#booing at u a;sldkjfa;lsdkjf
videcoeur · 2 years
♡ a heart for yo bois : Hawks, Nacir, Dio, Crocodile, Doflamingo :>
For every "♡" I get, I'll give a tip on how to win my muse's heart.
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Be Nessa, I fucking guess- but for real, just be warm, don't push your affection on him, don't be too obvious, or he'll run. Feelings have to grow slowly and worm their way inside his heart. If he feels like you're too attached already, he'll detach himself. The best way to win him is to not try to win him.
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Nacir's a real fucken playaaaaaaaaaaaa, and he takes almost nothing seriously. For him to take someone seriously and consider a relationship- that person would have to be polyamorous, as he is also polyamorous. They'd have to be down to roll down a grassy hill laughing, they'd have to be down getting dirty, and a bit adventurous, and they'd have to be just as playful as the satyr is. He lives life like every day is the last and wants someone that entertains living the same way they would a fair/carnival. Every day with their person must be fun!
And yes, he can care for loved ones on bad days, but he can't be with someone who doesn't try to get better when things go awry.
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I don't know what would compel anyone to win this bitch boy's heart for real. He sucks. Bad. 10/10 would throw him in a cage, then throw the cage at the bottom of a well, close the lid, bury the well and forget about him completely.
I think to win his heart, you must be equally capable of worshiping him and all of his decisions, but also tell him when he's wrong, but in a way that he'll realize it himself and then change his plans. You can't upset him too much, but you also can't be compliant 100% of the time.
It's really a hit-and-miss with Dio, and I'm not sure he is capable of true, romantic love. I wouldn't classify him as romantic, but his love is definitely not the kind anyone with a sane mind would want.
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I have come to learn, through 20 years of roleplaying this Bastard Unlimited, that he falls for 2 types of people.
The Annoying One That Makes Him Want To Protecc ( @muselexum )
The Annoying One That Makes Him Want To Fight (@conquiistador / doflamingos)
Crocodile will fall in love with people that BOTHER HIM but in a meaningful way only. He fell for Akane because she reminded him of his past, and he's worried she's going down the wrong path. He wants her to not suffer as much as he did and wants to protect her, even from himself.
Meanwhile, he falls in love with Doflamingo because the man has the confidence and strength he desires because he thinks that someone who can pursue his goals so blatantly and confidently is nothing short of a king that deserves his admiration. Crocodile is a romantic at heart and soul, despite the dryness of his outward mask.
To make him fall in love, Be In His Space. Invade it in a way that he can't push you out, either by reaching his old dried heart or by being stronger than him, pushier than him, and acting like you know all of it.
He's a complex character, but he's so easy to read. He can try to keep his poker face all he wants, there's no hiding his own feelings. Except to Akane apparently but I'm blaming her youth and naivety for that c:
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Similarly to Dio, I cannot see this man having a healthy, loving relationship. Not that he's incapable of love, but he's grown so twisted that I do not believe his ability to love is normal. I think that no matter how much he thinks he loves someone, he could still cut them out of his life without hesitation at a moment's notice.
For that reason, I will not call him romantic, he is just plain bad and not a good choice at all for romance.
To win his heart? Defy him, but be strong enough to back your words without being strong enough to defeat him. He likes them feisty, and he likes a good challenge, but mostly, he likes to show his superiority to people he himself believes to be strong.
A good thing to note is that he tends to be more romantically interested in men for that reason. Women are usually... nice playthings or friends with benefits.
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