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thefallingdownthebookhole · 3 years ago
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Books I Want To Read Soon! ⁣ ⁣ I finally went through some of my boxes and pulled out some of the books I want to read next. A lot are sequels/continuation of series as that is a big goal for me in 2022. Others are ones that I have just been thinking about and want to make an effort to prioritize them! The rest of the books have to remain in boxes for now until I get new shelves! ⁣ ⁣ #tbrcart #booksiwanttoread #tbr #tbrpile #bookstagram #downthebookhole #booksonbooks #bookcart #bookstoread #slayingseries #2022seriestakedown #bookshelves #booklover #allthebooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CZKqVqPvfBm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bibliobethblog · 4 years ago
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It’s Friday!! That means it’s time for another book haul 😂 and today I’ve got three fantastic paperbacks to show you. I can’t remember where I heard about The Exiles now but I know I was excited for it 🤔 Swan Song was bought so that I can read all the Women’s Prize longlisted books ever! Finally we have The Woman In The Purple Skirt which I’ve had on my radar for a little while and then my bestie @keeperofpages did a wonderful review on her page which just made me glad I had preordered it! 😂 As always, I’d love to know your thoughts on any of these books or authors. Let’s have a chat in the comments! Have a lovely weekend everyone 🤗😘 #bookstagram #booklover #bookstagrammer #bookhaul #bookobsessed #paperbackhaul #morebooksplease #toomanybookstoolittletime #theexiles #christinabakerkline #swansong #kelleighgreenbergjephcott #thewomaninthepurpleskirt #natsukoimamura #japanesefiction #womensprizelonglist #booksiwanttoread https://www.instagram.com/p/CQjYIz9r_A_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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claudia-divora-libri · 4 years ago
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Rileggere mattonazzi. Non rileggere mattonazzi. Salve lettori e benvenuti a una nuova puntata della rubrica "Claudia vuole leggere questo libro ma tanto poi cambierà idea!". Ebbene, avevo in mente di rileggere questa estate "Il priorato dell'albero delle arance" di @say_shannon edito @oscarvault @librimondadori, ma purtroppo non ho avuto tempo di farlo, così vorrei farlo questo autunno o questo inverno. Tra l'altro "Il priorato" usciva quasi un anno fa! Io lo lessi in anteprima in ebook per l'@oscarvault e ricordo che mi piacque molto! Voglio rileggerlo principalmente per assaggiare il cartaceo, che è un bomba, nonché uno dei libri più belli che abbia mai visto dal punto di vista estetico, ma anche per rivedere un po' la storia, e magari confermare il mio parere a riguardo! #qotd Voi di solito rileggete i libri? E i mattoni come questo? #mattonazzi #mattoni #librimattoni #ilprioratodellalberodellearance #theprioryoftheorangetree #samanthashannon #dragon #magic #fantasy #fantasynovel #fantasia #beautifulnovel #fantasticnovel #bookstore #bookstoread #booksiwanttoread #booksiwanttofinishthisyear #booksiwannaread #bookstoreadbeforeyoudie #libridaleggere #libridaleggereassolutamente #libridaleggere📚 #tbr #tobereadlist #oscarvault #librimondadori #bloggers #bookstagrammer #bookstagrammers https://www.instagram.com/p/CGprlLGHzbb/?igshid=8s4tige3zu4a
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leersinlimites · 5 years ago
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🇪🇦 Ya es jueves, y al fin tengo vacaciones 🎉 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Este mes he leído muy poco, aunque tengo varios libros pendientes que me llaman muchísimo, pero entre una cosa y otra... A ver si ahora saco más tiempo de lectura. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #TheCruelPrince es un libro que me propuse leer hace unas semanas pero como no conseguía motivarme para leer decidí dejarlo para más adelante. Lo mismo me pasó con #ElAsesinoDeNoxpoint ¿Os ha pasado alguna vez? En esos casos es mejor dejarlo para otro momento, porque el resultado si no suele ser bastante agridulce. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #bookstagram #bookstagramespaña #bookstagramfeature #bookphotography #books #toread #book #bookcommunity #bookjunkie #libros #fantasy #elprincipecruel #hollyblack #faerie #booksiwanttoread #youshouldreadit https://www.instagram.com/p/B0WS37Ui1rZ/?igshid=1mswudgur0ccl
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loudmindreviews · 7 years ago
Freeks by Amanda Hocking
Well, we will call this a 3.5 star review. I finished this book tonight. When I spy a new Amanda Hocking book on the shelf I snatch it up eagerly. Like most people, I'm sure, Amanda became one of my favorite authors way back in the days of the trylle when she was self publishing her books on amazon for a buck. I was one of her biggest cheerleaders and to this day I still love seeing her name on the cover of bestsellers! I was beyond excited to read her new novel, Freeks. It actually feels kind of like a betrayal to give her book only 3.5 stars but I'm trying for honesty here. The book is set in the 80's, following a carnival/sideshow troupe, Davorin's Traveling Carnival. The protagonist, Mara, is the narrator. She's 18 and the daughter of a necromancer. They travel to a town named Caudry where they are promised a large incentive for a week long show by a former member of the troupe. Upon arriving, it's immediately obvious something is off about this town. But, they're cold broke busted and have no choice but to go on with the show if they want to eat. Pretty much as soon as the campers are parked and stakes are in the ground, Mara goes for a stroll through the town they will be spending the following week performing in. While walking around and checking things out she stumbles on a party and is inadvertently invited inside where she meets Selena and her brother, Gabe. Mara and Gabe quickly connect and before you know it the night is gone. Back at the camp, their strongman, Seth, is attacked by a strange "animal" and is in critical condition. This throws the whole group into a tailspin as they try to understand what type of thing could have taken down a supernaturally strong individual like Seth. It becomes clear very quickly that something is hunting them and it is no longer safe in Caudry. So, here's the thing. I liked Mara. I liked the other characters. But I didn't love them. I know what kind of world building Amanda Hocking is capable of and this book fell really short of what I was expecting from her. The writing was for a simpleton. Even though the storyline was pretty good the writing style was childish almost. To be honest, it felt like, at least to me, an effortless endeavor on Amanda's part. Like she quickly typed something up, had it published, and voila... here's the book. The ending was abrupt and left a lot to be desired, and I'd also like to point out that this book includes one of those famous overnight love affairs that so many YA books are fond of. Mara meets Gabe, and before the week is up they are madly in love? Come on, Amanda!! In the end, I'm so sorry to say, and I mean that, that I was simply not impressed with Freeks. I am still a loyal Amanda Hocking fan, it would take a lot more than one not-so-great book to change my views of her. And, like I said at the beginning, I didn't hate the book, it was an enjoyable, if extremely easy, read, it just wasn't amazing like I have come to expect from this author!
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Hello lovelies⭐ I'm so excited I have the last two books in this series. Its an Alice in Wonderland retelling where Alice is a princess of wonderland and she has to remember that she is the princess and take back the kingdom from the Red Queen and I loved the first one! #bookstagram #books #lookingglasswars #frankbeddor #booksiwanttoread
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zoematherswrites · 4 years ago
6 Books I Want to Read This Summer
6 Books I Want to Read This Summer
Happy Friday!
***Before I get into today’s post, I wanted to shoutout my Patreon that I recently launched. You can check out all the goodies I am offering HERE, or scroll down and click on the Patreon icon at the very bottom of the page. Thanks 🙂
This summer has been a looong one for all of us. I mean, I was supposed to finish school at the end of April and have a 4 month summer (which is…
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drdivanella21 · 7 years ago
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Want to make 2018 your best year ever? Find out how you can make it count. Link in the bio #blogger #blogpost #newpost #jamaican #jamaicanblogger #newblogpost #beautiful #browngirlbloggers #blackgirlswhoblog #bloggerstribe #blogger #chicbloggers #BloggingGals #blogging #bloggerbabesrt #InfluencerRT #bbloggers #lbloggers #iread #bookstagram #bookish #bookiwanttoread #booksiwant #booksiwanttoread #booksiwannaread #book #2018 #2018goals #review #Reviews #reading #books #bookblog #bookblogger #BookBoost #booklovers #BookWorm #BookRecommendations #bookreviews #BookClub #booklover #bookreviewer #booklove #Bookfinder #bookish #amreading #amreadingcurrently
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danafraedrich · 7 years ago
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Many thanks to @juliablakeauthor for the wonderful shout out today on Into the Fire's birthday! 😊. . #Repost @juliablakeauthor (@get_repost) ・・・ Look what just dropped into my Kindle! Into the Fire by our very own @danafraedrich Congratulations, Dana, on your new book's birthday.😘😘 #authorsofinstagram #authorssupportingauthors #authorshelpingauthors #burystedmunds #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookish #booknerd #bookworm #biblophile #ilovebooks #booksiwanttoread #newbook #danafraedrich #intothefire #juliablakeauthor #indiebooks #indieauthor #readersofinstagram #writersofinstagram #writerssupportingwriters #writershelpingotherwriters
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lostinlit-becca · 7 years ago
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Are there any books that you have been meaning to get to this year but just haven't had the time yet? 📖. . Wintersong by @sjaejones is one of those books for me! I have been wanting to read it so badly but I just don't seem to have the time between ARCs and a diminished reading schedule. I am hoping I can get to it eventually! Especially because I've heard so many amazing things about it 💙. #wintersong #sjaejones #onmytbr #booksiwanttoread #mytbrlistjustkeepsgettinglonger #booksandcoffee #vintagetypewriter #bookstagram #igdaily #bibliophile #thomasdunnebooks .
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brittklein18 · 2 years ago
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dhirajsindhiwriting-blog · 5 years ago
Hello readers' fam! I am back with another End of The Year content. . . . And this time its 'Books I want to Read Before 2019 Ends'. But there is a very narrow chance that I would be able to finish them all or even half of them. Therefore we'll just chat about my last TBR. So check out this Link - http://bit.ly/2SDh4Pl . . 🎄🎁 5 BOOKS I WANT TO READ BEFORE 2019 ENDS 🎁🎄 . . . #tbr #lasttbr #bookpile #bookblogger #bookdragon #booklifestyle #top5 #bookstoread #booksireadin2019 #booksiwanttoread #booksbooksbooks #bookaddict #booksoftheyear #bookishmerch #wrapup2019 #2019wrapup #thatsawrap #thatsallfolks #bookbloggerindia #indiablogger #bookrecommendations #blogger #india #blog #secretsoftheuniverse #dhirajreads #dhirajandhisbookshelf #bingebawse #dhirajsindhi #harrypotter
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sherryfundin · 4 years ago
. I got the idea and the motivation to start doing this post from All The Book Blog Names Are Taken. It has helped me to keep track of my reading shelf as far as current events and I also started d…
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claudia-divora-libri · 4 years ago
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Leggere Nevernight. Questo è il problema Salve lettori! Come sapete ormai da un anno, ho Nevernight di @misterkristoff edito @oscarvault @librimondadori in libreria e non l'ho ancora letto. Avevo intenzione di leggerlo questa estate, ma non l'ho fatto. Ho intenzione di leggerlo questo inverno, ma non so se lo farò. C'è qualcosa che mi frena: un po' le recensioni negative che ho letto, un po' il fatto che sia lodato da tutti e ho paura di rimanere delusa. Quindi ora vi chiedo sinceramente: cosa ne pensate di nevernight? Vi è piaciuto? Non vi è piaciuto? È nella vostra wish list? Aiutatemiiiiiii #nevernight #miacorvere #nevernightchronicles #nevernightmaidimenticare #booksihtalk #bookishthings #bookishplay #bookishphotography #booksiwannaread #booksiwanttoread #booksiwanttofinishthisyear #libridaleggereprimadimorire #bookstoread #bookstoreadbeforeyoudie #leggeresempre #leggerechepassione #leggerefabene #leggereovunque #leggiamoqui #amoleggere #amarelalettura #bookbloggerlife #bookbloggeruniti #bookstagram #bookstagrammeritalia (presso Surya Cafè) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGkJbgUHzAo/?igshid=11qgkl7rqtkho
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syruptzumaru · 8 years ago
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#Books #booksiwanttoread #goodreads Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield, The Times Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be by Paul Arden, The Great Gasby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris, Trip To Quiapo by Ricky Lee, Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho, Stardust, American Gods, Neverwhere, The Sandman by Neil Gaiman, Dance Dance Dance Dance by Haruki Murakami, Love & Misadventure by Lang Leav, Tuesday with Morrie by Mitch Albom, and The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.
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msraelix · 11 years ago
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Currently reading: Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. I've had this book for the longest, since it first came out around 2011. But never came around to reading it cause it was in storage. With all the hype, the pretty new covers and the last book coming out, I think it's def time I see what all the hype is about! :D #shatterme #taherehmafi #youngadult #books #booksiwanttoread #toberead #tbr
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