#bone mineral density test
asto-labs · 8 months
Skeletal Wellness Tests for Optimal Bone Health
Skeletal wellness tests are medical evaluations and diagnostic procedures aimed at assessing the health and integrity of the skeletal system, which includes bones, joints, and associated structures. These tests can help identify conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis, fractures, and other bone-related disorders. Here are some common skeletal wellness tests:
1. **Bone Density Test (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - DXA or DEXA):**
   - Measures bone mineral density (BMD) and helps diagnose osteoporosis.
   - Determines the risk of fractures and assesses response to treatment.
2. **X-rays:**
   - Traditional imaging technique used to visualize bones and detect fractures, tumors, infections, or abnormalities.
   - Commonly used for joint evaluations.
3. **MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging):**
   - Provides detailed images of bones, joints, and soft tissues.
   - Useful for detecting injuries, tumors, and degenerative conditions in joints and surrounding structures.
4. **CT Scan (Computed Tomography):**
   - Offers cross-sectional images of bones and joints, providing detailed views.
   - Useful for assessing fractures, joint disorders, and identifying tumors.
5. **Blood Tests:**
   - Blood tests can be conducted to measure specific markers related to bone health, such as calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, and vitamin D levels.
   - These tests help assess metabolic bone disorders.
6. **Arthroscopy:**
   - Involves the insertion of a small camera into a joint through a small incision to visualize and diagnose joint problems.
   - Often used for knee and shoulder evaluations.
7. **Bone Scan:**
   - Involves injecting a small amount of radioactive material into the bloodstream, which accumulates in areas with increased bone activity.
   - Helps detect bone abnormalities, fractures, infections, and tumors.
8. **Ultrasound:**
   - Used for assessing joints, tendons, and soft tissues.
   - Provides real-time imaging and is commonly used for musculoskeletal assessments.
9. **Physical Examination:**
   - A healthcare provider may conduct a physical examination to assess joint function, range of motion, and overall musculoskeletal health.
It's important to note that the specific tests recommended will depend on the individual's symptoms, medical history, and the suspected or known conditions. Healthcare professionals, such as rheumatologists, orthopedic specialists, or primary care physicians, may order these tests based on their clinical evaluation of the patient.
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daignostics123 · 9 months
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Find Bone Mineral Density Test centers near you in Hyderabad and with affordable prices. Get accurate results and take control of your health. Compare Bone Mineral Density Test costs in Hyderabad and book an appointment today.
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pixeldiagnostics · 5 months
Strong Bones, Stronger Future: Discover the Power of Bone Mineral Density!
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World-class center with friendly staff and a highly skilled and qualified team of super specialty doctors team. We are a trusted name among the doctors. Hassle-free parking with very supportive reception staff. The large waiting area with the latest machines.
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premiersenior99 · 1 year
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Premier Senior is a unique and pioneering geriatric care center that is dedicated to offering personalized and holistic care to the elderly. Our team of highly experienced specialists, with over 36 years of experience, implements effective daycare, rehabilitation programs, and comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) to improve the health, functionality, and independence of older individuals. We understand the challenges that come with caring for the elderly, and our mission is to provide proactive and systematic care to ensure the wellbeing of our elderly. We believe in a multidisciplinary approach to geriatric care that involves medical, nursing, psychological, and social interventions to address the complex needs of our elders.At Premier Senior, we are dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in geriatric care and providing support to families and caregivers. We offer a range of services, including residential care, day care, rehabilitation, memory care, and respite care. We believe that the elderly deserve the best possible care and support, and we are committed to providing it at Premier Senior.
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sd766 · 2 years
Importance of Bone Mineral Density Testing
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For a healthy body and a healthy mind, we need healthy bones at the core! Osteoporosis is a bone defect caused by the deterioration of the bone tissues. Osteoporosis causes the bones to lose their mineral density (become fragile) to an extent where even a minor fall or bump may result in a fracture.
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healthycentre · 2 years
Bone Mineral Density Test at MedPlus Diagnostics
Link - Click Here
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IOC Study on Transgender Athletes Severely Flawed
So, to a certain extent, the question of "should transwomen be able to compete female sports?" is an ideological question (i.e., "should identity supersede reality?").
That being said, there's a recent report [1], funded by the IOC, that is being used to "prove" that transwomen do not have a biological advantage over non-trans women. This report is severely flawed and does not actually lend support to the idea that transwomen have no biological advantage in sports over female people.
(I will mimic the language used in the report (e.g., using "ciswomen").)
Significant differences noted by the report that do NOT support transwomen's inclusion in women's sports:
Transwomen were substantially taller than ciswomen
Transwomen had more lean/fat-free mass than ciswomen
Transwomen had better lung function than ciswomen, as measured by forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in one second, and peak expiratory flow. (See the next section for a discussion on the ratio.)
Transwomen had greater hand grip strength (a proxy for overall strength measurement)
Transwomen had higher absolute peak power (lower extremity) compared to ciswomen. (See next section for a discussion on the relative measure.)
Transwomen had the same "absolute strength" as cismen
The data showing no significant difference between transwomen and ciswomen has substantial flaws:
The sample size was too small to reliably determine differences in bone mineral density
For lung function only the FEV1:FVC ratio was lower for transwomen, but the values are generally within the normal range for both groups. The impact of this difference is therefore questionable, as the transwomen have greater absolute values on each measurement and the ratio is not showing any abnormalities. In addition, the effect size (size of the difference) is much smaller than the effect size of the absolute differences described above. The conclusion here is simply that the participants do not have any obstructive respiratory diseases, and the transwomen have greater absolute lung function. (Although there are better tests for this.) There is also one outlier in the transwomen group that is likely driving this relationship in the ratio; unfortunately they do not perform the expected control analyses to demonstrate the retention of results without the outlier. [2]
The researchers decided to examine power in the lower extremities relative to lean/fat-free mass, which yielded a lower result for transwomen compared to ciswomen. However, this methodology make absolutely no sense. We have already established that transwomen have significantly greater lean/fat-free mass, and this paper is interested in determining equitably in sport performance. In general, sports aren't divided out by mass (and certainly not by lean mass), therefore we are interested in absolute differences, not in differences adjusted by some other factor. (Particularly not when that factor is established to be significantly different between transwomen and ciswomen!)
The same criticism applies to their analysis of cardiac function. But even more importantly, "the most crucial variable influencing VO2_max was not assessed in the present study" which is a significant oversight given the stated goals of this paper.
There are numerous other limitation and issues with this report:
This study is of "cross-sectional design, making it challenging to establish causation or examine if the performance of athletes changes as a result of undergoing GAHT"
"The athlete training intensity was self-reported. Therefore, the results may suffer from selection and recall bias." [emphasis mine] -> In other words, these results may be "comparing apples and oranges" with varying rates of fitness impacting the results.
"The athletes participating in the present study represented a variety of different sports, and this would have undoubtedly impacted the results of the study as different sports stress different training and sports modalities." [emphasis mine] -> This is a significant limitation, as comparing the strength of a ciswoman weight lifter to a transwomen distance runner (or vice versa) is meaningless. It's true that measures of fitness tend to correlate, but comparing across sport disciplines for highly competitive sports (where they are focusing on improving specific characteristics) distorts the results. (They explicitly note this: "Exercise type, intensity and duration all have an impact on physiological responses and overall laboratory performance metrics.")
"Social media recruitment leaves this study open to sample bias"
"The gender-affirming treatment of the transgender athletes was not controlled"
"The participants were not screened by a clinician before participation, and any medical conditions were self-reported"
The transwomen in this study all suppressed testosterone to ciswomen's levels and increased oestradiol above ciswomen's levels. This is a limitation because this degree of success in hormone suppression is uncommon, meaning that even these these poorly-supportive results are likely inapplicable to the majority of transwomen. [3]
There is a significant conflict of interest: this study was funded by the IOC after they had already changed the rules to remove the "hormone suppression" requirement [4]
All in all, this study is a classic case of researchers misrepresenting their data in the study's abstract. The data they actually collected shows that transwomen on hormone suppression maintain significant advantages over ciswomen. Further, the flaws in the study limit the applicability of their results.
In addition, there are other studies that contradict this result:
This review [3] discusses numerous sources describing "the inherent male physiological advantages that lead to superior athletic performance and then addresses how estrogen therapy fails to create a female-like physiology in the male"
This review [5] found "the performance gap between males and females becomes significant at puberty and often amounts to 10–50% depending on sport" and that "longitudinal studies examining the effects of testosterone suppression on muscle mass and strength in transgender women consistently show very modest changes, where the loss of lean body mass, muscle area and strength typically amounts to approximately 5% after 12 months of treatment. Thus, the muscular advantage enjoyed by transgender women is only minimally reduced when testosterone is suppressed."
This study [6] found that transwomen "generally maintained their strength level" during "gender-affirming therapy".
This study [7] found that all physical advantages were present after one year and that some are retained even after years on hormone suppression. They also specifically hypothesized that "gender dysphoria could stimulate the opposite behaviour [differences in exercise habits] in transwomen, decreasing push-up performance and explaining why transwomen performed fewer push-ups than [cismen] prior to starting oestrogen." This motivation difference likely won't apply to elite athletes, which further supports the idea that transwomen athletes should not be competing with female athletes.
As this position statement [8] indicates we know that there are substantial differences in athletic performance for male and female people.* However, there is little high-quality, definitive evidence concerning the effects of hormone suppression/replacement on people's athletic performance. The current state of evidence suggests that hormone suppression/replacement fails to bridge the physiological gap between male and female people, but we need further higher-quality evidence to definitively prove this.
(That being said, the burden of proof here is on the people attempting to initiate a change; that is equitably between transwomen and female people should be (have been) established prior to eliminating biological sex-separation.)
*Before anyone jumps on this: this is not a moral difference. There is absolutely no reason why running faster or lifting heavier things would make someone "better". The biological difference in performance exists, but it does not in anyway suggest superiority of men over women. Beyond that, it is unsurprising that men outperform women on traditional sports given that sports were designed by and for men. In sports that cater to women's physiological advantages (e.g., endurance, flexibility), women outperform men. [9]
So, given all this, what would we actually need to make determine transwomen's relative advantage over female people?
The "perfect" study would involve (at least) these elements:
Random selection from the desired population(s) of transwomen (e.g., top-ranked athletes in a specific sport, non-athletic, etc.) with matched (for population) non-trans female and non-trans male controls
Observation (not self-report) of activity level prior to, during, and following a standardized treatment (hormone suppression/replacement) initiation
Continual measurement of various physical and athletic performance, preferably with a range of laboratory (e.g., spirometry, body measurements) and naturalistic (e.g., actual sports competitions) tasks along with monitoring the treatment and clinical/health issues in all participants (again, not via self-report)
Large enough sample sizes to allow for sufficiently powered tests of all groups/differences of interest
A double-blinded assessment approach (or "placebo" controlled) such that both the researcher assessing the participants and the participants do not know what is being evaluated until the study is complete. For example, you may tell one half the transwomen participants that you are tracking the long term health effects of the intervention (hormone therapy), while you tell the other half that you are assessing differences in athletic performance as a result of the intervention. This will allow for the evaluation of demand characteristics like the ones impacting [7].
There are likely even more factors I have not currently thought of. Of course, completing the "perfect" study would likely be almost impossible. It would certainly be impossible to do for every population of interest (e.g., Olympic weight-lifters, adolescent track and field athletes, sedentary office workers) at the same time.
That being said, a study that fails to include all of these factors (particularly the blinded approach, matching of control participants, and sample size) is not going to meet the standard of evidence needed to make decisions of this magnitude (i.e., choosing to change the priority from biological categorization to ideological categorization). In reality, we would likely need many studies that individually evaluate each group of interest (e.g., transwomen olympic-level weight-lifters vs female olympic-level weight-lifters), each applying as many of the ideal study characteristics as possible.
In conclusion, the IOC has failed to perform their stated duty to regulate and ensure fair competition in sports. There is no current evidence suggesting that transwomen have lost their male-advantage in sports, much less any evidence suggesting they are at a disadvantage.
References below the cut:
Hamilton, B., Brown, A., Montagner-Moraes, S., Comeras-Chueca, C., Bush, P. G., Guppy, F. M., & Pitsiladis, Y. P. (2024). Strength, power and aerobic capacity of transgender athletes: a cross-sectional study. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 58(11), 586-597.
Al-Ashkar, F., Mehra, R., & Mazzone, P. J. (2003). Interpreting pulmonary function tests: recognize the pattern, and the diagnosis will follow. Cleveland Clinic journal of medicine, 70(10), 866-881.
Heather, A. K. (2022). Transwoman elite athletes: their extra percentage relative to female physiology. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9103.
“International Olympic Committee Issues New Guidelines on Transgender Athletes.” NBC News, 3 Jan. 2024, https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/international-olympic-committee-issues-new-guidelines-transgender-athl-rcna5775.
Hilton, E. N., & Lundberg, T. R. (2021). Transgender women in the female category of sport: perspectives on testosterone suppression and performance advantage. Sports Medicine, 51, 199-214.
Wiik, A., Lundberg, T. R., Rullman, E., Andersson, D. P., Holmberg, M., Mandić, M., ... & Gustafsson, T. (2020). Muscle strength, size, and composition following 12 months of gender-affirming treatment in transgender individuals. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 105(3), e805-e813.
Roberts, T. A., Smalley, J., & Ahrendt, D. (2021). Effect of gender affirming hormones on athletic performance in transwomen and transmen: implications for sporting organisations and legislators. British journal of sports medicine, 55(11), 577-583.
Pitsiladis, Yannis MMedSci, PhD, FACSM; Harper, Joanna MS; Betancurt, Jonathan Ospina; Martinez-Patino, Maria-Jose; Parisi, Attilio MD; Wang, Guan; Pigozzi, Fabio MD, PhD. Beyond Fairness: The Biology of Inclusion for Transgender and Intersex Athletes. Current Sports Medicine Reports 15(6):p 386-388, 11/12 2016. | DOI: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000314
Ro, Christine. The sports where women outperform men. (2024). From https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240731-the-sports-where-women-outperform-men
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balkanradfem · 10 months
Sharing what I've learned in my neck (recovery) journey!
I've been trying out lots of exercises, and I mean, I've been through every youtube video showing any kind of neck-related thing. The most exercises hurt so much I would often end up curled up on the floor crying in pain after trying once, so I didn't want to try those anymore.
Then I thought that, since I've been eating very poorly this summer (bad garden year) I very likely am lacking some minerals in my body, and maybe that's making the pain worse. It actually is getting worse, I can't turn my head sideways anymore without pain. I watched a few videos on nutrient deficiencies, and decided that I probably lack magnesium, which helps muscles relax; my muscles are incredibly stiff and upset at all times. I also watched a video on how a person can end up paralyzed without enough b12, and I've barely been taking any, despite my plant-based diet, so I quickly got that too.
Then I saw a video on vitamin D deficiency, and I had, every single symptom, just all of them, spot on. So I got a packet of that too. And then next day I found a video saying that supplemental D vitamin is BAD and I need to get some from sunbathing instead. It's winter?!?? And I can't walk outside for long because of the neck pain??? Like what am I supposed to do about this.
I've also gone back to taking nettle infusions to get enough calcium! I was hoping supplemental vitamin D would help me absorb calcium, but we'll see about that, I guess? I'm so mad at all the conflicting information but I don't now enough biology to make a reasonable guess to what's right.
Okay so I also, finally, found some exercises that are meant for neck pain that don't hurt, and I'm sticking to them, I've done them twice and did not come close to passing out in pain so I'm just gonna assume these are correct and do them. I also found out that a specific pain I had in my back, for about 5 years now, is called rhomboid pain, and there are exercises to fix it! And I can do most of them. Which is amazing, I'd be happy to fix any type of pain right now.
I've wanted to go and do a blood test to see just what nutrients I'm lacking, but apparently you can only check calcium levels if your bone density is measured, and I know my doctor won't do that, and for lots of other stuff like potassium (which I lack for sure), the body maintains normal level even when you're extremely out, because it draws it out of your muscles and bones so you'd have normal levels in your blood because otherwise you'd die. So you can't efficiently check, you can only notice your body deteriorating from the lack of it. Fun!
Another 'fun' info I've found was about ibuprofen, I had to take quite a few because I was sick, and I'm not used to taking pain medicine, so I went to check what it does, and it's like, cool stuff, it prevents the creation of hormones that cause your nerves to be sensitive, and also those that cause inflammation, so you're basically less sensitive to all the pain going on in your system. However, those same hormones are responsible for creating a layer of mucus in your stomach, and you need that mucus, in order to be protected from your own digestive acid. Taking ibuprofen for 3-4 days will not do you harm, but if you take it for longer, or if you have a chronic stomach issue, it is very likely that you will expose your own stomach tissue to your digestive acid! Which will damage your stomach and hurt a lot. So be careful with the ibuprofen ladies! I know she's a good friend of yours but I never knew how serious it was to take it too often.
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Effects of puberty suppression on bone, body composition, handgrip strength and glucolipid profile in early-pubertal transgender adolescents
Introduction The effects of puberty suppression for more than 2 years before the start of gender-affirming hormones (GAH) on bone mass acquisition and body composition are understudied.
Materials and methods Retrospective study on 46 transgender adolescents (20 trans boys and 26 trans girls) receiving a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue (GnRHa) from Tanner stage 2-3, followed by GAH around the age of 16 years. At start of GnRHa and at start of GAH, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at lumbar spine (LS), femoral neck (FN) and total body (TB), handgrip strength test and fasting blood sampling were performed. Z-scores were calculated using reference values for both cis girls and cis boys.
Results GnRHa were administered for a median of 3.2 years (± 0.69) in trans boys and 2.7 years (± 1.05) in trans girls. Bone mineral apparent density (BMAD)-LS Z-scores decreased significantly in both trans boys and trans girls, while BMAD-FN Z-scores decreased only in trans boys. Fat% and Fat Mass Index Z-scores significantly increased in both groups, while Lean Mass Index Z-scores significantly decreased. Handgrip strength Z-scores for the sex registered at birth (SRAB) remained stable in trans boys while they decreased in trans girls. There was no significant influence of the treatment on either insulin sensitivity or lipid profile.
Discussion GnRHa administration for more than two years during the physiological time of puberty decreases bone mass acquisition, mainly at the lumbar spine and induces a general increase in fat mass. Although lean mass acquisition is undermined in both groups, handgrip strength is affected mainly in trans girls compared with age-matched peers for the SRAB.
"tHeY'rE sAfE aNd FuLLy ReVeRsIbLe!!1!"
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 months
I'm not a doctor but why do u have to get blood tests so often??? Mine aren't concerned with it as much, maybe because I have gluten insensitivity and not coeliac (although they believe i have it, the only way to confirm is a scope and biopsy and they don't want to do that at this time)
I asked my doctor about cancer risks and the GI doctor and him (hes a specialty) both said with newer studies the anticipated risk of cancer is actually really low. So did your doctor say something different or am I being lied to or is it an anxiety thing
This is new for me and seeing other people who may have it is so nice to see (not nice but relief im not alone)
I have to have blood tests so often because there’s a massive risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies with coeliacs disease, as our bodies cannot absorb nutrients properly even when on a gluten-free diet, so every six months I have a blood test to make sure all my vitamins and minerals are where they should be and to make sure I don’t have anaemia, which is also a complication which occurs within coeliacs disease even when following a gluten free diet. I was so anaemic at one point I had the equivalent of half a paper clip of iron in my blood, got put on a six month regime of the strongest iron tablets, and then had another blood test to confirm I was no longer anaemic. That was even with following a gluten free diet. Next step after that would have been a blood transfusion, but thankfully the tablets worked. There’s also the possibility of having a lower bone density due to the aforementioned inability to properly absorb nutrients through the intestinal lining, which is why I also had to have bone density scans prior to diagnosis and every few years I have to have one of those to check up on my bone density. There are SO MANY complications with coeliacs disease. It’s just… it’s scary.
(That’s fair enough, the endoscopy they have to do to test if you have coeliacs disease is quite invasive; I had to have about seven or eight medical tests to confirm I had it and it was a really uncomfortable six week period. I’m happy your doctors aren’t too concerned with it at the moment! Blood tests are so annoying and to make it better on me, I like to make jokes about attending vampire food banks.)
I had to have appointments with doctors and nutritionists and they all told me the same thing; the risks of intestinal and stomach cancers are really high within coeliacs disease IF you don’t follow a gluten free diet. So if you know you have coeliacs disease and you choose to eat wheat and gluten anyway, you are at a very high risk of developing cancers within the same kind of area (i.e. digestive system). I don’t want to mess around and take any chances so I’m very careful with my food and very strict on it, because I don’t want to contribute to any chances of developing those cancers. I’m just not willing to risk it. So I don’t know why we were told slightly different things, I was diagnosed almost ten years ago so the literature on this topic might be different now.🥺
I know what you mean, it’s quite cathartic to know you’re not alone. Interestingly, coeliacs disease is hereditary and yet I’m the only one in the family who has it. No one else has it, has been diagnosed with it or has signs of it. So I like to wonder which of my ancestors gave it to me.
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daignostics123 · 11 months
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Find Bone Mineral Density Test centers near you in Hyderabad and with affordable prices. Get accurate results and take control of your health. Compare Bone Mineral Density Test costs in Hyderabad and book an appointment today.
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fractallogic · 1 year
So at my last doctor’s appointment, the doc was like “please have a period at some point soon. Please have two periods a year for your bone health”
And I’m really not into that, because a) my periods have been getting more and more painful and crampy and the latest one I was IN BED FOR TWO FUCKING DAYS because I was so miserable and hurting and sick, and b) whatever hormonal shifts happen when I’m getting a period make me at best very depressed, and at worst actively suicidal, so like idk, I feel like that also has to do with my bone health at some point
And furthermore, like with the cholesterol bullshit, you don’t actually seem to understand that there are many other ways I accidentally promote my bone health through other activities, like as a side effect of weightlifting, yoga, and even taking mg dumb little pokewalks, or as a side effect from taking 500 mg of calcium and 500 mg of magnesium every single night to help me sleep better (and let’s not forget the calcium present even in small amounts in ice cream, cheese, and almond milk)
So given that this doctor seems stubborn, and very inclined to talk down to me, AND I’d like to say “fuck you I have a research degree too”, I’ve also spent maybe an hour poking around the internet for well-informed popular articles and scientific articles about bone density and continuous oral contraceptive use, and. Well. Guess the fuck what
Continuous oral contraceptive use only affects bone mineralization in adolescents
When it’s tested in adults, it doesn’t seem to have an effect. The differences in bone density levels are evidently minuscule. (And I’m 32, where I’m basically at the point where my bones are at peak density (approx. age 28-35)—no longer mineralizing and improving, and not yet decreasing in density.)
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Every gynecological website (important, because she’s a GP, not a GYN) I’ve found has said “no, you do not actually have to have a period for any kind of health reason when taking birth control continuously”, which matches what two gynecologists in two very different practicing conditions have told me. (It’s because it virtually stops the endometrium from growing, which is why it also helps people with endometriosis.)
AND FURTHERMORE, we actually don’t know anything about how dense (or not) my bones are. I’ve never broken a bone. The amount of calcium in my bloodstream in the labs is within the normal range (which, what does that mean? No fucking idea).
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So anyway, all this to say that no, I won’t be having any periods in the near future unless there are more fuckups with my prescription. You don’t have enough information—and haven’t requested more information—for me to trust you.
Also I think I need to find a new doctor so that I can actually trust them
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severefacealpaca · 1 year
15 Hilarious Videos About Testogen Review
Are you dealing with reduced testosterone levels? Do you want to normally boost your testosterone manufacturing without resorting to unsafe steroids or synthetic hormones? Look no more than Testogen, the advanced testosterone booster that has actually been medically verified to safely increase testosterone levels in men. In this short article, we will check out the scientific research behind Testogen and exactly how it can assist you attain ideal testosterone levels for enhanced energy, muscle mass, sex drive, and also overall health.
What is Testogen?
Testogen is a natural dietary supplement developed with an effective mix of components particularly picked to enhance the body's very own testosterone production. Unlike artificial steroids or hormone replacement treatment, Testogen deals with your body's natural processes to stimulate the manufacturing of testosterone, leading to various health and wellness benefits.
The Importance of Testosterone
Testosterone is a crucial hormonal agent that plays a crucial function in different bodily functions. It is in charge of controling muscular tissue mass, bone density, fat distribution, red cell production, sex drive, and also state of mind. However, as guys age, their testosterone levels naturally decline, causing a series of undesirable signs and symptoms such as exhaustion, reduced muscular tissue mass, lowered libido, as well as also clinical depression.
How Does Testogen Work?
Testogen includes an unique combination of natural ingredients that work synergistically to boost the body's very own testosterone production. Let's take a closer consider a few of these vital active ingredients and their mechanisms of action:
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D-Aspartic Acid
D-Aspartic Acid is an amino acid that plays an important role in the regulation of testosterone synthesis. Research studies have actually shown that supplements with D-Aspartic Acid can substantially boost testosterone levels in men. By promoting the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland, D-Aspartic Acid promotes the production of more testosterone in the testes.
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris is a powerful natural herb that has actually been used for centuries in conventional medication to improve male vigor and potency. It consists of active compounds called saponins, which have actually been shown to promote the production of testosterone by enhancing the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the body. In Addition, Tribulus Terrestris can boost sex drive, muscle strength, as well as general athletic performance.
Fenugreek Extract
Fenugreek Remove is a powerful herb that has actually been made use of for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to boost testosterone levels naturally. It has substances called furostanolic saponins, which have been revealed to boost cost-free testosterone levels by preventing the action of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), a healthy protein that binds to testosterone as well as makes it non-active. By decreasing SHBG levels, fenugreek remove allows extra testosterone to continue to be readily available for use by the body.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is an important nutrient that plays a crucial role in many physical features, consisting of testosterone production. Researches have actually shown that guys with enough vitamin D levels often tend to have higher testosterone levels compared to those with vitamin D deficiency. Testogen consists of an ideal dosage of vitamin D3 to ensure sufficient testosterone synthesis.
Zinc is a vital mineral that is involved in over 300 chemical responses in the body, consisting of testosterone synthesis. Study has actually shown that zinc supplements can enhance testosterone levels in both sedentary people and also athletes. Testogen offers a generous amount of zinc to support ideal testosterone production.
The Advantages of Testogen
By normally increasing your testosterone levels, Testogen provides a vast array of advantages that can substantially enhance your general health as well as quality of life:
Increased Power Levels: Testosterone is known for its role in enhancing power and also decreasing exhaustion. With higher testosterone levels, you'll experience boosted vitality and also boosted stamina to tackle your daily jobs with ease.
Enhanced Muscle mass Mass and also Strength: Testogen promotes protein synthesis, which is important for muscle mass development and also fixing. By increasing testosterone levels, Testogen aids you build lean muscle mass, enhance strength, and also accomplish an extra sculpted physique.
Improved Libido and also Sexual Performance: Reduced testosterone levels typically bring about a reduction in sex drive and sexual efficiency. By improving testosterone production, Testogen can reignite your sex drive, improve erections, and also boost total sexual satisfaction.
Increased Mental Quality: Testosterone not just impacts physical characteristics but likewise plays an important function in cognitive function. With enhanced testosterone levels, you'll experience enhanced focus, psychological clarity, and also enhanced memory.
Mood Enhancement: Low testosterone levels are typically connected with state of mind swings, impatience, as well as even depression. By restoring hormone equilibrium, Testogen can aid support your mood and advertise a feeling of wellness.
Reduced Body Fat: Testosterone plays a vital function in managing fat metabolic process. With raised testosterone levels from Testogen, you may experience a decrease in body fat percentage as well as an increase in lean muscle mass.
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If you're seeking to normally boost your testosterone levels and also enjoy the many benefits related to ideal testosterone production, Testogen is the response. With its scientifically tried and tested mix of all-natural components, Testogen can securely improve your energy levels, muscle mass, sex drive, and also overall health. Bid Check out here farewell to the symptoms of low testosterone and also hello to a rejuvenated as well as confident version of on your own. Attempt Testogen today and also embark on a trip towards a much healthier and also extra meeting life.
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premiersenior99 · 1 year
physiotherapist near me - Premier senior
Premier Senior is a unique and pioneering geriatric care center that is dedicated to offering personalized and holistic care to the elderly. Our team of highly experienced specialists, with over 36 years of experience, implements effective daycare, rehabilitation programs, and comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) to improve the health, functionality, and independence of older individuals. We understand the challenges that come with caring for the elderly, and our mission is to provide proactive and systematic care to ensure the wellbeing of our elderly. We believe in a multidisciplinary approach to geriatric care that involves medical, nursing, psychological, and social interventions to address the complex needs of our elders.
At Premier Senior, we are dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in geriatric care and providing support to families and caregivers. We offer a range of services, including residential care, day care, rehabilitation, memory care, and respite care. We believe that the elderly deserve the best possible care and support, and we are committed to providing it at Premier Senior.
Address:Utkoor - Mogdumpur Rd, opposite Pillar Number 78, Satyanarayan Nagar, Balaji Nagar, Karwan, Hyderabad, Telangana 500028
Phn.no: 77027 31100
geriatric doctor near me || physiotherapist near me
Bone mineral density test near me || Dementia care center near me
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rosariogazaway · 2 years
Build Your Fitness Journey With Transformation Fitness Oxnard
Transformation Fitness - The term Transformation Fitness refers to the physical changes that occur in the body due to exercise. These changes include increased muscle mass, endurance, bone density, and cardiovascular fitness. All of these factors contribute to the overall health of the individual. Cardiovascular fitness is defined as the capacity of the heart and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and remove carbon dioxide from the body. Cardiovascular fitness is measured by how much oxygen the heart pumps out per minute (heart rate) and how efficiently the lungs exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen (ventilation). Muscular strength is the amount of force that a person's muscles can exert. Muscular strength is measured by performing various exercises that challenge the muscles. Common tests include push-ups, pull-ups, squats, bench presses, dead lifts, and chin-ups.
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Bone density is the amount of mineral content in bones. When a person ages, their bones become weaker and less dense. Exercise helps build stronger bones and increase bone density. Endurance refers to the ability to perform sustained activity over time. Endurance is measured by how long someone can run, bike, swim, etc. without getting tired. Body composition is the ratio between lean muscle mass and fat mass. Lean muscle mass includes muscles, organs, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and skin. Fat mass includes subcutaneous fat, visceral fat, and internal organs. A person who is physically active has higher levels of lean muscle mass than those who do not engage in regular physical activity. Joints are where two bones meet. There are three types of flexibility: passive, active, and total. Passive flexibility occurs when the joint is held still while the person moves. Active flexibility occurs when the person actively moves the joint. Total flexibility occurs when both passive and active flexibility is taken into account.
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Best Fitness classes for Beginners
Yoga is a great way to stretch out muscles, increase flexibility, improve balance, and relax. All of these things are extremely helpful for fitness transformation. If you have never tried yoga before, I recommend starting off slow and working your way up to more advanced poses. You should start with basic stretches and work your way up to more challenging ones. Pilates is a method of exercise that focuses on core stability and building muscle strength. It is a great tran workout for beginners because it helps build strong abs and strengthen your back, legs, arms, and shoulders. It is also great if you want to tone your body down. Zumba is a Latin dance style that combines aerobic exercises, stretching, and strengthening. It is a fun way to get fit and burn calories at the same time.
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Kickboxing is a martial art that incorporates punches, kicks, knees, elbows, and even headbutts. It is a great way to get in shape while having some fun. It is a great cardio workout and a good way to learn how to defend yourself. One example would be pushups. Another example would be jumping jacks. Jumping jacks are a great way to burn fat and build stamina. Strength training involves lifting weights. Lifting weights not only builds muscle mass, but it also increases bone density and helps prevent osteoporosis.
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Gain Muscle
Transformational fitness is a type of fitness training that focuses on building muscle mass while losing fat. In order to achieve this goal, you need to follow a specific diet plan that includes high-protein foods and low-carbohydrate foods. You should eat at least three meals per day and avoid eating after 8 pm. Protein is the primary building block of muscles and bones. When you consume protein, your body uses it to build muscle. If you don't get enough protein, your body won't have enough material to build muscle. Your body will use any excess calories you consume to store them as fat. To ensure you're getting enough protein, try consuming lean meats, eggs, dairy products, beans, nuts, seeds, and legumes.
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Carbohydrates are the preferred fuel for exercise. They provide quick energy and help your body recover faster between workouts. However, if you consume too many carbs, they'll turn into sugar in your bloodstream. Sugar causes insulin spikes, which can lead to weight gain. Instead of consuming refined grains, opt for whole grains instead. Whole grains are easier to digest and provide sustained energy throughout the day. Fat provides energy and helps maintain skin and hair. It's also necessary for brain function and hormone production. Make sure you limit your intake of trans fats and saturated fats. These fats can cause heart disease and contribute to obesity.
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Try to consume healthier fats like omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats. Water is essential for maintaining proper blood pressure levels and keeping organs functioning properly. Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine beverages before exercising since these substances can dehydrate you. Supplements are not always necessary, but some people find they benefit their workout routines. A good supplement regimen includes multivitamins, creatine, glutamine, beta alanine, and fish oil. Your body requires time to repair and rebuild muscles after each workout. Sleep is essential for recovery. Aim to sleep eight hours per night.
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Fitness Bootcamp
A transformation fitness boot camp is a workout program designed to help people lose weight, gain muscle mass, burn fat, and get fit. These programs are typically done at a gym or fitness center, and they often consist of group classes led by certified trainers. Bodybuilding is a sport where participants build muscle mass and increase their physical size. It involves lifting weights, working out, dieting, and following strict guidelines. Crossfit is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise routine that focuses on functional movements performed at maximal intensity. 
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Crossfit workouts are short bursts of intense exercises that work many different muscle groups simultaneously. Yoga is a practice that originated in ancient India and combines stretching, breathing techniques, meditation, and relaxation. It’s been practiced for thousands of years and dates back to the Vedas, Sanskrit texts, and religious teachings. Pilates is a method of exercise developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. It focuses on core stability, control, and flexibility. Zumba is a dance-fitness program created by Colombian singer Gloria Estefan. It was first introduced in Miami in the 1990s and became popular worldwide. Barre is a type of fitness class that incorporates ballet barres, weights, and cardio. It helps tone muscles while burning calories.
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Weight Loose Fast with Transformation Fitness
The first step to losing weight is to understand what causes obesity. There are many factors that contribute to obesity including genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental influences. Genetics play a major role in determining whether someone becomes obese or not. If both parents are overweight, then their children have a greater chance of becoming obese. Lifestyle choices also play a huge factor in how much weight people gain. People who eat unhealthy foods often become obese. Eating fast food, drinking soda, and eating snacks between meals are some examples of poor diet choices. 
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Environmental influences include where a person lives, the amount of physical activity they get, and the air quality in their area. Living in a polluted area increases the risk of developing asthma and allergies. Not getting enough exercise can cause obesity. When a person exercises regularly, they burn calories and lose weight. To lose weight, a person should focus on reducing calorie intake and increasing calorie expenditure. Reducing calorie intake means cutting back on junk food and sugary drinks. Increasing calorie expenditure means exercising regularly. 
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Exercising burns calories. Walking, running, swimming, biking, dancing, and playing sports are examples of ways to increase calorie expenditure. A person can lose weight by following a healthy diet and exercising regularly. A healthy diet consists of lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and dairy products. An active lifestyle involves walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, hiking, gardening, and playing sports.
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Fitness and Nutrition
Protein is an essential building block of muscle tissue. Your body uses protein to build muscles, repair cells, make hormones, and produce antibodies. Proteins are broken down into smaller units called amino acids. There are 20 different types of amino acids, and they are what give your body its structure. Fat is an important part of any diet. It provides calories and helps keep our bodies warm. Most people know that fat contains 9 calories per gram, while carbs only have 4. 
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That means if you eat 1 gram of fat, you’ll get 9 calories. However, fats don’t just provide energy; they also help us feel full. Fats are also great for our skin and hair. Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for your brain and body. They are stored in the liver and muscles and are released into the bloodstream when we need them. Carbs are also known as sugar. When we talk about carbs, we are referring to simple ones like glucose and fructose. Complex carbs include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, etc. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested by humans. It is indigestible and passes through the digestive system without being absorbed. Fiber is good for your heart and colon. It lowers cholesterol levels and prevents constipation. 
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Water is necessary for all living things. We lose water through breathing, sweating, urination, and defecation. Our kidneys filter out extra water and release it back into the blood. If we don't drink enough water, we become dehydrated. Dehydration causes headaches, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, and poor concentration. Minerals are elements that are not produced by the human body. They are naturally occurring substances that are essential for maintaining proper bodily function. Minerals are present in food and water and are absorbed by the body through the stomach and intestines. Minerals are divided into two categories: macro-minerals and micro-minerals. Macro-minerals are larger than 100 nanometers (nm) and micro-minerials are less than 100 nm. Vitamins are organic compounds that the body requires to maintain normal bodily functions. Vitamins are classified into eight groups based on their chemical makeup: A, B, C, D, E, K, P, and Q. Each group has several subgroups.
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Team Traning with Transformation
Training is a term that is commonly used in sports and fitness. In team training, we use the same terminology to describe how we train our teams internally. We call it team training because we want to make sure that everyone is working together towards the same goal. When we talk about team training, we are talking about having a unified mindset and being able to work together towards a common goal. Transformation Fitness Oxnard is the act of changing something from its original state to a different state. If you think about it, transformation is the opposite of what we do in team training. 
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We start out with a certain mindset and then transform ourselves into someone who is ready to take action. Unity is the idea that we should always strive to be united. There are many times where people get caught up in their own little world and forget that they need to unite with others. Sometimes, we have to remind ourselves that we need to unite with others and not isolate ourselves. Mindset is the way that we approach things. Our mindsets determine whether we are going to succeed or fail. If we have a positive mindset, we will be successful. If we have a negative mindset, we will fail. Action is taking the first step towards achieving a goal. If we don't take any action, we won't achieve anything. Accountability is the idea that we are responsible for everything that happens around us. If we aren't accountable for our actions, we will never change. Consistency is the idea that we need to stay consistent with our actions. If we are inconsistent, we will never reach our goals.
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I am a lover of fitness culture. In my own life, I use exercise as a tool for mental health. As an exercise scientist, I have seen the benefits that can be derived from exercise. My goal is to create a fitness culture in which people are willing to use exercise as a tool for their mental health.
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totallinstitute · 1 day
DEXA Scan in Indore – Accurate Bone Density Test at TOTALL Diabetes Hormone Institute
When it comes to understanding your bone health, one of the most effective methods is a DEXA scan. This advanced imaging test measures bone density and helps in diagnosing osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions. If you're looking for a DEXA scan in Indore, TOTALL Diabetes Hormone Institute is the go-to place for accurate and reliable results.
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What is a DEXA Scan?
A DEXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) scan is a non-invasive, painless test that measures the density of your bones. It works by using two X-ray beams to calculate your bone mineral density (BMD). A lower BMD can indicate the onset of conditions like osteoporosis, which can increase the risk of fractures. For people in Indore seeking this test, DEXA scan in Indore is available at TOTALL Diabetes Hormone Institute, offering state-of-the-art equipment and experienced healthcare professionals.
Why Should You Get a DEXA Scan?
There are several reasons why you might need a DEXA scan:
Monitoring bone health: If you have a family history of osteoporosis or other bone disorders, a DEXA scan is essential to assess your bone health.
Preventing fractures: Low bone density can lead to fractures. A DEXA scan at TOTALL Diabetes Hormone Institute in Indore can help identify bone loss before it leads to serious injury.
Tracking treatment progress: If you're undergoing treatment for osteoporosis, a DEXA scan helps monitor how well your treatment is working.
Who Needs a DEXA Scan?
A DEXA scan is recommended for various individuals, especially:
Postmenopausal women
Men over the age of 50
People with a family history of osteoporosis
Those who have experienced fractures due to minor injuries
Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis or those undergoing long-term corticosteroid treatment
How is the Procedure Performed?
At TOTALL Diabetes Hormone Institute, we ensure that your DEXA scan in Indore experience is smooth and stress-free. The scan typically takes about 15 to 30 minutes. You'll lie down on a table while an X-ray machine passes over your body, measuring your bone density. The process is quick, painless, and requires no special preparation.
Conclusion: Why Choose TOTALL Diabetes Hormone Institute?
When it comes to getting a DEXA scan, TOTALL Diabetes Hormone Institute is a trusted name. Our institute is renowned for providing comprehensive diabetes and hormone-related services, and our DEXA scan facility offers the latest technology for precise results. By choosing TOTALL Diabetes Hormone Institute, you can be confident in receiving top-tier healthcare from experienced professionals.
Take control of your bone health today by booking your DEXA scan in Indore at TOTALL Diabetes Hormone Institute, where we are committed to delivering excellence in diagnostics and patient care.
TOTALL Diabetes Hormone Institute Near bombay hospital, Scheme No 54, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010 7312443344, 9302443344 [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/totalldiabetes https://www.youtube.com/user/TOTALLHospital https://maps.app.goo.gl/rR41o2YWvGvaLnp36
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