#bonnie justice
aloneatpeace · 10 months
In Another Universe
Chapter 22
My boys
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Cas led them to the book they get to the underground and climb down the steps when Klaus look up, he sees the red glow “she is near “
They move fast as cas lock up the door
“Where that tunnel goes?” dean asks
“Under the river”
The opening of door causes them to look back to see you use your power to open the door you are limping blood all over, you eye glow red. Klaus try to fight you but Sam held him back “not now”.
“Go go go “dean yells
You blast the two tables away from your way limping your way towards them cas push the buttons on the side closing up the doors you blast one after another chasing after them they slow down after seeing you gone as cas pushed the last button. They stand glancing at door warily the water drip down the celling
“Where did she go?” America asks no one particular
Suddenly you appear out the side making them scared and America and dean to let out a scream your face had scars and bloody a horrifying sight it looks demonic almost “I warned you “
“Other y/n if you’re in there hold your breath “Klaus hit the ground hard with all his might causing the water to pour down
“Did you kill her?” dean asks him
“No, just brought us some time. “Klaus hastily said when they finally reach the last door to the book klaus rip open the door and they stand taking in the viewpoint.
The place beamed with magic, it’s like whole another colliding each other colorful and enchanting. Everything seem to floating and book was glowing from its stand on the floating floor. Klaus jump and lands safely dean and cas jump after him Sam glance at her.
“Come on kid, you got this “dean call her out from the down with a node from Sam she jumps and Sam after her.
“This is the gap junction the gap between universes “cas inform
Klaus eyes is trained on the book and turns to Sam “would you do the honor?”
Sam walks towards the book “alright book, give me what I need” everyone watch as Sam take the book and the glow dims. He carefully walks back towards them when suddenly America yelps when she was grabbed by the red energy.
You stand behind them drenched in water hand in Americas hair as she yelps surprised by the sudden attack Sam try to move but Klaus prevent him and speed towards you only to be thrown away and they get hit the book was caught the red energy and it’s turned into ash Infront of them.
 You bind them with red strings at the same time control America to go motion less. You slowly raise your fingers and manipulate her mind to open up the portal to the universe where you float with eyes closed on the sacrificial ground on the throne of wundagore, a chilling smile on your face when you see yourself calmly floating you push them inside.
They land on the floor harshly the four giants who was praying to you move as you open your eyes iris glowing red.
In earth 838 y/n lose her conscious and drop to the floor quickly she regains her conscious, taking rapid breathes her thoughts quickly went to her family
“My boys” looking around she sees she is not in her home and fly to door going back to her boys.
“y/n stop this there still time” Sam pleads you bind them again restricting them from doing anything and walk towards America
“This isn’t what your children would want” America 
That angered you as you lift her off the floor to the table, America pants and look at them “STOP IT” dean yell from the side. As they relentlessly try to break free.
Without giving them a glance, you circle the table and stand at side, behind Americas head “they’ll never know” you murmur
“Maybe not but you will” you falter a movement; the demons start to walk towards the entrance when Wong appears. You left them to deal with them. Wong use a conjured orange sword to fight off the giants, successfully killing them.
As he kills the last one you send a blast to him that he quickly turns and the blast hit the giant send it fall down the mountain.
 While you are fighting with Sam yells at America making her slowly open her eyes “America, you have to stop her”
“Yeah, kid use your power just like you did at the lab” dean encourage.
“But I can’t control it “tears filled her eyes
“Yes, you can “Klaus words surprised her as he was always bitter towards her “you have been all along every time opened a portal, you sent us exactly where we needed to go “
“But your family…everyone died”
“Yeah, but you still can save yourself and us. When you’re gonna kick that witch’s ass “klaus said with a smirk
Dean looks at him with a cheeky grin “didn’t know you had it in you”
America node with determination as she breaks the binds with her power and free them from, they’re binds. Wong grunt as he tries to keep you inside the magic sphere. You break free from the magic and walk towards them seeing they’re free you crash them with your power breaking their bones before you could kill them America jump from the table with a war cry and punch you in the face, causing multiple universe portal to open.
America stunned at her own strength clenches her fists raise her eyebrow at you “huh huh” 
Touch where she hit you smirk at her with a crazed look on your face “Mm mm”
She punches you again, again and again and kick you on the stomach as everyone gather around dean and klaus cheer at that as Sam watch it all anxiously. The last kick had opened portal to hell and Sam and dean cas share look at the familiar place.
You almost fall over before you catch yourself quickly glancing at America with a murderous look before she can punch you, eyes glowing red, you caught her fist in red glow slowly pushing her back America grunts, and Wong stop them from intervening. 
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You absorb her power making the portal close “I can’t beat you. “With her other hand clenched “so I’ll give you what you want” she throws the last punch making a portal enraged you grab her by the neck making her kneel.
When you see where she opened the portal you glance at familiar place in panic turning to see your boys sitting on the couch “Charlie, Oliver” the petrified frozen state of your boys made you heart hurts.
Series masterlist
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brodorokihousuke · 5 days
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this is literally the funniest fucking thing ive read ever
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vexinglyvolatile · 1 year
ace attorney memes i made part 3
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link to meme catalogue
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cherrysodabear · 28 days
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🐇'No more games..'🐇
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puretopia · 4 months
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Bonnie adopted a pet raccoon (Erwin) in the hopes it would be somewhat territorial but turns out he has the couch potato trait and so did absolutely NOTHING upon thus vampire evasion.
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batcavescolony · 9 months
Do I kinda hate Bonnie King-Jones? Yes. Does she have her moments? Also yes
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taranturat · 1 month
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Which room are you staying in (my friend forced me to add spark sorry) rooms were randomized
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ind1c0lite · 1 year
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Redrew the cover for the magical turnabout <3
og and timelapse under the cut
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aa-power-of-nine · 3 months
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Once upon a time, I wanted to try 3D to 2D sprite ideas, but I've mostly set it aside now that I don't have the time :')
Feel free to see all my attempts though :D
[From left to right, top to bottom (all poses are normal unless stated otherwise):
Academy Juniper Woods (anxious), Young Apollo Justice (confident)
Armie Buff, Robin Newman
Aura Blackquill, Marlon Rimes
Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in, Ted Tonate
Ellen Wyatt, Sasha Buckler
Uendo Toneido, Geiru Toneido
Betty de Famme, Bonny de Famme
Myriam Scuttlebutt (unboxed), Casual Juniper Woods
Rayfa Padma Khura'in, Ahlbi Ur'gaid (thinking)
Hugh O'Conner]
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clementianos-blog · 6 months
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The character dynamics explored in the Young Justice comic are far more intuitive and engaging than I ever expected them to be. Even the minor characters, such as the mothers of Cissie and Cassie, are given interesting and meaningful interactions.
Here, Helena Sandsmark (Cassie's mom) is acting as an advocate of Cissie during a difficult time for her. When Bonnie (Cissie's mom) starts to react poorly toward her daughter, a sadly common occurrence, Helena steps in.
I do think it's critical to understand that Bonnie really was working for the better interests of Cissie here and had brought her to see her mother. When other adults try to limit communications between children and their parents, it's almost always a disturbing red flag, even if there are no bad intentions. Showing that Helena actually brought Cissie to her mother, then only offered an out to Cissie after Bonnie had lashed out was a good way to show that she was being reasonable even though she probably wanted to say and do far more to Bonnie for her actions.
The dynamic here is so well done for a slapstick kids' comic!
Also, I absolutely love the respect and homage paid to motherhood and its importance.
Young Justice vol. 1 issue 18
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chizu-99 · 1 year
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X(Twitter):// @ chizu99
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aloneatpeace · 2 years
I'm suddenly having a urge to write a whole ass fic about Charles Xavier .James mcavoy is just 🥵l🥵 . I used have a fat ass crush on him and its coming back . should I add him as love interest in cosmic Chaos fic??? 🤔.
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a-ghostiee · 26 days
so i did this ace attorney trend thingy :3
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nahyuta would be there in fav prosecutor if i could've found a way to fit three sprites in the box </3
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bonkai4ever94 · 2 months
Tyler was more interesting then enzo which is why I prefer him with bonnie over enzo plus they would look cuter together
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rock-in-robins · 11 months
cissie king-jones aka arrowette is the product of being the daughter of a mother who is living vicariously through her.
Her mother Bonnie made her into the vigilante that she never could be. In Cissie's orgin story in YJ98 she says this to her psychiatrist 'Bonnie's story is mine. And mine is hers. She made sure of that.' which noticeably cissie doesn't call Bonnie any term of endearment, implying a sense of distance between the two, like she views Bonnie more as a manager or a mentor than a mother at times. (which is an interesting parallel to tim who views bruce more as a parent figure then mentor at times). Bonnie outright says that money from cissies father, who she calls bowstring (his hero ID, which is a lot to unpack), can give Cissie the life bonnie never got, aka the hero-life. And that shes doing it for cissies sake, believing that this very dangerous life is good for a young person. Cissie on the other hand sees this as Bonnie taking the chance to accomplish her dreams.
Cissie describes her entire childhood of a blur of sports, beauty-pageants, and 'Camp Bonnie', all with the goal of turning her into Bonnie. interestingly Bonnie's mother put her through a similar childhood of archery training, making this lifestyle a cycle of trying to make their daughters into what they could never be.
Once Cissie does become a vigilante, Bonnie still directs her every move and Cissie every time responds with, "Yes mommy." another interesting vocal tic of hers, seemingly trying to make herself seem like the perfect daughter. Bonnies response to Superman's death is that is will take attention away from cissie, so she needs to work harder which is yikes. She puts a like 13 yr old cissie in increasingly more dangerous situations (in a suit that provides very little protection and is very flashy) until max mercury turns her in for child endangerment (go max!). Bonnie is put under psychiatric observation for her anger issues.
Cissie only becomes Arrowette again to prove to her mother that she can do it better than she did and that she can do it on her own. essentially giving her mother what she wants but Cissie is too young to really understand that.
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joshbruh10x · 1 year
Look, who said only 4 could be on stage? LET ALL 6 OF THEM BE ON STAGE, YES YOU HEARD ME, S I X
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