#bonus: this all came to be because I can't stop thinking about him sneaking into the bathroom whenever you take a shower at their place
sourpeachsayshi · 4 months
(minors / ageless / blank blogs dni - all characters are 21+)
you assumed that yuji's older brother was protective of you because you were yuji's best friend. figured that choso's possession stemmed from a place of care, and not anything else. but choso definitely has some yan tendencies towards you, has a thing of wanting to open up his home and make you feel as comfortable as possible.
a sleep over turns into him offering you to stay for the weekend. a weekend stretches to days when he reiterates that their before house is basically yours and you're welcome anytime. they know you don't have family in the city - that your apartment is small and sad and quiet. but he welcomes you with open arms, and you find comfort in accepting.
but that just gives him access. more chances to encroach into your space. to touch you how he likes. to eat you out at his pleasure. he's not really good with dating, too introverted to put himself out there. but you - you just walked right in. all he has to do is smother you with attention, and you open up for him like a blooming flower.
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serxinns · 7 months
Yan! Fatgum vs Yan! all might (Both platonic)
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•Now all might be Tolerable when it came to the teachers coddling you and being protective over you he was fine but with others it was a problem a Big problem, and fatgum was that problem At 1st all might not mind Fatgum, he just thought he didn't have the same thought at him and just was clueless but oh boy he was wrong
• he started seeing Fatgum giving you your favorite snacks and always pinching your little cheeks and carrying you around Seeing you happy and smiling with him made him sick he should be the one making you happy and spoiling you the final straw was when you accidentally calling fatgum uncle while fatigue eyes sparkle all might had a dark glint in his eye and a threatening aura surrounding him he was gonna have to do something about this
•So one day, while you and Kirishima were chatting with each other fatigue watched happily as the two of you were getting along until he felt a cold hand on his shoulder "They look like they're having fun right young hero!" there stood all might in his muscle form, Fatgum smiled "Yea they've been getting along well! It's almost liked they're dating!" all might smile twitch when he heard that last part even tho he knew he wasn't joking his blood was still boiling so he pinned the young hero in the wall his blue eyes piercing down on him the all might glared into his eyes
•"Listen here I'm tired of beating around this bush I want you to stay far away from them as possible and stop tryna influence that student of yours to get with them" To his surprise fatigue chuckled, "Thats funny hilarious even but no way just because your a worry some clingy ass number 1 can't handle someone touching what's "Theirs" doesn't mean im gonna back down" all might stared at the man in shocked but it quickly turned into a rage "Why you lit-" suddenly you and kiri ran up to the two heroes they both stare you in silence until fatgum said something
"Hey little buds back already?" "Yea! me and kiri were learning new tricks! kiri taught me how to block with your torso" the two of you eyes sparkle while fatgum chuckled to himself "Yea y/ns moved were super manly they even taught me their new power move you gotta see it!" "Alright you guys I'll catch up! Don't try to hurt yourselves!" when the 2 Teens left fatgum looked at All might with a smirk "also I recorded everything you said so be cautious with your actions" and with that fatgum happily followed behind the children like there was nothing wrong leaving all might angry and shocked he cursed under his breath but he was not gonna back down easily or even Never
•To this day the 2 mostly all might would compete to each other about whos better then who like how All Might would make you fly up in the sky while holding you to see the view and if you are scared of heights that's ok he'll carry you on his back while his fan are in awe
•Fatgum would just try to piss off all might By Giving you your favorite treats, Making you and kiri wear his costume while he just dies from happiness and taking pictures, Whenever all might spotted him he was spin you around or pinch your cheeks making all might glaring like he wanted to commit murder
• While all might has a trick up his sleeve he'll buy you anything you want unless it's other peoples merch he always sneak some matching all might merch for deku and you so that one day if izuku found out by stalking you that you were wearing the same clothes as him he'll want you to hold hands for the rest of the day
Fatgum and All might: Aruging about who's better
Kiri, Reader and Izuku: 👀
Reader: Yall wanna go get ice cream
Izuku: yea I don't think they'll stop anytime soon
Kirishima: well let's get some popcorn on the way as well then!
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spaggyspagly · 8 months
a theory and some hcs i have on rocket anything after screenshots is what i speculate about him would've posted this sooner like on his birthday but i got nervous on how people would see this but oh well fuck it we ball tw for self-destructive behaviors, addiction, mentions of violence and ptsd!!! stay safe all ❤️ (copy and pasted from a friend's dms)
"me and another person did a long analysis on rocket since it's his birthday tomorrow and RAHHHH
it gave me a whole new perspective on who he might actually b
so rocket (he's 22) as you can see from his dialogue is very into fighting and will even sneak away from his dad zuka (who has been retired from fighting because he went into a big accident that costed him his right arm) so he can go off and fight
from the looks of it, he's one of the phighters who flame out more easily and he has a much shorter temper than the others
it's confirmed that he doesn't like t hang out with the people in playground (i'll mention why later)
some of what he says suggests that he doesn't actually care about whether he hurts himself in battle and that he jokes about his trauma (i'll get into depth about this too)"
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(medkit dialogue)
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(there's a little more dialogue with sword assisting but the wiki hasn't been updated)
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"so he came from playground, a place full of energetic and extroverted demons but a specific group of demons went up on him and that resulted in his arm and leg blowing right off, hence his prosthetics zuka found him and adopted him before he himself went into an accident where his right arm blew off (so he can somewhat relate, however rocket started after his accident and zuka stopped after his)"
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"from what happened with him when he was young, i wouldn't b surprised if he was still genuinely traumatized or isn't able t properly process what happened t him considering that healthcare is already low, so anything like therapists is out of the question as well"
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theory time!!
"he can get a lot more easily agitated or aggressive than other demons which is deadass a sign of ptsd
he likely has flashbacks of that day (who wouldn't thas traumatizing as fuck)
he ALSO likely can't handle the stress he hasn't processed + the stress he has now because of how short his temper seems t b
he also makes lots of jokes poking around his limb being legitimately blown off which is something many people do t cope with stuff, which does involve shit like abuse or stuff like that
the reason why he might b into fighting so much is likely because he's used it as an outlet of the anger and stress that he could never get out otherwise
it's likely gotten t the point where it's an unhealthy addiction + a way of self harm for himself
the way he's so secretive about getting caught by zuka and that he asks other phighters not t tell his dad about it makes me think that he KNOWS the risk of fighting but does it anyway (which is a sign of addiction)
also, zuka found rocket while experiencing the same thing, so he full on knows the consequences of fighting and he knows why zuka is so persistent in not letting him fight, yet he does anyway and he goes out of his way t LIE t zuka on whether he went out fighting or not
the way he jus doesn't like the playground kids even when they very well may not b the ones that harmed him is a sign that he hasn't fully healed from what happened with him, that he still hasn't processed his accident
the amount of recklessness he shows for himself is very prominent, as he's too stubborn and too focused in fighting t even care that he's slowly killing himself
he has all the warnings, but he's addicted t how this is the only way he can feel better and that this is the only way he can even remotely cope with his childhood
whether he knos this or not, he's on the road of slowly killing himself if he keeps exerting himself like this" (bonus hc)
"honestly i thought that his trauma was so fucking severe that there's no way that he hasn't been affected, then when i saw that he was into fighting t the point where he will ignore zuka's reprimands despite knowing the harm that will happen i jus kinda thought that fighting was how he was coping this entire time
a friend said that this might b his norm or that he sees this as normal behavior and i agree!! because he was exposed t violence and the debilitating shit he went through when he was young + zuka found him before he retired so he more likely than not taught rocket his ways it's clear that rocket still does admire zuka because he carves his horns t look jus like his but he might even miss how approving zuka was of him for doing what he knows best before" side stuff: i mention his age t prove that he isn't doing this t b a rebellious kid since he's too old for that what i mean by "rocket started after his accident and zuka stopped after his" is by them fighting i'm aware that other phighters like banhammer and shuriken have shorter tempers too but they're also more aggressive demons when it comes t killing so my point still stands you could say that he isn't joking when he mentions his limbs getting blown off and thas fair!!! but the way he casually mentions that horrific event on a whim reminds us of how we did something similar with our trauma (don't ask, also yes most of it has been processed relatively healthily nowadays, we're ok rn) - if it isn't tru, then it also brings up another point that he might b completely desensitized t what happened with him + how he may not see the severity of the incident (we've done this too) - it further proves that he sees violence as something thas normal from how overly exposed he was t it (this was us a couple years back) and how his potential addiction is even more suggested
p.s.: keep in mind that these are all hcs and that i in no way think that i kno rocket more than the people who made him!!! i wanted t see him more than jus a silly guy who blows up stuff and i hope this is somewhat accurate t his character :,D 2/5/24 EDIT: i actually have no idea on whether zuka lost his limbs before or after he met rocket, i thought i read that he lost them after adopting rocket but iiiii can't remember if it was the opposite or not it doesn't affect my argument too much but i jus wanted t point that out also rocket says, "Dad's been helping me with my aim!" which i can't tell if he's being deadass or not but if thas so then AHEM? HEY?
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So what about Eddie with someone who’s obsessed right back and it’s like that song “unhealthy obsession.” Like sneaking into each other’s place to steal their stuff and you both don’t think the other one knows you exist. Let wackos love other wackos.
It's an interesting concept! An obsessed/yandere partner is something Eddie would definitely be into. After all, they speak his love language...🌺
🫀REQUESTS ARE OPEN🫀 || Batman-inspired playlist
Riddler with an obsessed/yan! partner
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You guys are like a dog chasing its tail.
Definitely confused that someone wants his undivided attention
Relationship so toxic Britney Spear's on the phone with her lawyers
What got you initially interested in Eddie was, paradoxally, his lack of presence. In any social setting, dude's practically invisible
So there you were, at a diner, drinking your milkshake and pondering your loneliness when HE came in
A person so easy to overlook you couldn't keep your eyes off him
I mean, he looked so adorable! All awkward and meek it was as if he was silently begging for someone to love him like he deserved
And you were definitely the one to give it to him
So that night you followed him out of the diner and to his home
Little did you know, he also remained not indifferent towards you
Yes, Eddie did notice that romantically miserable person sipping their milkshake by the window
He caught your interest and you caught his
The first time you broke into his apartment, you were so excited you nearly knocked a few things over
Because it's his space
If he has any posters, movies, books, magazines etc. that could indicate his interests, you take pictures of them. For science.
You also took pictures of his aftershave and/or shampoo to buy for yourself
This huge chest of drawers in Eddie's apartment has all drawers locked. 'Their' is scratched into the wooden surface and you're about to start World War III thinking he has a partner
Even if that were the case, their term would end quite quickly and rapidly
A little murder never killed nobody. Or something like that.
You stole at least one article of Eddie's clothing. You wear them whenever you're having a bad day
You definitely have creepy stalker-style pictures of him - printed out and with lipstick kiss stains on them (you give him /pictures of him/ a kiss every morning. Is there a better way to start your day?)
Eddie was equally giddy walking through your space
Definitely nicked a few things and lay in your bed imagining what it would be like to lay there with you
He definitely gathered hair from your brush/comb and keep them underneath his pillow/mattress
You visited every store in Gotham to get the same glasses he wears - no matter whether you wear glasses yourself
Eddie would definitely steal one of the mugs/glasses from your sink and keep them as a piece of you
If you find any evidence of other people being in Eddie's life (no matter who they are), you add them to your blacklist. They might or might not suffer "unfortunate accidents". For legal reasons I cannot disclose any details
He sniffs your clothes. Maybe gets a little too into it
If you have a stuffed toy, Eddie gets a copy of it. Definitely talks to it about anything and everything
Bonus: sprays it with the perfume you usually wear
He knows the places you frequent and you know his. On quite a few occasions you missed each other because you were looking for one another. Told ya: dog chasing its tail
There is some excitement about Eddie not knowing about you. Simply put, if he doesn't know, he can't reject you. He can't stop you from being close like a fly in the wall
Carrying the keys to each other's flats on the same keychain as to your own. Because you kinda do live there too
Sometimes he hangs out outside of your window and watches you until you fall asleep
If or when you find out he's the Riddler, you're the number 1 fan
Selling homemade merch and anonymously donating the profit to him
The darker corners of the internet quickly recognize your #1 fan status
This leads to a funny situation where Eddie knows of you but not about you
You may or may not have committed a crime in the name of the Riddler... multiple times.
The only things worth knowing are those connected to Eddie
Speaking of crimes and Eddie: he had assaulted someone because of you. Maybe they were getting a little too close to you or they were mean or they became suspicious of him
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calamitaswrath · 3 months
Cal Lucia plays Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: Chapter 16
Oh damn, I know that track from Smash! Quite the deep cut though to have a random character theme in there, hah.
Pretty rich of Ike to call out Tormod for speaking out of line in front of Sanaki. But, I suppose it also shows a bit of growth, in that he is now more familiar with this world, so I suppose we can let this one slide.
Ahh, so Ike did put two and two together! That's good. He really would have been a bit dense if after all this, he couldn't figure out what those "merchants" were all about. But considering that he's not taking the credit for working this out, the jury on him personally is still out.
Well then, let's look at the base conversations. Only two this time around, hm.
The conversation with Muasir and Tormod. . . well, now there's some heavy stuff. Pretty interesting to read, even if there is not much for me to actually comment on with it.
Stefan's - pfft, what a way to start it. Even Ike's confused where this guy came from. But he offers to teach Ike, and I get a skill out of it, so that's neat. I gotta admit that I haven't really used many of these skills yet, because I'm just not sure which skill to best put on which character, hah.
Got some more support conversations that I wanted to look at! Jill and Mist's is once again short, but it is rather sweet. Ike and Soren's on the other hand. . . well, that's not what I would have expected from a glance into his backstory.
Dumped a whole bunch of bexp into Mist, got her to level 17, and then promoted her, just so that she can do something.
. . .What do you mean, she uses swords now and not magic
Well, off to the actual map. And I really do like the setup for this one! Sneaking into a nobleman's manor for a search is definitely a unique setup for a Fire Emblem map.
Though in terms of gameplay, I have to say that this linear type of map really doesn't play well with anybody but mounted units. I still brought a bunch of unmounted ones, but they are not having a good time.
Huh, I guess all my resetting for good level-ups with Mist did actually pay off. She does have a respectable enough attack stat now, allowing her to do actual damage with a sword to enemies. That's neat.
New character with Devdan! With him. . . well, I think I've seen his design before at least, but not much beyond that. It is a good design though, and he seems like a fun enough guy.
The requirement for maximum bonus experience on this map was eight turns, which. . . yeah, no. I beat the map in 15. I wanted that treasure, and played things a bit carefully, so I guess that was to be expected.
And Reyson is goneson. That whole scene was a bit weirdly resolved, though - neither Oliver nor Reyson leaving was really shown, but I suppose that wasn't really necessary in the end.
And here we go, getting filled in on the massacre of Serene's Forest. And, uh. . . kinda eyebrow-raising that this website is named after that place? But I suppose I can somewhat see it.
Also oof @ Nasir throwing that subtle shade at Sanaki by saying that the empress from 20 years ago was greater than any before or since
I do have to wonder a bit about Sanaki, though. Is she the granddaughter of that empress? Because unless we have a "looks like a child but is actually far older" deal going on, she can't be the daughter of that empress.
Urgh, tough spot to have to stop, though. I do already know that the next two chapters will need to be beaten back-to-back, and the story is going interesting places right now. . . but, I won't actually be able to play for two weeks, since I'll be gone til the 21st from this Wednesday, and I won't really have the time to continue playing before that. But I guess that gives me time to let the story thus far sink in.
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linorachas · 3 years
#1 | seo changbin
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⁍ pairing — seo changbin x gender neutral!reader ⁍ genre —tooth-rotting fluff ⁍ word count — 844 words ⁍ details — established relationship, lapslock, suggestive themes ⁍ notes — i don't know where this came from. i started writing it. had a breakdown over changbin. bon appetite. enjoy this blurb ♥️ ⁍ summary — you can't stop talking, and changbin can’t stop kissing you.
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“i just think it’s unfair, you know-“
“uh huh.”
“-that, ah, i’ve been working my ass off for the whole week, overtime and mmph-“
changbin manages to capture his partner’s lips at the next word, and doesn’t bother to hide his smile when the other melts easily. he leans even closer now, snaking a hand around the back of your neck, impatient to finally-
then you pull away. “and he just tells me to copy this and do a report on that as if I’m the only employee...”
changbin doesn’t relent even as you keep talking, only faltering for some kisses that never get past a nibble to the bottom lip. you keep on talking even when changbin pulls you close, arranging your position so you’ve got both thighs situated on either side of his hips. he continues with sneaking a kiss in every chance he gets.
“and then by tomorrow, i’d-“ smack, “-ask again how it went and he just never-“ smack, “answer and it’s so-“ smack, “dumb and...”
changbin moves his kisses down to your neck in an attempt to hide his grin, but it’s useless anyway, because his shoulders are shaking with laughter at how his chatterbox of a lover isn’t paying any attention, too passionate about retelling a story he had already heard yesterday. you seem to have forgotten that you already told him, but he doesn’t make a move to stop you, content to listen to you rant.
it was hard to believe that you were both in the middle of a very heated makeout session just five minutes ago, his shirt already off and your pants unbuttoned. but then a single text message from a coworker had ignited your fuse, and you hadn’t stopped talking since.
his boner’s gone all soft now, and he can’t find it in him to feel guilty for interrupting you when you yourself stop talking at times to press a kiss to his lips, seemingly torn in-between continuing your story or indulging in changbin’s smooch fest.
it’s cute. you were cute. changbin is in love.
“wait, wait, i’m almost done.” you smack another quick kiss to changbin’s lips before continuing, and changbin’s definitely holding back a laugh now. “so then, i asked seungkwan at the front desk; did he notice anything suspicious? cause-”
“like- i can’t be the only one noticing this shit, right, it’s a hideous shirt-“
“i don’t want to sound like a bad person but it’s just so impossible for not a single one of my coworkers to not-“
“let’s get married.”
you nod, “-okay baby, later, i promise. so then we all gathered together in the groupchat-“
“-if they’ve noticed anything right? so- wait.”
changbin raises an eyebrow when you freeze, an amused grin now plastered on his lips.
“are you-” your breath hitches, heart pounding as you tried to process what you just heard. “what the fuck did you just say?”
changbin’s full on laughing now, shoulders shaking. you’re jostled in his lap, but his arms tighten around you before you could fall. you’re still staring at him, dumbfounded, but changbin seems to ignore your current crisis and just smiles at you cheekily.
he presses another quick kiss to your lips before he says, “us. marriage. i wanna spend the rest of my life with you. listen to your crazy work stories everyday. kiss you until my lips bruise. have you in my lap like this for eternity. i wanna make fun of you when you get gray hair and i want you to make fun of me when i lose all of mine. i wanna come home and wake up to you. to this. and though it’s for legal reasons-- plus discount benefits--” you both snort at that, “some marriage certificate and a couple rings isn’t going to prove what i feel,” changbin scoffs, eyes rolling, “because even if we didn’t have those i’d still feel the same.”
you don’t even notice you’re crying until changbin’s face visibly softens, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks, thumbs catching the stray teardrops. he pulls you close, pressing your foreheads together as he whispers the words against your lips.
“even if we had nothing, it’d be fine.”
it was a promise, an oath, a commitment; love packaged neatly into 5 simple words.
“you’re all i ever need.”
“i can’t believe you proposed to me. shirtless at that!” you wail, tears streaming down your face as changbin looks on amusedly. he gently wipes your tears and snot with his discarded shirt.
“i could always do that again in a suit.”
one glare from you has him raising his hands up in surrender, but the grin on his face just widens. you were back to talking again, hands flailing around as you ramble about the preparations that came with a wedding.
but this time, a diamond glints around your ring finger, finally freed from the box changbin had hidden six months ago.
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starryluce · 3 years
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Soft Bakugo Katsuki x reader
Characters aged up
Season 3 spoilers!
rated- A (anyone)
warnings- grammar errors
words- 1,200+
summary- As Bakugo goes through a rough patch, he finds his way to your dorm room seeking comfort
Bakugo knocked on your door, he had no idea why he felt the need to be with you, but he did. He knew he could get in serious trouble sneaking out of his dorm room at 1 a.m, but frankly, he didn't care.  
You opened the door, expecting Kaminari to ask for homework help while giving you food as a trade-off. But instead, you see a soft-looking Bakugo wearing a t-shirt and some gym shorts. He was honestly the last person you ever expected to be at your door, especially at this time of night. You and Bakugo weren't dating and you weren't close friends, and you barely spoke to each other. Sure you had caught him staring at you a few dozen times and he never made fun of you or called you an “extra” but it still didn't make sense why he was at your door. 
You peaked your head out the hallway looking left and right before pulling Bakugo into your dorm room and closing your door. “What are you doing here? You could have gotten in serious trouble if you got caught,” you scolded him, hitting him gently on the shoulder. “You don't think I fucking know that dumbass?” he practically yelled, you your hand over his mouth shushing him. “Would you shut up! You know if you get caught in here I go down with you!” you whispered screamed at him. You take your hand off his mouth, taking his hand dragging him to your bed as you sit on your bed. “Well don't just stand there sit down,” you demand, he rolls his eyes but sits down next to you. 
“What's going on?” you ask him
“Nothing” he mutters 
“Then why are you here?” you ask
“Like the hell, I know!” his voice raises slightly 
“Then leave” you state plainly 
“I can't” he states
“Why not?” you ask
“Because I can't be fucking alone right now,” he whispered almost low enough to not be able to hear. “What did you say?” you ask quietly “Fuck this, I’m leaving” He states, getting up but before he can get too far you grab his wrist. 
“No, stay” you demand, trying to pull him to you. “No,” Bakugo states, you still have a hold on his wrist, Bakugo could get out of your hold if he wanted to but he makes no move too. You know the words he wants to hear, the only words that will get him to stay- you may not be close with him but you knew enough about him to know what he wanted. “Stay, I want you to stay. Don't do it for you do it for me, please?”
“Fine,” he huffed, he tried to act mad but he wasn't, in fact, he was ecstatic. The girl of his dream wanted to be with him.
“Bakugo,” you say, noticing he was spacing out.
“Katsuki,” he began “I want you to call me Katsuki,”
“I will if you call me Y/n” 
And there it was, something you've never seen him do. Smile. It wasn't a huge grin- he didn't even use his teeth. But you saw the corner of his lips move up.
“You aren't doing okay, are you?” you ask, moving your hand to rest on top of his, trying to reassure him that he can talk to you. “No, I'm not” he sighs, it almost a sigh of relief, as if he had wanted to tell someone for a while. “Do you want to talk about it?” you say, moving your hand to interlock with his. “It's all my fault,” he states, looking down at your interlocked hands. “What are talking about?” you ask confused. “All Might losing his powers... It's all my fault, if I never got kidnapped, if I was stronger, he would still be the number one hero. Even my own mother thinks so,”
You both sat there for hours, talking about how he felt. He had never told anyone about his feelings but now they all came out and you knew how to talk to him. You reassured him, but you didn't look at him differently or treat him like he was fragile. For once in his life, he felt like someone truly cared about him. And you did. You both connected with each other that night, a connection that would on continue to get stronger. 
Bonus scene:
You woke up the next morning in the middle of the bed with Bakugo laying on top of you, head resting in the crook of your neck. You move your hand under his shirt, moving your fingers up and down his back, the action causing him to stir slightly, his eyes fluttering open. 
Katsuki kisses the side of your neck, making you giggle. “St-op, tickle-s” you laugh, but Katsuki keeps going getting sloppier with his kisses but giving you a lot. You manage to finally push him away, still smiling at him as he now hovers over you. “Thank you, y/n,” he states softly.
 “Don’t have to thank me Katsuki” you mutter tiredly, moving head down to rest on your chest, which he gladly gives in and does. “Course I do, dumbass”
“No you don't, dumbass” you retort jokingly, kissing his forehead. “Mmm don't get to call me a dumbass,” he mutters, trying to bury his head deeper in your chest.
 “Says who?” you question. 
“Says me,” he mumbles 
“Who says you get to make the rules, dumbass?” you tease 
“the monster,” he states back
“What monster?” His fingers tips made their way to your side, and he started tickling you.
 “ ‘Suki s-top”
“Mmm no can do,” he mutters, starting to leave kisses with a few raspberries on your stomach.
 “Pl- please? I’ll do any- anything,” Katsuki stops his movement, looking down at you. “Hmm anything you say?” you nod your head at him. “Well, maybe if you go on a date with me, ill be able to stop,”
“Id love to go on a date with you, dumbass,” you say, smiling. Katsuki glares at you, moving his hand back to your side, about to resume his movement. But you move your hands to his neck, fingertips on his skin as you start to move your fingers. Turns out Katsuki Bakugo was indeed ticklish and it was time for some pay back. 
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jhsgf82 · 2 years
Favourite Peeta moment or quote in each books/movies?
Note : everyone is welcomed to answer this question, thank you for your answer 😊
Um, wow, that's really tough. I don't think I can do just one. I feel like I've answered this before, but I will again!
I mean, gosh, everything he says and does is good/iconic/funny/sassy/sweet/incredible (any/all of those), but I'll give several from each movie/book:
*Most of these will be the famous ones, but I might throw in a few lesser talked about ones.
The Hunger Games:
"I don't wanna be another piece in their Game. [...] If I die, I wanna still be me." -This is just, wow. Enough said.
"Because she came here with me." (and his whole interaction with Caesar and talking about his crush on Katniss)
"She has no idea. The effect she can have." -This one's a classic. Every Peeta/Everlark fan loves this one and uses it in fics frequently, but we can't help it. It's so good!
"We're madly in love, remember? So feel free to kiss me anytime you feel like it." -Peeta is just the ultimate flirt (but with feelings). Such a Loverboy. He's half-dead by a river bank, and he's STILL flirting with Katniss. I guess he's thinking, what's he got to lose now?
The entire Cave dialogue, the lovey moments, Peeta flirting...
"We just have this and then we go home, and Haymitch can't watch us all the time." -I may have slightly misquoted this, but that's the gist. A lesser talked-about part, but I just love it (and also hate it). Peeta was soo happy and excited, so in love, and he's thinking, basically, that he and Katniss are gonna be sneaking off to be together every chance they get. And it even makes Katniss shiver. the girl SHIVERS at his words. It's so sad because Katniss isn't feeling as strongly as he is, and he doesn't yet know that it wasn't *all* real. Even so, she's confused and does later realize her feelings, the long, hard way, but it makes me ache for Peeta.
Catching Fire:
*Geez, there are soo many in this one; it's my favorite of the series, but I'll try*
The whole interaction after Katniss hurts her ankle. Peeta covering for her with the Peacekeepers, the teasing and playing keep -away with the sweets, then Peeta hugging her, realizing she's hurt and later just scooping her up and getting her to bed when she can't walk. And of course, of course, the "Stay with me"/Always” (in all iterations, which Katniss doesn't realize he says until later)
Comforting Katniss when she has nightmares on the train
Peeta volunteering for Haymitch INSTANTLY
“If it weren’t for the baby.” (BABY BOMB and that whole speech about them getting married/having a toasting) 
"Watch out, there's a forcefield up there."
Peeta comforting Katniss from the jabberjays. I loove how Katniss ran directly for Peeta (after being hurt that he didn't come after her, but he was trapped). And in the movie, you see how she just throws herself at him to be comforted, but she just bounces off the forcefield/blockade. He stays there, talks to her, puts his hand up in the movie, and then after, he holds her/cradles her in his arms (book) and convinces her how the Capitol won't touch Prim
Giving Katniss the pearl
The "You're gonna be a great mother" part with Peeta touching her stomach to play to the cameras after a serious, real discussion. *Added bonus, Finnick saying it's just her hormones after she was a blubbering, snotty mess when Peeta almost died, LOL. And then she nearly bites his head off, screaming at him that "It's not the hormones!" And ofc this looks to the Capitol like it is, so played just right, you two (good teamwork there, P and F), but ofc, we all know, that's just Katniss. Haha.
The beach scene/discussion/kisses
Peeta's whole monologue with the dying morphling, comforting her and talking about his paints and trying to capture sun on white fur and a baby's skin and a rainbow
I could seriously go on and on, but I'll stop...
Damn, this book gutted me. I read it in a day, just couldn't stop. I needed it to be good again (somewhat)
Peeta talking about what happened in the arena
Peeta being sassy/basically saying he's a prisoner and he doesn't like it (the cards, etc)
Peeta's warning to 13
Peeta being antagonistic to Katniss in the cafeteria in 13. Yes, I like that scene. Finnick chiming in after Peeta hits on Annie. Delly getting upset. I wish that scene had been in the movie. It's just rife with tension. So many buried feelings and frustrations there, for both P and K.
Peeta giving Katniss the lamb stew in the Capitol. He remember her favorite dish!
The don't let him take you from me/stay with me/always scene (of course!)
Peeta and Katniss's goodbye in the Capitol. Him wanting to be a freaking DISTRACTION for her because people know his face, even though they just saw a man who looked like him get beaten to death. I need to check the exact dialogue in the book, but I love the hug in the movie and the "If I see you again, it's gonna be a different world."
Peeta freaking putting Katniss out when she's on fire!!!! (why did this scene get cut from the movie?! Why?)
Peeta returning to Katniss in 12 and planting primroses. Assuming he carried her to bed.
Growing back together! 'Nuff sad
“You love me. Real or Not Real?” -OF COURSE, BOOM 
The epilogue. The picnic in the meadow and the toast babies!
(indirect Peeta quote) "...Peeta says it will be okay. We have each other and the book. We can teach them about it in a way that makes them stronger."
*Well, I probably missed a lot of ones I love, but there are so many!
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bnha-hq · 5 years
2 separate BnHA short fics please: Mirio and Ojiro discover their supposedly Quirkless s/o is actually hiding an amazing Quirk because she doesn't want to be a hero (for any reason; has another goal in life, can't handle the responsibility, lacks other important heroic traits, ect)
I’m so sorry this is so late, I hope you enjoy them!
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Ojiro had found himself wondering the halls, unable tosleep and simply searching for something to do to calm the nerves or pass thetime. Between the attacks the school had faced and the stress of suddenly beingmoved onto the school and away from his home this wasn’t an unusual occurrence.He wasn’t the only one, he was sure almost everyone felt a little homesick butthey’d manage, they simply needed to adjust to the new circumstances.
He knew his girlfriend was taking a little bit toadjust as well, adjusting too new environments wasn’t easy, but she didn’t seemto be in a bad spot so he wasn’t worried. He would often sneak to her dormsthrough the night, she was in general studies but lucky for them both the twodorms weren’t all that far away from one another, a short easy trip for themboth with minimal likelihood of being caught from the teachers which, in hiseyes, was a bonus.
Ojiro often wondered how she felt about the recentattacks, her being quirkless and all, he could only use his own thoughts to goon when wondering.
The attacks shook him, he’d seen pro’s be severelyhurt. Aizawa, thirteen, pixiebob and ragdoll all hurt, almost killed and thenin his own class, students with so much promise or strength had been injured ortaken. He hated to admit it but it worried him a lot, if some of these pros orheroes in training were hurt so badly despite their quirks then would he besafe? Was she feeling the same anxiety or was she removed enough from thereality of it all that it didn’t affect her that much? He hoped she feltremoved enough, he hated to think she carried the same concern around with her.
He decided to drop by the gym, a few rounds on thepunching bag always wore him out enough to sleep, but paused when he got there.The door was open but there was no sound, which got him a little uneasy, lasttime this happened he caught two of his classmates in a rather…compromising…positionand he was not keen to relive that particular scenario.
He slowly peeked in but it was almost impossible tosee, not only was it dark but the darkness seemed to move fluidly, like calm water.
He walked in quietly, watching the darkness make theirway back to the main source. His girlfriend.
“____!?” Her name had left his mouth before he evenhad time to think twice about it. He quickly spun around, the darkness quicklyspilling back to where it had originally come from. She looked like a deercaught in headlights, he could see the millions of thoughts rushing through hermind in that moment. Both of them were stunned and neither quite knew the best approachso Ojiro took a dive and went for the least complicated one.
“That was amazing! You have a quirk??” He wasn’tlying, she manipulated darkness itself! How cool was that? He saw her lips turnup in a small smile, so he assumed he’d broken the ice enough for the rest ofthe conversation to flow smoothly.
“Yeah…I can manipulate dark” she demonstrated, lettingit swirl around her finger with ease before disappearing again.
“Why did you lie about being quirkless? You could bein the hero course with a quirk like that!”
“That’s why I lied. I don’t want to be a hero.”
This took Ojiro by surprise, she didn’t want to be ahero? But she was always talking about wanting to help people and save lives,what better job for that than a hero? It didn’t make any sense to him.
“But you always say you want to help people?” Shenodded at his question.
“I do, I want to go into the medical field. I want tostudy diseases and birth defects and illness all across the spectrum. I want tohelp people recover, help people avoid illnesses and to manage the ones theyalready have. I want to help people in a way that heroes simply can’t” hewatched her eyes light up as she spoke about her aspirations, a goal sohonourable and so very much her. He smiled and hugged her.
“I dunno, that sounds pretty heroic to me either way.”He heard her giggle before she hugged him back.
“Thanks Mashi” she kissed his cheek and he suddenlydidn’t need the rounds on the punching bag, he felt calm and at ease witheverything.
“You’re welcome, now come on little miss future medic,you need your rest.”
She laughed but let him guide her out of the gym.
“Alright, alright…you won’t tell anyone about my quirkwill you?” she whispered, glancing around just in case anyone else may be around.He shook his head and kissed her hand.
“Of course not, it’ll be our little secret, scout’shonour.” He placed a hand on his chest and held the other up as he said this,earning another quiet giggle and a soft smile that took his breath away everytime without fail.
“Thank you” she smiled and followed him to her dorms.
They walked in silence for a short time, both so comfortablyat ease in one another’s presence that words weren’t necessary, just beingtogether was more than enough.
Eventually the dorm came into view, he stayed out ofsight and kissed her gently, keeping it short and sweet.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, so goodnight, sleep tight anddon’t let the bed bugs bite.” She laughed again and kissed his cheek.
“You’re such a dork, sleep well, I love you” shehugged him one last time before running off to sneak back into her room beforeshe was caught.
“I love you too.”
As Ojiro made his way back to his own dorm he feltlighter, she had a quirk and by the looks of it a rather powerful one. Even ifthe attacks had been closer to her he was confident that she had all the meansnecessary to protect herself. He could sleep easy knowing that if push came toshove and she found herself in a situation like that then she had a solid chance.
He could sleep easy knowing she was safe, and sleepeasy he did.
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This was bad, this was really, really bad.
Mirio had been blindsided and sent barreling down the street and making a rough stop against a building, the unmoving wall stopping him but definitely breaking bones in the process.
“Mirio!” the terrified voice of his girlfriend shot through the pain like an arrow.
“I-I’m ok ___, I’m fine” he went to stand up to prove to her that he was fine but his leg was not letting that happen.
“No you’re not! Stay down Mirio!” She grabbed his shoulders and made sure he didn’t try standing again, he wanted to fight it but he knew she was right. He couldn’t stand up let alone fight again but he couldn’t just sit here and do nothing!
“Where are the other pro heroes? They should be here by now!”
“I…I don’t know, they’re on their way…they have to be” she tightened her grip on his shoulders a little more. He had to do something, he couldn’t just sit here and let this villain continue destroying buildings and hurting innocent people.
“I can still fight ___, I have to” he tried once more to get up but she held firm with more strength than he expected.
The villain, another Nomu, approached them both, determined to finish the hero off once and for all, she clung to him tighter, her eyes wide in fear at the approaching threat.
“____, you have to go, I’ll be fine I promise but you have to go!” His words were hardly audible over the frantic beating of his own heart, he wasn’t even sure the words got past the fear gripping at his throat.
“No, I’m not leaving you!” She held onto him tightly and Mirio felt trapped. Was this how it was going to end? His girlfriend in his arms, like a cold reminder of the fact he couldn’t even protect the one he loved the most in the world?
“____ please, you have to leave…I can handle it before the other pros arrive but please ___, you have to leave” he begged her, pleading with her to leave, to get to safety.
He saw her grit her teeth, the colour had drained from her face but her eyes shone with renewed determination.
She stood up and approached the Nomu in turn, Mirio could only watch in horror and try to talk some sense into her. She was quirkless, that Nomu would chew her up and spit her out without a second thought, everyone knew how hard it was for All Might to defeat one of these and he’s All Might!
“No!! ____ please, please just go! ___ please don’t!” He furiously blinked back tears, as much as he wanted to look away he just couldn’t. The fear inside him felt alive, like a creature that was clawing its way out of his soul and leaving everything it touched colder than ice on its way, uncaring and unrelenting.
He tried to stand up, the pain that shot through his leg turned everything around him into a temporary hazy blur but before his vision could even clear fully he was back down, but it was not of his own doing.
He forced his vision to focus on his girlfriend, who had now stopped approaching the Nomu and now…now she was glowing?
He blinked a few times, trying to shake away the soft golden glow that surrounded his girlfriend, it had to be a trick of a rattled mind right? Though no matter how many times he blinked or how hard he rubbed his eyes the golden glow remained around her.
He watched in shock and absolute amazement how the light moved, how it began to swirl around her like smoke, wrapping around each leg and arm and beaming from her, soon she was almost too bright to look at.
She held her hand out, the light beginning to move to her palm where it seemed to float in the shape of a long spear, soon solidifying
Mirio was stunned, his girlfriend had a quirk!? And a kickass one at that!? He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, the light had chased his fear off and warmed what it had frozen. It left him feeling stronger and lighter, it reassured him that she would be alright. They all would be.
She threw the spear, hitting the Nomu in the eyes and incinerating the beasts head, leaving nothing left to regenerate.
As the Nomu collapsed the light dissipated in moments, ___ falling to her knees as it did. The light had left and had given way to what he hoped was just exhaustion, a few other pro heroes arriving minutes later. Mirio wasn’t sure how late they were or how long he’d been sitting there for, watching his girlfriend approach the Nomu had felt like an eternity, his own special eternal hell he worried he’d never escape from. But here he was, the threat dealt with and his girlfriend alive and unharmed, it was a much better outcome than he expected.
“Mirio!” She ran over as he was lifted onto a stretcher, her voice was music to his ears.
“____, thank goodness you’re alright! I was so worried.” He held her face in his still shaking hands and kissed everywhere, leaving not an inch of skin un-kissed.
“What was that? I thought you were quirkless but that…that was amazing ____!”
“Thanks…” she smiled sheepishly at him, rubbing the back of her neck. She seemed to be thinking, Mirio had assumed it was about the Nomu and just simply processing what had gone down just moments before.
“Why’d you tell me you were quirkless?”
He didn’t want to bombard her with too many questions right away but he needed to know this, it seemed like such a strange thing to lie about, especially in today’s society.
“I don’t want to be a hero…I never have…and I was worried if I told you and others about my quirk that you’d try convincing me to be a hero.”
That struck Mirio as strange but only because he had wanted to be a hero his whole life, he felt like it was his calling, but he’d never, ever try and push it onto her or judge her for choosing a different career path. He opened his mouth to speak but was quickly cut off.
“I don’t have what it takes to be a hero…all that pressure, all those eyes watching me, relying on me to save them, one wrong move and it could all be over for them, for me…I just couldn’t do that.”
Mirio smiled softly and hugged her the best he could with a banged up arm.
“Then don’t become a hero, I’d never judge you for choosing another path” he kissed her temple as she relaxed against him, her own arms moving to wrap around him tightly.
“Thank you Mirio.”
“You’re welcome”
He kissed her cheek before being moved into the ambulance, his amazing girlfriend right beside him.
He was too tired to word it all now, but she’d always be his hero, quirk or no quirk.
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airanke · 7 years
Attempt #2: I will take Vol'jin & Nadia, Amita and Jalga, and Nadia and V's rival whose name I can't remember for the meme thing!!!! (And for the % things on too, if that's okay :P)
OH and yeah I can do that too!! I’ll put it in a separate post though, cuz this one will be pretty long with three ships!
@madmadameem yeeeeeeeeesssss
Vol’jin x Nadia!
who takes longer showers?
I’mma go with Nadia! She has a thick mass of hair, so caring for it probably takes longer than one would normally think (and let’s not forget about drying time too)! I’m pretty sure Vol’jin gets impatient at points and either drags her out or she just finds him sitting on a chair / on the bed staring at the door until she leaves. He helps her brush it - cuz I mean, I totally support the idea of trolls bonding via grooming u w u /
(rest under the cut!)
how do they make up after a fight?
SHIT MAN FROM WHAT I’VE READ VOL’JIN AND NADIA DON’T DO THE MAKING UP AFTER A FIGHT THING VERY WELL– but. I think that they would eventually sit down and talk about it, either by Nadia cornering Vol’jin, or by Vol’jin probably just picking Nadia up and carrying her off. Both of these things being done in the “we’re going to talk about this and you’re going to LIKE IT” sort of way haha! They strike me more as a “let’s talk it out now that we’ve both calmed down” sort O:
who prefers rain and who prefers sun?
I still run with the idea of Vol’jin preferring the rain because it reminds him of First Home ; w ; ! That being said, I kind of feel that after being in Durotar for so long, Nadia starts to prefer the rain as well - plus, with her being a mage, she can manipulate the water by freezing it and such, so I can imagine it being a very relaxing thing for her to do!
what’s their favorite place to go together?
Awww shizzle. I’m… not entirely sure? I know they would have a preference to more private places rather than public places (also this just based off what I’ve read PFFT since it’s like A LOT OF THE TIME THEY’RE TRYING TO KEEP THINGS A SECRET children pls). Umm if I had to pick a place… I feel like somewhere in Hyjal? IDK why, it’s a relatively easy place to fly to from Orgrimmar, and it’s really beautiful, and it would also be the last place anyone would think to look for them (so I mean they’d probably stress everyone out but when you want privacy YOU WANT PRIVACY ain’t nothin’ stopping you!)
who’s more likely to be voted prom king/queen?
Both of them of course! Both have the looks and the personality, they both gonna be the king and queen of the night u w u /
do they celebrate anniversaries, etc.?
Hrm… I can see them celebrating their anniversaries! Other than that, I’m not too sure what holidays they might enjoy celebrating together (though I can imagine Brewfest is an enjoyable one just because of all the silly shenanigans that can happen).
who’d pressure the other into singing karaoke?
UM I’m thinking Vol’jin would put the pressure on Nadia– between the two of them, she can probably sing better (though I’ve always imagined Vol’jin to have a gravelly singing voice, if he DOES sing).
what’s their nightly routine?
GROOMING because this is apparently the beginning of any routine involving a troll– I imagine that Nadia likes to take some time to moisturiser her face (I??? Don’t know where that came from but she looks like she has such soft, supple cheeks so MOISTURISING IT IS), or at least her part of the routine includes some kind of skin care. And more hair care. Because that hair. And then Vol’jin eventually gets annoyed with how long she’s taking and drags her into bed for cuddles u w u
who’s more likely to burn dinner?
… I’m so sorry Nadia I have always headcanoned Vol’jin being rather CAPABLE SO DESPITE THE FACT THAT YOU CAN OBVIOUSLY MAKE A REALLY NICE SOUP you are more likely to burn dinner— //BRICKED. It’s… it’s because she’s a mage…. she gets distracted… THAT’S MY EXCUSE.
Jalga x Amita!
who takes longer showers?
They both do because no matter what Amita does Jalga manages to sneak in every single time. He’s a rogue. She can’t stop him. His reasoning is he wants to help her with her waterfall of hair, but the truth is he just wants to kiss her neck. Jalga has a thing for Amita’s neck–
how do they make up after a fight?
Jalga is always the one who wants to talk about everything after a fight, which is good because Amita is rather avoidant. He makes it a point to seek her out and either ask what he did wrong or express to her what she did wrong, and is definitely the “we’re talking about this whether you like it or not” sort more than anything else.
who prefers rain and who prefers sun?
Jalga prefers the rain, and Amita prefers the sun. Jalga, though, likes to drag Amita into the rain with him totally not because he’s trying to seduce her with his romantic capabilities. That, and he will often just lie with Amita in the sun despite not being huge on the sun himself (it’s because he’s a rogue. He subconsciously wants to be hidden 99% of the time).
what’s their favorite place to go together?
Honestly? The dock in Ratchet. When it’s early morning and the boats aren’t coming or going yet, and when it’s late at night, again when the boats aren’t coming or going. They just like to sit there and enjoy each other’s company, and talk about things. And make out.
who’s more likely to be voted prom king/queen?
Both of them! Jalga is somewhat timid and sweet, and Amita is Amita! They both have the personalities and the looks to get all those votes!
do they celebrate anniversaries, etc.?
Not necessarily, but Jalga likes to take Amita off on little adventures to escape the Barrens every now and then (think of the Micro Holidays that were recently added in WoW). Bonus that he likes to drag Bujune along with them too, so there gets to be some mother/son time nestled in between all the time Jalga and Amita spend together u w u
who’d pressure the other into singing karaoke?
Jalga would pressure Amita. He knows she can sing - after all, I mean, she sings for him every night I mean what.
what’s their nightly routine?
Jalga makes sure to tend to Amita before they go to bed. That means exactly what it sounds like - y’know, brushing / braiding her hair, taking out her earrings (she can do this herself, but Jalga likes to do it for her, so she lets him). As for Amita, she returns the favor by actually tending to Jalga’s tusks. He prefers to keep them short, considering that he’s a rogue and if they’re larger than could easily catch on things, so Amita will break out the sand paper / a sanding block and carefully file his tusks. It’s something that’s best done every night, that way not too much has to be sanded off each time (and yeah, as a result of that, Jalga generally has smooth looking tusks).
who’s more likely to burn dinner?
Amita of course XD As I mentioned in the Amita x Vol’jin one, she can sometimes get distracted when she cooks, especially if it’s near a campfire! Jalga is less likely to burn food, but sometimes Amita distracts him sooooooo… he kinda sorta burns dinner too.
Tirgon x Nadia!
who takes longer showers?
Nadia. Because Trigon is like in the shower for five minutes and then basically done. He’s HELLA EFFICIENT OKAY??? I swear if Nadia takes longer than ten he’s coming in there and helping her or definitely NOT helping her…. depending… on which way that ends up going.
how do they make up after a fight?
Well shit. Trigon is arrogant at the very least and proud at the very best. But at the same time he’s also incredibly logical, so while he wouldn’t immediately admit when he’s in the wrong, he’ll get to it (on top of that he has one fierce temper). He’d have to calm down first, reassess what happened, and then when he comes to a conclusion, he’ll get off his high horse and talk to Nadia (regardless of if he’s “right” or “wrong”. He’s a strategist and highly intelligent, so he knows that talking shit out is better than stubbornly clinging to being “right” or “wrong”). SO EITHER WAY, they’d make up after a fight ultimately by Trigon storming into wherever Nadia is either opening with a) “I WAS RIGHT AND YOU WERE WRONG HOWEVER–” or b) “YOU WERE RIGHT AND I WAS WRONG HOWEVER–” and go from there with a discussion. Trigon stop being so DAMN AGGRESSIVE.
who prefers rain and who prefers sun?
Both Nadia and Trigon would prefer the rain. Trigon tends to hide in the shadows (let’s face it, he’s an assassin, he doesn’t want to be seen) buuuut when Trigon is in the sun, his scars glint in the sunlight, kinda like onyxes. He’d rather people not stare and/or ask questions about them, so he sticks to places where he’s not easily seen. Nadia I’m sure would have some fun impressing him with her ice magic (and I mean Trigon isn’t impossible to impress, he just doesn’t visibly show when he is most of the time - but if he sticks around to watch someone, it means he’s impressed!! And he would def stick around to watch Nadia do her little tricks).
what’s their favorite place to go together?
Hrm… Trigon’s not an Azeroth native, so this one is a teensy more difficult than the others… I feel like he’d take a liking to possibly Northrend areas or more traditional troll areas? After all the trolls on Azeroth live very differently from the trolls on Ether. Hrm… a specific place though… I think they would both settle on the library in Dalaran tbh. Trigon will take any reason to expand his knowledge, so he would definitely enjoy being in a library. In fact, this is probably the one time Nadia would discover that he’s not all “fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you in particular” and that he actually has a calmer, more conversational side u w u /
who’s more likely to be voted prom king/queen?
Nadia for sure prom queen. Trigon my gawd your personality leaves a lot to be desired. You’re really hot, we know this, but FOR PETE’S SAKE TONE DOWN THE CUSSING THAT’S VERY UNATTRACTIVE MY DUDE– naw, it’s a 50/50 thing for Trigon. He’s stern and headstrong (and arrogant asf), so his personality is a hit or miss with most people. Depends on how many people there actually like him that would determine whether or not he’d be prom king.
do they celebrate anniversaries, etc.?
Like Jalga with Amita, I like to think that Trigon would just show up randomly and be like “hey the Hippogriphs are hatching we’re goin’” and just whisk Nadia away LMAO!! BUUUT I also see them very much enjoying the Lunar Festival for some reason… it’s probably the lanterns. Trigon may or may not be weak for dim lighting and soft flames. Spoiler he totally is.
who’d pressure the other into singing karaoke?
Okay so funnily enough Trigon would encourage Nadia to sing by doing the whole “yeah sure, of course you can” or “bet you can’t” thing?? And then sitting there smirking while she proves him wrong until she realizes that she’s done exactly what he wanted and then resorts to glaring at him because he’s so fucking cocky.
what’s their nightly routine?
Okay now this one would actually start with them studying something and/or reading books together. As I mentioned Trigon is highly intelligent, and will take any and all reason to expand his knowledge. This of course means he would take a great interest in any magical texts, not only because it would teach him more about Azeroth magic, but also because it would increase his ability to incapacitate mages (boy is best against mages PFFT). Depending on what they’d gotten up to that day, or if Nadia has been particularly stressed, Trigon might actually whip up a bath. Like with the candles and rose petals and everything, I’mnotevenjokingHAHAHA. This would be his best efforts to get Nadia to relax. Or he helps her relax in other ways - and he is definitely the type to get all cocksure and teasing if she wants, y’know, something and his face totally says “I know exactly what you’re trying to ask me but I’m going to play dumb because I want to hear you say it”.
who’s more likely to burn dinner?
I don’t think either of them??? Trigon lives alone with his two brothers, and they were all in the Military (which… is the travelling army portion of the forces that Trigon is with //WEEPS) so they had to learn how to cook proper meals?? So yeah, neither Trigon nor Nadia would burn dinner. They probably try to out-cook each other sometimes. THAT WOULD BE REALLY FUNNY ACTUALLY— then they just wind up with too much food and look at each other and go “… well. I guess it’s time to invite people over for an impromptu dinner….”. They never learn their lesson.
Lawd I love Trigon so much you don’t eVEN UNDERSTAND—
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