#book 2 chapter 16
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jessisnotnormal · 2 months ago
Chapter 9: Training
<- Chapter 8
“Keep your sword up!” Lancelot reminded, darting around to poke Jada in the side she’d left unprotected.
            “I’m trying!” Jada complained. “God, this is so complicated!”
            She hefted the wooden sword that Lancelot had procured higher, but all this whirling around and swinging just like this, or blocking just like that, was starting to make her brain hurt.
            “You can do this,” he reassured her. “Let’s try it again, but this time we’ll do it slower.”
            Jada let out a sigh, getting back into position. Feet spread equally apart, sword at shoulder-height—was there anything she was missing?
            Lancelot’s sword tapped her shoulder in her distraction—not hard, but enough to make her drop her arms and scowl. “Ugh, this is impossible!”
            “We can stop, if you wish.” Now, Lancelot relaxed his stance, waiting for her decision.
            It wasn’t like she really had to learn how to fight. As soon as they found a way for her to get home, she wouldn’t ever have to even look at a sword again. And Merlin had promised that they’d find a way to get her home somehow.
            But who knew how long that might take? It could be days, weeks, months before they found a solution. And every day Merlin faced some other dangerous situation, whether it was witches, kings, or magical creatures rampaging through the forest. She didn’t want to have to count on another Lancelot coming to their rescue the next time he got himself into trouble.
            “No,” she answered. “No, I’m going to learn this. Let’s do it again, please.”
            Lancelot nodded, giving her a smile. “Very well.”
            He swung his sword at her, more slowly this time, but still seeming to radiate pure skill in every movement. Jada shifted her weight, bringing her wooden sword up to block his attack, twisting it just as he’d told her to do. It wasn’t a particularly amazing feat, and she was hardly ready for battle now, but she felt proud of herself. Maybe she could do this, after all.
            “Very good,” Lancelot praised. “Faster?”
            This time, Jada grinned. “Sure. Let’s go.”
            She was certainly going to have few bruises tomorrow by the time they’d finished. Under Lancelot’s guidance, she’d finally started to get the hang of some of the basics, and so now, as they returned to Gaius’ quarters, Jada was in a much better mood.
            Gaius himself was nowhere to be seen, having apparently gone out to work, and Jada noticed that he had moved all the books they’d been searching through back onto the bookshelves now that Lancelot was staying there. That was probably a smart move, she thought—there was no telling how Lancelot would react to that tale.
            Lancelot now handed her his wooden sword, making for an apple on the table as she put the two of them away under the stairs.
            “So, when do you want me next?” she asked.
            Lancelot thought for a moment, beginning to peel the apple in his hand with a knife. “I’m not certain. I don’t know what I’ll be doing, exactly, since my ambition to become a knight is…” He waved the hand with the knife about vaguely, still looking just as disappointed as he had the day before.
            Jada pitied him, but mostly she just couldn’t understand it. He was Lancelot. Of course he was supposed to be a knight. The more she thought about it all, the more this Camelot seemed to be some alternate universe version, where everything that was supposed to be turned out the opposite. She wondered what that meant for her, and Morgo’s request. Perhaps her just being here had caused the reversal?
            It was at that moment that Merlin burst through the door, holding a rolled-up piece of parchment triumphantly.
            Lancelot nodded towards it. “What’s that?”
            “This,” Merlin announced, clearly proud of himself, “Is your seal of nobility.”
            Lancelot shook his head. “I don’t understand.”
            Merlin unrolled the scroll grandly, still grinning. “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Lancelot, fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria.”
            Without a pause, Lancelot waved his finger at him. “No, Merlin. No.”
            “Oh, right, so you don’t want to be a knight, then.” Merlin gave a small shrug, before turning for the door again.
            “Of course I do!”
            Merlin paused, turning back towards them. “What? The rules don’t allow it? Damn the rules! The rules are wrong.”
            “But it’s a lie,” Lancelot pointed out. “It’s against everything the knights stand for.”
            “You have as much right to be a knight as any man. I know it.” Merlin turned to Jada, looking for support. She shrugged.
            “You’re supposed to be a knight,” she admitted. “I’m sure of it.” But did that mean that lying to get him there was right?
            “But the rules,” Lancelot insisted.
            “We’re not breaking the rules,” Merlin countered. “We’re bending them, that’s all. You get your foot in the door, but after that… After that, you’ll be judged on your merit alone. And if you succeed, if they make you a knight, it will be because you have earned it, noble or not.”
            Lancelot folded his arms, sitting on the edge of the table as he considered Merlin’s argument.
            “Can I see it?” Jada asked Merlin, holding her hand out for the seal.
            He handed it to her, and she examined the page, the crest, the archaic writing. It must have been forged, she knew that, but without seeing anything like it before she was no authority on how convincing it would look to an expert.
            “I can’t change the way things are done around here,” Merlin was continuing to Lancelot. “But you can. If you let me help you.”
            “Will they know it’s faked?” Jada asked. “What if you get caught?”
            Merlin shrugged, a hint of smugness in his smile. “Don’t worry about it; it looks exactly like the original, I promise. Except for the name, of course.”
            She eyed him suspiciously. She wasn’t sure what it was about the way he looked back at her, but it made her almost certain he’d used magic to copy the page. Which meant that if they did get caught, the punishment could quickly become much more severe.
            “What if you get caught?” she repeated.
            “I won’t.” He grinned at her, and suddenly she was no longer surprised he regularly found himself in trouble. Now, he frowned. “You’re giving me the look.”
            “The look? What look?” she asked, baffled out of her wariness.
            “The Look. The one that Gaius gives me whenever I do something like this.”
            Despite herself, Jada laughed. “Clearly you need more people to give you The Look then, if you keep doing stuff like this.”
            Despite her concerns, Jada soon found herself accompanying both Merlin and a now-convinced Lancelot to Gwen’s house. Merlin had decided that if Lancelot was going to pretend to be a noble, he’d need to at least look the part, and that meant enlisting the help of Camelot’s best seamstress.
            Jada got a sense of déjà vu as they entered Gwen’s house, but this time she leant against the wall with Merlin as Lancelot was measured.
            He cleared his throat as she measured the inside of his leg. “This is very kind of you, er…”
            “Gwen,” she said, looking up at him with a smile.
            “Gwen,” Lancelot repeated.
            “Short for ‘Guinevere’,” she clarified, standing to measure his arms.
            So Gwen was supposed to be Guinevere, then, as Jada had suspected. She regarded the girl. Yup, definitely not a princess. Her opposite theory was looking pretty promising, so far.
            “Ah,” Lancelot said. “Then, thank you, Guinevere.”
            “Don’t thank me,” she smiled. “Thank Merlin. Merlin would do anything for anyone, wouldn’t you, Merlin?”
            Okay, she definitely fancied the him, Jada thought, trying to suppress a smile. How adorable.
            Merlin waved his hand awkwardly, grinning.
            “Sorry, can you raise your arms?” Gwen asked Lancelot, who gladly obliged. “Thank you. Sorry." She quickly wrapped the tape around Lancelot’s torso, glancing at him over his shoulder at the same time that he risked a glance at her.
            Yikes, Jada thought. Everybody apparently fancied everybody in this city.
            “I think it’s great that Merlin’s got you this chance,” Gwen was continuing, wrapping her measuring tape now around Lancelot’s neck. “We need men like you.”
            “You do?” he asked.
            “Well, not me, personally, but, you know, Camelot,” Gwen stammered. “Camelot needs knights. Not just Arthur and his kind, but ordinary people like you and me.”
            “Well, I’m not a knight yet, my lady.”
            “And I’m not a lady,” Gwen giggled.
            “Sorry, I…”
            “Okay, we’re done,” she announced. “Um, I should have these ready in no time. It’s nice to meet you, Lancelot.”
            She offered her hand for Lancelot to shake, but instead he bent to press a kiss to the back of it. Merlin pushed himself off from the wall, patting Lancelot on the back as he headed for the door, and Lancelot turned to follow.
            “Oh, Jada, I almost forgot,” Gwen said. “Your clothes are almost done; I just need you to come back for the fittings whenever you can.”
            “Is tonight all right?” Jada asked. “I’ll let you finish Lancelot’s stuff, first.”
            “That’s fine.” Gwen smiled sweetly, and Jada mirrored it as she turned to follow the others out.
            “Thanks, Gwen. I’ll see you later.”
            “She seems lovely,” Lancelot said as the three of them walked back through the castle together. “Guinevere.”
            He was trying to play it off as casual interest, judging by his body language, but Jada remained unconvinced. She was almost certain Lancelot was smitten.
            Merlin, however, seemed not to have noticed, answering just as casually as Lancelot was pretending to be. “Oh, yeah, yeah, she is. And the best seamstress in Camelot, I promise.”
            “Are you two…” He gestured vaguely, but Merlin only watched him with a blank expression. “…You know?”
            Another awkward moment passed before Merlin caught on, and then he laughed. “No. No, no. Just friends.”
            Jada glanced at him sideways in surprise, but he didn’t appear to be hiding anything from them. So he didn’t know about Gwen’s little crush, then? Poor Gwen. Although, Jada realised, Lancelot certainly seemed to have taken quite a keen interest in her instead. So, Lancelot liked Gwen, Gwen like Merlin, and Merlin was utterly oblivious about the whole thing?
            She snickered, causing the other two to give her strange looks.
            “What?” Merlin asked, frowning.
            “Nothing,” she replied, trying to suppress her smile. What a tangle they were all in. Maybe they weren’t so far from their legendary counterparts, after all.
            Gwen really was the best seamstress in Camelot, Jada concluded, so much so that she wasn’t sure the girl didn’t have some kind of secret superpower. Before the day was done, she had prepared Lancelot a full outfit to match his ‘noble heritage’, complete with his supposed family’s crest emblazoned across his chest.
            He wore it now as he headed down to the training yard—accompanied by Jada, Merlin and Gwen—to present himself to Arthur.
            “Well, you certainly look the part,” Merlin said, finishing his last-minute adjustments of Lancelot’s mail.
            “Doesn’t he just?” Gwen agreed.
            Lancelot, however, was fidgeting uncomfortably. “I don’t feel it.”
            “Okay, that’ll do for today.” Arthur’s voice reached them from the training ground as he dismissed his men and began to head over to where the equipment was. “Well done.”
            “Here’s your chance,” Merlin said, patting Lancelot on the back. “Go for it.”
            “Good luck.” Jada gave him a hopeful smile as he headed towards the Prince.
            Arthur glanced up at him as he approached. “Yes?”
            Lancelot shifted nervously. “Lancelot, fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria.”
            “‘Lance-a-lot’?” Arthur repeated, seeming unimpressed. “My servant mentioned you. Got your seal?”
            Lancelot bowed, offering Arthur the scroll that Merlin had produced. “Sire.”
            Arthur hit him. He struck Lancelot straight in the face without warning, sending him staggering backwards until he fell to the floor. Jada sent a worried glance at Merlin beside her, who looked a little taken aback, but certainly not as appalled as she felt. He worked for this man?
            “Sluggish reactions,” Arthur declared. “On a battlefield, you’d be dead by now. Come back when you’re ready.”
            He gave Lancelot one last dismissive glance before turning away, but Lancelot would not be dissuaded so easily. He got back to his feet, his hand on the hilt of his sword. “I’m ready now, sire.”
            Arthur turned back, an amused look to his features. “You are, are you?”
            Lancelot nodded.
            “Fine. You can start by cleaning out the stables.”
            The other men in the yard laughed as Arthur re-joined them, and Lancelot turned to send a questioning look to Merlin. Merlin gave him an excited thumbs-up, so Jada had to assume that whatever had just happened was a good thing. Somehow, Lancelot was on his way to becoming a knight.
            It seemed that Gwen had been even busier than Jada had thought. Upon returning to her house that evening, she found that she had made her not only a beautiful blue day dress, but a simple white nightdress also.
            “Gwen, this is amazing,” she said, astounded. “How on earth did you manage to find time for it all?”
            Gwen blushed, a shy smile appearing. “Lady Morgana is very kind; she allowed me some spare time to finish them once she found out what I was doing.”
            Jada raised her eyebrows involuntarily. Morgana? So that must have been the girl who sat beside the King and Arthur during her performance.
            Hers was a name that Jada knew very well from the legends, though it often took slightly different forms, so she could not help the twinge of worry that she felt at the mention of her. But if everything here was the opposite of all that she’d read, then Morgana surely was a good, kind character. Indeed; she’d gone out of her way to help Jada by helping Gwen, and she’d certainly seemed kind when Jada had glimpsed her in the hall.
            “That was nice of her,” she mused, before turning her attention back to Gwen and flashing her a smile. “And these really are wonderful.”
            “I’d have liked to add a bit more detail to the nightgown,” Gwen replied, pursing her lips slightly at the fabric, “But I thought you’d probably appreciate it being finished faster more.”
            “It’s perfect, really. Thank you.”
            Now, Gwen grinned. “You’re welcome. I can teach you how to do it, if you’d like, so that you can make more of your own.”
            Jada’s mind called up memories of her high school textiles lessons; of sewing pillows and getting yelled at by the teacher for never remembering how to thread a sewing machine properly and having to hand-sew everything instead. But sewing machines hadn’t been invented yet, she realised with a glimmer of hope.
            “Sure,” she grinned. “I’d like that. But you deserve a break, first.”
            Gwen laughed. “I’m almost out of materials, anyway, so it will have to wait a little while. But the first thing we need to do is see if these need adjusting. Could you try them on?”
            “No problem.” Jada took the dresses eagerly, but quickly came up short the moment she realised that Gwen’s house consisted of just one room. She had turned around to give Jada some privacy, but Jada still couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable. It’s fine, she told herself; you’ve shared dressing rooms before. And hospital rooms. And everybody feels awkward in hospital gowns. Why didn’t they make them with backs? What kind of idiot design was that, anyway?
            Her inner grumblings distracted her mind as she changed into the first dress, relaxing as the skirt touched the floor. The waist was a little large, and the sleeves just slightly too long, but other than that she was pleased to find it fit perfectly. Gwen really was a superwoman.
            She quickly got to work on the adjustments, chatting happily away to Jada as she pushed pins through the fabric. Before long, they had moved onto the nightdress, which somehow fit Jada even more comfortably than the first. She hoped she would be able to keep them both when she found her way back home, though what she’d use them for she had no idea. Maybe just to prove that she wasn’t crazy, and hadn’t imagined the whole thing.
            Eventually, Gwen finished working, and the clothes were ready at last. Tom had come home just as Jada finished changing back into her original clothes, which was particularly fortunate timing, she couldn’t help but note. She’d already undressed in front of enough people today.
            “Thanks again for everything, Gwen,” Jada said, gathering up her things. “I can give Merlin his shirt back, now.”
            “Mhm,” Gwen agreed, raising her eyebrows slightly. “How kind of him it was to let you borrow it.”
            “Yeah, bless him,” Jada replied, chuckling slightly. “I’m glad it was him that found me in the woods. And the knights, of course. I don’t know where I’d be otherwise.”
            “He seems to be just as glad,” she remarked, before her tone turned more sincere. “He’s a good person; he has a good heart.”
            “Undoubtedly,” Jada replied. She’d seen enough of Merlin to know that much.
            “I wouldn’t want to see him get hurt.”
            “Of course not.”
            Gwen seemed to be trying to get at something specific, but for the life of her, Jada couldn’t figure out what it was. “You’ll look after him, won’t you?”
            Jada frowned a little. Did Gwen know about Nimueh? “I’ll do my best, I promise,” she said, flashing a reassuring grin.
            Gwen smiled back, seeming to relax now. “Good. I’m glad.”
            Though still confused, Jada was glad that whatever worries Gwen had had had seemingly been put to rest. “Well, I should be getting back. Thanks again for all of this, I’ll repay you as soon as I can.”
            After bidding farewell to Gwen and her father, Jada headed back to the castle, taking the bundles of fabric with her.
Chapter 10 ->
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tragicotps · 2 years ago
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Excerpt from The amber spyglass: chapter 16: The intention craft
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spocksgotemotions · 1 year ago
Sorry I know I talk about babies a lot on here but I just wanna talk about my work kiddos.
But so I’m a singer, and like I don’t like to brag necessarily and like even though I think I’m good most of the time, there are still the imposter syndrome things and stuff. But one thing that always makes me feel better about it is the ways that babies stare at me when I sing to them. When a kid calms down a few seconds after I start singing and rocking them. Or there’s one Sesame Street song about the parts of the face that I’ll sing as a distraction. And while I think part of (if not most of) it is just the joy of simple music, it is nice when I’m singing a silly song and they all just want to watch me. They don’t wanna sing or anything, just listen and smile.
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cmweller · 9 months ago
A Starting Sentence a Day
"Delia had spent a dark and dreary night at the aptly-named Dourmont, where the world’s greatest heroes and highest rulers were buried or at least immortalised in marble."
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I hope I get to read more this year. It's been like 3 yrs since I read a new book n ab 2 yrs since I reread one. I'll be busy w school for a while but it would be nice to find a good book again
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sol1loqu1st · 2 years ago
WOO finally slogged through a version of chapter 17 i'm somewhat happy with
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internutter · 9 months ago
A Starting Sentence a Day
"Delia had spent a dark and dreary night at the aptly-named Dourmont, where the world’s greatest heroes and highest rulers were buried or at least immortalised in marble."
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radioactive-earthshine · 9 months ago
20 Low effort meaningful comments to leave on fics when you can’t think of anything to say that most authors love and appreciate (and you will too).
1.) Thank you for writing this!
2.) This really helped distract me from the horrors of reality, thank you for writing it!
3.) I really really really loved this.
4.) <3
5.) Literal keyboard mash q3kjt2uh0erjiurjfnejkrgnkejoiiueirnf!!!!
6.) My favorite part was when they ____.
7.) I laughed at ____.
8.) How dare you! /affectionate.
9.) I am very excited to read this story in its entirety!
10.) I really enjoyed the first __ chapters, I cannot wait for more!
11.) This gave me everything I was hoping for!
12.) 10/10 fic, thanks for writing!
13.) I am going to be thinking about this fic for a long time, thank you for writing!
14.) This made me feel a lot of emotions and I cannot describe them, so thank you for that. I really enjoyed this.
15.) This was the best ride I haven taken in a long time, wow! Thank you for writing this.
16.) If I had the ability to bind this as a real book I would, I loved it so much.
17.) I'm not good with words but I just loved this so much.
18.) This is complete perfection.
19.) I am in awe of how you described ____.
20.) This means so much to me that you wrote this. Thank you.
The more you comment, the better you will get at it and the more enjoyment and fulfillment you will received out of saying thank you.
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Book 2 Chapter 16 - Of the Tales of Swevenham
Text Audio
Richard reports back!
"What are they, save a token that folk believe that there is such a thing on earth as the Well? Yet I have made up my mind already that I would so do as if I trowed in it. So I am no nearer to it than erst.”
Old Richard kept his word and found an old acquaintance from Swevenham at the Saturday market, and Ralph did not see him again until Wednesday.[1] He was sitting in the room at the inn when Richard came back. In truth, Blaise had asked him to stay at his nice house, but Ralph declined, judging that he might be hindered in his quest and less free to go wherever he wanted if he were living with someone as important as Blaise.
Ralph was reading a book when RIchard came in, but he stood up and greeted him, and Richard said, smiling: “What have you found in that book, lord?”
“It’s about the deeds of Alexander.”[2]
“Is there anything about the Well at the World’s End in it?”
“I haven’t found anything yet,” said Ralph, “but the book does mention the Dry Tree and the kings who sit in their thrones in the mountains nearby.”
“Well then,” said Richard, “I have a better story to tell.”
“Go on,” said Ralph.[3]
So they went and sat down at the window and Richard said: “When I went to Swevenham with two of my old friends, everyone was very excited to see me and celebrated, though it would be too much to tell you all of that. To be concise: I brought the discussion around to the matter you and I were interested in. We talked about the Men of the Dry Tree and an old man said what master Clement said the other day, that their name is an allusion to the Dry Tree and they use it as their symbol, but they have no connection to the Tree itself, which Alexander the Champion saw in his journeys. That man said that the Dry Tree was on the near side of the mountains called the Wall of the World, and not far from the last of the towns where Clement is going—Clement told me that he is going to Goldburg. Then another, older man—one that I remember as a strong young man before I left Swevenham—said that this was incorrect and that the Tree was on the far side of the Wall of the World, and that anyone who got close enough to touch it was likely to drink from the Well at the World’s End. After that, another spoke up and told a story about how the champions at Hampton first took the Dry Tree as their symbol. He said that the rumor was that a woman had brought word of it to those brave men, and had given them that name, though no one knew why.[4] So the discussion went on.
“But there was an older woman sitting in the corner and we knew each other. Indeed, in my younger days when I was restless and wanted to leave, she might have kept me at Swevenham, for she was one of the friends that I loved there: a word and a kiss might have made me stay, or maybe the kiss without the word, but I had only the word and not the kiss from her.[5] Well, when the conversation lagged, she spoke up and said to me:
“‘It is a bit odd that this conversation should discuss the seeking of that which will not be found, since it was only a month before you left Swevenham that Wat Miller and Simon Bowyer set off to seek the Well at the World’s End,[6] and Alice of Queenhough went with them.[7] Simon loved her as well as he should have, and Wat loved her a bit more than he should have. Do you remember that? There are others here who remember it, too.’
“‘Yes,’ I said, ‘I remember it well.’
“For indeed, foster-son, these were those three that I had told you about, though I hadn’t mentioned their names.
“‘Well,’ I said; ‘how did that turn out? Did any of them come back?’
“‘No,’ she said, ‘not that we expected them to.’
“‘Do you know of anyone else who has gone on this quest?’
“‘Yes,’ she said, ‘I’ll tell you about it and that will be the end of the story, since no one knows it better than I do. First there was that old man, the wizard, which the people of Swevenham and nearby places would seek out for his knowledge of hidden matters; and some months after those three had departed, folk who went to see the wizard in his home in the mountains could not find him. Soon there was a rumor that he had also gone—old and week as he was—to seek the Well at the World’s End, though that may not be the case.
“‘Then the next spring after you left, Richard, Arnold Wright came back from the wars looking for Alice. When he heard what had happened, he took a bag and some food for the road, readied his spear, and went off seeking the lost and that thing which they never found—I think that was the end of him. Another year after that, I think it was, three of our men met with two knights riding eastward from Whitwall,[8] and were asked about the road to the Well, and I do not doubt they were on that quest. Furthermore (and some of you know this, though most of you probably don’t) two of our young men were traveling in the dark of night on some errand—good or bad, it matters not—on the highway thirty miles east of Whitwall. It was after harvest and the empty fields lay on either side of the road, and the moon was behind thin clouds, so that it was somewhat lighted, as they told me. They saw a woman on the road ahead of them on foot and when they came up to her, the moon came out and they saw that the woman was beautiful, and that around her neck she wore a necklace of gems that shone in the moon.[9] They wanted the jewels and the woman, but before they laid a hand on her they asked where she was coming from and where she was going. She said: From ruin and desolation to the Well at the World’s End, and then she turned to them with a bare sword in her hand, and they pulled back from her.
“‘And now listen to this: the next year, a knight came to Swevenhham and stayed in this house where we are now, and he sat over where that blond young man is over there, and the discussion went down the same road it has gone tonight, and I told him the story I just told you, and he asked many questions, but mostly about the Lady with the pair of beads.[10] The next morning, he left and we did not see him again.’
“Then she was quiet, but the young man at whom she had pointed blushed red and stared at her wide-eyed, but said nothing. So I said: ‘But then, has one else from Swevenham gone, or what happened to them?’
“She said: ‘Keep listening! Twenty years ago, a great illness came to us and the people of Whitwall, and when it was at its worst, five of our young men—remembering all the stories about the Well at the World’s End—went to go find it and swore that they would never return except if they found it and were bringing its water back to the folk of Swevenham. I suppose they kept their word, for we never saw them or the water. Well, I think that is the last I have to tell you about that, Richard. Now it’s time for you to tell your own tales.’
“So for a while, we stopped talking about the Well at the World’s End, Lord Ralph, and about the road to it. But I hung around town for a while and yesterday, as I was standing on the stone bridge and looking at the water, that tall lad with the blond hair that the woman had indicated came up to me and said: ‘Master Richard, might I give you an ending to the tale the old woman began on Sunday night?’
“‘Oh, can you?’
“Then he said: ‘You have a good knife in your belt there. Give it to me and I’ll tell you the tale.’
“‘All right,’ I said, ‘if your tale is worthy of a knife.’[11]
“Well, the end of the story that he told me was this: that in the dark of night he came upon someone on the highway in the same place where that other woman we were told about had been seen. He thought the rider was a man, or a lad rather because of their size, but when he came up close he found it was a woman, and saw that she wore a necklace of gems as well. Thinking it would easy to take it from her, he asked where she was from and where she was going, and she answered:
“‘From unrest to the Well at the World’s End.’
“Then he reached out to her and saw a great knife in her hand, at which point he left her alone; and this was only five days ago.
“So I gave the lad my knife, and figured that there was little else for me to hear in Swevenham, at least this time. In any case, I heard no more stories about the Well before I left this morning. And there it is: I have turned my bag of tales inside-out for you. But this last thing I will say: I have seen you wear a pretty pair of beads on your neck as well. Tell me where you got them.”
“From my gossip, dame Katherine,” said Ralph; “and it seems now that—although I considered the gift a minor thing except for the kindness with which it was given—she may have thought it would bring something great along with it; and there was a monk at Higham on the Way who wanted very badly to take it from me.”
“Well,” said Richard, “that may be the case; maybe it will lead you to the Well at the World’s End. But as to the tales of Swevenham, what do you think about them?”
Ralph said: “They seem to me little more than a sign that people believe that there is such a thing as the Well. But I had made up my mind already that I would look for it, whether I believed in it or not. So I am no closer to it than I was before. Now there’s nothing left to do but to wait for Master Clement’s return, and then when we are at Goldburg we will see how the quest looks from there.” He spoke so cheerfully that Richard looked sideways at him, wondering if something was up with him, or if he was planning anything.
But Ralph was thinking about that last story of the woman whom the young man had met so recently; and it seemed to him that she must have been in Whitwall when he first came there, and he hardly knew if he was sorry or not that he had missed her, for it seemed to him that being led to the Well at the World’s End by anyone but that one who had planned to take him there would be little more than grief and sorrow. Yet he longed— or thought he longed—to speak with her about the love that was in his heart—given to him so early, and then taken away so quickly. For indeed he did not doubt that the woman on the road had been the maiden of Bourton Abbas, whose image had called herself Dorothea in his dream.
[1] The original says “midweek” not “Wednesday” but I can’t imagine any other time being considered “midweek.”
[2] I’mma be real, I don’t know who this Alexander is. My first thought was Alexander the Great, but it seems weird to bring in a real historical figure and add fictional details to his life (unless Alexander the Great really did see the Dry Tree?!). My second thought was that this sounded familiar, so I ctrl+f’d “Alexander” and came up with four results in the whole story. The first mention was back in the Castle of Abundance; the room where Ralph ate had tapestries depicting “the Story of Alexander” hung up around it. I checked my notes and apparently did not make any comments about that, so that wasn’t helpful. Mentions #2 and #3 are the two times it happens in this chapter, which gives us some details about his life, but nothing really helpful, other than the fact that he’s called “Alexander the Champion” which further pushes back against the Alexander the Great theory. The fourth and final mention is way way way later, where he’s referenced as someone who is famously strong. I googled “St Alexander” and “Alexander the Champion” and got nothing. My judgment: Alexander the Champion is just part of the folklore of this world.
[3] This dialog tag is actually mistakenly assigned to Richard in the original. The line is “"Well then," said Richard, "maybe thou wilt think me the better tale-teller." "Tell on then," quoth Richard.” It’s Morris’ own fault for giving his major speakers so far the names Ralph, Roger, and Richard. Also again, I don’t think he ever edited this.
[4] This is likely the Lady, though we don’t really have any way of verifying that.
[5] By “word” he means her asking him to stay. She asked him to stay, but that alone wasn’t enough to keep him there.
[6] These two randos get first AND last names? Also, one of the shepherds Ralph met in the hill country was named “Wat.”
[7] Her being called “Alice of Queenhough” would seem to imply that she was from somewhere other than Swevenham originally, but we don’t get much information. “Queenhough” isn’t mentioned elsewhere in the story.
[8] Maybe Swevenham IS east of Whitwall? Though the men could have just been on a road nearby.
[9] “Chaplet” is used once again, which refers to rosaries but also was used to describe the necklaces worn by seekers of the Well.
[10] In this old woman’s telling, the necklaces worn by seekers of the Well are made from jewels, though I think that may be an inaccuracy in the young men’s story, since it was dark, they were up to no good, and we haven’t seen them mentioned as beads made of precious materials elsewhere (though there is some gold in the necklace). Now interestingly, the “Lady” in this sentence is capitalized (she was only referred to as a woman in the previous discussion of her). Also, these stories have been listed in order year after year from the time Richard left Swevenham. He was 18 when he left and he’s 68 now, so that would have been 50 years ago, a time which was mentioned in regards to the Lady’s rule of the Land of the Tower (possibly as its ending point). Is this sword-wielding Lady the Lady that we know? I think probably not, but maybe. The timeline is within a couple of years, both women are beautiful, and we know the Lady has used weapons before. The knight coming along afterwards would be one of the Dry Tree who swore to find her then, I guess. The issue is that the Lady went to the Well with the Teacher, and so it would be weird if she were alone on the road. Still, this story has taught us so far not to completely believe everything everyone has told us. It’s possible she lied about certain details of her life.
[11] This is such a wild interaction lol. The young man actually has a respectful line when he first approaches, but modern English lacks ways to be that deferential to old people.
[Map] No changes this time, obvs, but I’ll mention that I’m starting to use a calendar to track dates and stuff (which I should have done from the start). Because of this, I may not keep track of how time elapses on the map quite as strictly (honestly it’s hard when he stays in one place, glad we’re getting on the road again soon).
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0 notes
satowooo · 1 year ago
I said "I love you."
you say nothing back
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Falling in love with Gojo Satoru was as easy as reading the pages of your favorite book, not until you reached the very end of the chapter and the author just loves to twist the story.
contents: it was all a bet trope, angst lol, fluff, hurt!gojo, groveling, satoru gojo x fem!reader, college AU, playboy!gojo, comfort
credits to @/toOOfu for the art above!! ^^
September 1, 2023
"She looks like an easy target," Satoru chuckled as he watched you walk over to your friend, Utahime Iori, in the school cafeteria. It was one of those days when he would joke with Suguru and Shoko, with Suguru always making sure Satoru gets riled up by his joke.
Suguru simply told Satoru that girls may swoon over him, but he's sure that they're some others who probably would find him annoying, someone like you. That statement made Satoru cocky, and as prideful as he was, he made it into a bet that he'll make sure to make you fall in love with him by the end of December, enough time to swoon you over.
"We'll see about that, Satoru." Suguru smirked. "The end of December, you say?"
The latter nodded his head, a wide and annoying grin on his face. "Watch and you'll see, Suguru."
The catch? Nothing, just plain fun and feeding his ego.
"Satoru!" Oh, and here comes one of his girls. His flings.
September 2, 2023
Satoru wastes no time. The next day after making their bet, he quickly made advances towards you. After seeing you in the lockers first thing in the morning, he walked over and leaned to the locker right next to yours. And when you turned, you found him there with a smirk on his face.
"Hey, darling..." He said, almost seductively, if not only for the furrowed eyebrows in your face.
"Excuse me, who are you?" Your soft voice echoed in his head.
Now that hurts his ego. Satoru Gojo. Gojo Satoru. The handsome Satoru. The greatest. The flirt. The smartest. The playboy. The Gojo Satoru. The damn Gojo Satoru who you didn't even know who.
His mind was floating elsewhere after hearing your question. As unbelievable as it may sound, you were, unfortunately, serious about not knowing him. And guessing by the look in your face, he definitely was not making a good first impression.
First attempt: Failed.
But he's not the Gojo Satoru for nothing. No, he won't give up just yet.
So he straightened his composure, faking a cough as he flashes his smile that makes all his girls go crazy, and lowers his head to show you his ocean blue eyes underneath his glasses.
He definitely made sure you won't forget his name as he asks forces you to walk you into class, blabbering nonsense by your side.
You were just too nice to tell him to go away.
September 16, 2023
Gojo Satoru was persistent. Walking you to class, even waiting for you outside the door when he was vacant, disturbing your quiet study session at the library, sitting with you at the cafeteria table when Shoko or Suguru was not there. You definitely didn't forget his name this time as he became the annoying Gojo Satoru who's becoming a nuisance to your somewhat quiet life turned into a roller coaster.
During those days, Gojo found out things about you. You were studying at the architecture department, you like arts and coffees as for what he noticed when you were at the library, you were at the top of your class, and you have a few admirers that you turned down in a nice way possible, just like how you were turning him down too.
He also took note of the fact that you were introverted, and a little shy with people so he might just go easy on you. You had a soft voice, however, you weren't as innocent as you came out to be. You are honest with your words, so when you say you're not interested in him, then you're truly not.
You weren't an easy target after all. But Gojo Satoru loved the thrill, you challenged him so much that he wasn't about to give up now that you intrigued him. He wanted to prove to himself that he can get anyone, he can have whatever he wants, and he definitely will.
"It's raining, it won't hurt to get in my car, princess." He said nearly in your ears. You pushed his face away with a look of disgust.
"No way, Gojo. You probably took so many girls in there already, and how can I be so sure you won't do anything bad?" You frowned at him, shoving his chest away as you stand outside the doors of your building, waiting for the rain to stop. You were angry, but damn you can't even raise your voice at him.
Soft. Too damn soft. Can he break you?
Through the days that he came by to woo you, it didn't matter anymore what words came out of your mouth. People may see you as the shy type of girl, but you're not afraid to voice out your opinion, and your somewhat intimidating face speaks a lot for you.
"Jealous?" He laughed when you glared at him. "Princess, I can assure you I haven't taken anyone inside my car. Plus, I can even buy a new one exclusively just for you if it bothers you too much." He grinned, annoyingly.
You gave him a moment of silence, and that sparked a new hope in Satoru's ego that you might be considering his offer now.
"Well... no."
But he could only smirk, assuming you were only playing hard to get. Girls always liked when boys chase after them, no?
"I'll walk you home then."
You shot daggers at his back as he ran to his car, and came back with an umbrella. His shirt got a bit soaked, hair a little wet after running to the car, but damn, he still got that annoying smirk on his face.
You sighed, how annoying.
September 29, 2023
He never gave up despite how you rejected him multiple times. He stuck by your side even though you don't want him to, and he was somehow getting into your system. He carries your bag when he walks you to class, or just about anywhere, and you didn't even give your bag to him—he practically forced you. He'd buy you coffee in the morning, making sure he gets the right order, and when you give money to pay, he'd refuse and shove the money back in your wallet. Sometimes, he'd give you sweets even if you don't ask him to, giving you the flavors that he likes the most.
Funny how you can't even get him to stop whatever he's trying to do. No man has ever pursued you like he does.
"That's Satoru for you, love." He cut you off with a playful smile. "Haven't I told you already?"
"Gojo." You repeated seriously. His eyes glinted with interest as he waited for your words. "Get lost, please."
How nice of you to say please.
He laughs. He had the audacity to laugh. "You know, you're really cute."
"Look," you sighed tiredly. "Whatever this is you're trying to do, stop. I'm not interested. If you want to get into my pants like you did to those other girls, that's not going to happen."
With one look at him, you snatched your bag from him and walked away with your heart beating loudly. Your face was heating up after saying each word, and never in your life have you turned someone down so harshly.
Satoru watched as you walked away. Sure, that hurt his pride, but he can't let his ego step on so easily.
He left you alone during the day, just giving you the space since he seemed to have pushed your buttons a bit. Plus, he was busy with basketball practice since his coach was already nagging him for not attending their training.
However, your assumptions were only proved to be true when you caught him with a girl at the parking lot the same day. A cheerleader, stroking his chest as if she was comforting him as her other hands wiped his sweat with a towel. You looked at his physique, Satoru Gojo was in his basketball uniform, showing a lot of his biceps. You watched as his adam's apple protruding as he drank his water.
You felt annoyed. Your eyes turning red when you see just how he didn't mind the cheerleader. Of course, Gojo Satoru was a playboy.
Who cares? You definitely didn't.
That's what you thought.
You walked in the opposite direction, just so you wouldn't cross paths. But of course, Gojo Satoru will always see you. After all, he was at the parking lot waiting just for you, and only you.
"Wait up!" You heard his voice from behind, and you didn't even look back, thinking he wasn't calling out for you. You wished he was calling for you.
Satoru grabbed your wrist, and forced you to look at him. "Hey!"
Your brows furrowed, trying to yank your wrist away at his strong hold. "What do you want?"
"Woah... slow down." He said as he grasped your elbows with both hands. His eyes searched yours, his piercing blue eyes staring at the raging fire burning in your gaze. "What's wrong?"
You swear, your brows almost met each other at him. But you didn't want to burst. At least, not in front of him. "Go back to your cheerleader, Gojo." You frowned at him.
He observed you for a minute, then a small smile crept on his lips. Realizing just how much he's finally having an effect on you.
"Sorry," he chuckled.
"What?!" You almost shout at him in annoyance.
"I said, I'm sorry, princess." He repeated. "I didn't think of you as the jealous type. Plus, she was just helping me."
"Help you what? Wipe off your sweat? Since you don't have the hands to do it for yourself?" You glared at his annoying handsome face. "You playboy. I knew you were just trying to play with me." You said, pushing his chest with your pointer finger.
He pursed his lips as he caught your wrist, stopping you. "Now, now, don't think like that." He chuckled. "I'm sorry, I'll be sure to push those girls away so you won't be mad at me anymore."
And damn, he was true to his words. He didn't know what got into him, but he definitely started rejecting every girl that came his way. He didn't even feel sorry, and he even stopped calling those poor girls with sweet endearments as he rejected them.
Gojo Satoru was slowly starting to feel something for you. But he doesn't even know it just yet.
In a span of a month, he successfully got into your system.
October 6, 2023
"How's the deal going?" Suguru asked as they walked together to their class.
"Poor girl, I heard from people that she's nice." Shoko added, shaking her head at them. "Though people may see her as intimidating, they said she's really kind. A soft voice, and all that. Shouldn't you stop, Satoru?"
"Nah, I think I'm enjoying this." Satoru shrugged.
Of course, Satoru definitely felt something tugging at his heart. He definitely liked having you around, since you were giving just the right thrill to rile him up, he loved every rejection, and every attention you gave him. But somehow, he was feeling a little guilty. But he's too prideful to even admit that.
"Plus, she's friends with Utahime. That girl hates you a lot, Satoru." Shoko said. "You wouldn't want to hurt her best friend."
October 13, 2023
"Didn't I tell you to call me Satoru?" He raised his eyebrows at you as he accompanied you in the library, placing a coffee and a small cookie right next to your books.
"We're not friends, Gojo."
"Right, since you're going to be my girlfriend."
You shot him a look, sighing as you turned the pages of your book. "What do you want this time?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to spend time with my favorite person." He smiled, opening his books too. "I'll study with you. I promise, I'll be quiet."
You didn't respond to that, just expecting him to keep his words. And when he did stay silent like he promised, you were already thanking god for having to hear your prayers.
As the hours went by, you slowly fell asleep, your head resting in your arms as your books laid discarded. Satoru looked at you, a small smile crept on his face as he gently stroked your hair.
He stood up, organizing your books in a pile, taking your pencil case as he shoved your pens in them and putting it inside your bag, he got the empty cup of coffee that he got for you and threw it in the trash can, and he did it all so as to not wake you. He waited for a few hours, tenderly watching you doze off, before he tapped your shoulders to wake you up so he could take you home.
October 18, 2023
Maybe Satoru felt guilty now.
He twists and turns in his bed, thinking of you and how you put up with him everyday. And everything you do, never escape in his eyes as he finds himself memorizing you.
You'd smile at him nicely, despite how your eyes show how annoyed you were.
Your feet would tap the floor when you get too nervous.
You don't even know but you unconsciously hold a piece of fabric in his shirt when it gets too crowded, hiding behind him when there's a lot of people.
He notices how your hands move gracefully as you trace your art project, eyes furrowed and focus on getting your work done.
Truthfully, he adores your smiles. The way your eyes would squint every time your lips stretch in delight. He held your hands once at his attempt of flirting, and it was so soft that he couldn't even get himself to let go. He loved playing with your soft, silky hair whenever you fell asleep in the library, staying by your side until you woke up. He also loved your silence, the comforting atmosphere that you give off seems to calm something in his heart. When he manages to get a proper conversation with you, he just wants to melt every time he hears your sooting voice.
And nervously, he thinks he's starting to like you.
October 23, 2023
Slowly, Satoru became a part of your day. Somehow, he managed to finally be friends with you, and still, you refused to call him Satoru, indicating that you still cannot allow yourself to be casual with him.
That's fine. He can settle for whatever you can give him. For now.
"Baby, there's a basketball game coming up this Friday..." Satoru trailed off. You were almost going to point out his endearment, but then again, it's Satoru, and you were slowly getting used to him.
"What?" You asked. "So?"
"I bought you tickets so you can watch. It's two tickets, so you can bring your friend."
He didn't even ask if you wanted to, but then again, for a hundredth time, it's Satoru. He wanted you to watch his game, nonetheless.
And you did. Your seat being close to their benches so he can see you easily.
October 27, 2023
"Seriously? I'm about to watch our school's basketball game, because Gojo Satoru invited you?" Utahime said annoyed as you both sat at your assigned seats.
"Well... yes..." You said shyly, looking around at the amount of people in the stadium. "You know, we've been hanging out a lot–"
"I told you, he's bad news." Utahime cut you off. "How am I supposed to get that in your head?"
"I know, I know... But he's actually been nice. Haven't you notice?"
Utahime thought for a moment. Of course, she noticed some changes. Gojo Satoru seemed to be spending his time with you lately. He didn't even care about his ex flings, or his admirers, he was solely focused on you. Usually, Gojo would take a girl wrapped around his fingers in a day, and then disposing them just as quick after he got what he wanted. He looks like he's not like that to you, Utahime thought. Though, she hated his guts, Utahime knew you were enjoying having him around.
She sighed, "Just... don't get hurt, okay?"
You chuckled at her. "Why would I?"
After the game ended, with your school cheering loudly at winning, Utahime said she had to go home quickly, so you were left alone.
You didn't know what to do, or where to go. Satoru was busy with his teammates, talking and congratulating each other. Satoru wanted to go to you quickly, but his fans surrounded him, stopping him from going your way as they celebrated their victory.
Satoru knew too well that you didn't like the crowd, so he was trying hard to escape from it.
Your eyes watched as his fans congratulated him, asking for pictures, and even giving him gifts. You sighed, texting him that you'll be going home since he wasn't about to finish anytime soon.
You understood that he was famous, and all that. He's Satoru Gojo, after all. And it's another part of him that you're still not used to.
A part of you was proud of him. And you couldn't possibly be selfish about him, especially if you only recently got to know him.
Satoru hurriedly ran away from the crowd, excusing himself politely as he saw you walking through the exit doors. He got his bag, and ran to catch up to you.
Thanks to his long legs, and his intense basketball training, he was able to catch up to you quickly. "Hey!" He called.
You turned as you heard his voice, seeing his disheveled hair and sweaty forehead as he ran to you. "Gojo, hey, I texted you and–"
"Hey..." He greeted, panting heavily.
You pursed your lips, getting a handkerchief from your pocket so you can wipe the sweat off his face. "Why did you leave them? Everyone was celebrating with you."
"You weren't there." He frowned. "What's the point of it..."
Satoru was tired after the game, but he was regaining his strength once he saw you.
"Nonsense." You chuckled, in which he frowned even more.
"I'll take you home." He said as he holds your hand to his, leading you to his car. "I invited you anyway, it's my responsibility to take care of you."
You nodded, getting in his car since you had been tired from all the crowd.
When he reached your home, he quickly got off so he could open the door for you.
Oh, the little things that he does.
You both stand outside of your house awkwardly, both trying to find the right words to say. You looked away, tapping your feet nervously as Satoru watches you.
"Congratulations... Satoru."
Satoru... Satoru... Satoru... His name never felt so good until you said it. It was like an achievement, a big prize that he won in his life. And his heart was almost about to explode when you finally called him by his name.
Satoru almost stuttered thanks to you. Slowly, he was approaching you until your back leaned in his car.
He closed his eyes, as his head fell on your shoulders. "Say that again... please?"
"Huh?" You were confused, your face blushing at the proximity. "Congratulations?"
"No... say my name... please, baby?"
His voice was so soft, desperately asking you to say the words he longed to hear from you. Satoru felt weak in his knees.
He looked up at you finally, his eyes searching your soul. Despite the darkness of the night, his eyes were glowing brighter than the moon.
Satoru Gojo knew he's in danger.
The moment he locked eyes with your eyes, looking at them until it darted on your lips. Before he knew it, he was leaning down for a kiss.
And fuck it, just how dangerous it was that you weren't even pulling away.
October 28, 2023
You were confused when you saw Satoru at your front door the next morning, his hands holding a bouquet of flowers. He looked absolutely handsome in his shirt, his sleeves tucked until his elbow.
You blush when you remember what happened last night. "Satoru, what are you doing here? It's a Saturday."
"I know," he said, handing you the bouquet of tulips. "I missed you."
"Will you allow me to take you out on a date?"
His heart was at bliss when you said yes to him. It was a simple coffee shop date, but you felt so happy as he made sure you were also comfortable and having fun. Having casual talks with you, but this time, there was a lying affection between you two.
And when he took you home, he slowly sealed your lips in a kiss. Exploring your mouth gently, smiling as he pulled away.
October 30, 2023
Satoru finally told Suguru he wants to stop whatever game they started with each other.
"Just about time you do."
Satoru swears he felt his ears heat up when Suguru said those words with a teasing grin. Shoko was laughing at his flushed state, clapping her hands in delight.
"Ah! I knew it!" She exclaimed. "Knew you were going to fall on your own trap. Well, that's actually good."
Satoru blushed even more. Finally, he can admit that he was starting to like you. Love you even.
In all honesty, he felt like he couldn't even live without you in his life. He felt like every moment with you was precious, and he was desperate to make you his, seriously this time.
All those times that he accompanied you to class, were influenced by his own choice. He could've just left you alone some days, but he didn't even know he was doing all those things unintentionally. Buying you snacks, and your coffee, he could've easily stopped that after every rejection, but he chose not to.
Gojo Satoru wanted to always be a part of your day. He was already a part of your present, and he wants to be there in your past, and still be in your future.
November 3, 2023
Satoru, as usual, was eating lunch with you in the cafeteria. Everyone in the school knew by now that he was not entertaining anyone anymore, just you. And he made it that obvious, looking at you so lovingly everyone who passed by would've looked at you in envy.
"Why aren't you with Shoko and Suguru?" You asked as you take a sip of your coffee. You looked over to the table where his friends sat, both busy at whatever conversation they had.
"They don't mind." Satoru replied, scooting closer in your seat. "You should get used to it by now."
"To what?"
"Sitting with you during lunch." He smiled when you looked away. "I like being with you."
Your mind wandered off somewhere when he said that. Does he like you or does he like the company that you give?
November 10, 2023
Satoru was frowning at you when he saw you sitting with another guy in the library. At your usual spot, in his seat, in front of you. He was annoyed that someone even had the guts to make a move to you.
Slowly, with heavy steps, he approached your table, sitting at the vacant chair next to you. His hands wrapped itself between your waist, as his jealousy pulled him to kiss your cheek in front of your innocent classmate.
"Baby..." He whispered closely in your ear. "I was looking for you."
He looked in front to shoot daggers at the guy you were with. The innocent stranger blushed as he looked away, "Uh... I guess I'll see you tomorrow. I'll message you if I need help."
The guy hurried on his feet, stumbling as he exited the library. Satoru's arms tighten on your waist and you looked at his angry face.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Who is he and why is he going to message you?" A frown was evident in his face, and he was getting a little too close. You had never seen him this intimidated.
"That's my partner for a group project, idiot." You muttered the last word. "You scared him off."
Satoru pulled you close, nuzzling his nose against your temple. "It's annoying..."
"What's annoying?"
Satoru cursed under his breath, "Come on, I'll take you out to dinner."
But while he was driving, it was painfully silent. You're not used to this kind of mood, he was always playful and teasing, but now, he was glaring ahead at the car in front of him, as if the car did something wrong.
His knuckles were white on the steering wheel, and for some reason, you find yourself putting your hands above his, running circles on his tensed ones.
His hold loosened up a bit, and he sighed heavily.
"Tell me, what's wrong, Satoru."
Satoru pulled over to the side, facing you with a nervous face. "I'm sorry..."
"For what?"
"I was... jealous." He answered truthfully. He frowned, not liking the feeling twisting in his stomach. "I've never felt this before, baby. I want to keep you to myself, to always have you by my side and not anyone else, and it's so selfish that I hate myself for it. You're driving me crazy, and fuck it, I love you. I love you for making me like this. You don't understand... I'm head over heels–"
You interrupted him with a kiss. Satoru didn't even realize that he was already confessing, not until he felt your mouth against his.
It felt like there were fireworks exploding in your surroundings. Feels like he was finally breathing for the first time ever. Like the summer melting his winter.
"I love you too, Satoru."
He felt like dying right then and there, cupping your cheeks in a hungry kiss. Pulling you to his lap as you both make out in his car.
"Can I be your boyfriend?"
How can he be so cute, muttering those words weakly underneath you?
His question was not even a 'will you be my girlfriend' but a 'can i be your boyfriend?'
It was so cute. He was asking you your permission, he was asking to be yours.
He was... surrendering his heart to you.
And who were you to deny him?
November 20, 2023
You found out Gojo Satoru is a clingy man. It was obvious, the first time that he never left you alone, but this time, it only got worse, in a good way though.
He holds your hand when you're together, not even caring when girls would look at the two of you jealously. He doesn't care if a teacher sees him snuggling his face against your neck, he just wants to be that close to you. He will ask for a cuddle every time you two spend your time in your house. He would dart his tongue out teasingly at Shoko and Suguru when all of you sat at the same table, and he was hugging your waist and leaning his head on your shoulder. And when you two are in a private space, especially his car, he'd pull you in his lap for a long make out session.
You weren't even complaining, since you loved him just as much.
"Utahime!" You smiled when you saw your best friend in the cafeteria. "Haven't seen you in a while."
Utahime gave out a tired sigh. "I know, the professor is always giving out so many tasks, I might pass out anytime soon." She chuckled. "How are you? You and Gojo? He's like a lovesick puppy always sticking by your tail."
You chuckled. "That's so exaggerated, Utahime... But I'm really really happy."
Utahime was glad to hear her only best friend was this happy. She was thanking god that Gojo finally decided to be serious over a girl for once, and if he ever just breaks your heart, she'd be so sure to be the first to kick his ass.
December 4, 2023
"You're still with her?" Gojo's ex flings, Jia, asked him during his basketball training. Jia was the cheerleader girl that you saw him with in the parking lot, the fling that Satoru had for a month, longer than usual. He already rejected her, but she's still desperately trying to get with him.
"Of course, I am." He muttered, annoyingly. He snatched the towel that she was holding, her attempt to help him wipe his sweat. "Jia, I already told you–"
"Isn't she just a bet?"
Satoru froze, as if a bucket of ice was dropped all over his body. Her voice rang in his head, and he blinked furiously a few times.
"She's not–"
"But I heard you and Geto." Jia smirked, knowing she was just pushing the right buttons. "Come on, you were at the cafeteria, were you not expecting someone to hear you? I was pitying her when I saw the poor girl slowly starting to–"
"Whatever you heard, Jia, is none of your business." Satoru said in a cold-hearted tone. "I love her. Get that in that little brain of yours." He scoffed, walking away.
Jia was furious, her eyes turning black in anger. Oh, she wanted to hurt you. She was the last fling of Satoru, and just because of you, he was acting like this. She didn't like the fact that you easily stole him from her.
December 13, 2023
The fall. The breaking point.
Suguru was having a party in his house, a public year-end party with a few of his college friends and blockmates, everyone was invited to have fun. Satoru took you with him, making sure to just stay by your side so you won't get lost at the sea of people.
"How are you two holding up?" Suguru approached you two, handing a cup to Satoru. "You two having fun?"
You nodded your head quietly. "Yeah... there's a lot of people. Are they all from our university?"
"Some are outsiders," Suguru chuckled. "Satoru, we're about to play by the pool. We'll wait for you there."
Satoru nodded, pulling you by the waist as Suguru left. "You okay, baby? Do you want to go home?"
You shake your head, "No, no, it's fine. We can stay a bit more."
"Mhmm, just tell me if you get tired, okay?"
You two walked together to the backyard, where the swimming pool was at. It was a bit crowded, but definitely fewer than inside Suguru's house. Shoko was there, a few of Suguru's friends, and Satoru's basketball teammates. They were all passing out their drinks, mixing whatever liquor was there.
Everyone said hi to Satoru, even to you. You watched silently as a few of his friends talked to him.
"Satoru, I'll go to Shoko first." You whispered above the noise. He turned his head at you, stopping his conversation with his friends.
"What? I'll go with you then–"
"No, it's fine, Shoko's just there." You said, pointing at Shoko who was lighting a cigarette right next to Suguru. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."
Satoru nodded reluctantly as he let you approach Shoko and Suguru, turning back to his friends, glancing at you once in a while.
But when he wasn't looking, Jia just had the perfect timing to enter the scene, stopping you midway.
"Oh, it's Satoru's little toy." Jia slurred her words. You looked at her confused as she looked at you judging. "He's still not breaking up with you? He wants to hurt you that bad, huh?" She chuckled.
You were trying to assess her words. You recognized her as the cheerleader Satoru was with last time, and her aura and words were making you nervous. What was she trying to say? What did she mean by that?
Satoru saw you, and his breath hitch when he saw who you are with. He looked over at Shoko and Suguru, who both stood up to approach you, but Jia was already taking advantage of you being alone.
"Poor girl," she frowned teasingly. "I'm pretty sure Satoru didn't want to go too far with the bet."
"Bet?" Your voice came out hoarse. You looked over at Jia's shoulder, where Shoko and Suguru stood frozen in their spot, their eyes widened in horror, and it gave you just enough explanation about what's happening.
"Oh, they were just betting about how Satoru can make you fall in love 'til December." She laughed wickedly. "I'm sorry, honey, you had to find out this way, but really, I was feeling sorry that I have to tell you–"
Her words were cut short when you felt a hand on your wrist. And you turned to see Satoru, his eyes red and shaking, "Baby..."
"Satoru? Was that true?" You looked into his eyes, hopeful. Your eyes welled up in tears, and his silence just made it worse. His hold on you was trembling, and he couldn't even say the right words out of his mouth.
You looked at Suguru and Shoko, your eyes pleading. "Shoko? Suguru?"
Another silence. It's like something was pulling the strings of your heart, threatening to cut your lifeline. And it hurt so much when they couldn't even say something.
You heaved a gasp, trying to stop a sob to escape your lips. But you failed miserably as Satoru tried to pull you in his embrace. "Let me explain–"
You pushed him away furiously, eyes angrily glaring at him. "Explain? Explain what?! That what she said was true?!"
Satoru's hands balled in a fist, and he felt his eyes burning as you pushed him away from his touch. His heart aches when you look at him full of hatred, and hurt. He felt his world slowly crumbling apart when you ran away in a hurry.
You quickly called Utahime, asking her to pick you up as soon as possible. While Satoru stood there helpless, his feet glued to the ground. He looked at Suguru, his eyes searching for help.
All of you were equally shocked, and nervous.
"Fucking go after her, Satoru!" Shoko shouted as she pulled Jia's hair. "Fucking bitch!"
The latter cried, but Satoru couldn't care less as Suguru pushed him to move. As fast as he could, he ran outside the door of Suguru's house, walking past every dancing body, he didn't even care if he crashed into someone, he just wanted to get to you.
And when he found you walking by the sidewalk, his heart started crying at your panicked state. He approached you, holding your wrist to stop you from walking any further.
"Let's talk, please–"
"Let go of me!"
"Let's talk, baby. Let's talk this out." He pleaded desperately, hands grasping your shoulders to stop you from moving.
Your body trembled against him, hands covering your face as you tried to stop your tears from falling continuously. "I hate you."
"I know you do–"
"Fucking jerk."
"I know, I know–"
"Don't touch me!" You burst, pushing him away harshly. His heart crashed into pieces, his breath coming out shallow and slow. Just like you, he was crying just as bad. "I knew! I knew from the very start you were up to no good! Utahime warned me, my friends warned me! But fuck you! I thought you actually cared! I thought you loved–"
"I love you, baby..." He said, weakly.
"You lying skim! I thought you changed!"
"Please, baby, let's talk about this when we're not angry? Please?" He tried to reach out for you, but his heart felt like it was losing its strength when you back away.
"I don't want to see you–"
"N-no, you don't mean that..." His voice came out as a whisper, a desperate plea for you to listen to him. "I'll take you home, we'll talk, okay? I'll explain and–"
"There's no use, Gojo."
Cruel. How cruel of you to say his last name so coldly. It was a sign that Satoru refused to look at. A sign that you were tired, that you want to let this go already.
His beautiful blue eyes seemed to lose its life, the same way that he was losing you. One moment, you were there by his side, and now... you looked at him as if you wanted to get him out of your life.
And it hurt so bad. It hurt so bad when he tried to touch you, but you still furiously backed away.
"I love you." His voice cracked, looking at you weakly. His hands shake by his side, fighting the urge to reach out for you.
You breathed heavily, shaking your head at him as you said nothing back. You clenched your teeth, not wanting to let him hear your sobs. You're starting to pity yourself, of how stupid you had become. You should've listened to Utahime the first time.
December 14, 2023
Satoru had never felt this lifeless before. Even Shoko and Suguru couldn't help him as he refused to talk to any of them.
His eyes were searching for you everywhere in the cafeteria, but to his dismay, you never showed up the whole day, not even in your classes. He wanted to ask Utahime when he saw her walking down the hallways, but the girl only glared at him as she walked passed. And Gojo was just as helpless as ever.
He messaged and called you a few times, but you didn't answer. He wanted to go to your house, but he can't even find the courage to do it.
December 15, 2023
Satoru finally saw you after a day of absence. You looked tired, and he was mentally cursing at himself for making you like this. He was starting to hate himself, and he's not going to forgive himself anytime soon.
Satoru tried to approach you, but you didn't even dare look him in the eye. He bit his lower lip, trying his hardest to stabilize his breathing. Just like he usually does, he walks you to class, only a few steps behind this time.
Fine, he'll settle for this. He'll give you the space you needed first before anything else.
At the cafeteria, he didn't see you once again. That worried him as he left Shoko and Suguru to look for you. The first place he thought of was the library, and he was glad to see you there.
You glanced up from your book, feeling someone staring at you. And you were right as your eyes met with Satoru, and your heart ached as your brows furrowed at him.
You looked away, trying not to be affected.
All throughout the day, Satoru thought of you and your last interaction. Every time the memory flashed in his mind, he wanted to punch himself. Hurt himself twice as much.
He fucked up so bad, and he wanted to make it up to you.
So he finally had the courage to wait outside your classroom's door after his class, waiting for the professor to dismiss everyone. He didn't waste anymore time as he got by your side quickly when you walked out the door.
Your name rolled out his tongue slowly, and you stopped dead on your track.
"I'll t-take you home..." He stuttered, his eyes searching yours for any emotion. But your eyes were dead, not even a single anger, or love for him in there.
"I'm fine, Gojo. You can go away–"
"I'm not going away."
You turned to him furiously. It was like you two are back to square one, to the first time you two met, and no one should ever forget that Gojo Satoru was persistent. But this time, two hearts were breaking and in a need to mend.
"P-please, let's talk–"
You didn't respond as you walked away fast, but damn his legs for always being able to keep up with you. Despite how Satoru took the hint that you don't want to talk to him, he still didn't care. It didn't matter to Satoru if he couldn't take you home with his car, he'll walk with you instead, like how he used to.
He'll be quiet. He just wants to be with you.
December 16, 2023
You hated Saturday classes. And you hate it even more that Satoru Gojo was tailing you behind. Trying his best to get you to talk to him.
"Don't call me that."
He coughed awkwardly, blinking his tears away. "You didn't eat lunch today again, let me take you–"
"Cut the crap, Gojo."
He gulped when you looked at him, with hatred in your eyes.
Maybe, just maybe he can settle for this. Look at him. Just look at him. At least look at him, even if you don't want to love him anymore. It's fine. He understands. Just look at him.
"Stop with the act already. I'm so tired of it. I'm so tired of you."
"I'm sorry..." He muttered against his breath. "But I can't. Not until you listen to me." Not until you take him back.
"There's nothing for you to explain anymore, Gojo. I've had enough, and I get it. I understand as bright as day that it was just a game–"
"It's fucking not." He gritted his teeth. As much as he didn't want to be harsh, he was so desperate in wanting you to lend your ears to him. "It wasn't a game for me. And I did love you. I fucking love you still. Yes, it was a bet at first, but I told Suguru that I wanted to stop. He knows just how much I love you. Shoko knows. Fucking everyone knows at this point. Why can't you just listen to me?"
He catches his breath as he finishes voicing out his words. But no, you were a little hard in the head. You wouldn't believe him that fast. You didn't want to hurt your heart again.
"I don't love you."
You didn't know what gave you the urge to say that. It wasn't really true, but the wrong words seem to be the only right words to cut it out.
If Satoru's heart is already breaking, he was sure it is now turning into ashes. You're a liar, he tried to convince himself. You love him, and he's not about to give up just yet.
December 18, 2023
You can hurt Satoru how much you want, but that will never stop him from loving and chasing after you.
Another frustrated sigh came out from you when he left a cookie on your table to your first class, with a note saying, 'I love you. Don't forget to eat.' with his name underneath and a heart. You didn't even know how he managed to put these on your table so early in the morning, and your heart just wants to surrender.
But no, you're not.
So, even if it comes out too heartless, you offered the cookie to the person next to you as you crumpled the note, throwing it away inside your bag so no one would see it.
During lunch, Satoru saw you at your usual table, and tried to sit with you. But you got up in a hurry, pulling Utahime who just got back from the bathroom with you.
Being angry at him is one thing, but avoiding him? No, he can't take that. He'd rather have you stay mad at him, scream and hurt him verbally, even slap him if you want, but giving him the cold shoulder was you telling him that he doesn't exist in your world anymore. Satoru's heart is barely living at this point.
Satoru cursed to himself, standing up and going back to Shoko and Suguru who looked at him with a sad smile.
"Give it time, Satoru."
But time doesn't seem to be on his side.
And fate doesn't get along with you on your most desperate days as you watched the rain poured down once again. It was like deja vu. Standing outside the building, waiting for the rain to stop so you can go home.
But the rain was falling a little too harsh, and you know it's not about to stop anytime soon. It was like the rain also had a turmoil within itself, crying heavily just the same way your heart did.
You hate yourself for always forgetting an umbrella as you take a step, lifting your bag to your head, as you let the rain soak your clothes. It's the last day of school today anyway, you're finally taking your Christmas vacation tomorrow, and it wouldn't hurt to get sick for a few days.
Unbeknownst to you, Satoru comes to the rescue at the right time.
He held an umbrella as he ran after you, being careful as he strides so he won't trip on his feet.
He called your name, stopping shortly when he finally got you under the umbrella and pulling you close by the waist.
"I'll take you home." He shouted above the rain.
Your body trembled in the cold, and Satoru was embracing you like he used to. He didn't even mind if you got his clothes wet. But you still have the guts to push him away. "No! I can go home by myself!"
"Stop being stubborn!" Despite holding you with one hand, his other hand holding the umbrella, he still managed to keep you on your feet, his hand squeezing your waist tightly.
"Stop it!"
"Let go of me!"
"You're going to get sick!"
"I don't fucking care!"
"No, I'll take you home–"
"Gojo Satoru!"
Satoru gave up as you writhed from his embrace. He dropped his umbrella, using both his hands to grab your waist, and kissing you in the rain.
His tongue was invading, seeking every corner of your mouth desperately. Fuck, he missed this. He missed you so much. And he didn't even care if the rain was slowly ruining his hair and clothes, as long as he had you right here in his arms.
It was a dangerous dance underneath the cold waters beneath the rain. Two lovers, hopelessly trying to heal their broken hearts. Their lips tangled together like it was their last chance to be like this again.
"I'll take you home..."
How did you let yourself become weak for him?
You handed him a towel as both of you entered your home. Despite how upset you are with him, you couldn't possibly just leave him wet by the rain and catch a cold. You were just being nice, you said to yourself. It's not because of your affection towards him, you're just being a helpful woman who still has a heart so you invited him into your house. Thats it, that's all there is, perhaps.
Before you can leave him, Satoru holds your hand, electrifying the two of you to stop you from your tracks. You tried to look at him in the eye, but it was impossible. Satoru doesn't even try to hide how much he's hurting in front of you, and that just doubles the pain that you're feeling right now.
"Let's talk..." He said weakly. "Please? I'm not leaving if we don't talk."
"Satoru, please, just let it go..."
"No," he shakes his head stubbornly. "You mean so much to me."
Your breath hitched as he pulled you close, cupping your cheeks with both hands as he leaned his forehead against yours.
"It's true, we did make a bet..." He closed his eyes, the words falling in his mouth felt like daggers shot straight to his heart. "And I hate myself for it. For being a prideful jerk who wanted to prove he can have whoever he wants, and hurting you in the process..."
Satoru breathed heavily, his hands rubbing circles on your cheek. "Before I knew it, I was down badly on my knees. I wanted you. I love you. I wanted to spend each and every waking moment with you. And I told Suguru, and Shoko, that I wanted to stop whatever game we agreed upon, so I can start loving you truthfully..."
"And I felt so alive, baby. When you told me you love me too, when you let me be your boyfriend, when you finally accepted my love for you. Fuck, I can die a happy man. I just... love you. I love being loved by you. I love it when you let me love you. I love it when you do nothing and it just drives me wild. I love it every time I see your eyes looking at me. I love hearing your voice, seeing you smile, and love it even more when you let me hold your hand! I love every single piece of your soul, and I want you. I want to always be with you. My heart aches for you, baby... please..."
He was crying. Oh, god, he was crying as he confessed everything to you. And you swear your heart wants to come out from your chest.
Your heart was swelling, he was mending your bruises, healing your scars in every word he uttered. Your tears were falling nonstop, and your hands quiver to place it above his.
"Satoru..." You sobbed, looking at his helpless blue eyes who'd been crying buckets as well. "I hate the fact that I love you so much."
Satoru heaved a gasp as he pulled you to his embrace, sealing you in a wet kiss. Somehow, it didn't even feel cold anymore now that you have your arms around him again.
His face settled on your neck, and he was catching his breath. He ran his hands in your hair, holding you tight as if he was afraid to let you go.
"Don't leave me again..."
"I won't. I promise." You let out a low chuckle. This time, you cupped his cheek so he could look at you. "I love you so much, Satoru. I'm so sorry for hurting you."
"I deserved it." He smiled. Finally, he was smiling at you. "And I love you more."
Satoru made sure he's not letting you escape this time. Everyday, he's going to make it up to you. He's going to tell you how much he loves you, and he's going to make sure you'll never even forget it until you fall asleep. He's going to love you like it's breathing, and he promised to himself he's going to love you until the next lifetime.
i know i said I'll do the part 2 of my Suguru fic, but im so sorry this was in my head for ages 😭 i promised ill start part 2 in a while... anyways, thanks for reading! its not proofread so im sorry for any typographical errors and spelling ^^
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therandompagesblog · 5 months ago
SKZ Mate Book 1
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Going from one werewolf pack to another. There's no turning back now, not when you know what you left behind. A dangerous situation is now replaced with something less sinister. Can Y/N learn to trust another group of werewolves?
This fanfiction may include distressing themes so please read with caution. MDNI All rights belong to the author. I own the created characters and plots to make this fanfiction. The themes DO NOT REPRESENT the real people. It is a dark romance themed fanfic!
⚠️ Omegaverse, A/B/O, Marking, Biting, Mating, Blood play, Mentions of Assault, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Torture, VERY SMUTTY, Misogyny, Anxiety, Depression, Angst, Fluff, M/M/F, Possessive SKZ, Cursing, Pet Names, Humiliation, Kinks, Gaslighting, Sexism, Dom/Sub dynamics, Threesome, Foreplay, Begging ⚠️
Before starting I would like to give a MASSIVE SHOUT OUT to these amazing works of art. These people's works inspired me to write my own A/B/O. So please also check their works out.
@ot8xbangchansgirlsblog The heart of the pack 12/10!!!! An addictive read. It was also the first ever A/B/O I encountered, but I love how pure it is and the romantic mxm involvement! And Idol SKZ!!! PLEASE JUST READ IT!!!!!
@doitforbangchan All Bark and No Bite 12/10!! The SMUT blew my mind. The dynamics between the reader and Straykids were incredible. Overall iconic and is a MUST read.
@last-words-ofashootingstar Allure 12/10!!! Made me feel a certain type of way. Felt like a sinner for reading it. Absolutely loved Seonghwa being a menace. Another definite read!!
@felixsramen Yours Truly 12/10!!!! Love poly stray kids with fem reader. Its such a wholesome read and I love love love it!!! Please read it!!! (Not A/B/O related but needs to be recognised)
@jakeys-layla Fanfiction Recommendations 12/10!!!! Has all the recommendations for you From A/B/O to historical and royalty fanfictions. Her account is a lifesaver and she's still recommending.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 ⚠️💦
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 ⚠️💦
Chapter 16 ⚠️❗
Chapter 17 ⚠️‼️
Chapter 18 ⚠️‼️
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 ⚠️💦
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 ⚠️
Chapter 25 ⚠️
Book 2 is here.
Feeling Inspired by my fanfiction. Go ahead and write your own. Any ideas, concepts or themes used please credit me accordingly© If you are unsure message me, I definitely do not bite 💙
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animusrox · 19 days ago
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TOP 10
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62.    The Devil’s Bath 63.    The Bikeriders 64.    Sasquatch Sunset 65.    The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim 66.    Monkey Man 67.    Last Straw 68.    Abigail 69.    Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga 70.    Tiger Stripes 71.    The Book of Clarence 72.    The Instigators 73.    I’m Still Here 74.    The Coffee Table 75.    The Return 76.    Problemista 77.    Trap 78.    MaXXXine 79.    Love Lies Bleeding 80.    You’ll Never Find Me 81.    Between the Temples 82.    Marmalade 83.    Blitz 84.    Speak No Evil 85.    Asphalt City 86.    Piece By Piece 87.    Wicked Little Letters 88.    We Live in Time 89.    Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story 90.    V/H/S/Beyond 91.    The Dead Don’t Hurt 92.    Suncoast 93.    Maria 94.    My Old Ass 95.    Immaculate 96.    The Truth vs. Alex Jones 97.    Cuckoo 98.    Daddio 99.    We Were Dangerous 100.    The Outrun 101.    Infested 102.    Monolith 103.    Azrael 104.    The Last Showgirl 105.    Babes 106.    The Fire Inside 107.    Lisa Frankenstein 108.    Here 109.    Thelma 110.    Queer 111.    Out of Darkness 112.    Y2K 113.    Handling the Undead 114.    Bad Boys: Ride or Die 115.    I Saw the TV Glow 116.    Arcadian 117.    Transformers One 118.    Never Let Go 119.    The Piano Lesson 120.    Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F 121.    Wicked 122.    Gladiator II 123.    Carry-On 124.    Blink Twice 125.    Self Reliance 126.    Fly Me to the Moon 127.    Boy Kills World 128.    Kinds of Kindness 129.    Nutcrackers 130.    Skincare 131.    Ezra 132.    The Front Room 133.    Mothers’ Instinct 134.    Inside Out 2 135.    Omni Loop 136.    Girls State 137.    Beetlejuice Beetlejuice 138.    Your Monster 139.    Babygirl 140.    Mufasa: The Lion King 141.    The Greatest Hits 142.    Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1 143.    Magpie
144.    The People’s Joker 145.    Nightbitch 146.    Road House 147.    Young Woman and the Sea 148.    Am I OK? 149.    Music by John Williams 150.    The Killer’s Game 151.    Oh, Canada 152.    Wolfs 153.    Sting 154.    The Idea of You 155.    Don’t Move 156.    1992 157.    Werewolves 158.    The Killer 159.    The Shadow Strays 160.    Rez Ball 161.    MoviePass, MovieCrash 162.    The Fall Guy 163.    Lee 164.    The End 165.    Godzilla × Kong: The New Empire 166.    The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare 167.    Madame Web 168.    Caddo Lake 169.    Watchmen: Chapter II 170.    Watchmen: Chapter I 171.    Salem’s Lot 172.    The Exorcism 173.    The Watchers 174.    Kill 175.    Jackpot! 176.    Rumours 177.    Damsel 178.    My Spy: The Eternal City 179.    Drive-Away Dolls 180.    IF 181.    Spaceman 182.    Joy 183.    Joker: Folie à Deux 184.    Megalopolis 185.    Monster Summer 186.    Lovely, Dark, and Deep 187.    Bob Marley: One Love 188.    Kraven the Hunter 189.    Moana 2 190.    I Used to Be Funny 191.    Goodrich 192.    September 5 193.    Hold Your Breath 194.    Apartment 7A
195.    The Platform 2 196.    Arthur the King 197.    Shirley 198.    Back to Black 199.    Land of Bad 200.    Poolman 201.    Emilia Pérez 202.    The Room Next Door 203.    I.S.S. 204.    Brothers 205.    Knox Goes Away 206.    Mean Girls 207.    Krazy House 208.    Slingshot 209.    Mr. Crocket 210.    Argylle 211.    Sonic the Hedgehog 3 212.    Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 213.    Afraid 214.    Tuesday 215.    Spellbound 216.    Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Three 217.    Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Two 218.    Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One 219.    The American Society of Magical Negroes 220.    Subservience 221.    Time Cut 222.    Night Swim 223.    Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire 224.    Red One 225.    This Is Me…Now 226.    Despicable Me 4 227.    The Union 228.    Ricky Stanicky 229.    The Beekeeper 230.    Honeymoonish 231.    Hot Frosty 232.    The Deliverance 233.    The Garfield Movie 234.    Lift 235.    Atlas 236.    Trigger Warning 237.    House of Spoils 238.    Borderlands 239.    Tarot 240.    Venom: The Last Dance
Bottom 10
241.    Imaginary 242.    Unfrosted 243.    It Ends With Us 244.    Dear Santa 245.    The Crow 246.    The Strangers: Chapter 1 247.    Harold and the Purple Crayon 248.    Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver 249.    Dirty Angels 250.    Miller’s Girl
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hellsitegenetics · 1 year ago
Blast the Book of Genesis, Chapter 1 from the Bible so we can finally know what was the first creature God created.
[1:1] In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth,
[1:2] the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.
[1:3] Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.
[1:4] And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.
[1:5] God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.
[1:6] And God said, "Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters."
[1:7] So God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that were above the dome. And it was so.
[1:8] God called the dome Sky. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.
[1:9] And God said, "Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." And it was so.
[1:10] God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good.
[1:11] Then God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it." And it was so.
[1:12] The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good.
[1:13] And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.
[1:14] And God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years,
[1:15] and let them be lights in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth." And it was so.
[1:16] God made the two great lights - the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night - and the stars.
[1:17] God set them in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth,
[1:18] to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.
[1:19] And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.
[1:20] And God said, "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky."
[1:21] So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, of every kind, with which the waters swarm, and every winged bird of every kind. And God saw that it was good.
[1:22] God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth."
[1:23] And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.
[1:24] And God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind." And it was so.
[1:25] God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good.
[1:26] Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth."
[1:27] So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
[1:28] God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."
[1:29] God said, "See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.
[1:30] And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food." And it was so.
[1:31] God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
String identified:
[1:1] t gg G cat t a a t at,
[1:2] t at a a a a c t ac t , a G t t ac t at.
[1:3] T G a, "t t gt"; a t a gt.
[1:4] A G a tat t gt a g; a G aat t gt t a.
[1:5] G ca t gt a, a t a ca gt. A t a g a t a g, t t a.
[1:6] A G a, "t t a t t t at, a t t aat t at t at."
[1:7] G a t a aat t at tat t t at tat a t . A t a .
[1:8] G ca t . A t a g a t a g, t c a.
[1:9] A G a, "t t at t gat tgt t ac, a t t a aa." A t a .
[1:10] G ca t a at, a t at tat gat tgt ca a. A G a tat t a g.
[1:11] T G a, "t t at t t gtat: at g , a t t at tat a t t t t." A t a .
[1:12] T at gt t gtat: at g , a t ag t t t t. A G a tat t a g.
[1:13] A t a g a t a g, t t a.
[1:14] A G a, "t t gt t t t aat t a t gt; a t t g a a a a a a,
[1:15] a t t gt t t t g gt t at." A t a .
[1:16] G a t t gat gt - t gat gt t t a a t gt t t gt - a t ta.
[1:17] G t t t t t g gt t at,
[1:18] t t a a t gt, a t aat t gt t a. A G a tat t a g.
[1:19] A t a g a t a g, t t a.
[1:20] A G a, "t t at g t a g cat, a t a t at ac t t ."
[1:21] G cat t gat a t a g cat tat , , t c t at a, a g . A G a tat t a g.
[1:22] G t, ag, " t a t a t at t a, a t t t at."
[1:23] A t a g a t a g, t t a.
[1:24] A G a, "t t at g t g cat : catt a cg tg a aa t at ." A t a .
[1:25] G a t aa t at , a t catt , a tg tat c t g . A G a tat t a g.
[1:26] T G a, "t a a ag, accg t ; a t t a t t a, a t t a, a t catt, a a t aa t at, a cg tg tat c t at."
[1:27] G cat a ag, t ag G cat t; a a a cat t.
[1:28] G t, a G a t t, " t a t, a t at a t; a a t t a a t t a a g tg tat t at."
[1:29] G a, ", a g at g tat t ac a t at, a t t t t; a a t .
[1:30] A t at t at, a t t a, a t tg tat c t at, tg tat a t at , a g g at ." A t a .
[1:31] G a tg tat a a, a , t a g. A t a g a t a g, t t a.
Closest match: Naumovozyma dairenensis CBS 421 chromosome 11, complete genome Common name: Budding yeast
(I could not find an image of this organism, so here is an image of Naumovozyma castellii instead.)
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violainebriat · 3 months ago
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there will be an extra 2 or 3 page to wrap this chapter!
Currently updating 3 times a week (M/W/F) and will reach the end of the comic in february! The goal is to launch a kickstarter for an omnibus :) All Rodney comic : ☆☆GOOGLE SLIDE DOC☆☆ other platforms where you can read rodney: ☞WEBTOONS ☜ ☞ instagram ☜
Tumblr chapters: ch 1 // ch 2 // ch 3 // ch 4 // bonus 1 // ch 5 // ch 6 // ch 7 // BONUS valentine's day // ch 8 // ch 9 // ch 10 // ch 11 pt1 // ch 11 pt2 // ch 12 // ch 12.5 // ch 13 pt 1 // ch 13 pt 2 // ch 14 // ch 15 // ch 16 // ch 17 // ch 18.1 // ch 18.2 // ch19.1 // ch19.2 // ch20 // ch21 // ch22 // ch23 // ch24
Please consider buying the books on my shopify or supporting me on ko-fi ! I've also started a SUBSTACK if you wanna get comics directly sent to your inbox. alright OVER AND OUT!
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cherrrydragon · 8 months ago
➤ find something worth saving (it's all for the taking) CHAPTER LIST
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official playlist!
You find yourself suddenly thrown into a universe where the silly characters in the comics you read are real, living people. Now, you have to find a way back home, so try not to get distracted by all the characters you had a crush on growing up, or the fact that you know far too much about pretty much everybody. (And definitely don't think about how this means your life is probably a comic book in another universe.)
(jon kent x gn!reader x damian wayne, reader is a spider-man variant, read it on ao3)
1. we're not in kansas anymore
2. spidey luck (good or bad? you'll never know) 
3. debut 
4. way down we go 
5. good old-fashioned lover boy
6. make out fake out
7. inhibition (or lack there of)
8. connections
9. warmth
10. never wound what you can't kill
11. down came the rain and washed the spider out
12. picture perfect
13. back to our regularly schedule programming
14. please please please (let me get what i want)
15. and the world kept spinning
16. long awaited
17. home
18. the talk(s)
19. intertwined, sewn together
EPILOGUE: saturn
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undaughtered · 2 months ago
do you have any favourite historical overviews or introductions to christian mysticism that you could please recommend? ilysm habibti
works marked with * are what i would recommend for absolute beginners on the topic.
introductory works:
thomas merton, a course in christian mysticism: thirteen sessions ith the famous trappist monk*
william a. richards, sacred knowledge: psychadelics and religious experiences (on the practical applications of entheogenic, or drug-induced, mysticism)
william james, the varieties of religious experience, especially lectures 16 and 17*
bernard mcginn, the essentials of christian mysticism (arguably the best starter anthology of christian mystical writing)*
mircea eliade, the sacred and the profane
robert s. ellwood, mysticism and religion*
ed. amy hollywood, the cambridge companion to christian mysticism*
steven t. katz (ed.), mysticism and sacred scripture, especially the first chapter, "mysticism and the interpretation of sacred scripture," and the second chapter, "mysticism and scriptural justification"
primary works:
anon, the cloud of unknowing and other works (a.c. sperings translation for penguin is probably the most accessible)
teresa of avila, the life of saint tereesa of avila by herself
simone weil, waiting for god*
julian of norwich, revelations of divine love*
john of the cross, spiritual canticle (i recommend this to newcomers to christian mysticism over dark night of the soul, which is extremely dense and often devastating)
meister eckhart's sermons- though the book i'm linking is essentially a primer to german mystics
hildegard of bingen's scivias; but this selected works is a good place to start
margery kempe, the book of margery kempe by herself*
bernard of clairvaux’s sermons on song of songs*
marguerite porete, the mirror of simple souls
rebecca jackson, gifts of power*
catherine of siena, dialog
secondary works:
evelyn underhill, mysticism: a study in the nature and development of spiritual consciousness
evelyn underhill, practical mysticism*
caroline walker bynum, jesus as mother: studies in the spirituality of the high middle ages
caroline walker bynum, wonderful blood: theology and practice in late medieval northern germany and beyond
caroline walker bynum, holy feast and holy fast: the religious significance of food to medieval women*
grace m. jantzen, "eros and the abyss: reading medieval mystics in postmodernity"
grace m. jantzen, becoming divine: towards a feminist philosophy of religion
denys turner, the darkness of god: negativity in christian mysticism
jeffrey kripal, roads of excess palaces of wisdom: eroticism and reflexivity in the study of mysticism (+a lecture by him)
marsha aileen hewitt, freud on religion*
sarah clairmont, "she'll eat him up she loves him so" (one of my all time favourite papers)
also, the bible: which is probably the most vital of works on christian mysticism, as nothing you read about mysticism will not be influenced by it. i personally have recently been reading a combination of the JPS tanakh and the jewish annotated new testament, but the new revised standard edition (+apocrypha) is generally standard. if you are reading the bible academically for learning about mysticism, or have absolutely no background with reading the bible, i recommend the following books specifically:
the torah (genesis*, exodus*, leviticus, numbers, deuteronomy*)
the major prophets isaiah* and ezekiel*
the minor prophets (all of which constitute my favourite part of the bible) joel*, jonah*, micah*, malachai*
psalms*, job*, the song of songs*
the gospels, especially mark* and john (mark is the oldest and most "jewish," john is the most recent and most "gentile"; matthew and luke are probably more familiar than both)
the epistles: james*, jude*, 1-3 john, 1-2 peter, hebrews
the revelation to john
everything i've recommended here you can find online (internet archive or annasarchive); i've also tried to keep it extremely general and limited to work that i've personally read and vetted. if there's specific aspects or topics you're interested in (ie women's mysticism, medieval mysticism, mysticism and eating, freud and mysticism, commentaries on specific mystics etc) just drop me an ask! very honoured you've asked me beloved <3
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