars, fluff)
“Crush” written by @randomtwistedlife. The reader likes Loki and Thor knows it. (Avengers, fluff)
“Teach Me” written by @igotanaddixon. Bilbo’s twin sister wants Dwalin to teach her how to defend herself. (Tolkien, humor)
“I Have Faith in You” written by @kittenwritesstuff. Sirius and the reader are arguing about Snape. Her feelings for the Potions Master are revealed. (HP, angsty fluff)
“Dive” written by @bookthrills. The reader is a little bit of a flirt and Julian knows it. What he doesn’t know is that it’s part of her act. (The Flash, angsty-ish)
“Hearings Your Soulmate’s Thoughts” written by @fandomheadrush. The reader didn’t expect an accident to be the reason she meets her soulmate. Bones can’t help but think she’s adorable. (Star Trek, Soulmate AU fluff)
“New Book” written by @callie-swagg1. The reader finds a new book to read, in the form of one of Bucky’s journals. (Avengers, fluff)
“Caretaker” written by @azurakenway. The reader tends to Hux while he’s imprisoned. (Star Wars, angsty, mentions of torture.)
“Then Ask Me” written by @princessxfangirl. Sebastian gets jealous when someone from New Directions flirts with the reader. When he sees she’s uncomfortable, he steps in. (Glee.)
“Thor and Loki” written by @lucis-unicorn. The reader has two dogs and Ketch has a soft spot for them...and maybe for her too. (SPN, angst & fluff)
“So This is Love” written by @srj1990. Mick realizes he’s in love with the reader. He wants to leave the BMoL for her. (SPN, angsty fluff. I literally just read this and needed to add it!)
There you go, lovelies! Lots to read this time, so have fun! Happy reading and lots of love!
#fic recs#pushing daisies#ned the piemaker#supernatural#arthur ketch#crowley#harry potter#draco malfoy#severus snape#star wars#obi wan kenobi#hux#legends of tomorrow#leonard snart#the flash#barry allen#julian albert#avengers#loki#bucky barnes#tolkien#dwalin#star trek#leonard mccoy#glee#sebastian smyth#mick davies
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Perfect (George Weasley x Reader)
"Request: ‘2 & 11 for george weasley from the prompt list? thank you! 💝’ ~ @bookthrills
A/N: Here, we see an example of my horribly inconsistent writing style. I spent far too long looking up idioms to see whether they were recognised worldwide or if they were just British or Scottish. Also, I’m an idiot and hit Save as Draft rather than post, so this is up later than I had originally expected.
Summary: Your plans to prank your boyfriend backfire when you inadvertantly ruin his plans to ask you a huge question.
Words: Approx. 1292
2. “After everything you did, you’re asking ME to apologize for snapping at you ONCE?”
11. “Be my wife.”
Hiding behind the counter, you waited expectantly for your boyfriend to return. George had spent a lot of your relationship pranking and teasing you- in fact, the very reason you got together in your fifth year was the aftermath of one of his pranks- and, today, you had decided that it was time for a little revenge.
It had taken you a while to set everything up, but you were proud of the fact that you had come up with this plan all on your own. Many people seemed to think that you were the level-headed, sensible one in the relationship, and that was true to an extent. Still, the people who seemed to think that you weren't any fun because of that were absolutely wrong- you loved a good practical joke as much as the next person and you could get... creative with your pranks too.
Still, though, the classics never hurt either. You had spent the best part of the morning making sure that everything was perfect- you had spent the best part of the morning making sure that everything was perfect- you had rigged a large bucket of feathers mixed with rotten eggs above your kitchen down, ready to rain down on your unexpecting boyfriend when he returned home from work. While there was a lot worse you could do, you thought that this would be the perfect way to have a bit of harmless fun with George. The plan was set. It was simple really- a Stickfast Hex to make sure that he stayed in place and wouldn't move during the feather downpour, and that was basically it. Nothing to it. Simple yet effective and all that, right?
"I'm home!" You heard George shout from the entrance. As a grin spread across your face, you had to place a hand to muffle a laugh in anticipation of what would happen. "[Y/N]?" George called again after a short pause, wondering why you weren't responding to him. His footsteps got closer, and you smirked excitedly as you heard him turning the doorknob.
Peeking out a little from the counter, you silently cast a Stickfast Hex on your boyfriend, securing his feet in place. As he looked down, confused, a shower of the feathers and eggs rained down upon him, coating him whilst he stood frozen in place.
You couldn't help but laugh at the sight of George standing there, unable to move, with feathers and rotten eggs covering his clothes. It was this that alerted him to your presence in the room- in the downpour, he obviously hadn't noticed you peeking out slightly from your hiding spot.
"[Y/N]..." He said slowly, as if he wasn't quite sure how to react to what was going on. Finally, you fully emerged, still chuckling from how well your joke had gone. However, the smile started to fall from your face when you saw that George's expression wasn't anything like you had expected- when you were planning the prank, you envisioned your boyfriend standing there, laughing along with you, or teasingly mocking and criticising your lack of imagination when it came to your pranking methods; but the George in front of you was doing none of these things. Instead, he was standing there with a face like thunder, looking thoroughly unhappy.
"Uh... what's wrong?" You questioned cautiously, beginning to regret your actions. You had just thought that it would be a little bit of fun, but right now, it seemed like you had just triggered an argument.
"Well, if you hadn't noticed, [Y/N], I appear to be covered in feathers and eggs. And rotten eggs, at that." George snapped sarcastically, causing you to be taken aback. You frowned slightly, scoffing.
"What's your problem? Have you forgotten how to take a joke or something? That's unlike you. There's no need to get so angry with me- I was just trying to have a bit of fun. Or have you forgotten what fun is too?" You quipped back, crossing your arms across your chest.
“After everything you did, you’re asking ME to apologise for snapping at you ONCE?” George retorted indignantly. For a moment, confusion clouded your face. 'Everything you did'? Surely he wasn't just talking about the feathers incident here. Yes, there had been times when you hadn't taken his pranks in the best nature either, which had led to arguments between the two of you, but you thought that you two had resolved those conflicts.
"Look, [Y/N], I'm sorry," George said with a sigh, running a hand through his hair, "I'm just... I guess that you could say I had plans for things to do today that didn't really include being covered in a disgusting mix of rotten eggs and feathers." He trailed off with a chuckle, making to move towards you to apologise properly. It was at this moment you realised that you still hadn't cast the counter-spell for the hex you had placed upon him, evident by the fact that it was impossible for him to move his feet even an inch. Mumbling something which could be interpreted as an apology, you hurriedly cast another spell and released your boyfriend.
He took the opportunity to dash forward and wrap you in a hug, spreading some of the feathers and rotten eggs to you. You let out a shriek, but his arms just wrapped around you tighter, until both of you spontaneously broke down into laughter about how ridiculous the incident seemed to be.
"You got even, at least." You said with a grimace, looking down at the mess that now covered both of your clothes. Still, a small smile spread across your face as you looked back into George's eyes, glad that the pair of you hadn't descended into any sort of fight. You were about to cast a Scouring Charm on the pair of you, when something that George had said earlier snatched your attention. "What were those plans that you had today, anyway?" You questioned, genuinely curious.
"Well, that's..." George said, appearing to be nervous. Something resembling a blush crossed his cheeks, which only piqued your curiosity more. When you raised an eyebrow to urge him on, George only sighed.
"I really wasn't expecting to do this with the pair of us covered in rotten eggs and feathers, but here goes." He said, taking a deep breath. You watched as he filled with something in his pocket, and your eyes widened as he drew a small box from it. Was he going to...?
"[Y/N] [Y/L/N], I love you. I've loved you since the first time we ever interacted- since the time you charmed my hair to change colours for a week in retaliation for Fred and I pranking you." The memory couldn't help but make you grin, and you felt your heart pounding with every second that passed. "And, well... I was wondering if you would do me the honour of spending a lifetime with me. Be my wife." He concluded, opening the box to reveal a beautiful, shining ring.
Almost immediately, you squealed with joy. "Yes! Of course! I love you." You practically shouted, your heart swelling. George grinned, slipping the ring onto your finger, before securing you in yet another embrace and further dispersing the mess on your clothes between the pair of you.
"Sorry if the whole feathers thing ruined the moment." You murmured as his arms wrapped around you. You felt the vibrations of a chuckle from your now-fiancé, who pulled back, looking you straight in the eye.
"For us, it's perfect. As long as it's us, it'll always be perfect."
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Shoutout to the weekend for finally getting here after possibly the longest week ever 🗣 It also happens to be my favorite weekend of the month because it’s time for my monthly book club meeting 🥰 . 🍎 . Confession time: I always wanted to have twins. I wasn’t blessed with them, but after hearing about MAGGIE’S RUSE by Anne Leigh Parrish I’m definitely happy about that fact 😳 . 🍎 . Thank you to @anneleighparrish and @unsolicitedpress and @tlcbooktours for sending me a free copy! Summary in the comments 👇🏼 . 🍎 . #maggiesruse #tlcbooktours #unsolicitedpress #anneleighparrish #literaryfiction #booktour #readinglife #jennblogsbooks #booksharks #bookthrills #bookstababe #iambookish #wordaddict #bookstapic #bookishlady #mustreadbooks #thrillingreads #readingmakesmehappy #bookishloveaffair #pagelover #bionicbookbabes https://www.instagram.com/p/B45wiszFHej/?igshid=r2dr4m978qha
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Si inizia una nuova lettura: "Il tatuatore" di Alison Belsham #thriller #iltatuatore #alisonbelsham #letturaincorso #stoleggendo📚 #inlettura📓 #imreading #readingtime📖 #timetoread #bookcover #booktagram #bookthriller #libros📚 #livrephoto #photooftheday #photolike #photographe
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“ara is one of the best companions you could ever have and she doesn’t regret turning down ravenclaw from the sorting hat”
I did my best @bookthrills
#its shit i know#hpedit#harry potter edit#hpminorcharnet#name board#mood board#moodboard#nameboard#harry potter#harry potter imagine#harry potter imagines#ara#ravenclaw#hufflepuff#bibliophilic#cedric diggory#hp imagine#hp
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WIP Tag Game
I was tagged by @hogwarts-school (thank you so much!!) The game is to post an excerpt of a piece of a Work in Progress (WIP) that I have, then count the number of words and tag that many people. This is something that I have started a while ago but I don’t know when it will be finished because I always feel like there is more to that story. The silence was deafening. She had fallen on her knees, desperately trying to breathe. But she couldn’t. Not when the one she was breathing for was dead. That day, there wasn’t a single noise to be heard. None, except her...crying. Even his mother had gone silent in front of her pain.
Now, I don’t think I can tag 52 people, so I’m tagging @azurakenway @bookthrills @deerprongs @just-another-ravenclaw-girl @ginnylupin @goldenprongs @lovelysiriuss @lv-ha @princesse-de-ravenclaw @ra-veela-claw And anyone else who wants to do it!!
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rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people.
I was tagged by: @spideyyss aw i feel so honored and loved that you tagged me!
tag: @larrie-mama @shhhanto @bookthrills @leuchtendesstrassenlicht & pRETTY MUCH ANYONE WHO WANTS TO DO THIS BECAUSE I DON’T HAVE LOTS OF PEOPLE TO TAG!!
the last
1. drink: red bull 2. phone call: my mom 3. text message: a weird video i sent to my friend 4. song you listened to: i’m currently listening to not today by bts 5. time you cried: last night because of my brother :)) 6. dated someone twice: well, yOU know, i’ve never dated someone 7. kissed someone and regretted it: about that as well never kissed someone so 8. been cheated on: gotta be in a relationship to be cheated on 9. lost someone special: does a celebrity count? 10. been depressed: idk man 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never had alcohol in my life
3 favourite colours
um, black, rose gold, and like a dark purple color?? idk man
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yes yes. both online and irl 16. fallen out of love: haven’t been in love?? 17. laughed until you cried: very likely 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes but they weren’t bad things 19. met someone who changed you: i don’t think so 20. found out who your friends are: they’re still the same?? 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: still have not been kissed :)
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them 23. do you have any pets: SIX cats, two turtles, and fish 24. do you want to change your name: a few times 25. what did you do for your last birthday: idk because it’s been almost a year. hinting at that my birthday is coming up ok
26. what time did you wake up: before six a.m 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: asleep ;) 28. name something you can’t wait for: meeting an internet friend also named shiloh 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: a couple hours ago. she and my step dad left to go do stuff 31. what are you listening to right now: once again, not today by bts
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: nope. if i do, i hope it’s tom holland ;) 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my :) brother :) 34. most visited website: probably tumblr or snapchat 35. hair colour: dark brown
36. long or short hair: long hair 37. do you have a crush on someone: i mean, on chris pine, karl urban, tom holland.. do you want me to continue?
38. what do you like about yourself: my hair 39. piercings: just my ears. i hope for my birthday i can my ears pierced again 40. blood type: i’d like to know that too 41. nickname: most common is gabby ;) i did a wink because that’s practically my real name since that’s all i ever get called 42. relationship status: still single
43. zodiac: virgo
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: supernatural 46. tattoos: um no 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: no 50. sport: dancing and that’s it because i’m lazy 51. vacation: anywhere that blackpink/bts would be performing 52. pair of trainers: what is this
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: nothing 54. drinking: another answer that is nothing 55. I’m about to: eat after this is done 56. waiting for: someone to fall in love with me 57. want: i want some olive garden breadsticks because yum 58. get married: when someone finally decides to love me then yeah 59. career: maybe a nurse or something
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: i don’t know what kissing is like so a hug, i guess 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: taller 63. older or younger: who cares not me 64. nice arms or nice stomach: stomach 65. hookup or relationship: definitely relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: idk man
HAVE YOU EVER: 67. kissed a stranger: sigh are there any more of these kissing/dating questions? because as usual, it’s a no 68. drank hard liquor: never drank liquor in the first place 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: nope 70. turned someone down: well, someone asked me to a dance and i said no. 71. sex on the first date: what date?? never been on one :) 72. broken someone’s heart: i really hope not because i’d feel awful 73. had your heart broken: only once 74. been arrested: nope 75. cried when someone died: heck yeah 76. fallen for a friend: yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: usually no 78. miracles: not really 79. love at first sight: it sounds nice but 80. santa claus: i wish tbh 81. kiss on the first date: still haven’t been on a date 82. angels: idk
OTHER: 84. eye colour: blue with some green?? idk
85. favourite movie: i’m in love with the star trek movies. i saw war of the planet of the apes and that was amazing. i also cried like four times but it’s fine
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Could you reccomend some good Harry Potter blogs? My dash is empty of Harry Potter and I feel like it could use some magic.
Of course!!My loves include:@maraudersimaginesblog@wizardwritings@deerprongs@daphnegreengrass@sirussly@rottenmalfoy@blvnk-art@bookthrillsAnd I'm sure there are others that I'm missing, but this is a good start to it!
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