#boneboys music recs
koevnkult · 2 years
(Only relating to the bridge)
Vyn and his realization that meeting you was quite literally his worst mistake.
He knows this and he knows it well.
No matter what he does, you pull him back in. May it be a smile, a touch, or your lingering scent. All of his willpower to leave merely vanishes.
And yet,
He finds himself seeking you at nearly every moment. His every actions are with you in mind. To make himself the perfect man even if its only a mask. He makes it impossible for you to look away, even by the mere chance you wanted to look away. (You can't, his specialty is the human brain and yet yours is the only one he wishes to focus on)
For hours during his day he finds himself at war with his own mind. Lord, he knows you're poison, but he'd drink it up like youre his last. He knows that one day you'll see through his facade and witness the atrocities he has committed, the lengths he has gone, and the depths of his thoughts, just to see him as a monster... Not one stagnant, but one fueled by the desire to have you... to own you, and yet... he still can't pull himself away.
He desperately wishes he was normal. To have approached you as a normal person, who could given you a normal life, and loved you like a normal man. but everything about you sends him into a dark room where he's forced to perform his sick little thoughts and exploit your kindness and nativity as he weaves you both a life built upon soil defiled with decit.
You were a mistake. Once he should've seen coming, but the force of his desire is nothing compared to his sorry excuse of self-restraint.
Nothing can save him from you, and yet, he prays to you.
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koevnkult · 2 years
Artem, thats it.
He just wants to feel loved by you even if its a lie and yet...
There is a lull as there is in the song as he begs relentlessly for your attention and touch. Two things his dreams could never replicate perfectly.
Dipping into a more sinister love for you,creeping through his veins and permeating his brain before witnessing you yet again and his thoughts morph back into something more innocent before you have the time to realize he's too far gone.
The hand on your forearm that was rough and desperate lasted only for a second making you wonder if it ever happened at all.
One day he'll have you all to himself, but today is not that day. He is still too unprepared, still too depraved (nothing will stop him from being as such, he knows this, though, he hopes to control his emotions lest you see through him too quickly...)
The is still much he has to plan and he hopes that with the time he can buy himself... that it is enough to keep himself at bay before he tears you apart from the inside out.
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koevnkult · 2 years
Marius fucking you stupid on his desk. on the floor. on the wall, on the bed. anywhere you let him (or don't let him, he finds dubcon so hot).
youre begging him to stop, pulling at his hair and pushing his face away from your cunt, but he just smiles against your sex and grips onto you a little tighter, forcing you to stay still as you try to wiggle out of his grasp.
you don't even know how many times you've orgasmed at this point. but its not possible you could go again, you don't think you would have it in you even if he were to beg on his knees for it.
When he finally says you're done he'd lift his face from below and wipe the slick off his chin, cooing, "awh baby, you're so pretty"
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koevnkult · 2 years
You can't tell me this isn't crazy!Marius. its HIM its LITERALLY HIM
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koevnkult · 2 years
thoughts of a more wholesome side for tot boys. all of them collectively loving you. Just wholesome, pure love.
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koevnkult · 2 years
I really want to do music recs for the other characters. I just gotta flesh them out first 😩😩
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koevnkult · 2 years
A song thats been heavy on my brain only cause out of my 4000 + song playlist, this song has singlehandedly come up 6 fucking times. Regardless, it fits the idea of a lovesick yandere~ ❤
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