#boogie2988 where is he now
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galaxy98 · 2 years ago
You ever look at a situation and just go, “If I even make one judgement call, I’m gonna later regret it for the rest of my life” ?
Because I can think of the few times—even recently—where this is applicable.
And I wouldn’t be so hung up about it if I didn’t considered it from a moral standpoint. You can’t go through life being a fence sitter or else you’ll end up like Boogie2988. You can’t always depend on your gut just because the truth is inconvenient to you.
I get that we’re only human, but I should know better by this point.
I’d LIKE to think that I’ve gain some wisdom over the years based on how this keeps happening time and time again. But there’s always that situation where I can never be so sure of what’s true or not.
And we’re not talking about minor stuff here. This stuff that involves things like people getting hurt or some form of enabling or misconduct.
To give you an example, take Michael Jackson for instance. For the past few decades and post-mortem, we’ve been trying to uncover any truth to whether or not he was a pedophile. And we’ve thought we had an answer with the Leaving Neverland documentary. But then this other stuff started coming about the muddled details regarding its existence that now it feels like we’re back to square one.
That’s when I threw up my hands and said, “Fuck it! I’m going to die not knowing whether he did it or not!”
And that’s what tears me up inside.
Yeah yeah i know “LiFe IsN’t FuLl oF EaSy AnSwErS” and all that crap but sometimes I wish it was. Maybe then I wouldn’t have to constantly live with that guilt.
Maybe I am beating myself up over nothing.
But I’ve been betrayed so much that I no longer have any faith in my own judgement anymore.
It’s been like that since 2016. And if you lived through that year, you will know what I mean.
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sonysoftprivilege-blog · 5 years ago
Regarding Boogie2988
Honestly I still don’t really like him. I don’t think I can ever look past everything he did against Nintendo for the sake of clout. And I have called him a liar way before it became cool. But that is because it was obvious with enough observation. It didn’t surprise me. He has always been bad liar as I known him online publicly on YouTube and Twitter. I also feel a little better that he got what came around to him, now that he is being targeted for the sake of clout.
That being said, I really want nothing to do with the consistent band of haters and harassers who have been endlessly attacking over just about anything. I am of course referring to the SamAndTolki subreddit and any hate community such as KiwiFarms. Driving boogie to almost kill himself, making him go insane, inspiring people to attack him for clout, attacking his weightloss, ect. That is going too far to the point I really want nothing to do with these kind of people. Even someone like me who was very angry with him and still have aggression towards his actions, especially the Iwata disrespect, his support of AngryJoe’s obvious setup against Nintendo, his hate campaign near MK8 release, among many other hateful things he has done with Nintendo; as bad as he was, I cannot bring myself to even associate with the massive hatemob that is working hard to cancel him as hard they can. They are going into his personal life, they have tried to dox him only to target his friends, they are outright trying to contact sponsors, they dogpiled against any opponent, they try to make literally anybody against boogie seem like a good guy. They are grossly unfair to boogie to massive levels. Their obsession is too much really. I noticed a post where they wanted his arm to be amputated. I have seen them harass a fan run account based on his dog. They even tried to make it out that his weightloss is a failure. They attack people who are simply being supportive to him. I could tell them to take a step back, but they will then attack me as well. I just want nothing to do with this hatemob. I may not like boogie, but I sure am not in league with these monsters who try very hard to hurt him as much as they can without going to jail.
Also, I am actually proud of his weight loss in general. He can lose more weight, but the fact that he lost so much and weight is such a good accomplishment that he did on his own, even with Gastric Bypass. His efforts are still good all things considered. But the most important aspect is that he is still alive despite all the medical conditions he has. Boogie remaining alive is something to behold as there have been several people around his previous weight range who have passed away because of their weight such as Justin Heard, Emer Prevost, and even Ralphie May.
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whatabouttheabuse · 6 years ago
#whatabouttheabuse: KidBehindACamera Exposed
(Obvious TW for child abuse. Physical and verbal.)
Remember the youtube channel DaddyOFive/FamilyOFive? If not, basically it was a "prank" channel where the main focus was Mike and Heather Martin pulling "pranks" on their 5 children which often left them crying, fearful and in some cases injured. Cody and Emma, Heater's adopted children and the two who got the worst of it, have since been removed from the home and live with their biological mom.
Why am I mentioning this, you may be asking? Because the next person I'm going to bring up has collaborated with, encouraged and defended DaddyOFive in the past and has now ALSO been exposed for child abuse. The person I'm talking about is Michael Green, AKA KidBehindACamera.
Michael and his girlfriend Bridgett West run the channel as a type of vlog channel, where they upload daily talking about their "hectic" life (it's almost all scripted, btw. Think of McJuggerNuggets and the "Psycho Family" and Boogie2988 with his Fancis sketches. They are also, ironically enough, associated with Michael.) with their crazy friends and family. Ocassionally they do pranks on each other and on other people and film it. Harmless enough, right? People do it all the time!
But in this case, much like with the DaddyOFive case, this goes beyond simply pranking someone and treads into abuse territory.
Michael Green has:
Dressed up as Michael Meyers from the movie "Halloween" and used this to scare his young nephews. If that wasn't bad enough, he did so while holding an ACTUAL SHARP KNIFE and acted as if he was going to STAB one of them. He couldn't have been older than 5 or 6 years old.
Made them watch him play a violent, scary video game in a dark room and locked them in so they couldn't escape. The younger one (who might have been 2-3) was visibly terrified and Michael told him that he could leave. Then when the little boy tried to open the door, it wouldn't open because it was locked, and this made him cry more and he was quite obviously afraid.
Set up "skits" with his elderly father, (known as The Angry Grandpa, who recently passed away last year) Charles Green, that involved him getting verbally abusive with one of the boys who was playing with a toy cooking set that had a pretend oven and sink. Charles proceeded to call the young child a q*eer multiple times, made other homophobic comments and eventually got physical and started THROWING things at the child (including a toy track that ACTUALLY HIT HIM).
Another notable instance with Charles being abusive was during another Angry Grandpa skit that involved him taking a Christmas Tree and throwing it down, HITTING one of the kids in the process.
The kids in both of the instances with Charles were pretty visibly scared but they never jump or seemed startled, so this leads me to believe that they experienced abuse like this often, off-camera. It's also flat-out stated by Michael and his sister Jennifer that Charles abused them when they were children (but they laugh it off, assumingly as a coping mechanism?) As far as I know, Bridgett West wasn't directly involved in the abuse, but she has been dating Michael for years so I'm positive that she's aware of it.
These were just the most notable instances of abuse displayed on the KidBehindACamera and The Angry Grandpa Show channels. I gathered them from these videos, which both explain the issues I discussed above as well as show video evidence.
KidBehindaCamera: The Untold Abuse Story
KidBehindaCamera & Angry Grandpa: The Original Daddy O Five
And this channel has been trying to expose them for months now: Roasted Studios
PLEASE reblog this. Share it everywhere you can. A lot of people don't know that this has happened and may still be happening. Make it be known. Let these children recieve the justice they deserve.
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blazehedgehog · 7 years ago
What do you think of Boogie2988?
I think he’s an idiot.
Now, that’s harsh, I realize. But I’m also not sitting over here fuming with rage over the guy, screaming and stomping my feet. I just don’t think he’s very smart, and he’s using his platform to make others less smart. That’s more depressing than anything else.
I think, like a lot of popular Youtubers, a lot of people like the character he plays. And I both mean Francis, and I mean Boogie2988. Boogie is the guy you see on camera. It’s a Youtube personality.
And that personality wants to be kind, friendly, and funny. But it’s not who he is. He is an idiot. And people who are willing to defend Boogie need to really stop and think about who, exactly, they’re actually defending: is it the personality, or the person?
For those of you who don’t know, Boogie has been getting political a lot lately. And every time he does, he steps in some crap. He claims to be one of those “Why can’t we all get along and be nice to each other?” types. And, to be honest, there’s nothing wrong with wanting peace. I also do think that, at the very least, Boogie thinks he’s saying the right things, and thinks he’s trying to push a peaceful agenda.
But he’s clumsy about his arguments. Most recently, and this is the thing causing the loudest stir right now, he went on the H3 Podcast and the host grilled him on everything he’s said in the last few months – about the oppression he’s faced, about dealing with Anita Sarkeesian, about LGBT rights…
And if you look at it on the most basic, simplistic surface level, you can see where he’s coming from. But it’s from a perspective of someone who maybe doesn’t even rationalize how his own popularity weighs on his point of view. For example, I’m sure that Boogie really does face thousands of trolls and those that are misguided about how to interact with people, but he thinks that means he represents an entire demographic of “oppressed white males.”
Strictly in terms of demographic, I’m probably not too dissimilar to Boogie. We’re around the same age, have somewhat similar body types (post Boogie’s weight loss), we’re both white and we’re both men. And I’ve had punk teenagers pull up next to me on the street and scream bizarre slurs at me, so I think I kind of get where he’s coming from.
But also, that doesn’t count. If I wasn’t there, those teens would have screamed something equally as offensive and random at another dude at the next stop light. They were just punk teenagers. Whatever you want to call that, it’s DEFINITELY not oppression of any type, even though Boogie2988 seems to think it is. Oppression is when these people don’t get paid as much as I would for doing the same job, or wouldn’t even get the job at all because of their gender or the color of their skin. I’ve never had the cops called on me just for asking a store clerk a question, but some people have. That’s oppression!
The simple fact that Boogie can live in a bubble where he does not internalize or even acknowledge this kind of profiling tells you exactly how privileged he is. He is more ignorant than he personally realizes, but he’s famous, and being famous is a golden ticket to never being wrong.
The ignorance Boogie is displaying about this issue is also the direct cause of the so-called “oppression” he is complaining about. He obviously isn’t acknowledging or internalizing being his own victim, either.
And then there are his views on LGBT people. His solution is to take things slowly, to “prevent extreme reactions” from “the crazies” that lead to violence and murder. He says to “give it five years.”
And again, there’s that ignorance. The other day I was watching a Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode called “The Brain That Wouldn’t Die.” Surprisingly, that film features a lesbian. It was made in the 1950′s. It’s far from the earliest depiction of homosexuality in media. In “The Brain That Wouldn’t Die,” the lesbian becomes a target for a murderer who wants to kill her and steal her body so he can graft his wife’s severed head on to the stump.
How slow do things gotta go that LGBT people have been facing problems for 60, 70, 80, even more than a hundred years? The entire reason things are coming to a head now is because these people are tired of going slow. They’ve been in the slow lane their entire lives and now they’re taking charge and getting things done, otherwise it’s never going to happen. Entire generations of people have lived and died in the time it’s taken.
But Boogie is in his bubble. He’s famous, so he’s never wrong. He says something that sounds right, that sounds kind, friendly, and funny. He says he wants to meet in the middle, to be passive, not aggressive. But where he says he stands is not where he’s actually located.
So, either Boogie is being deliberately malicious, misleading his audience to make things worse for the groups he’s speaking out for, or he’s just an idiot with a bad sense of perspective.
I think it’s the latter.
Unfortunately, that also tends to fuel the former.
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nzazza · 6 years ago
A spiel about Friday.
I talked a fair bit about this on Twitter, but might speak about this on here, where somehow it feels safer.
Christchurch had a terrorist attack, and I felt a feeling I didn’t want to feel again. The same feeling back in February 22, 2011 when the fatal earthquake hit Christchurch. I’m sure for this terrorist attack you would know what has happened, and all the details. This was an attack that scared me much more than any forms of terrorism, not because it was on home soil, but more that this is the first time that I was hearing about all these events as it was happening. Often when attacks happen I’m normally asleep and wake up to the aftermath, here everything was just fresh. Unfortunately with things being fresh, I was seeing things before they were taken down. I saw the livestream. I saw the manifesto. I saw the terrorist’s twitter handle. I saw things I can never forget.
I wonder if we got the attention that America and France gets for their attacks, and I feel that we did but I still don’t know if it was a good coverage. If I was to remember from back in 2011, the coverage we got only lasted a day or two and international response felt like a medium response. This coverage now is still going on, after almost 4 days of the event. But from what I saw disgusted me, where people who had no connection to this utilised this event for their own good on social media. I saw people saying “Muslims no longer are safe anywhere” and pointing fingers as to who it is to blame.
One person social media targeted Pewdiepie due to the terrorist saying his popular phrase from last year. Now I don’t care if you love or hate him, sure you can take the piss out of him and for sure you can criticise him for his poor jokes in the past. However to say that he was a big influence to the terrorist is a blatant misinterpretation, but did not stop people online to mention Pewdiepie when talking about the terrorist. I called out someone who mentioned this 4 hours after the attack, and this is what I got back. [FOR CLARITY: I personally don’t really care all that much about Pewdiepie, I just care about the issue of targeting popular figures for hit pieces such as him, Raheem Sterling (professional footballer), pretty much any people that Daily Mail like to attack.]
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When I got this response back it really did hurt, as I tried an approach of “send care and health, not names in attack”. It is blatant that this person does not know who I was and considered me two things that I oppose, being far right and defending terrorism. Although having a read through on the Twitter thread Caroline Orr wrote, it is a good thread to talk about online influence (although as NZ Analysts have confirmed it is more 50/50 as the terrorist was radicalised within NZ, Christchurch specifically).
By the end of the day, we as a country was in mourning. We were lost in confusion, eyes and ears peeled to stations for any forms of updates, just seeking who we can help, how to help and taking care of one another to share love. On the internet it was a whole different story. Online all what I saw was people target one another and spread fear, and when I look at those people these aren’t people who are involved. The only people who are affected by this are New Zealand and the Muslim community, and 95% of people pointing fingers and blaming were neither (even the person who responded to me was American).
The next day 18 hours after the incident a favourite Youtuber of mine called Boogie2988 mentioned how he was disgusted on how the internet chose to hate rather than love. I posted this response which I felt represents what I feel about all of this.
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It’s been almost 4 days after the attack and I still feel the rut feeling of Friday. I still feel like shit with this attack and hearing the stories gets me emotional. 50 people have died, which is the equivalent of 3,500 people if it happened in USA which helps represent how big of a case it is for New Zealand. But right now I feel tired as all what I hear online is hate from both sides, and I wished that we can just focus on the good.
Let us focus on how the courts have only allowed “respected media” to be in the courtrooms with the killer, the Judge allowing photos of the terrorist to be released but only if the face is pixelated making his influence weak, the stories of the witnesses who helped minimise the damage of the terrorist (to which there are many), the swift actions of parliament in making law changes quickly from the attack and even parliament members looking back and changing their views in light of this event. Even Eggboy, he gets a good shout out for cracking an egg on a dickhead (also shout out to National Hutt Valley MP for telling that dickhead to fuck off as well).
In this country we are healing, and we are progressing. Our culture will stand against the fear-mongering other countries will try and place on us, as we will ensure that everyone here that they will be safe here. Kia Kaha.
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ingridgovaninsights · 8 years ago
Love Yourself FIRST.
Hi Everyone (That is, if anyone at all is reading)! 
This is a pretty important message that I think a lot of people- especially younger people- need to comprehend. 
You have to love yourself first, before you can love anybody else.
It’s true. I didn’t really put much thought into it until recently. I thought maybe if I distracted myself and put all my effort and time into other people, or even just one special person, then I’d be fine. But when I sit down and take a moment to reflect on it, I often feel unfulfilled and a bit sad. I think, if someone were to ask me to describe myself, I wouldn’t know what to say. Even if I got asked about my hobbies or passions, I couldn’t come up with a list. 
“Netflix,” is something I might say. 
I might dare say that I didn’t do much of anything. Well, nothing that furthered my skills or my sense of self. I didn’t learn anything or grow. I spent lots of time either interested or pretending to be interested in another person’s passions, hobbies, and views... and I confused them with my own. I started to not have any of my own. 
I focused more on giving my unconditional love to someone that would never be able to return the favor, because there were always conditions. I focused on anything but myself, and this is a problem. This is a big problem. 
You have to ask yourself, “Where would I be without this person?”... if your answer is “I’d probably kill myself”, “I would lose absolutely everything”... maybe you have some reflecting to do, too. 
You need to learn how to be alone. Research things. Learn things. Discover passions and hobbies. Maybe they can grow into skills that you can teach someone someday, or chat about over coffee. 
I looked around me at friends and family and everyone else in my life and realized that practically everyone else had their “self”. They had at least one of these things- 
- A job they’re passionate about, not just doing for the money but doing because they love it and genuinely care about it
- Are involved in something in the community (volunteering, a club, etc.)
- Are doing something to further their education- whether it’s as simple as listening to podcasts, or they’re taking an online course, a night class, or going to post secondary
- A hobby or passion that they are so intrigued by, when you think of that person you think of that passion/hobby. For example I have a friend that is very interested in acting. This is something he is extremely passionate about - he gets involved in the community about it, he’s done jobs related to it, talks about it with enthusiasm. When someone mentions his name I instantly think of the stage, of singing and dancing and acting... if someone wanted me to tell them about him, I’d instantly know what to say
I cannot say I have these things. I don’t have a job I’m passionate about- and this one is all right to do without I suppose, because tons of people live their lives doing a job simply because they need to live, and they do their hobby or passion on the side. 
However, I also don’t do anything for the community. I am not going to lie. I have never been interested in volunteering, as terrible as that sounds. I did what I had to do for high school community service, but the bare minimum. Perhaps it was because I didn’t find anything I wanted to do, so it felt like a chore. 
I am not doing anything particularly stimulating in terms of education. I thought about going back to school, but I don’t want to spend tons and tons of money on something I’m wishy washy about. It seems like risky business. 
And I don’t really know what I’m passionate about. I mean, I do have hobbies that I have been recently trying to get back into... but nothing I feel gets me up in the morning and gives my life GREAT PURPOSE. You know? I don’t really know what people would say if they were asked to describe me. 
“She’s weird.”
“I don’t know.”
“I think she’s that girl that used to write...?” 
I honestly have no clue. But these things can all be figured out. First I need to do a little soul searching. It definitely sounds cliche, but I have to love myself before I can love anyone else... before I can dive into anything, put my all into something and vow my commitment to someone else. Because if I do that and something falls apart, I don’t know if I’d be okay. And that’s not okay. 
A lot of people may be hesitant to do this soul searching, love yourself first thing. Maybe they’re impatient to start looking for “the one”; maybe they’re scared of what they might discover; maybe they really hate being alone. But I think it really would pay off to just take some time- it doesn’t have to be years or anything ridiculous- to collect your thoughts and feel okay. Find things that you can turn to when things go wrong or when you need an escape- things, not a person. Maybe a creative outlet, or a physical outlet. Working out, writing, drawing, singing... something. I’m working on this, too. 
On a somewhat related note, I have been listening/watching a lot more YouTube recently, and I have been really enjoying Boogie2988′s channel. If you haven’t heard of it, go check it out! He often does gaming reviews, streams gameplay, and is known for doing comedy sketches with his made up persona, the raging “Francis”, but he does post a lot of great videos where he is just talking about life and giving great advice to people struggling with mental health, eating disorders, obesity etc. I find it really enjoyable to listen to him and learning about his life story, and learning from his wisdom. Another channel called H3Podcast (from the same people that run H3H3Productions- great channel as well), did a podcast recently featuring Boogie where they discuss a lot of these topics in more detail. I’d encourage you to give it a listen. I can include a link! 
I think that’s all for now, guys. If anyone has been reading, thanks a ton. I’ll probably post more soon-ish. Take care. 
H3Podcast Featuring Boogie2988: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX1vs8Zt8Ss
Boogie2988 Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/boogie2988
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camfinnie · 7 years ago
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So @realboogie2988.... Where to begin. The first pic is us at Vidcon 2016 and the second is from yesterday(we did take a pic in 2017 but it sucked) My #1 YouTube influence, at the con '16 I wasn't even a year removed from having my Gastric bypass surgery. And he made me feel like a million dollars. He then finally qualified for a surgery himself and got on in August '17 and he's already down 180. He said, "Cameron, I lost a whole you!"(close but no cigar) but this was the first time I've seen him in a year and I am so happy for him. Cause I understand the relief you get when you swiftly lose weight. It's a night and day difference. And I am grateful to know you. We were able to chat about post op stuff and skin removal surgery. Now let's continue to help each other in our goals and get to where we can do whatever the fuck we want. #MyBrother #Boogie2988 #Loveforthisguy #Lovehim#Francis #Vidcon #Anaheim (at Anaheim Convention Center)
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horrorhouse · 8 years ago
1: Marvel or DC? DC because I'm a sucker for Harley Quinn. 2: Do you have any siblings? I'm the oldest of 8 but we're all half-siblings (same father). 3: Do you watch anime subbed or dubbed? Neither. I don't really have an interest in anime. 4: How old are you? 36 5: What is your favorite sport? I like watching baseball on TV (Go Cubs Go!) but I like going bowling because it's relaxing. 6: Favorite soda/beverage? Coca Cola or Dr. Pepper. If I'm not drinking soda, I like fruit punch or sweet tea. 7: What is your favorite TV show? Forged In Fire and Bob's Burgers 8: Do you marathon shows or watch a few episodes at a time? It depends on my mood. If it's a new season (like OITNB), I might binge. 9: How often do you exercise? Less than I should. 10: Do you wear makeup? How often? Probably the only makeup I wear is lipstick or gloss and mascara. 11: Favorite Disney movie? Beauty and the Beast (the animated version) 12: Would you rather watch a movie or a TV show? TV show most of the time. 13: Do you have your driver’s license? Nope. 14: What is your favorite animal? Cats 15: Black widow or Catwoman? Catwoman. 16: Favorite YouTuber? Phil DeFranco, boogie2988, Squatting Slav TV 17: What is your earliest memory? Sitting on my grandma's lap while she brushed my hair. I was probably about 3 years old. 18: Favorite video game? Bioshock: Infinite 19: What is your biggest pet peeve? Fake people. 20: Dinosaurs or dragons? Dragons 21: What is the worst injury you have ever had? I guess when I had to have my gallbladder removed. It's the only time I've ever needed surgery. 22: What piercings do you have/want? I have two holes in each ear and I don't want any more piercings. 23: Any tattoos? If not, would you get any? I have one tattoo on my inner left arm of an anchor combined with a heart and a cross (symbol of faith, hope, and love) with "HEB 6:19" as a reference to Hebrews 6:19 ("We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." [paraphrase]) 24: Sexual orientation? Going by the updated Kinsey scale, I'm an E2. 25: What is your best subject in school? History, art, English 26: What is your favorite book series? Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 27: Do you have a crush on anyone currently? I've been in love with the same man for 11 years. I guess you could call that a crush. 28: Single or in a relationship? In a relationship. 29: What character would you most like to cosplay? Sansa Stark (from the most recent season of GoT) 30: Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Ambivert, mostly due to my anxiety. 31: Cats or dogs? Either one, but I've had more cats than dogs. 32: What is the most embarassing thing to ever happen to you? When I was 5 years old, I got my first training bra. I wanted to show my uncle (who was about 8 years older than me) and I didn't know any better. He was hanging out with some of his friends at a neighbor's house and I unzipped my jumper and just flashed everyone. When I was 19, I dated a guy and it turns out he was one of the guys sitting on the steps that day with my uncle. Kinda creeped me out after that. 33: Tell me a story. I just did! 34: What is the strangest thing you’ve ever seen someone wear? The whole hairy chest bathing suit trend going on right now. I don't get it. 35: Where in the world would you most like to travel? England, but probably not right now with all the problems they have in that country. 36: Favorite Pokemon? None. Not into Pokemon. 37: Favorite color? Red 38: Are you religious? I consider myself spiritual but I don't believe in organized religion because it can be too corrupt. I'm an ordained Dudeist priest because I like the sense of community and Dudeism is enlightening, believe it or not. 39: Post a selfie. My avatar is a selfie. 40: Have you ever left your home country/state? I lived in Wisconsin for a while between the time I was 13-15. Loved it! I've lived in PA before, too. 41: Do you prefer to travel by car or airplane? Car. Flying makes me nervous. 42: Are you a fan of rollercoasters? Not especially, but I've been on a few and didn't get sick. 43: What is your favorite OTP? Dean Winchester and pie. 44: Who is your favorite Disney princess? It's kind of tied between Belle and Moana. 45: Who is your favorite Disney prince? Flynn Rider 46: Who is your favorite Disney villain? Ursula. 47: Do you sing along to the radio? Sometimes, depending on the song. 48: Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? Snape 49: Any headcanons? I guess best headcanon I ever heard is Supernatural headcanon that says every angel has a soulmate and that's why Castiel and Dean are so close. It explains their connection much better than the whole "Destiel" bullshit considering the fact we know Dean and Cas are both hetero. 50: If you could have one of the Deathly Hallows (cloak of invisibility, Elder Wand, or Resurrection Stone), which would it be? Cloak of invisibility 51: What house would you be in Hogwarts? Hufflepuff 52: When was the last time you told someone you loved them? About ten minutes ago when my boyfriend went to bed. 53: Do you have any weird habits? I have tons of pens, ranging from your average 25 cent ballpoint to fountain pens. 54: What do you do when you’re bored? Tumblr, watch videos on YouTube or watch The Simpsons on the Fox app, maybe watch something on Hulu or Netflix. 55: What is the strangest thing you’ve seen at Walmart? A woman with a poodle with the same hair color as her own - it was like bright neon purple. 56: What color are your eyes? They look blue in some light and green in others so I've been told my eyes are hazel. 57: What is your natural hair color? Brown, almost like coffee with a little cream. 58: Have you ever broken a bone? How? I broke my right arm when I was about 8 years old riding my bike. I pedaled down a hill, hit the brakes, skid on gravel and flipped over the handlebars. I also broke my left leg when I was 13 when I jumped off my porch and landed between grass and sidewalk. 59: What is your favorite food? Macaroni & cheese 60: What do you look for in a relationship? Honesty, a sense of humor, and someone who loves me despite my flaws. 61: If you could live in any era, which would it be and why? Victorian England. It just seemed so refined. 62: How late do you usually stay up? Sometimes 4 a.m. 63: What is your favorite website? Tumblr, obvi. 64: Have you been to any concerts? The last concert I went to was Emerson Drive in 2004. 65: Are you involved in any extracurriculars at school? I'm not in school anymore. I was VP of Drama Club in high school and secretary for Student Senate in college. 66: If you could be the opposite gender for a day, what would you do? Pee standing up. Walk around shirtless in public. 67: What are you most proud of? Going through life so far without making any major mistakes. 68: Do you have any big regrets? Not anything huge. 69: What was the best day of your life? I was at a family get-together with my boyfriend’s family and his aunt AND his father (separately) told me I'm part of the family, even though he and I aren't married. It was only the second time I’d been with his entire family (on his father’s side). 70: Do you crack your knuckles? No. 71: Do you play any instruments? I have a recorder and I'm trying to learn some medieval music to play on it. I used to play trombone when I was in 7th grade. 72: First kiss story? I think I was about 7 years old. I had my first kiss with a boy in his closet and I don't even remember his name. 73: Do you like hot or cold weather? I like fall weather because it's not too hot, not too cold. 74: What is your favorite song of all time? "What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong. I could listen to that forever. 75: Any weird talents? If I’m watching a TV show or a movie, I can usually tell you what else I’ve seen the person on even if they’re an obscure actor/actress. Mostly everyone’s been on Law & Order.
(swiped from @sarcasmsuitsme)
0 notes
anautisticdragon-blog · 8 years ago
"That's Captain Andy's video, there. Not Noel's. Andy's good people."
Noel Plum -- Just Another Alt-Right Sociopath
I didn't reach this conclusion easily, I had to swallow back my nausea and force myself to sit through many of his videos and endure the anxiety, just to be sure. It's important to me to not rush to a conclusion like that. What I've noticed as a recurring factor in his videos is that he's truly a masterclass of manipulation. This isn't uncommon in sociopathy, as they are very social creatures and if they're almost entirely devoid of any level of concern, compassion, and care? Well, those social skills will be turned toward getting people to dance to their tune. That's precisely what he does. In his videos, he regularly displays a complete absence of any discernible degree of empathy or conscience. I felt inspired to speak up thanks to his beautifully bigoted video on the constipatedly convoluted construct of 'disability privilege.' A silliness that was admirably, artfully deconstructed by a fellow I'm rather fond of who goes by the moniker of Captain Andy. You can see his video embedded above and it's certainly worth a watch as it really does serve to highlight how manipulative Noel Plum actually is. In this scenario, Noel Plum was having a discussion with Captain Andy about 'disability privilege.' As the discussion went on, the ugly, I'd even say grotesque, levels of confirmation bias present in Noel's words was easily laid bare. Instead of gracefully accepting defeat, Noel rather slyly opted to put together a YouTube video on the topic, one where his alarming hate speech could have an undisturbed platform. And no, he didn't link to the discussion with Captain Andy. He's very manipulative, like I said, which means that he's actually quite clever even though he's an intolerable bag of dicks who's as stark raving crazy as a bag of spanners. Lots of things come in bags. Anyway, his argument is wrong, which he definitely knows but he wants to push it anyway. If you can't achieve a higher ground in a debate, what do you do? A well adjusted person would just admit defeat. If they were intelligent, they might also use the opportunity to be introspective so that they could learn and grow from the experience. Their empathy would give them a primetime reel of how they'd been a right bloody muppet, leading to heartfelt apologies and bridges built between people. It's really not hard to respect your fellow human being as a human being, is it? Well, not unless you're a sociopath. And if you're a sociopath, why admit defeat when you can use your manipulative talents to trick vast numbers of weak-willed sycophants and mendicants who're so unfortunately in need of attention and validation that they'd believe anything? And no, this isn't insensitive, this is concern because think about what I'm saying and then ask yourself this: How do cults happen? Not everyone is strong. In an ideal world I'd want to see everyone built up on a strong foundation so that they wouldn't need to seek attention and validation from others, this isn't a perfect world, is it? This is why, for example, illnesses such as internalised misogyny and stockholm syndrome even exist. It really is very unfortunate, and I know a lot about this myself as a disabled person who has experienced many of these things. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, here. I'm talking from experience. There was a dark period of my life where I was held prisoner. I still have yet to heal from the whole sordid affair as it lasted for years of my life. It's not something you'd wish on your worst enemy. I mentioned prior to this that I'd experienced rape and abuse, I'd been tortured. What happens when your life is nothing but that for so long you lose hope? I'm not going to expect everyone to suddenly understand how PTSD works, but I would use this opportunity to ask you to read up on it and take an opportunity to grow as a person with new knowledge of the kind of suffering I've endured and still endured. Here's an example I can give you, though: If, for example, you're being raped and you hear a train rumble by outside as it's happening? The brain just loves to make connections. I can't ride on trains any more. I used to love trains. An unfortunate factor of autism is that in certain cases of the spectrum (though not all, no aspect of it is Universal as all brains are different) one may be hyper-sensitive. This also means that the autistic mind can be sensitive to trauma, which mine is. Despite efforts made with both CBT and medication, I still can't leave my house. The last time I tried I experienced a seizure. In this sociopath's view, I shouldn't be entitled to any support despite what's happened to me. Noel Plum is telling me that if I can't work, then the government shouldn't provide me with anything. The only reason I have a roof over my head and the small amount of money on which I live is thanks to the charity of the British government and its people. Which weighs on my conscience heavily. Not that Noel would know anything about how that feels. If I could go outside, if I could be around other people enough to work, then I'd do it. I can't interact with people, though, at all. I have to live in isolation. The jobs available to me in this scenario are both simply too scarce and wouldn't provide a high enough pay grade to actually live on. So I'd end up homeless, without a doubt. I wouldn't last long, there. I could see myself having an aneurysm and that would be that. Thanks for helping confirm my fear of sociopaths, though, Noel. I can't ever be around people thanks to monsters like you, just because they're going to share the same kind of face and my mind reacts with such an overpowering, overwhelming, irresistible fear response that I just break. Thanks for confirming my traumas and empowering them. When I was younger, I was incredibly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, an overly naive and optimistic child whose innocence and hope were stolen by sociopaths. I don't have those any more. I have very little faith in humanity in general, these days, and all I know now is the cynicism I feel for the kind of creatures I know humans can be. I'm jaded, and I often wake up wondering whether it's worth actually going on. Yes. These are feelings. Do they make you feel uncomfortable? Do you want to rush off and create a YouTube video about it? Sure, you certainly could be a massive monument to human indecency, much like our wonderful role model, here. You could. Don't. It's a chance for you to actually be a decent human being and actually listen. In my aforementioned glory days, the halcyon days of my youth, as sepia tinted and nostalgic as they are? I was incredibly bright, my reading age was far beyond the average, almost a decade ahead of where it should have been. I was reading physics books when the other children around me were still preoccupied with fairy tales. I was an artist, a musician, tutors regularly told me that I was quite the talented wunderkind. Can you imagine what it's like to have all of that torn away? I'm certain I would've loved to enter into some scientific field or other, given the opportunity. I wanted that, so badly. In many ways, I still do. I don't know if you can grasp what that's like, to have your potential just ripped away so that all you can do is hide inside a house because you feel so much fear. You can't trust anyone as they look like evil demons, it's lead many to incorrectly assume that I'm a misanthrope, which is in stark opposition to how I actually feel. Yes, people scare me. Do I care about them? Yes. Do I want to try and help them avoid suffering? Yes. It's really difficult to do this. What I see though is that if I don't speak out? The people who're so very easily manipulated by sociopaths like Noel Plum are going to sleepwalk through it and spread his hate speech harmfully throughout the world as unaware proxies. It's a difficult effort for me but this simply has to be challenged so that no one else has to endure what I've had to. Do you think I should be homeless? It's a simple question. It's one I'd ask to that sociopath as well, though he'd likely find some way to worm out of it with fallacious arguments and veiled, passive-aggressive attacks as is the way of sociopaths. And, yes, the alt-right is a movement lead by sociopathic key figures who others are being manipulated by, it's a very real, very harmful problem. Take a look at boogie2988 as an example. I don't think he's a sociopath, I think he's one of the people being manipulated as he's a bit of a pushover. He's being an echo chamber for toxic viewpoints simply because he's just too afraid to challenge the sociopaths who're forcing their toxic ideologies on him. It became obvious to me when he went from saying in one video that his followers shouldn't attack Anita Sarkeesian as she really doesn't deserve the hate, to another where he claimed that Anita deserved whatever came her way. That was fast. And no one changes their tune that fast unless they're scared. The alt-right think that boogie2988 is aligned with them. He's not. He's morbidly fucking terrified of them and I really don't blame him. I bet that he's worried that if he speaks out he'll have more threats of assassination, or boxes of shit mailed to his door. He's admitted that's happened to him, which just makes me feel worse. I won't demonise him for this. I'm going to give boogie2988 the benefit of the doubt. He doesn't ping my sociopath radar at all. Of course, there is a possibility that he's simply a more talented manipulator who manages to be more subtle in his efforts. Not that I believe that, as I don't think that that level of paranoia is necessary or justified. As such, I really want to give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm open to being wrong, though, so tell me if I am. I don't think he's a manipulator, though. He's too wishy-washy. It doesn't fit. No, he's one of those I mentioned who're manipulated by the actual sociopaths out there, the YouTube faces of the alt-right. Individuals who obviously have no capacity for empathy or conscience whatsoever. You know how I feel about Noel Plum, though I'd also namedrop the comedy duo of TL;DR and Sargon as obvious candidates as well. As I keep saying: All you have to do is look for the lack of empathy and conscience. A sociopath believes their 'common sense' is the be all and end all, that they can use that to manipulate people as it make them objectively correct. They don't realise that by not having empathy and compassion, there's a lot of nuance and subtext regarding humanity they're never going to understand. So people like Noel Plum, TL;DR, and Sargon wonder why so many react negatively to them, yeah? This is why. They're sociopaths. If you don't have any capacity for empathy, compassion, concern, or care then you'll likely not be well liked, will you? I haven't seen one video where these people have shown any of those traits. Not one. Not. One. As always, I'm happy to be proven wrong. Please note that asinine attacks designed to undermine me based upon my disability aren't evidence that these people aren't sociopaths. I hate that I have to say this. I couldn't hold back the soulful sigh as I wrote those words, but I know all too well how humans can be. Especially when those humans are either sociopaths or the unaware proxies who're acting as their cult of personality. So let's ask another question: Do you think I'm able? The able person has privilege. I wish I did. I had places I used to enjoy going to when I was younger that I no longer can. I, for example, sorely miss video game arcades. There are some left in the UK and I would genuinely love to visit one, I truly would, but I wouldn't be around other people. It isn't fair to expect to have an arcade to myself, either. I am absolutely not the one per cent, nor do I wish to be. I want everyone to enjoy these things. So even if I can't, I can enjoy it vicariously without the guilt of impeding others. I still wish I could go to one, though. I'd like that. It's such a silly, simple thing, isn't it? I want to visit a video game arcade. I don't want a big house, a fast car, or any of that rot, I'd just like to visit a video game arcade as I have some... very fond memories of them from my youth. It was a happier time. I hate that I need to do this. I do. I'm just sick of being victimised by sociopaths like Noel Plum. I'm scared, I'll admit it, this is terrifying to do as I might bring down the wrath of the sociopaths and their proxies on my head. I know that. I live in fear enough and this is likely to make it worse, but I have to be strong enough to try. I have to be bull-headed and give this my all. If I don't, I'm a hypocrite. And as I do have a conscience, unlike Noel Plum, it would just drag me down and burden me further if I didn't make this effort. I am scared, yes, but it has to be done. I think people need to talk about these things. I really believe that's necessary. I'd like to go outside. I can't. I have to pay others to walk my dog for me since I can't do that myself. I thankfully have a back yard with very tall fences and I can play with him there, but I can't walk him. Anyway, I'm registered as having PTSD and autism. The government knows that I'm unable to go outside and I haven't left my house in over two decades. It's like self-imposed stockholm syndrome, in a way. It's why I brought that up. As I said, I wasn't accusing anyone, just speaking from experience. One no one should ever have to have. So, am I able, Noel? Do I enjoy the same privileges as a healthy person who's able to go outdoors and enjoy that kind of life? I'm stuck in a very small house all the time. I use blackout curtains to block out the outside world, I only have one mirror as I can't stand looking at myself due to being physically disfigured. Am I as privileged as you, do you think? Of course I'm not. Noel's a nasty little man as he's fully aware that individuals such as myself exist, though he cares more about the taxes he has to pay than he does about my well being. As I said, he obviously has no capacity for conscience or empathy, he's a sociopath. As is true of every alt-right ringleader I've seen. So let's ask another question: Do you think I deserve support? Noel would say no. I don't deserve that 'privilege.' What's your opinion, though? What do you think? I wish I could go out there and earn money just as you do, that'd be lovely. I don't have that luxury. Yes, working is a luxury as it brings you far more financial stability and peace of mind than I've ever known. Sometimes I'm so strapped for cash I have to choose between electricity, Internet, and food. I would work, if I could. This is why it's important for you to realise that these alt-right ringleaders are sociopaths, and if you buy into their spiel then you've been played. Played like a fiddle, dancing to their tune, obeying their whims like extremely helpful little puppets. Think for yourself. This kind of toxicity is ruining human society, it's degrading the moral values we've all fought for. It's tearing up the fabric of community that would otherwise bind us together. Why? All to benefit the very few -- the sociopaths. I don't blame you for being a pawn, a piece on a chess board. It's easy to be taken in by these people and manipulated, after all. And sadly, there's more of these nasty individuals out there than we realise. Sociopathy is much more commonplace than you might realise. It always has the same hallmarks, though: They're manipulative, they're schemers, and they've absolutely no capacity for conscience, empathy, concern, or care. They're incredibly self-centred, only interested in their own gain, and often extremely narcissistic and overly confident as well. I'm extremely thankful to people like Captain Andy for speaking up for those like myself. And yes, sometimes we do need that. It's unfortunate, but as I said, we are scared. I'm scared. I'm terrified to do this and even as I type I'm debating with myself over whether I'll actually post it... Just look at Anita Sarkeesian, though. I know, I know how the sociopaths want you to think. Instead, take a look at her page on RationalWiki. Not one of the arguments sociopaths make against her is valid, but they're talented and compelling manipulators so they can easily hide their obvious lack of facts, citations, and information, instead opting to use fallacies and manipulative ploys to get people thinking as they want. No matter what you believe Anita Sarkeesian may be guilty of (which, if we're honest, is nothing more than defending a group of humans who've had to endure some terrible shit), the hatred she experiences is entirely disproportionate to any of the crimes she's been accused of. Why do you hate her so much? Do you know? You've been played. This is what sociopaths do, and they're bloody good at it. And what do most humans never want to admit? They don't want to admit that they were wrong. If they're wrong, they look like weak-minded fools who were played (I've been there, that's happened to me). So they will look for information to back up their lack of wrongness, they'll have this confirmation bias that'll turn into something ugly and nasty. The reason they hate Anita is because subconsciously they know. They know they've been played and manipulated by these sociopaths, they're just too ashamed to admit it, so instead they're doubling down on their attacks in the hopes that no one will actually notice. They fear the judgement baggage that'll accompany admitting they were wrong. Guess what, though? I wouldn't blame you. No one would. I think we've all experienced sociopathic manipulation at some point in our lives. There is no judgement, here. I just want people to realise that the reason they listen to people like Sargon and Noel Plum, the reason they hate women, non-whites, disabled people, and so on? It's because on a subconscious level they know they've been played and they're ashamed, so they're just doubling down on this instead of being big, brave, or confident enough to admit they were wrong. And here I am. A person with PTSD who can't leave their house. If I can find strength enough to do this, to stand up for what I believe in and talk to all of you, why can't those of you who're being proxy for this hate speech just be big enough to admit you were wrong? It's okay. We're all wrong sometimes. It happens. In fact, we're often wrong. It's how we learn. I don't see any harm in that. The only bad part is if you can't admit it to yourself, if you don't open up to the experience and learn from it so that you can grow as a person, instead of doubling down and stagnating into something entirely terrible. That's the only horrible thing, here. It's bad for me, sure, but it's also stunting you and that's not great for you. I'm talking to the people here, of course, who sing along to the tune of sociopaths like Noel Plum, TL;DR, and Sargon. This is a chance that I, as a scared, disabled individual who often feels their hate, am offering them to stand up and admit they were wrong. I forgive them. I don't blame any person for being manipulated by a talented manipulator, okay? Life is hard for me, it really is, sometimes I'll lash out just out of the sheer pain and suffering I've endured. I still don't blame those who've been manipulated and played, though. I just blame the sociopaths. They're the only ones who're truly responsible, here. I know I'm going to regret this. I know this is going to add a lot more pain, fear, sadness, and suffering to my life. I'll have people threatening to kill my dog and shit like that, because this is the kind of thing that these monsters pull. I have to do this, though. I hope you can understand. I just can't allow myself to sit by and watch this happen any more. I hope, at least, that this message is received loud and clear by boogie2988, as I genuinely believe he's a good person who's just as very scared as I am, who's been manipulated and pushed around by these sociopaths. I'm hoping he'll understand where I'm coming from. Thank you for reading. And maybe... thank you for understanding?
And thank you to Captain Andy for making that video. Really, thank you. It gave me the strength to do this. I appreciate that. You are good people.
I'm going to post this thing, now, and then go and hide under my bed because I'm a fucking coward and this was way more difficult to do than it had any right to be. I wish I didn’t have to do this, but my need to stand up, speak, and not be a hypocrite is overpowering my cowardice. Just enough to hit post...
0 notes
globalcozykamikaze · 8 years ago
Other Comics News Parade-O-Links 01112017
(Star Wars issue 106.  Cover by Cynthia Martin.  Image stolen from Rebel Scum. )
Here are some things I found interesting in the world of minicomics, comic books, graphic novels, small press, self publishing, zines, webcomics, cartoons, digital comics, other, etc. during the week weeks ending 01/11/2017.
"Look, I don’t have time for this." - Steve Ditko.
Hello sisters and brothers of teh intronets and welcome to another episode of your Other Comics News Parade-O-Links.  My name is Shannon and I'll be your host.  I've been away for a bit.  Well, I've been right here.  I've just been busy.  September through November is my busiest time of year at work.  Then after that holiday and family stuff took over.  Family first right?  But 2017 will be a big year for file under other.  2017 is an anniversary year so more on that down the road. 
So, here we are.  My head and my heart are in knots.  I appologize in advance that this Parade-O-Links will be short on comics.  That's not comics' fault.  It's my fault.  I'm dealing with some things.  I'll get better.  For the 2nd time in the last five Presidential elections the person that received the largest amount of votes will not be our next President.  It happens.  Some people are concerned.  And with good reason.  Imagine the riots in the streets if two out of five Superbowl Championships were handed to the team with less points.  The last time this happened we invaded the wrong countries and went to war for fifteen years. So... good luck?  Look, our democracy failible.  Our democracy is fragile.  It's scary.  But one of the main reasons these United States have been safe from tyranny is that every four to eight years we have the peaceful removal and replacement of our top leader.  So whether your candidate won or lost, remember, this is temporary.  Maybe. 
And by Maybe I mean please remember that Vladimir Putin circumvented Russia's constitution and appointed himself Prime Minister and then President after having exceeded Russia's term limits.  Again, democracy is fragile.
Don't take democracy for granted.  It can end.  Democracies end.  Some times by force and sometimes by will.  Sometimes they get pissed away.  
Friends.  This isn't a political blog but I'm reporting to you live right now from the Unites States of America and this is just the world around us right now.  I know a lot of very smart people discourage artists, creative types and well, basically anyone that would like to attain employment at some point, to keep the political opinions off social media because it could be held against you and cost you gigs.  I get it. I get it.  But if we live in a country where you have to be afraid to speak your mind then we've already lost.  And personally, I don't want to work for or with people that don't respect my opinion. My mind, my glorious freaking mind, is exactly WHY you SHOULD want to work with me.  And if you're paying  me to shut up then you're wasting your money.  
 Guys.  I just need to take a moment to say that this webpage is doing some weird things with font that and alignment that are driving me crazy but I just don't have the patience to figure out right now.  Sorry.
Enough about the future/end of the free world.  Let's talk about me. I recently drew a four page comic about "Handsome" Jimmy "The Boogie Woogie" Man Valiant and Magnet Man having a monster truck sumo battle for Brien Wayne Powell's Boogie Jam 4Ever. It's great.  You should buy seven copies.  Brien also has what has to be one of the longer running ongoing webcomics about Magnet Man and the Boogie Woogie Man's adventures over at Boogie Jam Online.  I've got some other wrasslin' comics in the works but they are top secret so you will have to wait to find out about them. (Or, ya know, just ask me.)
Speaking of the word "handsome".  Does the way Taylor Swift pronounces "handsome" weird anyone else out?
2016 was a rough one for a lot of us.  It was a rough one for the world.  A lot of people have it worse than I do and I can be pretty miserable. There's a solid chance that tomorrow I'll wake up and my county's schools and hospitals will still be standing.  That's not true everywhere. So many have lost so much.  We focus on the death's of famous people because those folks are like our shared extended family.  There is a commonality there that we can empatize with.  I may know know you but if I know you loved David Bowie then I can understand how much it hurt a year ago when he left us.  You may not know me but if you loved Prince then I can tell you about how I bought my first guitar because of him when I was 15 and that I picked out a white one because of Purple Rain. Carrie Fisher meant so much to so many of us around the world.  She was the first girl I ever wanted to marry. She never stopped inspiring.  We need a million more of her.  Especially now. Comics also lost a lot of great ones. We will press on.  Forward.  Forward.  But don't forget. How could we?
Those of you have been reading file under other for a while know that I usually end these posts with a video from our youtube pal Francis.  I hate to break internet kayfabe but Francis is just a character.  The man behind Francis is Steven Williams, also known as boogie2988.  I grew up in the same small town, watchin' cartoons and readin' comics at the same library.  He was a year behind me in school but I've know him since pre-school. He's a sweetheart and was always the funniest guy in the room. This past year he received one of the highest honors you can receive in video games without actually making them. I'm proud of ya' Boogie.  Ya done good.  Saint Paul High School represent!
And now ladies and gentlemen...
THE BEST NEW semi-recent COMIC comics I READ THIS WEEK recently.
Disney Pirates of the Caribbean issues 1 and 2 by Chris Schweizer, Joe Flood and Marissa Louise.  Published by Joe Books LTD.  $2.99.
I didn't know much about this comic going into it beyond the fact that Chris Schweizer was writing it.  I missed the whole Pirates of the Caribbean movie phenomenon at the time the films came bout because my kids were not at the PG-13 age yet.  Those movies came out during a time when I pretyt much only saw talking animal movies.  But, I'm a sucker for any movie with a boat in it so I watched the 1st movie on Netflix recently after I bought these comics at my LCS but before I read them.  I liked the movie a lot.  It had boats in it. 
I loved both issues of this comic.  I think is really lovely from cover to cover. I don't know anything about the publisher Joe Books LTD or why they publish Disney comics instead of a comic book publisher Disney paid billions of dollars for but, the books are as good from cover to cover as anything on the stands and they cost a dollar or two less.  Consider me a fan.  
Schweizer's writing is as great as I expected it to be.  Each comic is a fully realized self contained speedy adventure with a full cast of individually motivated interesting characters.  The character's speech and motivations are consistent with the one film I saw.  The wit is very sharp.  Schweizer doesn't go too many panels without a punchline. 
I was a bit dissappointed to see that Schweizer was not also drawing this book but Joe Flood does a great job.  The design is solid and pleasantly consistent with the Disney Infinity video game style that I love so much.  The real challenge with this book is capturing Captain Jack's mannerism's Flood never drops character.  
The book looks great cover to cover.  Marissa Louise is credited with the colors on the first issue and I'm assuming Flood did the colors himself on the second.  I like the style of both.  My personal preference in colors is for them to be very flat. I don't like colorists that are into rendering. I like flat colors with a bit of that enhance the light and dark of the inks.  That's pretty much the style we see here.  The pallet is a bit brown for my personal tastes but it fits the story, time and location and is consistent with the movie I watched.  Interior and night time scenes are appropriately dark but the characters still pop.  
As I said before, I really don't know anything about Joe Books or these Disney comics yet (I'll look it up eventually) but if they put out 20 more issues of this with Schweizer as the writer I'll be sure to buy them and they'll probably be the first books I read from the ol' pull list any time they come out.  I couldn't find these on Comixology so if you're interested in them I suggest you ask your LCS to snag you some copies. 
And finally... Hey guys, 2016 wasn't all bad.  Francis made a friend!
Remember pals, life is hard.  Never stop running unless it's to pick up a friend.  Read comics and chew Glorp every day and you'll keep on livin' until you're dead. 
Your best pal ever, Shannon Smith
p.s. I write comics.  Do you make comics?  Maybe you should hire me to write comics. 
p.p.s Say you want a leader but you can't seem to make up your mind. I think you'd better close it and let me guide you to my twitter feed.
p.p.p.s. Let's pretend we went to high school together on facebook.
p.p.p.p.s. Google + is another place you can read the same thing I posted here.
p.p.p.p.p.s. I'll tumblr for ya.
p.p.p.p.p.p.s.  Yeah, I do Instagram too.  I guess it's a law or something.
via file under other http://ift.tt/2j1uUHo
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years ago
Police Are Investigating a Shooting at YouTuber Boogie2988’s House
Fayetteville, Arkansas police confirmed to Motherboard that they are investigating a shooting at the home of popular YouTuber Boogie2988. Boogie, who makes videos about video games, tech, and weight loss, says he fired a “warning shot” at another video creator Frank Hassle who showed up at his home uninvited, and who threatened him.
A spokesperson for Fayetteville police would not give Motherboard more information, citing that there is an “active investigation” at an address that matches photos of the incident posted to social media by both Boogie and Hassle. The spokesperson said that officers “did respond to a shooting” at the address at 3:22 p.m. local time.
Hassle was banned from YouTube earlier this summer, and now posts videos mainly on the right-wing BitChute site. Many of his videos show him explicitly harassing people in public, and he has been publicly and aggressively posting harassing tweets about Boogie for weeks.
After the incident, both Boogie and Hassle posted videos and tweets confirming their involvement. The aftermath of the situation played out over Twitter on Monday afternoon, and at first appeared to be weird YouTube beef gone wrong, or perhaps some sort of publicity stunt. Monday night, Boogie tweeted that the incident was "serious," "scary," and "one of the hardest days of my life."
Hassle posted some DMs on Twitter that appear to show that Boogie was perhaps at one time playing along with Hassle, but in recent days Boogie had begun publicly telling Hassle not to come to his home. The existence of an active police investigation and a video posted by Boogie of the moments before and after the shooting suggest that this is more nefarious than YouTube "drama" gone wrong.
“I am currently trending on Twitter because I had a stalker come to my home today,” Boogie said in a video about the incident. “Long story short, this guy decided it was his decision to start stalking me and harassing me, threatening me mentally, physically, threatening to come to my home, threatening to harm me when he did.”
Boogie says that Hassle drove to Fayetteville over the weekend and began taking photos near his house “to prove that he was here.”
“I made it abundantly clear to him and anyone else that would listen that he was not welcome in my home and because of his previous threats I would pull a gun on him. And today, he decided to show up, and so I did exactly that,” he added. “I pulled a gun on him, I told him to leave my property, I told him I felt threatened. I fired a warning shot so that he would leave. After firing a warning shot, he did.”
Boogie also posted a SimpliSafe surveillance camera video of Hassle showing up at his home: “Come on you fuckin’ pussy, what’s the deal,” Frank yells in the video. “Where’s the gun at, you fat faggot. Open fire! Open fire!”
Keemstar, a YouTuber who follows what he calls “drama” on YouTube, originally broke news of the shooting by tweeting a series of videos and photos about the shooting: “@Boogie2988 just shot a Gun at a white male that went into his home. #DramaAlert Boogie thinks it was @FrankHassleYT.” Hassle posted a series of tweets of GoPro footage and photos of himself in front of Boogie’s house: “I took the gun and made him suck it like a dick while the whole neighborhood watched,” he tweeted. And “My house my rules.”
Boogie said he was unable to post more footage on YouTube because of its terms of service, but that he handed over the rest of the footage to the police. “This type of harassment is very real,” he said. “This is a very deranged person showing up at my house today with the intention of escalating things.”
Boogie, Keemstar, and Hassle did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Police Are Investigating a Shooting at YouTuber Boogie2988’s House syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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