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30 Days of Fitness Tips....Tip No 29 What's the best exercise for weight loss? Probably the most popular question about exercise in the gym is 'What is the best exercise for weight loss?' There are lots of different ideas and opinions but here are a couple of things to get started with: 1. Metabolic circuit training - strength training done in a circuit style using exercises that work all the muscles in the body. Not only will you burn calories during your workout but continue to do so afterwards plus strengthen and tone your muscles. 2. Steady state cardio - either first thing in the morning before you have had something to eat or immediately after your circuit training. At both times you will be glycogen depleted and the cardio will promote fat loss. Make sure you incorporate these two types of exercise into your weight loss plan for best results. Please leave questions below and if you want to find out how to be in the best shape possible in 30 days then check out the link in our bio. Keep on following as our last tips are all going to be about weight loss! #circuittraining #weightloss #fastedcardio #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips....Tip No 27 Carbs There's lots of opinions and confusion out there about eating whether you should eat carbohydrates on a weight-loss program. Let's simplify a couple of things: Firstly, biscuits, cakes, sweets, lollies, soft drinks and other junk carbohydrate foods don't have a place in any weight loss program. Eating these will only make weight loss more difficult. After cutting out the junk, we are left with fruits, starchy vegetables and grains as carb sources. The general rule with these foods is that if you have a lot of weight to lose, then reduce your intake to promote fat loss. If you are taking in a lot of calories from carbohydrates your body doesn't really have to burn fat for energy. If you are relatively lean, quite physically active or do a lot of hard training, then keep up a moderate to high intake of these carb sources for energy, especially before and after workouts. Please leave questions below and if you want to find out how to be in the best shape possible in 30 days then check out the link in our bio. Keep on following as our few remaining tips are all going to be about weight loss! #carbs #carbohydrates #weightloss #nutrition #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips...Thanks for following! Thanks for following our 30 Days of Fitness Tips. We've had such a great response we have decided to continue on a weekly basis so stay tuned for more tips on health, fitness, nutrition and training plus some advanced tips for people who are taking their training to the next level. Make sure you follow on Facebook and Instagram for our tips and subscribe to our blog for everything fitness and lifestyle. If you have something specific you would like to know more about, either send a message or comment below. Don't forget, if you want to be in the best shape possible in 30 Days, get started in our 30 Days FiTT program, details on our website, Bondi Gym 30 Days FiTT #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips....Tip No 30 Cheat Meals Cheat meals can be an important part of a weight loss diet. Cheat meals are basically a meal where you get to throw the plan out the window and eat whatever you want. They can be really useful to give you a break from the routine of the same foods all the time, give you a way to still go out to a dinner, party of function and can give you a re-feed if you have been dieting hard. Couple of things to remember with your cheat meals: * it should be a cheat meal, not a cheat day. 3, 4 or 5 cheat meals in one day is just too much * If you are going out to a dinner etc, make sure you count that as your cheat meal. You can't be 'forced' to eat something else and then still have your cheat meal on another day. That's just double cheating, plain and simple Please leave questions below and if you want to find out how to be in the best shape possible in 30 days then check out the link in our bio. #cheatmeals #weightloss #cheatday #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips....Tip No 28 Alcohol Having a drink is pretty popular in Australia however when it comes to weight loss it's certainly something we need to moderate. Here's a few reasons why: * gram for gram, alcohol has more calories than protein and carbohydrates and almost as much as fat. It packs quite a punch * When your liver is processing alcohol, it isn't effectively breaking down fats properly. This means with alcohol in your system you promoting fat storage * Also while your body is processing alcohol during sleep it isn't resting and recovering properly. This means you aren't recovering from your training properly and you are going to be tired the next day. Often this leads to reaching for some sugar, caffeine or extra food to keep you going. * Drinking often leads to poor food choices - late night kebabs anyone? Of course, alcohol in moderation can be ok but bear in mind, it is going to have a negative effect. Please leave questions below and if you want to find out how to be in the best shape possible in 30 days then check out the link in our bio. Keep on following as our last tips are all going to be about weight loss! #alcohol #training #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips....Tip No 21 The Plank Don't confuse the plank exercise with planking, a form of natural selection. Most people have come across planks in their workouts already. Planks are really popular to strengthen your core, in particular your deep supporting muscles that support your spine and lower back. There's a few technique points to remember for planks: * Keep elbows under shoulders * Draw tummy up from floor to engage correct muscles * Once in position engage quads and glutes and pull elbows back toward hips (this will fully engage the front abdominal muscles) Once you have mastered the basic plank, try some variations like the high plank or side plank in your next workout. Please leave questions below and if you want to find out how to be in the best shape possible in 30 days then check out the link in our bio. Keep on following as our last 5 tips are all going to be about weight loss! #plank #core #posture #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips....Tip No 20 Strength Bag Complexes Complexes are a great way to add some variety and challenge to your workouts. Complexes are a series of exercises which flow together using the same piece of equipment. In this case we are using a strength bag. Strength bags will challenge your stability and balance plus gives you loads of different movements. Try some complexes in your next workout for fun, variety and a new challenge. Please leave questions below and if you want to find out how to be in the best shape possible in 30 days then check out the link in our bio. #complex #sandbagtraining #sandbags #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips....Tip No 19 Interval Training Interval training is a hugely popular form of training today because not only will it help you lose fat but get you really fit in the process. Interval training is periods of high intensity work followed by a short rest. There are lots of different exercises you could use for your intervals e.g. exercise bike or tower. Today we are doing burpee tyre flips for the extra challenge. Next time try to incorporate some intervals in your training and enjoy the fun! Please leave questions below and if you want to find out how to be in the best shape possible in 30 days then check out the link in our bio. #tyreflips #burpees #intervals #intervaltraining #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips....Tip No 18 Pull-up's & Chin-up's These are some of the best exercises for building strength in the upper body and mass in the lats, upper back and biceps 💪 Depending on your level you may be able to do pull-up's (palms away from you), chin-up's (palms toward you) or might need some assistance. Power bands can be really helpful to build your strength and get you to your first chin-up. Make sure you include some type of pull-up in your next workout! Please leave any questions in the comments below and if you want to find out more about how to get in the best shape possible in 30 days, check out the link in our bio. #chinup #pullups #upperbody #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips....No 17 Benefits of Group Training Today's tip is in response to a question from one of our previous tips. What's the benefit of group training? The answer to this question comes in two parts: Firstly, our group training sessions have specific benefits: FIT sessions build cardio fitness, LEAN has the benefits of fat loss & toning while STRONG builds strength and improves posture. Secondly, training in a group provides fun, variety, social interaction and accountability. You find yourself training harder and more often and that leads to more results faster - winning all round! Leave any questions you have in the comments and if you want to find out how to be in the best shape possible in 30 days, check out the link in our bio. #grouptraining #groupfitness #groupfitnessclasses #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips....Tip No 17 Benefits of Group Training Today's tip is in response to a question asked on another tip. What's the benefit of group training and how does it compare with training on your own. There's 2 parts to the answer: our group training sessions are designed around specific benefits. FIT sessions build cardio fitness, LEAN help lose weight and tone while STRONG sessions build strength and posture. The other benefits of group training are based on the fun, variety, social interaction and accountability of training with a group. These factors help you train harder, more frequently and this leads to greater results faster. Please leave any questions in the comments below and if you want to find out how to be in the best shape possible in 30 days, check out the link in our bio. #grouptraining #groupfitness #groupfitnessclasses #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips....Tip No 16 Free weights versus Machines? It's a question that dates back to when Arthur Jones first invented Nautilus weight machines. Is one better than the other? It's kind of like asking what's a better tool - a hammer or a screwdriver? The answer is that it depends on what job you are trying to do. Machines help isolate certain body parts and muscle groups and are great for certain tasks e.g. bodybuilding and rehab. Free weights help integrate stabilising muscles along with the prime movers and are great for strength and muscle mass. For most people, a combination of both is usually best but the most important thing overall is to make sure you have the right tool for job! Leave your questions in the comments below and if you want to find out more about how to get in the best shape possible in 30 days, then check out the link in our bio. #freeweights #machines #nautilus #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips....No 16 Box Jumps Box jumps are hugely popular at the moment both for cardio fitness and lower body power. It's easy to include some box jumps in your workout and here's a few tips to help: 1. Start with a height you can easily make to build confidence. 2. If you are concerned for your shins, choose a soft box when pushing for new heights. 3. Keep the feet wide for the jump and also the landing. Leave your questions in the comments below and if you want to find out how to be in the best shape possible in 30 days, check out the link in our bio. #boxjumps #plyometrics #bunnyrabbit #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips....Tip No 15 Squats Squats are known as the king of lower body exercises due to their ability to build size and shape in the legs and butt. People often ask what should I remember when I'm squatting so here's 3 tips: 1. Keep the chest up - engages your back muscles & core and provided a firm platform for the bar. 2. Push the hips back to start the movement - keeps the weight on your heels. 3. Work the knees out - aligns hip, knee & ankle and will let you squat lower. Leave your questions in the comments below and if you want to find out how to get in the best shape possible in 30 days, check out the link in our bio. #squat #posture #alignment #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips… TIP No.3 Choose big exercises that use lots of muscles at the same time for your strength training – not only will you get super-strong but your workouts will be more efficient, your cardio fitness will go up and you'll become more useful outside of the gym as well. For more check out the link in our bio. #Compound exercises #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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30 Days of Fitness Tips… TIP No.2 Don't kill yourself with cardio trying to make up for a bad diet. It's a lot easier to eat less junk than try and burn it off. Plus, save your strength, time and joints for some more effective training. For more check out the link in our bio. #cardiokills #bondigym30daysfitt #fitstronglean #nofinishline (at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia)
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