*hands every muse potato*
The group of friends all looked at their potato confused. Chafe quickly handed his to Tex, which he accepted without reluctance knowing how his deputy hated veggies. “Oh! We could turn these into a nice potato salad and have a cook out to ring in summer,” the detective squirrel said happily. “That sounds like a wonderful idea detective,” Fredrick said with a smile. “I’ll work on the potato salad. Fredrick, you and your family can get burgers, hot dogs and whatever else we might need for the cook out. Percy, Chafe and Tex, you guys will follow me back to my apartment to help me get some games out here that we can all play. I also have a new potion that will make a huge pool out of an inflatable one, and Vanilla can fill it using a rain cloud,” Andy said happily. Everyone paid attention to the squirrel’s plan and set out on each of their assignments. “Boy she’s about as organized as Twilight is,” Vanilla said with a smile.
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New Muse: Tex Tinstar
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Name: Tex Tinstar Age: 29 years old Sex: Male Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue Likes: Rescuing people, his lasso, his horse named Here Boy, his deputy Chafe, protecting the west Dislikes: The Wrong Riders, Wrongo's traps, people getting hurt or captured, people stealing from others Favorite Foods: Steak, Apple Pie, Doughnuts Least Favorite Foods: Anything Spicy Personality: Tex is dim witted at times, and a bit too air headed for his own good. Regardless though he is very respectful to just about everyone, the exception being The Wrong Riders (or any criminal in that regard). He also has a good heart and care deeply for his friends and his homeland. Any and all escapes from Wrongo's death traps are all due to pure luck, or from one of his friends. History: Tex had a fairly normal childhood, growing up under the watchful eye of his father, who was a sheriff himself. He taught Tex everything he needed to know to take on the family business. He and his father grew up in Bonehead, and the sheriff duty has been passed down through generations since the town was first founded. His mother left for the city when Tex was a small child to find her wealth, but never returned. Nobody knows what happened to her. Tex made a promise in her memory to protect his fair town no matter what. At the age of eighteen his father named him the new sheriff and passed away when Tex turned twenty. Tex later met Chafe a week after his father's passing and made him his deputy. He has no allergies and has never been to the city before.
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