#bonjour au fandom btw
ossanana · 2 years
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Première apparition // dernière apparition
Revoir Kaamelott pour la 200ème fois et être toujours éblouie de l'évolution (caractérielle) de notre reine au fil des livres.
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the-nameless-dude · 3 years
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Helloooo! I decided to start posting my drawings. I think it can be a motivation for my school year :) Btw I'm French! Sorry for my bad English (plz correct me)
So, here we have a cool and tolerant design of our ninja from Ninjago, inspired a lot by @cinnamonkittenz (I love her art, especially when she draws Cole). I think I'm going to redesign some of the ninjas.
I drew Cole twice because he's my favorite <3
(BONJOUR ! J'ai décidé de commencer à poster mes dessins. Je penses que ça serai une bonne motivation pour le lycée :) J'ai traduit en français au cas où le minuscule fandom fr passerait par la :')
Nous avons là un design assez cool et tolerant de nos ninja, énormément inspiré de cinnamonkittenz (je suis dingue de son art, en particulier quand elle dessine Cole ). Mais je penses que je vais revoir le design de certains ninjas.
J'ai dessiné Cole deux fois parce que c'est mon préféré <3 )
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quirckylegxlas · 4 years
Hello anyone who actually ends up on this page. Greetings from a fan of pretty much everything
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Don’t know if I will end up posting at all maybe I will, who knows.
Either way enjoy my page wonderful people!
✨ Favourite fandoms✨
Lord of the rings/hobbit
Pirates of the Caribbean
Harry Potter
BTS has my heart 💜
🌜Others I like🌛
Hunger games
Star Wars
James Bond
Maze runner
Mamma Mia
Literally any period drama (especially north And south and pride and prejudice)
I’m also an avid reader when fantasy and romance is involved.
I might add more to this as time goes on btw.
Before I leave you I’m going to hit you with something really inspirational
Remember this before you go *cough cough* all you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given
.........au revoir🌞
*pov: I turn into a bird and fly away towards the sun🕊*
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