#bonnie mentioned 🗣🗣🗣
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str8upjorkinit · 3 months ago
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this didnt actually happen (but it would)
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bogusbyron · 7 months ago
Show notes from my double show day on 8th august 2024. 2nd show was largely very similar so any extra notes i took on that show are added onto the emds of the relevant scenes. Enjoy!!!
(Ignore the amount of times i mention jordan)
1) Stew snapping the book shut in the prologue real sharp will always make me giggle
2) fun little stolen time pause before stew delivers "do not forget me", makes it short and snappy (SHOW 2: stew threw the yellow slip so jvj would have to go collect it.)
3) valvert stare-down before javert's exit. Okay
4)  at this point i wrote "can't find harry. Worried" because i was scanning the ensemble for harry lake and he WASNT THERE mad as hell
5) verry good low note on "dirt beaneath" in the prologue .. milan❤ (SHOW 2: in that little bit when he steals the coin from the child they messed that the hell up girl you caught jackshit)
6) understudy bishop! Every other time ive been it was Adam Pearce . I think i prefer him but the u/s had a really nice rich voicr which i fw , not quite as deep as adam but i liked him. He was a lot more stern & firm as bishop, with bits like "remember this"  and "passion" being quite harsh.
7) valjean wincing when the bishop helps him stand (SHOW 2: when talking to the policeman after the robbery, valjean shakes his head at the bishop who then nods back at him. Heartbreakinf ohmy gyat)
8) "my life was a war" line being half-spoken, in a very distressed manner... quite liked that. Also he sobbed a bit after "allow this man" which got me in the feels.. let valjean cry 2024 (SHOW 2: harsh on "hate" in I had come to hate the world)
9) higher note on  "god above" which scratched the brain
10) jesus christ milan can hold a note . The whole "eye for an eye" crescendo drives me batty and milan does not disappoint
11) swallowed before "he told me that i have a soul" not sure if that was intentional like at all but considering his nervous delivery on future lines like "ill escape now" i thought it fitting
12) ENSEMBLE TIME🗣 tom is so hard NOT to spot, ginger ass hair. And also during At The End Of The Day he was hunched and staggering dramatically which made me giggle. Also bonnie langford spotted leftmost factory woman. Not important but i saw her. Also jordan was one of the workers and he cheers on the fight between fantine and the other woman but as soon as he sees valjean comes down the stairs he hurriedly goes back to looking busy writing at the desk. Again i giggled .
13) idk if its just me being stupid but katie's wig lookee different to how i remember it last time did she get a new one. ⁉️⁉️
14) "when i was young and unafraid" almost spoken.  Ate🗣
15) THE BRASS ON THE  I DREAMED A DREAM CRESCENDO UUUUGGGHHHHHHHHHH I ALWAUS GET GOOSEBUMPS ON "SHAME" UEGGGGHHH  goosebumps also on "i had a dream life would be"  katie's voice ao good ans clear ill go nuts
16)  i think jordan was the first  dude in lovely ladies  and he also got his arse  tapped by one of them so that was fun . It was harry lake last time but he really got his arse slapped like he stumbled offstage and everything
16) the woman with the hat in lovely ladies i forgot her actress' name but i LOVED her voice . I gotta know if she understudies anyone cause wowzer.
17) bambatabois was pissed as hell he was screaming his head off like a toddler
18) here i wrote "JORDAN POLICEMAN ON DA STAIRS🔥🔥🔥" handwrote the fire emojis and everything. He was playing one of the policemen and he climbed the stairs. I liked that
19) little fantine sob after javert says "i have heard such protestations" which BROKE my heart ohmy gah. Also katie always  eats the crescendo on "you let your foreman send me away"  that whole bit drives me crazy the music and strings bruh ohmy
20) javert's "monsieur le maire"  very curt and sharp almost a hiss which i dont think ive delivered like that before ? Looove snappy javert
21) like when i saw stew & milan on the 14th they have homo moment at the cart when javert holds valjeans bicep for far too long and his voice even goes up higher on "a memory stirs" as he stares into his eyes for Way too long
22) low note on "comes to court" which scratched the brain
23) valjean snatching his coat from javert LMFOAOAOO
24) his whole mini-monologue was so funny cause he was REALLY pronouncing his "k"s so it was just like  traCK🗣ed him down through thICK🗣 and thin. And to maK🗣e the matter certain theres the brand upon his sK🗣in. He will bend. He will breaK🗣 this time there is no mistaK🗣e
25) slight pauses between the last "i am damned" in who am i like  I. Am. Damned
26) i feel like milan is a lot more determined and deliberate and sure of himself as compared to chris' much softer and "mature"? valjean. Which i find interesting
27) katie somehow so good at singing even when "frail"  helloooooooo shes actually cracked  Get out
28) valjean so soft with fantine though  godbless she makes my heart ache. He had her face against her cheek which i thought sweet
30) Valjean scoffing before "men like you can never change" made me giggle hes so sick of his shit
31) gay as fuck fight. Will never get over stewart's insane gagging coughing and whimpering when hes thrown to the ground after being strangled. What the hell. I have a slur to say (SHOW 2: as javert was knelt down in front of valjean (🧐), when he pulled back his fist to fight back it looked like he was about to punch valjean in the balls but luckily valjean knocked him oit before he could do this)
32) BONNIE LANGFORD🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣 shes really witchy as mme thenardier kind of obsessed. I like her a lot . Her naturally high pitched voice creates a very interestinf tone when singing as mme thenardier which i LOOOOVE
33) when cosette asks her not to be sent out alone she kind of like steps back almost like shes afraid of cosette . Dont know whether this was fear or her being taken aback that cosette would reply but still made me laugh
34) JOOOOORDDAAAAAANN🗣🗣🗣 FUCK YALL KNOW ABOUT THE DUDE IN THE RED JACKET , hes the one who shouts  "over here landlord" or some shir and "this place has gone to hell" before the song properly starts. The WHOLE song he was such a delight to watch, hes so camp and did the gayest of walks and dances and whatever the fuck , ohmy god he was so funny . If anyone goes to see the show soon and jordans ensemble please watch our for him in master of the house, tall bloke in the hat and red jacket. You cant miss him hes camp as hell. Im obsessed with him deeply and i wish i couldve watched master of the house on repeat PURELY so i could see the bloke in the red jacket. (SHOW 2: he did a kind of silly gay walk in which he did the wallace (like from wallace and gromit) hands) Here are some doodles i did of him:
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35) tom was on as thenardier BTW (ginger thenardier gang) i like the way he shakes his epaulettes on "content to be". I loved tom & bonnie's rapport as the thenardiers too, so good . Tomardier on top . They were dancing together and shit during the  chorus they were fun. Apparently thenardier put mme thenardier in a headlock at some point as well which is funny
36) bonnie did a little r roll on "regular voltaire". Not impoerant at all but i liked it. Also did a low note on "master and a half" which i also liked
37) kept the bit where mme thenardier says "where the fu" before realising valjean is there . And the bit where she sprays perfume up her skirt. Always a good gag (cause like i get it)
38) bonnie's pretending to be worriwd abt cosette was so good . Her comedy acting genuinely endearing and im hype
39) tom, like last time i saw him, goes really high pitched on "like our own, monsieur" which is SO funny god i love tomardier
40) on "treacherous people about" they kind of advance on valjean but then immediately cower away when he stands up to challenge them LMFAOAO
41) marius appears. Jac yarrow has a  GREAT voice , but Is he better than harry lake ? 🤫 maybe im just biased . Harrius sweep
42) jordan as claquesous (which is the only character of his that gets a name) is so funny . Hes swinging around his little corner of the set a lot . Swinging from the beams and shit. I do not  blame him id do the same
43) Ok first of all yaz eponine was AMAZING  her "ITS JAVERT!" is so chilling. Shes awesome godbless WHAT  a voice. Javert also keeping it curt and snappy and hissing "square"  in Another brawl in the square. Hilarious
44) i love the way tomardier tries to escape being held by the policemen on "HE'S ---! THE ONE YOU SHOULD  ARREST!" it always makes me laugh. Also voice crack on "chest" in Brand upon his chest. The way he and bonnie strut offstage after being freed is SO funny
45) OK TIME FOR THE STARS INFLECTION NOTES.  Sharp & curt on "there" which i dont usually hear. Soft on "fugitive". Pronounced "god" like  god-uh which was funny. Soft on "yield". Slight stolen time hold on "mine" ("is the way of the lord" as a result came out sharper). Soft on "scarce" rather than the usual hiss i hear. Dribbling a bit . Growled on "returns". VERY clear note on "bars". Sounded a bit like he struggled with "then" on Until then, but delivered as usual on the final Stars. Hoo boy go stew (2ND SHOW: only one i got was "exasperated "Always"" on  And is always the same. I cannot remember what i meant by this but usually my inflection notes are somewhat accurate so let ur imaginaton run wild)
46) for some reason i noted how gavroche had really long eyelashes. I have no idea if i was just seeing things or what but yeah
47) jac has really solid vibrato honestly . His voice is GREAT . I will refrain from comparing him to harry cause i think we all know how much i like him already . But i have things to say .
48) JORDAN UNNAMED STUDENT NO1 WITH THE GLASSES 😭😭😭😭😭😭 half moon glasses he ate that. Cafe scene started off with him arguing with enjolras which i thought funny. He seemed really prim and bitchy with i loooved, dont ask me what anyone else was doing for this scene cause my eyes did not leave him
49) grantaire shouting *YOU* talk of battles to be  won  while pointinf at enjolras made me giggle
50) jordan scoffing off to the side @ grantaire  as he starts playing catch with his bottle. Im obsessed with him. Maybe id be a les amis fan if he was there. Also he's the one who chimes in "OUR WORLD !🗣" so whatever
51) grantaire spinning around across the stage on "red" during marius' verse
52) jordan did NOT need to stand on that  chair at the red & black crescendo girl you are tall Enough
53) enjolras did a silly little "HA-HA!!" I think after "blaze in their eyes"
54) jordan helping move the big staircase setpiece during do you hear the people sing... hashtag stagehands represent BIG UP STAGE MANAGEMENT🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣💥
55) Lulu may not have my favourite voice ever but she is cute as  cosette i cannot  lie she does little toe bounces every now and then i like that .
56) milan had a little stray loose hair that fell over his face and i couldnt take my eyes off it
57) jac quite harsh on the "burst" in She has burst like the music which was fire. Spit yo shit marius
58) yaz has SUCH  powerful voice it was always so shocking everytime she sang GET HER ON PRINCIPAL NEEOOOWWW!!!!!!
59) marius did a little awkward ass wave to cosette after she comes out on the balcony to see her, like he just lifts his hand up a little, DIDNT EVEN SMILE? just ✋😦 looking slightly startled. So good. He also did a deep ass bow to her when she comes down which made me giggle
60) so jordan had like, a stick  as a weapon as claquesous in the attack on rue plumet and as he runs onstage he kinda fumbled with it. Whether this was intentional or not i dont know but regardless yes i laughed. (2ND SHOW: thenardier tries to get up onto the balcony twice, instead of the usual once. The first time, claquesous gets down on hands and knees like a stool. Thenardier steps on him and claquesous immediately collapses under the weight.)
61) i dont seem to remember this happening in other shows  does thenardier always hit eponine after "you'll scream alright"? Or am i insane. Because he did this show (2ND SHOW: marius blows a kiss through the fence to cosette before he runs off.)
62) YAZ DURING ONE DAY MORE BEUHHHH ohmy days.... so sosososoop good so strong... djavan also as usual strong, the way his voice always rips through the theatre is just amazing godbless (2ND SHOW: bonnie sticking her leg up in the air as she's carted off.)
64) Grantaire was kinda creeping up behind enjolras for whatever reason at some point. Was funny as hell
66) Yaz was so delightfully gentle as Eponine i liked it . Made her powerful voice a lot more standout for me . As for on my own inflection: short on "silver" in Shines like silver. The string pickup as it builds up to the crescendo on "and i know its only in my mind" is always insane ohhumy gyat. Harsh on "the trees" in the trees are bare and everywhere. Harsh and almost spoken on the final "without me". The last crescendo was utterly gorgeous . Yaz eat yuor heart out❤
67) on jod theres usually fog for the barricade reveal. No fog this show. Disappointing..  i love fog
68) army general's bit .. as usual harsh on "you" which i like but i think he skipped a beat . Didmt note where but i remember there being a missed beat and it was a bit fast (2ND SHOW: this might have been for the 2nd attack but regardless, when theyre shouted to get down, jordan's student who was way downstage (audience) left he almost fell over when he went to kneel down . Very clumsy job there boss. Obsessed)
69) stew's baker boy matches jordan's now... last time i saw stew he was in brown. Hes in the green/red now ‼️⁉️
70) yaz's eponine seemed content to submit herseld and die in marius' arms which was so heartbreaking . The key up. Also voice break on "her name was" which made me want to punch a wall
71) gavroche hands marius eponines hat :-(((((
72) i think milan was struggling to get off the barricade he almost stumbled and had to be helped down ajdhdifhd
73) javert just kinda admitting defeat and slumping to his knees with a haunted look in his eyes ❤ getting his lapels grabbed until "youre free" will always fuck hard as well. Theway hes grabbing onto valjeans wrists though I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE (2ND SHOW: during drink with me milan and jordan were off to the side next to each other chatting away. Jvj starts to chug whatevers in his cup. Jordan goes to take the cup from him but jvj turns away so that he cant take it. Jvj alcoholism era. Additionally jvj puts his arm around jordan's character just before the final battle.... ouff... Here are some sketches i did of them:)
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73) milan's vocal range is sooogood. His whole Bring Him Home just scrumptious. Plus the crescendo on the strings UGGHHHHHHH. It SOUNDED like he struggled a tad on that final "him" but Home came out GREAT ... godbless
74) final attack. I noticed jordan's student wedged away in the crevice to the (audience) left and everytime hed fire his gun hed turn away and scrunch his face up. Obsessed. I did NOT see where he died though. This tells me he did not actually die and hes alive and well❤
75) javert kissing the cross over gavroche 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 (i THINK valjean does this too earlier? Possibly he did this in the 2nd show)
76) tomardier holding the dead body's jaw and making it say "breath away from hell" in a stupid voice". He also did a silly posh voice on "thankyou sir im in your debt". "And god in his heaven" almost spoken i think. I alsofind it funny how he kicked over marius' body and stepped up on his arse
77) Javert seemed to almost miss & run past valjean ans marius LMFAAOOO i had a little giggle.
78) Jvj looking so sick of javert will never not be funny hes sooooo fucking done
79) I very much liked the slight distant stare like a moment of reflection before he sings "take him valjean!" adds a little to that bit i think. Yum. Thanks stewart
80) Soliloquy inflections.  "Who is this man/what sort of devil is he" GROWLED rather thsn the usual scream he does . Liked it i cant lie. He was quite shaky especially on "caught in a trap" which was LAAAVELY...... spat "back" in Gave me back my life . Harsh  on "mocked" which is always delightful to hear, a classic . Absolutely delectable tone shift  and becoming quite weak and almost croaky for "how can i now allow this man". He was even hoarse for "gave me freedom", and weak on "die as well". As per the Stewart Clarke Special there was a tremendous glob of spit escaping him on "sins"  in Shall his sins be forgiven . Absolutely delightful voice crack on "begin to doubt". Another glob of spit in "lost in shadow".  SUPER shaky "i am reaching". Yet another glob of spit on "stars are black". Low note on "escape now". And, as per, hit that shit (2ND SHOW: voice crack on "he" in "devil is he". Whimpered "gave me my life". Snarled "it was his right". Another glob of spit on "sins" like the first show. Whimpered "and must i now". Another glob of spit for "escape now".)
81) anyway , empty chairs time. Quite short on "on and on". Lovely and rich delivery of "never came" (thats a hard note to hit comfortably!).. again jac's vibrato was very notable to me !!!!! He delivered "phantom shadows" very upset like a half-sob. The following "empty chairs" very harsh. SHOUTED "don't ask me".
82) i liked his distant & haunted stare during every day ughhh mawius...
83) lulu as usual hitting those insane notes Go girl!!!
84) i really liked milan's acting during the confession - i personally preferred chris' performance but both absolutely stellar. His expressions were wonderfully desperate
85) i think someone (djavan?) almost missed their cue as ome of the servants during the wedding i saw them jogging onstage to help with the table LMFAOAOOO
86) if you didnt know already, bonnie langford does the splits when she curtsies when she appears. She also seems more interested in the drinks djavan servant has to offer than the plan to scam marius . She keeps trying to set thenardier right and then tiptoes off to take a swig of wine. Giggled
87) when marius tells them to go away thenardier turns around and says "for god's sake" LMFOAOAOAO
88) after thenadier is punched by marius (does his classic 270° spin) he falls over and gets stuck on his back, flailing around like a tortoise while mme thenardier cackles like a witch
89) they do the littlw pointy toe gay dance together hashtag true love (2ND SHOW: tomardier blowing a kiss at the lord.)
90) milan during the epilogue always heartbreaking he is wonderfully frail. Absolutely lovely  gentle low notes . He was almost sobbing on "on this page" which made me want to start killing. Sniffed before "its a story". Very shaky voice on "to my keeping". ... suicide tomorroeeeeee
BONUS) since i had nothing more to note down in the epilogue i drafted the next chapter of my fanfiction.
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justaduckarts · 2 years ago
Can we have a drabble of Eclipse or Star Holder being a jelly bean?
"No way.. You're actually jealous."// "Darling.. are you.. jealous?"
I'm interested, how Eclipse would act, if he's being a jelly bean.
In the same time, I think Star Holder wouldn't exactly know what jealousy is.. since they didn't even know how love feels.
Fyfw7hdruh I'll give you platonic smooches
Ok Bye bye
One jelly star comin' up!
(Okay I'm ngl I may have gone a little nuts on this)
Spoilers for One Who Holds a Star!
TW: Mentions of loss
The fire crackled softly. Waves gently lapped the shore. Moonlight reflected off the ocean water.
Pluto and Lunar were in the midst of a tickle-wrestle fight, rolling around in the sand and laughing merrily. Lunar was at an advantage; one pair of hands pinned Pluto's wrists while the other pair tickled her mercilessly. Her snorty laughter filled the night.
Warm arms held you close. You were snug in Eclipse's lap, watching the way the tide rushed in and out. Across from you and your large partner, Bonnie was having a drink and enjoying the peace.
Glancing up at Eclipse, you followed his gaze back over to Pluto and Lunar.
"Is something bothering you?"
When tour fingers brushed his arm, Eclipse turned his attention to you. A soft smile spread across his face.
"Forgive me. I was just happy to see her looking so free." He sighed, looking back at Pluto, "I had feared she would never get to be like this again." The smile on his face stretched.
"Truly, I'm glad to see her like this again. Free. Happy. It's what she deserves."
You looked at Pluto. She squealed, attempting to escape Lunar's playful teasing. Then your gaze returned to Eclipse. The softness of his expression felt familiar. You realized it was because he often looked at you that same way.
"...Could it be that you..." You almost didn't want to ask. "You love her?"
The way he tensed against you was answer enough. You slipped from his arms and stood, feeling awkward. Of course he would. Who wouldn't adore Pluto?
"Darling, are you upset?" He looked at you, surprised. "You aren't jealous-
"What if I am?" You fidgeted, looking off to the side. "Pluto is lovely..."
"Certainly, she is." Eclipse nodded. "But you are just as lovely." He gently took your hands.
"Would you say flowers are lovely?" He asked gently.
"...Yes?" You were puzzled by the sudden change of topic.
"And what about stars?" He smiled. "Are stars also lovely?"
"Yes..." You nodded, unsure where he was going.
"You see? The world is full of wonderful things. One can't be compared to another. I certainly love Pluto, but that doesn't make my love for you any less real." Eclipse kissed your forehead. "Pluto and I have a... complex history. You've no need to fret. I am for you, dear. And no other."
You slowly sank back into his arms, allowing him to envelop you.
"Forgive me, Clipsy. I just... I've never seen you look that way at someone else." Now you felt foolish for letting it get to you.
"It's alright, my love." Eclipse cradled you close to his chest, "I assure you, I've no plans of entangling with Pluto. That ship has long since sailed." He rubbed your back.
"What happened with you and Pluto?" You looked at him, curiosity and worry mixing in your stomach.
Hesitating, Eclipse looked up at the sky.
"We met when I was still a child. She was a few years older than me. And I thought she was incredible!" He grinned, "she used to spar with us and put us all on our backs." Laughing, Eclipse shook his head.
"Truth be told, I harbored feelings for her for a long, long time." He sighed, "unfortunately, she was always looking towards my brother. My whole youth was that way- things I wanted ended up falling into his lap. He was brighter, prettier. Popular. Most the goddesses around us were after him."
Eclipse sighed, "I'm not proud of how I handled the situation. I justified my actions by telling myself that I was preventing the star's abuse. But truthfully... I know some part of it was my own jealousy. I couldn't have her, that I could accept. But for Sun to have her? After all he'd done to me? I couldn't stand the thought."
The arms around you tightened slightly. You rubbed one of his arms gently. He smiled.
"That's all in the last, though. Now, all I can hope for is that I might be a better friend this time around."
You nodded, feeling silly for being upset in the first place.
"I think you're doing a good job," you said gently. Eclipse smiled, patting your back.
"Thank you, my love."
As the night carried on, you drifted off to sleep on the blanket that Bonnie had spread out on the sand. The sound of the tide lulled you deep into your dreams.
The gods around you were winding down, too. Eclipse sat, your head on his thigh, gently tracing circles into your back. He'd volunteered to take first watch of the night. Though, likely he'd just let everyone sleep and stay awake through the night.
Pluto was already curled up right on the sand, sleeping blissfully. Bonnie's head was nodding, the empty wine bottle next to him tipped over. He struggled to keep his magenta eyes open, blue ears twitching softly.
And then there was Lunar. He was still on his feet, staring up into the night sky, back to the group.
"Lunar," Eclipse said quietly, "you should get some sleep."
The pale god turned to Eclipse, a complex look on his face.
"I'm fine," Lunar shook his head.
"I know you and I do not get along, but you still need your strength," Eclipse pressed. Lunar frowned. He looked at you, cuddled up to Eclipse.
Eclipse knew Lunar was feeling jealous. He knew, because Eclipse was struggling with his own jealousy. How could he not, when you were walking all about in Lunar's tunic?
"Would you stop acting like you're the bigger person?" Lunar scoffed, "figuratively, obviously. You act like you're trying to be fair and reasonable, but look at you."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Eclipse crossed his upper arms, frowning. Lunar crossed both pairs of arms, rolling his eyes.
"Are you serious? Pretty star? Right in your lap? Could you be less subtle?" Lunar's foot tapped, "if you were really concerned about being fair, you wouldn't hog all their attention."
"I'm not-
"Then why are you always all over them, hm?" Lunar's eyes narrowed.
"We're in the midst of a war, Lunar. And the sun god's goal is the star. I am trying to keep them safe." A little growl slipped into Eclipse's voice.
"Oh, so you just don't trust me to do it." Lunar growled back.
"I think you've given me plenty reason not to trust you," Eclipse pointed out, teeth bared.
"Oh, will you ever let that go?" Lunar threw his hands up, "I didn't know he was possessed! I just saw you sneaking around with our star and I- ugh, I don't have to explain myself to you." Lunar crossed his arms.
The silence was thick.
"Man, the two of you really are like fire and oil," Bonnie's southern twang cut through the quiet. Both gods snapped their attention to the half-asleep rabbit.
"Not to overstep, your highness," Bonnie yawned, "but y'know, you're both in the wrong. Snarling at each other all the time like you are, do you think that's going to help? Who are you at war with again?"
"...Sun," Eclipse sighed, crossing his arms.
"Refresh my memory, Lunar," Bonnie continued, "why'd we come out to the beach?"
Lunar fidgeted.
"...To help our star feel better."
"Not just our little star god." Bonnie opened his bag and pulled out yet another bottle of wine and a few wooden cups. "We're out here for morale. If we spend every second of every day pressed over the brewing tension, we'll eventually pop, yeah?"
"That's true," Eclipse sighed.
"Maybe," Lunar frowned, slowly sinking onto the corner of the blanket by your feet. The tired old rabbit poured a few cups of wine and passed them around.
"I know the two of you have had a rocky start, and I know that there are a lot of strong feelings goin' around. But maybe, just maybe, you can sit and talk them out instead of trying to rip each other's throats out like a pair of wild dogs?" Bonnie took a long sip from his cup.
Lunar stared down into his cup, brow knit.
"...It's... not easy for me to control how I feel. It hasn't been since..."
"Since you were poisoned?" Eclipse glanced at Lunar. The smaller god shut his eyes tight.
"...Yeah." His voice came out a whisper.
"I've done some reading, apparently lead poisoning can cause behavioral issues." Eclipse nodded, "I'm... sorry that your village was failed in such a way."
"That's in the past," Lunar shrugged, "what does that even have to do with anything?"
"We're trying to communicate," Bonnie interjected.
"Well it feels like we're just blaming all of it on me now," Lunar snapped, "your temper isn't exactly the most under control either." He glared up at Eclipse.
"You're right," the dark god nodded, "I do struggle to... stay cool-headed." He sighed.
"I suppose in that regard, I'm like my father."
"You're not like him," Bonnie assured, "and Lunar, you aren't a problem. The two of you just need to talk."
Lunar hesitated.
"...I get scared," he admitted, "I've lost everything before. I just... When I see how much our star loves you, I start to think I'm going to lose everything all over again." Blue eyes grew misty with his soft admission.
Eclipse chuckled dryly. Lunar bristled.
"Are my fears funny to you?"
"No," the larger god shook his head, "forgive me. I'm only laughing because that's exactly how I feel." Eclipse looked at Lunar. The soft glow of his rays dimmed.
The look the two shared spoke more than words ever could.
Then, Lunar quietly returned to drinking.
"I will try to be less clingy," Eclipse said softly.
"I appreciate that," Lunar nodded. He passed his empty cup back to Bonnie.
"It's a start," Bonnie shrugged. "You should get some sleep, Lunar. And Eclipse, don't you dare stay up all night."
Eclipse tensed. "Oh, uh... Of course, Bonnibel."
The rabbit snickered before curling up on the sand himself.
As Lunar moved to go and sleep beside Pluto, Eclipse caught the hem of his tunic. Lunar looked back at Eclipse, confused.
"Why don't you stay over here and help me keep them warm, hm?" Eclipse gestured to your sleeping form. Lunar's eyes widened slightly.
"Really really," Eclipse smiled.
When you woke in the morning, you found yourself snugly tucked between Eclipse and Lunar. Both were fast asleep, purring on either side of you.
The sight of the two of them, so at ease, made you smile. You decided you'd wait a little longer to get up and start the day.
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str8upjorkinit · 3 months ago
please . . SHO AND LEO RIDING BONNIE!!!! the cuties ever :3!!!!
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new rule: dont ask me to draw vehicles /hj
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str8upjorkinit · 3 months ago
could u draw a teenie bonnie... 💞
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idk how to draw motorcycles :(
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str8upjorkinit · 5 months ago
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The reason for the lighting
Leo might be the one on a leash, but who's the real dog here?
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